#horrible terrible
whump-queen · 8 months
In Relief and Reverie
continuation from this
Tags: vampire whump, creepy/intimate whumper, prettyboy vampire whumpee, starvation, worship and withdrawl ~ my usual nonsense
The vampire’s knees were starting to go numb.
He had no idea how long he’d been made to kneel there, at his owner's feet.
Aris didn’t move from where he’d been placed--the heavy rings of steel locked around his neck and his wrists weighed him down and tethered him to them.
Rowe leaned back in their seat, slowly wrapping one hand around the chain on the vampire’s collar. There was a tug on the chain, forcing a sharp exhale from Aris' throat as he was forced to lean in.
Rowe smiled.
The vampire’s eyes stayed locked to the floor, perhaps not willing to give Rowe the satisfaction. But Rowe was fine with that. They knew how to get the mutt’s attention. 
Rowe reached for their pocket, grinning wider. Fingers found what they were looking for; they slid a small shining object from the dark folds of fabric and flicked it open with practiced ease.
Sure enough, those red eyes darted up the moment he heard it—that all too familiar metallic shing that seemed to echo in the otherwise silent room. 
It was the scalpel. 
Aris flinched back, expecting the pain, before he saw his owner bring it to their own skin and his eyes went wide.
Rowe snickered and aligned the blade, smug eyes never leaving the vampire for long; they began to carefully drag the blade through the skin on their own shoulder. It slid painfully slowly through the uppermost layers of skin, and Aris’ held his breath–it was so silent he swore he could hear his master’s skin ripping.
He knew nothing cloud prepare him for what was about to happen.
The moment the first bead of blood hit the air, his eyes shot alarmingly wide—irises glowing a bright, hungry red. 
He was panting; his fangs extended to full length without him even realizing. He bit back a whine and exhaled sharply through gritted teeth—his breath was coming in hot and fast—his chest was heaving with desperation—he instantly lunged forward when—
Rowe’s foot moved just slightly, the toe of their boot pressing forward to firmly meet the vampire’s sternum.
The vampire froze instantly. His eyes snapped up to his owner—wide and terrified, yet still alight with that deep hungry red, shining like glowing tail lights.
Rowe just sat there, looking casual as ever. The sole of their boot pressed more firmly into Aris’ chest, pushing him back a bit, and allowing absolutely no room to move forward. It wasn’t a rough gesture, but the message was clear enough.
“Move one more inch without permission and this boot will be buried in your mouth.”
Rowe could feel Aris shudder at the threat– poorly hidden.
“I should whip your back to shreds for what you just did.”
The vampire cringed at the whine that escaped his own lips. He wanted to sink into the floor. He sounded utterly pathetic.
Rowe couldn't help but crack a smile, a low, pleased hum buzzing just behind their teeth.
“You’re lucky you make for such a nice view.”
Rowe sat back, getting comfortable, vowing themselves to enjoy this.
“Today I’m feeling… generous. I might give you a chance to prove you can control yourself before I decide just how badly you’ve fucked up.” 
They leaned casually against the armrest of the chair with their chin resting on their hand. An amused hum slipped past their lips; their features twisted into a narrow-eyed smile as the vampire desperately tried—and failed—to compose himself over and over. 
Rowe let the blood drip freely.
It was a losing game, really.
Aris knew it was.
He knew it had been weeks now.
Weeks since he had last been allowed to feed.
But the blood was right there—fresh, delicious, hot, red, human blood—god, his owner had the best blood he had ever tasted—and it was trickling down their collarbone right in front of him and—
He didn’t deserve it.
He had lunged.
Was this all just a trick?
Was he not going to be hurt for this?
He’d rather just get it over with, so he could stop waiting around and suffocating in whatever terrifying limbo this was. 
So he could just suffer and make it better.
Aris knew.
He knew.
He had lunged. He was so sorry.
God, he’d take the beating gratefully if it meant an end to this—to the twisting poisonous feeling that squeezed around his insides.
It was torture, to not know where he stood.
Maybe if Aris took it well, he’d be allowed to beg, to plead and apologize over and over, as many times as Rowe allowed.
But it was a losing game, wasn’t it? 
A game against his own hunger, his instincts, his desperation—against that smell.
And then he understood.
