#holy moly I have never needed anybody more
meadow-dusk · 4 months
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©️ Ed Finnell, 1973
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ssreeder · 1 year
though tbf you did update at the speed of light this time around so I hardly had a chance
ANYWAYS once again you get to be blessed with double comments from yours truly <3
changgggg my beloved (also iroh parallels???? that’s so slay of you sreedie)
lmao not him being Relieved that he looks like a creep bc it’s a good cover
listen chang absolutely anybody who is on good terms with zuko starts attracting shit at some point don’t feel too bad about it
not jet finding comfort in the fact that even though he might be annoyed, sokka is guaranteed to be More annoyed by the tent situation-
ohoho is jet gonna help train sokka to sword fight??? plot twist
ykw jet is so valid for refusing to be sokka’s punching bag I hate that he’s really growing on me BUT if I am being honest with myself I never Really disliked jet
it’s going to be So Ironic if jet is the person who gets sokka to open up about his experiences in prison but I think it’s funny (and I honestly think it’ll work out well bc sokka doesn’t want to be pitied or have people change their opinion of him for the worse after they find out how much he suffered and jet wouldn’t do that)
FUCK fulo I hate that the earth kingdom army is sympathetic towards him even though I understand why
quon??? is apologising???? yeah this man is way better than zhao but he’s still the scum of the earth
ZUKO protect your fucking hands PLEASE (also fun fact I’m pretty sure I fractured my pinky at one point bc it’s kinda bent but I never got it actually checked out and That hurt like a bitch so zuko really has an insane pain tolerance to not even flinch when his pinky was snapped holy moly)
zuko? familiar with the bending suppressant??? no, really?? what gave you that idea mr medic sir.
“I got… caught.”
“Caught doing what?”
“Being a… fucking… idiot.”
- I think this is the contender for my favourite zuko dialogue even though it’s in incredibly unfortunate circumstances
mm I’m a certified rasu simp someone should design a tshirt so we can start a club
ugh sokka just TELL suki already you just need to mention zuko’s name once and she’ll lead the conversation from there with her questions
god the section with the medic cleaning zuko is brutal dude
can I just say.. when you made the meme for me I was like :3 and then I actually read what you wrote and I was like >:(
leeeeeeeeeeeeeekiiiiiiiiiiii bestie babe how you doin?!
Yes Zuko is the center of shit happening to people around him. Maybe he’s cursed? Maybe he’s maybelline? WHO KNOWS!
Jet is just there for the ride it’s not his fault Sokka is flip flopping between wanted to murder him and wanting to share his murder thoughts with him.
I can confirm Zuko has been caught being a fucking idiot multiple times. Canon.
Yeah the medic scene was 4/10 - SAD :(:(:(:(
Anyway I made you a meme and you’re complains??? FOR SHAMEEEEE. See ya soon leeks reeksy
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Chapter 31...I don't know how you do it but with every chapter you make the journey of these two better and more adorable. Your writing is amazing because I had so much feelings (again) while reading...and the most prominent of them was the teenage girl inside of me that came to the surface and giggled the whole time
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I'm so happy that y/n confessed her love again and that's what I've expected...she wants him, needs him and loves him. And that's what Loki deserves, he's a man made of flesh and blood, with a heart and a soul and I'm really glad that he now knows that he was never an option, a way out or a picked 'object' but the man with whom y/n fell in love very fast after she saw him for the first time.
'...because you are in there with me for every moment that I exist.'
Me: *sobbing* and *giggling* at the same time 🥲☺️
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And as I expected she didn't forget how strong and self-confident Loki her already made and tought her to not treat herself selfdestructive anymore. Loki acted wrong, he made a mistake but people make mistakes and we can learn from our mistakes and of course you need a second or maybe just one last chance to show your beloved one your remorse and that you want to make things better in the future.
'You didn't fail Lo, you just made a mistake, I did too once but you forgave me...'
Loki deserves this chance, I think he learned his lesson well (like y/n too) and I'm sure he will do anything for his baby...and y/n for 'daddy'. ❤️‍🩹💚❤️
'...you knew you couldn't let go of his hand when all he wanted to do was hold it all life long'.
Love and be loved, forgive each other, talk to each other, care for each other...they have all ingredients for a healthy relationship and I hope they can work it out.
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They still want to keep each other save and I'm still scared that they get caught. I hope Eric and Peter are around and close to them and help to prevent a disaster. 🥺
I don't know why but suddenly the scene came to my mind when y/n took the photo of Loki sleeping, all the text messages on her phone , now she is in Loki's room...what when anybody of this crappy family comes into possession of her phone? 😳
Y/n in Loki's shirt after showering is too cute... and when she used his bathroom she got a hint of what a 'normal ' life without lots of luxury and luxury items could be... maybe not too bad but definitely a big change for her. To be honest, I personally love to have nice cosmetic products and some luxury items and perfumes (no, I'm not rich) but good and nice products doesn't have to be expensive! She could get used to it.
I love the imagination of the family photo in his closet, he misses his family, the time when he was a kid and they were all together, it warms my heart and it also makes me melancholic.
'...a happy family, family that you never got to have, not for long anyways'
It's such a great loss for y/n and so sad.😭 Maybe, just maybe she can have a happy family with Loki one day. That's what I wish them.
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Holy moly, what an imagination to get feed a piece of birthday cake by Loki and his hair dripping wet and slicked back 😏🤤🥵... okay, shirtless too would've been better but I don't want to be ungrateful 😉🤣🤣...and the torturing goes on...and I loooove iiitttt 😅😂😍
Will he give IT to her? Will he make her wish come true? We will taste see 👀😏. But somehow I wish he rejects y/n's greatest birthday wish 😅😂...don't ask me why 🤣🤣
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Short but gorgeous chapter my Queen 👑 and you know....I love you 🥰💚
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First of all thank you so much sweetness 🥺🥺😭💚 I try my best to make it fluffy
And yes definitely he deserves all the love he can get, people just fuck up sometimes you know, that doesn't make them a bad person but just another human.
And yes Loki's constant support for her has strengthened her confidence, she's not hopeless when she's with him and it's only because of him she has built the courage to run away and build a better life.
She have kept his photos etc safe but she needs to be careful about the messages and how she has saved his name 👀
Dripping hair slicked back remind me of this
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And we will see if he'll finally allow her to have a taste of him 😜👀
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kariachi · 8 months
Some quick reboot fic, because I want it. Ben and Kevin are, once again, in competition.
The stakes couldn't possibly be higher.
Thirteen years old and Kevin was, if anything, even more of a menace. Also, he’d somehow gotten even taller than Ben than he was before, which shouldn’t have been legal.
Wearing matching smirks, the pair stared each other down over the Rustbucket’s table. On the Tennyson side, one of Ben’s switch joy-cons, the blue one specifically. On the Levin side, it’s red twin. Between them, the switch in question, hooked up to Gwen’s laptop. Gwen, sat on the counter on the other side of the RV, well out of range of any direct conflict.
Would it have been easier to simply play on their 3dses? Or use Kevin’s laptop and switch, since they couldn’t each just use their own? Most likely. But Ben didn’t trust he hadn’t modded his stuff to hell and back (the latter two didn’t need an hdmi connection anymore, what more proof did you need) and therefor would have a severely unfair advantage. Kevin, for his part, had claimed offense that Ben thought he would cheat, that he didn’t need to cheat to win, but refused to let anybody check and see if his shit was unfairly modded. So, Ben’s switch and Gwen’s laptop it was.
“This is it, folks,” Gwen said as the sound of the game finishing loading in drew the boys’ attention, grinning widely as she slipped in ‘announcer’ mode, “the last Sumo Slammers competition you’ll ever need. Here today, in Sumo Slammer 2: Shogun’s Vengeance: Remastered, we’ll who is the greatest slammer of sumos.”
“In this corner- having not consumed another piece of media in his life-”
“Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, using Kentarō! And in this corner- I’m still eighty-percent sure only playing the game to mess with Ben-”
“I do have other hobbies.”
“Prove it.”
“-Kevin Ethan Levin, playing Fumie! This fight will be a random stage, all power-ups legal, fight to the death!”
“She gets a little into this crap, doesn’t she?”
“Just a little.”
“On the count of three, the fight begins! One! Two! Three!”
And they were off, in the Great Mountain Temple (“Ha! Homefield advantage!” “Gonna be twice the dishonor when you lose!”). They had to have been mashing buttons before the stage even loaded, for how quickly their characters launched at each other.
“And it’s a strong first move from Ben, Kentarō takes those body slams much better, but he’s losing mass fast! May want to land a hit quick before she outweighs him!”
“Go on, make me more maneuverable, see if I care.”
“Yeah, because Kentarō has ever been about maneuverability.”
“This going to be a powers heavy fight, folks! Kentarō’s Standing Mountain blocking Fumie in, can he land a hit before- No! No Kevin’s gotten off Rolling Wave, can that push him back long enough for- Yes! Just long enough to run Standing Mountain out!”
“I hate you.”
“And I haven’t even won yet.”
“That’s two blows and major weight loss on Kentarō and Fumie’s only taken the one good hit so far- He’s picking up speed though! Can he make up for the loss in defenses and stability though?”
“Then what about this!”
“Holy-moly, our first power-up and Ben’s there first! Standing Mountain number two and there’s no way out for Fumie- He lands a hit! She’s got the weight to take it, but he’s not dropping pounds anymore!”
“Not going to wash me away now!”
“Language, Levin! And Ben may want to save his celebrating, Fumie’s still in better shape!”
“I’ve got this, cuz!”
“Oh! And directly into Charging Peak! I don’t think Fumie is far enough from the edge- But a masterful use of Rolling Wave from Kevin washes her right back into place to throw herself into Kentarō again! He did not like that!”
“Aw, is Dweebyson’s sumo too small for a little body slam now?”
“Another Charging Peak brings them closer in damage but he’s not out of range of Rolling Wave three! Kentarō is looking bad, on the run, hoping for another powerup before Fumie gets to him-”
“It's tense enough, thanks!”
“-and there’s the finisher! Alas, even in the high mountains the sea turns out to be a harsh mistress!” Heaving a sigh, Gwen fell back at the same time the boys did, watching Fumie bow respectfully at the opponent-eating seafoam as it faded from the stage. Ben glared bloody death across the table, Kevin’s smirk now full of teeth as he put his hands behind his head and leaned back like he was king of the world.
“What’d I tell ya? And in your own homeland, the shame of it.” In a few quick button presses, Ben reset things back to the character select screen, eyes never leaving Kevin's face.
“New characters, best two out of three.”
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actualbird · 3 years
I just read the prompt fill and as always, you knocked it out of the park, Zak! THE ANGST!!! Chef's kiss! I seriously just want to key smash and call it a day. The MarLuke prompt has me in a chokehold and what if I said I have a few more ideas and/or continuation of the prompt, would you be okay in hearing them out? (actually no promises if I will actually write anything, can't force the brain to work if it doesn't want to 😅). ((I'm asking just because I don't want to make it seem like I'm taking your work)).
• Luke and Marius both have to go to a NNX meeting the next day and everyone is of course !? When they see that Luke is sporting a cast for his broken nose and Marius obviously has a black eye that he tried to cover up with make-up or maybe something is off with the make-up, like it gets smudged or just looks weird around the eye area. (I headcanon that Marius wears make-up every day because God forbid, people see that he's not perfect).
• It's such a huge elephant in the room that no one wants to address and the other members clearly see that Luke and Marius aren't as friendly with each other as they usually are!
• Vyn knows/knew of Marius' crush because of course he noticed and then relentlessly teased Marius about it which of course, Marius denied every time but like... He literally turns into a tomato when Luke compliments him so... Marius is a fucking idiot. Vyn was the one who encouraged Marius to confess to Luke because he also knows that Luke likes Marius so when a few days later they come into the meeting without saying at least "hi" to each other... Vyn is very surprised, because they clearly like each other! So Vyn does what he does best, he asks them this:
And that's it! I know I said I should ask first before writing this but I couldn't contain myself! I'm sorry. I have a continuation in mind if you would be okay in hearing it out?
I was not having a good day so reading all that angst make my day so much better, go figures! And again, thank you for your incredible writing! ♥️❤️♥️
hi, hibiscus!!! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪
first off, im SO GLAD u enjoyed the fuck marius von hagen in particular angst bonanza!!! writing it was so much fun!!!
second off, no need for any apologies!!! i totes understand getting VERY excited and making stuff and asking for permish only after some stuff has been made already, like ive been there KBKSJFG. im very very glad you did come back to ask though, so to answer ur q:
you are very welcome to write a continuation or ideas that build off of the marluke bit in there!! im deffo open and happy to hear about it and im even alright with you posting it yourself, so long as where you post it (tumblr, ao3, etc.,), theres a link in there back to my post as a little credit/citation.
(sidenote: i may have to make a faq for ppl who want to write stuff based off of my stuff. my ao3 profile has a fic faq containing permission guidelines but that only applies to my ao3 fic. ive been getting several dms/replies/asks inquiring on writing based off the tot content ive made that is only on this blog. hm, i'll find a time to write a little post on that, best to keep things clear so theres less back and forth HAHA)
third off, HOLY MOLY.....YOUR IDEAS.....can u believe i wrote all that angst and did not at any point wonder at all about the aftermath. god oh my god yes. luke almost never gets injured because hes too well trained for anybody to land a hit so him looking like that...and marius looking like that.....DELICIOUS!! THE TENSION!!! and ooooohhh vyn vyn vyn you may have miscalculated here. just because luke reciprocates doesnt mean he'll ACCEPT love towards himself. this is so scrumptious....
fourth off, dont think it has escaped my attention that just a few days ago you had said "marius is my least favorite nxx boy" and now ur here like "I Wish To Write MarLuke" i am IMMENSELY PLEASED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT!!!
and fifth, im very sorry you had a not good day :(((( im glad that my writing helped make a bad day a little less sucky and i very much hope your coming days are kinder and better to you!!
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risquefanfics457 · 4 years
Hoiy 💕 may I request Okuyasu and Josuke reaction (separately if possible ✨) when their crush and friend invites them to a sleep over game/movie night? And when they are like “who’s coming?” They would say “oh I wanted to play/watch this with you?” And if they would be like but what about your parents they would be like “ahh they are away for the week and I don’t wanna be alone at night” them being flustered and asking each other for advices would be hilarious XD thank you!
I already did 2 sleepover HCs, so this will be my last kind of sleepover thing. And it kind of turned into fanfics. Okuyasu’s S/O is female here. 
Josuke was walking home from school, pretty much alone. Okuyasu and Koichi had left earlier because they had exams and went home, so Josuke was a bit lonely. That was until you came running towards him, waving a hand in the air. “Josuke!” He turns around, “Y/N?” It’s odd for him to see you without his other friends around, not to mention he had an obvious crush on you, so when you approached he was a bit flustered. 
You huffed and bent down catching your breath. “God, you walk so fast... Holy moly...” 
“Uh, you alright, Y/N?” Josuke reached a hand out instinctively. You grabbed it, and he immediately grew red, not realizing he had held your hand.
“Sorry, Jojo. I was just wondering if you, *Huff* wanted to hang out?”
“Oh,” He scratched the back of his neck. “Like, you wanna get Okuyasu and Koichi?”
“No, not really.” His face goes blank, “Wait, so... just me and you...?”
“Well, yeah. If that’s okay.” You chuckle. “And get this, my parents are on business for like a week, so we have my house to ourselves!”
“Jojo, you good?” You straighten the straps of your backpack. 
“Yeah, YEAH! I’m great!, I mean, I’m good. B-but why?”
“Well, heh, I was kinda hoping you wouldn’t ask but,” You began walking in the same direction, but your eyes staring at your feet. “I like having company... my parents are usually around, and I trust them, a lot, y’know? I just want to be around somebody I trust... andI just don’t like being alone. Especially at night...” You muttered quietly and stopped.
“Oh, well, in that case, I’m down.” Josuke confirms, his heartstrings pulling.
You’re eyes light up. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You jumped around a bit. Josuke smiled and started for the direction of your house.
“Uh, Jojo?”
“That’s that way to my house.”
“You should grab your toothbrush and like, pajamas or something.”
“Why would I need those?”
“Because you’re going to sleeping over...?” You cautioned, wondering if he agreed to stay for the night. His face glows like a cherry, and whips around, "I’m what?”
His mind was going to start to wander, and you began to panic.
“Well, you don’t have to, I just. I feel safer with people I love being near.” You spit out without thinking.
‘Oh, good job’ You chided yourself.
‘That’s it. You fucked up.’
“You... love me?”
You stuttered, “Oh, did I? I don’t remember saying that... you might be hearing things, on second thought, I’m good! I’ll just see you at school tomorrow-!”
You turn to run in a panic but you feel strong arms hold you in place. They were big and muscled, you couldn’t get out of his grip if you wanted to, and you... didn’t want to. 
“Hey, Y/N. I-it’s okay... I-I like you too.” His chin rested on your head. “Please, just don’t run away.” You pulled your own arms up and put them on his. “I, I won’t.” He lets you go, and you turn to see his face, which was flushed, much like how you imagined yours was.
“Kinda more than like, really.”
“Yeah?” You smile warmly at him and it melts his heart. “Yeah. I pretty much in love with you...”
You jump up and wrap your arms around him. “So, it’s cool if you stay over?”
“Well, I’ve got to tell my mom. She can stick her nose in my business sometimes but I’ll just say I’m hanging out with Okuyasu if you’d like.”
“I’d like that.”
You began to walk again, this time in Josuke’s house’s direction, your hand drifted from you and found itself in Josuke’s warm palm.
 Okuyasu was hanging out at his place, just throwing some leftovers into the microwave. Exams had just finished for him. He felt kind of badly for going home early with Koichi and leaving Josuke at school but a few bits of some left overs from Tonio’s would surly brighten him up. He grabbed some sushi out of the fridge from last nights dinner too, and he went up the stairs to bring it to his dad, maybe he’d want some. When he got up he knocked and then opened his dad’s door. 
“Hey, Pops, you like California rolls, right?” The green creature graciously took the food and some chopsticks and hugged his son, blubbering something and making pretty incomprehensible noises, but he could tell it was all smiles and gratitude. 
Then a knock came from downstairs. “Hold on, Pops.” He bent out a window in another room and spotted you at the door. 
“Ooh! Y/N is here!” He shouted down the hall and ran down the stairs. He smiled wide and giggled like a kid and swung open the door. 
“Y/N!!!” His arms went up in the air and he pulled you inside without a second thought. “What’re you doing here?” There was a long beep from the kitchen. “Hold that thought Y/N! I got food in the zapper!” He always called things something strange like that. He ran back into the kitchen and you could sit down on the sofa and rethink why you were here. It’s just a question, nothing crazy, right? 
He comes out with a plate with what you think is spaghetti. “So, whatcha doing?” He asks shovelling food into his mouth. While he baffles over the food you quickly think it over before spitting it out, 
“Okuyasu, do you wanna have a sleepover with me?” He stops slurping up the pasta and looks at you, eyes like saucers. “Like, a friend sleepover? Or a more than friends who are having a sleepover. You flush. 
“Uh, just a sleepover...” “Yeah, that sounds cool! Lemme go tell my dad!” He puts the food on a coffee table and sprints up the stairs. “POPS, IS IT OKAY IF I GO HAVE A SLEEPOVER WITH Y/N?” He yells down the hall. You curl up into an embarrassed ball on the couch, why did he have to say it like that...? “BE RIGHT BACK Y/N!” It was a few moments later he came down with his school bag, but with a blanket hanging out and a toothbrush in hand and toothpaste loosely hanging out of the other. 
“Okay! I’m ready!” “Uh, cool.” You head out the door, and he starts heading in the direction to Josuke’s. “So are we grabbing Josuke and Koichi, or are they meeting us there?” You walk behind him and unknowingly grab his arm, “Actually, I was thinking... just you and me?” 
He squints and bends down to your height, “Hmm, hang on. Okay, Y/N I’m not the brightest guy in Morioh, but something is up. Are you asking me on a date?” You let go of his arm. “Uhhh...” 
“Because of you are, you should know that I am a man of many things, but lying is not one of them. So I’m gonna lay some truth on ya. I like you.” He points to you and flushes a little. 
 You stand in silence. Your heart races and your knees feel weak. “A-are you sure?” 
“Pretty sure. Now, I told you what’s going on in my head, now it’s your turn. Do you like me?” You are flabbergasted at the least. This was so, random, he never talks like this. Not to anybody. 
“Yeah... I guess,” You smile weakly. 
 “So this sleepover is for just the two of us, because you like me?” 
“Alright, cool. We’re on the same page.” He starts walking to your house. 
“Wait, Okuyasu! What does this mean?” You catch up with him, 
“Y’know. I don’t know. I don’t get that far usually.” 
You grin nervously, “Do girls frequently ask you out?” 
“Oh, no. God, guy like me could never score a chic like you. Nah, this is all new.” The next minute was pretty quiet. 
“You think, I’m pretty?” You inquired. 
“Ha, I’m might be a bit slow, but I’m not stupid, Y/N.” You feel a warmth spread in your chest, and you kiss his cheek. He stops dead in his tracks. 
“Did- did you just, kiss me?” “Is that a new one too?” You tease flustered. His moment of clarity suddenly stopped there, 
“Yeah. Okuyasu, I’m not sure what to do right now. Do you want to date me?” He looks down at you with his hand where you kissed him. 
“Do you still want to sleepover at my place?”  You ask with his hand intertwining with yours.
(Okay so I have this headcanon that after Okuyasu’s brother died he made sure to let people know how he felt, and if he loved somebody, he would tell them, just in case he loses them) My heart- 💔
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
De Humani Corporis Fabrica
Chapter II: Experience
Word count: 6.9K
Summary: Pjo dancer AU! Drama, drama and more drama. Old relationships and new ones continue to bear the weight of the upcoming auditions all while a special person makes a guest appearance.
A/N: I didn’t mention it before but they are aged up in this series! I picture them to be in their pretty early 20s but I like to think that they’ve known each other for a long time and other characters joined during their teen years. Make sure you enjoy, comment, like, share, reblog- yall know the drill. <3 from moi!
Taglist: no one :( [send a message and get on my taglissstt]
Read Chapter One here!
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Le Studio Royal Jupiter was becoming competitive again. The members were still getting used to hearing that. To Nico, it was like a miracle; he had trained since the petit age of 2, waiting for this moment and now he was finally getting it. He wished his sister was here to celebrate such a moment but he knew that if she was here, the studio would have never stopped competing in the first place. The tragic incident had occured at the studio years ago and it had forced them to temporarily stop competing.
