#i can be a one person gif show im 100% okay with that
supercutszns · 5 months
rotten to the touch; luke castellan
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series masterlist
wc: 3.2k
pairing: pre-tlt luke castellan x f! reader
synopsis: you’re pretty sure you’re an awful person. you’re pretty sure luke castellan is too. and you’re pretty sure you want to make out with him.
warnings: reader is flawed & not the greatest, luke is ... a little dark🫣, small mention of blood, swearing, lots of making out but no explicit nsfw, a bit toxic, & no more more ‘i can fix him’ or ‘i can make him worse’ it’s ‘he can make ME worse’
notes: this is… sluttier than my usual stuff so it’s not as good but i’m trying, feedback is appreciated! also i wonder what cabin we think this reader would be in, let me know where you’d place her im curious :) maybe i’ll write more of her in the future she’s interesting!! and thank you for 100 followers i am so grateful<3 designated song for this fic is crush by ethel cain
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You are a miserable, wicked, asshole of a person, and everybody knows it. Including you.
It’s unclear to you why you turned out this way—every reason to blame never satiates the fury searing your insides. All the campers hate you. The counsellors, too. Even Chiron looks down on the viciousness inside you. You are Camp Half-Blood’s black sheep; a mean, bitter person with no love for the people around you. And it’s not just for show. You know you’re rotten. You know the anger will never go away.
It’s evident in the things you think about other people—the way you pick them apart in your head, toss them aside, because they just don’t see it. This miserable, unforgiving world, with children sleeping on wooden floors because the people who created you think you disposable. Because they can just make more of you. More, more, more, until one of you comes out rotten, born of all the ugliness they have inside them. You are the worst parts of Godly blood. The wrathful parts.
Everyone hates you. Everyone hates a person with an unquenchable anger.
But everyone loves Luke Castellan.
He’s a saint at Camp Half-Blood if there ever was one. Handsome, generous, kind. Goes out of his way to help out the new kids and gives them homes in his cabin. He’s the best swordsman in camp by a mile. Shit, you’d even love Luke Castellan if you didn’t know any better.
But you do, and you don’t, and it’s complicated, okay?
Because there’s something you know about Luke Castellan that nobody else does: he’s miserable and wicked, too.
You see it in his eyes sometimes. The way they look at you at dinner, when you’re picking at your food away from anyone else at your table. Something familiar rises in them, and your stomach twists. His body tenses whenever someone mentions his father, but the smiles he flashes are so charismatic nobody notices. But you do. It’s exciting.
During sword practice, he quips back and forth with the kids and laughs whenever they take a jab at him. He’s light, easy, carefree. But you see how he holds back, the tension in his shoulder, the way the arc of his sword never fully finishes. So you wait until everybody leaves and he’s alone, with the training dummies and the setting sun. And you. Hiding.
He slashes through them and spears through their heads. You see it, the gnashing of his teeth, the sweat curling down his cheeks. There’s something there. A chasm he’s hopeless to fill.
Before you know it, you’re going out of your way to catch him training alone. It’s creepy, you know, and awful, you know, but the more you watch him the more you see a sort of violence scabbed under his skin.
Whenever you see him now, the feeling you get is entirely foreign to you. It’s almost . . . longing.
Wherever she is, you’re pretty sure Aphrodite’s having a cosmic fucking laugh. And you’re sure she’s laughing double tonight.
The Aphrodite cabin is hosting some secret party for the older counsellors. You’re definitely of age to be a counsellor, but you’ve never been made one because that would probably make half the campers drop out. Chiron and Mr. D don’t know what to do with you. You’re sure you’ll be kicked out of camp soon for good.
But you’re here anyways, for a reason you don’t want to admit, and you stay tucked in a corner as the world around you mingles. Luke is on the other side of the room, lovely as always, laughing with a few other counsellors. He brings a drink up to his lips, and you have a startling thought of what it would be like to kiss him. And you’re fucked. You’re so fucked. Because for the first time in your life you want something tangible, something real. You want to hear him and feel him and pry him apart, and a part of you wants him to actually see you, see all the awful things that might make you the same. You feel like a teenage girl with a crush, and it is infuriating.
An Aphrodite girl comes up to you with a foolish smile. “Hey, sorry, you want a drink?”
“Fuck off, you idiot,” you snarl.
You wait for her to leave. She doesn’t. “You know, you don’t have to be so mean all the time,” she says evenly. “If you’re here, you might as well enjoy it. So yes, I want to give you a drink.”
“Have you ever thought that I’m not being mean? Maybe I just am.”
You glare at her. She looks you up and down. “Sure,” she shrugs, walking away. There’s a vivid picture in your mind of her falling through a hole in the cabin floor. It doesn’t soothe you, but at least the fantasy is there.
The night drones on. You’re sick of the smells and the laughs and the heat. And you’re sick of yourself. You can’t believe, underneath all your sourness, you came here to stare at a boy you barely know, and you don’t even know why. He’s fascinating, and you resent him, and he’s also beautiful. But he’s looked back at you all of three times tonight and you’re sick of the way your skin crawls when he does.
Leaving the cabin brings the relief of the cool night air, and the singularity of your body. You are the only one who feels this rage. You are the only one who hates.
To stave off your discomfort you walk around to the back of the cabin, to the crest of the hill facing the water. The stars above twinkle at you in spite. There’s a bitterness in your throat you want to wash down with something worse (maybe you should have taken that drink), but you know it won’t matter. Nothing matters. Those stars and whatever they hide are apparently the only important things in the universe, so why should anyone care about anything?
They stars only get brighter. It’s probably their goal to piss you off. You grunt, “Oh, fuck you,” to them. It’s not enough, never nearly enough to expel the rotten part of you. “Fuck you. Fuck off!” You groan at the sky. Nothing happens. Until:
“I’m guessing you’re not having a fun night.”
You whirl around. It’s hard to see in the dark, but whatever light is left catches a long scar on a cheek. Your stomach knots.
“Yeah, me neither,” Luke Castellan says, hands in his pockets as he meanders towards you.
Even when he’s close enough, you don’t say anything. If you do, you’re afraid it’ll be something ugly. Like I kind of want to make out with you. Are you awful too? I need a lobotomy.
The thoughts almost make you laugh. Been a long time since you’ve been funny.
He nods at the sky. “Those things don’t talk. You do know that, right?” He’s still so captivating, so self-assured, even when there’s no one around but you.
“Gods, you’re the worst,” you scoff. You really mean it, so you can’t look him in the eye.
“Then why have you been staring at me all night?”
It catches you so off-guard that you whip back to face him. He has an eyebrow raised and the itch of a smile that makes you burn with shame. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
He shrugs, leaning against the cabin wall. “I’m not stupid. You’ve been brooding in the corner watching me the second you came in.” He cocks his head to the side, adding, “Actually, you stare at me all the time. At meals and stuff. I really hope you don’t think you’re being subtle.”
You huff. “Okay, if we’re really being honest here, you started that! You do it too! All the time!”
His hands shot up like he was being arrested. “Hey, I never said I minded it. A guy’s . . . just gotta wonder. What’s up with you spying on me when I’m training alone, anyways?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You watch me when there’s nobody else around. I’m not blind. It’s weird. If you want tips you can just ask me. Or if you like what you’re looking at, at least be upfront about it.”
You speak before you can take in that last sentence, or the way his smile took pride in itself when he said it, or how embarrassed you should probably feel. “You didn’t answer my question about why you started staring at me first.”
The anger (shame) blinding you made you forget how close you are to him right now. Close enough to touch, but not enough to see. But almost there. Almost.
“People think you’re mean,” Luke says after a moment, his dark eyes probing you. The words curl out of his mouth slowly, like he’s choosing them all with care. “You’re rude. You never listen to anyone. You judge everything. They all think you’re awful.” Again, he looks you over. “I’m not so sure.”
“If I’m awful, then you’re awful,” you spit before he can say anything else.
He just shrugs. “Well, I guess that’s why I’m not sure.”
It’s irritating, his calmness. He has the same anger you do. How come he can just . . . shove it down? You try to unearth any fury in his eyes, but it’s too far back. Simmering. “Jesus,” you mutter, “You’re worse than me.”
He looks genuinely taken aback by this. His scar deepens when his brows wrinkle. “What?”
“You’re a pretender—that’s what you are.” It’s your turn now, to step closer, to make his skin crawl. “Look at you. Everyone loves you. You’re this perfect golden boy and you’re sweet and attentive and whatever the fuck but you know it’s one giant lie. At least I’m honest, but you just sit pretty and act like you don’t have that . . . thing that I have. Resentment. Insanity. Whatever you want to call it. We’re the same, but I’m the only one getting shit for it.”
Now, you are close enough to really see him. The patterns on the wood behind him frame the vision of his ever-shifting face. You realize that this, like most things are to Luke Castellan, is a challenge. You also can’t remember the last time you saw him lose one.
But when you play, you play to win.
“You don’t know that,” he dares.
“Oh, I do. You’re rotten, Castellan,” you sneer, index finger jabbed into his chest. You can feel his heartbeat if you concentrate. “And you’re not owning up to it, so you’re also a coward.”
However scathing you look, it isn’t enough. If anything it only makes Luke’s manner more playful. Nothing feels playful anymore. Everything, inside and outside of your mind, feels like constant, exhausting war. Maybe that’s why you don’t slap his hand off you when it wraps around your wrist, keeping it pressed to the middle of his chest. His heartbeat thrums through you.
He tilts his face towards you, grinning, “Then why do you want to kiss me?”
All right. What the fuck. It feels like you’ve been electrocuted.
“What the—what are you talking about?” You blunder, but he knows, of course he knows, because there’s something between the two of you that has been formed and understood by eye contact alone. He can probably read your mind. As much as you don’t want to admit it, you’d like to read his just as much.
He cocks his head. “I mean, you did call me pretty,” he teases, and it’s almost endearing. “You’re pretty like this too.” His other hand comes up to your face, and you’re surprised you don’t flinch when his thumb gently smooths the crease in your eyebrows. “Don’t call me a coward, heathen. Then we’ll both be embarrassed.”
The nickname makes you want to fight, but the touch makes you dizzy. “You don’t want to kiss me, Luke,” you say with all the control you have, which, right now, is increasingly sparse.
“You’ve gotta stop telling people what they want,” he muses. The hand on your wrist traces further down your forearm. The one on your face snakes around your hips. “One of your more disagreeable qualities.”
His words fan over you. That fire simmering in his eyes has finally come to the surface.
“One of?” You challenge.
“You let me make out with you and I’ll give you a whole list.”
You snort, hoping it hides the shortness in your breath. “What a charmer you are.”
His lips brush yours. “Well, that’s what makes me so rotten, isn’t it?”
There’s hardly time to unravel if that’s a question or a statement because you grab a fistful of his shirt and he kisses you. Your heart detonates. It is not rotten in the slightest.
His body is warm and firm. You smell the cabin wood and the drink on his breath. It all matters, and none of it does. You’re warm everywhere as he wraps both arms around your back, and the way he kisses is, unfortunately, exactly how you thought he would. Your hands are tentative in his hair. So is your mouth on his. But Luke is so deliberate in the way he kisses that you know he’s thought about this, too. It makes you all the warmer.
His hand takes your jaw and tilts it up. You know your neck is shaky with breath, and you’re pretty sure he’s admiring it. You don’t complain when he presses a kiss to your jaw, then another one, like he’s testing the waters. “You’re so nice like this,” he mutters almost to himself, thumb running across your neck. “If only people could see you.”
“Then they’d see how mean you are too, no?” You huff. “You don’t want that.”
Another kiss to your jaw. “Not yet, sweetheart.”
Whatever feeling is harbouring in your body right now, it’s so fulfilling it almost makes you uncomfortable. You want to reject it. You’re not supposed to want things. Worse, you’re not supposed to get things. Luke starts marking a path down your neck and you are so determined to enjoy this that you’d kiss a fucking baby if someone asked you to. You might as well be a saint.
He bites the pulse point on your neck, sure to leave a mark, and a shudder rips through you. You’re pretty sure the bastard starts laughing. You hit his shoulder in retaliation.
“Easy, heathen,” he reprimands in your ear, and you know he’s still smiling.
“Don’t—don’t call me that.” You hate that you start to smile, too, and that your stomach burgeons with butterflies when he pulls back to look at you.
He touches the corner of your upturned mouth, kiss-bitten and red. His expression is boyish. “Hard to when it makes your face do that,” he goads. “I thought it was impossible for you to smile.”
“Be quiet.” You thread a hand through his camp necklace and bring him closer. You can almost taste his mouth on yours, but he sweeps past you at the last minute.
He gently tugs your earlobe with his teeth and whispers, “Yes ma’am.”
Fuck him. Seriously. You might have to.
