#hiwatari satoshi mentioned
niwatari-rei · 2 years
Tick. Tock.
Satoshi opened his eyes, a feeling of dread settling in.
The feeling grew as he took in his surroundings, the walls almost completely bare aside from observation notes on Dark as well as Daisuke.
He walked over to the wall, reading the date displayed there.
His eyes widened.
“…I-It couldn’t be.”
If what was shown there was true, then it’d mean Satoshi had traveled back 10 years into the past.
There was no way that was possible and yet it happened, had it been that moment he and Daisuke glanced at that one artwork?
And if so…He needed to find a way back with the other.
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fyeahiwatarikei · 1 year
Begonia and Kosukei for the flower prompt :>
Flower Language Writing Prompts
Begonia ◦ How ghosts help the living live a little
You can also read this on AO3!
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Stitches dug in his flesh, stretched by the effort he had made to reach the garden, but the fresh air on his face made the exercise worth it. After all, he had spent days inside of his hospital room, too weak to walk anywhere, refusing visits from co-workers, awaiting with resignation the moment Satoshi or Kosuke would barge in asking for explanations. A fruitless wait: it had taken Kosuke almost two weeks to come while Satoshi hadn’t bothered.
“It’s funny,” Kosuke started, “I had prepared something to say, but now that I’m here…”
The man’s gaze wandered over the garden, following strollers, old persons or recovering residents. Did the two of them look like strangers, sitting side to side on this bench with 30 safe centimetres separating them? Kosuke had joined his hands on his lap, thumbs slowly brushing against each other. He didn’t look nervous, not in the way that resembled him. His calm mostly betrayed… tiredness.
“Perhaps you have questions?” Kei only responded.
“Is there anything I should know before Satoshi?”
In front of the Black Wings, Kosuke had ruined everything. Weeks ago, the man had obviously guessed something sounded off in the stories he had been told. From this unspoken beginning of truth, suspicions had risen, excited by the other’s silences. The latter had understood, from the looks he caught, that Kosuke was expecting him to plan to leave, disappear, perhaps even die. How, he couldn’t possibly figure, but the researcher had fathomed that much. He was that efficient.
Thus, when they had rushed to defend Satoshi against Krad one last time, Kosuke had immediately understood the moment had come, that a confession would lead to a disaster; facing a confused, helpless, hurt Satoshi, he had stopped him from telling the truth. Doing so, Kosuke had saved his life.
But at what cost? The lies that he had tightly weaved for over six years weren’t supposed to last forever, just like his purpose. Kosuke had been the softest, the gentlest parenthesis in this life, bringing him undying support and unrivalled understanding. Despite ignoring his true nature, he had managed to share his feelings to an intimate level. Parenthood. Dedication. Sacrifice. However, true understanding had never been an option.
They had loved each other. If Kosuke had ever found out about his true nature, the level of acceptance brought between them would have immediately destroyed the thing called Elm Root. Simultaneously being understood and sharing affection were impossible for him. They had always been, at the core of his being, of his curse. Destruction had been the only outcome – it hadn’t happened, now what?
“Is there anything you want to know before Satoshi?”
Kosuke smiled, amusement mixed with sadness. Getting any answer had never been simple, their twisted little game resonated sadly after what they had lived. Yet it was something they could still share.
“What’s your name?”
“You’ve guessed that much, haven’t you?”
Both Kosuke and Satoshi were knowledgeable enough to put a word on the powers he had displayed against Krad. Few ancient artworks had survived the Cultural Revolution, even less shared a bond with trees.
“And how should I call you?”
This question was unexpected. His identity had always been clear: Elm Root, first artwork of the Hikari patriarch Himself, faithful companion of a long lineage of artists, guiding them towards perfection, through prosperity and madness. That had been until twenty years ago, when Hikari Rio had appeared. She had been the first to challenge what he meant to the family: not only had she encouraged him to completely pass as human for the next generation, but she had concealed information about his true identity. No record mentioned Elm Root; after Rio, no Hikari knew it still existed.
“‘Hiwatari Kei’ is the name I chose for this life. So that Hikari Rio’s son…” He paused. Satoshi would have to forgive him for revealing the truth to someone else first. “So that our son could be supported until the time had come.”
For the first time this day, Kosuke glanced in his direction. Their eyes met for a few seconds; the corner of his lips twisted in a quiet grimace. Had he guessed this as well? Had he guessed that much? Were a few painful words interrupted in a critical situation and a few months of relationship all it took for him, really? Meeting someone this talented and intelligent was rare.
