#i don’t know why fairly odd parents lore does this to me
fem-the-artist · 3 months
Time for another fairly odd parents rant
Let’s talk about godkids
One of Da rules that bothers me the most is the fact that God parents cannot tell their God children about other kids with fairies. They specifically have to find out on their own.  it’s never really explained why they have this rule
 I think godchildren would benefit a lot from having friends who were also godchildren, and when it comes to our main boy, Timmy, I genuinely think being friends with another God kid would do him a lot of good 
Since I’ve talked about before, when it comes to Timmy’s just general behaviors regarding his friends they’re not outright negative Timmy gets along with a lot of people and is a pretty social person overall but he’s also more reserved than you would think, because Cosmo and Wanda are his go to for everything when it comes to companionship and literally everything else so he appears more closed off to his friends then you would originally think especially since he has to keep the secret of having Cosmo and Wanda, he can’t talk about the most important people of his life ever
It’s the episode Wishingwell that I wanted to specifically bring up because it’s one of the few episodes where we actually get to see Timmy interact with fellow on his own without Cosmo and Wanda (i’m aware of Remy we will get to him later)
Molly and Dwight are the only two God children Timmy has ever actually made friends with him  and the fact that we never see these two after their first appearance episode is so sad because the rapport that they have with Timmy is so good and the fact that he’s able to actually talk to them about his fairies the people he cares about most as well as hear about theirs and how they enthused about their fairies and it’s something they all love to do Timmy has never had anyone to be able to talk to about Cosmo and Wanda , and while he is friends with fairies in fairy world, it’s not the same as actually having children on his level 
 Timmy never feels like he’s on the same level as his regular friends, AJ, Chester, or even Elmer and Sanjay (who barely show up so they don’t really count since they’re back up friends)
Timmy actually feels like he’s on the same level as Dwight and Molly, even though he takes up a leader position near the end of the episode, it less feels like they’re just following Timmy because he’s the main character and more like they’re following Timmy because they actually value his take. I like AJ and Chester I really do and they can be loyal friends, but I’ve stated before they’re very all or nothing 
Timmys in this weird box, where he’s on friendly terms with a lot of people, but he’s not friends with a lot of people. A lot of people wouldn’t go out of their way for him like he would for them. 
Tootie would honestly be his best friend if it weren’t for her obsession  since those two are practically trauma bonded because of Vicky
Also, to add onto my last post, tootie should have a fairy not only would it give her somebody to interact with that wasn’t her evil sister or Timmy it would put her on Timmy’s level, my own personal theory of why she doesn’t have one is because she can’t be trusted to not let the secret out as seen in the episode where Timmy gives her his fairies for the day. Her first instinct is to tell everybody about them but I feel like when she’s a little older let’s say 11 she’d have enough common sense to not blab about that since she’s like 9 in that episode turning 10 so cut her some slack there 
Oh yeah, I said I’d talk about Remy ummmmmm I used all my brain power talking about everything else, so I’ll probably add onto that later 
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hayleysayshay · 1 year
Okay DnD movie thoughts!!! I loved it a lot and it’s a shame it’s not going to make its money back it seems, I would love a sequel with the same cast of characters.
This contains spoilers!!!
— I thought three cast were great! I think Michelle Rodriguez was a standout as Holga and so was Rege Jean Page as Xenx despite the more limited screen time. But the whole cast was great, Chris Pine has a lot of charm. I think Justice Smith’s accent was very good.
— Hugh Grant was very Hugh Grant and it was great
— the film was very sincere and I loved that. It was funny but very corny ina good way.
— it was pretty funny at times! Some of it was just the snarky ‘well that happened hur hut’ humour that isn’t great but there were some good set pieces.
— I loved how DnD it felt. I could just imagine a player going ‘my character loves potatoes’ as their character quirk they role play all the time and those moments really worked for me. I can just imagine people coming up with the plan around a table.
— I liked the plot construction. For example Xenx makes Edgin promise to give the treasure to the people and he does in a way that serves his character arc but also serves the plot and helps them defeat the bad guy! I just thought was really neat how the plot unfolded the way it did.
— I thought Doric was the weakest character. Like she didn’t have much to do? They obvs realised she didn’t have much conflict and gave her some tiefling angst but it wasn’t angsty enough. Maybe she could have felt out of place with the elves though they loved her and the team stand up for her and they feel like a group of people that accept her would have been a bit more than what she got? She just hates humans then goes they’re okay at the end just because she worked in a team. I just wanted a window in her personal world.
— I also think Doric should have been infernal red. I understand not wanting any odd races in the main cast due the risk of not being able to take it seriously but they could have painted Sophie Lillie red. I have seen Critical Role cos play, it could have been done fairly naturalistic. It would make the team look less samey. They also don’t explain what a tiefling is? Sophie Lillie looks adorable it’s really not clear why her parents would have cast her out unless you know DnD lore. Her being red would make it more obvious.
— I like it’s implied that Helga’s husband is just really into tall buff women and that Helga is really into halflings
— Damn it I got emotional at the end when Holga died and they do a flashback of her raising Kira I was like damn you got me movie you got me
It’s deffo like 4/5 for me I had a lot of fun. If Doric was better it could be a 5 but sadly not.
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theherds · 1 year
Random Bella Sara Thought #1:
Brioso is the son of Allegra.
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For a bit of background info Allegra (pictured right) is the Countess of herd Airistos. Brioso is the Page of herd Airistos. While looking through my cards I noticed that Brioso looked quite similar to Allegra. Now of course there are horses that look similar in Bella Sara most of which are the regular horses and those from the earlier series with alot of pure black horses for example. However, Brioso has quite a unique design that even stays fairly unique today. Before the card series Sunflowers and especially Moonfaires came out there were few fairy/insect winged horses. Maybe a few scattered about.
Now looking through the fandom I actually found that apparently Dewsparkle is his mother as it was shown in his stable. For context each horse has a picture of themselves in their stable. The foals will have pictures of their family assuming they have any. The wiki acknowledges that this relationship seems odd. Now obviously there can be simple explanations like maybe the people working on the game thought it would be funny. Maybe it was mistakenly put in there and they just left it. Whatever the reason let’s look way too into this. The series does have its own lore and story but it’s a bit odd at times and can be blurry or confusing as it’s at times inconsistent and there isn’t as much as you would thing.
So, why is it weird that Dewsparkle is Brioso’s mother?
1. Brioso is a butterfly winged horse while Dewsparkle is a dew pony.
2. Brioso looks nothing like Dewsparkle. Now realistically a child will not always look exactly like their parent or have their exact attributes as that’s not how genetics work but Brioso does not share any similarities in appearances to Dewsparkle at all. When looking at the foals of Bella Sara most will look something like their parents and have obviously similar attributes. We don’t know who the father of Brioso is but having zero traits from the mother is still odd.
3. They’re in different herds. Brioso is in herd Airistos while Dewsparkle is of herd Sunflower. As Brioso is still a foal it’s odd that he is part of a different herd as foals are typically associated with the same herd as their parents.
4. Let’s talk cards. Brioso was introduced in Royalty and hasn’t made any other appearances. Dewsparkle was introduced in Bella’s Ball as a promo card and reappeared in Sunflowers. Allegra also first appeared in Bella’s Ball along with her husband Rodrigo. Allegra would reappear in Herds of North of North but her husband would not make a reappearance. Brioso never appeared in Bella’s Ball. So they can’t even be related via cards. Part of me wonders if they meant to put Allegra’s picture instead and just didn’t care to change it or didn’t want to.
Now let’s take a look at all 3 horses. I’ve also added Dewsparkle’s Sunflower artwork and the Adventures artwork for the three adults as I think it shows what they’re meant to look like really well.
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As you can see Brioso looks nothing like Dewsparkle. However, he looks a lot like Allegra. Both have dark brown coats and a black mane and tail. While not exact their wings have similar color and pattern. They both sport golden horns as well, just not in the same shape. Last but not least they also both have brown eyes. In relation to Rodrigo there isn’t nearly as much apart from the brown eyes and golden horn but Brioso does have a darker coloring on his legs, this can also be seen on Rodrigo.
It’s true that Dewsparkle also does have darker legs but that’s really the only thing. Brioso has wings and a horn while Dewsparkle does not. They’re entirely different species of horses. Dewsparkle’s eyes are blue/green while Brioso has brown eyes. Their colors do not match and Brioso has a short coat while Dewsparkle has a longer one.
So let’s get back to the theory.
I theorize that Brioso is the son of Allegra. At least biologically. As he looks very similar to her and their both from the same herd. Now let’s add to the theory of why Dewsparkle’s picture is up there and not Allegra’s.
1. Allegra gave him up. Brioso looks a bit older than a young foal so maybe Allegra gave him up when he was born. Maybe a reason was because she was too young. Rodrigo may be her husband but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t had other relations. Maybe she fell in love with another stallion before Rodrigo and had Brioso. Maybe it was a fling with some random stallion. Maybe she cheated on Rodrigo and that’s why she got rid of Brioso. Now assuming that Rodrigo is there father then I would maybe say they were just too young to take care of a child. In any of these scenarios Dewsparkle becomes his adoptive mother. Maybe she was a friend of Allegra’s and agreed to care for him. Or maybe she found him abandoned and took pity on him? Maybe after some time he returned to herd Airistos as maybe he didn’t feel like herd Sunflower was for him. Or perhaps he learns of his origins and returns to find his parents.
2. Brioso has a bad relationship with his mother. The reason I don’t say parents is there isn’t too much evidence that Rodrigo is the father but it is very much possible. Maybe she had Brioso with another Stallion but ended up marrying Rodrigo. While the hierarchy and nobility of the herds doesn’t seem to be exactly like it in our world it could still be a tight situation with her being a Countess. Wether he had a bad relationship with his mother or both his mother and his father maybe he turned to Dewsparkle as his mother figure. Maybe she was a friend of Allegra who would help watch and care for him or maybe he just happened to meet her one day. Either way maybe because his relationship with his mother wasn’t so good he chose to put Dewsparkle’s picture on the wall rather than his mother’s or parent’s to show feels more like family than his own biological mother.
Anyways that’s just my stupid little theory that went on for way too long. I’m personally gonna headcanon that he is the son of Allegra but was raised more or entirely by Dewsparkle. I haven’t yet decided tho if I shall include Rodrigo as his father and if I shall go with his mother gave him up or his has a strained relationship with her.
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threewaysdivided · 3 years
How do you feel about Pink Astronaut. Personally I feel like Paulina deserved a little better than the writers gave her.
I'm 99% sure that's the ship name for Danny x Paulina, right?
(Which probably says a lot about my engagement with the shipping side of the Phandom 😅.)
TBH I don't have any strong thoughts or feelings about it either way.
In all cases I'm a very gen-focussed fan - my interests tend run more in the direction of character psychology, non-romantic platonic/ familial relationships, lore, mystery and theme. It's a personal thing but I just don't read romantic/sexual intent/attraction into character interactions unless they're explicitly framed/intended as such and the way much of the shipping community seems to do so goes completely over my head.
Which isn't to say that I avoid all ship-fics, or that there aren't a number of noncanon ships that I enjoy across different fandoms, but for the most part I favour genfic and when I do read shipfic they tend to be the stories that focus on personality, emotional chemistry and personal/emotional compatibility. And when it comes to thinking about "ships" myself I tend to lean more towards times when characters have canonically expressed that kind of interest, the reasons why they would be compatible/ find each other attractive, how they feel about it and what it says about them.