Everything seemed better- the sky (which was always a depressing sight) seemed brighter, the studio mirrors were cleaner and Dionysus was less lazy and more salsa-y. Studio 2 was empty on a Monday afternoon- as always because Dionysus would never schedule his lessons on a Monday as he saw it to be ’too drab’. Hazel and Leo however, who were dedicated to the studio, were almost always in on a Monday.
Hazel- in her De Luca heels- was practising a spin that she hadn’t been able to get down for ages while Leo was practising his ballet technique. While he was normally a salsa dancer, every dancer in LSRJ, including himself, was relatively well versed in ballet; Leo knew that working with Calypso would mean a lot of technical work. He was trying to get at least 3 turns in a row without feeling like he was going to fall- one more thing, Leo hated pointe shoes.
“Leo, what on earth are you doing?” Hazel's voice cut through Leo’s thoughts.
“I’m working with Satan, take a wild guess.”
“Yikes,” Hazel cringed. “How’s that going for you?”
“She walks out at the beginning of rehearsal, refuses to talk or work cooperatively and insults me as well as Salsa itself at every chance she gets- so Hazel, you tell me. How do you think it’s going?”
“Leo I’m sor-”
“-And it’s not even the fact that she insults me, it’s the way she treats me and salsa. Like all of a sudden, I’m inferior because salsa has no ‘proper technique’. Like wow, ballet is so sophisticated and you’re so cool. Congratulations, you and your pretty arms and pretty legs and fancy, snazzy vocabulary!” Leo ranted. Hazel, who was more used to the more creative and funnier side of her partner, frowned; she was slightly worried about him.
“Maybe consider dropping out on her?” Hazel offered.
“What will I do though? We both know that I can’t get on the team with a solo. Salsa works best with a partner. Besides, sure Calypso is the devil spawn, but that does not mean I don’t appreciate good technique.”
Hazel raised her eyebrow. “Didn’t you say that Luke, Annabeth and Nico all had better technique than she did?”
Leo, who was smiling smugly and had both his eyes closed, cracked one open and let his smile grow across his face.
“A small lie never hurt her nor anybody else.”
Hazel, who seemed quite unconvinced, nodded as Leo continued.
“What about you?” Leo asked. “How’s things coming up with the B-boy?”
Immediately, Hazel lit up. “It’s pretty good actually. I think Frank and I actually have a good chance of making the team!”
Leo noticed how Hazel had seemed so keen to talk about Frank and took this as an opportunity to tease her.
“So does that mean you won’t need me to fake being your boyfriend again?”
“What?” Hazel took a glance at Leo’s smirk. “No! No, we’re just friends. Friends, yes, yes. Just friends. He’s just a friend.”
“Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself more than me.”
“I’m. Not. Crushing. On. Frank,” She gritted out with her fists clenched.
“Okay,” Leo said in a sing-song sort of tune.
“I’m not!” She shouted before lowering her voice to a small whisper. “ Not after Sammy.”
Leo’s features immediately softened at the mention of his older brother. Hazel talking about Sammy had opened up old wounds that Leo thought had healed- he thought he was over this!
“After all this time Hazel? Still Sammy?”
Leo half expected her to say ‘always’ as if they were re-enacting Harry Potter. Secretly, he hoped that she didn’t. What had happened with Sammy was long ago and Leo never wanted to see Hazel in such pain again. They weren’t just dancer partners like himself and Calypso, they were friends. Hazel, to Leo’s avail did not respond; they remained silent the entire rehearsal.
In Studio A... Nico had never wanted to punch someone in the face as much as he wanted to punch Jason in this very moment. Afterall, it was Jason’s fault that Nico was partnering with Will. It wasn’t that Nico didn’t like Will, it was just that working with someone who was annoyingly attractive (Nico’s exact words were a hot piece of ass) often resulted in not working as well as one should.
It also meant Nico had to wear his tap shoes.
“Will, do I have to wear these?” Nico complained.
“We’re testing out ideas. We start with tap and then we’ll do ballet.”
“So that means I will see you in pointe shoes then?” Nico inquired, his voice suspiciously innocent and his eyes battering too fast. Will, in response, grimaced and nodded reluctantly.
“Perfect!” Nico hummed happily. The pain of tap shoes was nothing compared to pointe shoes. As Will laughed slightly at Nico’s taunting, they began going over the basics. Nico watched as naturally the corners of Will’s lips twitched upwards as he danced and taught. His smile was perfect, his moves in sync with the music blaring in the background- practically flawless.
Nico however, struggled a bit with certain parts that Will taught- not that he was surprised; he expected tap to be overly energetic. While they both took their break, Nico began spinning round and round on his tap shoes. He couldn’t really help it- they were so easy to spin on- it was like they were just begging him to turn.
“Nico, stop spinning like that, you’ll fall and get hurt,” Will warned as he sat in a corner, sipping at his water bottle. Nico ignored him and continued mucking about- only stopping to stick his tongue out at Will who on countless occasions, continued to attempt to warn Nico. Will could feel his own heart fluttering at the thought of an injury.
Will’s head snapped in towards Nico who lay on his butt, clutching his ankle. The ballet dancer was hunched over his foot, cradling his ankle with both hands.
“Shit! Nico I warned you! Where does it hurt?” Will asked with a thick layer of concern in his voice as he ran over. Slowly, Nico began shuddering, his body almost shivering as he made whimper-like noises. He refused to meet Will’s eyes as he continued shaking.
‘Shit, he probably injured himself really badly if he’s crying’ was the first thought to cross Will’s mind.
“Oh my God,” Nico said shakily. Will gently rested his hand on Nico’s shoulder comfortingly.
“Nico, it’s going to be okay. It’s probably a minor fracture at the most. You will be fine.”
Unexpectedly and out of nowhere, Nico threw his head back and began laughing.
“Holy moly, I can’t believe you actually fell for it!” Nico wheezed as he clutched his stomach. “And your face!”
Will in utter disbelief, took about 30 seconds to fully understand the situation and yet these were the first 5 words.
“You were lying to me?”
“It was a joke! I was just trying to prove that Ballet dancer’s aren’t as uptight as everyone thinks we are!” Nico laughed. Will could not believe this. He should have never partnered with Nico especially considering he was friends with Percy and Jason of all people. He started packing up, aggressively shoving his stuff into his sports bag. Nico’s laughter died down as he turned to Will, confusion growing on his face.
“Hey, where are you going?”
Viciously, Will turned on him. “I’m going to go dance. I’m not going to hang about with an immature and undedicated dancer.”
“Surely a small prank doesn’t change anything. I mean, there’s a reason you chose me-”
“- I chose you because I wanted a hardworking and professional partner, not some bumbling idiot who walks around like they own the place and does what they want!” With that, Will left and Nico sat on the floor.
Welp, Nico was never socialising with Will again.
In Rehearsal room 4... “Turn, turn, push back and drop!” Piper yelled over the loud music. Jason and Piper had been working hard- taking turns in choreographing different parts of the routine. They held their freeze for 5 seconds before relaxing and agreeing to take a break.
“So what was that earlier with Nico, huh?” Piper started.
“What d’ya mean?” Jason innocently responded. “ He needed a partner.”
“So I was imagining the look you guys had?”
“What look?” Jason sounded shocked.
“You guys had a look.”
“Like you and Annabeth?”
Piper could feel the immediate blush rising to her cheeks. She couldn’t help the way she felt- was it her fault that he best friend had gorgeous curly blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes? She turned her head slightly away so Jason couldn’t see her face.
“Nico and I go way back- we trust each other,” Jason chose his wording very carefully.
“Well… So do Annabeth and I…”
“Good… wanna go over the Hip hip section again?” Jason offered, desperate to change the awkward tension that had suddenly appeared in the air. Piper eagerly nodded.
In the Cafe... “What do you mean she’s with Leo? Frank, they’re just dance partners, nothing more,” Annabeth re-assured. She sat in the elegant armchair opposite Frank with Percy on her left. They were in the cafe that was underneath the studio- it was custom for the dancers to meet up here during lunch.
“But… are you sure?” Frank asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
“I give you my word Frank- they’re just good friends.”
At these words, Frank relaxed. That was until Leo and Hazel both walked in silently; their bodies close to each other but their faces catatonic. As they came to sit down, they both moved towards the same seat and exchanged a series of bumps, ‘ouches’ and ‘errms’ until they managed to sit down. Annabeth and Percy exchanged a wary look as the awkward silence between the two stretched out.
Nico stormed in, his face scrunched up as he ordered a coffee and plopped himself on the armrest of the chair that his ballet partner, Annabeth, was sitting in. He had a dark, raging and violent aura around him and carried on sulking until Annabeth spoke up.
“Nico, is that coffee?” Her voice had a hint of worry.
“Maybe.” He shrugged. “What’s up with you two? Lovers quarrel?” Nico pointed to Leo and Hazel who both immediately froze up. Leo, who was mid- sip, choked and began wheezing for air while Hazel gently patted him on the back. Frank, subconsciously, flinched.
“Dancers quarrel,” Hazel sighed after Leo had stopped choking before turning towards her brother.
“Wait, you’re drinking coffee? Again?” Hazel raised her eyebrows at Nico. The last time she recalled him drinking coffee… Well family tensions had been higher than ever, Nico was a literal caffeine addict and Hazel had been helping the ‘love of her life’. Nico had gotten over the caffeine addiction, well at least, she hadn’t seen him touch the substance in years so the sudden appearance of it alarmed her- What had happened to him that drove him back to coffee? Nico on the other hand, simply batted his hand signalling ‘later’.
“Does anybody want to break the awkward silence?” Percy murmured out of the corner of his mouth, looking down at his fidgeting hands.
“I heard an awkward silence needs breaking?” Jason appeared before them. “ Guess what?”
Almost immediately, the entire crowd perked up and asked ‘what?’
“Nu uh, I actually want you guys to guess.”
“Did your new pointe shoes break in?” Annabeth suggested.
“Please get to the pointe,” Leo tutted. Jason shot his roommate, a playful scowl, as he was used to the terrible jokes. Everyone else (except Percy) groaned, throwing their heads back and Hazel face palmed at the terrible jokes- sometimes she asked herself why they were friends.
“You guys are pathetic,” Jason hummed, his arms folded smugly.
“Bro, just tell us!” Percy pleaded, sick of the timely wait.
Jason took a deep breath, holding the tension out for as long as possible. “Well… Chiron’s returning!”
“Like returning returning or just visiting returning?” Annabeth immediately cut in, stopping all the whoops that had erupted from the happy news. Well mainly happy. After the incident, Chiron was left without half a leg which stopped his dance career. It had been hard for him and the dancers around him- tensions had never been worse within the studio and so for the sake of the dancers, Chiron had left to teach dance theory. He had visited every once in a while but if he was ever going to come back- since he was the owner of the studio- no one really knew.
“He didn’t really specify…”
“On the plus side, he’s probably gotten like what 14 new stories about the wheelchair?” Annabeth exclaimed. Percy, who knew about the wheelchair, threw his head back laughing as he remembered the previous stories of it. As they fell into a conversation recalling all the previous stories about the wheelchair, Leo had to clutch his stomach while laughing.
“I love that dude- he’s the only one who doesn’t take Calypso’s bullshit.”
A piercing voice came out from behind them. “Well, Calypso had been looking for you this past week. Where have you been?”
Outraged, Leo retorted, “Where have I been, where have you been?”
As the two started shouting their heads off at each other, the group of people fell silent and everyone agreed to leave them to it. Before Hazel left, she noticed the darker undertones of Calypso’s normally flawless skin as well as her red rimmed eyes.
“So, where have you been?” Leo repeated, almost drawling. Calypso ignored the question and instead told Leo to meet her in Studio A (Leo rolled his eyes at the choice of studio) in a half hour. Leo had to clench his hands to stop himself from making some sort of witty smart- alec response; he wanted to try his best to get along with Calypso because the sooner they finished the routine, the quicker he’d be able to get on the team and avoid her.
Back in Rehearsal room 4... Jason was very lucky to have Piper as a partner- mainly due to her great ability to adapt to new styles. Having a famous father who could easily (and would happily) pay for anything she asked, Piper was gifted. From her good looks, her various talents and her sparkling personality, one could say that Piper Mclean had it all.
Oh, how wrong one could be.
They had agreed to perform a musical theatre routine focusing on hip hop and tap- the styles which moulded together best. They were doing well with their choreography and had finished their routine and were now going over it- making sure everything was clean and worked.
“Hey, let's take a break here,” Piper panted lightly with her hands resting on her thighs. Jason nodded with a brief smile on his face- could you blame him? He had managed to improve his tap by miles compared to the small amount of improvement he would have made with any other person. He jogged towards their bags and pulled out both of their water bottles;he threw Piper’s bottle at her. Perfectly, she caught it .
“Our routine is great, we totally have a chance at making the team,” Piper told Jason as she took a sip of water and plopped herself on the bean bag in the corner of the room by their bags.
“Percy and Annabeth’s chemistry may blow everyone out of the water,” Jason said mindlessly as he sipped water. Piper visibly flinched at the statement- it was small but noticeable for Jason.
“What? What’s wrong? If it’s those two, trust me- they’ll be too busy fooling around to perfect their routine.”
Again, Piper seemed a tad uncomfortable. She had tried to not cringe at the mention of Annabeth but it was quite hard when Jason kept on mentioning it like it was simply nothing. Her face had momentarily scrunched up before she quickly attempted to smooth it out. Jason frowned with an expression that simply read ‘What’s wrong?’
“Well… uh, Annie,” Piper hesitantly started, trying to find an easier way to explain. “I have really short nails.”
“Okay…?” Jason, utterly confused by the random fact, frowned again. Piper sighed at his innocent persona and tried to emphasize what she was implying.
“There’s a reason I have short nails…”
“Because you don’t like long nails?”
Piper, impatient, facepalmed and decided to find a better explanation. She turned to his sister as an easier topic.
“Why does your sister have short nails?”
Jason’s face scrunched up for a few seconds, looking up towards the ceiling before his eyes bugged a bit and his lips pursed into an ‘o’ shape.
“Oh! Oh… so like lesbian or-”
Jason took a deep breath. “ Well, I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me and I’m proud of you...and I hope you’re happy Pipes.”
She nodded, more confident and happy that Jason hadn’t made too much a deal of it- he was a dear friend whose opinion she cared about dearly. She felt she could truly trust him.
“Soo… Annabeth huh?” Jason wiggled his eyebrows. Piper smacked his arm before retorting back.
“I’ve seen how you look at Percy- looks like a budding bromance to me.”
Jason choked on his water, sputtering everywhere and was left absolutely speechless.
In Rehearsal room 1... “5, 6, 7, 8!” Calypso calles as they started the sectioned choreography again. Leo internally groaned as they started again with practically no enthusiasm behind his moves. While the dance wasn’t bad, Leo wasn’t afraid to call out the dance so far was bland. It was all classical ballet and no spice. It was too boring for him and if he were an audience member he would take away points for lack of creativity. After what seemed like 4 days but was actually 40 seconds, they finished.
“Make sure your turns are in time with mine,” Calypso pointed out as she paused the music. Leo had to physically hold in the urge to make a remark. He glanced at his watch and his eyes almost bugged out of his skull. It was 4pm? Already? He knew he had to leave now or else he was going to be late. He grabbed his bag and started changing his shoes ino more suitable footwear. He snacthed his jacket, slipped it on in a rush and almost walked into the door due to the rush he was in.
“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” Calypso’s voice coming from behind made Leo freeze. Shit. What was he going to say? Where were his excuses?
Breathe Leo, make a simple lie- can’t be too hard.
“Uh.. just grabbing something from the cafe. I think I left something there.” He jutted his thumb towards the door before slipping out to avoid Calypso’s questions. He had one more stop to make before he left.
In Studio B... Frank was learning a lot from working with Hazel. Other than the obvious (like her beauty being even greater up close), he also learnt more about salsa than he ever had in his entire life. Their routine was finally complete but they were trying to find the perfect place to insert a lift. The timing for it had to be perfect. Too slow and Frank gets injured. Too fast and Hazel falls.
As they rehearsed the routine and approached the final move, Hazel slipped- effectively pushing Frank on his back and Hazel falling right on top with her body pressed against him; practically straddling him. Frank’s head made a loud ‘thud’ sound on making contact with the solid floor- clearly it had won this battle between head and floor.
“Oh my goodness! Are you okay?” Hazel rushed out, still unaware of the compromising position. Frank nodded meekly, not wanting to further aggravate the pain in his head and reached his hand to rub the back of his head. It was only then did their eyes meet, Hazel’s eyes widening at the realisation of the position. Just as she was going to scramble off, Leo busted through the door. Frantically, Leo sputtered,
“Oh, sorry… er am I interrupting something?” Hazel almost flew off Frank and quickly made her way to Leo who now bore a small smile on his face,
“Just friends huh?” Leo mumbled. Hazel ignored the comment and instead asked what Leo was doing here.
“I gotta leave for work and Calypso is on my ass. Do me a favour- if she asks where I went say I had an appointment or something,” he whispered, his mood changing rapidly. Hazel nodded, loyal to her friend and ran to her sports bag. She whipped out her purse before waddling back to Leo, her fingers mindlessly rifling through the notes in her purse as if it was worth nothing more than paper.
“How much do you need for the bus fare?”
Leo’s hand immediately pushed back at Hazel’s purse, who again, ignored it. He was not about to take her money- not again at least, not until he paid her back for the previous times. It was hard though, because Hazel always insisted everything be on her and refused to allow him to pay her back in any way.
“Hazel, I’ve told you. I don’t want to take your money,” Leo pleaded, his face seemingly uncomfortable. Sure, he didn’t want Hazel’s money but he did want money.
“Ridiculous.” Hazel shook her head as if the mere idea of her caring whether he paid her back or not was utter ludicrous. She pulled out a thick wad of cash. “I don’t care. Here. Should be enough for the bus fares, lunch and other stuff.”
Leo hesitated. He needed this money. Bus fares, food expenses, new dance clothes and his share of the rent along with other things. But the idea of taking Hazel’s money always left a bitter taste afterwards- he hated feeling guilty over her money. Hazel on the other hand, was not going to let Leo refuse and shoved the cash into Leo’s pocket before pulling him in a tight and surprising hug. Her arms were wrapped around Leo’s back and in return, he closed his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder. She smelt like flowers- no doubt from the expensive products she could easily afford along with the fact that her step-mother, Persophone, owned a fragrance line among other things.
“Gracias,” he muttered, squeezing her shoulder in an affectionate manner.
With the short knowledge of spanish she knew from her best friend, Hazel replied, “De nada.”
Confused, Frank watched the entire interaction.
Back in Studio A... Annabeth and Percy were not practising. While every dancer, perhaps excluding Nico, were nervously practicing every beat of a move they performed, Annabeth and Percy were not really stressing. In fact, they hadn’t worked much on their routine in general. Annabeth was lying on her stomach with her face in her hands and her legs dangling back and forth. Percy sat next to her, with his arms around his legs. They were both listening to their ex-mentor who was in a wheelchair. Chiron was simply talking about something that had recently happened with his two favourite students.
“He did what!” Percy and Annabeth shouted in sync.
“I told him that if he performed, he would have been scouted, but alas- Luke refused. He came with me but it was a true shame I didn’t get to see him perform. He’s been with the studio for so long now, I do find it odd that he has yet to move to a professional career,” Chiron sighed- slumping slightly in his wheelchair.
“How’s the leg doing?” Annabeth asked, hoping the subject was no longer sore.
“Which one?” Chiron smiled mischievously as he pulled the blanket off his legs- showing both legs seemed present. Normally, the bottom half of the left leg would seem empty unlike what they were seeing now. Percy looked a bit confused for a few seconds.
“But… but Chiron, you only have one leg.”
Annabeth slapped her head before breaking into fits of laughter. Both her and Chiron were laughing their heads off until Annabeth kindly explained.
“Prosthetics Percy! Prosthetics!”
Chiron flexed his left foot, showing off his new leg. The dancers were awe-struck. As far as they had known- Chiron had refused prosthetics since the accident. They felt an insurmountable amount of pride swell inside of them- This was good right? Chiron was moving on! He wasn’t being stuck in the past anymore. It wasn’t that fact that he got a prosthetic, it was the reason he used to refuse it. Annabeth and Percy knew that he didn’t want a prosthetic at first because if he couldn’t dance using it, he’d consider himself a failure and after the accident, he did not want to face any more failure than he had to- he wanted to protect himself.
And for a while, that was okay! The studio was supportive- they truly wanted him to heal. But Chiron was stubborn. He was -what one may dare even say- traumatised. But no one could truly blame him- Nico, someone who was barely conscious during the accident, suffered. No one could blame Chiron for what had happened but there looks. People who weren’t even relatively involved whatsoever casted glances. Gave their fair share of judgemental looks- despite not even knowing the truth. However, Chiron learnt better than to acknowledge said glances.
“Woah, Chiron, when did you get it fitted?” Percy asked in awe.
“A while ago. I wanted to manage a few steps in it before showing you all.”
Annabeth and Percy looked at eachother, the same thoughts, concerns and hopes crossing their minds.
“Can you take a few steps in it?” Annabeth said tentatively. Much to the students' hopes, Chiron nodded and both dancers ran to his side to help him stand. He held both of them as he heaved himself up and momentarily wobbled. He then pushed away their arms as he slowly made a few steps across the dance floor. He made his way towards the ballet bar, his hand stretching towards it. At this moment, Nico walked in, his jaw dropping before immediately resuming to a neutral facade.
“Nice leg,” Nico commented before making his way to the bar. Percy and Annabeth, once again, made eye contact thinking ‘what's up with him?’.
“ You ask him,” Annabeth hissed.
“No you ask him,”Percy mouthed as he nodded his head towards Nico.
“No, you!”
“I’m not asking him. Besides, he’s your dance partner,” Percy whispered. At this, Annabeth knew that Percy made a valid point. If there was anybody Nico trusted, besides Hazel for some apparent reason, it was Annabeth. The two danced together their entire lives, Nico couldn’t hide anything from her- not even his crush on Percy which many other people had seen as a crush on Annabeth herself. Annabeth on the other hand, could clearly tell the difference between jealousy and having a crush. Other than Annabeth and Jason, Nico refused for anyone else to know.
Annabeth sighed, shooting daggers at Percy as she got up and walked towards Nico. For the next 5 minutes, Nico and Annabeth stretched side by side in silence while Chiron and Percy chatted on the other side of the room.
