#house of sverre
scotlandsladies · 2 years
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Scotland’s Ladies Month in History ✧ SEPTEMBER
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germanpostwarmodern · 4 months
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House (1963-64) in Norrköping, Sweden, by Sverre Fehn
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royalbloopers · 2 years
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venicepearl · 2 years
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Christina of Norway (1234 – 1262) was the daughter of Håkon IV and his wife, Margaret Skulesdatter. She was born in Bergen. As part of an alliance she was betrothed to Philip, brother of Alfonso X of Castile. They married in 1258, and she lived in Castile until her death four years later. Tradition states that Christina desired that a church dedicated to St Olaf should be built in Castile. 750 years later, "a modernized version of [a] simple pre-Roman church" was built and dedicated in Covarrubias, Spain.
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yanderambling · 1 year
concept: Forest Cryptid!Yandere(gn) x Recluse!Reader(gn)
words: ~ 2.3k
CW: 18+, yandere behavior, arson, attempts on reader's life (brief and ineffective), goddamn long, barely proofed
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Sverre has lived in this forest for centuries, the benevolent and undisputed sovereign of the vast woodland and all its inhabitants, and it’s been well over 200 years since a human last disturbed their grounds.
Then you showed up. And you just went and made yourself at home.
It was admittedly impressive, the speed with which you set up all your living facilities- Sverre only found you a day before you’d finish construction in earnest, and they’re diligent about their (admittedly vast) territory.
They immediately set about counter measures, none too keen on sharing their land with a member of such a notoriously violent and greedy species. However, past experience has taught that they must take care not to reveal themself. If you see them and make it out, you’ll come back with a mob. But, if they kill you, a mob will come searching for you anyway.
They’ve learned it’s safest to sabotage from the shadows, to remain subtle and unseen, a silent tormentor of darkness.
So they set your house on fire.
Or, what they thought was your house. It turned out to be your cooking shed.
They’d just barely made it to the treeline when you came rushing out of the other building with some kind of long snake, pointing it at the flames and forcing it to spit water until they extinguished.
They didn't count on that.
But it was just a minor miscalculation, they’re rusty is all.
So they regroup and try again the next day, seeing as you were already on alert that night, but they actually go for your living space this time.
Which turned out to be a bigger mistake, because apparently you keep that snake and several buckets right next to it- and you're a bit of a night owl. The wood had barely even ignited before you'd doused it, and Sverre was lucky not to be spotted as they dashed across the small clearing you'd made your home.
In their third attempt, they decide to bypass the possibility of a snake entirely and just smash the building down with you inside.
They blame their enthusiasm about the brilliant idea for them not noticing the snare trap until it cinched around their leg.
Sverre barely has time to yelp and struggle against the wire before your thundering voice makes them freeze.
They snap their head around to face you, a reflexive snarl ripping from their throat as they see you stalking toward them with an axe in hand.
"Don't give me that." Something in your tone makes Sverre instantly go silent as you stop in front of them; your unwavering confidence in the face of their rage is certainly disconcerting. "You're the fucker that's been torching my place, aren't you?"
Your voice is low, almost a growl, and it sends a peculiar shiver through Sverre's body. They give you a quizzical look, properly baffled by your lack of reaction to their inhuman form.
It doesn't seem like you actually wanted an answer, because you carry on almost immediately. "The fuck's your problem?"
Sverre steels themself as they look down at you. You're a good couple yards away, too far for them to reach. Their eye catches on the moonlight reflecting off your axe, and they can't help but notice how steady your grip is.
Why are you so sure of yourself? Other would be shaking out of their skin at the mere sight of them! Your unprecedented fortitude is making them less sure of themself by the second.
"What the hell are you, even?"
Okay, rude. Fair, but rude. They just narrow their eyes at you.
You hold their gaze easily, your sharp eyes reflecting nothing but self-assuredness and righteous indignation- they're sort of entrancing, so intense it almost hurts for Sverre to keep your stare.
They only last a few seconds before their eyes flit away almost reflexively. You huff a laugh.
"Alright, you know what? Whatever." You take a couple steps closer, Sverre cowers back without noticing. "Look, I'm a nice person. I'm gonna tell you this, and I'm only gonna tell it to you once, so listen good."
Despite the snarl that curls their lip, Sverre feels all their senses zero in on you upon your command.
"I don't know what your setup was before, but I'm here now, and I'm gonna keep being here until I decide not to be. It's a big forest, and I'm not hurting anybody, so I think you can learn to share. That said, if I see you near my home again-"
You swing the axe high over you head. Sverre flinches as you bring it down... on the thick wire of the snare, severing it with ease.
"I'm not gonna start with a conversation. Got it?"
Sverre can only stare down at you in shock as they feel the tension around their leg dissipate.
Are you... letting them go?
"Now, get!" Sverre startles and scrambles backward before they can even process your words. You wave the axe a bit and shout again, causing them to turn and dart as far away as you could possibly want them.
They don't stop until they're well on the other side of the forest and panting with exertion.
...What the hell was that?
None of the humans they've come across have ever been like this. None of them have ever dared to come so close to them, let alone speak in such a belittling manner. Honestly, who the hell do you think you are? Don't you know how powerful they are? Don't you know they could tear you to shreds in seconds? (But then why didn't they? They don't know!)
To be fair, your little speech wasn't entirely incorrect; you aren't causing any notable damage to the forest, which already sets you apart from nearly every human they've encountered before.
Yes, there's definitely more to you than Sverre originally thought. They decide you require further study.
In the following days, they take to following you everywhere you go. And they collect some fascinating data.
