#i apologize sincerely for it hahaha~
waterfallofspace · 1 year
Letting It In & Letting It Go (1/3)
The one in which K/azuki learns to let his feelings in, and R/ei learns to let his walls go down, at least a little. Feat. Sick R/ei, caretaker K/azuki, and heavy ship implications (cough outright statements cough), though, they aren’t in a relationship at this point. (Pre-M/iri, maybe one day I’ll write something post, but right now this was rotting my brain, so I’m getting it out) AKA: I have a problem and I can’t stop writing B/uddy D/addies content, so here is the second fic that no one asked for hahaha~ UPDATE: PART TWO (linked for ease of access!!)  Part 3 is not written yet, but I do know what I want to do with it, so once I’ve found the time/inspiration, I’ll release it too. (just incase anyone wants to see the ramblings of a crazy person hahaha~) (references to smoking, really high fevers, trauma, and swearing, incase you don’t like any of those)
Also, I am from the land of poutine and ‘sorry’s, so temperatures are written in Celsius, but for reference: 36°C is about 96.8°F 39°C is about 102.2°F
Characters: R/ei, K/azuki, and some ANGST Word Count: 5.2k
It wasn’t unusual for Kazuki to arrive home to the smell of smoke wafting from the apartment. In fact, it was actually a bit worrying that the smoke alarms had never gone off. ‘Mental note, check those.’ However what was unusual was the sound of rough coughing that echoed off the walls as he left his shoes neatly next to the pile Rei had left his in.  “Rei? I’m home, are you al-”
He’s cut off by the sight awaiting him on the couch. An ashtray sits on the table, the smoke wafting from it seemingly melting into the air, as Rei convulses with lung spasms that borderline on worrying. “What, you forget to blow out the smoke or somethin’?” “No.” “Just not agreeing with you today?” “Close enough.” ‘Ever the wordsmith’ Kazuki mused, deciding to leave it alone. It’s not as if he’s never choked on a drink here or there, and bringing attention to the mistake isn’t exactly his favourite subject of conversation either. Deciding to instead focus on cooking dinner, Kazuki unloaded the groceries he had been out purchasing while Rei wasted away on the couch. A noise caught his attention, but when he looked up Rei was learning back in his usual spot, controller in hand. His position was relaxed, legs brought up on the couch, arms hanging slightly, controller gripped loosely, eyes fixed on the screen. And yet, every muscle of his being screamed tense. He had the uncanny skill to appear completely dejected and exhausted, while still keeping every ounce of his being on edge, as if he was prepared for attack at any moment. Kazuki had always secretly admired that level of training, though he didn’t doubt the methods used to achieve such perfection were less than pleasant. Rei didn’t speak about his childhood much. ‘I mean, he doesn’t speak much anyways, but specifically about that particular topic, he has less to say than normal’.  He thought, turning his attention back to the simmering pot in front of him.  A few more strange noises caught his attention, but he couldn’t pinpoint the source, so he just chalked it up to Rei’s game. He never did fully understand the appeal of those. He figured they were just something you had to be into to really appreci-
If Kazuki hadn’t already had his eyes fixed on the couch, he would have missed it entirely. Swallowed into near silence, with only a slight jerk of the head, ‘Hands free, pretty impressive, if not a bit terrifying’ Rei had seemingly stifled a sneeze out of existence.
For as good as he was at assassination, planning, playing a part, and being subtle, that was one aspect that Kazuki had never had the fortune of mastering. The art of controlling his body and emotions. When he sneezed, he was sometimes able to muffle it, but fully stifling it was a pipe dream at best. He just lacked the muscle control, and honestly, the will to. It always sounded extremely unsatisfying, if not painful. Rei, however, did not share these downfalls. He supposed it, again, had something to do with his upbringing.  Kazuki soon quelled this line of thinking. Even theorizing about it just to himself in his mind felt like overstepping boundaries. Rei clearly had reservations about talking about it, walls up that he wasn’t eager to pull down, and it wasn’t his place to attempt to scale them. 
“kgNtt-! nNkT-! hH’ngxt-!” “Bless you.” “What?” Kazuki chuckles softly at the rough reply. Rei’s voice was gruff on a good day, but after the coughing from earlier, and the sneezing, it had taken on a slightly hoarse tone, stuffy around the edges.  “I said bless you. It’s a form of pleasantries that one offers when someone else sneezes. Or, alternatively, ‘bless me’ is used when one sneezes and offers themself said pleasantry.”
“Why are you using that voice? You sound like an idiot.” “Why you- I do not! I sound well educated! That was my formal-” “It sounds weird.” Kazuki grips his chest, mouth hanging open, before huffing a sigh and bringing the plates he had so carefully arranged to the table. “Oh whatever, just come eat before it gets cold.” “Not hungry.” Well that was new. And concerning. While he never gave Kazuki the thanks for his food that he definitely deserved, Rei usually at least had the mind to eat it. Sometimes he left parts he didn’t like, such as his vegetables, or a piece of perfectly good meat that had ‘a weird texture’. But outwardly refusing all food? That was certainly not commonplace. “Are you sure? If you don’t want this, I could pull something else together, not that you’d appreciate it anyways- But I don’t want you complaining later that I didn’t feed you.” “I won’t.” And that was that. Kazuki ate his portion, opting to store Rei’s in the fridge just incase he changed his mind and wanted something later. Another round of coughing pulled his eyes back to the cough, Rei curled into himself, hiding his face deep in his sleeve. “You alright?” “YeahH-! hH’NNgxt-!” “Real convincing. Look,” He began, running a hand down his face with a light sigh as Rei held up a hand to stop him, before doubling over into a clenched fist. “hH’Nnnt-! Hehh’kkggnt-! nNgt’chh-!”  “Bless you. Look, if you’re hungry later, the food is in the fridge. Just stick it in the oven for a few minutes, it’ll warm up enough to eat. It’s a perfectly manageable task, I know you can do it. As for me though, I’m going to bed. We have a job the day after tomorrow and I’ve still got a lot of planning to get done.”
“Okay.” “Oh, what’s that? ‘Oh Kazuki, thank you so much for doing all of the planning and putting in hours and hours of work so that our jobs go down the way we want’? You’re so welcome, thank you for noticing!” “I’m usually the one that actually lands the shot.” Kazuki bites his tongue, hand flying to his mouth at the audacity of the accusation, before releasing his breath, deciding it’s not worth the effort. “Night Rei.” “Yeah.” With that, he headed off to shower before bed, faintly hearing another round of coughing begin as he turned on the water. He elected to ignore it, ‘problems for another day’ and all that.  ~~~~~~~
“hH’NGxxt’shh-!” “Bless you.” “Ihh’kngt-!”
“Bless you.” “Do you have to do that?” “Sorry, habit.” “hh’nnXGT-!”  “Ble-”
Kazuki stops himself, electing for a slightly embarrassed shrug as Rei’s eyes flicker off the screen to study him for a moment. Neither of them breaks the silence. An unspoken agreement to let it go seems to pass through the air, and Rei turns his attention back to the cars on the screen. A kart racing game, Kazuki believes. He’s never actually tried it himself. Rei’s never offered, and he’s never asked. It’s probably for the best anyways- it’s not like he’s a sore loser or anything! He’s just a bit of a perfectionist… and, oh come on, who enjoys losing?  “H’ngxt-!uhhh” 
This one is followed by an itchy sounding cough, rattling his lungs a little deeper than Kazuki is comfortable with. When he asked Rei earlier if he was alright, he got an eye roll, sigh, and more coughing in response. Asking again now would probably yield the same result, but there was no point anyways. It was clear that the guy was sick, just a question of how bad it was. Not like he’d get an answer to that either.
“Snnfff-!” And then there was that. Throughout the day, Rei had been stifling into near silence, however this method was not without consequences. For one thing, they sounded incredibly itchy, the force only building as the day dredged on. More importantly however, the near constant sniffling that Rei seemed dedicated to ignoring.
“Snfff-”  After another five minutes of this, Kazuki finally had it. Closing his notepad, (maybe a little harsher then he meant) he stood up, and threw a tissue box at the couch.
“Just blow your nose. You’re literally driving me insane over here, I can’t hear my own thoughts.” Rei said nothing, but a slight pink tint seemed to race across his cheeks, before they were quickly hidden by a handful of tissues. He did blow, but Kazuki could tell he was holding back, it was soft and subdued, not at all the harsh, relieving feeling that his sinuses must be longing for. “You can go all out, I don’t mind. It’s not like I’ve never been sick before, I get it.” As soon as the words hit the air, Kazuki felt an unmistakable urge that he’d made a critical mistake. Normally this kind of chest-tightening anxiety came on a job when something crucial in his plan failed, but the look that Rei shot him over his hands was enough to freeze him in place. It wasn’t anger, it wasn’t annoyance, shit, it wasn’t even embarrassment. It was fear. Genuine, bone-chilling, terror. Something in his demeanour suddenly reminded Kazuki of a cornered animal. Despite remaining perfectly still, it was like Rei was suddenly pacing, looking for the perfect moment to strike and run. “Who said I was sick?” The words nearly knocked Kazuki over, breaking eye contact as his hand connected roughly with the table to keep him upright. “W-what? Sorry, what? Uhh… no one, but you’ve been coughing and sneezing all of today, a-and you were yesterday too, so I just figured…” “Oh.”  ‘Oh? That’s all he has to say, oh? He just looked at me like I killed someone he loved right in front of him, and ‘oh’ is all he has to say about it?’ 
“It’s okay if you are, ya know. We can cancel the job if you don’t feel up t-”
“No.” The firmness of the response left a bad taste in Kazuki’s mouth. Almost like blood, but more bitter. Like the word itself had cut his tongue, and left traces of its bitter tone behind. “Okay, that’s fine, we can do it then. I’m not gonna bail on money if you think you’re up to it. Especially after all the planning I put into this plan. I think it’s one of my best so far, so we start out…” Kazuki continued rambling, suddenly desperate to fill the silence with something easy and normal. Just a job, just two partners talking about a job. The tension was thick enough to choke him, his words starting to stumble over each other as Rei broke off with another harsh bout of coughing. Finally, Rei interrupted his monologue, ‘thank god’.  “I’m gonna sleep. Tell me about my part on the ride there tomorrow.”
He wanted to tell him to take some meds before he slept, but the memory of the pure terror in Rei’s eyes was enough to quiet him instantly. Instead, he offered a muted “night” as Rei slowly stood, trembling almost unnoticeably, before making his way towards the bathroom. Kazuki glanced at the clock, ‘heading to bed at seven, that can’t bode well…’ before deciding to make a bit of food to relieve some of the tension that had built up in his neck and shoulders. Cooking has always been a way of destressing for him, even before he moved in with Rei. He’s always considered it an art form, and despite how unappreciated it goes in this household, the satisfaction of making something beautiful out of a mess of ingredients will never lose its shine.  After a nice meal, with a slice of the cake he had baked earlier for dessert, he finally sat down and ironed out the details of the plan, setting aside the details Rei would need to memorize, along with a basic overview of the background intel. He gently stacked those papers on the couch, next to Rei’s controller, before letting out a yawn, and heading up to bed himself.
