#house interior ideas i
survivalove · 7 months
Air Temple Island, the Water Tribes & the Real Life Influences that bring them together
I was gonna screenshot a post I saw and add it to my post but I don’t feel like giving that individual attention (and the 300+ notes they got), so I just decided to make my own standalone post debunking this narrative that air temple island is this fully air nomad brothel (yes they said this) with ZERO water tribe motifs which katara is forced to live in until aang passed away.
frankly it just reminded me of how little people in this fandom actually bother to analyze the actual content, instead preferring to write entirely made up scenarios of katara being reduced to an air nomad incubator along with dozens other female acolytes (yes they also said this lmao. also them acting like both male AND female acolytes weren’t living on the whole other side of the island 😭)
when in truth, i’ve come to find a lot of elements of both water tribes as well as traditional inuit elements across air temple island:
1. the paifang
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a traditionally chinese element that for some reason is exclusively found in the northern water tribe (why do they have a gate inside a throne room, you ask? ask the white people that made this show). the one on the left is actually one of two aang BUILT, at the main entrance and another at the temple entrance. this is just one example of water tribe design on the island.
2. the bagua mosaic
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another structure is the bagua mosaic on the training grounds. bagua is a set of traditional chinese symbols of the cosmology, taoism. the bagua composes of 8 sets of broken or unbroken lines that represent yin and yang. where have we seen yin and yang in the original series? oh yeah, as tui and la of the water tribe! (because atla is a mess of asiatic and indigenous motifs joined together and spread out across each nation, mainly traditionally chinese elements at that.) aang building this right next to the air nomad training grounds is a symbol of the dual bending heritage their children will have.
3. gold and blue accents
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now, gold and blue are the main colors of the exterior structures but is also very strong inside the air temple itself. note, the massive air nomad symbol designed fully in blue in the center and the blue banners and rugs throughout the temple. this is no doubt, for me, a visual depiction of both katara and aang’s representative cultures, but of course this is not limited to color only.
4. cloud carvings
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now, this is a slight detour since clouds aren’t a significant part of either of their individual cultures (that we know) but i love the kataang monopoly they have on clouds as a couple so i’m talking about it. if you look at these images very closely what do you see? CLOUD CARVINGS!! specifically near the ceiling of the pavilion (left) and the arches and walls of the temple (right) just imagining aang painting and etching these very consistent swirls, like he’ll never be the selfish inconsiderate unromantic loser you people want him to be, but let’s get more into the southern water tribe style interior.
5. interior design
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so here is a southern water tribe white lotus outpost vs the air temple island main dining room. first thing, the seat cushions and rug! while we don’t see air nomad eating quarters we do get to see enough SWT customs both in atla and lok, to know this is how they traditionally eat compared to the north (limiting myself on pics cuz mobile).
another thing is the dining table itself. both have what i believe to be built in fire pits (i couldn’t actually tell for the air temple island one cuz of the quality but if you zoom in you can see the lines go in the table plus the hanging kettle on it makes it obvious to me idk). the southern water tribe one however is clear and likely a more traditional version of what aang and katara have.
thirdly, the exposed timber on the ceiling. i actually looked it up and found this is a common element of these two inuit structures: left is an aasiaat peat house and right is an igloolik turf house. all this for me to believe not only did aang build air temple island to be a haven for the TWO of them but also that katara herself had a lot of input on the interior than people care to notice lol.
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maybe instead of projecting these loser fantasies of katara being some unwilling air nomad baby making machine so you can feel better about your fantasies of katara living in a red palace with people that tried to wipe her out for a whole century, you all can go study the actual canon you were shown and the real life cultures the franchise takes from.
6. lastly, some of my own headcanons/stuff i want to see in the movie
the bathroom because I LIVE for a white marble tiled bathroom. i just know katara has to have a HUGE tub and they have one of those insane glass showers that can fit like 3 people, with cloud swirls everywhere because aang clearly got it like that
the KITCHEN, i imagine it being timber like the dining room and is probably on the other side behind the built-in shelf (get into the details like hello). in a perfect world, it would be open plan but hey
the bedroom, now we saw it in lok a bit but i wanna see it in the gaang movie too. i’m on pic limit but there’s a lot of artwork and flowers throughout the whole house which i give katara credit for because I can. like the desk, the bookshelf, that fancy looking vase thing? these two clearly have taste like don’t talk to me rn
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I also didn’t show the rooms and aang’s study but there’s a lot of blue decor in those places which makes me think katara decorated the whole house, even the acolytes’ hall has blue sitting cushions and columns which i think is such a nice detail.