They learn that you're clever, that you find new routes through harsh terrain to access resources, that you can make a wide variety of tools for harvesting plants and accessing water. They learn that you're strong, that you can carry logs and boulders through the forest with ease, that your muscles move so tantalizingly under your glistening skin. They learn that you're kind, conscientious of the world around you in a way few living things are. They learn that you're absolutely enrapturing when you bathe yourself in the stream. They learn that you look so peaceful in sleep that it makes them want to curl around you and succumb to unnecessary slumber just to feel you like this.
They spend all their time watching you, taking in every action and shift with hungry eyes, obsessively recalling your sharp voice berating them again and again.
You're unlike anything they've ever seen. You're exceptional, capable, fierce, captivating, glorious-
They simply must take such an extraordinary creature as their mate.
When you wake up to a dead deer on your doorstep one morning, you don't exactly get that message.
You see a torn up, bloody corpse and assume it's a threat from that strange creature you encountered the night before. Loathe as you are to waste meat, you'd rather not be poisoned, so you drag the deer far away from your home or any water sources and bury it with a whispered blessing (Sverre would come to admire your high regard for the sanctity of life. You understand the way of the world, everything is consumed by something else eventually, but that does nothing to diminish the respect you hold for all living things- every life taken for the continuation of another deserves to be honored. They think it's beautiful, but at this moment...).
Sverre is highly offended.
But, they realize that you must still be upset about the fires and murder attempts and what all, so you likely need them to prove their dedication and earn your forgiveness before you accept their affections.
That’s just fine, it’ll make it all the sweeter when you do.
At least, that’s what they have to tell themself to get through each day. After just (ha, “just”) four of them, it’s starting to feel hopeless.
You’ve rejected every gift they’ve offered- another two deer (which you dragged to a different hemisphere of the forest), a bunch of rabbits in case you don’t like venison (you almost preferred lugging the deer over disposing of those five fuzzy corpses), bundles of vegetation and fruits in case you don’t like meat (you’ve been foraging all your food so far, to be fair, but that just makes you extra suspicious of these strange plants you haven’t seen around before), they even offered you the strongest wood to rebuild your cooking shed (you assumed it must be flimsy or rotten inside or cursed)- and you still shout and threaten them whenever you catch them lingering near your home.
It’s just not fair.
They’ve toiled tirelessly to show both their remorse and their dedication; they defend your dwelling places from wayward predators, they keep guard over you every second of the day (and night), they bring you only the highest quality offerings to keep you comfortable and safe.
They’ve more than proven they’ll be a suitable mate, but you haven’t given an inch.
They try to satiate themself with what scraps they can obtain; stealing your clothes to line their nest with your intoxicating musk, running their tongue over the handles of your tools where they can still taste your skin oils clinging to the wood, sneaking into your home when you're out and laying in your bed, soaking in your scent and reveling in the feeling of being so close to something that was close to you- but it’s not enough.
It’s never gonna be enough.
They need to try harder. If you won’t accept their offers of gifts, they’ll just have to take away the choice. They’ll just have to do something about it.
It only makes sense that they would fix what they broke. It didn't occur to them that they don't actually know how to mend a cooking shed until about the third nail in their hand.
It also didn't occur to them that construction is a noisy process until you came barreling out of your house in an obvious state of disarray.
"Hey! The fuck did I tell you?"
Sverre rips their hand away from the building, bringing a large piece of wood with it. They're just tearing out the nail and throwing the board to the ground as you skid to a stop before them.
Your gaze alone is enough to make their legs lock. They can't even consider escape, they just cower down and await your punishment.
But it doesn't come.
They risk a glance up, only to see you staring down at them with those enthralling, calculating eyes.
They can't break the stare, even though they now desperately want to. They feel their heart clench when you do so with a (downright musical) laugh and a slap to your forehead.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
Sverre idly admires how the moonlight reflects off your skin, wondering if it's the last sight they'll see.
You lift you hand just enough to meet their eye again.
"Were you trying to fix it?"
They duck their head in shame.
This was a stupid idea. Maybe they aren't a suitable mate after all; all they can seem to do is mess up and upset you. They'd rather your axe to their head.
Another laugh, Sverre really wishes they were in a position to appreciate that lovely sound. "Jesus, is that what this has all been about? An apology?"
...Close enough. It's not like it'll matter in a few seconds. The only answer they give is a quick glance your way before training their eyes on the ground once more.
You let out a long breath. "Okay... okay. Damn. I wasted a lot of deer, huh?"
Sverre can feel tension gripping every muscle in their body as they await your response to this revelation. They can only imagine how they must look, an apex predator prostrated before a mere human for reasons nearly beyond their comprehension. They wish you didn't hold so much power over them, that your neutral tone didn't make panic further stir in their gut.
"Oh, don't you look just pitiful?"
Sverre feels a fission of pleasure shoot down their spine at your deprecating tone.
"Alright, get up. Here's what's gonna happen: you're gonna bring me another deer tomorrow, I'm gonna fix up somewhere to cook it, and then we'll see about calling us even. Sound good?"
Sverre can hardly believe their ears. Good! So good! More than good!
Their enthusiasm is enough to propel them to a standing position so they're looming over you once more (such an oddly unnatural feeling...), and you don't even flinch at the sudden motion.
They just stare at you for a few seconds, desperate to commit this image, this moment, to memory. They can feel a pleased purr starting to build in their throat, a sound they haven't made in years.
Maybe it's longer than a few seconds, because you seem to get impatient again before waving them off, though much less angrily than usual.
"Go on, I'm beat. And I still gotta fix this mess tomorrow."
Sverre obediently sweeps away into the wood, happy to ignore the extra work they've created for you in favor of focusing on their new chores.