It’s a tangle of teeth and hands and smiles kept hidden, as you slip your fingertips beneath his shirt and he does the same, and you’re both angry and greedy and incredibly destructive, but it doesn’t matter yet. Now you’re just teenagers fooling around at the back of a party, and it’s the first good thing either of you have had in a long time. Luke leaves you gasping whenever his mouth hits certain places, maybe too many places, and he teases you accordingly. “So sensitive,” he taunts, pressing his knee between your legs so he can see you squirm. You rake your nails through his scalp and he tilts his head back to groan. It shuts him up for a while.
He bites your neck until you say his name. You trace lines on his stomach till he takes your hand in his own. You’ve been hungry for something your whole life, and you finally have something to sink your teeth into. For better or for worse.
After Hades knows how long, laughter floats out from the front of the cabin. Sounds of feet tripping over each other and muffled goodbyes. You pull away from Luke, chests heaving together. His hair is wild, his shirt crumpled, and he looks entirely satisfied with it. Smug little shit. “Party’s letting out,” you mutter.
“What a damn shame.” His hand rubs your jaw, and it’s too tender a gesture so you angle your head away to peek over the side of the cabin. You barely pay attention to the kids straggling back to their bunks.
“Is now the time you tell me all my horrible qualities?” You ask once you’re ready to look at him again.
He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Actually, I came up with more since I said that so I’m pretty sure it’ll take more than one night.” He fakes a wince, “Might have to spread it out for a few days.”
You roll your eyes, “Oh, you ass.”
“I’ll give you one for starters.” You feel like a tornado when he kisses the juncture between your jaw and your neck. “Your hands are too cold.” They’re tucked underneath his shirt right now, pressed against his back. You don’t move them. “And,” he adds, “you’re incredibly crass.”
“Thanks, dipshit.”
“Thank you for proving my point, heathen.”
The commotion at the front gets louder, and you know your time to go undiscovered runs short. “You meet me again tomorrow, and I start telling you the rest?” He raises his brows.
The prospect both repulses and excites you, although perhaps they’re hand-in-hand. You tentatively reach up to trace the scar on his face. A faint, jagged line that holds scripture within it. His eyes flutter shut for a moment. “Even though I’m rotten?” You ask, and there’s an echo of mischief in your voice, too.
He’s got a strange expression when he looks at you. “That’s not true.”
He leans down, angles his head to kiss you. It’s slow, but bitter, and he bites down on your lip until you’re pretty sure there’s blood. “Luke,” you murmur, and he kisses you softer. You lean into him like a hapless, lovesick fool.
After you part, he loosens his grip on you. The bumbling campers have gotten louder. He stares at you, and you see the chasm in his eyes again, brimming with fire. Same as yours. You know you’ll see him tomorrow.
He says, “You’re not rotten. You’re right.”
And damn it, you really do believe him.
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valentine-writes · 9 months
hii!! i was wondering if you could write headcanons for like the main four spider-kids (miles, gwen, pavitr and hobie) with a reader who like smacks people when they laugh really hard? preferably w/ a reader thats a spider-person but its up to you! :3
aggressive affection!
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, dude used once in a gender neutral way, mentions of bruising and minor injuries (but nothing crazy), spider-person reader, reader forgetting that being a spider-person makes them stronger,,, um. (°ー°〃) oops!!! 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. gwen stacy, hobie brown/spider-punk, miles morales, and pavitr prabhakar
author's note: YES I CAN YES I CAN!! this prompt iz so funny AUWWUDH I HOPE I DID IT JUSTICE!!! つ﹏⊂ also super excited 2 get to write more of them becuz AWUDGWAAHWGHWAGUAGH I LOVE THESE CHARACTERZ SMM,,, also excuse me if there's more repetition or typos than usual,,, im eepy ( つ᷄ ‸・ )
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GWEN STACY headcanons
▸ the first one to fall victim to your little habit. she doesn't mind in the slightest, mainly because she's generally pretty welcome to friendly touches- even if it is slightly more aggressive than she had expected. frankly, you could've literally bitten her and she probably would've reacted the same.
she's a little awkward about it at first, pausing mid laughter as you deliver playful hits to her shoulder and bicep. she playfully shoves you away at first, like, "haha– what– what are you doing–" but quickly warms up to it
▸ here's the thing though. she 100% will do it back. if you're both joking around and losing it over something, you end up hitting each other through laughter. and it'll INTENSIFY. at some points, everyone's wondering if you two are actually beefing or not ur not. itz the way u show affection 2 one another,,, in the strangest manner
when you're assigned on missions with her, you usually end up chatting– and then you find something hilarious to giggle abt and everything goes off the rails
y'all will return to HQ bruised asf like "nah man the anomaly didn't even touch us."
jessica and miguel DEF pick up the fact y'all goof off and beat each other up before even locating the anomaly HWJEJNDNE
unfortunately– gwen is slowly paired less with you on missions becuz of this. they can't have you distracting one another a girl can never have fun fr </3
nothing that some good behaviour can't fix! just try not to give each other a complete smackdown while on duty and you'll be paired together again in no time! hopefully...
▸ both you and gwen forget that being spider-people involves super strength. and though you're both used to taking a blow or two, it stands plain and obvious that the two of you can get carried away. gwen especially. she's just a little rough sometimes– not like she means to be.
sometimes, the dull ache from the bruises she left leave you wondering if you're both a little too funny for your own good. at least she makes sure to take care of it and hold back,, when she can.
when it's your turn to get carried away, she sees your eyes widen as you splutter a million apologies to her. but every time you deliver one hit too hard, she insists it never hurts much as you think.
"dude, it's okay. you can chill out." gwen reassures. "besides, i'm built tougher than that."
she flashes a grin at you, and it's almost convincing. like she didn't even feel a thing. you know better though– gwen definitely has days where she's more sore than she'd like to be because of you. not like she'd ever admit. she likes the random play fights between the two of you.
though, you will admit that the amount of trips to the infirmary in search of ice packs is getting just the teeniest bit absurd. people are starting to ask questions at HQ-- which is fine. the frozen bag of peas gwen offers to you for your injuries works just as good as any ice pack ...it's been sitting in the bottom of her freezer for God Knows How Long but you don't need to know that
HOBIE BROWN headcanons:
▸ you see how this guy interacts with people???
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hobie's used to friendly touches, and initiates physical contact without overthinking it. that little shoulder shake he does w/ miles makes me smile everytime i heart hobie. ALSO AAUWHEHWH LEBRON AND DWAYNE'S HANDSHAKE BEING HOBIE'S AND PAV'S?? I ADORE.
you really think something as little as a few friendly punches and hits bothers hobie "forehead-kissing-the-homies-goodnight" brown??? /lh + /hj but man platonic physical affection hobie. like. hear me on this one.
▸ he's 100% cool with it– actually initiated it before you did. nothing crazy, a light smack on your back or arm as he laughed with
eventually, while joking around with you, realized you had the same habit
you end up hitting each other quite a bit– but he's not as accidentally aggressive as gwen is. laughing with hobie won't get you hospitalized, he's cognizant enough with his strength to know how much to hold back.
▸ then again, there are times where you get carried away. hobie's quick to shake it off, not feeling the effect of the hit until later– if you notice and apologize, he'll just shake his head and shrug
"nah, nah– it's fine." he insists, chuckling a bit as he rubs the spot where you smacked him. "there's been worse."
and yes, objectively, you know that's true– but you both fight villains in your everyday life. of course there's going to be worse than just a hit too hard. he won't accept an ice pack– but will joke that you could just kiss it better instead
that earns a groan from you, smacking him again in the arm for good measure as he snickers
MILES MORALES headcanons:
▸ doesn't hate it!! not against it!!! find it surprising at first. he didn't expect a playful punch to his arm in response to his little joke, but watching as you giggled uncontrollably, hitting him lightly– he decided that he didn't mind too much
he knows you don't mean any harm, so it's cool with him! he's rolling with the punches literally every time you two are losing it
▸ if you land a smack on him that ends up being a little too hard, he'll definitely try to play it off awkwardly, rubbing it and nervously laughing when you ask if he's okay
"oh sh–" you promptly stop, your smile fading as concern floods your face. he winced slightly at your last hit and it was much to obvious to ignore. "you good, miles? i am so sorry–"
"me? yeah, yeah– it's cool!" he replies dismissively, giving you the lightest punch back. miles laughs nervously at your completely unconvinced expression.
"bro. cmon. be real."
"that? hah– nahh. barely felt it." spoilers!!! he felt it
you keep it in mind to dial it back a bit when with miles, because he barely hits back and hates admitting when it actually hurts.
you'll get an occasional "ow–" with a little chuckle, but he refuses to acknowledge that you might be a bit too rough. he jus doesn't wanna hurt feelings man :(
you're his friend who gets a little too carried away sometimes– and that's fine!!! besides, he can't let gwen and hobie have all the fun.
"you holding back on me?" he asks you, noticing your hits have gotten weaker.
"what's it to you?"
"i can handle it. 's fine!! really!" miles says. there's a beat of silence as you stare at him incredulously.
"and you didn't bruise last time?." you ask, raising an eyebrow.
"...say swear."
miles raises his hands, sighing. "ok, look–" HE WANTZ 2 ROUGHHOUSE W/ HIS FRIEND TOO OK (*ノε`*) besides. u and gwen and hobie seem to have so much fun w/ it,,
▸ because of his stubbornness, you oblige, pulling your punches just a little less when having a little laughing fit with him.
as a result, miles develops a habit deflecting your hits while absolutely losing it. gently shoving your hands away as you smack him, both of you doubling over laughter
miles will say sumn he knows you'll find a lil too funny and just,,, *cue continuous hitting and blocking as he predicts literally Every Movement you make* he's literally learned to parry becuz of u HAJWBDKDNEN
▸ the type to pretend to beat up his friends while making punching noises when he's bored
he's just lightly tapping u with his knuckles going "pow– pow pow– bam–" under his breath HANWJENDN IM SORRY I FIND THIS FUNNY. i also. do this. (。・・。).
and ur like "...uh. ok."
he's def not opposed to it!! when he has the energy, he's all for it!!! pavitr's playfully hitting, shoving you away, gasping for air as the two of you giggle over something that's only really funny to the two of you.
he's pretty energetic most of the time, and it manifests as you "brawl" with each other as you laugh over some stupid joke.
▸ when you hit him a little too hard, most of the time, he doesn't even notice until the aftermath manifests as a bruise or two on his arms– but even then he doesn't care.
however,,, there are occasions where he initiates it, laughing and smacking you– and when you're laughing with him, raising your hand to hit back, he'll gasp dramatically, recoil instantly and get all dramatic about it i'm projecting all the things i do onto pav i bet u cant tell /sarc
pav the minute you decide to try and get him back– bar for bar, word for word:
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he's just a little guy,, a little guyy,,, nooo,,, itz also his birthday,, he's a little birthday boy– HWJWBDN SORRY THIS IS SO UNSERIOUS
this is a bit that he drags on FOREVERRR like itz the funniest thing in the world
▸ ALL of his hits are a little too hard. he does the fake beat up thing a lot but when you two are roughhousing, you're the one reminding him to chill out through stifled laughs
he'll immediately soften the blows quickly at your request, knowing it's probably best for you to remain as uninjured as possible when not doing mission. can't have your shit rocked before you even face a villain!!! his hits end up somewhere between hobie's and gwen's– an almost perfect middle (*´꒳`*)
occasionally, he'll literally just... take the hits. not like miles where he's deflecting. he's jus standing there laughing while you smack him. which is a concerning sight for anyone who isn't used to your antics!!!
this happened in hq once and peter b, who happened to be walking by, lowkey thought you were straight up attacking pav
upon hearing the two of you giggling though, he figured that he wasn't witnessing an act of violence and didn't have to step in
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arataka-reigen · 7 months
Fall Anime Lineup Review by yours truly 🙋‍♀️🍄🌻
This season, I decided to watch as many anime as I could just for funsies :^) in total, I have started 19 shows, and I will be reviewing most of them here to help you decide whether to give any of them a go or not.
(This review will include exclusively animes that debuted this fall, so no second seasons or continuing shows from the summer season)
I will be classifying these anime in three categories: "definitely worth the watch," "anime i've dropped," and "not a masterpiece, but check it out if you like the premise"
Reminder that this is my personal list, and as such it 100% reflects my personal tastes (like my preference for female main characters and yuri shows)
So I might give 5 stars to shows other people would find bad, and that's okay! I invite others to make their own lists as well <3 (insert lets take ibuprofen together meme here)
(Last thing: i've added cw for only a few shows, and this is by no means an extensive list of all possible triggers for any of these shows, so watch at your own risk and if you want more info you can always ask or dm me)
Without further ado, let's get on to it (under read more because im not a jerk to make you scroll past All That)
Definitely worth the watch / Top 5 Shows of the Season
The Apothecary Diaries
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Summary: Drama, Historical, Medical, Mystery. An apothecary gets kidnapped and forced to work in the emperor's palace as a low-level servant. She is determined to quietly work until her years of servitude are over, but when the emperor's infants fall ill, Maomao uses her medical abilities to solve the mystery of their illnesses and accidentally attracts attention to herself, being brought to work in the inner palace instead.