But back to Paulina:
I think you're right - as a character she (along with basically every human character outside of the main trio, the Fenton family and sometimes Valerie) suffers massively from underdevelopment because of the show's nature as for the most part an episodic kid's superhero-comedy with an ooky-spooky gimmick. Danny Phantom the show is a place where The Status Quo is God and the Rule of Funny/Cool/Drama supersedes everything, up to and including the characters and their consistency.
(You can even see this and the obviously conflicting visions of different parts of the creative team effect the main characters too. Danny suddenly carrying the Jerk Ball in service of a generic "don't be superficial/ materialism is bad" story in Livin' Large, how Tucker is basically learning the same lesson twice across What You Want and King Tuck, the multiple times where Sam's more abrasive negative traits are used as a source of plot/conflict but are never meaningfully addressed or developed because the writers want to keep using those traits for drama and eventually to use her character as the Morally Righteous Generic Love Interest Behind Danny's Heroism... et cetera et certera et cetera.)
Literally every character in DP is done a disservice by the show's writing and Paulina runs into the same problem. She's chained to the post of a very specific narrative function/ character archetype and never intentionally developed beyond what's needed to serve the Plot/ the Joke.
She's clearly written to be the Rich Plastic Mean Girl à la Regina George, and while there is a potentially very interesting character beneath that surface appearance - which we can see in places like Parental Bonding where she shows emotional intelligence by immediately clocking that Sam is actually jealous of Danny's attraction to her, and in her "if my skin is perfect, I'll be perfect" line from My Sister's Keeper which hints at some potentially significant appearance-based self-worth issues - the show itself basically only ever uses her "Pretty Girl" and "Popular A-Lister" status as a source of surface-level character drama for the trio and as a rare plot-convenient situational ally in dire circumstances. Her actions show a consistent characterisation but it's so rudimentary that it barely clears that archetype to become its own thing.
I think if Danny Phantom had taken more structural and tonal influence from Spiderman (or even something like Disney's Kim Possible) rather than Fairly Odd Parents - still keeping things mostly light-hearted but with some extra focus on character consistency and layering some ongoing character arcs over each season - there could have been a lot of potential to develop and flesh out Paulina as a narrative foil/ ongoing rival to Sam and her own character arc. It also could have added some more meaningful non-stereotypical female character dynamics, which are disappointingly but perhaps not surprisingly lacking from a "for boys" Nicktoon headed by a man who named himself "Butch". But as it is she unfortunately falls into that No Man's Land for me, where she isn't developed enough to have much deeper canon worth investigating and isn't really thematically/narratively significant enough that I'd want to develop her myself for story purposes.
As for the Pink Astronaut ship itself, all I can say is that, at least for me, canonically it... isn't really one. At least in terms of what I personally characterise as a 'relationship'. It's stuck at a very shallow level; Danny has a superficial surface-level infatuation with Paulina because she's pretty and popular, and Paulina looks down on "geeky dork loser" Danny Fenton while having a superficial surface-level infatuation with Danny Phantom as "the cute ghost-boy who rescued her". There's no real sense of actual personal chemistry based on them knowing, appreciating or even seemingly caring to know who the other is as a character. None of their "romantic" hijinks really involve them learning anything meaningful about each other or even having a proper conversation. Paulina "dates" Fenton purely to piss off Sam, then "Paulina" shows personal interest in Danny but it turns out to actually be Kitten trying to piss off Johnny, and when she does show interest in him after the reveal in Reality Trip it's kind of obvious that it's because she's interested in dating Phantom and his secret identity wouldn't have mattered either way. And meanwhile Danny spends most of his time either too busy with ghost stuff to properly pay attention to her as a person, or he never really shows any interest or understanding beyond his fantasies about how she's very conventionally pretty (which he finds attractive/desirable) and popular (which he wants to be).
So while there's a lot of potential for people to write that ship in terms of them being two very different characters from different backgrounds who come to learn about each other as people, come to appreciate each other on a personality level and develop an actual romantic/emotional connection based on that... within the show itself that surface level is sort of where it starts and ends.
And like I said, I'm not a shipper. Even with the bigger, more canonically-substantiated ships I look for the personalities moreso than the romance.
So I don't really have any strong thoughts or feelings about it either way.
Sorry if that's not a satisfying answer.
But I do agree: like most DP characters, Paulina Sanchez has a lot more character potential than the writing allowed her.
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thequimmqueen · 3 years
So I want to know how did Bruna and Guy married in the first place? Because among all the people who I can think to marry Bruna, I didn’t expect Guy at all.
Yeah, I was sure someone would say that
See, when i made Marianna i didn't have any character in mind to be her father, she was just Bruna's kid but nobody really would mention her dad
back when I did more writings abt my characters, the fact nobody knew her dad's real identity was a funny gag, like how in fairly odd parents nobody knows mom and dad's real names
it was like that for a while, I had no ideas for who to ship Bruna with, and Mari didn't have a dad until my dearest @dragongirl2 came up with the cutest idea for a rarepair with her and Guy
I know, I know- "why of all people would you specifically choose the same man who's caused so much trouble for past chefs and customers?" well my dear, I know a word called "Redemption"
At first, I was like "Neat! the concept seems good enough to use" but then it grew more and more in me, especially given my hcs on Guy's background and my idea of Bruna being somebody who likes a good piece of work
and nooo, it's not the "I can fix him" excuse. I promise.
it's more of a transition starting like "I'm gonna see how long I can annoy this man until he gets tired as vengeance for what he did to my little brother" to "Damn he's actually pretty good... or maybe I have a weird taste on hairy grumpy men"
it's kinda funny and cute to me hjhjrboj I imagine Bruna teasing him for fun and guy's genuinely confused as to why she spends so much time at his nasty food place and also why she talks so much to him
again, I KNOW it's an odd choice, like, possibly the weirdest- But THAT'S what I like about it! they are the most clashing pair, 2 stubborn heads could only equal a smaller stubborn head (coughcoughMariannaCoughCough)
now, I am still not sure about why would they separate as mentioned some times in the past, I'm sure it wouldn't be because they fell out of love with the other... i think it would be more about them being forced into it. but I don't know if the other romanos would do such a thing.
there's always the option to make it Mr Rossi's fault, after all, he does take an important role in plenty of my AU lore!
also, I like calling their ship "Romadello", it sounds super cool
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kaleidiope · 5 years
Story pitch for the drawings I’ve been doing.
Heads up! This is long, and i'm so sorry!! It won't be about things that go on in the story, but things about the story. If that makes sense? (Also, I apologize if there’s spelling errors. I’m not the best with spelling.) 
(And some of this might change closer to completion. A lot of it isn't set in stone. So, even though I've started writing it, it still might change a bit from what it is. It stands at roughly 10,000 words right now, and we're not even half way yet.)
This story has been in my folder by the name of, "OUL". (Don't ask!) XD And it will be on a site called, "Quotev."
Thus, that's what i'll most likely refer to it as. It will get a name, but I want to name it when it's closer to being complete. I think I've talked about it twice before? But this has been my main focus story. I've been working things out with it since, I believe it was February? A lot of it has changed, some has been the same, I've mulled over many ideas for it. And it's fantasy. No getting around that! XD It makes no sense in some parts. I find some bits of it to be silly now. But I don't like the idea of changing them.
I also took different ideas from games, and i'll referencing those games to try help get a better idea of what I mean? If you guys remember me saying it's like One shot and Borderlands. That's because there's not much more of a, (Setting? Theme? Atmosphere?) I loved more than One Shot!! I loved that game's feel! Which is why I've based it around the same kind of feel! No sun, it's sandy, so on, and such. And the two main cities, are based like the,"Refuge" (Jade), and the "Glen/Barrens" (Beryl). (The Barrens works better for the out-skirts, though. See what I meant about it being like One-shot? I kind of feel bad about it now!) And Borderlands, because those two cities remind me of "Hyperion", and "Pandora". Two cities, Well...those aren't cities...But they do kind of hate one another. And one's powerfully ruled by someone kind of bad, while the others a bit...shabby? And Borderlands just reminds me of how the out-skirts would be like! XD (That's horrible!) And no sun due to the moon, so it's like a twisted, "Majora's Mask" Moon now? XD (Sure, why not!) 
So, lore of the world. I like to consider this a whole new different place. I've called it 'Hanabano". Before, but i'm not completely sold on the name? And the moon has blocked the sun. A presumed eternal eclipse. 
Now, and I quote from the story:
"A world, Hanbano. Presumed to be, once a world of beauty, now a world of sand and sea. The small planet's moon was large enough to block the sun for decades. If not far longer. An eternal eclipse. Leaving the world to adapt to it's new conditions. For better, or worse. The world fell apart. But as all things will do, the world adapted. The people made the best of what they had. And the world didn't leave the people, truly, in the dark. "Starworms." A type of glowing water dwelling bug with bioluminescene, rumored to have magic inside their shell's, due to the evidence of life around the ponds they inhabit. They live in the water, and in the water far beneath the ground. Along with the "Starworms of the sky". A flying bug with a far fainter glow. rumored to be the souls of the dead. Other than stars themselves, they were the world's only source of light. "GlowCo." A company made for harvesting the Starworms. GlowCo took the Starworms and turned them into lights. GlowCo knew the world relied on their lights. Crazy with power, GlowCo charged great deals of pearls for their lights. Some people seen the damage it was doing, to the world, to the people, to the starworms themselves. And retaliated. They started wearing masks on one half of their face, so when there was no light, one eye would be adjusted to the darkness. The people who could afford lights rejected those with masks, and started calling them, "Off Ones". For they're seemingly "Off" logic. The Off Ones relied on the many small bodies of water about the world for light. Along with the deemed, deadly source, that was fire. The people lived in one city, but not together. Most "Without Masks" were anything and everything they dreamed of, while the Off Ones often became merchants. GlowCo was not fond of the Off Ones, They decided that if there is no natural light then they too, would have to buy their lights. GlowCo destroyed the city. And everything around it. Many things relied on the Starworms, they depleted too much, too fast. And destroyed that portion of the world. Those Without Masks moved on, and made a new city. While the Off Ones stayed. They wouldn't let GlowCo win. They stayed in and throughout the chaos. Their masks let them see, they weren't afraid to use fire as light. Both something GlowCo couldn't do a thing about. With a old city in ruins and a new city on the rise, The two groups got farther apart with growing darkness in the world. And in their hearts."
So yeah! :D I'm going to talk about the characters now.  And then i'll try to describe some things about the world.
Crimson, Cyan, and Umi aren't really in it a lot. If at all. Also, Maskless/ Without Masks, are in Jade. Off Ones are in Beryl. Jankers are in between the two cities, the out skirts, if you will.
To get a better idea of what the characters look like, I've mulled over the idea of ages for them. I've thought about making Pax young, around 11. But I feel that's quite young for what's going on in his life. I know things can't always be good. But I've thought about bumping it up to 12, or even 15? But since I've been thinking having Umber as 16, and Eben as 14. And I want an age gap between them. I don't like the idea of bumping it four years. She'd then be 20, and I do want them to be young, not kids, but, young? I just don't like the idea of those three being adults? And that Umber and Pax are around the same size, despite the age gap. Pax is a bit shorter than Umber. But I do like the idea of them being around the same size. I once, (apparently? I found it in my drawings drawer.) that I wrote down heights. But I've completely scraped that idea, because I didn't like it, and it would never come up. Thus, no need to work it out in numbers?? And it's fine just saying they're about the same size??? Just like the currency???? Since it's only mentioned once?!?!? There's a currency?!?!?!? Why did I make a currency?!?!?!?!?But all this is just one of those things i'm not sold on, but don't really like the idea of changing! 