~~~~~~~ Sometime during the night Kazuki had been woken by a rough bout of coughing coming from downstairs, followed by a few harsh, “hH’ZZSCHHoo-! hAH’SHH’OO-! Hehh- hH’KKSSHHH’oo-!” Groaning slightly, he had turned back over and drifted off again, faintly aware of the coughing continuing as his eyes fluttered back shut. It felt like seconds later when he finally opened his eyes again, the soft light of morning creeping in under his door. A glance at his phone showed the time to be closer to nine, definitely a more reasonable time to be awake.
Kazuki stumbled out of bed and flipped on the light. He started reaching for the shirt he had set aside, rerouting to his shoulder as a soft “ehh’shhiew! hIH’kshhiew!” surprised him. It wasn’t unusual for him to get a couple sneezes right after waking up. He didn’t quite know why, but the biology of the issue wasn’t really a concern. It was harmless enough, it’s not like he often had to actually sleep and wake up while remaining silent on a job.  Pulling on his shirt, and wiping the sleep from his eyes, Kazuki started down the stairs, pausing once he reached the kitchen, eyes roaming over to the couch where Rei was-
Sleeping. He was sleeping, controller sprawled on the floor, television still on, the game showing a pause screen. Rei still being asleep at nine was nothing new, but the tissues that he still had grasped in his hand were definitely not a normal part of the equation.
That, and the fact that he was curled up without a blanket, and yet, somehow still was clearly radiating heat, were enough to stir a bad feeling in Kazuki’s gut. He walked over to Rei, careful to keep his steps light, and gingerly placed his hand against the sleeping man's forehead, wincing at the burning he was met with.  Dark eyes shot open, freezing Kazuki right where he stood, hand still pressed against Rei’s face. The two of them locked eyes, neither blinking, nor moving, Kazuki’s wide, and Rei’s bleary, as if he was still readjusting to being awake.
After what felt like hours, Kazuki finally got it together enough to pull away, nearly jumping out of his skin when a shaky hand grabbed his arm, and brought his fingers back to their previous position. “Feels good, you’re cold.” The words aren’t slurred, but they definitely lacked the clarity of someone who was fully with it. Kazuki almost thought about staying like this, seeing as this much physical contact being initiated by Rei was unheard of. Almost. Gently prying his hand away, Kazuki was careful to keep his voice balanced, not wanting to startle him with too much volume ‘or emotion for that matter’. “You’re running a fever, Rei. It feels pretty bad… you are sick, aren’t you?” “Might be.” “Might?” Despite the effort to keep his voice calm, the incredulous nature of the statement crept up in Kazuki’s retort, but he bit back any further comments when Rei flinched at the tone change. Yes, flinched.  “Sorry. I’m not mad, okay? I just… I need you to tell me how bad it is so I can help you, okay?”
“Okay.” Progress, an affirmative response. Not denying the sickness. This is progress. “Can you tell me what feels icky right now?” “Icky?” “Shut up, you- you know what I mean. We know you have a fever, I’ll get a thermometer to be sure, but given the heat, we’ll be lucky if it’s low-grade. Is there anything els-” “hH’nNXGT-!uhhh hIHH-! ihh’DTNNGT-! Hehh’nnngxxt-!shuhhh”  “So sneezing too. And you were coughing earlier, so that’s probably not gone?”
Rei responds, but it’s barely audible, seemingly unintentional, as he clears his throat and gives it another try. “It’s not that bad.” “But you do have a cough.” “I guess.” “You gue-” Kazuki studies himself with a sigh, running a hand down his face, before clearing his throat softly and starting again. Man, it was harder to hold back the snark then he thought. “Alright, I can work with this. I’m going to get the thermometer, you are going to let me take your temperature, and then we can figure out what to do from there. I’m also going to give you some meds, and you are going to take them.” ‘If we even have any’ He added to himself, turning to the kitchen to locate the cold supplies. He let out a silent prayer that they had at least some cough drops to soothe Rei’s throat as he heard the man burst into another harsh cough behind him. It was rough, deep, wet, and with a wheezing sound to it that was more than Kazuki could stand to listen to. He finds the drawer, pulling it open to reveal a pack of tissues, a stack of napkins, a thermometer, and a handful of cough drops ‘thank god’. Making his way back over to Rei, Kazuki pauses at the table, pretending to read the papers he had left there last night, giving Rei a bit of space as the man gasps desperately and ducks into his wrist. “Heh’nngtt-! Kk’nnggtt-! H’ddtshh’uee-!”  The last one didn’t go down so easily, refusing to be swallowed into oblivion, leaving Rei a bit redder then he was a second ago, and sniffling into a handful of tissues. He gives another soft blow, but this time it’s not out of embarrassment, as evident by the utter lack of airflow through his nose as he attempts to give another heady sniff. 
“Bless you, Rei. I found a few cough drops, but I wanna check your fever before I give you any, so open up, stick this under your tongue, and keep it there till it beeps.”
“I know how a thermometer works.” “With you I can never be sure. Now open up, there you go, and- yep just like that, now keep it there. I mean it, don’t you dare take it out before it beeps.” Rei rolls his eyes, bringing up a hand to rub at his nose. His twitching nose. ‘Oh for shit’s sake’.  “Don’t you dare sneeze, you hear me?”
The nod he receives is vastly undercut by the desperation dancing through Rei’s eyes as he pinches his nose shut. It doesn’t seem to help as much as he wanted though, as a hitching breath hisses out between his teeth. “hehhH-! Hahh… hhHDT- uhhhh…. hiHh-!” Credit where credit’s due, he was holding out valiantly considering the frequency of the breaths and the frantic nature of his nose, vibrating against his fingers. The thermometer sounds with a loud ‘BEEEEP’ that startles both of them.
Kazuki pulls it out, and checks the numbers. 39.5°C ‘oh shit’. Not bad enough for a hospital, but close enough to cause his heart to race, mind flooding with panic. If Rei faints, could he carry him? What about if his brain boils, that was a thing Kazuki had read could happen if you had too high of a fever. Granted it was on a social media site, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true. You can’t just dismiss it, and what if the fever keeps climbing, would Rei even let him bring him to a hospital? For that matter, is he in any state to put up a fight? Kazuki breaks free of his thoughts long enough to cast a glance back over at Rei and finds him- “hHh-! ehHH!uhhhhh…. hehhhH-! hhHH-”  “Oh god Rei, I meant don’t sneeze when it’s in your mouth, you can sneeze now!”
“Okaahhhh! hH’NNGT-! DTNNGXTT-! hEH’NXXGT-! I cahhh- can’t… I can’t ihhhht tick- ticklheHH!”  Kazuki winces at every desperately contained outburst, before finally deciding enough is enough, and pulling Rei’s hands down. Confused eyes met his, desperation shining in them as his breath catches once more, only barely managing to stall it.
“Whhhaahh! What are you doohhing, let go, I nehehhh- need to sneeze!”  There’s more emotion in his voice then Kazuki had ever heard before, but he guesses it’s hard to keep a tone of unphased annoyance when your breath is hitching so wildly.
“I know, but if you keep stifling them like that you’re gonna blow a fuse, and I don’t need you bleeding on top of this sickness, the couch is red, but blood will still leave a stain for me to clean.” Softening his tone, Kazuki locks his eyes with Rei’s again, letting the care he feels seep into them more than he’d normally allow. “It’s just me. You can let them go, I don’t mind. I promise, you’re safe here.” Even if he wants to protest further, his nose has had enough of being denied, and Rei gives Kazuki an unreadable look before lunging as far away from him as he can manage for the outburst.
“HH’ZZSCHH’OO-! heHH! EHKSSHHH’OO-! RSHHH’OO-! hAH’TSHHH’OOO-! eehhh’hehh’MMPFSSH’OO! hhH’AHHSHH’OO-!” They’re itchy, harsh, and seem to scrape against his throat with every blast, but they also sound like the first real relief he’s had from this itch all day. Rei seems to agree, letting out an itchy, but deeply relieved sigh as the tickle finally backs off enough to let him catch his breath. He sniffles wetly, and then again, managing a weak, “My hands Kazuki.”  Kazuki flushes, seeming only now to realize the grasp he still held on Rei’s arms, letting go with a sheepish grin.
“Sorry, right. Was a little preoccupied watching the show.” It’s Rei’s turn to flush at that, bringing tissues to his nose only partially out of necessity. However, no fear flashes through his eyes this time. ‘Maybe that’s progress’. Kazuki figures, a real smile starting to creep over his face at the thought of Rei finally starting to open up. It’s quickly crushed when the man slumps against him, eyes fluttering shut, heat practically melting into Kazuki’s skin even through the layers of clothing. Just like that, he’s reminded exactly how serious this situation is, and how much worse it could get if he doesn’t think fast. “Hey, Rei, keep your eyes open, okay? I need you to stay awake, I know I’m strong, but carrying you is a harsh no from me, bud.” He gets a low growl in response, but it’s better than nothing. Rei manages to sit up enough to meet his eyes, and he can see the gloss over them. Kazuki wonders if he can even tell what’s going on, and nearly faints when Rei grabs his hand, and presses it back to his forehead again like before. “Feels nice.” The statement is punctuated with a sharp shiver, Rei’s whole body seeming to tremble as he curls deeper into himself, glassy eyes starting to water. Kazuki has seen a lot of terrifying things in his lifetime, and more heartbreak than he was due. But the look in Rei’s eyes, the way he trembles as he attempts to curl into himself, the desperate vulnerability of the scene, it’s enough to chill him to the bone. “Okay, I need you to try to stand up, we’re going to the bathroom. We need to get your fever down. Uh- do you have a swimsuit in your room?” Rei gives him a confused look, but nods weakly, managing to pull himself into a standing position, before hunching over with another set of throat-scraping coughs. The wheeze in his lungs is back, each breath sounding more and more like whistling, and Katsuki takes a second to study his own breathing. Gently, he coaxes Rei to lean against him, draping his arm around his back. They slowly make their way over to the bathroom, where Kazuki sits Rei down on the floor next to the tub, and turns the water on. After making sure it was a nice cool temperature, he rushes up to Rei’s room. Thankfully for him, despite being a mess, his clothes are all kept fairly in one spot, and he finds the swimsuit fast. Making his way back downstairs, Kazuki takes a beat to himself, letting the fear wash over him. While he doesn’t consider himself a particularly weak person, Rei far outmatches him in strength. The man seems to have it all together on the job, no fear, no emotions, just skill and undeniable talent. He gets in, does what needs doing, and goes home. Many words come to mind when thinking of Rei, but not a single one was ‘scared’. Seeing the fear in Rei’s eyes was haunting, and every time Kazuki blinked, those eyes stared back at him. Ones full of imaginable terror at the thought of being perceived as sick. At being seen out of control of his own body. Kazuki remembers something Rei offhandedly mentioned once about his ‘Boss’, saying that “weakness was not tolerated. Not of any kind. Punishments for such flaws were… harsh.” He shudders to think what kind of punishment could instil that kind of blind terror into a man like Rei. Well, never again. It doesn’t matter what happened back then, he’s here now, and no one will ever cause that kind of fear in Rei again. Not ever.  Getting back to the bathroom, he pales at the sight of Rei, fully stretched out on the floor, but some colour returns when the man lets out a rough cough, bringing his hand to his face. With a strained sigh, Kazuki turns the faucet off, letting his hand dip into the cool water, before bringing it up to Rei’s forehead again. 
Rei leans into the touch, letting out a weak moan as the cool relief washes over him. Kazuki helps him stand, handing him the suit.
