#hyundai usa
manualwheel · 1 year
2024 Hyundai Ioniq
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iww-gnv · 4 months
Thirty percent of the workers at the sole Hyundai plant in the U.S., in Alabama, have joined the United Auto Workers (UAW). The announcement marks the third such public union drive at an automaker in the Southeast. And it marks another step in the UAW’s push to make inroads into the region, where big business and state governments have worked together for decades to keep unions out. In statements to the press, Hyundai workers argued the job was breaking down their bodies and quality of life for inadequate pay.
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Over the past few months, I’m sure you’ve read headlines like “Automakers overestimated EV demand,” but some believe they are right on track. This includes Hyundai, Kia, and several others.
Senior executives from the Korean automakers told Reuters ahead of the LA Auto Show they are seeing strong demand for electric vehicles in the US(..)
P.S. There is NO "demand problem" for well designed and reasonably priced electric cars. Those legacy automakers who complain about demand "problems" have themselves to blame for the fact that they are rapidly losing the competitive battle against efficient electric car manufacturers.
Only 1-3% of car buyers need bloated, overweight, badly overpriced and poorly maintained electric SUVs and performance luxury EVs without reliable charging infrastructure, super rich people toy-cars ar useless in real world! For example, the HUMMER EV and its other smaller cousins ​​are absolute nonsense in the global EV market...
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kuramirocket · 2 years
‘A total lie’: Mexican engineers say they were misled into manual labor in Ga. factories
Among the belongings Luis, a mechanical engineer by training, packed for his trip from Mexico to Atlanta was a business suit.
He had just accepted a quality engineering role based in West Point, Georgia.
But things began falling apart almost as soon as he landed at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, on a cold night in December 2020. A man sent by Luis’ new employer greeted him with a strange revelation: the engineering job he had been hired to do – and which he uprooted his life in Mexico to take – did not exist.
For the next 11 months, Luis would put in 12-hour shifts on the factory floor of a Georgia auto parts manufacturer, where he carried heavy loads to keep the assembly line fed. The nature of the work — which involved lugging parts such as bumpers or transmissions weighing over 100 pounds — put strain on his back, his hands, his feet.
Luis is one of six Mexican nationals who told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution they were brought to the U.S. under false pretenses, with engineering job offers from a staffing agency proving to be smoke screens for low paid assembly-line work. The men provided documents showing a little-known visa program that immigrant watchdogs say is ripe for abuse paved the way for the agency to bring them to Georgia.
“For me, it was just surreal,” Luis said. “I kept asking myself, ‘Am I dreaming?’ Like, what is happening? What is going on?”
The visa that allowed Luis and others into the country is the Trade NAFTA —or TN — visa, meant to fill high-skilled jobs in the U.S. with Mexican professionals. According to a list published by the U.S. Department of State, jobs as engineers and technicians are among the professions covered by the TN visa program. Assembly line work is not.  
With little oversight of the TN visa program, some immigrant advocates report a growing pattern of fraud resulting in worker exploitation, with many cases linked to the auto sector in the Southeast.  
The company that hired the Mexican nationals and that supported their applications for TN visas is a Newnan staffing agency, GB2G, Inc. also known as Allswell. Workers say Allswell hired them to work for several different auto parts manufacturers in the West Point area that supply the Kia auto plant there.
Allswell hasn’t been charged with any wrongdoing in connection to its use of the TN visa program.
During Luis’ first night in the state, he says the housing he’d been promised by Allswell turned out to be a spot on the floor in a house shared with seven other TN workers.
“I laid there and obviously I couldn’t sleep, out of frustration,” he said. “I was thinking, ‘The only thing left would be for them to take us to the cotton fields tomorrow.’”
A rising trend
The six Mexican nationals interviewed by the AJC arrived between December 2020 and May 2021. During that stretch, a worsening pandemic left jobs unfilled and set the stage for a surging labor movement — conditions that made low-wage jobs harder and harder to fill with U.S. workers.
“It’s a huge moment” in the economy, said executive director of the Sur Legal Collaborative, an immigrant and workers’ rights non-profit based in Atlanta. “And so employers are going to look elsewhere for a labor force that is going to be more compliant … especially in some of these industries where there’s high turnover.”  
