#i cooked up some of my own designs so ill post those on my art blog sometime too
boomboxigrade · 4 months
in tma the perspective the listener is put into is these little tape recorders thatll just click on automatically whenever something spooky's goin down
but i really enjoy that there seem to be multiple different kinds of equipment watching the crew in tmagp. sometimes itll sound like the computer itself is listening, while other times, like in the break room, they sound much grainier and distant, almost like a security camera's audio
idk what that means but i really am enjoying the sound design of tmagp so far and im glad i finally got caught up
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chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
Let People On Food Stamps Eat Hot Meals
Particularly on cold, rainy days (like today), while unhoused, sometimes all I want is a hot meal but it’s so difficult (if not impossible) to cook outside in the rain.
On top of this, I’m physically disabled and chronically ill. Medically, I’m supposed to have assistance with making meals as part of in home care. But I can’t get in home care without a home.
I just finished making dinner for my partner and I, it took 2 hours (3 if you include clean up). My knees are burning, my back is aching in it’s core, I feel like I’m about to faint, and all my joints are screaming. But it’s the only way we could have a hot meal today and get some protein, which is vital for our health conditions.
People judge us for using what little funds we have on McDonald’s some days. Because sometimes, it’s the only hot meal we’ve had in days. And sometimes I’m physically unable to stand, move, and do all the actions needed to cook. Or I faint while cooking. Or the rain doesn’t let up. Or we don’t have access to a kitchen for the day. Or the fire danger outside is too high. The list goes on.
Without my own kitchen to use, I don’t get to sit down while I cook (right now, everything is wet from the rain), I can’t meal prep, I can’t stock up on freezer meals, I can’t use an oven or a microwave to reheat leftovers, I can’t just reach across the kitchen for a fridge item (we have a small amount of fridge space friends let us use), everything about cooking is exponentially harder.
And even if I had 24/7 access to an accessible, full kitchen, it’s not even physically safe to cook my own meals. Even then, having a pre-made, hot, ready-to-eat meal could keep me safe and give me independance.
And all the safety needs for hot meals aside, emotionally, hot meals are also life saving and comfort. Meals are a part of community, culture, love and art.
So many gatherings we have as communities center around food. Most people in the United States would think of ones that often hold great value to Western culture. Mother’s Day breakfast. Spaghetti fundraisers. Wedding cakes. Birthday dinners. Bake sales. Carnival treats. BBQs on weekends. Holiday roasts. Lunches with friends. Casseroles brought to grieving neighbors.
Our world revolves around food.
I firmly believe that no poor person could ever “take advantage” of a system designed to feed us by using food stamps on hot food. This restrictive rule serves no purpose but to punish the most vulnerable of poor people— unhoused, disabled, and those of us living in unsafe conditions.
It also serves to restrict our access to joy and comfort. The joy can sometimes come from the food itself, but also the joy from having shared experiences solidified by the sounds of laughter and forks clinking on plates. The comfort can sometimes also be from the food itself, but also the experience of being loved and cared for while your close friend brings you pizza from your favorite restaurant because you lost your drive to eat three weeks ago and they worry about you. They know you. Those slices of pizza bring color back into your world.
Poor people deserve to be able to have the comfort, joy, and care that goes into a hot meal. We deserve the autonomy to choose foods that are best for us ourselves. We deserve to be able to eat in ways that are accessible to us.
Above all, we deserve access to hot meals.
Originally posted to my blog on 6.3.22
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 1 year
I’ve written a few fics about Czerny now, and at least one specifically around the idea of him being autistic. I received a lovely comment where a reader was interested in the idea and was curious about textual evidence, and seeing as others have written in-depth posts about autism headcanons...well, I decided to do the same, and to post it here instead of in a long rambly comment-response!
So without further ado...some headcanons on Czerny, how he could be read as autistic, and how this influences his character, under the readmore. Light spoilers for Lingering Echoes, Ebenholz’s operator record, and Czerny’s trust files are included for those who haven’t read. (And for those who don’t want to read: enjoy this art from his creator!)
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I didn’t set out to headcanon Czerny as autistic when I first read him, I swear. However, as I read through his dialogue and operator files, as well as overanalyzing some of his design choices, I realized that an argument could at least be made for him having a Sensory Processing Disorder (something that runs in my own German/Swiss-Austrian family). Thus, let's start with some of those points:
Stimming. He outright states this one in a trust dialogue: "My hair, well...I often unconsciously grab at it while composing, if that explains its current unruliness".
Speaking of hair: in both his official art and all the art by his creator, he always has his hair braided directly above his ears. The outfit, collar, and even his eyewear changes, but that element of his hair remains. Wouldn't it make sense if he's overly sensitive to his ears being touched by stray hairs, so he takes extra pain to maintain those braids?
Issues with food. There are repeated comments about Czerny not eating when he's in the throes of composing, which at first glance I took for hyperfocusing on his work. He's also the most wary of Hibiscus's cooking in Lingering Echoes, which is clearly meant to be played for laughs regarding her cooking. However, I also read it as someone who's used to having his food a very particular way, and when the food is changed up or replaced entirely, adapting to new textures and flavors can be difficult.
It makes sense that Czerny would take special care of his hands, and this comes up in a lot of dialogue. The medics even comment that he'll panic if he has "so much as a hangnail". But if he's sensitive to touch and texture, AND he takes extra care over his hands, an overblown reaction like that would make sense.
Now, as I was reading into his files and dialogue for these points (as well as other fic research), I was struck by a few other elements.
One is his blunt, honest manner. Both in-universe and as noted by fans, Czerny can be a harsh but fair critic. He himself states that "Any charm or taste I may have had has been poured entirely into my compositions." For the most part, he doesn't concern himself with pleasantries or making nice; if he has an opinion, he'll state it. But he's not one to lie, and even espouses the importance of earnestness to Ebenholz during Lingering Echoes.
Despite this though, Czerny does have to hide a lot of his own emotions in order to deal with his circumstances, at least in Lingering Echoes. He has to bow to Nobles and their whims despite his loathing for them, and there are numerous points where he holds himself back from voicing his opinions in public. He also identifies himself as a coward, and has multiple dialogue lines denoting his own fear. "I'm terrified, Doctor. Always have been."
Looking at these elements together, I'm under the impression that this man has learned to mask a lot in order to survive. And when under the constant pressure of not only poverty and illness but also supporting an entire community? No wonder he’s considered tempermental.
The only times he seems able to truly express himself is through his music (note how he emphasizes the importance of emotion in music during his 2-star clear line) and in battle, where he goes from polite to screaming at his enemies. We also have the note in an operator file from a professor that Morgen und Abend was one of the few glimpses through his "iron body". And there are multiple times in both files and dialogues where it’s noted that he’ll refuse to budge from his desk until a composition is complete...that moment, perhaps, when he finally figures out the feelings in his heart and how to express all the things his words fail to convey.
Music is how Czerny expresses himself, though one should also note that empathy for others is also important both in and out of music. After all, he corrects Ebenholz that Morgen und Abend wasn't written from his own grief, but out of indignation for how she suffered. He gives up the rights to his music in order to save the people of the Afterglow during the events of Lingering Echoes. Hell, even in Ebenholz's Operator Record, Czerny is touched that Ebenholz is the one defying orders and performing for the Afterglow's residents, but also begs him to stop in order to keep him safe. He loves music, true, but he loves people even more, and he cares so damn much he’ll repeatedly put his life on the line for them.
So, whether or not it was intended by anyone who worked on his character, Czerny reads to me as autistic. Passionate about what he loves, keyed into the feelings of others while having notable difficulties with conveying his own emotions outside of music, and processing the world a little differently from those around him. And I think that’s all key to not only how he creates his music, but how he connects with others, and how he’s learning to move on in a world so much bigger and stranger than where he grew up.
And even if he's still figuring out how to balance the new and familiar...even if he's scared of it at all times...Czerny keeps going anyway. He helps others with music and arts. He expands upon his own skills, even developing new hobbies in habits. Hell, he even gets a motorcycle to go exploring across “those faraway lands roaring through Czerny's mind without abate.” He's going to be okay.
(And watching Czerny be brave and move forward in the face of so much change...well, it inspires me to bravery too.)
Well, those are my thoughts with evidence on the matter, and I’m sure I'll pick up more when I do a full reread of Lingering Echoes. In the meantime, feel free to share your thoughts, and I hope you enjoyed reading!
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(and have some more creator-art because I am incredibly gay for this image okay byeeee)
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fainthedcherry · 7 months
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Posting 2 shiptobers bc I left off at day 12, skipping 11 I think it was or 10 for now, bc 4 characters are BIT much for a single day until crap hit the fan w/ lacking time to draw due to my IRL job adfskjfodslg,,
Day 6 - Baking and / or cooking (Anisa & Mark ft. THE ULTIMATE BBY, Marco)
Day 7 - Giving / Receiving kisses (Chiri and my own design of Jackson Jekyll from Monster High, that is a combination of my own stuff, inspiration from fan-re-designs and also Hollowed-Hartlocke's redesign more heavily!)