“Then,” Kosuke asked, straightening his back as if he was about to leave. Yet he stayed. “Can I ask if you still want me?”
Reddening ears however betrayed the true feelings under the detached demeanour. Shared true feelings. At no moment had he expected Kosuke to want to stay by his side. There was no way love could have survived this amount of… “Kei” being “Kei”. And even if it had, somehow, Elm Root would have been turned to dust.
“If there is any way Niwa Kosuke can willingly decide to spend more time with a thing, I’ll gladly observe the process.”
“You’re not a ‘thing’, Kei.”
That was new. And unexpected.
Typical Niwa Kosuke…
Part 1 ◦ Part 2 ◦ Part 3 ◦ Part 4
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mint1412 · 5 years
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Satoshi : “....a dream...?”
“What about yours?”
Daisuke: “I love to paint, so I was thinking of becoming an artist....”
* remembers Satoshi has a family lineage of magical art abilities*
“Oh, right!!!”
“Ahhh...it’s impossible isn’t it. There’s not enough time.......”
Satoshi: “If you really want to do something, you shouldn’t let other’s opinions bother you.”
Daisuke: “Ah...yeah. You’re right.....”
Saotshi: “Besides, people like you are the ones who should create art. “
-DNANGEL chapter 76
Translation/Coloring/Scan : Me
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keikotwins · 3 years
DNSeasons - Tanabata
🎋 Hiwatari Satoshi, Saehara Takeshi 🎆Niwa Daisuke, Insp. Saehara (mentionned) 📷650 words
The vivid pieces of paper apparently fascinated Hiwatari, who had stood before the ornated green wall even since Takeshi had left to fetch his own piece of paper and make a written prayer. Was he reading some of the wishes other visitors had hung before them, or trying to engrave this rare view into his brain as a special memory? No matter what he had in mind, the rest of the world didn’t interest him.
Indeed, the sight of these hundreds of colourful tanzaku covered in sophisticated calligraphy hanging on tall branches of bamboo was worth the hour of travel by car by itself, and the nearby modest shrine and smell of food from the surrounding booths only added to the experience. Azumano’s culture, despite its originality, didn’t leave room for traditional celebrations. When Takeshi’s father had suggested bringing him and his friends on a short Tanabata visit out of town for their first summer as high schoolers, both Niwa Daisuke and Hiwatari Satoshi had taken the offer.
“Wrote a wish already?” Takeshi asked, approaching with his tanzaku between fingertips in hope that sweat wouldn’t warp the paper. Hiwatari nodded. “You wrote nothing, right?” Silence. “Can’t fool a journalist!”
Stretching to reach a spot on the branch that wasn’t crowded already, the boy tied his wish with a quick knot. There. That was surprisingly fun for such a simple tradition! And if the gods were in the mood to help him getting better at writing, it’d make a nice bonus as well. For good measure, he joined his hands for a quick, spontaneous prayer.
“There’s nothing to wish for when one already has everything,” Hiwatari finally responded.
“There’s always something to wish for! Like… finding Daisuke again.”
Opening his eyes again, Takeshi visually scanned the area, in vain. His dad had gone somewhere to fetch some traditional dinner from one of the festival booths for them and would return very soon, but Daisuke… His hobby for disappearing suddenly and returning as if nothing had happened with a vague explanation hadn’t faded with age.
“Should have wished for a leash instead,” Takeshi muttered. Maybe that kid had gotten too hungry to wait…
“I can still make a wish in your name, if you want.”
The idea of gods sending them a large plastic leash to tie their escapist friend to a tree where they could keep an eye on him was tempting, but definitely a waste of effort on the divine side. Takeshi’s mouth twisted in a light pout as he grabbed the camera hanging from his neck.
“We’ll do without him.”
With an expert hand, he turned the wheel to put it on manual and turned it on. The wall of bamboo, the shrine on their side, the rich food stands, the paper decorations, the lights that unfortunately hid the stars in their dedication, all this would make great memories. As a warm-up, he zoomed on the star-shaped lantern decorating a dumpling booth, adjusted the focus, and shot. Next…
His gaze went over Hiwatari without stopping, instead pretending to be interested in a souvenir booth selling lucky charms. He would never dare to pick him as a subject for a photograph without asking, and knew permission wouldn’t come. Bah, at least his dad didn’t care, and Daisuke’s refusals meant nothing – if he ever decided to return! The boy turned to the branches of bamboo that bowed heavily under their burden. Maybe Hiwatari would have an interest in such a picture. They needed to make memories while they were still young and handsome: these times would fade, photographs would remain!