Also, Those three are the only confirmed kids? Tal, i'm thinking about 17, 19? 15 would be nice, but I don't want him that young for what he does. Pax being 11 works pretty well for him, Tal I feel needs to be a bit older. I think of Indigo being 26, 28? And Cyan being 32, 36? Crimson has the same deal as Tal, so 17, 19-ish. And Umi doesn't ever show. Tobias I think about 23, 25-ish. I haven't thought about it with them as much. But I do know Indigo's a pretty tall guy, like, ridiculously tall.  :\
Eben, Umber, and Pax are the only ones in this story that aren't merchants. (Well, Eben and Pax are, but not professionals.) And the only ones without a full face mask. Tobias isn't an Off-One. So he gets his own look to him. Full face masks are worn my traveling merchants to hide their identity. As for, they go back and fourth from Beryl to the out-skirts of Jade to sell whatever it might be they have. (Every Merchant specializes in a different skill.) So, Cyan, Indigo, and Crimson (And Tal, too!) have full face masks and tend to wear a kind of cloak? While the others wear a kind of sweater? I consider this world to be dusty and windy, so those masks protect their eyes, too. Those masks I feel would have one lens a solid color, so you couldn't see out of it, and one clear, so you could. (Because a colored lens would be a bit hard to see out of in low light?)  And some of them would have an animal element to them, like ears. Also, the odd designs "Sigils"on the masks work kind of like a family crest? Anyone in the same family will have the same mark.
PAX: (Paxton Loi) Knowledge merchant. Lost his Parents at a young age. They worked for GlowCo and died in a harvesting accident. The People of Beryl called it, "Devils work" and kind of resent Pax for being the, "blood of such horrible people!" In an attempt to make a new name for himself. He became a Knowledge merchant. (He keeps records of things. Buys and sells stories and information.) He has short-ish? light blue hair. Brown eyes. Light yellow-ish colored skin. Can be a bit cold towards people. More as a defense mechanism than anything. Even though he can be overly blunt and cold, and a bit sarcastic. He's a sweet kid. Even when he's being cold, I feel he would be saying it in a more of a questioning tone of voice? like, he's blunt, not mean. Has a hard time showing what he's really feeling, and things can come out not as intended. He has a green sweater, and a red scarf. With a half face mask.
UMBER: (Umber Ozu) Student. Was never told about her Parents. (Presumed, and confirmed dead.) Lives with her Aunt Umi. Was always being yelled at for never paying attention in class. Always messing with creations instead. When she made her light, GlowCo heard of it. Got angry. Decided to try to buy her light. To destroy it.  She seen through their plan and refused. Umi didn't care, and wanted the money they were offering.  And made a plan to sell it without Umber knowing. She found out. And on the night of the trade, she left Jade and ran off to the out-skirts of the city. Found a Merchant cart getting ready to leave for Beryl. Thinking of the years long feud the two cities have, she decided the news of her would never reach Beryl. And took a chance. Umber has dark purple hair, and eyes to match. Her skin is a bit of a deeper yellow tone. She's smart, and knows just what she's doing and how. Pretty friendly, and speaks her mind on most things. Fairly proud, and doesn't like losing or being wrong. Gets sad when she makes a mistake. She wears a Light purple sweater, and the full face mask with a green lens on the right side, and rabbit ears. It gets broken later on, which is why she has a bandage on her cheek later on.
EBEN: Apprentice. The daughter of Cyan. She was working to become a knowledge merchant like Pax. But over some family matters, she decided to stop and be where she's needed most. (Her Grandmother got sick and now she helps her mother take care of her. Along with her father with his work.) She has a lighter colored green hair, blue eyes, and very light skin. She's very bubbly and can come off as rude. Can cut people off mid sentence and is a bit childish. Will pout if she doesn't get her way. But only around the people she knows well, she won't do it to strangers. Knows when to be silly and what kind situation require a silly charm. Will try to make light of bad situations. She wears a dark purple sweater, and a half face mask.
(These other characters might change, as for, they're still in development. And i'm really fighting with Crimson's design, It's just, whatever I do, doesn't feel like it fits him?)
INDIGO: Traveling merchant of tools and other things of the sort. Also the guardian of Pax. (As instructed by Pax's parents.) He's very tall, with green hair. With indigo colored eyes. And a more neural skin tone, not dark, not light. and a bit of stubble on his chin, not a beard, but not a 5 o' clock shadow. (Since he does have a full face mask, and a cloak, a large part of him will be hidden. I've thought about giving him a small crack in his mask, reveling his eye and part of his skin. But at the same time, I don't think Cyan would allow him to continue like that. Though, I do imagine him having a half mask for home use. With a dark purple lens on the left side.) Due to a past accident, he has a bad knee, the left one. And should be using a cane. But he doesn't like looking like an old man. He has demons that follow him. Due to the lies he keeps. He hates it, but he's grown numb to the feeling, thanks to the help of his liquid spirits. He's the kind of Person that will always tell you what he's thinking. A bit of a joker, and enjoys teasing people. No filter on his mouth. Is very insecure of Taking care of Pax. Doesn't believe he does a good job at playing a fatherly role in Pax's life. He wears a deep, dark purple/red colored cloak. With a blue sweater.
TAL:(Talos)(My newest lil' guy!) Janker. He hates working with Jankers, but a job is a job. And you can't really get out of what you're born into. But don't judge him by the company he keeps! He's a great guy! Takes a lot of risks to help people unlucky enough to get caught up in the group. He has short grey/blue hair. and eyes to match. With a a bit of a tanned toned skin. He let's people sneak off, gives them food, really cares about them. He can be pretty cheeky, can and will talk himself out of any tough situation. More up beat, and friendly than Indigo, but both get along and can act the same from time-to-time with their joking personalities. But is well aware when I situation needs to be treated serious and knows when to hold his tongue. He wears and full face mask with cat/fox ears, and a light purple lens on the left side. He has a light purple band around his head, and wears a light purple sweater along with a deep, dark blue cloak.
CRIMSON: Knowledge merchant. Low-key villain? (Kind of. Works along with jankers, and is a puppet for GlowCo.) Pax's rival. Has little to no talking part. Is mainly only mentioned and comes into it only once.(For now.)  He has bright red hair, and deep light blue eyes. And a tanned, darker colored skin. (Full-face mask and cloak, too.) And a deep blue lens on the left side. Despite being a "Bad guy". He doesn't act like a bad guy. He's just trying to do his job. (Too bad it's a horrible one.)With a deep, dark blue cloak.
TOBIAS: The Villain? (Kind of. He's the head of GlowCo. Need I say more?) Yet, he isn't in full charge. He's the next in line to take over the company. ( Can't say too much without giving away too much.) He has dark, kind of black/blue, colored hair. Light blue eyes, and VERY light skin. Almost white. He's a very cunning, and a bit charming. Can easily make people do what he wishes. Far too street, and book smart to be trusted. He wears a white, and light purple trimmed cloak. I can also see a cut on the bottom left side of his cheek.
(These guys will not have drawings with them. I'm sorry. It's just, how I imagine Cyan looking, is out of my skill league. I can't draw men. At least not manly looking men. Indigo was pushing it!) XD
CYAN: Eben's father and mask merchant. He's the one who made Umber's mask. (And is the reason Indigo won't be having that crack in his mask.) He's also the main reason Indigo is insecure. Cyan doesn't believe that he can take care of himself, let alone Pax. Though, the two of them go way back, and are good friends. They just don't always see eye-to-eye. (He has a full face mask, and a cloak, too. With a Cyan colored lens on the right side. But I imagine red hair, even though his name's Cyan. His eyes would be a cyan color, though! And his skin would be like Eben's since he's her father.) He's a very serous guy, and only wants the best for everyone. Can be very ruff and rude. But he always has the best intentions. He has a brown cloak.
UMI: Umber's aunt. Never shown, nor does she have talking part. (Yet, may change?) Most likely would look like an older, more mature looking Umber? I feel she'd have a tight bun on the top of her head. Along with a few others that haven't been named yet. I know I want one to be called mauve, but that's only if I don't change what i'm planning. :P
Now for the main look of the world! :D
The world it'self isn't something I've thought a whole lot about. I've sketched up a few things in the past, but i'm not sold on a good portion of it. But there are elements I know I like and want to keep in it. Like starworm lanterns and fire glasses. So, still something I need to think about. Mainly, how to put what's in my brain, into words. XD
I see this world to be really sandy, dusty and windy. And kind of bare? Maybe some dead trees, like really big logs that just haven't rotted through the time yet? (Because no one really knows when it went dark, or should I say, when the eclipse started?) With a lot of small ponds and such around with Starworms swimming about inside. Like tide pools? (Except in Jade, because GlowCo would have harvested all of them by now.) I've always thought of the starworms to give off a light blue glow. But it's pretty bright? And firefly type things that float about in the sky, varying in size. But they have a very faint glow, which is why GlowCo doesn't care about them. But it's a light blue type of color, too? And that starworms are also found underground. In caves. Water caves. But the light Starworms give off can allow some plants to grow??? And that the bug it'self is told to be magic??? Rumors? Or truth? Duh-duh-duhhhhhh!!!! XD 
Also! Since there'd be no light pollution, the sky would look B E A U T I F U L!!! Just think! It'd look like some galaxy wall paper for a computer screen!
And then there'd just be a large black circle! That's just the moon, chilling out in-front of the sun, blocking it and the stars from view!! XD (Oh my goodness!!) XD
The biggest issue is, I find how I word things to be silly? But a large part of this story is dialogue. And if I don't give the characters their own way of wording things, it'll become dull. And it's something I'm finding a bit hard to do. My favorite style of writing is narration, and I feel when it's not dialogue, i'm just writing out the obvious? I don't know.
It feels a bit redundant at times. But I also have to realize, that I know what I mean, but the reader will not. I know what the place looks like, but the reader does not. So it might not be as silly as I feel it is? There will be mentioning of alcohol, death, and a lot of joking about random stuff. I hope not to go over anything more than a PG-13 type writing? But let's be honest, Jankers are the kind of people you call if you want someone to disappear! XD I mean, they do work with GlowCo from time-to-time. (They work for no one. Only themselves, but will work with others for a small price.) 
And as most can also guess, there won't be curse words. I don't curse myself after all. Though I don't mind curse words, it's not a problem with others saying them or with the words themselves. (It's just I feel weird saying them? It feels wrong to say or even write them for me? I don't know why...) 
I hope whoever has stayed this long to read my future story is having a great day and enjoyed! Also, I'm more than fine with questions. They can sometimes help me work things out. (But there’s no need, if you don’t want to!) Also, there's no such thing as a stupid question! I mean it! This story doesn't make perfect sense. Trust me.
Also there is some things I just can't talk about. Well, I mean, I....COULD....But....That ruin the story plot! XD So, i'm really sorry about that!
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7deadlycinderellas · 5 years
If the summer of our lives could just come again, ch11
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 On the Kingsroad
Just as she feared, Sansa is black and blue at the end of each day’s riding. They’re not even going very fast, but every time she climbs out of the saddle she feels like it’s become part of her.
When they stop to eat in the evening, Ned mentions,
“I’m surprised you chose to ride.”
“I didn’t last time,” Sansa admits, “And I feel like I missed out, like there’s so much of Westeros I haven’t really seen. Every other time we’ve traveled, it’s been under duress, so I couldn’t appreciate it.”
Traveling at peace, she’s grown to appreciate the landscape. Everything is green, at its peak of growth, not yet touched by the winds of autumn, though they are on the cusp of it.
