#i don't know how amusement park ride design works
egg-emperor · 10 months
Thoughts on the idea of eggman doing horribly vile shit but still wanting to be seen as in the right for it, like “oh I’m not making them slaves it’s protective robot skin haha”
Feel like it could be an interesting twist on his char, kinda got some of those vibes from the park in colors, the full corporate speak and like, trying to make this obviously evil plan look not evil, feel like there’s a lot to be done there
I love love looove it, that's what I was expressing a desire to share more concepts of just the other day. I have some I've been meaning to share but my favorite part is when he finally drops the act and shows his true colors and mocks them for it like a cold hearted bastard so I focus on that most lol. I do wanna delve into the build up more though.
He has indeed done it in various official media already like X, Archie, games, and promo material and I absolutely loved every instance of it. But since I'm a game canon guy primarily I'm just gonna focus on that for this reply, though in the future I'm probably going to share what I liked about the cases even outside them because I appreciate it in many places.
I love how one of the things about how he likes to take things that are generally considered childish like toys, theme parks, carnivals, circuses, etc and has his own twisted fucked up spin on it is how it can also be used to lure people in with the bright colors and usually perceived innocence of it. The times Eggman has played into it is interesting.
With Eggmanland in Unleashed, he was upfront about the hell on earth that it was to Sonic because he knew he wouldn't have believed his trickery, plus he takes pride in the fact. He enjoyed teasing him with the "If you have any complaints, come deliver them to me in person. If you can, that is!" to emphasize that it was the theme park of horror >:)
Plus the atmosphere was a lot darker so despite the neon colors, it probably wouldn't have fooled anyone Sonic or not. But he still had the Eggshop be a thing where horrible sawdust and motor oil tasting food was sold to make it horrible and unpleasant for his sadistic amusement, so maybe he would've hoped to trick people regardless?
We don't get to know for sure there but in Colors he wants lots of visitors and he really had to do some immense trickery make sure it seemed innocent and appealing enough to get them to use a space elevator to travel all the way up there lol. It's a lot more colorful and fun looking than the more dark and polluted looking Eggmanland from afar.
So for the Interstellar Park, the trickery is both in its design and his words with how he pretended it was a happy wonderland of fun with nothing to do with any evil plot or premeditated misdeeds. What I love is how once you've gotten all the way up there in space, you're fucked. You'll get messed up and killed one way or another.
In his PAs when you're actually inside, the act is dropped quick. He lies about some of it being safer than it looks but for the most part? All his lines are brutally honest about how messed up it really is, with the Wisps he harmed, blatantly acknowledges the dangers of the rides and planets, and how they can cause death, horror, and fear.
I love how sadistic he is in the PAs and his morbid humor that reveals how truly sick he is and that this park was created for anything but pure innocent reasons. He intended for the rides to be deadly and food to be bad and finds it very amusing. He probably loves the idea of these tricked people coming in and quickly becoming horrified and afraid.
But it still looks so colorful and fun from afar! It's so beautiful and with the joys he promises, how could you not want to go? So while it works to lure people in, it can also give its true horrors even more impact when visitors expect something nice but the dangerous disturbing and terrifying reality is revealed and I'm sure that's very appealing to him too.
So you get this funny combination of him both trying to deceive you but then quickly becoming brutally honest as soon as you're successfully trapped in it. This is exactly what happened in the SPINGEAR ride too, where he was immediately like "haha sike you're actually in for a terrible time!" as soon as the ride began and was loving it.
But I think the idea of him playing the long game with his trickery and deceit is interesting too. We've mostly only seen cases where it's a lot quicker like that but he's set up well for him to do an elaborate scheme of dragging it out for longer and the impact would hit extra hard after all that time too, which he'd definitely enjoy and mock after.
The Eggman Empire propaganda Sonic Forces promo video was cool because Eggman was trying to convince people the world being a dark polluted hellscape is actually a good thing, which reflects his twisted idea of a "perfect" world shaped his image, where he has the power of the control and the sadistic enjoyment of the harsh conditions.
Then because people obviously need the clean air to live, he tries to trick them into thinking robotomy is a wonderful helpful treatment for it. That never needing to eat, sleep, or think again is a good thing and that they'll love it. When really it's a trick to get them to submit to him, have control over them and strip them of their freedom and free will.
But there's an eerie glimpse at how he really knows none of this right with how he says love is mandatory. Once he's tricked them and they've submitted and given up their freedom and will, he can use them as he pleases and keep them controlled and brainwashed but if they do realize how fucked up it is there's no going back, they're trapped in it now.
I'd really like to see more of that, where he tries to tell people the vile things he does are genuinely great, for their own good, are nice and selfless of him and genuinely beneficial for them. Where he manages to manipulate so well to the point of mass delusion and brainwashing with people that follow him believing he's doing something the right thing.
It's good to be a mindless slave under his control, never having to think for yourself again! Trapping living beings in robots improves upon nature and is better and more beneficial than natural! The deadly attractions are what real fun and excitement really is! The brutal sadistic punishments if they fall out of line is for their own good! There's no meaning to life if it isn't to serve him and the world is better under his control!
And the idea of people actually believing that in the Sonic universe and following him is interesting to think about. Even though it bothers me when people do it in real life and believe his lies and think he actually has good intentions but I mean hey, they give me an example of what it'd be like at least. Eggman really is a good actor, props to him! XD
I have a few ideas I'd like to share in the future. Showing love, care, and false acts of kindness to trick and manipulate, or not even hiding his vile actions but managing to convince people it's good or that the end justifies the means, and have them falling for it and he sees how far he can take it makes it especially impactful and devastating.
Delusion, deceit, manipulation, and gaslighting in general is very fascinating to me after years of experiencing it and I've always wanted to understand it from the perpetrator's perspective and portray it as dark and disturbing as it really is. It's always been interesting for me to explore in Eggman too, from when he's manipulating specific characters to the masses. I've actually been researching big cases of mass delusion in history again lately so this is timely.
Pulling people into the empire with the lie that it's something great that will benefit everyone but their leader has much darker intentions and the true final outcome will benefit only himself, but he strings them along on a lie, brainwashes them, and has control though mind games and trickery is fascinating and thrillingly devious.
Then slowly or abruptly realizing it's a lie and the impact when it all comes crashing down and Eggman spits and laughs in their face and mocks them for having a heart and wanting to see good in him/believing and having hope in good coming from it. It emphasizes his coldness and cruelty and how much of a threat he is even to the mind.
And if that happens he'll try to shut down their doubts and lie more to keep them deluded because he knows just what they want to hear and promises them they'll get it. So if they don't believe it's right, the ends justify the means. And if that doesn't work, he'll threaten them to keep them in so they can't leave, or have them dealt with.
But he's so good at taking advantage of people's vulnerabilities, saying what they want to hear, and embedding lies so deeply into their minds to warp reality into what he wants them to believe that sometimes they may be too far gone and never see the truth. And he takes it to the darkest places, using them all up and harming them and they die in vain.
Every outcome has the potential to be very fascinating, entertaining, and impactful!
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desertleviathan · 7 months
I'm having entirely too much fun designing a fake amusement park for a Changeling: the Dreaming campaign that I'll probably never get to run.
The rough idea is that in the window between Disneyland opening in California and Disneyworld in Florida, a couple of brothers with big dreams for the future of amusement parks tried to do their own thing in the Palm Beach County area (where I grew up, so I'm more familiar with the map), but the only people they could get to fund it were a Texas oil tycoon, and his wife who had ambitions in the burgeoning televangelist business, and those two insisted that the park have a Bible theme.
As usual, a giant wall of text after the cut.
It got built on a parcel of dredged out swampland, saw a trickle of interest, and eventually got shut down due to some tragic accidents (possibly caused by sabotage). There was definitely some kind of power struggle between the creators, the owners, the staff, and some outside forces. So now it's the mid 90's and this place has been sitting there for over 20 years getting reclaimed by the swamp, only getting visited by teenagers to leave graffiti and battered by the occasional hurricane. But the Changeling folk of the region know that something sinister is going on out there, because particularly weird and dangerous Chimera keep emerging from that part of the Everglades, and after a brief initial investigation they'll narrow down the search for the source to somewhere inside the park grounds.
As someone with complicated feelings about his own Christian upbringing, I'm trying to thread the needle here on making this place feel in poor taste but also feel like you could imagine why someone would have thought it was an appropriate devotional act, through a lens of too much money and too little sense. I don't want it to just be seething, caustic parody. That's too easy. I want it to look and feel like you can imagine someone building this and saying "This is good. We're doing the LORD's work here," without them being a complete foaming-at-the-mouth strawman.
Current planned attractions (names are placeholders):
THE BEGINNING: A roller coaster with a bunch of Creation of the World decorations. The most popular ride back when it was open, because the Bible elements were the least intrusive.
THE GARDEN: An Eden-themed food court area, overlooking a small zoo. The valuable animals were sold ages ago, but that doesn't stop rumors of an escaped tiger still alive in the swamp.
THE FLOOD: A riverboat ride that was built on the other side of the zoo so that Eden's animals could also be the Ark's animals.
THE TOWER: An incomplete attraction used as a storage silo, because someone was clever enough to say "Hey maybe... maybe we shouldn't re-build the Tower of Babel? How about we don't do that" once all the disasters started happening and people started getting superstitious about this place.
THE NATIVITY: A train ride that allegedly charts the course of the Wise Men on their search for the infant Christ, but it also includes a bunch of Western Christmas/Winter Festival crap that would have been totally out of place in Bethlehem.
THE CULMINATION: A "dark ride" that's the Big Money item in the park, full of top of the line animatronics (circa 1966) recreating events from the Last Supper up to the Resurrection. Log Flume style, because the worst thing I could think of was having the customary huge drop where your picture is taken while you're descending so they can sell you a souvenir photo, and placing it right after the scene at Golgotha. You know the one.
THE FABLES: So let's say you're a parent and you figure that your pre-schooler is probably not ready to see glitchy animatronics recreate the Crucifixion. Congratulations, you're officially Not The Worst Parent Ever! This part of the park is basically a big playground for little little kids, themed with explicitly Christian interpretations of Aesop's Fables. Big emphasis on the Fable of the Grasshopper and the Ants (with a whole cast of different ants with one personality trait each), who also roam the park as costumed mascots.