I FORGOT TO MENTION ON THE PRIOR POST, THAT THE SHIPTOBER LIST I'M USING IS ALSO FROM MY FRIEND, HOLLOWED-HARTLOCKE ON DEVIANTART!!! Go check it out, in casee you wanna do it next year or somth, god knows I won't finish mine like I know myself jkgjksdg
BUT I WANNA SAY I'VE NEVER REGRETTED DRAWING CHIBIS TO CATCH UP EASIER AND FASTER. SO I MIGHT JUST DO A CHIB-POCALYPSE TO CATCH UP UNTIL DAY 15. I set my goal to possibly catch up to day 15 but let it be after that or else Ill start to stress myself which is a BAD idea sdfklsdlkg
LET'S HOPE I WILL CATCH UP THO. I AM INBETWEEN THAT PUTTING TOO MUCH EFFORT INTO INKDRIANTOBER. The moment I got nothing to post for, I'm getting out the inkdriantober posts sdfklsdlg
I'LL LEAVE YOU WITH SHARING A POSITIVE THING; I actually heavily adore my Jackson redesign, even if y'all are only seeing it in chib-form sdflksklgds, I COULD post my monster high doodle refs after this, bc it'd be neat to attract some monster high lovers, I can just discuss w/ on who's the best ghoul out there, no matter the gen LMAO. Maybe some posts of my Jackson doll that arrived a good while ago might also help attract an audience I'd love to talk and banter with, and draw for even, if some day I'll be recognized enough, to do those fun Tumblr asks, I wanted to do since I'm a teenager!!! IT'D BE A DREAM TO DO TUMBLR ASKS ABOUT CANON CHARACTERS OR OCS. I love Tumblr asks so much, the best fandom stuff spawns out of them, ngl...
Btw my Jackson redesign is based on G1..But that might be obvious to- already Monster High fans LOL, but to those who don't know, MH is split into 3 gens, and gen 3 has no Jackson yet. Some people say, that Komos IS Jackson but Iiii doubt that sdfklsdlgk, ANYWAY I GOTTA HURRY AND GET BACK TO ART SORRY FOR RAMBLING I HAVE TOO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT.
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feather-dancer · 3 years
Tales of Arcadia Fanfic Recommendations - Part 6
I do admittedly have things left to read in my tabs I’d normally prefer to clear out before posting one of these but when you sail past the 30 mark I think it’s about time to get it out my drafts, yeah? Most importantly means this will be out before Rise of the Titans comes and emotionally destroys us all.
Needless to say soon as this is posted I give it 24 hours before 7 starts, we’ve got some amazing writers in this fandom and there’s a couple I juuust want one more chapter before I feel I can recommend it. Hope you find something you enjoy :)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
If at all interested in my own writing you can find it here!
General Trollhunters
Romeo, Question Mark - Jim is figuring himself out and has a question for Toby though nervous of how he might react. Honestly the support Aromantic’s need when they’re either questioning or coming out, Toby is a gem.
By The Book - After his dad left changing his world Jim had moments in his life where he needed to wrangle things in a way he could understand them with some moral support along the way that wasn’t there to do it for him, just give a light nudge the right direction. Comes with light Jilaire fluff.
That I Could Fear a Door - Jim was pulled from the Darklands whole but you cannot escape the trauma of your experiences quite so easily. It will take a little time, a lot of patience and perhaps the right ear to listen but with it can come hope.
Lest Back the Awful Door Should Spring - Sequel to the above, Jim’s capture to be sentenced by the tribunal echoes his experiences in the Darklands a little too closely sending all his careful progress hurtling back in one fell swoop. Is it any wonder he chose a false freedom that Unkar offered?
Façade - The confirmation that Mr. Strickler is not the man you thought he was probably was not going to be an easy one, Jim’s thoughts sit ill after that dinner.
Fashion - All changelings take root somewhere in a human life before their changeling one succeeds it and Nomura is no different. She felt love she could not understand and the ache of loss will follow for as she meanders through this world by the Whisper Man’s orders and her own volition of needing to belong somewhere. She will try her hand with the humans and the trolls, paint the road with blood as much as indulging herself with the arts and even risking her heart until everything leads her to Arcadia’s doorstep.
In Deep Trouble - What happened in the Deep during Season 2?
Aftermath - Just after the finale of Season 2 the Market trolls are forced to run leaving their homes behind and follow the Trollhunter they had dismissed so many times into the great unknown before them.
Don’t think - Jim weighs up his options and attempts to settle his thoughts before making the final decision whether or not to go through with using Merlin’s potion.
Nocturne for a Trollhunter - Jim learns a new hobby that gives him another way to relax that doesn’t involve cooking, one that follows him beyond Arcadia.
The Asteroid - A rare 3Below fic for my lists if centered on a certain hedge witch and Wizard. The end of the world is coming but not by Morgana’s hand and Merlin certainly never warned Douxie about it so if this truly is the end then it’s the best time to bring your loved ones close so you won’t be going out alone. Yes it’s Zouxie.
A bright future so it seemed (but that light grew a little less bright) - Claire’s parents (Or more specifically Ophelia) set her on the perfectionist’s path early, even a little slip can feel like the end of the world
Rest, Master Jim - You might be able to escape the Darklands but you cannot escape the consequences of being trapped there for so long as easily.
General Wizards
Not Found - So why did neither Douxie or Archie find the two remaining changelings in Arcadia or bring back the sole Akiridion when Merlin asked?
Place of Power - A lovely bit of shameless Zouxie fluff in that brief period the gang was at Hex Tech before the plot came to get them.
Bitter Water - Only two of the old team remain in Arcadia and those were Jim and Krel, the rest having left to pursue educational pursuits and in one particular case kept away for Nari’s safety. For the Akiridion he is still here with reminders of his heritage and what it took to have this life on earth chasing him all the way. It’s always good to have friends with a listening ear and hot chocolate.
Together, Dearest - The very act of resting is a potential invitation for nightmares and Nari is no different but when once more in the waking world you will find you’re not alone, there are hugs available.
The Night Belongs To Us - Lovingly described Skraelroc fluff during their long hunt for Merlin and the strangeness that can be observed on clearer nights.
Nineteen Plus Nine Hundred, Give Or Take - 900 years is a long time by anyone’s standards but perhaps during that Douxie can figure out how to truly live.
Twelfth Century Wizard, Twenty-First Century Witch - The follow up to the above, when you’ve lived a long and interesting life things can still pop up in odd ways... Even if you haven’t quite mastered the sacred art of texting yet.
ERAS TÚ (It was you). | Tales of Arcadia One-Shot - Would you want to live forever if it meant leaving everyone behind? Jilaire.
the only way for us to go - From his rescue from the streets of Camelot to the eventual guardian of this realm, Douxie has come a very, very long way. Through the frustrations of trying to learn magic, the belittling of others, the faith of Morgana and the power of music his experiences throughout 900 years truly make him what he is.
lay down your head - Even the mightiest can be plagued with the not so humble migraine. Skraelroc fluff.
Merry Christmas, Doctor Lake - Some Christmas gifts are worth going all out for and getting your friends and family to help out to make it extra special.
Grocery Run - After the incident where Merlin dismissed Strickler for being a changeling it is time for an excuse to get out the house for a bit and have a frank discussion about their relationship, the future beyond the incoming battle and lingering insecurities of two worlds colliding.
Alternate Universe
Fashionista, How Do You Look? - An AU that very much takes the term very literally here where everyone is human, Skrael, Bellroc and Nari are fashion designers plus many other ToA characters we know and love are either in the industry in some way themselves or on the fringes because of their jobs/who they know. Sometimes you work with catty bitches and want to kick back and watch the fireworks you know? Contains friends to almost to enemies to friends to maybe we’ll get our shit together this time but the odds aren’t great Skraelroc. There’s also a Zouxie oneshot in this collection that was a gift for meee because of the corner I dug in the AU.
Atlas, Fallen - When a star falls from the sky it is a punishment so when Atlas suddenly finds himself amongst the humans he had observed from above for countless ages in a flesh body like theirs he fears his Mother is punishing him and unable understand what he did wrong. While trying to find his way back home he gets a crash course in what it’s like to be human making friends along the way. Slow burn Jilaire.
she once was a true love of mine - I put this under the AU section even though it wavers between that and not, a mixture of classical Arthurian mythos and the glimpses of the Camelot in Tales of Arcadia where one kingdom collapses from war another strengthens by taking their princess as queen. While Arthur might have turned her head once it is the sibling that seems to be catching Gwen’s eye of late as much as her thoughts. Morgwen but in the department of pining.
Pulled From The Ocean - AU doesn’t quite fit this one but it feels a bit more fitting than general. A little oneshot snapshot of Jim living with deafness and the contrast of one world that falls easily into supporting that whereas the other tries their best but it makes the slip ups sting even more.
you are a stranger here, why have you come? - Fate is a funny old thing, something happens a little bit differently such as a father not leaving alone and everything can change so drastically. Nari’s fondness for children strikes again and this time it involves a 5-year old Jim Lake Jr. ending in the Order’s care and their foray into found family. Somehow Jim is even more of a disaster and as likely surmised from the fact I write this trope myself I am very weak for it.
go into your local forest and you will find a friend and a boy - Toby was unlucky in the friend department and by the time he is ten he still feels miserable and lonely having to endure Steve’s increasing bullying all the while. This is of course until he finds a blue half-troll hiding out the daylight hours munching cans in the local woods...
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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starsbegantofall · 3 years
events and how they have been... eventing
Something I have been trying to keep in mind since 2021 started and I realized, “we’re not getting out of this pandemic, not truly,” I wanted to live my best life. Obviously my 2020 efforts to make true and lasting change in this country amounted to almost nothing in the end, but hey, I tried my best to help others beyond my career during the pandemic, that must count for something.
This year, I imagined that every 2 weeks is my last 2 weeks to live, that I contracted the deadly variant of coronavirus on top of some other illness, therefore I need to live for myself (living for others did not work out lol) so I can leave this mortal coil with no regrets. I put together a bucket list of the simpler things I felt I could easily accomplish, and used social media to try to keep myself accountable and on track.
If ya really nosy, read below
1. aesthetic design journey - I wanted to spruce up where I live so that I’m happy living and sleeping in it, hence I am making monthly blog posts to help motivate me. Work from home depends on a clean and pleasant environment, very important. Related, I am also reading books on gardening and konmari and attempting a few things. Am I making much progress? No, but at least it was better than the totally ugly mess before.