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: This show is incredibly well animated and voice acted. The characters are brilliant and the stories are beautifully touching. It appears to be slightly episodic so far, with Maomao having to solve a new mystery or save someone's life every episode, but there is still a sense of a continuous story being told and I can't wait to see where it goes.
The strongest part of this show is definitely the MC. Maomao is incredibly competent, self-assured, and a no-nonsense person, but she is also completely obsessed with drugs and poisons, going so far as to test them out on her own skin and become completely giddy when she is presented with the opportunity to work with drugs in the inner palace.
Another great quality is the sorority between women, Maomao was raised in the red light district, and the courtesans there taught her a lot about life, which Maomao applies to her everyday life.
If you only have time to watch one anime this season, this is the one I'd tell you to watch.
CW: self-harm, child death, kidnapping, classism.
Edit to add one more cw: pedophilia (it is treated as a bad thing and not endorsed, but it caught me by surprise while i read the manga so i thought to warn this is an upcoming topic that will probably appear on ep 6)
Sousou no Frieren
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Summary: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy. What happens when you are a 1000 year old elf who has to live on after your friends' death? For 10 years, Frieren and her companions fought against the demon king, disbanding after he was defeated. The story accompanies Frieren after Himmel, the Hero, dies, and she has to come to terms with the fact that the short 10 years she spent with him have made a big change in her life.
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: Much like The Apothecary Diaries, Frieren's tale is not full of battles and fast paced episodes, actually it is slightly episodic, accompanying Frieren as she goes around collecting spells (that's her hobby) and traveling around the land through all the places she went with her party back in the day, seeing their statues and getting to experience new things while trying to figure out what those 10 years of adventuring meant to her.
This is MadHouse we are talking about, so of course, the animation is one of the strongest attributes. Sound design is also very good, you get to feel the quiet moments and appreciate them. The ending song is so good.
Also like Apothecary, Frieren's greatest qualities are the characters, especially the MC and the feelings they have to face.
Tumblr loves characters haunting the narrative right?? You guys are gonna love Himmel, the Hero istg
CW: death, grief, mild violence.
My New Boss is Goofy
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Summary: Iyashikei, Workplace, Comedy. Momose used to be harrassed by his last boss so he decided to quit his job and joing a different company. Momose's new boss, Shirosaki, is an airhead and being in his presence is a fun and healing time for Momose
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: SALARYMEN YAOI. This show will heal your soul. The animation is simple but pretty, the cute effects like the ones on the gif above really help set the mood of a cute show. You've heard of cute girls doing cute things on anime, now get ready for cute salarymen doing cute things such as adopting a cat and naming it their shipname, riding the merry go round together, etc.
Also, may I offer you a canon bi/pan male character who is not embarrassed to come out?
Btw this is iyashikei, so nothing really happens, that's the whole premise of this genre. No drama, only healing. Idek if there is anything i could put as content warning. CW: cuteness overload.
I'm in Love with the Villainess
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Summary: Isekai, Fantasy, Comedy, Girls Love. Rei wakes up in the body of the hero of her favorite otome game. Her favorite character in that game happened to be the villain, though, so now she is determined to dedicate herself to pursuing the villainess.
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: I debated a lot whether or not to include this on my top 5, but the incredibly deep and honest discussion about sexuality on ep 4 definitely swayed my decision in its favor. The animation is nothing special tbh and at times can feel very static, but the character design is good enough for me.
This anime is like if Maria from Hamefura was the one who got isekaid and then fell in love with OG Katarina, so... yeah, of course I love it.
It seems that this anime will go in some interesting and unexpected directions as well in the future so I consider this is a must watch of the season.
CW: classism, discussions of homophobia, mc can come off as a bit of a stalker,
To complete my top 5:
I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness
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Summary: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy. Despite being innocent, Charlotte is accused of evil deeds, has her engagement annulled, and is forced to flee her country. While crossing the forest, running away from royal guards, she collapses near the residence of one man known as "The Demon Lord"
When he hears her story, said Demon Lord decides to let her live with him and teach her all about the naughty things in life (such as splurging on clothes, eating dessert instead of dinner, and playing games all night long).
Rating: ★★★★★
Review: EXTREMELY WHOLESOME. You'll be cheering for these two to get together in no time at all.
It's kinda like My Happy Marriage, but with less drama lol the female lead was raised as a servant in her own home, much like Miyo, and then gets rescued by a male lead who wants her to learn how to assert herself and live for herself, pursuing her dreams and valuing her own life.
Not a single moment with the male lead so far has been anything but incredibly wholesome and funny, Allen is genuinely a good person who wants Charlotte to heal for her own sake. He gets incredibly happy when she hides a secret from him because it means she is becoming her own person.
So far, this anime hasn't had a single problematic trope this type of romance anime usually has, and i don't think it will. What it does have are fun tropes like: "and there was only one bed", side characters hardcore shipping the MCs, male lead who is genuinely a good person but laughs and talks like a villain, etc.
ALSO, this series has not one but TWO catgirls <3
I could genuinely talk about all five of these animes for hours, but I still have lots of others to review. Hit me up if you want to talk abt any of them, though, i'm gonna be super happy.
Honorable Mention:
Spy X Family Season 2
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Rating: ★★★★★
Anime I've dropped or will probably drop soon
The Vexations of a Shut-in Vampire Princess
Summary: Comedy, Fantasy, Vampire. Komari is a shut-in vampire who is weaker than most vampires because she refuses to drink blood. One day, she wakes up to the news that she was appointed as commander of a unit of the imperial army and must now do her best to win wars and survive while all the vampires under her command fight for her position
Rating: ★½ (a full star is too much, so I'll give it half a star)
Review: This one is bad, fam. The reason I found why it is so bad can be summarized in a 3 words: the male gaze.
Komari is filled to the brim with yuri bait, with every female character being into the MC, but all of it is 100% targeted to male audiences. This show is NOT classified as shoujo ai, so i wouldn't get my hopes up and ultimately dropped it after only the first episode.
If you need one more reason to Not watch this, I'll let you know that in less than 10 minutes of the first episode the MC almost pisses herself because that's a thing they decided to include for no reason at all.
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-rank Adventurer
Summary: Adventure, Fantasy. After losing his leg as a newbie adventurer, he retires and returns to his hometown, becoming a handyman for the village. One day, while searching the mountains for herbs, he finds a child and raises her.
His grown-up daughter leaves to become an adventurer herself, and after years, she hasn't returned home not even once...
Rating: ★½
Review: Oh, I wanted this one to be good so badly 😭 it was one of the animes I was most looking forward to after reading the premise. Actual dilf character who is in his 40s and not in his 20s? I wanted it to be good. But, alas, it is bad. There is nothing problematic with it at all, the anime is straight up just bad. Bad animation, horrible pacing, terrible exposition, abhorrent setup of the story, not enough moments dedicated to setting up the story and making the characters interesting at all.
I Shall Suvive Using Potions!
Summary: Isekai, Fantasy. The God of Earth accidentally kills Kaoru and, as compensation, offers to lead her to a new life in another world with any power buff she wishes for. She chooses to be able to make potions with any effect of her choice, infinite storage space, and other stuff
Rating: ★
Review: ngl the first half of the first episode was pretty interesting, with Kaoru dying and then bargaining for compensations, but after this it just gets very very very boring. Nothing too bad about this one, it's just not worth anyone's time.
Tearmoon Empire
Summary: Fantasy, Time Travel, Comedy. Following her execution at the guillotine by the hands of the revolutionary army, Mia Luna Tearmoon wakes up to learn she has returned to when she was 12 years old, before the downward spiral and decline of the empire that led to her death. She finds her bloodied future diary, and decides to use it to change events to ensure she doesn't end up at the guillotine once again.
Rating: ★
Review: i honestly still don't know where i stand with this anime. It's got an interesting premise, but the development of the story is not at all interesting. This and the S-rank Daughter anime are under a category of "animes i wish had better writers."
CW: death, torture
The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch
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Summary: Fantasy, Comedy, Gag Humor. Alyssa, a witch who lives alone in the forest, picks up an abandoned human baby one day. 16 years later, Viola had not only grown into a daughter who adores Alyssa, but also into a woman of exceptional proportions, and the people around them mistook Viola for Alyssa's mother
Rating: ★★
Review: it pains me to drop this one ngl, as it is a very sweet mother & daughter story and I feel like we don't get enough of those. The story can be very wholesome at times, and i've had more than a few good laughs with it. But it's just not interesting enough to keep you watching, and most of the jokes get old pretty fast. I'd recommend watching just the first episode because it is cute and funny enough by itself
Not a masterpiece, but check it out if you like the premise
Hoshizuku Telepath
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Summary: Comedy, Girls Love, Supernatural. Fifteen-year-old Umika Konohoshi, with a love for aliens and space, is having a hard time socializing at school, but she hopes her words will someday reach other people. When self-proclaimed alien Yuu Akeuchi enters her life, Umika will learn more about being open.
Rating: ★★★★
Review: Just cute girls doing cute things + this one is actually classified as Shoujo Ai, so i have high hopes for a bit of romance. So far, it's just been very, very cute, wonderful animation, cute characters, cute interactions, cute everything
None of these characters are neurotypical btw.
I highly recommend this one, it almost made my top 5.
16bit Sensation: Another Layer
Summary: Time Travel, Workplace, Comedy, Otaku Culture. Konoha is an illustrator who loves beautiful girls and bishoujo games. She works at a video game studio and dreams of making bishoujo games. However, in the present, where mobile games are all the rage, Konoha spends her days as a sub-illustrator just coloring the back of background characters.
One day, after some happenings, Konoha got her hand on a masterpiece of a bishoujo game, and upon opening the package, she is suddenly taken back in time to the golden age of bishoujo games (the 90s). She joins a company named "Alcoholsoft" in pursuit of her dream of making games.
Rating: ★★★★
Review: Main character loves infodumping about her special interest so much she manages to get herself a time travel deal after infodumping on a random old lady.
This is another anime that almost made my top 5. It has a slow start and the continuity sometimes makes no sense ngl, but the premise is still very interesting. I was used to stories where characters get isekaid into a completely different time and space, but this girl is just sent back 30 years in time so she can witness the boom of her beloved bishoujo games.
The MC can get kind of annoying sometimes, but it isnt too unbearable, I still highly rec it.
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Summary: Action, Super Powers, Drama. As the planet approached its third World War, individuals with superpowers appeared from around the globe to maintain peace. They became the symbols of their respective nations, striving to limit crime and bring evildoers to justice. Teenage heroine Teru "Shy" Momijiyama is Japan's representative in the world of heroes. When a mysterious threat called Amalareiks emerges, Shy must work together with her fellow heroes to stop them at all costs, all while dealing with her own feelings of inadequacy and shyness.
Rating: ★★★★
Review: a lot better than I expected, the myanimelist score does not do it justice istg. This season is full of shy and reserved main characters, but I feel like they get to be a lot more interesting than your usual shy characters. Both Hoshizuku Telepath and Shy deal with their shy characters in interesting ways and I rec both.
I also absolutely adore Iko, who is one of the first people saved by Shy in the anime, but she ends up badly hurt, which sends Shy into a spiral of doubt and fears.
CW: mild violence, death, grief, self hatred and suicidal thoughts
Migi and Dali
Summary: Comedy, Mystery, Suspense. Osamu and Youko want to adopt a child, due to their increasingly old age, they decide they can only take one kid. They decide to adopt Hitori, a gentle and beautiful boy.
However, Hitori's humble and overly polite exterior is merely a facade. In reality, Hitori is a carefully crafted character played by identical twins Migi and Dali. They did all that to be able to infiltrate their childhood town and uncover the mystery of their mother's death.
Rating: ★★★★
Review: This show is batshit insane and absolutely hilarious. These twins mistrust everyone around them and are constantly on edge to maintain the facade of being only one person, the extents they go to keep this up make for hysterical situations and I just couldn't stop laughing while being absolutely horrified by everything that goes on in this. This is a very disturbing anime, though, and the cw for this is gonna make you question whether or not you can trust my opinion, and you know what? I don't know if you should trust me either. But like,,, it really is that fucking funny. It is also just incredibly disturbing and fucked up as well, so watch at your own risk.
