#how does one tag Porsche the character
sys-out-print · 1 year
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porsche + 6 random outfits
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pagesofkenna · 2 years
I had a Kinnporsche AU dream last night that involved 1) a car wreck, 2) a meet-cute with the car mechanic, 3) hiding from bad guys, 4) talking about Homestuck
I have not seen Kinnporsche
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25shadesoffebruary · 6 months
I have a few people tag me @firstkanaphans @negrowhat in this and when I originally did it I only put Phaya from the sign but I started thinking and I said yeah I got more so here are the others.
1. Phaya from the sign
Idk if it’s the way that Billy plays this character or what but Phaya has my heart. He’s just so annoyingly cute and playful but so smart and curious and he does not like to be ignored and so passionate, it’s endearing really idk.
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2. Mork from Last Twilight
This man is so warm and kind and loving and caring and loyal and and and I could go on and and on I love him so much. Like that man went to jail because his friend decided to put his woodpecker into another birds tree and he fought for his ex girlfriend trust. I��m sorry that man is so fucking warm.
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3. King from Bed Friend
I love this man and his big brown cow eyes so much. He’s just a walking green flag and he so sexy. He is just thoughtful, caring, loving, warm. I want him on every level. Love him
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4. Akk from Enchantè
He a little slow on the uptake but that man is so romantic and kind. And truly was a green flag. And truly just wanted the best for Theo even if he had to put himself on the back burner.
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5. Jeng from Step by Step
JENG WAS A MAN (no pun intended) That man was a CEO of his own business while trying to manage another business that he hated. He was self sacrificing and so kind. I love that tired his best to change when it came to Pat. He made some questionable decisions but I believe he did that because he thought that was best for him. He was loving and caring a I count him as a green flag.
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6. Mark from Love Mechanics
That man went through so much for love. But I love how he was true to himself. I love how self aware he was and I love how he stood up for himself. Mark knew who he was and also knew what he wanted but he also knew that he was fucked when it came to Vee. I would have treated him right.
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7. Ayan from The Eclipse
That man was a menace. But I love how fiercely loyal he was. I love how kind and thoughtful and loving this man was. He just wanted Justice ( and for the school to burn to ashes and for ashes to go the dumpster never to be seen again) for his uncle, he was a heartbroken boy who has lost his one close person in his life and was spinning around lost like a broken compass but he found his north in Akk and I love that for him.
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8. Phayu from Love in the Air
Is this really a surprise to anybody. I mean come on now. That man knew how to stand on business. He knew what he wanted and made sure he got it. Made sure the person he wanted was also on their business. He wanted them to be successful together and love a man that is ambitious. Very loyal and protective but was also completely a simp.
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9. Boeing from Only Friends
This man was wicked for no other reason then the fact that he could be. I was fascinated. Came to ruin lives and almost succeeded to if it hadn’t been for RayMew and them being like ahh back the fuck up off my man. I still think RaySandBoeing threesome should have happen. I would have like to see Boeing and Top kiss but also BoeingTopBoston would have been interesting to see. And I think Boston would have loved it there to be honest but we talking about Boeing here. Anyway that man should have had more screen time so he could fuck up more people lives.
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10. Kinn from KinnPorsche
Listen Linda, that man was most definitely not a green flag and a very dark pink flag but I don’t think he was a red flag. He was just dumb. He’s complicated. But he was kind and thoughtful in his own way. And he tired to be fair to people. But Porsche was on that man mind 25/8 and it’s hard to think when someone is occupying your mind like that. But is he very loyal to a man that did not deserve it. He was caring for his people and was a big simp and I love that for him.
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Tagging: @respectthepetty @smittenskitten @spicyvampire @chaos0pikachu @icouldhyperfixatehim @omarandjohnny @piningintrovert @pondsphuwin and anybody who wants to do it
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lady-guts · 6 months
10 QL people I want carnally aesthetically
@nuwildcat thank you for tagging me! As a fellow ace, I'm going to copy the aesthetically part of this list, because wanting carnally is really not my thing.
1. Tay - Kinnporsche
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He is the definition of gender envy. No one wins him in aesthetics, he has them all. I want him and I want to be him, but I will settle by being able to raid his closet.
2. Porsche - Kinnporsche
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That gold skin, that itty-bitty waist, and those smiles. Aesthetically, him and his high waist trousers have won me over, and the suits by the end of the show are just *chef's kiss*. He's the best, and I love him, and since I don't think we'll get more of him, I'll just keep drawing him.
3. Kinn - Kinnporsche
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Look at those long fingers. Look at them. And at his effortlessly casual dominance in everything he does (until he meets Porsche, and all that ice melts). I just love him. Also, what's better than a big sad boy? A big sad boy with huge tits, and Kinn has those to spare.
4. Vegas - Kinnporsche
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Vegas bewitched me. He's such a pathetic, soggy mess, but then when you least expect it he whips out his murder raincoat and looks even cute with blood all over. I also want to raid his closet, and steal all his oversized witchy shirts (except for the velvet ones, he can keep those)
5. Choi Yu Na - Semantic error
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She's everything. Yet another character I want to steal clothes from. Shes just so cool and so perfect, and I want to have a spin-off of centered on her.
6. Kurosawa - Cherry magic
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Kurosawa is just so dear to me. He tries so hard to be this perfect cool guy, when he is the dorkiest person on earth, and somehow still manages the whole gentlemanly thing all together. I can't get over how he wrote a whole CV to meet Adachi's parents, and I love the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles.
7. Togawa - Old fashioned cupcake
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Look at this boy eat! I love love love people who enjoy their food, and Togawa's hamster cheeks are the cutest of them all. He gets extra points for how he proposes in the special episode.
8. Nozue - Old fashioned cupcake
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Those little three piece suits he wears look so nice on him. He's so babygirl too, batting his eyelashes at Togawa without realising his feelings at all. He's another case of the eternal dilemma of whether I want him or I want to be him.
9. Ai Di - Kiseki: Dear to me
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Is half of this list characters whose clothes I want? Perhaps. But look at the kind of sweaters Ai Di wears all throughout the series, can you blame me? That and his chokers, and his hair.... He's also the best friend ever to Bai Zongyi, and he and Chen Yi stole the whole show for themselves.
10. Jack - HIStory3: Trapped
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Just that smile (and maybe his boobs too just a little bit). He would come onscreen, smile like that, and I would miss half of what was happening from how much it distracted me.
Special mention. Fujisaki - Cherry Magic
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Fujisaki is just so dear to me, she's one of the first explicitly ace characters I ever seen in a show. I read the manga for Cherry Magic, and while she's hilarious there, I'm so glad they gave us this version of her in the show.
I'm not sure who has or hasn't done this, so no pressure! @dummerjan, @dramarec, @mortimerlatrice
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asterekmess · 5 months
I don't like Jackson Whittemore but I know you do so i just wondering what about him you like
Hmm, that's a hard question to answer, I think.
See, first thing to know is that I don't like Jackson as in I agree with his behavior or see him as the victim/the one in the right, etc. I like Jackson as in I like the potential he had, and the possible layers that could be applied to him, whether the writers intended it or not.
Jackson is indubitably an asshole. Straight up. He's the stereotypical jock bully. The equivalent of a quarterback, dating the queen bee in school, stepping on everyone around him to get what he wants.
But he isn't just an asshole.
There's more to what he does and how he behaves, be they reasons for that behavior, or things that change the perspective on what exactly is happening. I'mma pop in a read more to save people's eyes.
God forbid I manage to make a post that doesn't need an anti-scott tag, so we'll start with the way Jackson's behavior is framed and perceived. I personally ascribe to the implication given at the end of the show that everything we see is part of a story that Scott is explaining to a new Beta that he's trying to recruit into working for him/helping him. This means that everything we see is at least a little tainted by Scott's perspective. His biases, his preferences, and what he finds important.
This is important because of the purpose behind Jackson's character. He is written to be Scott's goal. Not his hero or his foil even. But his goal. Jackson is what Scott wants to be. He has what Scott wants. Every frame of Jackson's introduction is made to show this off. The girl (Scott falls for the new girl but can't bring himself to talk to her, while Jackson's in a happy, long-term relationship with the most popular girl in school) The game (Scott can't get on the field because of his health issues, and Jackson's team captain) The car (Scott shows up to school in a bike, and right next to him, Jackson shows up in a Porsche) The clothes (Scott's in hoodies and long-sleeves and t-shirts. He has to have his fucking tux mended the night of the dance. Jackson wears fashion show outfits.)
Key Note: Scott isn't jealous of Jackson. He doesn't want the same things Jackson has. He's envious of him. He wants what Jackson has. He wants to take it away from Jackson, and he doesn't want to share. He's not satisfied when he gets made team captain, because he's co-captain. But he is satisfied when he makes out with Lydia, not because he got a girl, but because he got Jackson's girl. When the show starts, Scott the human wants everything Jackson has, and in order to facilitate that and get the viewer to root for his cause, he views everything Jackson has as undeserved. (Stiles does the same in regards to wanting Lydia) His reasoning is that Jackson's a jerk, so why should he be team captain? Why should he get to date the pretty girl? Why should he get to be popular? He's mean, so he obviously doesn't deserve it.
He's not taking care of what he has, doesn't appreciate it, so he shouldn't get to have it. Scot is clearly in the right for wanting to take it away from him.
Everything we see Jackson do anywhere Scott can see him is pretty much coated in "I'm a dickhead" energy to further exemplify this. Every line is smarmy and self-serving, every action is selfish and has underhanded motives. And it's always to do with Scott for some reason. o.O He only made friends with Allison to get to Scott. He screws up Scott's chances on the field by getting the rest of the team to gang up on him. He screws up the molotov that was supposed to protect Scott. He rats Scott out to hunters. On and on and on.
But when I started watching the show again a while back with my husband, the scenes with Jackson started looking different to me. Knowing the scenes were being skewed and slanted, that the narrator isn't reliable, I tried to peel that filter back from the camera and tried to focus on what happened rather than how it looked.
