#i can't even answer 'do you like the show' without going on a 30 minute rant
teememdee · 1 year
apologies to all my friends and anyone who follows me for literally anything else but saturdays are going to be for rwby brainrot because unfortunately this show has a death grip on my brain.
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super-marvel-dc · 3 months
hey what do you think about the dynamic being one of Dick's best friends and ending up in a relationship with Jason, but Jason not wanting to tell his family yet because he's a little insecure/a little conflicted about telling his family and his partner respects that!!! so he ends up not telling Dick, because he's Jason's brother even though he's your best friend, and one day Dick walks into your apartment for some reason unannounced and catches Jason and you doing something silly and romantic together and everyone is just *shocked*
Hi! I'm so sorry for not answering this sooner, I've been busy and under stress! This probably isn't what you wanted, but it's my thoughts and a little fic together. Hope you're doing well 🖤 Also, apologies for any typos ✯
I absolutely love this idea! Best friends brother trope over here! Sneaking around? Yes, one hundred percent! I feel like Jason would want to meet up with his partner where there's no cameras, or if there were cameras around (like a coffee shop) he would have them go there around 30 minutes to an hour before he showed up on a day it's crowded so he would "have" to take a seat with them, and of course he has to start a conversation with them, right? I mean, he can't just sit there without saying something or ordering them something "out of kindness" because it's definitely not a date. . . May or may not have grabbed their hand to "inspect their watch/bracelet" and may or may not have held on to their hand a bit longer than just being friendly. Whenever his partner hangs out with Dick, Jason tends to keep his distance, but not too much because he doesn't want anyone getting the idea that he hates Dicks best friend. Jason was always careful going out and hanging out at his partner's place. He wasn't ashamed of them and his partner understands that, they knew that Jason just wasn't comfortable sharing their relationship yet, and that was ok with them. Hey, more time for just each other, right? Besides, the sneaking around was kinda fun! I feel like since they are so careful that the only way that Dick catches them is at night when he's patrolling the rooftop. Jason was staying with his partner after a nice dinner they had together—Jason cooked. He's amazing—with the radio playing in the background when a sweet, slow song started playing, and Jason grabbed his partner, pulling them close, and started dancing with them. Everything was perfect and sweet, so much so that neither one notices Dick frozen in place on the balcony with his mouth dropped open as he watches Jason—the so-called badass with no feelings, according to some—slow dancing with his! best friend. . . “His brother and his best friend?! When did that happen?!” Dick finally picked up his jaw off the floor and left the balcony to go back to the manor to tell everyone. Busted through the doors, and marched around the mansion like an angry soccer mom until he ran into Bruce and told him what he saw. Bruce, of course, just patted Dick on the shoulder and told him to go cool off in the shower whilst Alfred made him some tea to calm his nerves Bruce and Alfred already knew about Jason and his partner. Dick had a stern talking to with Jason and his partner, making sure they both knew he was hurt they didn't tell him, and that they better not hurt each other! or he was going to have to revoke their Netflix privileges.
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Please, do not steal my work.
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mariacrow · 10 months
hello my fellow ratchet apologist!! love your works! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
do you think you could write some sweet and cute sleeping hcs with Ratchet? I just wanna lay on him or him lay on me <3
(ps. this is ur opportunity to write those snoring hcs too 🤭)
thank you for your love on my works too! have a great day/night <3
ROOOOSE I was bouncing off DA WALLS when I saw ur request (it’s not like I immediately started bombing you with love in ur dms nope not at all- me? Naaah never)
THANK U SO MUCH AGAIN AGH!!! 🧡 One grumpy doc hc coming up fresh out da oven! 🚑 hope u like it, love ya 🧡
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ʚ Ratchet x reader ɞ
゚。 ⋆ ☁︎。 ☽ sleeping headcanons ☾ ゚。 ⋆ ☁︎。
2nd person
female reader
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Does he look like he needs sleep?? HE NEEDS ANSWERS!!!
Kidding. He definitely needs stasis. ASAP.
It would be hard to drag him away from work, you'd have to be stubborn to the point you annoy his way to bed
Later you'd realize puppy eyes and a pretty please also works on him which would make his cheek plates go slightly blue
He loves to have you next to him or on top of him, either way nicely tucked in, wrapped in a little blanket burrito because he can't risk you getting cold
His servos... oh his beautiful gentle servos... He'd play with your hair or rub your back to soothe you. He wouldn't speak much but here and there you might hear his handsome voice through a romantic whisper saying:
Ratchet: are you comfortable enough?
Ratchet: my sleeping beauty...
Did he do research on Disney princesses to find a proper nickname for you because you're his princess? Perhaps.
He would always watch over you before you fall asleep. Even when you do, he'd stay up a bit longer, listen to your peaceful breathing and focus on your calm heartbeat while dozens of thoughts would be running through his mind, keeping a tiny smile on his face
He always keeps one of his servos around you no matter what
He's a light sleeper so he'd hear every little shuffle you make and slightly open his optic to check on you. If your blanket has slid off of you, he'd gently tuck you back in every time and plant a soft kiss on your temple
If he really overworks himself (and I'm talking 3 days without stasis) a bomb could barely wake him up. If he ends up on his back, he snores, like, real loud. It would definitely wake you up and you'd be greeted by a funny sight of your old grumpy doc with an open mouth, shaking the whole base with his snoring
Considering you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, you'd have to give him a little nudge or gently caress his face plate to which he'd mumble something in his sleep while getting comfortable on his side as he'd stop snoring
He always wakes up before you, no exceptions. He needs to wake up early and go back to work
He always gives you a kiss on the cheek or forehead before leaving. If you'd tug at his servo and tell him to stay a little longer, he'd refuse of course
But your sleepy little begging would drag him back to bed nevertheless. He'd stay for about 30 minutes longer, listen to your cute sleepy voice and yawning, smiling while having a little morning chit chat with you
He loves your messy morning hair, it's so adorable to him
If you have longer hair and prefer tying it while sleeping, in the morning he'd help you fix your ponytail/braid(s) (whatever you prefer). Same goes if you wear a bonnet, he'd make sure it doesn't fall off throughout the night as well
If you brush your hair, he'd love brushing it for you or make your braid(s) e.g., whatever you ask him to do. He isn't afraid of the size difference, he's confident and very gentle, he learned his way with you
If you oversleep often, he'd scold you the moment you show up, telling you how it's unhealthy and blahblah
If your sleeping schedule is not sleeping at all, ironically enough, he'd tell you not be like him and how sleep is necessary for your species, how stasis works differently, how you should blahblahblah he can be such a parent but he does that because he cares for you
If you're a morning person and go to bed on time, he'd praise you for that
He'd make sure you have breakfast every morning even if it means feeding you because breakfast is the most important meal of the day!!!
What I was listening to while writing this 🧡
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Dividers belong to @dvluc , @firefly-graphics , @animatedglittergraphics-n-more 🧡
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anurst · 1 year
Girl Bradshaw
Summary: memories of Russia start to resurface and you decided to take a step and talk to Pete. How does he react?
Pairing(s): jake seresin x (fem)(bradshaw) reader
Warning(s): language, PTSD, nightmares, daddy issues, absent father figure, violence/abuse against reader (don't read if you're not comfortable with violence/abuse)
Part 5: Tears for the father
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It's cold. So very cold. Your body's shivering and your undergarments do little to provide you warmth. You don't know much time has passed and you feel your body fading. Shit, you want to be back in Oceanside with everyone. You want to be eating Mexican food at the Ruiz family restaurant with everyone and laughing. You want your family.
Your body's weak and you feel your eyes getting heavy. No, you can't close your eyes. If you do, you won't ever open them again. It doesn't sound so bad, now that you think about. You'll finally be with your mom and dad again. The pain has long since faded and you let out a shuddering breath. Jensen will understand. He and everyone will understand if you close your eyes. But, your heart aches. You don't want to leave them. Not yet. There's still so much you haven't done.
You think about how Bradley will find out. Will they show up at his doorstep with news of your death? Will it be your team who tells him? Is he even going to be the one to answer the door? Maybe his partner will, or his kid. A weak chuckle escapes your lips as you think of Bradley's potential children. Without a doubt he'd name them after your late parents.
Or maybe it's Pete who's doorstep they set on. Your beloved godfather. You remember your mom telling you that when you were born, Pete cried tears as he held your small body. He whispered sweet nothings to you as Nick asked him to be your godfather.
"My baby chick," a sweet voice says from somewhere in the dark, small room. You know that voice, you've heard it before. But, you don't who it belongs to. "It's okay," it reassures and you nod. It's ok to let go.
You head shoots up at the sound of footsteps coming closer. Not now, please, not now. You're not sure if you could survive another beating. Your breathing picks up before you force yourself to get a grip.
The door opens and you stare at the dark figure. The lights behind the person hide their face and you give them a smug grin. "Couldn't wait to see me again?" you muse, every part of your body aching. The figure snarls and steps into the room. They grab your hair and you yelp as you weakly hit their arm.
"Let's so how much you run your mouth this time, girl."
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You jolt up from your bed and press a hand to your chest. It feels like your heart is gonna beat out of your chest. Your fingers curl around the ratty t-shirt that you're wearing. Jensen's scent fills your nostrils and you can feel yourself calm down. He gave you the shirt a while ago but it still smells like him.
The apartment is quiet when you decide to get up. A look at your alarm clock and you see it's 4:30 in the morning. Your body's still trembling and you grab your blanket. Quickly, you make your way to living room and open the cabinets under the TV. For the next couple minutes you're connecting wires to the TV before popping a DVD into the DVD player. You let the video play as you lean against your couch.
"Baby, you are beautiful. Just like your mama. You're smaller than your brother was when he born. You're like a baby chick! That's what I'll call you, baby chick. My chick." Nick's voice fills your apartment and tears immediately fill you eyes. "I'll always protect you, Chick. I'll always love you." You wipe your tears with the blanket and sniffle.
"I miss you, daddy." You take a deep breath as the video ends and a different one plays. A gentle smile takes over your face as you watch. A five-year old you cluelessly walks across the stage as a ten-year old Bradley and Pete cheer wildly from next to the camera. Carole's giggle can be heard and the camera momentaily shifts from you to them. It goes back to you and wide smile is on your face as you catch sight of your family. You excitedly wave to them and pout as a teacher ushers you off the stage and back to your seat.
You look at the clock hanging up on the wall and read the time. 5:02 AM. You contemplate the sudden thought you had and quickly get up, your blanket dropping to the ground. You rush to get your uniform on and send a quick text to Jensen to not come by later.
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The air nips at your skin a little while you're making your way to the gym on base. It's early in the morning and there's only a few people up and around camp. You make it to the gym doors and take a deep breath. Ava's words from last night replay in your head and you open the door.
Pete's grunts are the first thing you hear when you enter. His hair is sweaty and sticking to his forehead. The punching bag swings back violently each time he strikes it and you whistle.
"Wouldn't wanna be that punching bag." Pete's eyes widen as he pants.
"Braidy?" he whispers and you frown a little at the sound of your first name. Pete scrambles to stay something else and you sigh. You take a seat on the bench press next to the punching bags.
"Wanted to come see you," is all you say and Pete nods. He grabs his water bottle from the ground and takes a couple chugs before he wipes his mouth.
"How—uh, how have you been?" Pete cringes at his words. Really? That's the best he can do? He's glad you giggle at his question instead of getting angry. Although, if you did, he'd understand.
You intertwine your fingers and look down at them. "Been better." Well, shit. This is awkward and you're vague replies aren't making this any easier.
"You've got a great team," is the best Pete can think of. He doesn't wanna scare you off. Internally, he's happy beyond belief that you're standing (well, sitting) in front of him. Externally, he's tense and apprehensive. He makes small movements as one would when dealing with a scared animal.
You nod at his compliment. "Been with them for a long time."
"I can tell. They certainly love you."
"Mhmm." You're still staring at your hands with your head down. Pete's lip twitches.
"You ok? You've got that look on your face." You finally look at him and laugh.
"I had this dream. Wasn't a good one and I was watching these old videos that I have. There was one of my kindergarten graduation and I just— needed to see you. Make sure you were real or something. I don't know." Pete frowns at your explanation and takes a step towards you. You flinch at the movement, but the older man isn't deterred. He slowly and softly places a hand on your head and crouches down. You let him wrap his arms around your body and close your eyes.
You've missed him. As much as you tried to deny that you didn't, you did. Pete feels like home. He feels safe. He feels like family. You don't realize you're crying until Pete's wiping away your tears, his own falling softly.
"Why—why'd you leave me?" you whisper, voice broken and timid. Pete frowns as he takes a seat next to you. He wraps his hand in yours and sighs.
"After you called me and told me that what happened with Bradley, I thought that if I left you, that you and Bradley would make up. You're brother and sister, you need each other."
"I needed my dad," you countered. You both stare at each other and Pete smiles softly.
"It hurt me to leave you. You were my little girl, blood or not." Silence follows as you and Pete just sit next to each other. You lick your lips and your leg starts to bounce.
"You and Bradley have been in Miramar for the past two years," you say and Pete let's go of your hand.
"Did you guys think of me while you were together."
"Braidy, I think of you all the time."
"You didn't answer my question."
Pete swallows deeply and a pit grows in the pit of his stomach. "We didn't talk about you." That's all you need to hear before you stand up. You wipe your nose and nod before walking to the door. Pete's quick to grab your wrist and you stop. "Braidy, we miss you. Bradley misses you. Please, just talk to him."
You scoff in response and rip your wrist out of his grip. "It was nice talking to you, Pete." You exit the gym as quickly as you can and walk. You don't where you're going, but you just keep walking.