CW (this one is very problematic, don't say i didn't warn you): non sexual forced infantilization, non sexual forced pet play, non sexual groping, forced partial nudity, forced eating, minor incest vibes, implied murder, invasion of privacy, surveillance, classism, fursona, bullying, kidnapping and imprisonment. Most of these things happen to a minor, so.. yeah... not great...
If you would like more info on these cws before starting this anime, feel free to send an ask or dm me.
Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions
Summary: Mystery, Detective, Comedy. Totomaru wants to solve murders and help people, but lacks the skills for it. Following the advice of one of his seniors, he ventures out to enlist the aid of the reclusive Ron Kamonohashi. Five years ago, Ron was the most promising detective from the illustrious Detective Training Academy Blue; yet for reasons unknown to the public, he sank into obscurity.
The true reason Ron withdrew from the detective world was not from lack of desire, but rather from something out of his control—and Totomaru might just be the key for his return to his former calling.
Rating: ★★★
Review: This is the classic sherlock ripoff that comes around all the time. Not saying it is bad tho, it is quite fun and the dynamic between Toto and Ron is very good. The animation is pretty decent as well. I have only seen one episode so far, but I already like it.
Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me
Summary: Romance, School. As part of a punishment game, Ryuuto is forced to confess to the girl he likes, Runa Shirakawa, a very popular student.
Runa doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment, so she simply agrees to date him.
They have different friends and ways to have fun, and they are different in almost every way. Nonetheless, they begin to relate with each other.
Rating: ★★★
Review: this romance is quite fun and cute, Runa is very carefree about her relationships and isnt embarrassed by things like sex or whatever, she is quite experienced (as the title says), but she has never experienced real love so she just goes around dating in search for it. Ryuuto is very different and gets embarrassed just thinking about holding her hand. He also wants to make her feel appreciated and figure out what her interests are, so he is one of the first dudes to actually treat her like a human being, which, god, it is so real how men take women for granted and this anime shows that by the juxtaposition of Ryuuto being an actual decent person.
Anyways, it doesn't get a higher recommendation from me because the main source of conflict so far in this anime is another female character, who hates the female lead. And that. Uhh. I don't like stories like this. Im a women loving eomen. Im a yuri enjoyer. Im a girl's girl. So, i'd enjoy it more if the antagonist wasnt a girl who hates the female lead. But it is good enough so far to give me hope that this will change in the future.
The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons
Summary: Slice of Life, School. The Yuzuki family, which consists of four brothers, lost their parents two years ago. Hayato, the eldest son, is a hard worker and the pillar of the family. Mikoto, the second son, is calm and collected, but he has a soft spot for his younger brother Minato, the third son, who is energetic and lovable, but clumsy and awkward. Gakuto, the fourth son, is a studious and mature first-grader who is often referred to as a "wise man." The story follows their daily lives.
Rating: ★★★
Review: this is the only actual shoujo of this list. The rest is either shounen or not classified as either. I have only watched one episode so far, so I can't say a lot about it, the first ep was cute and wholesome, as most slice of life is. I say go for it if you want some wholesome family.
Undead Unluck
Summary: Action, Comedy, Super Powers. For the past 10 years, Fuuko has been afflicted by a condition that brings extreme misfortune to anyone who touches her. This has resulted in the deaths of her parents.
As she stands on a bridge above train tracks, Fuuko is touched by a strange man, causing the footing underneath him to break and dropping him in front of an oncoming train. However, when Fuuko finds the man's corpse, she discovers that his body is regenerating and that he is coming back to life.
The man is immortal and wishes for death. Together, the two will look for the best death possible.
Rating: ★★
Review: god, this one is absolutely insane and so full of blood and death, help. But it is good, I had A Lot of fun with the first ep and I'll give it a chance because I can see myself getting really into the main couple. This is a hardcore shounen tho, so it does include some classically annoying tropes, especially since the dude has to touch her to be hit by her unlucky powers.
This season only had 2 shoujos, and one of them had a classic shoujo problem (problematic age gaps), so i didn't watch it. Here is to hoping next season has more shoujosei.
Thank you for reading until the end (wtf, are you crazy) and happy watching <3
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kimis-gloves · 2 months
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Runnin’ Home to You: Part 2 - read pt 1 & 2 on ao3
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100 follower special!!
warnings: swearing, mostly fluffy plot and then they get it ON at the end, 18+/Mature Audiences. oral sex m!receiving, max speaking dutch😫
word count: 2681
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Max and Charles stood there. Charles was lost in the depths of max’s eyes, unable to find any words to say to him in this moment.
“I’m sorry I came so late. I didn’t mean to disturb you this way.” Max forced out, still unable to piece together exactly what he was doing inside of Charles’s apartment.
As Charles guides them back to the couch, he’s wondering what max could be apologizing for. Max was more than perfect for Charles and Charles would open his door for max at any hour for any reason, even if it meant pushing aside his aching heart to help someone whoo was a friend first.
“It’s okay, max. I’m not upset that you came. I’m glad you chose to come here rather than doing something dumb.”
“I dont know where I went wrong with kelly. I thought everything was perfect. I gave her everything she wanted, but in reality, I guess she just wasn’t everything that I wanted.”
“What do you mean max?” Charles questions, he along with everyone else, was under the impression that Max and Kelly were the duo, together forever, through thick and thin.
“I mean, is she inst the person I love, she int the person I long for after a hard race or a long meeting? Shas not the one I crave to smile and laugh with. I don’t feel the way about her that I feel like I should. I messed up so bad by loving someone who I wasn’t in love with. I dont know what to do Charles. Im for certain the one I love doesn feel the same way, and it hurts so bad. All I want to do is to show him how much he means to me, but I’m afraid that doing so will destroy my bond with him.”
“He?” Charles muttered, not even meaning to as he was so caught off guard. Max Verstappen is in love with a man?
“Yes, he, Charles. Im in love with a man and he doesn love me back, big surprise!” max said with a forced laugh, which wasn’t a laugh at all. Charles could hear through the laugh. He could tell that max was struggling so he could only do what he does best.
“So tell me about him,” he mumbled, with so much care to hear who this mystery man is that has max on such a grasp.
“Wha- Oh. Him. Well, to put things short, he’s everything I wish I could be. To me, he is my definition of perfect. Every moment I spend with him is like coming up for air after almost drowning. When I’m with him, I’m truly myself and I don’t see myself being that way around anyone else. The way he stares at me when we’re side by side, the look of hope in his eyes, just begging for me to let him by one time, hoping for a chance at something..”
As max carried on, Charles began to wonder who this person could be, he almost starts to get jealous that this person has obtained so much of max, parts of max that Charles thought he would never see until his thoughts are cut short by something max says
“... And god does he look fucking stunning in red”
And that’s when it hit him. Max was in love with Charles, and Charles was in love with max.
When max saw how Charles looked at him after he accidentally blurted out a crucial part of Charles’s identity, he feels his breathing start to deepen and his heart race faster than he’s ever gone in his car.
“Well, he sounds like a catch,” Charles chuckles with a quick wink in max’s direction.
“Yeah.. he really is, I guess”
“So, what are you going to do about it? You can’t know for sure until you ask him yourself and honestly max? Youre amazing. You have the best qualities a person could have, personally and physically. He would have to be stupid to not feel the same way about you”
Max hasn’t noticed how close Charles really is to him. He can hear the soft sounds of air escaping from his nose. Charles’s silence is something he could drown in for an eternity.
“Max, you okay? Do you nee-”
That’s when it hits max. Charles was talking about himself, of course he was! How could he have not noticed all along, how perfect Charles was with accepting him into his home in the darkest hours of the morning. He cuts the blue-eyed darling off with something Charles finds to be unexpected from max, to be so upfront with what he wants.
Max cuts off Charles with a kiss, not as passionate as max had hoped but soft and delicate, enough to hopefully convince Charles to kiss him back.
And he does.
Charles cups his hands on max’s jawline, opening his lips ever so slightly to invite max in. max adds a touch of appreciation by embracing the kiss and tasting the freshness of Charles’s mouthwash. He can’t help to think to himself what kissing Charles would be like when his mouth tastes like max.
As they come back up for air, the heavy breathing and light pink flush on Charles’s cheeks drives max absolutely mad.
“That’s what I’m going to do about it,” max utters, barely over a whisper as he can’t believe he just kissed the love of his dreams, and he kissed him back.
He finally admitted it. Charles thought all along that he was just being delusional, or crazy. But he knew that the way max grabs onto his waist way too early for way too long for a podium photo, or the way max smiles and blushes while he’s spraying Charles with the champagne of winners. Even how he chooses to talk to Charles over everyone else when he has the chance to. It was so obvious, but everyone told Charles not to believe what he thought. Max enjoying the view as drips fall from Charles’s features a bit too much, looking more Charles than Charles ever has.
But max however, looks fucking amazing right now. Lips puffy and panting, cheeks covered in a mild blush, and looking at Charles like he might explode if he doesn’t kiss him again.
So he does. Charles goes back for the second kiss. More desperate than the first and both clinging onto each other with a deep need for each other on themselves. Max pushes Charles lightly to lie down on the couch, but Charles insists on taking max into his bedroom as he would rather not fuck his dream guy on something that would take impossibly long to clean up. He’d rather wash his sheets. Charles finds himself getting off track as he’s leading max down the long hallway towards his bedroom.
Max admires the art Charles has displayed on the walls, as he also noticed Charles’s beautiful piano in a separate room along the way, he’s wondering just how beautiful Charles would look spread out, bent over the thing he adores so much, but not nearly as much as he adores max.
As soon as they both step into the well-decorated room, of course Charles has better taste than I probably will ever have. Max is thinking to himself.
He’s standing shyly in the middle of Charles’ room as Charles, painfully slow, makes his way towards max, resting his hands on max’s broad muscles.
“Do you know how badly I’ve wanted to tell you how much you are to me,” Charles says, voice deep and rasped with desire.
“What do you mean?” max knows exactly what Charles means, he just wants him to say it so that it can be real.
“What I mean is, I have had my eyes on you for so long, our entire lives max. What I mean is I have watched you grow into who you are and I’ve only fallen harder and harder as times gone on. The amount of nights I’ve spent thinking about the way you touch me with what I was made to think was simple innocence, friendly rivals, was actually so much deeper, and that means more than anything to me right now. More than a championship, more than my seat at Ferrari. I will do absolutely everything to make sure you are loved every day and to protect you and our relationship. Whether that means pretending like nothing has changed in front of the media, I will do it because if it means I get to have these moments with you, then I will do it happy.”
“Charles, i don't know what to say or how to say what i want to”
“Dont say anything, just fucking kiss me right no-”
That was everything Charles needed. He didn’t need words from max to know he felt the same because the way max immediately grabbed onto Charles’s waist, the familiar touch feeling so much more intense right now than it ever has bin. It’s filled with need and want from max, almost as if he’s hoping to never let go of Charles for the remainder of his lifetime. His tongue diving deep into Charles’ mouth, tasting everything Charles had to offer as if it was his last meal. He quickly pushed Charles onto his bed, letting him get himself comfortable before putting his obviously larger body on top of Charles’s.
“Youre wearing too many clothes,” Charles demands
“Oh- Okay..” max stumbles back, balancing himself somehow on his legs, which felt like jello after hearing everything Charles had to say.
“We don’t need to do anything. I do not want to pressure you, but you should know I’m a virgin”
Max was surprised that he was shocked at his. He didn’t want to assume anything, but he had thought Charles would’ve used his beauty to his advantage by now.
“I was hoping someday, this.. Would happen. I guess I was right,” Charles said with that cheeky smile that always made max go crazy.
“Well lucky you charlie, I am too.”
“But I thought you and kelly-”
“Never, it never felt right to do it with her. But this?? This feels so fucking incredibly right, Charles. I can’t explain, i just need to show you..” and that he did as he quickly removed the remainder of his clothes. Charles finds himself staring in awe at max’s built figure. Broad shoulders and a perfect shape, thighs that could kill him if he wanted to. Max feels his desire as he mumbles.
“hall die eraf” - *take those off*
“English please, Maxie,” Charles giggles, but blushing at the sudden rasp max’s voice always has when he switches to dutch
“I said take those [clothes] off. I don’t like to repeat myself so I suggest you listen close, charlie.”
“Yes sir”
“Sir? Thats new,” Max hums
“Yes.. sir” Charles says in a more sultry tone, hoping to tease max as he drops his shirt off, leaving both in just their obviously sponsored boxers.
“Jij bent zo mooi charlie..” - you’re so beautiful
“Max.. I can’t understand you” Charles pouts as max takes a few steps closer to him, eyes roaming all over his lean but controlled figure. He really does look so beautiful like this, only for max too.
Max takes a moment to admire the Monegasque before he pulls him in for a deep kiss, this time not lasting long before max finds his hands trailing down Charles’s bare body, leaving soft but wet kisses along his jawline, smelling him in a way he never has before.