They stay up all night collecting a feast for the two of you to enjoy together, helplessly fantasizing about the perfect domesticity of your future matehood now that you've accepted their advances. They'll show you what a good mate they can be, how well they can provide for you, how happy they can make you.
They'll win you over if it's the last thing they do.
You go to sleep still wishing you hadn't thrown out all those deer.
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headtripped · 2 months
MUN INTRO: hey! my name's peyton [th/th, cst, 21+] & i'll be writing for sverre olsen, lee hyeon, selena palacio & dylan hwang here. you can find me on discord @ #seamonkeydefender & please feel free to add me w/o asking as well! discord is my preferred plotting method. all of my characters are on sideblogs aside from sverre, so i will be dming from @portra400s when necessary... hehe
CHARA INTRO: next up, lee hyeon. he's a 25yr old city boy, currently "visiting" yuseong bay (re: staying here indefinitely) to ride out some bad press, as he was an idol up until his group noisily disbanded in late 2023. he's always been interested in cars/had some mechanic experience so he's now the shop hand at park's garage. you can view his stats here & his pinterest here if interested!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?: has visited a few times before, but moved to yuseong bay indefinitely in february 2024.
what does an average day look like for your muse?: wake up around 6:30 or 7:00am, skincare/brush teeth, go for a jog around town, go back home to have breakfast, go to work, go home to shower and change clothes, go out for a while (probably for a joyride, but maybe somewhere to socialize), go home to spend the rest of the evening helping out around the house or working on music, go to sleep.
where can your muse usually be found?: during the day, he's usually at park's garage. aside from that, he's known to just cruise around in his car; though it is somewhat common to see him in the recreation center's gym or at 88& bar.
how does your muse feel about hanwha resort?: indifferent. it doesn't affect him in any way, but he's currently living with his best friend's grandparents, and he feels a bit sad for them that their quiet little town is becoming a little less quiet. still, he doesn't care a whole lot as it doesn't seem to have done any real harm to the area, and is more just of a nuisance than anything from what he can see.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?: he's waiting out bad press, so he'll probably be in yuseong bay until (a) his location leaks or (b) he can search his name without the disbandment news & articles about him being sued being the first things to come up. he was young when he started training to be an idol & only 18 when he debuted, soooo he's also just now getting a chance to (kind of) relax for the first time in his life—these are his motivations to stay, but he's a city boy at heart & does want to return to being a public figure when the drama dies down, so he'll have to leave sooner or later.
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse's three favorite songs: cleanin' out my closet by eminem, shark attack by limp bizkit, humble by kendrick lamar (honorable mentions: liberation by skyminhyuk & gottasade by bewhy); a fan of hip-hop & heavy rock.
describe your muse's style: simple, straight-forward. a closet full of basics in a dark color palette, but if pay him any mind, you’ll see that most of what he wears is designer—he’ll define his taste as “quiet elegance,” but it’s mostly just his pretentiousness speaking. occasionally wears accent pieces or graphic tees, but mostly stays minimalistic with layered jewelry as the “point”.
color, word, and emoji to describe your muse?: burnt sienna, "noise", 🔥
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse: really likes reptiles, racing, fashion / really doesn't like scifi, having to share anything, being disagreed with.
three positive and negative traits for your muse: positive decisive, hard-working, supportive / negative dishonest, unloyal, volatile.
three talents and shortcomings for your muse: very musically skilled, esp with producing, great at making decisions when no one else can/wants to (he'll never make you choose where to eat), very handy / poor control on his emotions, often acts without thinking, starts shit he can't finish.
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to?: mostly mac, some dennis (it's always sunny).
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome: hyeon's a very self-focused person. he's not quite as bad as he was when he was a little younger, but he's still quite aggressive & quick to use people for personal gain, then ditch them when they have nothing left to offer—doesn't necessarily want to be like this, and he's gained some self-awareness in recent times. so, it'd be nice if he can (start to) overcome this and view people as... people... instead of tools to get himself further in life!!! which will hopefully be easier for him in a place like yuseong bay anyway, where life is a little slower and the people are more genuine than what he's used to. aside from this, he has some inner child healing he needs to do and also needs to rediscover his own personality outside of the public image he's curated.
hyeon was the main rapper/subvocalist of a boy group called twi5t. debuted in 2017, disbanded in late 2023. they were pretty popular and believed by the public to be not just coworkers, but very good friends—which amplified this positive, ideal perception the public had of them. tl;dr is that they all hated each other. the only real friendship was between hyeon and one other member, who happens to be from yuseong bay and whose family hyeon's currently staying with.
in his stint as an idol, hyeon was originally the least popular member of twi5t. had an attitude scandal not long after debut, so he was under scrutiny already and it didn't help that he had a rough sense of humor and a tendency to use banmal with people he ought to be respecting. over the years, he gained (some) public favor thru the extensive producing he did for the group and other groups within the industry, solo variety show appearances, community service he was forced into, etc etc. but even as people cut him more slack and started to like him, he was perceived as being the most problematic one in the group which was... not true...
but i digress. he was one of the first members to start releasing solo music, which he "bribed" the company into. basically said "hey i'll let u guys have more of the profits than stated in my contract if u let me do this" because he was like... 21 and stupid as hell JBSDHJVSBDF like... he really thought that if he gave them a leg up, it would prevent them from trying to fuck him over. spoiler: it didn't. ultimately his contract was amended and resulted in the profits from everything with his name as an individual on it being split 60% to the company and 40% to him, but he didn't realize this was a permanent thing until a few years down the line when people who'd featured on his songs were making more money off said songs than he was. atp he was one foot out the door, not caring too much about the company or group 'cause fuck those guys for real...
