#hunter: sam and sweethearts brother
annahxredaxted · 5 months
sam & sweetheart sibling ramble
just so we’re all clear this is just MY version of sweetheart you don’t have to agree and you definitely don’t have to ridicule.
(i am southern so i am definitely projecting a bit)
so if you know me you know my interpretation of sweetheart and sam is that their siblings.
sam left when sweetheart was 9-10 ish
their parents had sam YOUNG like teenagers
but they had sweetheart when they were like late 20s early 30s
sam left bc of abuse yadayada
they were reunited and you can find my other post about that here.
but they have another brother..
Sam,darlin, sweetheart and Milo and sweetheart are at a random bowling alley and they’re all having fun.
it’s milo’s turn and sam is getting drinks
darlin is sitting down and sweetheart is just watching when their gaze is looking round and they see an ODDLY familiar face with a few people
it’s their brother, hunter (they have conservative, abusive AND southern parents let’s be real)
hunter is a informed unempowered but he’s basically a pro and very knowledgeable of magic and magical races.
hunter is the middle child, sweetheart being the youngest. sam being the oldest
sam came back and saw sweetheart looking shocked and almost scared
he turned and saw him and was very confused
hunter is an asshole, their parents favorited him bc he took the family trade etc
sweetheart ran to the bathroom and was just nervous, milo turned to see something was going on and sweetheart was upset.
milo did NOT like hunter, he cursed him out for a bit .
“what the fucking hell did you say to them asshole? who do you think you are?” he pushed hunter by the shoulder, sam had to stop him.
hunter has a southern accent as well but more diluted than sam’s.
tank was behind milo but definitely ready to throw hands.
sam remembered when he reunited with sweetheart a few years back and they had a very similar reaction.
sweetheart had been abandoned by their family a few times. and it’s hurt milo and sam to see them like this.
“what did i do?” hunter would start and sam would scold him (like the older brother he is)
“do.not.start.” sam would say VERY angrily
“i thought you guys would be happy to see me..” he would be VERY sarcastic.
sam nudged him angrily
“why do you think you can just waltz back here just because- (sweetheart) wasn’t prepared for that!” sam scolded again
“well i didn’t mean to sammy-boy it just happened.” sam would scowl “oh get over it they’ve always been a crybaby.” hunter would say again.
“you better take my mates name out of your mouth before i put my fist in it.” he got ANGRY
“mate? well that’s hilarious.. (sweetheart)? keeping a relationship? please.”
sam had to hold milo back to keep him from pouncing on hunter.
“down doggy”
suffice it to say sam let go of him.
they got kicked out…
sweetheart came outside and their face was tearstained and they were breathing heavy.
“milo what— hunter— why—“ they were shocked to see hunters nose bleeding and milo with a bruised fist.
“sorry sweetheart i just—“
they were almost disappointed, but they were definitely in a bad mood.
all three of the siblings were standing side by side and their resemblances were uncanny. it was almost funny.
“woah..” darlin whispered.
“lets just go home.” sweetheart whispered grumpily.
hunter sighed, almost upset like he felt bad.
“i don’t wanna hear it hunter..” they blew him off..
sam looked angrily at hunter again.
milo and sweetheart went home- not without sweetheart reading him the riot act about how he shouldn’t have punched him how he wasn’t worth it.
“what the hell were you thinking coming to the place you knew we were?” sam spat
hunter didn’t have an answer
“it— i— i haven’t seen y’all in a while..” hunter whispered embarrassed his accent making it hard to hear him with all the mumbling.
sam almost felt bad for him.
“do us all a favor and go back home. your not wanted here, go help dad and be the golden child.” hunters head dropped.
sam almost regretted saying it but he held his ground. hunter walked away.
erm this is kinda a fic sooo
@darlin-collins @shellssstuff @itsdaifuku @verrverii @youisagayhooman @kuteheadrest @glitchedvariety @hobiesrockstargf @mrsmiagreer
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queen-of-deans-booty · 5 months
Across Every Universe
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey Jordan, can i request something where Dean Winchester always have a crush on the reader but never said something to her until one day Sam and Dean are transported (based on the episode French Mistake) and Dean actor Jensen and is married to the reader of the universe and she pass the whole day giving Dean hug and kisses because for everyone is Jensen. When Dean and Sam came back to their universe him and the reader start dating? Fluff 
Summary: Sam and Dean are taken back to the same place where Dean is known as Jensen Ackles and Sam as Jared Padalecki. This little trip makes Dean realize his feelings for you.
Square Filled: "god, if only you knew what you did to me" (2023) for @spnaubingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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No matter the position you’re in, you’re not comfortable. It doesn’t matter if you lie down on your side, your back, or your stomach. Not to mention the heater isn’t working in the Bunker so it’s very cold. You have three blankets over you while wearing long sleeves and pajama pants. The broken heater doesn’t help your running cold either. You’re not sure where you caught it from but you’ve been trying to stay away from the brothers to not get them sick.
That doesn’t keep Dean away, though.
He’s a complete sweetheart to you since he always brings you soup, makes sure you’re comfortable, and spends time with you even if you tell him not to go near you. You don’t know what you’d do without Dean in your life.
Speaking of, he knocks on your door and enters wearing his usual hunting attire.
“Going on a hunt?” you ask and sit up slightly.
“Yeah. I wish I could stay here and take care of you.”
“Other people need you,” you smile. “I’ll be fine. I’m going to stay in bed, watch movies, and make some soup later. Did you fix the heater, yet?”
“I have someone coming in a few days. He’s also on a hunt.”
“Right, no non-hunters here,” you chuckle.
“I’ll call you later and check up on you, okay?”
“My hero.”
You cuddle with your blankets more and Dean leaves your room with a slight blush on his cheeks. Before he closes the door, he looks back at you in thought. God, if only you knew what you did to me.
He closes your door and meets his brother in the library. As soon as they are packed and ready to go, they start the long drive to the next state over. When Dean gets onto the highway, Sam turns to Dean with a knowing smile.
“So, did you tell her how you feel?”
“Stay out of it, Sammy,” Dean rolls his eyes.
“How long have you had a thing for her? Years? When are you going to tell her how you feel?”
“I mean it, Sam. Stay out of it. I can handle it on my own.”
“Apparently not, or else she’d be yours.”
Dean punches his brother not gently in the arm and Sam laughs. Dean kept the music high so he could avoid talking about his feelings for you. They get to the town that has its residents sacrificing themselves in the name of God. If anything, it warrants some kind of visit from the Winchesters.
The town looks like a normal town with normal people just trying to live their normal lives. They have no suspicions that something is happening but they only just arrived. They get there late at night so they will have to do their work tomorrow morning. Dean takes out his phone when his brother goes into the bathroom to shower and calls you.
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
“I’m doing alright but not any better.”
“Did you take your medicine?”
“Yes, I did.” He can hear the smile in your voice and that makes him smile. “And I ate my soup and drank water.”
“Don’t forget to tell her goodnight,” Sam says loudly from the bathroom.
Dean grabs a pillow and chucks it at his brother. “Go take a shower. You stink.”
“Goodnight, Dean,” you chuckle, having heard Sam.
“Night sweetheart.” He hangs up and turns to his brother with a scowl. “I hate you.”
Sam and Dean actually get more than four hours of sleep that night but when Dean wakes up, he doesn’t recognize his surroundings. The motel is gone, the shutty beds and blankets are gone, and the peeling wallpaper is gone. What replaces it is a nice trailer, a comfortable bed, a big aquarium, and other nice shit that Dean has never had.
“Sammy?” he calls out. He gets up and leaves the small trailer only to run into Sam. “What the hell is going on? Where are we?”
“I don’t know.” Sam looks around and spots a name on the side of the trailer that’s behind Dean. “Oh, no. Look.”
Dean turns and sees the name ‘Jensen Ackles’ on the side. He turns back around and sees ‘Jared Padalecki’ on the trailer opposite his.
“You’ve got to be kidding me? We’re back in actor land? What happened last time?”
“Gabriel sent us here to avoid Raphael and his minions. I have no idea how we ended up here.”
“I bet it has something to do with the fact that people were sacrificing themselves in the name of God. My guess is that angels are involved.”
“There you two are.” Sam and Dean turn to see Castiel--Misha--walking toward them. “They’re looking for you two.”
“Yeah, we’re coming.”
If Sam and Dean didn’t do a good job trying to act last time, then they certainly aren’t going to do a good job now. It’s funny in hindsight but it makes for a very long day of filming. After the twentieth time messing up, Dean is ready to get the hell out of there to figure out how to get back to his world.
He looks to the right and sees you at the snack bar. He immediately calls for a time-out and leaves the set.
“Time out?” the director frowns and looks at him. “Everyone, take ten!”
“Come here, you have to try this. Gen made it,” you grin at Dean. You take a scoopful of food and present it to him. He opens his mouth and accepts the food, pleasantly surprised by the taste. “Oh, you have something on your mouth.” You wipe his bottom lip with your thumb and lick the food off. Dean is so confused about your behavior but doesn’t have time to figure it out. Your phone rings and you check who is messaging you. “I gotta go. Gen is here.”
You lean up and kiss him quickly before walking off. Dean can’t move after that quick kiss. You did it so casually like you’ve done it a thousand times. He is forced to go back to acting but he can’t do a good job because all he’s thinking about is your lips on his.
They aren’t getting enough filming done so the director calls it for the rest of the day. Sam and Dean convene outside to make it look like they’re busy so no one else talks to them.
“She kissed me, dude.”
“Y/N or the woman who she’s supposed to be. She kissed me like we’re together or something.”
“Look, I’m glad you’re going through the five stages of teenage excitement but can we focus here? How are we going to get out of here?”
Dean looks around and spots you entering his trailer.
“Eh, you’ll figure it out. I’ll be back.”
Dean leaves to his trailer and Sam rolls his eyes in annoyance.
“Dean!” he hisses but receives no answer.
Dean enters his counterpart’s trailer and sees you where the bed is. You’re grabbing some night clothes out of the drawers since you’re not going to be leaving the trailer for the rest of the night.
“Hey, I talked to Gen about the cabin and she got it all set up for us this weekend. I’m so excited to spend some time away from all this for two days.”
“Are we dating?” The comment makes you laugh. “What?”
“Are you okay?” He looks kind of nervous so you walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck. “I don’t know what’s going on with you but I do know how to make you feel better.”
“How?” he whispers.
You run your hands down his chest and take his hands. You take him to the bed and toss your night clothes onto a nearby chair. You fall onto the bed while pulling him so he lands on top of you but he stops himself with his hands so he doesn’t completely crush you.
You pull him down to kiss you and that’s enough to bring Dean into the delusion that you’re Y/N and you’re his. Your lips are softer than what he thought and your body fits so perfectly against his. He slips his tongue into your mouth to get familiar with you. You tug on his hair to get some traction so he pulls away from your mouth and kisses down your neck.
Your neck has always been a sensitive spot for you and he really knows how to work you up. He licks up and down your neck before latching onto the side of it. You gasp, tilt your head back, and moan something that brings Dean back down to reality.
“Jensen.” You’re not his. You’re not you. You’re Jensen’s. You’re not supposed to be with him. He pulls away and pants above you. “What’s wrong?”
“Can we just lay here instead?”
“Yeah, of course. Let me get changed.”
You slip out from underneath him and grab the pajamas you set aside earlier. You strip down naked and Dean has a hard time not looking at you. He can’t help but think you’re a complete stranger. The pajamas you’re wearing are revealing but he feels better at looking at you with clothes on. You climb into bed with him and cuddle into his side, and he tucks a strand of your hair behind your head.
“How did I get so lucky?”
“I’m the lucky one.”
“Tell me the story of how we met.” You look at him in confusion. “I want to hear it from you.”
“Okay, I got tickets to a red carpet event that my ex-friend invited me to. We were going to see the movie My Bloody Valentine because we thought it was going to be the next big movie. The entire cast was there, including you, meeting fans and taking pictures with them. When we locked eyes, it was like something was pulling you to me.
“You came over to me, complimented me on my dress, signed my poster with your number on it which I still have, and the rest is history. I never got together with you because you were a big celebrity. You were genuine, kind, funny, charming, and very sexy. It was hard not to fall in love with you.”
Dean notices the big ring on your finger and puts the pieces together.
“We’re married?”
“Yes, we are,” you laugh. “Are you okay?”
“I’m just… really happy.”
You lean over and kiss him. The next morning, Dean leaves his trailer before you get up. He doesn’t want to wake you even though he wants to. He finds Sam outside his own trailer with a book in his hands.
“Hey,” Dean sighs.
“I might have found a way out of here, no thanks to you.”
“What if we didn’t leave?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“The love of my life is my wife here.”
“That’s not your wife, Dean. She’s Jensen’s wife. She thinks you’re him. Why would you take that away from him? You have a girl waiting for you at home, a girl with whom you’re too scared to do anything about. Don’t take her away from him because you want what they have.”
Dean knows he’s right. He can’t stay here. He’s using this world as an escape from his own.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Dean sighs. “What do you have?”
“I found this book in the prop section. This might be a TV show but it does have some useful books to make it look real. There’s a ritual we can do.”
And a ritual it is. Once they get the stuff needed and perform it, they are brought back to the town they arrived in a couple of days ago. In order to properly tackle this town, they’re going to need some angelic help. Maybe Castiel can meet them back at the Bunker and figure something out then.
The first thing Dean does when he gets home is go looking for you. You’re still stuck in bed watching your favorite movies on Disney+. You pause your movie when your bedroom door opens.
“Hey, how was the hunt?” Dean doesn’t say anything as he kicks off his shoes. He climbs into bed with you and pulls you close to him. “Dean?”
“I love you,” he blurts. “I should have told you this years ago but I can’t seem to think straight when I’m with you. You make everything better for me, and you’re a better hunter than I ever was. God, I love you so much.”
“I’d kiss you but I don’t want to get you sick,” you smile.
“I don’t care,” he whispers and kisses you.
This is where he belongs. Right next to you.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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bunnysbrainrot · 1 month
A Lesson in Manners
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Relationship: Dean Winchester x f!Reader
Content: Romantic tension, protective Dean, alcohol consumption, a weird guy ft. the way Dean handles it.
Summary: After a long, exhausting day of hunting, Team Free Will unwinds with drinks at a nearby bar. You're enjoying your time until a stranger decides to pester you, but that won't go unnoticed by Dean.
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The signature purr of the Impala faded as Dean turned off the ignition, releasing a heavy sigh, a defeated and tired noise. Whatever nasties they have down here in Georgia have been difficult. All signs in this case were pointing to a djinn, but without getting in closer, there was no way to be completely sure.
That risk was left to Sam and Dean, as they had told you yesterday, when the research finally fell into place.
Sam's lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at his laptop screen, his brows twitching. He deadpanned and looked to his brother, "Djinn. How the hell didn't we think of that yet?"
Dean matched Sam's frustration with a scoff. He simply shook his head.
Djinn were unfamiliar to you still. Though you had done a fair bit of research, helpfully guided by Sam, and learned quite a lot. But, you also knew that research and experience were very, very different for a hunter.
"Awesome, so... what?" Dean inquired, raising a brow at Sam. You sat in the small armchair in the boys' motel room, looking between them. "We gonna go into blood-sucking paradise-dream-world again?"
Sam flashed a quick smile, "Let's just hope it doesn't come to that. Do we have any more lamb's blood?"
Dean's expression changed to annoyance, "Not after that dickbag Balthazar used it for that stupid parallel-universe crap." He crossed his arms over his chest and threw his head back in thought. "And where are we supposed to get it, anyway? We're in the middle of friggin' nowhere."
"If we could even get a hold of him."
"I'm sure he's still listening, Dean. I know he's been here and there for a while, but-" Sam explained.