For example; the scene in the cafeteria where Jackson shows up to his table and kicks another guy out of 'his' spot. The guy complains that Jackson never asks Danny to move, and Jackson looks totally unfeeling as he sits down. He's being a dick, right? Except that Danny responds to the complaint by pointing out that when this other guy sits next to Lydia, he does nothing but stare at her boobs. Yes, jackson's an asshole for kicking someone out of a seat. But I can't say i don't understand why he'd do it, if the guy was ogling Lydia enough for the rest of the table to notice. Jackson is protective of the few people he cares about, i.e Lydia and Danny. Another example I've mentioned on this blog is the bowling alley situation. Allison and Lydia are trying to come up with something to do for a double date, and Lydia brings up bowling. Jackson isn't into it because he apparently prefers to bowl competitively and doesn't think Scott or Allison are going to be good enough to interest him. Scott proceeds to claim he's Awesome at bowling.
Fast forward to the actual bowling, and Scott fucking sucks. Immediately, Jackson starts making fun of him and is a general dickhead. Then, when Scott gets better later on, Jackson becomes even more of a jerk. What a fuckhead, right? Except Jackson's teasing is based on the fact that Scott lied to his fucking face, and he wants people to know Scott is a liar. And when Scott starts getting really good, it's out of nowhere. THere is no Reason for his improvement. Spending half the game biffing every roll and the other half getting nothing but strikes is Not Normal. Jackson is already suspicious of Scott's improvement (i.e. cheating) on the field, so seeing the same shit happen here has to got to be infuriating. Scott can't even help himself from cheating at bowling. Jackson's complaints about Scott are only ever saying Very True things about him.
Right down to how Jackson and Lydia's behavior with one another is lewd and uncomfortable for everyone, until Scott's not looking at them anymore. How Lydia implies that she's constantly putting herself down and being smothered for Jackson's sake, because he wants her to. All pointing to Jackson not Deserving her.
This theme kind of continues through most of Jackson's scenes involving Scott. He's doing something that makes him look like a royal jerk, but then when you kind of pick it apart and focus on What is happening, instead of how it's being framed by the camera, things are a lot different than they first appear. Jackson's constant anger is often Very Reasonable considering the situations he's being put in.
When he's in scenes by himself or in ones that have nothing to do with Scott, he acts totally different. He's soft with Lydia, kind to Allison, he's emotional and a hard worker and he doesn't want to hurt people! But the moment scott gets involved, he snaps back to being a monster.
That isn't to say he's not a dick, or that he responds to his anger well, or that he isn't doing bad things. It's just to say that there's more layers to it than we might initially consider.
Like, look even the scene where Derek shows up at the school and asks Jackson where Scott is. Jackson's a fuckface and assumes Derek is on drugs and is Scott's dealer.
This is because for weeks he's been trying to figure out how Scott is cheating on the field. Sure, part of that is because he wants Scott taken down a few pegs so he can go back to being the best on the team, but there's more to it! Werewolves aren't an accepted or known about thing. Drugs is literally the only way that Scott would be able to get that good at lacrosse that fast. Jackson is team captain. If someone on Jackson's team is doing drugs, he will get in trouble. The whole team will be penalized and tested and scrutinized. He's trying to protect his team and his own reputation. He wants the cheater gone. I can't blame Jackson for being royally pissed by Scott not only doing drugs and endangering their entire season and team, but also having his drug dealer show up at school visibly messed up on something and asking around for him without even trying to hide what was going on. It's just rubbing all of this in Jackson's face.
I think Jackson had so much potential in a lot of ways. He was the ideal Beta for Derek, so much like Erica and Isaac and Boyd that it hurts. If the kanima hadn't messed him up, I really think he would've been a great member of their pack. When he goes to ask for the bite, he asks to be "one of you." Not to be a werewolf, not to be powerful. To be one of you. Part of the group. And despite ratting Scott out to the hunters at the end of season 1, whom literally everyone is fucking terrified of and he genuinely thinks is going to kill him if he refuses, he still makes a goddamn bomb with Stiles and goes with him into the woods to murder the exact werewolf who might've been able to give him the bite he wanted. He had no way of knowing Derek would become the Alpha afterward, and every reason to think that he was giving up any chance at getting the bite for the sake of stopping Peter. He did it anyway.
So, yeah, I have some interest in Jackson, in what he could've been, had the actor not left (i can't even remember if he was the one who left or if he got booted bc they wrote him out). Even the stuff that happens in season 3a, the way that the Alpha twins behave, so much of it implies that Jackson was supposed to be filling that slot that they gave Scott. The twins went after Lydia and Danny, they're perfect examples of what Jackson always wanted to be, and they have the ability to offer him even more power. It makes way more sense to me for them to have been intended to go after Jackson and try to lure him toward the Alphas, than for them to think that getting close to Lydia and Danny was going to matter even a little to Scott. Scott barely knows either of them! He has no reason to care, and it's weird the way the show suddenly makes him obsessed with their safety and friendship. Not to mention the whole Lydia thing of her being upset she always goes for 'bad guys'. Can you imagine the angst potential of Jackson being so easily duped by these cool guys who show up and join his friend group and offer him power and strength and friendship. And then realizing that they've got their claws in the two people he cares about more than anything, and that he doesn't have a choice anymore. They would own him, and he'd do whatever they wanted to keep Lydia and Danny safe. They might've even tried to get him to kill Derek, to steal his Alpha's spark the way they had, hoping that he'd get the full-shift ability along with it and be easier to control than Derek would. Or maybe they were after him because they thought (or knew about some secret way) they could bring the kanima back somehow and use him as their killing machine.
There's just so much that could've been, and so much that was that we couldn't even see. Jackson was a jerk, but he earned everything he had. All the captain spots and team leader positions, he got them because he worked his ass off. We see that in the show. There's a whole scene about it, about how he works too hard, demands too much of himself. Is desperate and scared and trying so hard to be the best because then he'll stop feeling so weak. The things he got handed to him are useless. A fancy car, a cool house and nice clothes. He'll brag about them, but they do nothing for him. Everything that matters, he got for himself through hard work and talent. He even refuses to get the steroids Lydia tries to coerce him into, because he wants to win the game on his own merit. If I were him, I'd hate Scott too, for getting everything handed to him on a lycanthropic platter. Working and working and tearing myself apart to be the best and watching it all go down the drain because someone who never did anything to deserve it got given a gift at random and proceeded to abuse it liberally to get everything he wanted and take it all away from Jackson. Right down to his fucking girlfriend. And the whole time, Scott complains about how much he's suffering and refuses to share the gift with anyone else. Hell, I'd even hate Stiles a bit. I mean, I haven't mentioned him in any of this, but Stiles also goes against Jackson's entire ethics system. Stiles is painfully intelligent with zero effort, and he isn't afraid to hold it over other people's heads. He didn't earn it, he barely studies. But he still gets to be the smartest person in the room. Meanwhile Jackson grabs the wrong chemical and almost gets someone killed. He's got his own kind of intelligence, but it's implied that he's not booksmart, and that must burn for Jackson.
It's probably why Lydia always acts stupid at the beginning. For his sake, because she knows that it hurts him to see other people just get things. Just have them without working for it. It's not about making Jackson look better, it's about not making him feel worse.
According to the show, Jackson's traumatized by his parent's death because he feels like he has no past. He has no identity. So he makes his own, building skills he chooses and getting titles he's earned. And he hates when other people don't have to do that. When they can just go "I was born like this" or "I'm the sheriff's son" and know who they are and how they belong in the world.
There aren't good excuses for why Jackson does the shitty things he does, or says the shitty things he says. But a lot of the time, there are reasons. I don't have to agree with him, but I can at least understand him.
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aeternallis · 10 months
Ren's Kimchay Fic Rec List
I'll try to add onto this as I read more, but suffice to say that having enmeshed myself into the world of Ao3's Kimchay tag for the past seven months, I have definitely found some hidden jewels that I highly recommend you give a go if you can! :3 I read all kinds, if you're looking for something out of the ordinary and special! And yes, I also read smut gratuitously, so there will be a handful of that as well here!
I myself also write, but I only have one ongoing Kimchay fic at the moment, if you'd like to give my work a shot!
The fics are in no particular order! This list is also a work-in-progress, since I have a lot of talented authors to cover! Most if not all of these are either one-shots, completed, and/or can be read as stand-alone.
Long post, so the fics are under a cut!
Last Updated: 08/21/2023
come home by reasonwasoutforlunch (@emmelineprufrock) Eldritch!Horror Kimchay, monsterfucking, memory alteration shenanigans, supernatural elements, etc. Comments - This is one of the most beautiful and haunting Kimchay fics I've ever read and thus, one of my ultra faves the fandom has to offer; the prose is so elegant, and the horror elements (Tankhun's mindset and abilities are fucking scary and nerve-wracking, but he loves his brothers, //sobs) the author implements just works for the overall setting. I first read this fic at work a few weeks back, and believe you me, it's still churning around my noggin. Like, for reals, this is one of those fics that just stays with you for some time, yknow? I definitely want to draw something for it in the near future!
there is no time for this by heedoyurims (@radishayuan) Kimchay smoochies while there's a gunfight outside. Comments - I love reading short pieces like this, and the author does such a wonderful job creating the atmosphere between these two lovebirds. You can just feel the want and desperation between Kim and Chay in this fic, and I regularly go back to it since it gives me wonderful art inspo!
ninety-six hours (KimPorchay) by coldeyesroni (Twitter - soobellus) Novel!verse, canon-divergence. Kim and Chay meet while Kinn and Porsche are lost in the woods. Incomplete, but each fic in the series can be read as a stand-alone. Comments - Such an awesome read when I first stumbled across it a few months ago! The chemistry between Kim and Chay is electrifying, and the author does a marvelous job of hinting at the different aspects of Kim's character. Highly recommend so you can get a taste of how Kimchay is in the book!
wolf house by venagrey (@venagrey) Dystopian, Dubious Consent, ABO Dynamics (Alpha!Kim/Omega!Chay), Wolfboy!Kim agenda, Feral Kimchay agenda, Respect the Sex Workers. Comments - Honestly, every fic Vena has written for Kimchay is to die for (this fic is but one of them), and I am one of those on my last ounce of life whenever I read their work, for reals. Vena's world building when it comes to their fics is incredibly rich, detailed, and just freaking phenomenal. Vena is truly #writinggoals. They never fail to build the tension and rawness that surrounds Kimchay's relationship, and I am HERE for it. Wolf House in particular reads like a classy, vibrant noir film to me, so it's definitely one of my most favorite fics in the fandom! Definitely art inspo material!!