Before max could stop him, he found himself being pushed onto the bed by Charles, sitting as he watches Charles drop down to his knees, meeting the level of his thighs, he rests his head down on max’s thick thigh & max ruffles through his hair for a second before Charles starts to leave small kisses along max’s thighs, slowly leading up to where his boxers. Charles gives a max a look that speaks more languages than max can while he’s drunk. Max nods in allowment as Charles struggles to pull the tight boxers over max’s thighs and ass. Max’s already hard large cock springs out and Charles lets out a small gasp, in excitement and in worry as to how he’s going to fit all of the max inside of his mouth, let alone anywhere else..
Charles watches attentively as max’s cock leaks pre cum when Charles starts to lick the base of his cock.
“Charles, please don’t be a tease.. I promise we will have so much time to try things. I just want to feel you right now, please mijn liefje” - my love
“Yes, Max,” Charles spits as he takes Max's cock in his mouth. He sucks on his cherry red tip as he tastes the slightly salty taste of max’s pre cum in the back of his mouth. There’s nothing that tastes as good as max does, as well as there’s nothing that looks as good as max does. His breathing growing heavy as he takes in this fresh sensation that Charles was giving him.
“You taste so good, Maxie..” Charles hums before deciding he’s ready to attempt to fit max’s length in his mouth.
“You don’t have to take it all at once, i get it, its pret-”
“Youre so big, max, I fucking love it. I can’t wait to feel it stretch me out n fill me up with your cum” Charles says with a whine that leaves a chill up max’s back, worsening as Charles takes him in his mouth again, this time going deeper and deeper until he’s reached the slight fuzz of max’s cleaned up pubic hair. he smiles- or at least tries to when he feels the tickles against his face as he's mildly gagging on max’s cock, there's nothing that he could be doing right now that he would enjoy as much as this. he could live with max’s cock down his throat. After a moment of getting comfortable, Charles starts to move his head up & down along max, letting his dick lay flat and heavy on charles’ tongue. The more Charles starts to see how desperate Max is, the more he gives him.
“oh- fuck char- fuccckkk-“ max hisses as he cant even create a sentence when all he can think about is how fucking good charles feels on him.
Accidentally jerking his hips up, charles pulls off of him and continues to stroke his cock with his left hand and that's when max notices that charles has been jerking himself off this entire time, both are painfully hard for the other as charles gives max those doe eyes that drive him mad. It's not long before Charles goes back to sucking on Max's length when Max has to let him know that he's not gonna last much longer.
“charlie please, baby, i'm not gonna- hnnn- not gonna last much longer..” Max whines
Pausing for a second, charles says lewdly “please finish down my throat maxie, i need to taste every bit of you..” and with that max did. a warm surge of thick & sticky fluid runs down his throat and as charles swallows it max cant help but stare in awe at how almost innocent charles looks after he just fucked his dick like that. soon after charles finishes himself and finds himself laying with max, not a word said but they know by now that words aren't necessary. they already know.
“Quiet max, please. Its 5 in the morning, im fucking spent. Get some rest and we will talk about all of this tomorrow”
“Alright, Goodnight Charlie”
“Goodnight max”
With that, they both drifted to sleep with limbs entwined with limbs. heart beats & low, synchronised breathing filled the room along with an aura of belonging. This is where Max wants to spend the rest of his life, with charles. vulnerable and raw. all will be complete in the world of max verstappen as he sleeps, unknown to what would happen when he woke up.
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thank you so so much for 100 followers! i appreciate every one of you ❤️ i really hope you guys enjoyed this, i had fun writing it:) please lmk if you would like to see more of this duo & look out for new content soon!
likes, reblogs, comments & kudos on ao3 are always appreciated ❤️❤️❤️
- Alex
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vampireimiko · 1 year
𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !!
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, NONE 😹
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, i am so sorry to the person that requested this omg😭 ive been busy and feeling down as of late but i felt good tonight so heres this
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ okay so !! holt as a bf would DEFINITELY be interesting
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ let's start off with how you met first though 🙈
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ let's say your new to monster high, eager to make friends and somebody just happens to be chasing holt and he bumps into you while running down the halls
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ JAW DROPPED is what he is to say the least, your so gorgeous and it literally stops him in his tracks and the monster chasing him tackles him, you went over to check on him and the rest was history
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he's so sweet😭 definitely a bit of a himbo
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ holt will never know how he managed to bag a hottie like you, but he thanks whoever's on his side everyday 🫶🏾
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he loves showing you off omfg, he will definitely bring you to parties and introduce you to EVERYONE, even if it's somebody the two of you don't know
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ you know that one meme where it's like when they're like 'this is for you' when getting ready to shoot a basketball but totally misses? that's holt ALL THE WAY
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he LOVES making beats dedicated to you, would 100% play them at a party and shout you out over the speakers
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ if your into music just as much as he is, i can def see you two having sessions with each other that consist of making different beats and just overall playing around
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he's so hyper and energetic omg, sometimes you don't even know how you keep up with him
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ i imagine you'd have to be pretty good friends with jackson since your dating holt💀 it probably does get awkward between you guys but you all eventually get past it
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ overall, having holt as a boyfriend is pretty fun !! there's never a dull moment whenever your around him <33
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, ONCE AGAIN IM SO SORRY THIS CAME OUT SO LATE 😞💔 i just went ahead and did headcanons because i did not have it in me to write a oneshot😭
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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lexi0widow · 1 year
Wassup bestie, just as promised im here- and with a request for Stu macher, because there simply isn’t enough content for that lovely man! ;v;
so, could I request Stu with an Alt S/O, who finds out he’s one of the killers, and she’s just like, “…that’s..that’s kinda hot-“ and she just doesn’t give a fuck that he’s one of the killers-
I’m sorry but I can’t be normal about him. Could it be HC format, and you can add in NSFW if you like. anyways, feel free to dilute/take out some parts of this ask and, remember, take your time, and have a great day/night!
AHH!! I’m in love with this idea thank you for the request and apologies for taking so long!! 🫶🏻
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So like
He LOVES you so much
literally everything about you, how you dress, your personality EVERYTHING
hes head over mf heels
If you wear platforms hes asking to try them on at least 10 times per day
I hc Stu as like super tall (like 6’4) so if you wear platforms he loves that hes not the only tall one anymore
Anytime you buy new clothes he needs a fashion show
Hes setting up a red carpet just so you can show him the new earrings you bought
Speaking of jewellery he loves buying you different stuff
Earrings, necklaces, bracelets anything you can think of hes bought you it at least once
If you dye your hair hes 100% helping you
He genuinely could care less about the mess you two make of his bathroom he wants to help!
He would spend all his time in your room if it matched your aesthetic (even if it didn’t hes still there everyday)
He buys you gothic stuff to decorate your room with
‘What do you mean you don’t need plastic bats to hang from the ceiling?’
Stares at you whilst you’re doing your makeup
As for the killer part
Hes SO nervous to tell you
Like i said he loves you and he 100% does not wanna lose you
So when you come home one day and hes standing with a knife in his hand covered in blood he damn near has a mental breakdown
But when you’re like
‘Lowkey- Thats hot-‘
Its like hes just fallen in love with you all over again
Tries to get you to join him and billy
Understands if you don’t want to
Is literally jumping around in happiness if you say yes
He loves you either way
If you have any sensitive spots with piercings or tattoos good luck
Stu knows about them and he is absolutely using them against you
Lowkey hes down to try anything
He will sub if you ask him too
He will dom if you ask him too
He just wants you to be happy
And he wants to make you cum
Over and over again
Can do praise but he can also degrade
Or both at the same time
Whatever works for you
‘F-fuck such a good little slut for me aren’t you?’
Sorry but it had to be said Stu whimpers
Only cares about you
He would rather make you cum 1000 times and him not at all
then him cum and you have to fake it
Also wants you to be comfortable all the time
Makes a safe word even if it isn’t super rough
You’ve seen his tounge
He can do wonders with that tounge
Just wants his whore to have a good time <3
I hope that was okay my love<33 thank you so much for your request it was super fun to do
My asks are open for anyone else with requests!!
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clouisluvr · 2 years
dating sean diaz hcs!!
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first of all. he is so Comfy like.. when you both hang out hes always in a freshly washed, soft cotton shirt and shorts (basically how he looks at his grandparents house in ep2) .. fluffy socks too for sure and he always smells SO good like laundry detergent but also a hint of cologne😭 he wants you to be super comfortable as well so u probably show up to the diaz house in pyjamas
they for sure got the ethnic blankets™️ in the diaz house so yall are in his bed like this :
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sean loves to cook or bake with you .. i think it’d be a little competition of who makes the nicest food. i think sean wld be a good cook but a HORRIBLEE baker!!😭 measurements are all wrong, cakes either rise too much or too little, and he manages to burn whatever he makes every time lmaoo. so even though he knows he’ll lose at baking, he does it anyway just to see you win.
movie marathons are a MUST in ur relationship!! u have an extremely long notes list w all the movies u guys have to see and u watch one every friday after school. daniel occasionally adds cartoons to the list🫶
as much as he finds daniel annoying (and realistically daniel is ALWAYSS gonna be hovering around yall a little bit) he wants you to like daniel because he loves daniel more than anything (even though sean before the events of ep1 rarely shows it) he cant be in a relationship with someone that doesnt love daniel, its definitely an ick for him when other people call daniel annoying. sean can insult daniel but nobody else can!!!
esteban is definitely a leave the door a few inches open kinda dad😭 fine with you guys staying in seans room but doesnt wanna give you guys too much freedom. he’d definitely trust and love whoever seans with and accept them as part of his family <3
sean cleared a little space in his wardrobe for you! filled with mostly a couple hoodies, joggers and pyjamas!
okay hear me out ,, sean likes to match outfits but NOOTT in a cringe way more in like a subtle, ‘it’ couple way. like yall will have the same hoodie but he’ll have it in black and you’ll have it in white.
sean likes pretty laidback displays of affection. maybe a hand around ur shoulder or interlocking pinkies .. nothing too over the top, but always some form of physical contact to remind you of his presence!
you’ve definitely washed and styled his hair a couple times and sean absolutely ADORES the feeling of ur fingers running through his hair… he always shyly asks if you could scratch his scalp a bit and you always always do! if he has the superior sean haircut in ep3 where its grown out, you definitely brush and blowdry it to make sure it looks good
sean always has music playing in the back when ur in his room 100%. u guys probably have countless collaborative spotify playlists (i personally think sean is a frank ocean enthusiast) he associates so many different songs with you and loves making new memories attached to good songs
sean draws candid portraits of you like all the time. he just thinks you look so beautiful when you’re focused on a movie or immersed in a book or intensely trying to finish your homework. you always kind of notice he’s drawing you after a while, but dont want him to get self conscious so you pretend you have no clue
its currently 12am and im sooo sleepy and cant be asked to read over this so im sorry if there’s any typos or its not super gender neutral lmao i was writing it as a bit of a self insert i fear ..
hopefully this is decent enough for a first post🤞🏽 enjoy sean diaz lovers!!
