#his kids try desperately to convince him its a bad idea
mysecretlittlelibrary · 10 months
So Much To Teach
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: quite a few; dom Spencer kinda, oral (f receiving), age gap; reader is 21+ but it's a lil dubious by default bc he's her professor and therefore an authority figure but shhhh its fine shhhh, fingering, marking a little bit, p in v sex, they both talking diiiiirty, minor praise, risky sex, multiple orgasms, edging- I think I got everything??
Genre: Smut
Summary: You want your professor's attention but you had no idea what would happen if you got it- you also had no idea you'd get it by talking to a classmate
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Part 2
Professor Reid is by far your favorite teacher ever and you make sure to make it as obvious as you can get away with. You're always early to his class, you sit in the front row, ask questions as often as you can, take full advantage of his office hours- all of it. You're determined to make Spencer Reid think of you as often as you think of him. Unbeknownst to you, you didn't need to put so much effort into capturing his attention. Not that you'd ever be able to tell, Spencer is always the epitome of professionalism. Well, almost always. He's human after all and you- you might as well be a siren. On the days you come in wearing your shortest skirts, toying with the hem absentmindedly, it's practically impossible for him to keep his gaze above your desk. He's not careless though, only allowing himself to stare when he's not the focus, during exams for example. He especially loves presentation days because he can spend them shamelessly eye-fucking you while you're busy addressing the class. You never seem to notice the way his attention drifts to you, and he's counting his lucky stars for it. He's plenty aware of the implications of his little crush. He wouldn't be so stupid as to make a move on you, especially while you're still his student. Spencer has spent more than enough time convincing himself that the risks outweigh the reward. For now, he'll have to be content watching you from a distance, even when you saunter into his office in your tight blouses to discuss your homework. On those days he knows the memory of your boobs practically spilling out of those shirts will keep him up for at least another hour later that night.
Weeks of your silent game that you're sure he's not actually picking up on have you growing bored of focusing only on getting his attention. Sure you want him to think about you, but you're not so crazy to think he'd risk his job to say, bend you over his office desk like you so desperately wish he would every time you go in there. You're young and in college and while the boys here do not hold your attention the same way, you're not above a little distraction. Which is why today you walk into class chatting with another student, a guy named Matt who has been trying to get you to notice him for a while now. Professor Reid isn't in the class yet and you hop on top of your desk as you talk to Matt about some sports thing. You're not totally following but he's cute so you giggle and pretend you get it, swinging your legs and batting your eyelashes in the way you know college boys respond so well to. You hardly even notice Spencer enter the classroom, but he zeros in immediately on the sight of you smiling at some kid. Matt's a good student, Spencer really has nothing against him, but he rolls his eyes at the two of you knowing that Matt would never be able to keep up with you.
"Quiet down everyone. Miss y/n your butt belongs in a seat, not on a desk and Mister Lewis I suggest you find somewhere to sit as well so we can begin." Spencer addresses you and Matt sharply, catching you off guard. He's never spoken to you that way but you can't help the amused look on your face as you mutter an affirmative and hop off the desk to sit in your chair. Maybe something's going on that put him in a bad mood. The class goes by smoothly after that and Matt is at your desk as soon as Spencer dismisses you all. Spencer has to turn his back to the room to hide the way his face twists up watching you.
The next class again, you walk in with Matt, this time Spencer is there already so you sit directly in your seat but Matt stays and talks to you while you wait for class to officially start. Spencer has to tamp his desire to break the conversation up for no reason until enough students pile in that he begins the lesson. This goes on for two more sessions, you walk in with Matt, twirling your hair, giggling at him, flaunting your gorgeous figure in flattering outfits that he openly gawks at you in, all while Spencer tries to keep himself from the edge of insanity. He has no right to be so put out by this, you're a student for crying out loud. He tries to remember that, tries hard to keep himself in check even as Matt basically invades your personal space as you're sitting on your desk before class again. You let him get entirely too close for Spencer's liking and when he sees you lean forward he can't stop himself from interrupting.
"Miss y/n." Spencer drawls out in a way that makes you want to shiver. "I've already told you desktops are not for sitting. Don't make me tell you again." Spencer says effectively ruining whatever was about to happen between you and Matt. He even backs off to let you get down from your desk.
"I'll see you after class okay?" You tell Matt sweetly and Spencer absolutely cannot take any more of this. He begins his lecture though his mind is somewhere else through most of it. He's busy planning. When the time comes and he dismisses the class Matt is quickly making his way to you and Spencer realizes he has to move now.
"Miss y/n. You don't have a class after this do you?" Spencer asks.
"No professor. Is something the matter?" You ask.
"There's something I'd like to discuss with you. Come with me to my office." He instructs.
"O-okay?" You frown. Matt does too from where he stopped when Spencer called your name. Spencer waits for you to finish collecting your things before he heads towards the class's exit. "I'll- I'll catch you later I guess Matt." You say over your shoulder before following Spencer. You try to think what this could be about. Your last paper was great, you know it was, plus there's no way he's through grading those yet, you aced the most recent test you took- there's no way he's calling you into his office because of the desk-sitting thing- is there? When you reach Spencer's office he shuts the door behind you and stands on the other side of his desk. He doesn't sit- which you find strange but nothing about this has been normal thus far.
"Is there a problem sir?" You ask sitting down.
"Is there a problem?! You- never mind. No y/n, no problem." Spencer forces himself to restrain that overwhelming urge he has to yell over Matt or simply split you open on his desk, or in his office chair, or against the wall- he shakes the thought from his mind, scrambling for an excuse for calling you to his office. "I just wanted to discuss something from- your paper."
"Oh you've started grading the papers?" You ask. He's only just gotten to them. He doesn't even think he's graded yours all the way through yet but he can't tell you the truth, that you're only here so you didn't walk out with Matt.
"Yes I have and there was something interesting... in your paper. I just need to find it, give me- a minute." Spencer shuffles through things on his desk, he's stalling and he hopes you don't notice.
"Professor Reid?" You tilt your head at him.
"Just a minute y/n." He mutters.
"Professor." You frown, your voice is forceful enough that he glances up at you. "I know you know exactly where my paper is. And I know that if there was really something you wanted to discuss in said paper you'd already have it memorized. You're almost irritatingly punctilious, I've been in your office more than enough times to know that. So what's really going on?"
"I suppose I should've expected this from one of my smartest students." He muses with a shake of his head.
"I know we're not friends by any means since you're my professor and all but we're both adults and I hope you'd respect me enough to tell me the truth." You tell him.
"Believe me I am trying very hard."
"To tell the truth or respect me?" You cross your arms.
"I respect you implicitly and because of that telling the truth here is- conflicting."
"Professor Reid, what am I doing in your office? I've asked you much harder questions than that in class."
"If only you knew." He scoffs.
"You're right. I didn't call you in here to discuss a paper." He sighs knowing he's out of escapes. "It's that boy you've been draping yourself over all month." Spencer says through clenched teeth.
"Matt? You called me in here to discuss Matt? Why? Is he failing or something?"
"No. He maintains a solid B average in my class."
"Okay, then I'm really not understanding professor. What does Matt have to do with anything?" You shake your head.
"It is infuriating to watch him with you as if he has even the slightest chance of satisfying you in any way." Spencer walks over to you as he speaks, punctuating his sentence by leaning against the arms of your chair which forces you to lean back.
"And- what makes you the authority on who could satisfy me?" You ask breathily, blinking up at him.
"Considering you haven't even tried to move away from me I'd guess you know as well as I do." Spencer stares at you intently.
"Are you making a move on me professor?" You ask with feigned innocence that you know he sees through.
"Am I not being clear enough?" He asks.
"I dunno."
"Then allow me to make myself unequivocal." Spencer closes the small gap between you two, pressing his lips against yours fiercely. His hands hold your face as he pours all of his feelings and frustrations into this kiss. You grab hold of his wrists as you surrender yourself to the feeling of his mouth on yours. When he finally pulls away you're both left panting but a dam has been broken with that single kiss and your hands are pulling off his tie before he's even realized it. You stand up and kiss him again, fingers tangling in his hair, while his hands settle against your waist easily. He doesn't let you lead things for long, turning you both to sit you on his desk. "I'm going to show you everything that silly boy could never give you." Spencer grumbles against your lips.
"I never pegged you for the jealous type Professor Reid." You giggle.
"I've never been good at sharing." He quips kissing his way down your throat.
"Go figure." You mutter with a breathy sigh when his kisses turn to nips and sucks. "Careful. If you visibly mark me I'll have to lie." You tell him which only seems to spur him on and you yelp after a particularly harsh bite.
"Lie?" He frowns at you.
"I mean I can't very well say 'Professor Reid gave me those hickies' now can I?" You say and Spencer laughs as he drops into the chair in front of you.