Staff at the Centro de los Derechos del Migrante (CDM), a migrant workers organization that operates in Mexico and the U.S., say allegations of TN visa fraud of the kind coming out of the West Point auto sector are not unusual.
“It’s definitely notable to us that it’s going on in an industry that has such a high level of visibility in that region and has sort of been held up as this model for rural economic development,” said CDM’s legal director. “When you think about the shiny cars rolling off the assembly line … it’s not something that’s on people’s radar, that the industry is sourcing its parts from producers who appear to be engaging in practices that are highly concerning and in many cases unlawful.”
In April, a class action lawsuit filed in Atlanta federal court claimed a Gwinnett-based labor recruiter used the TN visa program to hire dozens of Mexican engineers, who said they wound up performing manual labor in a facility based in Luverne, Alabama. The lead plaintiff in the case is Jaime Obregon Acosta, a Mexican national who holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s in business administration. While on the job, Obregon and others “had to work horrendously long hours on the production line at hourly wages that were a fraction” of that of U.S. citizens. Over 40 hired through the visa program have joined the suit.  
A civil rights litigator who is representing Obregon and his colleagues, said he is coming across cases of visa misclassification “over and over again,” where companies’ aim is to lower labor costs.
For the Allswell employees interviewed by the AJC, the prospect of an engineering job north of the border felt validating, a sign that years of study and resume-building in Mexico had earned them a legal shot at the American dream. When they realized their new jobs were not what they expected, the men said they hung on for several months, clocking in at the Georgia factories because they needed to make money somehow.
Some of the workers said they were too ashamed to go back to Mexico and face their families as victims of what they perceived to be demeaning treatment.
“They treated us like we were animals,” Luis said. “Like pack mules.”
“It was a total lie,” Augusto, another engineer, said of the job offer that got him his visa. “They’re making the U.S. government believe that they are bringing in qualified personnel for a professional job, but it’s a lie.”
An immigration attorney said the Mexican engineers’ descriptions and their experience in Georgia could amount to human trafficking. In fact one of the engineers has applied for protection under human trafficking laws.  
Because the auto parts manufacturers didn’t directly employ the Mexican nationals, relying instead on a third-party staffing firm, they might not be responsible if a violation of the TN visa program were found.  
“One reason that employers in all industries use these third-party staffing agencies is in part to shield themselves from liability and compliance costs” said an associate professor at Georgia State University’s College of Law.
The Mexican engineers who spoke to the AJC provided documentation to show they worked at three parts makers that supply automaker Kia in West Point. On its website, staffing agency Allswell lists the three— Hyundai Mobis, Hyundai Glovis and Mando — as part of its client roster. All are South Korean auto parts manufacturers with facilities in the West Point area.  
Mobis and Mando didn’t respond to repeated requests for comment.  
Limited oversight of a visa program  
Because of the limited eligibility requirements, the TN visa program accounts for only a small number of foreign workers especially relative to other, more popular types of employment visas.
In fiscal year 2021, the U.S. issued 24,904 TN visas, up from 16,119 just four years prior – a more than 50% increase, according to federal data. Of the total number of visas issued to TN workers and their dependents in 2021, the latest year for which data is available, Mexico accounted for an overwhelming 98.8%.
Labor protections such as enforcing work contracts, ordering employers to pay back wages and referring cases for prosecution as the need arises don’t exist for TN workers.  
“I mean, the workers come here and there’s just no reporting, no oversight.... And I think that’s part of the reason why it’s attractive to some employers,” said a civil rights attorney.
Because a TN visa is tied to the workers’ employer who helps them obtain the visa, quitting to take a better job in the U.S. can be difficult, leaving workers stuck.
The State Department operates the TN program for Mexican applicants.
It’s unknown how many TN visas have been issued to Georgia workers. The State Department told the AJC that it does not collect or publish data on TN visas broken down by destination state or employer.  
Another Case
In the fall of 2020, Heber Zapata, came across a LinkedIn job posting that caught his eye. A Georgia labor recruitment agency called SPJ Connect was looking to fill U.S.-based engineering roles.
