#i can’t hate john
hellofunkytown · 3 months
honestly, i think the fandom dislikes john too much- imagine you‘re living your life, have a great family with your wife and two little kids and suddenly everything you’ve known to be true just turns out wrong?
a demon kills your wife horrifically, you‘re not safe anywhere anymore and your children don’t (can’t) understand why their mommy is gone?
i wouldn’t be able to function either. john thought he was doing the right thing, raising dean and sam to be strong hunters. because what else can you do, just give up and pray the monsters under the bed don’t decide to take them too?
the way he seeks revenge is human, a coping method- just like the alcohol. if you’re focusing on finding something, doing something, never stopping to think, you can’t realize how far gone you are. no time to see that your boys are afraid, no time to see that you’re alienating them- forcing them to be people they don‘t want to be.
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thetrinitytest · 1 month
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roseworth · 11 months
we talk about people hating your favorite character in the wrong way. but i want to talk about people hating the character you also hate in the wrong way. like hold on no i don’t want to be associated with you stop making stupid arguments and bad points it makes us both look bad
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 month
yup. all of the gallagher’s hate debbie. especially ian, i mean, clearly. look at his face. pure hatred. what has she ever done for him? she’s wearing a wedding dress at HIS wedding for absolutely no reason!! she’s trying to steal the show! the audacity!
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hamletthedane · 11 months
I know we say “this is a Renaissance painting” a lot, but THIS is a hell of a Renaissance painting:
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[L to R in row behind Princess Diana: David Bowie, Crystal Taylor, Brian May, Rodger Taylor]
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leonisloresmith · 6 months
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Finally came up with more about my take on JD’s husband. His name is Drew
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javelinbk · 10 months
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The Beatles in Help! (1965)
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robiinurheart33 · 4 months
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I hate them so much ❤️
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sassycordy · 1 year
they (somehow) survived the great war but couldn’t escape the homophobic 2000s :/
audio credits: remyhvdley (yt)
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lowvintagesims · 6 months
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@funkiesims and i saw john mulaney last night and this is the front and back of the shirts we made for the occasion
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storygremlin · 9 days
I have just discovered the offensive reality of straight people A/B/O through Bridgerton fanfics—truly a misogynistic patriarchal reinforcement of gender stereotypes that horrifies me to my soul.
Straight people should not have access to this trope, they have no concept of how to use it. Like, if you’re determined to do a “family legacy” thing for the Bridgertons, they’re all horny Omegas looking for love.
However, if we’re being more INTERESTING with it:
Simon/Daphne should be Beta/Omega, and you could use Simon being a Beta to play into his daddy issues.
Kate/Anthony is Alpha/Alpha, anyone who tries to make Kate an Omega is out of their fucking minds. Also, that is a woman who wants to fuck her husband, let’s be so for real.
Penelope/Colin would be the actual Alpha/Omega dynamic but Pen is obviously the Alpha. Colin wants to be good for her SO BAD. I don’t make the rules. (Except I DO and I’M RIGHT).
John/Francesca are a couple of autistic Betas who just want the crazy Alphas and Omegas to leave them out of their messy drama so they can be quiet nerds together.
As for Eloise and Benedict, there’s a few options.
Eloise as an Alpha or Omega can be used to explore how that effects her as a woman in 19th century regency who feels like she SHOULD be able to do the same things as her brothers but is restricted either bc she’s a girl (Alpha) or bc she’s an Omega, and how that’s affected by her internalized misogyny (against omega girls for example). Could also contribute to her and Pen’s friendship dynamics—if she’s an Alpha, as a bonding point for not quite fitting, but if she’s an Omega you can make it a like she thinks Pen being an Alpha is cool/is envious of her.
Benedict I feel like you could argue for any secondary gender and make it interesting, cause that’s the kind of character he is. But I think most interesting would be making him a Beta to really play into the way he’s trying to find his place without having a set role in his family.
Have I put way to much thought into this? No, I literally came up with this as soon as I thought about it, it’s so easy and way more interesting than “the boys are alphas and the girls are good little omegas bc i hate queer people and prefer to write boring uninteresting worlds and dynamics and fetishize terrible gender stereotypes”.
The only way ur allowed to use A/B/O for het couples is if ur messing with the secondary gender shit. Otherwise it just feels inherently misogynistic and homo-and-transphobic to me.
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doodlechance · 5 months
And what if I didn’t wake up tomorrow
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Anyways the brothers are done, stuff will probably change
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vixythemeaniefukei · 1 month
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At this point it’s literally just there for good publicity points, don’t fucking convince me otherwise.
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urthebees-knees · 4 months
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the quality is garbage, but may I contribute my Mariana design?
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which song makes you feel like this. mine is Waving At You
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finhere · 9 months
If I had a nickel for how many times there’s a character named Arthur who has a dead child and ex partner, a massive guilt complex because of it, is a murderer, is constantly on the run from the law, and has a complicated relationship to a guy named John I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but-
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