antiqueanimals · 10 months
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Hutias and solenodons. Animal Ghosts. Edited by Claudia Clow. Illustrated by Walt Disney Productions. 1971.
Internet Archive
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lulu2992 · 2 years
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Inktober 2022, Day 27: Snack.
Come here, there’s enough for everyone!
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Desmarest’s Hutia (Capromys pilorides)
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(Photo from Truus & Zoos)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Cuba
Size (Weight/Length)- 8 kg; 60 cm
Diet- Roots; Leaves; Bark
Cool Facts- The Desmarest’s hutia is a large rodent with a love for climbing. More often found on trees than on the ground, small family groups forage during the day and gather in cuddle piles at night. Having a relatively refined diet, being completely herbivorous, leaves don’t offer much energy. The Desmarest’s hutia solves this issue by having a stomach divided into three compartments in a similar way to a cow, the most complex system of any rodent. Originally, these hutias were hunted as food but due to recent decreases in population, the Cuban government has declared hunting illegal. 
Rating- 11/10 (The smaller, tree-climbing capybara.)
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rodentcompetition · 1 year
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Information about contestants below!
Nutria or coypu (Myocastor coypus)
Nutria is a large, herbivorous, semiaquatic rodent. It lives in burrows alongside stretches of water and feeds on river plant stems. It somewhat resembles a very large rat, or a beaver with a small, long and skinny hairless tail. Three distinguishing features are a white patch on the muzzle, webbed hind feet, and large, bright orange-yellow incisors.
Nutria are found most commonly in freshwater marshes and wetlands. They either construct their own burrows, or occupy burrows abandoned by other animals. They are also capable of constructing floating rafts out of vegetation. Nutria live in partially underwater dens. One male will share a den with three or four females and their offspring.
Nutria can live up to six years in captivity, but individuals uncommonly live past three years old. It is considered an invasive species in Europe.
Desmarest's hutia or Cuban hutia (Capromys pilorides)
It is the largest living hutia. It has thick, coarse fur which extends to the tip of the tail. The colour of the body fur varies from black to brown, with a light sand colour and red also seen.
The Desmarest's hutia is found only in Cuba, but is widespread throughout its range. In northern Cuba, populations tend to be centred on areas where there are abundant mangroves, while southern populations tend to favour a more terrestrial habitat.
Desmarest's hutias normally live in pairs, but can be found individually or in small groups. They are diurnal and do not burrow, so during the night they rest in hollows in rocks or trees. They are omnivorous but eat mostly bark, leaves and fruit. In captivity they live for eight to eleven years.
Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
They are covered with short, thick fur of medium to dark brown color. They have long tails covered with scales. To aid in swimming, their tails are slightly flattened vertically, a shape that is unique to them. Muskrats spend most of their time in the water and can swim underwater for 12 to 17 minutes.
The muskrat mostly inhabit wetlands. They live in families, consisting of a male and female pair and their young. They build nests that are often burrowed into the bank with an underwater entrance. Muskrats feed mostly on cattail and other aquatic vegetation but also eat small animals.
Their bodies, like those of seals and whales, are less sensitive to the buildup of carbon dioxide than those of most other mammals. They can close off their ears to keep water out. In some European countries the muskrat is considered an invasive species.
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witchblade · 3 months
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hutia jpeg
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drlaferriere · 1 year
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#DailyDrawingChallenge #January #10 #Endangered #Species #hutia - - @inebriart6 #inebriart #endangeredspecies #hutia #theme #artist #dailysketch #draweveryday #drawingprompt #dailydrawing #daily #drawing #drawingcontest #cartoon #animals #draweveryday #artsy #art #artistsofinstagram #AdobeFresco #artsyfartsy (at Attleboro, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSs8KaPm89/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fifyfofawn · 2 years
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Hey Hutia 😊🐀
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papabirdurskeks · 8 months
Well, I got some more headcanons about the Witness's people that no one asked for, but I'm gonna talk about it anyways! c:
This is gonna be about facial tattoos for the Witness's people and why they are important for them!
To start off with simply, facial tattoos are important for this species because they signify a number of things for them: Family, Life, and Status (as charted below)
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Tattoos that make up the forehead and brow are by far the most important for them all. As stated in the chart, these are clan/family signifiers, stating to others which family you are from/belong to. While they typically vary in design, they all serve the same purpose of differentiating other clans from each other and as well as aiding in keeping possible chances of inbreeding out; therefore giving a higher and better chance of gene variety down the line.