THE KINGDOM: The central structure in the park is a big white castle in terrible disrepair. It used to house a bunch of shops and an information kiosk, a luxury restaurant, and park offices upstairs. I may lift the floorplan for Cinderella's castle more or less exactly. This place was built in explicit response to Disneyland, after all. There is also a carousel in this area featuring biblically accurate angels, that is probably the most haunted thing in this whole place.
THE END: Another dark ride, this one themed around the Book of Revelation, and all the wildly apocryphal notions of the Rapture that have proliferated in the Evangelical world. The one ride that was intended to be a haunting nightmare vision, but comes across as kitschy and silly instead.
THE FRONTIER: The Texas oil tycoon who funded the whole thing insisted that there be an Old West Town. And then his wife insisted that it still be a Christian Old West Town, about how America is the New Chosen Land and the conquest of the continent was Ordained by God. I'm still figuring out the details. Treatment of indigenous people would be at best a token mention of benevolent missionaries bringing them into the fold, and ignore all the genocide.
THE LEGACY: A walking trail with dioramas about the journeys of Paul of Tarsus. If I cast aside my goal of presenting something authentic to the cultures and time period involved and decide to editorialize instead, it will probably be here. I have opinions about the writings of Paul, and the legitimacy thereof.
THE HEROES: A Hall-of-Presidents style animatronic theater experience featuring various prophets, apostles, and other notable figures giving brief summaries of their experience. Near the entrance, the most heavily vandalized structure in the park.
So this place would have been enough of a mindfuck when it was active, but now it's had a couple decades of getting battered by the elements and vandalized by local kids, and it's just a horrific mess. And the Changeling game would be about investigating the nightmare spirits emerging from the place, but also investigating the origins of the park in the nearby city, finding and interviewing people who were involved in its creation, hunting for blueprints in city archives to find secret passages/access tunnels that bypass some of the ruined bits, and trying to penetrate to whatever inner sanctum is churning out all these Nightmare Spirits.
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verfound · 8 months
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 5: Circus (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
I don't like circuses either, Mari. It's cool.
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3.
To Feel Alive Again: Day 5: Circus
“…you’ve never been to the circus?” Luka asked, looking up from his crepe with surprise.  Marinette shrugged, her crepe mostly forgotten in her hands (and mostly uneaten).  She was watching the colorful statues on the carousel spin around, bobbing up and down on their poles as kids laughed from their backs.
“I helped my parents in the bakery a lot,” she said.  “Or I was busy with…I was always so busy, Luka.  School.  Student council.  Helping out friends.  Designing.  I did a lot of charity work, too.  There was just…never time.”
“You never had time for fun?” he asked, popping the last of his crepe in his mouth.  He glanced at hers, and when it became obvious she wasn’t going to finish it he snatched it and took a bite.  She gave him a look, though whether it was for stealing her snack or what he’d said he wasn’t sure.  “Never let yourself just relax and let loose?”
“I had plenty of fun,” she huffed, folding her arms and slouching forward.  “Just never at the circus.  I don’t know what the big deal about them was, anyway.  Clowns are freaky.”
“Don’t tell Fred that,” Luka laughed.  Marinette glanced at him and noticed he had a smudge of crème pat stuck to the corner of his mouth.  “He used to work…”
His voice trailed off as she reached over, wiped the crème off, and popped her finger in her mouth.  She hummed, her eyes drifting back to the carousel as a mother shouted for Laurent Clements to get back here, right now, I mean it mister!  She sighed and stood, intercepting the young boy making a break for it and turning him back towards his mother.  He looked up at her as her hand slipped off his shoulder, seamlessly popping his soul, and she gave him a kind smile.
“Be careful, kiddo,” she said.  “Don’t run too far from your maman, ok?”
He gave her a weird look but nodded before running back to the carousel.  Luka was still staring at her as she sat back on the bench, slumping back as she stuffed her hands in her pockets.  She watched as Laurent took something from a friend and popped it in his mouth before getting dragged onto the ride, laughing all the while.
“Ok,” she said, nodding as the boy started choking shortly into their ride and fell off his horse, cracking his head against the airplane his friend was in before falling lifeless to the ground.  His soul appeared next to Marinette seconds later.  It took all of a second for him to stop gawking at his dead body and start cheering about how that was totally awesome and can I go again?  Marinette smiled and pointed towards his lights, which looked like a giant amusement park to her.  He gave a whoop and ran off into them excitedly, running right through his screaming mother without a second thought.
…Marinette thought that should make her feel…something.  She wondered at how she just felt relieved the kid was still happy.
“Marinette?” Luka asked, his hand suddenly on her knee and squeezing.  She looked up at him with a smile that felt easier than it would have a few months ago.
“You should take me to the circus sometime,” she said.  “Show me all this fun I was missing out on, Luka.”
He blinked at her for a moment, and then he laughed, and that laugh…oh, she liked that laugh.  He nodded, still chuckling as he stood and offered her his hand.
“Ok,” he said.  “I’ll see what I can do.  Maybe Mendeleiev can arrange a joint reap the next time it’s in town.”
“…that’s work, Luka,” Marinette said, falling into step beside him.  She nudged his side with her elbow, grinning.  “You promised me fun.  Work is not fun.”
“…no, I suppose it’s not,” he chuckled, slipping his hands into his own pockets and smiling at the street ahead of them.  “But killing clowns could be.”
“…Luka!” she gasped, her eyes widening, and he grinned at her.
“Ok, I’ll take you to the circus,” he said, stopping when they reached an intersection.  “No work.  Just us.”
“Good,” she said, bouncing a little when she stopped beside him.  “It’s a date.”
When the light changed and she crossed the street, she didn’t notice that he had frozen, staring after her, until she was on the other side.
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lingy910y · 11 months
Tag Game Tuesday
tagged by @energievie, @lupeloto, @softmick, & @deedala ty! (although my notifs are wonky for this one, which i'm mad abt) name: ling
age: sixteen
pronouns: she/her
tell me about one of your hobbies: i just draw/write, but i've been picking up more editing lately. maybe graphic design IS my passion
what languages do you speak? english, mandarin
one of your comfort movies: oh god if we keep asking this question i'm gonna run out LMAO i'll say My Cousin Vinny, which i've watched so many times thx to law class
do you have any kids? do you want any? no. this could change in the future but for now, no. i can't even take care of those pets in mobile simulator games
cold weather or hot weather? i dislike both but probably hot weather bc it makes me happier :)
you're at an amusement park. what ride are you going on first? teacups? i start from the bottom up and then train myself to not be scared of rollercoasters so i can go on them right before i leave XD
what's your go-to hairstyle/how do you wear your hair most days? a low ponytail. i recently cut my own hair and it didn't turn out bad but not great either, so now i need clips too. but my hair is also not so overwhelming now so if i'm not working i can put it down
who was your top artist in your spotify wrapped/apple music replay in 2022? taylor swift
you’ve just been handed $1000 but you have to spend it on clothes. where are you shopping? i don't know anything abt fashion, but banana republic. i'll end up with only 10 items before i run out of money tho 😐
wireless or corded headphones? if they're both headphones, aren't they the same except one you can actually take with you? so wireless. but if you're talking abt airpods vs earbuds then earbuds. both of them hurt my ears but airpods are worse
finally, tell me something that sparks joy: i'm on summer break rn so everything is boring but at least i'm free
tagging @michellemisfit, @mmmichyyy, @heymrspatel, @too-schoolforcool, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @tanktopgallavich, @vintagelacerosette, @juliakayyy ✌️
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buryymeinblack · 1 year
For someone that has never ever been on a roller coaster due to fears and anxiety, do you know of any types of roller coasters that might be good for someone that's never gone and/or do you have any interesting safety facts about roller coasters?
thank you for your time and consideration I hope the question is not too big :)
Omg yes!!!! Thank you for asking!!!!!! I will always always talk about roller coasters when asked!! I love talking about them lol thank you for the opportunity to!
Starting with the Safety Rant!!! My obsession with roller coasters actually stems from my obsession with Tragic Freak Disasters. A few years ago, I started researching roller coaster accidents and why they happened. I ran out of accidents to learn about. I ran out because they're so few and far between. So I started learning about why they don't happen often! I used to be so scared of roller coasters, because I'm a very anxious and paranoid person. After taking a deep dive into how they work and why accidents happen, I realized I genuinely had nothing to be scared of.
A lot of roller coaster accidents in media are highly exaggerated — for example, out of all the roller coasters on the planet, only ONE has ever gotten stuck upside down on a loop. And the infamous Final Destination scene has been TORN INTO by roller coaster enthusiasts & engineers (I highly suggest watching any video that dismantles why that scene is ridiculous!). You've probably seen a lot of media telling you that roller coasters are dangerous and risky, when that isn't the case in the slightest!
Roller coasters seem more dangerous than they are because the few accidents are so highly publicized. When people are scared of something, they'll feel validated when something confirms they were right to avoid it. So journalists dramatize the shit out of the very few accidents that happen. In reality, they are the safest way to have fun. They're inspected thoroughly daily, and even more thoroughly weekly. You're statistically more likely to get hurt on the drive to the amusement park. You're statistically more likely to get struck by lightning standing in line! Ask any roller coaster designer or operator or maintenance person, and they'll tell you there are literally failsafes for the failsafes. I think they call it layers of redundancy because nothing is likely to go wrong in the first place lol.
Even if it's just about the roller coaster looking scary, and not about how they're generally viewed as dangerous, learning how they work will be an incredible help. Like, knowing that the lap bar is actually supposed to make you feel like you're gonna fly out will make airtime feel a lot less scary. Knowing how block zones work will eliminate any fear of crashing into something on the track. I suggest Coaster Bot on youtube for this type of thing!
TLDR for the safety part: Roller coasters get a bad rap because they're scary-looking, kind of like snakes and spiders. Learning about the dangers of them will miraculously make them seem less scary. You'll quickly find that accidents are super super rare, and that you're perfectly safe from the moment you're strapped in to the moment you step off the ride.
As for which roller coasters are the best for first-timers – I'd look at the amusement park's map to see what the smallest one is! Not a kiddie coaster, but a tamer Big Boy Coaster. Most places with roller coasters have some kind of thrill rating next to every ride on the map, and you could start with the smallest/least intense one. Then go for the second smallest, and so on! Wooden coasters tend to have much tamer layouts, but they're more rough and jerky. Steel coasters are much smoother, but their layouts can be a bit more intense or go upside down. Wooden vs. steel just depends on what you think sounds less scary.