"No, I suppose not, but you can absolutely use them to let people know you're taken." He says shuffling closer to you and pulling your underwear off from under your skirt.
"By people you mean Matt don't you?" You smile, amused at how miffed he is over your little distraction.
"Say his name again in here and I'll turn that ass of yours so red that you'll still have trouble sitting by next class." Spencer glances up at you with a warning look that has your exposed cunt clenching around nothing. An action he doesn't catch, seeing as your skirt is still hiding your center from him. He bunches your skirt up at your hips as he lifts you onto his desk and adjusts your legs so your feet are on it, knees wide so he can simply watch how your pussy glistens for a moment. His gaze is intense and soon you're squirming against the dark wood he's displayed you on.
"Professor Reid, touch me- please." You pout at him.
"Someone's getting impatient huh? You just look so pretty I can't help but want to stare." His words make you blush and the restlessness gets worse as he leisurely folds the sleeves of his button down shirt to reveal his forearms.
"Please professor-" You sigh.
"I like hearing you beg." Spencer's grin is nothing short of sadistic but he leans forward and lets his tongue drag through your wetness with a satisfied groan. He shifts to hold your legs open as he feasts on you like a man starved. It's hard to keep track of his tongue, thrusting in and out of you, circling your clit, disappearing entirely as he suckles harshly on the bundle of nerves all with incredible veracity. It's like he figured out how to read your body before he even began and he's got you teetering on the edge faster than you'd like to admit. Your hands tug desperately at his brown hair as you feel your orgasm building. Before you can even warn him of your incoming release he's switching his tactic, dragging you back from that end, still pleasing you but rather than feeding the fire he's simply maintaining it where it is.
"No!" You whine before you can stop yourself when you feel your orgasm slipping further away. His responding chuckle only adds to your frustration.
"If you're gonna cum princess it'll be when I'm ready for you to. Understood?" Spencer doesn't even lift his head as he speaks. He nips at your swollen clit when you don't answer and after a yelp, you manage a response.
"Y-yes sir." You get out.
"Good girl." He mutters lapping at your juices yet again. Same as before, he easily works you towards the edge with his tongue in all the right places, and like before, when your orgasm is in reach he walks you backwards. This time you manage to hold back your sound of frustration and then his fingers enter the mix and your small whimpers become full on whines as he curls two digits inside you just right to have you arching off of his desk. With his mouth focused solely on your clit while his fingers thrust in and out of you diligently, not to mention the previous denials, you're practically shaking as he works you up again.
"Professor Reid please let me cum this time, please sir- fuck I can't- I need to cum so bad. Please professor- I- I can't. Oh god." Your breathless pleas are barely sensible, but they satisfy Spencer and he doesn't pull back this time, doesn't stop until you're clenching around his fingers and spasming on his desk, struggling to handle the impact of your own orgasm. He watches the way pure ecstasy washes over your face with a smirk on his face as he helps you through it with gentle strokes of his fingers. When your breathless gasps become more subdued he pulls his hand away from your center. Before you can fully recover, Spencer pulls you off of the desk and turns your back to him, bending you over the desk with a hand at your back.
"Fuck- I need a condom." He mutters.
"Do you have any?"
"I- no? I don't regularly fuck people in my office y/n."
"I- have one in my bag. Front pocket." You mutter. Spencer reaches for your backpack and grabs the condom quickly, rolling it on with ease.
"I'm going to absolutely ruin you for anyone else." He tells you before thrusting himself into you. Inch by inch he slides deeper inside you and pinned against his desk all you can do is moan at the fullness. He sets a rhythm as soon as he bottoms out, his dick dragging against your walls with each hard thrust. 
"Fuck- god that feels good." You mewl.
"Yeah? You like the way my dick splits you open don't you? Knew you would. You're absolutely perfect for me. Just me. Isn't that right?" He grunts through his filthy words, each one punctuated with another forceful thrust.
"Yeah- yes. God- yes."
"Say it. Say your mine princess."
"I- I'm yours sir. All yours. N-no one else's. No one else could fuck me like this- m-make me feel like this. Just you. Holy sh-shit." You pant out. Spencer's thrusts are rocking the entire desk at this point and you are sure the skin where your hips are ramming against the edge will be sore tomorrow but right now all you can focus on is how good it feels to be fucked like this. Better than you imagined and god you hope he never stops.
"Good girl." He breathes out.
"Feels so good Professor." You whine.
"I know, fuck I know. You feel so perfect y/n." Spencer groans. His hand wraps around your throat and pulls your back against his chest as he fucks you. Spencer's other hand, slides across your waist, finding your clit easily. He toys with the bundle of nerves and your hands grip the edge of the desk as you whine.
"Oh my god." You gasp.
"Let go for me y/n. Wanna feel you on my dick."  Spencer says, kissing your shoulder. Your hand grabs at his arm desperate to ground yourself as your orgasm washes over you. Spencer hisses, your nails digging into his skin deliciously. His hips stutter and he groans, long and deep, as he spills into his condom, face buried in your neck. You both remain where you are, panting in the aftermath of it for several moments before Spencer breaks the silence.
"Did you have a condom because you planned on fucking Matt?" He asks and you can't help but laugh.
"No, I just always carry some. I like preparedness." You say, stuttering a bit when Spencer chooses to slip out of you while you speak.
"I'll have to start keeping some in here." He says, pulling his condom off and disposing of it.
"Planning on building a roster for yourself Professor Reid?" You quip adjusting yourself to lean back against the desk instead of still bending over it. Your tone is light but you'll admit you won't take it well if he says yes. Spencer frowns at you as he reaches into his desk for something.
"Is that a serious question?" He asks walking over to you with a packet of wipes in hand.
"Well it was a joke really but if you want to take it seriously be my guest." You shrug. He kneels in front of you, his frown deepening as he considers your words.
"No y/n I'm not 'building a roster'. The only person I'm planning on fucking in here is you, but it shouldn't be your responsibility to provide contraceptive methods for that. Also I've been inside you, I think you can call me Spencer when we're alone." He says gently cleaning you up. You try not to squirm at the intimacy of the whole thing.
"Oh. Okay." You can't think of anything else to say.
"Let me make something clear to you I'm not- I didn't just fuck you to get it out of my system and move on after this y/n. I'd actually like to continue something with you- unless of course, you have no interest in that, I won't pressure you. Although I can't imagine you can go back to Matt after that."
"You really hate him huh?" You laugh.
"He's a fine student. I just don't particularly like the way he drools over you." Spencer shrugs. "But it won't matter if you choose to see me again."
"I will. See you again I mean. This was fun." You say. A knock on the locked office door stops Spencer from speaking.
"Professor Reid?" A voice calls on the other side of the door. A student.
"Just a moment!" Spencer says, he quickly takes a moment to adjust your hair for you and pick up some of the scattered things from his desk while you fix your clothes.
"Spencer where is my underwear?!" You whisper at him.
"Oh I'll be holding onto that." Spencer winks at you, tapping his pocket where your panties are no doubt stuffed. You shoot him a look but grab your backpack and head towards the door.
"Thank you for answering my questions Professor! See you in class next week." You say loudly as you open the door. A boy you don't recognize is on the other side of it. He must be from one of Spencer's other sessions.
"Yes of course. See you next week." His response is almost dismissive, enough that this other student should have no idea what was going on before he showed up and only once you're practically out of the building do you let your giddy smile take over your face as you walk back to your apartment.
Part 2
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devondespresso · 5 months
(found this bad boy in my drafts and honestly i loved reading it again so we're gonna post it. wahoo)
my personal canon for post-starcourt stobin is that they're actually inseparable for the first month or so
im talking steve taken to the hospital for his injuries and the staff having to force them apart and call security. im talking they have to drag robin kicking and screaming to a different room because last time Steve left her sight he was dragged back lifeless and presumably dead (i firmly believe they intentionally used physical torture for steve and to use his condition for psychological torture for robin)
and steve waking up half-present in a cold plain room alone? might as well be back in the bunker. and if theres doctors trying to run tests and examine his wounds? might as well be Russian soldiers standing over him and touching his injuries. hurting him again. possibly planning to hurt Robin next.
and now hospital staff are trying to deal with two screaming desperate teenagers who keep begging for the other in between rambles of nonsense and they can't run tests or do their jobs or even get answers from them because all these two seem to care about is the other teen
so they don't really have any practical choices other than moving them to a combined room. and they still freak out every now and then but having the other in the room keeps these outbursts much shorter and doctors are able to actually run tests and help these kids as long as they're close together. And when Robins blood tests and everything come back ok and shes able to be discharged, shes given special permission to stay in the room at all times
and the two little kids that came in with them? they're not exactly freaking out quite like the teens but they're certainly not making things easy either. Ericas testing the willpower of any doctor or nurse she can speak to and both kids stay as close as they can at all times and refuse to leave the hospital. visiting hours over? they're in the waiting room, even convinced a couple to move so they can have seats closest to the hall that teens room is in. try to call their parents? good luck getting a full name or number out of them. once their parents do come get them they're showing back up in an hour, bikes lodged in the bike rack and back in their seats. they've been stopped for sneaking in several times and caught hiding under one of the teens beds even more often. eventually staff just gets tired of spending half their shift wrangling two middle schoolers and it becomes an unspoken agreement to just ignore them hiding in the room.