Reversible Error by saturnscoded (Twitter - saturnscoded) Lawyers!Kimchay, canon-divergence, Angst, friends to enemies to frenemies to lovers, Porsche goes to jail for a crime he didn't commit. Comments - A true comfort fic for me. It's a marvelous AU that the author has created for Kimchay, and the tug and pull of their tense working relationship never fails to make me both swoon and breathless. The author also does a good job of highlighting Chay as a very determined and brave character with real human flaws, which I truly appreciate and can never get enough of.
Year of the OTP (Kimchay Edition) by sapphicblight (@sapphicblight) weathered down by pouring rain ain't no time for talking when we're tongue tied blow out all the candles Canon-compliant, Reconciliation, Post-Canon, Mutual Pining, Light Angst. Comments - When it comes to a good 'ol reconciliation fic, this author is among one of the best! <3 I love this author's characterization of Chay specifically, and how much of a simp their Kim is. Their fics are my comfort zone, and on bad days at work, I often turn to their fics to get me through the day. Their Year of the OTP fics are all marvelous in their own right, but I wanted to take the time to list out my favorites from the ongoing list. They also have a Hanahaki fic that never fails to make me cry and which features 2 endings, so like—whichever you’re in the mood for in terms of ending, this author’s got you covered. XD Please give their stuff a read whenever you can, they're like balls of sunshine that'll make your day better~
Stain of Sun by Lilla_Torg (@lillatorg) Hacker!Porsche and Grifter!Chay, Aged-up characters, ABO Dynamics (Alpha!Kim/Omega!Chay), Mating Bonds, takedown scheme gone wrong. Comments - All of this author's works for KP are truly stunning, and I have them all on my iPad for my regular reading pleasure. Their worldbuilding is downright amazing; particularly with Stain of Sun, it's a fast-paced story that keeps you on the edge of your seat with its twists and turns (I love me one crafty Chay, Your Honor). I genuinely admire this author's prowess when it comes to dialogue as well, and they do an awesome job at balancing out the three main ships. Definitely recommend this author's works! <3
Chains And Crowns, A Flower Can Both Make by Sweet_William (@sweet-william-writes) Regency Era!Kimchay, Arranged Marriage, Hints of MPreg, Angst. Comments - Listen, I am a sucker for Regency fics of my ships, and this fic definitely delivers, okay! I love this one-shot fic to pieces, and it's also a work I regularly go back to and reread! The dialogue of the era is perfectly captured by this amazing, brilliant author, and the smut ofc is to die for! The Kim in this fic doesn't know how to communicate his feelings very well, but he's trying dammit, he's so much in love with his gorgeous wife and I. AM. HERE. FOR. IT. They do a lot of dead dove KimChay fics as well, so if you think you’re up for it and can handle the glorious madness this author writes, I also highly recommend them~
You are my last peace by nubeazul Light Angst, Reconciliation, Domestic Bliss, Fluff Comments - This author’s post-canon fics for KimChay are so poignant and lovely, I love them so much. There’s a softness to their KimChay that I appreciate so much, especially since we hardly get any domestic scenes of KimChay together in the show, yknow?
Whiskey Sour by alphanetic Canon-divergent, Angst, Reconciliation, the Kittisawasd siblings disappear after they are threatened by Korn. Comments - Say what you will, but I am a hopeless romantic/sucker for “I will find you to the ends of the Earth” kinda vibe fics, yknow? And this fic just satisfies that trope so very well for me. The desperation of the chase, the unhinged pleas to return home, I just love it so much. This fic is actually part of a series called Alcoholism, in which the author delves into KinnPorsche and Kimchay’s respective relationships from a variety of different angles, both canon-divergent and canon-compliant. I always love me a versatile author, so I definitely recommend their works! //chef’s kiss
The Success by s6115 Werewolves, Some body horror, elements of Teen Wolf and the Dread Doctors, non-linear narrative, Chay is dying from a certain condition, and Porsche chooses to make his little brother’s last days count. Comments - One of the very first KP fics I ever read for this fandom, and still one of my most favorites. This one isn’t actually centered on Kimchay, but Kimchay is featured in the story. Truthfully, I’m in love with this author’s world building of their fic, and the marvelous way in which they’re able to really establish the tension and fear that Porsche and Chay go through due to their condition. The story reads like a high-stakes adventure with lots of angst and dealing with impending death; it’s very dark in some places, very intense in some, but at the end of it all, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And by that I mean it’s a happy ending, despite my short summary. XD
Hunting Down the Bambi by fancifulnim (@fancifulnim) Canon-Divergence, Suicide Attempt, Non-Consensual Touching/Kissing, Toxic Relationship, but when all is said and done, they’re gonna make it work somehow. Comments - Another fic that was one of the very first I came across for this fandom and thus, one of my most favorite and holds a special place in my heart. To this day out of all the fics I’ve ever read for Kimchay, the characterization of Kim from this particular work is definitely the darkest I’ve read, and to be frank? I just love it so much. This fic is wonderfully a partial thought-provoking character introspection piece, as well as a vibrant experiment of seeing how far down the rabbit hole one can go for this ship. I still re-read it regularly, so I highly recommend it, if you’re willing to give this author’s Kimchay a shot!
In this Moment (Picture Perfect) by eggwars (@eggwars) Canon Compliant, Character Study, Missing Scene, Fluff, Sweet Kimchay, set during before the break-up Comments - Such a fluffy, wonderful fic! <3 Perfect for any day, any time! I read this one on a particularly bad day at work, and lemme tell you, it did wonders for lifting up my mood (the text messages were so cute, omfg)! This is definitely a scene I can picture happening in the show, considering for at least half their airtime, Kimchay were pretty much off in their own little world and playing out the Wattpad story of Chay's dreams. Lol It's a brilliant piece that also explores Kim's different facets and how he's seamlessly able to create some semblance of order in his lifestyle, despite his two opposing careers. The fic is heartfelt and tugs at your heartstrings with the sweet innocence of their relationship in the beginning~ Ah, I love it so much!
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lurkingshan · 5 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @dribs-and-drabbles, thanks dribs! It's kind of fun to go back and see what I was on about at various points this year.
This blog was a mere bebe this time last year and I hadn't started posting anything substantial yet, so nothing of note here.
most popular — Making fun of Hira in Utsukushii Kare 2 (affectionately)
favorite — Praising Moonlight Chicken's character writing
most popular — The Glory does revenge right
favorite — Whining about people using the friends to lovers label wrong
most popular — Celebrating Queen Ae Ri from The Eighth Sense
favourite(s) — Making sure people understand Ji Hyun is a drama dork, helping to kick off the most batshit week of discourse in T8S fandom, and of course the first (of many) appreciation posts for Porsche's sweater
most popular — On Step By Step removing a scene critiquing BGP because of fan outcry
favorite(s) — 10 Things I Love About WDYEY and 10 Things I Love About Khun Chai (please watch them if you haven't yet people!)
most popular — Having a ball with King the Land
favorite(s) — Breaking down Pat's effect on Phupha in Our Skyy 2, the complexity of family trauma in Our Dining Table, and Jeng's reaction to his failed confession in Step by Step (ugh remember when this show was good). And of course this was the month that the La Plue meta round up was born.
most popular — Bitching about romance discourse (it was about King the Land at the time but it's quite widely applicable lol)
favourite(s) — Hysterical praise for La Pluie's conflict writing, kudos for Be My Favorite's character work for Kawi, breaking down where Step By Step went wrong
most popular — Ah the good times when we were still so amped about Only Friends
favorite(s) — Every moment of the My Ride rewatch, great moments in subtitlery from Laws of Attraction, and praise for Sing My Crush
most popular — That one time I actually liked a Mew thing in Only Friends
favorite(s) — Trying to get y'all to watch Love in Translation, comparing Someday or One Day and A Time Called You, clarifying the differences between Boston and Brian Kinney
most popular — Boston and Nick my beloveds (it would be shocking if they didn't make this list they are responsible for many of my most popular posts)
favorite(s) — A couple I Feel You Linger in the Air breakdowns: why the romance works despite being underwritten, and Fong Kaew's excellent character arc
most popular — Goofing on the unseriousness of Kiseki: Dear to Me
favorite(s) — Breaking down how the writing choices in Only Friends sent toxic messages and final thoughts on the IFYL finale
most popular — Japanese BL starter pack
favorite(s) — Simping over Mohk simping over Day in Last Twilight, yelling about Cherry Magic Thailand, kicking off bl superlatives 2023
In addition to all the people dribs tagged that I am double tagging because I want to see your answers (@wen-kexing-apologist @grapejuicegay @btwinlines @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 @waitmyturtles @telomeke and @respectthepetty) I am adding some other folks I know wrote/created a lot this year because I'm curious what stuck with you most: @bengiyo, @ranchthoughts, @jemmo, @chickenstrangers, @chicademartinica, @slayerkitty, @my-rose-tinted-glasses, @colourme-feral, @blmpff, @liyazaki, @wanderlust-in-my-soul, @troubled-mind, @benkaaoi.