There’s a special sort of pain that comes to linger in Sansa’s gut caused by traveling alone with her father.
Once, when watching him speak to some of the men, she feels a sob crawl it’s way out of her throat.
When Ned looks at her, alarmed, her words spill out.
“The last thing I said to you before...you died thinking I hated you.”
Ned freezes, and then hugs her. He tries to assure her,
“There comes a point where as a parent, you accept that your children won’t stay little and perfectly adoring of you forever. I know you don’t hate me, and whatever it was over I’m sure I wouldn’t have held it against you.”
Sansa sniffs.
“Gods, I must have been an awful child to deal with.”
Ned laughs.
“You had your moments, all of you did. Some days we would have you swooning, Robb grandstanding, Jon sulking in the corner, Arya yelling and running away from the septa and Bran climbing something he shouldn’t all in one day. Rickon could do all of those in a single day himself, save maybe the swooning.”
When they pass through the Neck, it begins to rain lightly. The chill it brings puts Sansa’s mind back into her worst place. When they’re huddled under the covers of the tents one night, Sansa finally asks.
“The Boltons are really gone?”
Ned looks at her gently. None of them had been forthcoming about how Sansa, in particular, seemed so threatened by the Boltons. And after what he had seen at the Dreadfort, he feels he really doesn’t need to know.
“I swung the sword myself.”
Sansa lets out a breath, and leans forward to hug her knees.
“You should make sure to keep an eye on Ice,” she says, changing the subject rapidly, “Valyrian steel works on white walkers as well.”
“Not too many of those left in Westeros,” Ned comments. Sansa doesn’t tell him what became of it after his death.
“The recipe for making more was found,” Sansa admits, “and Gendry knows how to do it, but it requires dragon’s fire.”
Dragons. It should shock Ned more than it does.  
He stares off into the woods a lot that night. Dragons on his mind.
When they finally reach King’s Landing, the smell assaults them both like a slap. Sansa steels herself, and walks to her place with dignity.
The keep is as it was, huge and full of historical lore, but also intimidating and sitting atop a city crawling with unrest.
The king too, is as he was. Fat, drunk and thoughtless. Thankfully he doesn’t give Sansa much notice. She looks out of the corner of her eye at him on occasion, seeing the resemblance to her good brother in what seems a near mockery. Sansa watches as he drinks and hunts his way throughout his days, laying all of his work on her Father and the council. Why did he even want to be king at all? Sansa thought, he fought a whole war, so many people died for it. What did any of this mean to him?
Cersei and Joffrey are much as they were too. Joffrey doesn’t pay her any mind, and Cersei only takes a moment to hold her chin in her fingers, nails sharpened to a point, and ask her if she had reconsidered the idea of marrying her eldest son.
“Oh, no, “ Sansa assures her, “Joffrey is a prince, and I belong in the north. I simply did not wish my father to have to make this journey alone. “
After that, Sansa tries hard to steer clear of her. If she can escape the queen’s notice, it will be easier to escape her wrath. It’s much easier than cutting and running every time she spies Lord Baelish on the premises. She feels her stomach tighten every time, and Lady follows her when she walks the halls alone.
Tommen and Myrcella both have changed some in the last not quite a year since she’s seen them, having grown taller and more into themselves. Sansa hadn’t paid Myrcella much attention before, being so blinded by the attentions of her older brother, but she now finds the girl a bright-eyed and willing companion.
“None of the servants have daughters my age, and Mother likely wouldn’t let me play with them anyway. Joffrey won’t let me join him and Tommen in anything they get up to either.”
Sansa looks at Myrcella, the girl having gotten close to hitting a growth spurt and already becoming lovely. Sansa reaches in her mind for any memory she has of what became of her once she’d been sent away to Dorne. All she remembers is that it hadn’t ended well.
But for now, she thinks the both of them could use a friend.’
“Do you know how to play cyvasse?” Sansa asks, recalling one of Gendry’s suggestions of past times.  
Myrcella’s eyes light up.
“My uncle Tyrion has been teaching me, I’m sure he could teach you too!”
It’s strange to admit that Sansa has found herself avoiding Tyrion too. He’s back to the man she first met, and while she isn’t repulsed by him like she had been, she has to admit her feelings are mixed.
He doesn’t mention anything about what she told him before he left Winterfell, or of the letter, but she can feel him watching her, like he wants to ask but can’t find the words. She knows the feeling.
Myrcella convinces him one day after breakfast. They sit at a table in one of the gardens, over the board. After describing the movements of each of the pieces, Tyrion sits back to watch the two of them.
“Remember, the goal for all the pieces is to protect the king from being killed.”
Sansa picks up one piece, the dragon, examining it. The set they’re using is made of up of ivory and jade, lovely craftsmanship.
“Strange how the whole game is about protecting the king,” she comments, “But he’s not even the most powerful piece on the board.”
There’s so much reality to her comment, she thinks as Myrcella nods, and they begin to play.
She watches the board, and their hands moving the pieces around the board, fighting for the death of an imaginary monarch. What did all of that even mean to them?
She sighs, play stupid games, she thinks, win stupid prizes.
 At Winterfell
Gendry has been getting into the rhythm of the days at Winterfell. He eats in the Great Hall with all the others, then he works. It’s usually in the afternoon, after the bulk of the rest of the work is done, when him, and usually Meera, and sometimes one or two of the others, will continue on the stockpile of dragonglass weapons.
The other girl didn’t pay him too much attention. She would chatter sometimes, idly, while they were working, but she seemed to focus on her work. The chip and whittle method she uses is time consuming, but her work always comes out well.
One day, she surprises him by asking if he could make her some metal fish hooks.
“I asked Arya if she wanted to go fishing with me in the Wolfwood in a few days,” she explains.
It is odd, Gendry thinks, seeing them together. The morning that they choose to leave, Arya asks him if he wants to come with them.
“That’s alright,” he says, never having really been a fan of nature. There’s something else too.
“It’s nice seeing you with friends. Not sure if you ever had those, aside from us. And let’s be honest, Hot Pie wasn’t so much a friend as he was dead weight that occasionally produced delicious food.”
Arya leaves him off with just a hug, and he adds,
“Be careful out there though.”
Meera had pulled down the pair of ash branches the day before and whittled them down. They were strapped to her back when she unsteadily joined Arya on their horse and left Winterfell through the hunter’s gate.
Arya feels Meera shifting uncomfortably in front of her.
“Still not quite steady?” she asks.
Meera shakes her head, tight lipped.
“I’m used to stepping carefully, for marshes and quicksand and unstable ground. It feels like I’m not quite in control up here.”
Arya pats the dappled gelding on the rump.
“You will eventually get used to it. Horses aren’t the smartest of beasts, but they’re very predictable.”
It’s a short ride though, the stream isn’t far from the keep. It’s fairly deep, but not too wide. As children, the Starks used to dare each other to try and jump over it. Only Robb was ever brave enough to try, and he got soaked for his bravery.
“What’s out right now?” Arya asks her, while she’s digging in the bank for worms for bait.
“Trout mostly.”
When they bait their lines, and throw them out, Arya sits back against the tree they’ve parked by.
“Did you really grow up doing this all the time?”
Meera nods.
“If you were trying to get a bunch at once, to salt or something, it was usually easier to cast a net. Rod fishing was mostly for relaxing on nicer days, and bringing back something to fry just for dinner that day.”
Arya sits back and looks at the sky. It is a nice day, clear and sunny if awfully cold. The leaves on the trees are starting to turn towards golden towards autumn.
“I wish I could have done that,” Arya muses, “Growing up here, everything I wanted to do I was told wasn’t for ladies. If my mother had had her way I would have never even gone outside.”
“There were perks,” Meera agrees, “It’s very different in the Neck, a lot more goes into ensuring our day-to-day survival. There were girls like you’re sister there too, girls who hated hunting and swimming and the like. Girls who probably thought I was insane to still do those things even though I was highborn and likely could have elected to never.”
That is something Arya has come to understand; that there are girls like her everywhere, and girls like Sansa everywhere. She does kind of wish she’d known Meera the first time around, when she was younger. It might have helped to know there were other girls like her at all, that she wasn’t some kind of freak.
They’ve caught three trout that Meera has gutted and strung up when the sun is high in the sky.
“I’m going to go down stream to bury the guts,” she stands and tells Arya, taking the bucket to dump.
When she’s done and goes to return, she feels the hairs on her arms stand up. She’s not sure why, but when she approaches, she, quietly as possible, climbs a nearby tree to get a look.
There’s three of them, she realizes, two men and a woman, dressed in shabby skins and furs. One of them has a knife on Arya, who through some miracle, just looks bored.
Meera clutches the knife she’d used to gut the fish in one hand. She can’t get the drop on three of them, she knows that. She loosens the grip, and reaches out, finding a cluster of acorns, pulling them loose and throwing them across the clearing.
The distraction works, when the man with the knife nods to the woman to check it out, Arya reaches out to grab the knife.
It’s a quick move, and from the yell the man lets out, Meera guesses Arya must have broken at least one of his fingers to get it. She flails out and slashes at him violently, cutting his face deeply before the other man grabs her from behind.
Meera eyes the end of the branch she’s on. It’s just a bit too far, if she could just get a little bit closer, she might be able to jump on top of one of them…
It’s not an issue. Less than five seconds after the other man grabs Arya, there’s a rustling and a fierce howl before the wolf bursts into the clearing and leaps atop the man holding Arya back, and takes a deep bite out of the side of his face.
Meera jumps down carefully into the fray, while she watches Arya, suddenly free, tackle the man she had slashed, who is still clutching his face. In one swift movement, she slashes his throat with his own knife.
Arya is breathing heavily, and when Meera hits the ground and pulls her own knife. There’s still the woman to deal with.
Though with the wolf, it’s muzzle covered in blood, standing beside the two corpses, she’s frozen, seemingly with no desire to try and fight it.
The woman drops her knife, and Meera goes to grab it. She gets a good look at her then, and stops short.
If Osha is at all disturbed by her calling her by name, it doesn’t show.
“Do what you will with me,” she says, “Just don’t let that thing kill me.”
Meera looks over at Arya, who’s got her hands on both sides of the wolf’s snout, and has her forehead pressed against its own.
“That thing has a name,” Arya insists, “And it’s Nymeria.”
Nymeria was huge, Meera thought, bigger even than Summer had been full grown. She’d heard tell that Arya’s wolf was wilder than others, but it was apparently no less loyal.
“What do we do with her?” she asks Arya, nodding in Osha’s direction.
Arya points to the where they’d tied the horse.
“I have rope in the pack. Tie her hands and we’ll bring her back to Winterfell.”
Meera does what she says, pulling Osha’s hands, which are still raised in surrender, to tie them behind her.
Arya has paused, and is looking at the two corpses.
“We’ll have to come back and burn them,” she comments, taking out her knife again, “but first…”
She takes the knife to the one who’s face she slashed. Meera watches in horror as Arya cuts the man’s face from his skull in one piece.
Osha curses loudly, and starts muttering about witches. Meera understands.
“What on earth are you-”
Not even looking up, Arya quietly asks,
“Have you ever heard of the Faceless men?”
Meera’s stomach goes cold. There had been muttering about how Arya had spent her years missing before, but...
“You’re not-”
Arya laughs.
“Not officially, but they did teach me a thing or two. A wildling face could prove very useful, even if it’s all cut and scarred.“
Once she’s done, she takes the rope Meera’s holding and pulls Osha back towards the horse.
“You’ll walk.”
 At the Wall
It had been, truly, for Jon to keep up his training at the Wall under the knowledge that his siblings had dropped upon him. The most effective route, he had discovered, was simply to try and forget he had learned any of it at all.