And once Steve is discharged its the same thing all over again. Robins parents were worried about her spending all her time in the hospital with the boy from her summer job, but given the cover story about the fire and the pair getting trapped inside they convinced themselves its reasonable to want to stay by your friends side while they recover
but now that hes out, shes asking if she can spend the night at his house? and his parents won't be there? absolutely not. except robins in no mindset to accept leaving him alone for this long let alone overnight so she tried sneaking out to bike over to his before he can get the dumb idea to drive over in the middle of the night post-concussion. but the buckleys notice shes gone either because she makes too much noise sneaking out or they notice the severe lack of Robin-trying-to-be-quiet noises into the night (robin my tism queen definitely has bump-into-shit syndrome in the middle of the night but she also doesn't make any noise sneaking around the base with scoops troop so i think it's a 50/50 weather she can use the adrenaline to sneak out to see steve quietly)
so they put two and two together and drive over to the Harrington house. steve answers the door and calls robin over, both of them looking sheepish but not exactly guilty. they talk on steves couch (yes Steves there too) and stobin does their best to explain their separation anxiety that gets the severity across without getting them sent to a mental hospital all while making sure not to break any ndas (which ends up being a long conversation with stobin trying to translate their experience in the bunker to fit the cover story well enough, which is very different when the real story is kidnapping and the fake one is a building fire)
eventually they reach an understanding of "we're worried this is kinda unhealthy but its clearly more stressful to try and separate you right now and we're definitely not going to be able to stop you" so they compromise to let steve stay at the buckleys for a little bit so they can at least keep an eye on them. at first they try just letting steve sleep on the couch (which they agree to because steve worried about overstepping as the guest in their house) but one or both of them have nightmares the first night and robin ends up on the couch with him anyway.
after a few nights they get the gist of the stobin dynamic: attached so strongly its concerning but nothing... flirty. anything they do is always completely innocent. hand holding with no heart eyes, banter with no tension, hell even sharing a bed they resemble little kids in a sleepover pile more than lovers. and especially after nightmares they'll find robin holding steve like hes just one of her old teddy bears.
of course theyre still cautious and have their suspicions that theyre secretly dating and just really good at hiding it, they're paranoid parents after all and robins never shown this much attention to a boy ever. but they do relax a bit with it as they're more confident theres no... funny business.. going on. or at the very least nothing thats going to leave robin hurt. they'll have their talks and robin will promise its "nothing like that", but they've grown to like steve so they're sure robin will come to them when shes ready.
now if only there was a reasonable explanation for the middle schoolers that keep showing up. apparently they were also trapped in the fire with robin and steve which helps make some sense of it, but they also sat with them in the hospital. surely if they're having nightmares about the fire they'd go to their parents? they hadn't really talked much with the sinclairs but they seemed like very loving parents and robin follows steve to his little dinners with mrs Henderson pretty often so its not likely that they can't go to their parents about nightmares, but they seem to prefer going to steve specifically. like ringing the Buckley's doorbell at 1 in the morning asking if steves there. and of course they'll let them in and show them to robins room (after calling their parents first, do they even know their childs run off?) where steve was sleeping in a pallet on the floor but is now a glorified blanket pile robins hugging. on her bed, of course. because god forbid theres 2 feet of space between them.
and the kid just joins them in their sleepover pile, dustin usually clinging to steves other side like a baby koala and erica usually finding a spot leaning against robin or occasionally making room in between them
and so more often than not the Buckley's have not one, not two, but three extra children in their house that isn't their daughter, all of them sleeping in a pile on robins bed like theres nowhere else they'd rather be
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ethansluvbot · 1 year
riding ethan for the first time please!!! love your writing btw<3
warnings: adult content, spoilers?, rough sex, riding, unprotected sex, and smut :)
an: i just got really sick randomly? anyways, i'm so so sorry for not posting in awhile. i just started a new school and even though its the end of the year its stressful. it also didn't help that i had horrible writers block. also, I've never written smut before so i will get better at this eventually! i'm binge watching the harry potter movies while eating soup now lol.
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with a ton of convincing from sam, ethan and tara you decided to volunteer for a summer camp. sure, spending you day with kids had its downs, but you enjoyed seeing ethan interact with kids.
the kids screams filled your ears as you run to pick up their messes. the sticky hair didn't help your anxiety at all. you sat next to sam with your head on her shoulder.
"how did you convince me to do this shit?"
a quick slap hit your shoulder as you let out a yelp, "no cursing, there's kids around. plus you could never say no to ethan, it looks like he's enjoying it."
"i know. he's been going on about this since january.," you know ethan was a total soft guy, he never would harm a soul. it took him awhile but he finally convinced you to help out.
you both heard footsteps approach you, a sigh came out as you saw his shoes. immediately you jump up and wrap your arms around his neck.
"thank god you're here to save me from sam, she's trying to make me actually do something." he let out a chuckle as he waved to sam.
"im here to take you away," he smirked as you smiled back at sam. you heard her softly gagging beginning to walk away.
"hey! i missed you today, it seemed like you were having fun with your cabin."
"i was! i actually taught a kid how to swim today." you grabbed on to his hand. you loved this side of ethan the soft, dorky and funny side of him to be exact.
"umm, i was wondering where you see us in the future? i know we have a little until we finish college but it's been on my mind."
"well, to be exact i see us in well paying jobs, a modern family home and hopefully kids of our own." you felt his mood shift with that. you might've not been the most kid involved person, but it was great to know you would consider the idea.
you both stepped into the cabin immediately grabbing pajamas. you felt ethans shattered breath at your neck. turning around you slinked your arms around his torso.
"can i help you?"
"god- i want to kiss you so bad right now."
you gave in to ethans innocent act, attaching both of your lips. his cold hands found his way up your back as you moaned in surprise. he hummed in pleasure, kissing down your stomach.
you flip the two of you over, "i wanted to try something new if that's fine?"
he nodded intently, he trusted you with his life and knew you wouldn't do anything to hurt either of you. he's desperate to finally get you undressed as he tugs at your pants.
"someones needy," you tease unbuttoning your jean shorts. his hands explored your body, undoing your bra and throwing it to the side. ethan was already undressed by the time you turned around.
"lay down."
he threw his head back as you pushed yourself down onto his cock. you put your hand over his mouth being careful not to arouse any suspicion.
"will you be a good boy and be quiet?" he hummed in response, "words baby."
"yes, ill be good," he let a muffeled whined out.
you let your nails scratch down his abs as you begin to move. his fingers begin to trace circles on your clit as you bounce. you were still adjusting to his size but since ethan was so eager you began to move.
"don't stop," he lets an exaggerated sigh come out of his mouth. you grab his chin making him look at you. he keeps his hands on your hips as you trail kisses down his neck.
you rested your hands on his chest helping him move you. even without him speaking he could tell he enjoyed this greatly. you felt his hand kneed at your ass.
looking down you see his glossy eyes look up at you, "aw, poor baby. are you not getting enough attention."
you were almost using him for your own pleasure, which you felt bad but, oh did it feel so good. he was getting anxious as you felt him squirming.
you felt him thrust into you a few more times. you could feel his tenseness, only meaning that he was reaching his high. leaning down you planted a kiss onto his lips.
"oh fuck- i love you."
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therainscene · 1 year
It’s funny that Bylers are so often accused of being delusional, because I was at my most delusional when I was anti-Byler.
I spent most of S4 refusing to acknowledge that Will had romantic feelings for Mike, despite knowing damn well what all that love triangle imagery and sad gay pining was implying. I convinced myself it was just bros before hoes drama; that perhaps Will wanted to come out to his best friend but felt nervous after six months of radio silence following “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls!”
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The van scene forced me to accept that he really was in love, and it pissed me off because what was even the point of making him fall for a straight boy?
Mike’s bizarre “no homo” behaviour was clearly a symptom of growing up in a conservative 80s household, and witnessing Will’s sacrificial act of love in the van was the shitty lesson he needed to get over his homophobia.
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I saw a typical straight male protagonist in an 80s coming-of-age film getting to coast his way to self-actualization on the back of queer suffering; a cruel and homophobic trope I thought we’d moved past by the year 2022.
But then the NINA reunion scene rolled around--
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--and I immediately picked up on the heavy parallels between Mike and Will in how they greeted El. The realization hit me like a tonne of bricks: Mike feels the same way about her as Will does.