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Taglist: @potato-girl99981 @winterrebel04 @caitsymichelle13 @darhk-angel @madkill44 @cherrycola27 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @clockworkballerina  @krismdavis @phantomxoxo @piceous21 @laneyspaulding19 @multifandomfangirll @moron-says-what @rhirhikingston @startrekfangirl2233 @mightiestheroes @awesomebooklover17 @gizmodear @meritxellao @adaydreamaway08 @letsgomamas @midnightzonzz @imaslytherin0 @thesewordsxlibrary @shawnsblue @theficthatwaspromised @lily-jean94 @havlindzk @hypatia93 @madsothree @oneelleandaneye @a-beaverhausen @dempy @alissa3000 @boltgirl426 @bcon24 @inthestars-underthesun @tsnelf7 @nataddz @topguncultleader @harrysgothicbitch @sadpetalsstuff @rogersbarnesxx @loganrwebb @tom-cruiseishot @thewulf @nikfigueiredo @spencvrr @yogabigooby @coldmuffinbanditshoe @tye-dyemango @blahblechblah @keenmarvellover
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delusionalwriter02 · 5 months
hellooo can i request headcanon on chuuya, dazai, ranpo, atsushi and kunikida about if theyll let f reader paint their nails ??
Nail art session
Chuuya, Dazai, Ranpo, Atsushi, Kunikida x F!Reader / Fluff / Headcanons
a/n : Thank you so much for your request ! I'll have so much fun writing this so I hope you like it ! <3
Chuuya :
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-"My love ?" You say, slowly approaching your husband. You finally have a day off and you were planning to take advantage of it. -"Yes ?" Chuuya said, lying quietly in your bed, a book in hand. -"Can I take care of your nails?" And Chuuya bugged.
I honestly think he'll only let you do this if you make them dark red or black, without too much extravagance. Even if he wears gloves, he may have to take them off in public and doesn't want to be embarrassed by candy pink nail art, for example.
But if you really insist on making little patterns for him, he will give in and let you do it. Expect to receive little comments like “Are you finished?” or even “Don’t get on the cuticles”. That he knows this word surprises you and when you ask him WHERE he learned this word, he simply answers that he likes to look at you when you take care of your nails and actually listens when you talk about it.
What a cutie.
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Dazai :
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This man would say yes to anything you could ask him. “You want to take care of my nails?” He said looking at his hands. "Yes why not !"
You can DO EVERYTHING, from yellow to black to azure blue, he'll definitely like it. So HAVE A FUN. The only thing that will be difficult to deal with is Dazai himself. He will remove his hands from yours regularly to observe your work. Even if you've only just done a nail, he wants to look.
You're going to take breaks every 30 seconds because he doesn't know how to sit still for more than 5 minutes when he's with you. Yes, it will take hours to finally finish your work but it will be perfect.
-"Honey, it's so beautiful! You're so talented!" He will show his nails to the whole agency, specifying each time that it was you who did them so well.
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Ranpo :
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-"Absolutely not !" Ranpo shouted, as you practically begged him to let you do his nails. -"But why? -It smells bad. "You're a child, darling." You said, sitting down next to him.
Yes, it will be hard to convince him but through persuasion, he agrees to let you do it but he will only keep your art for a day, to please you.
It goes without saying that you jump at the chance, you give him some sweets to keep him going. When you finish the first hand, he complains that he can't touch anything, he complains that it's taking too long, that it smells bad, that his arm is cramping. It's a one-hour fight but you can be proud of yourself, your work is magnificent.
-"FINALLY I'M FREE!" Ranpo shouted, jumping off the couch, you laughed at his childishness.
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Atsushi :
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He would be delighted if you wanted to take care of him, even if it's "just" nails. The poor guy has never taken the time to take care of his manicure and he doesn't know much about it so he'll let you do it, the only thing he doesn't want is too flashy colors.
While you have his right hand in yours, he will ask you how you learned to do nails, he will even be impressed by your dexterity.
-"You are beautiful when you concentrate." Said Atsushi. You laugh slightly, softened. -"Thank you angel, I want it to be perfect." After a good hour more, you are finally satisfied with your work.
Atsushi looks at his fingers in admiration. Not once did he complain about how long it lasted. He's just happy to have shared this moment with you.
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Kunikida :
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He will be VERY reluctant at first. It's not that he doesn't trust you with your talent but he doesn't want to have something too complicated, he will only end up accepting if you do a simple sober color.
He has a schedule calibrated to perfection so he will dedicate 2 hours to you so that you can take care of him. Surprisingly, he will ask a lot of questions about what you are currently doing, what tool is used for what, he is curious about this universe that he knows little about.
-"This is to remove cuticles that are too long." You say, pointing at the object. -"You'll do my nails more often, that's interesting." He said while adjusting his glasses.
Yes, you just converted him to the world of nail art and with any luck, you can one day give him hot pink nails.
If you're lucky.
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Hey I hope you liked it? I had a lot of fun writing these headcanons so thank you very much for your request!
See you <3
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JK live 18 July 2023
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
So folks, I guess we can add this one to the long list of JM leaves, JK goes live, right?
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What can you say about JK and this live?
A little sick.
And yet looking really happy.
Did someone say afterglow again?
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This up there is from taili_jp's IG story yesterday btw.
JK being JK. Weird and quirky.
I ask you: how can this be the same man we see on stage?
The way he starts off the live with the hat on.
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Why's that?
Was he trying to show us he has that hat he was seen in on their way to their Silver day dinner, was he?
I'm going with that explanation, given, as per usual, there were those claiming it's not them.
The hat comes off 1:30 minutes into the live, and most of the live is done without it on.
So yeah, I guess the hat was on for a purpose.
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As mentioned in my post yesterday, JK showed up to the live in a Mihara Yasuhiro shirt. Seems to be a brand both him and JM are liking lately. JK wore another shirt from same brand and their shoes for his radio interview earlier that day, and also wore the brand for his Spotify clips, and JM wore same brand shirt for his flight back to Seoul (oh, and wore same shoes that JK did yesterday in one of his pre-Face dance clips) and several times before that too (google it, you'll see). So, either ambassadorship on the way or just a brand liked in their household. I'm going with the latter. I'd even go so far as to say that the this is JM's doing. We all know what JK's fave brand is.
A little sum up of our timeline before we start.
So yeah, JK says he really turned on Weverse live but he's really tired (told you so, lol).
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Are we surprised JK didn't get much sleep last night? Really? I'd say the answer to that is
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A-ha. Yep. As expected...
He starts with "whasup?" and "good to see you guys"...
He is trying, bless his heart.
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Omg, and then he goes off with "woof woof woof woof", he's absolutely hilarious. But there's a background story to this, lol. He was literally barked at by the crowd at the GMA recording and later on he repeated it during the Stationhead broadcast. But god, he's so funny.
He also tries to read the comments in English. Like
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Poor snively JK.
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The fact that this man is going through his promotions while sick, performing while sick, spending the weekend holidaying with his partner while sick, hat off to him I say.
Lol, he likes the nasally sound to his voice.
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Talking about holidaying with his partner...
Can't help but wonder if we'll hear or see JM in the next few days and just how sore his throat or runny his nose will be, lol.
What do you think? Will JM go live anytime soon?
BBC Radio 1 live lounge schedule for next week:
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One of these I'm willing to bet will be JK. And I dare JM to show up live after and hype his bf up.
Guess we'll wait and see.
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He says he knew the reaction would be good.
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Just in case we couldn't tell he was sick and tired (not as in sick and tired of us, lol)...
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Seriously, that man needed to sleep. He just couldn't stop yawning.
But I guess habits are hard to shake. You know, JM leaves JK goes live. He just couldn't help himself, lol.
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I guess that was off the table given it was only around 1pm KST, lmao.
I thought I was going to rofl when he tells us how he washed up after dinner and he is feeling real refreshed looking like this:
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I guess our ideas of refreshed are kind of different, lol.
Nah, but the man was so damn tired. He could barely keep his eyes open. At one point it really did look like he's going to fall asleep, again, during a live, lol.
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Someone in the comments asks if there is anything fun, and he answers there is nothing fun in the room.
Well, now that JM's gone that is.
He did this:
Even if this wasn't done on purpose, as in not mimicking JM during his playlist video, it sure is a cute coincidence.
But now, what if it was?
The way he makes that sound and the way he puts down the bottle on the table, not placing it quietly, makes you think: "was he maybe, just maybe, re-enacting that part of JM's playlist video?" It wouldn't be that far fetched. The man knows JM's content off by heart. Food for thought.
JK performed Seven for us.
He's an actual menace that man, lol.
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He's so overjoyed by the fact that he's singing 'fucking', lol. He is now officially an adult. Not only does he have an explicit version to his song, but he literally sang "fucking" live on Weverse.
Can you imagine JM's reaction?
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And this part here:
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Followed by changing back to "loving you right"... was he telling us/ someone else (specifically the person that shows so very boldly on his hand right there) something?
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OMG, and those eye exercises he was doing. He is so adorable and quirky and genuine and we are blessed that he feels that he can share himself with us.
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As usual JK's sweet and thankful goodbyes to us.
Thanks to Army he is having very happy days.
Literally. With Army, because of Army (take your pick which army we are discussing here...)
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It wasn't a long live. Just over 17 minutes. But once again we get to see JK, real JK. He's so real, so accessible I think is the way to put it. There is just something about him, how he talks to us, what he shares with us, how comfortable he feels to do these things with his fans, let us in the way he does. He isn't afraid to show us he's just like us, he's human and flawed and happy or sad and just let us in to see him as he is. He has this special connection with these people that are utter strangers to him, but at the same time he feels this deep love towards them.
Precious is the word I feel describes him.
He is precious.
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ughgoaway · 8 months
Blurb of Annie's birthday... Matty brings a cake to school to celebrate his little baby's special day... he stays a little while...
I'm loving all the blurbs
oh, I'm so glad you are loving the blurbs!!! I am loving writing them, little Annie Healy has my heart.
Anyway, yes yes yes I love this idea so much omg. 
(Can Ace write anything without saying “smile” and “eyes” 1000 times… wait and see!! (the answer is no.) Also, timeline wise this makes absolutely 0 sense but… I do not care!! All that matters is the vibe <33)
It's Monday when Annie comes in very proudly and announces “Miss y/n, I'm six on Friday” with her chest puffed out and a big smile on her face.
You pretend you don't know, despite having seen it on the system last week, “Is it really Annie? Wow! You're growing up so quickly” You smile down at her as she nods along to your words, holding her bookbag (do other countries have these? idk) in one hand and the other hand out, ready to gesture with when she spoke.
“My daddy says the same thing.” she starts. Then her face lights up further, “You know my daddy is coming in on Friday!! He asked Mrs Richards and she said that he could come and bring a cake for everyone!!” she recounts excitedly before her face drops, and she suddenly gets very serious. “But you can't tell anyone that miss y/n, it's a secret. Pinky promise?”
You smile at her but soon put on a fake stern face to match hers. You drop to her eye line, stick your finger out, and link it with hers, “I promise Annie. Now, how about you go put your bookbag away so we can get started?” she doesn't respond but instead nods and shuffles off to set her bag down.
Leaving you standing and reeling that Matty is coming in on Friday, in peak proud dad mode, to celebrate his daughter (who you love.) fuck. This was going to make your head spin.
cut to the actual day, and Annie comes in wearing a little badge and a hat. You see Matty drop her off from the classroom. you totally weren't staring out the window waiting to see him arrive or anything…
he wasn't even really dressed up, just a chequered button-up and jeans. but for some reason, he still made your heart race. seeing him bend down and give her a kiss on the cheek, and a big hug almost made you audibly sigh, but you caught yourself before you did. because that would be inappropriate, you didn't have any feelings for him. none at all. totally neutral.
Annie came bounding in, a massive smile on her face showing off her gappy smile. she'd very proudly come in the week before talking about losing one of her teeth, and now, every time she smiled, her gaps were on show.
class started, and to avoid Annie literally buzzing with excitement all day, you allowed her to announce to the class the news of her big day.
with the happiest face you could imagine, she said, "It's my birthday today! I'm 6 and my daddy is going to come in with cake for everyone!" 
a chorus of cheers came out as you sat behind your desk, trying to stop your grin from growing an unreasonable amount. 
soon enough, you got the class back in order, and the day whizzed past. Suddenly, it was 2:30, and there was a knock on the door.
matty stuck his head around the door and quickly met your eyes, "hi" he breathed out, staring at you with adoration in his eyes.
“Hi” you breathed out in the same way. For a few seconds, you both stood there with stupid grins on your faces staring into each other's eyes. Of course, in a classroom of 5 and 6-year-olds, that peaceful staring didn't last long. But it simultaneously felt like a quick glance and a full minute.
Annie comes running out of her seat and to the door. Matty quickly catches on and comes fully into the classroom, managing to hold a cake in one hand and hugging his very excited daughter with the other.
“Daddy!!” she squeals with excitement, bouncing in her dad's arms as he tries desperately to balance a cake. Over the young girl's shoulder, he shoots you a worried glance, and you snap out of your trance and come to grab the cake.
“Ah yes, let me just grab this,” you say, and Matty smiles graciously at you. His other hand quickly scooped Annie up into his arms to greet her properly.
“Hi, peanut!! You have a good birthday?” he asks. His eyes flick between his daughter, babbling on about her day, and you standing at your desk showing a room full of mesmerised children the cake he brought.
In between his daughter's rambling stories, he manages to catch you chatting to the kids, “Yes Annie's dad Mat-” You pause and catch yourself before you slip, flicking your head up and making brief eye contact with Matty. “Mr. Healy brought us all cake! Let's all sit in our seats and get ready to say thank you like we practised!”