He still had a bit of time before his father returned; skirting the bamboos, he picked an angle that would allow most of them into the frame, properly adjusted his camera settings – including exposure – and immortalised more of their first Tanabata festival together.
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fugitivehues · 3 years
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DNseasons - Lunar New Year art by @fugitivehues & writing by @keikotwins
As she passed next to him, hands full of used bowls carefully piled up, Emiko smiled and gave him the most furtive of winks, immediately causing his heart to ascend into his throat. The evening had gone so well, everyone had given their very best at keeping the dinner relaxed, and at the top had sat the lady of the house in all her glory, watching over them with careful eyes, anticipating guests’ needs, offering delicious food, untying any knot in the discussion with skilful words, making Kosuke the happiest of men.
Slightly troubled, his eyes went over his father, who sat with Daisuke and the youngest Hiwatari on a couch, With blissfully resting between them, all legs spread. Kosuke briefly put a hand on his son’s shoulder, but his path aimed at two visitors, who had settled further in the room, behind the sofa, to seemingly examine papers. Separate from the others near the veiled windows, they might as well have been conspiring, but the gaps in heights and attitudes looked too comical to be suspicious. An austere adult exchanging with the cheekiest teenager Kosuke had met in a while; he hadn’t expected them to get along, for sure.
However, as he was coming closer, whatever this mismatched duo observed promptly disappeared.
“Niwa-san,” Takeshi started, “I was wondering, why isn't your maid here tonight?”
Hiwatari’s smile got wider. Kosuke definitely had to stop glancing at him every time…
“Emiko-san wanted to lead this dinner by herself,” Kosuke responded, his voice as assured as could be.
“Your spouse is a wonderful cook,” Hiwatari responded.
“Please make sure to tell her! We’re happy to have you over tonight.”
Kosuke reached into his back pocket to pull two small, bright envelopes out. He hadn’t only joined them for a greeting, as much as he enjoyed seeing more or less familiar faces showing up to one of his rare invitations. And he was more than happy to avoid any discussion about Towa.
“Takeshi-kun, I wish you a happy New Year. You can open it later.”
The boy’s lips parted in surprise as Kosuke handed him one of the envelopes, both hands holding the corners, realising too late he was almost bowing to put himself to his level. Excitement spreading on his face, the young guest accepted the present and stared at its golden patterns in the light of the chandelier.
“Hiwatari-san, happy New Year to you too.”
“This is so cool, Niwa-san!” Takeshi finally uttered. “It’s like being a kid again!”
“It does remind me of pay checks, how nostalgic! Happy New Year, Niwa-san, and thank you.”
Sharing traditions was enjoyable, but seeing them please their recipients made the happiness even greater! Kosuke smiled with them. With Hiwatari Kei and Saehara Takeshi, he had gifted everything, may it be money or good fortune, for this year.
“This is great! If only I could spend more time here…”
Saehara hadn’t put his own away and kept it in one hand, looking over the decorated ceiling with playfulness and some sort of envy the man had seen in him before.
“You're only seeing a glimpse of what it means to live here,” Kosuke responded with a laugh. “Not every day in this house is happy.”
The boy focussed on him again, interest now sparkling in his eyes. He was going to ask more details about that, right? But Hiwatari politely stepped in:
“Do you wish you lived with Daisuke-kun?”
“Eh, it's a fun idea, sometimes.”
Good job, Hiwatari-san. The atmosphere could have switched drastically if Kosuke had had to avoid mentioning what happened behind the closed doors of the Niwa residence: these two would have felt his uneasiness like predators and pushed for more. He could dodge one thread of prying words, but two? At the same time? Encouraging each other?
“You two really get along, don't you?” Hiwatari continued on a pleasant tone.
“He's my best friend, after all!”
… What?
“Do you get along with Satoshi as well?”
As Takeshi was detailing Hiwatari Satoshi’s behaviour at school with nonchalance, Kosuke’s smile stiffened. This man was questioning one of Daisuke’s friends right in front of his eyes! Someone might not be reinvited the next year.
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kazemon15 · 5 years
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So, chatting with my friend, Moezy, we were listing our top 10 (.5) anime guys that we liked in all anime and/or manga that we have watched/read...here is my list starting from 10.
