#holy hell if you read through the entire thing youre amazing
xpao-bearx · 5 months
This is dedicated to the absolutely beautiful hooman bean @basketobread 💕 They are truly one of the best people I've EVER met and has such a kind, wonderful heart!!! Furthermore, all of their artworks are literal ✨️MASTERPIECES✨️ They and their works are a constant source of joy for me and I just got inspired to write this very short, very simple fic of my BG3 Tav and their much beloved character Lunara meeting 🥰 It's not much, but I hope y'all like it and I hope even more that I did Lunara's amazing character justice! This is also my first time writing my Tav in a story format so it's great practice and an opportunity to flesh her out more before I post my fic of her and Astarion :)
More about my Tav here + this is the song she's singing in this story (and fun fact: I headcanon the singer to be my Tav's voiceclaim!) ❤️
Fic is under the cut and thanks sooo much for reading!! \(^o^)/
Darkness consumed the drow cleric's entire visage. A darkness that reminded her of her past in the Underdark; a waking nightmare she miraculously escaped, forging a path of her own, under the light and guidance of her Lady of Silver.
But this time, she feared that this smothering darkness would be...permanent. She could feel herself blinking, yet only blackest black and the stinging prick of her tears greeted her. She felt the ground beneath her and she doesn't think she broke any bones--or so she hopes--but she couldn't move. There was a looming heaviness in her chest and ice gripping at her heart.
Is she...dying? Eyes fluttering shut, she's resigned to her paralysis, but has not given up hope.
Because fuck that, she's most definitely not a quitter.
"M-My Lady of S-Silver..." She murmured, weak in physique but ever strong in her faith. "P-Please watch o-over me, h-help me overcome..."
She hasn't the faintest clue how long she stayed like that, strengthening herself in prayer, though eventually her ears perked up at the sound of...footsteps?
Something--or, rather, someone--sat next to her. She heard some shuffling then the soft strum of a lyre being played and a beautiful, soothing voice reverberating in her head.
"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine"
As the mystery songstress continued, she could feel power coursing through her veins, slowly but surely. She blinked once more and faint spots of light danced amidst the shadows.
"Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine"
She felt her fingers twitching, toes wiggling; and, like a flower blossoming, she rose. She let out a sharp gasp as she sat up, chest still heavy but not as excruciating as it was before.
She's alive.
She blinked rapidly, perfect vision returning. She had hardly a moment to gather her bearings when someone's voice rang excitedly.
"Holy hells! I'm so glad you weren't, like, completely dead! Good thing I saw you just in time!"
Her gaze landed on the young woman before her. A half-drow with a smile as bright as the sun and mismatched eyes (one, she noticed, being a rather unusual blood red with a prominent scar across it). She was pretty--ahem, very pretty, might she add--but looked worse for wear. Something she was sure she looked, too.
Before either of them could say anything else, a migraine hit them both like a spiked club. They both cradled their heads in their hands, fragments of a hellish nautiloid swirling in their minds, waiting for the pain to pass and their eyes meeting in recognition.
When it finally did, the stranger piped up once more.
"Oh, wow, we're parasite pals!"
Despite the situation of it all, she laughed. A welcoming warmth radiated from the strange stranger, enveloping her and easing the tension of all of today's utter bullshit. From being kidnapped by godsdamned Mind Flayers to being infected by a disgusting parasite, she laughed and felt comforted that, at the very least, she was not alone.
"Indeed we are!" She grinned before holding her hand out. "Thank you so, so much for saving me! My name is Lunara and you are..?"
The stranger beamed, shaking Lunara's hand and her other hand making a theatrical waving gesture. "Mon'sun, at your service, fair maiden! Perhaps you've heard of me, perhaps not. The tale of my titillating life is still being written, you see~"
'Ehe. TIT-illating.' Lunara thought to herself, letting out a small chuckle before clearing her throat. She was a toootally mature adult, after all.
"Well, Mon'sun, Selûne's blessings upon you!" Lunara did a half bow, mimicking Mon'sun's theatrics which Mon'sun definitely approved of. "Besides your incredibly kind and gracious act of saving me, I'm positive my Lady of Silver led you here for a reason. What say you we band together and find a cure for this parasite?"
"Oho, asking to team up so fast? I would say take me out to dinner first, but I'm pretty easy sooo..." She joked, making a show of thinking before gasping dramatically, pretending to cry tears of joy. "Yes! A thousand times yes!"
Lunara just as dramatically placed a hand over her heart, sniffling. "Thank you! I promise to make you a happy woman!"
As they both stood up chattering and laughing away, preparing for the thrill of adventure ahead, Lunara noticed she was missing her coin pouch.
"Have you seen my coin pouch? I could've sworn I had it tied tightly around my waist, so there's no way it could've fallen off after the nautiloid crash." Lunara questioned as her purple eyes darted around their surroundings, ash and smoke rising from all the debris.
"Perhaps it burned away from the flames of the crash." Mon'sun replied smoothly, helping Lunara seek for her humble riches.
(Pssst, Mon'sun is lying and has Lunara's pouch in her pack, but she rolled a Nat 20 on ✨️deception✨️ sooo...)
"Well, nevermind then!" Lunara shrugged, smiling. "I'm sure our Lady of Silver will grant us great blessings for our journey. In fact, she has already bestowed upon me a most wonderful blessing in the form of a kind, trustworthy new friend!"
Narrator: *As the two drow kin embark on their perilous quest to free themselves of their parasites, a haunting voice echoes deep within the recesses of Mon'sun's mind; her own parasite. One of a different, godly breed taunting her--tormenting her.*
"Do you wish to find comfort in the presence of another inferior god, spiderling?" Lolth cackled, cruel music flooding Mon'sun's ears, vicious mockery only she can hear. "Such foolishness will only bring about disappointment...much like your new companion. But I am here, spiderling. Always watching. It is only a matter of TIME for you to bathe in her blood."
Mon'sun abruptly stopped in her tracks, shutting her eyes tight, nails digging into the palms of her hands that nearly drew blood as she willed the spider goddess to not so kindly fuck off. She was used to this by now, the lure of Lolth's appalling temptations always merciless, sickening, and...gratifying.
But no. She will never ever give in. Absolutely fucking NOT!
"Are you alright, Mon'sun?"
Mon'sun's eyes snapped open, sweat beading down her temple and wide, frantic eyes landing on Lunara, a few feet in front of her staring at her in concern.
"...I forgot!" A beat too late, a beat too nervous. But thankfully, Lunara didn't seem to notice it, only watching in curiousity as Mon'sun rummaged through her pack that was literally ripping off the seams.
Mon'sun then procured a small purple pouch, smiling sheepishly as she handed it to Lunara.
"Apologies, friend. I stole picked this up earlier and just remembered it now. This must be yours, yes?"
Lunara caught Mon'sun completely off guard when she launched herself at the other girl, wrapping her arms around Mon'sun.
"Oh, our Lady of Silver truly blesses me! Thank you, friend, your kindness knows no bounds!" Lunara giggled.
Mon'sun was still for a few moments before returning the embrace, laying her head against Lunara's chest. Her bardic ear listened close, the faint thrum of Lunara's heartbeat--as lovely as its owner--lulling her to a wonderful sense of security.
No matter how temporary.
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wytchsbrew · 1 year
"There we go, yeah, Vash, you're doing such a good job."
Wolfwood's calm, whispering voice put Vash's terrified, pounding heart at ease by the smallest of fractions, and while Wolfwood had been giving him perfect, exact instructions this entire time, he still felt overwhelmed with choking anxiety.
Because this was his first time...
This was his first time...
Vash glanced down at his best friend, his partner, beneath him. Wolfwood's large, muscular body lay spread out on the bed, naked, exposing every single bit of beautiful, dark skin to Vash's absolutely starving eyes. He had one strong hand clutching around his own erection, lazily stroking it while his dark eyes watched Vash like he was the most delicious item on tonight's menu.
His hair lay messy and mussed, pulled this way and that by Vash as they'd made out for literally an hour before reaching this point. The point Vash had been terrified of from the get go of their relationship.
Vash felt scared to fuck Wolfwood.
Several times, while their hands wandered and their lips found each other, Wolfwood had mentioned how much he wanted that particular thing - for Vash to top him, take him, ravish him, and each time, Vash pulled away out of absolute fear.
Well, Vash had never had sex with anyone, let alone a man with obvious experience, who looked sexy enough to make Vash drool at the drop of a hat, and he knew he simply did not have the skill to make sex worth while for someone like Wolfwood.