Matty's face briefly scrunched in confusion, but you did nothing to answer his silent question, only shooting him a sweet smile and spinning around to walk to the front of the room. The combination of the cheeky smile and the way your dress moved as you spun had Matty's brain stuttering through his thoughts.
Annie was still chattering along, completely oblivious to her dad being completely enamoured with the woman in front of him. She soon saw her classmates all in their seats and was wriggling out of her dad's arms, trying to join her friends.
Matty comes to join you at the front of the room, fighting every urge in his body to wrap you up in a hug. He wants nothing more than to grab you by the waist and pull you in, burying his face into your neck and breathing in the vaguely sweet smell that follows you around. He thinks about how his other arm would swing around your shoulder and pull you impossibly closer. Your arms would come around him, and he would feel you hum in enjoyment at the contact.
But he doesn't do that. He simply waves in a way that makes him feel so uncool that he internally cringes. You giggle at his clear discomfort and copy his wave, tilting your head teasingly at him. 
You somehow manage to wrangle your mind back to the task at hand, you clap your hands and grab your classes attention. “Right! Everyone, this is Annie's dad, Mr. Healy!” Matty cringes at you not using his name, loving the way it sounds coming out of your mouth.
“As you can see, he has been very kind and brought us a cake to share! Can we all say thank you?”
Matty was staring at you, lost in watching you work, but soon the ensemble of small voices wrang out, pulling his attention away from you.
“Thank you, Mr. Healy!!” says the sea of children in front of him, Matty looks out at the crowd, used to the number of people but not quite the age range. He sees a mob of gappy teeth and excited faces and can't help but mirror them.
“Wow! You guys are welcome! I hope you all like it. It's already cut up... sooo-” he looks over to you for further instruction, and you snap back into teacher mode quickly.
“Okay! Everyone, can we all line up in register order for our cake?” Some groans come from the crowd, but you quickly catch them, “and don't worry if you're near the end. There is enough cake for everyone! I promise.” You smile and wave your hand, and soon enough, each child falls into line, all bubbling with anticipation.
Quiet music plays through the classroom speakers, and the noise of children chatting and giggling permeates the room. At the front of the room, you are leaning against the desk as Matty stands in front of you with his hands in his pockets.
He stands with joy written all over his face as you continue to laugh at his stories and jokes, the sound of your laughter ringing in his ears in the best way possible. It's so melodic that Matty has the fleeting thought to record it and use it in a track.
“So you used a scooter to get to the smaller stage” you laugh, staring at Matty with an impressed yet questioning look. As he nods, his curls bounce. You briefly get distracted by how perfect they are, but his resonant voice brings you back to earth. 
“An electric scooter, I'm not just furiously pushing myself on a razor scooter in the middle of a concert” Matty corrects, looking faux offended at your forgetfulness. 
“Oh yes, sorry and electric scooter, of course.” You say nodding, “I don't suppose there's any video of this that I can see? I think I need to witness it.” You smile at him.
Matty pauses briefly, weighing up and showing you the video. On one hand, he can get closer to you to show his phone but on the other, you get to see a mildly embarrassing video of him whizzing away to the sound of “Vroom Vroom” by Charli xcx. 
You take his silence as offence and quickly start stuttering apologies, “Oh I'm sorry if that's too personal, you don't have to show me. I was just-” Before you talk so much it makes you dizzy, Matty cuts in. 
“Oh no don't worry love,” the nickname slips out without a second thought, Matty doesn't even consider it but you are sure you'll be thinking of his voice saying that on repeat for the next week, “I was just thinking how embarrassing this is going to be, but you're right. You do need to see it. Just promise me you won't think less of me, yeah?”
He makes intense eye contact as finishes, and you can't help but blurt out what you think of immediately, “I could never think less of you.”
A silent beat passes, and Matty doesn't say anything, just bashfully smiles and grabs his phone.
Too soon for your liking, 3 pm comes, and it's almost time to leave, but before everyone goes, you have one more thing to do.
“Okay I have to play teacher now, sorry,” you say to Matty, standing up. He nods and steps back, letting you get everyone's attention and speak.
“It's almost time for our mummies and daddies to pick us up, so let's all do one last thing before we go today. As you all know, it's Annie's birthday,” Matty watches his daughter's eyes light up at being mentioned, “so let's all sing her happy birthday!”
You count them in, and the class starts singing to Annie, you and Matty included. Matty watches you sing for his daughter, pure joy on your face and a grin that makes his knees weaken.
The song ends, and everyone claps, just in time for the bell to ring, and you send them off. “Okay everyone that's the bell! Go grab your stuff and meet your mums and dads in the playground, Mrs Richards will be out there to help you find them if you need it!”
You wave each of them out until it's just you, Matty and Annie in the room. You spin around and bend down to her level, “Did you have a good birthday sweetheart?”
Her toothy grin comes out again, and she nods furiously, “Especially because my daddy came in, that was really fun” she says, looking up at Matty and grabbing his hand.
“I had so much fun too, sweetheart! Let's get going though, yeah? You've got Grandad and nanny at home waiting to see you!!” Matty says to his daughter, who immediately starts dragging him away and saying bye to you.
You laugh and wave them off, “bye Annie!!” You say excitedly. You make a point of lifting your eyes and meeting Matty’s.
“Bye Matty” you say softly, waving at him the same way he greeted you earlier.
He simply grins and waves back before returning his attention back to his daughter and continuing to be dragged away.
blurb masterlist here!!
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First of all I LOVE THIS, AAAAHHHHH THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Second of all I've been seeing people saying "oh god sonic had to watch people die but it actuality it was acting" but I see no one asking "how the fuck did he go super?" And "what about being a werehog?" And all the other form transformation that he has done over the years and also " HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN HIS FUCKING OWN DEATH TO HIM"
Like with the death one, did they put him I a forced coma? Did they tranquilise him? So many thoughts are going on it my head
On a other thought, what is he going to do now he knows that everything is 'fake'? Like he was no clue if sonic's world was real or not cause even tho we know there is no interdimensional interference going on we can't rule out that what happen to sonic was real, whether as an act or it actually happen, cause we know that in the games sonic fort a god(s) and won, and if those god(s) where real what is going on? Are all the actors playing roles that have no clue they are playing? Is sonic the only one who is in the right to believe everything is fake? Is chaos energy real or was it special effects? Is sonic like PROJECT SHADOW? Is sonic a GOD????????? (I'm twicking, or am I 🤔)
We have no clue what is real or not cause we are only the spectators. We are like sonic, we are seeing the things sonic is seeing and making theorys that sonic himself might have not even be thinking about cause our main man is going through like 30 intenal mental breakdowns in like 30 minutes, having an existential crisis and all that.
What is really going on cause it seems like 'shadow' also did not know that sonic had no idea about how they were actors in the beginning of the comic and now he is coming to terms that maybe everything he knew was a lie as well, cause we see reaction to sonic doing a spindash at the wall is when he really started to think the sonic is more then the main character of the story but an actual person who is in the dark and when 'shadow' was bring up all these things from the past we start seeing him get nervous cause he probably is thinking "oh fuck what is happening? I thought he was a actor like I am" and in reality is not
I have rambled a lot cause I love this and with The Truman Show being something I am actively studying for school my mind is going haywire
"Thank you for listening to my Ted talk"/ref
Okay, first of all, massive pretense - there are so many questions in this ask that I cannot (and will not) answer all of them.
A lot of these questions are very important, very well thought-out and certainly should not be forgotten - and rest assured, several things you ask about do indeed have answers to them (I'd go so far as to say that about 95% have answers to them, actually). I had a hell of a time reading through this with SB on a discord call and it was SUCH a doozy /pos
The problem with asks like this is that I literally can't say anything without accidentally spoiling the whole comic BUT! I will endeavor to say as much as I can!
Chaos Energy is very much a real force, but it's not universal. In fact, it's pretty much localized. Very localized.
Shamdow may have been acting with Sonic for a long time, but when you're running a long-standing show, you have sets, budgets and effects that reach well into the millions. He had no real reason to question Sonic because surely, it was all just effects. (It was not, in fact, all effects)
Sonic shares some similarities with the concept of Project Shadow, but not all - most notably, he's not an alien or a robot or whatever else Shadow has gone through when trying to figure out what he is in the games. He's not the product of science, he's very much natural.
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joeys-babe · 8 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 12: Since Lsu
September 30, 2021
(y/n's pov)
its been..
18 days.
432 hours.
25,920 minutes.
1,555,200 seconds.
since i've talked to joe.
since our kiss.
since we cried on the sidewalk while it rained over top of us.
i had come to the decision to wait 2 weeks before possibly reaching out to joe, but now it had been 2 weeks and 4 days.
i did want to hear what he had to say.. but i was also nervous to hear what he had to say.
it was stupid for me to think the felt the same way, he could have any girl in the world; and there was no way he'd pick me.
over the past couple weeks, i've lost track of what day of the week it even was. i stayed in bed most of the time, busy feeling bad for myself.
gracie and jess had texted me everyday wondering if i had talked to joe yet. i'd tell them no and in they'd give me a pep talk in return.
they really wanted me to talk to joe, but i still had no clue to why.
it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon when my mom came in my room.
"good morning sunshine!" - your mom laughed
"not funny." - you
"i just thought i'd come in and check to see if you were alive." - your mom
"definitely alive, feel a little dead though." - you
"oh you're exaggerating. but.. you need to get up and out of this bed today. you, your father, and i have plans tonight" - your mom
"wait what? what are we doing?" - you
"we're going to the bengals game. joe got us three tickets but robin was the one to walk them over here. she said he didn't want to make you uncomfortable by coming over here." - your mom
"i don't know mom, i might not go. i don't know if i'm ready." - you
"this would be the perfect way for you two to talk, robin said he's going straight home after the game, win or lose. that's when you two can finally talk." - your mom
"i'm scared though." - you
"of what, honey?" - your mom
"what he's going to say." - you
"it's joe, y/n. it's the same boy you used to force to play barbie's with you. i wish you two would realize that you can't live without each other, and just stop fighting." - your mom
"it's hard to mom. it's hard to just see him as my childhood best friend when he's so much more to me." - you
"i understand, just tell me your decision before we leave." - your mom
"i will." - you
my mom gave me a small reassuring smile before disappearing out of my room.
joe hadn't left my mind once since that night at the bar and now i have to decide wether or not to go to his game.
on one hand, it was nice that he wanted to clear things up and the fact he invited me and my parents to his game today really showed he cares about our friendship.
but on the other hand he cared about our friendship.
to him i was nothing more than that, and at times it seemed like the only reason he talked to me still was because of how long we've known each other.
when i went downstairs for breakfast i immediately noticed robin sitting at the island with my mom. i had been avoiding her and jimmy too, only engaging in small conversation from time to time.
"hey honey!" - robin smiled
"oh hi! morning." - you
"you doing okay?" - robin
"uh.. i'm starting to get better, yeah." - you
"i'm really sorry honey, i hate seeing you hurt. especially over my damn son." - robin
"i'm fine, robin. i'll get over it." - you
"there shouldn't be anything you should have to get over! i raised him better than that. i mean has he even tried to explain to you why he did it.. or apologized?" - robin
"he has apologized, and he has tried to explain but i shut him down. he tried texting me, but after 2 days he gave up because i didn't answer. i'm sorry, i just can't talk to him yet." - you
"oh honey don't apologize, he really messed up. i understand you're side of it completely." - robin
i gave her a small smile before grabbing my breakfast and exiting the kitchen. before i got to the first step i turned around and asked robin something.
"hey robin?" - you
"mhm?" - robin
"is joe upset?" - you
"of course, y/n. that following tuesday, after practice joe went to the gym till dark. i had to call him and practically force him to go home. he's coming to a realization that he can't live without you and it's hitting him pretty hard. he won't talk much, to anyone really." - robin
"wow. i didn't know he was actually being affected that much." - you
"he's really upset with himself. he knows he messed up big time and wants to fix it. there have been a couple paragraphs he's showed me that he thought about sending you but i don't know if he ever did." - robin
"if he did i wouldn't know, i blocked him on everything.." - you
"that's your decision and i don't blame you. i wouldn't wanna hear from him either after what he pulled." - robin
"i'm just surprised he told you the truth." - you
"he wanted sound advice on how to fix the whole situation that's why. supposedly today was step one of his plan, you and your parents going to the game." - robin
"despite all of this, i cant but think about how sweet that is." - you
"i told you y/n, he really really cares about you. like a lot." - robin
"thanks for everything." - you said before walking upstairs with your breakfast
*time skip*
it was a few hours later and my parents had just left for the game. i decided to not go because i didn't want my first time seeing joe since the fight to be at such a huge event. both my parents and joe's respected my decision and said their goodbyes before leaving.
now that i was home alone i sat bored on my bed scrolling on my laptop looking for jobs.
i eventually gave up and picked my phone up off my nightstand to scroll through instagram. the first thing i saw was joe warming up and i couldn't help but smile, he looked so good.
when the game started i slipped one of joe's jerseys on and made my way into the living room.
once the game started i found myself zoning out while watching joe. he looked unbelievably good in his uni and it was hard not to watch him intently.
the whole first quarter every time the camera panned to joe he was looking up in the stands. it didn't take me long to figure out that he was looking for me.
(joes pov)
there was 2 minutes left in the first quarter and to my disappointment, y/n wasn't here.
i couldn't blame her, after all the shit i pulled i wouldn't come to the game to support me either.
but, there was a hope deep down that she would be here. the start of the 2nd quarter didn't make me give up either, i sat on the sidelines still staring up at the box my parents and y/n's parents were sitting in.
