#i dont draw them a lot but they live rent free in my mind
doodlefox2 · 2 months
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mizuena posting tonight
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enden-k · 6 months
have you considered drawing all your babygirls together? the overwatch boys (I'm so sorry I don't know their names. I like them bc you drew them but I'm not into overwatch and names take a lot of time for me) and haikavetham? idk I'd just like to seem them together again. maybe haitham and the cool robot guy outfit swap as well? or concept swap?
if you feel like it of course.
(also I think youve done it before but I've been really into outfit swaps lately and haitham in kavehs shirt lives in my mind rent free)
rama and haitham outfit swap would be so hilarious bc rama lit walks w his ramathussy out. the haithussy would destroy all of sumeru if he walked out like that for sure, cyno would arrest his ass immediately
but yeas idk maybe ill draw more niran w kaveh bc last time i did, i enjoyed it too much AHHAHA (crack ship?) but yea if i draw them both i think i might draw symweaver kavetham together for fun, no promises, just like. if i would draw them, it would be those bc symweaver is literally the kavetham of overwatch (prettiest babygirl in the world busy with projects til morning and his autistic (ex)roommate/(ex)best friend whos the opposite of him and still, they make it work etc blabla)
yes i did it before (drawing kavetham outfit swap) haitham rlly looks nice in kavehs shirt............rlly nice......rlly nice nicecneini
btw sorry for lack of genshin art or smth idk if some miss it but unfortunately im really bored of genshin lately. dunno if its the game itself and the fact that im just way too attached to sumeru that i really lose interest the more we dont see/are there again as we move on (i rlly tried moving on but its so hard, rn im just very casual and do the barest minimum hhhhhhg bring me back to sumeru pls thanku)
anw obv i still love my babies too much and im always open and free to scream about them or share my thoughts and hcs or whatever. is just bc of the genshin boredom and me moving back to old fandoms (ow2) and other fandoms (hsr), im drawing other stuff from there i enjoy. i def wont leave the game/fandom tho and ill cook up some kvthm some time dw, im just waiting for the next time i have more days off work so i have enough time to brainstorm and rlly get into it again
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quirkthieves · 2 months
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NAME: viverra ! but ive also been called vixen, dogma, gabe, etc. any works
PRONOUNS : he/him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : big big fan of discord. tumblr ims are hard for me to read </3
NAME OF MUSE(s) : monoma neito, ibara shiozaki, chitose kizuki/curious, kaina tsutsumi/lady nagant, setsuna tokage, ryo inui/hound dog, natsuo todoroki, kendou itsuka, hinata haruka, nobimaru, inari yoko, marik ishtar, ishizu ishtar, rishid ishtar, atem, and lacramioara strigoi.
jesus christ who let me do this
BEST EXPERIENCE : ummm gee okay i cant just name one it turns out life is actually about the accumulation of small joys and not just a few big ones but every time i get in the car and listen to my music and go OH! THIS REMINDS ME OF THIS PERSONS MUSE AND OUR DYNAMIC! or when talking to people inspires me to draw little comics (esp while im at work let me live) it really just makes me so so happy
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : im pretty chill for the most part i think like ive definitely mellowed out a lot over the past few years but. i gotta say it:
formatting. the over-formatting of everything is killing me. i cant read most peoples carrds. i dont even know how they read it, because of how insanely tiny the text is. eye strain colors, hard to see icons, weird fonts... i dont mind a little bit of formatting, naturally, like go girl give us everything, but its getting to the point of being genuinely frustrating that almost every new blog i encounter has me fighting for my life just trying to learn the important info. i have visual and neurological issues please lord im only seven
MUSE PREFERENCES: seconding cam on if the "when someones pulled a muse apart like the spaghettification of a star and then put them back together". its fascinating. i think the fun part about rp is that i get just as invested in my partners character and what they get out of each thread as much as i do mine, so when people sit there and talk about their ideas and meta and really dig into that thing like . WHOOO NOW WE'RE COOKING
PLOTS OR MEMES : I like both! I think memes are good to kick things off regardless, and I dont mind building off of it. I like to plot a lot ooc but more in a loosey-goosey kind of way; i really like to get to know other muns and their characters and also talking is just sort of how i think through things so its very helpful to me. i also just get a lot of ideas because these things live rent free in my head but to me a natural progression is more important than like, sticking to a script.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i write insanely long replies because i have things wrong with me. theres NEVER any pressure to length match-- a lot of the time im just doing it to establish exposition or setting so the other person finds it easier to work with. just give me something i can work with and we are a ok :D
BEST TIME TO WRITE : it really depends... i typically end up writing in the evening/afternoon because of my schedule. i think the biggest thing is that i work on weekends, so you may only hear from me ooc on those days. im also really trying to fix my sleep schedule.........to varying levels of success. sometimes the thread is too good
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : just talking about monoma here... i've also got a pretty snappy mouth and natural love of finding loopholes, but i just went into paralegal instead of making it class A's problem. i also love to laugh, but id like to think im a lot less meanspirited about it
tagged: @dynmghts
tagging: @veroxins @cloistress @killerhubby @enignoema @eclipsemuses @yeonban @starshinc @ofluminance @paracide @ohcruel
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lokorum · 2 years
Hi! I really love your art. There's a certain haunting beauty about it. I was wondering how you got started in art and maybe what inspired you. I can't stress enough the hauntingly beautiful aspect of your art. Some pieces terrify me but they're really just so beautiful to look at 😅
hey!!! ahhhh thank you so much for your kind words, anon!! its a relief to know that im not the only one who finds my silly draiwings scary phphp
i've started to draw just like most of the folk i think?? by filling my university notebooks with super funny-looking and super anatomically incorrect sketches of my beloved oc phph i tried to work with oil but zero waste movement quickly got me and since then im drawing digital stuff only.
missing the feeling of paint on your hands face clothes and sometimes eyes tbh but also wow oil is expensive!! Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
phphpt my memory is bad. like bad bad. i remember having that burning feeling when i looked at something beautiful and i wanted to like...eat it? make it myself and no one elses? not very practical reply phphp sorry! i also really loved to watch film that i've already mentioned before - macbeth (2015) - its a treat for your eyes and ears trust me!! trailer still giving me a goosebombs!