2. sewing projects - I dug out a gifted notebook from decades ago I never used and listed all of my sewing projects so that if I died, at least that notebook was loved, and I made some progress on my sewing. there’s mending and cosplay and lolita on the list, but I also want to make some normie wearable clothing to give a personal flair to my closet that isn’t from a corporation. Like pajamas and blouses or shorts/skirts.
2a. historical costuming - some lolitas I followed moved onto historical costuming (I guess so they can go to ultra fancy balls that lolitas would not normally go to , pre-pandemic of course), and I wanted to try my hand at one to test my sewing skills. currently working on an 18th century court gown wearable test muslin, not sure if I want to invest in real silk for a final gown until I know I can handle sewing it.
2b. use up fabric and materials that needs using up - as I began reorganizing my old costumes, I decided to do my best to sew up from my fabric stash before moving on and buying more fabric. I already failed at this (twice this year lol) but those are the last two times, I promise!
3. other hobbies - over the years I accumulated a lot of random craft materials that I never really used. no more! I did some cross stitch embroidery, badge rosettes, resin crafting, pressed flowers, and paper clay sculpting this year.  Would like to work on painting and calligraphy, markers and multimedia, more clay sculpting, plastic crafts, floral arrangements, book making, leather work, as well as graphic design and programming for my own video games.
4. cooking - a carry over from 2020, trying new recipes regularly, both Asian cuisine and whatever ingredients are in season. This is my favorite past time, even if some of the recipes turn out mediocre, many of them are better (taste and nutrition-wise) than the fast food I would be getting otherwise, and also don’t give me (as much) food poisoning.
5. finishing any of my several unfinished fics that are literally on the last chapter but haven’t been touched in years and ppl keep asking me about them. I think about them constantly but the words do not appear on the document. Every weekend I tell myself I’ll work on them but I don’t. I don’t.
6. rework my website... not sure if I really want to do this at all lol. but I bought the domain, so I really should migrate my blogs over for archival sake.
7. 2 pieces of “finished” art a month, one of them related to videogames so that my yearly art survey won’t have holes in it - I somehow failed to finish 2 this month, but technically I drew more than 2 drawings, just one of them was a comic and not post-worthy. Really, I need to stop procrastinating until the 25th lol
8. learn Chinese and Vietnamese - aka make use of the Rosetta account I paid money for
9. use up the “good stuff” - wear that new nail polish, light those fancy candles you never light, bring out those shoes that are uncomfortable but look awesome, drink that wine or eat that candy, take selfies just because. life is short and miserable.
This is a lot of stuff, but I’ve made a fair amount of progress halfway through 2021. I would say almost every 2 weeks and definitely every month I’ve checked something off my list that I could be proud of should I die from coronavirus complications the next day. And that’s what is important to me.
Whether or not you found this list entertaining, I will try to make wrap-up posts every other month for anyone wanting to go on this journey with me. Otherwise, I hope people at least stay healthy and take care of themselves as best as they can.
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stillness-in-green · 4 years
What Ars Goetia Demon do you think would fit Orga Itsuka ? Example Mika-Barbatos, McGillis-Bael, etc.
Thanks for the question, anon! Man, it's been so long since I've gotten an IBO ask; I'm so pleased.  :D  As to your question, this one's actually surprisingly easy.  See, a while back I drew up a pile of notes for an IBO/Persona fusion fic that would have involved AU versions of the main cast getting Personas matched to the Ars Goetia demons, including characters that never had Gundams or even mecha in the canon.  I never wrote more than a few scenes of it, but I do still have all the notes!  So have Orga and his Goetic partner!  
Orga Itsuka — Agares.  For our upstart leader of Tekkadan, Agares, Duke of Hell, who returns runaways, makes staunch men flee, and tears down established authorities.  That last trait is obvious enough for the group of boys that does so much to shake the power structures of the world, but Tekkadan also has a number of routs of supposedly-superior opponents to their name, from the Gjallarhorn assault on CGS when no one expected other than that Third Division would go out there and get slaughtered, to the Dawn Horizon attack, where Tekkadan is so vastly underequipped but still emerges victorious.  As to the runaway thing, I believe it’s intended in an ominous way—forcibly returning those who have fled possibly legitimate mistreatment.  However, Tekkadan is itself a haven for runaways and strays, so I prefer to tie it to the way Orga builds a family and a place to belong for all those orphans and outcasts in his care.  In this sense, Agares’ power over runaways guides them to a more “proper” home.
Want more?  I got more.  Hit the jump!
Kudelia Aina Bernstein — Buné.  Another Duke, Buné grants eloquence and wisdom, speaking true answers in a high, comely voice.  For Kudelia, whose impassioned speeches cause governments to take note of her and stop entire fleets from attacking her allies, he’s a strong choice.  Buné is, of course, not the only demon who grants wisdom nor eloquence, but he also has associations with the dead, enlisting them into his ranks, making him the most distinct choice for Kudelia, from whom the children who die to advance her cause are ever on her mind.
Eugene Sevenstark — Mathim.  Yet another Duke, Mathim can teleport men wherever they need to go and teaches astral projection.  The teleportation ties into how Tekkadan’s second-in-command is frequently left in charge of commanding the Isaribi and given full command of the Hotarubi, but more significant is the astral projection—Eugene is the only person in the show fool enough to use his Alaya-Vijnana hookup to route his consciousness into a full-sized starship.  A connection to a demon who assists in astral projection is as good an explanation as any for his continued survival with no ill effects from the neural overload.
Biscuit Griffon — Marchosias.  A Great Marquis of Hell, Marchosias is another truthful sort, like Biscuit, who is quite poor at concealing unease and frequently willing to speak up about his reservations.  Marchosias is, further, strong and reliable, and hoped to return to Heaven after a passage of time, though he was unable to.  This makes for a cutting parallel with Biscuit’s willingness to leave Tekkadan entirely to return to his sisters, and the early death which prevents him from having to follow through or not on that choice.  (Marchosias has also, between the times of my taking fic notes and the writing of this post, been assigned as the main character’s Gundam in the Venus-based gatcha game.  I’d gone to some effort to avoid assigning anyone to a demon that already had an extant Gundam in the show/spin-off material unless it was their own canonical Gundam, but alas, it was bound to happen eventually.)
Atra Mixta  — Seir.  A Prince of Hell who is indifferent to evil, being of a good-natured temperament.  For Atra, surrounded by people much more prepared to resort to violence than she, it speaks to her loving, generous character.  Moreover, Seir brings abundance, which parallels well with Atra’s role as cook and, eventually, mother, as well as her epilogue seeing her settled down on a farm.  
Ride Mass — Allocer.  For Tekkadan’s amateur painter and part-time designer, the Grand Duke Allocer, one of many demons who teaches the arts.  For the black-jacketed, bitter youth who guns a man down in a bathroom stall, the burning-eyed knight who induces men to immorality.
Dante Mogro — Valefar.  A Duke again, Valefar tempts men to steal and ensures good relationships amongst thieves, traits that speak to Dante’s cheerful nature despite his circumstances and his gleeful embrace of his role as Tekkadan’s hacker.  
Chad Chadan — Ipos or Buer.  I never made up my mind on this one.  Ipos, a Prince and an Earl, grants wittiness and valiance, and can answer questions about past, present and future.  This makes a good reference to Chad’s implied-by-the-canon inclination to seek out information in his off-time, and certainly to his brief turn as a Getter Robo character unexpectedly bold performance against Hashmal.  Conversely, Buer, a President of Hell, teaches philosophy and heals all injuries and infirmities.  The philosophy tack has the same angle as Ipos’ wittiness, but the healing would speak to Chad’s jaw-dropping ability to survive everything the show throws at him—the bridge fight at Edmonton, the bomb in the conference hall, specifically drawing the attention of a mobile armor, the hail of gunfire that takes down Orga, and every other assorted major and minor combat between those more specific events.  
A few quick notes on Mikazuki, Akihiro and Shino, who, of course, already have their Goetic familiars!    
Barbatos finds hidden treasures and grants speech with animals.  He’s matched to Mikazuki, who pilots a glorified power cell to a triumphant victory and a sea-change in the fortunes of himself and those he cares for, and who probably gets called a space rat more times than anyone else, and certainly carries the bulk of those space rats’ ambitions.  
Gusion reconciles friends and grants honor and dignity.  He’s matched to Akihiro, who is lead to a reunion and, at the very end, a reconciliation with his younger brother, and who claws himself up from being Human Debris to Tekkadan’s second ace, who carries himself with a diligent sternness. 
Flauros is associated with revenge against one’s enemies, as well as being a chatty bastard who will happily talk about many topics, including himself.  Further, he is capable of warding his summoner from temptation, but will only do so if specifically asked.  Flauros is really just amazingly well-chosen for the gregarious, hot-blooded, cheerfully boastful and perpetually horny Shino.
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aplaceforthesoul · 4 years
I've always wanted to be a therapist and help people when I grow up. But as more and more time goes on with my mental health slowly going down the drain, maybe its a dream I won ever be able to accomplish.
so there’s a post here on tumblr, it goes like this:
At age 23, Tina Fey was working at a YMCA. At age 23, Oprah was fired from her first reporting job.  At age 24, Stephen King was working as a janitor and living in a trailer. At age 27, Vincent Van Gogh failed as a missionary and decided to go to art school.   At age 28, J.K. Rowling was a suicidal single parent living on welfare. At age 28, Wayne Coyne ( from The Flaming Lips) was a fry cook. At age 30, Harrison Ford was a carpenter.  At age 30, Martha Stewart was a stockbroker.  At age 37, Ang Lee was a stay-at-home-dad working odd jobs.