10. Kogami Shinya from Psycho-Pass.
Badass and intelligent. I just love this guy. His backstory is a sad one, but it’s not something that he regrets. He can be a bit emotional, but really, who isn’t? What I like about him is that he knows what the right thing is morally, but he just can’t help his emotions. He knows when he is doing the wrong thing, but won’t run from it either and accepts the consequences of his actions. And he isn’t bad to look at either!
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9. Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
This guy is such a dork, but also badass. Powerful and smart, with a cool head (most of the time, which is funny, considering he uses fire). Like Shinya, he can also be a pretty emotional guy, and he uses his past as a reminder to not stray from his goal. He is also in one of my favorite ships, but that’s for another post. Also, did I mention he’s such a dork? lol
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8. Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia.
Now this guy is how you do a likable main character. Cocky and sarcastic and loves teasing his friends. He is also has a strong belief in stepping in and doing something about whatever wrongdoings is happening right in front of him, even if it means breaking the law and becoming a vigilante. He’ll do anything he can to set things right for those around him. Not so much of a sad past, but still a fun character! I love his sarcastic attitude at times.
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7. Kai Hiwatari/Ray Kon from Beyblade 2001/V-force/G-Revolution
Okay I’m cheating a little bit here, but I just couldn’t decide who I liked more. Let’s begin: Kai: The cold emo Russian/Japanese boy with blue/gray hair. His past is extremely sad and it is understandable why he is such a cold jerk. However, I found his growth in the series amazing. He started off being forced to be a Team Captain for his group. This annoyed him to no end as he wanted nothing to do with the happy bunch. As time went on, however, he gained a soft spot for them and even started to become a real captain, giving advice and caring for their well-being. At first, he was prideful, so very prideful... but as time went on, that pride still remained, but only changed. He takes pride in beating his opponents fair and square and defending his comrades. (Despite betraying them 3 times in 3 seasons but...I chalk up the very first time to PTSD and mind-control of his past...other 2 times... well, that pride problem right?). Also, the irony, a cold emo FIREUSER. Right? lol
Ray: My Chinese catboy! Ray is very friendly and reserved. I was instantly drawn to him when I first saw him. Ray is one of the reasons why white tigers are my favorite animal. He will do anything for his friends and even a stranger if they need help. He always listens to both sides of the story before making a judgement and is the guy to go to for advice. Though later in the series, he does have his own personal battles which causes him to become a bit cocky and jerkish at times, but what can you expect from a nice guy who always put himself last and just wanted to do something for himself for once? Self-care, Ray! Self-care. And he isn’t the only catboy on this list...
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6. Kimura Kouichi from Digimon Frontier
Another emo boy! But not a jerk like Kai. Kouichi’s past made me like this character so much and his struggle with his inner demons throughout the series is what made me love him. He was the first character to show me that the power of Darkness does not have to be evil, for without Darkness, there is no Light. He always holds a place in my heart is one of my favorite digi characters.
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5. Eizen from Tales of Berseria
I wasn’t sure where to place Eizen. I had to think long and hard. At first I thought at putting him at 7, but then I realized I just loved this dork just a little more than the other characters. The comically serious... no seriously, this guy can fanboy at the silliest things with a straight face, like arguing over the name of a bug...or wanting to build underground tunnels...on an island... ...yeah... ANYWAY, I just love this guy because of his morals and creed. He never compromises his ideals and always faces the consequences of his actions. Yeah another one of those huh? Hm, starting to see a pattern here... Oh yeah, touch his little sister, and he’ll beat your face in and break all 10 of your fingers. Seriously, just...don’t touch Edna. Why couldn’t he be 1,000 years younger (2,000 in Zestiria...)? Such a badass long living adult!
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4. Narumi Ayumu from Spiral. It’s a shame this manga isn’t that popular as Ayumu is a great character and his growth is amazing in the manga (not so much in the anime..) His growth is both sad and inspiring. He is such an inspiring character for me. He starts off as a stoic, with having no confidence in himself at all because of his brother, since he is constantly being compared to him and is reminded he can never be as good as his brother (I can relate)... but by the end of the series, despite all the sad things that has happened to him, he learned to smile in the end, no matter how painful. I really can’t go into details about why I love him so much, but you’ll just have to read the manga to find out why!
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3. Niwa Daisuke and Dark from D.N.Angel
Yes I’m cheating again, but this is my list, okay?! Daisuke: I love this guy to death. A bit clumsy and timid, but never gives up. Always smiling and managing to find the best in people, even those who keep convincing him he is the enemy, he can end up friends with and change anyone with just that smile. However, even he is not all smiles and has his own concerns... even so, Daisuke doesn’t let such things get him down for long. He is a naturally empathetic person, and I have never seen him cry for himself. He cries for others, but also knows when to be reserved.