“Soo.. how are things going with your routine?” Annabeth started as she leaned over her leg at the bar. Nico grunted something incomprehensible as he tried to avoid her by doing a plié. Annabeth joined him, asking him to speak up.
“Will walked out.”
“I played a dumb prank on him about getting injured.” Annabeth had to pinch herself to prevent herself from gasping. Nico? Her lifelong dance partner made… a joke? Pranked someone? Was this actually Nico?
“Well, why did you do it?”
“I was tryin to prove that Ballet dancers aren’t so uptight.”
“What exactly did you do?” Annabeth’s tone dipped and sounded slightly suspicious but either way, Nico did not notice.
“...Pretended to get injured… but that isn’t even the problem. My problem is that my chicken of a partner called me a bumbling, incompetent, priveleged idiot and then, then… they just bailed on me!”
Later, when Annabeth, Percy and Jason were in the cafe, Annabeth retold Percy and Jason about her earlier conversation with Nico- not sparing a single detail about the clear distress the situation was causing him.
“Happy now Jason? Paired Nico up with a damned jerk,” Percy said aggressively.
“I didn’t think he was such a big a bitch as you did!” Jason argued. Annabeth could sense the tension between the two men and decided to push them apart. She stood between them with her hands resting on her hips.
“I told you two so we could help fix what happened; not just argue over it and point fingers.”
“I never liked the damned sunflower anway,” Percy huffed. Annabeth resisted a giggle from Percy’s terrible insult.
“Anyway, someone needs to talk to him- see his point of view, try and get them over the petty argument.”
“Petty? Will insulted him over nothing!” Jason almost shouted, his aggressive and protective side shining through.
“Which we can all agree was wrong. But.” She glared at the men. “We also know that Nico can and will hold grudges over anything as long as time lasts.”
In agreement, they decided to all visit Will because there was no way in hell that Annabeth was letting Percy and Jason talk to Will alone.
Somewhere in the Dance studio... Calypso was pissed. It seemed that most days, she was thinking more about Leo than she’d prefer to. Sure, he was gorgeous- naturally gifted in the looks (and don’t tell him this but also the personality department) with his lucious brown curls that framed his face perfectly and the beautiful glint he’d have in his eye when he danced and they way his teeth would glimmer when he smiled like the true definition of pearly whites. But, she was also wondering about his whereabouts, more and more frequently.
She had checked the cafe, Studio 2 and Dionysus’s office (she did not know what to think of him) with no sign of Leo whatsoever. She knew that there would be only one person who would know where Leo was- Hazel. However, it seemed that Leo and Hazel both had something in common- the inability to be found anywhere.
Finally, she found her about to head out for the day entirely.
“Hey, Hazel.” Calypso tapped her on the shoulder, pulling her away from her conversation with Frank. “Have you seen Leo anywhere?”
With no tact whatsoever, Hazel stuttered out a ‘no’ that had Calypso raising her eyebrow in suspicion at her- clearly not believing the lie. Internally, Hazel forced herself to calm down and think. What had Leo mentioned, what could she use, what could she lie about?
Think Hazel, think!
Leo had mentioned saying something about an appointment- yes! Hazel mentally prepared herself and the words came magically stumbling out of her mouth- rolling off her tongue as if she lied on a daily basis.
“Well… you can’t tell anyone okay?” Hazel whispered convincingly, drawing Calypso's attention in. “ You can’t let Leo know that I told you this but he’s at an appointment, for his knee. He injured some time ago when we attempted a lift badly and well, you know…”
Calypso immediately felt regretful. It was like she was truly the villain half of the dancers here thought her to be. No wonder he was barely putting any effort into the dance! Not only was he injured but he was injured and doing ballet- a style he wasn’t so regularly familiar with. And she had been treating him like shit about it as well! She could feel the guilt slowly creeping into her.
“Oh my, Hazel.... I’m so, so sorry,” she managed to say. Hazel, also overwhelmed with guilt, wanted to take back the lie and just say the truth. Leo was at work to pay for his dance fees- why was he so ashamed of it! Hazel offered to pay for him but he would refuse everytime. She wished that he’d let her pay for him- her father had more money than he cared for and oftentimes, Nico and Hazel found themselves paying for everything they and their friends could truly desire- not that they minded. This was the one thing she could do for Sammy but not Leo and for it, her thoughts taunted her.
At least Sammy accepted her money, her help. Gods, don’t think like that Hazel. Money can’t save everyone, you know that Hazel.
Hazel glanced back up to see Frank waving at her and could only manage a small sullen smile.
On the way to Studio A... Calypso needed to get back to Studio A and perhaps find some edits for their routine- maybe lighten the ballet on Leo. Maybe Leo preferred Salsa because it was easier on his knee? It didn’t make sense to Calypso but despite not wanting to admit it, she had seen how happy it had made him. She’d have to ask Hazel or Dionysus about the technique of it but she had taken a few classes in it before and so she tried a few steps she’d seen Leo do before.
She soon realised that he made it look a lot easier than it actually was- she remembered how she had insulted salsa and it’s supposed ‘lack of technique’. But then, she also remembered how he’d insulted her by saying she wasn’t the ‘best ballet dancer’. What did that even mean? Her- not the best? Impossible. She had worked too hard her entire life for that to be possible.
For the sake of Leo and his knee (and reliving some of her guilt), Calypso persevered and tried to teach herself some basic salsa moves. The basics weren’t too hard, it was simply that trying to com[pletely abandon her ballet technique wasn’t very easy and subsequently, she found herself looking very stiff.
“What are you… doing?” a seemingly alarmed voice, that belonged to none other than her rival, called out. Flawless teeth, truffles of soft hair and glass like eyes- Luke Castellan walked in, his lips pulled into a smug smile that truly tempted Calypso to smack him.
“None of your business, Castellan,” Calypso quickly snapped.
“Castellan?” He turned towards her with an innocent look that quickly turned malicious. “That’s not what you were moaning under me whe-”
“-Shut up. That’s over, we’re over. We were over ages ago. It’s not happening again. Not after you lied to me.”
Luke frowned, his features seemingly cute but Calypso knew better than to trust what he portrayed on his face. When it came to Luke, the quote ‘there is no art to find the mind's construction in face’ should really be taken seriously. He moved himself so that he was working at the bar that was in front of the very mirror that Calypso was using. Calypso ignored him, going over the routine over and over again. However, Luke seemed determined to get in her way so he continued to stretch in front of the mirror until Calypso completely snapped.
“What?” Her hands were on her hips in a threating manner and face looked like she was ready to commit murder.
“Oh nothing.” Luke shrugged before quickly speaking again. “It’s just, I’d never imagine you’d actually partner with such… scum I guess.”
“A, why do you care who I partner with? B, Leo isn’t that bad,” Calypso reluctantly defended him. Leo to her definitely was that bad, but she sure as hell was not letting Luke know that.
“It’s a bit sad how you really downgraded after me… and I doubt that your nachos boy will be able to guarantee you a spot on the team…” Luke trailed.
Calypso had to admit that the name ‘nachos boy’ was hilarious and she definitely intended on calling Leo that some time.
“Are you okay?” Calypso’s concerned voice immediately threw off Luke. “Or have you just not seen a mirror in a while? Because anything could be considered an upgrade after you. Leo? That’s like what? A Triple upgrade in the least- Let it be known, when it comes to how good looking people at this studio are, you are like basically the last person.”
“And yet, you dated me. No, you pursued me even,” Luke teased, his voice with undertones of malice like a poison laced apple- sweet talking with a bitter aftertaste.
“People make mistakes.”Calypso shrugged casually as she grabbed her bag and left the room.
In the musical theatre office... “We just… wanted to make sure you and Nico were doing well with your routine,” Annabeth urged Will who refused to talk to Percy or Jason.
“So Nico sends other dancers to talk for him now?” Will frowned, relatively upset that Nico didn’t come to him. Sure, he had been really harsh and Nico did deserve an apology from him but he was hoping that Nico would come to him, not his three older and more experienced friends who seemed very threatening.
“He um, well Nico didn’t send us..” Jason said, slowly realising their mistake.
“So you decided to come and talk to me about our problem on his behalf without his permission or his acknowledgement? Did he even directly tell any of you what happened?”
“He told Annabeth!” Percy defended.
“And you wonder why we don’t get along,” Will sighed and facepalmed. “ Well, if it makes you feel any better, me and Nico are perfectly fine.”
“You guys… have talked?” Annabeth asked warily.
“We will.” And with that, Will waved them off.
9PM- Rehearsal room A Nico’s turns were consistent and his warm breath was forced out of his chest and he heavily breathed. The lights of the studio were all turned off except for the rehearsal room he was occupying. He could feel his leg muscles burning, telling him to stop but he ignored it, forcing his body into a state of pure divinity- his arms spread like a black swan, ethereal and elegant. His olive skin was shiny, a thin layer of sweat across his body and beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he carried on moving. His feet pranced, hopped, turned, kicked, swept and jumped. In the lighting he looked like a god with his onyx eyes, framed by his dark eyelashes and messy hair that moved with his every step.
Click clack. Click Clack.
Immediately, Nico stopped, recognising the sound. He turned down the classical music and took a few bows, the sarcasm in his movement clear.
“Thank you, thank you,” Nico drawled, clearly slightly pissed.
“I didn’t even get to clap.” Will pouted. “Did my shoes give a good reminder?”
Nico nodded but refused to continue speaking to him. He refused to speak to Will until he felt like talking to him again- he wanted a decent apology which should include Mcdonalds and wine. Speaking of wine, Nico definitely wanted some after the day he’d had. He knew Hazel always had something delicious but she lived near their parents and that always presented the possibility of his father popping in- not that he really hated his father, it was his wife, Persephone (who had given Nico a perfume that had a flower that he was allergic to).
“Are you not gonna talk to me?” Will asked, his hands in his pocket and with a slightly disappointed tone.
“Okay. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry. I overreacted to something that was seemingly innocent and I shouldn’t have been such a…”
“Bitch?” Nico filled in.
Will let out a whole hearted laugh. “ Yeah, I guess bitch is the right word. Anyway, I’m really sorry that I called you that…I shouldn’t have judged you based on your friends.”
“Being forgiven will not be so easy.”
“Do you need a Happy meal?” Will teased until Nico’s silence filled the room. “Wait, seriously, just a happy meal? Deal.”
“Well, now that you mention it, some wine would be nice. Maybe a day away from the studio,” Nico mused as he stuffed his stuff into his bag carelessly. He’d hate himslef when he had to organise it at home but it was really late and Nico was hungry as fuck.
“I hear that Chiron is taking out some students to the beach this week. I’m pretty sure Calypso is coming, she’ll let me tag along and I’m sure Annabeth will drag you there anyway. We can have our… reunion then,” Will decided as they walked out of the studio. Nico stopped as he fished out the studio keys and locked up the font doors. Nico wasn’t truly fond of the beach but it was free food and a chance to hang around his friends.
“Sure.” Nico nodded. “It’s a date.”
Will watched as Nico got into his car. For some reason, Will felt himself blush at those very words- It’s a date.
Those words ended up replaying in Will’s head until they met again on Saturday.
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The Experiment Chapter 6
"Will F/L/N Y/N please report to the office?"
I ignore the 'ooooohhhhh she in trouubllleee's' and head down.
"We've decided to transfer you to 1 A. One of our previous students decided the hero course is not for him, and someone from general studies is going in, however, Aizawa refuses to re-teach the new kid what he's already taught the others, so we need to transfer someone from 1 B in, and since you were already being considered, you're the perfect candidate." The little rat grins at me. Who the hell is Aizawa? I've never heard of him.
“Ok. Sounds good.” I figure there’s no point in fighting it, the alternative is expulsion. As I’m walking over to the door, the rat speaks again,
“Oh, you’ll be moving classes now, so go get your stuff. We figure the faster the transition, the smoother." What am I supposed to do about my friends?
"Can I say bye to everyone?"
"Of course." He says a grin on his little rat face.
Great, now I have to reintroduce myself, and avoid questions, and explain my quirk all over again. One the bright side, I'll be with that Momo girl… she was super pretty. Oh, and that jackass blonde kid, and that bitchy two toned.
On my way back to my old class, I plan out what I'm going to tell Monoma. Poor kid, they don't get him like I do.
I sigh and push through the heavy door.
"Hey, what was that about?" Kendo's face is knitted with concern once she sees my expression.
"I have to transfer classes. To 1 A."
The classroom is silent. Vlad king looks disappointed. He loves all his students and had grown quite attached to them, as he did each year.
"No, you can't leave us for them!" Monoma said, betrayal flashing in his eyes. "You can't leave me…" he whispers to himself. 'Not for those 1 A brats, who, like everyone else in his life, believed he couldn't be a good hero. They insulted us, called us worthless, and now they think they can take you away? His first friend he's had in a long time?'
"We can still hang out during lunch and after school and stuff Monoma, I'm not dying."
But he wasn't listening to me. He looked like he was having a flashback. 'Does she think they're better than us? Is that why she's leaving? Because I'm not good enough? But, I'm just as good as them, we got in on the same test… there's really no difference, just letters. I'll show those bastards how good we are. That will prove to her that we're the same.'
Tetsutetsu was a bit disappointed too. He enjoyed having such a tough girl in class. You fought those bullies! It wasn't a crush, per say, more of an admiration for your spirit.
2nd person
On the other hand, Pony was glad you were being transferred. Not in a rude way, no, actually quite the opposite. She remembers you fighting those jerks, and knows that if you are in class 1A, you can ride off the wave of fame from that villain attack. The more famous you are,,, the easier to become a pro.
But not that you would know this.
Back to Y/N
I wonder what these new kids will be like. They can't all be selfish jerks.
Outside of the 1A door, I hear a muffled voice say,
"A new student is being transferred in, in Mineta's place." Footsteps alert me that he, whoever he is, is approaching the door. "Come in." He says as it opens. Oh shit, it's that teacher who caught me fighting. I step through the door, which is conveniently wide, easier for my wings to get through.
"Hey, I'm F/L/N Y/N. Uh, I'm from 1B and my quirk is Raven."
"Good. Sit behind Midoriya, Midoriya raise your hand." He said, sounding sleep deprived. A green haired boy raised his hand, and I walked over there. In front of Midoriya, was the jerk. As I walked by, he scoffed and said,
"The fuck's wrong with your face." I ignored him. He didn't deserve my answer. Behind my seat was Momo. Oh good, I get someone nice. Next to me was a guy with a black bird head. He looked me in the eyes and said
"Ah, a fellow creature of darkness." He looked so dramatic as he said it, like he was a stabbed poet. He must have been talking about my wings and I didn't know what to say, so naturally, I said,
"Ok." He seemed satisfied with my answer, and he turned back to Mr Aizawa. Behind him, was the two toned jerkface who wouldn't let me sit with him. He looked at the scars on my face, his face blank, and then looked away. What a weirdo.
"Copy down these notes." Mr. Aizawa said before pulling out a yellow sleeping bag and slumping down. Wait, What?
"Yeah, he does that," says a guy with pointy bangs, "we've gotten used to it by now." I nod in acknowledgement, and look down at my paper. Fuck. Small problem. I can't read. I know my name, and how to write it, but other than that, I never learned. Kei read me the textbooks out loud, and the acceptance letter was verbal. Vlad King read the notes out loud as he said them. Oh my god. I'm in high school and I can't read. This is horrible, people will find out, I'll be kicked out of UA for being stupid. Momo tapped me on the shoulder.
"Are you ok? Is Midoriya's muttering bothering you?"
"What? Oh, no." I hadn't even noticed. As I listened closer, I realized he was saying the notes out loud as he wrote them. As I listened, I pretended to look up at the board and wrote my name over and over as I listened. Perfect.
The lunch bell rung, and the class filed out. The green haired boy, Midoriya, walked towards me, a smile on his freckled face.
"Hi! I'm Midoriya Izuku! How does your quirk work? Does it have to do with those splotches on your skin?"
"Nah, they're burns. My quirk is pretty self explanatory," I said, widening my wings for emphasis. "Oh, and I can do this," I hardened my wings and shot the blades out within seconds. His eyes went wide as they pinned his arm to a wall. A brown haired girl ran to his side.
"Deku are you ok??" She looks like she's worried enough to faint.
"You shouldn't use your quirk so recklessly!" A blue haired guy with glasses started scolding me.
"Chill out, he's fine." I said as I started to walk away. I heard a faint snort from the back, and when I turned my head I saw the blonde bastard staring me down.
"You got a problem?" I said, loudly for everyone to hear.
"Yeah, you better not be thinking you're better than me!"
"Hey man, chill out," a red haired guy grabbed his shoulder and he turned and glared, then shrugged him off a couple seconds later, but he didn't continue his speech to me. He stomped out of the room, backpack slung around one shoulder.
"Sorry about him," the red haired guy said, rubbing his neck,"he can be a little-"
"Bitchy?" I interrupted.
"Um, yeah…"
"Badass." I heard a whisper from the side of the class. When I turned my head, a yellow haired boy winked at me. The green haired boy, Deku, or whatever was gaping at me. He looks like a pushover.
On my way out, after a few other kids, I heard the yellow one talking to a pink girl. I didn't pay attention until I heard my name.
"I bet 5 dollars she'll sit at our table." The yellow one said.
"No way! She'll totally sit with Todoroki! You see those marks?" There must be an invisible person in this class, because there were floating clothes.
"I think she'll sit with Deku, he seems to like her." That pink girl said.
"I hope she sits with us, she's so manly! Though Bakugo doesn't like her…"
"Kirishima, Bakugo doesn't like anybody but himself…"
I ignored them and walked out.
I could feel a couple eyes on me as I walked into the lunchroom.
"Oh." I heard from a couple people in 1A as I sat down with Monoma, Kendo and Tetsutetsu.
"So, how's the famous class 1A. Do you have any dirt on them?"
"I don't know. They seem normal. The teacher sucks though."
"So they're not as good as everybody says?" Kendo looked disappointed in my answer.
"No. Nothing special. " I said.
"So what's the deal with my spot? Do they have a new person yet?"
"Nah, they said they're gonna wait till after the sports festival to see who can earn the spot." The silver haired boy spoke for the first time. "I'm excited to shove it to those 1A bastards."
"What's the sports festival?"
All three stared at me.
"It's a competition between classes of U.A. haven't you seen it on TV before?"
"Um, no," I said, shifting my wings uncomfortably, "I've never had the chance with all my training." Usually I'm a good liar. Strange.
We ate, and the bell rung again, signaling the end of lunch.
"Bye guys, see you later!"
After lunch, it was time for basic hero training.
"I AM HERE!" The large man yelled. It's Allmight. This would be so cool if I actually gave a fuck.
"Everybody suit up and meet me in field A!" He said as he pushed the button that sent the rack that holds the hero suits out of the wall. Everybody in this class has different quirks, so I get to see the new costumes! This is exciting!
After walking out of the locker room, I spot Deku, that girl, and a suit of armor. I walk over to them.
"Holy moly Y/N! You look amazing!" The girl says. I must've misjudged her, she seems nice.
"Thanks! You look great too!"
"Though not entirely appropriate for a high school…" this came from the armor. Oh, it must be the mean one under there.
"Though not flashy enough to stand out amongst the others.…" This came from the armor. Oh, it must be the mean one under there.
"Who's your favorite hero?" Deku asks, his eyes shining.
"Awesome! Did your costume take inspiration from hers/his? Mine is based on my favorite hero Allmight! He's so cool and I want to be just like him!"
"Yeah, it did."
"Ah, I see. Taking inspiration from your favorite hero is admirable. My costume is based off of my personal hero, Ingenium! I misjudged you! Tenya Iida!" He said while bowing.
"Yeah, I also just like wearing stuff like this." That jerk's not going to slutshame/ make anyone feel bad about their style anyone on my watch.
"Hey you! Scarface!" Both me and the boy with the split colored hair turned around.
I walked over to him. I could see the yellow haired boy staring at my costume with a light blush on his face. The red haired one was quickly looking away to pretend he wasn't staring. I was honestly kind of surprised. It's probably just because there are only a few people with skimpy hero costumes. He's not actually interested. I don't have a curvy body. I'm only a(n) (A,B,C,D) I guess the fishnets and garters did their job. I don't have big hips or thighs. To be honest, I do have long legs. I stand at 5'7'' I'm eye level with Bakugo normally, but in these heels I stand about 5'9"
I walk over to Bakugo, who's glaring at me the whole way. Once I reach him, I try to embarrass him as much as possible. If he's gonna call me scarface, I can make fun of him.
(I was thinking boots like these, but they can be whatever you want.)
"Same pants!" I say, glancing down at his legs.
My hero costume was sweatpants, a jacket, and a sports bra. Mind you, it was a full coverage bra, that made sure I was covered and safe. I would have worn something loose, but I couldn't for 3 reasons. 1) I needed to be able to fit my wings through the back and move them easily. 2) I couldn't wear a loose shirt while flying or it would tear off. 3) A loose shirt would be easy to grab during a fight.
I also wore sleeves to cover my arms, and weighted knuckle gloves. (gloves with hard stuff in the knuckles to make a punch hurt more)
As I got to Bakugo, he said
"You better not be looking down on me bitch!" Which I thought was ironic, because I'm taller than him.
"It'd be hard not to. I'm taller than you." I lean in real close to intimidate him, but he freezes, and then as if shaking off a thought, frowns and yells,
"That's because you're in stripper heels you whore!"
"They aren't stripper heels, they're platform boots. Moron." Redhead stares wide eyed, as if he's expecting a bomb to detonate any second. I suppose in a way, it is.
"Do you want some Zoloft or something? I can get you some." I really can, Kei knows a couple dealers, having made a few runs for extra cash. She mostly cuts contact with the shady stuff though.
"Hey bro, calm down! Let's make a plan for winning and proving we're the best at UA!" The redhead said, clearly trying to diffuse the situation.
"Stay out of this shitty hair!"
"WHY YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?!" He yells at Allmight.
People began to pair up, Uraraka and Deku, Bakugo and Kirishima, etc. The girls were crowding the split one, and the bird boy came over to me.
"Would you like to be my fellow partner of darkness in this activity?"
"Sure," I said.
"There are 30 of these sandbags hidden around the facility as hostages. There are also 20 of Ectoplasm's copies scattered around. They won't always be near the hostages. Once down, a copy will stay down. It is not required to fight any of the clones. Attacking anybody but the clones is prohibited. The team to rescue the most sandbags wins. You have 8 minutes to make a plan with your partner. Starting… now."
