#i don't know what to doooooo
pandaspwnz · 1 year
we might have to put down my youngest dog Lily. She just turned 5 but a few months ago she started limping so we took her to the vet and found out she has arthritis. No big deal, she's on daily painkillers, seems fine. Then she starts limping again and wouldn't really stand or walk very far, and we take her to the vet wednesday and get a shot of a painkiller that should work better over time, since her regular painkillers weren't doing enough to manage it. Thursday she seemed to be doing better again but then suddenly friday evening something happened and it. got. bad. she limps constantly, legs shaking badly, hind legs won't support her weight, won't take more than 4 shaky steps without sitting down again. We were in contact with a vet over the phone saturday and sunday to figure out if it was urgent or something that could wait til monday (since in the weekend just stepping a foot in the door would be 2200 dkk (around $320). We had given her her regular pain meds, even though we were supposed to cut down on half of it after the shot, but clearly she needed it. The vet over the phone says we can give her some regular strength paracetamol and if that manages her pain well enough, we can wait. So we get her more painkillers, she takes them, it seems to help a little. Meanwhile my mom was willing to be carrying Lily to where she needs to go, but I dug out a cart we had in the basement so Lily could ride on that and spare my moms back and Lily's own little legs.
So today, monday, we got an emergency visit at the vet and the vet says it is. bad. they're overbooked and busy but she said she wanted to see Lily right away and went and made sure they could squeeze Lily in for an x-ray and bloodtest.
So we leave her at the vet to get the x-ray and go home and a few hours later we get a call and it turns out Lily has completely torn her cruciate ligaments in BOTH hind legs. We don't know if they went at the same time because somehow?? this little fucking terminator has said. NOTHING. No howls, whines, screams, anything. Nothing.
Only option is surgery. But it is SO expensive. Getting one leg fixed is 24000 dkk ($3.5k), but since it's both they can do it for 38000 dkk ($5.5k). And that's not touching the 6000+ dkk ($875) diagnosis fee we paid today, or any medicine for treatment post surgery. We thankfully have insurance which will cover a total of 29700 dkk ($4.3k) UNLESS we/the vet can say there's a chance she tore her ligaments in two separate incidents, in which case they'll give us that amount twice, once for each leg. I don't know how it works, don't ask me. It's fucking stupid.
Thing is, we live paycheck to paycheck. At a push we can scrape together 15700 dkk ($2247) which we already spent some money on today for the diagnosis fee on, and we have 3 other pets we need to take care of. If we spend all the money we have and then some on Lily and something happens to the others, we wouldn't be able to do anything. So basically my dog's fucking life is depending on if the vet can somehow tell us, either truthfully or by sticking their necks out for us, that the ligaments tore in two separate occasions. Otherwise we just can't afford it.
Which fucking sucks and makes me so angry because she can get the surgery and there's a really good prognosis!! It's like an 85-90% chance she'd be completely normal once she's all healed (it would only slightly increase the risk of getting arthritis, which she already has a little of anyway). And it has to come down to fucking money.
And we are not. at all. willing to do surgery on one leg at a time. Absolutely not. We are not going to have her suffer for so long just because it would make it easier for us to somehow pay for.
Anyway, we have a surgery booked for monday (which is in a whole fucking week!! that's so long from now!) but we don't even know yet if she can have it. We're expecting a call from the vet who saw us initially so we can find out if we can say it was two incidents or not. We'll know at the latest on wednesday and if not, then we just. have to put her down. because of money. we don't want her to be in pain. but man this just fucking sucks. she's my little baby and I don't want to lose her.
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this was taken on the way home from the vet. (yes she's fat we know, she's on a diet and already lost 1.5kg)
please send good vibes
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manybrokenquills · 4 months
Is it weird to have a crisis as your best friend (who you care for deeper then just in a friend type of way) is sleeping beside you??
Like they actively have their hand around my waist and their face in my chest and I am crying???
God, I love them.