Slowly, Vash's gaze slipped down his lover's perfect body, until he saw the point where their bodies met. His own thick, girthy cock, alight with blue Plant Striations, only had the crown slipped inside Wolfwood's tight entrance.
He felt... amazing, perfect, clenching around him. Tighter than he expected. Hot, velvety, wet and pliant from the very detailed instructions Wolfwood had given him to finger and scissor and stretch him enough to take his thickness.
"You like what you see, handsome?"
Wolfwood's voice brought his attention back up to him, and when their gazes met, it felt like two flames colliding between them, swirling to create a vortex.
If Wolfwood kept looking at him like that, he'd cum in no time.
"C'mon, sink in with your hips now. Give me everything you got."
With his hands pressing bruises into Wolfwood's sturdy hips, he began moving his hips forward like Wolfwood instructed. Slowly, slowly sinking his big cock into Wolfwood's awaiting body.
"Oh, yeah, you're so big."
Wolfwood gasped below him, the hand on his own cock moving faster as he fisted hard around his crown.
"You're doing so good," he whispered, continuing that even, deep, gruff sound of his voice that struck through Vash like lightning. "Deeper. Give it all to me."
Vash obeyed, pressing and pressing, listening to the sound of himself moaning loud in the quiet of their motel room. The tightness ached through him like a vibrant light, and he suddenly had no idea why he'd been scared about this in the first place.
They should've been doing this the entire time!
His hips hit the rounded crux of Wolfwood's firm ass, and his arms shook desperately, barely able to hold him steady. Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck.
He was inside Wolfwood.
Fully, deeply, inside Wolfwood!!!!
"Perfect," Wolfwood mewled, and Vash caught sight of his free hand clutching into the sheets beside him. "So good, you did so good-" His breath hitched, as Vash gave a little experimental roll of his hips forward, and the slick slide had them both tossing their heads back in twin flame groans.
He'd never known sex could feel this... this...
"Good," Wolfwood moaned, as if reading his mind. "Start moving. Now."
There was no way in Hell Vash could say no to that, so he did. He pulled out, all the way to the crown, and fucked forward again into Wolfwood. It wasn't fast, because some part of the lingering anxiety of it all feared hurting him, but it felt like the best experience of his entire life.
He thrust in again, and whined.
He wondered if Wolfwood would let him fuck him again later tonight. Perhaps tomorrow, too?
"Faster, harder!" Wolfwood instructed. "I can take it, you know I can take it-"
Faster, faster, Vash started up an insane rhythm immediately upon being told. The bed frame slapped against the neighboring wall, the mattress screeching against the sheer strength of his thrusts, and Wolfwood moved his hips down in time to take him even further with every single movement.
He took him so well. Despite his Plant cock being larger, strangely shaped, different than that of a human's, Wolfwood took every single inch of him and was apparently enjoying it, calling out Vash's name under his breath like a small, private prayer.
Of course, he knew Wolfwood could take it. Wolfwood existed as the single strongest person he knew besides himself, sturdy and seemingly immortal. He knew he wouldn't break beneath his hands, something that put his mind at ease.
He'd always been afraid of that. Of being intimate with someone, and hurting them, not understanding his own strength.
But, not with Wolfwood.
Wolfwood easily handled him. He always had.
Vash smiled, and fell forward, leaning his hands on either side of Wolfwood's head, and he pulled back, almost to the tip, and slammed back into him with a brutal sort of strength and speed. And he didn't let up for a single second, surprised as his own prowess in the face of undeniable lust.
Every nerve ending in his body lit aflame, and he watched Wolfwood's back arch against the mattress, and he was crying out, high pitched.
"Yes, yes, just like that!" Wolfwood cried. "God, fuck, Vash! I love you!"
His body stalled, his cock burying deep inside Wolfwood, and stared downward at the beautiful, open mouthed, wet lipped, low lidded bedroom eyed face of his lover.
"What did you just say to me?"
Wolfwood blinked, once, twice, then horror struck across his expression.
"Nothing," he whispered. "I said... nothing."
"No, no, you said something!" Vash felt panic piling up in the back of his throat. No way. No way, Wolfwood had just uttered those words that Vash had been keeping locked away secretly in the vault of his heart and soul.
"Fuck you, I didn't say shit," Wolfwood muttered, and glanced sideways, away from Vash's face -
And Vash saw the blush along the tips of his ears.
Oh, hoooo!
"You said you love me!" Vash laughed, nearly hysterical. "Nicholas, you - do you love me?"
There was a moment where nothing happened. He could only hear his own harsh breathing in the roaring silent cadence of the room, and he thought maybe he'd gone too far, and should have just kept his mouth shut instead.
He'd just been too overwhelmed by the sound of that voice saying those words he'd dreamed of.
Suddenly, though, so suddenly, Wolfwood turned his head, met his gaze head on. There was affection in his eyes, and the sheer look of it laid Vash bare. Made him more naked than being buried deep inside his partner in a dingy motel room, because, for lack of a better explanation, Nicholas D. Wolfwood looked at him like he'd found the missing pieces of the universe.
Affection poured from him in waves, covering Vash like a warm blanket, hazing everything else in sight.
"Yes, Vash," Wolfwood whispered, his voice trembling. "I'm in love with you, you giant, infuriating dumbass."
Just like that.
Just like a strike of lightning.
Vash came, cock twitching, hands vibrating against the bed, and he heard himself crying out, "I love you, too!"
The feeling of the orgasm deep within his core must've been too much as well, because the next second, Wolfwood's spend splashed across his chest messily and his mouth opened on a silent scream, eyes squeezed shut tightly.
And Vash watched the entire thing in absolute awe. The most beautiful sight he'd ever laid eyes on, and would ever lay eyes on for the rest of his existence. Nothing possibly compared to the sight of Wolfwood losing himself in the throes of a fast, passionate orgasm.
Though the sex had only lasted a couple moments, Vash couldn't help but think of this as the best thing to ever happen to him.
Or, perhaps, that was Wolfwood himself.
After a long while of Vash staring down at him, Wolfwood slowly opened his eyes again, and smiled, lazily, sated.
"Well, aren't you a fast learner."
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queen-scribbles · 1 month
#YEEEESSSSSSS WHAT AN AMAZING GIFT 🥰💖🥰💖🥰💖#god I don't even know where to start it's all so good#tragen and marii understanding each other so well they can communicate without words or using the force YES#marii having a voice-kink and competence-kink and struggling to keep her mind out of the gutter while tragen gently threatens people YES YE#when brin actually thought he'd trapped them! 😂 alexa play 'now you fucked up' from whitest kids you know#the action! the fighting and the chase sequence! their banter! 😘🥰 YES YES YES YES#the contrast of tragen being so calm and in control as he casually wins 4v1 fights and sprints down hallways without even getting winded#vs aramarii 'force-assisted recklessness' wrinn ripping out wires and stabbing consoles and barreling around corners#him preferring to travel in her ship because his is too gloomy and scares people 😭 darling boy you would've made such a good jedi#(give her a hydrospanner and a week and she can fix it up. she's already planning a shopping trip to bed bantha and beyond with vette)#does he KNOW how sexy his voice is? that he could melt her into a puddle reading space-ikea instruction manuals?#or is he genuinely unaware of the power he wields? thank the stars he's not the type to use it for evil#okay I better stop before I write an entire tag novel 💖💖💖 I'm gonna go eat some cake and read this like. 30 more times
@haledamage I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT. :D I did some poking around in Marii's tag for details and personality stuff but didn't have time to read everything, so I'm happy to have done her justice. 💖 (cut for length)
I love couples who know each other so well it's like they read minds or share thoughts, it's so good. They would clean up at one of those game shows where you have to writ down your partner's answer to a bunch of questions. xD I cannot blame Marii for any of those kinks bc they're all very fair ones to have wrt Tragen. Competence is extremely sexy. 😂 (I might have a bit of a Thing for the M!Warrior's voice. Just a little one. That may have bled through. I mentioned it was self-indulgent, right?)