Julia Child released her first cookbook at age 39, and got her own cooking show at age 51. Vera Wang failed to make the Olympic figure skating team, didn’t get the Editor-in-Chief position at Vogue, and designed her first dress at age 40. Stan Lee didn’t release his first big comic book until he was 40. Alan Rickman gave up his graphic design career and landed his first movie role at age 42. Samuel L. Jackson didn’t get his first major movie role until he was 46. Morgan Freeman landed his first major movie role at age 52.
Kathryn Bigelow won the Academy Award for Best Director when she made The Hurt Locker at age 57. Grandma Moses didn’t begin her painting career until age 76. Louise Bourgeois didn’t become a famous artist until she was 78. Whatever your dream is, it is not too late to achieve it. 
and it is. so. true. it really is! if you want to be a therapist and you want to help people then you absolutely still can, not all is lost. use your dreams and ambitions as motivation to work on your mental health, fight for your goals by reaching out for help from professionals. take medication if that’s what you need to do in order to achieve mental stability, attend weekly therapy sessions, practice mindfulness if that what it takes. do whatever you need to, fight for yourself, prioritise recovery, take it one day at a time. if your mental health is slipping then
recovery is not an easy process? and it’s not quick process either, it’s twisty and curly and sometimes you might take a step up and then sideways and then back a step before you move forward again, but that’s alright. there are some mental illnesses where full recovery isn’t 100% possible but you learn strategies to live alongside your illness and to manage it, and that’s alright too. when you choose to start this journey is up to you, just know that your ambitions aren’t totally out of reach. <33
- tash
Hey! I’d also like to share my personal experience since I work in related fields. I suffered from a lot of mental health issues back when I was in high school. I studied psych in uni because I wanted to help others. I thought I was not competent because sometimes I do feel that mental health is not at the very best place to help others. Now, I’m working with children and teens who are experiencing mental or psychiatrical issues. I am definitely not a happy, optimistic, stress-free person a 100% of the time. I have really bad days still, but I always believe recovery is a long journey. I think my experience with mental health definitely made me a more empathetic and understanding person, I am able to build rapport with those teens because it’s easier for me to understand their situation and hence know how to support them. I am also working towards my goal of being a counsellor/ therapist! Your issues may make you feel weak, but it’s very valuable. Your goal is not unachievable. 
- Sammi
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Tagging game!
hello! thanks for tagging me for this thingie @lazeetrash B)
1st “rule”: tag 9 people (i don’t want to be a bother so ill tag very little)
appearance: I’m 5"1(AND A HALF) My eyes are hazel mostly but they change color once in a while to be more brown, dark brown short wavy hair, im not pale but im also not too tan so in the middle ish?????
personality: I’m very shy but talking about common interests and I’ll warm up to people really quickly (mention one thing about chrobin and we’re already friends in my book lol) I’d like to say I’m a friendly open person who enjoys a good chat. I’d also like to think of myself as someone who is helpful, I like to give gifts to my mutuals and help people when I can c:
abilities: I like to draw! (that one’s kinda obvious though lol) I can bake a lot of stuff (can’t cook for crud though :c) I can sing but not well enough to be in a choir ^^’ I am relatively good at playing super smash bros and used to be the ‘best’ at my school for a while (Ranai and Acestarthe3rd are my teachers)  
hobbies: also drawing~ And also some animations B) I like to cosplay but I’m still pretty new to it (I’ve only done Morgan so far) I love to play video games (especially scary ones) I like to read books and also fics (the slowest of burns pls) I like watching a lot of shows from game of thrones to Hannibal to the occasional anime. 
experiences: Went to AX for the first time last year. Been going to Kingdom Hearts fan meet ups since middle school <3 Met many voice actors who have also signed my sketchbook, Anne from p5 (Erika Harlacher), Hayner from KH (Justin Cowden), Noctis from Final Fantasy (Ray Chase) Been to many places all over the US as well as Japan and Thailand.         
my life: I was raised by and live with my Thai grandparents and older sister. I’m about to graduate highschool in a couple months! 18 in September~ Southern Californian born and raised and still am today. I have some great friends and some great cats so it’s pretty good. Been through a lot of hecking oof in my life but without those times I wouldn’t be the person I am today~
relationships: Too many friends irl and too many friends online cx Got my family, got my cats. Past relationships were pretty oof, so oof i came out of the closet lmao. Single but I’ll let life take it’s course and see what happens B) jk im married to all my 2d waifus <3
random: I look up to a bunch of people who I aspire to be like. I especially look up to all the chrobin content makers, even if they don’t notice me B’’) What I want most in life is to have fans who enjoy my content and to be content with my own artwork~ I can speak some Thai but I’m not too good at it ;v; I really like bugs and I used to want to become an entomologist. I learned how to draw so I can make webcomics for all the stories I have in my head <3 I’m also garbage at math B’)))) I make serious art but I don’t post since it isn’t fandom related. Big Hero 6 is my favorite Disney movie and kh is my favorite video game of all time. My grandparents used to work in Hollywood and were featured in, The Princess Diaries, Pinocchio live action thing that used to scare me as a kid, Rush Hour 1&2, How I Met Your Mother (commercial), Wedding Crashers and other stuff I can’t think of off the top of my head :b I got into chrobin only because I saw how beautiful Robin’s character design was in ssb4 and once I saw their final smash I looked into fea. At first I wasn’t very interested in playing fea because I couldn’t gay marry so I had my friend homebrew my ds for the gay mod (BLESS) and now here I am :D  
tagging: @grimasgayboy @chrobinislove @carmenvhal
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tamboradventure · 4 years
My 6 Favorite Hostels in Boston
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Posted: 1/18/2020 | January 18th, 2020
With its historic colonial buildings, die-hard sports fans, and lively nightlife, Boston is one of my favorite cities in the US (and I’m not just saying that because it’s where I grew up!).
Boston has been a commercial hub since the 17th century and holds an important place in American history. After the Boston Tea Party in 1773, it became a pivotal bastion of support for the US War of Independence. Even today, the city is brimming with history and has lots to offer. It’s a must-visit destination for anyone looking to understand the roots of modern America.
Since it isn’t the most affordable destination, budget-conscious travelers and backpackers are probably going to want to save money however they can. That means finding budget-friendly accommodation.
Like most US cities, Boston doesn’t have many hostels. But the ones it does have are modern, clean, safe, and social for the most part.
To help you save money during your visit, here are the best hostels in Boston:  
1. HI Boston
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HI Boston is the best hostel in town. It offers both same-sex and mixed dorms, and each bed comes equipped with a shelf, outlets, and a locker. The private rooms are modern and have more of a hotel feel to them; they also come with TVs and a bathtub (which is largely unheard of in a hostel).
The hostel also has a free continental breakfast, a kitchen to cook your own meals in, and a common room complete with TV, pool table, and a piano. They also organize free city tours and host dinners, among other activities. It’s a very social hostel.
HI Boston is located close to the Freedom Trail, the Boston Common, and Chinatown. More attractions, like the campuses of Harvard and MIT, are a only few T (subway) stops away.
Beds from $25 USD, private rooms from $101 USD a night.
—> Book your stay at HI Boston!  
2. Boston Fenway Inn
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The Boston Fenway Inn is the cheapest hostel in town. But you get what you pay for, so expect basic accommodations. The rooms here can get cold in the winter, and the windows let in a lot of sound from nearby restaurants and bars. Bathrooms aren’t plentiful, and sometimes there are lines. And if you’re not one of the first to shower, you may miss out on hot water.
Breakfast is included but is quite basic (toast and coffee) unless you wake up early and grab pastries before they’re gone. It also doesn’t have a full kitchen, and the common room is set up with tables and chairs, so it’s not super comfy.
However, the hostel is located in a prime spot near the affluent Back Bay neighborhood, a picturesque and historic neighborhood with designer boutiques, indie shops, and some of the best spots in town to eat and drink. The hostel is close to Fenway Park, the stunning Boston Public Library, the Museum of Fine arts, and the Mapparium.
Beds from $19 USD, private rooms from $54 USD a night.
—> Book your stay at Boston Fenway Inn!  
3. FOUND Hotel Boston Common
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FOUND Hotel Boston Common is one of the oldest hotels in the city. Renovated in 2018, it has much more of a hotel feel to it. There isn’t a common room or kitchen, so it’s not easy to meet other travelers here, and the rooms here are small (some of the private rooms have hardly enough space for the bed).
But it’s a short walk to Boston Common and the Public Garden and has plenty of restaurants, bars, and clubs nearby. It’s also just over one block from the subway, so it’s easy to get to other attractions in town.
If you want a place that’s quiet, tidy, comfortable, and not particularly social, then book your stay here.
Beds from $36 USD, private rooms from $82 USD a night.
—> Book your stay at FOUND Hotel Boston Common!  
4. Boston Homestel
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Located in an old house a few miles outside of the city center (but close to the JFK Library), Boston Homestel offers simple rooms and dorms. The rooms here are clean and bright but don’t have much to them. The beds aren’t the most comfortable, but the quiet location makes it easier to fall asleep than in other hostels in the heart of the city.
The hostel has a common room and a small kitchen, but not much more. It’s a quiet hostel, so don’t come to Boston Homestel expecting a party.
Beds from $37 USD, private rooms from $87 USD a night.
—> Book your stay at Boston Homestel!  
5. Backpackers Hostel & Pub
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Backpackers Hostel & Pub is a social hostel located in Everett, just outside the city. It’s not fancy by any means, but it has a lively atmosphere and free breakfast (which is a big plus for budget-savvy travelers). The dorms are large and not particularly fancy or comfortable (most are 8-10 beds), but the drinks are cheap, and it’s just a 10-minute drive from downtown by car (25 minutes by public transportation).
The staff are super friendly and helpful, and they also offer a free shuttle pickup service from the nearest T (subway) station (which is a 30-min walk away). They have a kitchen too, so you can easily cook your own meals here to save even more money. It’s a busy, social hostel.