still tried to be on his best behavior and was gonna wait out the contract, but shit started going extremely south with the group in 2023 and hyeon got sued into the ground for slander & breach of contract over a drunk instagram live he did where he was talking about it. aired out not only the group, but the company's business—basically talking about how the members didn't get along, citing a few instances, bitching about management never helping and just sweeping problems under the rug, mentioning how the company trapped him in an unfair contract, etc etc. so yea... his reputation's in the dirt!
anyway... he's 25 now. his brain's finally fully developed. he's learned from his mistakes. he's a better & smarter man than he used to be, but still has a long way to go. picked up a job at park's garage not longer after moving to yuseong bay, as he doesn't like to have too much time to sit around and sulk—helps that he's extremely interested in cars & had some prior mechanic experience from pre-debut and sidework for friends throughout his career.
speaking of cars........ he has two: a 2008 mitsubishi eclipse spyder, which usually sits @ the garage and his flashy daily driver, a 2022 mclaren 765lt. who's he pissing off when he goes joyriding with the top down?
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royal-confessions · 4 months
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“It’s crazy to me that people complain about Sofia being treated differently when Sverre Magnus is not even considered part of Norway’s Royal House which is limited to those in the direct line of succession.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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Dette landet Harald berget med sin kjemperad, dette landet Håkon verget, medens Øyvind kvad; Olav på det landet malet korset med sitt blod, fra dets høye Sverre talet Roma midt imot.
Bønder sine økser brynte hvor en hær dro frem; Tordenskjold langs kysten lynte, så den lystes hjem. Kvinner selv stod opp og strede som de vare menn; andre kunne bare grede, men det kom igjen!
Visstnok var vi ikke mange, men vi strakk dog til, da vi prøvdes noen gange, og det stod på spill; ti vi heller landet brente enn det kom til fall; husker bare hva som hendte ned på Fredrikshald!
Hårde tider har vi døyet, ble til sist forstøtt; men i verste nød blåøyet frihet ble oss født. Det gav faderkraft å bære hungersnød og krig, det gav døden selv sin ære — og det gav forlik.
- Ja, vi elsker dette landet - Yes, we love this country (1864)
Yes, we love this country as it rises forth, rugged, weathered, over the water, with the thousands of homes, love, love it and think of our father and mother and the saga-night that lays dreams upon our earth
Norwegian man in house and cabin, thank your great God! The country he wanted to protect, although things looked dark. All the fights fathers have fought, and the mothers have wept, the Lord has quietly eased so we won our rights.
Yes, we love this country as it rises forth, rugged, weathered, above the sea, with those thousand homes. And as the fathers' struggle has raised it from need to victory, even we, when it is demanded, for its peace will encamp (for defence).
There’s no real proper translation of the song traditonally sung to celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day on 17 May.
‘Ja vi elsker’ has a long history as a nationalist song and a song of protest. In the last days of the Norway-Sweden union, Swedish socialists sang the song in support of the Norwegian right to leave the union.
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During World War II, Norwegian resistance members used the song. It had originally been used by Nazi collaborators as a propaganda song, but the regime eventually banned its use because of its connection to the resistance.
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson began to write the lyrics of what he intended to be a patriotic song around 1859. An accompanying melody was written by his cousin Rikard Nordraak sometime during the winter of 1863-1864. The song's first public performance took place on 17 May 1864, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Norwegian constitution.
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Over many decades, Ja vi elsker eventually replaced Sønner av Norge (Sons of Norway) as the de-facto national song, but both were used for long periods of time until the early 20th century. In December 2019, Norway officially adopted Ja vi elsker as the official national anthem.
While Ja vi elsker is commonly heard at sporting events and on the constitution day, there are other national songs used in various situations. Sønner av Norge had the title of national song for many decades. Since 2011, Ole Paus' Mitt lille land has been referred to as a “new national song” and it was used several times in connection with the 2011 terror attacks.
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There is also an unofficial Royal anthem known as Kongesangen, or the King's song. It is played alongside Ja vi elsker on 17 May. Brits will instantly recognise it as the melody is the same as the British national anthem, God Save the Queen.
Gratulerer med dagen!
17 May: Happy Constitution Day Norway!
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A “Palladian” Villa in Sweden: The Norrköping House by Sverre Fehn
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yuseonghqs · 2 months
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in 2005, there are three central facts that make up sverre olsen’s universe:
1. his favorite color is red.
well, mom says that he likes red anyway, so it makes sense for him to like red—too young to argue on it, too old to fully align himself with it, he wears his firetruck red 75% off parka with something that could almost be pride if he weren’t so embarrassed.
he’s not embarrassed because it’s red.
he’s embarrassed because the sleeves are too long, the shoulders are too boxy, and if he dares to zip it up, it swallows him completely. seven years old and he already doesn’t like how he looks; he’s got mom’s influence to thank for that, but when he tries to tell her he doesn’t like it, she tells him he will. she also says something about how clearance items can’t be returned anyway, and he’ll get used to it after wearing it a few times. he’ll have to, because he’ll be wearing it next year, too. says she bought it big so he’d have space to grow, but he’d keep growing whether he had the space or not, so he knows that what she means is ‘it’s cheaper this way’.
sometimes he hates his mom for being cheap, but he loves her, too, so he wears the jacket.
2. manners are more valuable than morals.
so when he’s begging for scraps, he should never forget to say please.
dad always gives him the same talk before sending him in to pizza paladino at 9:50pm more nights than he cares to count: smile (but if that doesn’t work, cry), say please, say thank you, say my mom is sick, say my dad is working late, say yes, my mom is home and so is my older brother (never tell them you don’t have a brother), ask if they have anything left and if they say that they don’t, ask if they’re sure. 
the speech always ends with “i’ll be waiting behind the building” and it takes sverre longer than he should to realize why they can never go in together, just like he can never figure out why they won’t just eat the food out of their pantry.
still, he does what dad tells him to and it usually works. no one wants to see a kid go hungry, so the teenagers and almost-adults send him out with a stale pizza on some nights, bags of breadsticks soggy with grease on others.