And I've long headcanoned for Tragen's own universe--and now this one apparently-- that they don't make it common knowledge he has less of a Force connection than your average Jedi/Sith. Might be perceived as weakness yada yada. And people he fights are too busy trying to survive to notice he's like 95% martial skill/5% Force use. This is just one more benefit; someone like Brin goes "How do you catch a Sith? Get him away from his lightsaber and cut the Force and he's nothing" aaaannnnnnddd they're Very Very Wrong. >:3 I love the contrast between Tragen and Marii's personalities, and their complementary roles in escaping(I had to throw in combat. It's my Brand now) were so fun to work out. The thing about Tragen's ship is another long standing headcanon, and Vette will be thrilled to help Marii redecorate. She's already complained about it being gloomy multiple times before the end of the class story. xD (Now I want to write Marii "kidnapping" Vette for a girls' day which just means giving the Celestial Dawn a makeover and Vette's practically dancing with excitement the whole way through Bed Bantha and Beyond(I'm laughing at that again jsyk) bc she's wanted to do this for a DECADE, why didn't you start dating him sooner?!?!? shush with your logic about Emperor's Wrath and Jedi Battlemaster etc
Tragen is... aware some people(Marii included) find his voice attractive. He is NOT aware of just HOW Attractive. We are very lucky he's at least partially ignorant and not the type to use it for evil even if he fully understood bc holy HELL could he conquer galaxies. That voice? His charisma and diplomatic skills? the Arms? YEAH.
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leadenn · 7 months
Tumblr media
Absolutely adore your fic front and back. The entire concept had me intrigued, and once I started reading, I was OBSESSED. Legit, I would talk to my friends about it, talk to my shower, talk to my Twitter mutuals about it.ALSO ALSO I adore how you write monologues, it's so funny and so descriptive, makes me feel things good things. Every single one of them you write so well, like YES he would say that! I see a lot of Raph and Leo being writen so off, like their manorisms are so yes, I could see him doing that. Casey is so cool and I adore his relationship with Abby, big bro and lil sis, he would give the world for his sister and she would love the world for him. You feel me? Oh and I love how all of them just were like "yes Abby is my favorite little sister, I would kill for her", so fucking obsessed. Casey and Abby have gone through so much shit and I'm so happy for them being around people who love and care for them. Leatherhead and Casey and Abby and Mikey are so sweet. Leatherhead is also a sweetheart, he's so nice and the way you write him makes me melttt, I become a pile of mush 🫠Mikey and Him are soooo sweet too and I swear to god you have changed my ENTIRE perspective on those two as a ship its incredible, like before I ddint even THINK that much about it, but here I am in my notes app with a full on page of how to implement leatherhead in my au AND in my fanfic, the note title is legit called 💥THAMK UOU LEADENN💥 also just read the newest chapter came back to edit this, YAY! FUCK YEAHH!! Those twoooo OUGHHHH!! The inner monologues you write are so fuckin good, like I can read that thing good without getting confused and having to re read, I understand it because you explain well! The scenes play out good and are incredibly funny or incredibly sad or both. Like holy shit. Also the way you write and hint has me going "WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHA WAIT WHA??" like I end up shocked eyes open. I also enjoy your writing so much I usually don't venture off into the collection of other stories unless they still include my favorite character but with how you write I just love everyone so much I'm like eating that shit up, full course meal gourmet food 5 stars. I know you get a lot of Mikey stuff so I left him for last on how much I fucking LOVE HIM HES SO COOL like mental stuff aside his one liners and his kick ass brain lines are awesome oh my god he comes off so damn cool like daaqmnnn who made you king of Antarctica, lord of coolness. I love his inner monologues so much, its so funny and so real like, "Yeah he underestimated how much of DICK the forest would be." Had me HOWLIBG, first thing in and I get hit in tge face with another real as hell Mikey line. That was actually one of the things that keeps me reading, what drew me in when I first found your amazing story. He'd just started spitting facts and a gnarly backstory and in my head I was like "ohhhh shittt!!" I get so excited every time an update comes out, goddamn chapter 5??? I am so goddamn proud of you for reaching 61 CHAPTERS AUGH I can't stress this enough you are doing AMAZING, you're writing so much and it's terrific every single time, every single comment, kudo, fanart, just everything, you deserve it. You're so awesome-sauce! I think I would bite the dust if I wrote as much as you, as much as I love it I am already struggling with getting past 5k words. Anyways, your writing genuinely is my coffee in the morning especially when I've run out of coffee and my phone is the only thing that morning to bring me joy. Also you intimidate me, most fanfic writers do but the moment you interacted with an account, boss music started playing in my head
I think I'll combust if I proof read this so before the guy in my head backs out I'm just gonna send it 👍😩👍
*pukes in joy*
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My Thoughts on RUSH! Track By Track:
OWN MY MIND: 9.5/10
STARTING WITH A BANGER OMG It's so fire I started bouncing when it got to the chorus it's so good and an awesome choice for an opening track we're off to an amazing start. Very punk-esque and the lyric video fits the same vibe.
GOSSIP: 9/10
Obviously I've already shared my thoughts about this song and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't grown on me more since I made that statement. I've been singing it to myself everyday while I cook for like four days now. It's so catchy, the MV is a total vibe, and I do like the meaning behind it.
These are lyrics to definitely scream when you're just going through a bad time. I mean I know it's symbolic of a long distance relationship but I feel like many people can relate to it. Also love that little sexy bit snuck into the middle there lmao
BLA BLA BLA: 10/10
BABY SAID: 9.5/10
I was pleasantly surprised by this one lol by the title I thought it was gonna be a ballad but it's very funky but like in a rock way and I love ittttt plus the lyric video with Vic just totally vibing made it even better
GASOLINE: 8.5/10
Obviously we've all heard this song before but I'm glad they put it on the album because I've been wanting so save it so bad lmao but it's such a powerful song and I can feel the activist rage radiating off of it every time I listen to it.
FEEL: 10/10
FAVE FAVE FAVE OMFG THIS SONG SET MY FUCKING SOUL ON FIRE THE GUITAR AND THE SLOWER PARTS TOGETHER I'M SO !!!!! Dami's voice is incredible and the lyric video is just... I'm being so normal about it.
YES YES YES GIVE ME MORE ANGSTY HARD ROCK SONGS GIVE THEM TO ME NOW. Also the mini guitar solo at the end? Addicting. PLUS...that Lucy's diamonds lyric...A BEATLES REFERENCE?! +1000000 POINTS HOLY FUCK
KOOL KIDS: 10/10
Personally, I tried to avoid listening to as many concert versions of the song as I could until now because I wanted to go in somewhat blankly and I'm so glad I did because THAT WAS AWESOME I LOVE IT and I think I'm starting to notice a pattern with all the songs I'm rating 10s lmao
This is a song that you need to have blasting in your headphones while you gaze longingly out of a car window while it's raining, watching the drops race down the glass and rooting for one in particular, only for them to join together to make one drop in the end and that's the only way I can describe this song. I can see Må performing this live and the entire crowd is just belting out the lyrics right along with them.
PUNK ANTHEM HELL FUCKING YEAH I'M IN LOVE also another astounding guitar solo? THOMMY YOU ABSOLUTE MAD LAD THE TALENT YOU HOLD IS INDESCRIBABLE. 100% ANOTHER FAVE TRACK. Also, aesthetically speaking, the lyric video is everything I wanna be and more.
SURPRISE IT'S IN ITALIAN I love this one so much I CAN'TTT it's so good it had me jumping in my mf chair !!!!! And AGAIN WITH THE BOMB ASS GUITAR SOLOS THOMAS RAGGI YOU REALLY POPPED OFF WITH THESE THINGS plus the lyric video is so special to me I know it's just them walking back and forth but it's special how they each have their own runway walk I can't explain it you either get it or you don't
LA FINE: 9.5/10
I've already shared my thoughts about this but it definitely has that Teatro D'Ira Vol. 1 vibe we've all been dearly missing and it's just an incredible sound that will always be iconic
If y'all thought LA FINE was reminiscent of TDV1, you're gonna LOVE this one. It sounds so much like it that I can't help but listen to it and be like "That's the Måneskin I know" because it's SO symbolic of their sound. The way I view it is that this song, just based on sound and vibes alone, is LA PAURA DEL BUIO's younger, more emo sibling and no I will not take criticism on that because I know I'm right. Also the lyric video is majestic and I'm right about that too.
Again, another one we've all heard and there's no debate it's incredible and I still come back to the MV and lyric video every now and again because they're just as iconic as the song itself.
This one has truly divided the fandom lmao but for me personally I like it and it's a song I listen to and then forget about for a bit and then I listen to it again and remember how much I love it. Idc it slaps and it's in my playlist for a reason.
Again, no question. The perfect song to cry to while simultaneously screaming the lyrics. The MV is a cinematic masterpiece and the song is so emotionally wracking in the perfect way. Damiano's lyrics are either fun and quirky, super fucking angsty, or poetically deep and meaningful there is no in between.
CONCLUSION: This album is a No-Skips album and probably one of the best albums I've ever heard and I will not be listening to anything else for the next month. Thank you and goodnight.