Beds from $40 USD a night (private rooms not available).
—> Book your stay at Backpackers Hostel and Pub!  
6. Liberty Fleet of Tall Ships
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Available from June through September, this is easily the coolest place to stay in town: a functional sailing vessel, the Liberty Clipper. It’s a wooden three-mast ship with cozy cabins for rent. While the rooms are small, the experience is unlike anything else Boston has to offer.
Towels and linens are included, and the hot water is plentiful. There is no Wi-Fi, however, and you need to leave the ship during the day. But if you’re looking for a unique experience, this is hard to beat. It’s also a great choice for couples.
Cabins from $60 USD a night.
Book your stay at Liberty Fleet of Tall Ships!
Whether you’re looking to stay in the heart of town or in more quiet accommodations further afield, Boston will have something for you. While the rock-bottom budget options are limited, the facilities at the better hostels will not leave you wanting.
Even with the prevalence of Airbnb here, hostels are still the cheapest accommodation option. Just be sure to book early and you’ll be able to find a bed, meet new travelers, and save some money in the process!
Book Your Trip to Boston: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel — and I think they will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Boston? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Boston with more tips on what to see and do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credit: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The post My 6 Favorite Hostels in Boston appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Nomadic Matt's Travel Site https://ift.tt/363pu5K via IFTTT
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jana-hallford · 5 years
Looking for a Man in the Mirror: Antique Halloween Postcards
Those of you who’ve read my past blog posts know I’m fond of antique postcards, both for the quaint illustrations and for the glimpse they give of earlier times. Some of the most fanciful are from Halloween, or as it was often spelled back then, Hallowe’en.
Along with the expected images of Jack O’ Lanterns, witches, ghosts, devilish little imps, and children wearing masks or bobbing for apples, I’ve found quite a few Halloween postcards showing girls and young women gazing into mirrors. Often, a man appears in the mirror’s reflection, standing next to or behind the girl or lady. I’ve looked into this largely forgotten custom and learned a little about it. 
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 A young woman looks over her shoulder and sees a young man in the mirror in this scene from an antique “Hallowe’en” divided-back postcard (1907 -1914) from my collection. The verse reads:
   May fate reveal By candle’s gleam your own      True Love on Hallowe’en.
Mirrors have been around for thousands of years, and have long been associated with divination or the spirit world, perhaps because reflected images seemed magical. And on Halloween, the walls between our world and the supernatural realm are said to grow thin.
Many girls and women were naturally curious about what the future held for them in terms of who they would marry. Various superstitions grew up about how to see one’s matrimonial fate, and quite a few of them involved looking into a mirror on Halloween, often at midnight. Supposedly, a young lady would see her future mate, or her true love. (One would hope they would be one and the same.)
In some versions of the superstition, the girl or woman eats an apple before looking in the mirror. In others, she brushes her hair while looking in the mirror, or backs down the stairs. She is to carry a candle, or see by the light of a Jack O’ Lantern. Sometimes she looks over her shoulder, but in many cases she gazes directly into the mirror.
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This divided-back embossed “A Joyful Halloween” postcard from my personal collection features a lovely lady holding a mirror, with a handsome man behind her. A candle, wedding rings, and apples frame the scene, along with the verse:
He is your fate Whose face you’ve seen In the mirror’s face On Halloween
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A lady sees a gentleman in the mirror in this scene on the right-hand side of a divided-back antique postcard printed in Germany, marked Series No. 2470. The woman and man wear 18th-century fashions, including powdered wigs. The left-hand side of the card bears the date “Oct. 31st” embellished with flowers, above the words “With Hallowe’en Wishes” with ornate initial caps.
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This “A Jolly Hallowe’en” postcard, copyright 1907, shows a young lady before a mirror, seeing a vision of man behind her reflection. I like the Halloween and autumn symbols. (The message side is shown below.) From my personal collection. The verse reads:
I pray you bright flame Now show to me Who my future husband may be.
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Message side of the “I pray you bright flame” postcard. Many of the Halloween cards I have with this theme are postally unused, but this one was postmarked Oct. 30, 1908, New York, N.Y.
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Raphael Tuck & Sons “Hallowe’en” Postcard Series No. 150, circa 1908.  Candle in hand, a young woman looks in the mirror and sees a young man standing behind her in the reflection. A pumpkin, a black cat, and the silhouette of a witch are on the left edge of the scene. From my personal collection.
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In this pretty divided-back embossed postcard from my collection, postmarked 1909, a young woman with a classic “Gibson Girl” hairstyle looks in the mirror by candlelight, while eating an apple. The verse, in gold letters, suggests she is hoping to see someone specific:
On Halloween Before the glass Dear Absent Friend I pray you pass
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Message side of the above “Dear Absent Friend” postcard, sent to a Miss Hattie Tracy of Nashua, Iowa.
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This divided-back postcard from my personal collection, entitled “My Hallowe’en Greeting” reads:
Let this design on you prevail    To try the trick (It cannot fail.) Back down the stairs with candle dim   And in the mirror you’ll see HIM!
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This charming divided-back embossed postcard from my collection features a young woman happily beholding a young man’s image in her mirror. A band of apples on a gold background separates the picture from the ornately lettered greeting “A happy Hallowe’en” and the verse:
    He is your fate Whose face you’ve seen   in the mirror’s face On Hallowe’en
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“A Joyous Hallowe’en” divided-back postcard shows a young woman on stairs, with a candle and a mirror. The message side of the card is shown below. From my personal collection.
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The message side of the above postcard, postmarked Oct 29, 1913, Grand Rapids, Mich.
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A girl looks into a mirror in this Ellen Clapsaddle “Hallowe’en Greeting” embossed, divided-back postcard, marked International Art Publ. Co.  Series No. 1667. From my personal collection. The verse reads:
On Hallowe’en at the      midnight hour, When Ghosts develop  a silent power, Look in the glass,   o’er your shoulder         you’ll see, The vision of him who       will marry thee.
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The sexy lady in this embossed “Halloween Joys Be Yours” postcard lifts her dress to show a daring ankle to the man in the mirror. This postcard is postmarked Oct 23 1908, Poplar Bluff, Missouri. In contrast to the rather sensual illustration, the only partly legible message is from one housewife to another, detailing illness in the home.
I’ve also found postcards where the custom does not go as expected, including some where the young lady sees a Jack O’ Lantern or a “pumpkin head” figure instead of a human man.
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This embossed Hallowe’en postcard of mine, postmarked October 27, 1910, Orford, N.H., shows a young woman gazing into a mirror and seeing not a suitor but a Jack O’ Lantern (held up by a prankster), with the warning verse:
If you are too Anxious on Halloween To peep in the Mirror before Midnight Instead of the face of your Lover you See A big PumpkinHead that's Fancy Free.
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Message side of the “pumpkinhead” postcard, postmarked Oct 27, 1910, Orford N.H. and addressed to a Miss Margaret Day of Piermont, New Hampshire. (I would love to why know the writer was glad a teacher was mad at her children!)
No doubt many girls and women tried the mirror-gazing feat without seeing so much as a pumpkin head. Some postcards address that issue with humor, even advising the woman to make sure her intended “victim” just happens to be in the room when she’s before a mirror.
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This antique postcard, also from my collection, shows a woman before a mirror, candle in hand, with a man behind her. The verse reads:
In the hour of midnight Hallowe’en, Your future husband may be seen. Before a mirror you must stand, With a lighted candle in your hand; Then over your shoulder will appear The face of the one to you most dear.
N.3 -- In order to work this trick right, you should first notify the victim, so he will be on hand: then the trick cannot fail.
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The message side of the above humorous Halloween postcard, postmarked Baltimore M.D., Oct 19 1908 1:30 PM. It was sent to a Miss Ella Slade, also of Baltimore, with the message “Don't forget to notify the victim.” and signed simply “Guess”! (For the record, I paid a lot less than the $45 penciled in the upper right corner, but did not erase it. I avoid erasing any pencil marks on my antique postcards.)
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This divided-back “Hallow’een Greeting” postcard also from my collection shows a young woman, a mirror and candle, and an unexpected “vision.” The verse reads:
The maiden fair had a most romantic soul, And wished her future husband to behold. She gazed in the mirror and one glance took- And beheld her brother kissing the cook.
Another postcard, in the same series, shows a young woman getting disappointing but realistic results:
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Also from my collection, another “Hallowe’ en Greeting” postcard, obviously from the same series and bearing a 1908 copyright, shows a young woman who received disappointing but realistic results. The verse reads:
She was filled with romance, and deemed it good sport To look in the mirror and see its report. She gazed quite a while, then a loud voice heard, Come do the dishes now, and don’t be absurd.”
My favorite postcard with this theme was meant for a gentleman to send to the lady he admired, with a message indicating he hoped she would see HIS reflection in her mirror.
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One of my favorites from my personal collection. Antique divided-back embossed postcard entitled “All Hallow e’en,” with a young woman holding a candle, gazing in a mirror, and seeing a young man, reads:
May the reflection which you see       Be the counterfeit of me.
I hoped you’ve enjoyed this look at an old romantic custom. Happy Halloween!
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sweetseda · 4 years
Canning At Home – Tips For True Beginners
When you’re new to canning food at home, the whole process can be intimidating. Not only does it take a good bit of time and space in the kitchen, but there’s also that worry that you’ll do it wrong and get sick later.
I used to feel the same way. But once I’d gone through the process a couple of times, I realized it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Remember this:
When you’re just starting to can at home, you don’t have to try to fill your whole pantry. It’s okay to work in small batches until you get more comfortable canning and find a few favorite recipes.