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
argh the adhd is really getting me today. the longest i've been able to focus on anything all day has been ~20 minutes and that was just copying down some text onto the edge of a canvas
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molar-bear-sims · 23 days
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very slick, bea... 🤨
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umbracirrus · 4 months
Oh boy I have an angsty little listener x Cicero fic idea and ahhhhhh I'm tempted to write it I tell you-
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allpromarlo · 1 year
what in the kentucky fried fuck was that
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shiningwonho · 1 year
guess who tried to download tinder and when she tried to verify her account, got banned insteeeeeeeeead
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celestialwife · 9 months
thinking about that ar.ace text post about not wanting to call yourself single/wishing there was another way to phrase it that didn't have the implication of being ~available, and now I'm thinking about how relatable it is if only because I genuinely don't count myself as single
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alinelie · 9 months
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witchwhaat · 1 year
I'm this 🤏🏻 close to just cutting my hair short and seeing what happens
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i-appear-misssing · 2 years
Oh boy
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pedge-page · 2 months
I can imagine preggo wife literally talking and talking and talking in the middle of a movie and gets offended and leaves when Joel tells her to quiet down
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife : Yapper
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notes: Oh I had fun writing this! no warnings (maybe some Fugitive and Raiders spoilers), Enjoy!
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Joel’s pretty excited for movie night. It’s one of the few films the two of you don’t argue over and can pretty much watch the entire way through without disruption.
Or at least, it used to be.
Joel settles against the couch armrest with his feet propped up, knees bent slightly so you have room to sit in front. He’s got any snack you could think of within an arm reach away, and he’s got the title on pause so you can scooch your fat booty and big belly comfortably. Usually takes about 15 minutes of squirming, smacking his chest to “fluff” it up, adding a pillow at his crotch, then taking it away because you like his hard cock there instead, elbow in his groin and then his knee, then you gotta get up to pee before starting the whole process over.
“OK Im ready!” You say after 15 minutes on the dot, snuggling close to him with the back of your head rested against the crook of his neck.
He finally hits play, and the Lucasfilm logo flashes across the screen. The tropical forest and ominous music plays as the familiar font of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark fade on to the screen.
“Joel. Joel. Hey Joel.” 
“Did you know Indiana was named after George Lucas dog? Who also was the physical inspiration for chewy?” You ask  rhetorically. 
It takes him a second to understand you’re asking him a question. “What?”
“Chewbacca! From Star Wars!”
“Oh ok neat,” he says with some enthusiasm, but quick to end it and get back to watching the movie—
“Yeah also Sean Connery is also apparently—well guess how much older he is to Harrison Ford.”
“Um—I don’t—I don’t know.” Joel says slowly, watching as Indy carefully removes the sand from the pouch and weighs it to the gold idol.
“C’mon, guess!”
“I really don’t know, can we—“
“12 years older than Harrison in Last Crusade! My mom was like ‘WHAT no way’ and I was like ‘Yes way’ and she was like ‘He's his father and he's got all that white in his hair and receding hairline’ and I was like ‘Joel's only in his late 30s and he's got white in his beard.’”
Joel can’t hear a damn thing happening on screen except the shouts about hating a pet snake named Reggie. “Wha—“
“Not that you look anything like Sean Connery in Last Crusade. Maybe in like Bond —oof he was the hottest Bond. Plus you got like a receding beard-line with all the patches, I don’t know, but my mom was like ‘Ya know Joel's got more white hair lately since you've been pregnant’ and I was like ‘Nah uh’ and she was like ‘Ya huh’ and I was like ‘Huh I wonder why that is…?’ Anyway but nope only 12 years between him and Ford—“
Joel turns to look at you with a frown, a bit confused and amazed at how you have so much to say, right now, oblivious as ever. 