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carcrash429 · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday
(template acquired from @sugaraddictarchangels)
A Good Feeling by dentalfloss [no tumblr] (Words: 81,313 - Chapters: 10/10)
Rated: Teen+
Warnings: None
Relationships: None
“You work for SHIELD” Barton spat the agencies title at Coulson as though it were the nastiest cuss he knew. “We have nothing more to talk about.” Which was all good and fine, except-
“I have some things to discuss with you, actually,” Tony said and Clint’s bruised and swollen gaze turned towards him. “Many things. Nice things,” he tagged on when Clint’s gaze narrowed darkly. The kid might be passing out in slow motion before them but Tony was well aware he was still a threat and he made no move to approach. “Let me help,” he insisted anyway.
Or: the one where Clint may be a pretty formidable assassin for hire, but he was broke and his brother needed help he couldn’t afford so he needed a legitimate job for a little while. How fortunate Stark Tower was hiring.
Notes + Quotes:
Look okay, at this point y'all know I love a good Clint-centric gen fic and this is actually one of the best ones out there.
the plot is interesting the side characters are great  the characterization of Clint is *amazing*  I ADORE this characterization of Clint. Holy. Shit. I love a good story about competent Clint and honestly? Competent Clint Shmompetent Clint, this is tagged with BAMF Clint and Genius Clint and that's almost underselling it?? He is PHENOMENAL.
He steals textbooks to read for funsies:
“Technology, Science, and Common Sense,” he read the title aloud, and flipped the cover open to scan the index. This looked like it had a lot of math and mechanics. His favourite kind. He kicked his boots up on Barney’s bed and began.
He does absurdly cool fighting moves:
“Did you just deflect the bullet back at him with your nunchucks?” Tony demanded, because there was no way this guy was fast enough—
“He had tells as big as your ego,” Ronin said, re-holstering the weapon and looking at his arm briefly, like he was casually checking that it was still attached before he moved on."
He's allllllllways paying attention:
Sam pointed out, thinking about how the guy, who might be twenty, had kept an eye on them the entire time they’d been within line of sight. Tony might not have noticed, but Sam was highly trained, and he’d seen the way they’d been checked out through the reflections in the kitchen appliances.
He's a sassy little shit:
“Yes, the blinding-beacon of Truth, Justice, and the American Way ran into this bathroom, a room with only one exit, to escape his stalkers. Clearly he’s a paragon of strategic planning.”
He's righteously grumpy and defensive:
“We thought we saw Steve Rogers—” She started, and Clint cut her off.
“Considering this is the second time I’ve met you, and both times you’ve been trying to find the guy after nine at night, I think you should take some time to deeply consider that you’re bordering on stalking tendencies and recognize that that is both a crime and fucked-up.”
I don't have a description for this one it just makes me laugh:
“So, a person with a bow and arrow showed up and killed Gamashin, basically saving all of your lives, and then ran like hell because, what, he doesn’t actually like us?”
And he is desperately, DESPERATELY, in need of no-strings-attached kindness someone please give this man a hug:
“No. You can tell her yourself if you come for dinner,” Anton suggested. Clint tripped over nothing. Dinner? Like at someone’s house? They must be crazy inviting him. Or maybe they were contract killers playing the long game. Who also knew he’d one day end up working at Stark Tower. They could be pre-cog contract killers.
Also the reveal at the end where they all find out who he is / what he's been up to is so, SO satisfying just *chef's kiss*
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abookishidentity · 1 month
Books read in April 2024
-A Quantum Love Story by Mike Chen started March 29, 2024 and finished April 2, 2024 - 4/5 stars. This is a time loop story with love in it. Time loops are always so angsty and devastating. I like how the main character initiated the love story. Its very interesting how the only way to stop the loop from repeating again is to go back in time to fix mistakes. Its devastating that the main character doesn’t end up with the man she likes but she makes it so her past self can end up with him. Did not see that coming 
-Light Years from Home by Mike Chen started April 2, 2024 and finished April 5, 2024 - 5/5 stars. Oh man what an amazing book. Imagine having such an estranged relationship with your family that when you and your dad are abducted with aliens you are like “Yeah, I’ll fight this alien war but I’ll send my dad back though” I don’t know what I would do if my twin was abducted by aliens and then returned years later. Such good family drama in this book. Lots of “Why didn't you come back?” and “It’s your fault that dad died!” 
-The Afterlives by Thomas Peirce started April 5, 2024 and finished April 8, 2024- 4/5 stars. Man dies and comes back and sort of has a crisis about not seeing anything. Interesting characters and plot. This was going to be 3 stars but the part with the main character going through the machine was interesting. Main character was a tad annoying but I have read worse. 
-The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey started April 9, 2024 and finished April 10, 2024 - 4/5 stars. What do you do when you find out your husband essentially made a clone of you and marries her? I’m so glad the clone murdered the abusive husband. It sounded like the main character and her husband were toxic to each other. I was thrown a bit when the clone and the main character decided to make a clone out of the asshole cheating husband but whatever. Asshole husbands are buried in the garden it seems. Interesting ending. 
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older started April 11, 2024 and finished April 12, 2024- 4/5 stars. Cozy murder mystery in space with lesbians. What’s not to love? The dynamic reminded me of Sherlock Holmes and Watson a bit. This was a short book so I read it pretty quickly. 
-The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Older started April 12, 2024 and finished April 15, 2024- 4/5 stars. The sequel was a tad longer but it was still pretty good. I would be interested to see where this series goes. 
-The Devil You Know by Mike Carey started April 15, 2024 and finished April 19, 2024- 4/5 stars. Now this is the urban fantasy that I really fucking love. It makes me think what the hell Felix was doing before this book took place. It amuses me to no end that Felix plays the tin whistle to do stuff with ghosts. Imagine going about your business and see a man playing a flute and playing popular british songs. Anyway good book. I need to read the entire series. Felix Castor is an interesting man living in an interesting world. 
-The Veiled Masters by Tim Pratt started April 19, 2024 and finished April 22, 2024- 5/5 stars. Oh man what an excellent book. It’s the third book of a trilogy. There’s just something about mind controlling spores that I just fucking love. It actually works in this book. I also love the mind control is added with feelings of bliss and happiness when a task is completed. This trilogy was entertaining as hell and I love the diversity of characters. It’s also queer which is good. I think I ought to look into Tim Pratt books more. 
-Vicious Circle by Mike Carey started April 22, 2024 and finished April 28, 2024 -5/5 stars. Holy crap I think I like this series as much as the Sandman Slim series by Richard Kadrey. Felix is incredibly interesting. He inserts himself into certain situations though as if he’s the only one that can fix things but whatever. I’m a little confused as to why a certain dude injected him with truth serum. Didn’t even get to read if it actually worked or not. It’s very interesting to see how Felix will get out of situations and or fights. He can get hurt and has to recover like any normal person. It makes a lot of sense that at the end of the book his landlady/friend is like “Yeah you aren’t living here anymore” 
-dhalgren by samuel r. delany started April 28, 2024- I am half way through this book at the current moment. I am unsure if I’m going to finish it. The main character doesn’t seem particularly picky with things including where he’s sleeping and who he is sleeping with. I hope protection still exists. Like the main character will sleep with women and men and there isn't any mention of protection. Like fucking hell I just got to the part where he does stuff with the 15 year old boy. I'm pretty sure it's considered rape. This book was written in the 70s and I have to remind myself with that. This book doesn’t always make sense but I guess that’s fine. Perhaps I’m reading it for a change in scenery. Sometimes you got to read things that make you uncomfortable.
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immunetoneurotoxin · 3 months
Just wanna drip by and say Incendiary has made itself a permanent resident in my brain.
Your writing is absolutely amazing, every scene got me gripping my seat in excitement. Seeing someone write a Pyro-focused long fic, let alone texas toast is so so so rare, I think I've only read 3 (including incendiary) that I've liked so far.
I love this little fire guy with all my heart, and I absolutely adore how you didn't make him too much like a child like how many mischaracterize him. There's the childlike wonder in him but he is capable when push comes to shove and I like that a lot! Every single characterizations in this fic is wonderful, I would love to give Engie a little kiss on his bald head.. he's so adorable.
I'm probably rambling but I just love this fic so much. I'm dealing with semester's midterms, stressed as all hell and this fic has been keeping me going. I practically cheered when I saw chapter 10 update in my inbox lmao. I would love to maybe make some fanart when I have the time, should I just tag you on this site?
Thank you so much for writing Incendiary dude, no kidding when I say it changed my life. I can't wait for the story to unfold! Please take care of yourself and rest well. Good luck on the job hunting as well!!