"joe. she ain't comin." - ja'marr
"you don't know that!" - joe
"i think she'd be here by now if she was going to come." - tee
i shrugged them off and while running onto the field with the rest of my offense i looked up at the box, she still wasn't here and that's when i concluded that she wasn't coming.
(y/n's pov)
i finished getting ready with 5 minutes in the 2nd quarter to spare. when i stood in front of my mirror i took in my appearance. i was wearing a  black long sleeve turtle neck with the black version of joe's jersey over top, biker shorts, and black combat boots to complete the outfit.
hurriedly i ran downstairs, grabbed my phone, keys's, and wallet before sprinting to my car.
i wanted to make it before halftime was over so when joe ran back out he would see me.
thank god my mom left my ticket on the kitchen table or else i wouldn't be able to get into joe's box.
when the security guard opened and i walked in, both sets of parents' faces lit up.
"y/n!!" - robin smiled
"hey y'all!" - you smiled
"come here, you can sit by me." - your mom grinned
i moved over and plopped down between my mom and robin.
"what made you decide to come?" - your mom
"i was watching the game from home. every time the camera was on joe i noticed that he was looking up here. i assumed he was looking for me so i wanted to be here for him." - you
"you don't even have to assume, he's definitely looking for you." - your mom
"no doubts there y/n." - robin laughed
(joe's pov)
when we ran back out after halftime i refrained from looking up at the stands. i didn't feel like getting let down again.
i was mid conversation with ja'marr when tee came running up behind us to interrupt.
"joe! joe!" - tee shoved joe's shoulder
"what?!" - joe
"look!" - tee pointed at the stands
my eyes trailed to where tee was pointing to see that it was in the direction of my box.
at first i didn't know what i was supposed to see until she started vigorously waving with other hands.
it was y/n.
a huge smile formed on my face as i waved back to her.
"you're whipped, son." - ja'marr laughed
"yeah.. i am." - joe continued smiling at you
"come on, lover boy we gotta go. you can fawn over her later." - ja'marr
(y/n's pov)
watching joes face light up when he saw me was so incredibly cute. my mom and robin's audible "awwww's" made the moment even sweeter.
the rest of the game joe seemed a lot less distracted, and they won 24-21.
"do you wanna come see joe with us?" - robin
"i'm probably just gonna go head home. thanks for asking though, and also tell joe i said thank you for the ticket." - you
"of course. we'll see you tomorrow?" - robin
"yup! goodnight guys!" - you
i made my way out of the stadium fast to try and beat traffic. my parents plus jimmy and robin were going out to dinner tonight, and from my mom i learned that joe was heading straight home from the game too.
when i got home i took my boots off and changed into a more comfy outfit.
sitting at the kitchen island in complete silence, i contemplated texting joe. after seeing his face light up on the field when he saw me in the stands, i needed to see him.
i found myself zoning out, my thoughts never stopping for a second when my phone vibrated on my lap.
grabbing it immediately, disappointment washed over me when it was just a message from my mom.
make it home okay?
i texted back a quick "yup 👍" before putting my phone down again. i was getting up from my seat after deciding to just go to bed when my phone buzzed again.
this time when i picked it up, my heart started beating out of my chest. it was a text from joe.
can i come over?
for a second i thought about what i could send back. something simple? something that shows how much i miss him without being too greedy? a simple yes?
after a few seconds of panicking i typed something up and sent it without thinking any longer.
a smile wouldn't leave my face as i made my way to the living room. i watched through the window that overlooked the road, and started blushing when i watched joe fly out of his front door. his pace across the road was quick, practically running after he looked both ways.
once i could hear his footsteps on the front porch i started towards the front door to unlock it for him, but once i got to the hallway he was already standing there.
"i forgot you had a key." - you laughed nervously, unsure of what to do now that you were face-to-face with him
joe moved towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his head in my neck as my arms were around his neck.
i heard him mumble something incomprehensible, and when i asked him to repeat himself he pulled his face away from my neck. joes arms were still around my waist, my arms around his neck and he looked down into my eyes as fondness filled his.
"i can't do this anymore." - joe
"you can't do what anymore?" - you
"y/n, i want to clear up everything. tell you the truth." - joe
"then tell me, joe." - you
joe unwrapped his arms around my waist and grabbed one of my hands, pulling me into the living room and sitting on the couch.
"i'm so so sorry for what happened weeks ago. it wasn't what i planned at all." - joe
i heard his apology, but the only thing i heard was "planned".
"planned?" - you searched his eyes for answers
"planned. i wanted you to go to my game, and win or lose i was going to take you somewhere after. thankfully we won, and now i can admit to you why i was so persistent on you going to the bar with me. it was my plan to kiss you, but when i did.. i was so worried that you had just gotten caught in the moment and didn't actually want to kiss me. i totally panicked and the first person i saw was lexie. i'm truly so sorry y/n, and i know i can't explain it away. nothing happened between lexie and i either, she was being a total bitch and i'll tell you our conversation later. that is, if you still want to be friends?" - joe
"joe, over the past weeks i've realized that i can't go without you. i accept your apology, but i just have one question.." - you
a smile formed on joes face when i said i accepted his apology, relief washed over his body and the way his body physically became more relaxed showed that.
"ask away." - joe
"what were you going to do after you kissed me, if the lexie stuff didn't happen? what was the whole point?" - you
i watched him tense back up and his gaze left my face, joe looked at his feet as he thought about how to word his next statement.
"i was going to admit something to you." - joe
"admit.. what?" - you
"something i should've told you back when we were still at lsu." - joe
"which is?" - you
joe sighed before scooting closer to me on the couch, he took one of my hands off my lap and held it in his.
"in high school i came to the realization that you were the most beautiful girl in the world. when we were at ohio state together i started getting butterflies every time you said my name.. every word that left your mouth made me blush as long as it was directed towards me. when you went along with me to lsu, that's when it really hit me. you're the only girl i've ever truly truly cared about, y/n. no other girl i've ever been with has mattered to me as much as you do. you understand me more than anyone else, and i'm so grateful to have you in my life." - joe
my heart rate got higher and higher as words spilled out of his mouth. was joe really confessing to me right now? he felt the same way?
"what are you saying?" - you
joe licked his lips before making eye contact with me and letting go of the breath he didn't know he was holding.
"y/n, i'm in love with you." - joe
i squeezed his hand as those words left his lips, i've wanted to hear those words for so so long.
joes eyes were still searching my face for a reaction when i realized i hadn't said anything yet. without thinking i launched forward and hugged my arms around his neck, now sitting on his lap.
when i pulled myself away from him i cupped his face in my hands.
"joe, i'm in love with you too. have been for a long time, and you have no idea how happy i am to hear you feel the same way." - you
joe couldn't get the smile off his face, and i couldn't either.
"can i kiss you?" - joe smiled
"of course." - you
joe leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine, it felt like fireworks were going off around us as our lips connected.
after a few moments we pulled away completely breathless with our foreheads touching.
"god, i'm so happy you feel the same way. now you can understand why i was so pissed off when you went on a date with tee. it wasn't just because he was my teammate, i just couldn't stand seeing you with another guy that wasn't me." - joe
"it makes sense now. i'm really really glad things ended up working out though. i've been venting to my mom about you for the past 5 years." - you
"i vented to her too! i don't know how your mom was able to keep from telling you that i felt the same way." - joe
"she was hoping a moment just like this would happen, that's how. and you don't have to worry about other guys anymore, by the way." - you
"i know. all mine now." - joe leaned in and kissed you
"i love that you just did that. we just kissed and it was so casual. like i can kiss you whenever i want now." - you smiled
"you're so cute." - joe laughed
eventually joe laid flat on his back and i laid next to him, his hand on my back keeping me from falling off the couch.
"what time is it?" - you
joe picked his phone off of his chest and read the time out.
"almost one. 12:47." - joe
"i don't want you to leave." - you buried your face in his neck
"i don't want to leave either. can i just stay the night? i really don't feel like sleeping without you tonight." - joe
"sure, let's head up to my room." - you
joe and i made our way upstairs to my room, he was now laying in the middle of the bed in the room that he helped me set up.
i excused myself to go wash my face, and by the time i had gotten back joe was sprawled out on the bed looking super comfortable.
"someone looks comfy." - you laughed
"i'd be even more comfy with you next to me, c'mere." - joe patted the space next to him
i made quick work getting underneath the covers and getting comfortable.
"you really sleep in just sweatpants and a sweatshirt?" - you
"i just sleep in boxers, but i think it's a little early for that." - joe winked as he moved a hair out of your face
i giggled and returned to laying on my pillow instead of joes like i was moments before. i guess joe could sense my unsureness of what to do next because he smiled as he pulled me into his chest.
"you can lay on me." - joe kissed your head
my cheek was pressed against his left peck as my hand rested just bellow his right.
"your chest is so comfy." - you
joe laughed sweetly before kissing my forehead, as soon as he pulled away he pressed another kiss to it and another and another.
"you're gonna kiss your lips off, joe!" - you giggled
he finally moved away and moved onto his side, now he was leaning on top of me.
"that's the plan, honey." - joe smiled
the nickname had me blushing and giggling before i pressed another kiss to his lips.
"we've gotta make up for the 5 years of missed opportunities for kisses." - you
"i can arrange that." - joe moved down and kissed you again
after a few more kisses, joe laid back down and pulled me back to his chest. his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and it felt so right.
"our parents are gonna flip when they find out about us." - you smiled
"our moms have been planning this since they found out i was a boy and you were a girl." - joe laughed
"i have a question." - you
"you're full of those tonight, huh?" - joe grinned
i laughed before continuing on.
"what happens now? about us?" - you
"well, i'm a little tired right now. so i was thinking tomorrow night i take you on our first official date. that is if you aren't busy and would like to go with me?" - joe
"of course i'll go with you. plus i'm never busy joe i literally live with my parents." - you
"hopefully that'll change eventually." - joe
"what do you mean?" - you grinned up at him
"if we start dating and have a serious relationship, i was hoping at some point you'd move in with me. i mean would you rather live with your parents or your super ultra-cool best friend/boyfriend." - joe
"i love the sound of that." - you blushed
"living with me?" - joe
"that… and also you calling yourself my boyfriend." - you
"who knows, i might be able to call myself that after tomorrow night." - joe shrugged and you hid your blush in his chest
"you're gonna be the absolute death of me, joseph lee." - you
joes laugh shook his chest, me included, as he rubbed up and down my arm. when he finished laughing he let out a loud yawn.
"you tired from your game? i haven't even congratulated you on your win yet, i'm sorry! i'm such a terrible almost girlfriend." - you
"you're a perfect almost girlfriend. plus there have been more important things on our hands tonight." - joe
"okay well, goodnight joey." - you kissed his cheek
"goodnight, y/n." - joe kissed your head and rubbed your back in attempts to lull you to sleep
it wasn't long before joes chest got into a rhythm of rising and falling and small snores escaped from him.
tonight i fell asleep on the chest of my favorite boy knowing he was just as in love with me as i was with him.
authors note: some fluff to end the horrid sunday that this day has been. 😭
(some angst is def coming soon though 😉)
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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bellebridgerton · 10 months
Best Buddies: Chapter 2 (Modern Benedict Bridgerton x plus size!fem!reader)
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✨Last Chapter✨
Benedict woke up in the morning, he felt Y/n still in his arms. He looked at his left arm and noticed the black bandage, Benedict carefully lifted it off his arm to look at his new tattoo. It was beautiful, an old fashioned paint pallet, it looked like swatches of paint covered the pallet. He knew she was skilled, and he was proud to have her art on his body. Benedict gently stroked her hair, kissing her temple, he would stay in bed with her all day if he could.
Y/n shifted against Benedict and opened her eyes, "Good morning, Benny." She looked at his arm, gently touched around his new tattoo, "It suits you, full of color, expressive."
Benedict rubbed her lower back, "It's perfect, love." He pulled her closer, if that was possible, "What are your plans for today?"
Y/n rested her chin on his chest, "Not much, probably draw, read, bug you. What do you have planned?"
Benedict chuckled, "Well, I have to check my score for the exam, but other than that, I'm free today." He picked up his phone and checked his school email, opening the email about the exam. Benedict saw that he aced it, he leapt up from his bed and threw open the window, yelling, "YOU SHALL ALL BARE WITNESS TO MY TALENTS!"
Y/n sat up in bed, laughing, "You're such a dork, Benny!" She got up and gently pulled him back inside, "I'm so happy for you, but you need to relax a bit."
Benedict pulled her into his lap, "Thank you, love. What should we do to celebrate?"
Y/n gently played with his hair, "We could have a lazy day, whatever you want."
Benedict smiled, "That sounds great, what do you want for breakfast?"
"Surprise me!," Y/n stood up from his lap, "I'm going to take a shower." She walks to the master bathroom, swaying her hips.
Benedict couldn't tear his eyes away from her arse.
Slipping on her pajamas, Y/n was quick to leave her bedroom for Benedict's. She laughed and smacked at his hands playfully when he greedily pulled her into his bed.
Benedict sat up, "I want to cuddle. I missed you."
Y/n smiled wickedly, "I was only gone for like 30 minutes!"
He ignored her expression, "Don't care, I want to cuddle."
"Okay, okay, get comfy then," Y/n resigned herself to whatever Benedict wanted.
Benedict rested his head against Y/n's chest, he didn't let her be the big spoon very often, but he couldn't say no to being close to her. His eyes were heavy in relaxation as Y/n's fingertips gently raked over his scalp. If she truly knew how much he enjoyed her touch, he'd constantly be at her mercy, even more so than he already was.