“Put this on, I’ll look away.” He turns towards the wall, only looking back briefly when Rei lets out a harsh “hEHH’NGXXT-!uhhh” Presenting his shoulder for him to lean against as he changes into the suit. Once he’s changed, Kazuki guides him gently into the water, wincing at the way he hisses at the dramatic change in temperature. “I know, I know, but it’s gonna feel much better, I promise.” His voice is soft, almost calm, but his heart is racing. It doesn’t help that Rei starts shaking again, this time violently enough to splash the water around his hands as they rub his arms. Time seems to slow to a crawl as Kazuki kneels beside the tub, knuckles white as he grips the edge. He’s not used to feeling so helpless, but watching Rei tremble, unable to do anything but watch… it’s killing him. Eventually he can’t take it anymore, and he reaches his hand out to Rei’s head, gently running his fingers through his hair. Rei at first freezes, seemingly fighting every instinct to pull away, before slowly allowing his shoulders to relax a bit, a deep sigh escaping his irritated lungs. Kazuki takes this chance, slipping into the tub behind him, with more than enough room for Rei to move away if it’s too much. What he doesn’t expect, however, is Rei leaning back into him, resting his head, and letting his eyes drift close. The trembling isn’t gone, but it’s a lot more muted, and slowing by the minute.  “Hehh-!”  Kazuki watches as Rei’s nose twitches, a ticklish breath escaping, before he ducks forward with a harsh stifle. “hH’nNGXT’shh-!”  It seems to soak up all the strength he has left, as he weakly manages to raise his hand to pinch his nose shut for it, not letting go once it’s done. The desperate quality of the next breath he takes suggests there are more fighting to come.  Kazuki reaches over beside the tub to where he’d left a box of tissues earlier, and pulls a handful out, pressing them to Rei’s nose. With them, he gently pries Rei’s fingers away, eliciting a low growl in response, desperation prickling in his eyes. “It’s okay, I’ve got you. You can let go, you’re safe with me. I promise, okay? Plus all your stifling is giving me a headache, so I can’t even imagine how bad it must be for you.” He seems to hit home with that one, with Rei letting out a low groan, as if just the reminder of his head was enough to reignite the pain. Kazuki winces a little, that wasn’t the intention, but he’ll do whatever it takes to get Rei to stop trying to implode. “hH’ZSSCHH’OO-! eHH’SSHH’OOO-! hh’RUSHH’ooo! mMMPFFSHH’ooo-!”   ‘It’s probably a good thing he’s too out of it to realize what actually just happened, he’d probably be mortified sneezing into my hand like that’ Kazuki recons when Rei lets himself finally blow his nose, desperate and harsh, but with a sigh afterwards that signifies it was also relieving. “I’m sorry-” Rei starts, out of it enough to not feel actively embarrassed, but apparently still with enough cognizance to realize what happened. Kazuki cuts him off with a shrug, offering another gentle- “I’ve got you, don’t worry about it.” Silence fills the air as Kazuki tosses the tissues, and Rei leans his head back against his shoulder again, this time letting his head turn towards Kazuki’s neck, eyes completely shut.
“Is this okay?”  Kazuki asks softly, and Rei gives a hum in response, leaning deeper into his touch as Kazuki pets his hair some more, letting a smile slip out when he hums again, his posture finally relaxing enough to sink deeper into the water. Kazuki cradles his head, making sure to keep it above the water, but allowing them both to submerge a little more in the cooling touch. 
He’s not sure how long they stay like that, but Rei slips into a peaceful sleep, and eventually the fever breaks, leaving them both exhausted and soaked. Once he wakes, Kazuki gets Rei out of the tub, helping him dry off before grabbing a towel for himself, and helping Rei into the change of clothes he had brought down. He turns away respectfully when it comes time to change out of the swimsuit, but once again lets Rei lean against him. Soon he’s fully changed, and Kazuki leads him back to the couch and lays him down, before heading upstairs to change himself. Once he gets back downstairs, he finds Rei dead asleep, stuffed up snoring filling the apartment. Kazuki hums out a small chuckle, laying a blanket over him, and allowing himself a moment to just watch him sleep. He looks so peaceful, no indication that mere hours prior he was nearly on death's door. With a final look, Kazuki heads back upstairs, checking his phone to see that Kyu responded to the text he sent earlier. KAZ: r is sick, might have to cancel job, sorry 4 last minute notice KYU: It’s alright. Don’t make a habit of it though. KAZ: thx kyu KYU: Take care of him, alright? KAZ: already on it KYU: I knew you would be. KAZ: but i dont think we have cold meds, could u drop smthn off 2morrow? –Unread messages– KYU: I’ll put something together, but I’m leaving it outside the door. You’re going to catch this, but I’d prefer to stay healthy.  He lets out a soft laugh, Kyu was absolutely right. He was absolutely going to catch this. Rei also may be out of the woods for now, but it’s only day two, there’s no way this bug is going away that fast. But somehow, none of those things seem to matter. He’s gonna take care of his buddy, no matter what. He made a promise, Rei will be safe with him, and he always keeps his word. 
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pikavani · 25 days
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Let me introduce to you my newest self inserted OC, Outono!
Outono, the Court Jester, was a paradoxical figure in the royal court. With her striking beauty and enchanting singing voice, she captivated all who beheld her.
However, her attempts at humor often fell flat, leaving awkward silences in their wake. Her nerves betrayed her before every performance, manifesting in uncontrollable shakes and a flushed complexion.
Despite her comedic shortcomings, her gentle nature and sincere apologies endeared her to those around her, earning her a unique place in the court's tapestry of characters.
I cannot describe how much I fell in love with this Jester! She only existed for 2 days maybe but I wrote a whole background story around her and created multiple fake scenarios in my head. She's so cute! But also a girlfailure hahaha
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sharlsworld · 1 month
soft lauch? - 𝐜𝐬𝟓𝟓 ✽
✿ carlos sainz x influencer!reader (obvi)
✿ y/n and carlos try to soft launch their relationship but his millennial mind can’t comprehend the idea
✰ i got a little crazy at the end guys so i sincerely apologize for that also there’s a age gap…i’m sorry i’m obsessed with them sue me
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liked by joris__trouche and 113 others
definitelynotyn is it time to start soft launching?
carlossainz55 Mi corazón I need you to explain a soft launch to me again
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux everyone take a minute to pray for y/n
♥︎ by author
landonorris LONGGGGG over due
⤷ definitelynotyn we’ve just been waiting for the right time
francisca.cgomes soft launch us? fs
⤷ definitelynotyn let’s go over the captions
⤷ carlossainz55 Alrighty then!
⤷ pierregasly idc how many years go by i’ll never get used to this
⤷ definitelynotyn cry about it
⤷ pierregasly i will
charles_leclerc You would hope so after almost 4 years of dating
⤷ definitelynotyn it’s not our fault we can keep a secret sharl
⤷ charles_leclerc What’s that supposed to mean 🤨
lilymhe carlos sainz deserves to be locked up for going after my little kitten when she turned 18 😾
⤷ carlossainz55 Your just mad I got rizz
⤷ lilymhe obviously not that good if your girl is eating lunch with me rn
⤷ carlossainz55 @definitelynotyn Come home baby the kids miss you
⤷ definitelynotyn omw 😍
⤷ lilymhe damn…someone took my bitch
georgerussell63 Nah i’m waiting for the hard launch engagement post
⤷ carlossainz55 😏
alex_albon bros gonna catch a case 😭
⤷ danielricciardo He’s ready to risk it all
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liked by carlossainz55 and 6,924,085 others
yn so baby girl coded 🎀
charles_leclerc My eyes 😓
⤷ yn oh please spare me the dramatics
landonorris you two make me sick 🤢
⤷ yn all i’m seeing is a bunch of hating jealous bitches 🤧🥱
hoeforsainzzz guys…that watch looks pretty familiar
f1wags 👀👀👀
smoothoperator55 yk…i’ve spent some time memorizing the arms and hands of the f1 drivers and let me tell you…that’s gotta be carlos sainz 👁️👁️
ynstan4lyfe some of you guys need to except the fact that carlos and her are just friends and nothing more
carlossainz55 Lucky guy
this comment has been deleted
operatorsainz ik ya’ll seen that 🫣
danielricciardo How many times must I remind you that children are on this app
⤷ yn it’s not my fault if they see it the age requirement is 13 🤓
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liked by lewishamilton and 9,813,762 others
carlossainz55 4 years with you by my side ♥️
charles_leclerc Tell her to cut her claws it looks like you asked a bear to scratch your back
⤷ hoeforsainzzz HELLOOOO??????
landonorris bless carlos and his millennial mind 😞
iliveforcarlossainz welp this definitely wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card
flowersforyn sooo…we’re not gonna talk about the 8 year age gap?
⤷ alex_albon no his lawyers are on speed dial he was ready to risk it all
⤷ yn shut up albono
yn oh baby 😭
⤷ carlossainz55 Did I do it wrong?
⤷ yn yeah but it’s the thought that counts
maxverstappen1 Almost had it mate
alexandrasaintmleux whoever didn’t pray for y/n this is your fault
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liked by schecoperez and 98 others
definitelynotyn why is bro tryna rizz me up
⤷ carlossainz55 Mature adults
⤷ definitelynotyn excuse me?
⤷ carlossainz55 I can never win
charles_leclerc He actually was sweating like a bitch when he realized he posted the same picture
lewishamilton Roscoe misses his godmother he’s in need for a visit
⤷ definitelynotyn stop i’m coming over tmr
oscarpiastri 29 year old spaniard seen running around paddock looking disheveled and almost in tears after the realization hit that he ruined his girlfriends soft launch
⤷ definitelynotyn thanks for the update osc
carlossainz55 Babe please i’m on my knees begging forgive me
⤷ landonorris stand up carlos
⤷ definitelynotyn don’t you have a race to lose or something?
⤷ landonorris maybe in a different lifetime…you aren’t my bully 😔
⤷ definitelynotyn oh go cry me a river
⤷ landonorris i will
alexandrasaintmleux i wish charles was this down bad for me
⤷ charles_leclerc Girl………..
⤷ yn is what you are? 🤣🤣🤣
⤷ charles_leclerc You are my biggest hater
⤷ definitelynotyn proudly
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liked by haileybieber and 10,172,253 others
yn ruined my soft launch but it’s ok cause the D is fire 🔥 yeah, i said it.
carlossainz55 Mi corazón es tuyo ♥️
⤷ yn ♥️
charles_leclerc You guys should pay for my therapy since i’ve spent the last 4 years sleeping in the room next to yours
⤷ carlossainz55 Get ear plugs
ynlos ik those bitches are like bunnies 🫣
hoeforsainzzz y/n giving us a little snack 😩
ynstan4lyfe i would like to take back what i said on her soft launch
danielricciardo Your pr managers are quaking with rage right now I know it
⤷ yn i was gonna say something but then i chose peace 😇
⤷ georgerussell63 That’s a first
⤷ yn alright bro your entire existence is a meme calm down 🤣🤣
⤷ georgerussell63 I can always count on you to make me cry
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liked by lissiemackintosh and 9,019,723 others
carlossainz55 Dibs
francisca.cgomes WOAH THERE BUDDY
arthur_leclerc that’s enough instagram for the day.
landonorris my poor eyes
yn best pillow 😇
⤷ carlossainz55 Just for you
ynissocutiepatootie her side profile 😍😍
ynsmywife carlos sainz can’t handle allat
carlando this altered my brain chemistry
carlitossainz brotha don’t know what to do with allat
charles_leclerc Every time I open this app man I can’t escape it 💔
⤷ yn is that a little bitch i hear?