It doesn’t phase your rambling one bit: “—Like damn, but you know Harrison Ford has always been handsome. But like in the bad boy kind of way, not like handsome upstanding like Christopher Reeves? When I saw The Fugitive, I was like ‘oooohhhh I'll be his wife now’ hahaha! no no I’m sorry, he’s famous and I’m not so that’s why I married you, but that's such a fall film don't you think? Minus the murder and betrayal and fucking Dr Charles Nickles like was he British or not? He was in and out of an accent the whole time? Didn't make sense to me but yeah, it's just such a fall Cozy film.”
Joel looks back at the screen and realizes Marion is already being cornered by the Nazi creep: “Ah huh—honey—“
“OH! I Love her song! It’s kind of like Leia and Han’s from Empire except the last notes are different, like it goes do doooooo instead of da dat dada daaaaaaa, That’s just John William’s for ya, but you’d never notice they were so similar!”
Joel opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out as you continue:
“—Also I know you said my mom made good apple pie but I really wanna try to make it because I want you to like mine more, so I need you to get some apples and pie crust and butter and stuff from the store, I’ll make a list so you can get it. They said we need ground cinnamon but I think ours expired like 5 years ago so don’t forget that. And then I'm gonna tell you how to slice the apples since I can't handle sharp objects and then oh I need you to get the mixer from the top shelf and then you have to mix it all together and slice the top with like little heart patterns and then put it in the oven n stuff ‘cause it's hot and I don't wanna burn OH and that reminds me—!” 
“Hmm? yes?” You ask with a innocent smile. 
“Let's try to be quiet and watch the movie ok?”
He offers a gentle smile and nods, pointing towards the TV again and settling to watch it with his beautiful wife.
His very very very unhappy wife. Your eyes haven’t left his, face now downturned in such a scowl, he should be shitting his pants.
You roll your jaw at him once, teeth grinding against one another with slitted, murderous eyes. Joel gulps, too afraid to glance back at you again. His eyes are wide staring at the commotion on the television but, now in your deadly silence, he can’t seen to focus on it at all. 
Instead of saying anything, you roll polly up to your feet, arms crossed over your chest defensively as you utter a loud “Hmph!” before storming away from the living room.
He’ll have to deal with groveling tomorrow morning when you might be a little more welcoming. But on the bright side, he’s got way more room to spread out on the couch and he can hear the movie much better now! 
He switches it off and runs upstairs to get on his knees by your side of the bed, begging for your forgiveness and promises of a Clyde's milkshake to go. 
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Band AU: Hazbin Hotel
Because there's always a band AU.
-666 News Broadcast Theme Plays through the dive bar cafe from the small, flickering TV in the corner-
Katie Killjoy: Breaking News in the Pop industry today! Our sunshine and rainbows, Mandy Moore wannabe, and Princess of Hell, Charlotte Morningstar, has come out with a new music video to help promote a brand new album that appears to have been conjured up seemingly overnight.
Angel: Hey, Vagina! (Elbows Vaggie) Ain't that your girl crush from the open band night down at Husk's Casino two months ago?
Vaggie: (chokes on her coffee) What?! Turn it up, Jackass!
Angel: (steals the remote from across the bartop and turns up the TV)
Tom Trench: And, boy howdy, this makeover is on par with most Disney child stars diving off the deep end!
Katie Killjoy: (spears a pen through Tom's hand) No one gives a shit Tom.
Tom Trench: MY HAND!!!
Katie Killjoy: Spectators and fans of our usually diabetically sweet princess feel that this sudden shift is caused by her breakup with Seviathan Von Eldritch just last month, ending the royal arranged engagement, after he mentioned how she refused to "put out" before marriage in an interview with Hell's High Class Weekly.
Vaggie: (bristles) The douchebag....
Katie Killjoy: Let's watch as our lovely princess makes her breakdown public.
