#i dont have any albums because i have no money to buy them which is why i turn to my beloved printer who always comes in clutch
beomgyutruther · 3 months
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gyu day :3
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grimmshood · 9 months
i cant do this... loosemble coming key coming plave Just dropped an album and were at fucking kcon? taemin solo too? I dont have the brain to focus on my three major interests at once rn
#txt#Hopping between them like im insane#plave where at FUCKING KCON? you're telling me the virtual idol geoup is at fucking KCON and they probably didnt actually get to BE there#BECAUSE THEYRE FUCKING VIRTUAL?#i dont even watch their streams but like . they captivate me for this reason.#and then i just dimply . i had to skip oec bc i i cannot afford all three album versions#and loosemble has multiple too#and i LOVE loona i collect them BUT I DONT HAVE FUCKI GN MONEY OR ROOM#and i want g&g but the details havent dropped yet#theres less versions which is better for my pockets#But still i wanna SEEEEEEEEE before i preorder ...#i still need to get key taemin and onews debut solos#BUT THOSE ARE SO FUCKING MUCH#BECAUSE EBAY IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!#and i still dont even know what im gonan ask my siblings for for my bdaynext month#i cant say g&g bc ill probably buy thay myself#cant say any oso merch bx i feel weird asking them to buy me fucking . i just want the choro figma...#and theres no dbd merch i give a shit about rn#and theres lightsticks i want but i cant be fucking crazy i dont have room#i still need anoyher bookshelf#i could say concert but the timings for every concert i wanted to go have been shit#skz during ramadan . ooo during ramadan. kard before a bog night#and skz are apparently coming back in may BUT IDK WHAT THAT WILL BREEEERE#AND I DONT EVEN HAVE A SKZ LIGHTSTICK ANYWAYS .#loosemble also coming but like... AUUUUGGUHHHHHH#i dont even remember whos in loosemble rn#whatever ill figure soemthing out eventually
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dumdumdumsalot · 17 days
I have an opinion, once again and I hope people arent too unpleasant about it
I have heard alot of criticism from people on here regarding taylor swifts new album. Im not really a fan of her work, and the lyrics being discussed like 'you play ball, I know aristotle' and the famous 1830's line was enough to put me off, and I havent listened to it. But I have gathered that alot of people dont like it, and I get it.
There has also been alot of discussion regarding her 'you wouldnt last an hour in the asylum which they raised me' and I find that I disagree with the people criticizing her over THAT specific line
Alot of people are saying that the line is tone deaf, and that shes a rich white privelaged lady, who hasnt had any hardships the way normal people do, and therefore she shouldnt be able to say stuff like that.
And while im not saying she doesnt have privelage, here me out, we do realize that rich, privelaged people can also have mental health issues, yes?
I remember when jaden and willow smith talked about their poor mental health, they were also told that they were privelaged and spoilt and that they didnt go through half the things normal people go through.
I would argue that its probably extremely isolating to have mental health issues as a celebrity, because people deem you ungrateful and spoilt when you do talk about your issues.
Has taylor swift gone through as much as most people on here go through? Maybe not.
But I do know she has had an eating disorder, she has been subjected to a concentrated amount of misogyny, and that is bound to cause atleast A SIZABLE amount of issues mentally, and I think she should be able to talk about them.
But I also think it was despicable of her to romantisize electroshock therapy and romantisize being in A PSYCH WARD. And all her fans, that are doing this as well, hopefully they refrain from buying tickets for her concerts, and instead use that money for therapy.
All in all, I think the wording of her sentiment was.. not great. And her romantsizing psych wards has caused outrage that I wholeheartedly support. But I also think that we should extend empathy to celebrities dealing with mental health issues.
To sort of brush their issues away, and invalidate what they go through and feel because they are 'rich' isnt right. Being rich doesnt absolve you of mental illness, nor the right to talk about it.
They may not go through as much as many of us, but that doesnt mean they dont go through anything.
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ecl1pse · 4 months
ngl just from the film teaser he released last week i got so excited to hear the full songs. nightwalker was soooo good. definitely in the lines of what key & taemin have done by playing a villain in their solo releases, but still a progression of the sound ten has had from his dream in a dream / new heroes days. ngl ido prefer nightwalker over even birthday. his music so far has felt more like pieces for him to showcase his dancing w occasional singing portions, which was fine, he IS one of the best dancers in the industry. but i've felt like his amazing singing is often overlooked for how much improvement & capability he has shown both in wayv's discography & the nct year-end projects over the years (his high note in the round&round bridge is still one of my favorites in probably all of nct's discography).
ten can be as much of a capable singer as he is a dancer is he's allowed to be, he's just emotive when singing & i really feel like this album shows that.
water is definitely my favorite song in the album, this was pulled straight out of the clubs in 2003, it's something that would've been an absolute hit in méxico & probably all of latinamerica imo. he did this for meeee!! thanks king.
on the other hand dangerous sound like something pulled from the 2003 anglo-saxon clubs. there's a over all very 2000s feel in the album, but mixed with a modern production imo.
while i would love for any of the b-sides to be performed alongside nightwalker, i think the one thay will be mainly promoted is going to be on ten, not only because it's a callback to his artistic name, but also the other song in the mini album with a modern feel aside nightwalker + plus it has such a good beat that it's bound to have a really good choreo (im thinking something very bouncy, fast & very hard for fans to replicate lol).
shadow is probably the song that aligns mostly with what he did with birthday albeit a little more melancholic. i love the little touches of the acoustic guitar that have been nearly all the songs across the album, it really seems to link them in a story.
we all know sm loves to add at least one ballad to their artists' repertoire, lie with you seems like the closest thing ten will have to one so far & it's honestly really fitting with how deceptive the song is. it comes off like such a cute lovey-dovey song -- until you pay attention to the lyrics. in the verse he's trying to pay nonchalant & make his lover believe it's ok if their relationship wont last & just wnhoy it for what it is, & then the chorus starts & he lets out just how much he also wishes it would all last for him. even the track video also being so cute serves to confuse us into thinking this is a short but very cute love story.
as you probably can tell, i really enjoyed this mini album. honestly, i kinda wish it were a full album so we got a fuller story cuz i'm sure there's a clearer through line than what i'm reading as of now from the few listens i've given it today. the sounds ten explores in this mini are sooo up my alley, like u dont understand, this kinda sounds like my childhood??? yet it doesnt sound like any song in specific that i can clearly point out the influnces, they're just blended really nicely to me. i havent liked a mini in a while like this, like enough that im probably gonna buy it even tho im supposed to be saving money. its a 10/10 for sure!!!
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alreadyblondenow · 1 year
dont get me wrong though im not leaving tumblr haha i love this blogging shit too much. 