3. some people never should’ve had kids.
he hears pizza paladino’s manager (a man with frown lines deeper than dad’s) say that one night, right as he’s pushing the glass doors open at 9:50pm. he’s too young to be completely aware of himself, let alone of the stigma constantly attached to poor people, so he doesn’t really know that it’s about him until the girl with the glasses dismisses her manager.
she smiles at sverre in a way that’s almost apologetic. almost. instead, it’s tired, but he doesn’t understand that either, so he smiles back.
“my mom—” he starts, well-rehearsed. but then she interrupts him to ask if his mom is still sick, if she’s doing any better at all, and that’s not part of the script, so he stumbles.
“well. i don’t… know. i’m not sure. she’s just… sick.”
he stands there, stiff and awkward. he looks at the manager, sees him looking out the glass doors at something further back. he doesn’t think about what it is until his hands are full of greasy paper bags and he’s on his way. dad isn’t out back this time. no—today he’s standing right outside, smoking one of his lucky strikes.
the last thing that he hears before the door shuts behind him is this: “what a fucking loser.” he’s never sure whether it was about himself or his father.
age brings on awareness, and awareness alters the things that sverre knows to be true. by 2012, his universe looks like this:
1. his favorite color is beige.
sure, it’s beige, but it’s only beige because that’s the color of his grandma—of the porridge that she makes him in the morning after he’s spent a night at her house (“at a friend’s,” he tells his parents, and grandma always keeps his secret), of her favorite sweater, of the duvet on her guest bed.
the thing about grandma is that she’s honest. she wants to know why sverre comes over so often, and sverre tells her like it is: he used to sorta have friends, but they always wanted to go out and do things, and he never had the money to participate so they stopped inviting him. “it’s fine, anyway,” he tells her (with bloodshot eyes, with chapped lips), he just doesn’t want mom and dad to know. if they knew, they’d feel guilty, and they shouldn’t feel guilty.
grandma says that they should.
she says that the statements ‘i’m doing my best for my child’ and ‘it’s still not enough’ can coexist, and when she says it, he believes it.
he doesn’t want to hate his parents, but sometimes he does. other times, he dreams of making things better for them.
2. manners are more valuable than morals.
so when the man of the house raises his fist to his son, he’d better apologize.
it’s just that times are hard for everybody and sverre likes to talk too much. he takes up too much space, he asks for too much, he eats too much, he costs too much—worse still, he’s in the age of attitude and when dad says ‘i’m trying’, sverre asks if he’s sure.
everything changes in a half-minute: it starts with dad at the stove and sverre standing in the doorframe, watching him. it ends with his nose bleeding and dad’s hands balled into fists at his sides.
later that day, dad cries and no one’s there to calm him other than sverre, so he tries his best with what he has which isn’t much when it comes down to it. had he been coddled more as a kid, maybe he’d go for a hug, but as it stands, the most that he can come up with is a hand on dad’s back.
he says he’s sorry, he says that hurting sverre is the last thing he’d ever want to do and that he doesn’t know what got into him. he’s just been stressed lately. tired, too. everything’s just so much.
sverre repeats it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay and unknowingly sets the tone for the rest of his adolescence.
3. some people never should’ve had kids.
that’s what the school counselor tells him the one time that he stops by her office, both prefaced and followed by apologies.
he can’t say that he blames her—what else is there to say after a kid who’s only just introduced himself to you tells you that he’s tired (not physically, but mentally) and not sure how to fix it? that his dad hit him a couple days ago, but it was just a one-off thing and he knows he deserved it anyway? that he’s lonely? that school’s such a fucking drag, and no matter how hard he tries his grades don’t get any better, so he’s not sure what he’s going to do from here?
right. most adults would look him in the eyes and apologize first, then blame the parents. but sverre’s always loved his parents, mostly.
so he tells her that it’s not their fault either. asks her what the point of talking is if she doesn’t know what to say.
on his way out, he grumbles something about missing his lunch period for this load of bullshit.
the universe, circa 2016:
1. his favorite color is black.
well, not really, but doesn’t every angsty teenager go through this phase? black eyeliner, black nails, black lungs if those warnings that his mom gives him every time she catches him smoking one of dad’s lucky strikes are true—eighteen is gruesome and his fashion is the worst part.
he dyes his hair black with a cheap box-dye kit. he says it’s because he figured it would look cool, but it goes without saying that he does it for the attention that a stained bathtub is sure to bring.
he expects dad to be the angry one, but mom’s the one who speaks up. she doesn’t mention the bathtub, just his hair. she hasn’t touched him in god knows how long, but she touches him now, cold fingers pushing through his fried curls.
“why would you do this, sverre? you’re such a handsome blond.”
dad says that the black looks good.
both reactions make him feel unusually loved.
2. morals are more valuable than manners.
in other words, mom and dad were wrong all along.
it doesn’t matter how many times he says please, thank you, yes ma'am or no sir, there’s not a single university in europe worth mentioning that’ll take him in without money or extracurriculars. fuck the gpa; it’s nothing without decor.
“i told you you should’ve played soccer,” dad says, and something about it makes sverre want to hit him—but that wouldn’t be moral or polite.