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zdzislaw beksinski live in my head rent free since i was a pre-teen and im 1000% sure i'll die thinking about one of his paintings somewhere at the back of my mind. just look at this! man knew how to use a brush like no one else (´ ˘ `).。oO ( ♡ )
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sigur rós music and video clips are definetelly changed a lot in me. watching ekki múkk and all alright made me choke from tears and be speechless for days!
later in life i accidentaly went on the concert where at night - jambinai was part of the perfomance and their music hypnotized me just like all the moths around were hypnotized by the stage lights. i dont even remember what i was doing! just standing there absolutely still, looking at them playing phphp i probably looked like a creppy stalker (◞ꈍ∇ꈍ)◞⋆**✚⃞
but they make incredibly beautiful and sad music, and their connection song, if i get the meaning of it right, about people with disabilities and it always was important theme for me ♡
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from lately discovered sources of inspiration can reccomend little games i found on itch!
2:22 AM, how we know we're alive and NORTH!
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they're all pretty short from 20 minutes to 2 hours, but use every minute of their time!
ahhh hope it wasnt too much of an info dump and maybe someone find a familiar name here or discover something new for themselves! thank you again anon for your super cute and nice ask!! and thanks everyone to reading all this mess! have an awesome day!! |´・v・)ノ♪
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revivemyreverie · 5 months
Hii, congrats on reaching another of your milestone goals! How've you been doing? I wanted to say something but you can skip this if this makes you uncomfortable or oversteps boundaries.
It's been awhile since I last visited ur blog, but DAMN—UR ART JUST KEEPS EVOLVING!!! I said this in a previous ask, but your colors holds both vibrancy yet natural flow that draws attention to the focal point but also gives love to the details (especially w/lighting and shadows (Caldera's fire glow effect still lives rent free in my head, but I also saw PL cards and THE SMOOTH SHINE OF LOTISE AND LUCERO'S HAIR THAT'S JUST ADDS DEPTH&CONTRAST TO THE BACKGROUND, THE SUBTLE GLOW OF THEIR EYE CLOSETS(probably saturation but it's making me feral) HOW THE SATURATION OF COLORS DON'T CLASH BUT WORK PERFECTLY TOGETHER AND STILL DRAW DISTINCT ATTENTION TO THE SCENE AND THE DETAILS—)). The way you draw characters, I feel like there is a lot more flexibility and freedom in dynamically angles and posing for them! I still feel a lot of anime nostalgia but also a uniqueness in how aesthetic shows up in design (toytoria dorm room has roblox royal high nostalgia for me hsksj). THAT COMIC YOU POSTED FOR TOYTORIA ANNIVERSARY THO, THE FLOW OF THE COMIC IS JUST INCREDIBLY WELL DONE!!! It really does feel like a small glimpse into a natural interaction between characters. For characters, I unfortunately am not up to date but from what I've so far, ur characters are expressive in this dynamic way that comes across so well when writing dialouge or from their perspective. I feel like your sense of direction w/the lore you want to establish is even more refined and I think you do a mind-blowing job in conveying it (show don't tell vibe). I still enjoy and look forward to seeing how chaotic and mentally ill/j you make ur characters. I'm extremely elated to see just how much you've grown despite not knowing the full picture.
I apologize for the lengthy ramble and the suddenness of this, and I understand if I am being overly familiar. Don't forget to take a break and rest + hydrate and eat—your health comes first!
Hope your week is good to you!!!
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WAA im surprised u noticed the details in my rendering that i threw into the playful land cards😭 im ngl i was playing around with the add/glow layer on it FOREVER lmao. That and well. ya my old Caldera sprites rlly helped me get a hold on lighting AKDSJHAHJDJH. IM HAPPY THAT YOU FIND MY WORK SO VIBRANT YET HARMONIC.... the flexible comment too...just this whole ask AUGH CRIES
You'd be right on the Roblox Royale High part IUKASDJHJAS i still play it...it still leaks into my designs....BUT TEEHEE it becomes a nice aesthetic as u said!!! AND MY COMIC AUGHHHHHHHH TYSM.....im so picky with my comics and their dialogue in fear ill b messing up the whole vibe SO IM HAPPY MY FLOW IS WORKING WELL ATM!!!! SAME FOR SHOW/DONT TELL i consider that 2 b like. one of the major requirements in any sort of storytelling💀THEN ITS NOT YUMMY YK??
TY AGAIN FOR SUCH A NICE COMMENT...holds it like its my newborn😭😭😭 DONT APOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTH ILL EAT IT UP NONETHELESS. i hope ur week goes well too!!!