I thought, “wait, does this mean I was wrong about...? Oh my god. No way.
No fucking way.
Will was in love with El this whole time?? What the fuck, he’s been gay since S1 and she’s his sister this is BULLSHIT I will personally strangle the Duffers--”
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Heteronormativity is a hell of a drug, kids.
Let this be a lesson to those of you who think media illiteracy is to blame for Byler denial -- how well someone understands the mechanics of storytelling is irrelevant if they insist on treating Mike’s supposed heterosexuality as an axiom instead of an evidence-based conclusion. The issue lies with bias, not literacy.
I was stubbornly anti-Byler because I knew I’d immediately fall in love with this ship if I allowed myself to have hope it could be canon, and the general state of queer rep in mainstream media meant I was all but guaranteed to get hurt if I was so stupid as to have hope. But in my desperation to cling to the “safe” heteronormative outcome, I only ended up hurting myself with my own silly assumptions.
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We’ve seen both canonically gay characters in the show make exactly this mistake, needlessly hurting themselves with their silly but self-defensive assumptions about their love interests.
Stranger Things absolutely nails its depiction of the subtler ways internalized homophobia can manifest -- Will may feel like a mistake and be prone to beating himself up, but he isn’t some pitiful self-loathing queer who wishes he was straight, either. He’s just so crushed by heteronormativity that he accepts it as an inescapable fact of life and lets it guide his beliefs and actions.
Don’t get me wrong: Will, like Robin, is very sensible for being cautious in such a horrifically bigoted environment -- trying to openly defy that level of homophobia by yourself, especially when you’re young, is a bad idea.
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But unlike Robin, he clearly struggles to accept that he has the right to chase his same-sex love interest. He's no longer simply exercising caution, but conforming to homophobic standards -- much in the same way I thought I was sensibly refusing to be queerbaited, when really I was just agreeing with the heteronormative status quo.
I realize now that this is the real reason Will was written into a homophobic 80s trope: not to teach Mike an outdated lesson in acceptance, but to maneuver Will into position for the lesson he’s going to learn in S5 about resisting conformity.
Will needs to learn that castrating himself to make straight people comfortable is a bad idea too. Not only is that a miserable way to live his life, but what sort of world is he leaving for the next generation of queer kids if he never questions these homophobic standards?
It’s just the cycle of abuse scaled up to the societal level.
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This is what gives me confidence in Byler endgame. Queerness isn’t just an incidental element of Will’s personal arc, but suffuses the show to its very core -- it’s in its themes, its allegory, its characters.
So Will getting the boy isn’t just nice fan-service for Byler shippers, but a necessary ending if the show’s most important lesson is to land:
That it’s rewarding to make the difficult choice of standing up to bigotry in the face of forced conformity. Of choosing love.
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Could it be the case that I was right the first time, and Stranger Things is going to turn out to be yet another heteronormative mainstream show that doesn’t commit to its own themes? Sure, maybe. But that wouldn’t invalidate the valuable lessons this show has already -- and apparently accidentally lol -- taught me.
Anyone who calls us deluded for hoping a mainstream show is going to have a gay pairing as its main couple just doesn’t realize -- or doesn’t care -- that they’re contributing to the very problem they’re describing.
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personasintro · 2 years
monachopsis | 08
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; after receiving unpleasant news that doesn’t allow you to grow your family, your husband comes up with an idea that unfortunately involves his brother whom he despises
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: tattoo artist!yoongi x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, fluff, smut, mini series
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, toxic parents (nothing new lol)
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 15k+
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It's been two months and you still can't believe it. 
You're not quite sure what you're going through. On the outside, you try to be happy and content, desperately trying to convince yourself that this is something you've been waiting for. The journey to get there has been messy and it affected you more than you could've ever imagined. But nobody knows that. Nobody knows about the inner battles you're facing every hour, even every minute of your day.
The little life growing inside of you is… an overwhelming feeling to say the least. It's a huge reminder. 
Yeonseok is thrilled, and has been from the moment he found you standing in the bathroom, barely able to comprehend the news. He's ten times happier, always smiling and making sure you have everything you need – not that he hasn't been doing that before. Now he doesn't allow you to clean and often, you have to remind him you're not even in that stage of being pregnant.
If it wasn't for the famous morning sickness, you would barely know it. It's still early for you to experience the different uncomfortable symptoms and struggles. However, you can't pinpoint whether the pregnancy is to be blamed for the frequent throwing up or your own conscience. You don't want to make it sound as if your mental health is on a bad path. More like the guilt is making your life tough. But no one is really to blame.
Realizing, you spend your time trying to constantly convince yourself just for you to end up with the same miserable ache in your chest. It's not good for the baby, that's what you often say in your inner and silenced thoughts that no one ever hears. 
With Yeonseok too excited, he wasn't waiting too long to drop the news to his parents who, to be completely honest, have been just as thrilled. They've showered you with so much love, not hiding how excited they're about their unborn first grandchildren. They don't know the whole truth though. You're not sure if it's something you'd share with them. That would be fucking weird, let's be honest.
It feels like Yeonseok is too prideful to admit the truth. It feels embarrassing to do so as well. You're not sure if you could face your parents-in-law. But it feels wrong to be lying not just to them, but to yourself and in general. You're no saint, but all of it feels wrong. 
Just like the fancy birthday dinner you've been invited to. It's Mrs. Min's birthday and apparently, she doesn't want to make it a big party which is so unlike her. It's been a couple of days since you've visited Min's residence. They made sure to invite you more often which you don't find particularly annoying or anything close to it. But having Mins right there in front of you… it reminds you how badly you, all of you, have fucked up with this deal. It should've been so easy but it's the exact opposite. 
Mrs. Min places a greek salad on the table, the amount of food could surely feed a whole village, as she sits down with the biggest smile she so kindly gives you. It's hard to think of her as a bad person. But you can't help it and think about what he told you. You've experienced her to look frustrated, amongst other things, when it came to this one person.
The not so Korean food looks appetizing, though you're ready to dig into the steak instead, as its smell fills up your nostrils. The first bite tastes divine and you almost hum and moan from the delicious taste. In the midst of your second bite, Maria – their maid in her late fifties who has been with the Min's family since their sons were kids – apologizes for the disturbance and informs the family about someone's arrival. 
“Mr. Min is here, m'am.” she adds, stating the reason for her disturbance.
The fork in your hand almost clinks against the expensive ceramic of your plate, but your hold tightens around it. The moment Maria excuses herself to prepare the dessert in the meantime, you swear your whole stomach strains as nausea hits you. You know it's no morning sickness or the delicious dish prepared by Maria and the chef in Min's kitchen. It's the damn psyche of having to see him again because he's here.
Despite today being his mother's birthday dinner, the thought of him coming over went over your head. Him coming makes sense but at the same time – it doesn't. He never comes at family dinners, very rarely and the shock on your in-laws faces tells you they're just as surprised. Yeonseok scoffs silently on your left, the sound not going unnoticed by you but you decide not to react.
Your heart hammers in your chest and you've lost all your appetite, nerves slowly crawling to every cell in your body.
“Well, what surprising news.” Mrs. Min fills the silence, and even though her voice doesn't hold any hostility, she doesn't sound pleased or even happy to hear her second son came. She simply voices her thoughts as if the topic is about the most casual or random thing ever. 
Mr. Min hums, reaching for his glass of wine before a set of footsteps come closer and closer. With each step and second, you feel like flying out of the stool and hiding yourself somewhere in this huge house. You're nervous.
Nervous to see him again after you ended everything. It's stupid, what was going on between you could be considered purely as a business and you know you did what was for the best. Things were about to get too messy and you couldn't let that happen. 
But you're also scared shitless. The thought of seeing him again shouldn't affect you this much and you're completely aware of this fact. The guilt – and so does the nausea – rises but before you can excuse yourself to use the restroom, not caring how weird that would look suddenly, Yoongi in the flesh stops at the entrance of the dining room.
It's not just you who naturally look at him because of his arrival or sounds of his footsteps, you all look up from your plates to stare at him. His hair color is different, you immediately notice since you're not met with his usual black hair and are shocked to see the silver color. His whole appearance is rather unexpected. 
He stands there wearing a suit, looking the most elegant you've ever seen him. He's giving a completely different vibe and if you didn't know him, you would think he's someone else. It's weird to think how he suddenly fits into this family and you can tell he holds the same power every Min family member does. 
The tattoos are hidden from everyone's sight and the most eye-catching feature is currently his hair color. He looks astonishing. 
He scans the room, almost surprised to see just the four of you as his eyes stop at you for a moment. Your breath gets caught in your throat and you swear you stop breathing for a moment, anticipating whatever is about to come. But then he looks away and averts his gaze at his parents instead – and you hate how that pains you.
“Yoongi,” His mother says, not hiding her surprise. “We thought you wouldn't come.”