3. some people never should’ve had kids.
this time, it’s a conclusion that sverre comes to all on his own. not out of contempt for his parents, but guilt. it’s just the way things go: when a kid’s brought up in a family that can hardly afford them, aren’t they bound to imagine a world without themselves in it?
he sees his dad without reasons to drink on the weekends, his mom without reasons to work so many hours that she hardly sees her family:
in this world, dad would be a professional soccer player (maybe retired by now, but with enough money to live comfortably) and mom would be a doctor, still working hard but with more to show for it. a stronger sense of accomplishment.
sverre olsen comes into the picture and the perfect world fades—he cries too loud, he grows too fast, he wants too much. there’s no time for either parent to go to school and hobbies are cast by the wayside.
if he were his father, he wouldn’t like himself much, either.
1. his favorite color is blue.
and this time he means it.
blue for all the girls who told him how handsome he would be if only he had blue eyes (and how many hours he spent staring into the sun, promising them his eyes could look blue if the lighting was right), blue for the lake where so many of his summer days were spent tossing crackers to ducks and sticking his feet into the pond despite signs saying not to get too close, blue for his father’s beat-up car that he always promised to pass down to sverre (and then totaled before he ever could), blue for the logo of jeju national university—
a school he spent a semester abroad at halfway through his undergrad studies, and one that starts to look a little bit like paradise as he’s applying for the gks grad scholarship with the help of his academic advisor. he looks better on paper than in practice, so he thinks his odds are good.
2. morals and manners are equally important.
because leaving his parents feels like the morally correct thing to do.
he’s not home much anymore, anyway. only on the weekends, but they can tell that his dedication is dwindling and they’re not paying his tuition just for him to tap out so close to the end, so sometimes they talk and sometimes he listens.
dad says that they ought to kick him out, encourage him to learn to live independently. mom says that he’s still so young and he’s still in school for now. dad says that won’t last forever.
he can’t blame them, anyway—he’s never fully applied himself anywhere, ambition dying with those long-lost pizza paladino pleas and he’s genetically predestined to fall through on each and every one of his promises, but that’s just the thing. it runs in the family. he knows that they look down on him, and sometimes he wonders if they know that he looks down on them, too: a cracked mirror, i hate what we are.
it’s a sunday when he tells them that he’s going to south korea.
3. some people never should’ve had kids.
because as much as they hate to admit it, mister and misses olsen’s lives are exponentially better without a child eating all of their food and taking all of their money.
sverre knows this because he sees their posts on facebook. they’ve been dining at restaurants more often, going on dates. dad seems happier and mom swears that his anger’s gone dormant, so sverre must’ve been the source after all. (she doesn’t say that part, but he knows).
and korea’s really not what he’d remembered it as being, but he doesn’t have the heart to admit that he wants to go home because what the hell would that make him look like? nothing good, he’s sure. 
he stays, and he does what he knows best: makes the most of what he has and hates his parents only a little bit for not giving him more.
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bluboothalassophile · 2 years
Vixen & the Fox & their Kits
So this isn’t my normal content, but it is some what original so it’s a bit of sample fanbabies and a sample of my own original characters, so please, be kind. That side, I hope those of you who read this, I hope you enjoy the level of chaos in this sample since I don’t want to delete it entirely.
Rúna was hanging in the middle of the forest, by her ankle, this was fucking embarrassing, and she was relying upon her little brother to undo the knot and get her down, this was going to hurt.
“Are you sure about this?” Sverre asked.
“Yeah, hurry up and get me down! You useless little troglodyte!” she shouted.
“This is gonna hurt.”
“Don’t be a smart ass, get me down!”
“Okay…” Sverre drawled.
Rúna yelped as gravity took hold, she curled, preparing for the crash, but there was a rush of magic she could feel as she landed in the ferns. Rolling to her feet she was about to come up swinging, a heavy hand caught her fist and she found herself looking up.
“DAD!” she shouted as a rush of gleeful relief rushed her.
“DAD!” Sverre jumped.
“Shit!” Dad yelped as he rushed to catch Sverre.
“DAD!” Rúna ran, her weapon clattering on the ground as she threw her arms around her dad and brother. Her dad’s arm was strong as he held her tight, and she was sobbing in relief as her knees gave out.
“It’s okay,” her dad breathed. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”
“Dad, it was crazy, there’s this nasty lady wearing Mom’s face, and she’s really sweet, and it’s gross!” Sverre filled in.
“Oh, so you met fake Mom too, wild one?” Dad chuckled.
“Yeah, I don’t like her… I used very bad adult word, Mom’s gonna wash my mouth out for a century,” Sverre whispered.
“Our secret,” her dad chuckled with a wink and Rúna gave a watery laugh as she hid in Dad’s shoulder. Rúna was trembling hard against her dad, feeling his hand going over her head and he was holding her close.
“Where’s Mom?” Sverre asked now looking around.
“Either burning the prisons down and dancing upon the graves of our enemies, or about to,” Dad sighed. “It honestly is going to depend on how much caffeine she’s gotten her hands on at this point.”
“Mom’s gonna be so happy to know you think that,” Rúna snorted.
“She knows,” Dad snorted. “And you’re grounded as soon as we have your mother and brothers back.”
“About that…” Rúna grimaced. Dad raised a brow as she peeked up at him.
“Kol?” Dad looked up in confusion. “Your children are menaces!”
“Klaus?” Dad sputtered. Rúna and Sverre released Dad as he looked at Uncle Klaus, then them and before Dad could react Uncle Klaus had Dad in a tight hug. “Klaus? You’re… here?”
Dad wasn’t hugging Uncle Klaus in return yet, he was standing there looking bewildered.
“Yes, of course I’m here!” Klaus huffed.
“Because my brother needs me, and his daughter is a disaster!”