Sometimes this was harder than other times.
It’s hard enough when he’s getting mocked by the others, for his birth (which he now wants to throw back in their faces) or the burgeoning friendship he’s developed with Sam.
The worst is whenever he overhears some of the senior night’s watchmen speak of the intelligence they’ve gathered from over the wall. The wildling villages being abandoned, the burning of some keep that Jon has never heard of, the movements of a group of wildlings that they cannot assign a motive to. These are when the words of his siblings echo in his head.
He wishes uncle Benjen had stayed at Castle Black, just so he could see a familiar face.
But then they find the bodies of the other two rangers, and the corpses rise, and attack Lord Commander Mormont, just like the younger Stark’s had said they would.
Jon, in the moment, does not think. His training and instinct take over. When Mormont presents him with the sword, Longclaw, afterwards, he finds that he tries not to accept it.
When the older man pushes it on him anyway, he wonders about the certainty of what else they had told him.
And so, one night, he seeks out Maester Aemon.
After the older man offers him a chair, Jon cuts to the chase.
“You never talk about yourself, where did you grow up? And why the Night’s Watch?”
Aemon chuckles, and comments,
“First real brush with danger making you question your life choices? Well, if there’s nothing else that could…”
The old man tells him of his youth, growing up in King’s Landing.
“I knew wealth, and women. I could have even been king…”
Jon’s stomach seizes.
“You- your…” his mind reaches out into his history lessons, guessing at the man’s age. “You’re Aemon Targaryan.”
The old man chuckles. The rest of the words he tells Jon are a mess. Jon doesn’t even have the presence of mind to ask him about the Others like he had intended.
When he wanders back to the barracks, he realizes, that if the old Maester is in fact who he told him, then Jon is his blood family, who may be the only family the old man knows he has left.
 Over the Wall
Henneh was the one they had sent out to blend in. She hadn’t bled yet, and would have been the old man’s next wife. Young enough to not be considered a viable threat.
Gilly clutches the baby and waits for her to return. She finally does at sunset.
“Is it true?” they ask her when she does.
Henneh nods.
“It’s true, the rumors. Mance Rayder is seeking the Horn of Winter, he wants to use it to bargain with the crows, to threaten to bring down the whole wall.”
“We can’t allow that,” a raspy voice interrupts. The woman who spoke it was old, though no larger than Henneh. Her skin was still gray and the leaves growing from her head were beginning to droop. She had told them that her name was Rowan, and she was the last remaining of the Children of the Forest. She had come to them one night, whispering the stories of the deaths of the rest of her people, and how she was trying to put into motion a plan that might save the rest of the realm.
“My magic can keep the illusion on the cave as long as we need, it’s small magic. But if the Wall comes down our plans with shatter. “
“Do you even have enough magic left for the plan?”
Rowan smiles.
“Most of its long gone. Opening the rift back here took a lot out of me, but it was necessary. Very little magic is involved in the plan we made, but we will need help. We must get to Castle Black before Mance Rayder, and before he can even think to bring down the wall.”
All of the women nod.
Before they leave that night, Gilly rocks her baby to sleep, wondering what they will call this little group after the fact.
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yeaimfishboi · 7 years
Weaved To Light: Wrong Doing
Pairing: SehunxReader
Genre: Supernatural!AU, Angst, Fluff, some future ;)
Word Count: 5.4k (it’s a lot for me omg)
Warning: Death is involved with this and almost every chapter, so pleased be warned. Also with gory details. Foul language included in every chapter
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Of course it had to be another bothersome night. Your sleep was restless and your dreams were horrid. All you were able to was fall asleep for 30 minutes at a time then wake up again because of your nightmares. You had finally gotten some sleep, but then you were awoken by a sudden dip in your bed.
You quickly grabbed your gun, threw yourself in an upright position, cocked it, and pointed it at the intruder. Only to find that your best friend picked the lock to your hotel room, and was kneeling right in front of you on your bed.
“Whoa, Nelly. Hold your horses! It's just me!” he yelled throwing up his arms in defense.
“Huang Zitao, you ass,” you shoved him with your shoulder, but not very lightly. You sat there for a few seconds admiring his physique. Just because he is your best friend doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy his face. His thick brown hair that always falls perfectly on his forehead, or his cute little panda eyes that make him look so adorable and squishy. His cute little side smirk whenever he was proved right. You know he’s going to find an amazing woman one day.
“Get off your ass. You’ve got a case,” he said while pulling you off the bed very dramatically.
“Why just me?” you mumbled.
“Cuz your partner is missing, and I’m just tech support,” you knew that you would have to do this by yourself. Without him here it may be a giant mess, but you have to have faith in yourself.
“With no tech at all,” you poked at your best friend’s belly just to tease him. You and Tao had been friends for years. You met when you were about seven years old and him, nine. Your parents had to team up for a case and he was left in your hotel room. You had both been born into this job, and right now he was all you had.
“Hey, just because I use the library doesn’t mean I don’t have any tech. I’m just resourceful,” he shot a cocky grin at you. The only technological devices he ever really used were the library computers. He was a book's type of guy.
“Bullshit. Anyways, what is the case?” You quickly threw on your clothes, and grabbed all your identification.
“Well, according to the police scanner, a young student walked up to the roof of her school, and jumped off. When they found her, her legs were crushed and face mangled,” he stated while eating some of your food.
“That isn't all that special Tao,” you slumped back onto the bed after you realized that this case probably wasn’t worth it.
“There is one catch though, the door to the roof was locked. Also, this is the fifth case this month. The same school, the same injuries,” he butted in.
“A little suspicious. I guess I'll go check it out,” you said grabbing your jacket and keys, then walking out the door.
You arrived at the crime scene, with your nice formal attire.
“Y/FL/N, FBI. I'm here to investigate the crime scene.” You flashed your false badge at the officer by the tape.
“Right this way Ms. Y/S/N,” he lifted the tape and gestured to the crime scene. You investigated the remains of a young girl. Her legs were in shambles, which appears as if she landed directly on her feet, and that's rare enough. On top of that her face was destroyed, which is completely inconsistent with falling.
“What do you think did that to her face?” you asked the medical examiner.
“Honestly, I have no clue, but the other cops are associating it with the fall,” she said looking up at you, really as if she had no clue.
“The county police are saying it's a suicide, aren't they?” you asked bending down to look at the body.
“Yes,” she stated.
You spent a little while longer examining the scene. You went up to the roof only to find a little bit of a black goop on the railing.
“Damn it,” you whispered before heading to the hotel.
You made a small detour to the library before heading back. It seemed that this happened fairly frequently. One every ten years, and it always happened the same week. The first case was a young girl, named Maria, in the 1950s. They found her on the ground face mauled, with weights attached to her ankles. They immediately assumed suicide. At this point you were a little suspicious, but all you knew for sure was that you had one pissed off spirit on your hands.
You collected your research, and drove home for the night. You placed it all on your desk, and immediately flopped upon your bed.
After about 5 minutes of pure relaxation, your phone rang. You knew who it was, that curious little bitch.
“What do you want fucktard?” you asked with an underlying growl in your voice.
“Retract the claws Y/N, is that any way to treat your best friend?” he asked with a dollop of sarcasm.
“Yes,” you paused, “what do you want Tao?”
“Well, did you find out anything regarding the case?” he asked. From what you could tell, it seemed as if he didn't want to do any research.
“Why don't you drag your ass over here?” you spat at him.
“Ah, no can do Stink Bug, not unless you want me to find him.” He used his nickname for you. It always pissed you off, because it could always make you do what he wanted. You got this nickname. When you were kids. You had carelessly picked up what you thought was a beetle, but of course it ended up being a stink bug. You smelt like stink bug for days. Tao hasn't let it go since. You could never figure out why it pissed you
“Piss off, kid,” you blurted.
“So, what did you find out?” This time he was more genuine.
“Well, I sure as hell can tell you that this is weird. The victim’s face is mauled, and her tibia up to her femur is shattered on both legs.”
“Damn that’s painful.”
“Yeah,” you continued, “also when I went to the roof, I found something,” you paused waiting for him to guess.
“What?” he asked.
“You found ectoplasm on the roof?” he asked with his typical inquizitive tone.
“Yes, and I found out about the very first-” you were interrupted.
“Wait to tell me all of that when I get there,” he said.
“Oh of course, now you want to help, bring some food!” you yelled into the speaker right before he hung up his end of the conversation.
You sat by yourself for another fifteen minutes thinking about the girl. Lucy was her name. That entire case seemed odd. It doesn’t look like she committed suicide at all. You tracked down her last remaining family member, her younger sister. You decided to visit Lucy’s sister, and ask some questions about Lucy and the case. After doing that you drove back to your hotel and threw yourself on your bed. This was a long day and it was going to be a hell of an exhausting case.
Whilst amidst your pondering you heard a knock at the door. “I’m only opening the door if you bought me a pizza, asshole.” You swung open the door, and encountered someone that sure as hell wasn’t Tao. He was tall, a little lanky, and handsome. He had stunning brown eyes that glistened as he blinked. He had freckles that were littered across his cheeks. His brown hair was perfectly styled, and framed his face wonderfully. “Hello, would you like anything?”
“Hi, this may be a weird question, but are you a hunter?” he asked.
“You mean like the story of Bambi, kind of hunter?” you chortled, “I don’t hunt deers and moose that’s for sure.”
“No,” he kicked his feet across the ground, he’s nervous, “I mean like ghosts, ghouls, vampires, and demons type of hunter.”
‘How in the hell does this man know what hunter’s are?’ you thought. “There is no such thing as ghosts, ghouls, vampires, and demons, sir,” you responded back while shutting the door. He quickly shoved his foot in between the door and the latch in order to stop you.
“I need your help,” he quietly shouted, if that is even possible. He then brought his foot  back to his leg. You stopped dead in your tracks just to hear his words.
“My name is Sehun, but the humans call me Oh Sehun,” Because of his previous statement you realized he wasn’t human. So what was he? Werewolf? Vampire? You then continued to shut the door, but he stopped it again by bringing his hand up to it.
“If you are not human, then what are you?” you exclaimed through your gritted teeth.
“I was born a demon. I’m a full-blood.” That last sentence put you in an immediate state of shock..
“There is no such thing as a full-blooded demon. They are impossible." He flashed a stunning set of dark purple eyes. Just like the lore. This was all impossible, it couldn't be. Wait, you felt something. You felt desperation and sadness. They were coming from Sehun, but you can't feel emotions from anything other than humans. How is all of this possible, a full blood demon and you can feel his emotions? This entire situation felt like a dream, or more realistically a nightmare.
“Believe me now?” Sehun interrupted your thoughts.
“What do you want?” you muttered, still trying to figure out how in the hell you could feel Sehun’s emotions.
“I was given a proposition to finally become human, but the one condition was that I work with you. To fight monsters.” At this point there was so much desperation in his voice that anybody could tell. “The more cases we fight and people we save the more human I become.” You acknowledged that the entire situation was out of the ordinary, and possibly going to kill you, but you decided to give the kid a chance.
“I will give you an opportunity,” you saw his face light up, “but, you must work this one case with me, and if you can prove to me that you're serious, you can work with me. Just don't try too hard on this first case. Deal?” Right now you were really inquisitive as to how this all worked.
“Deal,” you could feel his smugness, but it wasn't the ‘You fell into my trap,’ kind of smug, it was the ‘Now I have to prove myself, and I’m going to blow you away,’ type of smug.
You beckoned him inside, and had him sit on the table.