“It's your birthday, mother.” Yoongi informs as if she didn't know that.
Despite Yoongi avoiding any family gatherings and their sore relationship, Yoongi would always make sure to at least drop a gift to one of his parents whenever it's their birthday. He wouldn't often spend the day with them, or attend any parties they are used to throwing, but he tried his best to at least give them something.
After the failures of any parties he attended, it was just safer for him to avoid them all. Even though he was painted as the bad guy who doesn't care about anything, not even his parents.
But he came now – bearing a gift in the form of a small paper bag.
And then he moves and you watch every single step he takes toward the table, stopping beside his mother as she stands up with a hand over her chest as she notices the gift. Yoongi takes her hand into his big ones, rings adoring his long fingers as his lips brush against her cheeks before he wishes her a happy birthday. She thanks him, smiling the first time since he came here as she places the gift on the floor to check it out later.
Maybe she didn't want to disturb the dinner, but you still can't help but think she could've at least looked at the gift her son bought her. Does she even care about the gift? 
But Yoongi doesn't look phased one bit, unbuttoning his suit as he sits at the free seat which happens to be right in front of you. Your eyes meet for a split second and you quickly look away, not having the strength to look at him any longer. 
The table is huge but it wouldn't make sense for him to have a seat a few seats from everyone. You know he didn't have much choice but right now, having him right in front of you makes your legs shake in nervosity. 
“We're glad you came tonight, son.” Mr. Min says at the head of the table.
Yoongi meekly nods before Maria comes again, ready to serve Yoongi his food as he simply puts his hand up. “I'm fine to serve my own food, thank you Maria.” 
She looks a little perplexed at Yoongi's parents, but offers Yoongi a soft smile before she bows and retrieves back to the kitchen, informing dessert is ready whenever you're ready. 
Yoongi serves his own food, his movements gentle and you gulp at the sight of his veiny hands as they reach to the bowl of roasted parmesan baby potatoes. 
“Honey, does the steak not taste good?” Yeonseok speaks next to you, his hand on top of your thigh as you jump in your spot, staring at him with wide eyes. He cocks his head at your plate, noticing you've taken only one bite so far and seem to be not hungry at all. 
With his question, Yeonseok attracts everyone's attention at the table and you gulp, giving him a tensed smile. “No, it's delicious.”
“Yeonseok, stop questioning her. You know how–”
Almost feeling like what she's about to say, you interrupt Mrs. Min's in the midst of her sentence knowing how rude that looks because you've never done that before. But you couldn't help it. 
“It's delicious. Really.” you assure them, forcing yourself to take a second bite but instead of the good taste, all you want is to spit it out. 
Your mother-in-law looks a little surprised by your interruption but she shakes herself out of it, offering you a gentle smile as she reaches for her red wine. However, she has different plans than just leaving the topic, Yeonseok's question and everything about it reminding her of the obvious. 
“Yoongi, you should congratulate your brother. And Y/N.” 
This time, you don't manage to catch the fork as it loudly clanks against the plate and you nervously apologize. Mrs. Min sounds ecstatic, cheerful at her words as she beams at both of you, your unusual behavior going completely unnoticed as everyone beams in the room. Well, your in-laws do as they shoot bright smiles your way. They're happy, it's nice to witness it but it's the least of things you can focus on. 
Yoongi arches his brow, leans against his stool as he glances at his mother. “Congratulate?”
“Your big brother is about to be a father.”
The whole world stops.
At least it feels like that. Your stomach churns uncomfortably and you hate yourself how automatically you look at Yoongi. His features remain neutral, staring at his mother before he averts his sharp and dark gaze at you. Holy shit.
You've no idea what Yoongi thinks right now. Does he think you're a liar? You did tell him you're not pregnant – but only because you didn't know at that time. You made it seem as if you're helping him despite him not reaching the end of your deal. All of this is fucking messy. A fucking mess you can't seem to get out of. 
And then he glances at his brother, forcing you to look at your husband as well as he stares sharply at Yoongi as if he's daring him to say something. He's tense and not in his usual relaxed posture as he glares the hell out of Yoongi.
But Yoongi only stares back at him, neutral almost like a robot before he opens his mouth and lets out a mere; “Congrats.” 
His parents stare and clear their throats at the same time, biting back any distasteful remarks about Yoongi's lack of enthusiasm. That's what pisses them off. The lack of emotions he shows. It shows how controlling of him they want to be.
But Yoongi comes here like a king, showing them they can't control him.
You start noticing the little details even more now. 
It's funny because the two brothers are wearing the same type of clothing, but both of them radiate completely different energy. You look at your husband and you see an attractive man. Both of them are attractive just in different ways and you hate that Yoongi is the one who makes your stomach flutter with a set of butterflies. It's just his looks and energy. 
By asking to be excused, you would draw even more attention and you don't want anyone to feel like there's something going on. So you stay seated in your spot, bracing to take the stupid fork again along with knife. 
For the rest of the dinner, you try to get as much food as it's possible into your stomach, swallowing down any urge to push the plate away. Your in-laws mostly talk through it along with Yeonseok as they talk about business and all sorts of stuff you don't care to listen to. 
Yoongi, sitting on the opposite side from you, remains silent too as he chews on the food until his plate is empty. When Maria comes back with the dessert, a molten chocolate cake, you barely eat a half of it which is truly a shame. You were so excited for tonight's food, knowing it's always delicious and your in-laws are very precise when it comes to food and inviting someone over, whether it's for lunch or dinner. 
You can't help it though. It's your nerves acting up and even your recent sweet cravings won't save you this time. Luckily, nobody voices your non-eager attitude when it comes to food, and this time you don't even care how it might look. All of that is somewhere back in your mind, if even, because all you can focus on is the man sitting not far away from you. You're practically right in front of his eyes, fully exposed to him even though he doesn't look your way. At least you think he doesn't. 
You act as if he's not there, not even glancing his direction though you're more than aware of his presence. You don't feel his burning eyes on you – you're not sure if you want to. Yet it feels like there's many unspoken things between you, and him ignoring you too doesn't sit well with you. Which is selfish, you're aware, because you're doing the same thing.
So when the dessert is over and everyone continues to drink the expensive alcohol of each of their choice, Yoongi excuses himself to get some fresh air and he gets dismissed, even though he truly doesn't care. He leaves his seat and disappears further down the house.
Should you go talk to him? 
You feel like you should.
But are you ready? 
Not at all. 
What are you going to say to him? You've no idea where to start or what you want to tell him at all. There's just this feeling that pushes you to go and talk to him.
Plus you don't want to make any bad blood with Yeonseok. It's already enough that he looked annoyed at Yoongi's sudden presence and unexpected arrival. The reason behind it is your pregnancy without doubt. No matter how Yeonseok says the baby is his, he knows biologically it is not. None of you can change that.
And you don't want to give him any reason to doubt you, or want to make him feel like you want to get closer to his brother. Not at all. It's better if you stay away from him – that much is clear.
Maybe living with this guilt is your price for ever agreeing to your husband's ridiculous plan. He's not one to blame though. You agreed after all.
So why the hell do you stand up after softly patting the corners of your lips, excusing yourself to use the restroom?
You know the restroom is not a place you're going to visit. Navigating your way through the house, you get to the backdoor that leads to a large garden and even before opening the tall and big glass door, you already spot Yoongi leaning against a pillar. A cigarette between his two fingers as he brings it closer to his mouth as he takes a drag.
Quietly but not too subtly, you open the door and sneak into the chilly night where stars surround the dark sky. The automatic lights already inform him about your presence, if the sound of the door opening hasn't. 
But he doesn't react.
He never looks up. Nor even glances in your direction as he continues to smoke as if he's still alone, despite your figure coming closer.
Taking a shaky breath, you grow even more nervous to be facing him, no… to talk to him, again. Is he even aware of your presence? He must be. There's no way he doesn't know.
But much to your luck, it seems like he decides to put you out of your misery once he looks up, no longer staring into the distance or at his black elegant boots. The suit is gone and he stands before you in a white button-up, some of his tattoos slightly visible through the thin fabric. Averting his eyes right at you, no shock is evident on his neutral and expressionless face, he remains silent.
“Hi.” you stupidly offer into the thick air, not averting your gaze as much as you would want to.
A beat of silence follows.
“Hi.” he says back after a moment.
You hug your arms, rubbing your forearms to mask your nervosity as you bite into your lower lip harshly. Nobody takes any initiative in starting a conversation and you know it has to be you. You came to him after all. Not the other way around.
If you didn't come to him, there's a big possibility Yoongi wouldn't approach you. It didn't seem like he wanted to, to be honest. 
Opening your mouth, no words come out of it as you ponder about your next words. But once you actually think of saying something, Yoongi beats you to it and his deep voice reaches your ears. 
“What do you want, Y/N?”