Okay. That title sucked but I don’t have any ideas right now. Anyway, I’m gonna talk about how I’m now moving on with my life and shit. Adulting is a huge reason for that but I’m not hating it. I love the fact the I make money with the job that I love and buy literally everything I want, I feel like I’m on a new level of self improvement because let’s be for real, the pandemic made a lot of people think small for themselves including me and so after the pandemic and all that aftermath, I’m glad that I’m actually alive right now even though I got covid once and two, I’m finally back on track again and life is pretty challenging still of course but I’d rather have this, than feel so useless to the core. 
In line with that, given the things that I mentioned above, obviously I’m busy af making shit happen, getting shit done and all that jazz, for a couple of months now, I don’t know shit about nct or any of their promotions or solo gigs. Of course I do know a few, I do know a few update about my man Taeyong but not as updated as I was before. You get what I’m saying? I’m usually on Twitter 24/7 because of kpop, but now I think I don’t have Twitter installed already, not even sure. 
I missed the wayv fanmeet which i regret 100% because they performed, the last time i saw them they didnt. and dude i really want to see them perform because i feel like thats what im missing already. i saw nct dream perform already, but 5 members lang. but dude, wanting to see wayv perform is a whole new level of longing. 
And now that 7 Dream is  coming to my country and will have a concert for 2 days, Idk what I’ll feel though because, I didn’t even bother buying tickets, and someone was offering me free tix but I didn’t accept because I don’t know I feel like a worthy dreamzen will be happy accepting that ticket but if that was me, yeah I’ll be happy but I’ll be going just for the pictures and shit. And yo everyone knows im a 127zen so that is that. Tho my dreamies are like sons to me I just dont get too excited when it comes to them right, unlike 127 i’d scream my lungs out. Dude I fucking cried during the link and didn’t go to work the day after. 
Anyways, point is. Personally, I’m not yet ready to say goodbye to NCT yet because we all know that loving nct 127 was not just a phase for me. I love them even though nctzens were like 20pcs per country at that time haha, I loved them even though there were not enough contents yet, i loved them even before 127 got a full album, i love them before instagram and bubble subscriptions. 
But life is making me leave nct where I left them which is the beautiful 2 Baddies era. I’m just so busy right now that I cant keep up anymore, and that’s why it got me thinking ‘hey, maybe it’s time to let go? and leave the crazy world of ncity?’ and move on with my life and invest with the real deal??
Do you guys feel the same way at some point? 
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teddykaczynski · 1 year
Why is cd better than
than vinyl? several reasons, um
any cd you buy from anywhere, can be easily uploaded onto a computer and then you have the music files forever. you can thrift a cd or get it from a used records store and the mp3s can become yours to put on any device or to burn a new cd. if you buy a new vinyl now from like bandcamp or whatever, they generally give you a download link for the songs (well bandcamp does right after you buy it no matter what format, but i also mean if you bought a new vinyl directly from the artist or something, like a vinyl of a recent album made in the last several years) but if you get a really cool thrifted vinyl, you cant have the mp3 files unless you buy them digitally or torrent it, and then youre spending more money to get something that a cd promises you outright or you have to torrent which is harder than putting a cd in and just doing it. plus its not illegal to rip a cd
portability. cds are much smaller and easily fit into a cd book or something so you could carry many at once, plus a lot of cars that are still on the road have cd players. i guess if you dont drive or your car doesnt this isnt really a factor for you, but very few cars ever had record players and the ones that did are like 70 years old at this point. plus when im in the car i get the best audio quality from a cd, downloaded streamed songs or downloaded files on an phone or an ipod dont compare. plus cd walkmans exist, theres no portable vinyl player like that.
cds are endlessly copyable, most of the cds that i keep in my car are burned copies of the albums i own. i dont like to keep the originals in the car because it would suck if it got stolen or fucked up because its in the car somehow. you can also burn your own cds of a totally unique playlist. you cant with vinyl
sometimes you can just buy a vinyl that wasnt pressed right, and itll suck and not sound how its supposed to, and also they slowly die and wear out the more you play them. not a problem with cds, though they can wear out or rot or whatever, i have a lot of experience buying used cds from a lot of different sources (many different thrift stores, used record stores, ebay, etc) and sometimes one wont upload to my computer for whatever reason, but itll stll play in a cd player. i have a few cds that are like, some of the very first albums released on cd from the 80s that work completely perfectly still.
a good vinyl player is really expensive. the mass produced ones sold in places like urban outfitters suck, and it takes alot more to get an actual good one. you can walk into any thrift store and find a really good cd player for like, under 20 bucks generally. some cd players do have better speakers than others, but even a cheap one will be pretty good unless its absolute shit. also cds themselves tend to be cheaper, used or new. i just checked a few artists on bandcamp and cds are $10-$14 dollars generally, but vinyl are $20-$30. and the same goes for used too, because theyre more popular used places sell them for more. theres less competition with cds because theyre less popular
i get that vinyl is part of a whole experience, and theres something more glamorous about it than cds, but if theyre only more popular because of vibes.... than that's just admitting theyre an inferior product isnt it? cds just arent as cool anymore. hipsters repopularized vinyl, but isnt it more hipster to do what the hipsters arent doing?
thank you and goodnight *bows*
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 5 months
bruh thats literally how i feel about so many hobbies and interests yes we have to have some type of talent to make it in this world but i think the way its pushed on society from a young age means its less relstsble for people who are now older. with all these younger groups what am i supposed to be "attached" to the members about yes some of them are going to be attractive but im 30 this year. music groups, brand items, even classes for learning new skills have become so out of touch with reality it seems to forget theres a bunch of people who cannot access them for varying reasons. take ticket prices for example or merch for anyone to enjoy kpop or any music group it is investment to the extreme.
where im from if i were to want to see ateez for example, id have to travel 4 hours by train to london which cost over £100, book a ticket that cost £300/400 bc you dont want the crappy seats then you need hotel, travel fees to get to arena, then youll want merch and you still need money to get back home. so im sorry to any new group even if theyre decent but us older music fans are going to get left behind eventually as most things are about gen alpha or whatever the fuck theyre calling the new gens.
so much stuff really isnt worth it unless you can afford it :/. thats y less is more, seventeen for example way too many members how they all going to get paid if they converts costing half someones wages?
i get these kids need an income of some kind and they have talent ngl but when we gonna say enough is enough. i even looked at the likes of greenday and maneskin but im not forking out that much to go enjoy some music. just listen to it for free on youtube or watch their concert from someone elses videos. its practically the same type of experience u just arent there physically at the concert lmfao. same with buying items do we really gotta have all the latest junk bc its relevant? no. if i could barely manage the 00s without uggs i can do without a stanley mug or lululemon bum bag.
Honestly, exactly. And even in my generation (Gen Z), most of the people I know don't really have those things or can participate in them. Like, concert tickets are so fucking expensive, and I get it, the artists are in high demand and they need to staff the stadiums and fly them out and all that shit. But it's just that most people can't afford them nowadays. However, I can admit I do know OF people who could fly from Cali to New York just for an idol's concert. And with Seventeen, most of their money comes from music sales I believe, and there are other factors contributing a lot to their pay. Honestly, I agree with you. The idols have to make income, because again, at the end of the day it's their job, and I'm sure a lot of people who like going to concerts can afford it. That's their prerogative.