⤷ charles_leclerc You wound me
maxverstappen1 Wasn’t prepared for that
carlossainz55 All you bitches can stay mad
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liked by oscarpiastri and 84 others
yns.asskisser Date night with the missus
⤷ yns.asskisser I love u mami
yn do you want head?
⤷ yns.asskisser Always baby 😘
landonorris aw you sick bastard
lilymhe what is it finna play…WOAHHHH
alexandrasaintmleux i miss the person i was 10 seconds ago
francisca.cgomes you and y/n put 50 shades of grey to SHAME
alex_albon so who’s coming to church with me and lily on sunday? 😇
⤷ pierregasly me and kika
⤷ charles_leclerc Me and alexandra
⤷ oscarpiastri me and lily
⤷ danielricciardo Me
⤷ schecoperez Me
⤷ maxverstappen1 Me
⤷ yukitsunoda0511 Me
⤷ lewishamilton Me and roscoe
⤷ georgerussell63 Me and carmen
⤷ landonorris me
⤷ joris__trouche me
⤷ lance_stroll me
⤷ logansargeant me
⤷ fernandoalo_oficial Me
⤷ yn ya’ll mad i’m getting my world rocked every night 🤪🤪
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maplesyrupsainz · 5 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙finally | LN4 ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: lando norris x y/n reader (she/her)
genre: social media au, friends to lovers
warnings: fluff only lol btw TW luisa pics for tht one anon im soo sry im so sry
summary: in which no one believes that you and your boyfriend are actually dating despite both your efforts to hard launch
a/n: took me ages to start this but i couldn't stop thinking about this storyline gahahaaa
request!!!: hiiiiii!!! i wanted to request a lando social media thingy?? where you're childhood friends to lovers and want to soft launch but nobody notices because you're always affectionate or sumn like that🥺
fc: various brunette girls from pinterest
my masterlist
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twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, and 134,288 others
oscarpiastri soft launching?
yourusername 😊
landonorris 😘
yourusername 🧡
user4 omg u got a man!!
user5 OMGG WHO!!
user6 spill the beansss
user7 wonder what lando thinks about this
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 682,799 others
landonorris ⛳️
view all 9,284 comments
carlossainz55 i'll win next time 🥇
landonorris keep dreaming
yourusername aww look at us
landonorris 😘💋
user8 does he have a gf
user9 urm not that we know of
user10 who is the gf??
user11 idk but i'd be annoyed at that pic of y/n & lando
user12 love carlando golfing together still
oscarpiastri lol
landonorris i thought it was obvious
yourusername 😭😭
user13 ???
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liked by landonorris, yourbff, and 201,384 others
yourusername me & my bracelets & my lando
view all 5,304 comments
landonorris why would you post that picture of me
yourusername funny
user14 LOL i love them
user15 are they dating??
user16 no way. they're childhood best friends
user17 he's down baddd
user18 i would hate to be dating either of them they're soo close to each other
user19 the bracelets awww she's such a sweet girl
oscarpiastri 💀
yourusername stop it you
landonorris hahahaha
user20 what is thisss
messages ->
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twitter ->
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messages ->
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instagram ->
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 321,894 others
yourusername 🩷
view all 8,128 comments
landonorris 😀😀😀
user24 wait?
user25 are they dating
user26 surely not
user27 omg they're sooo cute together
liked by yourusername
user28 something is going on here
user29 🐟🐟🐟
user30 wait was lando's tweet serious
user31 idk i think they're just close bffs??
oscarpiastri so close yet so far
yourusername 😰😰😰
landonorris 😤😤😤
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 498,136 others
oscarpiastri hahahahahah ur trying soo hard
landonorris im hard hard launching.
user32 hmmmm
user33 keep dreaming
user34 okay im convinced
user35 are you actually dating
landonorris YES WE ARE
yourusername posted a story
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, and 237,183 others
oscarpiastri is it working yet
yourusername will keep u updated
landonorris pls god let it work
user36 ok im starting to believe
user37 omg they're dating
user38 wait have they been trying to hard launch this whole time & no one believed them..?
user40 landoy/n nation rise
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, and 791,394 others
yourusername THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND (real) (not a prank) (i literally love him guys)
tagged: landonorris
view all 13,293 comments
danielricciardo finally
landonorris finally? not like we've been rubbing it in everyone's faces and no one believed us
user41 he's so sick of it hahaha
user42 most sincere apologies to the happy couple for doubting them
user43 i can't believe they're actually dating
user44 IT'S REAL???
user45 y/n is lando mad at us
yourusername very much so but he'll get over it dont worry
landonorris not sure i will actually
user46 please forgive us lando
liked by yourusername, landonorris, oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri and you guys got there in the end!
yourusername thanks for bullying us the whole time
landonorris btw i have loved you for so long and will continue to love you for even longer
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hisui-dreamer · 11 months
a fool's heartstrings
Pairing: Jade Leech x gn!reader
Synopsis: you are just a fool in love, and he can so easily pull on your heartstrings
Tags: fluff, first date, festival, rambling, reader is a simp, self indulgent, slightly thirsty, reader wears a skirt, bot proofread
Word count: 1.1k+
Notes: this was purely self-indulgent and reader is kinda based on my own personality hehe
@v-anrouge and @azulashengrottospiano here is the awaited shoujo first date fic hahaha
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You're acting like a fool in love.
You pace anxiously by the glistening fountain in the heart of the town square, your every movement a reflection of the swirling emotions within you. Your heart, like a fluttering bird trapped in a cage as the time ticked by relentlessly, each passing second heightening your nervousness.
Months of careful planning had led to this moment, the culmination of your hopes and dreams. It had taken courage, a delicate thread woven through your days, to gather the strength to ask Jade out on a date. And what better event for a first date than the annual festival on Sage Island?
The golden rays of the setting sun bathed the square in a warm, amber glow, casting long shadows that danced across the cobblestone pavement. The festival ambience enveloped you, teasing your senses with the tantalizing aromas of sizzling street food and the distant melodies of live performances.
You had meticulously planned your arrival, desperate not to keep Jade waiting and be punctual. The sheer eagerness within you had prompted you to arrive a whole 20 minutes early, despite the chaos it had caused in your preparations. You cast a scrutinizing gaze upon your reflection in one of the shop windows, running your eyes over your ensemble for what felt like the umpteenth time, ensuring that every element rested precisely in its intended place.
Hours upon hours were spent immersed in a whirlwind of stress where you attended to each minuscule aspect, from the intricate arrangement of your hair, artfully coaxed into place, to the careful application of makeup that accentuated your features with a touch of joyful charm. Right now, you can confidently say you look cute and worthy to stand next to Jade!
Lost in your frantic mind, you are suddenly jolted back to reality as you catch sight of those alluring teal locks. There he is, Jade, the magnetic force that holds your heart captive. With each step he takes, there is an effortless grace in his stride, as if he is moving in harmony with a hidden symphony only he could hear. The usual formal attire of his school or dorm uniform is replaced by a casual outfit, and you can't help but feel mesmerized by how handsome he looks, his sharp features illuminated by an ethereal, golden glow.
A soft, tender smile graces Jade's lips as he closes the distance between you, its warmth radiating towards you like a soothing sunbeam. It's a smile that holds a touch of mischief, yet carrying an air of sincerity, leaving you captivated by its charm.
"Prefect, I apologize for making you wait," Jade greets you with utmost politeness, his voice like a melody floating on a gentle breeze. His eyes, sparkling like sunlight on a clear day, meets yours with a glimmer of anticipation.
"N-No problem at all," you stammer, a blush blooming across your cheeks. The rush of nervousness makes your words stumble and falter. "I… uh… just got here a bit early."
Jade's soft chuckle dances in the air. "My, I didn't think you would be so eager," he remarks.
The blush deepes, and you find yourself fidgeting with the fabric of your skirt, feeling a sudden self-consciousness under his gaze. Your words spill out in a rush, as if trying to catch up with the flurry of emotions swirling within you. "Well, um… I just… I wanted to make sure I didn't keep you waiting."
He takes a deliberate step closer, and the air around you seems to crackle with shared energy. His presence sends shivers down your spine, intertwining with a tingling warmth. "How very considerate of you," he says, his voice a captivating blend of appreciation and mischief.
Your gaze can't help but wander over his frame, eagerly committing every detail to memory. Clad in a short-sleeved button-up shirt, he retains a gentlemanly air, but the outfit offers a glimpse of his surprisingly muscular arms, typically hidden beneath his polite and gentle facade. The sight catches you off guard, and you can feel all the heat in your body rising to your cheeks as you shake your head, attempting to dismiss those wayward thoughts and refocus your attention on talking to Jade, not staring blankly at him.
Sensing your flustered state, Jade's smile widens teasingly. "Are you okay, Prefect? You seem a little lost in thought."
You quickly regained your composure, replying shyly, "Oh, uhm, it's nothing, Jade. You… you look really handsome today. I mean, not that you don't always look good, but… uhm… Oh, you know what I mean."
Jade covers his mouth with his hand and laughs, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I appreciate the compliment, Floyd helped me pick it out," he admits. “You look enchanting my dear, this outfit suits you incredibly well."
You dare yourself to entertain the thought that maybe Jade valued this date with you. Maybe he sees it as more than a mere passing fancy, an opportunity to spend time together and even put in effort in his appearance to the point of eliciting Floyd's help. And…
He called you "enchanting".
As the realization settles in, your cheeks flush like the warm hues of the setting sun. The weight of his compliment sinks deep into your being. You can't help but sneak a peek at Jade's expression, hoping to catch any hint of his true feelings. Is he being sincere, or is he just being polite? You sincerely consider splashing water on your face to calm yourself, but ‘no’, you think to yourself, ‘that would just be foolish’.
At your turmoil, Jade simply observes your reaction. "Well, let's enjoy the festival together, shall we?" His smile widens as he reaches out his hand as an offer.
Dumbfounded by the rush of emotions coursing through your veins, you nod in a daze, your thoughts in disarray. With trembling fingers, you cautiously place your hand in his, as if awaiting a hidden trick or revelation. But instead, what you find is that his ungloved hand feels warm and strong, with callouses likely formed during his mountain excursions. And you hope you can join him on one of those those expeditions someday.
As if sensing your nervous energy, Jade's grip tightens ever so gently, offering solace and reassurance. It's a silent affirmation, a subtle gesture to quell your anxieties and snap you away from your reeling mind. The contact of his hand against yours infuses a sense of calm, a grounding force that anchored you amidst the flurry of emotions.
And so, hand in hand, you embark on your date through the lively festival, the world around you both fading into a blur of colours, sounds, and mesmerising aromas. Together, you navigate the crowded pathways with interlaced fingers, your heart racing as you wish for time to move slower, and if not, for there to be more moments you could be by his side in the future.
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Late Apologies
Dead in the morning, I received a strange package from my uncle.