He's straight-forward. Perhaps a little bit too much and you actually find yourself slightly offended by the question and the tone of it. 
Okay. No beating around the bush. You got it.
So far it feels like Yoongi wants to have nothing to do with you. Not that you can't blame him.
“I didn't lie to you.” you blurt out suddenly.
He watches you, his features not changing even a bit before he slightly cocks his head to the side. He takes another drag, aiming his face in the opposite direction as a cloud of smoke leaves his mouth.
“I didn't know I was pregnant when I… talked to you the last time.” you specify as he remains silent before a silent chuckle leaves his mouth.
He finishes smoking, the cigarette now short and almost all used as he hollows his cheeks while he takes a deep inhale of it. Once he's done, he presses the cigarette against the white pillar which makes your breath hitch as he throws the stud on the grass. He doesn't bother to go to the nearest bin and throw it out.
His mother will be surely ecstatic once she finds it.
“Congratulations.” he says somehow dryly, but maybe that's just his usual way of distancing himself. 
You don't expect him to be over the moon with the news. All of this is weird and his lack of reaction just proves to you that he doesn't really think much about this situation. You know what the deal was and the child growing inside you is not his. No matter how biologically that is incorrect. It's not like you expected him to give you some kind of reaction, other than the pure ignorance and a lack of interest he's showing. 
“Congratulations?” you mutter back just as dryly, his dark eyes watching you.
“What do you want me to say, Y/N?” he sighs.
At the sound of your name, your heart clenches at how cold he sounds. 
“I came here to tell you that I didn't lie to you. I didn't know and I only found out after we talked.”
Yoongi didn't know it for sure. You didn't know when you came to his place to put an end to everything. Clearly, he was aware of all the risks because there was still a chance. Fuck, it would be such a bad luck if you didn't get pregnant after all those times he fucked you just in one night.
But then a notification popped on his screen and his bank account has suddenly grown into something it never has before. The exact money that all of you settled on was now sitting in his bank account. 
To be completely truthful, Yoongi didn't think you would be able to convince Yeonseok to send him the money. Yeonseok is stubborn, in a completely different way than Yoongi is and whatever has to do with him, he knows Yeonseok is even ten times more stubborn than normally. He hasn't had the chance to see much of your marriage and relationship, yet he knows Yeonseok is much softer around you. You're his wife after all and maybe there's some truth to it that people we love bring out the best in us.
So he thought you somehow convinced him.
And when he decided to come here and celebrate his mother's birthday, the last thing he expected to find out is that you really are pregnant after all. But is it that much of a shock? Somehow he settled with the thought that you aren't.
Maybe you decided to get a sperm donor after all, that's what he thought.
But according to your words, nothing like that has happened and you're pregnant thanks to him. 
“Relax,” he sighs, “I didn't even think of you lying. I mean it's probably for the best that it ended up like this, no?” 
You frown a little. “What do you mean?”
“I felt fucking bad for getting the money without you getting a part of your deal. So now that you actually got it, there shouldn't be any bad feelings.”
He makes it sound so easy, yet you feel like your heart is cracking for some reason. And you're fucking confused because you don't know what you want him to say. You don't know how you want him to react. The only thing you know is that none of this feels right and it's a fucking mess. And the same guilt is slowly crawling all over your body. 
“Right.” you gulp, hearing your heartbeat in your ears as you try to utter a few words but nothing comes out. 
Your head feels heavy and what feels like anxiety engulf your body. Even your legs feel like jelly and you hate yourself for wearing heels tonight, even though they're not that high to begin with. You stumble on the spot, your eyes widening in shock as you expect the worst. Luckily, Yoongi is close and even though the single stumble wouldn't make you fall, Yoongi places his hands around your forearms and holds you steady.
“Are you okay?” he asks, leaning his face closer to you as he tries to inspect your face. 
Nodding, you swallow the uncomfortable lump in your throat rather dryly and despite your confirmation that you're okay, you look anything but it. 
You're shocked. Shocked yourself. Shocked by this situation. You're exhausted, wanting to escape from the constant guilt and never-ending discontent you're feeling.
“Come on. You should sit down or go inside.” Yoongi mutters but you don't move, eyes wide in shock as you can't react in any way.
Your mind is whirling, you're completely aware of what's happening even though you're confused too. But your body seems to not react.
“Hey, come on talk to me,” Yoongi offers softly, taking your chin between his fingers as he makes you look at him. 
His sharp eyes are set on you, a small frown adoring his face. “How far along are you? Is that what people ask pregnant women?” 
Something snaps in you and a breathless laugh escapes your mouth. Yoongi's lips twitch and he nods his head to encourage you to answer. 
“Two months?” There's a tilt to your tone that makes it sound like a question and Yoongi laughs a little.
“Are you asking me?”
You laugh, shaking your head as Yoongi slowly lets go of your arms and inspects you with his eyes once more. “I don't know. People have this stupid tendency to talk about everything in weeks when it comes to pregnancy and babies, and I'm confused over it.”
Yoongi snorts, “You and I both. I don't know shit about pregnancy.”
“I like your hair.” you blurt out and you don't fail to notice the brief look of surprise shadowing Yoongi's features until he lets out a breathy chuckle, brushing his fingers through his now silver hair. 
“You do? Thought my mother would have some kind of snarky comment about it but she didn't.”
You laugh, eyes glancing at the top of his head again. Yeonseok would never dye his hair, you're sure about that. It's one of the many things that differs him and Yoongi. 
“I never knew you're planning to dye your hair.” you admit, though it's stupid because of course you didn't know. You're not friends and there are so many things you don't know about him.
You both know that but luckily, Yoongi goes along with it and shoots you a brief smile.
“Yeah, it wasn't a plan. Just a spontaneous idea. My friend thought it's a good idea to do this at midnight.” 
His friend? 
Again, you don't know any of Yoongi's friends. All you heard is from Yeonseok and if you remember correctly, he called them 'a bunch of stoners' which you're not sure if it's accurate at all. Where would Yeonseok even see or meet his friends? It's most likely one of his judgy assumptions rather than a raw truth. 
“Oh, the one I saw in your studio?” 
What the hell?
Why would you say that?
Yoongi looks at you before he simply says; “Yeah.”
You know you have the look on your face. He sees it. He sees what you're assuming but he doesn't do anything to correct you.
Is he sleeping with her again? He did say they used to hook-up, that much you can remember. Actually, you can remember every single thing he said to you.
There's nothing holding him back now. He can do anything he wants to. So why do you feel… bitter about it? 
You're the one married. You're the one who's pregnant.
Seeing him and being so close to him, there's something pulling you closer to him. Something that wants you to be in his close proximity. It's not love. You're sure of it. How can you love someone you barely know? 
But the attraction you feel toward him is too much. It feels just the same as it did when you decided to end things. Nothing has changed and that scares you. You thought time would do you some favor but it turns out to be false.
He snaps you out of your thoughts, your eyes blinking a few times as you find his dark glowing orbs.
“How are you doing?”
Something about his voice and the question itself is gentle. You're taken back for a moment.
“You mean besides pregnant and all emotional? Good.” you joke but Yoongi doesn't laugh nor chuckles how you expect him to.
Instead, he keeps staring at you until your smile slowly fades away.
“Is Yeonseok treating you right?”
“What kind of question is that?” you breathe out a chuckle, not hiding surprise.
“You seemed to be acting weird all evening. I don't remember you being this way.” he points out, voice hushed as if he told you a secret that nobody can hear which you don't understand, because you're alone outside. 
Yeah, you're acting weird. For numerous reasons but he's the main one. Every single reason includes him but you can't tell him that. The baby you're carrying is biologically his. You made it through countless times of having sex, memories you can't seem to shake off. You no longer crave your husband's touch. You feel guilty every time he only touches you, and you don't mean anything intimate behind it. Whenever he would take your hand into his, you no longer feel the excitement and spark you once used to feel. 
It's guilt and a need to pull away instead. 
And you hate yourself for it. You're so mad at yourself that you want to scream into your pillow every night. But you put this imaginary mask on and you fall asleep with a smile on your face, letting your husband caress your still non-visible bump. 
“I didn't expect you to come tonight. That's all.” you admit, not really lying but not telling him the raw truth either.
“What? You don't like seeing me?” he jokes this time, one corner of his lips lifting up and you swallow the urge to salivate at how good he looks doing bare minimum. 
To be honest, you're not sure if you like to see him here. He just made your mind even a bigger mess than it already was without even knowing. He's completely clueless, going on with his life while you can't seem to forget about you two and what you've done. 
“That's not it.” you laugh. It sounds a little forced though Yoongi doesn't react, maybe completely clueless about that too. “I'm glad you came.”
Okay, you weren't planning to say exactly that.
But it was worth it when you see the slightest glimpse of Yoongi's fond smile before he chuckles again. 