But like you said, hobbies are getting so expensive nowadays. Like there are people spending thousands just because they want to win a fan call with an idol, or people spending thousands on albums just to get photocards. Of course, those things aren't exactly the norm, and most people don't do that, but it's still just wild.
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bumblebaubles · 1 year
the taylor swift vs billionares should not exist debate is actually quite compelling
while i get most people have a surface level understanding of 
- billionares usually only make that musch profit off of not paying the people who work with them enough
-general wealth inequality sucking away resources from people who need them
its remiss to not acknowledge billionares who run conglomerates that have a monopoly over a resource people need are not the same as billionares who have extreme buying power over a luxury that is not a necessity to life. 
considering so much of the fodder around this recent news is her making this much money off of music as her main revenue i started mulling it over in my head and started to remember just how shit the music industry treats artists in general. if she were to accomplish this i hate to say it, it would be a real feat. artists are usually the LAST people to make money off of their music. the music industry is so inherently exploitive towards artists its genuinely compelling seeing as to how she made so much off of music. so naturally i have questions. 
even though taylor has been well off for a while the as far as ive read the money she makes off of albums and streams is still split between publishing, manufacturing, production yadda yadda. Not to mention she was able to do something few artists are able to do, which is being able to profit of of her intellectual property with trademarks etc. while shes faced backlash for being too money hungry for demanding streaming services like apple music take less money off of artists streams and “excessive” trademarking of her ideas thats also a huge chunk of her money and i dont think ive seen a compelling (what she did with apple music and trademarking really can be seen as fair considering an artist should own their work and make a liveable earning fro.m it) argument for these streams of revenue being exploitative. if the music industry were fair, more artists would be able to live off of their music. taylors in a very rare but good position in this aspect. ((not to mention she doesnt even own her masters. her remaking her old albums is an expensive,,, expensive endeavor but the sales came through))
we dont know exactly how much the people she works with get paid either? im not sure if theres info on how much the people she writes with or how much her producers make off the songs they release with her. Industry standard would be considered exploitive because like i stated before m o s t money off of streams and album sales dont go to the creators it goes to the publishers and whoever has the licensing. then the singer, writers and producers are the last to get paid off of the music they create. so is the distribution of those profits equal? cant say.
ive seen but havent confirmed that her merchandise is made in china which would be a red flag if i can confirm it. Artists usually make most of their profit off of merchandising and touring. BUT i’ll stop myself here because we dont know how the profits for the tour will be split yet.  
if anyone has any extra info to fill in the gaps pls let me know im scratching my head rn
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. traveling iced coffee drinker honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
How are you this morning? I'm not sure if you guys have left Oklahoma or have already arrived in CA, but I hoped you guys had a safe flight! 😅 hopefully not much troubles during the TSA stuff.
I've read the fic before. I'm really not a big fan of dark Wanda lol I can't see her as evil, even after MoM, I can't see her as the villain. But I like the story! I like how you incorporated the stuff from the movie. Although, I did wonder back then if you were going to make a part 2.
Yeah I'm on wattpad, but not very much. The people I follow haven't posted much. But I found your stories on tumblr. I don't remember how though.
I'll give them a listen. Do you have a favorite album by Glass Animals?
For your questions about my crush, I should really say crushes ahahaha but they are from real life and tiktok. I think I have a tumblr crush too, but I'm not sure yet.
That's cute. I'm like your husband. When I was with my ex wife, I would always sing to her when I bring her breakfast. Or when I'm being silly.
Any big plans for the day when you're in CA?
Hello corn-punn!
Hahha it's funny that u used ice coffee drinker nickname today.. because this morning it was like 20 degree outside n i ordered cold brew with salted caramel foam . N i was so happy because it was so good.
So we woke up at 4am to get ready but my flight got delayed. It was supposed to be at 8am n it was delayed to 1h40minutes. The Oklahoma airport was surprisingly not that busy. I wrote a bit in flight but then fall asleep for like 20minutes.
Anyway, how r u? Hows ur day today? Sorry for the late reply..it was a very very busy day. Spent time with the family, been talking with the in laws n i finally got some time alone just now.
We got here like 10.40. N we got at my in laws at 1.15. Im so tired right now..
N the weather here is so much warmer but we brought mostly warm clothes, i can only pray it will be cold. I hv vbeen sneezing. I think it's because the extreme difference of the temperature. I was in 15 degree this morning n end up in 70ish sunny weather. N on christmas here it says it will 80 degree.. 😩😫
Haha yeah i got what u meant.. i never see her as villain either but not gonna like, dark wanda / scarlet witch is hot.. 😅🤣 n i love that kind of dark fic that has obsession or stalking or jealousy in it. I like movies like that too.
I dont think i would make pt. 2 for that fic.. i actually have another my own idea and i have 2 more requests of dark fics wanda. So i probably gonna scratch my own. Haha. Or atleast postpone mine for a while.
Ah i see. Im in wattpad too n i havent really update there.
I havent really listen to all their albums but i know some of my favorite songs which i think they r from different albums.
1. Gooey Rework
2. Gooey
3. Youth
4. Your Love (Déjà Vu) and this one inspired me an idea of a fic which i havent write it yet.😅
5. Tangerine (with Arlo Parks)
6. Hazey
Ouh about ur crush... interesting! It gets my attention! 🤭😆 okay, so currently u have a crush with multiple people? Or some of them r past crush?
Alsooooo... u have tumblr crush?? N what do u mean with u r not sure yet? Why? (Sorry for the rows of questions. U dont have to answer it if u dont want to. Didnt meant to cross the line or anything.)
Wow, u sound like a romantic person.. that's adorable.. i would prefer small gestures like that than any jewelry money can buy.. 😊
Since i answered this too late. Im just gonna tell u, how was my day whn i got here.
I bought lunch from the chinesse place near where i used to live before we went to my in laws (we used to live like 5 minutes away driving) then i have been talking n talking with the in laws. We catched up. N we went for dinner with the brothers, nephews,his parents n his mom's husband, one of the family friend also came to see us n joined the dinner. There were 12 of us. We had pizza but i ordered spicy wings and spaghetti meatballs. Was gonna order spumoni ice cream but i forgot.😒🙄 i was craving it.
I bet u r asleep now but feel free to leave me next questions? N i will reply as soon as i can.