How Canning Works
Don’t be intimidated by the canning process. In the simplest recipes, it’s really just a matter of boiling your jars in water bath canner to heat the internal contents and destroy any harmful bacteria.
Once out of the boiling water, the lids on your jars create a vacuum seal as they cool and can be stored in a cool dark place for months or years.
Canning at home: basic supplies
Canning fresh produce is a very cost-effective way to preserve your harvest and stock up on a your favorite seasonal items for use year-round. To get started, you just need a few, inexpensive canning supplies. 
So which canning supplies are the most essential and which ones are optional?
Must Have Canning Supplies
Mason Jars
Optional Canning Supplies
Jam and Jelly Maker
Pressure Canner and Cooker
Tired of canning and want more options for preserving? Read 4 Ways To Preserve Tomatoes
Supplies required for canning at home
Canning is a great way to enjoy healthy, nutritious foods throughout the year. It allows you to preserve everything your garden has to offer throughout the year and take advantage of produce you find at the farmers market.
Water Bath Canner
Aside from canning jars, the main piece of equipment you’ll need is a water bath canner. While you can use any large stockpot to boil your jars of homegrown goodness, a water bath canner is often more convenient and can fit more jars.
If you’re in the market for a water bath canner, consider the Granite Ware Water Bath Canner. This large pot has a jar rack that your canning jars will sit on for easy insertion and removal of your filled canning jars.
The 21.5 quart pot is a great size for canning and holds 7 one-quart jars, 9 one-pint jars or 13 half-pint jars. The stepped design of this canner produces more even heat and allows more boiling water to contact the top half of the jars.
This canner is designed to work on both gas and electric burners, but the manufacturer suggests against using it on glass top stoves.
Why you need a water bath canner
Two reasons: size and the jar rack.
The large size means you can can as much as possible at a time. And the jar rack can be lifted and rest along the edges of the pot for easy placement of your jars.
It remains in place during canning to prevent the glass jars from touching the bottom of the pot. Why is this important?
Because having the glass in direct contact with the bottom of the pot may cause your jars to bust open! Let me tell you that is not something you want to clean up. For that reason alone it is well worth investing in a proper water bath canner.
When the water bath process is completed, you can lift the rack with the cans out of the water for easier removal. The jar rack gives you more control over the heat and jars, resulting in better overall canning results.
Canning Recipe Books
The All New Ball Complete Book Of Home Canning comes highly recommended by all home canning experts.
Everyone knows that Ball is one of the biggest names in the canning world. When they publish a book on canning, it’s something worth paying attention to, and the newest edition of this canning reference does not disappoint.
Yes, there are a lot of free resources about canning available online, but there’s just something about having a big book sitting on your kitchen counter that you can reference throughout the canning process. It’s also nice to have and leaf through for inspiration when you’re facing a big batch of produce that needs to be put up.
As expected from a book like this, it has a lot of recipes for a large variety of canned products you can make right at home in your kitchen. What makes this book such an invaluable resource though is all the extra information packed into these pages. 
You’ll find detailed information on the basics of canning and each step of the food preservation process.
Preserve your favorite fruits and veggies for eating all year round.
Safety is crucial when you’re preserving food that you and your family will eat months from now. This book has a lot of information about foodborne illnesses and how to prevent them.
You have to make sure you kill bad bacteria when you can your own food and, to make that happen, you should follow the time tested processes that this book will teach you.
This is a book on canning that you will come back to again and again for canning advice, to review the handy guide on produce weight vs. volume, and of course, to try some of the amazing recipes included.
I highly recommend you add this to your library of cooking and homemaking books.
Put ’em up
Canning For A New Generation
Canning Tools Kit
If you’re new to canning, the idea of handling hot jars submerged in boiling water can be pretty terrifying. Grabbing hot, wet, slippery canning jars with your kitchen tongs and wrestling them out of the pot and onto a folded towel on the counter does sound a bit dangerous.
Fortunately, there are tools that are made just for this purpose. Enter the HIC 5-Piece Canning Set.
Make sure you have a canning kit that includes jar tongs in your canning supplies. These special little tongs wrap around the jar, making it easy and safe to handle even the hottest canning jars.
You also get a set of kitchen tongs for lifting canning lids out of the pot when boiling them to sterilize and handling hot food that needs to get into the jars and a magnetic lid lifter for pulling the can lids out safely.
Another essential for your canning supplies, the included funnel makes it easy to pour liquids into jars without the risk of spilling it all over the jar and the counter. The funnel is nice and wide, making it easy to pour chunky things without making a big mess.
When you’re canning, you need to tighten lids after you get the hot jars from the water bath. The included jar wrench is much safer and easier to use than grabbing some kitchen towels to tighten the lids. 
Canning Jars
Who doesn’t love mason jars? They are, of course, great for their intended purpose, but there are many other uses for these essential canning supplies.
Use ball mason jars as drinking glasses, flower vases, storing leftover food, carrying lunch to work, and more. Older jars that are past their canning prime can be turned into all sorts of arts and crafts around the house.
Ball is the most popular brand when it comes to canning and mason jars. In addition to canning, they are a great storage solution for the freezer as well.
Mason jars are an essential supply for home canners.
With more and more health concerns popping up about plastic storage containers and the risk of contamination into the foods we eat, some homesteaders feel safer using glass instead. Ball jars have yet to break on me in the freezer or in the canner, which is important in my book.
It’s important to note that once you freeze a jar you should no longer use it for canning.
When you start to make things like freezer jam, or use jars as freezer containers, keeping good track of what can go in the freezer and what’s used only for canning is important.
Home Canning Beginner Tip:
Before you start to can anything, think about the serving sizes you end up using for any particular food. 
For example, if you use only half a jar of spaghetti sauce at a time, and then struggle to use it all up before it goes bad, pick a smaller jar when you make and can your own. 
The same goes for jelly. If you’re not a big jelly or jam eater, make small batches and can them in little half-pint jars. This allows you to still make a variety of different fruit preserves and more importantly it makes sure that jelly stays tasty to the last bite.
Ball mason jars come in a huge variety of sizes as well as regular and wide mouth jars. You can order them straight from Amazon and have them delivered to your front door.
With free Prime shipping, this is one of the most cost-effective ways to get them. 
Optional Home Canning Supplies
Automatic Jam and Jelly Maker
If you love your bread maker and rice cooker, you’re going to love the Ball automatic jam and jelly maker. It’s one of those nifty little appliances that can save you a lot of time and effort.
This fancy-do-dah electric appliance heats, stirs, and cooks a batch of homemade jelly or jam on autopilot.You add the ingredients, turn it on and come back to yummy jam, ready to pour into canning jars.
From there, you can process the jars in a hot water canner, freeze the finished fruit preserves, or just start eating it.
This will come in very handy for anyone that loves making homemade jelly but has a hard time standing at the stove stirring posts for long periods of time. 
Other ways to use the jelly maker
While this is marketed as a jam and jelly maker, it is actually a lot more versatile than that. Essentially, it’s an electric cooker with built-in stirring paddles.
When you look at it that way, it opens up all sorts of cooking possibilities. Use it to make spaghetti sauce, small batches of soup, or any type of sauce that involves a lot of cooking and stirring. Now it’s a much more versatile and usable small kitchen appliance.
Fill your pantry with jellies and sauces that were canned at home!
The Ball Automatic Jam and Jelly Maker is a small appliance that won’t take up any more room than your slow cooker on the kitchen counter. It’s also pretty light-weight, making it easy to move it from the cabinet to the counter and back. 
No matter how busy you are, you can turn on this jelly maker and have it take care of the cooking and stirring for you leaving no excuse not to have fresh homemade jam on the breakfast table.
Do you need a pressure canner?
Some foods, like low acid vegetables and meats, are not safely canned in a water bath canner. In those instances, you need a pressure canner.
A pressure canner effectively raises the temperature of the canned contents to 240 degrees Fahrenheit which is high enough to kill the organism that causes botulism. Water bath canning, on the other hand, only raises the temperature to 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
This is fine for acidic foods and jellies because the Clostridium bacteria cannot survive in a low pH environment. But if you want to can your veggies without pickling them, you need to use a pressure canner.
Instead of being submerged in boiling water, a pressure canner uses steam to push all the air out of your canned food and fill the space with boiling water and steam at much higher temps than can be achieved with a water bath canner. Since there is no air in the jar, the heat is distributed evenly to all parts of the jar.
Presto Pressure Canner and Cooker
Pressure canners come in many sizes and price ranges. The Presto Pressure Canner and Cooker is a great choice because it is affordable, has a large capacity, safe and sturdy locking lid, and easy to read pressure gauge.
This pressure canner also has nice safety features like plastic handles so that you won’t burn yourself when the canner is hot and a pressure regulator that releases excess built up steam. You can also use this canner for water bath canning and pressure cooking.
The Presto pressure canner and cooker comes with a canning rack, instruction manual, and recipe book.
Now that you have all the essential canning supplies, what will you can first?
 Here’s a quick rundown of the whole canning process in an infographic. PIN IT!
Essential canning supplies and canning basics infographic by Bed Bath & Beyond
The post Canning At Home – Tips For True Beginners appeared first on You Should Grow.
This content was originally published here.
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thesnhuup · 5 years
When Our Students Teach Us So Much – A Report From Our Recent Africa Trip
I’ve just returned from almost three weeks of travel in Africa, covering four countries — Rwanda, South Africa, Malawi, and Namibia. I’ll share my reflections on the first three countries, which were site visits to the camps where we bring SNHU degrees to displaced people. I’ll follow up with a second blog post on our time in Namibia, a family vacation to a place I’ve long wanted to visit. If looking at people’s travel pics is anathema to you, definitely skip the second blog post. I hope you’ll read this one. This post is my attempt to share just a little of what we experienced (a common refrain was “no one back home will really understand what we experienced”) and my own attempt to process.