“I'm sure your parents are glad too.”
You try to save it, though it makes Yoongi laugh even more.
“Yeah, not sure about that. Mom always sends me an invite over a text but I think she secretly hopes I never show up.”
You frown at the thought. The memory of her brushing off Yoongi's gift like it's nothing sudden comes to the surface. But you hope Yoongi is not right about this.
“I'm sure that's not true. Why would she hope about that?”
“I always bring some kind of drama.”
“You? The person who barely reacts?” you joke, laughing as Yoongi joins you though his life is nowhere near bubbly or equal as yours. 
“They don't realize they're the drama.”
“Yeah, it's always like that…” you silently agree as the topic falls down a little and you end up staring at each other.
Heartbeat racing, you don't budge as you stare deeply into his eyes as he watches you with intense stare as well, which only adds to the sudden weird atmosphere and tension. 
You open your mouth but you're interrupted by a door opening, soon spotting your husband as he looks around before his eyes set on you and his brother. He visibly tenses and without hesitance, makes his way to both of you. As soon as he's next to you, you feel his hand on your back as he sends daggers at Yoongi.
“What are you doing here?”
You're not sure who is he asking and you stare in bewilderment at how hostile he sounds. He could at least pretend to be nice. You don't like seeing him like this and you know it has everything to do with Yoongi. 
“Are you asking me or…?” you chuckle almost nervously, but Yoongi doesn't budge.
He frowns at his brother as he scoffs, “Can't talk to my sister-in-law?”
You don't know what makes you want to throw up. Yoongi calling you sister-in-law or the bitter chuckle Yeonseok doesn't hide.
“Stay away from my wife.” Yeonseok spits and inches closer to Yoongi.
Eyes widening, you get between the two and subtly push Yeonseok. You ignore how he stares at you like you just betrayed him. You don't want to cause any scene, you want to avoid it as much as possible. At the moment you don't care who's right or not. 
“Should've thought about it sooner.” But Yoongi only digs deeper, getting provoked by Yeonseok and this time you have to put much bigger pressure on Yeonseok's chest to not let him lash at Yoongi. 
“Stop it,” you bark, not really sure who it's aimed at. Just one of them or both? “I came to talk to him.”
“And why would you do that?” Yeonseok frowns at you and you frown back, standing your ground as you scoff.
“Maybe because you've been glaring at him ever since he came? You're being impolite, Yeonseok. I just wanted to check on him.”
“That's not any of your business.”
Your mouth left agape, you're speechless but before you can react, Yoongi does it for you.
“Don't talk to her like that.” he warns and Yeonseok glares at him once again, but keeps his mouth shut because once he looks back at you, you see he realizes his mistake. He opens his mouth but you shake your head, silencing him.
“Wow,” he suddenly starts to laugh. You watch your husband turn into something you haven't seen yet, he looks almost insane yet he doesn't do anything big. He laughs sarcastically and bitterly, rubbing his forehead as he looks at you and Yoongi. “Look at that.”
“Yeonseok, stop it.” you snap, “Don't say something you'll regret later.”
His ironic smile fades, eyes boring into Yoongi who's standing behind you before he looks away with a clenched jaw. 
Yoongi brushes past you and your husband, his intoxicating scent filling your nose for a quick moment as he makes his way inside. But he doesn't fully step in as he looks across his shoulder, eyes and words aimed at his brother. “Get your shit together.”
Yeonseok looks like he could punch a wall at the moment, but you don't entertain that idea, following Yoongi inside without looking back. He joins you, thinking twice about doing something stupid.
But by the time you're inside and joining your in-laws, Yoongi is already gone, leaving the rest of the family in a bitter mood because of his sudden departure. Only Yeonseok seems to be pissed off for a different reason. One, only the three of you know about.
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Arriving back home helps to bring you some calmness to your sour mood. Yeonseok hasn't uttered a single word on your way back and so haven't you. What's the point? He seems to be upset and partly, you're the reason for it. 
If you haven't decided to go to see Yoongi, all of this could've been avoided. Sure, in the end Yeonseok still couldn't help but glare at his brother at any given chance, but at least there would be no verbal confrontation. You know you just added fuel to the fire which wasn't completely helpful at all. But you couldn't help yourself. 
You had to talk to Yoongi, as much as a part of you thought it was a dumb idea. You're confused and yet again, your thoughts are running wild that you don't pay any attention to your husband. Taking a longer shower, you replay your conversation until your headache approaches and even then, you see Yoongi's face in front of you. He occupies every corner of your mind and you breathe heavily to calm down your heartbeat.
This constant stress and hundreds of negative emotions you're feeling are not good for the baby. You wish you could just focus on yourself and the baby.
It's later on when you're scrolling through your social media, completely ignoring your husband as he's in and out of the shower, soon joining you in your bedroom. He stares at the ceiling, frowning at the plain color until he breaks the silence.
“Why would you go talk to him?” 
It's the same question all over again, one you could answer easily but it would bring even more guilt and pain. Not just to you but to Yeonseok as well. You realize whatever you're dealing with alone, could potentially break everything you've been building with him. Sure, being honest seems like the best and healthiest option but you're a coward. You purposely try to push the real reason, not saying it out loud because you know the consequences it would have. You ignore it with every fiber of your body, well at least you try to do so.
Glancing at him, the pained expression on his face pains you even more. Yeonseok has expectations of you, some you understand and some you don't. But most importantly, you know you would act the same way if the roles were reversed. You know whatever Yeonseok feels, whether it's jealousy or betrayal, you would feel just the same. 
It's already hard as it is – for both of you. You can't imagine being on Yeonseok's place. Your husband should never feel threatened by another man. And deep down you know that's how Yeonseok probably feels.
Sighing, you lock your phone and put it on your nightstand. “I told you. I just wanted to make sure he's fine. Everyone didn't seem happy to have him there.”
“What are you talking about?” Yeonseok frowns.
“Seok, come on…” you chuckle, “Your mother barely acknowledged him, so did your father. She ignored his gift, and didn't even bother to take a glance. I felt bad for him.”
You siding with Yoongi and partly having his back will only evoke another percentage of anger in Yeonseok. He's sensitive when it comes to his brother. You're growing quite sick of it. Maybe because you come from a broken family too. And it's not fair to Yoongi at all. Hearing his part of the story, you could relate to it even if your positions in your families are different.
Sure, he's not perfect either and often lets the temper get the best of him, but he's not at fault here. He's not as loved as Yeonseok is and the single thought makes your eyes water. You don't want your baby to feel they're unloved by one of the parents. You want them to be loved and have a great loving family. Somewhere they feel safe and loved. 
“Since when do you care about this so much?”
The suspicion is evident in his voice and it makes your stomach clench uncomfortably.
“Just because I've been quiet this whole time, doesn't mean I don't see certain things Yeonseok.” you point out, realizing this is the first time you're having this kind of conversation.
You would often voice your confusion of how your in-laws speak about their younger son, but it would be often brushed off and Yeonseok would go on and off about how Yoongi doesn't deserve them, is an asshole and all the same old story. So naturally, you just let go of that topic because it wasn't worth any potential disagreements. After all, you barely knew Yoongi and everything you heard about him was from his parents and your husband.
You don't want to make it seem like because you had sex, now you suddenly know everything about him and you realize how your confession about tonight's dinner might sound like. You understand Yeonseok's suspicion and confusion, so do you the hidden annoyance laced in both his expression and voice. 
But now you've seen a bigger picture, especially after talking to Yoongi. He sounded and looked vulnerable in his own style. You remember every minute of that conversation you held with him at his place. 
At that time it didn't feel like he was your brother-in-law. At least you never really thought of him that way, hence the lack of his presence in your life. But back then, during the conversation, you never acknowledged it. He felt like… your friend. 
You felt close to him.
Yeonseok looks speechless, betrayal showing on his face again but he can't expect you to agree with everything he says or does just because you're in a marriage. 
“Is that all it is?”
Accusation clear in his tone, your mouth falls open as you stare at him wide-eyed, not believing your ears. “What are you initiating, Yeonseok?”
“I don't know, you tell me. You never bothered to discuss my brother before, at least not to this extent. I find it weird.” No, he finds it suspicious. 
“Do you think I never noticed how you guys mistreat him?”
You wish you would keep your mouth shut as soon as you say it. Though it's true, the expression on your husband's face pains you. The last thing you want to do is fight. And any conversation about his brother means fighting. There's no other way. But he can't expect you to play a nice wife who constantly keeps her mouth shut. You're not like that at all. You've never been and he knows that. He knew about your every part when marrying you, even told you that's what made him fall in love with you.
But the topic named Yoongi would be often brushed off even if you might've said something that could potentially annoy or upset your husband. But he never lashed at you because of it, nor did he show so many negative emotions. 