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mourningmage · 2 years
im serious im so tired of shein haul septum pierced at a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo shop went to salon with $400 to get their hair dyed who only have the most generic music making fun of the music in metal and punk scenes thats influential to the genres but its not perfected and shaped perfectly to be marketable and sellable yet and acting like that music (which was made in genuine interest to express feelings and have fun with their bandmates) is bad and then those people will say their favorite albums are ones where the band literally said they made it to get out of their record deals. like i dont judge people that try to buy their way into looking "alt" enough to get into those scenes especially since i dont like try to get into those scenes myself i just find myself in them from time to time so im not an authority on any of those matters but when they literally mock the more underground music and the literal pillars of the genres just because they arent "as good" as the stuff bands create once they have money backing them up and try to reach more broad audiences for money reasons as opposed to the music they made just for fun? thats fucked up for real. how are people not embarrassed. The fact that we have access to that music so easily now is a privilege we are lucky these bands were willing to share such a close up of their personal processes and their growth period. art and expression does not always have to be consumable for everyone its not like that music is being played on the radio where you cant avoid it these people sought it out. Like cant you just make fun of whatever the fuck that panic at the disco band is doing now that they're making us all hear at the grocery store instead
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garne--tt · 3 years
x japan iceberg explained;
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before i start, i probably didnt explain something right and if u want to correct me or add something, feel free and even dm me about it! + i will add trigger warnings for possible triggering content in this post
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formed in 1982 - x was formed in 1982 after toshis and yoshikis previous band disbanded
X --> X JAPAN - they changed their name from X to X JAPAN in 1992 in order to distinguish themselves from the american punk rock band X 
Saw IV - a horror movie from 2007, x japan did a theme song I.V. for the movie, it was their first song released since 1998
new album - an new x japan album that was supposed to be released lots of times over the 10+years but still (to this day) wasnt released
coachella 2018 - x japan performed at coachella 2018, many fans are saying how the sound was bad (usually blaming it on the sound production team?? or whatever its called) and apparently sugizo and yoshiki were seen arguing with the sound production team
we are x - a 2016 documentary about x japan (or rather yoshiki, because apparently it was mainly focusing on him)
psychidelic violence crime of visual shock - a slogan, mainly seen on the blue blood album cover, the term visual kei was derived from the slogan yoshiki, toshi, hide, pata, taiji - the most known lineup, from 1987 to 1992
2. tw// suicide mention
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violet uk - one of unfinished yoshikis projects, started in 2002, didnt even debut but was supposed to in 2012
V2 - unit of yoshiki and tetsuya komuro, was active in 1992, they released one single and did one concert
ra:in - patas band, active since 2002, members are - pata, michiaki, die (also former member of spread beaver), ryu
noise/dynamite - toshis and yoshikis first band, formed in 1977 as dynamite, then they changed the name to noise, noise disbanded in 1982
s.k.i.n. - superband (group) of yoshiki, gackt, miyavi and sugizo, their only activity was in 2007 and it was live, they announced more activities but they were stopped
xfreaks - an international xjapan fan forum created in 2006
dope headz - band that had heath and pata as members, active from 2000 to 2003
hide with spread beaver - hides live band, other members were kiyoshi, k.a.z, hiroshi watanabe, satoshi miyawaki, d.i.e, i.n.a
zilch - supergroup formed by hide in 1996, other members were ray mcveigh,paul raven, joey castillo and i.n.a
lynx - one of heaths band, active from 2004-?, the vocalist for this band was issay from der zibet
yokosuka saver tiger - hides former band, he was member from 1981 to 1986 sugizo - luna sea guitarist, he joined x japan in 2008
hides death - hide committed suicide in 1998 (he hanged himself) update: this is what authorities said and what is official
3. tw// suicide
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taijis death - in 2011 taiji was flying from japan to saipan, on the flight he got into fight with his manager (or flight attendant?), he was arrested after they landed in saipan and then he hanged himself with bedsheet in his cell
x japan translations - an site that had xjapan translations (like toshis book etc...), the site was active and up until 2018
taijis departure from X - taiji left X in 1992, but we dont know the exact reason why he left
toshi was in cult - toshi was member of cult known as home of heart from the late 90s (1998?)
1997 - the year x japan disbanded
yoshiki and queen elizabeth incident - in 2019 during royal windsor cup yoshikis scarf accidentally landed on queen elizabeth
yoshiki knows everyone - (not everyone ofc) but he met a lot of celebrities, politicians (barrack obama, johnny depp, prince phillip, bts etc,,)
art of life - a 29 minute song released released in 1993, it was was recorded only in english, the theme of the song are yoshikis suicidal tendencies, art of life was meant to be released in the jealousy album (1991)
yoshikis father - yoshikis father committed suicide when yoshiki was 10 years old
taijis cut off joint on finger - taiji when he was kid, showed his hand into a factory machine (his family owned factory) and cut off his first joint on his finger
yoshikis health problems - yoshiki has tons of health problem since he was child (asthma, he was always sick and spent most of the time in hospitals etc,,) and suffers from many of health problems even now
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toshis healing music - toshis music he made during the home of heart era
kaori moritani & masaya - kaori moritani is toshis ex wife, they met in around 1993 when they played in rock opera hamlet, they got married in 1997 and divorced in 2010, she introduced him to masaya (and got him, or rather manipulated him, into home of heart) 
masaya -  real name tōru kurabuchi - musician and leader of home of heart
-more about home of heart and the whole situation here: https://bloodydesertrose.tumblr.com/post/96662764536/support-toshi-dont-buy-or-listen-to-any-of-his-songs
debut in usa - x japan was supposed to debut in usa in the 90s (and even changed their name because of it, x-->xjapan)
extasy record - label formed by yoshiki in 1986, the first release under extasy records was x orgasm ep, the label had bands like xjapan, luna sea, glay, zi:kill tokyo yankees and more
yoshiki paid for taijis new teeth - after hides funeral yoshiki noticed that taijis some teeth were missing or chipped, so he handed him around 2 million yen (around 18 497 usd) to get his teeth fixed
l.o.x. - punk rock supergroup, yoshiki was drummer in this band, they also used to be named masami & l.o.x (masami was their vocalist), masami collapsed and fell into coma in 1989 and died in 1992 due to pneumonia in coma, l.o.x released one album with different vocalist (one of them which was toshi and yoshiki went by the alias shiratori rei here on the album) in 1990, l.o.x. released one song in 2002 in memory of masami
standing sex promotional shot & single cover - the promotional shot & single cover basically shows yoshiki nude (with his intimate parts covered of course + this wasnt the only time yoshiki has done something like this) 
rose & blood -indies of x- - an unofficial album with demos and unreleased x songs
unreleased & old songs - there are a lot unreleased songs + unreleased old songs or just old songs that dont get played anymore
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rosenfeld - crows in black - blue blood has similar guitar riff (i dont know how to say it) to this song (crows in black / b was firstly recorded on demo in 1986)
former members - x japan has big amount of former members - 11 former members (excluding taiji and hide from this)
terry - a former member of x, he was one of the original members (being a member from 1982 to 1985), terry died in 2002 in car accident
yoshiki got sued by hides brother - yoshiki got sued by headwax (hides company which hides brother owns) for using hides photos, apparently they had a contract but it expired and yoshiki still used hides photos even though the contract expired
x japan condoms - they were released in 1993 with the intent to help increase awareness and prevent the spread of AIDS. the reason why they probably did this is that toshis fan died at the age of 19 due to AIDS (toshi even dedicated a song to him - passion of love and became a active member and sponsor of association of struggle against AIDS)
heath cow story - when heath joined xjapan they celebrated it by drinking and then driving 2 hours to cow farm, then they drove to aquarium but it was already closed
heath leaving x japan - in 2009 there was a rumor that heath would leave x japan, apparently this was caused due to heaths contract problems (?) dementia - taijis former band, he was member from 1984 to 1985 and went under the name ray
pata was roadie for x - before joining x in 1987, he was roadie for x (or the member hally) around the time in 1986 (1985?)