I'd also recommend doing a launched coaster first (if your park has one)!! You can't get super scared on the way up to the first drop if you don't have the time to get scared. It's IMMEDIATE fun without the pants-shitting anticipation of the lift hill's click-click-click. Just try not to look at the other launches before you get on!!!
or, if you immediately want to get over any fears you may have... ride the biggest one first. Just spot the biggest one in the park and make a beeline for it. Don't even let yourself think about it. starting small works, but it makes every new coaster scarier than the last — if you ride the biggest one first, none of the other ones will be NEARLY as scary! It takes a lot of balls but it's worth it!!!!
No matter which route you take, just make sure to remind yourself: these are specially designed to be scary, but they're also specially designed to be FUN. The worst thing that can happen to you is nausea afterwards, and even then, it goes away after sitting down for a while!
I also suggest taking friends with you that'll peer pressure you into riding something lol. All I needed to get over my caveman brain anxiety was a little bit of bullying! It really does help.
TLDR for the First Coaster: Anything that doesn't look too intimidating! And if they all look too intimidating, go for one where you don't have the time to psych yourself out of it. Or just ride the biggest one and stop being scared forever! Just keep reminding yourself that they are fun, they're designed to be fun, and that you will have fun!!!
Sorry if I went on for too long or if I come off as Insane Fucking Crazy! I'm very passionate about roller coasters and emphasizing how safe and fun they are. Good luck, and have fun!!! Drink a lot of water and bring something to put your loose belongings in!!
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jet-bradley · 9 months
going to share here what's probably my most controversial theme park opinion and by that i mean "i've been blocked by people over this before" but. thoosies need to stop using GP as an insult not just because that's inane, but because there is no meaningful difference between a coaster enthusiast and another theme park guest. you're both members of the general public.
like, the interests of a theme park guest who isn't a ride enthusiast are not actually that fundamentally different than the interests of guests who are. ride enthusiasts like to frame themselves like because they know a lot about theme parks, ride systems, etc, and maybe they prefer more thrilling rides, that they're fundamentally a different type of guest than every other guest in a theme park. but that's just... incorrect for a lot of reasons?
like if your argument is that a coaster enthusiast is going to prioritize thrill coasters over other rides at the park, that's fine and it makes sense for some things, like, famously, the defunctland queue line video's analysis of wait times. but i don't think the venn diagram between "people who will prioritize thrilling rides over doing anything else in the park" and "coaster enthusiast" is as circular as ride enthusiasts think it is. growing up i definitely didn't consider myself a thrill ride enthusiast but i still prioritized thrill coasters visiting theme parks. working at thrill rides i'd say most of the guests i meet there fall into this category. they don't really identify as ride enthusiasts but they wait in line for big rides because other rides aren't fun for them at all.
there also are plenty of coaster enthusiasts who can't really handle high G forces like you'd expect, and have to take dramamine/etc just to ride anything, but they're still enthusiasts because they like the design. the fact that there are people who call themselves ride enthusiasts while refusing to ride anything at a non-disney park should be evidence enough that coaster enthusiasts aren't the monolith people think they are.
but i think the real root of this belief is--and this is the worrying part for me as an ex-op, and an engineering student with connections working in the A&A industry--that these people genuinely believe that the act of trying to learn a lot about rides makes you on a level similar to an industry insider. which is absolutely batshit to me. and this manifests itself in a lot of ways. even the regulars at my theme park that i liked working with the most, ended up crossing a lot of work-life barriers with ride operators that made ops uncomfortable. sometimes they would expect us to tell them insider knowledge about the parks that we couldn't tell anyone, just because they were regulars.
a more concerning facet of this is how many regulars will go out of their way to like, FOLLOW RIDE OPS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. some RO's love this and love the clout they get from working at a theme park, but when you work at a minor-to-medium size park, guests finding and following you on your socials can be terrifying. one of my friends had a regular message him about something random on his story that the guest took as an innocent question, but the answer to that question had identifying information that a customer just shouldn't know about an employee at a place they happen to visit a lot.
(side note: instagram in particular is really annoying about this! ops follow each other, so a guest who only follows the ops whose pages are About Being Ride Ops, will ultimately be recommended pages by ops who aren't open about it on their profiles. the app will recommend you to follow friends of friends and if you go to the park enough, you can definitely pick out ops just from their profile photos... it's super freaky! especially since my park employs minors in rides!)
and honestly? it also applies to the mess that happened at iaapa expo last year, where specific ride enthusiasts/channels that cater to them started harassing AMUSEMENT RIDE CONTRACTORS. because these people dont understand exactly how removed the average theme park guest is from any decision being made at the DESIGN LEVEL of amusement rides. im gonna level with you, that's a problem - it's how you get NEW COASTERS that aren't accomodating for larger guests (hi velocicoaster!) but like, fundamentally, paying money to attend a HUGE conference for industry insiders and trying to argue with people on camera isn't "putting pressure on them" in the way that you think it is. these companies are completely divorced from the reality of the people they build rides for. i'm a huge fan of b&m coasters, but like, they haven't even built a single ride in their own country. if you knew jack shit about the industry you'd know it's gonna take more than like, yelling at some sales reps about the problem to fix anything.
and even then, they weren't even mad about anything that's current inside the industry, or even real problems like the ones i mentioned above! they were just upset because they didnt like some companies' coasters very much. what's the fucking point?
tl;dr the only effective difference between a coaster/ride enthusiast and the rest of the GP is what exactly they were more likely to verbally abuse me for back when i worked as a ride op. the ONLY other difference i can think of is general entitlement, but plenty of other subsets of guests are entitled (such as first-time parents of small children).
also if you've never worked anywhere in the industry and you're insulted by the idea of being GP, dont try to argue with me lol.
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cimeret · 1 year
So, I'm a die-hard Cyan fan. Myst has been very influential to me as a child and kinda defined my whole idea of what a good game should be able to achieve in terms of immersion and atmosphere. I've been hyped for Firmament ever since I heard Rand say the words "callbacks to Myst" and "steampunk magic vibe" and "cool machinery". But now that I've spent a sleepless weekend playing the game, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Because the Cyan fan in me really, really wants to love this game and there's so much good stuff, but some of the decisions in gameplay and storytelling don't work for me and I just know Cyan can do better.
Spoilers for the game under the cut. Also, this post is going be image-heavy because, yeah, it's a Cyan game.
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And first of all, YES, there's no absolutely doubt that this game was made by Cyan. Everything feels very Cyan. They just know how to build worlds. Beautiful abandoned places that fill you with a sense of melancholy and nostalgia and spark your imagination. Even on my old potato laptop with abysmal frame rates, I felt like I WAS in the world of Firmament. Sometimes I just stood there and looked around, enjoying the view. All buildings and machines are designed in Cyan's typical style between slightly fantastic and nitty-gritty steampunk realism, and fit seamlessly into the beautiful nature. For the architecture, this time they've opted for a heavily Art Decor inspired style. It makes everything seem very epic and grand, but also a bit austere, and goes very well with the many old and deserted factories we explore in the game. Where Obduction had worlds that felt like a small, close-knit community where people used literal junk to craft their homes and environments, in Firmament everything feels monumental and larger-than-life. The giant arches that span the skies of the worlds are visible from almost everywhere. You handle huge blocks of ice, dump tons of red acid into the sea (yuck), and raise large towers from the ground and open them. This feels like the stuff the D'ni might have constructed at the height of their power. And all of that fits right in with the theme and backstory of Firmament, that megalomaniac multi-generational plan to set off for a new world.
Much of what you would expect from a Cyan game is there. Three very different, atmospheric worlds + a smaller hub world. Epic maglev rides. Turn-on-the-power puzzles. A great visionary tale of hubris and enslavement. An underwater area that is the reincarnation of the selentic maze puzzle. Yeah, even the last one made me roll my eyes in fondness.
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(The way the frozen waterfall reflects in the ice ... so gorgeous ...)
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(You know it‘s a Cyan game if a puzzle looks like a something out of an amusement park)
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(Look at the pretty! I was blown away by the beauty of the whole conservatory area. Just wanted to grab my things and move in.)
The great sound design also does so much to immerse you in the worlds. Headphones recommended! The crunching of ice, the singing of birds, the hissing when you open doors, the grinding of machine parts — I'm quite an auditory person and a big part of the charm of the Myst series for me were the very realistic noises when you turn rusty valves or some heavy door closes and locks behind you. The soundtrack itself left me a bit disappointed. It's mostly ambient and rather unobtrusive, creating a suitable atmosphere, but there were few pieces that stood out for me. One can certainly argue that this should be the point of an immersive soundtrack. Personally, I prefer Robyn Miller's haunting, simple melodies. Still, there were a few songs that I liked, such as Batteries Casting Shadows or Power Station.
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(The most beautiful chill disco)
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(Firmament also has its own "linking books". Never change, Cyan. <3)
The puzzles were integrated well into the environment. I found them all quite easy. For the most part, I figured out what I needed to do fairly quickly, and it was just a matter of getting it done.  A lot of the puzzles dealt with finding your way through an area and navigating the space, so they were puzzles that challenged spatial intelligence. And I love that kind of stuff so I was never really bored, but still a little more variety would have been nice. I would have liked to see some puzzles where you have to take notes or collect clues at different locations in the worlds.
The best puzzles were the ones where you had to learn how to first power and then operate huge machines that required multiple steps. Those kind of puzzles are a staple of Cyan games and always a lot of fun. My favorite puzzle in that regard was the sulfur processing factory. Just staring at the schematics of the huge mixer and the pipelines and figuring out what to do, then moving machinery parts and twiddling with them until it finally clicked — easily the best part of the gameplay for me. I just wish we could have had a bit more of this.
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(That whole area gave me so many flashback to the original Myst .)
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(YES just give me some huge, unnecessarily complicated, creaking machinery I can rotate and break!)