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Dear Jamie,
First and foremost, my wife and I apologize with our deepest regrets. What our son did to you during the last family reunion was abhorrent. Calling you all those names and slurs was a grave mistake on his part. We taught Tyler better, but the influence of his friends was more insidious. Still, it’s our mistake as parents for letting him grow up like that. We take full responsibility for his mistakes. Rest assured that we have taken the necessary measures to give him apt punishment. We have grounded and restricted his access to his devices for the last few weeks. But still, we know that he’ll be back to his old habits after all this. We’ve taken the liberty of increasing his punishment for our benefit. 
Attached to this letter is a large package. Inside that package is Tyler, all covered in bubble wrap and peanut foam. I assume you know what is already inside. It’s a bodysuit, something you young’uns are all crazy about. I could see why since I had to try it out before sending it to you. And boy, I had the best fun in years when I was in his body. This ain’t just any bodysuit because this is the real deal. I said to Tyler, let’s see what he’ll feel like when he’s worn by the people he’s sworn to hate. You can use his body in any shape or form you want as long as you return him safely next year. Don’t feel too bad for him, though. This is his just punishment. Besides, the agent said that other than waiting for the duration to end, there is no other way to reverse what happened to him. So I say. Do all kinds of fun in his body. The agent also said that you might rub some of your personality on him. Hahaha! I can’t wait to see his face when he turns out gay after this. 
Alll love in the world.
Your Uncle Matthew
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uchihaharlot · 4 months
I'm here, to pervert this humble profile hahaha 🤣 How would Obito and Shisui react if after a hard day they came home and found that their beloved had prepared a stage in the room to give him an erotic dance (she is in lingerie or maybe a costume sexy) I love these men, excellent day for you 🙃
LOL. 😂 ‘Humble profile.’ Sorry this took a few days. I’m thinking I’ll let the asks pile up during the week a little. It’s much easier to sit down and be horny all at once than it is to be touch and go during the week. 😂 I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely in the mood for these two all the time, but a 15 minute work break is not nearly enough to continue the groove.
This is a heathens den. 🤭🥹 I can’t imagine anything more humble than drippy cocks and the men who wield them so perfectly.
NSFW; below the cut for some steamy Uchiha receiving a lap dance…and then some. Sorry, I (for obvious reasons) went a bit more on the Shisui side.
A little bit concerned if I’m being honest, only at first. The only ‘poles’ he’s familiar with are chakra spears lol sure he’s heard of a stripper pole before, but never actually seen one.
Boy is sweating. Frothing at the mouth! Even more so when she swats his hands away! ‘Can I…can I touch you? Once?’ That damned laced piece she wears entices his hands and body to act of its own accord.
‘Touch me with your eyes.’ 😏 Well, ok then ma’am.
Obito will shamelessly use the sharingan to watch her every move. Ass, breasts and stomach are key points his sights devour. How easily he could rip that skimpy piece of lingerie off.
But… Tobi is a good boy, you see, he is patient. Waits his turn and when she grinds her ass into his lap then he will take what’s rightfully his. There is not much in the way of stopping this man, truthfully he’s still hopped up on the juice from the Ten Tails.
Extrudes his intentions through bliss glazed eyes before shoving her face down into the arm chair. Usually it’s Obito that is the one immobilized, but he’s far from it. Cramping his beautifully hard cock into her soft moist center the second he’s removed that dainty article of clothing. Sufficiently fucking her and himself stupid.
Heh. Surprised, but not unwelcomed. She is definitely a bit nervous now, Shisui is just so damn hot in his captains livery — fresh home from a mission... Sitting on the couch manspread and arms draped over the top. He certainly wasn’t expecting this sort of thing when they started living together…won’t complain either!
Hands. Wants to have his hands all over her from the start. Twirls her around and kisses her lower back. Who is seducing who here?? This was supposed to be a show for him! While she will do that cute little routine she worked on the last few days, the sound of arm bracers and basically the rest of his gear clatters. One by one to the floor. Even more nervous now, but why????
‘Keep going…’ he breathes out. This is exactly what he needs right now.
Oof, she falters a little bit, thankfully Shisui has basically stripped down to his boxer briefs. The swell of his semi presses against her ass so lovingly. Kindly making its presence known.
Shisui is not a dancer 😂 I mean, not like this. Seeing his s/o put her heart on her sleeve for him this way just makes his insides melt and his dick hard as fuck. It was a really sweet gesture and he apologizes profusely with each gentle thrust for interrupting her show since now she’s ended up inoperable. Beneath him on the couch, folded up delicately like some damn origami piece. Shisui has no chill, if his s/o is putting on a show for him; he’s going to give her one right back.
He’s going to express his gratitude in the most sincere way possible. Which is physically making her a whimpering mess as she comes right before he paints her stomach with that Uchiha glaze.
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wonubb · 1 year
The guy in the glasses - Wonwoo
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“Huh?” Wonwoo can’t understand the context of your message. 
‘Woo, call me as soon as you can. This is urgent.’ The text said. You still called him Woo though so he thought it shouldn’t be something serious. He can’t stop being worried still due to the urgency of your message. Unable to find the right words to text, he pressed the call button instead. A few rings and you answered.
“Baby, we just got back to the hotel. What happened? Your message sounded so serious. I’m a little scared, to be honest.” He started.
“Well, you should be.” Your response made him stood from the bed and sat on the chair by the study table.
“Why, what did I do? Tell me so I can apologize properly.” At this point, you felt guilty, hearing the sincerity of your boyfriend.
“Well, it’s all about tonight, Woo. I don’t know what you were thinking?” 
“Oh my god, I really did something wrong. What is it?”
You deeply exhaled first, making him more nervous. “What were you thinking, Woo? Making the award show like your own fashion show. This is not fair! Didn’t you know that I have to shuffle between Tiktok and Twitter to see how many more fangirls have been swerving their lanes to you?” 
He didn’t know how to react first. He was seriously caught off guard. But above all, he felt relieved that you and him are okay... at least.
“Baby, you scared me! I thought I did something wrong to you. Don’t do that again!” He whined.
You just laughed at him, happy that your prank was successful.
“Sorry baby, can’t help it. You should have seen the tweets though, I was really entertained! Carats know better how to gatekeep you than me.”
“Well, you don’t have to do that and you know it, I’m all yours.” You can imagine him smiling through the phone.
“Don’t get mushy with me, Mr. Who’s-that-in-glasses? Tell me, do you get to keep that top? I like to see you wear it more often.” 
“Hahaha, silly! This is now mine. I’ll wear it some time during our date night.”
“Oh okay, I better cook then, there’s no way I’m letting you out again with that shirt.” 
“You’re my boss, Whatever makes you happy.” With that, he narrated how he spent the rest of the night with his members being extremely happy with the awards they got. 
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toburnup · 3 months
Hi there! For all I know, you have LOADS of messages like this in your inbox, and if you do, I sincerely apologize! I've been patiently waiting for IYLO updates, and then I started worrying that maybe my (our?) respectful silence was being interpreted as a lack of interest? I'm probably overthinking this but just in case you need to hear it, I'm definitely still invested! Absolutely no pressure though! I read and love everything you post, and would obviously respect your decision if you stopped.
hahaha i definitely don't have loads of messages like this, but i really appreciate people asking about iylo. i know people are worried about coming off demanding or something, but it's only nice to receive.
no intention of stopping though! my family has been going through some stuff so i'm not so active on here but i'm still writing when i can!
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bookscandlesnbts · 8 months
Just a few random thoughts. Personally I think Jungkook is sincere and isn’t playing a role right now. I think he tends to be a bit impulsive and obsessive when he has something in his mind. Nowadays, he wants to make sure we don’t see him as a teenager and the forever maknae. I never took him for a baby, I’m well aware he’s 26 now and he’s a grown ass man, hell I’m older than him 😅 So I don’t exactly get why he’s so hell-bent on that. For a while now the fandom has been mostly thirsting over him and noticing how much he has grown up. I think Jimin is being babied a lot in comparison. Or maybe that’s just in my circles? But I respect what he feels and the direction he wants to take. I don’t like it, because for this chapter 2 I was looking for something a bit more personal from each member, a way to connect to each one of them. And so far it has been the case, except for him. Which makes me a bit sad as he is one of my bias, along with Jimin and Hobi. Hopefully one day he’ll get back to writing his own songs because it’s when I connect to him the most, but it’s not his goal at the moment and I respect that.
That being said I truly hope we’ll get at least one ballad from him on his album, and no more featuring… it’s the 3rd one now, 4th if we add Dreamers but that was a special song, and like many of your previous anons I’m losing interest. My excitement for his album has worn off. With Left and Right then Seven and now 3D it’s getting a bit too much, all over the place and lacking some sort of uniqueness. I want to hear Jeon Jungkook, not another western perfectly-pre-packaged production that could have been given to any other pop artist. I’m not really seeing a multiple-dimension Jungkook right now, which is fine but just not suited for I expect from the artists I follow. I wonder if the debates around his songs stems from the way we engage with music in general. I’m going to be honest but personally I don’t stream. I’ve never and I won’t, it’s not the way I like to consume music. Actually, I don’t ‘consume’ music. I don’t listen to the radio, I carefully pick up and choose what I listen to. I guess music is serious business for me hahaha and not something I listen to casually? It’s not some background noise for when I do this and that, I like to really sit down and listen. Does that sound stupid? I don’t know. Sorry, I’m rambling. I’m not against a fun summer hit here and there but I guess I’m a bit of a snob. I’m also very picky about the lyrics and I too find 3D gross, and I won’t apologize for it. It’s definitely not subtle and not even sensual. And I don’t have a problem with sexual songs, heck one of my favorite artists is french singer Serge Gainsbourg, if you know you know ;)
To sum it up, I’m having mixed feelings. I love Jungkook, so I will listen to his album and if he’s happy then I’m happy for him but as an artist right now, his music is not for me anymore and it makes me a tad bit sad. But eh, we still have his previous songs to go back to :)
Whew, if you weren’t an anon and I knew your identity, I would say that we could be friends. I very much so hold a lot of these opinions. JK has one of the best vocals in the business BAR NONE. No one not even the kpoppies can dismiss that fact. Yet, these songs don’t showcase that??? They are songs that anyone could sing. Sure, JK has some great ad libs here and there. There is arguably nothing wrong with the way that he sounds but it’s also not remarkable or impressive vocally in my opinion.
I also don’t consume music. I too am older anon. I’m 30 almost 31 and I listen to what I like. One of the things I like and admire a lot is excellent, lush songwriting. You want a stunning hetero sexual song about sex with women? Work Song by Hozier or really any song by Hozier. I also admire the lyrics of Frank Ocean in the R&B scene, Kendrick Lamar in the Rap genre, and indie girls like Phoebe Bridgers and Lana Del Rey. All of these are just to name a few. Western music can be high quality and have amazing lyrics. I get that JK is going for mass general population appeal, so that’s why this doesn’t resonanate with me. I can be pretty snobby too. In fact, a lot of the music I love is what Joon shares to his stories and as we know, he’s one of the lyrical masterminds behind BTS.
I also love Jungkook and I’ll continue to love him even if I’m not going to listen to 3D and Seven on repeat. I will of course listen to his solo album too when it comes out. I fear it will be more of the same which isn’t my taste, but that’s okay. And it’s okay to like it. I’m one of those people that really likes to dive into songs lyrically. Some people don’t care about lyrics. The lyrics more than anything are what drew me to BTS in the first place. JK wants to be a different kind of solo pop star. That’s fine, I’ll just wait until he’s back in the studio with his band mates producing songs that I know will be fire and I won’t care what the general public thinks about those.
