#still the funniest fcking thing to me
ambivartence · 3 years
okay this is gonna be such a LONG ASK (i hope u dont mind 🙊)!! so many things to talk about
YEAH young k is everywhere hahahaha it was so cute when he walked into bang chan's vlive (i dont follow skz but i love interaction between groups 🥺), and same day6 songs are all SO GOOD even the even of day ones, idk how they do it asahhdjf and OMG PLS DONT GET ME STARTED ON JAE'S VOICE!!!!!! (jae is my bias yes....) but HIS VOICE?? is the most BEAUTIFUL THING EVER i love his voice and when he sings.....i just die, it's like slightly raspy and emotional and sigh-y if that makes sense idk. and all 5 of them can sing too which is so incredible <3
OMG SIYUAN AHAHAHA OK SO U WANNA HEAR MORE ABOUT MARK/JAEMIN are you sure you do, are you ready??? ok i'll just gush about jaemin because he has taken over my mind anyway (sorry mark) and you brought up how if you had the imaginary chance to be with any idol it would absolutely be jaemin. WELL ME TOO. ME TOO. i lowkey squealed when you said that lmaoo omg but the way im....so excited....to talk about jaemin........okay deep breaths mel
so we're going to ignore how incredibly physically attractive jaemin is, because anyone with eyes can see that and there are many other reasons why i like him (i would insert pics here but i dont want to make this any longer than i already know it's gonna be) :D but while we're on physical elements, i love his deep voice....it's so sexy it hurts but his voice is also really soothing at the same time :( like this video my friend posted a while back ahhhhh <33333 and i love his lazy raps in his deep voice like in my youth (and also the part where he and renjun sang in octaves BLESSING OUR EARS). but other reasons: i also love how he's the "mom" friend who takes care of dreamies, but what i love most is how he doesnt complain and does what needs to be done?? like in 7llin, he cooked the meat and made sure dreamies ate first, and he also had to wash dishes and make breakfast a bunch of times bc he lost rock paper scissors lmao but he did it without complaint <3 and grocery store jaem is also just....so sexy again 😭 he inspires me to be as patient and kind as he is <3 mostly, i love how kind he is. he talks about his mom's influence a lot, and how he wants to cook her dishes for his future family (HOLD ME IM SOFT) and how he still volunteers/donates to charity bc his mom taught him that if he has things he should give to others <3 he is also so uncompetitive (if he doesnt want to win at least, bc when he does he goes hard) and he lets his members win because he knows theyre competitive af and it makes him happy just seeing them be happy 🥺 i suspect that he could win/knows answers to game questions and stuff but he doesnt say it so that his members can win instead. and i also just rly relate to introvert jaemin LOL he can be crazy with people he's close with (his unpredictableness and duality is part of his charm to me), but also he maybe doesnt rly know how to act with people hes not as close with, which i relate to as an introvert (like that xiaojun/nomin vlive HAHAHAH POOR XJ was sitting there like what do i do is this normal, while nomin were holding hands and staring into each others eyes) OK WELL clearly i am 1000% whipped for na jaemin, i shall stop now <3 thank you very very much for letting me gush <3
also your drawing journey is so interesting, i had a similar thing with music haha i did a lot of violin since i was young until college, and i did it on and off in college but now im out of college and dont rly do it anymore lol but i still love music! i drew a bit as a kid too but i stopped so im not very good but it's really therapeutic, i've been thinking of learning to draw again maybe <3 and i love your style but thats so funny that it developed bc you had no time to color your pieces LOL. glad you developed your style AND graduated at the same time though yess you go <3
same i hurtled into kpop at a million miles per hour at this time last year too 😂 i've only done gifs since then but i feel the same way, i dont rly know what the other features do tbh LMAO i kind of just go in photoshop to do what i need to do haahhahah 🤣 also awww u heard about me from bronwyns blog! i think i found you from jackie's blog?? LOL but i've seen your pieces floating around on my dash a bunch too
[also this is so so random and u dont have to answer if ur not comfortable, but are you chinese (from your name)?? because me too!!! well i speak canto though so i dont understand wayv :( except lucas, xj, henderey lmao]
yeeee i'm chinese-american :) omg i wish i spoke canto (but i speak mandarin)!!!! the wayv canto-line is always the funniest when they're speaking cantonese
also yes omg jae's voice.......bro.... his first lines in zombie eng ver. always gets to me. sorry u keep telling me not to get u started but i'm just here adding fuel to the fire 🥵
everything you've written about jaemin i totally AGREEE and have thought about too!!! i was literally watching the nct dream "future" video yesterday before i got your first ask, and that clip of jaemin talking about his future made me uwu so hard 🥺🥺🥺 i could also go on forever with you about how his "mom"ness aka him being mature and dependable and humble and generous mAKES ME SO SOFT (when he talked about his savings / financial planning on weekly idol and also when he talked about his job and how czennies keep him motivated in the ODG episode are just two more moments that pop into mind) like he's relatively young in nct overall but in the future will make a great hyung to more new members 🥺
Also !!! jaemin's voice! omg that radio clip reminds me of when he did the tingle interview with jeno and imitated jeno's deep "wae" (<3 i'm jeno biased so doubly amusing) and also when he tried hitting that really high "janeul deureo" adlib while recording work it 😭😂lives in my mind rent free
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