“What's your name?” I said. It's probably something emo or edgy af.
“Tokoyami Fumikage.”
“Ok, what does your quirk do?”
“This is dark shadow. He fights.” he said as a black mass with yellow eyes emerges from his back.
"So, you could fight clones while I look for hostages… but then we wouldn't be able to help each other… and my quirk's not very good at fighting."
"If we both go everywhere together we'll rescue less people, separating would be more efficient...but then what if the other finds someone? Maybe someone could
"I think that we should work together. We should set up a base and we can bring the bags there." I said. He nodded.
"Everybody line up! It's time to begin!" We did
"Ready! GO! PLUS ULTRA!" He shouted and we scrambled to the door. Someone jumped in through a window, her tongue hanging out.
Once in, I found myself in a maze. There were 4 hallways to choose from. I ran down the closest one, Tokoyami in close pursuit. I turned a corner to find a wall and a sandbag on the ground. This is easy. With no villains in sight, I pick it up and the door slams shut. A person shimmers into vision, one of the clones, because he's in Ectoplasm’s costume. He pulls out a knife and makes a jab at me. Tokoyami bangs on the door, but it's metal. I can easily move out of the way, because I live on the streets, and there are homeless drunks who will stab you, so Kei taught me how to dodge, grab their wrist, break it, and slam their head into the nearest surface. Unluckily for the clone, that was an iron door. It melts and leaves a button on the ground. I push it, and it opens the door.
We run a bit more, turning and twisting through the cemented labyrinth, until we find a clone. It has a few hostages, a big one and a small one. It must symbolize a kid. This clone just pulls a knife and slits the bigger bag open, the sand pouring onto the floor. I freeze. It grabs the small bag and holds a knife to it. He must not have a quirk because he hasn't used anything yet.
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notebooknebula · 4 years
Jim Zaspel on Real Estate Investing Minus the Bank
Jim Zaspel (00:11): Yeah, that sounds good. Well, let’s get started, Jay. So Jay, you and I met about 10 years ago, 11 years ago. And you’ve been a real estate a lot longer than I have been. So tell us about yourself, how you got started in real estate investing and Jay Conner in a Nutshell. You got a lot of interesting stories behind you, so let folks get to know you a little bit.
Jay Conner (00:32): Well, you know, I don’t know if I can do Jay Conner in a Nutshell because you just told me last week I can’t manage to say my name. Right? I remember Jim, the very first real estate investing event that you and I met at. I don’t know what brought it on, but I think I was brought up on the platform to I don’t know to talk or something and I sat back down and I was sitting right next to you at the event and you leaned over to me and you said, talk Jay Conner can do [I remember a good yesterday, man]. So who am I and what have I been doing? So, as you said, Jim, I’ve been investing here in Eastern North Carolina since 2003 full time since 2003. And the first six years of the business, I’ve relied on local banks and mortgage companies to fund my deals. And I remember like it was yesterday, it was the third week of January, 2009, six years into the business, I called him a banker on this telephone right here.
Jay Conner (01:41): I called him up, his name was Steve. And I got Steve on the phone and I’d had this conversation with Steve many times. I told him, Steve, I have these two properties on the contract, which by the way, back in 2009, when you put earnest money down in North Carolina, you couldn’t get it back. So I got money tied up in the deals and these two deals representative over a hundred thousand dollars in profit. And so I propose about the deals and when closing was scheduled and the funding that I needed for the deals. And I learned that conversation that I’ve been cut off and my lines of credit are gone from the bank. And I wish I’d known that before I put the money down. Right? And so within two weeks of actually going to this event that I was at with you, learned about private money. I came back home, I put my private money program on steroids and I was able to raise 2 million, $150,000 in funding from individuals, either their investment capital or their retirement funds. And so I was able to close all those two deals that I had. I didn’t lose those. And since that time I’ve not missed out on a deal because I didn’t have the funding. So I’m still full time in the business. I do two to three deals a month. Our average profits are $67,000 per deal.
Jim Zaspel (03:03): I just wanna puke My friend, $67,000 per deal. So you just told me that you work half as hard as I do and get paid twice as much.
Jay Conner (03:11): So anyway, you know, I do the business, I love the business. And I got bored back in 2011 cause they got an amazing team put together for doing the business. So that’s when I started, I put on my teacher hat and I started educating other real estate investors, particularly on how to get a lot of funding for their deals without relying on their credit verification income or experience in real estate.
Jim Zaspel (03:36): That’s awesome! Well, you there’s one thing you, you did a training just a week or two ago that I was on and I went to high level folks and it was like, Holy moly, you know, when you’re in the hands of a professional, and I don’t mean a professional speaker, which you are, but what a few of my friends were talking afterwards is a professional teacher who’s like, wow, this is doable. And it makes it super clear. And of course you’re on his neck to listen to. Besides,
Jay Conner (04:04): I got a little bit of a different accent than the folks up there in PA. Right?
Jim Zaspel (04:09): A little bit, a little bit, a little bit. So Hey man. So we’re doing a couple of things are coming up. You know, these three individual days, tell folks about what’s in the books for how you’re going to help folks out and get some free training coming up.
Jay Conner (04:26): Yep. So for your subscribers, your followers, Jim, you’ve got quite a network. You can invite all your people to come absolutely for free to three Fridays in a row on real estate virtual training right here on the internet. These three free Fridays are, the first one is going to be May 22nd Friday, May 22nd. And folks, this is not a two hour training per Friday. This is all day 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Friday, May 22nd is the first one, then Friday, May 29th and then Friday, June the fifth, all these three Fridays are going to be not only how to survive, but how to actually thrive when you’re in the midst of uncertain times. And even when we come out on the little side of Corona virus, there’s always going to be those uncertain times that come around the corner. So in the midst Corona virus on the coming out on the other side, how you can be very successful in real estate investing, whether you’re a seasoned real estate investor or you’re brand new and never done a deal the first Friday, Jim on May 22nd, I’m going to be teaching all day long focusing on private money, how to actually locate the private money and the funding, particularly right now front virus and the consequences of it are still going on.
Jay Conner (05:47): I actually have more private money coming to me without me asking for any money. It’s chasing me and I’m going to be sharing with of your folks that come there to the free Friday, how I actually am raising all this money in the millions without ever asking anybody for money, right?
Jim Zaspel (06:08): Jay That’s incredible! And if I can interrupt and just like a plug for you for a second. So I will say that in my experience personally and people I know you know, one of the biggest things that we’re afraid of. Like what do you say? Right? How do you, how do you ask for the money? But you didn’t even get to do that. And so I’m gonna put a bait hook out there for folks that, you know, Jay has this, I’m going to just use the words magical way of talking about not even asking for talking about private money and then getting it. So you’re in for a super treat. I know you’re going to talk about some of the stuff on that Friday on the 22nd, but I just want to stop right there. That alone is just incredible.
Jay Conner (06:47): Yeah. Well, and in fact, Jim I mean, you know what you’re talking about as well and you can speak to it because you’ve raised a ton of private money yourself.
Jim Zaspel (06:58): Yes, yes. We have several million dollars in private capital all using Jay’s processes and systems. There’s one time I raised, it’s just over half a million bucks at one launch in using Jay’s process. And that happened to be brushed by the group to be with the same private lenders to right now it’s over one and a half million dollars of private money from those same people.
Jay Conner (07:20): That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So that’s the first Friday, May 22nd and then the second Friday, May 29th we’ll be focusing on foreclosures. And here’s what I mean when I say foreclosures. So right now I mean you’re, our country’s starting to open up a little bit, but the foreclosures, people that were in foreclosure but hadn’t gone to their houses and not going to sale you know, when Corona virus was come along. So they put a stay on the foreclosures and there’s no new sales going on. You know, right now and won’t leave for the next few weeks. Well, as my grandmother would say, all they’re doing is saving up spit.
Jim Zaspel (08:03): Yes.
Jay Conner (08:07): That’s stuff ain’t going anywhere. I’ll do that. Then she’s going to be more spit all at one time,
Jim Zaspel (08:11): right? I got to get that one down.
Jay Conner (08:18): Well, you can always count on me to give you a nugget Jim. So you got all these people, there’s going to be this wave of new foreclosures just from the pent up demand. And then on top of that, we got all these millions of people over 30 million people unemployed, laid off. Well, that’s going to create even more foreclosures. So here’s the deal. There’s an affinity on an ever met me or heard me speak, you know, I come from a place of a servant’s heart. Look out for the other person first and you’re not going to have to worry about yourself. So there’s going to be a huge opportunity to serve a lot of people that are going to be having their own crisis. I mean, you talk about the Corona virus crisis, there’s going to be the foreclosure crisis that’s coming up. Are you gonna be able to serve a bunch of people, help them out of their crisis.
Jay Conner (09:13): And in return, I’ll teach you how to create win-win scenarios to where you serve these people and you make a ton of money at the same time in serving these people. That’s the second Friday, the third Friday on June, the 5th, I call it how to locate three private money. So I’m going to be teaching a strategy on that Friday as to how you can actually get funding for a lot of your deals without having to borrow any money. So I’m just going with the teaser to get funding for your deals without borrowing any money. I’m not talking about using your own money either. So that’s going to be free private money on a Friday, June the fifth. And so Jim you know, whenever it’s appropriate, I’ll let you tell people how they can register or maybe there’ll be seen it right here. I don’t know. But if you have not registered folks, I never gonna fill up. Because you are in Jim Zaspel world, you get to come for free, get registered right now.
Jim Zaspel (10:20): That is a huge giveaway. So what I’ll tell you folks who are watching this. The first thing I’ll tell you is I think you can tell from watching that, Jay spent 10 minutes to say hello, is that he truly has a servants heart And more honestly, more importantly for your purposes is he knows what the heck he’s talking about and he’s darn good at it. And most importantly, he’s just, he makes it so doable. And you know, I’ve heard, you know, until we learn something new there’s on-boarding process makes the challenge. Jay makes new stuff, seems so easy and so doable. And just cause he’s so good at himself. So you’re a great hand. So if you got emailed a link to this video, then the way it’s going to work is there’ll be a link to register.
Jim Zaspel (11:03): And again, it’s totally free, Jay’s doing, there’ll be a link to register for these free trainings in that email. And then if this video is on a page on one of my social media pages, it’ll be in the description as well. So check the email if you got an email, if you’re watching the social media check the first comment or the description and the link will be there. So go ahead and click it, cause I don’t know what Jay’s limit is, but obviously because of technology and bandwidth, all those things are. There’s so many people who’ve been fit in a class each day.
Jay Conner (11:30): Thank you so much, Jim, for having me on here. And, you’re going to be joining me, I think on a panel. So you all, not only do you get me, but you get the main man himself and these virtual trainings as well. So I look forward to seeing all of you and Jim at the upcoming virtual trainings. We’ll see you there.
Jim Zaspel (11:50): Awesome, Jay, I really appreciate you doing this folks. Get registered now and I’ll see you soon.
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 8 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Day 8 here we are holy moly! Now, festive times can bring along unwanted stress, so let's get rid of some of that today! LET'S DO IT!
TAGGING: @googlee-oliver
There are so many ways to give someone that you love a gift, and I personally am always honoured at the thought of someone even thinking about wanting to get me something. Something that’s always particularly special though, it’s when someone decides to hand-make a gift for one of their loved ones, I just find it so precious. Especially since making a gift for someone can be so difficult, certainly more difficult that regular crafting. You always want it to be completely utterly perfect, and you get paranoid and scared if you don’t get something exactly right and it takes at least 10 attempts to make something you think is even half decent.
Of course, sometimes this can be quite stressful….and sometimes, getting a little help can make things all the better. I regret to say that someone was experiencing sad stress right now, but you need not fear, because a certain little green glob was on a mission to find someone who could ease the stress and frustration….of Goopiplier. Gooper was speeding down corridor after corridor, just looking for somebody, anybody, who could help the poor guy….and Gooper ended up bumping into the ankle of the perfect person.
‘Wohoah! Whehere are you off toho in such a hurry?’
Oliver, the yellow Google facet, giggled as he looked down at Gooper, before crouching down so he could pet his back softly. Gooper relished in the affection for a few moments, before remembering his purpose. He bounced and gurgled intently to the android, who immediately furrowed his brows in concern.
‘Goop is upset and he needs someone’s help?! Where is he? Can you take me to him?’
Gooper eagerly yipped, before hurrying back the way he came with Oliver following quickly behind, his mind racing with worry as he hoped that Goop wasn’t panicking too much. Either way though, Oliver was resolute on helping, whatever the problem was. Gooper halted at Goop’s bedroom door, motioning to it…and Oliver could feel his own emotions building when he heard wet, muffled sobs coming from inside the room. Oliver smiled gently down at Gooper.
‘It’s okay bud, I’ll take it from here.’
Gooper mewled and nuzzled Oliver’s ankle as a thank you, before vacating. Oliver then turned his attention to the door, which was slightly ajar, before deciding to carefully push it open.
Oliver spoke softly so the man wouldn’t be startled, and thankfully he wasn’t. Oliver caught a quick glimpse of the man’s face before he tried to hide it, he had a slime-esque beard as always, but his eyes were puffy and there were tears and snot on his face from all the crying he’d clearly been doing. Goop gulped before trying to speak in a stammer free voice….which unfortunately he didn’t quite manage.
‘Hey Oli uh…l-look I’m uh…d-doing a Christmas g-g-…g-gift thing so uhm…c-c-…u-uhm…’
Oliver’s android heart broke at hearing Goop whimper and seeing him tremble from how upset he was, and he immediately came up to him and placed a gentle hand on his arm.
‘Oh Goop, what happened? You can tell me, it’s just you and me here, and I won’t tell anyone else if you don’t want me to….’
Oliver spoke in a gentle, reassuring voice…and it was that kindness that caused the last dam to break in Goop’s mind. His words were rambles as he turned to the sweet android, and his emotions just ran from his lips like a raging river.
‘I-I-I t-tried t-to make W-Wilford a p-pretty p-p-present b-but i-it’s useless a-a-and stupid and I-I kn-know he’s gonna hate it a-a-and think i-it’s worthless a-a-and h-he’ll h-hate me!’
Goop sobbed into his hands, sniffling as his whole body seemed to shake with his panicked upset; needless to say, Oliver was quick to act. Different people are cheered up by different things, sometimes it’s a light-hearted joke that shines through the dark crap, sometimes it’s soothing words, sometimes it’s the opportunity to vent, and sometimes it’s physical contact. Oliver had made it a secret project and find out and file away exactly what soothed each and every one of the egos, and thankfully he knew what Goop needed. A damn tight hug and the opportunity to just cry it all out.
‘Hey…hey it’s okay, I’ve got you. Just let it out Goop, just let it all out…’
Oliver wrapped his arms around the weeping man, holding him close to his chest with one hand rubbing his back and another hand buried gently in his hair. At first, Goop was inclined to protest, but as soon as he felt Oli’s warmth he just couldn’t pull away. He sobbed into Oli’s chest for a while, he was just so stressed and nervous that it just became too much for him. He’d never been a part of a family like this wherein he could give anyone any gifts, so this was a seriously big deal for him. Also, Wilford was like his idol; he was charismatic, talented, and didn’t care if he was seen as weird by others, he just owned it. That’s why it was so important for Goop to get this gift right.
‘I-I j-just….I-I-I wanna m-make this p-perfect….’
He stuttered still, but his sobs had died down thanks to Oliver’s affection and patience. The android smiled softly into Goop’s shoulder, rubbing his back as he replied in a soft voice.
‘I get, I really do. Sometimes with these things you just work on them so much that it makes it hard to see just how good they are, sometimes you need another pair of eyes to see the perfection…’
They slowly parted from the embrace, and Oliver smiled up at Goop now as he continued.
‘I could be that other pair of eyes, if you like?’
Goop nibbled his bottom lip nervously…he was still so scared of what he made being terrible, but on the other hand he really trusted Oliver, he was one of the kindest and most honest people ever; Goop knew that if anyone was going to make him feel better about this whole debacle, it would be the android of sunshine.
‘….o-okay….okay I’ll show you….’
Oliver’s smile widened, he couldn’t deny that he was excited to see what Goop had been working on for Wilford; Oliver knew that Goop had a talent for crafting, so the android had a really good feeling about this in his core. Goop led him over to a little work bench he had in his room, and moved a metal bucket aside….and Oliver’s eyes widened. Goop had, somehow….made a lava lamp from scratch.
‘Is….did you MAKE a lava lamp?’
Oliver’s mouth and eyes were wide as he took a closer look, whilst Goop fiddled with his fingers nervously.
‘U-Uh…yeah uhm, well, I-I’ve tried to….’
It was the most beautiful thing that Oliver had ever seen in his entire life. The lava lamp was a good thirty centimetres high and about fifteen centimetres in diameter, it had been crafted absolutely gorgeously. The lighting sequence transitioned through a sequence of pinks into purples, with a hint of magenta at points too, and the movement of the lava-slime substance was beautifully slow and hypnotic. What’s more, the heat it radiated was nothing short of comforting, it wasn’t too overwhelmingly hot, just a soothing, radiant warmth; oh also, the lava-slime clumps were embedded with silvery glitter. Oliver let out a soft gasp as he looked back to Goop finally.
‘This is so…just….I-I don’t know how to describe it! Beautiful isn’t a good enough word for it! The substance moves so smoothly up and down, the colours of light are so soothing and fit so perfect with Wilford! Plus, he’ll adore the fact that it’s, y’know, a lava lamp! I know he’s going to adore it!’
Goop blinked a few times in shock, having to take a minute or so to process all the praise he was being given. Oliver….thought it was better than good. Goop developed a wobbly, happy smile, letting out a light residual sniffle as he mumbled.
‘Y-You really think that?’
Oliver grinned as he nodded eagerly.
‘Heck yeah! It’s so cool, I really mean it!’
Goop’s smile widened, before he looked down to the floor, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck.
‘Ahaww shucks….’
Oliver let out a fond giggle.
‘Don’t you start crying again on me mister!’
Goop blushed at that.
‘I-I won’t I won’t-‘
‘Oh! Speaking of which, what kind of friend am I if I don’t clean you up?’
Goop blinked a few times, before his blush darkened as Oliver tilted his head up and started wiping and dabbing softly at his eyes and cheeks with a handkerchief.
‘Y-You don’t have to-‘
‘Nonsense, I want to! Plus, those tears might ruin your slime beard and we CANNOT have that!’
Goop let out a giggle, which warmed Oliver’s core so much, Oliver was much happier seeing Goop smiling instead of being so morose and disheartened. Oliver took his time drying away Goop’s tears and softly dabbing against his puffy skin, being careful to make his fingers a tad cooler so that the skin would feel soothed. However, that little giggle that Goop had let out was somewhat stuck in Oliver’s mind…and Oliver came to the logical conclusion that in order to help maintain Goop’s cheered up state, a state of mirth should also be involved. Oliver’s eyes gleamed for a moment, before he casually spoke.
‘Oh my! How did you get tears behind your ears?’
Goop furrowed his brows…what? For a moment he was seriously worried that Oliver was shorting out or low on charge, but he soon realised what Oliver was doing….when his nimble fingers skittered behind both his ears. He let out a wide eyed squeal and jumped away from the android, blushing rather red already as he stuttered in a very cute manner.
‘D-Dohon’t even think about it!’
Oliver giggled, and tucked his handkerchief away as he softly stepped towards Goop with a playful grin in place.
‘I just wanna make sure you’re all cheered up-‘
‘Y-You don’t need to tickle m-me to do that!’
‘Ohhh but I think I DO!’
Goop squealed and gasped when he was suddenly tackled to the floor by the, ultimately far stronger, android who wasted no time in straddling his hips and pinning his arms under his knees. Oliver let out a content sigh, before cooing.
‘Now, where was I?’
Oliver didn’t wait for an answer before he went back to skittering behind Goop’s, very adorable, ears which made Goop burst into spluttery giggles and snorts.
‘Pfthfttth-hehehey! Stahahappit yohohou ahass stahahappit!’
Oliver giggled, internally squealing at how adorable Goop looked as he tossed his head from side to side, he was so precious. Oliver’s nails were very precise as they stroked right in the crooks behind Goop’s lobes, all the while Oliver grinned and crooned.
‘Awww you look so much happier already, how could I possibly stop?!’
Goop squealed and kicked out reflexively, biting his bottom lip as he tossed his head about as much as he could, but Oliver was just too damn good at this. Usually if Goop got tickled, people never went for his ears because most people didn’t want to get part of his gooey beard on themselves, so that tickle spot always remained safe…until now of course.
‘Ihihihit tihihickles soho bahahad!’
Oliver fondly rolled his eyes.
‘Nooo! Really?! Well now that IS a revelation!’
Goop snorted, attempting to glare up at Oli through his flustered grin.
‘Shuhuhut uhuhup!’
Oliver grinned, his tongue poking out through his teeth cutely as he let his fingers traipse down away from Goop’s ears, now occupying themselves with softly trailing up and down his arms. Oliver smiled softly as he looked down at Goop.
‘You know, I don’t think I will. I’m really enjoying tickling you y’know, and that just makes me wanna talk even more! I wanna talk about how pretty your grin is, how sweet your giggles are, how cute your blush is! And ESPECIALLY how adorable it is when your goopy beard wobbles when you laugh!’
Goop’s eyes widened with embarrassment as he spluttered, caught between shaky giggles and utter speechlessness as all the teasing compliments built up in his brain. He’d never been complimented this much in his life, nor had he ever been teased this much in his life, and the intense combination of the two was just making him crumble into a flustered mess.
‘Ohogod-p-plehease just sh-shush! I-I c-can’t…’
He trailed off with a soft whine as he flicked his gaze away from the android, and Oliver felt like he was going to melt right there and then at how his teasy kindnesses affected the guy.
'Awwww, can the wittle goopy baby not handle the teasies?’
Oliver cooed with a giggle, now deciding to sneak a finger into each of Goop’s closed armpits, which caught the poor guy very off guard as he tried to retort.
Oliver grinned with evil delight at how Goop squealed and threw his head back, letting out a string out deep cackles that sounded like they came from the very depths of his sensitive soul. Oliver kept his fingers wiggling as he teased.
‘Oh…but…oh dear, it seems now I’ve put them in, I can’t get them out! Oh jeez, maybe if I wiggle them more then that’ll help get them out…’
Goop’s cackles got louder as Oliver sped up the tickling wiggling, making Goop thrash and cry out in growing flustered desperation.