Omg stranger whoever you are, I just about teared up seeing this in my Inbox -
This is the most grandest, heartfelt comment I think I've ever received in my entire writing career and my heart is GUSHING rn!!!! I was literally out running errands when I saw this and I couldn't stop thinking about it -
When I joined the TF2 fandom in like... oh god, 2014 I think, I was really shocked to see throughout the years that there weren't many Pyro-centered stories out there, which blew my mind. Like how could there not be a deluge of fanfic for Pyro, who is this extremely mysterious, multi-faceted character with so much room for interpretation?! When I first watched Meet the Pyro, I KNEW I had to write a novel about Pyro. Who they are, where they came from, and what happened to them before the events of the gravel war. Massively inspired, of course. But still nonetheless, an origin story that could very well be canon if squinted at, hehe.
This rings true for texas toast content, too!! There isn't a whole lot of it out there and it makes me so sad - I love their dynamic so much! When Incendiary is finished, I do plan on writing some more texas toast oneshots on my AO3 to fill that void. <3 One of the plans is to write a short story about their relationship during the gravel wars as well, that takes place after the events of Incendiary. (plus, Incendiary has only just started to crack the surface tension of the slow burn, and it's only a matter of 1-2 chapters away from when the texas toast really starts showing through so there is that to look forward too as well. (。˃ ᵕ ˂ ))
also I literally hollered when I read your comment about Pyro's characterization in this story especially, because THAT is THE ONE THING I have been working so incredibly hard towards holy shit - when I tell you the amount of stories I've read that writes them off as this danger-child that needs supervision - which don't get me wrong is not an entirely bad thing!! they do have this massive childlike side to them, but there is also so much more to them than how the fandom perceives them, not taking into much consideration how they typically canonically act in the comics/in-game, and taking into LARGE consideration Meet the Pyro. I was reeling when I realized that a lot of people seemed to completely forget about that interview. I could go on a whole rant about this sdfghjkl but yes, Pyro is definitely more than capable when push comes to shove! they are in a war, after all ;)
and engineer, oh man. I love that soft Texan so much. :') I could talk your ear off about him too!
man I am definitely rambling now, but I literally cannot even express how genuinely happy I am receiving this message, it means the actual world to me. and FANART?!?! oh my god YES - you can definitely tag me here if you do make fanart for Incendiary!! I would be BEYOND honored omg
Thank you so so much for brightening my entire year with this feedback literally - I'm so honored to have you here as a reader and a fan. <3 And I'm sending you all of the luck with your midterms!! You've got this!!
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starfolk7 · 4 months
1 for Lies of P and your other fandoms (how yould you forget Pino and friends? xD)
Omg you're right I blanked and forgot to list that in the tags MY BAD JFHDHD
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
I guess I'm gonna organize these by fandom lol
- Diversity! Since it's been around for so long, there's tons of fics to read. If you can think of it, someone has probably written it. There's a Mewtwo fic I found in college that's basically a retelling of the events of the first movie, but holy shit it's written so beautifully it made me cry in front of my friends rjrhdgde. It's a dense read, but still one of my absolute favorite fics to this day. That's just an example of things you can find!
- Sub-fan bases. Basically, if you're a big fan of a certain Pokémon, a type of Pokémon, one of the games, etc., you're going to find your people very easily. Kind of falls under the first one a bit but ya know lol.
- Some of the cutest and also the most badass fanart comes out of this fandom. I have both art of a Sylveon with a lollipop and art of Mewtwo breaking out of their armor from the first movie. The duality of man djrhdgs
-Maybe I've gotten lucky and just found really nice people, but so far my experiences in the community have been largely positive! I've met some of the loveliest people by posting my Dark Souls and Bloodborne fics, and it really got me back into writing OCs again (you know that's my lifeblood lol)
-Character and lore analyses. Not that I agree with all of them, of course I don't, but if you want an analyses of anything in these games, there's some mad lad out there that's done it, whether it's a post or through an entire fic. Gives you tons to think about!
-ART!! Holy shit there's so many amazing artists in this community. We don't talk about how much SoulsBorne art I've snagged at conventions (I got more of it and Elden Ring stuff at Magfest don't look at me fjfhdhd)
Lies of P
-I haven't been in this fandom for long, but so far everyone I've met has been very sweet! They're also super OC-friendly. I can't tell you how many Stalker and Puppet OCs I've seen, among others, it's really amazing!
-Probably gonna say this for all of my fandoms but the ART OMG. There's so much gorgeous fanart floating around for this game it's insane. Still on the hunt for more Romeo pieces tho rjrhehe
-Headcanon diversity. Do you want a totally mute P? One that talks sometimes? One that's Had Enough? What I'm getting at is there's a P out there for everyone! People have been exploring all the different character angles on him and it's wonderful to see.
-THE HYPE. Since this is an early access game still in development, the hype that cranks up every time an update is announced is INSANE. I don't think I've ever seen this level of it for an indie game. I got in just in time to witness this for the Violence update and the rush it gives you seeing everyone so excited is amazing!! It helps that every single update has just been an absolute banger. We have reason to be super excited, the devs do stellar work!!
-LORE. Do you wanna feel like Charlie at the corkboard in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Because that's where I'm definitely at right now. Since we're in the last act of the game, there's so much speculation and so many theories about how the game will end. On top of that, people have been playing in the lore sandbox ever since this game started. I know I've def been up at night wondering how the hierarchy of Heaven works and what certain layers of Hell were like before Certain Events TM (I'm being vague because I know at least one person wants to play this bear with me lol). Basically there's tons to explore and the community collectively goes insane about different bits, we have fun here lmao
-I'm bundling art and memes into this one because oh my GOD. The tonal whiplash is a rollercoaster ride. You can go from the most heart-wrenching art of Gabriel you've ever seen to a piece that goes "V1 is a shrimp now" and sometimes you just need that snap back to some levity. The memes are absolutely top-tier. It helps that the voice actor for Gabriel already does memes and shitposts on his YouTube channel, so he just carries that over for Ultrakill stuff sometimes and y'know what? This game is dark, I'm gonna need these memes for when the ending makes me bawl like a baby. The Violence layer already has me feeling the creeping sense of dread (if you know you KNOW).
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quodekash · 1 year
AIGHT its saturday, i finally have time, lets binge the final abaab episode and then the two os2 episodes and then watch the trailer for next week and cry because holy hell patpran are coming back to us guys how does one deal
but first, let's focus on the task at hand: jack's amazing hair. and threezo. and also the actual plot i guess.
i literally just cracked my knuckles in preparation for this
NOOO I FORGOT HOW THE LAST EPISODE ENDED (its been literally two weeks since jack's hair this show was last on my screen what the hell)
ignore my 'nooooo', its fine
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cher with his hands in the air like he's a farmer in a drought and its finally raining for the first time in months
jack not going insane but hes so clearly HAPPY and i LOVE HIM and with his hands on his hips and his perfect hair and his hair that is perfect and his happiness and his happy hair
tub going insane because MONEY
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i love three so much
he looks like he feels like hes in a dream
like he cant believe the trophy hes holding is real
i love this music theyre playing
the video game music
theres a word for that
its like something bit music
im thinking 3 bit or 8 bit
i dont know things
i love the music
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HES SO PRETTYYYYYY (youll never guess who im talking about)
also i freaking love aoi and her reaction
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"my script hasnt been completely said, boss. can i say it first?" he wants his essay writing skills to be appreciated
cher leaned forward. gun's gonna kiss him.
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i love them so much
smoochy smooch in front of everyone
so sweet
so happy
i love themmmmmmmm
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everyone freaking out and jack sitting there, happy for them but also like 'GUYS CALM DOWN' but mostly amused and most of all HAPPY HE IS HAPPY
im gonna have a mental breakdown later in the episode cos theres no way theyll all stay so happy the whole way through. theyll be happy at the end. but we're only at 1/4. i know how they do these things. 1/4 is happiness and you think nothing can go wrong, and then 2/4 will lull you into a false sense of security, and then 3/4 will crush your soul and rip it up then cry on it then put it through a paper shredder and then, near the end of the part, will try to put you back together like a puzzle near, and then 4/4 will have the pieces glued together and yeah youre permanently damaged but youll be happy about it.