-Screen shifts to Charlie holding a mic in one hand while picking a guitar in another, wearing 2000's Avril Lavigne glam rock attire (hot pink, baggy cargo pants, black leather studded belt, rainbow converse, black leather wrist bands, grey tank top with two black goats faced just the right way so their curved horns make a heart and tied together with a rainbow knot, and a black and red stripped tie) Razzle and Dazzle are playing drums and bass-
Charlie: Don't you know that IIIIIIIII- (flips off the camera and sticks out her tongue while mouthing "Fuck you, Seviathan" as the song reaches its climax) I don't give a daaaaaaaamn about you!!! I won't give it up, not for you!!! I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy. A guy who thinks he's all that!
Vaggie: Whoa! (Big smiles like when Adam got stabbed) Get it, Charlie!
Katie Killjoy: (as the screen returns to normal) Other songs on the album include "Behind These Crimson Eyes", "The Dick Who Blocked His Own Shot", "Smack a Bitch", "Since U Been Gone", and the gay community's rabid favorite "Dear Vaggie"-
Angel: (sucking down his third popsicle for breakfast) What now?
Vaggie: WHAT?!?!?!?!
Katie Killjoy: -The obviously plagiarized parody of "Cool for the Summer" by Demi Lovato has unsubtle lesbian and bisexual overtones that specifically mentions Vaggie "the Steel Vagina". The lead singer and guitarist of the Power/Grunge Metal band, Fallen Angels
Angel: (wheezes as he laughs breathlessly and falls off his stool)
Vaggie: (steaming) Angel!!! ¡Eres un chupapollas, hijo de puta! Why would you tell the news that was my name?!
Angel: (ugly walrus gasps and giggles) Because it's better than I ever dreamed!!!!
Katie Killjoy: Fans of both artists are absolutely frothing at the mouth to see what Vaggie's response will be.
Tom Trench: Frothing at the mouth and other orifices, if you catch my drift. (Gets a pen slammed into his balls) GaaAhaHaaaaHaha!
Katie Killjoy: More on this story tonight at eleven.
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Angel: Soooooo~ Whatcha wanna doooooo~?
Vaggie: We're going to Tune Town, getting a copy of that album-
Angel: Ooooooooh-hohohoooooh~ I can visit dat nice glory hole they got there.
Vaggie: -THEN!!! We are going back to the apartment and making a response single.
Angel: Do you know what you even want to put in it?
Vaggie: (slipping on her jacket) I'll figure it out after listening to the album!
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yaoiboypussy · 1 month
I know i cant judge bc I have over 2000 people blocked but everytime this happens when i try to reblog a funny post i go ":( what did i doooooo..."
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Also can tumblr just say "You are blocked you cant reblog this" instead of going "Oh there was an error.... we don't know what happened teehee"
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Part 12
Warnings: nothing, not a damn thing 🤭
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There's a near painful casualness to the joyful way you greet him in the morning.
Standing by his car, arms crossed, his impassive expression seems to lighten when he catches sight of you leaving your apartment.
"Hey Billy!" You say, noting the subtle way his hands flex when he reaches for your door, opening it for you.
He says your name in return, a low sound, that goes straight down to your toes and back up before stopping in your chest.
You smile, thanking him as you duck into the passenger seat of his car, automatically pulling on your seatbelt.
You're vibrating with excitement, maybe too much, the knowledge that he touched himself while watching you gives you a power you didn't know you craved until now.
"I hope your night wasn't too bad." You knowingly tease, watching him swallow as he begins driving.
"It was actually pretty decent," he murmurs, eyes fixed forward, focused on the road, "Though, one of my neighbors gave me quite an eyeful."
You already have your response locked and loaded.
"Oh no," you murmur with false sympathy, "Must have been quite a shock."
"It was."
You hum, nodding your head.
"I guess, that's kind of a consequence of having neighbors." You turn to eye him, "Sometimes you just see things."
He spares you a glance, your expression calm and polite, as if you didn't touch yourself with your curtains open for him to see last night.
"Maybe you're right." He concedes.
"Of course I am."
He smiles.
"How have you two not fucked yet." Dani says, deep in thought.
"I don't knooooow." You whine, flopping onto your couch with a huff.