Dark: I wasn’t sure if I wanted Dark here or Hiwatari Satoshi, as they both have equally sad pasts. However, seeing as Dark lived for over 400 years and still manages to put up a cocky womanizing front to spare the feelings of others, Dark won out in the end. Again, can’t go into much detail, but the manga is amazing. I like Manga Dark so much more than his anime counterpart.
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2. Sawada Tsunayoshi from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ah yes my favorite series of all time....so then why is Tsuna at number 2?! Well, I’ll get to that when I get to number 1. Like Daisuke, Tsuna is a pretty empathetic person who cares for his comrades. He doesn’t necessarily have a sad past, but his growth is amazing in the series. Because he is around, he managed to help his friends through their own emotional turmoils and is just the light of the series to everyone.
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1.5 Zeno from Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona
Zeno and my number 1 favorite have ALOT in common, which is why I put him at a 1.5. Despite this, Zeno does have alot of things I like him for him. I love the fact that Zeno does not hesitate to help his family or be in pain for them when the situation calls for it. It is the only thing he can do to help and despite always being in pain, he would rather have all the pain in the world than to have pain inflicted on his family. That is what I love about him most. Of course, his silly childish side is so lovable too! Him and Eizen can talk about the suckiness of living a long life together...
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1. Train Heartnet from Black Cat.
Of course, for this guy, I strictly talking about the manga, not the anime...the anime just does not show how awesome and badass he is.
Like Zeno, he is also a very empathetic person who always wants to protect his family. What I like about Train the most is, though, like Zeno, despite having one of the saddest pasts, and has all the reason in the world to go around being bitter and emo, he decides not to. He decides it’s better to smile, have fun, and make the most out of life. He does have some tendencies to become emo, but only when the situation calls for it. And despite being childish and silly, always having fun, he never let’s that get in the way of being serious and protecting those close to him when needed. He always tries to cheer everyone up in a bad situation, and is not above asking for help when he really needs it. Not to mention, he’s a catboy and left-handed at that, like me! All my favorite things in one!
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Manga Giveaway: Tokyo ESP Giveaway Winner
And the winner of the Tokyo ESP manga giveaway is… AshLynx!
As the winner, AshLynx will be receiving the first omnibus in Hajime Segawa’s manga series Tokyo ESP as published in English by Vertical Comics. Tokyo ESP is a relatively recent example of a manga that’s about psychics and espers. The subgenre doesn’t seem to be quite as common as it once was in translation, but it’s certainly still around. And so for this giveaway, I asked that participants tell me a little about their favorite espers and psychics from manga. Mob from Mob Psycho 100 was mentioned the most frequently (I really hope an English-language publisher will license that series soon!), but there are other really great characters mentioned in the giveaway comments, too!
Some of the psychic/esper manga available in English: A, A’ by Moto Hagio Akira by Otomo Katsuhiro Alive: The Final Evolution written by Tadashi Kawashima, illustrated by Adachitoka Baoh by Hirohiko Araki Betrayal Knows My Name by Hotaru Odagiri Beyond the Blindfold by Sakura Tsukuba A Certain Magical Index written by Kazuma Kamachi, illustrated by Chuya Kogino A Certain Scientific Accelerator written by Kazuma Kamachi, illustrated by Yamaji Arata A Certain Scientific Railgun written by Kazuma Kamachi, illustrated by Motoi Fuyukawa Clover by CLAMP Descendants of Darkness by Yoko Matsushita Drug & Drop by CLAMP Domu by Otomo Katushiro ES: Eternal Sabbath by Fuyumi Soryo From the New World written by Yusuke Kishi, illustrated by Toru Oikawa Ghost Hunt by Shiho Inada Hands Off! by Kasane Katsumoto I.O.N. by Arina Tanemura Jihai by Toshimi Nigoshi Kimagure Orange Road by Izumi Matsumoto Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service written by Eiji Otsuka, illustrated by Housui Yamazaki Legal Drug by CLAMP Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer by Satoshi Mizukami Mai, the Psychic Girl written by Kazuya Kudo, illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami Maoh: Juvenile Remix by Megumi Osuga Mistress Fortune by Arina Tanemura The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya written by Nagaru Tanigawa, illustrated by Gaku Tsugano Night Head Genesis by You Higuri Please Save My Earth by Saki Hiwatari Psychic Power Nanaki by Ryo Saenagi Psycho Busters written by Tadashi Agi, illustrated by Akinari Nao Psyren by Toshiaki Iwashiro Rasetsu by Chika Shiomi Spiritual Police by Youka Nitta Telepathic Wanderers written by Yasutaka Tsutsui, illustrated by Sayaka Yamazaki To Terra… by Keiko Takemiya Tokyo ESP by Hajime Segawa Tokyo Babylon by CLAMP Wild Com. by Yumi Tamura X by CLAMP Yurara by Chika Shiomi YuYu Hakusho by Yoshihiro Togashi
That’s quite a list, and I’m certain that’s not all of the manga with psychics and espers to have been released in English. Even so, I think there’s a nice variety of genres and even types of psychics represented, and you’ve got to start somewhere. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared your favorite espers with me. I hope to see you again for the next giveaway!