Despite Goop’s words, Oli maintained a concerned demeanour, letting out little gasps and grunts as he wiggled and twisted his fingers about constantly.
‘I am trying, but goodness me your thrashing is not helping! It’s only a little finger in each little armpit…’
Goop merely wailed, arching his back as his feet hit the floor wildly with his struggles and reactions.
Oliver giggled, and let his façade drop as he removed his fingers from Goop’s sensitive hollows. Goop was gasping, and his voice was caught in a much higher octave as he looked up at Oliver with flustered shock; he hadn’t ever fathomed sweet little Oliver being so damn evil!
‘Thahat w-was soho e-evihil! L-Like, s-seriously e-e-ehevil!’
Oliver giggled, raising a playful eyebrow down at Goop as he booped the guy’s nose.
‘I barely even did anything, it’s not my fault you’re a ticklish goopy baby!’
….I swear to god, Goop’s face was almost a fricking magenta colour after Oliver said those words. His voice somehow managed to go even higher too as he stammered.
‘I-I-I a-am n-not!’
Oliver giggled with an excited gasp, noting how that particular little nickname affected the sweet, ticklish man. Oliver teasingly ran his fingers over Goop’s torso now, focusing on his tummy as he raised an eyebrow down at him playfully.
‘Ohh? Does a certain ticklish goopy baby like that nickname?’
Goop pursed his lips and looked away from Oliver, fighting giggles as his lips and belly both trembled. Honestly, he did rather like that nickname, and frankly he was enjoying all of this too….but what he enjoyed the most was Oliver’s teasing. Oliver’s teasing gave him chills and goose-bumps and made him blush so hard he was hotter than the lava lamp he’d made for Wilford; disagreeing with Oliver was like a game, and it was a game that Goop wanted to play.
Oliver cocked his head down at Goop fondly. He could see that Goop adored it, he couldn’t hide the joy gleaming in his hazel eyes. Oliver understood why he disagreed though, it was simply Goop’s way of asking for even more teasing, and Oliver was more than happy to oblige.
‘Hmmm….that’s interesting…’
Goop let out a flustered whine as he felt Oliver’s fingertips splay over his sensitive tummy, before the android continued to speak in a low, teasing purr.
‘…because it seems to me, that the nickname suits you perfectly. You can’t deny that you’re oh so beautifully ticklish, you know you can’t hide it. Plus, you’re certainly goopy with that beard of yours jiggling away as you laugh so sweetly…’
Goop had his eyes squeezed shut out of flustered frustration as giggles built up in his belly and chest, feeling Oliver’s fingers curl and uncurl as his teases flowed so effortlessly was making it so damn hard to hold everything in….and ultimately, it was his final words that did it.
‘And frankly, you have the sweetness, softness, and cuteness of the most precious baby boy….ever!’
Oliver finished his tease by turning his tickling from anticipatory lightness, to devilish scratchiness. Goop let out a cry as he sharply arched his back, before he became a mess of giddy laughter and writhing beneath Oliver; his tummy was so damn ticklish, as I think we can concur.
Oliver grinned with delight at his reaction, he ADORED playing with people’s hyper ticklish spots; people always got to the ultimate peak of cuteness once they were just consumed by mirth and nothing else. He kept on scratching as he cooed in the teasiest tone he could possibly muster.
‘Awww kitchy kitchy coo! Awww lookit the ticklish goopy baaaby! Does he like the tummy tickles, I think he liiiikes theeem!’
Goop was shaking his head frantically as his eyes started to water, the teasing was just absolutely breaking him.
Oliver giggled and cooed right in his face happily.
‘Is too truuuue!’
Oliver even went as far as too kiss Goop’s nose, making the mirthful man squeak and scrunch up his face; it was true tickle torment, there was no escape from the tickling or the teasing.
‘Yeeees Goopy?’
Goop was reaching the end of his resolve….but he was feeling much better as a result.
Oliver giggled fondly, and had mercy, since he could see that he’d almost reached his limit. The android released Goop’s arms from beneath his knees, but flopped on top of him for a cuddle as he nestled into the man’s chest affectionately.
‘Do you feel a bit better?’
At Oliver’s soft question, Goop grinned his widest grin yet as he looked down at the warm, selfless sunflower android snuggled into him.
‘Yeah….yeah I do….’
Goop’s grin then morphed into a smirk, and he wrapped his arms around Oliver tightly as he growled.
‘Let me show you how grateful I am.’
Oliver spent the rest of the day basically being tortured….with love. He was accosted with gooey kisses and nuzzles and nibbles, which made him squeal and wriggle about like the cutest being ever; but let’s be real, no matter how messy it gets, love is the best thing around.
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nexstrik · 5 years
circa Regna tonat
Summary:  [It thunders around the kingdom.] Ruby, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren are on a mission to rebuild Penny. The last piece of the puzzle is in an abandoned factory far outside the kingdom walls. Pyrrha would do anything to atone for her actions that led to Penny’s death, and protect Ruby from future harm.
Ships: Ruby/Pyrrha, Ruby/Penny, nearly all of it unrequited
Warnings: None! Enjoy this safe-for-work story.
You can also read this story on AO3. 
The cliff face appeared without warning. According to all their maps, this part of the forest stretched on indefinitely; the darkest part of the wilds that neither humanity nor faunus had tried to brave yet. Ruby ran ahead. Something on the wind made her nose twitch (and she faintly remembered Blake always stroked the top of her head and teased that maybe she was part faunus herself).
Then Ruby found herself pushing past a bit of scrub with a casual swipe from Crescent, and she was on the edge.
It was as wide as a village, a hole bored into the ground. Some greedy god might as well have carved it out with a giant ice cream scoop, leaving the earth hollowed out. It was wide and smooth and unnatural, and Ruby teetered on the edge with her arms windmilling until she lost her balance and fell.
She lashed out with Crescent, burying it deep onto the edge of the hole in the ground. Instinct stuck the landing and she swung there by one hand, gazing out at miles of black glass.
On the other end of the crater, the factory loomed up. Steel and rust, grown over with moss and vines. It was ugly as a bruise on the horizon, ragged columns jutting up into the sky, and broken walls exposing a darkness so deep that she wasn't sure their lanterns would cut it. Something had happened here, she knew. A Dust explosion, one so hazardous that the factory needed to evacuate with little warning. It was one of the few left behind from Dr. Polendina's research, and within it lay their only hope to revive her best friend.
"We found you," she breathed, a little in awe.
Then there was a pull at her belt buckle, and her bracers and her kneepads and the joint that replaced her right elbow. Relaxing into the familiar touch, Ruby let Pyrrha pick her up by her metal bits and deposit her safely back on solid ground.
"Are you okay?" Pyrrha asked, fussing over her, but Ruby's eyes were still focused on the factory in the distance. "When I saw you fall, I..."
Realizing she was being ignored, Pyrrha followed Ruby's gaze to the crumbling ruins. The softness in her face fell away, replaced by determination, and something exhausted and hard-edged.
Pyrrha's hand rested on Ruby's shoulder, and Ruby covered it with her own palm. They both needed the comfort of touch, right then. "That's it, isn't it?" Pyrrha said.
Storm clouds gathered overhead as Ren and Nora caught up to them. With a warning hand, Pyrrha kept them back from the abrupt drop. Shading her eyes against the setting sun, Nora squinted at their destination. "How is it still standing?" Nora wondered. "Holy moly, the lights are still on! You see it too, don't you, Ren?"
Twilight approached, darkness falling faster when aided by the clouds overhead. And from far away, the little factory lit up from every window. Even from this distance they could hear the hum of Dust generators, and a low pulsing of gears.
"I wasn't there for this part of the lecture," Nora said. "Can somebody fill me in?"
"Dr. Polendina said it would still be operational." Pyrrha pulled her notebook out, flipping past pages of sketches and scribbles to the instructions they were left behind. "When the accident happened, they hit the self-destruct function before abandoning the facility.” 
"Oh yeah," Ren said, "Totally non-sketchy protocol."
"But the signal didn't go through," Ruby said. "It's just sending out a distress signal, like, it's saying What do we do? What do we do? Everything is broken. What do we do? over and over and over again, but there's no response. So the final step isn't working. So the factory keeps running like it always did, kinda."
Nora wrung her hands nervously. "It won't blow up with us inside, right?"
"Not if you keep your scroll off," Pyrrha warned her. "You did turn your scroll off, right?" It wasn't a sure thing, but Dr. Polendina had warned them of the possibility. The self-destruct message might piggyback off the signal their scrolls sent out, and then the countdown would begin.
She nodded. "Miles ago! Ages ago! I did it the second you told me to!" 
"Right after finishing the last row in her game of Rocks Blocks," Ren said.
That earned him a hard punch to the shoulder. "Snitch. You're just mad I'm beating you."
"You cheat," he returned. "You bought all those bombs to clear the last level."
"It's not cheating! It's a function of the game!" Nora lifted both hands to the sky. "Embrace the microtransactions, Ren!"
Ruby just rolled her eyes as the tragic love story between her two friends played out in the usual steps. Standing a little closer to Pyrrha, she wrapped an arm around her waist and turned them both towards the factory.
"So what stopped people from coming back?" Ruby wondered softly, seeing the factory lights flutter. "It's still running. It hasn't exploded. Like why didn't anybody come back to fix it, or at least finish the job and make it all go boom?"
The storm clouds overhead grew thicker than ever, and then, as if answering her, struck the entire building in a seizure of lightning bolts. One after the other, so fast and so blinding that all four of them hit the deck on instinct. Green and blue lightning flashed and stormed, raging with a fury so potent that Ruby could feel it in her soul. There were few things that made Ruby Rose flinch in fear, but the display before them left her trembling faintly, in awe at the pure power on display. When she dared to look up again, she saw several smaller craters had opened up around the main impact site.
"I see," Pyrrha said.
"Wow." Ruby snuck a glance at Nora. "I wonder if..."
"Mmm-mm." Nora shook her head. "Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh."
Ruby quickly retracted it. "You're right. I shouldn't have said anything."
"...We've never tried green lightning," Ren said.
Nora got up to her knees, rising before any of the others dared to. "And we never will!"
They all retreated further back into the forest as another volley of strikes rained down on the crater and the factory. Ruby pulled a schematic from her backpack, unrolling it and listening carefully to the storm. She counted off each booming thunderclap until the sky was quiet again. Using that number, she applied it to the formulas Dr. Polendina gave them.
"It's not random," she said. "But this next storm is likely to keep going for another few days, at least."
Nora punched her fist into one palm. "So we wait for an opening and then we bust into the joint. Sounds good to me."
Nodding once, Ruby rolled up all the papers and schematics strewn about, and they made camp.
That night, Pyrrha came into her tent. She was still awake, staring at the roof of canvas over her head, and didn't say a word when Pyrrha slowly stretched out next to her. There was a careful amount of space between them, until Ruby turned onto her side and met Pyrrha's gaze.
All the blood had drained from Pyrrha’s face. Even though their eyes met, Ruby got the distinct feeling Pyrrha was staring somewhere else, somewhere miles away, where no one else could ever reach.
"Can't sleep?" Ruby asked quietly.
Pyrrha tightly shook her head no.
"Wanna talk about it?"
Quicker this time, Pyrrha shook her head no again. "You've got your own burdens, Ruby. I don't mean to saddle you with mine." 
"Then you should scoot in here," Ruby suggested, opening up her bedding a bit and letting Pyrrha snuggle closer to her. She knew Pyrrha was only a few years older than her, and just as vulnerable— maybe more so, despite it all. But when she was wrapped up in Pyrrha's arms she felt so safe and protected, and she always fell asleep faster. Pyrrha seemed to like it, too. They'd been sharing the same tent for months now. She wondered why they even bothered the pretense of setting up two separate tents at night.
These days they were all less afraid to ask for what they needed. Once upon a time it would have been embarrassing to admit they hungered for touch and to be held and coddled. It felt like something a kid asked for. But there wasn't any room for that now. Now they all knew exactly how young and how fragile they really were.
When she woke up the tent was empty, and Pyrrha was out taking guard shift while Ren caught some sleep. This wasn't Grimm territory but none of them were naive enough to believe that would protect them for long.
"Let's move," Ren suggested once he woke up. "We can't linger too long in one spot."
"Yeah, let's not make it any easier for Grimm to sniff us out."
Cracking a grin, Ruby flexed at them. As always, her right elbow clicked a little. The metal joint was always audible to her, and she wondered if others could hear it and know about the injury, even if the rest of her was still meat and bone. "Well if they do, you know Pyrrha and I can always give them the silver and gold combo."
Pyrrha paused in the middle of rolling up her own unused tent, just to give Ruby the driest look imaginable.
"I'm kidding," Ruby said.
"Jokes are supposed to be funny," Pyrrha responded, mildly.
They all knew Pyrrha wouldn't use her Maiden powers. Not if she could help it. Not against a Grimm, at least.
Every so often the storm would erupt again, just close enough to make them all flinch. But by the end of the second day they were completely unphased by the noise, ignoring it as they played a game of dominos around the campfire. They had moved further along the rim of the impact point, as close to the factory as they could get before the lightning bolts threatened them, as well.
"I wish I could talk to Penny and tell her how close we are to completing the mission," Ruby lamented. The last time she got the chance, they were still miles from the impact point.
It was Pyrrha's turn. She looked at her hand, hesitating over the smooth white tiles.
Lying out on her stomach, Nora propped her chin in both hands. "Awww. Don't worry, Ruby. Soon we'll be able to use our scrolls again and you'll get to chat with your girlfriend and I'll be able to demolish Ren at Rocks Blocks."
Pyrrha paused mid-move, head tilted to Ruby, carefully listening.
Ruby's face burned bright scarlet. "Penny's not my girlfriend! How do you even have a robot voice as a... listen, she's my best friend."
Sitting up straighter, Nora gasped in offense. "I thought we were your best friends?"
Pyrrha finished her turn and then it was Ren's move.
"You are." Ruby waggled one finger, admonishing her. "It's an honorary distinction you know. And it's not competition."
Nora squinted, tilting her hands back and forth as if she were trying to balance something out. "Okay, but like, if it was... where would I rank? Top ten? Top five? Out of curiosity."
"I'm not gonna rank my friends!" Ruby stopped to think about it. "Wait. I don't think I even have ten friends."
"Yes! That means I'm in the top ten by default!"
They squabbled, light-hearted, wondering where Blake and Weiss and Yang fit on the pyramid since two of them were teammates and one of them was Ruby's sister. It all felt comfortable as trying on old shoes, the kind so built to your feet you could just slip them right on. It felt like being back at Beacon; it was cozy and warm.
When the rain picked up again they all scattered back to their tents, ignoring the booming thunder in the impact site next to them.
Ruby waited for a few hours, staring at the roof of her tent before becoming impatient. The cold was making her right elbow hurt. She pulled her blanket over her head to cover herself from the rain before sliding open Pyrrha's tent.
"Hey," she said, "You awake?"
In the darkness, she could see Pyrrha's long outline under her own blankets, shifting subtly. "Mmhmm."
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Of course," she said. "I just didn't want to bother you..."
Before Pyrrha could even finish her sentence, Ruby was wrapped around her, sighing deeply. "You never bother me." 
Maybe those rough, calloused hands should have frightened her. They were killer's hands, after all. They belonged to something that wasn't entirely human anymore, that glowed gold Dust and yoked the elements of the earth to her will, stronger than any storm. But when Pyrrha angled those hands up Ruby's cheeks, knuckles brushing against her hair, fingertips stroking over the shell of her ear, Ruby could forget.
It was just Pyrrha. Her best friend.
"Are you nervous?" Pyrrha wondered, thumb stroking just under her eye.
Warmth spread out from wherever her body was pressed to Pyrrha's. It made her drowsy, and the last thing she wanted was to think about things that made her nervous. But Pyrrha was so rarely in a chatty mood, she wanted to indulge her. "About what?"
"When the storms die down and we head in there. What if we don't find what we're looking for?" 
"Don't worry about it."
Evidently, that wasn't the right thing to say. Pyrrha stopped stroking her face, her soft body feeling tense, hard. "What do you mean, don't worry about it?"
"I mean exactly what I said." Ruby drew away, just far enough to look up at her. "Things don't always work out the way we want. Sometimes bad things just happen."
"Of course I— obviously I know things don't always—" Pyrrha started to stammer, tripping over her own words. "I'm not an—"
Ruby took both of her hands when Pyrrha made to push her away further. "I meant we'll do what we can. If it doesn't work out, then we try something else. But being nervous doesn't really serve us right now."
"But there might not be anything else. This might be our only chance." Clearly tormented, Pyrrha tried to pull her hands free, tugging futilely. "Don't you think I know— don't you think I've prayed for— I have to fix this, Ruby! I have to pay for what I did!"
Sad realization fell down like a stone into the pit of her stomach.
"...Oh, Pyrrha. Pyrrha, that was an accident." She stressed it, harder. "It was an accident. It wasn't your fault. You can't still think anyone believes you meant to hurt Penny."
"And Cinder was an accident?" Pyrrha suddenly returned her grip, iron-hard. "And Jaune?"
Ruby didn't immediately respond, even though she was the only one who could answer. This was something only they shared. That night on the roof of Beacon's tower, when Pyrrha became the Fall Maiden. The price she paid, and the earth-shaking power she wielded, and how in the end none of it changed anything at all.
"Yes," Ruby said firmly. "It was all an accident. I'll say it as many times as you need to hear it. I'll do anything you need." She didn't retreat, even when Pyrrha's grip started to hurt. "Please, just tell me. If it's anything I have, I'll give it to you, Pyrrha. And that's a promise."
And Pyrrha crushed their lips together in a searing kiss.
Of course she knew what a kiss was. But Ruby had always figured it was just something couples did because...reasons. The same reason you shake hands when you meet someone new. She didn't think it would feel like being drenched in hot, sticky strawberry syrup. She didn't think it was like submerging in a warm bath and being set on fire at the same time. She didn't think it would feel so good.
Her eyes flew wide open, a shocked noise escaping her.
She'd never heard Pyrrha swear before, but tonight seemed like it was made for firsts. Pyrrha retreated all the way to the far side of the tent, the canvas threatening to buckle. Both hands covered her face, and she gasped in rapid, shuddering exhales.
"I'm so sorry," Pyrrha started. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I'm just... I don't know why I can't— I don't know why I always do this!" her voice raised sharply in anger, but not at Ruby. At herself, as always. "I always go for someone who isn't available and then when it's too late I act like a complete fool."
Honestly Ruby was still reeling too much from the kiss to try and unpack any of that. "Do you want me to leave?"
"No!" The little tent sparked with light, amber and golden. It was just for a flash, but Pyrrha's eyes still burned for a while longer. Even when Ruby closed her eyes she could see after images, the stamp of Maiden power.
"Then..." Ruby hedged. "Do you... do you need... me?"
The question lingered, heavy as her tongue in her mouth. Ruby dared a little closer, curious about this, about the things that Pyrrha had left unsaid for evidently a very long time.
"I don't know what that means."
"Do you need me to kiss you again?" Ruby clarified, less nervous now.
"But Penny—"
"Penny is just my friend," Ruby insisted, but this time when she said it, it hurt. And there was no reason to keep pretending it didn't hurt.
"But you love her." The glow in Pyrrha's green eyes waned from confusion. "Don't you?"
"I don't know if she feels the same way." She was too afraid to ask. She was afraid of the answer. So maybe she was still a child after all. Because she knew firsthand what it was like to lose Penny, to regret everything unsaid, but now that she was granted the miracle of a second chance, she couldn't spit it out. 
Musing silence, for a while. "I guess we're in the same boat then."
Pyrrha's fingertips brushed over her lips, the touch like spark to kindling.
Ruby kissed her, this time. Then she lost track of who was kissing who. There were more important things to think about, like who was kissing where. Pyrrha covered her entire face in needy kisses. Some of them felt as docile and warm as those nights spent sleeping in her arms, and some made Ruby feel achingly and uncomfortably awake.
Somehow, gentler was worse. She felt every centimeter of Pyrrha's lips on her neck, and she hadn't realized lips could be so soft. Every time she thought she'd reached a peak, that she couldn't take any more, Pyrrha kissed her again and took her even higher, until she was squirming, mind white-hot and blank. She wanted to scream, honestly. She almost did when Pyrrha rolled on top of her, reaching under Ruby's shirt to stroke her bare stomach.
It was like a hunger, but one that only grew sharper the more it was indulged. Pangs of pain, longing so deep it hurt, were only soothed by Pyrrha straining even closer, closer. She needed her closer to be satisfied. She wanted this, all of this, directly in her bloodstream. She wanted it—
Inside, she realized, with the spark of something close an epiphany. Inside, inside.  
Inside, her body chanted, like a starving little beast. Inside my heart, inside my soul. Even if she had no idea what to ask for she knew Pyrrha could give it to her, could fill that aching need. All she could hear was the thundering of her own heart and Pyrrha's voice, raising every hair on the back of her neck.
Then Ruby stopped, suddenly alert. "Whoa! Brakes! Hold on." Shushing Pyrrha in the middle of another apology, Ruby cocked her head to the side and listened. "I don't hear the storm anymore. Do you?"
They both listened, waiting for the lightning to start up again. She'd covered Pyrrha's mouth with one hand, and hadn't moved it, so Pyrrha could only shake her head no. Then the two of them were scrambling to put their gear on, waking up Ren and bringing Nora up to speed as she kept watch over their camp.
Pulling her hood up was an act of instinct rather than any real need. The rain had already stopped, and the skies cleared up to reveal an expanse of twinkling stars. In the distance, the factory was dead and dark, no lights shining, no generators humming.  "Okay everyone. We talked about this, you know the plan."
"Don't die!" Nora said cheerfully, and they split up into pairs.
There were enough broken walls to make entry easy. Less easy was the sense that they had stepped into a graveyard. All around them, stacked fifty feet high, were dead bodies. They all looked different, had different shapes and sizes and functions, but they were all like Penny. All of them were built to house a soul, and none of them ever would.
"If there are any security bots, I'll handle them." Black energy curled around Ruby, the force of Pyrrha's semblance as familiar and comforting as a hand on her shoulder. "Though I think they turned off with the rest of the facility."
"Let's hope so."
As they ventured further in, the source of the weather anomaly became clear. Miles of Dust crystals lay dormant on rows of machinery, too complex and alien for them to parse out. They flickered every now and then, cracked and shattered and broken beyond repair. Green and blue sparks sputtered and then died, waiting for something that would never come.