Whirling to face his brother, Dean countered, "'Here and there'? Sam, we basically wait three to five business days for him to give us anything. If he's so focused on Heaven right now, let him stay up there."
You had seen Dean's rising upset with his friend for a few weeks now, seeing the angel's presence less and less. Castiel didn't indulge any details, and kept recollections vague - but, the lack of transparency had been taking a toll on the group.
He’d been absent for two weeks now. Nothing.
Dean's lengthy sigh showed his stress. He brought a hand up to his brow; Sam rolled his head to stretch his neck in the passenger seat.
"I need a fuckin' beer," Dean breathed.
You laid a hand on his shoulder from the seat directly behind his - Sam was more conversational on long drives, so sitting on the left side gave good distraction in the long hours on the road. Dean craned his neck to you, looking to you expectantly.
Because as much as he didn't like to admit it, Dean craved the moments when you touched him.
You couldn’t tell if you spooked him, judging by the way Dean froze in his seat, eyes boring directly into yours. A grin spread across your face, "Let's get shitfaced."
Dean shook his head and pointed to you, "You don't wanna get to shitfaced level with me, sweetheart. Just a few beers. Plus, I’ve seen you get tipsy even after one."
Each of you started stepped out of the Impala, respectively stretching your achy legs, or arms, or backs or neck and everything else. No matter the hunt, the soreness remained the same. You released a groan as you lean backward, flexing your stiffened spine. Dean neared and landed a gentle pat between your shoulders to get you moving along.
You noticed how quickly Dean pushed ahead to open the front door, before you had the chance to lift a finger. He looked into the cracked door - an assessing glaze cast over his eyes. Always on the lookout for danger.
Who could keep you safer than Dean Winchester?
After all of his impressive feats so far, it’d be hard for someone not to admire Dean. Saving the world was easier on the drawing board, and with having been to hell and back, you couldn’t fathom the willpower he gained to push past it. Not a semblance of that traumatic experience showed in that handsome, stoic face.
Dean pressed the door ajar to make way for you and Sam. You scanned the tables and stools at the bar; patrons scattered around in clusters, each chattering and laughing amongst themselves.
The thick smell of liquor filled the air. You noticed the hints of whiskey, oddly reminding you of Dean, and the way that scent mixed with his cologne. You memorized that smell from his occasional hugs, or times where you’d sit together, and you’d wondered if he could hear your heart hammering in your chest.
Sam led the way toward a taller table in the corner of the joint, settling in a stool closest to the back emergency exit. You eyed the stool at the outer side, but a creeping feeling dawns on you - someone is staring. Settling into your stool, you took the chance to swivel around, looking for the source of that persistent feeling.
At the bar, a man with a scruffy beard had his eyes trained on yours, roving over your form in the chair. You exhaled, fighting back the feeling of disgust, and turned back to Sam, plastering on a terse smile.
“What is it?” Sam asked, his brows furrowing in concern.
You paled slightly, the man’s stare still honed in on your back, “Dude at the bar has a staring problem.”
Sam leaned casually to reach for his pocket, craning his head for a swift second. A glint in his eye told you he’d found the perpetrator. Footsteps approached from behind - a familiar pattern, one you’d heard every day, and without turning you’d known it was Dean. A careful brush of his hand between your shoulder blades eased you, a gentle reminder he was here.
“Bottoms up, buttercup,” Dean teased, placing a shot of amber liquor in front of you, himself, and then his brother.
Three lime wedges rested on a plate, along with a salt shaker. You glance at Dean with a ‘seriously?’ look, and he gave a signature Winchester grin. You did say you wanted to get shitfaced. And hell, it could help with that looming creep. You licked the back of your hand and sprinkled some salt.
“To figuring something out,” you proclaimed, raising the shot glass. The boys follow your lead before clinking them on the table, and tossing their heads back.
The tequila burns the back of your throat, but the lime helps you ignore it. Sam held a steady face while Dean grimaced at the burn.
You giggled softly, “Can’t handle tequila, Dean?”
He flashed a toothy grin, and a quick middle finger. Your giggle evolved into a bright laugh that drew one from Sam, too.
“Bet you couldn’t handle pool, though,” countered Dean.
Sam eyed you from the side and threw a knowing smirk. You’d never back down from a challenge, especially when it was Dean testing you. There was a desire to beat him at his own games, to show him you could match his skill and then some.
Then there was the chase of it - cycles of teasing comments and passing glances, but never a break in the tension.
Your voice lowers, “I’ll take you on any day, Winchester.”
The jest made Dean grin. The chase was on again.
Sam stayed behind when you and Dean claimed a vacant pool table, letting you set yourselves up for the perfect one-on-one.
Dean nodded to you and eyed the cue ball. You bend at the waist over the table, and felt the creeping feeling again. It radiated along your spine to the nape of your neck, as if your body was set ablaze under the stranger’s stare.
Until suddenly, you had company.
“Say, think you could spare me a game when you’re done, beautiful?”
The voice matched the face. It was nasally with a copious amount of douchery; another entitled asshole who got involved when he wasn’t wanted.
Across the table, Dean’s brow twitched.
“Listen bud, we’re just getting started here. Plenty of other folks in here who can play you,” the edge in Dean’s tone was a warning in and of itself.
You hitched a breath awaiting the man’s reaction.
Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Sam sliding off his barstool, slowly making his way closer to your pool table. He idly looked at his phone, but kept a watchful glance.
“I’m sure you’ll have the time for another one, right, baby?” The stranger’s words slurred stupidly. He didn’t address Dean with meeting his stare, and instead fought to have yours. He closed the gap between you two further - the smell of alcohol lingered on him, thick and nauseating.
You bark, “You’ve got ten seconds.”
“Oh…. hic… ten seconds ain’t enough for me, sweetheart..”
Dean’s voice was taunting, probably trying to pull the dickbag away from you, “It’s plenty for us.”
Finally, the man looked to Dean, straightening his posture at the height difference. He was lean, but couldn’t hold a firm stance, by the looks of it. The man scanned Dean top to bottom before turning back to you.
Before crossing a crucial line.
A foreign hand stroked your spine, making you recoil. Anger contorted your features as you warned him yourself.
“Try that again, fucker,” you spat with disgust. You could still feel the touch on your back. Gross.
The man’s lips tug into a smile, and the anger continued to brew. Of course, you were not the only one with that bubbling rage. Dean has closed the distance before you could register he’d moved at all.
Dean loomed over the man with a haunting glare. To add fuel to the fire, the man had the gall to grin at the threat, raising his hands to Dean’s chest.
“Come on, jus’ gavin’ a lil’ fun,” said the stranger.
In one swift motion, Dean collected the man’s wrists with one hand, and delivered a hook with the other.
The blow knocked his head to the side. Other patrons turned to the scene unfolding - some turned back to their drinks, some kept staring. You gasped when Dean landed another strike, sending the man tumbling to the floor with a resounding thud.
“Dean, that’s enough, he’s-“
He didn’t react to your objection.
Behind the commotion, Sam’s eyes widen with shock, though he smiles with satisfaction at the takedown.
A final shove put enough distance between you and the pathetic drunk. You turned to see the bartender giving Dean a stern look, but they return to filling a pint glass.
You panted softly while the stranger walked away, bracing his bloodied chin with his hand. You looked to Dean and found his attention back at the pool table, letting out a frustrated grunt. There wasn’t a way to thank him. No need. The man had made great strides in protecting you, enough to reassure that you didn’t have to offer thanks. It came naturally, protecting one another.
Sam made his way back to the table and returned to his stool, shaking his head in disbelief, a smile on his face.
What a night, right?
It was Dean’s voice that brought you back to your senses. That same voice that calmed you, that ignited your body to its core.
“Alright, sweetheart, you go first.”
“Dammit, whathefuck- that isn’t fair-“ you protested. You’d lost, but kept trying to knock the striped pool balls into the pockets, insisting that there was some sort of rule to let you go until you were fully done, including the cue ball.
Sam handed you a glass of water, which you sipped on immediately. Your fingertips slowly grew numb against the cold glass.
Dean chortled as he collected the pool balls, “Shitfaced and pool don’t mix well, do they?”
You let out a tipsy laugh and shake your head at him. The moment stilled, where the rest of the scene faded away. Dean scanned you over, and held a too-long look. A small spark lit behind his eyes.
“Let’s getcha home.”
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Thank you for reading! I liked this idea, and I think it could easily have a second part. Vote in the poll or me know in the comments if you’d like to see where this goes!
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apocalypseornaw · 3 months
It's Real
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Dean's back from Michael, everything should be ok but he's staying locked up in his room so you make it a point to find out why.
Smut with feelings
Dean was back. Michael was gone and Dean was back but it felt as if he was still gone. The moment he'd staggered in that door it'd taken everything in you to not rush straight to him. Once you were sure it was him you'd nearly dove into his arms. He'd hugged you tight, whispering in your ear “It's ok sweetheart, I'm ok”
Everything seemed ok on the ride back to the bunker, yeah Dean was a little on the quiet side but considering you could understand. When you parked and got out the impala he was even teasing Sam about his beard as the three of you walked into the bunker from the garage. The moment he walked into the war room and Sam was greeted with “Chief” and you with “Cap” you could see the wall slam into place but you weren't sure why.
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In the last week you'd seen Dean a handful of times and that was when you happened to be in the hallway when he headed for a shower or the one to make a run into town and he wanted the snacks he'd added to the list. 
Every time you tried to talk to him he shut you down and it was driving you insane. Yeah he'd been through a lot and yeah it was his default setting to not talk about his feelings but not with you. Any other time he let you in but not this time. 
You were sparring with a few hunters from the apocalypse world and had somehow managed to draw a crowd. Ryker and Tyler towered over you in height and Vivian was fast as hell but you were holding your own against the three of them.
You took Tyler out at the knees then ducked under Rykers arm, catching it and using his own momentum to flip him on his back then nodded to Vivian.
You went blow for blow with her but she happened to misstep one time and that was all you needed to pin her. When you offered her a hand up she took it with a grin “Damn Cap who taught you to fight?” You shrugged “I've taken self defense classes mixed with sparring with Sam and Dean along with on the job learning” 
She nodded “Think Dean will join us? I'd love to see you two spar” you didn't want to tell her he was avoiding you at all cost so you just smiled “I'll ask” you turned to grab your water bottle then headed to your room so you could grab a shower.
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Dean knew he needed to integrate himself with the hunters inhabiting the bunker but he didn't know how many more times he could see you and Sam working shoulder to shoulder, sharing inside jokes with a look and leading an entire squadron of hunters together. 
He'd heard a few of the hunters talking about how “Cap” and “Chief” were always together, always worked every lead together, stayed up researching together and “Most of the time end up falling asleep together” one of the younger refugees from the apocalypse world had deemed you two a power couple and that was the straw Dean had to hear to know he needed to resign himself to his room for a while.
He'd lost you. Fifteen years of friendship, ten years of wanting you, eight years of loving you. If he'd just said something sooner, hadn't been afraid of losing you as his friend but now he'd lost you to his little brother and he couldn't even be angry, no matter the jealousy eating at him. 
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You stepped into the hall and saw Sam had just come out of Dean's room. When he shut the door behind himself he spotted you so you raised your eyebrows “How is he?” He shrugged “He's watching horror movies and has pizza and beer” 
You glanced at Dean's door then asked “Why won't he come out the room? He barely talks to me or anyone for that matter when he does” Sam's eyes softened at your words “Maybe it's time you do that thing you always do with us” 
You waved a hand, asking for an explanation and he laughed “You never let us wallow for long. He won't react to me, Cas, hell even mom. He needs you whether he admits it or not” you laughed “You mean he needs someone as stubborn as he is to out stubborn him?” He nodded “Exactly”
You looked from him to Dean's door then nodded “Wish me luck” he patted your shoulder “Good luck” then headed down the hall.
Dean heard a knock at his door and figured it was Sam again “Sammy, I said I'm good” the door creaked open and your face popped around it “Good to know. Can I come in?” 
He tried to ignore the way his chest clenched at your smile. “Of course sweetheart. C'mon” he watched you shut the door then walk further into the room, kicking your boots off before walking over to the bed. 
You grabbed a slice of pizza from the table near the bed then climbed in the bed, laying sideways with your head on his back so you could see the TV considering he was laying on his stomach “Comfy?” He asked with a laugh once you'd taken his beer out of his hand and took a swig before turning back to the pizza “Very much so. You're a wonderful pillow”
You shouldn't be in his bed, shouldn't be laying against him. If you and Sam were…well he didn't want to think too hard about it but he wasn't the type of man to take another man's woman, especially his little brother's. He told himself it was innocent enough. The two of you had done this dozens of times over the years even if this time his mind was running a lot faster than normal.
You lay like that through the entirety of Halloween two and halfway through Freddy versus Jason before your mouth had a mind of its own “I miss you Dean. For weeks we had no idea where you were then by some turn Michael let you go and now you're home but I still miss you. You're pulling away from me, from everyone and I don't want to lose you again. You mean too much to me”
He looked over his shoulder at you and grabbed one of your hands, giving it a light squeeze “I'm here sweetheart. I just don't want to take up too much of your time. You got a lot going on Cap” you rolled your eyes at the nickname you'd been dubbed with “I've always got enough time for you. Talk to me”
He let go of your hand then pushed himself back so he could turn to face you as he sat up.“I miss you too but this, coming home to this is a lot” “What do you mean? The hunters?” 
He nodded “The hunters, you and Sam. You two are a unit, you run this whole operation like clockwork. You've built something and I don't know where I fit now”  you smiled slightly “You fit with us Dean. You and Sam are the most important people to me”
He sighed “But you and him are more or it feels that way” you knew the confusion was clear across your face because he just shook his head “Never mind. Can we just go back to the movie?” You nodded “Yeah, sure” 
He laid back down on his stomach and this time you laid down next to him instead of on his back. You had no clue what he meant about you and Sam being more? Had someone said something to make him feel that way? You’d been running on damn near empty for weeks, Mary had taken to hiding your car keys to force you into eating and sleeping and when that didn't work she'd bring in the big guns and threaten to call Jody.
Sam hadn't fared much better. The two of you had been doing everything you could to keep each other's heads above water.  Dean was the person who raised Sam, he'd always been the most important person to him. As for yourself, you loved the man laying next to you. He'd claimed your heart years ago whether he knew it or not. Your chest had felt hollow knowing the man you loved was being used by some dickheaded angel. 
You reached for his hand closest to you, running your fingertips over the back of his hand. He smiled slightly then it was like his mood changed and he pulled his hand away. 
“Sorry” you murmured and moved to sit up but he was already grabbing your wrist to keep you on the bed “Wait sweetheart. Fuck” you sat down in front of him and he turned to face you “Just talk to me Dean. Whatever is going on, we can fix it”
He shook his head, hand dropping your wrist. “I know you and Sam have gotten even closer since I've been gone”
You smiled slightly “Well yeah, leading a bunch of wayward hunters and hunting down some douchey archangel to get you back will do that to ya. Still doesn't explain the change between me and you. Dean you're my best friend, you've always talked to me and now you're shutting me out. I'm not used to it and I don't like it” 
He hated seeing the pain in your eyes and knowing he was the cause of it. He sighed “I know you're with Sam” your head tilted to the side and you stared at him for a moment before you began to laugh. After a moment you covered your mouth with your hand then took a few deep breaths. He was confused as hell but figured you'd give an explanation “Oh Dean, honey you are so smart at times but so damn dumb at others” 
“What?” You shook your head “Me and Sam have gotten closer yeah but not like that. Someone else has my heart and it ain't Sammy”  his eyes flew to your face “Then who?” You shook your head again “Doesn't matter just know it's not your little brother”
He reached forward, cupping your chin with his hand “No way are you gonna tell me some lucky bastard has your heart then not tell me who” you wouldn't meet his eyes so he used his grip on you to turn your face where you had no choice. “You honestly have no idea do you?” You sounded almost sad when you asked and he felt his heart skip. 