By: Ash Brown
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niwatari-rei · 2 years
It’s really scary to think about……Strangely enough, the fact that Satoshi never truly confided in him never really bothered him at first. After all, everyone had their secrets. Yet as time went on, too much had changed. His friend seemed to keep more and more secrets…….In which sometimes he’d find him coming to Daisuke, the new transfer for “advice”. When exactly did the two even get close? Was there a point in being friends with him? What’s even weirder was that there were those times he’d come back with some injuries….. Yeah, Sekimoto was definitely going to ask him about all that.
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niwatari-rei · 2 years
Some spoilers for anime and manga
Could this possibly be a form of punishment?
Perhaps that’s what it was. No matter which world, he would always get a similar ending.
This was Kei’s ‘fate’, so to speak.
In a way, he supposed it was fitting.
Especially after seeing all the possibilities in each.
Death was inevitable, whether it was by his own hand or not.
Yet…There was but one regret that Kei had.
One that’s quite a shame…
That being that he would no longer be able to see Satoshi grow up
nor embarrass him any further.
Kei supposed that’s just something to put up with for now.
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niwatari-rei · 3 years
Mirror, Mirror
Week 12: Roleswap AU It seems like it was getting harder to stop it lately. He wasn’t sure just how much time was left. But Daisuke knew he didn’t have much longer until a possible resurrection of the Black Wings.  That and his already shortened life and Hiwatari-kun to worry about. Then again, a lot had been on his mind recently. Lately, things were getting more complicated between the two of them. Most of it having to do with their other halves and the history with their respective ancestors of course. Yet was it wrong to hope that everything would be alright? That he wasn’t too sure of.
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niwatari-rei · 3 years
Happily Ever After?
DNAngel Discord Summertime Event Week 3: Fairytale | Bamboo
It wasn’t supposed to go this way. Normally, the sleeping princess should wake up from a kiss from their prince and all was well right?
Towa couldn’t really believe the scene right before her.
As one of the good fairies, how was it that the one who fell asleep was the prince??? And yet for some reason he didn’t wake up?
They’ve tried everything! Was the prince Satoshi just going to die in his sleep?
Or so she thought…..until the guards ran in to tell the king that a certain thief had snuck into the palace grounds that the prince did wake up. For sure, this should(?) be the happily ever after?
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niwatari-rei · 3 years
For You, Who Has Done So Much
It was a special occasion, that much he did know. Satoshi wasn’t exactly one to celebrate his own birthday. As for participating in the festivities of Niwa’s birthday party, he’s not exactly opposed to it.
There was just something worthwhile in celebrating another person’s birthday or specifically that of his classmate.
Of course, time and time again he still had trouble calling him a friend.
Yet, the other has done so much for him.
If anything, Satoshi still didn’t know how exactly to thank the other.
And that’s where he found himself now after many attempts of trying to find the best present for Niwa only to second guess each one.
The moment said present was opened, the teen couldn’t help the small smile that came to his face upon seeing Niwa’s expression.
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niwatari-rei · 3 years
How Not to Summon a Demon
DNA Halloween Prompt:
Nightmares | Summoning Demons
Satoshi would have thought that he would have ended up with a competent demon who’d be able to best Dark. The teen recited the spell correctly and yet here the said demon was.
If anything this must be a messed up joke. 
After all……How could his own adopted father be one in the first place? He didn’t look any older nor did he exude much of a supernatural aura.
The man must have been messing with him as per usual.
As soon as Satoshi was free of his presence, he’s definitely going to double check the summoning spell once more.
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niwatari-rei · 3 years
This is a cry for help
Here is the DNSummer prize for @keikotwins
I never thought I’d write Hiwatari Kei in ‘said’ outfit once again. But here we are!                                    