“You’re still grounded Rúna!” Dad stated.
“Kol, so good to see you didn’t perish with the deity,” Uncle Elijah appeared.
Dad jerked himself out of the embraces as he turned on her. “Rúna you had better get talking!”
“I didn’t do anything dad!”
“Sigrún Audrey Mikaelson!” Dad snarled. A chill ran down her spine as she stepped back, and her father stepped towards her. “You Had Better Start Explaining!”
“I don’t know what I did!” she blurted out, pulling the Armillary Sphere from her pack and shoving it at Dad. “I Poofed my self by accident to New Orleans, Big House trying to get away from Ruprecht, and I was bleeding a lot, I don’t know what happened! I went to bed, and then I woke up, I thought it was a part of the game from the Wild Hunt and they’re real, I don’t know what I did!”
“You…” Dad growled. “You teleported yourself to Louisiana!?”
“Um… not intentionally,” she admitted.
“Rúna!” Dad groaned as he rubbed his brow and pinched the bridge of his nose. “From the top,” he ordered.
So Rúna started at the very beginning, from running away to go to Camelot, punching King Mordred in the face and breaking his nose, which Dad gave her a thumbs up for again, to running from the fae prince intent on marrying her, the Wild Hunt hunting her for the Armillary Sphere and her family being abducted. She brought up how she teleported herself to the safe place she could think of, as far from the Hunt as she could get so she could heal and figure out what to do next. She brought up how she didn’t know how the Mikaelson Clan, or a part of them were here, and they were real, she had stabbed a few of them for verification even. She told them how she accidentally teleported to Camelot, and there was this bit from the Lady of the Lake; the very lake Rúna accidentally teleported into about the True King giving Grace’s fiancé the sword Excalibur and how they got blasted by Mordred; and split up. Rúna still didn’t know how she had run into Sverre, but Tornassuk had some how been involved in Sverre’s escape, and they had just now gotten home and were going to Odd so she could collect both the money the dragon owed her and get help because he owed her a few favors. And in the process, they were running from dwarves because Rúna had stolen a sword for the Elven King, and she needed it more because she had to go slay a fae, and now they were here.
“You’re grounded, for the next eternity,” Dad stated. “And when I finally get my hands on your mother, she’ll ground you for the rest of eternity.”
“I know!” Rúna sighed as her head fell back. “I Fucked Up!”
“Big time,” Sverre said. She pushed her brother a little in irritation, he pushed her back which had them glaring at one another.
“She started it,” Sverre said.
“Between you two it’s amazing the world hasn’t burnt to the ground, enough!” Dad snapped.
“Sorry,” they muttered in unison.
“I never thought I’d see the day where Kol was being responsible,” Uncle Klaus said.
“Don’t even,” Dad turned to Uncle Klaus and Uncle Elijah. “And seriously, how the fuck did you get here?”
“There’s more of us here,” Uncle Klaus stated.
“Fuck,” Dad muttered. “Rúna, which Elven King did you steal from?”
“I’m not an idiot Dad.”
“That remains to be seen, which King?”
“Ivar?” Sverre asked gleefully.
“I’m stupid, not suicidal.”
“Sindri, it was an engagement gift, but we all know he can never use it,” she shrugged.
“At least it wasn’t Ivar,” Dad muttered.
“I’m stupid, not suicidal,” she repeated firmly. “Besides the dwarves were offended to be making such a gift for the King.”
“I’m surprised they were doing it at all,” Dad waved off dismissively.
“Can I see the sword you stole!?” Sverre demanded excitedly.
“No, gimme that!” Dad took it from Rúna then. She shrugged at her younger brother then and he pouted. “You two are going to give me white hair at the rate you two are going. Has anyone seen your brothers?”
“Not yet,” Sverre shrugged. “Bjørn can stay missing.”
“He’s your brother.”
“He’s annoying,” Rúna and Sverre stated in unison.
“We are finding your brothers, you don’t get to swap out siblings just because they’re annoying,” Dad stated.
“You’re one to talk,” Uncle Klaus muttered.
“I believe I was the spare, substitute sibling of our family so: fuck off Klaus, and why are you even here?” Dad demanded.
“Your offspring is a being of pure chaos who has zero impulse control,” Uncle Elijah stated.
“Still grounded Rúna,” Dad stated.
“I have impulse control.”
“About as much as your father and that is none,” Uncle Elijah stated.
“HA!” Rúna smiled triumphantly.
“Oh don’t even,” Dad warned her. “Despite my illustrious past, I never got myself engaged, started a civil war, attracted the Wild Hunt, and got the entire family abducted by said fae family attempting to marry me, so, Rúna, you have truly out done yourself young lady.”
“It is remarkable seeing Kol parent,” Uncle Elijah chuckled.
“This is not even the weirdest thing I’ve dealt with, she some how has a dragon in her debt and even having witnessed the events in its entirety, I still don’t know how she pulled that one off,” Dad sighed. Rúna shrugged, things just happened around her, and she rolled with it.
“Odd likes Rúna,” Sverre shrugged.
“Odd does like Rúna, and Mom, and I still don’t know how,” Dad muttered.
“The level of chaos in this conversation is unparalleled and to believe we’ve missed it,” Uncle Klaus mused.
“This is a perfectly normal conversation!” Rúna, Dad, and Sverre stated as they all glared at her Uncles then. Uncle Elijah snorted and Uncle Klaus doubled over laughing.
“I think we broke them, Dad,” Rúna informed him.
“I’m not that lucky,” Dad sighed.
“And you say we can’t trade out siblings,” Sverre muttered.
“No, you can’t,” Dad repeated. “Einar and Bjørn are not replaceable.”