Did you mean him?   “You have no idea how hard it's been with you not being here Dean. How many times I cried myself to sleep laying against Sam's chest because I knew he was the only person who could come close to knowing the pain I felt. You're his brother, you've been his parent and protector his whole life and I knew he was only person here who loved you anywhere as much as I do” 
“You love me?” He damn near whispered and you nodded “How could I not?” 
One moment you were spilling your heart out and the next Dean was claiming your lips in a hungry kiss. You were stunned for a moment then returned the kiss fully, when you felt his tongue slip into your mouth you gasped lightly and he used that to roll his tongue against yours. The heat roaring to life against every inch of your body from just a kiss seemed damn near impossible but this was Dean.
Holy hell this was Dean. You just confessed your feelings and instead of bolting he was kissing you in a way that had the wetness between your legs growing by the moment. 
When you were finally forced apart for air he leaned his forehead against yours, both of your chests heaving. “Not what I was expecting” you teased breathlessly and he chuckled “Sweetheart, I've been locked up in this room because the thought of you with Sam…I couldn't take it. You're supposed to be mine. The jealousy has been eating me alive, imagining you with him”
You pulled back from him and grinned “You were jealous?” He nodded “Damn right I was. I've loved you for years and the thought that out of all people my little brother would be the one to take you from me? I hated it” you laughed “In that case, come here” 
“No, you come here” he grabbed you by the hips pulling you towards him and turned putting your back down on the bed. He held his weight on his forearms as he hovered over you, catching your lips in another kiss. “Dean” you spoke and he pulled back to look you in the eyes and saw the love and desire there “I want you, please” he smiled “Never beg for me baby. Just tell me what you want” “I want you. All of you”
Dean let out a low groan at your words. Fuck, the power you held over him. “You've got me” He promised, catching your lips again. He felt your hands slip under his shirt, silently asking for more access to him. He broke away from your lips long enough to pull the henley he wore off and toss it across the room.
The way you looked at him was like nothing he'd ever experienced. You let your hands trail across his chest, nails scratching lightly “I've always loved your chest, your arms” your praise of his body unlocked something in him. Fuck he loved it. You leaned up to place a kiss at the hollow of his throat and his eyes fluttered shut at the intimacy of the moment. 
When he opened them your eyes were on him, a small smile on your face “No more running from me?” He smiled “No more running” he reached for your shirt so you arched your back off the bed to help him remove it. He tossed it behind him and looked down at you “You're so damn gorgeous”
He crashed his lips against yours and felt your hands gripping his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. He rolled his hips into yours and the moan you let out was better than anything he'd ever heard. 
You broke away from Dean's lips your need for air winning in the moment. He kissed down your jaw and to your neck. He pushed your hair back and attacked your neck, kissing and biting the skin there. Your grip on his shoulders tightened “Fuck Dean” 
He moved down your neck, kissing across your clothed chest before looking up at you through those long lashes. He held your eyes as he rolled one breast into his mouth, grazing the sensitive bud with his teeth and enjoying when your breath caught in your throat. His hands slipped under you and you felt the bra give way before he was pulling it off of you and tossing it, giving him full access to your chest. 
“Look at you” he whispered, tongue flicking out to tease at one of your nipples while his fingers of his other hand teased the other. Your fingers slid into his hair, eyes fluttering shut at the pleasure coursing through you. 
He bit down on your nipple and when your eyes flew open he smirked “Cmon baby I'm just starting. I want your eyes on me” “So damn bossy” you teased and he winked at you “You must like me being bossy” “I love it” you admitted watching him kiss down your stomach. 
When he got to your jeans he looked up at you “Are you sure about this? About us?” You rolled your eyes and lifted your hips off the bed as you unzipped your jeans and started to shimmy them down your hips. He laughed lightly before you felt his hands cover yours as he helped you rid your legs of your jeans then slid your panties off as well.
“Look at my girl” he whispered in awe. “All yours Dean. What are you gonna do with me now that you've got me?” The look he gave you was enough to make your entire body feel like you were on fire. The promises there, the desire, the love.  “Devour you” his voice was somehow deeper than usual, lust driving it down. 
He started at one ankle, kissing up your leg then your thighs stopping just shy of where you wanted him. When you let out a rather pathetic sounding whine he just laughed darkly “I've waited long enough to have you like this, let me enjoy it” 
He moved to the other leg, repeating the process. This time when he got where you wanted him he glanced up at your face before lowering his mouth to you. The first lick was tentative, teasing but when your hips bucked and a moan of his name fell from your lips it was like a switch flipped. He dove in, a perfect mixture of teeth and tongue working you closer and closer to that edge. 
He slipped first one finger then added a second,easily finding that spot inside of you that made your legs begin to shake. When his lips locked around your clit  at the same time his fingers found that spot your eyes rolled back and your vision went white. The pleasure was like nothing you'd ever experienced, waves after waves of it washing over you as Dean pulled two orgasms back to back from you.
When you weakly shoved at his shoulders he pulled back,leaving feather light kisses on your inner thighs “What's wrong sweetheart? Too much?” You wanted to glare at him but knew it wouldn't be very believable. “How the fuck did you do that?” He grinned “Guess no other man has ever made you come back to back before?” You shook your head and he laughed “Good”
You shook your head and reached for his shoulders “C'mere” he kissed his way back up to your body and when he got to your lips you could taste yourself on him.  “Your jeans are still on!” You nearly whined and he laughed “Let me fix that” 
He stood up and when he moved to unzip his jeans and push them off his hips you stopped him from climbing back onto the bed. You sat up and reached for him. He moved closer and when your hand slipped under the material of his boxers to wrap around his hard cock he swore under his breath. You slid the boxers down his legs and he stepped out of them. 
You'd always figured Dean was well endowed but seeing it, feeling it in your hand was different. You lowered your mouth to the tip, licking around the head to collect the precum then pulling more of him into your mouth. Your hand worked what of him you couldn't fit as you swirled your tongue over the vein running up his shaft. His head fell back with a groan, his fingers went to your hair, pushing it back from your face, holding it back. 
You could feel the tension in his hips so you tapped his hips letting him know it was ok. He gave a tentative thrust of his hips and when you hollow out your cheeks to allow more of him down your throat he moaned “Fuck you're perfect” he gave a few hard thrusts into your mouth and you took it, swallowing around him and feeling him tense. 
“Fuck baby” he pulled out of your mouth with a wet pop, using his thumb to swipe the spit from your chin “That was amazing but I don't plan to come anywhere expect inside of you tonight” 
You scooted back up the bed and he climbed between your legs settling himself there. You could feel his cock nudging at your inner thigh, he hesitated “You're sure?” You nearly growled “Dean Winchester. I fucking love you, I want this I want you! Now for the love of everything fuck me already” 
He laughed lightly and in one roll of his hips buried himself inside of you. You gasped at the fullness you felt, the stretch from how long it'd been since you were with someone else and just how big he was. He left a trail of open mouthed kisses across your jaw.
After a moment the stretch gave way so you let your legs fall apart further before hooking them around his waist. He took that as the go ahead and gave a deep roll of his hips, when the answer was your nails biting into his shoulders he placed a searing kiss against your lips before moving to press his forehead against yours. 
There was something so damn intimate about looking into his eyes while he was so damn deep inside of you. “This is real, isn't it?” He asked and you moved one hand from his shoulder to cup his jaw, understanding the underlying question “It's real Dean. You're here with me” 
He turned his head to kiss the palm of your hand “I love you” you moved your hand back to his shoulder and he kiss you, this one wasn't as hungry as others but it made down to your toes tingle and he gave a hard thrust hitting that spot inside of you with the head of his cock.
When your back arched up, pressing your breasts into his chest his thrusts started to get harder and deeper. “Please don't stop” you begged, the pleasure building in your stomach threatening to steal your vision yet again. “Wasn't planning on it” he said, pulling your legs up to his shoulders and nearly folding you in half.
The new angle had you practically screaming his name. The knowledge that he was strong enough to manhandle you like you were nothing drove you crazy. His cock was so damn big and the angle meant he was hitting that spot with every damn thrust. The pleasure was so intense it was borderline pain but better than anything you'd ever experienced.
His hips snapped into yours and you could feel how close you were. His fingers found your clit, rubbing tight circles “Let me feel you baby. I'm so damn close but I need to feel you” 
You felt that pleasure burst as your vision went soft around the edges and a hoarse scream of his name fell from your lips. You could feel his thrusts begin to falter so you gripped his shoulders tightly “Fuck Dean, i want to feel you. Please baby” his face was buried in the bend of your neck and when he buried himself inside of you with one final thrusts the feeling of him coming made a smaller orgasm wash over you, causing your walls to clench down around his cock causing a curse of your name to fall from his lips as well.
He gently eased your legs down, rubbing them gently before pulling out of you. You gasped and he smiled almost shyly “Sorry” you grinned at him sleepily “That was everything Dean”
His smile deepened before he placed a tender kiss on your lips “Let me clean you up a bit” he found his shirt and cleaned you up as best as he could before tossing it at the hamper in the corner. 
When he climbed back in bed next to you he asked “Do you need anything? Water? Bodypart massaged?” You shook your head and moved over to be laying halfway on his chest “Just need you to hold me” He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. You were almost asleep before a thought occurred to you and you started laughing. 
You looked up to see he was staring at you like you'd grown a second head “Baby are you ok?” You nodded “There's like thirty hunters here that probably heard that”
He grinned “Well at least they clearly know you're mine and I'm yours” you grinned “damn right. Now kiss your girl so we can both get some sleep” “Yes ma'am” he replied pulling you into a kiss.
Tagging those who told me to write it lol @deans-baby-momma @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @daughterofapollo-7 @littlemadamred
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 1 month
Just Keep Breathing, part 2
TFW & Winchester little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: just a fluffy little follow up to part 1
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You couldn’t breathe. Your mouth was opening and closing like some macabre imitation of a fish, but no air would come.
Sam and Dean were there. Dean tried to grab your arm, and Sam was reaching out to cup your face but everywhere their skin touched yours, you started bleeding.
Your lungs were on fire, you were crying, and Sam and Dean were too scared to hold you in their arms, even as you died.
You awoke with a jerk to find that you actually were being held—in fact, Sam had you in his arms and Dean was shaking your shoulders.
“Wake up!” Dean breathed a sigh of relief when your open eyes met his. “Hey sweetheart. You ok?”
You nodded silently, not trusting your voice.
“Ok.” And then Dean was pulling you into his arms, and you nearly cried in relief when you got to relax in his embrace with no pain. “Ok, you’re safe.”
“I think I’m gonna go make us some breakfast,” Sam said, letting go of you and standing up. You turned and latched onto him, unwilling to let him go.
“Please don’t…” you didn’t want to tell him not to go—you were hungry, after all—but you’d also spent so much time not able to touch your big brothers, that now you were scared to let them go.
Sam seemed a little confused, but no less willing to help.
“Ok…uh, hop on.” Sam turned the awkward silence into an opportunity to turn his back to you, waving you onto his back. You grinned—he always knew how to work with your emotions. You jumped up on his back, giggling when he grunted and hoisted you higher.
“Ok ok, now hold on tight. Dean, you coming?”
“Right behind you,” Dean chuckled.
You stuck like glue to your brothers as they worked in the kitchen; if you weren’t holding onto Sam’s hand while he was cooking eggs, then you were hanging off Dean’s sleeve while he was making coffee.
They weren’t stupid, and neither were you—you could see them glancing at each other over your head, silent concern etched on their faces.
“Hey, how about we eat in the Dean cave and watch a movie?” Dean suggested, his arm slung around you shoulder. You burrowed closer to his side and nodded.
“You doing alright?” Sam asked gently as he plated the scrambled eggs.
“I’m ok.” Your voice was quiet, but Sam believed you—you were probably tired, but he was sure you’d be ok. “Are you coming with us?”
“Uh, yeah.” Sam nodded. He’d planned on doing some research in the library for a case, but he could make a call and ask one of his hunter buddies to do it instead. “Yeah, I’ll be there in just a minute.”
You and Dean took your plates and retreated to the Dean cave. The movie was just starting when Sam finally came in, and when you saw his figure enter the room you jumped up to greet him with a hug.
“Hey.” Once you let go, Sam got on one knee so he could look at you face-to-face. “What’s going on, are you ok?”
You nodded, shuffling suddenly in embarrassment.
“I just…I just need you today.”
“Ok.” Sam pulled you into his arms, and when he stood you lifted off the ground. “Ok, then I’m yours.”
Your head was resting in Dean’s lap, your legs splayed over Sam’s, when the flutter of wings announced Cas’s arrival.
“Cas!” You were up and in his arms before he even knew what was happening. He hugged you back.
“Hello, little one,” he greeted. “Are you feeling better today?”
“Well, I’m not dying,” you quipped, grinning up at your angel friend. “Are you staying?” Your fingers tightened on Cas’s hands, like you could anchor him to the room.
Cas just smiled at you.
“Of course.”
After two movies, you took over Dean’s speaker system with your iPod. You dragged Sam to his feet, laughing. He was hesitant and shy at first, but once you had him up and you were dancing around him, he got into quickly. He’d spun you around about five times before Dean stepped in and stole Sam’s spot as your dance partner.
“Let me show you how it’s done.” Dean was grinning as he took over. You and Sam laughed mercilessly at Dean’s ridiculous dance moves.
Dean was unfazed, grinning as he said, “This is what real dance looks like.”
“Yeah, the real chicken dance,” you giggled.
Dean looked mock-offended.
“Ok then superstar, show us how it’s done.”
“I already did,” you argued. “Now it’s Cas’s turn.”
“No no no no no.”
Cas’s protests went completely ignored as you dragged him to his feet.
He—very, very reluctantly—joined the other three of you in your various dances.
Each and every one of you had some moves that you would never live down, but nobody cared.
It was one of the best days ever.
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl
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prentissluvr · 15 days
sorry won't cut it — sam and dean winchester
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pairing : sam and dean winchester x gn!sibling!reader ➖⟢ genre : angst, hurt/comfort ➖⟢ cw : set in season 8 LOL, sam and dean are kind of/definitely assholes to reader, swearing, arguments, crying, use of kid, kiddo, honey, and sweetheart to refer to reader, only light editing ➖⟢ wc : 4K summary : you meet up with sam to discover that dean is back from purgatory, and both have been keeping secrets from you.