All the interaction happened via the adjunct only, so you just searched for sockets and operated them. In fact, everything was operated via the adjunct: doors, elevators, the maglevs, everything. And while handling the adjunct itself was very intuitive and the gameplay felt engaging and satisfactory, it did feel a bit monotonous in the long run. I miss my levers and buttons and valves. Interacting only via a blue glowing string that connects to the same socket model all the time made me feel very detached from the environment. As a direct consequence of the adjunct-focused gameplay, there were also no items outside of puzzles to interact with (aside from the few lore documents). No small, seemingly pointless toys that secretly taught you the mechanics of a larger puzzle. No drawers that you could pull open. I remember the creepy little projector in Achenar's room in Myst where a rose turned into a skull. All of this helped so much to make the worlds feel alive but there wasn't anything like this in Firmament. The decision for the adjunct was probably influenced a lot by the fact that the game is designed for VR, I get that. But when I look at the old kickstarter vids for Firmament where the little floating device is combined with "manual" actions like pulling a lever or pushing a button, I can't help but think the gameplay could have could have been more diverse and still applicable for VR.
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(I loved taking a bath in sulfuric acid. But even the suit mechanic was getting a bit repetitive by the second time ...)
Speaking of worlds that feel alive ... here, too, I would have liked to see a bit more scenic storytelling to support the plot, which is largely carried by the monologues of the mentor. This is definitely something I know Cyan do better! The worlds they design are always very special in that they are deserted and contain hardly any NPCs, but at the same time so much life and story is conveyed through the setting. And I'm not just talking about the countless journals Myst is infamous for. The characters in Obduction, for example, had personalities — C.W., Caroline Farley, Mayor Josef, they felt real. Walking into the classroom in Riven, or Gehn's temple, you learned so much about him and how he presented himself. You slowly put together a picture of what had happened, of who these people were and who you could trust. And Firmament also makes some promising approaches in this direction. The constant unsettling brainwashing of the Keepers on the one hand. But on the other hand, everything we see presents a picture of a small community that lived very much in peace and simple happiness. There are things that don't add up, vaguely foreshadowing the twist at the end. All of those little bits and pieces are really great and inspire so much intrigue and mystery.
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(Totally normal to have all those banners and doctrines on the walls of your workplace. Not creepy at all.)
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(Who were those people? Wish we could've get to know them more ...)
But ultimately, at some point, the mentor decides to just tell you the truth and that's it. Most of the plot is covered in fifteen minutes of gameplay at the very end, through her monologues and the newspaper clippings and documents in the spaceship's control room. But at this point the game is already over, because there are no more puzzles to solve, no more decisions to make. The ending plays out like a visual novel. A beautiful one, no doubt — I loved the resolution and the kinda open, but hopeful ending. But I still I think the game would have worked better if Cyan hadn't been so bent on the spectacular effect of that plot twist at the very end. During the game I had already considered whether the mentor would turn out to be Turner, or maybe me? I was coming up with theories on where Turner really came from, and what he did to those people. And what the real purpose of this cycle of Sleeping and Awakening might be. I don't know, I think it would have been so much more exciting to discover clues for theories while exploring the worlds (via lore documents and setting), and not just through the mentor's monologues. The big twist at the end would have been less surprising, but I think the plot would have unfolded more organically and it would have felt more rewarding to come up with the truth on your own.
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I am definitely going to replay the game (after buying a new laptop) and I'm curious to see if it changes my opinion. I've heard that Firmament runs very buggy for a lot of people and apparently, VR is broken. I'm not going to talk about bugs, because yes, while the game crashed numerous times during my playthrough and some parts played really janky, I'm not sure how much of that was due to my hopelessly outdated hardware. But all these things — buggy gameplay (I wonder how much playtesting was done?), poor VR implementation, a story that feels a bit lackluster in its presentation, lack of all those little loving details in the scenery that I usually appreciate Cyan for — all of it feels like some things were rushed during the development of this game. It might have needed just another round of polishing.
The basis for another Cyan classic is definitely there, but I'm afraid Firmament won't leave the same long-lasting impression on me as Obduction and certainly not the Myst series. And I'm a bit scared of what that might mean for the future of Cyan Worlds.      
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obsessivefangirl · 1 year
Action Park was a big amusement/water park in New Jersey. It was conceived of the idea for the participants to be in control of their own experience. This idea was fun, but in practice, it is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous.
Now, water parks are in the gray area for who controls it. It's usually from a state group deciding to overlook amusement dangers. So that's good, right? Action Park surely wasn't around for long!
Well... not exactly. You see, Action Park was a great tax income, because it was so popular and brought people in the state.
The CEO was one of the main attraction designers even though he had no experience, which sounds like it came out of nowhere, but it'll make a lot of sense soon.
The place was divided into three parts: Water World, Motor World, and Alpine Center.
Motor world had actual working battle tanks with tennis balls as ammo. It regularly was broken and when employees went to help they got pelted. There was also gladiator stuff but that's not that big
Alpine slide was purely made of concrete with small walls that could easily be flown off. You went down 120 feet on a small vehicle with most breaks broken (Even if they weren't you weren't required to use them) and there were two speeds: slow and fast. This lead to many people getting hit in the back. There were no helmets, no foam rails, no nothing.
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Interestingly enough, this was where the park's first death happened. They covered it up by saying he was an employee, but he actually was retired and never worked at action park, but place it was before. They underreported deaths and injuries, so although we don't know how many really died, we have 6 confirmed deaths and over 1,000 injuries. Hospital workers recall 5-7 injured people coming ever since the park opened.
Next, the tide poil! It was massive and deep with big electrical fans that made 4 feet high choppy waves, plus it was fresh water, making it harder to float, and could hold 1k people. A lot of people bumped into each other and sank. Life guards reportedly saved 30 people a day. This was the most deadly one known, with 3 people dead.
There was also a kayak ride that simulated white water rafting. Instead of rocks, it had chunks of concrete and there were submerged electrical wires. No protection, just like the Alphine Slide. 1 person died from electrocution, but they denied it, saying it was a coincidental heart attack.
Tarzan swing was another attraction. The water was so cold that multiple people went into shock, one dying from a heart attack.
You know the cannonball loop.
All of this with the fact there were pubs, mostly underage employees, constant sex and drugs, it was a disaster.
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irlwakko · 2 years
hi whats your favorite roller coaster!!! :3
Hi hi hi omg thank u for this ask!!!!! And sorry it took me so long to reply jskbdkdsj I didn't wanna type up a quick reply on my phone I wanted to really sit down and do it justice
So I'm going to preface by saying that I don't like to ride rides at all. I just don't like the organ-floaty feeling you get on them. I WILL put that aside to ride a ride IF I think the theming is worth it though, but I can really count the amount of roller coasters I've ridden on one hand. I also don't know TOO too much about how roller coasters work and are designed outside of their safety systems OR roller coasters whose designs were obvious failures like Green Lantern: First Flight. TL;DR this opinion is coming from someone with no engineering knowledge who basically looks at coasters and goes "ooh pretty :)"
That being said though, probably my favorite coaster is The Smiler at Alton Towers!!
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look at her....... she's beautiful.
I just love coasters that tell a story, which Smiler of course does AMAZINGLY. Not just through the things you can see in-park, like the Marmaliser (the giant spider-like structure in the middle) and the queue line theming (not just the signs explaining the story, but also the prison-like feel of the queue barriers), but also through the short films made for the coaster's story/main antagonist The Ministry of Joy (which I can't find right now for some reason? but they're awesome).
I understand the ride has a lot of technical issues (NOT talking about the accident here, because jfc I could make that its own separate mini-rant, I'm just talking about how it often breaks down or valleys and how finicky it is with the weather conditions), and I'm sure that's gotta be a nightmare for park staff, but MAN is this coaster just cool to look at, cool to watch run, and cool to experience (not that I'd know first-hand, but I've watched ridethroughs). Also I will overlook ALL issues a ride has if I think their theming is cool enough because that's the main thing I like about amusement parks sorry lkjfdbhk
I also think that the suite at the resort based on the coaster is so cool.
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What's your favorite roller coaster or amusement park? I'm going on a trip to a amusement park in a few months and I'm already so excited :D
I am not a roller coaster fan.
I have gone to a couple of major amusement parks and only once (on one ride) had a ride that seemed to me to be unusually "fun." The ride in question was Turbo Bungie Puzzle Labyrinth in the Universal Studios theme park in Orlando. It was a dark ride -- like the "Dark Ride" scene from Nightmare Before Christmas, except you ride a chair instead of a cart -- through a pretty impressive haunted house or haunted house sort-of-thing, with (as far as I recall) lots of dark corridors full of scary animatronic skeletons. Every so often there would be an opportunity to shoot things and try to make them pop out of the ground. I ended up shooting a lot of stuff and was impressed by how many times I successfully popped things (due to the fact that I was a mediocre shot with a squishy kid's gun and it was dark so the lighting conditions were favorable). That's what I liked about it.
I also liked Universal Studios because it had the best in-the-dark-ride-but-for-real element of any Universal ride. That was the section of "Islands of Adventure" that is built to look like parts of Universal Studios, with fake pre-Harry Potter newspaper headlines talking about "the mysterious disappearance" of some forgotten Universal ride, the "Road Runner" ride or something.
It's interesting to me that Universal Studios is renowned for its theme park rides despite the fact that no amusement park ever has really figured out how to make you have a visceral "I am now in a different world" experience. Large roller coasters seem to almost do the opposite. One of them will always "bleed through" into your normal surroundings, and it'll be like you're on a roller coaster at work or something. "Amusement parks" specifically are funny because it's a "theme park" in the loosest possible sense. "Nobody here is in a fucking cowboy outfit because we don't have special designated areas for this" is a lack of theme park-ness that can make it sort of awkward. (Similarly weird: the Disney parks in Tokyo, which include a Disneyland with a number of rides very similar to the ones in Orlando, plus a Disneysea, which is a Disney-branded aquarium park that's half submarine ride and has much more of a distinct identity)
Anyway. I've been to quite a few of the top American amusement parks and have never been like "wow, this park is amazing." Oddly, when I was living in Japan I visited an indoor amusement park called Namco Funscape that was huge, fancy, well-staffed and had the best funhouse in the world and it didn't strike me at the time because it was "just an indoor amusement park with a funhouse," but, uh, it was kinda amusement park adjacent to the squishy-summer-tropical/karaoke/adult-entertainment/live-music/normal-indoor-bar thing, and I think it's no exaggeration to say I felt like I had just come back from being an astronaut.