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biggie-chcese · 6 months
for the fandom ask game:
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
6. something you see in art a lot and love
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandoms
- i love how cozy rain code's fandom is on this website. it's got village energy, where everyone kinda knows each other and even the folks you dont personally interact with are still kinda like neighbors. It's a pretty chill fandom community with a lot of real cool people, small as that "lot" may be
- as for tgaa, i dont think there's ever been a fandom with such a high concentration of fanart and fic that have legitimately changed my brain chemistry. like so many fanworks still live rent free in my head. so much so that this is the fandom that inspired me to start writing fic at all! genuinely, so many tgaa fans are an absolute marvel and it is always a pleasure to see what they create
- from both fandoms, i truly do not get tired of the memes. y'all are so fucking funny fr
2. Something you see in art a lot that you love
ok this is super specific but i absolutely adore when people make aspects of a character emote that realistically wouldn't, like for example when they draw kazuma's headband forming a heart shape in the air, or make yuma's silly little ahoge deflate when sad or sharpen when he's angry (i know the official art does this too- emoting ahoges are one of my fav things about rui's art) or even edgeworth's cravat puffing up like a frilled lizard when angry. i've seen that a few times before and love it. these little details are always a delight to me bc it's something you can only really do in art, yknow? it's wonderful
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom.
GLADLY!! there were so many people that came to mind that i had to pop a bunch of names in a random number generator to choose haha. the wheel chose @hopelilies, and boy do i love your art. genuinely it's a joy to see and i like seeing you in my art blog's notifs as well! your crossover art of yakou and keiji is so big brained because i can easily imagine them being friends. your makoto and yuma hugging art is still rent free in my head. and god i just love how you draw characters in general - really appealing thin lines and unique faces. i am eating it all up <333
thank you so much for asking, anon! ^w^
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saintvln · 2 years
Your FNAF designs still live in my head rent free and I've been out of the fandom for like two years now, they were truly top tier
lmao thank you!! im glad people still like them cus i really do love drawing them. fnafs always gonna hold a special place in my heart, regardless of the actual content of fnaf. so i dont mind the idea of drawing them now and again, its nice. i put a lot of time and effort into their designs ahah
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surreal-duck · 2 years
Okay SO- i was scrolling through your art tag (sorry for spam liking btw) to the point I reached the end,,, and I just wanted to say— YOU IMPROVED SO MUCH WOAH
Also wow its scary how much stuff we are both into 😭😭 LIKE I SAW SO MUCH ART FOR FANDOMS IM IN?? like aside from honeyworks and toh
Also your OCS are very pretty<333
Don't stop drawing pls your art style pleases my eyes so much 😩
That's all have a good day ✨✨
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OH MY GOD THANK YOU??!??! No worries for spam liking i dont mind but ohhh my god thank you so much you just literally made my day I've been staring at and rereading this ask for 10 minutes
I can barely look at my old art but im glad you enjoyed it so much to go until the end thats?? insane??? hello?????? This makes me feel a lot better abt looking back for sure I myself can barely believe how much happened to my art for the past three years
THANK YOU FOR LIKING MY OCS they live in my brain rent free but all i have for them are doodles i never post whwhgjshkjgdhkj
I have no plans of stopping drawing for sure thank u so much ahgwughghwhgh I hope you have a great day too!!
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Class 1B headcanons but its just about their jewelry and piercings
because jewelry is fun. this is the whole class so its bit long. sorry.
(if any artists wanna draw these please 👀 go right ahead 👀)
-you know those bff necklaces where one friend gets half a heart and the other friend gets the other half and the two halves connect? the common sense kings have that but the pieces are "The" "Common" "Sense" "Kings." you decided who has which word. 
-Awase has the top and bottom of his ears pierced. he wears the small loop earrings on top and simple dangly earrings on the bottom. also this isnt jewelry but he totally has a headband for every occasion. 
-Sen has a lip ring and i dont feel like i need to explain why i think that. 
-Togaru has snake bite piercings bc of course he does. he also has his tongue pierced and wears a solid black choker. are chokers jewelry? unimportant. Togaru also also wears small rings with chains on his mandibles. 
-Shihai doesnt wear much jewelry but he does have this.....its called a slave braclet but let me explain. Its the five rings attached to a bracelet. Shihai has that. for both hands. 
-Kendo has a lot of jewelry she doesnt wear. but when she does she goes for a flower shaped mood necklace and an ankle bracelet. on really fancy occasions she wears big ol’ gold bangles.
-Kodai keeps all her jewelry in a specific matryoshka set. shes got a butterfly necklace, a hematite ring and candy bracelets. but her favorites are her tomato earrings :) 
-Kinoko has a lot of dangly earrings and necklaces and rings. this girls likes to deck herself out ok? she also got this cute mushroom charm bracelet for christmas i wonder who got her that 👀👀 its a mystery.
-Ibara of course has the cross necklace but. she also has pretty rose earrings :)
-Jurotas family has given him the most luxurious jewelry over the years but he never wears any of it. he prefers the friendship bracelets from his classmates.
-’Geki has plain black earrings. hes a simple man and i respect that.
-WHEN I TELL YOU THAT PONY HAS A MASS ASS AMOUNT OF HORN JEWELRY I MEAN IT!!!!! that image lives in my mind rent free and is the reason im making this post in the first place. also belly button piercing.
-Kosei keeps the rings from ring pops. Kosei: fully pierced the outer part of his ears. wants an eyebrow piercing. probably got it. wears metal necklaces to bite on. has a lot of those rubber bracelets you get from like hot topic. or camp.
-Tetsu and Setsu both have bull rings. i refuse to change my mind on this.
-Tetsu also has those square diamond earrings. the dumbass pierced his own ears and no one thought to stop him.
-Setsuna has her tongue and an eyebrow pierced. she wears thin metal bracelets bc she likes the jingle jangle sound
-Miraculously, Manga has a snake bite piercing. Hilariously, its placed just so that it looks like a period on him. 
-Juzo has both of his ears completely pierced he likes the earrings that are connected by chains. he has a nose ring, tongue piercing and a lot of skeleton jewelry.