Tattoos that are located around the mouth and/or lower jaw mark the second most important set of markers for these people. These are known as Rite of Passage tattoos, which in themselves are extremely important as they mark an individual's transition from childhood into adulthood. In times before the Traveler, infant and child mortality was extremely high, as resources were scarce and times were extremely dangerous. Even teenagers were not safe as well. But once they reach adulthood, it marks a moment in life that not only they survived as long as they did but also that they are fighters that have earned their right to live.
The last set of tattoos that are located around the eyes are more recent in terms, coming about during the Golden Age in which society was beginning to establish itself further. These markings tend to signify one's rank/status in society.
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The more markings one has around the eyes, the higher the status/rank the person is within their society. The same goes vice versa. The less markings around the eyes, the lower one is on the social chain.
Ranks are typically obtained through marriages, though many clans/families tend to marry within the same social status. However, mixing of ranks is not frowned upon and either can obtain higher or lower status to their wishes of said unions. Most of lower ranks/status usually tend to move into higher ranks and later gain more facial tattoos to state their newly obtained status. Those who are of higher rank and decide to marry into a lower rank family are unable to remove said tattoos but still hold their titles even if they willingly give it up.
And with unions comes new generations of children to which will inherit their parents' markings as well as their own passage tattoos when they reach adulthood. As per example with Hutia and his family below:
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Upon reaching adulthood, the clan/family mark will be given first as custom. This marking is always combined with that of the "mother's" first and foremost as the main focal point of their tattoo. This is usually the middle and the brow, a link to show the importance of the role the "mother" plays and that all blood is linked to them.
The remainder of the tattoo is combined with that of the "father's" tattoo, the two mixing together to make a new but entirely familiar marking that signifies who the individual belongs to in terms of family.
That's about all I got so far! But also keep in mind these are just headcanons and I know I can be 100% wrong on this, but frankly, I don't care. I'm just here to have fun and share some thoughts!
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mychanicalbrides · 3 months
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i-like-sticks · 7 months
Gonna dump this here cause I can since I am reminded of the names I picked out for my OCs in Destiny (especially for the Witness's people)! Did anyone ask for this? No! But, hey, its here for notes and reference if anyone is curious to ask!
As I mentioned on an ask on my main, I take a lot of names that are mostly in line with my own culture while trying to fit them with the character's personality or a trait they have.
-Karaya's name literally translates to "moon" and if people know me very well for a long time, anyone that is named after the moon tend to be tragical figures of a sort. And sadly, Karaya is no different. Though, despite his suffering and challenges, he does overcome them and is dedicated to the changes he makes by showing he will persevere and not be taken down. Why I pick to associate him with the moon mostly goes in hand that its the same as it often does with many of my stories. Tragical as it may be to be associated with the moon, each one is strong and pushes through to become something mighty and grand in the end. Plus, the moon in my culture is known to be just as jovial and persevering despite the sadness She endures.
-Tureygua translates to "celestial skies" but also goes by the nickname Turey which ironically translates to "sky". Again, this is more of a play that Turey has a connection with the stars and therefore, an association with Karaya (as he is a distant ancestor of his). Though Turey isn't an astronomer, he does look up to the stars for knowledge and strength, guidance as a means to comfort him in dire times. In a way, Turey is like the person that goes "the sky is not the limit but the start" sort of person, pushing through every challenge in front of him because he knows he can do it.
-Homayoun is one of the few characters that doesn't share a name within my culture. Instead, it borrows from the Persian culture in terms of meaning fortunate/rich/noble. However, his name is sort of an irony as his beginnings were never noble or fortunate. He's an individual plagued by constant misfortunes that have in the long run made him rather bleak and hold a depressed outlook in life. Its only after his marriage to Tureygua and certain things that have happened that eventually allow him to make a change of his outlook on life and gain that fortune he had never had. Its with his family he is noble and rich, fortunate and blessed to have what he has before his passing.