“My name is Y/N,” you reached your hand out across the table for him to shake.
“Nice to meet you Y/N, so what's this case about?” he asked as he shook your hand.
“A string of suicides that are all eerily similar to one case in the 50s. All of them have their faces mauled and their legs crushed.”
“Ouch. What kind of ghost or monster would do that?” he asked fake wincing.
“Well, there is one caveat to this situation, the ghost leaked ecto,” you sighed dropping your head to your chest.
“What’s ecto?” You immediately face palmed yourself, especially because he seemed serious.
“Ectoplasm,” you responded slightly irritated, but not really because of him.
“You mean that goopy black shit that really angry ghosts leave behind?” he sounded like a child. He was shocked, confused, and all around just odd.
“Yes,” you paused to think heavily, “you haven't been to the overworld much, have you?”
“Not very much,” he admitted, but he still tried to seem as confident as possible. Even though you could see right through him.
“Well then let me get you acquainted with the standard procedures of a hunter,” you boasted while you smiled.
“You make it seem like you guys are special detectives that have to handle evidence a certain way,” he scoffed through his nervousness.
“We basically are, and, see you know some things about the overworld!” you laughed and then nudged his shoulder. He then dropped his head, and shook it while laughing a little.
You continued explaining for a little while, when you heard a knock at your door. It had to be Tao. You stepped out of your seat to get the door.
“Give me a sec,” you turned around and looked at Sehun, “I'll need a few minutes to talk to him, is that ok?” Sehun flashed you a thumbs up, and you continued to the door. You opened it and pushed Tao back.
“What the hell is that for?” Tao blurted.
“I’ve, um,” you kicked at the dirt on the floor. You were trying to figure out a way to explain the fact that you had a demon in your hotel room, that he was a mythical full-blood, and you were now going to work with him.
“Spit it out idiot,” he jokingly spat.
“I've got a new partner,” you muttered.
“But?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Damn, he knew you all too well. You always bit your lip when there was more to the story.
“What do you mean but? There's nothing else.”
“You wouldn't be so scared with me, if there was ‘nothing else,’” he emphasized the last two words, “and you bit your lip. I know you, Y/N. you can't hide anything from me.”
“He's a full blood,” you responded still kicking the ground with your head down.
“A full blooded what?” he asked pushing you for more information..
“Demon,” you sighed.
“Very funny Y/N, there's no such thing,” Tao laughed.
In the midst of Tao’s laughing, Sehun flung open the door. “No such thing huh?” Sehun immediately flashed his dark purple eyes.
“Sehun, go back inside,” you demanded.
“Whatever,” he scoffed, and slammed the door back behind him.
“What in the hell are you thinking,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “you idiot!”
“Zitao!” your shout made him jolt back around to face you. “I can feel him,” you huffed.
“What do you mean?” he asked with an increasingly curious gaze.
“I can feel every single one of his emotions,” you responded.
“So you mean to tell me, you can feel something that’s not human?” he asked.
“Yes, and I need you to trust me on this. I really feel like he is telling the truth, and“ you stopped your begging, “if I end up dying you can dance on my grave,” you begged again.
“Fine, but I get to stay here for a day, because I cancelled everything to help with this case.”
“Yeah, come in,” you led him inside, and found Sehun checking out some old newspaper clippings you had on the wall.
“I don’t think it was a suicide that first time,” he turned to you.
“I don’t think so either,” you paused, “Sehun this is Tao, Tao this is Sehun.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Sehun extended his hand out for Tao to shake, he then turned back to you, “Y/N, it says she was survived by her only sister. Have you talked to her?”
“Nope, that’s what we are doing tomorrow.”
“Great,” Sehun muttered.
“Let’s all get ready for tomorrow. Sehun can sleep on the other bed, and I guess Tao is stuck with me,” you gestured everyone to their beds.
“Damn it, you always hog the covers, Stink Bug,” Tao returned your teasing from earlier this morning.
“Deal with it. I doubt Sehun wants to share a bed with you,” you shoved him in return.
“He can take my bed,” Sehun had moved away from the bed, “I don’t sleep.”
“Shit, I forgot demons don’t sleep.” Tao had now moved over to the other bed and had fallen asleep extremely fast.
For a while, you just sat there contemplating why you could feel everything Sehun was feeling, it never worked on anything other than humans, so how was it possible. After maybe an hour of pondering your thoughts you had fallen asleep.
You woke up to find Sehun watching TV, or at least figuring out how it worked. He was clicking all the buttons on the remote repeatedly, which cause you to giggle under your breath.
“How does this blasted device work!” he spoke.
“Well a TV, is a device that plays movies and shows through a screen. You use the remote,” you slowly took the remote out of his hands, “to control which channel you want to watch,” you pressed the 1 and 2 button, “like this channel plays the news,” you then pressed 4 and 7, “and this plays Telenovelas, my favourite.”
“Ok so it’s like a compressed movie theater screen, but you can watch multiple things at once,” he half asked, half stated.
“Yes, like a compressed movie theater screen,” he stared up into your eyes for a while, and you could feel his curiosity, “Ok, let’s get ready to talk to the sister, first stop suit, next stop ID, and then lunch!” You and Sehun then left the hotel room.
You two had accomplished everything, and you were now standing outside the sister’s house. You knocked, and then the door opened.
“Mrs. Annabelle Williams, FBI  Agent Y/S/N, and this is my partner Agent Oh,” you said to the woman at the door.
“Agent Oh?” she asked.
“Yes Oh.”
“Oh, okay,” she said. You snickered a little to yourself. You heard Sehun scoff behind you, because obviously the joke wasn’t as funny as you thought it was. “What can I help you with detectives?”
“We are here because of a case that had happened about 60 years ago,” you had responded. Hoping not to trouble the older woman that was standing in front of her. She seemed of hispanic descent, but she was very pale as well. She had volumized black hair that was curly.
“The suicide of Maria Scott,” Sehun butted in. The whole idea of trying not to trouble the woman went out the window with that comment.
“My sister’s death was not a suicide,” she said as she walked outside and shut the door behind her, “it was a cover-up orchestrated by your beloved Sheriff's Department.”
“What do you mean by that ma’am?” Sehun had asked calmly while looking into her eyes.
“Well, what kind of suicide has injuries such as that? Half of her face was abraded away, and her legs were crushed. Suicides don’t just happen like that,” she continued.
“What do you think caused those injuries to your sister?” you asked sympathetically.
“I think she had been knocked out, and then dragged across the roof of the school.”
“What about her legs?” Sehun urged her to continue further, which seemed to trouble the woman more. You felt her become increasingly more anxious.
“Well you won’t find this in the police report, but there were weights attached to my sister’s legs, so she must have landed directly on her feet.”
“That explains the ecto,” you had turned your head slightly and muttered to Sehun.
“Wait, are you guys here about the string of suicides related to my sister’s? I told my daughter it must be a copycat, that’s why she’s there now,” Mrs. Williams butted in.
“Why is your daughter there right now?” you asked.
“She’s the medical examiner on the case, she’s there to collect evidence. She left about ten minutes ago.”
“Well, thank you Mrs. Williams. We have all we need,” you pushed Sehun around and forced him inside your truck.
As you slowly approached your truck, you became increasingly more worried and fearful. You feared you wouldn’t make it in time. You feared you couldn’t stop Maria, and you feared that no one could stop her. The closer you came to the truck the more your heart raced, the more you could feel your veins throb, and the more you could feel every aspect of your body becoming anxious.
“We weren’t done with the questions, and what did you mean by ‘That explains the ecto’?” Sehun asked you while you started the truck.
“I had done some research on Maria a few days ago, but at that point I had no clue what it meant. Maria was bullied all throughout school. Her bully, was the police chief’s daughter,” you slowly pressed on the gas pedal.
“So she’s been trying to avenge her own death?” Sehun asked.
“Who killed her?” he asked as he grew more worried about the sudden increase in speed within the car.
“The daughter did.”
“How did you find out about it?”
“Because of the weights on her legs, and the fact that there was no report of it means that Mrs. Williams is correct, this entire case was a cover-up,” at this point you became even more worried that you weren’t fast enough.
“Y/N why are you driving so fast?” At this question you had turned to your right to see Sehun gripping everything he could manage.
“Why do you care? If I crash this car, you won’t die.”
“No but it means my mission won’t be accomplished, so I ask again, why are you driving so fast?”
“Maria targets people in power. Lucy was the principal’s daughter. The other victims were either high up in the school, offspring of people in power, or people with respective jobs.”
“Mrs. Williams’ daughter,” Sehun huffed. At that moment you could feel Sehun start to become very anxious.
“She is there at the school, no police officers are there. Which means-”
“She’s the perfect target.” Sehun muttered. After that comment you pulled your phone out of your pocket and typed in Tao’s number. You could feel time going slower. The rings pounded in your ear while Tao didn’t pick up the phone. It felt like 10 minutes before it went to voicemail. You tried again immediately after, this time it felt even slower. Each heartbeat feeling miles apart. You felt the vibrations from the speaker roll to the back of your brain and resonate there, until you felt the raucous click of Tao finally answering.
“You beckoned, Stink Bug?” he answered sarcastically.
“I need you to get off your ass right now and go to River View Cemetery and salt and burn Maria’s bones,” you panted out at him, the closer you drove to the school the more sick you felt.
“She’s an ectoplasmic ghost, we’re going to need more ammo than that.”
“Well I DON’T FUCKING KNOW. I’m currently driving 15 miles over the speed limit to save someone’s dumb ass. So you are going to have to find out what else you need to get rid of her.”
“Y/N, you need to breathe. I know this is your first case without him, and you’ve the almighty Oh Sehun tagging along as well. I know it’s hard without him, especially now that you have someone tailing you who has no fucking clue what he’s doing. What you need to right now is breathe. You are more than capable of saving the day. You’ve fought hundreds of cases like this before. I will talk to the sister and get the item we need. You go save the day,” and that was when you heard the cacophonous silence that meant Tao had ended the call. Somehow that little pep talk your best friend gave you made you feel so much better and so much more composed.
After what seemed like an aeon, you veered parallel to the school, and slammed on your brakes. “Get out of the car and follow me. Do not leave my side,” your voice became rigid, as you commanded Sehun to not mess anything up.
“You act as if this is my first rodeo, Y/N.”
“I know you can handle yourself, but it’s the girl I’m worried about. If,” you turned to face him and pushed your finger into his chest, “you fuck this up in any way, and we lose her. Just watch me.” He threw up his arms in defense and slowly turned himself away from you. You slowly walked towards the old brick building that towered over you, and entered the opening. Within two steps you stopped in your tracks.
“What in the bloody hell are you doing?” Sehun grabbed you by your shoulders and flung you to face him with an abysmal amount of force. “You are literally wasting time right now. We have an entire six story school to search for her!”
“Shhh,” you closed your eyes as you pressed a finger to his lips, “I’m trying to focus,” and so you did. You ceased every sense in your body. You focused on the one thing you needed, and you could feel it. Fear. Pain. Regret. Consolation. Even denial. The feeling of upcoming death. You could feel everything, it wasn’t very strong, yet somehow you could pinpoint where it was coming from.
Your eyes shot open, and your head jerked up. “Roof. She’s on the roof.” You immediately started running toward the exit to the roof where you had found the ectoplasm.
You had reached the stairs when Sehun blurted out, “How did you know?”
“What do you mean?” you asked as you opened up the door to the stairs that led to the roof.
“I mean how in the hell did you find her, especially that fast,” he grasped your wrist before you could start running up the stairs.