-Not only does Bondo make friendship bracelets for the whole class (that they all wear bc they would) this man also runs his own etsy shop and we love him for it. he doesnt wear any jewelry himself but he loves making it for his friends ❤️
-Neito cant stay out of Claires for the life of him. have you seen his hero costume tie? homies a bedazzle addict. no facial piercings outside of his ear lobes but he loves his rings and necklaces.
-Reiko has a necklace with a crystal on it. im not well versed in crystals in regards to spirits so ill leave that to experts. She also has a hematite ring.
-Hear me out. hear me out. you hearing me? ok. Rin has some of his moms old hair sticks. the decorative ones. i pray im calling them the right thing. Rin also also really likes flower jewelry and has a dragon ring. 
-Vlad has his nips pierced and i will physically fight you on this. Bull ring, eyebrow piercings. with an s. Tongue piercing and he clicks it against his teeth. thank you and good night.
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rae-gar-targaryen · 2 years
if you dont mind me asking regarding about heat waves!peter x reader pairing, have you planned anything for fall (i ask since your seasonal concept is cool and fall is my favorite season). also do you have anything else planned for your predictive text!peter x reader (they live in my mind rent free).
oh my gosh YES -- for fall, i have the reader and Peter enjoying a fall walk in NYC (get ready for lots of poetic waxing about warm drinks and multicolored leaves), a lil date over coffee in the park, and talking Halloween plans/costumes. Maybe some sexiness IN said Halloween costumes?? (will she put on the spider-suit?? lol).
For predictive text... Maybe?? To me "anything you say" is the kind of unofficial sequel, and I could see a series of thirsty asks that I've received being about them... Maybe!! I'm just so glad you liked it. I loved writing awkward, stammery Peter who can still be SO HOT lol.
a lil nsfw snippet from the heat waves sequel below the cut just for you? (warning, tho, subject to change...) 18+ please!!
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Peter was sleek, borderline deadly like this, a viper soaking up the sun when it suits, but making shadows his own, lying in wait for his moment to strike.
And you? You were content to lie with the serpent, soaking up how smooth, how powerful, how warm Peter Parker can be.
"Not so cocky now, huh?" Peter grunted, thrusting into you. "Where's all that big talk now, baby?"
"I'll -- oh," you moaned at a particular powerful punch of Peter's hips. "I'll leave cocky to you."
You deepend the arch in your back, flexing your hips back toward Peter, and gripping the bedspread before you in your fingers, face pressed flush with his sheets, surrounded by his scent, his warmth, by Peter, Peter, Peter.
Peter tilted your head, leaning over and gripping your jaw with spidery, intentional fingers, squeezing ever-so-slightly to pucker your cheeks. He kissed you, sucking your lower lip between his. Gently, gently, ... a deceptive contrast to the hand gripping your hips, his snapping into yours. He pecked another light kiss to your lips, followed by another, gently biting your lip and dragging lightly, drawing his face from yours, doe eyes drawn with mirth and heat.
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eurekq · 3 years
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>be me >today i will make a height chart for my da protags and their love interests >okay maybe ill make it an outfit and color reference too >well i dont want it to be too boring to look at >draw this
so here we are with all my sweet little ladies and their lis :]!!! from left to right: cassie cousland, marian hawke and anders, aoife lavellan and cullen, rhiannon tabris and alistair, cecelia hawke and fenris, melly cadash and sera
LOTS of extra stuff under the cut!!!
lovely da protag templates are from marian churchland!
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dear sweet cassie, partaker in the forbidden non-romantic alistair marriage that the game never knows how to acknowledge. very much the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss. and by that i mean a genuinely bad person in the sense that she tends to toy with peoples feelings. had an extremely public affair with anders during the events of awakening. It takes a good 5 years for her and alistairs marriage to be anything even approaching functional. extremely savvy, ambitious, and charismatic; a great politician and an extremely effective ruler. morrigan is her closest friend in the world (yes i know i never had her in my party. thats because im bad at video games and needed a healer.) and they’re like sisters.
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my default hawke. 6′2, buff as shit, slept her way through half of her friends before finally settling with anders. she’s a blood mage and her first use of blood magic was during a particularly nasty fight where she got speared through the stomach. she carves herself up for mana; anders puts her back together. does things in anger and impulse and then regrets them (see: giving isabela to the arishok, never reconciling with carver after leandras death). mean if you dont know her, intensely protective if you do, but takes betrayal extremely poorly. constantly taking action, even if it doesn’t turn out very well; she is physically incapable of being a bystander. her and anders are my fave da couple ever... ask me about my post da2 hcs <3 theyre happy and have a daughter named bethany :] she punched cullen in the mouth at the end of da2 so hard that it left that scar.
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literally is there anything like your first dai playthrough being an elf. aoife is... remarkably well realized in my brain for a character who’s life began as my friend chanting “goth elf! goth elf! goth elf!” over my shoulder while i was in character creator. very affable and friendly, but extremely politically adept with a capability for subterfuge that even she isn’t fully comfortable with. huge history buff. solas was like a big brother to her and her faith was extremely important to her so trespasser was crushing. very curious, especially about magic; definitely learned some blood magic from hawke after hearing dorian and solas talk about it. dorian is her closest platonic friend, but cullen is her rock. as in he is literally so normal compared to everything else that happens to her and she loves him for it. also her and hawke are friends and a scenario that lives rent free in my mind is them hanging out while anders and cullen attempt to kill each other in increasingly looney toons-esque ways in the background. she turned out remarkably pretty for an inquisitor... look at her
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....and that’s it for my canon timeline. onto the secondary timeline!