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buriedinsand9 · 11 months
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
thirty four
miles morales x hispanic!reader
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summary ✧.* you hear a loud crash outside of your window of your apartments fire escape. you find yourself face to face with spiderman, he asks you to help him with his wounds. you help the hero and you feel create sort of connection.
genre ✧.* (strangers to friends to lovers, sorta a low burn ig?)
warnings ✧.* (blood mentions, wound mentions, needle mentions) wc: 2.3k - ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
the clock reads 8:34 P.M you lay in bed on your phone, scrolling mindlessly. you hear a loud crash coming from your window, from what you saw from the corner of your eye, it looked like a person. usually cats or birds will fall onto the fire escape, they'll never crash into it. you open your window and look around and see the spider-man wounded on your fire escape "hey..haha.." he says "a-are you okay?" you ask rushing out onto the fire escape. "yo, you mind uh.. helping me out?" he asks pointing to his wounds. his suit is partially covered in blood. "yeah no i can help you out- uh is that yours orr.." you ask, pointing at the blood on his suit. "i dont really know." i help him into my bedroom window and sit him on my bed. "what do you- what do you need help with?" you ask. what an obvious question. he points down at his bloody and torn suit. "right.." you reply in a low voice, almost a whisper. you leave the room and find your family med kit. is this even real? i mean spiderman is in my house, on my bed, my sheets, asking me for my help. this has to be a dream. you think as you rummage through the hallway closet. you come back seeing him hold on to the side of his stomach. you put the med kit on your desk, your back facing him. "do you- do you know how to treat a dagger wound?" you turn to him quickly "you got stabbed?" you ask in concern. "..sort of?" he replies, you sigh. "wheres the wound?" you ask with a hand on your hip and an exhale leaving your mouth again. he takes his hand off the side of his stomach and shows you the dagger wound. "oh shit." you reply, looking closely at the wound. "im gonna assume you put pressure on it right after you got stabbed because you arent gushin' out blood." you say, turning around to your materials "y-yeah i did. so can you treat it?" he asks, a wince following his reply. "oh yeah for sure, i just need to stitch it up." you say finding the correct materials, which isnt much. its just a needle, some thread, gloves, some cotton pads here and there. you sterilize the needle and thread. "this is gonna hurt like a bitch." you tell him as you organize your stuff. "you could bite down on a wet towel or you can hold on to one of my pillows." you tell him, putting on your blue gloves. "can i, uh, bite the pillow?" he asks. you stop in confusion. "you know what.. sure." you turn around with the thread and needle in hand. "okay so im not a doctor. that means if you get an infection its totally not my fault." you tell him as you sit next to him. he laughs. he lays down on the pile of pillows you have at the feet of your bed. he pulls his mask just above his nose to breathe better, you watch the mask un-reveal his facial features. spiderman has some soft lips- hold up, not the point and obviously not the time. you think to yourself. he grabs the nearest pillow he could find, biting on it. "relax your body, count down to 100, and focus on your breathing" you tell him, inching closer to his wound with the needle in your dominant hand. you start to stitch up his wound. you feel his breathing getting heavier. "you're doing great, just focus on your breathing." you reassure him, still stitching him up.
you finish stitching him up, cut the excess thread and stand up from beside him. "are you feeling okay?" you ask as you grab the cleaning supplies to clean his other wounds. "y-yeah 'm feelin' better already." he tells you, sitting up. "im just gonna clean up your other wounds. is that okay?" you ask him, turning back around to face him and he nods. you turn back around, changing your gloves to clean ones. you sit back down next to him, attending his other wounds.
you see his eyes start to wander around your room. "yo are you a photographer?" he asks pointing to some polaroids on the desk. "oh yeah. i take pictures of things sometimes." you clean around some shoulder scratches he had. "is that me?" he asks about a photo you had on a small box of him swinging around. "oh shit yeah. i saw you swinging around late at night and i snapped a picture. i actually have a couple more in that box. im on the roof a lot and you swing around a lot so.. you know." the room falls silent. did i weird him out? you think to yourself. the silence breaks as he starts talking. "uh do you mind showin' me?" you relax your shoulders hearing his words. "oh yeah, sure." you finish cleaning his shoulder and back wounds and you get the photo box.
you sit down on your desk chair and hand him the photo box. he opens it and takes out the photos you've taken of him. "oh this one looks so badass." he says, showing you a picture you took of him floating in the air. you chuckle lightly at his comment. he pulls out another picture you took of some cats sleeping on a building roof. "i've seen these cats before!" he tells you, a sort of excitement in his deep voice. "i always see them sleeping on the roof next to mine so i have a couple of photos of them." you chuckle as the room goes silent again.
"well uh thanks for the help. sorry for uh.. fallin' on your fire escape?" he chuckles. "yeah no its my pleasure! id say if you need anything you could just come here but uh.. you know." you insinuate to him sending the hint of 'well you're spider-man and im me so i doubt you'll just come back as if im your personal doctor!' he gets the hint and starts to stand up. "oh wait, let me get you a little after-care kit for your wounds." you tell him running out of the room getting the things. you come back with all of the things in a box. you take a post-it note and write the instructions down. "here," you say giving him the box "the instructions are inside." he takes the box and looks back up at you. "oh uh thanks." he tells you with a smile on his face. you open your window for him and he steps out. "be careful with swinging or any physical activities. you dont wanna risk those stitches poppin' out." you both laugh. "ill be seein you spider-man." you tell him. "you too- wait i never got your name." he turns back to you. "bye bye!" you reply, closing your window. "i-" he scoffs, smiling and leaves. he was pretty cute, you thought, well at least what you saw of him was cute.. kind of bummed he wont come back.
little did you know he would come back. a lot..
A/N: ive had this idea for a while now im so glad i can finally write it jsjsjs this is a series btw so stay tuned for part two 😝ill see yall next time hehe
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freakurodani · 1 year
top 5 haikyuu moments !! (can be particular scenes or episodes or arcs) :D
OKAY!!! so i had to gather visuals for this one bc i have many feelings about this!! I went for scenes that no matter how many times i watch, they never lose their magic for me, no matter that i know theyre coming, it still takes my breath away and makes me roll around with delight, these most of these i feel like are probably pretty obvious ones, they were meant to be impactful but ough, if they dont tear me up in the best way
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I mean, what can i say??? what IS there to say?? theyve been teammates for a few weeks at this point, but hinata has given all his trust to kageyama and in turn, kageyama promised to use it to its full potential. its also a promise for their rivalry!! like, okay okay okay think about it, with the context we have with Kazuyo, kageyama has *already* decided that hinata is going to be his someone better! he sees it innately and he wants to draw it out of him, and he's, hes trying to be *hinatas* someone better too!! do u understand *shakes you* do u see what i mean!!! i mean, im sure u do, im definitely not the first person to go insane about this and ppl have probably also said it in a way thats smarter than me but just, ough
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its,,,, its,,, the acceptance of it all,,, i just think about how *alone* kageyama must have felt after his grandfather passed, we see and know that hes not good at connecting with people. hes bad at communicating and hes sensitive and he's scared of getting complacent. like, the all youth camp arc and atsumu calling him a goody-two-shoes is kageyama struggling with how he is changing, how hes trying to incorporate the influences he's gotten from his betters, and he cherishes it, but he's also felt like the advice he'd been given didn't also mesh with certain parts of himself. or, thats how i read into it, anyway. he tries so *hard* to be what ppl need him to be, and he's *so scared* of being rejected again. and this is hinata (and the rest of karasuno) telling him "HEY! we like you! we think you're smart and you dont have to shoulder connection all on your own! let us help you connect with us in a way where you feel comfy too :)" and then they talk about how they want communication! and it works!! and i just *rips into a pillow with my teeth*
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HINATA'S PERFECT RECEIVE!!!!! so the inarizaki match is probably my favorite?? there are so many good moments but *this?* you wanna see me go insane? do you want smth thatll make me tear up? every time!! its just!!! a beautiful culmination of all of hinatas hard work that he's put into during the year! its his change of mindset! its his growth!! he's fallen a level deeper in love with volleyball and ive fallen a level deeper in love with his character
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halo around the moon <3 Tsukki's block, his hard work, his character arc and development and everything is just *chefs kiss*. i remember the first time i watched the show, i,, *hated* tsukishima, and i think we definitely arent supposed to like him at first, but GOD does that turn around!! and this moment just feels so *earned* and *epic* and in the end HE STILL ISNT SATISFIED!!!!! he STILL wanted more!!! this point was worth 100 god fucking damn!!
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im talking about the inarizaki match again!! but this time with a focus on Tanaka, who kind of struggled with this match! he was in a low place during it, felt stagnated and lame. Tanaka, as a character, i would say is best characterized by his mental fortitude and stability, funny enough. He's wild, but i think part of his visual design lends that as his base (since he's often compared to buddhas/monks). But in this match, we get more depth, we see him falter and struggle! it takes more than just a slap to his cheeks to get better (tho tsukishima does point out that he gets out of his depression pretty fast) but like, tanaka uses meaningful cognition to break his rut, and its also just like, advice that I've seen used for stuff like any kind of creative block as well. The visual during the animation, he's climbing up the stairs, he's slowing down, he's coming face to face with a canyon, a plateau. He sees two options, give in, or push forward and he picks "the cooler" one, and struggles forward, forces himself ahead! and kageyama backs him up too, by not letting him back down, assuring him that his usefulness hasnt reached its end and AUGH I LOVE A TEAM YALL
okay thank u so much for the excuse to ramble about haikyuu moments that mean everything to me <33333
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 102. brb
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a/n: HAH yeah, wow im melting it's so HOT here
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: personal issues that Rooster chooses to ignore, Bea being a good wife again, <3
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
His skin felt amazing, he couldn’t help rubbing his face over and over during the night, it was smooth as Nicole’s little hands and that was saying a lot. Speaking of Nicole, she was currently sitting on his lap as he lies on one of the stretchers they had on the patio, staring at the pool wide eyed and mouth parted.
Beatrice’s footsteps came from the door, he turned around just in time to see her approaching, smiling bright and wide. He just opens his arm to show she should sit down next to them, which she does, scooting over to his side and pressing her cheek on his shoulder, all the while holding out her hand for Nikki to hold. When he sighs deeply, Beatrice’s eyes turn upwards, “Everything okay?”
“Everything great.” he replies quietly, “My face feels so soft.”
“And it smells really good.” she adds, “But you always do.”
The brought another smile out of him, followed by a kiss to the top of her head, “Ah…gorgeous. I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
With his lips still on her scalp he just murmured, “Thank you for being here for me.” he says, his breathing tickling her head and making the strands move a bit “You don’t have to worry so much but you still do.”
“I’m your wife.”
“But still.”
Beatrice pulls back to look at him, furrowing her brows and gently brushing her thumb on his smooth cheekbone, “I love you a lot,Brad.” she whispers, “And I want you to be okay…” her lower lip disappears into her mouth for a few seconds “Can…can I ask you something?”
“Always, gorgeous.”
“Did you…ever go to therapy? I mean I-I- you never um, told me if you did…”
Bradley inhales softly, giving her an almost guilty smile, “Last time I went I was thirteen…then I just stopped going.”
“Oh…can I ask why?”
His eyes dropped to Nicole’s light ones, kissing his daughter’s forehead, “I guess I couldn’t handle some of the stuff the therapist wanted to talk about. I figured that holding it in made more sense, didn’t hurt so much…plus I…I had a fucked up mindset about mental health back then, I didn’t want my friends to know that I had a therapist.”
Beatrice frowns but understands completely, there was this weird stigma back then about taking care of your mental health and understanding you needed to, “I understand.” she says, “Do you think you’d ever…go to one again?”
“Therapy?” she nods, propping her chin on his shoulder and Rooster has to think about it before responding. He never…really thought about going back to therapy in his adult years, then again he did think everything was fine as long as you pushed it further and further away from the main area of your mind.
And it was obvious it wasn’t working.
At all.
Or else they wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Part of him felt like he should go ahead and think about it, because he wanted to get better and he wanted to feel like he progressed mentally. But the stubborn part of him refused to admit that it’d help, that it’d be easier to let things go if he talked about it with someone else, someone whom he has no familiarity with…but again, would he want to keep venting to Beatrice?
She was a good person and she cared about him, of course she’d always be there, but it wasn’t healthy to let that sort of info on her so often. Just as it wasn’t healthy to hold it in…he groans, rubbing his eyes with the tips of his fingers because he was giving himself a bad headache, “I’m okay,gorgeous.” he says before she even asks because he can feel her head lifting from his shoulder to give him a better look.
“You sure?”
He laughs humorlessly, “I think so.” he groans one last time before dropping his hand to Nicole’s small back, smiling at his daughter’s relaxed pose against his stomach, her tiny fists under her body - just like Beatrice did - and her eyes blinking closed, “I don’t know…honestly. I…I don’t know if therapy would help me.” lies, his own voice answer, all lies and you know it.
“Why not?”
“Didn’t help me back then.”
“Maybe you didn’t have a good therapist.”
True, she was the school’s therapist who’d much rather be out chain smoking than taking care of any child that wandered into her office, “...maybe.” he mutters, “I don’t know, there are some cans of worms I’d rather keep closed.”
“Roos,” she frowns, “That’s not healthy.”
“...yeah,I know.”
She tsked a bit, “You are the sweetest guy I know…you don’t hide your emotions when it comes to me…why are you doing it to yourself?”
Damn. She was good.
He just blinked at Beatrice in pure shock, because those words felt like a punch to the throat and he lost all ability to speak. His wife was so smart and she could read him so well he wondered why he hid stuff from her. “I…I don’t…know.” he frowns, “Maybe a therapist could answer that, huh?” she smiles as she nods, placing her cheek on his shoulder as both look towards the pool, the gentle rippling of waves made by the night breeze.
The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, it never was, thankfully the two could handle the quietness without fidgeting and wanting to fill it with words that wouldn’t add to anything. She hugs his arm, sighing softly as they hear the crickets chirping in the night, their daughter napping peacefully on Rooster’s stomach, “I’m scared.” she blinks when his voice breaks the silence, turning her head towards him, “I’m scared of talking about it.”
“I’m scared…of coming to terms with certain things.” he frowns, still looking ahead, “About Mav, my mom, my life…I fear they’ll overweight my progress. My professional progress I mean…I didn’t needed it before and needing it now seems weird. I know it’ll help me but I’m also nervous of what it’ll bring to the surface.”
Beatrice furrows her brows over his explanation, flicking her gaze away briefly to think before looking back at him, “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but it’d really help Brad.”