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icedragonlizard · 8 months
Wave 3 Dream Friend dynamics
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A lot of the Kirby fandom interprets these three being friends. No surprise that I do the same.
I'll be going over their individual dynamics: Magolor & Taranza, Magolor & Susie and Taranza & Susie.
But before that, I have one general headcanon for all of them: They all met each other before Star Allies. Hahaha. There you go.
Anyways, let's get started on their individual dynamics. Please note that as always, this is purely my headcanons.
I'll put a 'Keep reading' tag because this is gonna be quite a long one!
Magolor and Taranza
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-They're conversation partners. Magolor is always energetic and talkative in terms of conversations, and Taranza really likes that from him, so he considers Magolor as a really good convo partner.
-Magolor sometimes gives Taranza gifts to make him feel better, because he feels bad for his loss.
-Hugs happen between the two as well, since Taranza could always use hugs. It always makes him feel better.
-Magolor sometimes pranks Taranza but he never tries to go too far. There are occasions where Taranza attempts to prank him back as a 'gotcha moment'.
-Magolor has gotten Taranza out of his comfort zone to do more and more fun things.
-Being friends with Magolor long enough has convinced Taranza to start slowly growing back the super smug and arrogant persona that he once had before Sectonia's death.
-They sometimes have dumb and stupid fun together. Taranza is one of Magolor's many partners-in-crime.
-Considering that they're both magicians, they talk about magic. Magolor is a magic fanatic and always gets stoked to see Taranza performing his magic.
-Magolor promotes Floralia in Merry Magoland, to Taranza's joy.
-There were moments where Magolor ended up upsetting Taranza with things that involved Sectonia, including the "Old Friend" mask when he was making masks for Merry Magoland. However, he always sincerely apologizes every time this happens.
-They sometimes visit each other's homes.
-Magolor sometimes likes to hype Taranza up to other people. Taranza thinks it's both really nice and also honestly a little bit embarrassing at the same time.
Magolor and Susie
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-Conversation partners. They both have wider vocabulary than just about anyone else, so their conversations will seem super nerdy.
-They've disclosed their Another Dimension experiences with each other. They both totally agree that Another Dimension sucks. Magolor was incredibly stunned at how long Susie was stuck there.
-Friendly rivals, basically. They love to constantly 'own' each other through bickering and insults. They get entertainment out of pissing each other off. It's enriching for them.
-Magolor pulls pranks on Susie sometimes. Eventually, this has resulted in Susie learning to pull pranks on her own. She does it to Magolor, much to his surprise. He both loves and hates it when she pranks him back.
-These two are basically partners-in-crime. Aside from trolling each other, they also like coordinating in trolling others.
-They've bailed each other out of trouble a few times.
-Magolor has gotten Susie out of her comfort zone to do more fun things, similarly to what he did for Taranza.
-They talk about technology a lot. They collaborate on tech stuff. Susie once offered to help repair the Lor Starcutter when it broke down one time because Magolor crashed it during a trip.
-They've formed a business partnership. Magolor promotes Susie's tech in Merry Magoland and even gives her free ice cream when she shows up. Susie on the other hand flies by other planets to advertise Magolor's theme park. Susie also occasionally sings in Merry Magoland whenever her schedule makes it possible.
-Neither of them are seriously huggers on their own, so they don't hug each other, but they fist-bump a lot. They mostly fist-bump when they both feel smug. They also do super 'cool' handshakes.
-Magolor has told Susie a few times that he would've liked to meet her father. She isn't really sure what to make of this. It made her feel extremely awkward at first when he went as far as to make a mask of her father for Merry Magoland, but eventually got over it.
-Susie's weekend outfit mask for Merry Magoland happened because Magolor asked her to show him another outfit she wears to make a mask out of. He was generous enough to make 2 masks of her likeliness because she's one of his closer friends.
Taranza and Susie
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-They found genuine solace in each other because of their losses. They feel really bad for each other. The friendship between these two is special because they understand each other's struggles in a way that nobody else does.
-Best friends.
-They both act as emotional support for each other, even if Susie normally isn't great at doing that, but she really feels for Taranza because she's noticed the similarities that his struggles have to hers... both stayed loyal to their corrupted loved ones until they died.
-Both have been working on trying to recover from their losses, but Taranza has had a harder time doing so. This has resulted in Susie often taking care of him whenever they're near each other. Vice versa has happened as well, but not as often.
-Hugs happen between these two. Taranza is one of the very few people that Susie gladly accepts hugs from. The other being Kirby.
-Taranza gets really defensive whenever someone would accuse Susie of being a bad person. He would always immediately stand up for her and make it clear that she's trying to be better compared to what she was before.
-Susie protects Taranza. She literally acts like a 'protective big sister' for him although she's like barely a year older. She'll kick your ass if you try to bully Taranza in any way. I'm looking at you, Marx.
-"HE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES" is basically what these two are like.
-They help each other learn more about each other's interests. Taranza learns more about tech and Susie learns more about flora.
-Because Magolor has gotten these two out of their comfort zones, it resulted in these two doing silly fun things together.
-Taranza wasn't really an ice cream eater before being friends with Susie. Eventually, she helps get him to eat ice cream more.
-Taranza likes that Susie's voice sounds similar to Sectonia's voice. This is a hc of mine, because… I mean, they have the same canon voice actress.
General headcanons for the trio as a whole
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-They all have phones that they talk to each other on. Susie made the phones. This is especially helpful because Susie lives on a different planet that isn't Popstar, so she can just talk to the other two whenever without having to go back and forth.
-Magolor and Taranza sometimes visit Susie at her home planet, whether it's at the same time or it's just one of them. She visits them at their homes as well.
-Whenever Susie takes a vacation on Popstar, she sleeps at either Magolor's place or at Taranza's place.
-Magolor sometimes takes the other two in Lor Starcutter rides.
-The first time that any of these three visited the Forgotten Land is when Magolor used the Lor Starcutter to get all three of them there at the same time, and thus they all made their first visit there together. They did this because Elfilin doesn't like them and thus refused to make a portal for them.
-All three of them act like 'older sibling friends' to Kirby. They've been staying in touch with him after Star Allies. Kirby acts as emotional support for all three of them.
-All three of them really like Gooey. Whenever Gooey encounters one of them, he's going to receive head pats.
-The Mage Sisters are close friends to all three of them. There are hangouts and parties that involve the six of them.
-Sorry, but Marx doesn't form a quartet with them. This is because Taranza and Susie both hate Marx, as he loves to upset them both. Magolor is the only one out of the trio that is friends with Marx, as he has to keep Taranza and Susie away from him.
-One could maybe say that in my headcanon universe, Daroach could have a better chance of forming a quartet with them than Marx does. But even then, he doesn't quite make the cut either. Daroach likes to steal from Taranza and Susie, so they're not fans of him as a result, although they can tolerate him a lot better than they can with Marx. Magolor on the other hand does consider Daroach as a friend, as the two have this thing where they love stealing from each other.
-All three of them hate Dark Meta Knight. This is because of DMK's involvement in corrupting Sectonia, which of course has caused Taranza to hate him with every fiber of his being. Magolor and Susie sometimes mock and harass DMK in the name of Taranza.
-Magolor considers Taranza and Susie to be his next best friends, after Marx and Kirby.
That's everything I got for these three! If you're a fan of one of these three characters and you really liked reading all this, you're welcome!
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Kid: “Hahaha , you are funny, Miss!”
Your mother: “Y/N, please! The other families are already bad mouthing us because of you!”
You: “Mother, they talk about us even when I don’t do this. And what about making this cute child laugh!”
Your aunt: “ You mean this dirty rat.”
You snorted.
Your mother: “Anyway, I want you to introduce you to the Moriarty Family. Make haste and behave.”
Albert: “Welcome to the Moriarty household. We appreciate you to follow our invitation to our tea party. This is my younger brother William James Moriarty(…..)”
During his formal address of welcome you stare around them. While your focus is else where, your mothers elbow brought you back.
Your mother: “My sincerely apologies for our late arrival. We’ve kinda got hindered by some peasants…”
You kinda got angry as you fake smiled.
“But mother…. I don’t think Mr. Moriarty and his brothers don’t mind. We make a homeless child laugh and just delayed by 10 minutes. Any child laugh should be worth this time, right Mr. Albert James Moriarty ? Anyway what else should happen when we arrived late? The tea which gets every time refilled getting cold ? All the lady getting their nails on the Bachelors here? Hearing how all these families talking down the lower class?
Forgive me my rudeness yet I think, even when we came a hour late we didn’t miss anything…..”
Your mother just had her mouth wide open as you still stand politely in front of Albert.
You mother: “Y/N-!”
Albert and William next to him chuckled.
William: “No apologies, Miss L/N, for speaking the truth.”
Albert: “I think we invite Miss L/N to our table. I hope, you don’t mind Mrs L/N…?”
Your mother: “Of course not! “
Even, you were surprised. Actually, you wanted to piss them off and losing interest on you.
You walked behind the brothers to their table as female eyes are burnt into your back. You hear their whisper about you when you stretch your tongue out to them yet not obviously. The women gasped.
Albert saw it in the mirror of a window and he chuckled again.
‘She is a interesting one !”
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fly-forever-young · 2 years
They ask nct dream about you in an interview (public relationship but they don't show like hyuna and dawn for example hahaha)
•~𝐍𝐜𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦+ 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 & 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
Masterlist Navigation
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MC:"So how are things going with you and Y/n?"
• 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧
-He is surprised every time he hears someone mention your name, his tone of voice is softer every time he talks about you and his shy smile shows that he is really happy
- "Oh well, i like her a lot, she's really a nice person"
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• 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐨
-Listen carefully to the question making sure that the MC does not say anything bad about you, he expresses himself with simplicity asking for the support of the fandom for your relationship, he is afraid that someone may hurt you
- "Things with Y / n are going really well and I am also very happy with the support that the fans show us thanks"
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• 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧
-He is the most relaxed of all, his eyes shine every time he hears your name, he would feel a little guilty for exposing you to the media with your relationship but he is happy not to have to hide it
- "She's amazing really, I hope to have as many good times as possible with her"
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• 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐞
-He expected such a question and so he is prepared the answer to be given without spreading too much information about you two
- "I'm happy with Y / n, so it's going pretty well"
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• 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠
-He is shy, blushes a little but can't help to smile, he prefers not to say too much about you to protect your privacy and maintain your intimacy as a partner
- "Really good thanks"
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• 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨
-Another shy boy, he is so cute when he smiles, he knows you are looking at him so he greets you, he responds politely and sincerely to the question
- "It's going good with Y / n, she'll definitely be looking at us, by Y/n"
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• 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧
-He did not expect this very direct question about his private life, but he is an idol and immediately realizes that his life attracts a lot of curiosity to the media and fans so he answers in a professional way
- "Thanks for the question, it's really great I feel very comfortable with her and I'm happy she's part of my life"
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I apologize if I am taking a long time to respond to requests I hope you can understand thanks ❤❤
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justicerikai · 4 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #81 Yes or No
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
TL notes:
At some point the word ケツカッチン is said. This is a word used in the Japanese entertainment industry when a production’s schedule has a fixed time and it cannot be changed, or that you still have matters to take care of besides what you’re doing at the moment. It’s a term that combines “butt” and “clapperboard” since you hear the sound of the clapper behind you. There is no true English counterpart to this, so it has been localized to an innuendo of some kind about the never-ending, huge workload.