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DEAR SWEET RHIANNON. 4′8 powerhouse with a sword longer than she is tall. i first played rhiannon with a friend who was very new to rpgs and she picked all of the mean dialogue options because she thought they were funny, which led to me discovering that alistair reacts oddly and kind of hilariously well to being made fun of by a female warden pre-duncan dying. rhiannon is fun in that she literally gives no shits about conflict avoidance; if you start something with her, she’ll see it through. disliked alistair on principle and poked fun at him when they first met, but after the events at ostagar bonded to him extremely strongly. very close to him pretty much at the exclusion of all her other companions. extremely strong willed, laughs loud and smiles wide, no real concept of subterfuge except for when she’s hiding her own pain, generally goes in the path of least resistance if it gets to her goal faster. #1 arl eamon hater. she looks pretty different when i draw her compared to how she looked ingame but this screenshot of her doing the like. dead deer tinder profile pic pose is extremely powerful
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cecelia is the truest tragic hawke that i’ve played (rip cecelia. you had the misfortune to exist in the warden alistair timeline). lost carver, lost bethany in the deep roads, lost her mother, believes that fenris has left her. act 2; a real rough ride for cecelia. aside from all the tragedy, she’s tough as nails, direct, and extremely blunt. very cautious in combat, even more so since she lost both carver and bethany. plans upon plans upon plans and prefers to strike unseen and unheard from the shadows. DEEPLY in love with fenris, best friends with isabela and merrill. aware of anders affection for her and keeps some distance for both their sakes; after the chantry explosion she helps him fake his own death on the condition that she never sees him again. when terrible things are not constantly happening she has a very dry wit, part of the reason her and fenris get along so well. too many bad things happen to her for someone with such nice thighs and such a stylish cape. her save file had some weird bugs with companion like.... staring???? in weird directions???
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the absolute energy here. she also turned out very pretty in inquisition.
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melly is easily my most powerful da oc. not in terms of in-universe power (although sword and board reaver is like. unkillable.) but in the sense that she is a catholic (read: andrastian) mid-40′s widowed mobster milf. she’s very close to cassandra and vivienne and consults them for advice before she goes to her actual advisors. even she was surprised by her relationship with sera; she finds sera’s unique sense of humor very charming and really likes pulling silly pranks with her as a reprieve from her everyday life. when she’s not with sera, she tends to be very pragmatic and logical when making decisions for the inquisition and has a very defined sense of purpose. she takes her role as both as the inquisitor and the herald of andraste very seriously. she’s very warm and soothing to be around during off hours and random inquisition members will often drift towards her for life advice. first draft of her and sera in this drawing had sera wearing this
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onehyperboi · 4 years
Supernova youtuber/streamer au that nobody asked for but has been living rent free in my mind for ages
Has 3 channels and one streaming account first two channels are make up and nail channels and the 3rd is timelapses of him building machines.
His streaming channel is only used on the weekends for gaming.
Collabs with Killer all the fucking time and it still took his fans ages to work out that the two lived together and have been for the last 8 years.
"And they were roommates" jokes are very popular in his fandom.
There is a significant divide in his fanbase over if his hair is naturally that red or not, he swears it is but nobody is sure
Very popular for his no shits attitude about wearing makeup as a guy as well for his tips on doing your nails with only one arm.
Used to collab with Apoo and Hawkins but drama caused him to stop.
Unspoken tension with Law, he literally never talks about it but you can just tell it's there. It weird because as far as each fanbase knows they've never interacted before
A cooking channel and a streaming channel.
On his cooking channel the camera is focused just below his face or just on his hands depending on the shot taken
Fandom is very thirsty, naturally
Streaming channel he wears the mask on a face cam.
Once did a live QnA instead of gaming where he stated that he did in fact wear the mask all the time.
Kid had to clarify that Killer wore a variety of masks not just the blue one.
When asked if he ate with it on he got up and came back with instant noodles and ate them through the holes.
Sometimes collabs with sanji or zoro
His pet ferret once made a cameo on stream and the chat lost it
Jewelry Bonney
Mukbang queen
Knows Kid and Killer from highschool
Tells embarrassing stories about them all the time
When she isn't eating shes vlogging
Collabs with Killer from time to time but he mostly just provides her food
His channel is whatever he wants at whatever time
Collabs with sanji a lot but is always fighting with him in the collabs
Most of his videos are demonetized but doesn't care
Collabs with most of the other straw hats at different points
A running joke in his fanbase is drawing him in front of a compass
He doesn't get it
Streaming channel and a regular one
Like zoro it's a mix of whatever
Mainly does stunt stuff
Or his hospital trips
Collabs with Law a lot but not because Law wants to but because he is in the hospital he works in
Wants to collab with Kid but Kid is resistant
Also collabs with the other strawhats
Streams QnA every sunday
Ever see a man so excited and cute while talking about dinosaurs? No? Well now you have
Talks so much about dinosaur bones and what each meant as well as how each dinosaur lived
Gets really excited about new discoveries about fossils
Coby joins him often
Occasionally collabs with Robin
Doctor channel where he goes over medical misinformation presented in shows
Will not talk about the tension between him and Kid but whenever hes brought up he gets really silent and stares into the camera for 30 seconds
Unwillingly collabs with Luffy, Willingly collabs with chopper
Is nicknamed Dr. Heartstealer by his fanbase
It's all over his merch now
Fandom is also very thirsty
Has had various doctors from all over on his channel
Has a separate streaming account where he plays minecraft
Sometimes plays surgical games on the main channel and rates how accurate they are
Occult channel
Weirdly collabs with Apoo most of the time
Uncany ability to predict things
Goes over occult history and has collabed with drake once to go over how dinosaur bones have influenced myths of the past
"Please stop trying to curse the moon."