Through our Global Education Movement (GEM) program, SNHU has launched the most ambitious attempt to bring full degree programs to displaced people (I have committed to rarely using the word “refugee”) in Rwanda, South Africa, Kenya, Malawi, and Lebanon, with plans to expand to more sites. We first announced this effort in 2017 and more details can be found here if you do not know about the program. In every location, we work with trusted on-the-ground partners, use rigorous assessment practices to ensure quality and standards, and work around delivery challenges most institutions never have to think about. All the credit goes to the unstoppable GEM team, led by Chrystina Russell.
The plight of displaced people, especially as reported by the media, sensibly focuses on the misery, ill-treatment, and suffering of the 65 million people either forced to flee their homeland or internally displaced within their own countries. The danger is that the narrative of victimhood crowds out all else, the courage, creativity, humor, intelligence, love, hopes, and dreams that we found in abundance everywhere we visited. These qualities were vividly on display the evening we spent in a Cape Town gallery, where our students’ talents were showcased. In song, painting, craft, poetry, and storytelling, they powerfully asserted their humanity and they shared their ample gifts.
It was a night when they united as a group of SNHU students, as people who had suffered too much, and found joy in their camaraderie, and in their shared sense of accomplishment–they had completed a college degree; we had just attended their graduation ceremonies–our first graduates in South Africa and Malawi.
I think they were honored that we were there, but we wanted our presence to be on equal footing, which demanded a kind of mutuality, an equal sharing. I’d like to pretend we had equal talent (or even any talent) as we took the stage and did a pretty painful version of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing.” But more importantly, the students loved it, singing along, clapping, and laughing.
In singing, being goofy (see the Trustee air guitar solo in the video), laughing — being vulnerable — we were, as them, simply fellow human beings reveling in each other’s company. I don’t want to overstate it or speak for others, but those moments were a highlight of the trip.
We saw creative talent that night, but throughout the trip we also saw intellectual prowess, evidence of genius, entrepreneurship, business savvy, and innovation.
In Kigali, one of our alumna has started the She Can Code program for women, and three of the students shared their projects.
David, a current student also in Rwanda, is working on a startup that will recycle waste plastic to make paving stones, and has his first prototypes completed.
In Dzaleka Camp in Malawi, we visited the TakenoLab, where young displaced people are learning coding skills and building really impressive mobile apps, with little actual connectivity of their own.
Remy, the founder of the program, fled his native Burundi with his older brother when his mother and father were killed in political fighting. He taught himself to code on an aging phone, with no classes or assistance. He started his school, outgrew the original space, and has worked around limited connectivity, regular power outages, and some combination of blackboards and secondhand laptops to develop a growing cadre of talented young programmers.
Remy has set out to create a new generation of expert coders within the camp, has his students build real-world mobile apps, and created special cohorts for women. And he has done it with mind boggling constraints.
I asked him what he could do with actual connectivity and he paused and said, “It would be magic.”  
Remy receives far more interest from far more students than he can currently serve in his limited space, so when two current and one former Trustee committed to building a new building in the camp to house his program (and other incubator programming) and bring more bandwidth to the building, he was almost speechless.
They also committed to funding an amazing arts program that serves over 500 young people, developed and run by Roger, another SNHU student. In both cases, a combination of what we can do — education and support — empowers our students to address the challenges that face them. That was a theme throughout our time —a desire for tools, a little support, and a chance to solve their problems on their own.
That theme of pride and self-efficacy was also evident when students invited us into their homes at Dzaleka. In these humble spaces, our students took great pride in pointing out improvements they have made, furniture they managed to purchase, and the interior designs they create.
The women who invited us in are taking care of children, cooking meals, sometimes working, and then late in the evening, after everyone is asleep, they get out their laptops and do their SNHU work, often perched on the side of a mattress on the floor where children are asleep.
We took this trip so Trustees, senior leadership, supporters, and students could see the work firsthand, spend time with our students, and appreciate the impact the program is having on people who have lived through what is often unimaginable. Almost everyone said that it would take time to process what they had experienced. The learning was deep, the conversations powerful, and the emotional impact bordered on the profound. 
Fundamentally, our SNHU students in the camps are like many of our online students, even as the circumstances of their lives are so much more limited. This fact was evidenced by the four American students on the trip who immediately connected with their African peers. Sam, Jessica, Diana, and Dan shared their perspective, enriched the larger group, and brought energy and enthusiasm to the journey. Everywhere they went, they formed bonds with their fellow students; it was terrific to have them.
The reactions of the American visitors?
“This trip has changed my life.”
“I’ll never complain again.”
“These students inspire me.”
“I can’t remember the last time I cried this much — in sadness and in joy.”
Like so many of the students who walk across the stage at the arena every May, our students in the GEM program are inspiring. They may be, in many ways, the most impressive students in American higher education today. When we arrived at Dzaleka, for example, a gospel choir welcomed us with this beautiful song they had written. 
A trip like this both breaks and breaks open the heart at the same time, a soul expanding experience (however you define that word) and I won’t reduce it to a list of highlights. What I want to do instead is hold on to whatever it was for as long as I can, because in the time we spent in Africa, especially with our students, I like to think we lived with realities that artists and poets (something about writers and filmmakers feels a bit exploitative) dream of capturing and rarely realize. The realities of human experience writ large and complex and deep.
http://bit.ly/2WHNSd9 from President's Corner http://bit.ly/2WAhcxc via IFTTT
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travelguy4444 · 5 years
My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019
Posted: 3/19/2019 | March 19th, 2019
There are a lot of hostels in Medellín. As “gringo central” for Colombia, you can’t walk five feet without coming across one, with majority located in El Pablado (Gringoland) and Laureles (up-and-coming Gringoland).
In fact, if you look on Hostelworld, you’ll find 93 hostels in this city. That’s a lot of hostels.
I spent close to three weeks in Medellín: first for an extended time over the holidays and then again as I made my way from north to south. Like I do whenever I’m in cities that long, I decided to stay in as many hostels as possible to find out which were the best.
A lot of online lists purport to tell you the best hostels in the city, but I found that my experiences staying in them differed so greatly from the reviews, I began to think, “Ya know, I don’t think people really stayed here!”
So, after spending three weeks there and moving every other day, here is my list of my favorite hostels, based on actual firsthand experience.
The 8 Best Hostels in Medellin
1. Los Patios
This stylish hostel has themed floors inspired by Colombia’s natural surroundings: mountains, jungles, sea, and plains. It’s part of a massive two-building complex that also has a co-working space, a gym, rooftop bars, an organic garden (whose herbs you can use), a Spanish school, and communal kitchens. It was by far my favorite hostel in the entirety of the city. (In fact, I think it is one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in!)
Each dorm bed comes with a privacy curtain, and the private rooms are as comfortable as hotels. The bathrooms were amazing and the beds super comfy — I got some of my best nights’ sleep here. It offers free tea and coffee, great happy hours, amazing parties, and activities like salsa classes and street art tours, plus there are free bike rentals. The staff is also super friendly and welcoming. Overall, this hostel just gets it.
Beds from $17 USD, privates from $50 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Los Patios!
2. Hostel Rango Boutique
Hostel Rango is one of the more upscale hostels in the city. The dorm beds are super comfy, though the beds lack privacy curtains. Each bed comes with reading lights, two power sockets, and personal lockers. The bathrooms are nicer than anything I’ve ever seen in a hostel and rival that of a luxury hotel. I mean, that water pressure! That rustic design? So good! I want these bathrooms in my home. Private rooms are also available and come with a few additional touches, like TVs and mini-fridges, but they are as expensive as hotels, so skip them.
I found the open, industrial décor is super fashionable, and the hostel’s restaurant and bar area great for grabbing a meal and a really good professional cocktail (honestly the bar alone is worth visiting). The staff will also help to set you up with activities like food tours and free walking tours.
Beds from $18 USD, privates from $75 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Hostel Rango Boutique!
3. Sugar Cane Hostel
German- and Colombian-owned Sugar Cane is small. There are just a few private and dorm rooms on one level. The rooms are impressively clean, although they lack the character of the larger hostels in town. The roof has a common area with a few hammocks as well as the hostel’s kitchen. Breakfast is free (you serve yourself) and comes with all the essentials, like bread, eggs, muesli, coffee, and tea. Every Sunday the German owner (I forget his name) cooks up his famous barbecue of chicken, steak, sausages, and all the fixings! It’s a pretty standard, simple hostel, but the owner really makes you feel like family, and he helped me a lot during my stay.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Sugar Cane Hostel!
4. Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel
This is the largest party hostel in Medellín, so if you’re looking to get crazy, this your best bet! The staff works hard to keep people happy (and drunk), including organizing drinking games, salsa classes, and pub crawls. You’ll get free breakfast and coffee in the mornings. The drink are cheap here and there are two on-site restaurants selling sushi and tacos.
Thankfully, the huge bar area is separate from the rooms, so it’s pretty quiet. But the rooms are fairly basic and the beds nothing special — you’ll sleep but won’t be blown away by anything. The real reason to come here is to be in the middle of the party! A lot of pub crawls stop here.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel!
5. The Wandering Paisa
The Wandering Paisa is located in the upscale area of Laureles, which is the up and coming touristy area. All the dorms are covered in South American and Colombian cultural artwork by local students. Each bed comes with a large locker and a privacy divider, which makes it easier to sleep. While the beds are average, I was a big fan of the nice pillows. The kitchen is has the basic essentials. The Paisa Bar is a fun spot to hang out in, and local musicians perform on the sundeck. The hostel also offers free salsa lessons and Spanish classes. If you want to get out of Poblado, this is the place to stay.
Beds from $8 USD, private rooms from $23 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at The Wandering Paisa!