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when sam answers your call, it comes as a relief. a surprise, but more than anything, a relief. it’s been two and a half months, almost on the dot, since he’s answered a call. usually it’s just one month. he has a single burner phone just for you, but it’s off half the time, and the other half he never answers.
you’ve grown used to his distance, to an extent. it still stings when your phone rings till voicemail sometimes, but you’ve just been too tired to argue with him, to ask him to comfort you, make him keep hashing through the pain of looking for dean and finding nothing but trouble. 
you want him to have the normalcy, the girl who loves him and makes him feel alright. you want to have faith that he’ll figure out how to factor you into it all eventually, but you still miss him, and you’re still lonely, so you keep calling, never getting angry or upset when he occasionally picks up. you just act like it’s normal, and you can tell he appreciates it, so you keep it up. in return, he asks you over sometimes, tells you each time how much amelia raves about you after you leave, hugs you tight before you go.
it’s been several months since he’s invited you over, and he doesn’t really talk about her anymore. you figure something must have happened, but you never push anything anymore with him.
this call is different. one, because he finally picks up. two, because he tells you to meet up with him, no explanation or normal talk about what you should bring for dinner. three, he asks you to meet at a random address in kansas.
he sighs deep, “just… get here as soon as you can. i’ll send you the location.” then he hangs up and it feels like the hunting life all over again.
it’s a seven hour drive, and you’re tired out of your mind, high-strung and worn out from leaving right after your shift at a diner full of sleezes who don’t tip enough. even though this whole thing is strange for the new, hunting-free sam, there’s relief coursing through you at the thought of seeing him, hoping he’ll let your tired feet carry you right into his arms. you pull into a driveway of sorts, no obvious entrance to the unremarkable building in front of you, but your years of hunting and meeting up with your brothers at strange places during strange hours after strange calls help you find the door. it's a bunker, one you've never seen before.
you were always a little bit more like sam, disillusioned to the hunter life and the way your father raised you. you weren’t a fighter like him, but you slipped away at eighteen to go to college and found somewhere near stanford so you’d be able to visit sam often. he loved that, always so glad that you got out too. but you were barely gone a year before dean came back to collect you and sam to look for your dad. you came easier than sam, less attached to your new place and always finding yourself missing dean.
that’s what you’d been doing this past year. missing dean, and painfully. so when you knock on the door, calling out, “it’s me, sammy,” you freeze when it opens several beats later.
because the person behind the door isn’t sam. but it is your older brother. just the one who’s been stuck in purgatory for the last year or so, the one you’ve endlessly searched for to no avail.
“dean?” your voice is small as his name slips from your mouth.
his eyes go soft, the way they rarely get, and the slight smile on his lips is half pained, half pure relief to see you after so long. “hey, kid.”
you launch yourself into his arms, and he catches you easy, right there in the doorway, and you have to fend off tears that you know wouldn’t put up so much of a fight if you weren’t so exhausted. but you were raised tough, and winchesters don’t cry all that often, at least not where someone else can see. so you swallow hard and tough it out, letting dean pull away from you and lead you inside. he moves through the house with a sort of ease he’d only have if he felt comfortable and safe there. this raises questions, along with the fact that he's here at all.
you’re speechless, but not for a lack of anything to say. endless questions stream through your mind, each one pushing to be asked, even more desperate to be answered.
but the only thing you can figure out how to say is “hello” to sam when he greets you in the living room. he pulls you into a hug, letting you linger for a moment before you know you have to ask all of the hard questions. something in his face is unreadable to you, which is rare when it comes to your brothers. if you didn’t know any better, you’d think it was a hint of guilt. that rings alarms in your mind, but you brush your nerves aside when dean takes a seat on the couch.
you relax a bit when you sink down next to him, curling into his side a little. it makes you feel a bit childish, but you need it after everything this past year. he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you a little closer. sam sits down across from the two of you and you heave a sigh, wondering where to start.
opening your mouth and forcing words out is like a crack in a dam. everything comes out slow at first, but that lasts mere seconds before the flood.
“how did you… dean, how did you get out? i mean, i tried– i tried everything,” your voice breaks at that word, the weight of it meaning something only you understand. you look at him, brows taught and you’re confused by the surprise on his face, as if he didn’t expect you to say such a thing.
“what do you mean, you tried everything?” he asks, voice suddenly gruff and severe. you recoil from his side to get a better look at him. you don’t miss the look he shoots sam. this is already departing from what you expected, which is probably exactly what you should have expected. it’s just that, when dean hugged you back and he was solid and real and alive, when he sat on the couch instead of a chair so you could sit next to him, you thought that maybe, just maybe, you’d be able to stay tucked safe into his side as they told you what happened, as they asked you to stay with them. 
“what do you mean?” you shoot back. “what, did you think i’d just kick back and call it someone else’s problem?”
“that’s what sam did. that’s what sam said you did.” his voice is accusatory and when you whirl to look at sam, utter bewilderment evident on your face, you can see him physically grimace. which means dean’s telling the truth.
“sam did what?” the question sounds like it’s targeted for dean, but you’re staring the younger down.
“listen, i– no, you know what, i’m not going to explain myself on this again. what do you mean you did everything, you said you were going to school?” sam looks irked and defeated all at once.
“that is completely beside the point, sam, you lied to me?” you ask incredulously, “but you’re not going to explain to me why? why you lied to me or why you apparently didn’t look for dean, i mean are you crazy?” dean’s hand on your shoulder prevents you from standing as your voice grows louder.
“listen, kid, sam and i, we’ve already hashed this out, okay? it’s uh– it’s fine, alright?” with the way he says the word “fine��, you know that it still bothers dean, so you can’t understand why he’d say so. “we’ve got things to discuss here,” dean tries to reason with you before sam can respond. he’s no peace maker, but a full blown fight between the two of you could have an ugly ending.
“things to discuss?” you repeat, in disbelief of the audacity. knowing them, that means they need something from you, which begs the question of why sam asked you over in the first place. you don’t even want to think about them having ulterior motives outside ofjust wanting to see you, so you brush it off angrily. “well, i’m glad to hear that you two have hashed it out, but i haven’t yet, so we can discuss whatever that is later.” you shrug off dean’s hand, trying to focus on the things you’re already angry about instead of asking the even bigger question nagging at you now. when the hell did dean get back that those two had time to hash out something that major? you turn your anger back to sam, thinking about what it was like when dean first disappeared. “you told me you looked. you told me you did all that you could, that you tried everything in your power. now dean’s telling me that you did jack shit?”
sam sighs heavily. “yes, okay. listen, i’m sorry i lied to you, alright? but i just wanted you to try and live your life for once. i figured if i told you i did everything i could, that, i don’t know, maybe you’d give up and try to move on? go to school, do something you love, have real friends, maybe find someone?” he throws his hands up in the air, a defeated gesture because he knows you don’t agree, while he still thinks he did the right thing.
you scoff, because, god, he really has no idea. arms crossed and face the kind of calm that says run to anyone on the other end of your anger, you nod in false understanding. “yeah, what good that did,” you say, your tone so sarcastic and dry that sam just clenches his jaw and dean’s face turns from concerned to full-blown worried. he wonders if he should ask what that means, because whatever it does, it’s certainly not “good.” 
but you pick up again after a moment of thick, dripping silence. “you know, sam, you have absolutely no idea how this past year really was for me. i’m not saying it was easy for you, because i know it wasn’t. though now i know you also skipped the trouble of looking for your stuck-in-purgatory-brother and really, actually lived that hunting-free life you wanted.” sam cringes at the venom in your voice. “all i’m saying is that just about nothing has been all, i don’t know, rainbows and butterflies like you think,” your voice is practically scathing, a tone so rare to both of your brothers that neither knows what to say, “and you know what, sam? it’s looking to me like i’d be a lot better off if you’d just decided to tell me the goddamn truth.”
sam says your name, tentative like he’s testing hot waters, “i thought you said things were going well. you said you liked school, that you were making friends there? just explain to me what you mean so we can figure this out.”
“figure it out,” you repeat under your breath, sticking your tongue against the inside of your cheek to keep from saying something too harsh. “sam, things were going well! they were!” now you’re feeling desperate to make him understand, “but that night you told me there was nothing else we could do, nothing else to try and that i should just do my best to move on? i couldn’t, sam, i couldn’t do that. there had to be something more we could do, so i gave up on the things you said you did and i went further. i let you think i was fine, that i was doing what you wanted for me because you always sounded so tired. you always sounded like one more thing on your plate would make the sweet little life you built with a girl and a dog come crashing down, so i made sure you wouldn’t have to worry about me.”
dean’s voice is uncharacteristically soft when he does his best to make his interruption gentle. he doesn’t want to upset you more, but you can hear the tension in his voice when he asks, “kiddo? what do you mean by you ‘went further?’”
suddenly you shrink in on yourself, your lower lip caught between your teeth and your eyes shining with fresh tears. “dean–,” your voice breaks before you can even say anything else. his hand is on your back, meant to be comforting, but it only makes you feel worse about it all. you know how much dean would hate the lengths you went to to try and get him back. “i can’t–” you shake your head, “i can’t right now, but maybe… maybe if you’d told me the truth, sam, if i’d just started by reading through all of bobby’s books like you said you did, things would have worked out differently.”
“well, maybe if you told me you were going to keep trying, i could have helped you!” sam fires back.
you let out a strangled, frustrated noise as you stand, unable to keep sitting down. “would you? really? because i really don’t think you would’ve! you were so focused on moving on from losing dean that you distanced yourself from me, too! you barely picked up, never called, only talked about dean in three word sentences to tell me a lie about how you tried and failed to find anything to help! maybe if you paid any attention to me, gave any indication that you wanted to help or see me or be a major part of life like i wanted of you, i would have opened up to you!” it makes you even more angry when your voice turns teary, “and for once, i wanted to try to be the one to take care of you two. i kept my secrets, i never let on how fucking lonely i was, just so you wouldn’t worry about me!” a stunned silence falls over you brothers, sam’s guilt beginning to overrun his natural response of anger, and dean making up for that fading anger with his own. your chest heaves with laboured breath as you stare sam down.
dean’s tone is icy as he breaks the silence, “sam, is that really how you treated them while i was gone?” 
sam exhales hard, ignoring dean in favor of looking at you, “i was just doing what i thought was the best for both of us. i didn’t know, okay, i’m sorry.”
“are you kidding me?” you exclaim, voice turning shrill and growing louder by the second, “people got hurt, on my account,” you have to force that part out through gritted teeth, “i got kicked out of school, and i spent three months running from hunters!” both sam and dean want to interrupt at that, but you keep going, your voice quieter now, but harsh and trembling, “but you were doing what you thought was best for both of us? try what was best for you. dean was gone, and i needed you, sammy, i needed you and the second you said you needed to get away, alone, i knew i didn’t have you.”
that shuts him up, has him deflating and his guilt taking over, and you can see it and you hate it. you almost wish he’d get angry instead because that means you can keep shouting at him to try and make him understand. but all you get are his clenched jaw, his sad eyes, and his guilty silence that tell you he knows he fucked up but he can’t figure out a way to make it better since sorry sure as hell won’t cut it.
it’s dean who cuts into the heavy silence again. “sam.” his name hangs in the air, weighed down with unspoken words. “we’ll talk about this later,” you guess is the message. you can feel how angry dean is without even looking at him. you know all he ever asked of sam if he was gone was to take care of you, and now dean knows he didn’t. then his attention is back on you. he says your name, clear and careful. “i’m gonna need you to tell me what you did, okay?”
you wipe at your face angrily as you whirl to face dean. trying to keep the ever present tears at bay, you tap right back into your anger. but it's more tired this time, less convincing with your voice taut from unshed tears begging to be released.
“all that, and that’s what you take away from this? really, dean? you’re gonna need to know what i did? i don’t need you to tell me to know that– that it was wrong and i don’t need you to make me feel any more shitty than i already do right now, okay?”
it’s his turn to wear a look of guilt on his face, but it only sits there for a flash before he keeps going. “kid, that’s not what i’m tryna’ do here, alright? i just wanna understand so i can keep us safe, yeah?” he puts his hands out in a peaceful motion, but something else unresolved floats back up into your focus.
“no. dean, no! because there’s something else here, something both of you have been avoiding this entire time!” there’s a sudden change in the air, like both of them are holding their breath, silently begging you won’t ask the question. “dean, how long have you been back?”
his hesitancy to answer tells you everything. “kid, listen, that’s not imp–”
“don’t you dare say it’s not important! did you hear anything i just said, dean? anything about how shit my life has been since you’ve been gone, how lonely i’ve been?”
“you’re right,” sam relents, forging on before dean can stop him, “he’s been back for three months now. it’s my fault we didn’t tell you. it’s all my fault, and believe me, i am so sorry.” you collapse into a chair with your head in your hands as he continues, “i know that does nothing to fix things, but i am sorry, and i promise i will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, kiddo. i’m all in now, and i did it all so this wouldn’t have to be your life, but you’re here now and we want more than anything to have you around, okay?” 
you lift your head up to stare at him. “three months.” your voice is dangerously quiet. “you two…” your tired mind can’t think of words strong enough, “drive me insane, you know that? dean, you just– you just went along with that and decided, let me guess, that it was best for me? because i was at school, living a normal life and away from the danger of this one? is that it? it’s best for me not to know my brother’s alive? because, you know, that reminds me of something. hm, maybe the time sam hid from us that he was alive for a year because he didn’t have his fucking soul? oh, yeah, it must be that.” you let out a short bark of laughter, but it and your voice are completely devoid of any humor. dean visibly recoils when you mention that. he’s thought of it, and still decided to keep you in the dark. “come on, dean, you know how that feels and you go and do it to me again? really?”
you’ve beat him too. “honey,” he sighs, “i’m sorry. we were wrong to do that to you, okay?”
finally, you think you might be out of things to say, to be hurt about. your voice is quiet and fragile now, and the dam holding back your tears is fractured in a million places, more than ready to break. “i missed you so much. both of you,” you whisper. you meant to make a scathing comment about how “sorry” and “we were wrong” don’t even begin to cover it, but you find that you’re not in complete control of the things coming out of your mouth. you’re just too goddamn tired. dean is crouching in front of you in an instant.
“i missed you, too, sweetheart. so much. i’m so sorry.” he takes it as a good sign that you let him place his hand on your knee. you want to flick it away, maybe shove him away too.
“and i was so, so lonely. i was so scared,” you sob out, wishing you didn’t have to cry when you got angry. “and i’m so mad that you two did this to me.”
“i know, kiddo, i know. i’m sorry.” gently, slowly, he tugs you towards him and into his arms and you slide onto the floor and cry into his chest, shaking and unable to say a thing. you want to tell him this doesn’t make it right, but dean hushes you gently when you try. “shhh, it’s okay, just let it out, alright? i got you. i got you,” he comforts. it’s true that this doesn’t make it right, but it’s almost all you need in that moment.
“sammy,” you choke out, still so angry with him, but wanting him near anyways, knowing that he’s too scared to come close to you after coming face to face with all of the things he did wrong. his hand is on your back a moment later, hesitant at first, then strong and soothing moments later when you blindly grab for the fabric of his flannel to keep him close.
“okay. okay, i’m here. i’m sorry. i’m here now, i promise,” he whispers, silently letting a few of his own guilty tears fall.
utterly exhausted, you stay slumped on the floor in dean's arms when your tears dry up. you can barely keep your eyes open and your breathing is soft and slow. 
“let’s get you to bed,” dean whispers, hoisting you all the way into his arms and up as he stands. “sam’ll grab you a glass of water.” you sigh an imperceptible sigh because you know that dean is still pissed at sam. rightfully so, you’re more than just pissed at both of them, but you’re too tired to care in this moment, and the last thing you want is for them to be angry at each other. that’s your job for when you wake up hours from now. 
dean sets you down in a foreign bed pulling the blankets over you, and sam is back moments later with the promised glass of water and tissues for your face. you curl up and tug at the covers slightly, eager to fall asleep.
“see you in the morning,” you mumble, effectively dismissing them with your voice hoarse from crying. you close your eyes before either of them can say a thing, but your words are also a whisper of the beginning of forgiveness. 
“goodnight, kiddo,” dean says, his voice full of a familiar affection that he only uses for his little siblings as he presses a kiss to your hairline, before disappearing out the door.
you drowsily register the sound of sam setting the glass of water on the night stand by your head. “i’m right across the hallway if you need anything.” a moment, then, “goodnight,” and a gentle hand on the side of your head before a kiss to your temple.
you fall asleep coming up with a list of petty ways you’ll have them make things up to you. neither sam nor dean will be pleased to hear that you’re calling shotgun in the impala for the next three months, minimum. sam for obvious reasons, and dean because he’ll know that means you’ll be taking your job as youngest sibling to annoy the living hell out of him very seriously.
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holylulusworld · 9 months
A thief at the bunker
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Summary: There is a thief at the bunker.