Music channel
Started with remixes and covers but eventually progressed to making his own stuff
The drama with Kid is all over his channel and he seems to have made it a habit to occasionally try and provoke a reaction
It hasn't worked yet
Collabs with Hawkins and also made the music for his channel
Mountain climbing Vlogs
Seriously this dude has climbed most of the mountain in the world
Also he does alcohol reviews including taste and content
He and zoro have a mutual agreement over most drinks
Family Vlogs and Gun reviews
This mans life is just, on YouTube
Pez is a constant presence and everyone in his fanbase loves him
His whole channel is pretty much "I love my wife and son very much also heres how to shoot and load a gun properly, dont forget to wear proper ear protection"
One video is Chiffon taking over the channel that day and she shows what bege does in the house and if anyone notices the suspicious amount of gang looking men in the place nobody comments on it
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emilyartstudio-s · 3 years
On a scale from 1-10 whats w Your opinion on these ships Crenny- Cryde- Style- Kyman- Bendy- Bunny- Tyde- Creek- Twenny- Crutters- Stenny- K2- Candy- Staig- Stolovan- Bratters- Clenny- Dip- Fike- Gregstophe- All right that's all I got but just put your number next to the name also I freaking love your art ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Okay; If it is alright;;; We are doing this in my terms meaning I am ranking 1-5 (because the stakes are higher).
5 meaning I LOVE it It’s perfect for me and all in between <3
And 1 being that I don’t think about it too often and that I am okay with that ;;u;!! (And 3 is like I WANT to think about it more aaaa) etc.
You didn’t ask for a long ass answer but here you go:
Crenny- 4! I think about crenny pretty often and their dynamic comes easily to me to create in art work even without words on screen! You also never go wrong with complimentary color ships like come ONNN (Love the wholesome and even the weird phase of edgy content omg the aesthetic)
Style- Another five omg Fives in the house dude UM I think i said enough because I always talk about Style so I’ll give it a break now but just know that This is literally no competition for any other ships like-
Kyman- HKASL 1;;;; I dont think about it often as a ship but I had a lot of mutuals who liked kyman that drew such amazing art for them ;;u;!! It’s fun drawing them in the same room though! I really like this more as them in the group of friends and Cartman is the one that gets the most annoyed versus it being vice versa all the time;;;
Bendy- 3! I love my girls so much aaa They’re so soft ;;u;;!! But I don’t draw them enough together because I like Clybe and Stendy a bit more;; they’re in the same wavelength for sure!
Bunny- 4 :,)!! Super lovely ship full of wholesome moments and angst um yes to all of that!!! I didn’t think about this ship too much before but damn was I hit by a train
Tyde- 3 OMG AA I love this but ajhjks I think I like Cryde/Croken a bit more :,) I don’t know why but I definitely need to draw more of them !!
Creek- 4!!! Creek is amazing aaa I love it and I’d say it can also be a five easily :,D!!
Twenny- 3 or 2! I don’t think about it as often as I would like :(!! But the times that I do think about it I get happy thinking of small scenarios aaa All kenny ships are so good;;;!
Crutters- 3 oh heck yeah dude I always say I can get behind this like??? SO GOOD
Stenny- 3 or 4! I need to make more art of them but im a La Z Y insect and think about the fives too often;;;!!
K2- 4 or even;; 5 :,)!!! It was this year that I started to REALLY like this pairing omg the ship of the GODS.
Candy- An easy 2! I have a lot to say abou tCandy but I feel better leavin git with the note that I don’t mind it at all!
Staig- BROO SAY LESS OMG 5 and everyone knows it
Stolovan- 3! I like this ship BUT I HAVEN'T DRAWN KEVIN LIKE;;; AT ALL;;; The poor boy ugh;;;
Bratters- a 3 or 2 for sure! I don’t think about it too often :(! But it’s got so much potential in the ideas department!!
Clenny- 3 or 4!! I try way too hard for them to the point that;;; I draw something for them and then I don’t post it because I don’t think it’s any good LMAO;;; But i do enjoy this sHIP SO MUCH!!!
Dip- 2;;; I don’t think about it often :( The content for this ship is amazing though jesus
Fike- 2;;; aaa I don’t know it doesn’t live rent free in my mind sadly :( But all 2s can always turn to 3 or 4s because I really do like keeping an open mind!)
Gregstophe- 3! I want to like this ship more but I don’t draw them enough to see that sweet sweet potential ;;u;!! BuT IT’S SO GOOD AA
I decided to add these: (Less things to talk about lmao)
Stutters: 1 if i'm being honest ;;; Cutest moments on screen though!
Cryle: 4 :,)! Just the best simply the best here omg;; It’s the same as Clenny where I think I need to make good content for it at all times but I always end up not doing a good job? :(
Kyndy: um;;👀👀👀 3 :)
Kendy: ahaha a 3 too im-
Kenbe: THIS IS A 3 or 4!!
Clybe: 4 but can easily be a 5 :,)!
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
waitwait so ive been working on a future!au (and by 'working on' i mean 'constantly daydreming about but never writing') set in the same world as healer!tam and ive become...so attached to the idea of sophie becoming a councillor, but specifically before that being an emissary and going on assignments for both bronte and oralie. i just. i wants it!!! i feel like sophie would be the kind of person to keep pursuing what's right- as much as it would be painful, i dont think she'd say "fuck it" and stop fighting after the neverseen are gone. its just not like her. and i feel like, maybe after growing older and getting new beliefs and values and whatnot, itd be really interesting to see her both working with (and specifically for) two councillors, one of which is her biological mother (something she will never be able to tell anyone, and something she will always condemn oralie for) and the other is...well, it's bronte- he's the mean one, the cruel one, yknow, and i dont think he's exactly well-liked among the elven people. and her working for them, one hated and the other a traitor, and eventually taking one of their places, putting her in a position where she can enact the change they didnt (or couldnt, idk their circumstances) would just be....so good? i have no idea if im making sense here but...yeah. yeah. also i want to see sophie bonding with oralie and bronte. not necessarily liking them, but like. you know what i mean. i think.
but yeah. councillor!sophie.