This was his punishment.
To be made to wait.
To be made to fail.
To be locked in an unwinnable battle against the part of his mind that was screaming at him to lunge, to bite, to gnash his teeth like a wild animal, to clamp his jaws around anything he could reach.
It was right there. It was right there— in front of his face.
Rowe held him there for what seemed like ages, watching him with a pleased smirk—pressing the sole of their boot into his chest and swirling around the trickling blood on their own shoulder until the vampire was fucking drooling and whining, ensnared by the smell wafting through the room and the screaming voices in his own head.
At last, Rowe was sure that the vampire had reached his breaking point, that he would say or do anything if it got him out of this. They relished in his pitiful expression when Aris raised his gaze—the defeat in his teary eyes—and God he was pleading—
“Please— it’s been so long since… since you fed me.”
Rowe snickered, uncrossing their legs for a better view.
“Beg properly, pretty thing, and maybe I won’t make your punishment worse.”
The vampire bit straight through his lip trying to stop the low pained whine that slipped out through gritted teeth when he heard them say it. 
“Please — you— you can’t make me do this—”
“What do you think, another three weeks? Or should we do four? You know I can starve you as long as I want to. It's not like you’ll die.”
Aris choked on his words, his throat closed up at every attempt, and nothing came out but a pitiful, terrified whimper.
Oh, he loathed it. A prouder version of himself might have held out, just to spare himself the shame. But it had been weeks. It had been weeks and god—it was the smell of them.
It was the sound of Rowe’s heart beating.
The way he could feel the blood pulsing through his owner’s veins—it was driving him beyond insane—he could barely think at all—
Fuck it.
His voice cracked and he felt the tears spill over.
That was no time for pride.
A icy pang of dread accompanied the realization that he had never been allowed to beg for forgiveness like this. Not for something this bad.
He only had one chance.
What if he got it wrong?
What if Rowe changed their mind—and—
please, I don’t know what you—
I—I don’t—
I don’t know how to please you.
He gazed desperately at the cut on Rowe’s shoulder through teary, glistening eyes.
Please—this has to work.
Slowly, he lowered himself to the floor, all the way down to Rowe’s shoes.
When that boot didn’t immediately rise up to crack across his face, he allowed himself to exhale, brushing his lips just barely against the cool leather.
The steel toe.
Kissing the thing that could slam into his face at any moment, that could shatter his entire jaw in a second, if Rowe so chose it. He was desperate.
He could only pray that this would please them.
His voice was a shaky whisper against the freshly shined leather—
”Please—please, please, please-”
Slowly but firmly, Rowe's boot hooked under his chin, forcing his head up to face them.
“Almost there, sweetheart.” A sickly sweet smile spread across their face. They could feel him shaking through the leather.
‘God, you're so gorgeous like this.’
“Please what... Come on, pet, tell me what you want.”
Rowe looped the chain that connected to his collar around in their palm once more, and Aris nearly choked when the metal tightened around his throat.
But he stayed down.
He knew better.
“Don’t be shy now, pretty. Tell me what you need.”
Every time Rowe opened their mouth, Aris felt another pang of humiliation hit his chest. He wanted to curl in on himself and cry.
But he knew better, and he pressed his lips once more against the leather of Rowe’s shoes, trailing slow kisses from the steel tip to the laces.
Though the thought of blood never faded from his mind, he started to drift into the task without realizing it.
His head felt fuzzy and so... heavy.
He heard Rowe give a pleased hum from somewhere above him, and felt his mind slowly melting into a foggy, desperate sludge—disorienting waves wrapped around his chest and his head until he was open-mouthed and tonguing at the laces and whining again.
Each breath was laced with an edge of something from deep within his chest. Something that had long since wound itself around his mind--a slow, slithering python that had now found its moment strike.
And when he felt the weight of Rowe’s other boot rest heavily on the back of his neck, he groaned.
It was bliss.
It was forgiveness.
It was a relief to be good.
To obey.
To have pleased them.
It was a relief dwarfed only by an imagined end to his hunger, but a relief he would take nonetheless.
Aris remained there, lips and tongue pressed to his owner’s shoe, worshiping in relief and in reverie, for as long as Rowe decided to keep him there.