But the promising job Zapata moved nearly 2,000 miles to take was nothing like it had been described, he said. Nearly two years later, the 28-year-old is still in LaGrange, hoping the U.S. government will declare him a victim of human trafficking.
Zapata’s experience during the job recruitment process was echoed by other workers, all of whom secured their visas to work in Georgia through SPJ Connect.
According to Zapata, Spanish-speaking SPJ Connect staff set him up on a job interview with the Newnan staffing agency Allswell. In an email to another Mexican job seeker, an SPJ Connect employee wrote that Allswell was a “company that provides [labor] outsourcing services to other businesses that are located in Georgia and that are looking for production engineers, maintenance engineers and internal logistics engineers.”  
In short order, Zapata was offered a $44,000 salary as a “production engineer,” and a package of benefits. To support his application for a TN visa, Allswell sent Zapata a letter stating he had been offered a job that was “professional and specialized in nature.”
With his education and multiple years of experience, the letter stated Zapata had “the required knowledge and sophistication that would enable him to comprehend complex engineering concepts and scientific theoretical principles.”
The AJC reviewed six TN visa support letters provided by the Mexican nationals who were recruited by SPJ Connect and hired by Allswell to work at auto parts manufacturers in West Point. The letters show five of the men were hired to work at the Hyundai Mobis plant and one at the Mando plant. Salaries they were offered ranged from $40,000 to $44,000 a year.  
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Once in Georgia, Zapata says the nature of the work he was asked to do didn’t match what was described on his visa.
Zapata’s job turned out to be working the overnight shift — 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. — on the assembly line at the Hyundai Mobis plant, a Kia supplier located in West Point.
Pay also fell short of the $44,000 he had been promised: His paychecks show Zapata earned roughly $580 a week, which amounts to just over $30,000 a year. According to Zapata, American workers at the same plant performing similar work earned an hourly wage higher than his $11 per hour.
Zapata took his complaints to several law enforcement agencies, but they apparently did nothing to follow-up.
According to a LaGrange Police Department incident report filed July 24, 2021, Zapata told an officer he worked as a production line worker at Hyundai Mobis despite being offered a job as an engineer – and having been allowed entry into the country only on the basis of that engineering job offer. His information was taken, but no action was noted in the paperwork. He also made a report to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, which issued him a case number, and he filled out a form to report suspected criminal activity on the website of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  
Eight months after he arrived in West Point, Zapata left Allswell in August 2021. He later turned to an Atlanta immigration law firm to apply for a visa that grants legal status to victims of human trafficking, a crime involving the use of force, fraud or coercion to obtain some type of labor.
He said his allegations of trafficking are still under investigation.
A Lying Pitch
In the meantime, labor recruiter SPJ Connect continues to advertise new job vacancies, with videos on social media showing staff pitching their services and the benefits of the TN visa to students in universities across Mexico.
Zapata says inexperienced young graduates are less likely to complain about working conditions once in the U.S.
On SPJ Connect’s Facebook page, a recording from an April 8 visit to the Universidad Tecnológica de Huejotzingo captured the aspirational rhetoric at the heart of the company’s recruitment strategy.  
Addressing a crowd gathered at a campus auditorium, an SPJ Connect executive, Yadira Leos, explained that although students might only have heard of U.S. work programs in the context of agricultural labor, the TN visa is different.
“You will be able to go to the U.S. and grow personally and professionally … [Your loved ones] will see you grow and you will impact their lives…. Because if you can do it, they will say, ‘I can do it, too,’” she said, noting that her company has roughly 500 vacancies to fill every single month.
One of Leos’ colleagues, Elizabeth Cantú, is seen on the video explaining in Spanish that all the jobs SPJ Connect recruits for are in the U.S. automotive industry. Her brief presentation suggested assembly line work would be their first job in the U.S.
“Everyone goes to the production line the first year” regardless of job title, Cantú said in the video, which has since been deleted.
But working on an assembly line for any length of time while on a TN visa constitutes immigration fraud, according to experts.
SPJ Connect and Allswell present themselves as two different entities — Allswell is listed as a “satisfied client” on SPJ Connect’s website, alongside Hyundai Mobis, Mando and other manufacturers. Yet, according to information from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Corporations Division, SPJ Connect and Allswell share the same registered agent address: 124 Big Horn Drive in Newnan. And an individual named Youngjin Lee is listed as both CEO of SPJ Connect and secretary of Allswell.