“I know.”
“And I know it’s scary…it was scary for me too,sometimes still is. Dr.Varma is an intense yet wonderful professional. Therapists can be like that.”
“Yeah…I guess.” he chuckles again, but immediately furrows his brows, “I don’t know Bea.I like…I can talk to you because I trust you and I love you so much, but I don’t want to overwhelm you with what I have.”
“You don’t overwhelm me.”
“You are my wife, not my therapist.” he says gently, cupping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing alongside her jawline until he reached her plump lips, smiling when she kissed the pad of his thumb, “Ugh,I’m still hesitating.” he drops his hand to Nicole’s back again, adjusting her on his torso so she’d be even more comfortable, “I shouldn’t be.”
“...I have an idea.” he arches his brow in question, “You can have one session with a therapist, doesn’t have to be Dr.Varma if you don’t want to. See how it feels and then…if it works, you continue with it. Does that sound good?”
He thinks about it for a few seconds, licking his lips as he ponders the pros and cons of that suggestion…honestly there were more pros than cons. If it goes well he can continue, maybe he can schedule days when he’s not deployed, he doesn’t want to miss anything with Beatrice and Nikki after all.
“How about this.” Bea speaks again, smiling at him, “Why don’t we wait after the Holidays and after we get back from Virginia?” he blinked at her in surprise, “We’ll be relaxed enough and hopefully you won’t be deployed then,”
“Huh…” he licks his lips, “I like that idea.”
“I thought you might.” she smiles, “I don’t want you to feel pressured,Brad, that’s not what I want,ever, for you…you need to think about it and when you do think about it, you’ll figure out what to do…and I’ll support you no matter what your choice is.” she grins and his heart flutters.
She’s so understanding, she’s so sweet and he’s the luckiest man around.
Both of them however look up when they hear a rumble of thunder, “Again?” He quickly stands to his feet with Nicole clutched to his chest, offering his hand to Beatrice, “It was clear skies minutes ago.”
“Well the weatherman said it’d be rainy this week.” She smiles as she pushes the door open, stepping inside first and Rooster following just behind. Nicole made a noise of complaint in his hold, burying her chubby face into his shirt and only making both of her parents look down at her, “It’s about her bedtime, we better tuck her in.”
Rooster tsked in disappointment, but he agreed with her, closing the door before Beatrice could and then holding her hand as they walked up the stairs. She looked down at their joined palms with her cheeks a soft red, turning her eyes up to see the back of his head and knowing that this meant a lot to him.
This hand holding meant a lot to him, more than he wanted to show.
Beatrice just sighs softly, their soft steps up the stairs mixing with the sound of rain that hit the roof repeatedly signaling that they left their patio just in time for the rain to arrive. Beatrice turns on the light so Rooster can place Nikki in her crib, the little girl stretching her arms and then relaxing once she’s on top of her mattress, breathing in deeply as relaxation took over her tiny body.
Rooster had his arms folded on top of the crib’s railing, chin propped on top and his eyes soft as he looked down at Nicole, his wife silently making her way over to him to peek over his shoulder, “I’ve never seen something more perfect.” he says as Beatrice hugs his torso and places her cheek on his shoulder, the two of them admiring their sleeping infant, “Have you?”
“And she’s ours.”
“She is.”
He inhales again, rubbing his eyes with the tips of his fingers, feeling Beatrice gently rubbing his bicep to comfort his already stormy thoughts, kissing his cheek quickly, “Come on.” she whispers, “We better go too, we both have to wake up early tomorrow.” she holds his hand again and Rooster lets her guide him away from there, kissing the back of her head as they leave the room, “Rooster!” 
He wraps his arms around her waist and walks along with her to their bedroom,well, more like they waddle towards their room. They laugh, muffledly to not wake Nicole up - Eleanor even peeked out of the nursery to give them an ugly look because to the dog, that was more noise than she’d like - with Beatrice leaning against his chest and brushing her hand on his face, “I love you.” he whispered, kissing her cheek, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too Roos.” she whispered, turning on the lights and finally breaking free from her husband’s hold to walk deeper into the room and sit down on the bed. Rooster follows the same steps and plops down next to her and both of them fell back on the mattress in unison, his hand immediately reaching out for hers, brushing his thumb over her knuckles.
“You know.” she turns her head towards him when he speaks, “Maybe the trip to Virginia will be good to ease my mind.” he mutters, “I can think better that way…hopefully I won’t be too worried about it anymore.”
Beatrice turns to lie on her shoulder, bringing their joined hands so she could prop her cheek on top, “As long you are okay.”
“I am okay.” he says softly, “I am much better than before…” and his eyes stop to look at her, those big green eyes with thick lashes that made him weak in the knees, the plump pink lips that always looked ready to be bitten and kissed, the button nose that crinkled whenever he tapped it, “You helped. A lot.”
She gave him a small smile, kissing his knuckles, “I’m glad…sometimes all we need is a skin care routine with your family.” they laugh again, a bit louder this time since they were far from Nicole’s room.
“Yeah.” he touches his extremely soft face again, arching his brows, “My face smells nice, like pomegranates.”
“Those are the best face masks.” she says, adjusting herself so she’s lying on the pillow instead of the mattress, watching as Rooster did the same, sighing softly as the softness surrounded him…and it was hard to keep his eyes open after that, but Beatrice didn’t mind.
She just watches as his chest moves evenly and his eyes finally slip shut, smiling and leaning closer to kiss his forehead, “Good night,Roos.” she whispers on his skin, “Sleep well.”
Luckily, he fell asleep quite quickly after their conversation, in fact he fell asleep too quickly, mid conversation with Beatrice. He had no nightmares, but instead he had a dream…a dream of a house, maybe a ranch? He saw horses, lots of trees, bushes filled with fruits and even a large lake in the distance.
And he saw Nikki,albeit a bit older, maybe around three or five, with a straw hat on her head eating fresh strawberries as she overlooked something on a hill. It didn’t look like it was anywhere he knew though, the mountains in the distance looked different, more…European. 
Like the ones he’d see in Italy during their honeymoon. 
He groans a bit in his sleep, stretching his body while still in bed only to feel the presence next to him move closer, that delicious smell of lavender entering his nose and making a smile spread over his lips, “Mornin’ gorgeous.” his thick with sleep voice murmured, nuzzling her hair and kissing her scalp, “Did I wake you?”
“Hmhm…” she says sweetly, blinking her eyes open towards him, “But it’s fine. How did you sleep?”
He drops the hand currently moving through the sandy brown strands with a happy sigh, “Honestly? Pretty good.” he smiles, turning to face her and gently rubbing his thumb on the corner of her eyes, seeing there were tiny pieces of hair clinging to them, “I had a dream that we were in a ranch of some sort.”
“Yeah, but not here,” he clears his throat to wake it up from the disuse, “It was…maybe Italy, I saw those mountains from Palermo…and Nikki was there too, but older, like three years old. She looked beautiful, she looked a lot like you.” he blinks his eyes a bit, “It was really nice.”
Beatrice smiles as she props her chin on his shoulder, “Well, my great grandparents had a ranch in Italy when my nonna was younger…did I tell you that?” 
“I think you did.”
“Maybe you were remembering things and joining them because you liked Italy that much.” she grins, pecking his lips twice before sitting on her knees, “I’m going to take a quick shower and then-” she pulls her hair up in a bun, “I’ll prepare breakfast, sounds good?”
“I can do it.”
“You have work today,Roos.” she says as soon as she’s out of the bed, adjusting the shirt on her body and shuffling to the bathroom after grabbing her clothes from the closet, “You don’t have to worry about that,handsome.”
Bradley huffs a soft laugh, sitting on the bed to watch her move around, “Bea.” he calls before she disappears into their bathroom, “Want some company?”
And her hesitation was the best thing because he could see she was turning the cogs in her head, because of time and because of what they could do…she was considering it, “Well…it is five in the morning.” he’s climbing out of the bed like a big cat ready to pounce, “And…Nikki is still asleep.” he ‘hum’ positively, getting even closer, “And…breakfast won’t take that long.”
“Nope,it won’t.”
“Although,” she presses a hand on his chest when he’s close enough, “We can’t spend too long here, so…um, you know. And-” she squeaks in surprise when he just picks her up and carries her to the bathroom, “Roos!”
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angelhummel · 1 year
not to be a hater i was just thinking about this recently. the biphobia in Glee is so inconsistent with how its addressed.
like i’m pretty sure the ONLY person who ever gets called out for saying anything remotely biphobic is Kurt (which like im glad bc it was a shitty thing to say. tho i think kurt antis use it to frequently paint this rhetoric that kurt is a bad person bc of one (1) shitty thing he said)
meanwhile santana can say shitty things about bisexuality bc shes mad that brittany is dating sam and thats apparently fine???? she really has the idea that brittany is betraying her for penis which is bizarre. also i feel like she enabled dani’s biphobia as well.
i love santana, but i feel like this issue is heavily glossed over by fans while kurt’s comment is apparently bad enough to crucify him :/
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I know we've talked about it before but I also just thought of it again recently. Bc there was a poll with Here Comes The Sun and someone in the tags was like "I'll vote for anything over Dani's biphobic ass" and it's like well baby girl Santana's biphobic ass is literally standing right next to her. And people sure don't have a problem voting for Santana's songs despite how blatantly biphobic she also is
And also transphobic, we can throw that in there, bc it's always about Penis and Boys hand in hand like there's no other option. Never mind Unique has been on the show for over a season, let's keep equating dick with gross boys and pussy with beautiful lesbian 100% pure sapphic goddesses 😍😍 Bleh it's like they tried to cram in every last shred of offensive sexual language they could think of into one two minute scene
BUT it's not like I'm judging that specific tagger, or anyone else who dislikes Dani. Bc at least Santana is a character with a million other things going for her besides the worst things she's said (exactly like Kurt hi) whereas Dani had like ten lines in her time on the show and half of them were "sapphic goddess" and "i love lady parts" barf
"She enabled Dani's biphobia as well" yeah literally. She could've just said "I was dating a girl and it didn't work out and we broke up" but she specifically threw "and she was bi" into the middle of it like that's part of the reason they broke up lmao. Santana, who tells Brittany that it's okay for her to date someone new, boy or girl, just to throw a fit when Brittany ends up dating Sam and makes it into some weird thing about her need for dick and how she's Less Than bc she's bi. And telling that to a potential new partner so she can reinforce her shitty stereotypes by also being gross about bi people (: Amazing
And anyway bringing it back to Kurt and double standards but like. That's pretty much the only offensive thing Kurt ever said lmao. Like yeah he said some dumb or thoughtless things here and there but if you take out that one glaring fuck up, you're not really left with anything that bad. Whereas if you extract Santana's biphobia from the equation, you're still left with six seasons of racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, fatphobia...
So yeah :) Double standards, anon, double standards x
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hopespeakwriting · 2 years
Hihi!! I was wondering if I would be able to request Ryoma, Akane, Mondo, Chihiro, and Nekomaru with a S/O thats like Mitsuri from Demon Slayer?
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Okay, i-i never saw demon slayer.... i know, i know, im strange- so everything on this is based on the fanon wiki, i hope you like this anyways <3
Ryoma Hoshi:
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Okay- he's not that big on love but-
You?? Yes.
You have a loving aura that makes everyone smile, surprisingly, even him.
Ryoma can see the love in your eyes when you look at him, as if the look in your eyes spoke to him.
The way that you giggle and blush everytime you look at him, The way that you play with your hair, looking away when he kisses you.
He doesn't understand.. why..
Why do you like Him? He's a criminal. You Hate violence. so why him? You hate anything who harms the others. so why? You are supposed to hate him.
but you dont.
you praise and compliment him, you give him your love and affection, you say you love him.
Ryoma can't understand the way you think. but he understands that he loves you.
Akane Owari:
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Akane is absolutly in love with you.
She's confused by you. like- how can someone be so???
Kind, loving, sweet, caring. You are the walking definition of a angel!
If you like PDA she can and will cuddle you for eternity
You panic every time she gets hurt after training with Nekomaru
"Nah, relax babe! its just a scrath! im okay i swear!"
immediately hugs you after
bear hugs!
Seriously, akane is so in love with you, the way you are so kind with everybody, the way you show affection is just---
Mondo Owada:
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you two are the completely opposite of eachother, someone who's always ready for a fight and you a loving and peaceful person.
Protects you from literally anything and everything.
Tries to keep his strong/mean persona around you and fails miserably everytime you smile at him.
Treats like a literal angel, its the least he could do for someone so caring and loving like you.
Mondo is easily pissed off, so he could be starting a fight and then:
"listen here ya punk! you wanna fight huh?! do your worst."
Owada feels a hand on his shoulder, he looks behind him as sees you asking him to stop.