After thinking for a moment, you speak.
"Maybe he just doesn't like me." Your voice is muffled in the couch but she hears you anyway.
"We're not looking at this the right way." Dani suddenly says, which makes you raise your head curiously.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, when he first offered you the job, didn't you specifically say that you wouldn't take the job if he wanted to fuck you?"
You groan, burying your head back into your couch.
Was this what it had come to? Your own words being thrown back at you?
"Yes." You answer.
"So what if this is just him doing what you asked."
You let out another frustrated sound.
"You're telling me that I'm the reason I'm not getting fucked senseless right now?"
"...Yes?" Dani says, a little chuckle escaping her when she sees you wriggle angrily on the couch.
"What do I doooooo." You fake cry, raising your head to give Dani your best sad face.
She leans forward, a brightness in her eyes, that gets your undivided attention.
"Here are your options, one, turn up the heat, flirt with him, wear prettier clothes, make him notice you. Option two, get him jealous, turn your attention on someone else and then see if he tries harder to keep you close. Lastly," She leans back, steeples her fingers like the mastermind she is, "forget about him and maybe actually move on because there is a possibility that he's just not that into you."
You groan in frustration.
You didn't like any of those options, wearing nicer things meant being noticed by not only Billy, but other people too. Making him jealous implied that you had to be willing to get to know another person, which you were not.
And forgetting about him? Is probably what you should have done from the start.
"Can't I just parade naked in front of my windows for the foreseeable future?" You ask, watching as Dani's focused expression morphs into a grin.
"You could, but I doubt it would get you fucked."
You swallow.
"What makes you say that?"
"Because you would have been fucked by now."
Oh, how you hated when she was right.
"I overslept I'm so sorry." Is what you say to Billy when he sees you, rushing out of your aparment building. You do look slightly disheveled, as if you didn't have time to smooth your look into perfection like you usually do.
He smiles, opening his car door for you as usual, and listening to the breathless way you thank him.
When he gets into the car, he can still hear your overzealous breathing.
"You're alright," he tries to reassure you, "It's okay to be a few minutes late."
"Sorry, I just- I'm sorry if you were waiting long."
"It's okay, no need to apologize." He finishes, turning on his indicator so he can pull out onto the street.
"Do you mind- is it okay if I finish doing my makeup?" You ask, he can hear the worry still laced in your voice.
"Yes, of course," he says, keeping his voice even, trying to soothe you.
You breathe another word of thanks before pulling out your mascara from your bag.
Billy fights the urge to watch, with rapt facination. He finds the idea of it intriguing. He's curious to see your little routine, wonders how much it would differ from his own.
He quietly loves the domesticity of it all, him driving to work while you feel comfortable enough around him to apply your makeup.
At a traffic light, he can't resist turning to look at you.
You glance back, touching up your mascara before closing it.
"What?" You ask, rummaging in your bag for something else.
You're beautiful, he wants to say, with and without makeup.
Out loud he says,
"I'm just fascinated by the process."
You smile at him.
His heart stops when you pull out a tube of red lipstick.
It's not just red, red is an understatement. It's crimson, it's burgundy, it's the colour of spilt blood on fresh snow.
He swallows as you swipe the wand over the pout of your lips.
When someone blares their horn, he turns his head back to the road, driving off when he realises the lights have turned green.
He tries not to look, worries he might get lost in it.
The predator stirs within him, demanding he stop torturing them both.
He takes a shuddering breath.
"Are you okay?"
He's unable to respond, eyes fixed on the road.
The beast thinks about how the shade would look smeared across your mouth.
"Billy?" You say, concern heavy in your voice.
He sighs.
"I'm fine."
He's not.
It's a fast drive to work, and he avoids looking at you the rest of the way there.
When he parks, and you get out, he's already walking away from you, heading in the direction of the basement security booth, directly opposite from the elevators.
"See you this evening." Is all he says, not even sparing you a glance back.
You huff.
An emergency conference meeting puts you in his path once more.