SPJ Connect did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
‘They don’t stop asking for Mexicans’  
If some visa workers are paid less than local workers, it could incentivize employers to rely more and more on foreign labor pools.  
Employers are going to naturally prefer the cheaper, more vulnerable option.
“Before filling vacancies with local workers, [companies] give us the opportunity to bring them people from here,” said Leos during SPJ Connect’s visit to the Universidad Tecnológica de Huejotzingo. “Believe me. Once they become familiar with the Mexican work culture, they don’t stop asking for Mexicans.” She repeated that message in a June 13 Facebook Live.  
SPJ Connect and Allswell’s efforts to recruit Mexican workers for Georgia manufacturing jobs has received a boost from LaGrange city officials.
Demand for foreign workers can generate tension on the assembly line, as the Mexican nationals interviewed by the AJC explained.
“The comments we got were like ‘Get out of here;’ ‘You’re taking jobs from my people,’” Augusto said. “Every plant that has Mexican workers, the people that work there know that they earn much more than us. Of course they know.”
‘I wanted to be a respected person’
In 2019, the 29-year-old, Jose, rose to production supervisor at a biotechnology company in Tijuana. Hoping to pick up new skills and improve his English, he accepted a production engineer position in 2020 at Hyundai Mobis and moved to Georgia on a TN visa.
The line assembly work he found instead marked a return to a life of manual labor he thought he’d left behind.
“It destroyed me like you have no idea … physically, emotionally, psychologically,” he said. “How is it possible that I killed myself studying and working to try to have a better life when, at the end of the day, it would have been the same if I had just come here illegally?”
Shame kept Jose from letting family members know about his life in Georgia, he said.
“I wanted to do things the right way. I wanted to be an engineer. I wanted to be a respected person.”
“I’m biting my lip now as I talk to you to make sure I don’t start crying.”
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Go For a Ride Day
Go For a Ride Day, celebrated on November 22, urges you to just get up and get out! Do you ever feel like you’re tied to your laptop/phone/tablet screens? We’ve become a pretty sedentary bunch — a far cry from the people who discovered countries, oceans, and animals simply by getting off the couch and exploring.  Make today a day to set your spirit free and enjoy your wanderlust on whatever mode of transportation suits you best. Bike, boat, car, skateboard, sleigh—it doesn’t matter what you choose! Pick a location you’ve always wanted to visit and make today the day you’ll go.  
History of Go For A Ride Day
Birthdays are fun and Christmas means presents (if you’re lucky), but nothing quite compares with the magical day you get your driver’s license. That’s when your world truly changes forever. Why? Cars mean freedom. You can suddenly go anywhere at anytime (as long as your parents are cool with your plans). Such is the nature of transportation — something we in the 21st century take for granted. We all grew up with planes, trains and automobiles — so we’re quite used to getting where we need to go.
But it wasn’t always that way. When President Jefferson asked Lewis (and, eventually, Clark) to explore the American West in 1804, there were no nonstop flights from St. Louis to the Oregon coast. As the History Channel describes it: “The excursion lasted over two years.   Along the way they confronted harsh weather, unforgiving terrain, treacherous waters, injuries, starvation, disease and both friendly and hostile Native Americans. Nevertheless, the approximately 8,000-mile journey was deemed a huge success and provided new geographic, ecological and social information about previously uncharted areas of North America.”
And today we complain about trying to squeeze our carry-ons into the overhead bin.
Americans have always loved to “go for a ride” — with whatever mode of transportation existed. Horses. Boats. Bicycles. And of course, the ubiquitous car. The nation had a long love affair with automobiles starting in the mid 20th century and lasting until recently — as a new generation of car buyers, born after the car craze, loses interest in design — focusing instead on practicality. Stellar gas mileage makes Priuses as sexy as Porsches. Well, almost.
Go For A Ride Day timeline
1950s Car culture
Cars inspired new businesses like drive-through restaurants and drive-in movie theaters, and employed one in six working Americans.
1956 Interstate highways
President Eisenhower authorizes $25 billion for the construction of 41,000 miles of the Interstate Highway System.