Pairing: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader
Warnings: fluff, scenting, a/b/o, idiots in love, sneaky Castiel, possessive Sam, implied smut/mating
Square filled for @spnfluffbingo (expired): Idiots in love
Square filled for @warmandfluffybingocards: Bed-sharing 
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“Where are they?” you grumble. “I bought five new blankets, sheets, and new pillows. Now they are all gone.”
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Dean pokes his head inside the room. “Do you need help? I was about to have a shower, but I’ll lend you a hand if you need me.” He grins when you throw him an angry look. “Whoa, what crawled up your ass.”
“Watch your tongue, Winchester,” you warn, and point your index finger at Dean. “I bet it was you.”
“Huh?” He cocks his head. “What are you talking about, Y/N? I don’t know what you want.”
“Have you seen the blankets I bought? I wanted to give one to Charlie when she comes to visit us this weekend. Now the blankets are all gone. We’ve got a thief at the bunker.”
“If it was pie or beer, I’ll be your man. But blankets and pillows are not my kind of poison,” he grins. “Maybe you simply misplaced them, Y/N. I can have a look at the guestroom if you want me to.”
“I came from the guestroom, Dean. I prepared it for Charlie, and only needed fresh sheets and one of the blankets for her. And now, they are all gone.”
Dean furrows his brows. “Maybe Cas needed them…no. He wouldn’t steal the blankets. I’m still not sure if he ever sleeps.”
“He’s a Netflix junkie,” you chuckle, but then you remember, you still need to find the blankets. “Crap. I don’t have the time or the money to buy new blankets. I need to find them.”
“Blankets?” Castiel joins you and Dean in the room. “I saw Sam carry a few blankets inside his room not so long ago. He snarled at me when I asked him if he needed my help.”
“Sam?” You gape at Castiel. “Why? He’s got a blanket, and I never took him for a blanket hoarder.”
“I’m not sure about it, sweetheart,” Dean pinches the bridge of his nose. “If we had to share a bed, he always stole the blanket. I woke up freezing more than once.”
“That fucker!” you growl. “How dare that man to steal my blankets.” Off you go to get your blankets and pillows back.
“There she goes,” Dean sighs. He glances at Castiel, who, to Dean’s surprise smirks darkly. “Cas, what’s the matter? Why the scary smirk?”
“Scary?” Castiel frowns. “I didn’t scare Y/N. I made sure she’ll find the blankets on Sam’s bed.”
“You want her to hurt my brother?” Dean swallows thickly. He wonders what Sam has done to deserve Castiel’s wrath. “What did Sammy do?”
Castiel sighs deeply. “They are pining for each other for years. I’ve had enough of watching them. So, I took matters into my own hands.”
The angel grins proudly.
Dean snorts. “You played matchmaker.” 
“It’s called heavenly intervention.”
“It’s called getting Sammy laid…”
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“You! Samuel blanket thief Winchester! I will kill you for stealing my blankets,” you growl, ready to attack Sam.
He looks at you like a deer in the headlights. The hunter tried to find out who brought all the blankets to his room when you stormed inside.
Now he believes you tried to nest on his bed, and his heart swells in his chest. 
“I knew you feel the same,” you end up in his arms, his face buried in your neck. You are too stunned to even react. Moments ago you wanted to scold him for stealing your blankets, and now he’s walking you toward his bed.
“Sam…” you try to fathom what’s going on as Sam tries to get you on his bed. “What? Sam!”
“You brought the blankets and pillows here so we can make a nest.” You end up on Sam’s bed, buried underneath the hunter. “We will take things slow. I’ll properly court you. I've got nice gifts for my omega. I bought a new flannel, and the pumpkin pillow you like so much.”
“Sam…” You pat his back, but he won’t move. Sam sniffs along your neck to catch your scent. “We will rub our scents into the blankets, and you can move into my room after we finish the nest.”
“What? Oh,” he lifts his head to grin at you. “Do you want to mate first? I knew you were a dirty girl. Let me just lock the door. We don’t want Dean to walk in on us…”
“What? I—” You watch Sam get off the bed to lock the door. He throws his shirt across the room seconds later, smirking as you drink his naked chest in.
“Yeah?” He furrows his brows.
“Forget it,” you unbutton your shirt. “I like your plan…is all…”
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“You owe me fifty bucks, Dean,” Castiel smirks as the noises coming from Sam’s room leave little to nothing to his brother’s imagination. “I told you that all they needed was a heavenly intervention.”
“Tell you what Cas,” the hunter shudders hearing you mewl loudly. “We should leave the bunker, and I’ll drink the memory of the noises they made away…”
“I’ll accompany you, Dean. Maybe someone else needs my help too.”
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my-proof-is-you · 3 months
But God, at what cost?
Imagine: Dean helping you get through your cardio workout
A/N: Literally thought of this when I was at the gym trying to get through a workout. Pretended Dean was cheering me on…is that weird? Ha.
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You were pretty sure almost no one hated running more than you.
You were a bigger person. You always had been. Plus sized, if you will. You were very strong, though. When you hunted, you held your own. 
You didn’t hate your body, either. You weren’t skinny like some of your friends were in high school. You knew none of them could do what you could on hunts, though.
Dean liked your curves, too. He always said he admired your strength and the man damn near worshipped your body in bed. 
But you knew your weakness: cardio. 
It wasn’t very often you had to run for your life. You, Sam and Dean made a great hunting team, so there was rarely a need to run away. 
When you did, though, you lagged behind. That meant that Dean lagged behind, too. He would never leave you to fend for yourself. You didn’t like it. You didn’t want him in danger any more than he wanted you to be.
So that was why you were trying to get better at running even though it was the bane of your existence. You’d been spending time in the bunker gym, using the treadmill Sam had bought for when the weather outside wasn’t conducive to his runs.
You didn’t really want Dean to know what you were doing. It was your own problem, and you wanted to fix it on your own. 
You’d run a few times on your own on the treadmill, and hated every second of it. It put you in a bad mood for the rest of the day, and your boyfriend had definitely noticed. 
You were once again trying to get a run in on the treadmill before the brothers got back from their supply run. Unfortunately, you didn’t time it right.
“Y-Y/N?” Dean asked, entering the gym. He had a shocked look on his face. 
“What?” You huffed, annoyed. It wasn’t his fault, but you couldn’t hide how much you hated what you were doing.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, coming to stand next to the treadmill with his arms crossed over his chest. 
You rolled your eyes. “Can’t a person run without getting asked a million questions?”
“A person, yes. You…no. Sweetheart, you hate running,” he said with a smile and a raised eyebrow. 
“Yeah—well— hate—putting you—in danger—more,” you said while panting.
Dean reached over, pulling the cord that stops the treadmill. 
“Hey!” You exclaimed, slowing to a walk before the belt stopped completely. 
“What are you talking about?” Dean asked. “What danger?”
“I’m slow, Dean,” you said, finally regaining your breath. “I know I am. And I don’t want to be the reason you stay behind and get killed by a monster!”
“First of all, that’s not going to happen. And B, you are one of the best hunters I know. I really think you’re underestimating yourself.”
You sighed. “Regardless, Dean, I could be better, and I want to be.”
Dean’s eyes narrowed as he studied your face. “This has nothing to do with looks, right? Cause, sweetheart, you know I think you’re perfect the way you are.”
You smiled, despite your exhaustion. “I know that, De. And I promise, it’s not about that. I know I’m hot,” you said with a wink. 
Dean bit his lip, sending a little thrill through to your core. 
“I just want to improve is all,” you said with a shrug. 
“Well, sweetheart, you know how I feel about running, too. I hate it maybe more than you do. But if this is something you want, I will help you,” Dean said, reaching out to squeeze your hand. 
You weren’t sure how he meant to help you, but going it alone wasn’t working. You’d take any help offered at this point.
He watched your face as you tried to understand what he’d do, and he gestured for you to step back on the treadmill. You turned it back on and began jogging. 
After a minute or so, you started to get out of breath and wanted desperately to stop. You looked at Dean, who nodded his head in the direction the treadmill was facing to tell you to keep looking forward. 
“You got this, sweetheart,” he began. He wasn’t yelling it, just speaking with conviction at his normal volume. 
“I’ve seen you go through literal Hell, Y/N. This is nothing. You are so strong.”
His words gave you some confidence. It was nice to hear, especially over the voice in your head that was telling you to quit. 
You went another ten minutes with Dean’s words of encouragement spurring you on before your legs started really aching.
“It—hurts—De—” you panted.
“Just a little more, Y/N/N. And when you’re done, I’m gonna take you to the shower…get you nice and clean,” he said, his voice turning sultry.
“Hm?” You asked, suddenly distracted from your pain. 
“That’s right, baby. Then I’m gonna massage all your sore muscles.”
You felt even more of a blush rising to your cheeks.
“And tomorrow, when you’re all rested, we’re gonna do some cardio together.”
“You—hate—running,” you said, breathless for more than one reason.
“I’m not talking about running, sweetheart.”
You hit your goal of two miles then, and nearly leapt off the treadmill before the belt even stopped. 
“Let’s hit the showers,” you said, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the hall. 
Dean followed, chuckling. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
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@divadinag @lynne1993 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​  @onethirstyunicorn @sammykb1994 @lilulo-12 @mellorine-paprika @tranquility-or-chaos @collette04 @hoboal87 @chevyharvelle @miraclesoflove @defenderrosetyler @babypink224221 @calaofnoldor @beatifuldisaster018 @coffeebooksandfandom @supernatural3002 @lainxcas @mylovelydame21 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @lovely-lynns-likes @ppeachygemss @screechingartisancashbailiff @metalfangirl @vicmc624 @polina-93 @hobby27 @sexyvixen7 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @lyarr24 @amelia-song-pond @donnaintx @spnbaby-67 @traceyaudette @gh0stgurl @fiftyshadesgrl @tapedeck-hearts @lacilou @foxyjwls007 @stoneyggirl2 @kr804573 @cumuluscranium
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lovelybucky1 · 3 months
Sam Winchester NSFW Alphabet
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warnings: genderneutral!reader, mentions of choking, masochism, sadism, switching, cnc, predator/prey, hair pulling, oral sex, hair pulling, 18+ minors dni
A = Aftercare- sam is such a sweetheart. he'll take care to clean you up so you're not a sticky mess in the morning, he'll bring you water and snacks if you need, and he will shower you with affection. he kisses you all over and holds you against his chest so you can come down together. if you're the dom in the scene, he expects the same kind of gentle care from you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)- sam's favorite part of his body is his back. he's big and broad and he loves being able to shield you with his body. he also loves when you cling to him, nails digging into the muscles of his back when he fucks you. his favorite part of his partner's body is their neck. it's so sensitive and every light touch of his lips, scratch of his facial hair or press of his fingers has you squirming.
C = Cum- sam is a cumslut. all he wants is to wring orgasm after orgasm out of his partner. he gets drunk on your pleasure and he loves that he's the one making you feel so good. he especially loves to swallow down all of your cum with a smile.
D = Dirty secret- you'd never expect it, but sweet, charming sam loves hard kinks. cnc, predator/prey, sadomasochism, you name it. as long as it's safe, sane, and consensual, he's willing to try it. he'd put on a costume and pretend to be a priest for you to confess your sins to, he'd be the hunter trailing the poor lost spirit, he'd be your hostage to torture for information.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)- sam doesn't have too much experience. jess was his first and they didn't get up to anything too crazy, only because sam was too shy to ask. he's watched enough porn to have his fair share of kinky fantasies and the knowledge shared by his big brother has given him a pretty good idea of how to go about the kinker things.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)- surprise, surprise, sam is a missionary kind of guy. call it vanilla, but he loves to see your face as you come apart on his cock. he spices it up with a hand around your throat, lips pressed to your ear while he whispers filthy things, and your fingernails dug into his back. if he's bottoming, he likes backshots. they make him feel cheap and dirty, especially when you pull his hair.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)- if having regular, normal sex then sam will be goofy. he'll tease you and crack jokes like he isn't fucking your brains out. if you're doing a scene, he can stay in character enough to be serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)- sam doesn't do much manscaping. he'll trim his bush if it gets too long, but he prefers to keep everything natural. he doesn't have too much chest hair, but he has a nice happy trail.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)- sam is a big sappy romantic. he's the type to lay rose petals down on the bed so he can make sweet love to you all night. he'll whisper how much he loves you with each stroke and he kisses passionately, but this doesn't mean he can't be rough.
J = Jack off- sam doesn't get much alone time outside of the shower when he's on cases, so that's typically where he jerks off. if he can find enough time, that is. it's also hard for him to get in the mood when there's a case on his mind, so he usually waits until things have settled a bit to take care of himself.
K = Kink- sam is a switch, so he never shies away from a battle for dominance. he loves to run his mouth during sex, spewing praise and degradation in equal amounts (depending on your preferences). he likes to leave marks: hickyes, bites, bruises, you name it. he also likes when you cry because it means he gets to comfort you and teasingly tell you that "it's all gonna be okay"
L = Location- sam isn't big on the risk of getting caught, so he keeps his sex in private locations. usually the bedroom or motel room, sometimes the bathroom against the sink or in the shower. he'd fuck you in the back seat of the impala if he thought he could get away with it, but dean would kill him if he found out sam's bare ass touched his seats.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)- sam likes a spitfire. if you speak your mind, are quick witted, and can keep up with his and dean's sarcasm and snark, you'll have his attention. sam really likes to flirt, and he loves it when you play hard to get. he'll be whipped for you and you'll be the only thing on his mind.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)- sam wouldn't be into any authority kink. sam's not big on authority himself, and he'd rather not have to hold some sort of title to get your submission. all he wants to hear you moan is his name, not sir, daddy, or master
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)- sam likes receiving oral well enough. he'd never turn down a blowjob, but he much prefers to give. he could stay between your thighs for hours and not get tired.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)- the pace really depends on the scene and lead up. sam can he rough and he likes to fuck hard, but he also enjoys going slow and drawing it out so you both can feel every little touch.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)- most of the sex sam has are quickies. he doesn't get much down time unless he's not on a case, which isn't often. if you're on the case with him, he'll find ways to get dean out of the room long enough to get some alone time with you. he'd love to be able to take his time, but he'll take what he can get.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)- sam likes to try new things and there isn't much he wouldn't try at least once. he isn't a fan of public sex and dabbling with the possibility of getting caught, however. he doesn't want any uninvited third parties seeing you like that.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)- when he has the time, sam usually can go for at least two rounds. while he's recovering, he uses that time to focus completely on you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)- sam doesn't use any toys on himself but he isn't opposed to his partner using them or using them with his partner, especially when it comes to pegging
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)- sam is a tease and a flirt. he'll give you innocent little touches, quiet whispers of dirty things in your ear, all to rile you up. if you turned the tables on him, however, he'd get all pouty that you're withholding what he wants.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)- sam is pretty quiet during sex. he talks, but in a hushed voice, and he stifles his moans. the most noise he makes are little, involuntary whimpers that come from high in his throat.
W = Wild card- sam is always trapped in his own head. his imagination is vivid and whenever he finds himself bored, he thinks about naughty scenarios like they're his personal pornos.
X = X-ray- sam is unexpectedly muscled. he may not look like it with his baggy clothes on, but he has abs, a defined chest and arms, and toned legs. his dick is also proportionally sized.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)- the stress in sam's life definitely impacts his sex drive, but his head is always swimming with dirty thoughts.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)- sam expels a lot of pent up energy during sex, so he will usually pass out pretty quick after the fact.