Let me know if I missed something!
Ohse: (These people who call themselves acquaintances of Sarukawa-san were very kind to a piece of shit like me.) 
Buddy 1: What’cha hiding under that plastic bag for, huh
Buddies: Hahaha
Ohse: …
Buddy 1: You goin’ somewhere?
Amahiko: Yes, for a little stroll.
Rikai: Allow me to join, Amahiko-san
Buddy 1: Wait!
Amahiko & Rikai: !?
Buddy 1: This town’s riddled with misfits. Don’t even dare to think the rules of your world apply here
Amahiko & Rikai: ....!
Buddy 1: “Keep your eyes peeled. You never know who’s lurking in the shadows…”
(Sound of rubble falling)
Rikai: !? Who’s there!
Amahiko: We know you’re hiding, show yourself. 
Asia: I’m the Charisma of Asia.
Amahiko & Rikai: ?
Asia: The Charisma of Asia.
Amahiko: Excuse me?
Rikai: Who may that be?
Asia: Charisma of Asia.
Amahiko: Asia…
Asia: That’s right, Asia. Charisma of Asia.
Asia: The Charisma of Asia is your progenitor, a legendary Charisma.
Rikai: Legendary Charisma?
Amahiko: What are you talking ab-
Asia: Quiet, I’m the one speaking. The Charisma of Asia doesn’t have time to waste.
Asia: Why may that be?
Amahiko: ….
Asia: Because I’m the Charisma of Asia.
Asia: Good grief, another day of edging a big load. 
Asia: Ah, there might be people who have taken that the wrong way.
Asia: It was inappropriate, my apologies.
Asia: You might think this is unexpected, however the Charisma of Asia is a naive worrywart.
Asia: In other words, the fact that even a legendary class like me is always plagued by anxiety and impatience is something I want you all to know. 
Asia: Don’t worry. One day I will break through it.
Asia: Sincerity has the last word. 
Rikai: O, kay…
Asia: I’m certain our paths will cross again someday.
Amahiko: Really!?
Asia: By then I will have become one large clump of Charisma.
Asia: I promise.
Amahiko: A-alright…
Asia: Very well. Charisma Link, complete.
(Mysterious sparkling sound)
Rikai: Charisma Link?
Asia: Now the Charisma of Asia must fly away.
Asia: Why is that?
Amahiko: Because you’re the Charisma of Asia?
Asia: You know it, farewell.
(Sound of wire shooting out)
Asia: Hup! Hup! Hup!
Asia: Asia!
Rikai: That’s quite the means of transportation… 
Ohse: (There really are all kinds of crazies running around here…)
Ohse: (Ahem.)
Ohse: (I mean, full of unique individuals.)
Ohse:  (But we could spend our time in safety due to the protection a group of people offered us.)
Iori: The Charisma of Asia?
Terra: The heck’s that
Fumiya: Some freak I bet
Ohse: A progenitor?
Amahiko: Yes, like some kind of superior.
Ohse: (On the other hand, Sarukawa-san was little by little distancing himself from us.)
Ohse: (Maybe it’s because it brought him back to old times, how it was nice to be here again.)
Ohse: (He started to look different too.)
Ohse: (And then…)
Ohse: (In the end…)
Sarukawa: Where’s Ryuu
Buddy 2: No worries, my man. We ain’t letting him do anything dangerous
Buddy 2: We’re just looking out for him for the time being
Sarukawa: …M’bad
Buddy 1: Have to say, he’s the spitting image of Kei
Woman: Like a lil’ brother
Buddies: Hahaha
Sarukawa: …Nah, y’know that ain’t true.
Leader: Kei.
Sarukawa: Huh?
Leader: Come back.
Sarukawa: …
Leader: Things are getting worse by the second here. We need your strength.
Leader: Weaklings like us only got one way of fighting, through “connection”
Leader: Can’t stay alive without it. 
Leader: And don’t tell me you forgot where you belong.
Leader: Return to us.
Buddy 1: Kei.
Buddy 2: Kei!
Sarukawa: …
Woman: Why!? What’s not to your liking!? Kei!
Sarukawa: …! ….!
Iori: “He said he didn’t know.”
Terra: “…Eh?”
Iori: Because this was supposed to be a place where he felt at home. 
Iori: The kind of atmosphere Saru-chan loves. 
Iori: Free to do whatever he wants, not bound by any annoying rules.
Iori: He had the biggest smiles on his face back then.
Terra: …But, there was no choice but for him to leave, right… 
Iori: Yeah, Saru-chan said so.
Sarukawa: “It'd be damn easier if I did have a reason.”
Sarukawa: “Y’see, Io.”
Sarukawa: “I’m the kinda bastard who can’t stand always bein’ tied to anyone for as long as he lives…” 
Sarukawa: …Ryuu?
Ryuu: I’m staying here in this town.
Sarukawa: …?
Ryuu: That’s why you have to come back, Kei-oniichan. 
Ryuu: Let’s live together again, okay!? Like we used to!
Sarukawa: …!
Leader: Kei.
Woman: Kei!
Sarukawa: …!
Fumiya: Hold it.
Buddies: !?
Sarukawa: …Fumiya?
Fumiya: That’s too good to be true.
Fumiya: Ryuu, you’ve been lying, haven’t you. 
Ryuu: !
Leader: Hey.
Sarukawa: What.. are you… 
Fumiya: You came in contact with Kei under the guise of a coincidence.
Fumiya: Then you got close to us, casually snooping for the reason why we’re hiding. 
Fumiya: Followed by luring us to a designated location for an ambush by your pals. 
Fumiya: Making us feel grateful for saving us, and then persuading him to stay in this town. 
Fumiya: You all got connections down under, don’tcha
Fumiya: Said it yourself. Weaklings fight with their ties. 
Woman: …!
Fumiya: Ryuu, it wasn’t like you just happened to be here.
Fumiya: You already settled down. 
Fumiya: You ignored Kei’s warnings, with the decisive blow being the skateboard you couldn’t hold onto anymore. 
Sarukawa: …!
Sarukawa: Ryuu…?
Ryuu: I’m-!
(Sound of Ryuu being covered with a bag)
Sarukawa: Ryuu!!
Fumiya: !
(A knife being pulled out)
Buddy 1: Hold it, one step and he’ll get it. 
Fumiya: Go ahead
Buddy 1: !?
Sarukawa: CUT IT OUT! What are you fuckers doing!!
Leader: Kei, we’re serious about this. 
Leader: You betrayed us once already. And it won’t happen again.
Leader: You’re being chased by some unruly fellas, no? I know all about it.
Leader: It all depends on your answer… got it?
Sarukawa: …!!
Leader: Come back to us.
Woman: Please, say yes! Kei! 
Sarukawa: ….!!!!
Sarukawa: ……..!!!
(Sound of radar)
Torahima: Yes! Yes, finally found them!
Torahime: Just you wait, Sensei!
(Cheering voices)
Torahime: ….Eh?
Asia: I am the Charisma of Asia.
Asia: The Charisma of Asia doesn’t have time to waste, goodbye.
(Sound of wire shooting)
Asia: Five years in a row!
Asia: Inducted into the hall of fame!
Asia: Haaaah!!!
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anabdaniels · 5 months
Cultural tradition
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Paring: Agent Whiskey x Female Reader
Word counting: 840
Rating: +18
Warning: Brief implied smut.
A/N: Let's pretend I ain't late with this. I'll already apologize for any possible mistake related to Christmas celebrations in the USA because Google may have confused me a bit hahaha. This is based on the Christmas traditions we have here where I live (south of Brazil), but I believe it can work with any other cultural habit if you ignore a few details.
Main Masterlist | Cowboycember Masterlist
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You always had wondered what it would be like to have your own Christmas night, at your house with people you really cared about, and that moment was finally becoming a reality.
Of course, you bugged Jack’s mind for a moment when you started to talk about your plans for December 24th, and only then did you remember that you two had been raised into different Christmas traditions.
“I understand that this might be confusing to you, but it’s so weird for me to just celebrate on the 25th.” You shrugged with a soft expression, playing with one of Jack’s hands.
“To be honest, I liked the idea of having celebrations.” He chuckled softly “I’m totally up to do it.”
“Fine!” you sounded excited “Then we’ll have to do some groceries tomorrow and I hope your barbecue skills are not rusty.”
“Barbecue?” Jack questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, because turkey ain’t an item of the party.” You answered calmly.
“This gonna be quite interesting.” Jack shook his head with a smile.
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The further you got into the grocery list, the more confused Jack was while trying to realize what would be the result of it, since you bought some stuff he couldn’t promptly associate into any familiar recipe like rice, corn, peas, and short ribs.
As time passed in the kitchen, Jack could only get more interested as the whole dinner started to take shape. The peas and corn jointed with potatoes, mayonnaise, and a bit of parsley, turning into a salad; the rice would be cooked to be a side dish, and the short ribs having the barbecue grill as their destination, but not without you making Jack surprised and confused once more with your instructions to season the ribs only with coarse salt and nothing more.
“Honey, are you sure about this?” Jack questioned one last time with the salt jar in one hand, making you laugh.
“Yes, Jack. I’m sure, I’ve helped my father and watched my uncles do this a thousand times, I’m sure about what I’m telling you.” You affirmed while moving your attention from the onions you were cutting.
“If you say so…” he chuckled and started to add the salt to the ribs, then looking at what you were doing “What’s that?”
“Well, back home we call it vinaigrette, even though it has nothing to do with the French dressing.” You shrugged after finishing chopping the onions and added them to a bowl with chopped tomatoes, gently mixing them.
“Only gets more interesting.” Jack said sincerely.
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Not that later, the guests showed up, your dear best friend, Ginger, Tequila, Jack’s parents and sister, and Theo, their dog. You were a bit worried if they would engage the idea when you made the invitations and all of them accepted without thinking twice, then suddenly you had been transported back to your child and teenagerhood, having a lot of people you loved and cared about sitting on the backyard and having a good time while drinking and eating.
You were prepared for any strangeness from them about the unusual meal, but as you listened to the compliments and saw the food you were sure would result in a bunch of leftovers disappearing, you couldn’t be happier for having been able to provide a good Christmas dinner for your family.
Which, for sure, included your cowboy.
Of course, you knew that Jack was a man of appetite, that soft stomach hadn’t appeared out of nowhere, but he definitely exceeded your expectations, eating everything as if it was the best thing in the world, probably because it tasted very much like that. He liked the food he had grown up eating on Christmas period, but something prepared by you with that whole emotional meaning would unquestionably be his favorite, what with the addition that everything on that dinner had hit right on his tastes was the recipe for a complete success.
“Finally, I can break free.” Jack said while watching the cars leaving the ranch, undoing his belt and opening the button of his jeans.
“Maybe you should try a non-vacuum-packed one next year.” You joked holding one short rib, finishing eating it.
“I’ll ignore your audacity because that dinner of yours was a masterpiece of food.” He shook his head and sat on the chair in front of you, taking advantage of the fact that you were sitting on the table to caress your thighs.
“Wise decision.” You chuckled and cleaned your hands on a napkin.