1964 ‘Pony car’
Ford introduces the sporty and powerful Mustang — the automaker's most successful launch since the Model A.
2019 Driverless cars get smarter
MIT engineers develop a system to help autonomous cars determine if there’s a moving object coming around the corner.
Go For A Ride Day FAQs
What does Go For A Ride Day celebrate?
Go For a Ride Day 2019 encourages us to get out in the world, as opposed to seeing it on a screen. Any mode of transportation will do on this day. What was America’s first car company?
Brothers Charles and Frank Duryea founded the Duryea Motor Wagon Company in 1893, becoming the first American automobile manufacturing company.  What happened to supersonic jet travel?
The Concorde, which flew faster than the speed of sound, never turned a profit. When the plane broke the sound barrier (about 760 mph), it created shock waves that would hit the ground with a loud and sudden sonic “boom.” The FAA eventually banned all commercial aircraft from flying at supersonic speeds over land.
Go For A Ride Day Activities
Make it fun
Make it easy
Make it memorable
Dare yourself to try something new and adventurous. Why not try a mode of transportation you’ve never used before? Suggestions include jet skiing, parasailing, or going on a hot air balloon ride. In colder climates you could try a sleigh ride, or a horse drawn carriage.
Maybe you weren’t born to be wild, but don’t let that stop you from joining in the fun. Play tourist in your own city or neighborhood. Use public transit and see the sights like visitor.
Exploring is an adventure, but it can be even more fun if you have someone to share it with. Bring along an adventurous friend or family member to help make some memories. If your local friends are sticks in the mud, then bring your more adventurous friends along virtually by posting your adventure to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
Why We Love Go For A Ride Day
It’s an escape from reality
It can be great exercise
It helps us be spontaneous
Every now and then we just need something to break up the status quo and make us feel alive! Go For A Ride Day exists for that very reason. It can be hard to get motivated to see new places or even try new foods, but Go For A Ride Day provides the momentum.
You can try skateboarding or using a scooter. How about getting out your helmet and going for a long bike ride? Did you know you can burn over 400 calories an hour horseback riding?
Our lives tend to run to the predictable, and for the most part, that predictability helps the world go round. But we all still have a small streak of rebellion, and that's what Go For a Ride Day helps bring out.
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service25n · 15 days
2024 Hyundai Sonata N Line: A Fusion of Sportiness
The 2024 Hyundai Sonata N Line is redefining the midsize sedan market with its bold design, dynamic performance, and advanced features. This sporty variant of the popular Sonata lineup is perfect for drivers seeking an exhilarating driving experience without compromising on style and comfort.
Striking and Sporty Design
The 2024 Hyundai Sonata N Line stands out with its aggressive, sporty design. The distinctive front fascia, featuring a cascading grille and sleek LED headlights, gives the Sonata N Line a commanding presence on the road. Sporty side skirts, a rear diffuser, and dual twin exhaust outlets further enhance its athletic appeal. With exclusive 19-inch alloy wheels and a range of vibrant colors, the Sonata N Line exudes confidence and style.
High-Performance Engineering
Under the hood, the 2024 Sonata N Line is powered by a robust 2.5-liter turbocharged GDI engine, delivering an impressive 290 horsepower and 311 lb-ft of torque. Paired with an 8-speed dual-clutch transmission (DCT), this powertrain ensures quick acceleration and smooth gear shifts. The sport-tuned suspension and steering system provide precise handling and a responsive driving experience, making every journey exciting.
Advanced Technology and Connectivity
The 2024 Hyundai Sonata N Line is equipped with cutting-edge technology to keep you connected and entertained. The 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system supports Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, offering seamless smartphone integration. The available Bose premium audio system delivers crystal-clear sound, enhancing your driving experience. Additionally, the digital instrument cluster provides essential driving information at a glance, keeping you informed and focused.
Comprehensive Safety Features
Safety is a priority in the 2024 Sonata N Line, which comes with Hyundai's SmartSense suite of advanced safety and driver assistance features. These include Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist, Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist, Lane Keeping Assist, and Smart Cruise Control with Stop & Go. The robust body structure and advanced airbag system offer additional protection, ensuring peace of mind on every drive.