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nuwildcat · 6 months
10 QL people I want carnally aesthetically
Sooooo as your local ace, I couldn't complete the lovely tag from @sunshinesanctuary with carnally, cause....I don't think that way. BUT with a little chit chat in DMs with @luckydragon10 I was able to cobble together a list of aesthetically pleasing people from Queer Love series.
Cool I'm going to start with the two who lured me into Thai BL cause why not.
**note the following gifs will not be the most flattering, but instead the most hilarious ones I find on tumblr's atrocious gif search.
10. Tan (Max Nattapol) - Manner of Death
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What can I say, I like a good cheeky monkey who has no idea what to do with the pretty man that has just kissed him. He has his little shit face on here, and that's about all it takes to lure in my ace heart.
9. Bunn (Tul Pakorn) - Manner of Death
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What an orange cat of a man. Like, what were you thinking was going to happen (spoiler he was checking for a gun I think? sus little bean) but that is a horrible way to go about that. Charmed the shit out of me from the get go, he absolutely deserves to be on this list. Also that shirt is doin' werk.
8. Phupha (Earth Pirapat) - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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Right, so, as far as aesthetics go, this man is already pretty, but then they stuck him in a uniform, and I've always been a sucker for a uniform. He gives gremlin vibes this entire show, despite the serious face that is just stuck like that. (I am starting to sense a pattern...).
7. Prapai (Fort Thitipong) - Love in the Air
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What does this man do? Seemingly, nothing. He has way too much time on his hands and a clearly overworked secretary, but I will say the lack of brain cells and puppy dog eyes kinda worked for me. (not enough to finish the series, but I was digging him).
6. Jang Jae Young (Park Seo Ham) - Semantic Error
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I love how freakishly tall this man is. Once again I have found an absolute terror of a man (this one totally has a golden heart) and latched onto him instantly. The fact that he came with a built in size difference is just the icing on the cake.
5. Choi Yu Na (Song Ji Oh) - Semantic Error
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Ummm. Yeah Imma just let that gif speak for itself. Immaculate babe, just keep doing what you're doing.
OKAY from here on it's just KP I don't know what y'all were expecting otherwise.
4. Tay (Us Nititorn) - KinnPorsche the Series
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My love affair with Tay is long standing and undying. This is the best I could do to find a silly gif of him. Honestly I think that speaks to why he is so high on the aesthetic list. Poor man lost in a google coin toss to Big 😭
3. Big (Nodt Nutthasid) - KinnPorsche the Series
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That right there ladies and gentlemen, is peak bodyguard performance, losing your shit over the new kid. All jokes aside there's something about this man's face that makes me wanna stare at it from like every angle. Give this man another role so I can stare at him more, please.
2. Porsche (Apo Nattawin) - KinnPorsche the Series
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Ahhh Apo and his amazing faces. There is a unique ability to demonstrate just how little is going on in a character's head, and Apo has it DOWN. Porsche my darling, aesthetically your a freaking masterpiece, but baby if you think too hard you might hurt yourself. (Yes I am aware the theme is getting worse). THAT BEING SAID. Holy shit when you clean this boy up he is a force to recon with. That green suit??? it haunts me. Aesthetics on point with this brat.
Kinn (Mile Phakphum) - KinnPorsche
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Right so this last one was actually hard to pick between Porsche and Kinn, buuuuut if I'm going form a character aesthetic approach I have to give the #1 spot to Kinn. My man slays through the majority of this show with suits on point, and cocky faces galore. I kinda hate him a little bit for how long I had to scroll to find an unflattering gif. EVEN HERE HE LOOKS GOOD he just got his dick sucked too hard in a helicopter to pull off suave. *throws hands up in the air* I just wanna put him in my pocket and take him out and shake him every once and a while.
I am very late to this game but I am going to inflict this on a couple people I think who haven't been tagged and whose answers I would find amusing. @lady-guts @fairhairedkings @medievalraven @stoeptepel @dr-lemurr
Please feel no obligation to participate I just think y'all would have good hot-takes.
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wiccawrites · 11 months
KinnPorsche Fic Masterlist | wicca @ ao3
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Last Updated: Sept. 26, 2023 | my ao3
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Series: A Blooming Oleander (ABO Verse)
The premise of KinnPorsche The Series but in an omegaverse setting where Kinn is an omega and Porsche is an alpha. Diverges from canon.
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Blooming Oleander (18/18) | Explicit | 175,274 words | Alpha!Porsche x Omega!Kinn
One does not become the only omega among the heirs of the Thai underworld without knowing how to take what he wants.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Morally Ambiguous Characters, Trope Inversion
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Warm Heart (1/1) | General Audiences | 11,915 words | Alpha!Kim x Omega!Chay side story to Blooming Oleander
Five times Chay puts up with Kim's mixed signals and the one time where he finally has enough.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Pining, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers
Series: of the feline persuasion (Jaguar hybrid!Porsche Verse)
Someone pays off their debt with a rare jaguar hybrid and Kinn gets much more than he initially bargained for.
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Feline Purrsuasion (6/6) | Mature | 36,591 words | Mafia Boss!Kinn x Jaguar Hybrid!Porsche
"He's a cat hybrid," Kinn says, unable to hide how underwhelmed he is. Considering the price Ban had mentioned, Kinn had hoped for a dog hybrid, at least. Someone who was less likely to be averse to working with others and who would probably make a good bodyguard with sufficient training.
Ban tries to reply but he's interrupted by a deep, menacing growl that crests into a full fledged roar before he can get a word in.
Kinn whistles.
"Alright, he's a big cat hybrid."
aka: 5 times Kinn accidentally makes his jaguar hybrid bodyguard purr + 1 time Porsche purrs for him on purpose
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Pining, Oblivious!Kinn, mentions of trauma, references to past torture
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the cat that got the cream (1/1) | Explicit | 9,662 words | PWP sequel to Feline Purrsuasion
Some things are worth the wait.
Or: In which Porsche finally passes his Assessment and makes Kinn fulfill his end of their agreement. Many times.
Notable Tags/Warnings: PWP, Dom/sub Undertones, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Rough Sex, Body Worship, Size Queen Porsche, Pet Names, Come Swallowing, Vibrators, Praise Kink, Size Kink, Dirty Talk
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Alone Together (3/?) | Explicit | 12,584 words | Ancient Vampire!Kinn x Fledgling Vampire!Porsche
It is twenty years after The Awakening – the global phenomenon which ultimately led to humans discovering the existence of vampires – and Thailand is on the cusp of a long-awaited political milestone. After a decade of hard work, a bill that aims to uphold both human and vampire rights is close to being finalized.
Unfortunately, this is also when something decides to turn Bangkok into its own hunting ground.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Morally Ambiguous Characters, Political Intrigue, Mystery, Childe/Sire Bond(s), Soul Bond
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Moonchild (we're born in the moonlight) - 3/3 | Explicit | 3,619 words | Red Riding Hood Retelling
"Let me walk you home, then," Kinn offers, recalling the recent accidents and all the superstitions he'd heard about the forest ever since he was a boy. "Even if you live close by, these woods can get dangerous. You should always get home before nightfall."
"Trust me," Porsche smiles, teeth sharp and brown eyes glittering an almost golden hue under the late afternoon light. "I'll be fine."
He lets Kinn walk him home anyway.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Dark Fairy Tales, Werewolves, Fantasy, Trans Male Character, Mates, Vaginal Sex
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just this once (1/1) | Teen and Up Audiences | Canon Compliant Kinn x Porsche
Kinn gets a moment of clarity. A brief second where he becomes painfully aware of two conflicting facts: first, he wants to kiss Porsche and second, he is not drunk enough to give in.
He does anyway.
aka the ending of Episode 3 from Kinn’s perspective.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Character Study, Canon Compliant, First Kiss
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Recovery (1/1) | Teen and Up Audiences | Canon Divergent Kinn x Porsche
"I should have known better than to give you an order and expect you to follow me," Kinn says from the doorway of Porsche's hospital room.
aka my take on the side story before we knew there was gonna be a side story
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed
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i'll be yours (if you'll be mine) | Explicit | Canon Compliant Kinn x Porsche
Kinn is a flame, burning, burning, oh so bright, and Porsche wants nothing more than for Kinn to consume him if it means he gets to have Kinn to himself in return.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Character Study, Porn with Feelings
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The Call of the Deep (1/1) | Explicit | Eldritch Horror!Kinn x Mermaid!Porsche
To the Merfolk, the depths of the ocean are as equally terrifying as the surface – and for good reason. But Porsche isn't about to let anything stop him from finding his missing brother.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Aphrodisiacs, Drugged Sex, Tentacle Sex, Corruption, Forced Orgasms
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mirror, mirror (1/1) | Explicit | Canon KinnPorsche
When they started this twisted game of cat and mouse, Porsche was sure he was the cat. After all, he had the advantage of studying every single blindspot in every single room that Kinn entered. Kinn, on the other hand, had a reputation to uphold. An image of invulnerability that couldn't be tainted with losing his composure because of mundane things like, let's say, having his bodyguard's foot on his crotch during a security briefing.
But somewhere along the way Kinn had taken a different approach; had studied Porsche and found all the right buttons to press. Kinn started using his words. And Porsche, to his own horror, found that he liked them.
Or, Porsche fucks around (with Kinn) and finds out (more about himself than what he'd initially bargained for).
Notable Tags/Warnings: Mirror Sex, Praise Kink, Pet Names, Dirty Talk, Kink Discovery
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Mahiwaga | Dragon!Porsche x King!Kinn | To be expanded
Adjective. mysterious, inexplicable, miraculous
Or: In which Porsche is a dragon deity and Kinn comes to him for help to save his kingdom.
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(the future is) bulletproof | Dystopian AU KimChay
Kim had never really bought into the kool aid that his father seems to have successfully sold to everyone else in Oasis City. There had to be something in the barrenlands beyond the Mirage – otherwise, there wouldn’t be such strict laws on leaving the city borders. He sneaks out in search of the truth and finds so much more than he bargained for.