(I don't want to romanticize the moment or anything, though. Namco Funscape, like the above, has a very distinct "definitively different world" feeling and I know this is not unique to Japan. When I lived in Rwanda, the ultra-cheap Internet cafe on the road to the lake had, in the back, a room that would be considered a "secret" in most Western countries. The secret was this one TV that would be permanently tuned to [insert Dramatic and Depressing Music here] and would play a haunting drama in which, if I remember correctly, a genie makes a deal with a Nigerian prince to murder his brother and replace him as the next ruler. I assume this was an illegal copy because the text was in English and there were clearly subtitles on the screen, but the cheaper the place, the more forgiving they are about this sort of thing, so I never asked. It was fun.)
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ieatsurveys · 1 year
What’s your favourite type of survey to take? Random questions.
What was the last topic you read about? The balloon from China, haha.
Have you ever made a diorama? No.
Do you prefer Windows or Mac? Mac.
What’s the best amusement park ride you’ve ever been on? Superman at Darien Lake.
Where are you right now? Describe the room or place. I'm finally back home. In bed. Doing a survey. Not tired, so gonna do something to relax.
Have you ever participated in a fundraising campaign? Yes.
Do you know how to knit? Nah, never had the desire to.
What did you have for lunch today? I didn't.
Name some of your favourite sitcoms. Modern Family, The Office, Boy Meets World.
Who is the 7th contact in your phone and how did you meet them? This is the worst question to ask me because I NEVER delete numbers. I still have people for '07 in there that I wouldn't even know who they were. But, to entertain you, let me check......Adrianne and in parenthesis it says craigslist. It was probably an apartment I was looking at. Also, never do Craigslist for apartments. I've had nothing but bad experiences. haha.
Would you know how to read a house blueprint? Nope.
What shirt do you wear the most? So, I work from home. I wear tshirts or sweaters with sweatpants when working. Our work doesn't do video meetings, just voice. So, there's literally no point in getting dressed cute. During the weekends and when going out, I dress up dang, don't I look good when I go out ;)
Do you keep notes on your phone? What sort of things do you write? My notes are random. From random numbers, lists, things I want to say to people, etc.
Have you ever used Duolingo to learn another language? No.
What was the last video game you played? Sims. haha.
Do you remember much from high school? Most of it, unfortunately.
What’s your favourite fruit to snack on? Grapes.
Has anyone ever come out to you? Yes - and it was sad, because he was scared of coming out due to being at a Bible college. Christians need to do better. No one should be afraid of coming out in whatever faith they are in. Love is love, and it's time for the world to accept this.
Have you ever been part of a bridal or groom’s party? Yep. I've been in a few weddings.
Are there any rooms in your house that don’t have windows? The bathroom.
What’s your go-to order from KFC? I hate KFC.
What was the last album you listened to in full? Great question. I have a designated playlist that I listen to constantly and there's no full albums on there, just random songs.
Would you prefer cupcakes or a big cake for your birthday? Cupcakes. I'm not a fan of cake.
What emotion is strongest for you at the moment? I'm struggling with sadness today and overthinking. Which is not like me.
Do you have Disney+? Yep. Have you ever sent a package or letter to a foreign country? Yes.
How many jobs do you have on your resume? Too many. I worked at a daycare for 7 years, then went to college, then did a non-profit organization, a few grocery stores, mental health, then here.
Do you use pepper to season your food? No.
When was the last time you had a headache? Last week.
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Robot Jon! ☺️
(ok, I've been off tumblr for a few days, but I went on early this morning and had an ask with a bunch of prompts because I said I'd be taking a break from my Bachelor fic - which is true, if not for another 3 chapters yet. I haven't answered that ask because I'll lose it and therefore the prompts, but it reminded me that I still had two prompts left from when I asked for them back in... December? I'm the worst. Anyway, I re-looked at those prompts, saw this one, and then couldn't stop thinking about it. So I'm coming out of my vague tumblr hiatus to write this.)
Thank you, as always, for the prompt!
Sansa has never liked amusement parks.
The sun that always burned her, no matter how diligent mom was about reapplying sunscreen; the fried food that always made her sick; the crowds and the noise and having to walk everywhere. But the worst part was the rides – oh, she didn't mind some of them, like the Ferris wheel or the teacups; she could even handle the swing ride. The problem was that the rest of her family wanted to go on the horrible rides – roller coasters, haunted houses, swinging ships; the ones that go fast and drop you from a million feet in the air. And since it was hard enough wrangling the amount of children in their group to begin with, it was impossiblefor one adult to split off with Sansa, who alone wanted to ride the gentler ones.
And so, it's sort of ironic that she works at an amusement park now.
She may not have a taste for most of the rides in the park, but she is good at designing them – not the actual rides, but the aesthetics of them. It's her (and her team's) job to come in after the engineers and the builders and take a bare-bones ride and turn it into an experience. She loves her job – she loves watching children exit one of her rides with glowing faces and excitement in their eyes.
Today, she also gets to do one of her favorite aspects of the job, which is costume design. The animatronic models have already been installed, and when she enters the new Dance of Dragons ride, she can already see the scene taking shape in her mind. The concept art has already been drawn up, it's already being advertised – a medieval world that everyone knows is meant to capitalize on the stunning success of the Aemon the Dragonknight series (which her employer does not own the rights to, much to their dismay). But concept art is one thing – reality is another, and it's not until the ride is complete that she can start to truly see it come together in her mind.
“Oh good, you're here,” Margaery Tyrell sighs dramatically as she comes to meet Sansa's team. Margaery is in charge of Marketing and PR for this ride and Sansa knows it's a big responsibility, so she's been even more high maintenance than usual. Margaery walks her through the ride that Sansa has seen so many times in drawings.
“This is our Aemon,” Margaery slaps a hand against the shoulder of one of the animatronic models. “Although we can't call him Aemon. Copyright and all that.”
Sansa looks at the robot and she's struck for a moment how lifelike he is. A lot of the animatronics aren't this detailed, though she guesses this one is because of how close to the ride it is.
“He's handsome, right?” Margaery flashes her a grin and there's something in her eyes that Sansa can't quite place. (Well, she can, it's mischief, Sansa just can't tell why it's there.)
“I guess, in the way that cartoons can be handsome,” Sansa laughs and takes another look at the model – the somber grey eyes, dark curly hair, and an equally dark beard. “You even gave him abs,” she points down at the robot's chest which does, indeed, have a very detailed set of abs. “Am I supposed to leave him shirtless?”
“Oh, no, obviously we want realism, like we talked about,” Margaery waves her hand dismissively. “We just couldn't help ourselves when we put in the order.” Sansa shoots her a confused look, which only gets a delighted laugh out of Margaery. “I'm guessing you don't recognize him?”
“Recognize who?”
Margaery gestures at the animatronic. “Jon!” At Sansa's blank stare, Margaery rolls her eyes. “Jon Snow?”
The name sounds familiar and it takes her a second to place it. “The engineer?”
“Duh! Seven hells, don't tell me you've never actually seen him?”
Sansa shakes her head – she usually comes in well after the engineers have done their part.
“Mormont let him take the lead on this project and he's so... ugh,” Margaery makes a noise that's half frustration, half delight. “So serious all the time. But somehow likable? It's infuriating, really. And no one should be that attractive for a nerd.”
“So... does he know you made him into a robot?”
“He does not,” Margaery grins. “We're all just dying for him to come in for an inspection and see it. In fact,” she pulls out her phone and checks the time, “if you wait around for a bit, you'll get to see it happen.”
Sansa shakes her head and they continue on through the set, Sansa writing down notes in her trusty notebook that she always carries with her. Lists of costumes, set pieces. She'll need to bring in Asha later to discuss the lighting options (right now the dark ride is lit with spotlights, giving the whole place a surreal atmosphere).
Margaery eventually leaves her to it and Sansa loses herself in going over the set inch by inch with Gilly and Mya following along with her. She's so lost in thought that Mya has to shake her arm to bring her back to reality, and they turn to see a group of what has to be engineers standing in the main Great Hall set.
“Oh come on, Jon,” Margaery is giggling as a man who must be Jon stands, staring at the animatronic. He's scowling at it, hands tight around the pile of binders in his arms that are... well, ok, Sansa can understand now why Margaery made the robot so well muscled.
Sansa edges closer to the scene, and she can see that his fellow engineers are laughing – one of them is red-faced from trying to hold it in while another is actively wiping tears from his eyes.
“It's already made,” Margaery says in response to whatever Jon had grumbled to her. “Replacing it would be an irresponsible waste of funds. Oh! And here's the team that will be styling you... I mean, styling not-Aemon because that's copyright infringement.”
Jon looks up and the scowl drops from his face.
“This is Sansa, Mya and Gilly are over there.”
“Hi,” Sansa greets and Jon shifts his binders into one arm and then holds out his hand for her to shake (she can feel her face heating up and she hopes the dark hides it). “I promise to try and do you justice.” She regrets her words immediately, especially when she sees a slow grin spread over Margaery's face. “Though it doesn't totally look like you,” she continues on to try and backtrack. “It... doesn't have glasses?”
She wants to sink into the floor in embarrassment, but the gods are not that kind. At least she doesn't spout out how much she likes his glasses. Maybe Margaery is right – no one who clearly cares so little about their appearance should be this attractive. His beard needs a trim, his outfit is painfully unstylish, his hair is pulled back into a bun. All of it should add up to something she hates, but she just... doesn't.
(And honestly, Margaery's description of nerd isn't so far off the mark, but Sansa finds this isn't a detriment – in fact, she might be more attracted to him because of the glasses and the multitude of thick binders organized with labels and tabs that he's got tucked under his arm.)
“I'd also hope real Jon isn't built like a Ken doll,” one of the other engineers barks out a laugh and points at the animatronic, which, yes, does not have any reproductive anatomy.
“Gods,” she hears Jon whisper, and the hand that he had used to shake hers comes up and covers his eyes. “This is a nightmare.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” Margaery sighs and pats him on the shoulder. “Now, why don't you take Sansa around and make sure she's really taken care of, hmm?” At the words, Sansa feels her face heat even further and Jon drops his hand from his eyes and glares at Margaery. “I just mean,” Margaery grins, not even trying to pretend the innuendo wasn't on purpose, “it might help the design if she has a good understanding of the mechanics. I know there's some new things on this ride we haven't had before, you could show her.”