Y/n wasn't watching the show Benedict had picked, her focus was more on him. They didn't get to have many moments like this. She loved his family, sometimes more than her own, but they were certainly nosey. Although, she'd like to think they wouldn't have been who they were without being in one another's business, at least a little bit.
Y/n soaked up all the alone time she could get with Benedict, getting lost in the feeling of his back shifting against her as he breathed, the small sounds he made that he didn't notice, but she did.
There was a knock at the door, he reluctantly got up and answered the door. His mother, Violet, was on the other side of the door.
Violet smiled, seeing her second eldest son and Y/n. Violet adored Y/n, she was like the fifth daughter Violet never had. Violet saw the love Y/n and Benedict shared, even if they can't see it. She hugged Y/n, "Hello, dearest!" Violet kissed Y/n's cheek, "I'm glad you're here, I have missed you."
Y/n blushed, hugging Violet back, "Hello, Violet! Awe, it's not even been a week since we last saw each other."
Violet looked at Y/n lovingly, "Dearest, you are practically my child, I miss you all the time."
Benedict watched from the living room and chuckled, "Hello, Mother. What brings you here?"
Violet moved her gaze to Benedict, "Can I not drop in on you? I am your mother, after all." Benedict raised his eyebrow at her, not that he minded her visit, he just could tell she was up to something. Violet sighed, "You caught me, dearest. We're having a very large party, and I want you two to attend. The party is this Saturday, it starts at 8 in the evening. It's very formal, there will be a lot of family as well. Also, it will last the whole weekend, so pack a bag!"
Benedict nodded and walked over to his mother, "Yeah, I'll be there." He didn't want to speak for Y/n, he'd made that mistake before and she put him in his place.
"I'd love to go, I'll likely arrive with Benny, as always," Y/n always tagged along with Benedict to family events, she loved his family and had ingrained herself in his life like no one else ever had.
Benedict looked at his mother, "Would you like some tea, Mum?"
Violet smiled, "That sounds lovely, dearest, but I must get going, much to do for the party! It was lovely to see you two, I will see you both soon!" She touched both Y/n and Benedict's cheeks at the same time, placed a kiss on Benedict's cheek, then kissed Y/n's cheek again.
Y/n kissed Violet's cheek in return, "See you soon!"
Benedict gave his mother a gentle hug and kissed her head, "Drive safe, Mum."
Violet hugged back, "I will." As she was walking out the front door, she called back, "Love you two!"
Y/n and Benedict called to her at the same time, "Love you too!"
Benedict closed the door behind his mother, turning to Y/n, "How about we get back to relaxing?"
"Yes!," Y/n ran back to Benedict's bedroom and leapt onto his bed, getting comfy. She patted the space between her legs, so Benedict could resume his previous position from before Violet arrived.
Benedict crawled back onto the bed and laid his head on Y/n's chest "You're comfy."
Y/n laughed, "I'm glad, I think."
Benedict laughed, "It's a compliment, love."
Y/n gently played with his hair while they watched Y/n's favorite show. She watched his eyelids grow heavy, holding back a laugh when he was fighting so hard to stay awake.
"Benny, hey, you fell asleep an hour ago, wake up," Y/n gently shook Benedict's shoulder, she couldn't get up with him sleeping on her.
Benedict groaned and opened his eyes a bit, "Why are you waking me up?"
Y/n softly poked his cheek with her fingertip, "I need to get up, and you're heavy."
He didn't move, "But I'm comfy here."
Y/n pushed him off of her as gently as possible, "I have to use the bathroom, Benny!" She ran to the bathroom.
Benedict chuckled, "Okay love, I want to cuddle when you get back."
After a couple minutes, Y/n walked back into his bedroom, laying down with Benedict, "My turn to be the little spoon."
Benedict grabbed her and moved her like she weighed nothing, bringing a squealing laugh out of Y/n. He pulled her close to his chest and gently traced shapes on her arm.
Y/n shifted in his hold, her face eventually buried in his chest, it was her turn to nap.
Benedict kissed her hair, feeling his eyes close.
He dreamed of a life with her, it wasn't much different than their current life, but he could was able to love her the way he wanted to.
Y/n woke up at midnight and buried her face in Benedict's chest. She sighed, knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep for a few hours.
Benedict rubbed her back, "Hey love, sleep well?"
Y/n looked up at him, "Yeah, did you?"
Benedict nodded and smiled softly, "I did. Today's been perfect." Y/n nodded, relaxing into his chest.
✨Next Chapter✨
Taglist: @coolepowersthings @khaylin27 @m-rae23
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
Outside of the fox
Chapter 10 of maybe 30ish (2186 words)
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
"Day 1 are you ready?" Jimin asks as he hands you a brown bag.
You sneak a look inside to find it filled with snacks to get you through the day along with a post-it note that you can't quite read from this angle. You fold the bag closed carefully and thank Jimin for the lunch.
"Yeah, I'm ready, at least as ready as I'm ever going to be."
"It'll be great I'm sure. You said you already kind of made a friend right?"
"Taehyung? I'm not sure he was a bit hot and cold, but I'll be okay, I'm a big girl."
Jimin sweeps you into a hug before you can even reach for the door. You indulge him, allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling of being held close. He sends you off, standing at the door as you walk down the drive and around the corner, standing there until you can no longer see the door.
The office is still relatively empty when you walk through the doors. The same severe-looking lady is standing at reception. You offer a smile which she returns.
"Y/N welcome back. Glad to see you got the position. I don't think I introduced myself the other day. My name is Ronnie and we will be working closely together."
Ronnie shows you officially around the office pointing out various essentials that you would need to know within your first few days. It feels as though you should have a notepad to write down all of the information you are being fed at lightning speed. Only about half of the information sticks in your brain.
It's not a humongous office. Maybe 10 cubicles and 3 offices with real walls. 2 conference rooms sit at the far end of the space. The company specialises in helping foreigners to move to the country assisting in work placement and visa procurement. You are introduced to the other two people that have already arrived in the office and then Estelle is setting you up with her at the front desk.
She hands you a brand new company-branded stationary set with your company ID tag and login information. Then she leaves you to breathe, fetching a drink from the break room. Slowly people filter in through the main doors, introducing themselves to you as they go. Everyone is extremely welcoming but you can't help but notice the absence of the asshole from the other day and Taehyung.
You set about answering phone calls and forwarding emails as Estelle had shown you, it was boring busy work but it certainly beat hanging at home alone doing nothing at all. Sometime just before lunch Taehyung finally strolls through the doors. He grins cheekily at your colleague as she chastises him for being late.
"Don't think you're special just because of how you got the job Taehyung-ah, you have to get here on time just like the rest of us."
"I know Estelle, I just didn't fancy getting out of bed this morning." He shrugs.
The panda grabs a handful of candy from the dish in front of Estelle and sauntered into the main room. The older woman grumbles under her breath about disrespect but the look on her face is one of pure adoration, not dissimilar to the look a grandmother might have when her grandson plays up.
"Don't go around getting ideas from him, that boy's trouble." She says to you.
"Am not!" Taehyung calls from behind the half wall that separates the main room from reception. "Hey Y/N we are going for lunch in thirty minutes okay?"
You don't respond to the disembodied voice as it calls out to you, opting to focus on the work you'd been assigned instead.
True to his word he reappeared in front of you exactly 30 minutes later carrying your brown bag and a bento box of his own.
"Come on there's a lovely little park for a picnic across the road. You get an hour for lunch."
You glance at Estelle but she just shakes her head and signals for you to go with him.
The park is a very short walk away. Almost directly opposite the building, if your offices had been on the opposite side it would've provided the cutest view. Taehyung produced a blanket from a tote bag you hadn't noticed and laid it on the floor for you to sit on together.
It was a really beautiful day with no clouds, but it was a little chilly. This close to winter an outdoor picnic was an interesting choice. The breeze makes you shiver just a little. Before you even get a chance to shield yourself, Taehyung has produced another blanket to drape over your shoulders.
"I love the cold, my DNA is built for it, but I sometimes forget others aren't as accustomed... But this time I remembered!" He claps his hands together clearly proud of himself.
He opens his bento box and produces 3 courses worth of meals. He has white rice with some kind of marinated tofu, a salad with balsamic vinegar, and cookies. There is also a small Thermus from which you can smell the tea as soon as he twists it open.
"Go on then what did you bring for lunch? Maybe we can do swapsies, I don't really fancy tofu." He reaches eagerly for your bag, not giving you a chance to snatch it bag.
He pulls out your chicken sandwiches that Jimin had wrapped messily in the last of the tinfoil roll. Then he reaches in for the apple and crisps, coming back with the note that had been sitting in the bottom.
"Y/N have an amazing first day we are so proud and can't wait to celebrate again when you get home, Jimin." Taehyung reads aloud. "Who is Jimin? You're boyfriend? I'm hurt you would lead me on this way Y/N"
Taehyung mocks being shot through the heart, dramatically falling back onto the blanket as he clutches the pink note in his hand.
"I can't have led you on in less than two conversations Taehyung. And Jimin's no one... just a friend."
You reach to grab the note back from him but he keeps it just out of reach causing you to tumble into his lap.
"Well maybe I should try to make him my boyfriend, I want little notes in my lunch too." He pouts.
His breath tickles your face as you try to scramble back up without flattening him in the process. He just laughs at your efforts and makes no effort to help you get off of him. Although he does hand you the note back.
He takes your crisps and gives you his cookies as a consolation prize. He asks you various questions and you strategically avoid answering them directly the same way you'd done with everyone else. What you didn't expect was for him to be doing the same. You couldn't tell why exactly but you were fairly certain there were things he was omitting from his story as he told you how he came to work at the firm with you.
Lunch comes to an end very quickly and you help him pack up the blankets that don't seem to want to fit back in the bag they came from. Eventually, he just punches them until they are in enough to carry them back. He deposits you back at your desk dead on one hour after you left and then disappears for the remainder of the day.
Apparently, it would seem working takes a lot out of a person. By the time you trudge back into the cottage at 6:00 pm, you are shattered. It seems impossible not having done that much and yet you can't keep your eyelids from drooping and your ass hurts from sitting for so long.
Jungkook is the only one home when you walk through the door. The only part of him you can see are his ears peaking up over the sofa trying to determine who just walked through the front door. You expect them to droop a little when he realises it's you but instead they twitch excitedly.
"Hey Jungkook, did you have a good day." You ask, approaching the living room slowly.
"Yeah, iI didn't do much." He answers.
"Do you want some dinner? Or shall we wait until the others are home?"
You peer over the back of the sofa and watch him playing on his switch until he is at a point where he can pause and speak to you.
"I wanna wait." He glances up at you briefly and then back to his game.
"Okay in which case I'm going to change, work clothes still feel too weird to relax in."
You go to the study and change into sweats. You're pretty sure the front door opened at least twice since you went upstairs signalling the arrival of some of the others. Jungkook's caramel scent wafted happily around the house as it started to mix with Namjoon's campfire. No other scent came to you though leaving you confused as to who else might be in the house.
Hoseok is sitting in the big armchair in the lounge when you come back down. Yoongi wasn't due to be home for another half an hour but clearly, that didn't matter.
"I got lonely at my house, so I thought I'd wait for Yoongi here." He shrugged when you sent him a questioning look. "Anyway, how was your day? we are all dying to know."
He shuffles forward to literally be on the edge of his seat and Namjoon and Jungkook stop the conversation they were having to listen.
"It was nothing special. I didn't realise how tiring working was though."
"Surely you've had a job before though." Namjoon scoffs.
You shake your head and are met by three very surprised faces.
"Even I had a paper round when I was a teen." Jungkook baulks.
"I haven't really had the opportunity to pursue a career until now I guess... I studied a lot." You try to shut down the conversation before they go any further, still not ready to divulge a lot about your past.
Luckily Jimin and Yoongi make it through the door together. Each of the homeowners exchanged kisses before the two new arrivals made themselves comfortable.
"Are we supposed to be working on something today?" Yoongi asked Hobi, confused by his presence, although clearly not disappointed you notice.
"Uh-oh busted. I just had a lot of fun hanging out yesterday... I can leave if you want." The human's usually cool and collected facade cracking a little.
"No of course you can stay." Namjoon answers. "Now what are we thinking for dinner?"
Again the night goes on, Hobi is invited to stay once more, this time Yoongi offers his and Namjoon's room so Jimin can have his own bed back for the night. Although you suspect there may be alterior motives involved when Yoongi suggests they share the room and Namjoon share with Jungkook. Hoseok doesn't flinch, and happily finds his own way upstairs.
"Yoongi, darling, you seem to be getting a little... protective of your new friend." Namjoon points out carefully.
"So? I'm protective of a lot of my friends, I'm protective over you guys aren't I?" Yoongi gets a little defensive.
"I should hope we are more than friends." Jimin points out.
"Do you want to pursue Hobi?" Namjoon asks seriously.
"I don't know, maybe? I don't know it's been a long time since I've actively pursued anyone. And I'm not sure you even count Joonie." Yoongi contemplates.
"I think even if maybe you haven’t thought about it you should, clearly your hybrid parts are already starting to think of him as ours, or at the very least yours." Namjoon reasons.
"Yeah, you're right. I have definitely been feeling more anxious when he isn't around me." Yoongi stands and says he good nights, following Hoseok upstairs to probably work out exactly how he feels.
"So you guys consider new mates then?" You ask tentatively, although you aren't sure why it should concern you.
"When the right people come along who are we to turn down more love?" Jimin asks in reply, looking off dreamily.
"That makes sense I guess, I've always been told that more partners just results in more jealousy." You say, thinking about the things your ex used to say.