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if you guys have any air temple island headcanons of your own please reply with some i’m feening lol
big shoutout to this user:
atla-annotated (their page is so great and filled with a lot of incredible information if you guys like this sort of stuff)
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callmebrutus · 4 months
lowkey how i imagine The Shitshack
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puppyeared · 4 months
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sketches for sleight's van, the Magicmobile ^_^
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tricoufamily · 11 months
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if your dad pays double the housing tuition you can have a private dorm. gotta figure out what to do with the other half of the room
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rotteneldritchhorror · 3 months
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you know I'm cringe cause I remade the room from one of my minecraft mob fanfics a lil while ago and every time I log back into that world forgetting what I made in it, I immediately go to it and squeek out
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syninplays · 11 months
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Been wanting to build a proper manor for so long(!!!) and finally found the inspiration/time to do it so have way too many pics I took of my beloved build <3
ps: tumblr refused to upload every pic from the second floor so I'll leave those for another post :p Also, the house it's not done yet as I need to work on the backyard + the secondary build hehe
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thebramblewood · 1 year
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Some shots of Helena's bedroom!
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wildfangz · 6 months
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Been working on Kai's shitty trailer for a minute
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contrappostoes · 11 months
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hi guys...any ideas for a tiny house theme or a shop I could add to this multi-purpose lot I'm building? 🧍🏻‍♀️
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museenkuss · 5 months
“Art historians are either teachers, nerds or trophy wives” — I need my brain to understand that that’s a joke and not a career aspiration and, most pressingly, that we’re not actually in that position by default just because we’d be good at it.
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ohkate · 4 months
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// a bee board //
rules: go to pinterest, search "[your name] core aesthetic" and create a moodboard from the results.
tagged by @gallawitchxx | tagging the last people who reblogged from me: @metalheadmickey, @heymrspatel, @gallabitch73, @callivich, @everythingispointless23, @sickness-health-all-that-shit
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nopeferatu · 6 months
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my beautiful tree this year 🥺 she's glorious...
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andie-cake · 10 months
the boys gotta BEEG lambchop toy now
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
ohh butter lass i do wanna play sdv
#I got a thang for taking notes IN THE GAME ! im rly liking jt.. its helping me cut down on paper#bc everytime i play sdv i end up making 5 lists every season#but now i only need likee 1 piece of paper.. si that i cn plan out my planting + harvest schedules#i like t decide th layout of my plots before i even start itis fun.. ive never done one in th formation im using rn :DD#i think i stopped on umm spring 15.. and everything wsngoing awwsome :DD#I RLY SRSLY CANT PLAY I HAVE WORK TMRW. BUT OGIGKHKH#its my first time Actually playing with mods.. i like dabbled a couple years ago but i got overwhelmed#n i have a Pretty good amt but theyre modtly judt little tweaks . AND SEASONAL OUTFITS :DD#its also my first time using a recolor and i rly like it :] im using vibrant pastoral recolor#but im using umm. the daisynikos eartly recolor for ui#i ws using it 4 everything Buttt i didnt rly like how much th interiors + houses got dulled down...#i am a little bummed bc i did love the idea of the map changing based on season.. BUT that wouldnt have worked anyway bc i have the umm#th one where it shows ppl on the map so u cn find them.. so th map is changed anyway#bummer tho. BUT i do love the vibrant pastoral bc it adds little seasonal decorations which i find saurr cute#n then im using seasonal outfits - slightly cuter aesthetic... i rly rly like it :]]#i like how umm. bc some seasonal outfits mods that ive seen just completely get rid of the villagers og outfit#and i dont rly like that sobsob.. so i like that th one i use keeps their ogs but just has them wear it during 1 specific season if that#makes sense :DD#basically mods mods mods i love mods...if anybody has any recs lmk :]#i lot of th mods r likee. for late game.. i got one t go on dates wth yr spouse which i think is so cute . n 1 to help customize the kids#I RLY WANTED th one that allows yr kids t Actually grow up n go t school#but th portraits that come with it r not at allll vanilla styled. so i couldnt... super upset abt it#but also well. it wouldve annoyed me if my kid grew up to be vincent and jas age while nobody else aged#i rly rly rly would love if somebody would add in like.. an aging mechanic#I GET WHY NOT BC THATD ACTUALLY BE SOOO MUCH. BUT YK..#i havent ever actually gotten too far last year 3 bc it just gets so stagnant...#i also got umm. 2600 canon friendly dialogue expansion.. whatever that mods called#so im excited abt that :DD
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
It has taken me 22 fucking years to get good at building in the sims but oh well. Here we are
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learnyogafreeforever · 4 months
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