She wasn't entirely sure of the correlation but it seemed that whenever the factory went dark, the lightning storms did, too.
"What happened here?" Pyrrha wondered, pausing in front of another lifeless doll. She reached out and took its hand, curling the jointed fingers. When she let it go, it dropped, heavy and empty. "What triggered the first explosions?"
"Dunno. Didn't ask." Ruby was only half paying attention. She wanted to find the main console and get out of here as soon as possible. After cracking open a rusted door that lead to one of the control rooms, Ruby and Pyrrha finally found what they were looking for. They compared the console to the sketches they both had in their notebook, glad for the lessons they'd learned in Beacon about proper field notes. Resisting the temptation of relying on their scrolls for too much had turned out to be a boon after all.
"Keep guard," Ruby said, and made sure the long-distance signals on her scroll was turned off before she used it to boot up the main system. A few lights flickered on, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she requested permission for what they needed. Using Dr. Polendina's password, they found its location.
The chip. The spark of life.
Ruby turned off her scroll again and waited, breath held. But the countdown didn't start. They hadn't been sure if turning off the long-distance communication function of their scrolls would work, so keeping them entirely shut down was the only way to be safe. This risk might not have worked.
But it did. Thankfully.
Another quick run through mazes of mannequins and dull glass eyes lead them to their goal. A safebox with all of Penny's code and backup files, everything needed to build her again and fuse her to a new body.  Every single body in this building had one, and theoretically they could have been reverse-engineered for Penny. But the easiest would be to use Penny's, and here it was, right in the palm of her hand.
Casting a glance around them, Pyrrha said, "Do you think we should take one home for her?"
Another series of clicks from her right elbow as she stretched. Ruby took a second to think it over, rubbing the aching joint. All around her were bodies, empty. Any one of them could have served their purpose. "Doesn't seem right to pick without consulting Penny, first." 
"None of us were consulted when we received our bodies," Pyrrha pointed out, unable to keep the low humor out of her voice. "I would have asked to be a little taller."
"You're already plenty tall as it is. Anyway, all we need is this." Ruby pocketed the chip, heart hammering. "Let's get out of here."
A loud crack made them both flinch, fear lighting them up from the inside. But it wasn't a thunderclap. It was a flare.
It was Nora's distress signal.
"I'll catch up!" Pyrrha said, seconds before Ruby activated her semblance and rushed out of the facility, streaming like arterial blood. She skidded to a halt outside on the edge of the crater, rose petals swarming around her as she sought out Nora and Ren.
Clouds were gathering in the sky. Not good.
A swarm of Grimm were gathered around the facility. Extra not good.
The first one pounced with a shriek, claws gleaming white. Spinning Crescent Rose out, Ruby pulled it into scythe form and let inertia work against the Grimm. She stepped to the side, holding the staff firm and the blade wide, catching the creature mid-leap and slicing it in half.
Rain began pelting down, the clouds growing thicker overhead. Shaking herself like a wet dog, Ruby snarled at the approaching Grimm, firing off a bullet to keep them at bay. "Okay, Silver Eye Power, now is a good time to go!"
It didn't work, and the Grimm rushed her. She spun and kicked, using Crescent Rose as a shield, as a brace, as a balancing beam. She slashed and fired, a one-woman army as another distress flare rose up from the other end of the facility. Once she had cleared a path, she held her breath and flew. Streaming out with the power of her semblance again, she arrived next to Ren and Nora just as she was about to light another flare.
"Buzz off!"
The tip of Crescent Rose sunk into thick skull plating, cracking a Grimm's head in half. Nora gave her a smile of relief, her face sticky with blood and pitch.
"Thanks, backup! Where's Pyrrha?" Nora asked. 
"On her way." She shifted Crescent partially, just enough to fire off another round. "We got what we needed."
"Oh, good." Ren fired off another flare to let Pyrrha know where they were headed. The rain pelted down even harder, sparks of green and blue already lighting up around the impact site. The facility was streaming with light, every system online. The storms would resume soon, and she didn't want to be here when they did.
She wondered briefly what the broken factory looked like when it was occupied and maintained. With people in it, doing their job, living their life. She wondered what messages it was sending out now in its afterlife, over and over again.
What do we do? What do we do? Everything is broken. What do we do?
"Okay, Silver Eye Power," Ruby said, spinning Crescent one more time. "Now is a good time to go!"
It didn't work (again, the damn thing never worked when she needed it to) and a Nevermore dropped from the sky like a bolt of lightning itself. Covered in misshapen growths, it could barely fly, swollen and riddled with veins of pure green Dust.
It opened its maw at them, rattled all its feathers, and shot out a blast of electricity directly at Ruby. She'd never been electrocuted before and to be perfectly frank, she did not care to have it happen ever again. For an instant there was nothing except pain, white lights erupting behind her eyelids. She swore she saw every vein in her eyes coursing with that light, and then she was outside her own body, looking down at herself convulsing on the ground.
She could see herself, map out her entire nervous system. Alive for now, and bright... with the exception of the dull metal in her right elbow, her clicky joint. All of it could be snuffed out in an instant.
The Nevermore puffed itself up, rattling again in preparation for another strike.
"Watch out!"
Nora leaped in front of her, taking the blow. Grounding herself, Nora buzzed with the excess energy even as she tried to let some of it seep into the earth. Then the sky opened up, pouring rain down over all of them as the storm began to reach its peak once more. Ren dragged Ruby away as Nora redirected the power right back at the Nevermore. It screamed, and then screamed again when she vaulted herself up and struck it over the head.
"I'm fine," Ruby said before he could even ask, stumbling to her feet.
"Why isn't Pyrrha here yet?" Ren shouted over the resulting din. Rumbles sounded, thunderous drums, like a giant in the clouds blowing its warhorn in preparation for battle. "We need to get out of here!"
"I don't know! She should have been right behind me!" Drenched all the way to her skin, Ruby shouted again. "I'll be right back. Watch after each other!"
Nora turned a jagged smile at Ruby, lightning coiling on the curve of her tongue. "He always does!"
With another snap of fabric she billowed out towards the facility. Lightning struck her footsteps, the clouds sparking and hissing. When she found Pyrrha she was surrounded by a mass of dissolving Grimm bodies, covered in pitch. Another wave was rushing her, and without thought Ruby ran to join her. There were so many, swarming and howling, and no matter how many they cut down, there were always more. Finally, two other giant Nevermore dropped from the sky, trembling and twitching with Dust mutations. The first one opened its beak, striking Pyrrha the way Ruby had been struck, while the other grabbed Pyrrha in its claws and—
And Ruby screamed, shrill, rippling with uncontrollable power. A blast of silver erupted from her, knocking the Nevermore aside. One of them went up in smoke, the other managed to dodge just enough that she only managed to clip its wing. Ruby swung forward, chasing the limping Grimm, but it opened its maw and fired right back at her. Green and blue surged in her direction.
Staggering from being electrocuted once, Pyrrha knocked Ruby to the side. The second blast hit her.
Bracing herself, Pyrrha caught the bolt of lightning with her bare hands.
It crackled, twisting and zapping like a living thing, but Pyrrha wielded it until it became solid. Golden light erupted from her, chasing away the sickly green, and the gust of wind blowing from her knocked Ruby down onto the earth.
Lightning struck down. Once, twice, three times in a row. Each time it hit Pyrrha, as if targeting her. But golden light swirled around her, coating her as she caught every bolt. The misshapen lightning bolts stayed around her, hovering in her Aura until she seemed like an ancient Grimm herself, covered in the ruined weapons of everything that had failed to kill her.
Her eyes glowed, and she flung out with one hand, all the lightning formed into a row of crackling spears. Every single lightning bolt struck the Nevermore at the same time, and, overwhelmed, it splattered into a fine black mist.
Ruby didn't even have time to feel relief before the assault began again. 
The sky was in chaos. The storm was coming. Pyrrha grabbed Ruby, standing over her with her shield held up. The white material expanded, three golden arcs of protection faintly visible over its scarred surface. The lightning struck, again and again, each one sounding like something between crashing cymbals and a dying animal, and each time Pyrrha's protective energy batted it aside.
"Pyrrha—" Ruby started, shouting in fear, but when Pyrrha glared down sharply at her, the words died in her throat. Ruby was staring at a stranger. Something inhuman, not her best friend. Yellow light poured from her eyes, from her gasping mouth, billowing from her in golden coils of steam. Her expression frozen in a grimace, lined like a bronze mask. Blood red leaves whipped around them, the winds alternating muggy hot and bitter cold, Autumn refusing to relent to neither Summer nor Winter. The scent of rot hung heavy in the air, layers of pine needles and animal bones, buried things, detritus, offal.
The Maiden. She'd only ever seen her once before, held aloft on wings of fire and lightning. Elemental magic. Raw.
Pyrrha gripped her by the hood, leaving Ruby feeling like a kitten being hauled by the scruff as she took her to safety. It was slow travel, the Dust storm focusing them as the only upright figured on the scorched earth. Even when they hit the shelter of the trees, the freak lightning followed, splintering wood into matchsticks. Ruby squealed, hiding her face against Pyrrha's shoulder as she was half guided, half dragged out of the blast zone and then dumped onto the forest floor.
When they were finally out of range, Pyrrha let the Maiden power drop from her. She stood upright for a while longer, shivering and twitching, and then her eyes rolled back into her skull and she collapsed. 
Scrambling over to her, Ruby gingerly lifted her up onto her lap. "Hey. Hey!"
She tapped her cheeks lightly, urging her over and over again. When Pyrrha didn't even stir, and the rain began to pelt down harder, Ruby took her emergency flare out and let it fly. Even if it drew Grimm to her, at least it would also let Ren and Nora know where they were.
Pyrrha flinched at the noise, twitching with a flash of semblance. Her spear and Jaune's shield flew to her hands, ready to fight, but there was no foe to be found. Just Ruby grinning down at her wanly.
"Hi. I'm glad that woke you up."
"Did we win?" Pyrrha said, looking bleary.
"Aaaand I think you took too many zaps to the head." 
Ruby helped her sit up, stroking her wet hair out of her face. Pyrrha slowly regained her focus, and nearby, the storm raged on. Blue and green flashed in regular intervals, and Ruby began to count them. This storm would last a lot longer than the first, if her mental math was correct.
"That thing hit me," Pyrrha mumbled, rubbing her forehead. "I got electrocuted."
"Me too. I think my scroll must be fried at this point.
Then, jolted by the fear of sudden realization, she checked her satchel for Penny's chip.
She retrieved it. And its charred, blackened husk crumbled in her hands.
Holding her breath, Ruby fought hard not to cry. This wasn't the end. There were still dozens of robot bodies inside the facility. They just had to try again, that was all. After a moment, Pyrrha's gaze sharpened on the smoldering ash in her hands, watching the rain wash gray rivulets down Ruby's bare wrist. 
"Oh, Ruby..." she said. "I'm so..."
"Don't." Ruby let the burnt chip fall, rubbing her eyes. "Don't apologize."
"You shouldn't have come back for me. This is all my fault."
"The Grimm might've gotten you." She inhaled sharply, not even wanting to bring up the fact that the Nevermore had shocked her once already before she'd gone back to check on Pyrrha. "I thought you were right behind me. When you didn't show up I got so scared."
"I would have been fine, I can handle a few Grimm."
"Well I couldn't take that chance." Ruby's eyes burned. But she refused to cry, even if that would have been a good time for it, because with the rain washing down her face she could have pretended she wasn't crying. It wouldn't have fooled Pyrrha, probably, but she could have pretended anyway. "I can't. And I don't want you to tell me that was the wrong decision."
"Okay. I won't." Pyrrha held her tight. The rain pounded harder than ever, shockingly cold. If Pyrrha were more in control of her powers, maybe she could make it all go away. Maybe she could turn it into a warm summer shower. Maybe Ruby could blast the clouds into nothing but wisps with her silver eyes, if she knew how to use them. But they didn't know how to use their powers, or even where to begin learning how. They didn't know anything and they didn't have anyone except each other, and nobody else knew how much it cost them to be special, to be powerful, to be something out of a legend. "It's okay. I'm sorry. It's all going to be okay. We're still here, we're still together."
They squeezed each other tight until a loud rustle in the treeline made them both leap apart, weapons brandished. But it was Ren, and behind him Nora— carrying someone? An injured person, Ruby thought at first, until she came a little closer and used the person's hand to wave at them.
"Hi!" she said cheerfully, half of a robot strapped to her back. "Look, I killed the Grimm and found a friend! Settle a bet for me. Doesn't this one look just like Coco? She does, right?"
Ruby almost dropped Crescent in shock. Running up to Nora, she pushed her hand out of the way and searched the robot, feeling around for the hinge on the back of her neck. If this one was the same as all the others...
She cracked it open, finding the blue chip inside. They could use it. Reverse engineer it. Scavenge what they need to bring Penny back.
And for a moment she hesitated, looking down at the unfamiliar face, wondering, Is this okay? Is this looting from the dead? If we hooked her up, would she come alive?
She closed the hinge, letting Nora piggyback the body for now. "Let's keep the chip inside the body. That might protect it better than my pocket would, anyway."
"Huh?" Nora blinked a few times, taken aback. "Keep it? What, the broken robot? Ew!" 
Ruby ran a hand down her face, wondering just where to start in order to explain what had just happened.
  It took about a week to find civilization again. The first thing Ruby did was turn on long-distance signal and call Penny. Pacing anxiously in her hotel room, she smiled in relief when Penny picked up and answered. "Salutations!" 
"Penny." She sighed, sitting down on the edge of her bed. Two other mattresses were squished up to it, but for now, she had some privacy. "We did it."
A crackle of joy. "You did? You retrieved the memory core?"
"Kind of. We hijacked it from another broken bot. But that should work, right? It didn't have to be yours?"
"Yes, that should work. If the unit hasn't been activated, then it's just a blank slate." Penny made a few noises of thought. "It might take more time to etch my memories onto it, but a blank core should work just fine. You did excellently."
A little hologram of Penny hovered over her scroll. She looked much like she did that last day together, not aging a day while the years changed everyone else. Ruby stretched, her right elbow clicking. In a few months Ruby wouldn't even be a teenager anymore. Filling Penny in on everything that happened, Ruby ended it all with, "I missed you so much. It drove me crazy, not being able to talk to you every night."
"I missed you too. I hope the others kept you entertained." 
Briefly, Ruby remembered that kiss, just before the storm broke. Neither of them had spoken of it, and Pyrrha hadn't entered her tent again since. "They definitely... were something."
Pyrrha had been green and gold and red. She still burned in Ruby's mind, every time she closed her eyes. 
She didn't want to think about Pyrrha. She wanted to talk and think about anything else. "Hey, Penny. Do you have a new body all set up?"
"I do! Would you like to see what I'll look like once I'm repaired?"
Ruby nodded, and the hologram changed. Startled, Ruby stared at a brand new face, everything different from the style of dress to her hair. "I thought I'd go for long black hair," Penny explained. "Long and beautiful, like Blake and Weiss and Pyrrha."
Pyrrha. Pyrrha was very beautiful. "You look great, Penny. Are you excited?"
"Mostly excited to have you back home," she confessed, swapping back to her usual avatar. "It's been so long since I held your hand. I can't wait to do it again. I can't wait to hug you!"
"Me neither!" Relaxing onto the bed, she felt her whole heart soften at the idea. "I miss you, Penny. Even when I'm talking to you like this. I miss you all the time."
Another crackle. Static. The image of Penny fluttered, and for a second Ruby worried they had lost signal.
"You there?"
"Yes." Penny said. "Just... listening to you."
"Well, I don't have much more to say." Ruby glanced out the window. "It's getting dark. I should try and turn in early, so we can be ready for tomorrow."
"Then I won't keep you." Another long pause. "Will you call me again tomorrow night?"
"Of course. Every night I can, I will. Just like I promised."
Penny smiled, and said goodbye, and the line went dead.
Lying back on her mattress, Ruby stared at the ceiling and rubbed her sore arm, wishing she had said more.
But the words were never there.
   The journey home was always ten times easier than the initial quest out. No matter where they ventured, that always remained true. Maybe it was just hope giving wings to their feet, or maybe they were just more familiar with the terrain and didn't need to be more careful. From foot, to rail, to plane, they made their way to Atlas.
And every night she called Penny, whenever she was alone. Even if it was just for fifteen minutes, she needed to talk to her.
A few times, Pyrrha walked in on her mid-conversation. She'd stop, staring at her, and then smile and apologize and leave. And afterwards Ruby would always gaze at the spot where she'd stood, and worry, and wonder.
Finally, she decided there was only one course of action.
She had to talk to her best friend.
"Pyrrha kissed me."
The lengthy silence couldn't mean a disconnect, this time. They were in the heart of Atlas, with some of the best signal money could buy. Penny was in stunned silence, digesting what Ruby told her. "What, right now?" 
She shook her head. "About a month ago. She just grabbed me and we started making out."
"...For no reason?"
Flushing to her roots, Ruby went to the window. Outside it was snowing thick and heavy, and the cold made every single one of her scars and joints ache. Not just the metal one. "We were stressed out. I told her if I could comfort her in any way, I'd do it. And she responded like that." Blushing again, she rubbed her scalp, tracing over the familiar lines of old sutures. Like so many other hunters before her, the job had taken its toll, and taken chunks of her with it. Even Aura and advanced healing could only repair so much. "I think she was lonely."
"Hmm." When Ruby checked to see what the hologram was doing then, she was surprised to see Penny hiding a very big grin. "Do you want her to do it again?"
"What? It's what happens," Penny said. "Kissing makes the heart beat faster. It makes you all warm and tingly. And then you want to do it over and over again."
Her throat tightened a bit. "I thought I didn't. You know. Do feelings like that. I kind of thought everyone else was exaggerating or joking a little." Then her face twisted up. "Wait, how do you know about all this?"
"Research," Penny said.
"Secret research," she stressed, sternly, letting Ruby know not to continue any questions down that line.
"Well it sucks," Ruby said, just as firm. "I don't know. I love her, I really do. I love all my friends." A little shyness. She bullied past it. "And you. I love you, Penny."
Penny didn't even hesitate. Of course she didn't. "I love you, too."
As a friend? As a girlfriend? She didn't know. But it was strong, this connection between them both. Comfortable silence, then. The snow fell, all the roads blocked for now. When the paths cleared, Ruby and her friends would find Dr. Polendina.
Then the real work would begin.
Written for my friend Cal. Thanks so much for everything!
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formerprincess · 5 years
Mirror of Origin | Chapter 3
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt Characters: Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe, Tomb Raider, Swearing, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Guns, Violence, Minor Character Death, but only bad guys die I swear, Blood, Injury
Read on AO3
Liam sat on a small rock near the river and watched the water sparkle in the sun. They had stayed in a small secluded cave nearby and he had been the first to wake up so Liam used the opportunity to reach out to Mason and Corey and check in with them. “I’m still looking through your mother’s notes for anything related to this Vera person. Your mom wrote a lot but I haven’t found anything yet. If I do, you will be the first to know,” Mason filled Liam in with the progress. “I tried to research about Insight but holy moly, Liam, they are like literal ghosts. Barely any mention and even if they get mentioned it leads nowhere than to the fact they are an organization working in the archaeological field,” Corey now told Liam and typed on his keyboard. “A secret organization without any traces in the web? Why am I not surprised?” Liam drawled sarcastically. “I’m not giving up and digging deeper,” Corey promised. “Still, you should be careful around them. Everybody leaves traces unless they are very adamant about not doing so. This has weird written all over it.” “And you say I worry too much,” Mason mocked his boyfriend and Corey sighed. “But you’re also right. Liam, you should be careful.” “Guys, you know me.” Liam rolled his eyes. He knew what he had to do. “That’s why we’re telling you!” Both of his friends said at the same time and Liam sighed again. “Why am I even talking to you?” “Because you love us,” Mason deadpanned and Corey awed. “You’re idiots. But you’re also right, I do.” He chuckled softly. “Anyway, I have to go. When we reach the village, I will call again. Stay safe!” “We are not the ones walking through the Peruvian Jungle with a mysterious group of people,” Mason muttered when Liam ended the call.
He stretched, got up, and looked around. To his left, the jungle began again and to his right, the river bank was covered with sand and pebbles. Different birds chirped in the tall trees and it was peaceful. As long as he heard the birds, the jaguar was far away and that was probably the best thing yet. It bugged him they had not found anything relatable this far. Vera and her group were hopefully more successful because right now this all felt like a giant cosmic joke. Maybe Ferguson had found the mirror and then decided to play a prank on anybody looking for it. Except for a part of Liam believed the note he had found in the Emperor’s tomb. Why would the old guy lie? His note had stressed how dangerous this search was but aside from almost drowning – and that in a building not even related to the Mirror – they had not encountered anything dangerous yet. The jaguar was living in the jungle and Liam counted the dangers of their environment not to the horrors Ferguson had described. So what had put so much fear in the guy he had been traumatized for the rest of his life?
The young archaeologist sighed and wandered a bit further down the river. The morning sun was warming everything up and it was already disgustingly hot. His t-shirt already began to stick to his body. Well, it was still better than being in Egypt and having sand stick to your skin like a natural peeling; especially when you had cuts and gashes on your skin... His eyes suddenly fell on a large tree. It was enormous and Liam couldn’t even see the top when he tilted his head. The bark was thick and covered in moss but there was an opening big enough for a person to slip through. Liam wasn’t the tallest and it now came in handy when his curiosity picked up. This was a perfect hiding spot for whatever and he had the strong suspicion it had been made by human hands. He carefully slipped inside the tiny cave and turned on his flashlight. A few mushrooms grew on the inside of the tree and aside from a wooden box on the ground, nothing was there. With a humming sound, Liam knelt down. The box once had been painted with blue embellishments but now the paint was slowly fading and the wood was crooked from the humidity in the air. The little lock gave no resistance when Liam opened it and revealed handwritten notes inside. Liam put the documents out and began to read.
I received the invitation today. When the mother invited me, I felt honored. I am sure no king in any of the lands would decline such an invitation. I see it already. Me and one of her daughters married and taking a stroll over the market, basking in the admiration of our followers. It will be fantastic.
The family is admired and the people say the daughters are blessed by the gods. I don’t know how that shows but the stories I heard are impressive. Having one of the daughters as my wife would do my kingdom proud.
I heard the word my rival, the Monkey King, also received an invitation. I don’t care. I’m bringing the best clothes, gems, jewelry, the best gifts to show the mother I am worthy to receive the hand of one of her daughter’s in marriage. My rival has nothing on me, I know how to court a woman.