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whimsyfinny · 4 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: Nudity
Chapter Word Count: 2552
A/N: sorry this one took a while! I’ve had so much going on, I’ve struggled to get time to myself. I wrote this over the course of several nights so pls let me know of any errors as it’s only proof read by me
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Please read the below first:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 7
Dean and I stood side by side in the dimly lit parking lot, trying not to make eye contact with each other as Sam stood in front of us; arms folded across his chest with his foot tapping impatiently. He gnawed on his bottom lip, frowning and shaking his head. He was the spitting image of an angry mother.
“You did what?” He asked, disbelief in his voice.
“Look, Sammy,” Dean started and I was unable to tell if he was about to be boastful or apologetic.
“Don’t you ‘look Sammy’ me. We’re on a job Dean, couldn’t you have kept it in your pants a bit longer?”
“Sam I’m so sorry, we didn’t mean for it to happen, it just sort of…did,” I stepped in, embarrassment taking over as I caught sight of my reflection in the Impalas drivers side window. My hair was tousled and my lipstick was almost completely worn off save for a few streaks under my bottom lip. That, and also the fact that my shredded underwear was currently scrunched up in Deans pocket. I couldn’t tell if I was more horrified when I saw him pick them up off the study floor and ‘save them for later’, or the fact that I may have developed a new kink for having my panties sliced off my body with a hunting knife.
“(Y/n),” Sam’s eyes softened, “you have nothing to apologise for; Dean should know better.” His words made Dean scoff.
“She’s not all sunshine and rainbows Sam, she’s the one who started it.”
“I did not! I only told you to kiss me, not fuck me into that desk!”
Sam’s eyes widened and his ears went pink, Dean snapping back at me before the younger brother had a chance to think.
“Yes you did.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Yes, you definitely did. Don’t lie,” he paused, his tone changing, “you can’t deny it sweetheart - you wanted me,” Dean smirked, gesturing to himself.
“Ok, prove it - what did I say?” I crossed my arms across my chest, remembering I wasn’t wearing a bra. His smirk grew, suddenly making me very aware that I was most likely wrong about this and he was going to be obnoxious about the fact that he was right.
“You said - and I quote - ‘are you gonna fuck me or what, Winchester?’ Now to me, that sounds like you instigating this.”
I scowled at him, wanting to slap that lipstick-smeared smirk right off his face.
“Fuck you,” I spat, rapidly having to cross my legs where I stood as I started to feel more ‘essence of Dean’ trickle down my thigh.
“You already did darlin’.”
“Ok ENOUGH!” Sam got between us, putting up his hands, “let’s just finish the job and go home. But just so you know,” he pointed at us, “you are BOTH in VERY big trouble.”
The ride back to the bunker was a little awkward. I sat in the back, not wanting to move too much for fear of making a mess on the impeccable upholstery and Sam sat in total silence, giving us both the cold shoulder. Dean however drove the whole way home with the biggest grin on his face, occasionally glancing at me in the rear view mirror. Sam had taken the liberty of packing everyone’s luggage into the Impala before we had even left the auction house, so I wasn’t even granted the simple pleasure of washing Deans intoxicating scent from my hair in the motel shower. I just had to sit there for the next three hours breathing him in and replaying every red hot second of our time together in that study.
Dean pulled into the underground garage to the bunker and before he’d even put it in park I’d thrown the door open and jumped out, racing back to my room. I heard Dean shout after me but I had sprinted too far to know what he’d said. I ran through the corridors like a princess in a castle; long dress bunched up in my fists so I didn’t trip, with the rest billowing behind me as I frantically searched for my destination in this labyrinth. Upon reaching my door I flung it open and raced inside, slamming it behind me. I paced into the bathroom, heels clicking on the tiles and flicked on the light before turning the shower on and wincing at the loud clanking still coming from the plumbing in here. As the water began to patter into the shower basin I hurriedly peeled off my shoes and my dress before sticking my toe into the water now pooling in the bottom. The moment it was the perfect temperature I stepped in, sighing as the liquid poured over me and washed away the electric tingle on my skin left behind by the older Winchesters hands. I felt normal again, and much less sticky too as I lathered soap over myself. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as I slid down the tiles and sat down, letting the shower soak my hair. I tried my best to steady my mind and be calm, but all that I could think about was Dean. The way he touched me, running his rough hands over my soft skin. The way said my name; moaning it in a deep breathless voice. And oh boy… the way his mouth felt on mine was like something out of this world, the taste of him alone made me dizzy. I wanted to run to wherever he was right now and press my lips to his - to get high off of him again. It’s a crying shame that he’s such a jackass, so naturally I’m reluctant to give him the satisfaction. He’d be smug for days - or weeks - if I even mentioned that this was how I was feeling, let alone if I was actually acting on the impulses.
I must’ve sat in the bottom of the shower for at least twenty minutes, my brain going over the events on a loop, replaying again and again. In the end I gave up trying to silence my thoughts and turned off the water, stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fuzzy white towel around myself. I grabbed a smaller second towel and dried my hair, leaving it damp but not dripping as I walked into the bedroom. I searched for my duffle for a few minutes before it dawned on me: it was still in the car. ALL of my clothes were in there.
“Shit shit shit shit,” I searched through the wardrobe and dresser in the room, hoping to find something, ANYTHING, that I could wear to go and retrieve my bag but there was nothing to be found. I sat on the edge of the bed contemplating my options as I started to shiver, my damp hair making me cold. I considered wearing the dress again, but the stains on it made me think otherwise as I was now clean and fresh from the shower. My eyes darted to the door. There’s only one option: theft. Deans room was right opposite mine and he didn’t spend much time in there so the chances of me running into him were slim. I stood up, determination coursing through me as I marched to my bedroom door, opened it and quietly stepped into the hallway. I looked left and right, sighing in relief at the emptiness. I quietly padded across to Deans door, incredibly aware of how cold the air was out here. I grasped the handle and twisted, the door opening with a small click.
“Yes!” I whispered to myself, grateful it was already unlocked. Ducking in I closed the door behind me and spun around, pressing my back to the cool wood to observe the room. Eyes widening, my blood ran cold and I dropped to the floor. Dean was asleep - or so he seemed to be - above the covers and still fully dressed in his suit, a nudie mag open and covering his face. He had one hand behind his head and the other rested on his stomach, rising and falling with each breath. FUCK. I looked around whilst on all fours, feeling the dust from the floor sticking to my damp skin. So much for the shower. I spotted Deans dresser off to the side of the room; if he was asleep, I should be able to sneak in, grab a T-shirt and sneak out again with no problem. I crawled over to the drawers and started sliding them open painfully slowly to inspect the contents. It wasn’t until I opened the fourth drawer that I struck gold. Silently cheering to myself I snatched the first T-shirt I saw and pushed the draw closed. As I turned around to leave I near enough jumped out of my skin, shrieking a little. Dean was now laying on his side, head propped up with one hand and he watched me in total silence, the corner of his lips turned up.
“You need any help down there?” His voice was low and gravelly.
“No thank you,” I stood up, clutching his T-shirt in one hand and trying not to let my towel fall with the other, the corner now refusing to tuck in. “I got what I came for.”
“And you need one of my T-shirts because…?”
“None of your business,” I taunted, inching my way towards the door. Dean raised an eyebrow.
“It is if you’re being a little thief.”
“I’m only borrowing it.”
“Sure you are sweetheart,” he grinned, turning to lay on his back again, this time propped up on his pillows against the headboard with his hands behind his head. There was silence for a few moments as he chewed on his bottom lip, eyeing me up and down. He made me feel totally exposed. Out of nowhere he jumped up, reaching me where I stood by the door in one swift movement.
“I tell you what - you can keep the T-shirt for life on one condition,” he stepped closer, those piercing green eyes keeping mine entranced. I swallowed.
“What condition…?” My voice suddenly felt very small and quiet as a result of his close proximity.
“Drop the towel and put it on.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
I wasn’t able to stop the heat rising to my cheeks and I couldn’t tell if it was from frustration at his arrogance or the fact that the low rumble of his voice was making my knees weak. The words bouncing off the walls in my mind failed to leave my lips, and in my silence he spoke up again.
“Or unless you’re happy walking all the way to the garage in nothing but a towel, you still have the option to refuse.” I scowled and smacked his chest.
“You knew?! If you knew I’d left my bag behind, why didn’t you bring it?”
“Because,” he put his hand on the wall beside my head and leaned in a little, “where’s the fun in that?” I tried my best to hold his gaze, fighting every urge to look away as my heart started to beat faster and faster. I’ve already fucked the man so what have I got to lose? I placed my hands firmly on Deans chest and pushed with enough force to knock him back, the backs of his knees hitting the edge of the bed, making him collapse onto it. Leaning back on his hands he looked at me expectantly as I took a step towards him and away from the door. I tried my best to keep a stern expression, refusing to let him know that any of this was affecting me - the last thing I wanted was for smug old Dean Winchester to know that everything he does makes my heart hammer in my chest. I threw the T-shirt at him, hard enough that he was taken aback as he clutched the dark fabric in his large hands. A look of disappointment started to cross his face before I reached up and untucked my towel letting it fall to the floor as I stood in front of him, fighting every urge not to cover myself up. At first I was unable to look him in the eye, scared of what that alluring evergreen stare would do to me if I did. Eventually I caved in, biting my lip as I saw how entranced he was; eyes flitting over every curve on my body, studying me like a work of art. I watched him swallow, throat bobbing as he licked his lips, jaw going slack and his pupils dilating. He was silent. I took another step forward so I was in reach of him and his hand immediately shot out to touch my thigh. Right as his fingers grazed my skin I smacked his hand away, pulling him from his trance.
“Please…” was all he managed to say, all cockiness gone from his attitude. I snatched the T-shirt from his loose grip, pulling it on over my head and down over my body, finally covering myself from his burning hot gaze. Dean was finally pulled from his trance when he could no longer see the curves of my figure, his eyes eventually meeting mine again. He looked a little flustered, his hands now crossed in his lap.
“My clothes look good on you,” he said, an unusual tone to his voice - something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. He eyed my chest, observing the way the loose black fabric fell over the soft curves of my breasts and did little to hide my perky nipples. His eyes travelled south, surveying the rest of me before stopping and lingering at my thighs right where his top ends, hinting at the shape of my ass cheeks hiding underneath. He probably would have sat there all evening and ogled at me, however I could feel the tiredness start to hang heavy in my body and weigh on my eyelids, getting worse as the minutes passed. I groaned internally, remembering I still needed to go and get my duffle. But there was something about the way that Dean was looking at me that was making it hard to leave. I took a few more steps towards him until I was standing between his knees, swatting his hands away as they skimmed the backs of my thighs, sending goosebumps over my skin. I grabbed his chin unexpectedly, making him flinch. However it was only a matter of seconds until he was like putty in my hands. His muscles relaxed and he looked up at me with hooded eyes, mouth agape as I tilted his chin up to face me. I leaned down, our lips millimetres apart as I felt his hot rapid breath fan over my cheeks. I watched his pupils blow wide at the close proximity, a shiver ghosting over his skin as he stared up at me.
“Goodnight Dean,” I hummed, before letting go and standing up straight, turning to leave the room. I picked up my towel and opened the door, looking over my shoulder one last time to witness the starstruck Winchester sitting in a daze right where I left him.
“Thanks for the T-shirt.”
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lanassmarty @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hell0-ki11y111 @hobby27 @lilcuutiee @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @viridiesa @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @ilikw @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @vsplanet @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @raven-red10 @feyresqueen @lori69 @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog
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Up Next:
Chapter 8 part 1
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Another Classic Rock Fan
summary : a broken jukebox leads dean to a woman who’s so much like him that she sweeps him off his feet.
pairing : (earlier seasons) dean winchester x female reader
rating: R for language, sexual themes (?)
word count : 1.7k
warnings: language, implied sex/nudity, violence
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“Son of a bitch!” You muttered, hitting the side of the jukebox, as if that would suddenly fix the (clearly half-a-century-old) machine in front of you.
“I tried that ten minutes ago sweetheart, it doesn’t do much,” A man’s voice said behind you.
“Well, maybe you didn't hit it right!” You exclaimed, hitting it again but in a different spot.
“What song are you trying to play?” He asked.
“AC/DC, You Shook Me All Night Long. And, before you say anything; if you want a shot at getting in my pants tonight don’t you dare disrespect that band,” You replied before you finally turned around to look at the man. “Or any of the classics, while you're at it.” He was taller than you, with brown hair and light brown eyes that stared down at you. The room was dark, but you could see a smirk form on his full lips when he saw your face.
“Hey, I wouldn’t dream of it!” He held up his hands in defense. “I’m an AC/DC fan myself.”
“Favorite song?” You quizzed, narrowing your gaze.
“Trick question, they’re all great,” He shrugged a little.
“Correct,” You nodded. “List some songs though.”
“Thunderstruck, Sin City, Girls Got Rhythm, Let There Be Rock; should I keep going?”
“No, I believe you're a fan,” You laughed, letting your guard down a little.
“So baby,” He smirked, “what’s the going price?”
Your smile disappeared and you stared daggers at him. “Go to hell!” You exclaimed before you brushed past him, intentionally bumping into his shoulder as you did so.
“Wait- That’s- Shit,” He stuttered, regretting what he said.
You turned around, a childish smile now on your face as you looked up at him; “Shot Down In Flames, nice job. You really thought I didn’t get the reference?”
“I really thought,” He laughed lightly. “Let me buy you a drink?”
“Sure,” You turned back around and he followed you to the counter. You could feel him staring down at your ass and you smirked a little; you wore your jeans that accented that feature for a reason.
“I’m Dean, by the way,” He smiled when the two of you sat down. “What’re you drinking?”
“I’m Y/n, and just a beer’s fine.”
“So, is there a reason you’re alone at a bar on a Thursday night?” He asked, motioning the bartender toward you. He then ordered two beers.
“I’m in town for work, don’t really know anyone here,” You shrugged and took a sip of the beer.
“Me too, actually,” Dean responded.
“Really? What kinda work?”
“Law enforcement.”
“Would not take you for a cop,” You nodded in response.
“So, who got you into AC/DC?” He asked, wanting to change the subject.
“My mom traveled for work so my little sister and I were stuck in the car a lot. My mom loved classic rock. It’s all she ever played for us, really.”
“No way! My dad was the same way! Traveled for work, loved the classics, played ‘em for me and my little brother all the time!” He exclaimed, both of you smiling widely.
The two of you talked about nothing in particular for another twenty or so minutes, Dean making the occasional flirty joke about taking you to his motel room.
“Oh my god!” Sam exclaimed, covering his eyes in a hurry.
“Sam, what the hell! Knock!” Dean huffed back as you hurried to cover yourself with the sheets. Dean stood up, still wearing boxers, and you sat up in the bed.
“Wait, you’re Sam?” You furrowed your brows. “And you’re Dean. The Impala in the parking lot…shit. You’re not- You’re not the Winchesters, right?”
“How’d you know that?” Dean asked.
You covered your face with your hands and groaned; “Oh my god! You must be working the case here! The four women drained of blood?”
“Yeah, how’d you know that?” Dean repeated, his voice now raised a little.
“Calm down, I’m a hunter,” You sighed. “I’m here working the case too, it’s clearly a vampire!”
“You’re a hunter?” Dean affirmed.
“What, you didn’t see the anti-possession tattoo?”
“No, I definitely did,” He smirked.
You looked up at him, a smirk finding its way onto your lips as well. You stood up, holding the sheet like a towel wrapped around you. “So, why don’t we work the case together?” You said, placing an open hand on his heaving chest.
He took your face in his hands and replied, “Of course,” before he kissed you.
Sam cleared his throat obnoxiously before he exclaimed; “Four dead bodies? Possible vampire nest? Impending doom? Any of this ringing a bell?”
“Sammy-” Dean started.
“Come back in about fifteen minutes, okay?” You told the taller man and then kissed Dean again. Sam got out of the room in a hurry so as not to see what the quickly escalating situation would become.