There's an hour till lunch, and Billy tries not to fidget as he waits patiently for you and the rest of his team to show up.
He hears you laughing with someone outside as you draw nearer to the meeting room and his mood sours further.
When he sees you, he almost wants to fucking collapse.
Your mouth draws his attention, the vibrant shade catches his eye, makes his stomach flip.
You smile at him, and he nods evenly in return, looking down at his phone, trying to distract himself from staring at you.
Your mouth is divine, he wants to lean in, press his mouth to yours, feel the desire build inside of him until it has nowhere to go but out. He wants to rub his nose against yours, he wants your lipstick smeared across his cheeks, his jaw, his neck, his chest, his cock-
"Mister Russo?"
He doesn't startle, simply moves his eyes to stare firmly at the man that dared interrupt him from his thoughts of you.
The man in question swallows.
"What do you think?"
He sucks in a deep breath.
Turning to look at you, you meet his gaze head on.
God, that's a lot of fire.
"I'm assuming you can justify your actions?" Billy says to you.
"Of course I can." You say evenly, confident, like you know exactly what you're doing and everyone else is just in the way.
The corner of your lip twitches, you were just playing with everyone in the room, weren't you?
You turn to look at Phil, his IT managing director.
"If I told you what I was going to do, you would have taken action to stop me. Even indirectly, sometimes just the knowledge of a potential security breach would put you on edge, which puts your team on edge. The best attack is one done unexpectedly."
Phil shakes his head.
"You're the person designing the system, you work here, of course you're going to understand how to get around our protocols."
You pause for a moment, looking right at Phil, who, to Billy's credit, doesn't show any outward expression, despite the scent of intimidation rolling off of him.
You're playing with him, and you look so much like a predator in this moment that Billy feels his heart swell.
"It sounds to me, that you're making the assumption that security breaches are only ever going to come from people who lack the skills to beat the system. And while, sure, majority may not have the skill, we need to consider the possibility that one day, someone might."
Phil is unable to form a rebuttal, and after a minute he mutters.
"Someone should at least know when you plan to rip into the same system you design."
You nod, clicking your pen and pulling out your notepad to write something down.
"Noted. I'll send Mr. Russo a heads up."
Phil turns to look at him, and Billy feels the need to placate both parties.
"Not to worry, I understand the systems are still being set up and understood. Hopefully, we come out of this stronger."
He nods at both of you, feels a little bit more proud of what he's building.
"Have a good lunch." Phil bids, before walking out of the conference room.
You reel on him as soon as the door clicks shut, eyes full of passion that it startles him.
"Holy fucking shit Billy I just came up with the best fucking idea."
He stares at your animated form for a second, before he can't contain his humour, tilting his head back and laughing.
"There's no time for laughing, Russo! Get it together- look-" You move across to his side of the table, right into his space and drops your little notepad into the spot in front of him.
He squints, but your passionate handwriting makes zero sense.
"Did you make a note to tell me before you try to break into my system?"
He looks at you, your expression moves from one of excitement to confusion.
"What? No- fuck that- I mean, respectfully, sure I'll warn you but-" You glance down at the notepad, while he continues to just look at you.
"I've been thinking about it for a while, what if someone really good tries to hack the system? Better than me I mean."
Billy is seriously doubting at this point that there is anyone better than you.
"If we make it look like it's reasonably difficult, someone trying to get access won't question it. Someone smarter, will just think that we lack the brain power for a sophisticated system."
His eyes draw to your mouth, he's trying hard to focus but some of his essential blood supply is currently making his cock swell.
"So you're suggesting, we offer a fake room full of information to hide the real room?"
"Yesssss," You hiss happily, looking down before tapping your pen to your mouth.
The universe has no mercy for him, he watches the pen smudge your lipstick.
It's beyond him, he can't stop himself, his hands reach up to cup either side of your face.
You make a little sound of surprise, being distracted from your complicated thought processes, suddenly focused on him.