Jon opens his mouth, but doesn't get a chance to speak, because Margaery barrels on. “Sam, Grenn, you can chat with Gilly and Mya while that's happening. And I... well, I'll just be over here, minding my own business.”
With that, Margaery walks away and the other two engineers – Sam and Grenn, she guesses – head over to where the rest of her team stands, watching from afar.
“You don't have to,” Sansa starts, but Jon quickly turns from glaring at Margaery's back to her and his face settles into something less... scowly.
“I don't mind,” he says quickly and maybe it's the low lighting in here, but she thinks the tips of his ears are red.
“Perfect,” she gives him her best smile, which seems to throw him even more off balance and... and she thinks she could get used to throwing Jon Snow off balance.
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Carving Pumpkins - X men
Hello There! I'm back posting here. I don't know how many stories i'll post before halloween bc now I work like everyday.
Requested? No
Prompt: carving pumpkins
Ship? No
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Being an x-men didn't mean you couldn't do anything fun for Halloween, usually, you guys were afraid of coming out of the x- mansion even if the world now accepted mutants. It was all Magneto's fault, some would say. It wasn't his fault if humans didn't like different people than them. It was actually pretty depressing that every mutant has to hide like this.
This year it would all change. If you could manage to change Charles' mind at least.
"Okay, we're going to buy pumpkins." You put your notebook down on the table, sitting with Charles and Erik - that ironically got back to the school after the last fiasco.
"Why do you need pumpkins?" Erik asked not even bothering to look up at your face.
"It's almost Halloween!"
"I think the kids want to decorate the house for Halloween..." Charles said, still sipping his tea.
"Yes! It would be amazing if we could do that." It was really simple, just you and a group of teenagers going to buy some pumpkins to carve. But then Erik sighed dramatically. As always.
"There are humans out there and they won't be that receptive of us."
"They're not monsters, you know? We can all live in respect and peace."
"Yeah, and then when you least expect they try to kill you for being yourself. No, thank you very much."
You looked at Charles, trying to ask for permission without speaking.
"Get one of my cars. But please no running. Or anything else I've already said."
"Yes! Thanks, professor!"
The car ride was fun, you and Jean were gossiping all the way to the pumpkin patch, Peter was really excited to have his first Halloween with his father, Scott was there just to have some time with Jean and Ororo just wanted to understand why you were all excited.
The pumpkin patch was beautiful. Everything was orange, the pumpkins were big enough for you to have trouble carrying it alone.
"Okay, I see why you like this place." Ororo nodded, exchanging looks with you.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" You smiled at her, holding her hand and pulling her towards the various pumpkins. "Guys, let's get the best ones!"
Everyone was having a good time, you could buy the pumpkins and then play a little, no one cared you were mutant or didn't even realize that, either way, you were happy and Magneto was wrong. That meant you could get out trick or treating and no one would be mad!
"A little help here?"
Logan was outside smoking when you parked the car back at the mansion.
"You were really out buying pumpkins?" He asked amused, he left his cigarette in his mouth before helping you put the pumpkins inside.
"Yeah, I think we got the best ones."
"And it was so much fun!" Ororo smiled, hugging her pumpkin. "What do we do now?"
"Now we get knives and start carving." Scott explained.
At night, everyone started to make the designs for the pumpkins. It was adorable, if Charles or Erik could say something. You all ended up making ghosts or bats, faces or horror movie masks carved on the pumpkins. In the end, each one chose somewhere to put their pumpkin, in the stairs in front of the mansion, in the windows... A little bit of light to the darkness of that night.
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heyitsdoe · 3 years
DOE! congrats on 100 hun!! <3 omggg I’m so proud and your event sounds so cute!! If I may, may I ask for Corazon with a fluffy theme, at the amusement park, scenario? :3 as for details, feel free to get wild, haha. Take your time but please feel free to ignore! <3 congrats again!!
Hello my darling, and I thank you a million times over for being so patient! I'm sorry yours is the last request of the event, but here's to hoping I finish it off on a strong note! Please enjoy this sweet date with our dear Corazon! Thanks so much for requesting it! ^_^
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🎢 Amusement Park Date + 🤗 Fluffy with Corazon - Scenario
WARNINGS: None G/N Reader
Everywhere you looked, there was something happening. The park was alive with laughter and bells and the light-hearted music that played over the intercom system. A wonderland of color, candy, and children. You'd never seen anything like it.
Corazon had recommended coming here for your date, and you were so glad he did. Your idea wouldn't have been nearly as fun. Plus, it was like Corazon was in his element, amongst the people, so carefree and happy. And for once, he put on something other than his fluffy jacket and heart-patterned shirt.
It was as if he'd hung up Corazon for a day, and accompanied you as Rosinante. The thought made your heart soar.
Distracted by everything around, you were surprised to feel a hand slip into yours. You turn, seeing Corazon sheepishly smiling at you.
"Don't wander off! I won't be able to find you in these crowds again." He said, smile widening as you blush. "Keep ahold of my hand, that way we can stick close together."
You tighten your fingers around his hand, enjoying the way it fit into your own so perfectly. "Sorry...there's just so much to do here!"
"I know! It's great, isn't it?" His eyes flickered around, before returning to you. "What do you wanna do first?"
"Hmm..." With so many options, you weren't sure. You spot a small stand set up at the end of the walkway, an artist leaning in close to someone's face as they paint a design. You think of Corazon's face paint and start pulling him along towards it. "I want to get my face painted, so we can match!"
"Ok." He replies, surprise evident in his expression. But he allows you to pull him towards the stall all the same.
The artist makes quick work of your face, and you nearly giggle as his brush gently glides across your skin. It tickles, and you have to keep looking at Corazon to keep your composure. The adoring way he looks at you as you sit on the stool patiently...you bite your lip. How lucky you were to have him look at you in such a way...
"What do you think?" You ask your date as you step away from the face painter's stall. His eyes track the designs you chose, and he chuckles.
"I didn't know you could get even more beautiful than you already are!"
"Oh...th-thank you." You're glad your cheeks are already painted, otherwise he'd see the intense blush you break out into. Trying to recover, you place your hands on your hips and stop walking. "Now it's your turn to pick something! What do you want to do?"
"Well, I've had my eye on the ferris wheel all afternoon." He said, and your eyes glance up at the giant ride in question. It was so high up... "Wanna ride it with me? There'll be a great view up at the top!"
"Umm...sure!" You say, having to fake most of your enthusiasm. You don't want to tell him that you're afraid of heights, because he seems so excited to ride it. It wouldn't be fair to only do the things you want to do on this date. So, hiding your hesitation with a wide smile, you allow him to pull you off towards the line.
You can't help but stare up at just how tall the metal structure is. The way it spins in place makes your stomach turn just a little. How does something so big move like that? You find yourself holding onto Corazon's hand again to bring yourself some sort of comfort.
Before long, you're the next ones in line. Corazon gives your shoulder a squeeze and nudges your shoulder as the attendant opens the gate for you to step into the cabin. Your whole body is a bundle of nerves as you step inside, sitting mechanically on the seat. Corazon takes his place across from you, looking as relaxed and carefree as ever.
"Are you liking the amusement park so far?" He asks as the ride begins to move once more.
"Y-yeah! It's great! Really great..." You say, trying not to let your discomfort show. But the way you're gripping the seat with a white-knuckled grip and your stiff posture lets him in on what was happening anyway.
"Y/N...are you ok?"
"Just fine!"
"You don't look very comfortable..." He mutters, frowning a little as he wonders what's gotten into you. Then, realization dawned on him. "Are you...afraid of heights?"
"N-no." You say, trying to prove otherwise by leaning towards the window to look out. But it was a mistake, because you straighten back up with a gasp and close your eyes.
"Well, why didn't you just say so? We didn't have to go on the ferris wheel."
"Because you wanted to ride it. I wanted you to have fun on our date, too."
You hear him chuckle, and the cabin shifts as he moves to sit directly beside you. "Come here." He says, and envelops you in a comforting embrace.
You lean into his chest, thankful for his warmth and strength. The face paint still covers your blush, but with the way you look at up him with such gratitude and embarrassment, you have a feeling he already knows it's there.
"It doesn't matter what we do. I'll always have fun when I'm with you." He mutters softly, one of his thumbs brushing gently against your arm in a soothing manner. Your shaky breathing begins to ease as the feeling of safety washes over you. "With you beside me, every day is an amazing experience."
"You're just saying that." You say, unable to entirely take his cheesy words for it.
You feel the gentle press of his lips to your forehead, and you look up in surprise. He smiles down at you warmly, eyes alight with that adoration again.
"I mean every word of it."
You blink away the desire to cry tears of joy. You didn't want to ruin the good moment by crying now, so you settle into his chest a little more. "Hold me until we get back to the ground?"
He pulls you in and leans back in the seat. "I promise."
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Late nights, Date nights
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Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 4.1 K words
Warning: There is fluff and humour in the beginning and smut towards the end. If you are not comfortable reading it, I have distinguished is with asterisks (*)
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @junggoku @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @ethanramseysgirl (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list 😊)
Songs: Eyes off you by Prettymuch and Unbelievable by Why Don't We
Forgive me if there are any mistakes.
Ethan was pacing around in his office, marching so hard, that it left tracks in the carpet of his office.
C'mon Ethan, Leah is your fucking girlfriend. You can eat her out but, can't ask her out on a simple fucking date??!!
It was their six month anniversary, after months and months of pining over each other. When he thought about it now, he wondered why was he so against the concept? He thought that he was doing the right thing by not giving in, but in the end, he just ended up hurting himself and his Leah.
Leah... His sunshine.
The concept of nicknames never really appeased him. It was such a ‘teenager’ thing to do. When he was with Harper, the word 'babe' made him cringe so hard that it made him want to throw himself off the railing of the mezzanine floor of the hospital.
But with Leah, it was different. She breathed back life into the parts of his soul, which he thought were long dead. She constantly challenged him, pushed him to be a better doctor, a better friend and a better partner. She brought light, to the valleys of abyss and grief. Just like nothing can escape light, Ethan could not escape Leah's affection.
And he didn't want to run anymore..