“I’m Agent Jovi, this is my partner Agent Sambora,” Sam and Dean flashed their badges as you did the same.
“And I’m Agent Paula Stanley,” You added to Dean’s introduction. Dean looked at you as if with awe as you simply continued with the conversation. “Could you take us to the bodies, please?”
“Right this way,” The doctor replied. You followed him to the morgue, Dean’s eyes glued to your ass as you walked away.
“Dean?” Sam interrupted his train of thought.
“What?” Dean exclaimed, clearly out of sorts and still very distracted.
“God, you are a mess!” Sam joked, Dean just looked at him with confusion. “C’mon, you’re practically drooling over this girl!” He laughed lightly.
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Well, she- She’s just-” Dean scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, I got nothing.”
“Dude, it’s okay. Just, ask her out after the case, please? We’ve got lives to save,” He patted Dean’s shoulder before they both walked into the morgue as the doctor walked out.
“Hey, does this girl look familiar?” You scrunched your eyebrows and looked at the newest vampire kill; the fifth vampire kill.
“No, does she look familiar to you?” Sam asked. He took a look at the toe tag, “Silvia Mortenson?”
“Oh my god, she was at the bar last night! I’m sure of it!”
“Did you see her leave with anyone?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, uh this man; he struck out with me,” You inhaled sharply, “so he went to talk to her.”
“That’s when you went for the jukebox,” Dean nodded.
“Yeah- Wait, were you watching me?” You questioned, a slight teasing tone in your voice.
“I may have had my eyes on the ridiculously hot woman in the Kiss tank top,” He smirked.
“So, we know who it is. Now what, we watch him, see who he leaves with, and follow them?” Sam interrupted.
“Or, we do the smart thing,” You shrugged. The brothers looked at you with confusion. “Use me as bait, duh! I lure him out, let him take me to the nest, you two follow me and we take them down from the inside.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Dean shook his head. “That’s not happening.”
“Why not?” You asked.
“Uh, where do I start?” Dean scoffed. You slightly tilted your head, confused. “It’s way too dangerous! You could die!”
“We’re hunters, Dean; danger and death are kinda in the job description.”
“Well, yeah, but…” Dean trailed off, trying to think of a way to keep you out of immediate danger.
“Yep, we’re doing this,” You nodded.
“I’d like to take you up on that drink now,” You smirked, sitting next to the vampire. He had offered to buy you a beer the previous night, but you turned him down.
“What, you're not leaving with Leather Jacket again?” He replied, gesturing to Dean, who sat at the other end of the bar.
“Well, I’m not one to kiss and tell, but let’s just say I want a real man to rock my world tonight.”
He led you back to his motel where four other vampires were waiting. Sam and Dean rushed in after you, but you had already beheaded two of them. Sam got one, while Dean got the other. You walked up to the last one, the one you had followed here.
“And just so we’re clear, this man,” You pointed at Dean, keeping the machete in your hand ready, “is amazing in bed!” And you chopped the vamp’s head off. You turned to Sam and Dean, all three of you splattered with blood. “What?” You asked, seeing the shocked and confused looks on their faces.
“Gotta say, that’s the craziest way a woman has ever complimented me,” Dean smirked.
“Just setting the record straight,” You shrugged, smiling.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Sam exclaimed when Dean walked into the room.
“I’m here to pack up before we hit the road?” He furrowed his brows before Sam rolled his eyes.
“So where’s Y/n, then?”
“She’s got her own room, second floor, why?”
“Did you get her number?”
“Are you an idiot?”
“Can you just get to the fuckin’ point?”
“Go ask her out before she leaves!” Sam exclaimed, seeing the gears in Dean’s head slowly turning before he left the room.
“Can I ask you something?” Dean said, standing outside your motel room.
“Sure,” You shrugged a little. You opened the door further so he could go inside.
“Why’d you say that? To the vampire, I mean.”
“About you being good in bed?” He nodded. “Well, when I was flirting with him at the bar I had to lie and say you weren’t good in bed, so I figured I’d set the record straight before killing him.”
“Oh!” He let out a bit of a laugh. “I guess that makes sense.”
“Can I ask you something?” You asked. “What are you doing here? I thought the famous Dean Winchester was all about lovin’ and leavin’.”
“That’s what I’m famous for?”
“Well, that and you know, all the incredible hunter stuff.”
“I- I’m here to ask for your number.”
“Hunter phone, or personal?” You asked. (It was pretty common for hunters to have at least two phones - one for hunter contacts and one for friends/family.)
“Personal, is what I was hoping for.”
“Okay,” You smiled.
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vigilante-3073 · 5 months
Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: Late night research turns into an early morning cuddle session.
TW: Fluff, pining, flirting.
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Dean Winchester sat at the table in the bunker surrounded by piles of books. With a glance at the clock in the corner of his laptop, he realized that Sam had gone to bed almost an hour ago. Dean was exhausted, but hated the idea of leaving Y/N alone to do research by herself.
The case they were working on involved children and those particular cases had always been a difficult for her. Y/N would stay up for days on end if it meant bringing a child back to their parent safely.
She was a ray of sunshine with a heart of gold, a genuine sweetheart who could do no wrong. Dean often found himself wondering why someone so good would choose to be involved with the Winchesters.
Y/N had quickly become the one stable point in the rocky relationship between Sam and Dean. She often played mediator between the brothers and Dean would never be able to thank her enough for that.
Dean's eyes wandered to the clock face of his watch. It was almost 4 o'clock in the morning and Dean sighed. He decided that it was time for the two hunters to drag themselves into bed for a few hours of sleep before hitting the books again.
He opened his mouth to voice his thoughts to Y/N before a soft snore from behind the large pile of books separating them stopped him.
Dean closed his book and set it on the edge of the table before standing from his seat. He rounded the table, a small smile coming to his face when he saw Y/N.
Her arms were crossed on top of her open book, head leaned against her bicep as she slept. Her eyelids fluttered as she dreamt, eyelashes brushing against the apples of her cheeks.
Dean squatted down beside her chair, hand rubbing over her back as he tried to wake her gently. She looked so peaceful, but she would be endlessly sore if he let her continue sleeping like that. Y/N made a soft noise before her bright eyes fluttered open, making Dean's smile widen slightly.
Y/N was absolutely gorgeous and Dean would never admit it, but he had always wondered what they could be together.
Dean knew that he didn't exactly have the best track record with dating and relationships. Hell, she probably thought of him as a friend and would never see him as anything more. Dean had decided a long time ago was better to preserve the relationship as it was than to push for more and be left with nothing.
"Sweetheart, you're drooling on a book that's almost a thousand years old. Let's get you into bed before you do any damage, alright?" He questioned softly.
Y/N sat up in her seat, grimacing as her back cracked from being hunched over, "You alright?" Dean asked, she nodded.
"How long was I out?" Y/N asked softly.
"No clue, but we haven't talked in almost three hours," He said, hand resting on her knee.
She allowed Dean to lead her through the war room and down the hallway towards their bedrooms. Dean opened her door for her, watching her shuffle across the room before falling into her bed fully dressed.
Y/N huffed, "Did you find anything?" She asked, "Not yet, but we both need to get some sleep" Dean said.
Y/N nodded and Dean rose to his feet, "C'mon, time for bed," He said, she stood from her chair.
He shook his head with a smile, making his way over and taking off her shoes for her. She shuffled out of her cardigan, half-heartedly tossing it towards the end of the bed.
Dean grabbed her folded blanket that had been draped over the back of her chair. He spread out the fluffy material on top of her, making sure she was fully covered before turning to leave.
Her hand slipped out from under the blanket, fingers circling around his wrist, "Stay," She said softly.
Dean felt his cheeks flush, they had shared a bed on multiple occasions, but he hadn't expected her to ask.
He liked having her in the same space as he and Sammy when they traveled so he could better protect her in case something happened. But this was different, this was her space and not just a matter of circumstance.
Y/N stared up at him, "Please, stay," She repeated, he nodded.
"Yeah, I'll stay," Dean said.
She let go of his hand, pulling her arm back underneath her blanket. Dean shrugged off his flannel and kicked off his shoes, crawling into the bed beside her.
Y/N turned to face him, tossing the blanket over him before slipping one of her legs between his. Dean wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to himself. She rested her head down on his chest, snuggling closer to him.
Y/N tilted her head up suddenly, looking at him with wide eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't even ask. Is this okay? I can back off if it makes you uncomfortable," She said softly.
"No, this is great," He assured, thumb rubbing back and forth across the small of her back.
She settled back in against him, resting her head down on his chest with a content sigh. They laid together in silence for a few minutes before she spoke again, "Your heart is beating really fast," Y/N stated.
"That's only because I have the most beautiful woman in the world using me as a pillow," Dean replied.
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rustys-lodge · 8 months
Hiii could u possibly write something about a little sister reader with sam and Dean? Maybe reader graduated highschool and the brothers are just so proud. When they called the readers name they screamed the loudest
Warnings : none, except if you're scared of pure fluff. And being lifted in the air by a loving father figure.
A/N : We're going to call this character Lily, alright ? We can't be your naming her all the time. Also can we talk about this perfect gif ?
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"Come on, it's our turn."
With trembling feet, you stood up from your seat and followed your friend over to the stand, along with your other classmates, where stood 5 of your teachers as well as the director of your school.
You glanced over at the crowd, taking in the smiles and the claps of your best friends. And the sudden frantic claps of your idiot brothers. You would gasp, but you were standing in front of hundreds of people. And even though you could not control the sudden white wash that flooded your face, you tried your best to keep looking normal and collected.
"Lily Winchester."
Once it was your turn, your name erupted through the speakers. And sudden shouts of happiness filled the space.
Oh my god....You knew this was going to happen...Of course they wouldn't listen to you.
As your face reddenned a deeper color, you quickened your pace walking down the stand, pursing your lips as to not spit out the most forbidden words at your joyfull looking brothers.
"You..idiots had to embar-"
Your scolding was interrupted by a sudden embrace, and you found yourself watching people fly by as you were swinging in the air.
"You did it, you annoying little monkey."
A set of lips jabbed your cheek before you're fully let go. And you couldn't stop yourself from smiling. But you still rolled your eyes at him.
With a deep breath in, you turned around to take in the scene, watching as applause filled the room once again. Good energy roamed around. Specifically around y-
A tap on your shoulder snapped you back to life. You turned around to find yourself, yet again embraced tightly.
"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. You did it." Sam whispered in your ear. And you kissed his neck in response, wrapping your arms around his back.
As flashbacks of the past few months rushed back, your fingers reflexively gripped Sam's back tighter. It's been hard. Really hard, on all of you, having to stay in the same place while being enemies with a lot of people around.
Sam and Dean having to leave you multiple times to go on weekly trips.
And most importantly, being a hunter/apprentice who had to wake up at 7am to get ready for school, and go home as late as 3am after a hunt.
Yeah. It's been hard.
You pulled away from Sam, flashing him a reassuring smile as you noticed a change in his own mood.
"Alright. Let's go home now."
"Uh..." You spun around, your eyes pivoting from Sam to Dean and then once again to Sam.
You were supposed to go out with your friends. How-why would he suddenly change his mind ?You pleadingly frowned your eyebrows, causing a chuckle to escape Sam's lips.
"He's just playing with you, sweetheart." Your shoulders slouched. Go."
Your shoulders slouched forward in annoyance.
He always gets you.
"Alright, i'll see you later, Sammy."
The latter chuckled lightly. "Have fuun."
As you turned on your heels, you glanced back over your shoulder, flashing Dean an eye-squinting dramatic glare.
"Home by 11, kid."
Is there a remedy agaisnt one's own cringy endings ? Not sure. Anyways, hope yall enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it. Xoxo ❤️❤️❤️⚘️⚘️⚘️
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sp00kygoddessxx · 5 months
☾Shared Comfort☾
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The early morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room at the Winchester brothers' latest makeshift home. Dean Winchester, the rugged hunter with a penchant for classic rock and a profound love for his Impala, stirred in his sleep. Sam had left for a supply run, leaving you and Dean alone in the quiet aftermath of the previous night's hunt.
You yawned, stretching your arms as you sat up in bed. The worn-out motel room held a sense of familiarity, the walls bearing silent witness to countless hunts and shared moments. As you swung your legs over the side of the bed, a sudden realization hit you—there were no clean shirts in sight.
A glance at the duffel bag by the foot of the bed confirmed your suspicion. It seemed the laundry had been neglected in the rush to tackle the latest supernatural threat. A quiet chuckle escaped your lips as you surveyed the room, contemplating your options.
Dean, still half-asleep, mumbled something unintelligible. His eyes cracked open, locking onto you with a mix of sleepiness and curiosity. "Morning, sweetheart. What's got you smirking over there?"
You turned to face Dean, an impish grin playing on your lips. "Seems like I'm fresh out of clean shirts. Mind if I borrow one of yours?"
Dean's gaze lingered on you for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as if processing the request. A slow grin spread across his face. "Well, well, looks like it's your lucky day, sweetheart. Knock yourself out."
With a playful wink, he pointed toward the small dresser on the side of the room where he kept a few spare shirts. You rose from the bed, giving Dean a cheeky salute. "Thanks, Winchester. I'll be right back."
As you rummaged through Dean's shirts, the scent of him surrounded you—the faint trace of cologne and the unmistakable musk of well-worn fabric. 
After a brief deliberation, you settled on a classic black Led Zeppelin tee. The fabric felt soft against your skin, and as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the motel room mirror, a surge of warmth enveloped you. The oversized shirt draped loosely over your frame, the sleeves rolled up to reveal your wrists. It was a simple, intimate act that carried a sense of shared comfort.
Dean, now fully awake, watched you with a lazy smile as you returned to the bed. "Well, don't you look like trouble in my shirt."
You playfully tousled his hair, settling next to him. "What can I say? Your wardrobe has a certain charm."
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Glad you think so. Besides, it suits you."
The two of you shared a moment of comfortable silence, the room filled with the soft hum of the Impala parked outside. As the rain outside intensified, you leaned against him, the warmth of his embrace cocooning you in a sense of security.
Dean pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his voice a soft murmur in the quiet room. "We're a team, Y/N. And no matter what happens, I've got your back."
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 10 months
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, Sam Winchester x little sister!reader
Synopsis: just some drabbles about your life before/during/after Sam leaves for college
Author’s note: I swear I’m still working on my Sherlock series, but the Supernatural inspiration keeps coming.
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This was it. Your chance! This opportunity never showed itself, and you might never see it again.
Your oldest brother Dean was in the driver’s seat of the Impala, and somehow, impossibly, Sam was still inside packing his bag. You had beat him outside, bag packed and ready to go. That could only mean one thing…
“You know he’s not gonna let you stay there,” Dean side-eyed you as you slid into the passenger’s seat of Baby, instead of your usual prison in the back seat.
“I was here first,” you insisted, “Sam will respect that.”
Dean snorted, “Whatever sweetheart.”
You should have known Dean would be right.
“Hey, no fair!” You cried as Sam reached in and grabbed you, attempting to wrestle you out of the front seat as you grabbed for Dean’s arm. “Dean, help!”
Dean just held his arms up in mock surrender.
“Sorry bug, fight your own battles.”
“Jerk!” You weren’t sure which brother you were insulting as Sam dragged you out of the front seat and deposited you roughly onto the back seat.
“Sorry short stuff,” Sam patted you on the head patronizingly, and you scowled at him. “You should’ve known I wouldn’t let you stay there. Shotgun is like birthright for the second born child.”
You just stuck your tongue out at him, eliciting an eye roll from both brothers.
“What are you doing?” Dean asked as you climbed into the back seat of the impala.
Your brow knitted, and you frowned at your oldest brother.