- pyro
oof I know what you mean with that daydreaming thing. I've got an entire universe with ocs and everything that I guarantee will never make it onto paper. They're just going to live in my mind rent-free forever. Maybe i'll draw them one day tho--
that's off topic! anyways. I think Sophie as a councillor could have so much potential and the idea has fascinated me for a while, but it's a slippery slope between having her engage reasonably with the government and with a grain a salt and with the intention to make a change and with all the horrors they let happen in mind, and with her just becoming a councillor and giving in to what they want and ignoring all her experiences and thoughts for the sake of oo councillor!sophie!! at least that's how it is for me.
it like...it's so good but only if you approach it just right, if that makes sense. and you're right!! she'd do it for the right reasons. I don't think she's capable of resting, same way I don't think Tam is capable of stopping either. The two of them are similar in that sense: they're just going to keep going and going and going forever. They don't have an off switch. sophie is too opinionated to ever take a step back, not when she has such compelling morals that she literally can't ignore even if she wants to. They both have personal vendetta's against the system in a way most of the others don't. Sure, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz have been made aware that their world isn't everything they thought it was, but it was never working against them the way it was for the two of them. The others, Marella and Maruca and Dex feel like they want quieter lives. They either want things to go away or to deal with their problems on their own and actively say Fuck You to the system, not to fix it. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just different. Sophie broke the law when she was twelve! and essentially said she'd do it again--she's not taking a break just because the Neverseen are gone.
Sophie has had critiques about the elven world outside of the Neverseen--things like working class cities seeming unfair, not liking the matching system, ashamed of how Exillium worked, thinking the council isn't doing enough, etc. Her grievances aren't just with the dangerous rebels, it's with the system as a whole. So an opporunity to start fixing it from the inside out? She'd absolutely take. I think she might feel so guilty at passing up the opportunity later that she couldn't stand not to become a councillor.
also, your idea about her becoming an emissary is really interesting to me. i don't think Sophie would want to be a councillor (something something that one quote about the best leaders are the people who don't want to lead), not at first. i think she'd avoid the responsibility and possible restrictions, preferring to do things her own way. But working for the council? for Bronte and Oralie? that brings her a lot closer to the center of things, a chance to see how things work. she could compile a list of things she didn't like, things she wanted to change, so then when the opportunity arose for her to be elected she'd already be ready, knowing what she wanted to do and why. she's always had the drive to make change happen, and as much as she might dislike the idea of being a councillor and all the theatrics and appearances, it could be the best way to make those changes.
i'm kinda going off on my own tangent now so I'll stop, but I think the idea of sophie becoming a councillor has so many possibilities and avenues to explore that I love talking about it! because I did get distracted, if there's a specific part of your ask/idea that I glossed over that you'd want me to focus more on feel free to send me another ask because I'd be happy to talk more about councillor!sophie. pyro your ideas are excellent and I am eternally honored I get to hear them <33
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vronism · 3 years
Obviously, the first question to ask is to dump introduce all your OCs, or at least the ones you enjoy the most right now! Specifics can be asked based off that. So for this question, what are their names, pronouns (if you’d like), the fandom they’re from (if you have multiple fandom OCs), and a cool fact about them?
AAaaa okay, wow, sure! One thing to note though, most of my ocs started in a franchise (notably my Assassin's Creed girls I made when i was 10 years old) but evolved way out of it. I also reuse them a lot, instead of creating new characters in games of what not. Additionally, my ocs are strongly settled in actual world/world history, scattered across times, BUT they all meet and interact after death in -sorta- universe of mine, a little wild west town in the middle of the desert called Highwater, which basically is a purgatory blah blah in the end they are all cowboys.
ANYWAY, these are the ocs that live rent-free in my mind right now, I have some more but they aint here with us today so, in no particular order, long gallery of ocs facing left under the cut!
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Jess "V" Diaz, (she/her, they/them) Cyberpunk 2077, American (Native American/Mexican, from Arizona)
Y'all know this bitch. Fun Fact: she can't dance, but has an unbelievable aim. great sniper.
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Lady Rosemary Eleanor Maynard neé Southwell, viscountess of Sussex; (she/her); 1770s, British
80% Scottish. Never seen without her devil horse, Sir Wilbur. Widow. Crossdresses as a man, fighting feminist, British, emigrated to America, probably fought in the war. Fascinated by literature and theater, loves Shakespeare.
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Robin Hall; (he/him); 1947-2031, American (Oklahoma)
Vietnam War vet. Helicopter pilot. in love with his co-pilot. They crashed, co-pilot died, Robin lost his eye, spend two weeks in a jungle, had a book written on him, blah blah. Retired to be a Park Ranger when he came back home.
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Jory A. Duncan; (they/them, she/her); contemporary/future, created when I was hyperfixated on Mass Effect, not my Shepard though, British.
Special Forces soldier, SAS commander. Albino. Loves bunnies and hiking. Overall a bad person. Violent. Hates themselves and everybody around. Nasty little shit. Lonely. Army was her whole life.