Luxurious and Sporty Interior
Inside, the 2024 Sonata N Line combines luxury with sportiness. The cabin features N Line sport seats with leather bolsters and red stitching, providing both comfort and support. The leather-wrapped steering wheel and aluminum pedals add to the sporty ambiance. With ample legroom and premium materials, the Sonata N Line ensures a comfortable and enjoyable ride for all passengers.
The 2024 Hyundai Sonata N Line is a perfect blend of sportiness, advanced technology, and luxurious comfort. Its powerful performance, coupled with a striking design and comprehensive safety features, makes it an ideal choice for drivers seeking a midsize sedan with a sporty edge.
To experience the thrill of the 2024 Hyundai Sonata N Line, visit your local Hyundai dealership and schedule a test drive today. Discover why this sporty sedan is turning heads and setting new standards in the automotive world. Experience the perfect combination of performance and sophistication with the 2024 Sonata N Line.
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carblogbd · 17 days
Hyundai Palisade 2025: Elevating the Standard for Family SUVs
The 2025 Hyundai Palisade continues to set a high bar in the midsize SUV segment, offering a compelling mix of luxury, space, and advanced technology. Designed to meet the needs of modern families, the Palisade delivers on comfort, performance, and safety, making it a top choice for those seeking a versatile and stylish vehicle.
Key Features
Performance and Efficiency
The 2025 Palisade is powered by a refined 3.8-liter V6 engine, generating 291 horsepower and 262 lb-ft of torque. This powertrain is paired with an 8-speed automatic transmission, providing smooth and responsive acceleration. Front-wheel drive is standard, with an all-wheel-drive option available for those who require enhanced traction and stability. Despite its robust performance, the Palisade maintains impressive fuel efficiency, making it economical for long family trips.
Interior and Comfort
Hyundai has designed the Palisade’s interior with luxury and practicality in mind. The cabin offers three rows of seating, comfortably accommodating up to eight passengers. High-quality materials, including available Nappa leather upholstery, create an upscale feel. The second-row seats can be configured as captain’s chairs or a bench seat, providing flexibility to suit different needs. The Palisade also offers generous cargo space, with up to 86.4 cubic feet available when the second and third rows are folded down.
Technology and Connectivity
The 2025 Hyundai Palisade is packed with advanced technology to keep passengers connected and entertained. The standard 12.3-inch touchscreen infotainment system includes navigation, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and Bluetooth connectivity. Higher trims offer additional features such as a Harman Kardon premium audio system, a 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster, and a rear-seat entertainment system. Wireless charging and multiple USB ports ensure that all devices stay powered throughout the journey.
Safety Features
Safety remains a top priority for Hyundai, and the 2025 Palisade comes equipped with a comprehensive suite of safety features. Standard on all trims is Hyundai SmartSense, which includes forward collision-avoidance assist, blind-spot collision-avoidance assist, lane-keeping assist, and adaptive cruise control. Additional available safety features include a surround-view monitor, rear cross-traffic collision-avoidance assist, and Highway Drive Assist, which offers semi-autonomous driving capabilities.
Trim Levels and Pricing
The 2025 Hyundai Palisade is available in several trim levels: SE, SEL, XRT, Limited, and Calligraphy. Each trim is designed to cater to different preferences and budgets, offering a range of features and amenities.
SE: The base SE trim includes essential features such as the 12.3-inch touchscreen infotainment system, Hyundai SmartSense safety suite, and cloth upholstery.
SEL: The SEL trim adds comfort and convenience features like heated front seats, a power-adjustable driver's seat, and a sunroof.
XRT: This trim introduces a rugged aesthetic with exclusive exterior styling elements, 20-inch alloy wheels, and roof rails.
Limited: The Limited trim enhances luxury with leather upholstery, ventilated front seats, a hands-free power liftgate, and a premium audio system.
Calligraphy: At the top of the range, the Calligraphy trim offers the ultimate in luxury with exclusive design elements, Nappa leather upholstery, a head-up display, and a dual-panel sunroof.
The 2025 Hyundai Palisade excels as a family SUV, blending performance, luxury, and advanced technology. With its spacious and comfortable interior, robust safety features, and a variety of trim levels to choose from, the Palisade is well-suited for a wide range of lifestyles and needs. Whether you're navigating daily commutes or embarking on long road trips, the 2025 Palisade offers the reliability and versatility that modern families demand.