He had never felt these intense emotions in a very long time. His mother leaving him at a tender age of eleven, made him grow up way to soon. It fucked him up. It made him close up and build walls to protect his heart from such earth shattering pain. It made him distant and cold.
But now he laughed more. Smiled more. And he knew that Leah was the one who saved him.
His salvation. His saving grace. His sunshine.
He decided enough was enough. He spoke to HR and Naveen and they gave them the green light. Leah had already made a great reputation in the hospital for her work ethic, her passion and her compassion. So why waste anymore time?
Ethan was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice Leah come in. "Woah woah Ethan. Are you trying to wear the carpet thin? You just got this office?!" Ethan looked up and saw Leah leaning against the door, with a smile. She was wearing a green blouse with a black pencil skirt. Ethan approved mentally.
"Hey sunshine."
"Hey yourself." She said as she closed the door and stepped into Ethan's embrace. He buried his face into her hair, and inhaled the lavender scent, which immediately soothed him. To him, she smelled like spring. She was perfect.
God, could you be any more sappier Ethan? Be a man.
But he knew, that if Leah even looked his way, he would be down on his knees.
"How was your day?" Ethan asked as he kissed her crown.
"It was so productive. I saved a nine year old girl today. Seeing her parents happy... It was beautiful."
"Well, I never doubted you once." He said with a tender smile, cupping her cheeks. "Also, do you have plans for tonight?"
"Yeahhhh, today is just an ordinary day, with no anniversary whatsoever. I was planning on going home and binging on greys-"
"Sunshine, don't talk shit."
"Hey, but you still love me."
"That I do... Anyways I have made a reservation in 'Osteria' tonight to celebrate our anniversary."
"E, you know that I wouldn't mind staying in bed and drinking cheap wine right?"
"I know, but I want to spoil my baby!! Be ready, I will pick you up by seven."
"I will be ready."
Ethan rolled up to Leah's penthouse and send her a message. He had donned his black tux but had skipped the tie. He unbuttoned the top buttons of his crisp white shirt. He was going to call her again, when he heard a tap on the window. He looked up and the phone almost fell out of his hands.
Leah stood in front of him, wearing a black evening gown. It was an off shoulder, which showed her collarbones. She was also wearing the ruby stone necklace, her birthstone, which Ethan had gifted her on her birthday. Her jet black hair had been tied up to a messy side bun, a few rebellious strands blowing in the night wind. He steeped out to open the door for her when he almost tripped at the sight.
The dress had a slit which almost went up to her thighs, putting those glorious bronze legs on display.
God, she was gonna be the death of me.
"Wow. You look gorgeous Dr. Garcia."
She blushed red. "You don't look so bad yourself Dr. Ramsey." He pecked her on her lips.
"Shall we?" He opened the door for Leah, like a true gentleman.
"Yes, we shall." Leah giggled and stepped in. Ethan walked around and sat in the driver's seat, and they pulled out of the curb.
The entire ride was filled with jokes, heated gazes and silent promises. Ethan had placed his hand on her bare thigh, slowly caressing it. Leah knew that it was risky to wear such a gown, but she took the chance anyway. And now here she was, slowly going crazy with Ethan's hand on her thigh.
She wanted to devour him. He looked delectable and so very handsome in a tux. The open buttons, gave her a peak of his collarbones and she literally salivated. Collarbones have always been her weakness.
Soon, they showed up at the restaurant. After handing of the keys to the valet, and borderline threatening him that if there was even one scratch, he would have a nice chat with the manager, they headed towards the restaurant.
"God Ethan, you are such a Karen." Leah giggled.
"I maybe old, but I got that reference!! And no, I am not. I am particular."
"Whatever floats your boat babe." She linked her hands in his and they headed towards the hostess.
"Welcome sir and ma'am. Do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked.
"Yeah... Please check under the name Ramsey."
The hostess checked the log book for a long time. Ethan started sweating. What was taking her so long?
"I am afraid but, there is no reservation under that name sir." The hostess replied timidly, after Ethan's cool eyes landed on her.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Hundred percent sir."
"But it does not make sense...I called two months before to get a reservation... Do you have any empty tables?" Ethan said, pinched the bridge of his nose, slowly getting frustrated.
"Sorry sir but... All the tables are occupied."
Goddammit Ethan!! You had one fucking job.
He led Leah back to the valet and ran a hand through his hair. "I am so sorry sunshine. I just wanted this evening to go perfect and I had to go fu-"
Leah put a finger on his lips. "No. You haven't fucked anything up. It's the gestures that counts. Also, the night is young."
"But you heard the hostess-"
"Well, I have some ideas on how we can spend our anniversary." Ethan just gave her a quizzical look. She took the car keys from the valet and turned towards Ethan and winked. "Get in the car Ramsey. Get ready for the best night of your life."
"So your 'best night' includes shopping at Target??" Ethan asked amusement sparkling in his ocean blue eyes.
"Shut up. Where we are going, we need a little more casual clothing."
"But I like your gown. It helps me slip my hand-"
"Shh Ethan!! We are in public. Keep it PG 13 for now." Leah said, as she blushed red. Ethan just laughed, enjoying teasing her.
Leah proceeded to pay for the clothes and pushed Ethan into the changing room with his set of clothes. Ethan simply obliged because by the look of the determined glint in her eyes, he didn't want to be trampled by a woman on a mission.
The dark jeans fit him perfectly and the grey V-neck fit him snugly. He was wearing his slip ons when Leah came out of the dressing room, smoothening her outfit.
She was wearing a black tank top which she tucked into a baby pink skater skirt. On top of the tank top, she had slipped on a denim jacket. "How do I look babe?" She asked as she observed herself in the mirror.
"You know that even if you wore a potato sack, you would still be the prettiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on, right?" Ethan said earnestly.
She gave a soft smile and kissed his bearded cheek. She plopped down next to him and slipped on her white converse hightops.
"Seriously sunshine? Converse again? You literally have so many at home."
"Well I don't have this style. And you know what they say, 'once a converse girls, always a converse girl'." She said as she brushed him off.
"Sunshine.... literally no one says that."
"It's all in the details, E. C'mon let's go."
After a half an hour drive, Leah pulled into the make shift parking lot near the docks. They got out and Ethan let out an appreciative whistle. "Wow."
Leah had brought them to the annual fair, where there were tonnes of food stalls and gaming places. The entire place had been decorated with LED lights that were illuminating the Boston night sky. The Ferris wheel stood tall and proud, moving at a gentle pace. The place was littered with a number of game stalls like 'shoot the bottle' and 'ring toss' where people competed to get a prize. Fairy lights hung from the trees around there and a number of people were sitting under them, laughing, eating and drinking cheap beer.
On the other end there were a number of food stalls open, which were being catered by the numerous food joints in the city. The crowd near the ice cream vendors and the cotton candy vendors were unreal.
"Oh. My. God. Ethan they have go karting as well!!" Leah exclaimed grabbing Ethan's arm and pointing towards the make shift track. The karts had designs in various neon colors and the entire track had been painted with glow in the dark paint.
Leah continued to point at the different places and stalls, talking excitedly, but Ethan's eyes stayed glued to Leah's face with a small smile. The child like wonder in her brown eyes made Ethan melt. Her voluminous dark hair blew with the wind, caressing Ethan's face. The way the neon lights reflected on her caramel skin, the way there was an pearly smile on her face and the way she clutched Ethan's arm made his heart do somersaults.
"Are you even paying attention?" Leah asked, breaking Ethan from his reverie.
"Sorry, I didn't get the last part. Was blow away by how beautiful the view is."
Leah rolled her eyes and smacked Ethan's arm. But there was a small smile on her face.
"Let's go to the go karting place."
"Oh yes. Can't wait to see you behind in the dust." Ethan said with a teasing smile.
"Oh honey. I can't wait to see your face after I defeat you. If you think I am going to go easy on you just because I love you, you are very very wrong." Leah said with a coy smile.
"Oh you are so on. Winner can ask the loser anything and buys snacks."
"Let's do this." Leah said as she cracked her knuckles.
"So...what do I ask you?" Leah questioned herself, with her fingers tapping against her chin. She had won hands down. She got a tacky medal which she decided to wear for the rest of the evening. She just continued to wear a smug smile on her face, so that she could annoy Ethan.
"Please, just get it over with." Ethan groaned as he munched on the caramel popcorn.
"Hmmm.... Which is your favourite place to kiss me?"
"Hmmm..that's a tough question.. see, my favourite place is your pussy but I think your neck would be my favourite place to kiss." Ethan mused.
"Why?" Leah asked as she took a bite of bite of the cotton candy, letting it dissolve on her tongue.
"There are three reasons- One, the moment I kiss your neck, you have that wanton and 'fuck me' expression which drives me crazy. Secondly, the moans you let out are....oh Lord. Just thinking about them gives me a bad case of blue balls. And lastly, you become so wet and ready for me... It makes the experience much more memorable." He said nonchalantly as he continued to munch on the popcorn, seeing Leah's reaction from the corner of his eyes.
Leah was blushing wildly. Ethan may come across as a gentleman but his dirty talk made her knees weak like jello. He could speak things that would make a priest blush. "That's not true." Leah weakly objected as she stuffed her face with cotton candy.
"Oh really? So if I do this.." Ethan reached to place a hot, wet kiss on the spot below her ear. Leah's mouth opened slightly at the intense feeling. Her body flushed wildly. Her toes curled as Ethan continued to lick and suck. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter when his teeth sank into the tender spot on her neck. After what seemed like eternity, he pecked it and moved back to admire his handiwork. "....it won't do anything?" He asked in a husky voice.
Leah didn't dare to look at him because she knew that if she would, her face would betray everything. Also she didn't want to see the shit eating grin on his face.
"Shut up." Leah grumbled as she tore and ate her cotton candy more aggressively.
"But I didn't say anything!"
"I know what you are thinking so shush."
Ethan laughed a deep laugh, his dimples on display as he wrapped his hand around her waist. "It's okay sunshine. You can tie me up and have your way later." He said as he kissed her crown.
"Oh look, there is a shooting booth." Leah said, changing the topic before her mind could go into full fantasy mood of Ethan being below her, moaning her name as she rode him six ways to Sunday.
They reached the stall which was decorated in a western country style. "Howdy! Wanna shoot somethings?"
"I'm a healer but.." Leah picked up the shotgun and loaded it while Ethan rolled his eyes. He will never understand her obsession with anime.