-Mirari (Turey and Homayoun's child), is also another character whose name is not based on anything in my culture. Instead, it borrows from the Portuguese word "miracle" as that is literally what they are for the pair. Being born premature and right at the cusp of death for both them and their "mother", it was a miracle that they made it through and managed to live a long and healthy life. They are the pair's little miracle and will cherish them as such considering how much they love them and how much joy they bring them as a family.
-Hutia translates to "rabbit". Its not because they look like a rabbit that I picked this name for Hutia, but more so, because he is skittish like one; easily overwhelmed and frightened in the way a nervous rabbit would be at times. Its more a jab at my own anxious personality as I am always compared to a rabbit at home by my own family. Plus, rabbits are cute and also hold a lot of meaning for me in stories as well! Being anxious at the start but able to overcome their fears by proving such things won't rule their lives entirely. Something to which I have planned out for Hutia in the Alternate Timeline AU.
-Zinato (Hutia's first spouse before their divorce) translates to "irritated", which is pretty much their biggest personality trait when they are seen as their true selves. Anything that doesn't go their way instantly annoys them to a point of being completely selfish and intolerable. And often times, its usually with Hutia they share this sentiment with because they are total opposites in personality. Zinato is more outgoing and adventurous, impulsive and brash. Hutia is not. Therefore, Zinato becomes extremely irate anytime Hutia wants nothing to do with their plans or just seemingly wants to be left alone.
-Guani' (Hutia's second husband) translates to "noble man", to which I like to reflect on his more caring and gentle approach to things. He may not be of noble origins as he comes from a poorer background, but he certainly has the heart of a good person and carries it boldly. Its this sort of approach that helps Hutia come out of their shell and be more accepting of themselves as well as others who genuinely care for him. Plus, it also hints where he will take his family line down in the Alternate Timeline AU!
-Mabuya literally translates to "ghost" or in some cases "evil spirit" though it is debatable to be honest. However, I am taking the context of that of a simple ghost. Sort of a joke that they are aptly named after the little companions guardians gain when chosen by the Traveler and because they are so quiet and often hidden in plain sight to other characters. Its their eerily quiet nature that sort of puts people off to think them as a ghost, but they are actually pretty chill and just quiet and reserved. They do like talking to Scooter though! Even if its just in tiny whispers. Mabuya is a direct descendant of Hutia and his husband Guani' as well as Karaya in the Alternate Timeline AU.
-Bijirita translates to "cooing dove", though he is far from the idea of a tranquil little dove that innocently sits on a tree. If anything, he is quite the opposite. Sadistic at heart and sly like a fox, always waiting to strike his prey like a viper eying its prey in silence. Why I named him after something so peaceful is to play on the idea of surprise and that is what Bijirita holds as a character. He is literally full of surprises when given the chance to show them. But like a dove, his eerily calm demeanor helps him use his charm to trick people into getting what he wants. Its perhaps one of the biggest surprises his husband Shaan came across when they first met. Bijirita is a descendant of Mirari and Karaya in the Alternate Timeline AU.
-Baracutey translates to "solitary" in terms of a person and animal alike. This wasn't always quite the case for him in his early life but he was and still is a person that prefers to handle things on his own then admit he needs help in the long run. Pride runs deep in his bloodline and sadly, he holds that fault in his own. And this holds especially true after particular events in his life, in which he becomes more reserved and solitary in general. Does it mean he is completely devoid of emotion and love and is a constant edge lord? No. But he just has a hard time expressing things out of trust. Baracutey is the son of Caguana and a descendant of Karaya.
-Rahe translates to "daughter", though gender in general of the Witness's people literally mean nothing to them. This one is sort of simple as they are the child of the General Baracutey, but do not know this until much later on in the story. Neither of them are aware of each other's presence aside from the brief meeting they have early on in their life. Brief as it was, they hold no memory of their father whatsoever. They identify as nonbinary with they/them pronouns mostly but sometimes will go by she/her. They are Baracutey's child and the grandchild of Bajari Caguana.
-Caguana translates to "fertility mother". She is aptly named after the goddess of fertility in my culture as she is sort of the "mother" figure to her people being the Bajari (another word that translates to one's utmost respect in title). And being Bajari means being both a leader and mother/father figure of one's people, which is the role she takes on as such. This also goes in hand that her children rule alongside her as many previous Bajari have done, echoing back to days when Karaya became the first. Yet, despite her motherly figure for the people, she is a very doting mother to her children and grandchildren as well, once again echoing the love and care Karaya had for his own children and grandchildren when they came about. She leads on with examples of utmost care and caution, wanting only the best possible outcome to ensure things go well, thus ensuring a better means of prospering for her people in the long run. She too is a descendant of Karaya, the mother of Baracutey, and grandmother of Mabuya, Rahe, and Bijirita in the Alternate Timeline AU.