“We just don’t think we should save them!” Sverre decided.
“I will have both of you tell your mother that.”
“On second thought Einar and Bjørn are fantastic brothers!” Sverre backtracked.
“That’s what I thought,” Dad muttered dryly.
“You named your son Einar?”
“After the cat, the cat saved Davina,” Dad answered. “Now, Rúna, is there anything else, anything at all, that I should know?”
Rúna frowned. “I told you everything Dad.”
“If you’re withholding anything, I will find out and when I’m through with you, you’ll have to face your mother,” Dad warned.
“Sucks to be you,” Sverre stated to Rúna which had her sighing as she walked over to Dad and leaned on him. Dad hugged her tight as she leaned on him and he sighed.
“I didn’t mean to do this,” she muttered.
“I know,” he soothed. “Your habit of falling into trouble is your mother’s way, and exasperating it is mine, and you do both very well.”
“I just want mom back,” she murmured as she clung to Dad.
“We’re going to get mom back, then you’re going to have deal with whatever punishment she thinks up,” Dad warned.
She gave a watery laugh as she hid against his chest again. “How are you here?”
“Well… they took your mother…” Dad answered.
“So you destroyed everything?” Uncle Klaus voice.
“Pretty much,” Dad answered.
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wikiuntamed · 2 months
Five steps of Wikipedia for Wednesday, 17th April 2024
Welcome, dobrodošli, bun venit, καλωσόρισμα (kalosórisma) 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Knut M. Ore" to "1930 FIFA World Cup squads". 🪜👣
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Start page 👣🏁: Knut M. Ore "Knut Magne Ore (born 1946) is a Norwegian business executive and Honorary Consul of Slovenia. He holds a siv.øk. degree at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in 1970, a Master of Business Administration degree at the University of California, Berkeley in 1971 and a degree..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Kvale.h
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Norwegian Glacier Museum "The Norwegian Glacier Museum (Norwegian: Norsk Bremuseum) is a museum in Fjærland, Vestland county, Norway.The building was designed by architect Sverre Fehn. In 2002 a decision was made to build an extension to the museum, which was also designed by Fehn. The museum also houses the Ulltveit-Moe..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Holger Uwe Schmitt
Step 2️⃣ 👣: Norway "Norway (Bokmål: Norge, Nynorsk: Noreg), formally the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, situated on the Scandinavian Peninsula. The remote Arctic island of Jan Mayen and the archipelago of Svalbard also form part of Norway. Bouvet Island, located in the Subantarctic, is a..."
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Image by Gutten på Hemsen
Step 3️⃣ 👣: 1938 FIFA World Cup "The 1938 FIFA World Cup was the third edition of the World Cup, the quadrennial international football championship for senior men's national teams. It was held in France from 4 to 19 June 1938. Italy defended its title in the final, beating Hungary 4–2. Italy's 1934 and 1938 teams hold the..."
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Image by Henri Desmé (?–?)
Step 4️⃣ 👣: 1934 FIFA World Cup "The 1934 FIFA World Cup was the second edition of the FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international football championship for senior men's national teams. It took place in Italy from 27 May to 10 June 1934. The 1934 World Cup was the first in which teams had to qualify to take part. Thirty-two..."
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Image by Gino Boccasile
Step 5️⃣ 👣: 1930 FIFA World Cup squads "Below are the squads for the 1930 FIFA World Cup tournament in Uruguay. Yugoslavia (3 players from French clubs) and Peru (1 player from a Mexican club) were the only teams to have players from foreign clubs. ..."
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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The development of modern architecture and design in Norway surely would have been different without the influence of Arne Korsmo (1900-68): especially through his early single-family homes designed throughout the 1930s Korsmo not only put Norway on the map of modern architecture but also introduced a new kind of dwelling and living to the Scandinavian country. Already his Dammann House (in which later Sverre Fehn lived) completed in 1932 is a surprisingly mature work for a young architect that channels influences from Erich Mendelsohn and Willem Dudok. For Korsmo architecture was about freedom and this freedom should be embodied by his houses. At the same time he also followed a poetic vision of architecture that connected building and site, man and nature and which found expression in what is probably his best-known design: the 1937 Stenersen House, a symbiosis of geometry and movement in which the building’s concrete skeleton enables a great freedom of movement on the interior. After the war, which had brought a halt to Korsmo’s practice, the architect under the impression of Japanese architecture refined the relationship of spatial order and flexibility. In 1945 Korsmo together with Jorn Utzon visited a Japanese tea house in the garden of the Stockholm Ethnographic Museum, an experience that he later translated to three houses in Oslo, one of which he inhabited himself: here a steel skeleton in combination with movable panels and furniture elements allowed for almost total freedom with regards to spatial flexibility.
Against the background of this significant oeuvre it is rather surprising that literature on Arne Korsmo isn’t exactly manifold, especially with regards to the English language. Christian Norberg-Schulz’s 1986 monograph „The Functionalist Arne Korsmo“ is a rare exemption and provides a thorough overview of the architect’s life, work and design philosophy by one who collaborated with him. The result is an emphatic account that nonetheless doesn’t omit that Korsmo’s public commissions in contrast to his residential designs are of lesser quality and thus manages to balance between detailed analysis and biographical account.
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royalbloopers · 2 years
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maxintense · 2 months
Sverre Fehn: Villa Schreiner (orthoslogos.fr)
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usalivemovienews · 6 months
Why a royal is missing from family’s Christmas photo The Norwegian royal family’s Christ... https://dev-usalivenews.pantheonsite.io/why-a-royal-is-missing-from-familys-christmas-photo/?feed_id=29370&_unique_id=65846488a87c7 #movie film movies
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