"Shoot all the balloons on that board and then you can choose what prize you want." The guy with the handlebar moustache said.
With quick precision, she shot all the balloons in a matter of seconds. She then twirled the gun around her finger and blew the smoke away. "And that's, how you do it in the wild wild west." She said in a smoldering voice.
Ethan and the gamekeeper had their jaws on the floor.
Could she get any more attractive? Ethan asked himself.
"Damn girl.." the old guy with the funny moustache spoke.
Leah gave out a short laugh. "If you don't mind, can I get those rose tinted glasses?" She pointed to a pair of cat eye sunglasses.
"Sure girlie."
After wearing them she grabbed Ethan and walked hand in hand towards the next booth. "Sunshine, what is the point of these glasses if they can't even cover your eyes?"
"These are stylish and I can wear them when I am going out."
"I don't think I can ever understand your sense of fashion."
"Uh duh!! You guys can't even distinguish between 'peacock blue' and 'turquoise' colour."
"Is there even a difference between them?" Ethan asked incredulously.
"A fine example right here."
Ethan lightly shoved her but Leah just held onto their intertwined fingers. She pulled him to her, went on the tip of her toes and kissed him. Ethan cupped her cheek and kissed her slowly and tenderly. The sounds of people talking, the mainstream pop music playing through speakers, everything disappeared as they kissed each other under the neon lights.
"Oh god...I am so full!" Leah groaned she leaned back on her hands. They were sitting under a secluded tree, with golden fairy lights hanging off them.
"Sunshine, I think you will have to roll me out of here." Ethan groaned as his hands caressed her bare thighs, which she had thrown over his lap. He picked up their popsicle sticks, and threw them in a perfect arc, into the nearby dustbin.
"I can't roll out a 6 feet something skyscraper on my own. I would die."
"Sucks to be short." Ethan stuck his tongue out.
"Hey your tongue is blue!!" Leah exclaimed.
"And your is red from the strawberry flavour." He observed.
"Wanna make purple?" Leah asked slyly, waggling her eyebrows.
Ethan guffawed at the expression and soon she also joined in his laughter. She clutched her stomach. "Oww....shouldn't try to laugh too much. Gosh, I shouldn't have taken that second helping of Quesadillas."
"C'mon let's take you home." Ethan stood up and grabbed Leah's hand so that he could pull her up to stand. She dusted her skirt and then intertwined their fingers. She leaned against him, as they headed towards the exit.
"I had a lot of fun today. Thank you."
"You can thank me in different ways later." Leah said, as her brown eyes darked with desire.
Ethan just smirked and squeezed her to his side.
"That's a promise baby."
The moment they entered Ethan's penthouse, Ethan pressed Leah against the door. Leah's let out a sharp breath and she looked up at the stormy blue eyes. She could see the desire and the lust swimming in those blues of his and she could also feel the desire in her, ignite like a slow fire.
Ethan cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a heated kiss. She went on her tiptoes to meet him half way. With their lips locked in a passionate embrace, she still felt that he was too far away. So, she hooked her fingers on the belt loops and tugged him closer to her.
Getting the memo, he moved closer until they was no space between them except their clothes. Ethan reached to take her jacket off, which he threw across the room. The need to get her naked, writhing and moaning under him, was becoming overwhelming.
She took out Ethan's shirt and moaned when she felt his warm skin on hers. She wrapped her arm around his neck while she laid her other hand on his bare chest. Her dainty fingers seemed to have a mind of their own. They caressed his chest, his back, his abs and were about to go lower, to his happy trail when he growled and caught them.
He grabbed her thighs and lifted her so that her legs were around his waist. He took her hands and pinned them against the door. The kiss was a fight for dominance, where nobody seemed to be a clear winner. Leah slipped her tongue into his mouth and he groaned appreciatively.
He tastes like ambrosia, sweet nectar and all the good things in life. Leah knew that she could never ever get over the way he tasted.
Ethan lifted her with ease and led her to the first surface he found, the dining table. He moved his hands under her tank top and groaned when he found out she wasn't wearing a bra.
"God Leah, you know how much control it takes to be around you? That when you pull such stunts on me, I just want to bend you over and fuck you on the first surface I find?"
"So what's stopping you?" Leah asked. She pulled him in for another searing kiss.
"After I am done with you...you won't be able to walk for a week." He spoke in a husky voice, filled with need. He took of her tank top and growled appreciatively at the sight of her breasts.
Leah smiled coyly. "Don't make promises you can't keep Ramsey." Ethan just narrowed his eyes and kissed her with so much force, that it made her gasp. His hands reached for her ass and squeezed it.
He then descended on her neck kissing and licking the small droplets of sweat accumulated on her neck. He slowly grinding against her heat, making her aware of how badly he needed her. His hands went from her ass to her breasts. He massaged it before pinching the nipples. Leah yelped. Ethan did not once show her mercy, as he stimulated each sensitive spot on her body. Leah felt as if her nerves were on fire.
He slowly made his way down south, leaving fiery hot kisses on her body. Not having any patience left, he just lifted her skirt up and quickly slid her panties out. Seeing her exposed pussy just made his jeans tighter around his growing erection. He blew air on her wet cunt, leaving goosebumps on their wake. "What are you doing?" Leah asked breathlessly. She was finding it hard to keep her eyes open due to the desire coursing through her veins.
"What we do on a table Sunshine.... Eat." His dark blue eyes met her brown ones and he licked her dripping slit, slowly. Leah thought she was going to loose it at that very instant.
He gripped her thighs and threw them over his broad shoulders and proceeded to eat her out, properly . He swirled his tongue on the sensitive bud of nerves and then went on to stick his tongue into her wet pussy.
He let out a moan, which resonated deep in her core.
He never once slowed his pace. He continued to lap up all the moisture. He alternated between her clit and her cunt. As he pushed his fingers in her, and fucked her, Leah climbed higher and higher. Her stomach started to tighten, with the need to release.
"Oh god...I am gonna come..."
Ethan stopped his hand movements and rose to his full height. Leah's eyes snapped open and she glared at him.
"Fuck you Ethan!! Who the hell gave you the fucking righ- ohhhh."
He shoved his dick slowly into her, enjoying the way her walls clenched around him. They fit each other perfectly. Like two jigsaw puzzles. You couldn't differentiate, where he ended and where she started.
This..this was heaven.
He slowly moved, in and out. But Leah wasn't having it.
"Ethan, I want you to fuck me."
"Are you sure you can handle it sunshine?"
"I ain't no weak bit-" Leah couldn't complete her sentence because at that moment he snapped his hips and started fuking her. He held her hips with one hand for leverage and his other hand gently squeezed her throat, feeling her rapid pulse under his hand.
He did not let go of the punishing rhythm he had set. He moved his hips in such a way that he hit her on that spot which made Leah see stars. It was quite a view for Ethan. The moonlight streaming through the glass facade and illuminating her sheen skin. Her eyes half closed, her breasts moving with every stroke and her legs wound around his hips.
"Please, please, please let me come." Leah choked.
Ethan also felt a tingle in his lower back and his abs constructing. He was close too. His strokes became faster and shorter.
"Okay sunshine. Come."
Just that one word and Leah obeyed. She felt a burst of pleasure rush through her body, setting every part of her alight. She saw fireworks behind her eyelids. She hadn't even come down when, Ethan's release caused her to have another mini orgasm.
It was too much. Way too much.  Aftershocks racked her body and tears streamed down her face as she soared through cloud nine.
Without pulling himself out, he gathered Leah in his arms and took her to the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and pulled out and headed to the bathroom to get a  washcloth. Leah winced and felt empty like a crater.
Ooooh boy, gonna feel that tomorrow.
Her eyes were closed as she tried to catch her breath and get her head straight. Ethan slowly wiped her neck, her stomach and her sore centre, instantly cooling her body down. He threw the washcloth into the laundry basket and slid into his bed. He wrapped his strong arms around Leah and pulled her close to him. He bent down to kiss her lips tenderly.
"I love you sunshine."
"Happy six months, babe. I love you." She gave a tired smile and they both slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Wow that was the longest I have written. *wipes brow*
Like, reblog and let me know how you liked it :))
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returnofahsoka · 3 years
Personality 3,4 and 8 🌻
Fun Facts 4,10 and 13 💖
aaaaahahhaha thank you!!!!
What are their manners like? Any habits?
- well Ro actually has pretty good manners. she's usually soft-spoken, but then again, she will yell at you if you aren't taking care of yourself (like if you're injured and supposed to be resting). she's also not afraid to sass people around but usually does it as a quiet off-handed comment. Aid has the manners of a soldier, which is to say he knows how to act in a military setting, but as a dinner guest? or during grocery shopping?? he's awkward af. oh and even as a soldier he's not perfect, since he always had the tendency to speak without thinking first
What are they bad at?
- Aid can't fly. yes he had to do the basic flying simulations on Kamino and yes he passed them but he still can't fly. Ro as a Jedi had to do more than just simulations, so she's the designated pilot and she gives Aid flying lessons. conversely, Ro doesn't actually know how ships work (she mostly just wings it with the help of the force) so she couldn't repair a broken system for the life of her. Aid tries his best to do the repairs but it takes a long lecture from Tech once they run into the Bad Batch for them to finally have an idea of what they are doing
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)?
- they both play sabacc. Aid finds a deck of cards and has the idea to teach Ro how to play, not knowing that since Ro has been friends with a dozen clone medics across the entire army, she definitely knows how to play sabacc. they also watch holo-movies together, Ro's favourites are period dramas, while Aid's are cooking shows
Do they collect anything?
- Ro collects tidbits of medical information that she finds interesting, regardless of whether it could be useful one day or not. Aid doesn't really collect anything, unless you count picking up injured stray animals and annoying Ro until she gives in and heals them
What songs remind you of them?
- Mars by Sleeping At Last, Right Here by Ashes Remain, Brother by Avicii, Runnin' by Adam Lambert, Saviour by Picture This and Forgive Me Friend by Smith & Thell. oh wow this is like a mini playlist xdd
What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be?
- i don't exactly know what kind of rides are there in an amusement park?? i've been to one when i was teen but tbh i don't remember much. i think Ro would enjoy something with water, while Aid would like to mess around in one of those houses with weird mirrors
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