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pink spider was a suicide note - this one is a rumor/theory that is circulating around, fans analysed the lyrics and came to conclusion that its suicide note
x stayed at different hotels than other bands - when x was on tour with other bands they were staying at different hotels than other bands, because one time (on tour with other bands and in hotel) hide got into drunk fight with juichi morishige (lead vocalist of ziggy) and sprayed the entire hotel lounge with fire extinguisher
taiji was homeless - taiji was homeless for around 2 years (1996-1998), due to financial issues + he got divorced at this time
heaths myspace account - there was heath myspace account, but it wasnt him, it was someone pretending to be him
weekend pv theory - (i dont know if i should have put this here to be honest) a theory that x members chose what their death would be in weekend pv (yoshiki - suicide, hide - suicide in drunken rage??, taiji - murder, pata - alcohol poisoning, toshi doesnt die in the pv)
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hide vocaloid - hides unreleased song co gal got finished via vocaloid (using his voice samples from various songs of his)
yoshiki lead singer - before toshi was chosen to be the lead vocalist for x, yoshiki was the vocalist (there is also a recording of stab me in the back with mostly yoshiki on vocals!)
hide and marilyn manson meet up story - im gonna just attach a screenshot of the story
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taiji was murdered - taiji committed suicide in 2011 in his cell on saipan, but there are some things that point to the possibility that he was murdered (his manager insisted on cremating his body and got cremated without autopsy, money got transfered on his account, information missing from the internet?? etc,,) 
juns tape - demo tape recorded in 1986 by at the time X guitarist jun, tape contains instrumental recordings of unreleased songs right now, only way, tune up and one unnamed song.
ill kill you single cover - cover of 1985 X single ill kill you, it contains photos of victims of the vietnam war
feel me tonight - demo tape from 1985/1986, it contains songs feel me tonight and stab me in the back (all of them are under one minute here) sung by their at the time guitarist hally (apparently there aslo should be yoshiki version of it, but i dont know how much we can trust metal archives)
8. tw// eating disorder mention
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yoshiki hired someone to kill taiji - this one is a rumor!!!, yoshiki was supposed to get/hire yakuza to kill taiji hide had an eating disorder - this one is unconfirmed!!! hide  suffered from bulimia (yoshiki walked on him purging - and this story was also apparently told by yoshiki???)
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littlecafe · 2 years
bh used to always be so excited about releasing new songs and wanting to spoil them, so this is just so disheartening. the members not saying or posting anything speaks volumes about it too. we cant even enjoy the last few days with them and say goodbye..
yes exactly the only thing pd101 did for them was give the group the exposure to show themselves. and that producer who went to jail because of the rigging who revealed that bh had an anxiety attack on the street?? and then try and say he WANTED to be rigged out after they revealed he was supposed to be in w1? and gosh dont get me started on those solo fans, the hate all the members got was absolutely ridiculous. the boys can barely have any peace.
i have no clue why, even if pledis sucks id much rather their name be under them.
ahh yea idk why they were always left out of things, nuest was the only group who didnt get a seasons greetings after the merger and they were the only one who didnt get added to the company's rhythm game as well. like why are they always getting ignored??
sorry i was gone for a few days so i'm barely getting to this now!!
in retrospect, the shift after the merger is too real like all the album promos they had after their p101 run and they clearly have the songs to release too but all that...just. gone ;_; ahhh exactly!! it has been all quiet, the only time we've gotten to hear from them were those letters everything is just so sad
since i'm replying late, everything has been released now...i'm too scared to watch the mv and listen to the song, i saw a snippet of the lyrics through the reddit comments while browsing and i already tears up ;____; will try to work up the courage to do watch it later tonight or tomorrow i just really can't believe it's the last, it's coming to an end..
also mini rant/ i was planning on getting this album, just because i've never bought a nu'est album before and this is the final one i feel like i should get it but with how everything went down, with how clearly rushed it looks, how little effort was given to them not just for this "goodbye" album but for basically their entire existence together....the album would be such a bitter buy like just having it and looking at it's white cover ugh...i might still get it anyways but i don't know!!! i'm so on the fence!! it's like buy it to support the boys like, yes we're here LOVEs are still here going strong even if it's the end we love you always, but buying it doesn't change anything....getting good numbers for this album won't magically un-disband them....pledis and **** will still not care AND they get a cut of the sales anyways
p101 really saved them but it's like should i even be thankful to that cursed show, everything else about it was terrible, the rigging, the editing, the drama, i'm grateful they got the best thing they could out of it which was positive exposure and a loving fanbase but god the journey relating to that show is a mess, the solo stans were absolute hell like please just have a normal bias like everyone else smh always doing the most with all of the hate towards the other members
omg seriously??? he really tried and claim all of that happened?? what is wrong with him god he's sick i never caught that part of news because i really just hated the mess that surrounded it, just remembered seeing that he went to jail in the end and i moved on, he's such a terrible human being jfc
exactly and it would make more sense to have it under pledis since that's where they debut like what...8-9 years ago? like why does pledis not even have the rights to their name lmao
huh??? they didn't get a season's greeting either??? omg i'm so out of it i didn't even know that....seriously why are they treated like that...it's not like they don't have fans...it doesn't make sense to just leave them out of things especially when the company gets a cut of the revenue too like you don't want money either?? and ugh that rhythm game, i saw it in my app store the other day i have no idea when they added seventeen, was it not recent? if it wasn't then they could've added nu'est around the same time too but if it's more recent then well. seems like they've been wanting to kick nu'est out for a while now we just didn't realize but they've truly received nothing 🙄🙄 IM SO BITTER
that cursed rhythm game, i might be more annoyed at that game's existence than the average person because as an (ex) dalcom supporter i had a big problem with how b**h** handled the remainder of their contract with dalcom and the superstar bts game 2 years ago, i think i might have deleted my own personal post of it from my blog but if anyone is curious about what i'm talking about, i've dug up the reddit post (also filled with people discussing said company's greedy tendencies and upon other things...)
i think superstar bts, superstar pledis, and superstar gfriend are the only dalcom games that have shut down so far if memory serves me right lol i have a hard time keeping track of their games now because they've made way too many (for gfriend it was because of their disbandment...the other two were for...other reasons open to interpretation)
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changbeens · 3 years
I’m am so so confused,, Do you mind explaining wooseoks situation to me? It’s totally fine if you don’t want to, but I just genuinely don’t understand what’s happening?