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hes gonna take that as a challenge
he will battle you to the death to try and be the first one to propose, mark my words
"weve been together for less than 10 minutes, youre thinking about marriage already?" "yes." lmao simp
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oh look at that, angst has entered the building
get the tears ready, folks
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okay then never mind
but the angst will come in a different form, and itll come soon, mark my freaking words
bro cher is so freaking charismatic, how does he do it?
imagine him as a bard
hed never fail anything
everyone would love him
hes so naturally charismatic, and being a bard would just increase that
now im picturing bls but dnd and holy hell i do not have enough mental stability to handle that rn
"i havent taken off my underwear yet" "let me help you" I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
"lets not talk about this anymore" theyre gonna make out instead arent they
yup theyre making out
enjoy that, guys
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i love thoop's mum but shes so short its hilarious
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this is so funny to me and i cant explain why
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he looks so done
i love him
i also love his hair
idk if ive ever mentioned that before but i do in fact love his hair
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"if i got 1K every time you said love, id be a billionaire" cher, if everyone got 5 bucks every time i said love, we'd solve world hunger
Gun: "yes boss" Cher: "good job, intern" is this them foreshadowing os2?
ooooo new year party
zo getting three to correct the sign very specifically??? autism.
"when you say perfect, do you mean the sign, or us?" TUB'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND- I CANT
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im with you there, tub
just in a different way to you
theyre too cute for me to handle bc i love them so much
tub jsut finds it too cheesy for his lonely heart
"when will this honeymoon phase be over" N E V E R.
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hey thats what i said!
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awwwhhhh just cheek kisses
i love cheek kisses but cmon guys, let threezo have their main character moment. just for a sec.
cher failing at cooking, i love this
"you dont let me shine" "please dont shine. im afraid youd explode my kitchen."
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guys i mightve been wrong, this episode might actually be entirely happiness and good vibes
pls let there be a threezo new years kiss
i need it
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close enough
i love them
awwwww this new years surprise is so cute
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"i love you all year, forever, and all my life" NOOOO I CANTTTT
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"youre the best new year gift for me" WH- AWW
its so cliche but its so cute
i love this
i love that thye ended the series on new years
if it were like any other series or movie or anything at all id probably gag but i love them all too much to gag
i feel like its important to know that the italian version of "youre the best new year gift for me" translates roughly to "for me, you're the best gift of new year's ive ever received" and im-
"except when im using the bathroom. thats my personal time" PFFFT
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im sensing a parallel to episode 2
(which, btw, its insane that they kissed in episode freaking two)
(tinngun almost didnt even get to it in their final episode for goodness sake)
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overall: criminally underrated show, incredible characters, incredible chemistry, incredible acting, holy hell i cant believe its over. i love this show.
AIGHT, time for os2.
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smaragaide · 1 year
I just read House of Green and Black and holy shit, this is so good. It took me a couple days to bust through it but damn. I'm in love! It's everything that I love in a story. Dark gothic vibes, dark and complicated romance, the hero is not your typical beefy gorgeous male character. I think this is why I like Petyr Baelish so much cuz he can be so much more and you've taken that to the moon and back. I love how you write him and keep him complicated.
Sansa. My poor baby. She's been through hell and it isn't over. The kids.
I'm thinking of all these dreams she's having and wonder how they play out. It seems like she's seeing the future or maybe I'm reading it all wrong. I like how you keep to specific pov's so you see everything play out in their pov even though you know other shit is going on. Really great way to build suspense. Just because Sansa doesn't know, then you see what Petyr is up to and vice versa. It's a really cool switch where he's in control early on and now he's the one wondering wtf happened.
Bruh, I really hope you finish this. I think I might have an idea of where it's going. There's a lot of real world vs fantasy and what is real or if the characters know what's real or if maybe they're going crazy and you don't know which one is losing it?
Of if the fairies, kinda like the fates are in control or know this is what has to happen. I really want a happy ending but I honestly don't care at this point. If I have to cry my eyes out, I will do so and still be happy.
This should be published. It's that effing good. You are an amazing writer and I'm a firm believer that there are better stories and writers doing fan fiction that shit I've paid money for in the bookstore.
I don't even care it's Game of Thrones based. This plot is excellent all by itself. It's rare that I feel like I'm completely immersed in a character and story where I can't stop reading.
I really hope you consider finishing this story. It's honestly one of the best pieces of gothic fantasy fiction I've read in years. This would make a killer movie.
Oh wow. I don't know what to say but a humble thank you for that.
Ironically, I'm actually debating whether I should finish this story as it is (fanfiction) or completely re-write for an original novel. I have the most awesome person on the planet willing to help me and I better make a decision soon.
You're on the right track but I won't say on which points you've made. It would spoil the entire ending.
I spent a lot of time with foreshadowing, leaving red herrings (which come into play in ways the reader might not expect). There is quite a bit on my playing with Irish folklore but keeping it vague enough to work with my plot.
Sansa has questioned her sanity already and gone through the ringer and now in a way, it's Petyr's turn. You're right. He is usually in control and to have that taken away from him, rather eats him alive.
There is emphasis on fate and choices as a theme to the very end.
There are actually a LOT of hints along the way that will make complete sense at the end when the reader and two character finally figure things out. I hope I've laid enough down that when a big reveal comes it shocks everyone. There is quite a twist near the end that I don't think anyone knows, except my sweet, loving beta editor.
She has been cursed with all my crazy ass notes and outlining. But it's different than actually READING it play out.
It's weird because when I write, I see a movie play out. I want to see, feel, touch, smell everything. I like using the 3rd Person Limited POV. The character can be an unreliable narrator and the reader only finds out when the character does. The only way this plot works is to use both Sansa and Petyr's POV due to the complexity of the story.
I don't like 3rd Person Omniscient because it rather ruins the suspense with that 'all knowing' narrator. I really wanted the reader to feel like they're in the story.
I really need to get off my ass and finish it. I think by then if anyone thinks it's worth publishing, I'll go through and change the necessary things to make it wholly original (character names, places, etc). I've actually loosely based this on GOT, meaning I used a few characters to use their traits and relationships more than a true fanfiction that resembles canon.
I suppose if readers want that, I have plenty of stories that are more canon related. I guess my modern PxS fic is super loose on the GOT stuff too but oh well.
Lord, I'm sorry. I can go on forever.
I really appreciate that you binged that monster and it didn't bore you.
Again, I'm very humbled by your kind words.
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thisoneisbatter · 1 year
Holy: Chapter Eight
This is a new fic that is completed but I think I’ll be rolling it out chapter by chapter because it is a long one. It’s brat tamer, jaded widower Sheriff Hassan in full effect. This fic does contain some very rough sex and consensual sexual violence in some chapters so please do not read if that is a trigger for you. Otherwise, please enjoy and leave feedback!
Chapter Eight
Word Count: 1k+
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Deep family secrets are finally revealed.
Hassan had promised to take the weekend to help Leslie go through her mother’s things. His intentions weren’t entirely altruistic. The state medical examiner hadn’t issued his report, but had said off the record that it definitely seemed like foul play. Unofficially, poisoning.
There wasn’t much evidence to collect in the guest room closet that could tie someone to Cindy’s murder, but maybe he could figure out what the hell was going on on the island and why someone would want to poison her to begin with.
“What’s in this box?” Hassan reached for a hat box at the top of closet. He’d been handing things down to Leslie, most of which she’d stuffed into a black trash bag. A stack of old National Geographics, a pair of dry rotten men’s penny loafers, exactly the types of things you’d expect to find. This box was different. It was leather and very old but well cared-for.
“Uhh, I think it’s like my adoption stuff.” She gestured to the bed where they’d been putting the things she wanted to keep; photo albums and a few of her mom’s old dresses. “It can just go over there.”
“Do you-can I look at it?” It felt wrong to ask. Something so incredibly personal. He was more prepared for her to say no than yes.
“It doesn’t have who my birth parents are or anything like that. Its just like, basic info.” She replied flippantly. “I’m going to take a couple of bags down to the trash. You can look at whatever. I don’t have, like, giant family secrets or whatever.” She shot him a mockingly crazy look, laughing a little at his interest.
Fifteen minutes later, when Leslie returned, Hassan was sitting in a chair by the window deeply engrossed in the papers he couldn’t even read. It was almost entirely in Romanian. A stack of handwritten notes, typewritten documents on impossibly thin paper, a photo of a crying baby wrapped in a threadbare blanket, and a maroon passport with a picture of a pale toddler in pigtails. The name was Lavinia Eder. It was Leslie.
“Your name is Lavinia?” He chuckled a bit.
“And your name is Hassan.” She pointed out the obvious with a smile.
“Why do you go by Leslie?” He couldn’t imagine calling her anything else.
“Lavinia sounds like an 80 year old woman with a hunch back selling potatoes. Not very in line with my personality.” It amazed him how little she seemed to care about her personal history. Maybe it was something she had already worked her way through earlier in her life, but it was surprising to him nonetheless.
“Can you read Romanian?” He asked, lifting the papers to indicate that he needed translation.