As I’m writing this, the last preparations for my journey begin. Tomorrow I will leave to travel to the family. If any of these stories are true, it will be a journey worth the troubles. The path is not easy but the mother assured me, this is only the first test to see if I am worthy. She already planned on many more. I will pass them all. I know I will.
Liam hummed. A family blessed by the gods? That sounded interesting and he made a mental note to that. For now, he just pocketed the notes in his backpack and slipped out of the tree cave again. “Didn’t we say no more detours?” Theo stood a few feet away, arms crossed in front of his chest, and gave Liam a stern look. Liam scoffed. “You decided on no more detours and I couldn’t care less what you want.” He brushed past Theo but the other grabbed him by his upper arm. “Listen to me, you little shit, stop being so damn arrogant!” Liam growled and wrenched his arm out of Theo’s hold but grabbed his arm instead and twisted it painfully. Theo groaned. “Never. touch. me. again. I do not like anybody touching me without my consent and I sure as hell don’t like it when you do it. My body is off limits for you, got it, bastard?” Theo just glared at him and Liam let him go because he actually didn’t want Raeken to punch him. The mercenary held his arm and glared angrily at Liam. “Vera won’t like you acting like that! Wait till I tell her!” “If Vera gives so much about your opinion why aren’t you with her but stuck with me in the middle of the freaking jungle?” Liam shot back and smirked mockingly. “I swear, the next jaguar we see, I will fucking throw you in its way. I don’t get what Vera sees in you but we don’t need you to find the mirror. So, next opportunity, you are big cat food, Dum-bar!” “I fucking hate you!” “I couldn’t care less!” They stared at each other with angry snarls and Liam really wanted to punch the guy. But he still had his two friends and so Liam was outnumbered. “Can’t wait till we reach the village,” he huffed. “One more day,” Theo replied coldly. “Perfect.”
Now Liam could brush past him but then he turned around again. “I am still sorry about what happened to your friend.” He meant it. Losing someone was traumatic. Theo gave him a puzzled look. “Huh?” “Davis, I’m talking about Davis.” And now Raeken barked out a laugh. “He wasn’t my friend! We worked together and he was so stupid to tease a wild animal. His fault he died.” He shrugged and Liam realized how cold these guys were. They showed no real emotion, aside from anger and annoyance, determined to go through with their mission. Showing compassion? No, not these guys. Right now, they were on the same side as Liam but he had already learned in his young life how fast that could change. He stored this revelation in the back of his mind. It wouldn’t stop him from searching for the artifact but Liam would be more careful than before.
It’s why he didn’t say anything else and just returned to the other guys. Donovan sneered when he saw him. “So Theo found you again. Pity, I hoped you would have died last night. One less problem to take care off.” “You are three guys against one, why don’t you use your guns?” Liam snapped back and then mentally slapped himself. Way to go when you already figured out how dangerous they are, Liam! “Trust me, if I could, I would.” Donovan raised his gun when Theo appeared next to him and pressed the weapon down with the palm of his hand. “As entertaining as your little pissing contest is, let’s go!” “The faster we reach the village, that faster that one becomes Vera’s problem again,” Burwell mentioned. Liam raised an eyebrow. “That one? What am I? An animal?” “There are many small and annoying animals, it wouldn’t be that farfetched,” Theo replied while he shouldered his bag and his gun. He turned around and then startled when Liam stepped directly into his path and they stood face to face. Liam let his eyes wander over the other’s appearance. “We are the same height, you prick!” He grinned triumphantly, spun around and began walking. Burwell snickered behind him.
                                                ~~~ THEO ~~~ “You could use your gun right now. There’s nothing for him to hide,” Donovan muttered and Theo felt his finger twitch to flip him the bird. “If you will explain the incident to Vera, be my guest.” “We will say he also fell victim to the jaguar. No harm will be done.” “Yeah because that is such a good idea. You know Vera doesn’t like it when we lie to her.” The woman could act like the sweetest person on earth but she could also get very angry and impulsive. Theo still felt the cold water she had dosed him and his team with after she thought they held back information in Russia. Cold water wasn’t so much of a problem but it quickly became one when it was freezing outside. She had later explained she only did this because she cared about their duty and they had to be inured to anything crossing their path. She was right, Theo knew this painfully well. It was the main reason he had so much respect for that tiny woman. He now shook his head to clear it from unwanted thoughts and then followed the annoying wannabe tomb raider. “Do you even know where we’re going?” “Towards the village,” Liam helpfully replied and Theo sighed. That idiot would cause his first gray hairs.
****** There wasn’t much Dunbar did right but he purposefully didn’t lead them through the jaguar’s lair again. Sure, you could never really tell where the hunting ground began and where it ended, but Liam tried to stay as far away from the point they encountered the animal as possible. Theo was actually impressed. The guy could think if he wanted to, would you look at that.
If only he wasn’t so keen on exploring everything he deemed interesting. He reminded Theo of a puppy, the way he bounced left and right, knelt down to inspect rocks or stopped to take a look at the map. When asked about it, he repeated the same lament, that Ferguson might have found something between the mission and the village and it was worth looking out. It was wearing Theo and his men down because they were slowly marching forward. They all were too impatient for that. “Can you not?” He, therefore, hissed at Liam when the guy inspected some carvings in an old tree. “I had planned on reaching the village today!” Dunbar never reacted and instead ran his fingers over the cravings. “Blessed by the gods, cursed by a human. Found their demise by the hands of their own flesh and blood,” he muttered and rounded the tree. Theo frowned. “What?” “I am translating what’s carved in here,” Liam replied. “Greed and envy…a family tragedy.” “If you’re done with your jungle soap opera I’d like to continue walking.” Theo checked his own map and found they were not as far as he had thought they would be during that time of the day. All thanks to the dumb puppy trapped inside a human body. Burwell and Donovan had already walked past them and waited for them a few feet ahead. “Already told you, I couldn’t care less what you want!”
Maybe it was the heat or that he was generally annoyed with babysitting a twenty-something brat whose mom had crossed paths with Vera in the past but Theo snapped. He strode over to the guy, grabbed him by the bag, and dragged Liam after himself like a stubborn mule. Liam shrieked and Theo felt him stemming his feet to the ground and trying to resist getting dragged. And then he suddenly felt a grip on his arm and was thrown to the floor in a totally surprising judo throw. He landed in the dirt and then Liam pinned him down while he straddled Theo. “I already told you I don’t like you touching me. Leave it!” Theo glared at the younger man and used a quick moment where Liam didn’t pay that much attention to rolling them around. Now he pinned the other. “Then move your ass and don’t stop every two minutes.” “You do know this is an expedition?” Liam replied angrily and rolled them around again.
None of them wanted to submit and let the other overpower them and so they rolled around until they reached the end of the little uphill they had been on and both tumbled down. It created separation between the two fighting men but Theo would have liked it better if he landed on his own two feet instead of on his back. He groaned and Liam next to him let out a similar sound. He had landed on his front and Theo sincerely hoped he had hurt himself. Served him right for being the idiotic brat that he was. He sat up and surveyed their current position. While it wasn’t that high, the walls of the little uphill they fell down were made from massive stone and he doubted they would manage to get their hiking axes into it. Theo still got to his feet and stepped closer to try it. He had been right, it didn’t work.
“Are you happy now?” Theo looked over his shoulder when he was spoken to. Liam had sat up too and looked like he was pouting while he glanced up the stone walls. “Me? You’re the one to blame for this debacle!” “Am not. You began to drag me.” Liam got to his feet and dusted his pants off. Then he glanced around. There was a small path they would have to follow because climbing up was not an option. “Theo?” His walkie-talkie crackled and Bullwell called out for him. Theo grabbed the device. “We’re fine, we just fell and now have to find a way up again.” “Shit,” Burwell cursed and said exactly what Theo was thinking. “It’s alright, you continue walking towards the village; we will join you later.” No use in them waiting for Theo and Liam. “You sure?” Burwell asked and Theo sighed. “Yeah, just continue. I will keep him in check.”
He clipped his walkie-talkie on his belt again. Suddenly he saw something flying towards him from the corner of his eye and caught it last minute. It was a still wrapped small medical kit. “You hurt your elbow. Patch yourself up and let’s get going,” Liam just said and then proceeded to follow the path Theo had spotted earlier. Theo stared after him and then back at the kit in his hand. He didn’t get the guy. One minute they were at each other’s throats and now he made sure Theo had something to tend to his wounds. Speaking of: He raised his arm and turned it so he could see the damage. His elbow was bloodied but it was just a simple cut, nothing more. Thanks to Liam’s kit he could use a disinfectant wipe to clean it from any dirt and then put the band-aid over it. Then he followed the brat.
Said brat currently peeked on his map and frowned. Theo snickered. “Aw, lost your way? That’s unfortunate.” “You’re unfortunate,” Liam muttered and Theo laughed.  “Weak comeback, brat, even for you.” “Shut the fuck up! I wasn’t looking for directions, there is only one path we can follow right now anyway!” True. The narrow path between the walls from the uphill was the only way. It was so narrow, they only could walk behind each other. Theo knew that as well but it was so fun to rile the other up.  “You know, you guys always threat to shoot me but you realize I have guns of my own?” Liam asked and put a hand on one of his pistols while he glanced over his shoulder.  Theo raised an eyebrow in challenge. “And would you? Shoot me?” He considered Dunbar all talk and no action so he kind of knew the answer but he really wanted to know what the guy would reply.  Liam ground his teeth. “I don’t shoot people unless I have to,” he finally spat out and Theo snickered. He had been right.  “Oh, the wannabe tomb raider has morals.” Dunbar stopped so suddenly Theo ran into him. He turned around. “I always had morals. Believe me, I know about my shortcomings and the things I did wrong. But I have some moral values I always try to uphold and won’t forget for people like you,” he stated earnestly. The look he gave Theo then made the hairs in the back of his neck stand up. Theo hated it when people looked at him as if they had figured him out. He wasn’t open and rarely let people in, not even his friends knew everything about him, and he liked the protective wall it brought with it. Especially in his line of work, Theo fared better with it. And to have the brat look at him as if he thought he found a way to peek behind the wall made Theo’s skin crawl. “The question is, do you have some?” Theo snorted. “My moral values are none of your concern,” he said dismissively and then grabbed Liam by the shoulders to turn him around. “Start walking again or we have to sleep in the middle of the freaking jungle.”
Liam even let himself get manhandled for once and walked into the direction Theo had steered him into.  They walked for a while until the path turned wider again and they could walk next to each other. The stone walls still surrounded them but the path deviated to the left and they had no choice but to follow.  And then they walked around the corner and suddenly faced a sculpture of six persons, all women. Every woman was engraved in the stone wall and the attention to detail was formidable. Theo let out a low whistle and raised a hand to stroke over the intricate forms on their dresses.  “The artwork is meticulous. The artist even got the folding of the dresses,” he muttered in admiration while he blinked in the artfully crafted stone faces. The whole carving was larger than any human and went over the whole wall, it must have taken a long time to finish it. The women, Theo realized, were the same as on the paintings they had found in the building yesterday. The daughters stood with their hands folded as if they were about to receive a gift and the mother had her hands raised as if he was preaching to them. Above her head flowed an oval object with artful forms on both ends. Theo frowned. “Is that...?” “The Mirror of Origin,” Liam confirmed. “That’s the exact same form Ferguson had once scribbled down on his notes.” 
He laughed and pumped his fist in joy. “I knew we were on the right track!” In a swift motion, he had pulled his camera from his backpack and took pictures of the artwork. “I found some notes regarding this family. They are described as blessed by the gods. Know what else has this attribute?” “The Mirror of Origin?” Theo didn’t even really ask, it was crystal clear at this point. Liam still nodded and continued to snap pictures.  “So this family is what? The guardians of the mirror?” Liam hummed. “For now, let’s call them that, yes. Though I don’t think Ferguson ever mentioned a family in his records. Have to check this again when we're at the village. Have to check in with Mason as well.” Though Theo was sure the last part had more been Liam talking to himself, he could not resist answering. “Who’s Mason? Your boyfriend?” “Best friend.” Liam gave him an annoyed look. “Though this is none of your business. But I don’t have a boyfriend. And no girlfriend either.” “Shocker, no one wants to date the little Ivy League brat. Why am I not surprised?” “Oh, and you have a wife and kid to come home to every night?” Liam asked and rolled his eyes. “I don’t want a relationship. I’m good as single. I would be a great whiskey. Relationships are just pesky.” “Says only the one who can’t get any.” Theo scoffed. “Oh, believe me, I get enough. Men and women if you must know.” “What do you mean...Oh god.” Liam retched. “Dude, gross, why would you tell me that?” He stuffed his camera in his back again and stalked away from Theo. The mercenary snickered but followed him.  “Thought you might want to know not everybody is as lonely as you are. Don’t you have enough money to buy yourself a relationship? I’m sure there are people who would love spending all your money and give you sex in return.” “That’s called a sugar baby. Do you know so much about it since it was your first job? Oh sorry, that would actually mean you’re pretty. And you’re not.” Okay, that little bastard could call him names all he wanted but he was not allowed to insult Theo’s looks. Theo knew he was pretty, okay? He shoved Liam in retaliation. “Fucker! I am attractive!” “Meh,” Liam said and made a vague hand movement. “I’ve seen better.”
Theo scoffed and decided to change the topic. “Well, what’s your plan? I’m sure your little brain is already rattling with the newfound information. Let me tell you in advance, if you continue stopping every two minutes to inspect something, I will drag you to the village by your hair if I must. You’re slow.” “I’m detailed,” Liam defended himself.  “Brat, even a turtle moves faster than you. And turtles don’t move fast.” Liam just scoffed. “I traveled to Peru before and I already was on the track to find the mirror. Only to learn that Ferguson lied for whatever reason. Looking back at my expedition, I neglected so many things that now I’m double as detailed and now I want to turn every stone. If this is too slow for you, fine, leave me behind. I’m sure Vera will understand.”
Theo wanted to agree, take the easy way out and just leave him be. Liam had offered it himself, Theo just could take it. But he set his jaw.  “I can’t.” “Why not? I’m used to working alone and I can always meet Insight later at the village. I surely don’t need three bodyguards. I’m better off working alone anyway.” “Vera won’t like it.” Liam glanced at him and again Theo felt like the other was able to see right through him. It probably was the blue of his eyes, that made him seem deeper than he actually was. Because if you asked Theo, that guy was as shallow as a kiddie pool. “She has a good grip on you all. Dare I say you are afraid of her? Why is that? That woman doesn’t even carry a gun.” “She does. In her boot. A tiny pistol but she can shoot you with it,” Theo shared with Liam. “Listen, she is the boss. I’m aware you are not familiar with how an organization works but we have a hierarchy. She is our boss so we do as he says. And she gave my team and myself the order to accompany you. Trust me, I would love to leave you here, in the middle of the jungle, but she would freak out. You’re not worth the trouble.” “Hm.” Liam moved his head slightly while he pondered on it then he just began walking again. Theo blinked. He honestly had expected the younger to argue once more. 
When Theo finally walked up to him again, Liam fiddled with his map again. “The jungle mission is here, the village there. We are somewhere in this area I think and there was the building we almost drowned in.” He marked the points on the map. “Our usual route would have been there but now I think....”  Theo glanced over at the map and then looked around.  “I see a mountain in the distance. With our usual route, we would have rounded it from the right but now we might have a chance to round it from the left. It might even save us some time,” he realized and now it was his turn to point at the map.  Liam nodded. “We could even be faster than your two friends.” “Already told you they’re not my friends, we just work together.”  “How could I forget that? The big guy doesn’t have friends, right.”  Theo really didn’t like how cheeky the other was. And his only way of retaliation was to either snark back or shove him. Which he did now again. Liam stumbled and hissed. Theo grinned. It was childish but the guy had started it all so Theo saw no use in being the bigger person.  
The brat now ducked under a tree trunk growing over the path they were on and right when Theo followed him, he heard a shriek. It was on impulse that Theo reached out and grabbed the other by his backpack and pulled him back. It saved Liam from tumbling down yet another uphill. This time, however, his fall would have been more hurtful cause this declension was bold but even worse, on the bottom of the uphill rusty spears soared from the muddy ground. Dunbar would have been Swiss Cheese after tumbling down.  He now peaked over the ledge and breathed heavily. “Shit.” “Indeed,” Theo confirmed and let Liam go after he was sure the other was standing safely on his own two feet. “Can you be a bit more careful?” “How was I suppose to know the path would narrow even more after ducking under a tree trunk?” “We’re in the motherfucking jungle. Every step could be our last.”  He slipped past Liam, careful to stay away as far from the ledge as possible.  “Anyway, thanks,” Dunbar mumbled behind him and Theo shrugged.  “Don’t get soft on me now. Let’s get going.” He heard Liam shuffling behind him and then how he followed. Good. At least, he didn’t feel the need to discuss this now and they could continue their path. Theo didn’t know what waiting for them around the next curve but he had to be prepared for everything. Wild animals, deadly traps, the whole nine yards. And again he hoped Dunbar would be more action than talk when it came to firing guns. Theo was still not very convinced the guy could handle himself in a fight. So far he might have managed to get them out of a trap he led them into in the first place and ran away from a jaguar but that about was it. In Theo’s book, Dum-bar had been just lucky. 
Crumbled walls from an old building, covered with plants and moss and worn down by weather and time appeared in front of him. Theo marched through some smaller bushes and they stood in the inner yard of the building. A roofed corridor had been built all around the atrium, some parts of the roof had already crashed down but it was enough to give Theo an idea how people wandered through it and enjoyed the plants inside the atrium probably. Right in the middle of it stood a beautifully crafted stature, again made from stone, and the details were impressive again. Various vessels in front of the statue held various treasures; from gems and colorful stones to gold, everything was there. It almost looked like it had been a place of worship. “Was this a temple? If yes, what kind of goddess was she?” Theo stepped to the statue and examined her stony face.  “Not a temple for a god but a sacred place indeed.” Liam stepped next to Theo. “The people around must have worshiped her. And you know who that is? The mother of the family we already encountered. Watch this.” He held up his camera where he had the pictures he had taken earlier on display. He was right, the same facial features.  Theo looked up at the statue again and once more marveled at the details of face and dress. Even the hair was meticulously worked so you saw single strands. The mother held bother hands up, palms facing the sky, and smiled kindly at anyone approaching her statue.  “Hey, do you see that?” Theo nudged Liam. “The stone on her left hand looks a little off. It’s not the exact same color as the rest of the statue.” Liam glanced up and pursed his lips. And then he held out his own hand for Theo to take. When the older just stared at him, he looked at Theo and then rolled his eyes. 
“Stop looking at me like I proposed to you. I don’t want to hold hands with you but I need a hold,” he mumbled. When Theo still reacted too slowly for Dunbar’s liking, he groaned and grabbed Theo’s hand. He put his foot on the statue’s leg and then pushed himself up. Due to the hold he had on Theo, it was easier for him.  “Excuse me, what are you doing? You can’t climb an old statue. Don’t you have any respect?” Theo hissed. He had done a lot of things to ancient artifacts but he never used one as a personal climbing wall.  “Relax,” Liam just said and continued climbing until he reached the statue’s hand. He tilted his head and then felt around before he pressed down on the hand in a handshake.  The hand moved slightly under the light pressure and suddenly snapped off to reveal a rolled document hidden in a cavity inside her arm. Liam whooped and slowly pulled the document out. Thankfully it worked without problems cause the moment he had extracted the roll, the hand snapped back. Theo snickered at the shocked sound the brat made but then helped Liam down the statue again. 
On solid ground again, Liam rolled out the document he had found while Theo peeked over his shoulder. It was an old map to an area Theo knew he saw once but couldn’t immediately recall. Liam didn’t fare any better and he frowned.  “This is so old, it doesn’t necessarily mean the area still looks like this, right? But maybe some larger landmarks or something? I count four temples. One, two, three. four. Some mountains, there’s a river. But where is this area?” Theo tilted his head and then he pointed at something at the lower border of the map. “That seems to be a village. Wait a second! I think I know this.” He pulled out his own GPS and opened the map. Comparing the route of the river, he tried to match the two maps and finally succeeded. “See that? The village down below on the old map is the village Vera is waiting for us in. And see those ruins on the new map? They’re literally right next to the temples form the old one.” Theo pressed a button and the map projected in front of them. Liam held the old map beneath the projection so they could really see both maps showed the same area.  “But that doesn’t make any sense. If those ruins are already found, wouldn’t it make more sense for the temples to also be found?” He questioned.  But Theo was sure he was right. “Not necessarily. Not when those old temples are beneath the new ruins. There are many places in South America where one building was built over another one. If nobody dug deep enough - probably because they didn’t know what they were looking for and had to dig deeper - the temples are still there, still untouched by humans since hundreds of years.”  “That makes sense.” Liam nodded. “We need to get to the village as fast as possible.” Theo nodded as well. “Yeah.” 
For probably the first time, they actually had the same goal. Vera would be over the moon when they told her what they found. It would perhaps give Theo a nice bonus. His co-workers could get lost.  And again, Theo felt the tingle of excitement running through his veins. They were on the right track and had taken a large step closer to the Mirror of Origin. This was huge. And he was part of it. It felt unreal and oh so wonderful. This was the reason he had accepted a job with Insight. The joy of finding old artifacts lost for hundreds of years. It was always a thrill.
Happy weekend guys! I hope you all are fine and enjoy some lazy days! It still amazes me to see people liking this story. I know I took my time with the third chapter but I hope it was worth the wait. Writing Liam and Theo constantly fighting with each other and bickering is fun. And Theo being an asshole is just the best! I am having a field day with that one!
As always, comments, suggestions, and wishes are welcome. Share your thoughts with me in the comments.
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nipnapples · 7 years
BTS Having a Chubby Girlfriend (6/7)
I wrote this during my break at work, while I ate a pb&j sandwich.  Really sets the scene doesn’t it?  Again, thank you for loving these.  It makes my heart warm.  
Genre: Fluff and Smut
Rating: 18+ please and thank you! 
Jungkook Having a Chubby Girlfriend 
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-Alright friendos, it’s Jungshook time. 
-I mean Jungkook time. 
-that’s what I meant, sure.  We can just tell ourselves that.  
-Hereeeeee weee gooooooo
-Kookie has never had to prove himself to you
-Just as you’ve never had to prove yourself to him. 
-The first time you saw him, you said to yourself “that’s it.”  
-And it was.  