AKA son of a corrupt government official!Kim x youngest in a ragtag group of rebels!Chay, but in a post-apocalyptic setting
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the oxygen of the soul | KinnPorsche & ChatKhem Reincarnation AU | To be expanded
"It feels like I can only be free if you're by my side."
A few more scattered posts in varying stages of completion:
Bodyswap!AU - To be expanded
(Single) Parenting 101 - To be expanded
Full Shift Werewolves AU
Hades AU
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thatgirl4815 · 6 months
10 BL Boys That I Want Carnally
Thx for the tag @thegalwhorants and @waitmyturtles! It's funny how whenever I do these games every BL man I have ever drooled over immediately leaves my mind, lol. I'm sure I'm missing people who would make a great addition to this list. But in no particular order…
1. Sand and 2. Ray
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I’m including them as a pair because they come as one. Together or separately, both characters are 🔥 and I would die for either of them in my own way. Do I want them carnally? 100%, absolutely, without a doubt. I would commit arson for them. I would burn down mount Olympus for them. I would take a dip in the river Styx for them. (Can you tell I’m in my Percy Jackson phase rn?)
3. Mork
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He’s the ideal. I love him. I will never not be in love with him. They say he’s not a romantic but he totally is, and adding Jimmy’s hotness on top of it all…whew.
4. Porsche
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Idk what else to say other than Apo’s profile is perfection and Porsche was a slightly-annoying-but-still-admirable goofball who just so happened to be intensely hot.
5. Phayu
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I had a Boss phase. His motorcycle racer vibes are unmatched, and the little bun he wore? No one can pull it off like him.
6. Vee
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I know, I know, he’s problematic. The cheating was bad. He was in crisis, and I know that doesn’t excuse it, but Yin is hot enough that I am willing to overlook it. Also, I have been in a debate with my friend for a year now that he bears a significant resemblance to Yeonjun from TXT.
7. Sarawat
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Is this the basic answer? Absolutely. I think 2gether is overrated, and while I enjoyed it at the time, I don't think it lives up to the hype anymore BUT Bright's profile certainly does. He fits this prompt too well.
8. Phaya
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Idk why I keep talking about the actors so much over the characters, but I have to preface this by saying that I hated SCOY and War of Y was not much better (the part that I did watch) but Billy has never let me down. It also helps that Billy is one of the BL actors that knows how to act like he wants to devour people (didn't think I'd ever be saying those words in my life but here we are).
9. Black
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Look, Gun as a nice guy is great, but Gun as a rebellious gang leader? I'm all for it. I only wish Black would've gotten more screen time. Or like a spin off.
10. Kiyoi
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Finally leaving the Thai BL sphere for a moment. Kinda hate his hair styling but his face is 10/10, and I completely understand why anyone would have an obsession with him.
I think I'm kinda late to this one so if you're seeing this, consider yourself tagged! :)
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ripeteeth · 3 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern! Tagged by @perverse-idyll, thanks for tagging me! This is really interesting, especially as I’ve been playing with my writing style and changing it up lately.
1. “A long cloak of night has fallen across the bed.” [Milk Teeth, MDZS, Jiang Yanli/Jiang Cheng. If I’m ENTIRELY honest, this is an inside joke with myself, as an old livejournal friend once described Snape by saying “pick up your long cloak of darkness and get to therapy”, which is a statement I think describes Jiang Cheng quite well.
2. “The trouble with stories is that they don’t always line up quite right.” [Over My Dead Body, MDZS, Wangxian, WIP. I like to bullshit about storytelling and story structure. There’s something fascinating about the interplay of author and reader, and of reminding the reader that they are sitting down to a story. There’s a special charm when the author editorializes and goes off on tangents - such as Victor Hugo in Les Mis - and while I am no Victor Hugo, it IS extremely fun to do.]
3. “‘Please,’ you say, and he likes it when you say it.” [empty, save you and i, Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley. I just love the cadence of this and the way it establishes the close, confessional second person POV.]
4. “Naked, wrapped in silk, and turned away on his side.” [say it like you mean it (with your fists for once), Kinnporsche, Gun/Vegas. Does the lyric “why is the bedroom so cold / you’ve turned away on your side” from Joy Division’s Love Will Tear Us Apart haunt you like it does me? I like how this established the feeling of isolation and loneliness.]
5. “This is how it goes.” [Zoetrope, MDZS, songxuexiao. Again with the storytelling.]
6. “The day he meets them is a red-sky day.” [blood, bones, and butter, MDZS, songxuexiao. Red sky at warning, sailors take warning! How else should you introduce my babygirl Xue Yang? I’m realizing a lot of my lines have tucked-in references, allusions, and inside jokes with myself.]
7. “Spring is pale in Revachol.” [Revachol Calling, Disco Elysium, Harry/Kim, WIP. Honestly, I don’t like this line and if I ever rewrite it, I hope to have something that fits better. This doesn’t grab in the way a DE fic should grab the reader. God, this WIP haunts me. Someday I WILL finish it, but it’s been three years since I’ve played the game and I absolutely need to play it again to get a feel for the voices.]
8. “The walk home is lonely.” [long slow love song, TGCF, fengqing, WIP. I really like short first sentences, huh? I suppose this is just brief scene-setting. Mu Qing seems like a guy who takes a lot to open up, so a short opening line suits him.]
9. “He wonders how he’ll die.” [impact, Beyond Evil, lee dongsik/han juwon. I’m proud of this one. I feel like this sets the tone and grabs attention. It’s just a short fic inspired by J.G. Ballard’s Crash, so I can’t think of a better way to begin.]
10. “When Kinn had been a boy, he’d had an old tomcat that liked to sleep in his bed.” [shotgunning, Kinnporsche, vegas/kinn/porsche, WIP. Introduces this as a Kinn character piece.]
Bonus from unposted Frankensmut: “One should not travel these woods alone; the Wild Hunt is strong here, and all are prey.” [Introduction to Natural Philosophy, Frankenstein, The Creature/Victor Frankenstein, WIP. An opening line that promises you that the hunter WILL get his prey. I promise you this.]
What I’m really learning here is that 1. I need to work on finishing my goddamn wips, and 2. wow I really rely on passive voice to open. Huh. Are there any other patterns? Maybe some authorial direction to remind the reader of the story structure. I’ve also got a bit of a penchant for short opening sentences followed by paragraphs that either elaborate on it or negate it, usually heavier in length and description as a counterbalance. Like adding acid to balance fat or sugar. Truthfully, I’ve kinda grown bored with my typical writing style, which is partly why I haven’t posted much fic lately. Art is all about pushing yourself and trying new things and innovating. I’m dead sick of writing present-tense third person limited and am vibing with first and second-person POV, which aren’t fan favorites for fic. I’d also LOVE to try something much more zoomed out, like omniscient third-person.
This was fun! Tagging @brawlite-archive, @iodhadh, @jaggededges123, @rcmclachlan, @weatheredlaw, and @darcylindbergh if you’re vibing, and anyone else who’s interested!
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yujeong · 6 months
VegasPete and Childhood's End: a deranged attempt at connecting two completely unrelated things
Hello there, fellow VP enthusiasts. This post here is my remaining 2 braincells trying to come up with ways the silly, little book known as Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke and the silly, little couple known as VegasPete are connected, and how the show chose this book for Vegas to be reading in episode 11 for reasons beyond its title. I swear it's true, I asked Pond, he told me about it, trust me. I said in the tags of this post that I have started reading the book because I have a fic idea I wanted to write (which will happen next year now, after I finish the book), and after I shared my observations on the kindergarten mafia server, I thought to myself why not make a Tumblr post too? So, here I am. I would like to clarify that I will be spoiling major parts of the book, obviously, so anyone who doesn't want to get spoiled, don't read this post and the ones after it. Also, this is the version of the book I bought like 5 days ago from a well-known bookshop at the center of Athens, which sells English books too, bless them. Just so you know what my source is. (Unfortunately, getting the version Vegas was reading might be difficult - if not impossible - in Greece to find, because I believe it's one of the first editions? I'm not sure. Nevertheless, I have the book in my hands, which is what counts.) If I make any mistakes in regards to the information I'll provide about the book, the story and the characters, I apologize in advance. It'll probably be me not being careful enough while reading it and missing sth. So, without any further delay, here we go:
The basic premise of the book is a concept that's become cliche in the recent years: aliens called the Overlords have taken over the Earth, bringing prosperity to it but leaving humans with having no actual freedom in their choices. So, reading up to page 34, we learn that there's a specific Overlord called Karellen who's responsible for ruling the Earth, and we also get introduced to Stormgren who's the intermediary between Karellen and the human race, with the title of "Secretary". At first, I had made the connection of Vegas being Stormgren and Karellen (or the Overlords in general) being Gun, because Stormgren trusts Karellen with ruling the human race, just as Vegas idolizes his father who can totally bring prosperity to the family and make it better by force (an important element since the Overlords just came and declared themselves the rulers of the planet and took over). Also, there's an element of secrecy with Karellen, because it's been 5 years since he arrived on Earth but no one, not even Stormgren, knows what he looks like. This causes Stormgren to be a bit suspicious of Karellen, which he rarely shows and tries to push the feeling down when it resurfaces. In the same way, I thought this could connect to Gun who's hiding stuff from Vegas - Porsche anyone? - which Vegas will start having thoughts about post ep 11. All of that is fine and good, BUT I wouldn't be a Pete girlie if I didn't try to include my boy in this. I think all of the above I mentioned is more about Pete than Vegas. And, judging by how obsessed Vegas became with Pete post ep 10 - after their masks fell off and he saw who Pete truly was - I am confident in my belief that Vegas reading Childhood's End would think of Pete, not himself (sth he already does at this point but you get what I'm saying). SO, Stormgren is actually Pete, who follows Karellen's words almost blindly, and almost is an important word here because in the book, he does argue back about things and is vocal about his opinions, even if Karellen smartly turns them down. Karellen is generally very softly spoken, polite and very human like in the way he talks, so in my opinion he resembles Korn way more than Gun. There's also a character who calls Stormgren out on his blind faith in Karellen, and if this isn't Vegas telling Pete that "there's no such thing as honesty", I don't know what it is. Now, for the fun part: Stormgren gets kidnapped by a group of humans who want the Overlords to leave and not only is the dude semi-casual about it on the surface while keeping his panic under wraps, in the end his captors, after explaining how they got him and what their plan is, throw a pack of cards at him and ask him to play poker with him, which causes Stormgren to laugh like he hasn't laughed in years. I'm just imagining Vegas reading this and shaking his head, putting on his clown shoes, thinking: these guys are so stupid, encouraging their captive be this nonchalant around them, I would never.