“Kind of.” She took a seat on the floor next to him. “I can read these ones,” she pointed to the typewritten ones, “but not the cursive notes.” She took the first fragile page from the file, staring at it for a long time, trying to process the letters through the out of practice dictionary in her mind. “Uh, okay. It says infant girl,” she smiled at him and mouthed <i>me</i>, “found at Biserica Neagra, which I guess means like, Black Church or whatever, in Brasov. Weight 2.2 kilograms. Infant found beneath statue of Saint Petroclus. I don’t know if I’m saying that right. January 21st, 1998. And that’s my birthday.” She winked. His heart was breaking imagining this tiny newborn left in the cold, and she fucking winked. “And then it just says I was moved to an orphanage in Bucharest, which is where my parents adopted me.” She handed the page to him, taking the next one in the stack. “Okay, this one is their request to adopt me. It just has my mom and dad on here saying they want the infant found in Brasov on my birthday. My mom told me she read about it in the paper.” She took the next page. “This one is saying that I am Lavinia, I’m 2 years old, I weigh 11 kilograms, it says ‘no damage’ but I think that’s talking about, like, disabilities and stuff. I think it’s just info about me at the orphanage.” She takes another page. “Uh, yeah, okay. This one is saying I’m being adopted by my parents on October 6th, 2001. They get me, my clothes, my blanket, and some papers.” She shot him a final smile. “And that’s it. Nothing that interesting.”
Hassan let her brush it off while they finished clearing out the upstairs rooms her mom used for storage. They ate pizza on her bedroom floor and had kind of boring sex before he called it a night. His mind was elsewhere.
He’d taken pictures of the papers in the box, more specifically, the handwritten notes. He knew it was a violation of her privacy. She hadn’t given him permission. For all he knew, she was saying she couldn’t read them because she didn’t want to. He just had to know.
The next morning, Hassan went into work early. He jumped head first into a Google rabbit hole almost immediately. At face value, Leslie’s adoption was unusual, but not extraordinary. Cindy, a Romanian woman living in America, saw that a baby was abandoned at a church and wanted to adopt her. Stuff like that happens. Once he started adding it all up, the details spelled something bizarre.
“Hey, Les.” He caught her the second she sat down at her desk. It was 8:30. She was late, but he had way too much swimming in his mind to even address it. “Come over here. I need to talk to you about something.”
“What’s up?” She rolled her chair to his desk, looking only mildly concerned.
“I know you’re probably going to be upset, but I took some pictures of the papers in your adoption file and looked up what they said.” He braced for impact.
“Whoa, Hassan, what the fuck?” Her look of disgust stung a bit, but he’d expected it. It was a violation of her trust after all.
“It’s uhm,” He leaned forward, smoothed his hand down his beard, and rested it on Leslie’s knee. “You’ve got to know there’s something weird going on there.”
“What, then?” It was her turn to find him incredibly annoying. “My parents were weird people. What did you find?”
“Okay,” Hassan pulled out his notepad and leaned back in his chair, ready to elevator pitch Leslie’s own life story to her. “So you were found in the Black Church in Brasov. Brasov is in…Transylvania.” He drew the word out, cringing a bit at her mocking raised eyebrow. It sounded so stupid out loud. “The statue you were found under was Saint Petrolcus of Troye. I tried to look stuff up but came up really short until I realized that your family isn’t Catholic. They’re Eastern Orthodox, right?” She nodded, starting to slump in her chair. He was right. The story wasn’t as cut and dry as she’d believed her entire life. “In the Orthodox church, he is the Patron Saint of Demons and Fever, and his feast day is January 21st.”
“So what does that mean, then?” She looked confused, but mostly angry. Either this was the coincidence of a lifetime, or she’d been lied to at some point by her own family.
“I’m not done, Leslie.” He almost didn’t want to tell her the rest. It sounded crazy. It was crazy. “Do you know how hard it is to find some kind of translation for cursive Romanian? It took me all morning, but I did find it.” He put his phone on the desk at their side with the photos of the three notes pulled up. “These papers were stuffed into the blanket with you when you were left.” He pointed to the first one, which read <i> morții să rămână în pământ</i>, “’May the dead stay in the ground.’ Weird thing to put on a baby. The second one,” he pointed to one reading <i> salvatorul nostru de îngerii căzuți</i>, “Our savior from the fallen angels.” He flipped to the last photo, this one more of a scrawl than the rest, clearly written in haste. It said <i> ea va ști unde poate fi găsită lumina </i>. “She knows where the light can be found.”
Leslie had her head in her hands now, not looking at Hassan.
“Now, Leslie, I want to think that you definitely didn’t know what these notes said, because you’d have told me. And it could also just be the scribblings of a crazy person. I’d believe that last bit for sure if it wasn’t for an email I got from the old Sheriff before I ever even moved to the island. It said, that if I need anything, I should ask Leslie, because she knows where everything can be found. That’s a strange way to word that, right? ‘She knows where everything can be found.’ I did a little extra research on Sheriff Henry. He was pretty well loved by everyone, but one thing he wasn’t was a Catholic. And neither am I, and neither are you, or your mother.” He leaned as far forward as he could, taking her head in his hands and lifting her face to be just inches from his. “Tell me why there are suddenly missing people on an island that hasn’t had more than a fender bender in almost 100 years, a woman is screaming about demons and then suddenly turns up dead, and her daughter, a Sheriff’s Deputy, has a few too many weird connections to be just a fluke.”
Leslie was in tears. Gasping, inescapable tears. Hassan suddenly became hyper-aware of his grip on her and pulled his hand away.
“I don’t understand what you’re accusing me of.” She gulped down a sob. “I don’t know what’s happening.”
“I’m not accusing you of anything.” He sat back, taking stock of what exactly he was doing. “I guess I’m accusing everyone else of something. I just don’t know what yet.”
“So what, Hassan, demons came to Crockett and killed my mother?” She didn’t sound entirely sarcastic. Maybe it was a start. Maybe she’d believe him.
“No, I think that Bev Keane killed your mother.”
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
ok omg hi, ive been a reader of 3tan since the first chapter, but i was too anxious to send you anything, but here we are (anonymously sorry it's too hard for me😭)
just wanted to say it's one of my fav fics to read really! yoongi is my ult bias and to read such a great fic abt him is so cool really! whenever i'm sad or angry or happy (well, just dealing with a lot of emotions at the same time) i always go back to 3tan, it's so well written and i found so much comfort in those characters! even with the angst, it's the great kind so i love it!
so yes, thank you for writing this story, you doing a incredible job! must be hard to follow through, i'm amazed by your dedication and your work!
anywayyy thank you, hope you well and can't wait for the next part of 3tan ♡
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Oh my gosh, hello, love!! It’s totally ok if you do this on anon - that’s what it’s there for🥺🤍 and you’re an OG, too?! Hell yeah thank you for being here since the beginning holy shit
And thank you for all the kind words.. when yoongi biased ppl have good things to say about this series, it makes me 🦋🦋 because it means I must be doing something right! Glad it’s a source of comfort for you. That’s what I intend for this entire series, and I hope future chapters will be just as comforting to come back to. Also yesss the angst is really just bc of all the feelings😩 Everyone feels so strongly..
Building and creating series is definitely a whole lot of effort! I’m learning so much about myself through the whole process, and it makes me appreciate all the writers that make series bc it can get exhausting as all hell😂 But comments like yours make everything worth it. 3tan9 is coming and i will see you there!
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milo-hypno · 2 years
hellohellohello!!! wanted to pop in and say i just finished reading aftershocks!!! i kind of ended up pulling an all nighter for a completely unrelated reason (read: energy drink o.O) and about two and a half hours ago i landed on your fic series!!! i was very intrigued by the premise so i sat down at my desk, put on some will wood and the crane wives in the background, and read through the entire thing in one sitting!! and let me say: holy SHIT!!! HOLY FLIPPITY FLOPPITY FUCKITY FUCKING HELL SHIT!!!!!!! that's probably very incoherent but hey, i haven't slept in 26 hours xD!!!
anyway i wanted to say that your writing is like. so brilliant?? it's gorgeous and it really shows how much dedication, love and time went into it. all of the wording felt so deliberate and i, on multiple occasions, found myself jumping up and down in my office chair, phone in hand, squealing like a mad man because certain scenes just!!!! gave me brain worms!!! the transition from xelqua to grian was written AMAZINGLY, all of the hermits felt so true to themselves and i could hear the stuff you'd written them to say, in their actual voices!!! like!! that takes genuine talent!!
i could genuinely ramble on and on and ON, about every little detail about your fic, praising you every step of the way because you did an AMAZING job. the way the watchers were described as essentially being demigods but not quite, the way grian could see code, not just see it like xisuma can, but actually SEE it and observe how everything interacted with everything else was genuinely a brilliant spin on the fan depictions!! the history that mumbo and grian had being hinted at throughout the entire thing and then when they finally met, things started to click into place even more, the way you described mumbo as grian's home, referred to him as "home"!!!!! holy shit!!!!!
sorry that this ask is like a million words long but !!!! there is so much to say !!! i am currently recommending this fic to literally everyone i know even if all they've done is watch One hc video or heard of ccmumbo or something!!!! it's just!! i cannot wait to reread it when im not running on far too much caffeine so i can slowwww down and really take everything in again. im really glad the switch from platonic to romantic occured because it felt so natural? like these characters were written to love each other from the very start, even though you didn't quite intend that until later.
i think that might be enough of my rambling for now!! but don't be surprised if i return later on with more to say because AAAAAAAAA. your writing genuinely blows me away.