-Shaan is another character that is not named from my own culture but borrows from the Hindi word of "pride". And if anyone knows Shaan well, he is definitely a Lubraean full of such pride and more and is not afraid to show it either. He is loud and bombastic, egotistical when insulted and will be damn sure to let anyone know no one insults him and gets away with it. His pride is not out of stroking his ego though as he does hone the skills to brag about his awards and accomplishments. He does, essentially, have the very right to brag and be open about it to anyone who challenges him and he will be sure that when anyone who does so will feel his wrath following such pride. Does that mean he is always right? No. He can and will be wrong many times, Bijirita has shown him that. But he won't let anyone know that nor live to have that under their belt. This Lubraean is one you don't want to mess with, especially when complimenting Bijirita's sadism and cunning with his own to be rid of his enemies.
-Scooter literally has no name of translation. He earned this nickname purely because I call one of my cats "scooter" at times. Its a playful name that does, however, reflect his playful and outgoing nature and he no qualms in earning such a name either. This nickname was also given to him in "canon" because he often liked to play on wheeled items and scoot on them for fun. If he had a scooter or skateboard, he may be able to do all the tricks on them.
-Tzaatehk also has no real meaning to his name. Its actually a play on a villain's name from a show I used to watch as a kid (who ironically was an evil vizir that plotted to kill the prince of his homeworld). However, in terms of personality, Tzaatehk is far from the simple "evil" of a jealous vizir. If anything, he is just evil inside and out, rotten to a core that would infect anyone who dare take after him. He's not a good person and should be avoided at all costs. Even others of his kind do not enjoy his presence nor wish to be around him. Many plots have been made to be rid of him but somehow, he always seems to prevail and capture his would-be assassins, killing them in turn as punishment to challenge of his own standing.
And lastly, I am adding in the Witness as a probable player but only in terms of historical context for their people. However, here they are mortal but the child of the current Bajari at the time of history (thus meeting when their people and the Lubraean's meet for the first time and clear Lubrae of its hold of the Regime).
I had initially given them the name Cauta as it translates to "center of the universe", a play of description of them being well, literally what they are to their parent and the role they play for their people later on in the Alternate Timeline AU. However, I also debate on giving them the name Guaroco, which translates to "remembrance/to know" as an homage to their true canon selves.
I do have several nicknames picked out for them that will be given to them by Rhulk, but for now, its a fight between these two names in general.
But as of now, these are all the named characters I have thus far for my own stories. I might and will have more to add later! But for now, this is the current set list (minus all the smaller characters attached to the these).
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tropic-havens · 1 year
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Hutia in Cuba
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Vanished Species, written by David Day, published in 1989. Illustration by Maurice Wilson.
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lulu2992 · 8 months
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Far Cry 6 Photo Mode: Fauna
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ezorzea · 1 year
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Opinion on this creechur (a hutia)
well it's fucked up. and making me hungry
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patriciastrike · 1 year
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This is a Cuban hutia.  Our tour guide called it a tree rat. It is found only in Cuba and nearby islands. This one was being kept as a pet by a family living on a farm where we stopped for lunch during a day-excursion. The farmer said they let it run free when there are no tourists visiting. Cubans used to eat them, but it is now forbidden. They are protected because they are in danger of becoming extinct. 
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growninhaiti · 2 years
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Have you guys ever seen a Hispaniolan Hutia? I actually picked this little guy up thinking it was a baby rat (to get over some fears) and it ended being one of Haiti’s few remaining endemic and endangered mammals. So grateful for this encounter. Creating regenerative food systems seems to be a win win for both community and our ecosystem 🙌🏾 #growninhaiti #hispaniolanhutia #endemic #endangered #nurtureyournature #haiti #ayiti #mammal #regenerativefoodsystems #babies #rare #grateful #foodforest #biodiversity #regeneration https://www.instagram.com/p/Cii1DSzODqM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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