“Long story. Just run. Now!” you yelled as you started sprinting, but each step you got closer to the girl, the more pain you felt. The closer you got the more her emotions plagued at you. Even with her emotions getting stronger, you still pushed yourself to get each step in order to reach her. You got closer and closer until you reached the upper door. You swung it forward and ran outside. You found the girl being dragged by her legs towards the edge of the building. You ran towards her and swung your staff at the ghost. You watched as the ghost dissipated into the air. “Wrought iron, bitch,” you panted. You hadn’t thought this far at all. You thought Tao would’ve had Maria gone by this point. You knew that at this point all you had was your quick wit. “Sehun, I need you to get her out of here as fast and far away as you possibly can,” you pulled a knife out of the holster attached to your belt loop, “take this. If my plan doesn’t work and she shows up, use this ok?” He just nodded in response and walked over to the girl’s helpless body. He picked her up and ran to the door. Before he entered the stairwell, he turned to face you. He gave you a look that asked if you were sure about the decision you were making. You nodded slowly, and he ran down the stairs. You were now alone.
“Come get me bitch!” you yelled into the air. Within moments you felt a slight gust of wind near your neck. You gripped your staff towards the lower half, and whirled it backwards towards the feeling. “Oh come on, you’ve got to try harder than that, Maria. I’m sure you can do better.” At this point all you could do was taunt Maria in order to get her focus on her and not the two downstairs.
You heard her chuckle from behind you. You turned to see her drop her head to her shoulders. You gripped your staff and started running towards her. All of a sudden you were flung backwards onto your back, and your staff was at least ten feet to your right. As you went to sit yourself up, Maria grabbed your hair and dragged you closer to the edge. You knew in mere moments your body would be thrown over the edge to fall to your doom.
“Coward!” you yelled trying to appeal to the little bit of humanity she had left while trying to wriggle your head out of her grasp, “You are going to kill me just like they did to you. Where is your creativity. Fight me. If you don’t it’s just a cheap win, isn’t it?” You felt your head slam into the ground. You could hear the gravel being disturbed underneath you as your head made contact.
You felt your head get picked up by your hair again but this time you felt your head being repeatedly slammed into the ground. You could feel the gravel abrade your skin. You could smell the freshly surfaced clay. The taste of iron filled your mouth. As this continued, an idea popped into your head. Iron. You knew it would hurt but at this point you didn’t care. With all the force you could muster in your body, you flipped your body, and spat the blood the blood in her face. You watched her turn into mist before your very eyes.
You feebly stood up and walked yourself over to your staff, as you recognized that this wasn’t over. You were so close, when you were thrown onto the brick wall that held up the door to the stairs. You tried to fight the force that Maria was using, but it failed to accomplish anything. Using this same force, Maria picked you up and slammed you on the ground. You ended up sliding across the gravel so hard that your head hit the ledge of the building.
Maria then appeared in front of you, staring you dead in the eyes. With this look Maria gave you, you conceded. You closed your eyes. You knew it was over. Your only hope was off, saving the other girl. Your only hope.
You opened your eyes to find that Maria was gone, and that a hand was held out in front of you. You grabbed it and you were pulled up to meet... Sehun.
“You didn’t think I wouldn’t come back for you, did you?” he asked with a half cocked smile.
“Just a little bit,” you said as you started to wrap your arms around his waist. When he responded to your gesture, you pulled out the shotgun attached to his back, and shot Maria with a salt bullet.
“Oh,” Sehun muttered.
“Sehun,” you paused, “get ready to fight.” You both had turned back to back and fought Maria as she continued jumping in both of your paths. 30 seconds passed when, Sehun had dropped the staff and was flung across the roof, and your head was over the edge of the building. Maria had a hand pressed against your throat and she kept pushing harder and harder. You could feel your airways close, and your breath shorten. Time slowed as you tried gasping for air, and all of a sudden Maria was gone.
You raised yourself to see Sehun still on the ground, on the other side of the roof. At that point in time, you allowed yourself to fall to the ground. Tao had done it, Maria was gone. You were slowly catching your breath when you heard someone say, “You’re not too injured? I don’t have to carry you down the stairs right?” Sehun reached out his hand to help you up again.
“It’s all cosmetic.” you chuckled as he pulled you up off the ground for a second time that night. You picked up the shotgun and staff, and walked down the stairs. Suddenly you realized something. “Where’s the girl?”
“She’s probably still sitting up against a column near the main entrance.” You immediately started running to the front of the building. You saw the girl standing herself up, you ran over and helped her, but you immediately sensed her fear.
“Don’t worry, she’s gone. She’s gone,” you repeated to her.
“Thank you so much,” she huffed.
“It’s just our job Miss,” you paused emphasizing the last part of your sentence.
“Ortega,” she responded.
“We were glad to help, Miss Ortega,” Sehun had finished.
“I do have one question before you go,” she asked, “does that mean you aren’t with the FBI, and you fight ghosts?”
“Yes,” with this response she left, and so did the both of you.
A/N: I apologize for taking so long!!! This chapter was about a month in the making, writing it took a total of 18 hours and editing took 6. So give this series a lot of love!! Also special thanks to @iamjungkooked for helping me with some ideas to get this out on paper.To @viparmytrash22 and @kpopstarsreact for always being there for me when it comes to this story, whether it be editing or chapter titles, or even character description! I love you all so much!!! And the mutual featured in this chapter is... @amazethemaze!!! She is mentioned quite a few times throughout this chapter! I hope you like it!! i love you all have an amazing day/night!!!
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Alright, season finale time for My Little Pony.  I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers for this one.  No idea what’s going to happen.  So, let’s see what goes down in “Shadow Play”
* We open on the book that got the ominous sting at the end of the last episode.  So yeah, I guess we were in the finale then.
* Huh, a different set of Elements being talked about here.  OK, we’ve got Rockhoof as Strength, Flash Magnus as Bravery, Meadowbrook as Healing, Mist Mane as Beauty, Somnambula as Hope, and who I’m guessing is Star Swirl the Bearded as Sorcery.  [note to self: look up actual names]
* And apparently they had been gathered together by somepony else to embody their ideals, like the Mane 6 were.  Was this Celestia, or somepony else?
* Ooh, the gatherer was a unicorn stallion, but the ancient Elements came to believe he was just wanting to use their power for himself and so they cast him out.
* Then he became Shadow Pony, and the Pillars stood as one against him.  They beat him but had to make some kind of sacrifice to do so, and created a seed to carry hope to the future.  I wonder, was that seed the origin of the Tree of Harmony?  I’m also seeing the emergence of the sun and moon on the sides of where I have it paused right now, so maybe it’s the origins of Celestia and Luna?
* Incidentally, I am loving this lore dump.
* Oh good, Sunburst was smart enough to make a report on this directly to the Alicorn Sisters and the Mane 6.  I guess he knows who has to deal with all the destiny crap around here.
* Huh, apparently Celestia never knew what happened to Starswirl, but these were apparently his last words before vanishing.
* OK, so Celestia and Luna were around back then, but young and had only ever met Starswirl.
* Reluctant nerd hoofbump. Also, I like how Celestia doesn’t know much Old Ponish anymore due to disuse.  It’s a nice nod to what happens when you don’t use something.  I can’t imagine how bad it would be after 1000 years. I’m a bit surprised Luna isn’t more familiar with it though, given how she spent most of the time sealed away. Unless she was fully cognizant of the passage of time during those 1000 years, which is… fairly nightmareish.
* So, more to Old Ponish than she thought, actual other languages being used, or Starswirl just had horrible hornwriting.  You decide!
* Ah, sloppy writing. Only readable by somepony who is ever worse at that kind of thing.  Anyway, the last stand was at the Temple of Ponhenge at the base of Mt. Foal.  …OK, I know they try and fit in horse puns, but “Ponhenge”?  Surely they could have done better than that.
* Those ruins look nice and ruiny.  Also not much like Stonehenge, which again makes me wonder why they referenced that.
* Be careful what you wish for Twilight.  Also, be careful where you place ancient magical tomes.
* Ooooh, ancient holographic display of the final battle.  So, sealed away, and the objects each pony carried are somehow related. Well, they’ve got the book, and they know where the mask is at least, so that just leaves the flower, the blindfold, the shield, and the shovel.  Gonna be honest, might be hard finding a flower after 1000 years.
* Never underestimate Twilight’s ability to be a nerd.
* Right, so banished to Limbo, but they had to take him there themselves and so got stuck there with him.  …Who’s gonna be the idiot to try and get them out and release the Pony of Shadows in the process?
* Twilight!  Twilight shall be that idiot!  Come over here so I can slap you!
* RD does not like demonstrative models.
* Boo!  The Map stepping in to help the search is cheating! Although this might be seen as the Tree of Harmony trying to get its parents back.  Kinda touching if you think of it like that.
* Skeptical archeologist is skeptical.  Somepony should tell her she’s in a fantasy series.
* Had no idea AJ was that strong.  Oh well, Shovel Get!
* Rarity’s problem to overcome is crappy gardening?  I can’t say I think much of Mist Mane’s descendant if it never occurred to her to, you know, perform upkeep.  Or hire others to do it.  Heck, just apply for a government grant if money’s the problem, that place has got to be a historical site, and once you attract tourists you can get money for, you know, upkeep.  Flower Get.
* Actually Flash Magnus’ shield being in the Dragon Lands makes quite a bit of sense.  It was made to combat dragons after all.  Makes sense that either it would accidentally get left behind after an expedition, or stolen by the dragons to keep it from being used.
* Also, neat to see a Spike/RD teamup, even if it’s likely gonna last a minute or two of screentime.
* Ugh, seriously, Garble has it?  Somepony just kick that idiot in the face so this can be over with.
* Garble is stupidest dragon.  Seriously, he just got outwitted by Rainbow Dash.  Well regardless, Shield Get.
* Fluttershy… just help to move the zap bee hive, and didn’t even need to do that to get the mask. She just felt like it.  But then arguably her trial was a few episodes ago anyway.  Mask Get.
* Pinkie’s trail… was very Pinkie.  And that ooze was a lot less dangerous then they made it out to be.  Um, Blindfold get?
* How is Starlight the voice of reason with regards to the risk involved in this plan?
* Why didn’t Pinkie wash that thing before bringing it >P
* Oh, gee, Starswirl is horrified that somepony broke the seal what are the odds?
* Way to summon the ancient evil, Twilight.
 And there’s the end of episode 1.  Time for a stretch and snack I think.  Let’s all go to the lobby, let’s all go to the lobby…
 * Yeah, having a backup plan in case the ancient evil escaped as well would have been a great idea, Twilight.  You still have that slap coming.
* Twilight and Starlight are able to hold the PoS back with a double tech… but can’t stop him from escaping at the speed of dark.  Nice going, Twilight.
* On one hoof, having the person you’ve revered all your life give you the dirtiest look for your incompetence must suck.  On the other, she really has this coming.
* Heh, Pinkie pointing out all of the other threats they’ve had to save Equestria from is a good one. And I like how Magnus is totally down for teaming up with the modern heroes to beat PoS into submission.  But Starswirl is going to be an absolute grumpy gus about this.
* Yay, source of Tree of Harmony, and the Elements, confirmed!
* And now Starswirl is planning on sacrificing the Elements to seal PoS again.  Despite the cost to Equestria.  Yeah, getting Outer Senshi vibes from this guy.  Which is a shame, because all of the other Pillars seem to be perfectly nice and affable ponies willing to work together.
* And Twilight’s search for a different solution… just has keeping the Pillars around while still sacrificing the Elements.  And yeah, the Pillars made the elements, but did so over a long incubation period. Try following Starlight’s advice and look for a non-banishment solution, stupid.