-You loved his sweet bunny smile
-The way he poked fun at the other memebers  members
 -Him making fun of Jimin’s laugh being your favorite. 
 -And His thighs 
-Holy moly guacamole
-Those weren’t too bad either. 
-You were the one who asked him out first 
-And he loved how you were straight forward.  
-How you ignored the looks other girls gave you, holding your head high, knowing you were the hottest thing in that room.  
-Kookie didn’t even look twice at the girls with a thigh gap or a flat tummy 
-All he saw were your curves for days, and your big eyes which never broke away from his.  
-You may have asked him out first but he kissed you first.  
-Not delicately, like a boy who didn’t know what he was doing 
-Not like the high school boy the whole world saw him as.  
-But like a man who was struggling to breathe. 
-A man who had seen the sun for the first time in a very long time. 
-A man who knew what he wanted. 
-And Jungkook wanted you. 
-He pulled your whole body to his, 
-Clasping you to him, his left hand on your lower back, the other palmed against your neck.
 -And kissed you so hard your teeth banged together.  
-But you didn’t care, 
-Because he just tasted so good.   
-You would go on late night dates to the swing set in the park down the street from your apartment with bags of take out 
-You’d be there for hours 
-Laughing and telling stories as you swung back and forth.  
-Occasionally bumping against each other affectionately 
-It was at one of these dates that Jungkook bet that he could pick you up, 
-And you bet that he couldn’t,
-Considering two of him could fit inside of your favorite sweater.  
-You of course lost this bet, easily, as Kookie picked you up Bridal style and carried you back to the car.  
-(Because Jungkook is a fuckin beast, y’all)
-Of course there were days where you nearly refused to look at yourself in the mirror, 
-To look at your wide hips and soft stomach.  
-Refused to eat lunch or dinner, claiming a stomach ache
-When the only ache really was how hungry you really were.  
-And on those days, it felt like Kookie was being punched in the chest repeatedly.  
-He wasn’t sure how you couldn’t see yourself the way that he saw you.  
-He didn’t understand how you didn’t see that your chubbiness was beautiful and wanted.  
-Kookie didn’t want you to change the way you looked to make others happy.  
-He only wanted you happy.  
-And so, on those days where you refused to eat, refused to be touched, refused to listen to others, 
-Kookie would call the boys and tell them he wasn’t feeling all that great.  
-He would skip practice and curl up in bed beside you.  
-He’d put on some stupid or sappy movie, so you could laugh or cry as you pleased. 
-He would watch you, and wait for you to be ready. 
-To be ready to talk to him, to open up, to let him in.  
-It meant everything and more to Kookie when you would tell him your insecurities.  
-And rather than try to fix them, Kookie would hold your hand and tell you he would never leave 
-Never laugh 
-Never hate.  
-Because he loved you.  
-He loved you so damn much that it hurt.
-Kookie most often spent the night at your place.  
-It was easier than sneaking around 6 other boys who were hovered over Jungkook like big brothers 
-(They basically are tho, let’s be real.  Kookie is their baby and if anybody hurt him ever, that person would never be seen again) 
-And the sex?
-The sex was fantastic. 
-Jungkook, again, does not need to prove himself to you.  
-He literally rolled his eyes when you asked if you were his first.
 -He rolled them so hard they seemed to get stuck in his head.  
-He got all cocky, and proved to you just how experienced he really was.  
-Jungkook rocked your world, to be cliche.  
-Those muscles means he has incredible stamina.  
-He likes it all ways, but his favorite is from behind.  
-Mostly because he can see your ass better that way 
-(He likes the view a little toooooo much) 
-But also because it makes him feel dominant
-Like he owns you.  
-He likes to tell you this, as he fucks you.
-He lifts you upper body so your torso is pressed against his, pulling out of you suddenly, 
-With his hand at your throat choking lightly, his other hand between your legs, pressing against your core.   
-As he squeezes he hisses “you are mine, love, all mine.  Every inch of you is mine”. 
-And you shudder at the thought, and gasp for air as lust courses through your veins. 
-And you come undone like this, after he’s bent  over again
-He bites your shoulder, leaving his hand between your legs to carry you through to his finish as well.  
-Afterwards, he plays with your hair.  
-Brushing his fingers softly over you face, 
-Tracing all of your features he loves and knows so well.  
-Jungkook knows you are his  
-And he is yours.
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noirnorineko-blog · 7 years
Lethal | Jungkook x Reader | Smut | Part 7
Holy moly, angsty scenes ahead (with a bit of fluff, nevertheless). Please don’t hate me for writing this!
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Ever so slowly, you woke up. With your eyes still closed, you attempted to move, but found yourself unable to. You forced your eyes open, and identified what was holding you in place immediately - you wrapped tightly against Jeon Jungkook.
You forgot about that.
Who would have thought you would have ended up with this cocky bastard?
Oh, well - you would be lying if you said you had any regrets.
Jungkook's chest rose and fell rhythmically, still sound asleep (and shirtless, which you attempted to ignore). He was snoring softly, and you couldn't help but smile at his sleeping form. God, you were getting soft.
Seeing as Jungkook was still asleep, your fingers, as if by their own accords, began to trace his features, which were softened by sleep. Gone was his scowl, his cocky grin. He looked younger, and more innocent - far from a dangerous hitman.
Slowly and tenderly, your forefinger traced invisible lines across his brow, down the slope of his nose. As your finger moved onto his (unbelievably) soft lips, his eyes snapped open, and he bit your finger.
You jumped and tried to pull your finger away, which was impossible seeing as it was caught between Jungkook's teeth.
'You're awake?' you yelped, blushing profusely. Jungkook rolled his eyes, but shot you a sleepy smile nevertheless.
'Wimp,' he snorted while propping himself up and pressing a kiss on your brow.
Stretching your limbs, you whimpered softly as your thighs and back ached painfully. 'My back is not happy, today,' you whined, and Jungkook shot you an apologetic look.
You rolled over in bed, searching around for your phone. Much to your dismay, you recalled leaving it in the pocket of your jeans - which were lying in a crumpled ball at the other side of the room.
With a groan you sat up and moved across the room to retrieve your phone. You found it quickly, and turned it on.
You had three missed calls from Yoongi.
Swearing under your breath, you sat back down on the bed, and Jungkook wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. 'What is it?' Jungkook inquired, and you held up your notifications to him.
'Shit,' he said, releasing you, running to grab his phone.
'Don't worry,' you told him, 'it's not the first time I've missed a job. He'll have just wanted another stupid painting stealing. Just apologise.'
Jungkook flopped down back on the bed beside you, phone in hand. He frowned at the screen, before holding it up to you. No missed calls, no messages, no nothing.
Shrugging, you started calling Yoongi and put your phone to your ear. He didn't pick up on the first ring like he usually would. Not on the second, either.
Not at all.
Well, this was odd. He had never missed a call from you. You snorted, shaking your head. The big bad gangster must have slept in.
You were about to call again, when a message came through with a high pitched ping. You quickly read the short text, and your stomach dropped.
It was from Eul, Yoongi's wife.
And read:
Headquarters. Now.
You were frozen as you read those two words, which were so small, yet so unbelievably significant. Once Yoongi had told you that if there were ever an emergency and he was busy dealing with it, Eul would contact you.
So this meant that something big had happened, and now you would have to sort it out, Eul was worrying, and Yoongi was pissed with so much shit to deal with.
Quickly you leapt off the bed, and began shimmying into your jeans from the previous day. 'We're needed at headquarters,' you told Jungkook, and he simply nodded. Anybody could tell from your tone that something big had happened. It was grim, monotonous, and promised misfortune.
You were about to pull on your black shirt, when Jungkook tossed you one of his oversized sweaters. You raised an eyebrow in question at the large black item.
'Wear it. For me?' Jungkook asked, smiling gently at you. 'You'll look cute.' You nodded, pulling it over your head. And then you grabbed Jungkook's hand who had only just finished dressing, and dragged him behind you as you headed for the door.
It was time to get down to business.
Twenty minutes later, you and Jungkook arrived at headquarters. It was raining like the sky was going to collapse, so you and Jungkook had to move fast to avoid getting soaked to the bone. The pair of you hurried inside the building, and made a dash to the elevator. As the doors closed, you caught Jungkook's eyes running up and down your figure.
You flicked your eyes to him, and raised an eyebrow suggestively. 'See something you like?' you asked playfully.
He licked his lips and smirked darkly, and pulled you against him. 'You had better be ready for at least three rounds later, baby,' he murmured against your neck.
You blushed beet red, and before you could come up with a snarky retort, the elevator doors opened.
Quickly you walked to the end of the corridor, until you reached the large mahogany doors, which lead to Yoongi's office.
Pushing the broad doors open without hesitation, you stormed into the office, and shouted to announce your presence.
'Alright, I'm here, what's the proble-'
Your sentence was cut short when you saw the sight before you.
The office was as it always was. Wide glass windows, making the room light. Outside you could see all of Seoul, beneath the grey sky. Streaks of lightening crackled, the bolts of light webbing across the sky. The rain fell heavily - it was as if the heaven's were sobbing. Fat raindrops rolled down the glass windows, making the view of Seoul wobbly, blurry and distorted.
The bookcases looked as they always had. Orderly, organised orderly by size (not by colour, as you had suggested to Yoongi when you were a little girl.) The black glossy was spotless, as always.
Yoongi's enormous polished wood desk was the same. Neat stacks of paper, pens lined neatly, a large chair behind it.
But upon the chair, was Eul. Not Yoongi.
Eul looked as beautiful as ever - straight and glossy raven hair, full red lips, tanned skin. But that day, her large brown eyes were rimmed red, and round teardrops streamed down her cheeks.
You stepped forwards hesitantly, your eyes scanning the room.
This was wrong. This was not mundane. Not normal, as it seemed.
Jungkook stepped forward to Eul, but stayed by your side. 'What's wrong? Are you alright?' His voice was tense, his concern for his mother clear.
Rather than answering in her light, euphonious voice, Eul simply shook her head.
Taking a deep breath, not allowing yourself to jump to conclusions, you asked, 'Eul, what happened?'
Eul let out a shuddering sob. 'It's... Yoongi,' she managed to choke out between her tears.
Tears began to fill your eyes, and you swallowed audibly. 'Where is he?' you questioned, refusing to cry.
Not yet.
There was silence as Eul gasped, taking in deep breaths of air. 'He'-' she sobbed, 'He's on the, fifth fl-floor.'
And then you cracked.
You spun away from Jungkook, who was calling after you, asking you to wait.
You sprinted from the room, and ignored the elevator, and instead headed for the staircase. It would be quicker, seeing as the fifth floor was directly above you.
As you leapt up the staircase, taking the stairs two at a time, two words were chanted in your head.
Fifth floor.
Fifth floor.
Fifth floor.
You had spent most of your life in that building. By now, you knew very well what was on the fifth floor. A floor onto which you had never dared to venture.
Reaching the top of the staircase, you paused as you reached the door which lead to Yoongi.
Tears threated even more to spill down your cheeks as you read the sign upon the door.
You slammed into the door, and ran into the room. The morgue was icy cold, and only one thing was in the room. In the centre of the floor, was a bed.
Upon the bed, a sheet.
Beneath the sheet, a silhouette.
Slowly, now, you approached the bed, terrified to see what lay beneath that sheet.
Taking a deep breath, you pulled back the sheet on the bed.
And then the tears came.
You clapped a hand over your mouth to silence the sobs which heaved from your chest, and tears cascaded down your face.
Because you had found him.
You had found Yoongi.
Your uncle, your beloved uncle. Your best friend, the person who had always been there for you.
This was your fault. He had called you, he had needed you. And you hadn't picked up the damn phone.
He was pale, so pale. His skin was paper white, his lips tinged blue. His eyes were closed, so you tried to convince yourself he was sleeping, although you knew this was futile.
His jet black hair was fanned around his head, and his hands were by his sides.
His skin was so smooth, just as it always had been. But it was no longer unblemished - purple and black bruises blossomed across his cheekbones, along his jaw, his cheeks.
Your eyes travelled down further, and the tears streamed impossibly heavier as your eyes fell upon his neck. A line of scarlet stood out against his stark white skin, trails of blood running downwards.
What kind of demon would kill somebody so coldly?
And then, you saw the piece of string around his wrist. And the piece of folded card attached.
With shaking hands, you untied the note from Yoongi's icy wrist. A kind of perfume had been sprayed on the card - you could smell the distinct aroma of lilies. The flower of death.
You unfolded the paper, and found words upon it. And as you read, the tears stopped.
Dearest (Y/N),
I saved you the job of looking for your uncle. He's gone.
Don't go looking for Taehyung. He won't be coming back.
And don't come looking for me.
I'll find you.
Love, Jimin.
The piece of paper slipped from your grasp, and fluttered down to the ground.
You raised a hand, and dried your eyes.
And there and then, you made a promise.
A promise for Yoongi, laid cold and still by your side.
A promise for Taehyung, wherever he was, albeit breathing or heart unbeating.
A promise for Eul, who you would never allow to feel pain like this again.
A promise for your parents, who you prayed were at peace.
A promise for Jungkook, who you swore you would never allow Jimin to ever get a hold of.
And a promise for you.
You would kill Jimin, even should it be the last thing you would ever do.
But before that, you had a funeral to attend.
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toxoplasmajuice · 7 years
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(pose credits: x x x x)
(read intro)
To Whoever This Ends Up In The Inbox Of-
Hey, I'll try my best to summarize this email in a TL;DR type thing at the end, but I don't know how good I'll be at that, so sorry for the length. Additionally, please forward this. You won't die--probably--if you don't, but we need to get this around somehow.
For a few reasons that will be outlined in this letter, I've come to believe that there's great change coming to SimNation as a whole--soon, and not for the better. As a precaution, I'm devising a plan to leave in the case that I'm right, but in doing so, I wish to save as many other lives as possible. The way I plan to do so is to take as many people as I can with me.
Here's the fun part: my friend Marisa and I have been planning to run a double bacheloret challenge for a long, long time. In the case that nothing happens, I'll keep the names of everyone who was interested and figure something out, but if we do have to evacuate, what's stopping us from celebrating being out of the Nation with a BC? (As for broadcasting it... I'm not sure about TV, but we'll make sure the rest of those wherever we end up can keep up somehow.)
Thank you, January Wallace
This is a regular ol’ (double) bacheloret challenge. For being technically a post-apocalyptic story, it’s gonna be pretty cheerful, actually. Basically, don’t worry about death or anything.
Quick explanation: Due to having made Sims for a few certain challenges and apparently not knowing what an AU is, my blog is forever doomed to follow basically the events of Danganronpa (though slightly different because I’ve been out of the loop irt the series for a while and holy moly there’s so much new stuff I haven’t consumed and also I’m kinda downplaying everything on purpose so people who share some canon with me don’t feel obligated to stop what their saves are doing and react and also holy fuck who let me orchestrate the apocalypse on my own what am I doing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa), if you haven’t noticed. What you need to know is that January here is (correctly) predicting that shit’s going to hit the fan, and is... going to leave SimNation to avoid it. That’s sensible.
This also works as a good excuse for me to put the BC in a small, less populated world. See, I figured out that the reason all my past BCs have had a lot of Sims standing still doing nothing is because I always have them in large, populated EA worlds, and Sims are much more autonomous and social in BCs placed in small worlds. (In case you’re curious, I’m planning to use Brynmar.)
Gender regulations vary slightly between the two bachelorets:
January (or Pumpkin) is sort of attracted to all genders, but they’ve come to the conclusion that they’re mostly attracted to other nonbinary people. Whether they’re aligned with a binary gender or not doesn’t matter, as long as it’s an alignment with that binary gender and not just being a binary man/woman.
Marisa is also a little bit attracted to all genders, but has a strong preference for women. Like always, this includes female-aligned nonbinary people (like herself!) and/or trans women. I added a clause back in Missy’s contestant guideline post about how female-aligned nonbinary contestants shouldn’t also be male-aligned, but that’s not really the case with Marisa.
Regardless of which bacheloret you pick, either rig/game gender designation is A-OK.
Contestants can be anywhere on the vanilla-to-berry/colorful scale.
All occults (+humans)--except Plumbots? ‘Cause EP restrictions?--are accepted. That includes ghosts this time! Yay!
I have all expansion packs except for ITF. I have no stuff packs except for HELS. Act accordingly
As it’s been for the past two BCs, I’m not limiting CC by number of pieces, but be reasonable. Or don’t be reasonable if you happen to use a ton of CC that you know I already have. Just... please don’t make me download too much, okay?
And on that note, I still have the same rules on sliders--none of them, except for the breast slider here. Again, I have that one because it’s better for giving DFAC sims flat chests than the EA slider is (but, I mean, you could use it for its intended usage, I guess.) Oh, you can also use hat sliders, I guess, because I do have them.
No store content, unless you know I have it. Feel free to ask if I have something or not.
Any traits are cool except traits from ITF (I still don’t have it) and that fuckin’ Ins*ne/Unconventional trait (you know). Unluckies are back in the game! Somebody should give me an Unlucky ghost to celebrate.
I don’t plan on giving either side of this BC a legacy, so the winner gets... okay, Marisa’s been a public download forever, but let me just go and... Public Marisa? Never heard of her. Well, there’s apparently six people who already downloaded Marisa from back when she was a contestant herself, but besides them, the winner on her side will get her only download, and the winner on January’s side will get their download. (They were also public for a while, but I’ve changed them a bit and also I don’t think anybody actually downloaded them.)
Message me (through asks or actual messaging) to claim a spot. Mention me in intro posts.
Spots (January): 1. @berriesandbrownsugar 2. @socialjusticesimblr 3. @tiny-tany-thaanos 4. @turtlepixels 5. @geezsims 6. @peachbobs
Spots (Marisa): 1. @jackssims 2. @tosimornottosim 3. @asimlishpixel 4. @avtvmnsalad 5. @cafesimming 6. @futurecarrie
Please fill out the applicable interview for your contestants!
The deadline for Sims will be... let’s say... June 26th [changed from 6/2]. This is gonna be another summer thing. If the deadline will be an issue, talk to me about it and we’ll work it out. The deadline is totally up in the air at this point.  I still have a lot of building to do, so you’re all waiting for me more than I’m waiting for you. Let’s try for... some time before I have to go back to school?? Guess this isn’t a summer thing...
As a side note, if anybody wants to send me Sims not for the BC--maybe people coming with your contestant, maybe people totally unrelated and unconnected to the contestants--to be residents of the island, go for it!
Thank you, sevenleafsimblr
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pseudocitrus · 7 years
I just finished reading your One Eyed King au and I know I'm late to the game but Holy Moly! It is Amazing! Well you are amazing, everything you write is fantastic, and the fact you take the time to listen to other's head cannons is beyond nice. Are you planning on continuing the one eyed king? Its just I have all these thoughts about how things go, ( takes deep breath) like there is an obvious time skip and Kanaki keeps busy, being a king, training soldiers and what not.
hello, anon!! wow, the amount of stuff that you added on is an incredible amount!! firstly, i’m really happy to hear your nice words toward my writing, thank you! even though it’s been a while since i’ve worked on OEK au, i’m really happy to hear that it’s still giving some people pleasure to read :’)
as for continuing it. i have some basic ideas of where i wanted it to go next, but nothing really solid, and recently my energy for writing fic has been at an all-time low, so it’s unlikely for now. the ideas i have are a little different than what you wrote, but i want to share it anyway (below the cut here!) because you put so much effort into it and i enjoy being told stories myself about my own au 😂 also in case anyone else is interested in other ways that au could go!
[there is an obvious time skip and Kanaki keeps busy, being a king, training soldiers and what not.] when he has time he reads but it doesn’t quite bring the enjoyment it used to. He finds his mind drifts to her and how is she? is she dating anyone, he hopes she’s happy. Rumors hit court of this new cafe that has opened up in a busy ward known for trading and anybody who’s anybody goes there because the coffee is crazy good and its a meting place of sorts for merchants, aristocrats etc. but word is it’s run by a women …and unmarried women (shock!)
her big brother works there too but she definitely runs the place. So maybe Kaneki doesn’t want her to be “that” happy because the rumors also say that she’s young, pretty, successful, good for business and quite a catch so its surprising she’s single and so this leads to many suitors, who propose marriage. Kanaki listens, pieces things together, knows it Touka, description sounds like her, although the hair is different. coincidently he has to walk through that very same ward and do a routine
nspection …you know for kingly duties, not to you know maybe see her or anything. He can’t just walk in there as himself though. Touka on the other hand is doing fine, she’s great, no really. After he no longer was in need of her service, in need of her, she decided to stop feeling sad about it about him, with the connections she made and her common sense
she started up her own business, it was a stroke of luck the location, but everything else was hard work, not for him though ( she wasn’t making connections, shmoozing with people who that would other wise make her gag, gathering weapons, comping up with escape routes, they could take I mean she could take, if war broke, out for him.) You know because fuck that guy he broke her heart. She’s a new person, she shed the old Touka when she shed him, even her hair is different, a new hue, achieved
Touka on the other hand is doing fine, she’s great, no really. After he no longer was in need of her service, in need of her, she decided to stop feeling sad about it about him, with the connections she made and her common sense she started up her own business, it was a stroke of luck the location, but everything else was hard work, not for him though ( she wasn’t making connections, shmoozing with  people who that would other wise make her gag, gathering weapons, comping up with escape routes,
they could take I mean she could take, if war broke, out for him.) You know because fuck that guy he broke her heart.  She’s a new person, she shed the old Touka when she shed him, even her hair is different, a new hue, achieved by some exotic elixir one of her patrons brought in, traded from a foreign land.
She’s worked hard for her new life now and even though there have been suitors, some she only knows by name, she has no time for that, they don’t bother her too much, her “ nit-san” works with her, its more for show and protection from would be robbers and hoodlums, he usually keeps the confessions from getting out of hand. She doesn’t admit to herself how often she thinks about him, what she would say, do, if she saw him again but still she never expects him to walk into her cafe.
. She recognized him right away, its a crappy disguise, there is so much she could do, ignore him, get one good punch in before his guards intervened, kick him out like he kicked her out but in that moment she finds herself just going along with it… Anyway I had to share, if you continue or not keep doing what you do, your way with words is magic!
i really like touka’s hair being different because of a foreign elixir, as well as the idea that :re was something she made to help herself be free in this particular story. i also like the idea of her encountering him in a new costume and deciding to go with it (kind of a funny parallel to haise meeting her in :re the first time 😂 ) thank you for sharing this with me!
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