Like I really like wooseok and want to become of fan of his but,,  I just don’t know how,,?
(Sorry if I’m bothering you,, these asks probably don’t make any sense :(
hi, thanks for messaging me
basically, wooseok is in a group called up10tion. up10tion are a very underrated group who have never really gotten the attention they deserve from their own company. in 2019 wooseok and jinhyuk from the group were sent onto produce x 101 in what i dub “wanting the nu’est effect” by which i mean an already established group having members sent onto a survival show hoping that it’ll do for that group what going on produce season 2 did for nu’est
pdx did not have the nu’est effect on up10tion (though it did for victon and had the complete opposite effect on myteen) and both wooseok and jinhyuk released solo albums which performed better than all of their group’s 5 year long discography did combined
then wooseok had this comeback with sugar and got 2 wins. up10tion still havent had a win. companies for some reason hold music show wins very highly and threaten groups with disbandment if they dont get a win by a specific time. wooseok getting not one, but two wins as a soloist proves to his company (top media) that he can do it on his own and therefore, they dont need up10tion who in their 5 years have proved incapable of getting a win
the problem i have with wooseok getting these wins is quite simple, how? the first win was m countdown and he was up against hyuna. hyuna. how did he beat her? there’s only one way and that, as with every single show mnet make, the voting was rigged to give him what i called a guilt win for how mnet ruined his career with the x1 vote rigging scandal. even more confusing and troubling is that for his second win, he won music bank against iu. the nation’s sweetheart iu. there is no way in fair competition he could ever beat iu. so did top media buy his second win? why would the show that had given bts’ dynamite (a song not even released for the korean market and therefore not eligable for a win) wins for 4 months suddenly be giving kim wooseok a win instead of giving the win to iu? nothing about it makes sense
having been a fan of up10tion for many years and of other top media groups, this honestly just smells like disaster for up10tion. they’ve found that jinhyuk is quite the actor so they dont need to put him back in his group and now wooseok is capable of getting wins by himself so he doesnt need to go back either (despite both of them practically pleading on tv shows to go back to their group because they dont like being soloists). at this point there are people that dont even realise wooseok or jinhyuk are from a group because they’re not allowed to acknowledge their group members (even though jinhyuk still lives in the dorm and can be heard in the back of their vlives...). top media doesnt need up10tion to make them money anymore because wooseok (and jinhyuk) can make them more money without their group and top media arent gonna waste time, effort and money on 8 (currently 7 because our leader enlisted with 2 hours notice to the fandom after being on hiatus for a year which they also didnt tell us about until 4 months into the hiatus) men that dont make them any money back which can only mean one thing. disbandment
obviously i dont want up10tion to disband. they are one of my ult groups and jinhyuk is one of my ult biases. i do not want to see up10tion not as a 10 member group. i want them to succeed (which they would if top media used their brains and put jinhyuk and wooseok back). i can use victon as an example here, they had two members take part in produce x 101, one got into x1, one did not. play m put byungchan back in victon and they immediately got their first win and then seungwoo returned to victon after x1 ended and shock horror, victon got more wins. but top media are, to put it bluntly, fucking idiots
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simeonstans · 4 years
Sorry I haven't been active. Between schoolwork and just a lack of motivation and creativity, I really dont know what else I should've written. I'm sorry for abandoning this blog for a while haha.
He's an actor. But later turned into directing and producing movies.
Has an entire room dedicated to his awards, one wall lined up with all his Oscars, Grammys, and Emmys.
Involved in plenty of rumors and scandals, usually where the media thinks he's dating an actor or found a non celebrity partner. But really, he asked them out to talk business.
Whenever he's acting, his character can go from the charming boy to the rich spoiled brat to even the badass detective. He's not a big fan of starring in hero or action movies with lots of effects. Nor directing those types of movies.
Directed a horror movie once and that quickly got taken out of movies for how scary they were. Psychological horror to the extreme.
His stans are usually rich and probably like Quentin Tarantino or Clint Eastwood. Lucifer has beefed with Woody Allen and his stans do as well. Truly iconic.
He's a model in canon but I feel he could also be a photographer.
He knows his aesthetics and has plenty of portfolios.
He's probably gonna act a lot smarter now that he's famous and knows plenty of people would want to scam him.
He does give out to charity sometimes but usually he models for campaigns or sells his pictures at auctions and donates away the money or a percentage of it.
Involved in some scandals but they're quickly debunked by his stans or his management. Nothing too bad, just a dating rumor that spirled out of control.
He does have a good relationship with his fans and likes to do podcasts or go on lives and interact and answer questions, even invites them on his lives to talk with them.
He's filthy rich and he dresses filthy rich. His style is very earthy and casual, but he does have that expensive Hermes™ watch and some Prada™ boots.
He's a YouTuber. He also streams every Friday and Saturday from 10pm-6am.
He liked to cosplay but now that he gets invited to gaming cons and events, he probably doesn't have much time to make a good cosplay up to his standards so he'd probably wearing Tanjiro's earrings one day and then his Naruto jacket the next.
Whenever he goes to concerts, it's a thing that fans secretly take pictures of him if they're near him and there's plenty of content of him drooling over Zaramela.
There's YouTube compliations of him going shy whenever someone is nice to him or someone attractive goes near him.
Because he games a lot, he probably would sweat a lot if he becomes concentrated. So whenever he'd brush his hair back or put it in a ponytail, his stans go feral.
Don't mess with his stans, they're the type to call and email anyone so you have your life ruined. But I promise they're usually soft stans.
He dresses like the gamer boy of your dreams tbh.
He's a painter.
The next Picasso. Van Gogh. Monet. He has talent.
Many would say he could be an author cause he reads but I headcanon he could have synesthesia. So whenever he'd read a book and go over a specific scene, it'd inspire him to draw or paint something.
If he's stressed, he plays classical music and paints whatever the music says.
He was probably a college student when this happened and he had a lot of paintings he didn't know what to do with, so he just sold them or gave him away to charities under a fake name.
Like some Hannah Montana shit, he lived a double life for a couple months and then he got outed by some journalist that was supposed to keep up with him.
He gets invited to plenty of events and has painted for celebrities and politicians. Despite that, he's probably the least popular of his brother's but his stans are very dedicated to him and surprisingly there's rarely any fights within.
He has money but the most expensive his he owns is a watch and his car. More dad or nerdy boyfriend type look.
Triple Threat. Model, actor, singer.
He frequently goes on tour and drops albums. His music ranges so one album can help you explore your sexuality when his next album mostly focuses on who he truly is and so on.