Satoshi thought he had enough of what happened last time. Maybe it’s because he spent many nights without sleep. Or the real reason was that he must be sick.
That must be it.
After all, he never wanted to dream about any of this. It was already disturbing the first time but now it was just as disturbing if not more.
At this point, he’s sure enough that the other was doing this on purpose. There was no sincerity in those words that his adopted father said nor his actions.
It’d be nice if he could ditch the maid outfit again so as not to further traumatize him.
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keikotwins · 3 years
DNSeasons - Sports Day
📺 Hiwatari Kei, Hiwatari Satoshi (mentionned) 🌘 400 words
Satoshi sat amongst his classmates, his back to the camera, apparently focussed on the runners competing on the track before him. Despite the blazing summer sun, he was wearing his winter sports uniform, a detail that singled him out strikingly in the crowd of middle school students in short pants and t-shirts. Even if the video lasted several minutes, he never turned, never even moved, never glanced at the one lovingly recording this precious moment.
Kei had always appreciated pictures and videos, keeping them thoroughly organised where he could easily view them again. Time passed, events faded, so did memories. Eyes fixed on the screen that glowed in the dark in a bleak light that reflected on the table and couch, he allowed details to resurface: the breeze that barely made the hot air bearable, the merry atmosphere around these enthusiastic children, the tea he had prepared that day…
As much as he dreaded the disappearance of these precious fragments of information, thoughts sometimes kept him awake, just like they had troubled his sleep on that one night. Ideas, images, work, tasks, events and more amalgamated in his mind, sometimes too precious, too rare, too dangerous to be put on paper where he could have them let rest; they rang, caught his attention, brought nightmares, not frequently enough to become unbearable yet able to disturb his usually good mood. At this moment, he needed the calm of a simple, easy thought; a sitting Satoshi at a school sports festival was more than perfect.
His fever had cooled down, letting the night air bite the bare skin of his torso, but the idea of fetching new pyjamas that wouldn’t be drenched in sweat exhausted him in advance. Instead, he sat on the couch, staring at the television, absorbing details of this unique event in their history. The quality of the recording did not do Satoshi’s hair justice. He glanced towards the bookshelf and its various picture albums he could browse to remember his son’s face more clearly. When had he last seen him? In March, for his birthday…? Literal months ago.
Perhaps he could call him the following morning to know how things were going, how much lack of progress he had done on Dark’s case, how much of Kokuyoku he had not fixed. Time passed, memories faded, Satoshi’s life slipped between their helpless fingers.
He wasn’t certain he could fall asleep again that night.
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luanna801 · 5 years
I’m getting mighty curious about this D.N. Angel series you mention in some of your posts! Would you mind telling us a little about it and what makes it worth the read?
Listen, I’m always delighted to have an excuse to ramble about D.N.Angel (I would probably ramble about it far more if I wasn’t worried about annoying people), and delighted to know that my posts got someone interested in the series! So no, I don’t mind at all - I’m absolutely thrilled to get this ask. :-)
Okay, so the first thing you need to know about D.N.Angel and what makes it worth the read is that the main character is an absolute sunshine:
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^Meet Daisuke, our protagonist and deserving bearer of my #Actual Most Adorable Human Being Daisuke Niwa tag.
I enjoy morally grey characters, but sometimes it’s just really nice to read a story about someone’s who’s kind, and gentle and good-natured, and cares for others with every fiber of his being. And Daisuke is all of that, and more (he also looks like he literally shines when he smiles, bless). That’s not to say he’s lacking in flaws or moral complexity - you’ll see that right off the bat when I explain a bit more about the premise of the series - but he’s a continuously sweet and lovely person in a way that’s very lovable.
Daisuke’s deal is basically that he’s been trained by his family to be an expert thief from birth but never knew why (and never demanded answers about this because… well, he can be rather too nice for his own good, frankly). It isn’t until his 14th birthday, when the series starts, that he finds out that he comes from a long line of phantom thieves who have the unique magical ability to, under certain circumstances, transform into an entirely different person by the name of Dark:
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^This is him. (The series’ title is obviously a reference to him, although he is not technically speaking an angel. But he is a winged magical being so, y’know, close enough.)
So basically this is a Magical Girl series (despite the protagonist being male), with the twist that Dark is a separate person unto himself, as opposed to just being Daisuke’s transformed self. When Daisuke isn’t transformed, he basically exists as a voice inside Daisuke’s head, and vice versa. Naturally Daisuke isn’t too thrilled with this situation at first, so a large part of the early series is the two of them learning to co-exist with each other.