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usermischief · 1 year
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♙Pairing: Stackson ♙Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore ♙Warnings/Tags: slice of life, road trip, established relationship ♙Words: 990 ♙Dialogue Prompt: "We're not asking the dragon for directions." ♙Mini Fic Roulette: 32/∞
“Dude, we’re not asking the dragon for directions.”
Stiles squints at the questionably majestic creature standing on the sidewalk in the burning sun, waving a sign for Lenny’s Diner around. “I’m not spending another hour in your Porsche, Whittemore.” As great as this car is, it’s not at all suitable for a 6-hour long road trip. But they’ve been in here for almost 8 hours now, and Stiles really needs to move, or he is going to kill someone. “Also, that’s a dinosaur.” 
Jackson squints into the sun. “It has wings.” 
“You do know dinosaurs with wings existed, right?”
“Not looking like this,” Jackson shoots back, and he does slow down the car, although Stiles can’t say for sure if it’s because of the sun getting dangerously low or the realization that they do have to talk to someone to find their way to the cabin they rented. 
Stiles runs his hands over his face. “Jackson, I love you, I do, but if you don’t let me ask for directions, they’re going to find parts of your body in multiple states.” As stubborn as Stiles is, nothing beats Jackson’s pride. There aren’t many ways around it, but Stiles found two that usually help. One of them is bribing him with sex, the other is threatening to kill him. It really depends on his mood which one he chooses. The fact that the latter works should probably be at least somewhat concerning. That means Jackson either thinks Stiles is capable of murder — and getting away with it — or he knows that he only threatens to dump his body all over the US when he’s at the end of his patience. 
Muttering something under his breath Stiles doesn’t catch, Jackson sets the blinker and brings the car to a stop. 
Stiles opens the window, instantly hating the humid air pushing into the car. How this mascot survives in this heat is beyond him. “Hey, sorry.” 
The dinosaur wanders over to them. Up close, the costume does look like a dragon. Stiles grimaces. “‘Sup?” The guy pushes the head up to reveal a confident smile and an impressive amount of freckles. His green eyes jump from Stiles to Jackson and back again. “Nice car.” 
“Thanks,” Jackson replies tersely and seemingly a lot more interested in whatever is going on on the other side of the street. 
“Sorry to bother you,” Stiles says, turning on his seat to face the guy directly, “but we’re looking for Ithaca Falls, and I think we ended up taking a wrong turn.” Or three. It’s hard to tell since Jackson insisted he knew exactly where he was going when he clearly didn’t. The next time they go on a no-phones vacation, they leave them in the car when they arrive instead of nightstands at home. But they both know they will not have any sort of relaxation with their phones anywhere near them, not as a lawyer and an FBI agent for the supernatural. Their jobs are crazy, and the only reason their relationship works out in the first place is with strict rules and the bonus of working the same case on multiple occasions. 
“Yeah, so, you passed the exit already,” Mascot Man chuckles and leans against the hood of the car despite Jackson’s withering stare. "You gotta go back— you got a phone or a map or somethin'? I could show you." He takes his head off, revealing a mess of red curls plastered to his sweaty forehead. 
"No, sorry." Stiles contemplates. He's never going to remember the way, and he doesn't trust Jackson to do so either after getting them in this mess in the first place. "Could you write it down?" Stiles opens the glovebox. The one thing about him is that he's got pens and notebooks everywhere in case he's got to write something down for his job, or simply because he needs to remember something. 
The guy nods and takes the notebook with a grin. "Sure, hold on. It's not far," he explains while taking a glove off with his teeth. "Just a bitch to find."
Raising a brow, Stiles turns to Jackson and mouths, "Map, asshole."
Jackson merely rolls his eyes. He'd never admit that they'd never find it without this guy's help, no matter how complicated the way ends up being.
When the guy is done writing, he hands the notebook back in. 
"Thank you." Stiles puts the notebook on his leg, contemplating the instructions briefly. It's really not that far, around thirty minutes by the looks of it. 
"You're welcome," the guy grins. "And if you're hungry, Lenny's diner is just around the corner."
This finally got Jackson's attention. He leans towards the window and peers at their helper, placing his hand so high on his thigh, everyone and their brother knows he has intimate knowledge of every inch of Stiles’ dick. "We're good, thanks." He revs the engine and all but shoots away from the curb.
With a tight smile, Stiles pats his boyfriend’s hand before squeezing his fingers. "Seriously."
Jackson sets the blinker, so intent on leaving the mascot behind, he doesn't even bother to make a U-turn. “I didn’t like the way he looked at you.” Funnily enough, Lydia warned him about how irrationally possessive Jackson can become — not just when it comes to him. He’s also exceptionally possessive when it comes to his best friend, Danny. Jackson made it abundantly clear multiple times that Danny is, in fact, Jackson’s best friend. It’s only funny as long as you don’t look too close. 
“He’s a very polite dragon,” Stiles replies softly. 
Jackson squeezes his thigh with a smile. “Well, where’d he tell us to go?” 
They don’t always apologize, but sometimes admitting they were wrong is just as good. Yawning, Stiles sinks deeper into his seat. “We gotta go left behind the next target then head east for a bit.” 
Jackson nods and sets the blinker. 
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seventh-fantasy · 2 years
Vegas Theerapanyakul, heir of the minor family.
I couldn’t stop thinking about how the minor family is presented in the image of traditional Chinese mafia / triads - a stark contrast to how the main family appears like a corporation. I couldn’t stop thinking about how that that means they would have emphasised on values of community and loyalty. Although the show doesn’t go far and deep into it in the main narrative, there are clues that this is more than just an aesthetic choice of their living compound and dressing - particularly pertaining to Vegas’ character (and because of course that’s all i care about).
Visually, we see that in their Guan Gong worship (typical deity worship by triads), the locals hanging around at the shophouse front of the manor, and also in the group feasts (I had such a good mini exchange in the tags with @bocje-ce-ustu​ about this that made me want to write this post). This post expounds on this nature of the minor family so much better in detail. *blows kisses to op*
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Since we didn't get to see enough of Vegas papa outside of being VP's plot device, we don’t know a reliable amount about him to determine how his leadership style was like to have us seeing what we saw around the minor family house. Personally I just can’t take Kan’s character in ep 11-13 too seriously. He literally appears to bitchslap Vegas based on the most simplistic *handwaves* reasons and then he was gone - as if you didn’t need to go through the hassle to cross the river to get to the safehouse. (crossing rivers everyday just to bitchslap your son? that’s some commitment) The earlier episodes and ep 14 may be more reliable but it’s still limited.
Nevertheless, how did he raise Vegas as a heir of such a community? I want to think that as much as a piece of shit we saw Kan as for most his screentime, he still had a strong sense of their triad values in his blood, and it gets into Vegas as a person (for better or for worse). At the very least, he was shown seated with the rest of the gang at the table (in the above screenshot). How did such a community raise Vegas as a potential successor in general? What was his and Macau’s childhood like? (I have not read the novel so don’t @ me.)
It’s so interesting to think about those given what a complex guy Vegas turned out to be. (Complex as a character itself but also made even more complex with how the narrative over the episodes had nebulously shaped audience perception of him - like, you can get a different side of Vegas in each episode and have no idea where the fake or real Vegas starts and ends as we saw him. That ended up being a charm of his character.)
(Vegas + Kan + Macau + minor family community)
I got the impression that it has been pretty much assumed that Macau could also be frequently physically abused by Kan like he does with Vegas, and so Vegas would have to actively protect Macau. But also consider this possibility: Kan just doesn’t hit Macau at all. It’s only Vegas he hits.
Macau simply doesn’t strike me as someone who has to live in constant mortal fear. He’s innocently mischievous and sociable; clearly not as emotionally burdened as Vegas. But he's not naive. He’s aware of Vegas’ plans and whatever politics is going on in his extended family. I just don’t believe that Vegas’ form of protection and care for Macau is to completely hide all the ugly stuff from him like what Porsche did with Chay.
At the same time, Vegas is too much of a pleaser to be opposing his dad all the time for Macau to be consistently safe and stable. Especially considering that we can safely guess that him talking back to his dad at the safehouse in ep 13 was one of the first times he had explicitly stood up to his dad in some way. (a side note: the way Kan responded may seem on-the-nose after a succession of Kan scenes just appearing out of thin air to hit Vegas and galvanise the VP narrative - but it hits a raw nerve like yeap I 100% believe that’s how an Asian parent would respond to such a statement from their kid.)
That’s because Kan’s expectations for Vegas, the eldest son and potential successor, just aren’t the same as for Macau, the younger son.
I can imagine Kan putting all his attention, energy, and pressure on Vegas - not only as his heir but a chess piece in his competition with his older brother and the main family. At a cultural-social level, as an eldest son of a family, like a crown prince, he was fed with expectations that he is the leader of his people - that he will have responsibilities to them and to conduct himself with grace. But at the same time, because of personal and familial reasons, he was also fed the belief that he and his family will forever be inferior to the main family - having anger and bloodlust be seeded and harnessed in him to be used on the main family.