Like Lucifer, he has plenty of awards. Probably has starred in one of his productions, too.
Has collaborated with NikkieTutorials, Rihanna and her Fenty collection, Beyonce, the biggest stars you could think of. Whether music or beauty.
Has his own fashion line as well as his own perfume collection and beauty products. A good percentage does go to charities and organizations like homeless college students or pro-lgbt groups.
Has YouTube compliations of men having gay panics over him.
Has been involved in many scandals and relationships, but many wind up false. Surprisingly. He is honest, so he does confirm if there was any chemistry between him and someone else.
His stans are more open and accepting, they don't really attack you or ruin your life but they can damage your self esteem for good.
They've also trended "#AsmoIsOverParty" just to promote a new project from him.
He's an athlete.
There's plenty of videos of him with his shirt off and he may seem scary to many people, he's our big puppy.
"Beelzebub being cute for 4 minutes and 48 seconds" compliations rival "Levi being shy as a serotonin boost" compliations
Has the most fans. He's mentioned wanting a family and being family oriented before which probably caused his fan base to expand.
If you don't understand the sport, older stans would explain it for you. He also made a YouTube channel where he posts videos explaining how the game works and the positions. There's 5 videos, each video almost an hour long. He hasn't updated his channel since then.
Has also starred in Lucifers movies and usually does his own stunts.
He only wears expensive shoes as long as they last long or are comfortable for him. He also sometimes buys expensive athletic wear but majority of the time he doesn't check how expensive it is as long as he's comfortable.
Every week, he posts a video of himself working out or making a healthy and inexpensive meal to promote a healthier lifestyle.
Music producer.
Despite being known to nap a lot or to be in his room a lot, it's usually because he spends a lot of time making beats and working on lyrics.
He's collaborated with plenty of artists but usually collaborates with Asmo.
Belphie also has his own music company which Asmo is under. Of course there's other producers in so he works alongside them and other artists and he usually makes his own music or adds back vocals to some songs.
If you find the back vocals within it, he's usually growling or moaning. His voice is deep but it's very soothing.
His stans usually send him letters or ask Asmo how he's doing or if he's eaten yet. He is very respected and his stans are FERAL. No mercy, absolutely ruthless.
Once had his mixtape "leaked" by Asmo and it was on the charts for a good while and broke a record or two. He doesn't like talking about it much but he does appreciate it.
He doesn't dress up much but whenever he does, it's like he's a different persona.
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gh0stwriting · 4 years
Hello hon, I was wondering if you could do some HC’s with slashers who have an s/o that works a hard job, so one day they come home just pissed and not in the mood dealing with anyones shit? Like the slashers reaction to their normally sweet and calm s/o honesty about to just fight anything? Thank you!
(yall are so nice to me wtf, greeting me, giving me free reign for slashers and saying please/thank you? yall are too much)
you currently work in a record shop, picking up the job as you thought it would be easy cash. oh how you were wrong. in the month leading up to Lollapalooza you got crowds of people pouring in to buy a mix of cassettes and cds for the performing acts, though there are so many you cant remember even half of them.
youve caught people trying to steal albums, trying to hit on you, criticizing your taste in music and just flat out insulting you, and though your shift was barely half over you were already exhausted, your legs going numb from having to stand behind the register for hours.
when it came to your lunch break you told your manager that you felt really sick and had to leave as you just couldnt handle any of the chaos anymore. you walked in the front door of Stu’s house and were tackled into a hug by none other than Stu, saying something about how happy he was that you were home.
though you were having none of it, you pushed him off of you, kicked off your shoes and shuffled to the living room where you unceremoniously flopped onto the couch and just stayed there, not moving and just wishing the couch would swallow you whole so you could escape this mortal realm.
many times did the boys try to give you affection or cheer you up, Billy walks up behind you to kiss you on the cheek, to which you wipe it off and push his hair off of your face, telling him to go away and that you werent in the mood. another time Stu tried to sit on the floor in front of you and talk and after the silent treatment and death glare you told him why you were so pissed and after a pouty face from Stu and some persuasion from Billy you agreed to let them cuddle you, but no kisses, only cuddles.
you worked as one of santas elves around christmas time, it seemed fun and relatively easy. and then after a week you were wishing for so many things to happento you so you didnt have to work that it kind of lost its appeal.
Brahms only let you leave because you pinky promised him youd come back, but he starts to regret his decision when you storm inside with your eyes full of tears. he goes to greet you and you swerve to avoid him and head up the massive staircase to the bathroom, him following you, still trying to talk.
youre about to get into the shower when you see a flash of him in the mirror and lose it. “get the fuck out Brahms. i love you but i cant deal with this shit right now, ive been bitten, spit on, puked on and probably pissed on by little kids and i just need to shower and probably cry.”
he sulks a little but refuses to leave before kissing your forehead and declaring his ever-growing, neverending love for you. yknow, like a sap. now you feel bad for being mean.
once youve sufficently scrubbed off any trace of work you go to your room and lay down, calling out for your boyfriend. he almost immediately appears at the door and you tap the spot in front of you, him giggling quietly as he lays down with you and you vent about how stupid kids are and how you cant wait for holiday season to be over.
its not the hardest job in the world, but you work at Bath & Body Works and the difficulty of the job is heavily outweighed by the amount of Karens who walk in saying things like “oh i called to hold these items” while referring to items that werent in stock or “im going to call your district manager” about a problem that was out of your hands
the hours couldnt tick down fast enough, youve had enough yelling, swearing and bad fake tans to last you a lifetime but sadly you couldnt leave early as your pay would get cut and you need the money.
finally after an eternity your shift ends and youre almost surprised you dont get pulled over with how quickly you drive home, your mood dropping on the way as you remember all the times you couldnt defend yourself and had to let people scream in your face about how youre a terrible employee.
you walk in quietly and go straight to your room and just lay down facing the window, not doing much of anything. you vaguely hear someone call your name but dont respond as you know its obviously not Bubba, so it can wait. Drayton storms in, getting in your face and screaming about how you need to listen when he calls for you and you snap.
you stand up and scream back about how you dont need to listen to him, how he shouldnt abuse Bubba the way he does, and how he just generally needs to fuck off. Bubba watches from the doorway, having ran over from the shouting and just watches in shock, youre usually like him, getting pushed around by Drayton and rarely defending yourself.
Drayton pushes him out of the way to make a dramatic exit and Bubba comes up to you, babbling in a inquisitive manner. you just mutter something about telling him later and hug him like hes the last thing keeping you sane and letting out all of your emotions from the day in the form of tears.
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How much do you weigh? what a weirdly personal question
If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? sitting in the shade reading a book
Do you think you can love someone without trusting them? yes but not in a way that will ever be truly fulfilling
What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? i live in a very rural area so i grew up with hunting for sport extremely normalized but once i actually developed and used my critical thinking skills i realized how morally reprehensible it is. literally just begging these people to use their brains.
Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? eh its pretty fast
Have you ever been someplace tropical? florida lmao
Are you sensitive to caffeine? somewhat. i dont really consume it that much
How do you usually get around? driving myself
Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? no bc i’m generally pretty independent unless i reallyyyy like someone
What do you think about Kim Kardashian? neutral
Can you speak any French? je parle un peu français
Favorite yogurt flavor? i’m lactose intolerant so i recently tried dairy free yogurt and i hated it sooo i guess none
How much money do you have in your wallet right now? i dont have any cash in my wallet rn lol
What bottled water brand do you like? deer park or aquafina
Your favorite way to eat chocolate? brownies
How often do you listen to country music? sometimes.
Linkin Park or Avenged Sevenfold? neither
Last surgery you had? my wisdom teeth surgery
Have you ever played guitar? no but i wish i could
Is there someone in your life whose career/life choices you find immoral/unethical? Have you ever told that person your views? Do you find it difficult to support them (emotionally or otherwise) because of their choices? um i dont think so
What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? a little more confidence
Have you ever considered writing your memoirs? maybe
Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? i dont have very many online friends anymore but when i had a bunch i loved talking to them
Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? only for something i really like.
Do you have any stickers on your laptop? a bunch
Would you rather have a job for which you had to go in early in the morning or one you had to stay late into the evening at? early in the morning so then i have the rest of the day to myself when i get off
Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? i have a workout app but that’s it.
Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? my mom, sister, and my 2 best friends
If you could’ve been at any historical event, which would you have liked to witness firsthand? probably the women’s suffrage movement or the civil rights movement
Is there something that you really want to do but are afraid of doing? If so, why are you afraid of doing it?i want to tell him how i feel but i’m afraid i’ll ruin the friendship
What is something society “expects” you to do that you don’t want to do and/or don’t plan on doing? wear a tampon i’m sorry but i can’t do it
Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever come to your door? no
Are you well-known by people in your area? eh somewhat
Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? no and i dont want to
What's your favourite type of bird? owls!!
What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? i’m watching loki, hsmtmts, planning to watch s2 of never have i ever, and i started one piece but i haven’t watched in a while
Have you ever dated a smoker? no but that might change😳
Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? no
Have you ever been a member in a band? No.
Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No.
Do you have separate emails for personal and business? i have my school email and personal email
Have you ever missed a flight? no
Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? i think so.
Have you ever taken a ride in a convertible? i literally rode in my best friend’s convertible last night lmao
Why did you last need to use a band-aid? i dont remember
What fruit do you eat most often? bananas and clementines
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? maybe my great uncle?
Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? no but i’ve been in a few on insta and twitter.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? i don’t straight up drink milk but i love things made with almond milk.
If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? elsa i want ice powers
When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? sometimes but normally during the day i’m in the living room with my family
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? No.
Do you find piercings attractive? Yep.
Do you like potato chips? Loooove 'em.
What’s the most stalker-like/creepy thing you’ve ever done? If you don’t think you’ve done anything like that, what’s the most stalker-like thing someone’s done to you? i’ve looked up a few people’s houses on zillow in my day.
Do you think it’s a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it’s assault? absolutely, you shouldn’t hit anyone
What’s your favorite old Disney movie and favorite new Disney movie? my top 3 are princess and the frog, tangled, and frozen 2. i also love the little mermaid
Name something “trendy” or popular that you dislike. idrk
“Dirty talk” in the bedroom…love it, like it, don’t care, dislike it, or hate it? it depends on what it is. it should also be mixed with some loving or praise talk imo
What is/are your favorite type(s) of ethnic food, and what’s your favorite food within that type? i LOVE italian food specifically fettuccine alfredo and i also love asian food such as general tso’s, sweet and sour chicken, lo mein, shrimp fried rice, LUMPIA 🤤
How would you describe your relationship with your hair over the years? i’ve always liked my hair color and thickness. i always go back and forth between growing it out long and cutting it short bc i can never choose which i like more also it has lots of red undertones so i’m thinking about dyeing it a deep red
How do you feel about your SO daily/regularly checking up on a couple of his exes on social media? hypothetically it would be a red flag to me. a clear sign they haven’t moved on from the past
Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? a good smelling cologne on a man will quite literally make me bust a nut.
Ladies, how important is it to you that your SO wears/would wear a wedding ring? i’d want them to unless it didnt fit or something
What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? i’m very close with my family so i’ve always loved the idea of having one of my own with my future spouse
Is having your “dream” wedding really that important to have? i definitely have ideas for my wedding and i would want it to go a certain way according to our plan but in the end if things go wrong or plans change it wouldn’t matter as long as i’m marrying the loml.
Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a strip club and then doesn’t tell you? i wouldn’t consider it cheating if he was just watching but i would be angry that he hid it from me
How old is too old for trick-or-treating? i dont think it matters unless ur posing a danger to little children
Do you sleep with your arms over or under the covers? depends but mostly under
Do you own any t-shirts of your favorite band? i have nsync and harry styles shirts but thats it
Fries or onion rings? Fries.
True/False: you’ve had an odd dream this week. all the time but most of the time i forget them right after i wake up
Do you find tattoo sleeves attractive? depends
Do you like carving pumpkins? Yeah.
What’s an animal you want to have as a pet but can’t? i think raccoons are adorable but its kindaaaa hard to domesticate them
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? no bc my parents let me drink in the house and i’ve told them abt every time i’ve drank at college
How would you react if your celebrity crush came to your door? i would absolutely piss and shit on myself.
Has your mom/dad ever walked in on you kissing or anything more with someone? no
The person you have a crush on is drunk and goes to kiss you, you know they don’t realize what they’re doing, but do you kiss anyways? i would stop it even if i want to bc i don’t want them to regret anything and i wouldn’t want them to kiss me if they don’t like me bc it would hurt too much.
What would you prefer to get from a guy/girl: flowers, a hand written poem, a picture he drew of you or a nice night out? i would love them all but something abt a guy taking the time to write a poem for me makes me melt
Do you any shirts with any kind of images of food on them? no.
Which holiday is the most fun to decorate for? halloween
What was the first website you had an email account on? gmail
Have you ever written a fanfic? YES AHSHDH.
Tattoos or piercings? tats for sure.
What’s the last gross movie/show/video you saw? the scene where alexei breaks the inmate’s wrist in black widow is SO GROSS i cringe every time
Would you rather live in a huuuge house or a little cozy one? definitely a little cozy one
Do you have a tutor for anything? No.
Who’s the best kisser you know? i’ve only kissed one person.
Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife? No. I'd like it to stay that way.
(If you’re a girl) Has anyone ever called you "shortie" instead of girl? no and i hope they dont
Do you have a deep voice? not really
Do you play games with boys/girls, like 'hard to get’? no thats dumb
Is there a Sonic where you live? yes i’m a whore for sonic
What do you like on your pizza? pepperoni or sausage
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