6. Black Sheep Hostel
The Black Sheep Hostel, one of Medellín’s most popular, was also the first in town. I really loved this hostel. The rooms, while pretty bare, are spotless, and the bathrooms have great water pressure and are cleaned regularly. There are lots of common spaces here, including a large balcony and terrace area. The beer sold is cheap and I found guests here were always socializing and hanging out (the way they should). The Kiwi staff owner is super nice and staff members are all university students that are great at handing out local advice. The hostel also offers a ton of tour options that you can book directly from and they’ll even exchange money if you need. This is another “classic” hostel that gets everything right! I loved it.
Beds from $11 USD, private rooms from $25 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Black Sheep Hostel!
7. Purple Monkey
This is definitely one of the liveliest party hostels in Medellín. It’s quirky and upbeat, with a massive rooftop bar area. I found the dorms to be small and cramped, and it was a bit weird to go upstairs and outside to the shower area, but the place is kept very clean, there’s free breakfast, and you really only come here to party, so who cares about anything else!
Beds from $11 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Purple Monkey!
8. Casa Kiwi Hostel
Casa Kiwi Hostel is another institution and located in the middle of Poblado. The dorms are small and I found the beds to be a little thin, but each bed has a locker, and overall, the building is clean and tidy. There’s a big kitchen with free coffee and tea, but the hostel’s restaurant serves up tasty and cheap food. It also has a rooftop terrace, a plunge pool, a bar, plenty of hammocks, and a mini-theater. As one of the most popular hostels in the city, it’s really easy to meet people here, as it’s always full!
Beds from $11, private rooms from $31 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Casa Kiwi Hostel!
Two places I would not recommend staying are Monet’s and Selina. Monet’s is new and cheap and has friendly owners, but it’s far from the action, the walls are thin, and the accommodations pretty basic. If you were on a tight, tight budget and everywhere else was full, it would be good for a night. I wouldn’t spend more time there than that.
Selina is a super popular hostel with digital nomads and has locations around the world. It’s always so hyped up that I was pretty excited to stay there. However, I was greatly disappointed with it. It was good spot to work from (they have a co-working space), there are resturants on site, and the bar, though overpriced, was nice place to meet expats and travelers, but the beds were hard, the rooms had little privacy, and the bathrooms weren’t well kept. Given the high premium it charges, I just didn’t see the value in staying there. Better to stay elsewhere and go party at Selina instead! You get more bang for your peso elsewhere.
So there you have it: the best hostels in Medellín based on my recent firsthand experience. You can’t go wrong with any of them, but by far the best, best, BEST hostel in the city is Los Patios. It’s one of the greatest hostels I’ve ever stayed in!
Did we miss any? If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.
Book Your Trip to Medellin: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Colombia? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Colombia with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
The post My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
source https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-medellin/
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melissagarcia8 · 5 years
My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019
Posted: 3/19/2019 | March 19th, 2019
There are a lot of hostels in Medellín. As “gringo central” for Colombia, you can’t walk five feet without coming across one, with majority located in El Pablado (Gringoland) and Laureles (up-and-coming Gringoland).
In fact, if you look on Hostelworld, you’ll find 93 hostels in this city. That’s a lot of hostels.
I spent close to three weeks in Medellín: first for an extended time over the holidays and then again as I made my way from north to south. Like I do whenever I’m in cities that long, I decided to stay in as many hostels as possible to find out which were the best.
A lot of online lists purport to tell you the best hostels in the city, but I found that my experiences staying in them differed so greatly from the reviews, I began to think, “Ya know, I don’t think people really stayed here!”
So, after spending three weeks there and moving every other day, here is my list of my favorite hostels, based on actual firsthand experience.
The 8 Best Hostels in Medellin
1. Los Patios
This stylish hostel has themed floors inspired by Colombia’s natural surroundings: mountains, jungles, sea, and plains. It’s part of a massive two-building complex that also has a co-working space, a gym, rooftop bars, an organic garden (whose herbs you can use), a Spanish school, and communal kitchens. It was by far my favorite hostel in the entirety of the city. (In fact, I think it is one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in!)
Each dorm bed comes with a privacy curtain, and the private rooms are as comfortable as hotels. The bathrooms were amazing and the beds super comfy — I got some of my best nights’ sleep here. It offers free tea and coffee, great happy hours, amazing parties, and activities like salsa classes and street art tours, plus there are free bike rentals. The staff is also super friendly and welcoming. Overall, this hostel just gets it.
Beds from $17 USD, privates from $50 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Los Patios!
2. Hostel Rango Boutique
Hostel Rango is one of the more upscale hostels in the city. The dorm beds are super comfy, though the beds lack privacy curtains. Each bed comes with reading lights, two power sockets, and personal lockers. The bathrooms are nicer than anything I’ve ever seen in a hostel and rival that of a luxury hotel. I mean, that water pressure! That rustic design? So good! I want these bathrooms in my home. Private rooms are also available and come with a few additional touches, like TVs and mini-fridges, but they are as expensive as hotels, so skip them.
I found the open, industrial décor is super fashionable, and the hostel’s restaurant and bar area great for grabbing a meal and a really good professional cocktail (honestly the bar alone is worth visiting). The staff will also help to set you up with activities like food tours and free walking tours.
Beds from $18 USD, privates from $75 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Hostel Rango Boutique!
3. Sugar Cane Hostel
German- and Colombian-owned Sugar Cane is small. There are just a few private and dorm rooms on one level. The rooms are impressively clean, although they lack the character of the larger hostels in town. The roof has a common area with a few hammocks as well as the hostel’s kitchen. Breakfast is free (you serve yourself) and comes with all the essentials, like bread, eggs, muesli, coffee, and tea. Every Sunday the German owner (I forget his name) cooks up his famous barbecue of chicken, steak, sausages, and all the fixings! It’s a pretty standard, simple hostel, but the owner really makes you feel like family, and he helped me a lot during my stay.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Sugar Cane Hostel!
4. Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel
This is the largest party hostel in Medellín, so if you’re looking to get crazy, this your best bet! The staff works hard to keep people happy (and drunk), including organizing drinking games, salsa classes, and pub crawls. You’ll get free breakfast and coffee in the mornings. The drink are cheap here and there are two on-site restaurants selling sushi and tacos.
Thankfully, the huge bar area is separate from the rooms, so it’s pretty quiet. But the rooms are fairly basic and the beds nothing special — you’ll sleep but won’t be blown away by anything. The real reason to come here is to be in the middle of the party! A lot of pub crawls stop here.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel!
5. The Wandering Paisa
The Wandering Paisa is located in the upscale area of Laureles, which is the up and coming touristy area. All the dorms are covered in South American and Colombian cultural artwork by local students. Each bed comes with a large locker and a privacy divider, which makes it easier to sleep. While the beds are average, I was a big fan of the nice pillows. The kitchen is has the basic essentials. The Paisa Bar is a fun spot to hang out in, and local musicians perform on the sundeck. The hostel also offers free salsa lessons and Spanish classes. If you want to get out of Poblado, this is the place to stay.
Beds from $8 USD, private rooms from $23 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at The Wandering Paisa!
6. Black Sheep Hostel
The Black Sheep Hostel, one of Medellín’s most popular, was also the first in town. I really loved this hostel. The rooms, while pretty bare, are spotless, and the bathrooms have great water pressure and are cleaned regularly. There are lots of common spaces here, including a large balcony and terrace area. The beer sold is cheap and I found guests here were always socializing and hanging out (the way they should). The Kiwi staff owner is super nice and staff members are all university students that are great at handing out local advice. The hostel also offers a ton of tour options that you can book directly from and they’ll even exchange money if you need. This is another “classic” hostel that gets everything right! I loved it.
Beds from $11 USD, private rooms from $25 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Black Sheep Hostel!
7. Purple Monkey
This is definitely one of the liveliest party hostels in Medellín. It’s quirky and upbeat, with a massive rooftop bar area. I found the dorms to be small and cramped, and it was a bit weird to go upstairs and outside to the shower area, but the place is kept very clean, there’s free breakfast, and you really only come here to party, so who cares about anything else!
Beds from $11 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Purple Monkey!
8. Casa Kiwi Hostel
Casa Kiwi Hostel is another institution and located in the middle of Poblado. The dorms are small and I found the beds to be a little thin, but each bed has a locker, and overall, the building is clean and tidy. There’s a big kitchen with free coffee and tea, but the hostel’s restaurant serves up tasty and cheap food. It also has a rooftop terrace, a plunge pool, a bar, plenty of hammocks, and a mini-theater. As one of the most popular hostels in the city, it’s really easy to meet people here, as it’s always full!
Beds from $11, private rooms from $31 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Casa Kiwi Hostel!
Two places I would not recommend staying are Monet’s and Selina. Monet’s is new and cheap and has friendly owners, but it’s far from the action, the walls are thin, and the accommodations pretty basic. If you were on a tight, tight budget and everywhere else was full, it would be good for a night. I wouldn’t spend more time there than that.
Selina is a super popular hostel with digital nomads and has locations around the world. It’s always so hyped up that I was pretty excited to stay there. However, I was greatly disappointed with it. It was good spot to work from (they have a co-working space), there are resturants on site, and the bar, though overpriced, was nice place to meet expats and travelers, but the beds were hard, the rooms had little privacy, and the bathrooms weren’t well kept. Given the high premium it charges, I just didn’t see the value in staying there. Better to stay elsewhere and go party at Selina instead! You get more bang for your peso elsewhere.
So there you have it: the best hostels in Medellín based on my recent firsthand experience. You can’t go wrong with any of them, but by far the best, best, BEST hostel in the city is Los Patios. It’s one of the greatest hostels I’ve ever stayed in!
Did we miss any? If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.
Book Your Trip to Medellin: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Colombia? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Colombia with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
The post My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-medellin/
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