"Why would someone you love experiencing more love ever make you jealous? It always makes me so happy when everyone else is happy." Jimin moves on to the sofa next to Namjoon and Jungkook and cuddles in closely.
"That's... that's really lovely." You answer, and then fake a yawn. "I think I'm going to head to bed, goodnight."
You thought you'd be asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow but find yourself struggling to fall asleep. your eyes keep blinking open as thoughts of a pack of your own swim through your brain. A group of people who love each other so much that jealousy isn't even a thought in their minds.
Series masterlist
Please send asks, reactions, most to least, and general smutty thoughts to my ask box to keep me writing they do not have to be connected to this story. I just like giving myself extra work to do so. Please join in
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rmd-writes · 8 months
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This image is from this post that @goodways shared.
As an Australian and our resident person who knows and explains things. Please!! Is this a real thing? If yes, for the love of god, why?????
Thank you for your time!
Oh dear. Yes, that map is a real thing. Australian time zones in the summer are a quite literally a (very) hot mess. What that map doesn't show you is that there is a tiny part of New South Wales (the bigger state in the red part) that observes South Australian (middle orange state) time zones for some reason that I don't understand. It's wild.
I'm going to do my best to explain this but the reality is that I don't entirely understand why myself.
Okay so, the first thing you need to know is that Australia is very big. It is about the same size as the continental US. The second thing you need to know is that we are a federation meaning that until federation, each state you can see outlined on the map essentially operated as it's own little country. Western Australia did not want to join the federation but eventually did. South Australia (orange, middle) has the distinction of being the only state that was solely a settler colony, no convicts. They think that makes them very important. Also yes, Australia was initially colonised by the Brits because they had too many criminals and needed somewhere Very Far Away to send them. So, lots of white people here are descended from convicts . Anyway, I digress, the colonial history of Australia is a matter of record and a disgrace and the racist effect of that history is still very present and is most evident in the referendum that happened on the weekend but this is neither the time nor the place for me to get into that and my absolute disappointment in the country I live in. (how's that for a run on sentence)
ANYWAY, sheer size means that many time zones are necessary. Federation means that the states are like squabbling siblings and no one wants to do what anyone else says.
Next fact, the top of Australia is quite close to the equator. The northern part of Australia is classified as sub-tropical to tropical. It's hot and humid. The sun rises very early up north, even in the winter. We do not have long winter nights here. The sun setting in the afternoon is not a thing.
Also Australian populations are concentrated on the coasts, the middle of Australia is sparsely populated. After the coastal areas, there is farm land and then desert in the middle.
In Queensland (big yellow state on the right) there is no DST because the top two-thirds of the state (mostly rural/regional) will not countenance it for reasons such as "the cows won't cope" but also because up there they do not want longer days in the sun because it's too fucking hot and actually they look forward to the sun setting and things getting cooler. The bottom third of Queensland (which is mostly urban) wants DST but the state government cannot implement it without the cooperation of the rest of the state.
As for Western Australia (big blue state on the left), they do whatever the fuck they want and quite often don't opt in to federal laws and do their own thing. I can't explain what's happening there.
Do not ask me about the 30-minute time zone thing happening in the middle. My only explanation is that, as per above, SA thinks it's better than everyone else and did it to be ✨special✨ (the Northern Territory (middle green territory (not a state) at the top) was part of SA until some time after federation which is why they follow the same time zone (except for DST).
Did any of that answer your question? I'm really not sure.
Anyway, Australia where time zones are in the future but are also fucked ✌🏽
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0rgasmicghouls · 9 months
Aether’s Goodbye 1
I’m sorry, but if I cry, u cry with me.
Aether and Sodo.
That night was not illuminated by the moon, there were no stars to decorate the sky, everything was much darker than usual... but it was not only the sky above the abbey that was dark, but also the inhabitants of the same. The day had come, a day that among all the Ghouls and Papa included, they hoped had never come; a few days earlier, the supreme powers of the Ministry announced the expulsion of one of the Ghouls, for no apparent reason, which destabilized the members even more.
Aether was in his room, he hadn't touched anything, and he wouldn't have done so, he would have left everything like that, with the hope of a change of heart from the upper floors, a change of heart that however never came. His ears were down, his tail wasn't twitching like it used to do, he was simply breathing heavily, hand in hand and playing with his fingers, trying not to give any weight to the strong lump created in the pit of his stomach. In an attempt to take a deeper breath, a tear escaped from his eyes, falling on the back of one of his hands, it was then that all his willpower, not to cry, collapsed on him.
The sound of the wooden door made him raise his head and look from his hands, someone had knocked on it, and from the way of knocking, he already knew who it was.
—Come in— he said, quickly wiping the tears off his face with the backs of his hands, and then turning his attention to the door.
Aether looked at the Ghoul, and the Ghoul looked at Aether, a look that barely lasted a few seconds, but seemed to last forever. The intruder walked towards the Ghoul of Quintessence, who looked away, returning it to his own hands. Swiss sat next to him, and placed a hand on his back, making his friend burst into tears again. Quickly the Multi-Ghoul held him close, failing miserably in his attempt not to cry himself.
—I don't want to go away Swiss— he sobbed into his friend's chest, trying to stay calm.
—We don't want you to go either,—he replied, trying to comfort Aether.
For Swiss, seeing Aether in this way was a blow to the heart, the two were the "life" of the group, always cheerful and smiling, always running and jumping through the corridors of the abbey and even on the stage itself, and from there to a few hours, his partner would no longer accompany him through all this. After a couple of minutes, Swiss spoke again, this time however about the reason for his visit.
—We can't find Sodo— he said, looking at a fixed point on the wall behind Aether. The other raised his head, wiping the tears from his eyes again, looked at his friend without understanding, before speaking again.
—What do you mean?— he jumped up from the bed, waiting for an answer.
— Nobody saw him again after this morning at breakfast, he was supposed to help me with something, but he didn't show up — he said, getting up, showing his concern, since it wasn't like Sodo to stand a friend down — I asked the others to help me look for him, but there are no traces, maybe you know where he is.
Aether nodded his head, looked around one last time and then began walking with long strides towards the door. He greeted Swiss with a nod, and then ran along the endless corridors of the abbey.
He knew perfectly where he was, or at least he hoped it was there, Aether ran along the stairs, until he reached the top floor of one of the towers, he then stopped in front of a closed door, to which access would be denied, but which he and Sodo had visited countless times. Still breathing heavily, and trying to restore calm to his chest, Aether looked around, before grabbing the handle and opening the door. When he entered he looked at every corner of the room, realizing that the window had been opened; an attempt at a smile took possession of him, he had found it.
The ghoul approached the window, climbed over it with rather agility, remaining on a ledge of barely 20/30 centimeters, carefully traveled a few meters before arriving at the place. He grabbed the wall with his hands, and then pushed himself with his feet, to be able to climb onto what would have been the roof of that room.
And there he found him, Sodo, the little fire ghoul, who arrived only a short time after him, with whom he immediately created a bond, a bond different from that with the other ghouls, a bond that went beyond friendship, Aether found him he loved, Sodo loved him, and that made them so special to each other.
The little Ghoul looked up, similar to Aether, his ears were low, the thing was resting on the tiles of the roof and his gaze was sad and dark; his hair wasn't as shiny as usual, but was completely dull, almost grey, compared to the platinum blonde that characterizes him.
Aether walked towards him, then sat next to him, Sodo quickly crawled onto the legs of his companion, who felt his eyes watering again as he noticed the sobs of the smaller boy against his chest.
—Please— he whimpered —Don't go, Aeth, don't go— he gripped the fabric of Aether's shirt in his fist, letting out even heavier sobs against him.
—Babe is not my choice— Aether lightly gripped his tight hair in her hands, while with the other she rubbed his back, with the only attempt to try to calm him.
—I can't be here without you— He looked up at his face—I don't want to be here without you. He added immediately afterwards.
Aether felt something break inside him, he had never seen Sodo in this condition, to tell the truth, there were very few times he had seen him cry, but this time it was different, decidedly heartbreaking.
He grabbed the smaller boy's face with both hands, then left a tender kiss on his lips.
—We'll never see each other again, right?— Sodo asked, tears flooding his eyes again.
—Absolutely not, and I promise you this, no matter where, no matter how and no matter when, I will meet you again one day, either up here, or down there, but I will meet you again— he whispered on the lips of the fire ghoul, who was looking at him fixed in the eyes, and who concluded it all by assaulting the lips of the larger ghoul.
—I love you— they whispered involuntarily in unison, which made both smile on each other's lips.
The time had come, everything was ready now, the altar where Aether's body would be burned, it was already ready, just like the altar where his body would be rebuilt, in the underworld. The first to approach was Quarto, who simply apologized to him for not having managed to make everything go differently. Aether responded with a warm hug, whispering thanks in his ear.
Later the Ghoulettes arrived, with sparkles in their eyes they immediately hugged Aether's torso, who wrapped his arms around them and left a kiss on both of their heads.
—We'll miss you a lot...— they whispered, looking at him from below, with slurred words, the fault of the magic that created the situation.
—You too—he replied in an almost inaudible tone, before they walked away, allowing the remaining members to say goodbye to their friend.
Mountain came forward after them, even though he was still a little tired, he hugged Aether, giving him a warm hug.
—You're the one with the right head, please take care of them, the responsibility is yours now— the Quintessence ghoul whispered to him.
Aether and Mountain's relationship was that classic relationship that didn't need to be nurtured day by day, a look, a nod was enough for them and they already understood each other perfectly, it was this that made their friendship so solid. The two greeted each other with a mutual "I love you", and then gave way to Swiss.
Swiss, his companion running through the corridors and jumping on the stage, held each other, but the Multi-Ghoul let out a few tears, as did Aether.
—You are special, friend— Swiss whispered —It will be difficult to stay here without you.
Aether hinted at a sort of smile, feeling a tear run down his cheek.
—You are special— he put a hand behind Swiss's head, and pressed their foreheads together, before speaking— take care of him, okay?— he asked, referring to Sodo, who had been watching him from some distance behind
—Take care of the other half of my heart, protect it for me, until I can have it by my side again... I'm afraid he won't be able to bear all this, stay close to him - he added, finishing the sentence almost in a sob, Swiss nodded his head and squeezed it one last time.
—I promise you— Swiss says at final
It was then that Sodo's turn came, he rushed into Aether's arms, leaving his pride aside he burst into tears again, he didn't care what others might think about it, his mate, his soulmate he was going to leave, and that was all that mattered to him.
—Please don't cry— Aether whispered with his lips resting on his head.
—I can't do it, I can't— he contested, holding himself even tighter
—Yes you can, you must, they are lost without you, darling— Aether raised Sodo's face, so as to look at his face— They need the fire dwarf.
They both smiled with teary eyes before bringing their mouths together for the last time. Aether took a few steps away, keeping his hand close to Sodo's, until due to the distance, they slowly melted away.
—We will meet again, I promise— Sodo read from the lips of Aether, who expounded the sentence before turning and walking towards his destiny.
The return to the underworld.
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inafieldofdaisies · 9 months
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @thesingularityseries ❤️
I'm checking in with another snippet from Chapter 2 of John and Sabrina's AU where he goes (or more like tries) to visit his client in prison while she is doing her best to minimize their encounter. Leslie ain't buying it. ❤️
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John stared at the endless field in front of him, checking his watch on instinct for probably the millionth time as his driver let out a string of hushed curses while he changed the flat tire the car got somewhere on Interstate 5. An irrational part of him felt like vaulting over the fence that separated the highway from the surrounding land and simply… walking off. Wondered how it would feel to be in the middle of nowhere, in a place where nobody would be around to hear the angry outburst he fought to keep under control. After messing up and texting Sabrina by mistake, he had eventually gotten dressed, dragged himself down to the lobby to report the broken shower in his room and ask for them to arrange a car for him. The man at the reception desk had been less welcoming and helpful than the woman that had checked him in, telling him that he would send someone over to fix the issue without being able to give him an answer as to when. On top of that headache, he had spent the next 30 minutes waiting for his driver to show up in front of the hotel, the delay making him wish he had his own car there so he wasn't at the mercy of others. Thanks to that now even after leaving early to make sure he would have enough time to travel to the State Penitentiary, he was tethering on the edge of being late, stuck halfway across his destination.
"Almost done, sir.", the younger man announced behind him, "We'd be back on the road in a jiffy." A couple of minutes later he finally walked around the car, still dusting off his pants from kneeling down on the ground and signaled for John they were ready to leave. "So…", the man started in an attempt to break the ice as he climbed in the backseat and pointed his gaze out of the window again, "Who are you visiting in OSP?" "I'm not at liberty to talk about that.", John retorted quickly and pulled out his phone, hoping he would appear busy so the man would give up on the small talk. It was for that same reason he hadn't made an effort to even ask about his name. He had no doubt if he was to say he was representing Nathaniel Mooney that the driver would be tempted to abandon him on the side of the road after calling him any awful word available in his dictionary. He avoided the man's curious stare in the rearview mirror, keeping his eyes glued to his phone screen as he opened Sabrina's last message. Don't text her anything else. Don't. It's just going to make everything worse. But his fingers had other ideas, already typing up a text.
John: I'm sorry about earlier.
Minutes passed where the driver whistled along to "Only You" as it played on the radio, and where no answer came through from Sabrina. She's at work, probably busy. Do I even care if she's taken the text meant for Penny the wrong way? I don't. Yes, I don't. Yet the giddiness he felt when his phone finally chirped with a message told him otherwise.
Sabrina: How's your day? Any more criminals posing as drivers?
John: No, but I am meeting with an alleged criminal in a couple of minutes. So, pray, I don't get stabbed.