* Kinda funny how the heroes are having trouble tracking PoS down because Equestria is a better place, so all of the old dens of darkness are just fine these days.
* Starswirl needs to get his head outta his flank.
* I think some offense was taken.
* Yeah, the narrative is leaning pretty hard against Starswirl and towards Starlight here. Especially with the whole “Once a villain, always a villain” bit.
* Thank you, Starlight, for actually asking what happened all those years ago.
* Huh, Sirens confirmed as series canon.  Odd. Mind you I don’t know that much about them as I’ve never watched the movies, but some things are unavoidable knowledge if you hang out online in the fanbase.
* The PoS’s name was Stygian?  Man, it’s like his parents wanted him to go supervillain.
* So Stygian gathered them together to fight evil, but got jealous.  At one point he stole their artifacts to work some spell or another, but was discovered before actually finishing and was cast out.  And when he came back he did so as Dark Death Evil Man. But as Starlight helps to point out, they don’t know what exactly he had been trying to accomplish with his spell, though their guess is stealing their power.
* Yeah, Starlight has had enough of Starswirl’s crap.
* Now I’m wondering who build the temple to the Shadows, as apparently it already existed before Stygian came upon it.  Also, never listen to the mythos spoken from the depths of the Earth, dude.
* Oh look, there’s more to the story than meets the eye, who could have guessed.
* Well, Twilight’s been holding the idiot ball all finale thus far, but at least she noticed the pony of Stygian within the Pony of Shadows.  Not sure diving in was the right idea though.
* OK, Stygian’s side comes out, he wanted to make copies of their artifacts in the hope it would make him a Pillar and he could join the battles.  That’s still something you really need to talk about before you go stealing stuff.
* Rainbow Friendship Lasso Beam go!
* So The Shadows are banished, but Stygian remains.  Happy end!
* Aw, Starswirl commenting on how tall Celestia got is cute!  And Luna asking not to have to turn in the essays they were supposed to 1000 years ago is just funny.
* Can’t blame the Pillars for wanting to see what’s changed over the course of a millennia.  Of course there’s the problem of nopony’s gonna believe who they are.
 And that’s the end of the season.  It was pretty good all things considered.  Although this ending does make one question how things are going to work out with the non-reformed villains.  OK, Sombra isn’t likely to be a problem, but he is still awkward in that they killed him all kinds of dead.  But the new characters introduced seem decent enough now that we actually get to see them in something other than tales.  And I’m still curious about who built the shrine to the Shadows.  Evil cultist ponies!
Also, I may not care much about shipping debates and all that, but I can definitely see Rainbow Dash/Flash Magnus being a thing.  At the very least they’re certainly chummy with each other.
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authoratmidnight · 7 years
SO, now that that monstrosity is over with, a more lengthy er, rant, about why the movie is shit(and comparing it to the source material).
So, obligatory warning for book and movie spoilers.
The big problem is, they tried to put too much in. They tried to cramp together the first three books, into a ~2 hour length movie. That’s a bad idea, even if these books aren’t that long.
Because, these books are set up for everything to come.
Book one introduces the Cirque and the freaks, introduces us to vampires and the fact that such things exist, sets up some lore for them, it introduces us to Steve and sets up his reason for wanting revenge(which is massively important later down the line).
Book two sets up Darren’s relationship with the Cirque, and has him over come his repulsion to human blood(and explains why he can’t live on animal blood alone), it introduces us to Mr. Tiny and the Little People.
Book three introduces us to other vampires, to the vampaneze(Murlogh to be exact), to the conflict between them, to Debbie(Darren’s human love interest who appears again later, she’s not a one off character) and basically sets up things for the big plot later on and gives us more worldbuilding.
There’s probably more but it’s been a while since I read them. But they’re set-up books, they establish things. Important things.
So squishing these three into one, doesn’t work.
You could, possibly, squeeze book one and part of book two into one film, and the rest of book two and book three into one, but not all three into one(book two is the only one that could be condensed into one of the others for a film tbh).
And it makes the pacing so awful.
The first part is so rushed, it rushes through everything, through meeting Steve, through sneaking out to the Cirque, through the events at the Cirque, everything. It’s mostly faithful to the source material(enough as it can be being as rushed as it is), but pretty much everything after Darren’s dug up is, off the rails.
And then the rest of the movie is all over the place crushing together the events of the third book with the whole ‘I won’t drink blood’ from the second book(also, this is another thing that causes the age up to be weird) with things that either never happened at all or didn’t happen until much much later(like Darren and Steve fighting, they do clash several times but not until much later in the series). As well as adding in characters that never existed/removing characters(Debbie and Sam), events that literally never happened(Darren’s family getting kidnapped along with his love interest and having to pick between them, that did not happen. Hell, his parents never find out he was alive, only his sister ever does, when she’s a grown woman!) or having them know things that they literally should. not. know(such as the name Harkat, this is literally not revealed until book 4, and by Harkat himself).
And it loses pretty much all of the worldbuilding (what’s the difference between a vampire and vampaneze? what does and doesn’t affect vampires? what animals can they drink from and which can’t they? what speed do half vampires and full vampires age at? all of these are answered in the books, but not so in the movie)
Now, changes from book to film are bound to happen, and sometimes they can work. But not in this case. Literally none of the changes work.
As I mentioned during my liveblog, they aged everyone up, Darren and Steve, who were ~12 in the books, are now 16. This is, problematic because as I said, it was in fact a plot point. Because 12 is very young and it’s generally frowned upon(if not taboo) to blood someone so young. So Darren’s young age becomes a plot point in book 4 when everyone is basically like ‘Larten wtf?’ when learning what he did and trying to figure out what to do with Darren.
And why he’s excited about finally getting to experience his teenage years(and highschool while he’s basically undercover) after ‘the purge’ basically makes him go through several years of puberty in like, a night, and he ages straight into being 15/16(and why meeting #2 with Debbie is so awkward, he’s a teen and she’s now a grown woman).
Plus, it makes them all look like idiots. I mean yeah, the string of bad decisions they make in the books are absolutely dumb (sneaking out to a possibly illegal freak show, confronting a vampire, blackmailing him, asking him to make you one, stealing his deadly spider, trying to train said spider etc...) but when you frame it with the knowledge that these were decisions made by 11-12 year olds it’s at least, slightly understandable, cause kids do dumb things ad think they’re good ideas. But 16 year olds? Now they just look dumb.
Also, book!Steve at 12 years old was able to figure out, on his own, that Daren was a half-vampire. 16 year old movie!Steve needed fucking Desmond Tiny to practically spell out to him that Darren wasn’t actually dead a what he really was. Our future Lord of the Vampaneze everyone. :|
I want to make a correction to my liveblog. Evra wasn’t aged up as much as I thought. In the book he’s described as being ‘about fourteen or fifteen’, while he’s 16 in the movie. The movie still fucked him up though. I like book!Evra, I don’t like movie!Evra.
Crepsley’s scar. Oh boy.
In the book it was a large, prominent one down the side of his face, made remarkable due to the fact that he just, doesn’t talk about it, which is odd for a race that is proud of scars earned in battle. In reality he got his in a very embarrassing way(he drunkenly flirted with the wrong woman and she slashed his face).
The three small scars are 1) implied to be a battle wound, 2) actually have an in-universe meaning.
When Vampaneze choose a victim, they mark them with three small scratches on the left cheek. There is only one vampire ever shown with those marks, one we don’t meet until book 4, with the marks intending to hint as what he’s been up to(meeting wit them in secret).
Giving Crepsley those marks is, odd. And proof that someone did read the later books. I am not sure the reason for this change aside from maybe, giving him Kurda’s role in the story, which would *really* fuck things up.
On the note of bad movie changes, the Little People. No, not people with dwarfism, Little People, the small(roughly book!Darren’s height, so probably ~3ft tall) creations of Mr. Tiny. That’s what they’re called, though I question if they are technically “people”.
In the first book all we know about them is that they’re about Darren’s height, wear blue cloaks with hoods that hide their faces/bodies, and don’t speak. Ever. They just shuffle around the Cirque doing this or that and that’s about it. It’s not until later (at least book 4 but possibly in book 2 while Darren’s with the Cirque) that we get a look under the hood and get a better description of them.
Where in we learn they are-grey skinned and appear sewn together, have no neck, lidless green eyes atop their head and a lipless mouth full of sharp teeth, have no nose or visible ears and wear a sort of mask over their mouth to so they can breath(earth air is toxic to them, though they can breath it for a time). The ones in the movie....look like a rejected house elf design and there’s no sign of the breathing mask.
And everyone’s, too chill around them. They freak everyone out due to their connection to Mr. Tiny + their appearance. And none of them have names, which is why it’s such a big thing that Harkat Mulds has a name (and can speak! luckily the movie didn’t spoil that). Something not revealed until book 4. By Harkat himself, not someone from the Cirque.
Which brings me to my next point, Rebecca. She literally does not exist in the books. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Cirque had a monkey girl as part of its line up-goodness knows there have a large group and not everyone is always there-but one never appears in the books.
She seems to be filling the roll of Debbie, and to some extent, Sam, both of which were cut from the movie. Which does not work. Both of these characters had specific roles, Debbie esp, which can’t really be swapped out, and not like this. Debbie’s role can’t properly be filled by making her a member of the Cirque. Also worth noting, Debbie wasn’t the one who was kidnapped(she’s actually fairly self reliant and takes an active role in later books), it was actually Evra! So the movie went and turned the love interest into a damsel in distress. :/
And Sam...*sigh* Sam dies and his death is a tipping point, that moment that readers realize that no one is safe, that good people, innocent people, will die. Because that’s what Sam was, an innocent. The moment Darren realizes this, and realizes that he has to drink human blood if he ever hopes to protect the people he cares about(b/c he held off on feeding on human blood he wasn’t strong enough to fight off the Wolf Man and protect Sam). Rebecca dying during the fight, would actually have been truer to the book(and the tone of the books). But no, we get awkward love plot(and an awkward one for Crepsley too, for some reason)
And Mr. Tiny. Oh man. He might be the master manipulator in the series, but he has rules he has to follow. Rules that if broken would unleash even worse beings(his family) onto the world, which even this chaos loving nut, does not want. And the movie basically ignores all this. As far as I recall, he can’t directly interfere with things, which is why he has to manipulate people into doing things for him. And you’re not supposed to even now any of this until pretty much the end. Until then he’s a seemingly neutral party that no one really likes and is just unsettling. He’s more than he seems and has his own agenda, we just don’t learn it till the end.
Except the movie basically gives away that he’s the antagonist and the one behind everything and has him all but telling everyone what to do.
I guess the writers realized their movie was so bad that they couldn’t do anything without a character literally telling them what to do to move the plot along(for example, Steve discovering Darren was a half vampire and going after him, in the book he figured this out all on his own, in the movie he literally needed Tiny to spell it out for him).
The characters, as you can tell, barely resemble their book counterparts, both in appearance and personality. In some cases the only thing they share is a name(the bearded lady for example, name and ability-to grow a bread at will-are all they have in common).
The movies took everything I liked about the characters, about the books, and just, threw it out. I can’t even bring myself to like the characters, because there’s nothing TOO like.
And honestly, it makes me sad and mad. Because I love these books, and back when I heard there was going to be a movie made I was ecstatic! And then the movie came out and I felt so betrayed. This was not the story I liked, the characters I liked. This was, garbage.
Fuck, I’d sooner sit through Eragon again. At least that has dragons and magic and is interesting and visually appealing.
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