Update 11/23: I did a rewrite of this I think its much better now <33
general taglist: @whumpshaped  @whumpsday @emmettnet   @a-whump-sideblog  @whump-it-like-its-hot  @wolfeyedwitch  @whumper-soot  @unorganisedalienrubbish  @hidden-dreamland @whumpedydump @lonesome--hunter @ashh-ed @whump-in-the-closet @oriantthegiant @banditosong @anonymustyou @feralwhump @jieunie-23 @whumpasaurus101 @morning-star-whump @whmp @captain-bo-bob-bobby @the-beasts-have-arrived @spooky-scary-vampires @burningkittypoet @veyroswin @painsandconfusion @skittles-the-whumpee @demondamage
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sadpurpleblood · 10 months
*puts the most pointless ask in your inbox*
*gives the most uninteresting answer*
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
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denebofcygnus · 11 months
I miss when I was little and would put my phone on airplane mode so I wouldn't get ads in games. now I gotta worry about shit like work calls and reassuring my mother that I'm still alive
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gessshoku · 1 year
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Hi Gess Mwah mwah
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Hihihihi!!! MWWWWAH!!! How’ve you been beloved??
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myclericalromance · 1 year
i went to a tiny counterserve diner once and accidentally poured sugar instead of salt all over my hashbrowns and was eating them sadly anyways. the waitress took them away and started making me another one and I tried to protest, but she just snorted and said "we're not catholic here". now every time i'm doing something painful out of obligation i think about how that is not repenting, this body is not a catholic establishment, there is no nobility in suffering.
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dude unrelated to ANYTHING but im sick right and it's like 2am and i want to go downstairs and make tea bc my throat hurts but i've just been WAITING. for my parents to go to sleep and there have been like six false alarms abt it. it's been so long ive given up and am just going to bed lmao i cannot out-awake my dad who is incapable of sleeping at the best of times
uuurg that is the worst situation to be in tbh 😭
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recklessmoss · 1 year
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creatures..... beasts even...... freaks perhaps....
EDIT :  All these designs have been sold as adoptables by now!
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wickedwitchofthesouth · 4 months
In a perfect world they would have written a plotline where Dean becomes addicted to angel grace because it was the only thing that keeps the effects of the mark of cain at bay.
In a perfect world it would have been the perfect parallel to Sam's demon blood junkie arc
In a perfect world, Cas would have been Deans Ruby
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syn0vial · 7 months
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larian really said "we've buffed cazador and you can now frame astarion for murder. fuck that gay elf."
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shepscapades · 5 months
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [PART 5] [Part 6] [Part 7]
you dropped your crown king
[This comic is part of my dbhc au, following the chaos and panic that ensues after Doc and Xisuma try to get Etho back online at the start of s9 after a very rough s8 finale that leaves him a little. broken. It's set to the vibes of Joywave's Destruction!]
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sadpurpleblood · 10 months
oh god oh fuck they twitterfied my tumblr too now
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
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working at the Zomburger has just given Streber another outlet for his horrible dreadful arts and crafts 😔
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denebofcygnus · 10 months
just had the record longest day at work at the long day at work factory
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 month
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"Basically what happens is, Grace and Max are right about to win. They're right about to do it. And then, there's a groaning. In the floorboards. Suddenly, the staircase gives out beneath Grace and Max, and they fall through the floors. They fall stories. Pieces of wood shove through their chests, and they both are killed."
"But keep this in mind, nothing truly dies in the Waylon house. Grace and Max become ghosts, and they're off doing whatever, but they're no longer involved in the tournament."
So.. that Pit Stop in Hatchetfield tag team deathmatch huh.
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mumblesplash · 5 months
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part 2!!!! [read part one here]
transcript below the cut arranged into stanzas to help show where the rhymes are:
“that’s why they brought gem in? as a failsafe?” as a pawn. we were told to point her at whoever we need gone
“gem won’t hurt her allies. …yet.” the curse she carries will it’s had its eye on her since she lost the other eye she was specially selected for her hunting skill it’s quite the high honor. “wow. how generous.” we try
think about it: why does almost no one fight the curse? “given how fast scott killed skizz last season, i can guess.” [“any pain you spare your friends, you’ll have to suffer worse”?] it’s designed to shut down higher reasoning with stress
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