Sabrina: Now you have me worried… just keep an eye on him and make sure any sharp objects are out of his reach.
John: You're saying I can't show him my collection of knives?
Sabrina: Essentially. And let me know you've made it out alive, I guess.
A smile broke free at her replies and the fact she seemed unbothered by what had happened. They gave him hope he still had a chance. A chance for what? "We're here, sir.", the driver said, making him realize the rest of his drive had passed in a haze, all thanks to her, "Welcome to Salem." John looked his watch, "And on time, thank you." "Of course. I will be waiting to drive you back to Portland." He exited the car after giving him a nod, leaving him to wait in the parking lot as he headed for the entrance of the penitentiary, its pale yellow facade standing out against stark blue of the cloudless sky. John gingerly climbed the U-shaped staircase, promising himself with each step that he would succeed what the other attorneys before him had failed at. He squared his shoulders and pushed past double doors that led inside, his measured footsteps drawing the attention of some of the visitors that were waiting in line for the metal detectors. As one person after another passed through, he shut down the urge to shift in place or worry about the state of his suit. Not how I imagined this would go, exactly. As the detectors kept going off and hindering his progress forward, he reassured himself over and over again that he'd make it in time for the meeting.
"Next.", a male deputy directing the visitors in his line gestured for him to step forward. His briefcase made it on the conveyor belt first, passing through the scanner as he covered the rest of the distance to the walk through metal detector. One step, followed by anothed. Silence. He had almost made it on the other side, or at least his shoe had before the alarm sounded. "I need you to walk back and through the detector again, please.", the officer instructed, and he complied, going through slowly only for the blaring noise to repeat again. "One more time. Slowly.", the man gestured patiently while he let out a tired sigh as he turned on his heel and attempted the walk for the third time. For fuck's sake. He had nothing on him that could potentially set off the detector. "Step forward.", the deputy beckoned, "I need to pat you down. You have the right to refuse-" "I'm a lawyer, I know my rights.", John interjected quickly, then added in a calmer tone, "You have my permission." Refusing a pat down meant he'd be turned down from his visit. The man nodded, "Arms out. Feet apart." He followed the instructions, having been through a couple of in-person meetings with other clients in prison already. The frisk felt like it had lasted an eternity until the deputy finally declared he could gather his things and proceed to the waiting area where other visitors had already taken a seat after checking in about their appointments.
"Next in line.", an older female officer called out for him eventually once he took his place in that line. "Name of AICs?" "Good morning, I have a scheduled meeting with Nathaniel Mooney.", the anticipated look of displeasure appeared in her eyes before his usual charm even had a chance to kick in. "Another one. How long are you gonna last?", she mumbled under her breath as she typed away on the computer in front of her, the remark loud enough only for him to hear. He didn't let the words strip away at the slight smile he had offered her initially, the push-back and borderline loathing were expected with the task of representing defendants like Mooney. Instead of simply gesturing him to take a seat and wait for his name to be called, the deputy sent him a strange look before picking up the phone receiver. "Yes. Mooney. Okay. I will tell him to take a seat." "Is everything in order, Officer Gale?", John asked carefully the second she hung up. A bored look was all he got as response before she slid a visitor badge over to him, then muttered, "Yes. Please take a seat. Next."
John clutched his bag and headed for a vacant seat next to a well-dressed redhead, checking his watch as he sat down and slipped the plastic encased pass over his head. Almost time. A slender, manicured hand appeared from his left, "Can't say I was expecting I would be meeting the man representing Nathaniel Mooney today." He turned, meeting the green gaze of the woman next to him before he grabbed her hand for a handshake. "John Duncan.", the introduction was made in the usual tone reserved for other attorneys and potential clients. Everything about the redhead, including her smile, appeared calculating when she squeezed his hand, and he couldn't help but wonder if she had her sights set on his case and testing the waters, "Candice Donovan." The name gave him a pause, immediately making him think of Sabrina, then he shook off the thought, reminding himself he had to stay focused. It's just a surname. His hand returned to his knee as he leaned back in his chair and trained his eyes forward, feeling her gaze remaining on him still. "Rumor is, the last one ran out of here crying. Poor girl. Not everyone is built for our field of work.", the woman whispered, "Though, I've never had a particular taste for criminal law. So messy… bloody even.", the last part felt loaded, heavy, yet she casually recrossed her legs before letting out a quiet laugh and passing him a business card. Blue eyes darted to the matching badge nestled against her champagne colored silk blouse with a perfectly tied bow close to her neckline, "And yet here you are." "Oh, no, Mr. Duncan,", her voice lowered like she was letting him in on a little secret, "I'm meeting the man on top of this food chain, not one of his subjects."
"Donovan.", an officer called out her name. "And that's my cue. Good luck, darling.", she got up, smoothing down her black skirt before she picked up her bag Hermès bag off the ground next to her chair. Her nude high heels clicked away as she approached the man waiting to escort her, swooping into charming him next. He granted a final look at the business card and slipped it inside his bag. Over the years, he had met enough women like Candice Donovan, had even been blindsided by their charisma and skilled tongues, had made the mistake of getting involved with a couple on a personal level when he was first starting in the field. The type that would frown at "the bloodiness" of law, yet be secretly the first to sense the blood in the water and strike. John spent the next couple of minutes watching the room as visitor's after visitor's name were called, new people taking their vacated seats, Officer Gale warning walk-ins they might be in for a longer wait that day. "Duncan.", a gruff voice broke through the low chatter around him, and he was out of his seat in an instant, straightening his visitor badge on his way to the deputy. The man, wearing a tag that read 'A. Flynn", towered a good few inches over him and gave him a dark stare before muttering, "Follow me."
A black steel bar door buzzed behind him and they were off down a series of white hallways, separated by similar security entryways that got him deeper into the prison. Eventually, the man in front of him came to a stop and gestured to a dark gray door before he swung it open to reveal a small private room, reserved for visits by legal teams, "Take a seat." With that, Officer Flynn left him to get situated and shut the door behind him. John slipped into pulling out all the documents he would need and arranged them in neat piles on the only table in the room. 10 minutes passed, bringing him officially past the reserved time for the meeting with Mooney. The only noise, that would put lesser attorneys on edge as they sat in the tiny sterile space without any windows, was the sound of his watch ticking. Another 15 minutes went by where he started to wonder if something had gone wrong. He set for rearranging the files again, inevitably checking his phone for any messages or calls. Nothing. Rereading Sabrina's last text. A couple of calming breaths. Regretting he had skipped breakfast. No Mooney in sight. 10 more minutes, a terrible sign considering nobody from the personnel had bothered to show their face yet. Something's wrong, indeed.
John rose up, ready to knock on the door and demand an explanation for the delay, when it opened and the same officer that had led him there appeared in the doorway, his large almost frame blocking his view of another man in an uniform. "Counsel, I regret to inform you, the arranged meeting won't be taking place today.", his lips twisted into a dark smirk, no actual regret visible across his features, "Nathaniel Mooney is undisposed." "What is that supposed to mean?", John asked, his eyes narrowing at the man's tone. "I'm meant to escort you out, sir.", the last word was said with complete disdain as Officer Flynn stepped aside and gestured for him to exit the room promptly, "You can schedule a new visit." "You cannot just cancel my client's meeting without any notice." The man crossed his arms over his chest, "Tell that to Mooney, who decided it's a good time to stab an inmate with a fork right before his meeting with his new attorney." "I still think it's inappropriate and violating his rights to deprive him from a consultation with his legal counsel. This is not a family visit you can just deny." "If you have any complaints, you can direct them at Major Sinclair. He's the one that issued the order. All inmates are threated equal here and sanctioned accordingly for not following the rules, Mr. Duncan." "That's-" Just my luck. "Unfortunate for you? Or Mooney?", his tone was bordering on leering as John began to gather his things, "I'm sure the man he put in infirmary, whose eye was almost gouged out thinks the same about himself."
He could only imagine how that would be used by the prosecution at the actual trial, just another testament of his client's violent nature and urges he couldn't control. John straightened his back and picked up his bag, passing by the two officers as he exited the room, and he could tell they were enjoying every second of sending him away without even meeting Mooney. "When exactly did the incident occur?", John inquired while he got sandwiched between the two men on the way back. "If you have any questions, you can set a meeting with Major Sinclair and discuss those.", the younger officer ahead of him, whose name he hadn't had time to observe, grumbled out. It wouldn't have been any surprise if the words were paired with another sly grin. "It was a simple question. You could have called me in advance. Saved me the trip from Portland." "It was a genuine mix-up, sir." "Or karma. Serves you right for representing that bastard.", Flynn mumbled under his breath simultaneously, clearly wanting for John to hear. Hazing. Of course. On the inside, he could feel anger gripping at his chest, looking for an outlet, but he refused to let it out or any of the well-deserved words he wanted to direct their way to be vocalized. He suspected the fork incident had taken place long before that early morning and in reality they must have had time to alert him about the "punishment" bestowed upon his client. Yet nothing of sorts had happened because he in turn was being "punished", too. For doing his job. For accepting the "shitstorm" case. For refusing to cower under their scrutiny and holding his head high. It was bound for this occurance to be just the first one of many. There was a reason, as Candice Donovan reported, that the previous woman representing Mooney had ran out crying, and if past cases were anything to go by, he was willing to bet Nathaniel's nature was only part of the issue. But if people like Officer Flynn or Major Sinclair expected obvious cheap tricks like those would make him withdraw, they were all in for a rude awakening.
John kept his face relaxed as he waited in line yet again, this time to schedule another appointment. His fingers drummed against the surface of the booth in front of him while the woman across typed in his information. "First appointment I can give you is on Monday.", she announced matter-of-factly as his fingers formed a fist. How much he wanted to bang against the glass pane that separated them. To demand to see Mooney right then and there. He did none of that, instead he forced a smile, letting his charm do the work. "M'am, I really need to meet with my client before that. My return flight is in two days." Where the receptionist from the previous night or Penny would have melted at his gentle but still firm tone that reeked of authority, the officer just blinked slowly and said, "There's a 72-hours rule in place, meaning Monday as earliest." "Officer Reece-" "First appointment I can offer you is on Monday, Mr. Duncan.", she repeated before he could even finish his sentence, "Usually you can always come as a walk-in and wait for a slot to open up if there's a cancellation or a no-show, but Nathaniel Mooney has had his visitation rights revoked for 72-hours." "That's ridiculous." "It's the minimum, sir.", Officer Reece explained calmly, "Are you taking the Monday appointment? If not, I'd have to ask to step away while you're considering your options, because there are other people in line behind you." Fuck. He wanted to scream the word out, lose it like he had that morning in the shower. "Yes, Monday it is, then.", he nodded, grateful for his unwavering facade as he took a deep breath. "I'm penciling you in for the afternoon session, 12:15 pm." "Thank you." "Have a great weekend. Next, please.", the woman called in response. Great? The little "mix-up" was going to result him in having to explain to Clive how Mooney had attacked another inmate. To change his flight back to Atlanta, his personal "punishment" Flynn called karma resulting in him having to spend more time in a city that's been nothing but brutal to him from his arrival. Hope his "5 star" hotel had fixed the shower while he was away in Salem and would agree to extend his reservation so he won't have to hunt down for another one. Sure my weekend would be great.
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"How is it going?", Leslie muttered as he leaned over Sabrina's shoulder, his attention setting on the footage she had pulled up. She propped up her head on her open palm, "Nothing yet, good news is, though, I'm halfway there." "Chances are even if the camera captured the car, it'd be too dark to make anything out." A sigh broke free when she found her coffee cup empty, "I know. But it's not like we have anything else to go off until we get back the enhanced clip from across the road." "Still, the gas station was a good hunch." It wasn't a "hunch", rather a vision that had led her there, but explaining that in any way that wouldn't make her seem like she had lost her mind, felt impossible, even to Leslie. "Yeah.", she muttered quietly. "How about a break?", Leslie nudged her before walking back to his desk, "We can grab some lunch before the interviews?" "Okay." Just then Oliver walked in with a take-out bag and plopped into his chair with a sign, "Ah, man, I swear I almost fell asleep in line. Damn, if I wouldn't kill for a shower, too." "You could go home, Ollie." The suggestion made him roll his eyes, "Sure, and then hear all about it from Buchanan." Sabrina shook his head, "He won't say anything." "Maybe to the all-stars. Me, on other hand?", he muttered as set on opening his food, "No matter what good old Oliver does… he only complains." "Okay,", Leslie took a look at his watch, "we heading out or what, Rina?" "One second.", she said, taking note of how far along she was before putting her computer into rest mode. By then her partner was already shrugging on his coat. She quickly threw on her jacket as well, then grabbed her bag on the way out. "Have fun, you two.", Oliver called after them as Leslie pulled the door open for her.
"The lawyer…", Parish mumbled the second their waiter had left the table in the small bistro they frequently stopped by for a bite. "My food isn't even here yet." He raised a dark eyebrow, seeing right through the attempt to avoid talking about John for a good few more minutes, "Spill, Rina." "How much did Oliver tell you all really?", she asked slowly. "Told you, he was live texting." "Like what?" She wasn't sure if she actually wanted to know the answer, knowing full well the extend of Oliver's sense of humor and the chaos he loved to cause. "Want to see the messages?" "Not really. Just… are the other guys going to look at me weird?", she was refering for the rest of the Missing Persons team and whoever else they had added to the group chat for the birthday party they had thrown for her months back. "No.", Leslie chuckled, "Now back to the lawyer." "John." "Hm?" "His name is John." A nod, "There we go, a start." "I was headed home, you know, as promised.", her remark got a smile out of him, "Sav would have gone to bed by then…I guess I didn't want to deal with Candice for a couple of extra minutes." "Yeah." Leslie knew the situation pretty well and was among the small group of people that saw through her mother's act.