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autotechtrends · 4 months
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Excelled at WCX USA 2023 with Hyundai Trans!
Kudos! Hyundai Trans for a successful exhibit at WCX USA 2023, and we’re glad to be a part of this fruitful journey!!
Are you also planning to do an exhibit? Then, connect with us at https://www.expostandservice.us/ We offer to exhibit service to
We at Expo Stand Services know how to bring success to your brand regardless of the trade show and your industry.
Collab with the experts for your next exhibit!!!
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manualwheel · 1 year
2024 Hyundai Elantra
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swxing039 · 1 year
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#吳遠弗屆之小確幸live♞ 美國( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡ 謝謝新婚夫妻戴著語言不通的我闖蕩🇺🇸好幾天 #幸の日常日記 喜歡的甜甜圈在本地吃 我的行李箱從沒有輕過 國外車種多又特別大台 #LA #american #USA #Lax #Las #KrispyKremeDoughnuts #Hyundai #現代#Chevrolet #雪佛蘭 #大黃蜂 #Dodge #道奇 #靈銳 #Tesla #特斯拉 (在 LAX) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqwz_devwXl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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If we take a look at the full-year results, it turns out that hydrogen fuel cell car sales decreased in 2022 by 19 percent year-over-year (from a record level of 3,341 in 2021).
In terms of models - all are down year-over-year, and as far as we know, nothing new is coming in 2023.
Sales in 2022:
Toyota Mirai - 2,094 (down 20%)
Hyundai Nexo - 408 (down 5%)
other models - 205 (down 27%)
Total: 2,707 (down 19%)(..)
P.S. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are waste of money and resources:  These vehicles are expensive, overall bad energy efficiency, and lack of refueling infrastructure..., and hydrogen is expensive...
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leopauldelr · 1 year
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Recap time #ほぼ日手帳 #bulletjournaling #acrs #usa #politics #hyundai https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYgpE0uSNF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rabbitcruiser · 26 days
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National Odometer Day
Be thankful for the odometer, a device that keeps track of your mileage, which in turn helps you know when and how to get your car looked at and adjusted.
Odometers are one of the meters that come standard when purchasing a new car. Keeping track of the wear put on your engine by tracking the distance you’ve traveled. How did this invention come to be? Why is it so important?
National Odometer Day is all about celebrating the invention of the odometer and how it has helped the design and function of automobiles progress. Without odometers, how could we track the progress we made?
History of National Odometer Day
The origin of the word odometer comes from the Greek words hodos meaning path or gateway and metron, meaning measure. In Ancient Greece, the distance was measured by bematists, people specially trained to measure the distances by counting steps. However, the first odometer was invented in the Han Dynasty in China.
The device was a road carriage with a drum, and with each time their measurement of distance was met, a drum was hit by a wooden figure. This device is considered to be highly advanced and helped influence the invention of the odometer.
As for the modern odometer, there have been multiple stories about when it first came to be. No matter how it happened they all contribute towards what we consider to be an essential part of people’s cars. In 1847, William Clayton, a Mormon pioneer, invented his “roadmometer” and attached it to his wagon while heading to Utah.
The idea helped build the odometer for the first automobiles invented during the early 1900s. This odometer was developed by Arthur P. and Charles H. Warner of Beloit, Wisconsin, and was patented as the “Auto-Meter”.
Since then, odometers have helped understand the lifespan of cars and gives vehicle owners the ability to pay attention to their car and do maintenance. National Odometer Day was created to remind people of this fact, remind them to check their odometers and take better care of their cars.
How to Celebrate National Odometer Day
Take a drive in your car and see where you end up. Get in the habit of tracking your miles and reset your odometer after each drive. By keeping track of your mileage, you’ll be able to better care for it and track how efficiently you’re using gas.
Share pictures of your travels and odometer on this day with your friends and family. Odometers are useful whether you’re driving around the corner to your local grocery store or on a long trip. Paying attention to the distances you’ve traveled will help you maintain your car and ensure its performing well.
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montysinha322 · 2 years
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