Your eyes are wide, and fixed right on him. He takes pleasure in that, wants your focus on him, and him alone.
His hands are warm, as usual, holding your face gently as he looks at you.
Was this it? Was he going to kiss you?
He sighs, takes a step closer so that your bodies are right against each others.
Your stomach flips, you almost want to beg.
"This colour is beautiful on you." He murmurs finally, his thumb reaching out to swipe gently at the edge of your bottom lip.
Your breath catches, you think about taking his thumb into your mouth.
Your brain stalls as you stare at him.
He tilts his head, smiles, deep in thought.
"What do we say?"
"When someone gives a compliment, what do we say?"
"Th- thank you." You stutter out.
Ever patient, he nods.
"Good girl."
Your mouth parts in shock.
He pulls his hands away, taking a step back.
"Enjoy your lunch." He bids, before leaving you alone in the conference room with parted lips and damp underwear.
You lie in bed, staring up at the ceiling, fingers curled around your necklace, deep in thought.
You wonder who the panther is, wondering if you knew them at all.
You try to turn it over in your head but there's too many things you don't know, and not enough information.
You don't even know where to start looking for this information, searches online giving no real help beyond the realm of fantasy.
But this wasn't fantasy anymore, shapeshifters were real, a fact.
It made the world that much more dangerous.
Or maybe not, considering that most of your troubles had come from human roots anyway.
You sigh, rolling over, and sucking in a deep breath when you come face to face with the panther.
You raise your head, looking around.
Had you fallen asleep?
The panther hums to get your attention, leaning in until the top of his head brushes your cheek.
"Hey kitty." You greet softly, hearing the rough purring start up as the panther settles its body next to yours.
You sigh softly, pressing your face into his fur, giving his ear a little kiss, and feeling it flick gently.
His tail smacks against your knee as it waves in a haphazard direction.
You smile, tossing an arm over his back, sighing in bliss when you can almost feel the softness of his fur like he's really here with you.
You lay like that for a bit, on your side, curled against the panther when suddenly a human hand reaches for you.
It grips your jaw, turns your head up and away from the panther.
Billy, with warm fingers and a gentle smile, doesn't hesitate to lay his mouth across yours.
You groan, pressing your head up and firmer against his mouth, desperate for a taste of him.
He pulls back for a moment, before giving you another quick kiss and he's gone, leaving you tucked against the panther for the rest of the night.
You wake up in the morning, curled around a pile of your pillows, disoriented, looking around for your panther before the realisation hits you, that you'd only been dreaming.
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brokenstar28 · 4 months
Internet Problems
(This is the original post: https://www.tumblr.com/arrowheadedbitch/742714859144232960/i-just-did-this-while-looking-at-the-time-on-my?source=share)
Tim (at 3AM): I am so pissed off right now, my internet disconnected because my computer "is on the wrong time" it isn't and i can't fucking figure out what the FUCK is going wrong?
Babs: Does your internet perhaps think it's in the wrong time zone?
Tim: my computer is in the proper timezone and my internet is a schoolwide internet that my computer has completely disconnected from for the time being and EVERY TIME I TRY TO RECONNECT IT SAYS MY FUCKING CLOCK IS WRONG!
Babs: Check your firewall? You might be blocking it.
Babs: Sorry, I'd try to help more but I'm exhausted. Hope you can figure it out though.
: 😭😭😭
Tim: I don't know but it's too late at night to call IT, also I checked my computer against my phone time and it seems to be off by THREE FUCKING SECONDS HOWW?
Bruce: It could be a problem with settings, either that or it's having a problem connecting to whatever resets the time. You could try shutting it down again, or check settings and see if anything isn't connecting like it should be.
Tim: I'm going to kill someone.
Bruce:  I am sorry, if it's any consolation my WiFi says it's at full bars but it's taking like 3 minutes to load things.
Tim: I restarted the computer twice and played with the timezone 4 times!!!! What the fuck am I supposed to doooooo?
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