On the other hand, I see more realistically of Kan as a neglectful father to Macau. As a second son, Macau isn’t anything to Kan in business sense and just too young to be useful to him. Thus, we have Kan insisting that Macau is useless (SLANDER) despite Macau having done nothing to offend him. It’s precisely that Kan doesn’t do anything but the bare minimum with Macau and lets him be, that he thinks that Macau had wound up as “useless”. It checks out.
Like what many have pointed out, Vegas surely would have taken up the responsibility of giving the care and love to Macau that they never get from their father. Essentially, Vegas had to fulfill Macau’s emotional needs (to his best) while being actively hurt by his father and strangled by his expectations.
So, imagine Macau as a much younger child having to watch his older brother get beaten or go through corporal punishment (kneeling before the ancestral altar, anyone? wow I’m so original). It’s then Macau who may have been protecting or provides relief to his older brother in some way or another. He knows - largely - what his older brother has to go through, and it is this Macau who probably gets confided and eventually got in the knows of his brother’s schemes.
On this note, it’s probably worth noting that there’s after all a community around them so Vegas may not have had to raise Macau - emotionally and socially - all alone. Of course, these are merely weak ties - given that those underlings are socially inferior to the brothers and they clearly still show deference to Vegas. So what their presence can do to fill the voids of the brothers’ family life is only so limited. The important thing, however, is that the brothers do have a community that surrounds them. A community that has already pledged loyalty to the family. A community that would care and show respect - any inkling of non-hostile social interaction - to their young masters which their own immediate family couldn’t offer. A community that Vegas as a heir would have been drilled into his head since day one that he is obligated to keeping together. This sense of community, as vague as it was, preserved Vegas emotionally somewhere deep down, grounding him to be a person that still has the capacity to care for others - to be human.
This isn’t anything nearly suggested in drama canon, but the many families and street vendors working for them doting on and showing tenderness to the brothers as children is an image I have in my head.
Vegas personally has no problem being respectful and affable with the people who are supposedly lower in status than him. Evident in ep 7 (ep 7 my beloved) from how he interacts with them - addressing them in familiar, polite terms: he even calls the street vendor khun lung - uncle, inclusive of honorifics(!) It’s also in how he entertained Porsche, Pete and Arm like they’re his guests and not his family’s bodyguards. He repeatedly makes sure they’re fed: first he offers moo ping to Pete and Arm then shortly after he asks again whether they’re hungry. These are the kind of manners that are inculcated in a traditional Chinese family, in which you show respect to anyone older than you and make sure your guests are never hungry. Even if he was overdoing this just for Porsche at this moment, it was an act he was willing to put up and in a manner of his choice.
(On this note of Vegas’ manners and politeness, I can never forget how much I love Vegas politely pre-empting Porsche and co. at the beginning of his torture session in ep 7 that they would be uncomfortable. like?? thank you evil man?? that’s so considerate of you)
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(Just realised that there’s even a plate of buns?? On...a gambling table...?? Minor family is serving their guests well.)
It was so intentional of the drama to dedicate time to scenes of Vegas and co. entering the market and through to the minor family manor and office, even when it didn’t necessarily have to - apart from the purpose of illustrating Vegas' character. If the Vegas we saw in early episodes hanging around main family compound was indisputably a pretense as he was in foreign territory, then this Vegas being in his home ground was surrounded by an expectation to see him being supposedly who he really is. Partly due to Porsche being around, we still see the same Vegas - but now with an inkling of the idea that how he acted with Porsche before is also how he acts daily in his own space: He has to pretend. Socially, that is who he is. (See why he and Pete are mirror images of each other). Those moments of going after Porsche wasn’t an exception he was making for Porsche as the prey and his Grand Scheme. All the more, this makes the ending scene of ep 4, the first time we saw him truly all alone, fascinating to watch.
(Vegas + Porsche)
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I guess tangentially related is...how I found the Soft™ Vegas of ep 13-14 in his interactions with Porsche so fascinating because it does instinctively feel different. Was it just the effect of Pete in the most romance drama cliche fashion or does it adhere to Vegas as a character? Sometimes you have to take the way this show portrays its characters with a pinch of salt because it does take liberties with using them as plot device when it is needed of them. But I’m going to say this side of Vegas is also him. It feels different because it’s the barest we’ve seen of him emotionally yet.
Porsche makes for an ideal litmus test of who Vegas really is because of their past mode of interaction for comparison and also Vegas’ character gets to exist outside of romantic/familial narrative filters in this case. With Porsche no longer being his prey and his newfound attachment to Pete, he had nothing to hide, and now there’s even a reason to bare himself to others.
This is me extrapolating at this point but - when he calls Porsche to warn him of the impending coup - despite not actually being friends, that just  *handwaves* spelt out like an act of 义气 to me. 义气 has apparently been translated as “righteousness” but acknowledged to contain cultural connotations too complicated for the translation to be wholly representative. If I had to describe the connotations according to my understanding of it, it’s an idea of a code of honour and brotherhood - in some ways favours and debt-based. So you commonly see that term associated with triads and secret societies.
At this point, Porsche and Vegas are expressively in a collaborative relationship, they helped each other out on what each other needed the most at that point. Vegas is indebted to Porsche. So, even during a time of crisis, he made sure to help Porsche out one last time based on their short-lived allyship and Porsche’s favour to him. But it was a situation beyond his control, so he pays back what he owed, and that was it. Given his upbringing, it is then no surprise that he has such a strong principle and value in him. Vegas is a villain - yes, even after falling in love with Pete and all - but a villain with a code of honour.
(Vegas + Kan + Pete)
Vegas has 义 (yi, righteousness) and he has 忠 (zhong, loyalty) too: with his father. Vegas clinging to his father despite the toxicity and destructive nature of their relationship - even if to the point of silliness and *chef’s kiss* pathetic - can perfectly be explained as something innately human. But on top of that, the way and the degree he went for his father’s approval was likely also culturally enforced given the environment he was brought up in.
Back to the Guan Gong, aka god of loyalty, worship at the minor family house. I didn’t get to talk much about this in the post I made about it but it’s definitely worth going into it here about Guan Gong:
Just as important, at the grassroots level of society Guan Yu became a kind of patron saint or protector god for everyone from blacksmiths and opera performers to triads and police officers. (...) Guan Yu’s steadfast, sometimes bullheaded adherence to the principle of zhongyi proved key to his meteoric rise. China’s emperors, who valued loyalty in their subjects, saw Guan Yu’s obedience and respect for his superiors as a value worth propagating. To ordinary people, meanwhile, it was Guan Yu’s yi that made him a legend worth believing in. (...) Guan Yu was capable of acts of cruelty and extreme violence, but his yi manifested as a strict code of behavior and sense of honor, two necessary components of any good folk hero. If anything, the flawed side of Guan Yu’s yi actually enhanced his popularity with regular people — his imperfections only made him seem more relatable. (x)
Sounds familiar.
When you swear loyalty - in the presence of the Guan Gong idol, you swear to give everything you have to the organisation. This loyalty is unquestioning and servile. And that’s the kind of loyalty Vegas has to his father. We know that he pleases his father because he craves for his father’s love and recognition - but why this way? Why is he doing it so willingly? Even by the end of the show he barely showed anger and hatred towards his father. He lashes out at the situations of being let down by his dad, but not at his dad (at least that’s what I think) - because he then goes back home and was 100% ready to go kill some people just because his dad wanted to and he never considered once he could defy that. Perhaps this is why.
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So when Pete prays to Guan Gong - in Vegas’ home, it’s as if unwittingly pledging his loyalty (and obedience) to Vegas - even before he or the audience was supposed know anything that was going to happen. That’s just a coincidence, yes? While I don’t think Pete was doing that because he was thinking about swearing loyalty to the minor family but just a general sentiment of ‘I see a deity figure and I will pay respects to it for general good blessing’, it was indeed in Pete’s nature to do that. Nothing is a coincidence. Once again, they’re mirror images of each other.
(Vegas + the main family)
The first time we saw Vegas and Korn in the same room was when Macau came running in to the meeting room after getting bashed in his head. But the first time we really saw them interacting was in ep 14 (correct me if I’m wrong though). I love that scene for so many reasons and all of them are because of Vegas and it being the culmination of the family drama in the show (!!!! bounces in excitement)
This face when Vegas realised that his uncle had killed his father and was about to draw his gun at him:
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It just struck me that it was nothing like all the faces he had made before when he was about to torture or kill Kinn/Porsche earlier in the episode too. This is just the face of a boy broken for life, yes?
He draws his gun but he doesn’t shoot right away. Why? What directly got him retreating was not at all Pete telling not to shoot - Pete said that before Vegas drew his gun and was standing away from Vegas’ sight the whole time. It was only right after Korn dismisses his guards and tells Vegas that he will take care of him and Macau, that Vegas stops and leaves.
His uncle just killed his father - maybe it was an inevitable ending he was expecting. But was he expecting his uncle to react so calmly and even extend mercy to his family? I want to know so badly what their relationship was like. How did they interact all along before this? Judging from what we’ve seen of Korn, I’m sure he would have been a respectable and presentable uncle. I’m sure they had family gatherings especially when grandfather (who kidnapped Porsche mama) was still alive.
Hesitating to shoot such an uncle, for a man with a strong sense of loyalty and family? Sounds fair. I would like to think that is the reason of his struggle there since Vegas has no qualms about killing people. Killing people is fine for him but killing his uncle is different. Additionally, I like to think that he was also thinking about Macau’s well-being. If he died here as a murderer of the main family’s leader, what would happen to Macau?
Also bringing us to this one shot in this same scene of Kinn gently shaking his head at Vegas pointing his gun at Kinn’s own dad:
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I’m enthralled. It wasn’t an expression of anger or disgust, it was deep disapproval hand in hand with concern. Or something like that. I don’t know if Vegas saw that but I would like to see his face if he registered that. It just felt like a conscious choice to me that Kinn was shown doing this in the midst of an intense moment between his dad and his cousin. I want to know what was going through his brain.