Hi mate!! Let me tell you; that's a rather fitting backing soundtrack!! I didn't listen to much Crane Wives while writing, however Will Wood was 100% on the playlist.
Thank you so much!!! I'm really touched to hear that mate - I put a lot of love into this series, and to hear that it comes across will never not make my day!! :D
One of my favorite parts was writing the code interactions, actually! Well, of the lore anyways dkljfh - I actually have plans to explore that idea at a later time!!
And gosh!!! Thank you so much - I'm really honored!! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Aftershocks so much! Their relationship is something I haven't looked back upon once, really, once I made that first step towards them being romantically involved. I think it just narratively feels more satisfying than what I had originally planned - and of course, them being so sweet on one another helps.
Again, thanks for this lovely message mate - and I hope you slept well!
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fridayyy-13th · 1 year
It’s almost 2023, so let’s celebrate the good things that happened to us in 2022! List ten amazing things that happened to you this year and then send this to ten people who brighten your day!
hey Red, thanks for the ask game! :)
gosh let me think
i wrote two entire fanfics this year! they were just short oneshots, but still!!! that's not even mentioning all the fics i came up with over the course of this year, that are sitting in my flash drive as WIPs. (and yeah, i did lose two completely filled pages of notes for my hermitcraft fic, but dammit i'll complete it someday.)
i have a bunch of super awesome mutuals now! holy frick you guys are so cool.
the choir i'm in connects to a few annual competitions, and with one of them, i made it to the third round! last year i only made it to the second! the third round's not til like halfway through january though. not looking forward to the sight-singing bc that's hell but yknow what? it'll be fun
a friend of mine got me an ace pride pin and bracelet! i could tag her, she does have a tumblr...yknow what i will. @dragenta super big thanks for that, it meant a lot to me :)
THE MAGNUS PROTOCOL! WOOOOO!! and i thought i joined the magnus fandom late...i joined months after MAG 200! at the time i thought it was nice to be able to binge everything, but i was also sad that i had missed out on the series while it was airing. but hey! now i'll be there right at the start!
this is a hard list to make. uhh i got to watch a really fun play a few weeks ago! my local high school did a frickin awesome job.
i read It Devours! and it was very very good. carlos my absolute beloved
i also bought The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home a couple of weeks ago, i haven't gotten the chance to read it but i'm very much looking forward to it
i actually figured out a structure behind the story i want to properly publish (whenever that'll be, i'm still in school), so it's got an actual framework behind it now with morals and everything instead of just being me messing around with OCs. it's still very, very bare-bones at the moment but i've got the four main characters and the lessons they'll learn all sorted out. i think lol.
dang what the heck is a tenth cool thing from this year. oh yeah!! i went to a Halestorm concert earlier this year! i wore a mask, of course, i made sure i was safe/healthy before and after i went, but it was a whole lot of fun.
thanks again for the ask game! here's hoping 2023 is even better than this year
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give-soup-please · 2 years
Personal Message From The Narrator FAQs
Heya! really happy to see the positive response I got to posting the commission I got from Kevan Brighting. Many people have been asking similar questions, so I thought I could group them in one spot.
1. How much did this cost?
865 pounds, which is almost 1100 dollars. It was around 495 pounds for the script as is, and the rest was paying for licenced use on Tumblr. If you feel like pursuing your own project, price will vary depending on how long it is and whether its for personal use or public use. Price also varies based on which country you’re in, for strange and unknowable tax reasons. (VAT? I don’t understand these things at all) 
2. Can I use this recording/repurpose it for my own project?
Sorry, no. The licence I have forbids me from using it for commercial projects because they want you to have a different licence if you’re going to make a profit from his work. So please don’t upload it with copyrighted music to Youtube, or anywhere that would violate that rule. I can’t edit clips from the audio either, as far as I can tell, so please don’t ask. It took a lot of money to get the commission, I can’t afford a legal battle if this gets out of hand. I have trouble reading legalese, so if something changes, you guys will be the first to know. Otherwise, please don’t touch it. 
3. What’s with the mention of an ‘original script’?
The original script I sent in was different from the final project. There was a lot of mentions of elements from the stanley parable game. Unfortunately, the contract that Kevan has between himself and crowscrowscrows means that he can’t mention the game directly. Some sort of copyright issue that makes things complicated. I ended up rewriting it so it wouldn’t violate the contract he’s under. If people request it, I will post the OG script for everyone to look at. Though it may make you upsetti spaghetti, because the OG script I wrote was really cool. 
4. If it was that expensive, why did you do it?
There were a lot of reasons. This was a message I needed to hear myself. Without going into too much detail, I don’t come from the friendliest of homes. While I was debating pursuing the project, a family member told me that I was dumb, and that I was lazy, and that if I had enough spare money to afford a commission like this that my job was paying me too much. She said a couple of other things, but i’ll leave it at that. I decided to go for it after that because I needed a strong and wonderful voice to drown out what had been said. and... our beloved narrator has one of the strongest and most wonderful voices around.
The other reason I did it is because I am not immune to the parasocial relationships that form on tumblr. It takes a lot for me to follow someone, so I do a lot of lurking. I recognized many people who I had come to appreciate within the fandom were struggling with various problems. You are beautiful, wonderful people, and I’m not someone who can contribute easily to a fandom space. My art skills are lacking, and writing for the narrator is very difficult because I have such a need to get his character right. My interpretation is that he’s someone with a lovely heart who’s got a whole bunch of ego and anxiety on top of that. He’s someone who desires affection and praise but is unable to directly ask for it. (#RELATABLE) I also imagine it’s difficult for him to comfort others, because vulnerability is hard, whether giving or receiving. He’s really complex, and hard to write for, so I can’t do that easily either. The amount of time it took to write the script and keep it in character was way longer than I’m willing to admit to. But posting the commission I got was within my ability. This is my contribution to the community here. I hope it helps everyone get through another day, because we all deserve that much. (maybe i’ll rant about this in another separate post, but this is already getting long, so...)
5. How were you able to afford it?
It wasn’t easy. I am a full time college student with a part time job that’s slightly above minimum wage. It’s been my dream to commission something like this since 2013. I’ve been squirreling away bits and pieces for a very long time. I am not rich by any means. Which leads to an unfortunate question...
6. Will you do this again?
Unless I get a job with an excellent salary or win the lottery, it’s a firm no. If I had the funds, I would immediately write more and more, and drown us all in comfort. I want to make it absolutely clear, Kevan Brighting deserves to be fairly compensated for the work he does. But his work is not something I can afford on a regular basis. I got lucky having the resources I have, and having the wiggle room to do this was a miracle. If he doesn’t retire by the time I’ve saved up enough to do it again, maybe I’ll consider it. But realistically, this was a “once in a lifetime” project.
7. Can you accept donations based on this project?
Nope. I am doing my absolute best to err on the side of caution for this, because again, I will not survive first contact with a lawyer. I believe donations may fall under some sort of commercial use indirectly, so we can’t do that either. You are welcome to donate to me on my Kofi, but it can’t be because of the recording. 
8. Was it worth it?
9. Are you sure?
There’s no doubt in my mind that this was the right thing to do. Based on the responses i’ve seen, this was something we needed. I’ve been listening to it on loop since it appeared in my inbox last night. Honestly, I consider myself lucky that Kevan did such an incredible job on it. I fretted and debated over the script when I sent it in, wondering if I had pushed his characterisation too far, because the narrator in my mind plays the “lovable asshole” trope very well, and it is a really hard balance to maintain. Kevan smashed it out of the park. He carried the script, making the lines I wondered most about sound believable. I believe deep down that the narrator cares for his audience, and getting that side of him to show was beautiful.  
(And feel free to pop in the inbox/chat to say hi. I love ranting about this game, so don’t be shy.)
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