Dean sighed, “Get up front, ok? It’s stupid to just leave it empty.”
You chewed on your bottom lip when you felt it quiver slightly as you eyed the front seat.
Sam had left the motel last night where the four Winchesters had been staying. He didn’t just storm out in anger. He had all his things packed, and he was college-bound. He wouldn’t be coming back.
At least that’s what dad and Dean kept telling you.
You didn’t believe it. No, you couldn’t. Sam wouldn’t leave you guys, he was born to be a hunter.
You shook your head stubbornly at Dean, “Nah, it’s alright. What’s the point in getting used to sitting up there, I’ll just have to move back again when…” you swallowed past the lump in your throat and hesitantly finished your sentence, as though you were trying to convince yourself that what you were saying was true. “Wh-when Sammy gets back.”
You saw Dean’s jaw clench, and glanced away when you saw him trying to make eye contact through the rear view mirror.
“Just come sit up here.” Dean managed through gritted teeth. It was starting to scare you how even the mention of Sam was making Dean angry.
“But when Sam-“
“Sam’s not coming back, now get up here!” You flinched when Dean slammed his hand on the steering wheel. You didn’t hesitate, scrambling out of the back seat and dropping down into Sam’s old spot. You weren’t used to Dean yelling at you; he had his anger issues, sure, but he rarely yelled at you.
Dean pulled out of the motel parking lot, and there was a tense silence for several long minutes. Dean seemed to still be angry, and you were starting to feel tears prick at the back of your eyelids, but you turned to look out the window so Dean wouldn’t see. You would’ve thought that after all the tears you had cried last night after Sam left, that you were done with crying for a while. But nothing ever seemed to make you cry quite as much as being yelled at, especially by Dean. If it had been dad, you would’ve been expecting it, but Dean was much gentler with you…most of the time.
“I’m sorry,” Dean said, shattering the silence. “I wasn’t trying to scare you.”
You pulled one knee up to your chest, hugging yourself tightly.
“It’s fine,” you still stared out the window, avoiding Dean entirely.
He sighed at this, and you turned when you felt his hand on your leg.
“No it’s not. Nothing’s fine right now, I know that. But…but it’s just you and me now, ok? It’s important that you understand that.”
Your voice was quiet, almost a whimper.
Dean lifted his hand to the top of your head, brushing your hair away from your face as he gave you a pathetic half-smile.
“Because we’re all we’ve got, ok? And I-“ Dean cleared his throat, brushing a tear off your cheek before continuing, “and I don’t think I can do this if you keep bringing up Sammy like he’s about to walk through the door any second. Because he’s not.”
The tears were flowing freely now, and you didn’t bother turning away.
“But I want him to.”
Dean sighed like the weight of the world was weighing him down.
“Me too, baby.”
You reached another motel that night, and you went to get settled inside while Dean went to the local bar, most likely to get some information about the hunt you were on.
He never really let you help, but you had to tag along. You had nowhere else to go.
You didn’t mind so much being left behind on hunts, you had homeschool work that Dean assigned for you, so that kept you occupied. It was a mixture of “normal” learning—math, history, and stuff like that—mixed with “hunter” knowledge that you might need to defend yourself—how to identify monsters, learning Latin, etc.
All in all, you liked your half normal, half hunter life. What you didn’t like was this, right here and now; sitting alone in a hotel room, knowing that there was some kind of monster out there that your big brother was hunting.
When Sam was still around, you were rarely ever alone; one brother would go out to talk to locals, while the other stayed and did research. You found being alone unnerving, and you spent the two hours that Dean was gone trying—and failing—to focus on anything but your mounting fear.
Any little sound was suddenly sending your mind into a whirlwind, remembering all the strange noises you had learned about. The ones that evil things make.
By the time Dean got back, you were wound up so tight that the door opening nearly sent you into a panic attack. When you saw it was just your big brother, you just couldn’t resist the urge to jump up and hug him.
He staggered back, surprised at your behavior.
“Heya shrimp, you ok?” He rested one hand at the back of your head, and lifted the other to your shoulder, pulling you back so he could look at your face.
You just nodded, your throat feeling too tight to speak.
“Ok, what’s wrong baby?” Dean was frowning down at you, and suddenly you felt ridiculous. You shuffled away from him, shrugging your shoulders.
“Nothing’s wrong, I just…I don’t like being alone.”
Dean ruffled your hair, an understanding smile on his face.
“That’s ok N/N, nothin’ wrong with that. Hey, how about I take you with me next time, ok? You shouldn’t be sitting alone in this motel anyway.”
You smiled up at him.
“Ok. But just when I’m talking to locals, ok? I’m gonna have to leave you here sometimes when I’m going after the monsters.”
You smiled sadly, “I can get used to it.”
The night brought you no comfort. After being so wound up on your own that afternoon, you found that you weren’t feeling much better when night fell. When you remembered that you’d be in bed alone tonight—you had always shared a bed with either Sam or Dean, since there was always two beds in the motel rooms—you felt a sickening lump in the pit of your stomach. You didn’t want to sleep alone. In fact, you couldn’t even remember a time when you had slept alone.
You didn’t see much of an option, however, so you tried to get comfortable on your bed while Dean stayed up to do some research.
You tried, you really did. But no matter how much you tossed and turned, no matter how you rearranged the pillows and blankets, nothing could replace the comforting, safe warmth that sleeping next to one of your big brothers brought.
“You alright, Y/N?” Dean had obviously noticed your restlessness.
You sighed dejectedly and sat up, nowhere closer to sleeping than you had been thirty minutes ago when you laid down.
“I can’t sleep,” you mumbled, swinging your legs off the side of the bed and standing, your bare feet instantly freezing on the cold floor. Ignoring that, you made your way over to Dean and sat down next to him, leaning over to look at his computer.
“Whatcha doin?” You asked quietly. Dean smiled tiredly and ruffled your hair.
“Just some research,” he closed the laptop and stood, and you giggled as he lifted you into his arms. “C’mon anklebiter, it’s late, you need some sleep. Hey, at least you’re getting your own bed for once.”
Your heart sank when he dropped you unceremoniously on your bed, and began to walk towards his own, turning out the only light in the room on his way.
“Dean?” You called hesitantly, feeling your heartbeat pick up when you noticed you couldn’t even make out his silhouette in the gloom.
“I don’t want to be alone.”
Dean clicked on the bedside lamp, illuminating a small area. It wasn’t much, but you could see his face now, and it was comforting.
“You’re not. I’m right here,” Dean was frowning at you, seemingly confused.
“I didn’t mean…alone alone, just…” that pit returned to your stomach, and again you felt ashamed and stupid. “I’ve never slept alone before.”
Realization dawned in Dean’s eyes, and he looked from his bed to yours. He was debating the two sides of his brain—his desire to finally get a bed to himself versus his desire to help you. It wasn’t a long debate, and after only a couple of seconds he looked up at you with a smile, patting the bed next to him.
“C’mere kiddo, you can sleep here tonight.”
You grinned and slid off your bed, all but running over to your big brother, climbing into bed next to him.
“Just don’t be a blanket hog, alright?”
You giggled, “Thanks, Dean.”
Dean just grumbled, “Yeah yeah, well how am I supposed to say no to you when you give me those darn puppy eyes.” You felt him shift beside you to lay on his back, stretching one arm out to lay behind your head. You grinned at the open invitation, and scooted closer so your head was resting on his shoulder.
“Get some sleep baby, alright?”
Dean got no response, as you were already dozing, your steady breaths moving in time to Dean’s slow heartbeat.
“Would you stop dancing around like that? Jeez, you look like you’re about to wet yourself.”
You punched Dean’s arm hard, even though you knew he was right. You were squirming in your seat, and had been for probably two hours. You were too darn excited to sit still, you were going to see Sammy!
Granted, the circumstances weren’t great; dad was missing, and had been for days. But you could barely even focus on that as Dean and you made the long trip out to Stanford. You couldn’t focus on anything but the thought of finally seeing your big brother again.
“You wait here, I’m going to go get him,” Dean said as he parked baby.
“What? No way, I want to-“ Dean wouldn’t even let you get the sentence out.
“Nope, nada, I’ll only be a few minutes, just let me talk to him first; alright?”
You huffed, slumping back into your seat.
Dean smirked and ruffled your hair, and you let out a whine and shoved his hand away before he could get your hair all tangled.
“Atta girl,” he started walking towards Sam’s apartment, but hesitated long enough to toss over his shoulder, “and you might want to get outta that seat.”
For once in your life you didn’t hesitate to relinquish the shotgun seat. You were too fidgety to stay seated anyway. You paced back and forth in front of the Impala, waiting for Dean to emerge with Sam.
When he finally did, the elation that built up inside you couldn’t be quenched. You didn’t even care that Sam and Dean were clearly arguing about something, you just rushed forwards and threw yourself into Sam’s arms.
You heard his laugh—you never realized what a great sound that was—as he dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you, staggering slightly from the impact of your hug.
“Hey monkey, what’s up?”
You had never been so glad to be called Sam’s stupid nickname. You’d always had a skill—and a desire—to climb anything in your vicinity as a kid; trees, jungle gyms, stair railings, it really didn’t matter. It hadn’t taken Sam long to come up with the nickname, but it had stuck around way past its expiration date. Despite this, the name was one of the best things you’d heard in a while.
“Yeah yeah, alright, break up the hug fest would ya?” Dean grumbled, and you finally pulled away from Sam, a grin still etched across your face.
Sam picked up his bag and headed towards baby, and even though you beat him there, you didn’t even hesitate to climb into the back seat.
Sam got in after you and turned around in surprise.
“What, no fight?”
You just grinned at him.
“What? Didn’t you know that shotgun is like a birthright for the second born child?”
Sam chuckled and ruffled your hair, and you were so glad to see him that you let him do it for a full second and a half before shoving his hand away in annoyance.
“That’s my girl.”
You giggled, “Besides, when the driver’s picking the music, shotgun has to shut his cakehole. Nobody said anything about backseat.”
Dean barked out a laugh and ruffled your hair—ok it was getting ridiculous, your hair was definitely tangled now.
“Now, that’s my girl.”
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deans-queen · 3 months
Love Or Die 💜🔪
Mini Series
Paring: Dean Winchester x Female Reader (Y/N) -> story will be told mostly in Reader’s P.O.V.
Plot: Reader (Y/N) can’t stand Dean Winchester and everything about him,  but she has a secret and that is:  she’s madly in love with him. 
Inspired by the song: Can’t Hold On Forever by Laura Marano 
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Part 1 - Reader’s P.O.V.
Warning: Language
I have been hunting since I was 18 (I’m 25 now) but I’ve never worked with anyone as cocky, annoying and arrogant as Dean Winchester. I started hunting with him, his younger brother Sam and my Uncle /Godfather Bobby Singer since my parents died. Uncle Bobby has been looking after me the past year and I couldn’t be more grateful. He’s always been like a father figure to me. But Dean on the other hand….was a huge pain in the ass. I couldn’t stand him, and I made it pretty well known. But… I had a secret. A secret that no one knows. I'm also unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. It all started last month, when he saved me from getting kidnapped by a witch that wanted to suck the life out of me to make her more youthful. He was so brave and took care of me, like a knight in shining armor. Since then I’ve had to hide how I felt….It wasn’t too hard to act like I didn’t have feelings, but it was at the same time. Under all that arrogance and self-confidence, he was so damn hot. He was tall, muscular (not like a body builder but his body was toned) and had short brown hair. He had a jawline so sharp and perfect that it could cut you in half. His hands were strong but also calloused, I imagined the way they would feel on my body. His lips were perfect. Looking soft, plump and kissable at the same time. I wanted to kiss them so damn much. And to top it off….he had the most amazing, perfect smile and GORGEOUS emerald green eyes. When I looked into them, I could melt like a popsicle on the 4th of July. There were days when he would be casually walking around, acting nonchalantly and I would find myself staring at him. I would snap out of it when he would say “Take a picture, sweetheart it’ll last longer.” Then I would have to fire back a snarky remark like, “In your dreams, Winchester.” And I’d roll my eyes. On the inside I was screaming, I don’t know how much longer I could keep this up.
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The Next Day
We were working on a case, with a bunch of ghosts haunting this old abandoned New Orleans type esque mansion. This group of teenagers heard about it being haunted and wanted to check it out. And of course one of the girls winds up murdered. Her name was Jessica. What a bunch of idiots. Don’t they know it’s frowned upon to mess with haunted places. Anyways…while Sam and Uncle Bobby stayed behind to do research on the house, Dean and I went downtown to the police station to interview the teenagers. One of the things I loved about being a hunter was dressing up as an undercover FBI Agent. I always wore a black pencil skirt, with a white buttoned up blouse and heels. It made me feel like a bad bitch. Dean was wearing a suit and tie, which he looked so handsome in. Once we got there, the boyfriend of the girl who was killed was in an interview room. As we walked into the room, I noticed this kid was drooling over me, which Dean noticed. “Mr. Montgomery, I’m Agent Smith and this is my partner Agent Parker.” Dean said firmly while we both flashed our badges. “Alright, Mr…” I said while taking a seat at the table, trying to sound professional. Dean took a seat next to me. “Mike, you can call me Mike.” He said, interrupting and winking at me. “Okay, Mike.” I said, clearing my throat. “Why’d you go down to that haunted house?” “Look, I already talked to the cops about this. Why is the FBI questioning me now?” “We’re just doing our job Mike,” I said. “Now please, tell us what happened.” “Jess, my friends and I heard the stories about the house being haunted and we wanted to see if it was true.” He explained that when they walked through the house, they could feel the cold air around them. They heard strange noises, silent whispers, and objects flying out of nowhere. Warning them to stay away. “And don’t you think going in that house was a stupid idea?!” Dean said, shouting at him. I mean he wasn’t wrong, it was a very stupid idea. “Well - I - uh…” he said, stuttering. Dean was making him so nervous that his palms were clammy and sweat was beaming on his forehead. Mike finally looked at me and said, “I didn’t think anyone was gonna get hurt! Especially Jess.” He said. “Too little too late for that one buddy.” I said while crossing my arms. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean for this to happen. I thought it was stupid and all a joke!” He shouted “If I could take it all back I could.” He said softly, putting his hands in his face. I sighed and looked at him. I was in his shoes once. I used to believe that all this supernatural stuff was a joke, but then my parents explained to me that it’s all real. The ghosts, monsters, everything. I got up and put my hand on his shoulder, I could tell that he was being sincere. “Listen, Mike I know it’s hard not to believe this stuff, but believe me when I say this: it’s all real. And uh, I know how hard it is to lose someone you care about. It can be tough but you’ll get through it, I promise.” “Thanks Agent.” He said while flashing a smile at me. Dean cleared his throat and I removed my hand. “Okay well that’s it for today.” Dean said, and he handed out a business card to Mike. “Call us if you find anything else.” And then he rushed out of the room. “Bye,” Mike said quietly. I gave him a small smile and a quick wave before heading out the door. “What the hell was that Dean?” I said sternly while catching up to him as he walked towards the Impala. “That kid was totally giving you googly eyes, Y/N” he said, climbing in and slamming the door. Is he for real right now? “And why does it matter if he was, it’s not like I can do anything with him. He’s a teenager.” I said, going into the passenger seat. He started the engine and drove off. “It doesn’t matter. He’s 17, probably thinks more with his dick more than his mind.” “Oh and like you don’t either Dean??” I said. He looked at me coldly, gripping his hands on the steering wheel. He continued to drive down the road. “Are you jealous??” “Uhhh no, no no no.” He said, shaking his head. “Whatever Winchester.” I said, looking away from him.
And we continued our drive back to Uncle Bobby’s house in silence.
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Authors Note:
Hope you enjoyed this story!
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