“I can’t with you sometimes.” He smirked and leaned forward to plant a kiss on the side of your knee.
“Daniels…” you sighed quietly as his lips moved further on your skin.
“C’mon, sugar, y’really didn’t expect me to want some dessert after such a good dinner?” Jack concluded his question with a nibble on your inner thigh.
“Can’t say you don’t have a good point.” You smiled already running your fingers on his hair and relaxing on the table, more than happy to be eaten out by your once more hungry husband.
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alexsnnlv · 2 years
What are some of your favorite Clouis moments?
hey ty for your ask! :D
oof, that's a tough one bc i absolutely adore all the Clouis moments, they all just, give me life y'know? but okay, let's do thisss. (not going to rank them bc i just can't, i love em all even between my favorites hahaha)
Their Meeting: I MEAN, this is literally one of the most important moments because, duh, they're meeting each other; but the way it was done was simply perfection. It's just, there's so much chemistry since the very first moment they talk to each other, their conversation just flows so naturally and YOU KNOW IT'S LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Their little harmless challenging that almost feels like flirting, the LOOKS, when he sings for her, the precious moment the three of them share when AJ presses the piano key, it's just all so good. (the whole scene just shines, and the context behind it is also important, because he was the one distracting AJ, most likely he volunteered to it).
Hunting with Louis and Aasim: COME ON, THE NINJA DIALOGUE THAT HAS A COMEBACK LATER AT EPISODE 4 BEFORE THEIR THIRD KISS, PLEASE. Clementine allowing herself to be silly and AJ doing it too, and Aasim exasperated? I love it. also, THEIR WHOLE FLIRTING WHEN PLAYING WITH THE WALKER, OH MY GOD. I love it I love it I LOVE IT, did i said i love it yet? because i do. a lot. also, that little moment of vulnerability both of them share after they're done with their game? like, they let each other in for a brief moment before closing again, but that meant something.
APPEAL TO LOUIS: GOD I JUST CAN'T BE CALM IN THIS MOMENT, HELP. IT ALWAYS GETS TO ME. like, the whole scene in general, since leaving the basement and seeing all the kids reunited in the yard, the whole atmosphere, the rain, Rosie barking, the yelling. it all adds to the scene and it's brilliant. when you appeal to Louis he's hesitant, obviously, this is a girl he's known for 2 days, asking him to trust her, before his best friend. it's hard, and we can see Marlon has this power on him and honestly, that's not good, nor healthy. but Clementine is just so worthy of his trust he just goes stands between her and a fucking gun now aimed at his head. but this is marvelously done, because the scene wants you to believe you made a mistake, that Louis isn't gonna help you. we see Marlon adjusting the gun, aiming with more angry and mad determination, Clementine closes her eyes almost waiting for the death.. and then Louis walks into frame and stands in front of her, with a look that just, God, the look he has in that moment. he begs Marlon to put down the gun, and it's just such an amazing moment.
Their talk in Clem's room: I'm talking about the one after AJ gets shot, when he brings new shirts for the kid. I don't know how exactly describe what this scene makes me feel, like, they're talking seriously, there's an enormous tension between them, Marlon's death is just fresh for some hours, and Louis is grieving. i don't know, this scene it's just so angsty and tbh i love it because it's realistic, he's not gonna forgive them right away, but he feels guilty about AJ getting shot, and at this point he obviously have feelings for Clem too, but again, he's grieving and blaming them and it's just a chaos in his head. but he thought of them, he went out of his way to search for Tenn's old clothes to give them to AJ. but dude, my favorite part? “Louis? I really missed you”. a moment of brief silence, and then “i missed you, too” and then leaves. my heart.
Practicing archery, and apologizing: Man man man man man man MAN, I love this moment. Louis is apologizing to Clementine, he admit he was wrong about voting against them, voting for them to leave. he just didn't knew what else to do, he was hurt and grieving, he just wanted it to stop, and didn't knew exactly what to do. but he doesn't excuses himself, he apologizes sincerely, and Clem can see that, so she forgives him. now they're in good terms again, and THEY FLIRT. IT'S ADORABLE. i especially love that when you're practicing and keep failing, their convo goes like:
L: “okay, during the fight, ask all the raiders to stand still about a foot away from you”
C: “i wasn't that bad” (and Louis just gives her the funniest seriously? look) “fine, i need some practice”
L: “told you you couldn't be worse than me. good news, we're the worst together”
and then when he says “thank you, for all of it” WITH THAT SOFT LOOK NGHSH MY HEART. BUT BUT BUUUT, a little underrated moment just after that, when you keep talking to him after that, in the second and final try, their conversation goes:
L: need something?
C: just checking in.
L: no big changes, i didn't become a master in your brief absence.
C: I'm shocked.
THEIR SMILES?? THEIR CHEMISTRY?? I can't, I'm in love with them.
First kiss, piano scene: come on guys, y'all knew this couldn't be missed. everything about this scene gets to me, how when Clem stays quiet Louis reassures her and tells her he's there for her, and she gives him a little smile. or when she says she can't give up, he says that if she won't, he definitely can't. then they get to the piano, and one of the most romantic and magical scenes I've seen ever plays out.
they start to tune the piano, and Louis makes his little joke about blowing on the strings, and tbh i love when Clem tells him she can't believe she fell for that, but not in a serious, annoyed tone, no, she's having fun, and Louis loves that, because he gets all shy and says “it's good to see you like this”.
now onto the real shit. he finally opens up entirely to her, shares his insecurities, how he feels, and that she's the only one that has actually bothered to try and see the real him, past the jokes and the piano. we finally see how they allow each other to be vulnerable. Clementine confesses her own feelings and Louis can't believe it, and when it sinks, he's all excited and names his song after her. and finally, THEY KISS. AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL, AND I LOVE IT. THE SMILES THEY GIVE AFTER, IT'S JUST SO CUTE. (i do wanna give an honorific mention to one dialogue that you can pick instead of the kiss, because the "you're such a weirdo" "yeah, but apparently you dig that, so who's the real weirdo here? it's both of us" it's adorable as hell).
Hand holding and soft looks: Quick little moment at the start of ep3, when Louis takes Clem's hand and gives her a soft look and a soft smile, as well as a little nod. and she looks back at him with a soft look and soft smile of her own, and i don't think I've seen such a soft and adorable look on Clem's face.
The date: their first official date. this scene tells you a lot about Louis, starting from the obvious like how he took enough time to think about it to search and read some magazines for advice, to most serious stuff like Louis' self esteem and confidence issues. even after everything that has happened between them, even if they're in a official, romantic relationship, he can't process or even accept the fact that Clementine was willing to save him, voluntarily. he needs to know, because the guilt is also eating him alive. and when Clem tells him she saved him because he's important to her? i mean, just look at him. he's shocked, like, again, he can't believe someone actually cares for him. it's truly depressive to think about, and seeing how the other kids treat him most of the time, I'm not even surprised. he immediately redirects the subject, and when Clementine assures him they're gonna get their friends back, he finally smiles and reveals what he actually went to.
he offers to have a date, she accepts, and they're adorable. i must say, my favorite dialogue choice for the date when Louis asks what 'her thing' is, is saying brawn. just because i think it's funny how Louis pretends to tighten his 'muscles' and winks at her and oh my God. I'm in love. and she just chuckles and it's adorable.
then they have a toast, stand up, and share a little but not less adorable moment where they just stare at each other, with soft looks, no words needed. it's like it's just the two of them alone in the world for a little time. that's before AJ rushes in and interrupts them, of course.
Hootenanny: I need to say, it's not an specific moment but a bunch of lines, looks, little moments between them here. the amount of looks Clementine and Louis give each other during the whole thing it's insane lmao, they're so in love. when Ruby asks Clem about the music and she chooses classic, Louis says “ah, a woman after my own heart” THEY'RE SO CUTE. again, THE LOOKS, THE LOOKS. also, Clementine both sees and hears Louis and AJ bonding and it's heartwarming.
wanted to highlight the ‘Don't be afraid’ scene because it's emotional and adorable.
Calm before the storm: Y'know, when all the kids are preparing and almost ready to get into the Delta ship and meet James, bla bla bla. the important here: Clem looks around for Louis and she finally spots him, away from the rest and alone, contemplating the boat. Clem gets close and Louis shares his worries, about how he doesn't wanna screw up and fears for her safety because he's used to "fucking up", and even when Clementine tries to reassure him, he's still not sure and asks her to slap him. obviously, we're not abusive so we don't do that, and since we can't hug him and tell him it's all gonna be okay, we're gonna smooch him bc we love our boyfriend and we gotta let him now we're here for them somehow. then he's all flustered and Clem's smiling and they're cute until AJ interrupts again but I love it because it's hilarious. "you'll learn when you're older" Louis is obviously finding it funny while now Clem's the flustered one and she's like, look to the other direction and I'm laughing.
They're alive: After the Delta explodes and they finally reunite with each other and they're glad they're safe. I love that Clem can hug him and tell him how happy she is to see him, and viceversa. but i also wanna highlight how she can make a callback to one of his line with the "and THAT'S how you school a walker” simply because it let us know she listens to him and remember even a little, funny line he said 2 weeks ago. also love how she says it and what he answers.
little jump to after they get Violet, when all the kids are reunited behind some boxes and Clementine tells them to run to Willy and Ruby while she kills the walkers. you can see Louis' worried and scared face, for her. then, when they're all leaving, Louis is the last one and it goes like this
L: right behind me?
C: yup, just like the ninja i am.
L: the ninjas we are.
and then he kisses her, tells her to be careful, and goes after the others, and they look at each other with worrying faces, and i just love all of this.
Reunion and family hug: Clementine, AJ and Tenn get out of the cave to start and try to look for a way back to the school when they hear a noise, just to find Louis there. AJ runs to him and hugs him tight, while Clementine watcha with fondness before joining in. then Louis makes a callback to the very first sentence he said to her, and she remembers it because she shakes her head with a knowing smile. then one of the cutest moments between these two, when he tells her they're all back at the school she brings up the fact that he went to look for them. he takes her hands and the exchange goes like:
“thought i lost you”
“only for a minute”
“longest damn minute of my life”
like??? they love each other so much already???? and some people dare to say they don't have chemistry, pfft.
Their new home and a bright future: It continues right after the last moment, but it deserves a spot of it's own. Everything about this scene it's just brilliant, from Clementine trying to ease his worries and guilt about killing Dorian, to him bringing up the house his parents were building before their divorce. this single thought brought Clementine and then Louis to think about their dreamhome, and everything about that conversation is beautiful, because it's them sharing their mutual hope of a future, of being together and feeling at home.
Trust and love: To finally end this, their last moment. We see Clementine and Louis looking at the map, planning their next move since a caravan has been spotted close their grounds. Clementine trusts Louis with this mission, and Louis is willing. they both have come a long way, and they've developed a lot since the start of the season, and you can see that. Louis asks AJ to join him, he forgives him about Tenn, and they're in good terms again. finally, Clementine practically begs him to stay safe, to what Louis smiles at her and gives her a kiss in the cheek. and I die. they're adorable.
oh my God, i think i went a bit over board with this,,, just a bit,,,
anyway, I'm sorry that instead of just answering simply with my favorite clouis moments i made a whole ass essay to each one of them, Clouis just makes me like that y'know
thank you again for the ask :D
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