#i do notice you in my notifs!
angeart · 18 days
angeart save me angeart i hope you know that i go absolutely feral every time i see you post about literally any of your various aus. hmtb? shrieking in delight. hhau? foaming at the mouth. boatem circus? sobbing. the new ban au? giggling and kicking my feet. everything you write (even if it's just drabbles or your various rants and rambles) is so delicious and i eat it up each and every time. keep doing what you're doing; you are so cool and so insanely talented and i adore seeing you around on this silly little website
SOBS. okay LISTEN i wasn't kidding when i said that hearing things like this means so much???? to know people LIKE MY SILLY THINGS????? my beloved aus and stories <33
it's encouraging to know someone out there is listening and enjoying all of this. genuinely excited about that!!
thank youuu!! <33
(i really like how boatem circus is the one that gets the "sobbing" reaction :3c that made me chuckle) (one day!!! i am going to finish elegy i promise!!) (i should also draw more of boatem circus grian. mmmhm.)
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silverskye13 · 2 months
We simply must Boop the Skye even more than they already have been
For funsies
Moon wait, please, haha, it's fine! Really! Just a few boops is all. It's good. I feel the love and appreciation. The funnies the goofs. Really it's--
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
dont mind me rbing all of ur art at once lol anyway i just lost the post abt the 2012 boys not having scars and i REMEMBERED @blitzxiiru has excellent drawins of the 2012 boys with all their proper scars (a lotttttt)
dw i don't mind! :]
and oh yeah! i love their art! i do follow them :D!!!
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rox-of-iu · 4 months
Hey, just felt called to let you know that your MQF from SVSSS doodles give me such life and inspired how I write MQF in my fics. I love how you depict him and your art style is so refreshing and cute!
Just thought you should know. Hope you have a good day!
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
what I absolutely should be doing: work
what I'm absolutely doing instead: clipping Aleksi's latest twitch stream so that I can stare at his Olli-smile over and over and over and over and--
also included: subtly changing the subject right after 🙄😂🤦
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parksrway · 1 year
Can I say nice things about you?
You probably don't notice me but I think you're actually really funny and sweet and super relatable. I like your passion for your ocs and stories and I like how much work and love you put into everything, even if you don't complete as much as you want.
Keep doing you king ♡
NO I DO NOTICE YOU I DO,,, I'm a little late but I got this on a pretty rough day so it really helped to make me feel better and I had to cherish it for a little longer
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cadaver-moss · 1 year
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💞Love Connection💞
Idk if they have phones in this universe, or if teenage Enojadita would be able to have one, but for the sake of fluff, they do :)
I kinda find it funny that the more I draw Grimaldo the more OOC I portray him lmao
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bloodfueled · 5 months
really funny getting people with "no c.ullen antis" etc in bio in my notifications buddy I have shit to say about that man that would have me hunted down for sport by da fandom moms everywhere
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
This whole experience of being nonstop hounded by bots has made the idea of people paying for fake followers even more bizarre to me. Like. Literally what value do you get from that. None of those accounts are real. What is the appeal.
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lindscys · 9 months
taking a little break i think <3
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sexynetra · 9 months
if you’re an internet microcelebrity i’m your biggest fan i’ve decided . i am the #1 @sexynetra ao3 user tropical-panda fan over here please notice me. first (what else do fans say i’m already running out of ideas)
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Sksksksksksks please this is so funny 😭 reminiscent of when a friend of mine turned her twitter into a stan account for me once as a joke and her profile picture was just a photo of me for like. 2 years. Anyways absolutely huge coming from you, author of the fic that made me actually care about crygi as a ship 😤 uno reverse bitch I’m YOUR biggest fan what now checkmate
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nexus-nebulae · 8 months
i hate getting a popular post and just Not Knowing when im being interacted with
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ninjadudettekira · 1 year
Hey so I think everyone needs a reminder on how to interact with people:
It's fine to "spam like" a person if you're just going through their stuff during the day you find said creator. If they're a popular tumblr user I doubt they'll notice if you spam their notifications after the fact cause they probably have them off anyway.
However, I am not a big tumblr user, I keep my notifications on and check here when I see them so I tend to notice the same person spamming me. This is about those of us that check notifications cause we be small and want to see the interactions.
If you're going through someones posts and you're constantly on their notifications for 11 days straight because you keep unliking and reliking their content, that's fucking creepy.
I don't mind the spam likes if it's literally just one maybe two days of someone seeing my content and liking it. (Especially the Ben 10 or Young Justice posts).
But like 11 days? That's too fucking much for me to see you in my notifications when I haven't posted much, if anything, during that time frame. Especially when it's been stuff that was already liked prior. I don't have enough Ben 10 posts that you haven't seen in one or two goddamn days. You don't need 11 days to stifle through all my Ben 10 content.
Like constantly spamming my notifications won't get me to answer your long ass ask faster, in fact it made me put it off even longer. Originally it was cause it was so long I needed to answer on my laptop so I could read it as I responded. But I also kept getting busy and forgetting to respond. So I'll take responsibility for not answering it, doesn't mean it's okay to spam like my shit for almost 2 weeks because I didn't answer you.
In fact said person even chatted me about it the other day and I explained why it took so long. (Although they apologized for it being long over asking why it took so long.) Then they proceeded to spam like content they already liked again.
Spamming won't get a creator to notice you, they'll just straight up fucking block you.
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cauliflowermaterial · 2 years
whenever wowee-thats-blue reblogs my posts i'm like omg where's the blue in the post. and without fail there is some shade of blue. i always see the full picture but wowee makes me focus on one little part of it and idk i think that's kinda nice
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
YOUR SIBLINGS POST HAS 15K NOTES?? back when I reblogged it it was only at like 30 notes you've become mildly famous
Currently at 14.8k and counting, though my notifs finally seem to have calmed down. Not entirely, but it's a lot more manageable. I can see people interacting with my other posts now!
Also damn, mildly famous! It is kinda hard to comprehend that my post I made because I was frustrated over my relationship with my little sister is now on over 5000 other blogs. Like. That is a lot of places. Lot of tears, too. Sorry to everyone I made cry. And to everyone crying into their noodles specifically.
Congratulations for being one of the first to interact with it! You were there at it's very beginning and now can see what it has become. But yeah this was entirely unexpected and out of nowhere so I'm not sure what to do with this. Nevertheless!
giving you a sticker for being there since the beginning in my mind rn <3
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#I'm so chronically online + have the date posts where made on and notifs for loads of ppl that I notice when someone's been around less#or not at all#and considering that i usually still reblog tons of stuff even when i personally feel I'm barely one plus being in a different timezone#yo many of my moots they probably don't really see my posting stuff live anyway#so i wonder if anyone even notices a difference#or if anyone would notice if i was away for a few days#like when i used to visit grandma or during that event in august#/neg#negative#negativity#just really barrelling down the 'no one would notice if i disappeared' trail#while also feeling annoying. and like I'm doing depression wrong cause like everyone I know isolates themselves or doesnt have energy for#social interactions and social media so they don't respond to chats and kinda disappear#and I'm just. a nuisance always lmao. can't get rid of me.#UNLESS i repeatedly witness someone brushing me off cause no energy but then regularly interact/chat with other people#cause im a jealous bitch lol#something something don't put more energy into relationships than the other person#and then it turns out if i don't make the effort and am proactive there'll be barely any talking at all#even when ive known someone longer#idk if its something about me or i just miss the stage where you become best friends or what#but yeah im disposable lmao#the one no one notices is missing and is always forgotten#maybe ive spent too much of my life trying to be invisible that its now just become some intrinsic part of my being#im just nothing special
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