What I would like to extrapolate from this is that there is ultimately not really any real hostility between them, personally. Just as Korn had (even for secretly manipulative reasons) shown gentleness and mercy as a family member to his nephew who was trying to kill him at that moment, I want to think so that Kinn was raised to react similarly except without the ulterior motives Korn harbours.
Did they get along as kids somehow? How have they always been interacting with each other before Porsche came into the picture? I can’t shut up about how Vegas has always referred to Kinn in affectionate familial terms - as p’rung (idk the correct romanisation), the second brother. (Hits close to home because I also refer to my own cousins on sibling terms). Even when he had been harbouring desires to kill Kinn, they’re still family. The only reason he wanted so badly to kill Kinn is the agony that he can never get away from the fact that his family is beneath his. It’s that they are, unfortunately, family.
I lowkey resent that I don’t really have much to say about Vegas and Kinn’s relationship in relation to the topic of this post. I just love them as each other’s foils - both forced to grow up too soon as crown princes of their families and main protectors of their brothers but each raised by two quite different fathers who are brothers in rivalry + Vegas having a one-sided obsessive rivalry with Kinn which is just too funny. The drama sadly doesn’t give me as much as I would have wished for. But we make do. <3
That’s all. ✌️
#kinnporsche#vegas theerapanyakul#theerapanyakul family#vegaspete#my posts#and in this house we dont talk about ep 10 vegas except how he was seducing kinn's loved ones left right centre#i have a soft spot for chinese community portrayals in thai media bc they're inevitably teochew in some way and i'm teochew#(not that kp presents anything distinctively teochew. unlike mafia lakorns set in the 60s)#it's a more reliable source of southern chinese rep than cdramas. and also ofc immigrant/seasian chinese culture too#by ep 9 i was saying vegas being the epicentre of the kp narrative was closer to what i wished the show to be#vegas and kinn's narratives are like two shoots off the same branch for me#so ideally kinn's story would also have rocked me the same way vegas does...but you know. yeah#the way you can't tell but I KNOW half of this is like me exporting my hlht brain into vegas.pdf#when i say i started watching kp thru hlht lens i mean it LOOSELY. like i'm actively shaping it in my mind to be a much fuller#character-centric family dysfunction + political intrigue drama that i desire it to be. and i had to borrow ideas from THE exemplar#this isnt even meta it's just me running my mouth off based on the most tangential clues and making sense it thru my own brain#bc i NEED to study vegas in the context of his family#of course in NO way xdq and vegas are the same. but they are a very similar kind of desperate son-heir archetype#both morally grey but INTERESTINGLY. each are on the opposite ends of the moral greyness spectrum#oH- AND THEY BOTH TORTURED THEIR LOVE INTERESTS BEFORE KNOWING/FALLING LMAO#and i had a galaxy brain moment like. i was talking about xrj and his sons the other day. we dont know how he raised xdl#but it was as good as xdq being more like a father figure to xdl than xrj ever was#and it was probably how xdl turned out so well-adjusted unlike his three older brothers!!!! lol#xdq and xdl vs. vegas and macau parallels waaaa-#anywaysss. oh god vegas. what a guy#def the most complex and layered thing this drama has#this was supposed to be a quick post but it turned into a full-length meta that i have been working on for days...wtf
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docholligay · 1 year
Misc Ep 1
Hello! This is about the pilot of Yellowjackets, and ONLY the pilot of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond the first episode, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside  information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading  questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open!
I think the expectation is that you’ll be more interested in the whole idea that these girls end up hunting each other for sport or ritual or whjatever, and, the first episode seems to imply, fucking eating each other. I do think that’s great, and all, as a consequence ofd things, but what I’m mostly into is something that, luckily, at least in this pilot, the show seems into as well: How do these girls become this thing? How does a human being break down? What is it about fear that brings forth ritual, how does ritual sometimes cover or cleanse violence, what is it about humanity that needs ritual as a way of getting both closer to and further from our actions? 
We know this from the get-go. We’re shown this before we get to know any of the girls, before we get to know any of the girls, before we get to reflect on how nice and normal and accomplished we are. It’s not interested in rubbernefcking at normal people becoming something difficult, becoming something that bridges the gap between the new world of a sort of sterilized tribalism, and an old world very obvious and, daresay more honest, level of violence and tribalism. We’ll see if I still feel like that’s part of the discussion in a few episodes. Everything is hard to tell from a pilot.
How do i feel about Natalie? I’m not sure, I don’t really know enough about her. I have a couple mild worries, but I don’t actually have a BASIS for those, when I think about it. All I have is vague vibes, and it’s absolutely unfair to judge something off of a vibe I have based on OTHER narratives. So, I reserve judgement. I definitely want her goddamn Porsche and rifle, that’s for sure. The show, I think, I hope, wants to tell us something with her story. That she percieves a threat and jumps to violence--we see that in the flashback with her, as well. Natalie’s first impulse is to strike. This is not new and this is not news, and maybe, takoing this back to Shauna, it’s showing how MANY of them have never managed to move forward from the person they were while they were a Yellowjacket. 
I had a girl like Laura Lee on cheer squad, and it may not surprise you to know we had a contentious relationship at best, as I often took to sighing and snapping gum while she led prayer. 
Misty. Misty! I was so fucking sure when we saw her in the pep rally we were going to get all that dumb bullshit about how everyone is SO MEAN to the poor nerdy one blah blah wah wah. But no! It’s much more realistic than that. They just don’t want to be friends with her. They ignore her. I love that moment when Nat sees her and then she disappears, because she’s not an entity to them, she’s just a fucking ghost. She’s a nothing. The show takes pains to show that she DOESN’T fucking know how to act socially. She’s the kind of cruel where she would happily sit and watch a rat struggle and drown. When she’s an adult, she’s bitter and vindictive to people who try her. Even a sick old woman. She’s not a nice or good person, and I love so much that the show is like, IMMEDIATELY when we see her as an adult, “If you were looking for an innocent little gumdrop rainbow sad nerd, Misty ain’t it” and that actually will give me space to LIKE Misty. 
So much of the team dynamic feels so authentically like whoever was writing this did time on a high school girls’ sports team, because this is genuinely one of the only things I’ve ever seen that reminds me of cheer, which was far far more “Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me” than everyone holding hands and gay kissing and doing it each other’s makeup (It was also that though. Life is complicated) I love that they get into an absolutely bitter fight the night before they leave at the bonfire. Truly enjoyed it. (Tag yourself, I’m Van grabbing another beer before we all have to talk about our feelings.) 
By the by, that whole huge it out bullshit in a secluded part of the party is definitely a shade toward their time in the woods, and Jackie’s approach and i know I basically already went into it, ut I definitely have to mention it again. 
Double by the by: Putting a pin in the whole “best things about each other” for the end of the seasons and I’m hoping someone reminds me because I think we will come BACK to these qualities and see them either revealed or destroyed. 
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
so im pretty excited abt ur abo kp fic which is new to me bc i normally dont care abt abo? this isnt shade or bullshit btw i hope i just wanted to ask how u conceptualize gender and sex in abo? tags on the notfic r 100% right btw more trans abo. im always put off by most abo for the idea that cis male omegas basically?? have a cloacae for an anus but also a dick? it feels too alien for a non paranormal genre. do u think anatomy ought to be addressed more or left to suspension of disbelief?
right straight off the bat we're putting this one behind a readmore, because i don't want to wig anyone out. a/b/o be weird.
essentially, the way i conceptualise a/b/o and how gender and sex work is:
male/female - usually identifiable at birth, with obviously some grey area in there for intersex people.
alpha/beta/omega - surfaces during puberty, at which point the body changes in whichever way the subgender inclines.
i usually write it that it's not really possible to tell how someone's subgender will present until it does, because i think the inherent tension between "this is how i was treated growing up" vs. "this is how people treat me now" gives the most room for social commentary, and character growth, which is one of my favourite parts of a/b/o. so everyone's body has the base potential to go any subgender way.
relatedly, one of my least favourite tropes in a/b/o is the trope where a character unexpectedly discovers they're an omega and they hate it and take drugs to make themselves a beta, and they wish they were a beta/alpha and as a reader i just have to sit there like, and the logical ending to this story ISN'T that they're trans????
in fact, this trope irritated me so much that i fully outlined and started writing an original fic where the main character gets the whoops! all omega! reveal and instead of hating it and hiding it, feels fulfilled and more comfortable in himself, because it enables him to put into words and be accepted for aspects of his gender identity that have existed his entire life.
ahem. omega biology. back on track.
male omegas are one of those fandom tropes that i just... choose not to look at too closely. science brain well and truly turned off. because of how the kinnporsche mpreg fic is structured (porsche not knowing he's pregnant, and not knowing he could become pregnant) -- we're probably looking at assbabies for that one, though i usually prefer to go the male omegas are intersex (and female alphas are, as well) route, just because it makes most sense to me. but -- this is fanfic. things only make sparing amounts of sense 20% of the time.
truthfully, i think the question of anatomy depends on the fic. i do think there is a level of suspension of disbelief that is needed to read a/b/o, but to me that's true of all sci-fi. a lot of genre studies essays on sci-fi talk about this idea of a novum, a point of divergence that makes the sci-fi story different from our world. it can be a thing, an idea, a hypothetical. for example, in mass effect, the novum is the mass drivers. in star trek it's the warp core. in the martian, it's leaving a man behind on mars. and with sci-fi, you're not meant to question the novum. it's the foundational part of the universe. sci-fi is the question, "what if [x] was different?"
so with a/b/o, the novum is, well, it's the a/b/o dynamics. "what if human reproductive biology was on crack?" the bits i'm interested in are the answers that spiral out from that question -- i'm not really focused all that much on the question itself.
but, like i said, it depends on the fic. if the fic's question is, "so, if we do have these a/b/o dynamics, how does the biology actually work?" then obviously it's a bit more relevant. but i've only seen one or two a/b/o fic that approach the matter like that.
hope that makes sense!
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