#how to make vegetable salad
Mixed Vegetable Salad
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Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.See more...
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juha-art · 3 months
They have to stop talking about food i try to forget how american they are
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crippledanarchy · 3 months
I would commit an assassination to be able to eat raw vegetables again
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tokruta · 8 months
I feel so cheated sometimes bc I fucking hate the taste and smell of meat (I categorize seafood as meat too) and beans
I'm Mexican-American
My Mexican mother is considered the best in the family for Mexican cuisine, everyone loves her food and I can't eat most of it
I can't eat it or smell it without wanting to gag (I don't, but I need to leave after a while to get a break)
Mexican food is considered one of the best food cultures in the world, my mother was born and raised in Jalisco and brought all the recipes she learned from her mother with her
I grew up on fast food and faster/easier recipes because she needed to put more time and effort into cooking for the rest of the family
I also grew up in Los Angeles, one of the best places in the US for authentic Mexican food. We'd go to Mexican restaurants when she didn't feel like cooking (and on one memorable occasion, a house/restaurant that was recommended to my parents at church lol), and if not Mexican restaurants, then some fast food place or seafood buffets. I stopped going out to eat with family often in my teens bc it wasn't worth taking me. I also remember being judged and just hated the experience and would make up excuses to not go
I don't know, I was on my tiktok fyp and I kept getting a lot of stuff about Mexican food and I just hate being reminded of my fucking defects so much. I didn't choose to utterly despise meat and beans and I feel so left out of my own culture. If I could eat it, I would, but I can't.
My siblings grew up on all of these amazing foods, and I grew up right alongside them, eating something else.
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ricoydelicioso · 2 years
By @fitgreenmind
Here’s your German potato making those delicious and super easy Greek potatoes. 😉 Literally all you gotta do is throwing everything into a baking dish and then bake until fluffy inside and crispy outside! 🤭 Much love Maya ✨
RECIPE (4 servings each 375cal/4P/37C/20F):
-7-8 large potatoes WASH and CUT into wedges -5 cloves garlic -1/2 cup (125ml) olive oil -1/2 cup (125ml) water -juice of 1 big or 2 small lemons -some fresh rosemary -1 Tsp dried oregano -salt and pepper to taste MIX/COVER with aluminum foil or a lid and bake at 180C/360F for 50mins/UNCOVER and bake 10-20mins until nicely browned
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autumnhobbit · 2 years
thoughts of the day: I'm really thankful I taught myself to cook when I was pretty young
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years
my recent obsession has been watching those “lunch for my husband/kids” youtube shorts and they’re v satisfying but damn do americans eat weird. the lunches are usually some sort of american sandwich (i.e. two pieces of square bread and a thin slice of turkey or something), raw vegetables like bell peppers or cucumbers cut into shapes (sometimes it’s just plain broccoli or carrots..?), berries and some kind of crisps or crackers and gummy bears or chocolates. and like... why do they eat like that? you could add more things to the sandwich first of all. and why would you eat vegetables with nothing separately? like who eats plain broccoli by itself apart from idk, rabbits? it would make so much more sense to put the vegetables in the sandwich. or make a salad. or, best option, cook them in some sort of sauce to eat with pasta/rice/whatever else. like it’s just so weird to me idk.
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kennexara · 2 years
recipe site but it tells me the least amount of work possible way to make food (that isn’t delivery or frozen meal)
like i haven’t had biscuits and gravy in over a year because i thought there was no easy way. i’ve bought packets - easier than adding all the ingredients myself, right? but i cannot stand at the stove and stir it until it boils and turns into gravy. i would rather stab myself with a fork. so then i try boiling it in the microwave, you can boil lots of things that way right?? nope i got half-burned gravy that half overfilled the cup and got all over the microwave. so i gave up and haven’t tried since.
enter today, when i discovered they just. sell fucking jars and cans of gravy. that you can just pour in a microwave-safe dish and heat up. what the fuck. i could’ve had so much biscuits and gravy all this time. grocery run got moved from ‘idk sometime this week’ to ‘fucking tomorrow i want biscuits and gravy NOW’.
anyways, i want a site that just tells me these things exist instead of me having to find out through complaining to my mom. 