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Lucia Cerretani (she/her), 1459-1504, Italian (Florentine Republic)
My first oc, made her when i was 10. Designed after a horse i used to ride. A genius linguist and cryptologist, speaks at least 8 languages fluently. Disgustingly rich. has a pet tiger. Is less a particular oc right now, evolved more into a god-like entity in my stupid little head. Yet i dont have any fresh drawings of her, like, this one is from 2016:
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second one by (@zapiecek)
Richard "Richie" Arden; (he/him); contemporary; American (born in DC)
Another prodigy, this time in astrophysics. 25 years old, already defending a doctoral dissertation on black holes on MIT. No social skills though. Very gay. One of the main characters in a comic we're thinking about with @zapiecek!
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ambivartence · 3 years
okay this is gonna be such a LONG ASK (i hope u dont mind 🙊)!! so many things to talk about
YEAH young k is everywhere hahahaha it was so cute when he walked into bang chan's vlive (i dont follow skz but i love interaction between groups 🥺), and same day6 songs are all SO GOOD even the even of day ones, idk how they do it asahhdjf and OMG PLS DONT GET ME STARTED ON JAE'S VOICE!!!!!! (jae is my bias yes....) but HIS VOICE?? is the most BEAUTIFUL THING EVER i love his voice and when he sings.....i just die, it's like slightly raspy and emotional and sigh-y if that makes sense idk. and all 5 of them can sing too which is so incredible <3
OMG SIYUAN AHAHAHA OK SO U WANNA HEAR MORE ABOUT MARK/JAEMIN are you sure you do, are you ready??? ok i'll just gush about jaemin because he has taken over my mind anyway (sorry mark) and you brought up how if you had the imaginary chance to be with any idol it would absolutely be jaemin. WELL ME TOO. ME TOO. i lowkey squealed when you said that lmaoo omg but the way im....so excited....to talk about jaemin........okay deep breaths mel
so we're going to ignore how incredibly physically attractive jaemin is, because anyone with eyes can see that and there are many other reasons why i like him (i would insert pics here but i dont want to make this any longer than i already know it's gonna be) :D but while we're on physical elements, i love his deep voice....it's so sexy it hurts but his voice is also really soothing at the same time :( like this video my friend posted a while back ahhhhh <33333 and i love his lazy raps in his deep voice like in my youth (and also the part where he and renjun sang in octaves BLESSING OUR EARS). but other reasons: i also love how he's the "mom" friend who takes care of dreamies, but what i love most is how he doesnt complain and does what needs to be done?? like in 7llin, he cooked the meat and made sure dreamies ate first, and he also had to wash dishes and make breakfast a bunch of times bc he lost rock paper scissors lmao but he did it without complaint <3 and grocery store jaem is also just....so sexy again 😭 he inspires me to be as patient and kind as he is <3 mostly, i love how kind he is. he talks about his mom's influence a lot, and how he wants to cook her dishes for his future family (HOLD ME IM SOFT) and how he still volunteers/donates to charity bc his mom taught him that if he has things he should give to others <3 he is also so uncompetitive (if he doesnt want to win at least, bc when he does he goes hard) and he lets his members win because he knows theyre competitive af and it makes him happy just seeing them be happy 🥺 i suspect that he could win/knows answers to game questions and stuff but he doesnt say it so that his members can win instead. and i also just rly relate to introvert jaemin LOL he can be crazy with people he's close with (his unpredictableness and duality is part of his charm to me), but also he maybe doesnt rly know how to act with people hes not as close with, which i relate to as an introvert (like that xiaojun/nomin vlive HAHAHAH POOR XJ was sitting there like what do i do is this normal, while nomin were holding hands and staring into each others eyes) OK WELL clearly i am 1000% whipped for na jaemin, i shall stop now <3 thank you very very much for letting me gush <3
also your drawing journey is so interesting, i had a similar thing with music haha i did a lot of violin since i was young until college, and i did it on and off in college but now im out of college and dont rly do it anymore lol but i still love music! i drew a bit as a kid too but i stopped so im not very good but it's really therapeutic, i've been thinking of learning to draw again maybe <3 and i love your style but thats so funny that it developed bc you had no time to color your pieces LOL. glad you developed your style AND graduated at the same time though yess you go <3
same i hurtled into kpop at a million miles per hour at this time last year too 😂 i've only done gifs since then but i feel the same way, i dont rly know what the other features do tbh LMAO i kind of just go in photoshop to do what i need to do haahhahah 🤣 also awww u heard about me from bronwyns blog! i think i found you from jackie's blog?? LOL but i've seen your pieces floating around on my dash a bunch too
[also this is so so random and u dont have to answer if ur not comfortable, but are you chinese (from your name)?? because me too!!! well i speak canto though so i dont understand wayv :( except lucas, xj, henderey lmao]
yeeee i'm chinese-american :) omg i wish i spoke canto (but i speak mandarin)!!!! the wayv canto-line is always the funniest when they're speaking cantonese
also yes omg jae's voice.......bro.... his first lines in zombie eng ver. always gets to me. sorry u keep telling me not to get u started but i'm just here adding fuel to the fire 🥵
everything you've written about jaemin i totally AGREEE and have thought about too!!! i was literally watching the nct dream "future" video yesterday before i got your first ask, and that clip of jaemin talking about his future made me uwu so hard 🥺🥺🥺 i could also go on forever with you about how his "mom"ness aka him being mature and dependable and humble and generous mAKES ME SO SOFT (when he talked about his savings / financial planning on weekly idol and also when he talked about his job and how czennies keep him motivated in the ODG episode are just two more moments that pop into mind) like he's relatively young in nct overall but in the future will make a great hyung to more new members 🥺
Also !!! jaemin's voice! omg that radio clip reminds me of when he did the tingle interview with jeno and imitated jeno's deep "wae" (<3 i'm jeno biased so doubly amusing) and also when he tried hitting that really high "janeul deureo" adlib while recording work it 😭😂lives in my mind rent free
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