He apologizes to you hugging you and walks away from the fight holding your hand.
Completely in love with you.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
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Two loving pacifists? hell yeah.
Tries to be as affectionate to you as you are with him.
Before you shower the boy with affection, please note that he's easily flustered.
Chihiro can literally just hold hands with you and be red like a tomato.
Shower you with all the love and affection he can
oh, and a bonus! you and him dislike violence so you dont have to worry about him getting in a fight or anything like that!
tell chihiro you love him and see him get all happy and blushy.
" I- i love you too! hehehe~"
Nekomaru Nidai:
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Another one that showers you with affection and bear hugs!
Would a hundred percent hug you for all the eternity.
completly in love with you
everytime he looks at you you can see little hearts in his eyes.
is a 100% sweetheart with you. carries you around bridal style.
Nekomaru dislikes violence too. He swears on his life that he only fights akane for training and that he dont really hurts her.
thinks you're the cutest thing in the whole world. Can and will give you twice the affection you give him.
"You're too cute heheheh~ i wanna hold you forever."
I hope you enjoyed! if you want me to change anything please tell me! <3
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Ok ok, Rambling Anon again, glad I cleared that up first. Now for the rambling!
So I mean we always knew it but man Capcom making it REALLY obvious Ada has morals and isn't this irredeemable mustache-twirling villain some of the fandom paint her as. Like seriously they're practically quoting Umbrella Chronicles at this point. it's the same exact situation as with the G-virus: Ada is sent after a bioweapon, Ada then questions the destructive capabilities of the weapon, Ada betrays her employer. Rinse and repeat.
And to get back to my other point in my previous ask, re: getting in Ada's head. I love the little remarks you can read if you interact with stuff in OG Separate Ways, but if they keep playing up Ada's tendency to think aloud, we're going to get so much more on what she's thinking every step of the way and I am so here for it! I hope they keep some of her snark from the OG, it was funny reading her decor critiques and lightened the situation a bit.
And now Ada's infected!? That'll be interesting. I imagine it gets taken care of fairly quickly because she doesn't show any signs of that in base RE4R. We don't see her a lot, but even in the video calls her face looks perfectly non-infected.
oh yes yes okay i did read some of this last night but fell asleep lol
YES i feel like they're being so much clearer that ada does have morals but she's willing to cut a bitch if she feels like she's doing the better thing. there's no morality in re universe. it's true that killing one person might save 100 people or whatever. she chooses the lesser evil BECAUSE SHE CAN AND I FIND THAT SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING THAT JUST A PLAIN MORALLY GOOD CHARACTER
YES!!!! IM so excited to hear her inner thoughts and to get more characterization for her. re4 separate ways and re6 had the most for understanding her character and you can always tell whenever you talk to someone who's never played it and purposely misunderstands her character. i think that she'll be snarky! and sassy! but a bit cold and reserved at times. i think she'll try to be light hearted sometimes but feel like she wants to do what she can to ultimately save herself. someone mentioned that ada is always there to save leon- who's there to save ada other than herself?
i think the addition of ada's infection wasn't SUPER like. we kinda knew that it was a possibility. but to see it in the trailer and real makes it like WOAH okay she's actually infected. it's going to be an interesting change and it's going to affect the timeline a lot because we're free to speculate when she's infected and when she's cured. i think that ashley and leon both don't show signs of infection until a lot further in the game, so we also gotta think about that.
and ada wearing a fully covered outfit also hides her infection. we also have to consider that it's possible she's infected with a different strain. but YES SO MUCH TO EXPLORE AND DISCUSS AND IT'S COMING SO SOON OMG
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newyorkkiss · 1 month
its me 🥄 im still around im like.. on tumblr to an embarrassing degree because i have. well, problems i suppose. so rest assured i am, more often than not, seeing and enjoying the posts- i really do like all the fun stuff you find and the things you scan and the photos and gifs you post/make! also btw i just got done listening to that mount kimbie/king krule song you posted and i absolutely loved that. sorry i dont reach out much or come off anon ever its the. aforementioned problems. fun fact i live in united states central timezone (spoon technically qualifies as a semi local band to me) and have for all this time! i just dont ever sleep right haha. due to, circumstances. things sure suck and are weird huh! in a general sense. i think you can probably relate. 🫂 <- this is us if you want.
anywayyy sorry this got weird and sad lmaooo please keep listening to good music, including spoon, and posting about it so i can see!! i need to keep learning about how genuinely odd (affectionate <3) britt daniel is. something to be said for how ethereal and feylike he can come off while simultaneously being the most literally just some gen x guy ever. sir why are you willowy.. why are your features so delicate. why is your hair so downy. WHY are you wearing the lamest fit ive ever seen. and so forth, you know what i mean. i also like learning from you about what an adorable babygirlifiable dork alex fischel is which i had been sorely overlooking
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obligatory ↑
but yes spoon anon i missed you so much. you are so loved. please feel free to literally say anything any time. cutting this cuz i'm gonna yap.
that description of britt is so... accurate. like nail on the head 100% truth, words taken straight from my mouth, etc. he can genuinely be so beautiful – it's actually stunning. sometimes he can look like an evil goblin lol. it's astounding. seeing it irl is kind of blinding, hypnotic in a way? he moves so fluidly and perfectly. like 100% control and command of the space he's in – he knows what he's doing. like he could just be like any other performer and just stay stood in one place barely moving – let alone interacting with any other members, which is very lovely to witness – all interaction between them is so heartwarming, like you just know they all actually love doing what they're doing and enjoy performing. they goof off sometimes, don't give a fuck when they do. it's just lovely.
and yes alex is literally the babiest girl to have ever existed imo. only one other man is that good to me but i'm not mentioning (not shameful, just don't think anybody cares. it's sebastian vettel.) that aside he is also so... bizarre? which is something even i overlooked for an extremely long time until i was like Okay what is up w this guy what is his lore. he has a deeply attention deficit riddled childlike quirkiness that i have to resonate with. his tweets on the spoon twt are really unhinged. even his personal tweets are unhinged. he says some of the most random shit sometimes in interviews. he somehow manages to look so fucking beautiful when he's bored as fuck in interviews. i made a heap of gifs from one bts video from their twms era acl performance (need to track down the full thing and make more) and he's so fucking drunk it's endearing – he's just vibing the fuck out in his own little world the entire time. in the post-show interview he's looks utterly hammered sipping from a bottomless solo cup, not saying anything.
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^ literally girls when they're drunk and have no idea what anybody is saying.
it is impossible to hate him. he's genuinely hilarious and all second hand descriptions of him being an instigator and a wild man are extremely accurate. and he's also obviously extremely talented. it's so jhghd to see how -.- he kind of gets whenever britt complements him on that. i'd have to dig around but there was a lots era pod they did and britt complemented him on his ability to play guitar which is a more recent-ish thing for him and said he's better than he is and alex was like Ummm okay? that's not true -__- and it's like ohgh man.... like the first (noisy) solo on satellite is alex btw and it's good?? he even bashes himself for not being able to sing too which is such a lie he sounds like an angel whenever he does live backup... but alas. he is so loved. we love him. everyone loves him. we all know britt loves him. he is the entire universe.
also yes i will forever be posting my garbicth music need not worry... nothing will ever stop me from posting spotify links here or anywhere else. i have a massive general diary playlist of everything i listen to on a near daily basis and it's updated constantly. it's just one huge log of everything i've enjoyed since i was 16 lol. only becomes truly curated after mid 2017, though. also i apologize for the vast amount of greyed out local file tracks in that playlist but i swear a lot of them are worth tracking down if you're really interested.
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olli-online · 1 year
make a post with all your yj thoughts on characters/plots arc and theories before you start s2 <3
HI I JUST FINISHED IM ......oh wow
okay im not a theories person i couldnt come up with something even if u held a gun to my head 😭😭 and even if i could it would make no sense and sound ridiculous. but okay ill start with characters, lottie and taissa are my favs 100% ESPECIALLY AFTER THAT ENDING WITH LOTTIE ????? oh im so excited to see where this is going in s2 i need to see this shit go to 100 dude and TAISSA??? the whole thing with her sleepwalking is crazyy, when i tell u shes become the main inspo for my new oc. i imagine its gonna be tenfold in s2. the way jackie and laura lee died are both so ?? 💀 im sorry laura lees death just made me laugh and jackies.... this girl just stood infront of propellers of a slow ass plane so ig it makes sense she'd just die in the cold out of spite, also where tf is javi is he just dead now too cause they just didnt show where travis and nat ended up. my thoughts are all over the place but im real excited for s2 i LOVE winter scenes and for them to be fucked up?? ohhhhhh blood on snow <3 im just really excited to see more of lottie her character is really fucking interesting every scene that focuses on her is balls to the wall dude. ALSO VAN HAS BEEN PUT THRU THE WRINGER 😭 she was almost left on the plane to die, got her face ripped off by a wolf, got SET ON FIRE??? i dont understand what was happening there i really dont. also shauna is real cool tbh when she was abt to slit travis' throat that was crazy AND MISTY OH MISTY...shes actually nuts im obsessed with her i need the full script for every episode just so i can see all the stuff from her scenes im dead serious. the way she perfectly helped clean up the murder and put adams head in the damn casket oh shes dangerously smart i fear. nat....like i told river shes just like mandy from shameless to me and that is incredibly near and dear to my heart as a mandy apologist. shes been thru hell and back even before getting on that plane dude its actually so sad :( this is all just ramblings and very long so ill leave it there all in all that was incredible and im hooked i will start s2 tomorrow hopefully AAAA i cant wait
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oh wait. one last thing. i actually do have one theory except its just canon and real
this is a trans man
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
hiii i love your work smm so can you give me a txt ship please<333
well im an infp/j , pisces, female and have a lightish bronze skin tone and freckles ( she/her ) my favourite people are my family , friends and txt lol txt helped me in the most difficult times of my life and im sooo grateful for them and i really hope i can go to a concert one day
anyways i also love being alone time, my hobbies are reading, listening to music and art and shopping and watching kdramas or any show. I am confident , empathetic and very emotionally mature I alsoooooooooooo love eating and everyone knows. pizza , fast food, home cooked food alll of ittttttttttt. Im also very very romantic, and love being affectionate to those im comfortable with. Consent is a big thing for me. oh yeaaaah and i have black shoulder length hair, average weight and height for my age. im also a perfectionist and when i want something done i have to do it myself. my love language is physical touch i love hugs and kisses and cuddles lol but i need to be reaussured quite a bit. i love art and maths, the logic behind it all is so fulfilling and fun. I'm quite intelligent i think ha i speak italian well but understand it best , english fluently a bit of spanish and arabic. i also find it so hard to open up and showing my vunerable side so i am a very slow burner but when i feel 100% comfortable you'll hate how clingy i can be. i really enjoy listening , so im more of a listener than talker. Also when i love, i love hard. im always smiling and im VERY sarcastic. I think and daydream alot which is good and bad. ah im also very dirty minded lol and when im stressed i like to tidy my room and clean.
oh my lord the way ive just sat here and waffled about myself for like half an hour ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh im so sorry you have to read this all. i think i repeated myself like 30 times too....thank u in advance, i love ur blog, its like a safe haven
L <3333333
Thank you so very much darling! ❣️🤍❣️
I lowkey had a little trouble on who to ship you with at first because i could see you being well with all of them! Buttttt anyway 😋
I ship you with…
Choi Yeonjun!
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Song recommendation: Everything - Kehlani
- Ride or die couple, Y’all are both so loyal and always have each others back !
- Okay y’all would have such a nice and loving relationship with eachother, plus y’all would be a so stylish frrrr 😌
- I could see you guys like going out and shopping together, and he’d take you to all the best shops in town, and say like if the total came to be a HUGE amount (even if it was a small amount too) He would just hand you his card with the sexiest smirk on his face
- Okay you guys are always going to the most coolest dinner spots for date night, usually every weekend y’all go somewhere fun and hip!
- He is so affectionate to you and LOVES your freckles (he thinks they are the cutest thing in the world omg)
- Boy spoils you with his love fr, like hugs kisses anything, and he all know he is good with his words so he would always reassure you when he needed to!!
- Okay he would fine it so COOL that you speak italian ( me too🙋🏻‍♀️) but he would ask you to teach him and would be so eager to learn! Would also die if you called him any pet name in one of the languages you’re fluent in 😫
- Oh my gosh Like some days you guys will be all on eachother (sometimes y’all are just so clingy and cute omg)
- Plus let me tell you how he would get so turned on if you made any dirty remark to him (he just can’t contain himself around you like dude I know she’s gorgeous but chilllll)
- Honestly he likes your perfectionist personality, he’s a chill guy and likes to have things in order sometimes, also coming home to a clean room is always a plus LOL
Thank you so much for your request and I hope you enjoy this!!! 💖🤍
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