#ignore me#also apparently after YEARS of complaining about fruit texture she finally realized 'hey maybe you'd like this fruit spread shit'#'it's just pureed fruit'#me: oh it's like how for years i've been asking why the fuck they can't make baby food in adult serving sizes??#wait you used to buy this for your mother and only just realize this could fix my fruit deficiency??#like i'd make this recipe site myself#except my only recipes are like#peanut butter graham cracker sandwiches and instant rice mixed with cream of chicken soup#yes i do live off frozen meals and cereal thanks for checking#i don't WANT to but there's not enough recipes that are low on time and effort (to my standards of low#yknow adhd ass that hates cooking standards of low time/effort)#and also to my standards of texture#'retrying food as an adult' doesn't do SHIT because the problem wasn't the taste it's the fucking texture#corn and peas are always gonna be corn and peas and yes this includes creamed/mashed whatever#different textures of the same vegetables are still somehow fucking disgusting don't ask me why if i knew why i could fucking fix it maybe#'just keep trying it until you like it!'#uh yeah no i tried that with salad#now instead of just ignoring it if you put it in front of me i actively start gagging#surprisingly i am perfectly healthy despite all this#multivitamin for mvp#what's really funny is it's even a kids multivitamin bc they don't make adult chewables#they make gummys but gummy are a no-go texture#and despite taking multiple meds every day i am Bad at swallowing pill and adult vitamins insist on being fucking huge
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lightspren · 2 years
idk what to google to figure out like
other cultures’ portable food?
like that’s not quite the right wording but. the quick, simple food that you’re not likely to find at a sit down restaurant necessarily but that you’d eat at least once a week at home
like sandwiches for USA, rice balls for Japan, tortilla wrapped Things for central america (and these are generalizations bc again IDK THE FOODS that’s the point of the post)
anyway I wanna figure these out so i can try them and see if i like them bc it feels like that’s easier to incorporate into my life and make for balanced diet when dealing with little to no energy
so if anyone has recipes or direction hmu lol
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highladyluck · 4 months
The Dungeon Meshi renaissance is making me want to share the resources that taught me how to cook.
Don’t forget, you can check out cookbooks from the library!
Smitten Kitchen: The rare recipe blog where the blog part is genuinely good & engaging, but more important: this is a home cook who writes for home cooks. If Deb recommends you do something with an extra step, it’s because it’s worth it. Her recipes are reliable & have descriptive instructions that walk you through processes. Her three cookbooks are mostly recipes not already on the site, & there are treasures in each of them.
Six Seasons: A New Way With Vegetables by Joshua McFadden: This is a great guide to seasonal produce & vegetable-forward cooking, and in addition to introducing me to new-to-me vegetables (and how to select them) it quietly taught me a number of things like ‘how to make a tasty and interesting puréed soup of any root veggie’ and ‘how to make grain salads’ and ‘how to make condiments’.
Grains for Every Season: Rethinking Our Way With Grains by Joshua McFadden: in addition to infodumping in grains, this codifies some of the formulas I picked up unconsciously just by cooking a lot from the previous book. I get a lot of mileage out of the grain bowl mix-and-match formulas (he’s not lying, you can do a citrus vinaigrette and a ranch dressing dupe made with yogurt, onion powder, and garlic powder IN THE SAME DISH and it’s great.)
SALT, FAT, ACID, HEAT by Samin Nosrat: An education in cooking theory & specific techniques. I came to it late but I think it would be a good intro book for people who like to front-load on theory. It taught me how to roast a whole chicken and now I can just, like, do that.
I Dream Of Dinner (so you don’t have to) by Ali Slagle: Ok, look, an important part of learning to cook & cooking regularly is getting kinda burned out and just wanting someone else to tell you what to make. These dinners work well as written and are also great tweakable bases you can use as a starting place.
If you have books or other resources that taught you to cook or that you find indispensable, add ‘em on a reblog.
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Vegetable Salad on Top of White Ceramic Plate
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An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh. See more...
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casekt · 7 months
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nogchompa · 8 months
If your tips 2 help ppl w executive dysfunction depression adhd autistm etc etc include Purchasing an Item in order 2 help w/ a task, im not sure ur really grasping whats helpful and whats not
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wiitzend · 1 year
i have never willingly enjoyed a salad
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italianchoice · 1 year
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ricoydelicioso · 2 years
HEALTHY SUMMER SALAD 🥑🍓 By @healthygirlkitchen . Please Support & Follow @healthygirlkitchen For More Vegan Recipe!!! . .
ingredients: (5-6 servings)
2 cups arugula
2 cups spinach
1 cup cucumber
2 cups sliced strawberries
1 cup sliced red onion (soak in cold water for 5 min to get rid of bitterness)
2 cups cooked farro (sub quinoa for gf option)
1 cup cubed avocado
1 cup vegan feta
dressing: 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 1/2 cup olive oil 2 tbsp vegan yogurt 2 tbsp maple syrup 2 tsp shallot 1 tsp dijon mustard 1/4 tsp salt 1.5 tbsp poppy seeds
Serve fresh as shown in video (this serves many people!
meal prep option for individual portions:
Make sure you have washed arugula and spinach
Cook farro and keep in container
Slice red onions, strawberries, cucumbers and keep in containers.
Make dressing in advance!
Make for lunches throughout the week!
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