(Co-existence, or lack thereof, is a major theme in the series! But I can’t discuss that much without getting a bit into spoiler territory.)
The transformation is, specifically, triggered by Daisuke (or Dark, when he’s the one in control) having romantic feelings, which leads me to…
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… Risa Harada, Daisuke’s crush (at the start of the series, anyway).
Daisuke and Risa are classmates and he’s had a crush on her for a while, but she isn’t interested in him romantically and turns him down when he confesses to her (leading to his initial transformation into Dark). She feels like Daisuke isn’t cool enough to be boyfriend material but unsurprisingly… well, this happens:
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(The art from this series gets a lot better as it goes on, I should tell you.)
So yeah, Risa has it bad for Dark pretty much as soon as she lays eyes on him. This starts off as a pretty shallow crush at first - he’s cool and mysterious, while Daisuke seems like your typical Boy Next Door - but as time goes on, she grows up quite a lot and their dynamic gets a lot more depth.
Meanwhile, Daisuke’s been told that the only way he’ll stop tranforming into Dark is if he gets into a successful, requited relationship with someone, but Risa only has eyes for his alter ego. But someone who feels quite differently is:
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Riku Harada, Risa’s twin sister.
Riku and Risa are your time-honored trope of identical twins who have completely contrasting personalities. Riku is a down-to-earth tomboy, while Risa is a romantic adventure-seeker. And unsurprisingly, Riku thinks Dark is a lawbreaking jerk, while Risa thinks there’s nothing cooler than a magical bad-boy.
And, on the flipside, while Risa thinks Daisuke is far too average and milquetoast to be a romantic prospect, Riku likes and admires him for the kind and creative person he is.
Despite their differences though, the Harada sisters do have some major similarities - they’re both very outspoken in what they believe in, very stubborn when they make their minds up about something, and very brave. And while they do clash over their differences at times, they also genuinely love and are very loyal to each other.
The Daisuke/Risa/Dark/Riku love quadrangle occupies a fair part of the early arcs, but it largely ends up being resolved a couple of volumes in and the series from there on focuses a lot more on developing the relationships and plots revolving around the various magical shenanigans everyone deals with, which I appreciate.
Most of the D.N.Angel plots revolve around magical artwork, which Dark (and Daisuke) typically try to steal and which often ends up creating a lot of unintended magical havoc, both for the main characters and on a larger scale. Which brings me to this guy:
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^This is Satoshi Hiwatari who, cards on the table, is my absolute favorite character in the series and it was therefore vitally important that I talk about him last, as he brings out my tendency to ramble.
Satoshi, like Riku and Risa, is Daisuke’s classmate, and when the series isn’t focusing on the more serious and plot-driven elements, there are often lots of cute scenes of all of them in school, doing regular things like going on field trips or putting on their school play. (Of course, these are also in turn always hijacked by magical shenanigans, because these kids do not lead normal lives.)
So Satoshi comes from a long line of magical artists who make most of the aforementioned magical artwork that Dark and Daisuke are always stealing. Because of this (and other reasons which are more spoiler-y), his family and Daisuke’s are mortal enemies, and they’ve been trying to capture Dark for generations, which is currently Satoshi’s mission.
Oh, and to facilitate this Satoshi is somehow a freakin’ police commander at the age of fourteen, because he’s just that much of a super-genius. This is ridiculous, obviously, but it should be noted he’s usually much more competent than any of the adult police officers, so. *shrugs*
Also, his life is The Worst. You’ll understand more about why when you read the series, but it’s vital to understanding his character that he has basically never known love or kindness in his life and is one of those characters who severely needs hugs at all times (but would probably have trouble accepting them.)
In spite of the fact that they work on opposite sides of the law and have this longstanding feud between their families, though, Satoshi and Daisuke come to form an increasingly close friendship as the series develops, which is really sweet and one of my favorite aspects of the series.
There are also two main villains of the series, but I’m not sure how much to talk about them without giving away spoilers? But suffice it to say that a lot of the overarching plots of the series tend to revolve around them and the different ways that they go about targeting Dark, Daisuke, and other characters in the series. There’s also quite a bit of backstory development regarding Daisuke and Satoshi’s families, the nature of Dark and the other magical beings who exist in that universe, and things like that.
This is far from a complete overview of the series (particularly since I was trying to avoid anything too spoilery), but that should at least give you a solid starting point! Let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to expand on more, and if you do pick up the series, I look forward to hearing your thoughts. :-)
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