"I see this well-dressed man in the lobby, staring daggers into unconscious Lenny,", his eyes narrowed at 'well-dressed', but she rushed to wrap up the story, especially seeing how the waiter had emerged from the kitchen and carrying over their meals, "I offered my help, tried to pass him onto Stockton, but he wasn't in…" She paused to mutter a quiet thank you as her plate was placed in front of her and she dug into the food that seemed less appetizing with her stomach in knots. Leslie did the same, taking a bite before nodding at her to continue. "Maxwell said I could write up the report for him since he was stuck across town. The guy-" "John.", Leslie corrected her, "You avoiding saying his name?" "No.", she absolutely was, "John didn't seem quite happy with the idea he'd have to wait hours for Stockton to return or stop by in the morning, so he agreed to sit down with me and get his case started." "Who wouldn't." She chose that moment to take a sip of water, almost choking on it, "Leslie." "I'm just being objective." "Sure.", she cleared her throat, "I marked down everything he could provide as information. He asked to make a phone call and then was on his way." Leslie's lips twisted into a smirk, "You forgot how he shouted, 'she's not my girlfriend' about some girl he called." Sabrina huffed, "Shouted? That's just Oliver's flair for dramatics." Not really, but saying otherwise wouldn't make you drop the subject, will it… "Rina." "Fine, maybe his voice was a bit raised, so what?" "Then?"
She could feel her cheeks heat up, so she looked down to her plate as she scooped up some more rice into her mouth, before replying, "Nothing." The way Leslie rubbed at his beard told her he had sensed a lead and wasn't going to back down, "I'm waiting." "I gave him a ride.", Sabrina brushed her hair out of her face, feeling frustrated at the fact things hadn't stopped there and that she didn't want them to, "He looked… lost. I guess I thought a small act of kindness wouldn't hurt when his day had been nothing but awful. Dropped him off at his hotel. End of story." He opened his mouth to ask more when her phone buzzed with a new text, that made her raise her finger as she opened it.
John: Still alive. Any lunch spots recommendations? The last thing I need right now is food poisoning.
"You're smiling way too much for this to be news from the lab.", Leslie's voice sounded and she looked up, feeling like she had been caught redhanded when she had done nothing wrong, "That him?" She ignored his question, her food quickly becoming forgotten while her fingers typed out a reply.
Sabrina: Depends… If you're looking for a fine dining spot, I won't be your girl.
John: I'm feeling cranky, (probably because I'm) starving, and I trust your judgement, so shoot.
"Rina?", Leslie called her name, tone full of amusement. Her eyes darted up to his before returning to her phone screen, "Yes?" "So he has your number.", it wasn't a question, but rather a statement.
Sabrina: There's a small restaurant, family owned, Italian, two streets from the precinct.
The spot she had recommended him was in the opposite direction of the restaurant where she was currently having lunch with Leslie, wanting to avoid running into him at any cost because she refused to allow things to get more awkward than they already were. She put her phone down, ignoring the fact it vibrated with a reply and turned back to her food. As she raised the fork to her mouth, she could feel Leslie's stare on her, "Yes, he has my number." "You gave it to him or he somehow found it?" "Leslie…" He shrugged, chewing on his food slowly before he pointed his knife at her, "Just doing my part, Rina. Trying to figure out if 'this guy' is a creep or not. So, well?" "I think he took one of my cards off my desk…" "He's texting your work number?" "Yeah." It wasn't a complete lie. "And now he wants?" "A good place to go for lunch." "He asked you out-" "No." "It wasn't a question." Her face scrunched up in confusion, "Nothing about his texts hinted at that, Leslie." He smiled, "Can I see?" "No.", the answer came out way too quickly, causing him to let out a laugh. Just great. Yet handing over her phone and having him see all the previous messages didn't seem like the best idea. Not when he'd insist on John's intentions even more then. Worry about her. "Just trust me on that. He's never been to Portland and considering his luck, he just wanted-" "You're saying that with way too much confidence. Like you know know him." A breathed out a sigh, "Just drop it, please. Change the subject." "Fine.", Leslie nodded, "But I'm telling you, he was asking you out." "And he chose to do it in the most roundabout way possible…why?" "Because he's afraid." It was her turn to chuckle, "Afraid?" "That you will say no, 'break his heart' or more like hurt his ego, considering he's a fancy ass attorney. So instead he's hoping you'd suggest keeping him company first…" Sabrina couldn't help but roll her eyes, "I think Ollie is rubbing off on you." Leslie's gaze shot up to her phone when it buzzed again, "Now, that is him asking you out. He couldn't handle waiting."
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Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @corvosattano @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @voidika @madparadoxum @poisonedtruth @nightbloodbix @nightwingshero @jillvalentinesday @cassietrn @chazz-anova @simplegenius042 @purplehairsecretlair @adelaidedrubman @dumbassdep @theelderhazelnut @strangefable @trench-rot @aceghosts and anyone else with something to share this week ❤️
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rosebarry16 · 3 months
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~~~~~~ 2 o'clock hook up~~~~~~
(adler x male bell)
Warning : Smut, strong language, alcohol
Also this isn't my first time writing but I just got an idea and here we are and Iam so sorry if it's terrible, I tried my best and I'll do better in the future :')
Enjoy :3
It's 2 A.M and everyone was asleep except for two human beings, they couldn't sleep nor feel like they wanna close their eyes.
Bell couldn't sleep because of memories and flashbacks are hunting him since the brainwash process occured.
"shit.." he sat and held his head, feeling the temperature rise. It hurts him too much that he wished someone would be near him to comfort him from pain,
he couldn't take it anymore. He got up from his bed and exited the bedroom, he felt dizzy but ignored it and went downstairs to the kitchen.
The kitchen was nothing but dark as moon light takes over the place, bell went to the counter and picked up the phone. He dialed the number and hesitated to call but he dialed it anyway
*On the other hand*
Adler was in the dark living room smoking a cigarette, watching out the window. He got distracted when the phone started to ring. He answered it
"oh..hey, I didn't know you we're still awake."
"yeah I'm still awake, why are you up so late?"
"I'm getting flashbacks again and it's hurting me so bad, what about you?"
"just stress or some kinda shit"
"uh...i was wondering if you would hang out and maybe drink or whatever"
"sure, give me a minute or two"
"no adler, don't worry I'm coming to pick you up"
"you sure?"
"yes I'm sure"
"then I'll see you" he hanged up the phone and waited for bell to arrive, 30 minutes passed and someone pulled up in front of his house. Adler looked outside then took his jacket and headed to the car, he looked at him and drove of.
They were in the car. Gazing at the ocean waving, bell decided to break the silence "how long haven't you been sleeping?" he asked "I do sleep but 2-3 hours then I wake up, even if it was too early I can't go back to sleep" adler explained and bell nodded in understandment but at least adler doesn't get kept from sleeping from over thinking or flashbacks.
"although I should be asking that question bell." adler looked at him as he took a sip of whiskey "these memories and flashbacks are fucking me up, it's a pain in this ass they won't let me sleep. I don't remember the last time I slept without feeling anything" adler got closer to bell and continued to listen
"I just can't go on with this, I'm tired. What hurts me alot no one is with me to bear my pain and I'm so lonely...like..." bell struggled to go on so he smoked and his eye got back to the bluse ocean.
Adler's hand climbed bell's hand and squeeze his fingers underneath bell's palm "I can be there to protect you" bell didn't believe his words at first but kinda felt like adler cares about him more then anyone
More then park, Sims, lazar or Mason and woods
Hell, he's in love with him but he just treat him like anybody else in front of everybody, that's the outside but on the inside.
He'd do anything to protect him, guilt is growing inside of him but he has to do what he does to bell for avoiding perseus from destroying Europe and get informations related to the locations they want to know about.
"bell, I'm not sure how to tell you this but I can make the pain go away" bell smiled like adler just told him a joke and kept drinking
"you can't"
"what if I told you I'm capable of doing it?"
"prove it blondie"
"Your challenging me?"
"yeah and since I'm a bit drunk, I bet you don't know how to make me busy"
"oh yeah? Let's go back to your place and I'll show you"
Bell started the engine and drove away, while driving adler noticed bell has a boner since they argued. He acted like nothing happened and waited until they pulled up to bell's house.
Adler and bell got upstairs as they're making out, adler pushed him to the bed and got on top of him, their tongue were fighting and bell's hands slowly went to adler's ass, they stopped to take a breath and pulled away but his saliva is mixed with bell's.
"come on, show me what you got"
Adler unbottened bell's pants and took out his hard like rock cock, at first he started to lick the tip softly then got into his mouth. Going back and forth and looking up at bell who moans and placing his hand on adler's blonde hair, he got going crazy by controling his tongue underneath his cock and stroking him while sucking.
"adler I think I'm gonna-"
"not yet bell"
He did not want to end it without feeling his cock throbbing in his throat, bell couldn't take it and went deeper until he reached adler throat. Making him choke but that's not it.
After the deepthroat, bell got alot hornier and ready to fuck the shit of him, he grabbed adler's hips and began to rub his hard cock against his ass. Adler didn't really want to be teased so he got idea of making bell go in, his moans and grouns were driving him insane
He begged him as he was going in and out, adler grabbed the bed sheets from how pleasure is getting to harder and more stronger. Bell started to stroke him,
"oh fuck! Ahh~" he was too sexy to keep going on teasing but bell kept thrusting hard "bell your so big, tear me apart!"
adler begged and kept making lewd sounds but as soon as he wanted to continue he felt a bash into his hole, he started to thrust.
"keep fucking me, fuck me like you're using me..just like I used you"
"I'm gonna break you so hard"
"come on motherfucker, that's what you got?"
Bell got more harder and harder, his right hand gasped adler's neck but since hearing his moans and beggings he has to cum
"I'm gonna c-cum!"
"cum in me bell, that's it. Fill me up you useless russian cunt~"
He took his last thrust and cummed into adler's hole, adler on the other hand felt bell's thick cum filled his hole as he was cumming.
They were covered in cum and saliva. Goddamn...late night fucking was the best,
"I told you"
"that's was amazing..you really proved it "
Bell held adler close, they kissed and one more time and drefted to sleep.
The end...
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Finish What You Started
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Summary: Dean coming from the shower, need I say more.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut. Pretty much all smut. Smidge of fluff. Masturbation, Dirty Talk, Objectification of Dean's smoking hot, straight from the shower body
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 469
A/N: So, I’ve decided to do all 30 of these writing prompts. I may miss a day here and there, but I’m going to try to do one a day, and I will be completing all 30 no matter what.  They won’t always be in order.  This fic will be for the prompt: Write for 15 minutes without deleting anything.
I will be putting together a Masterlist for all 30 prompts and adding it to my main Masterlist.
A/N 2: So, I saw this simple post from @jay-and-dean and @b3autyfuldisast3r and it gave me an idea (okay, it gave me SO many ideas) and I decided to use it to fill the "no deleting" prompt. I can't tell you how incredibly hard it was not to hit that backspace and delete and rewrite parts of this. The only thing I corrected were spelling mistakes, so that it wasn't unreadable.
The prompt says to write for 15 mins, but I think I was closer to 18 mins, just so I could give it some kind of ending (ish). I haven't even read it over because the temptation to edit would be to great! So, this might be gibberish - please be kind. 😁 Hope you like it! 💓
The beautiful text divider at the bottom, was created by @talesmaniac89.
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Dean woke you up slightly when he got up from bed.  He murmured an apology and kissed your forehead.
“Sleep, sweetheart.” He whispered, in a voice still craggy with sleep.
And you smiled and obeyed.  But not long after, you awoke again, as he came back into the room.  You cracked your eyes open and were rewarded with the sight of Dean in a towel that didn’t quite fit around his hips. He held the corners together in his big hand, but most of his left hip and all of his long leg was bare, like his torso.
Giving up on trying to keep it in place, Dean pulled the towel from his waist, and briskly rubbed his body dry with it. Your eyes were wide open now, and even though you knew you were allowed to look, you felt like a voyeur, and even though you’d seen him fully naked dozens of times now, the sight still froze your breath. He finished drying himself and turned toward the bed, where you ogled him.
The smile that spread across his face was smug as hell, and burned you alive with its sexiness. 
“Enjoying the show, sweetheart?” He asked, tossing the towel aside.
You shrugged as though it was no big deal.  “M’eh. Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
“Oh, really? Should I change things up for you?”
“What do you have in mind?” You asked, smiling cheekily.
In answer he took hold of his cock where it hung between his legs and began pumping it slowly. “Maybe, instead of getting dressed right away, I should tell you about the dream I had during this last hunt, when I was desperate for you.”
His big hand moved up and down his shaft as he walked toward the bed.  “In my dream you looked a lot like you do right now, naked under the blankets.  But I knew as soon as I was close enough, I could pull them back and uncover your soft, silky skin and warm thighs.”
His cock was getting harder as he spoke.  He spit into his palm, and continued to stroke himself, a bit faster now.  “So I inched closer to the bed,” he said, quietly, “and just as I was about to reach out and rip back the sheets so I could devour you, taste every inch of you, pull you apart with my mouth, so that you come on my tongue…”
You were practically panting as he reached the side of the bed, fully erect now.  “I was just reaching for the blanket – when Sam shook me awake.”
Dean threw up his hands and shrugged.  “Can you believe that?”
He turned and walked away and you screeched an unholy sound as you ran after him.  “Get back here, Dean Winchester and finish what you started!”
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Tags under the cut:
Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays.
Dean Winchester Fics Only.
Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.)
Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well)
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