There is also a realization and you know why he's reacting like this. If you never had to intimately get closer to Yoongi, this wouldn't be happening. Yeonseok is sensitive and you get that.
“You can't be serious, Y/N.”
At the usage of your name, you feel like he's scolding you and his tone implicates that much. Frowning, you keep your mouth shut despite wanting to say something but you can't find the right words. 
“Is this because you slept with him?”
“Oh my god!” you exclaim, sitting up straight before the anger causes you to get off the bed as Yeonseok stares at you with a lifted brow which angers you even more. “I can't believe you're bringing this up again.”
“You never cared for him, Y/N. Why would you go and seek his attention? You're pregnant and we're having a baby. You should focus on us.”
It feels like everything he's saying is wrong. And you get this urge to cry. Out of desperation and anger. But you swallow it down, staring in disbelief at your husband. 
“I went to check on him, Yeonseok. You might not care about whatever relationship you have with him, but I don't like weirdness between me and other people. I felt bad so I went to talk to him. He literally congratulated us. It's not like we were doing something secretive behind your back.” 
“Look at it from my point of view,” he starts, shaking his head. “My brother got you pregnant, you spent nights with him. Of course I'm going to get upset when you sneak out to see him.”
“For fuck sake, I didn't sneak out! I'm not some teenager that has to sneak out. I'm also an adult who's free and completely capable of making decisions on her own.” you frustratedly tell him.
“That's not what I meant.”
“No? Then what did you mean?” 
There's a beat of silence spent with two of you staring at each other, the argument sitting heavily in the air as your bedroom starts to feel suffocating. 
“Look, I understand your point of view. I should've told you I'm about to talk to him,” 
You both know he would do anything to stop you.
And at the same time, you didn't think of it as a big deal. You thought you could somehow talk to Yoongi without any drama.
“It's not like I'm seeing him anymore. I just wanted to end everything on a good note.”
“You will be seeing him. He's your brother-in-law.” 
You roll your eyes. “You know what I meant.” 
Yoongi is not someone who hangs around his family too much. Something tells you you won't be seeing him anytime soon. Yeonseok knows that too. 
“Let's not fight, okay?” he sighs, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “We both have different opinions about this but consider this argument done.”
“Is it really done? Because it doesn't feel like it.”
Yeonseok's expression saddens. “Yes. I'm sorry if I said something that hurt you. I didn't mean to initiate or suspect something.”
You're not sure if you truly believe his words. 
But you're also exhausted by this fight. 
“Now come lay in the bed, please. The stress is not good for you and the baby.”
Sighing and shifting on your spot, you join him in the bed. Though you stay on your side, slowly turning off the light as he does the same.
Yeonseok's jealousy could be justified. At the end, you did have sex with Yoongi and even if that was the agreement, it does make things harder. Even after it's over. 
However, something tells you this is far from over. It's the beginning of something you can't name yet. 
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The first argument starts expectedly, at least that's how you would define it. Surprisingly, it hasn't happened right after the latest fiasco at Min's house. Yeonseok has been trying to be a good husband, happily ignoring the argument that involved his brother. Mostly busy with running the family's company, he tried to take you out whenever he could or just tried to spend more time with you. He hasn't missed any appointments you had, always beaming at the baby's scan with a widest smile.
But it was just a matter of time before things would go downhill and you know what exactly it would be.
Your husband has been needy, in ways you absolutely understand. Realizing his touch doesn't feel like it used to, you wouldn't let things get far other than simple caressing. Sex is natural in marriage and you had lot of it, even before you decided to start a family only to find out heartbreaking news.
Every time you would end any implication of lust or sex, he didn't comment on it but you could feel his stare and imagine the process of his thoughts. You would be frustrated too. 
Actually you are. Mainly with yourself.
You can't give him what he craves for and the list of excuses gets thinner and thinner. It has gotten so thin that it raises even more suspicion and frustration on your husband's part. Do you blame him? Hell no. You're not sure you would be able to go months without intimacy, especially if your husband would give you a cold shoulder. Naturally, you would think there is a problem.
Now is there?
Yes. A big one.
How can you explain to your husband that you don't crave his touch? Just the thought of it makes you shudder in so much discomfort that it makes you sad. Fuck. You even thought about satisfying him with a single handjob or blowjob but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. It sounds twisted.
And sex is much more than just the idea to satisfying your needs. It has always been in your relationship. That's what differs between your marriage and the simple act of sex you had with Yoongi.
“This is getting ridiculous.”
It is. You agree with him.
Once again, you can't blame him for acting like this. He tried to be nice, asked if you're okay, if there's something wrong. But your answer would always be the same.
“I'm okay. I'm just not in the mood, must be the hormones. I'm sorry.”
Fuck. You know it's more than just some hormones. You barely know you're pregnant. Your pregnancy symptoms aren't showing anymore and anything extraordinary doesn't have to automatically scream “pregnancy” too. 
But you often caress your small bump that's mostly visible in the evenings. Or maybe you're just bloated from all the snacks you eat before bedtime. Bonding with your unborn baby has been your current key to happiness. As much as you feel miserable and often lonely, despite having a loving husband next to you every night, whenever you would look down at your belly and think about what they will look like, who they would become, you suddenly don't feel alone at all.
No matter what happens, you have the baby. Your baby.
“No, I don't want to hear it. No more excuses, Y/N. I have been patient and you know that. I'm not someone who would ever force you to have sex, but you barely let me touch you and it's been months!” 
You just finished eating dinner, one you prepared for him after he came back home from work. But now you feel like vomiting any second. No pregnancy symptoms though. Just your guilt and the fact that you know. You know that what he's saying is right.
Tears well up in your eyes. Nothing could make this right. There's nothing you could do to prevent this long awaited topic.
Yeonseok scans your face, noticing the sadness and vulnerability and his hands itching to get closer to you, to hold you tight and tell you everything's going to be fine. To tell you not to cry because it breaks his heart to see you crying. However, he knows this needs to be discussed and he can't continue to live in this marriage with zero answers. Or answers that sound nothing but lies. 
“I'm sorry.”
Voice cracking, you stare at your husband in guilt and shame which makes it hard for him to look at you. He hates seeing you like this.
“No, Y/N.” he shakes his head, “Don't apologize but give me a proper answer. A reason. Is it your pregnancy? Do you not feel like having sex because of it? Or is there more to it? Maybe we should go to a couple's therapy or ask your doctor if it's normal. We can search for answers together.”
He's caring.
He's trying to find a solution meanwhile you mentally shake your head at everything he says. You don't need a doctor when you know exactly what's wrong. You know the exact reason (or more like reasons) why you don't want to have sex with your husband. 
“No, it's not that.” you speak, voice weak and tired.
You're standing in the middle of your dining room, a kitchen island separating you from your husband as you're happy for this obstacle and distance at the moment.
“Then what is it?” he exclaims, trashing his arms in the air before they slap against his sides frustratedly. “Communication has never been a problem between us, Y/N. But now… I feel like I don't know you. You're different.”
He's being open, yet you feel your heart cracking as his words sound like an insult. Though that's crazy because he's nowhere near insulting you.
And when he goes on and on about not understanding you, saying the same words over and over again, something cracks in you with every word he says until you snap.
“Because I feel guilty!”
Admitting it out loud brings a beat of silence, Yeonseok's mouth shutting as he looks genuinely speechless. 
“How can I have sex with my husband when I had sex with your brother?” Your voice cracks again, something changing in his expression before he frowns. 
“I thought we were way past this.” 
“Well, we aren't.” you bite back. 
“So what? For the rest of our marriage and lives we won't have sex? Y/N, you knew what you were getting into. We agreed to it. You agreed to it! I was the last one who agreed to it, you told me you're okay, you said–”
“I know!” you yell, your hands slightly shaking as you grip the kitchen's counter for support. “I know.” you say more gently. 
“I don't see any solution here, Y/N.”
He hasn't used your name so many times before. It only shows how angry and frustrated he is. Preferably frustrated at you. 
“I didn't know I would feel this way, Yeonseok. How should I have known?” you raise your voice, voicing out your own frustration while his features don't soften. They turn even more stern. 
“What exactly is your plan, then? Huh? We are married, Y/N. You can't expect me–”
“To wait?” you cut him off, “Is sex what you want? Let's go to the bedroom then. I will let you fuck me. Come on.” 
You're frustrated, angry at yourself and you know this is not something you truly want. In the end, you know you wouldn't be able force yourself to have sex with him right now. Or anytime soon. You just can't. There is too much going on for you to do that. You wouldn't force yourself anyway.
As you make your way to him, in the midst of your sentence, Yeonseok shakes his head and holds his hands up. “Stop. You know I don't want that.”
“What do you want?” you ask, standing close to him as you stare into his tired face. 
This is ruining both of you.
“I want us to be how we were.”
That single sentence makes you almost choke up, sobs wanting to get out of your mouth but you harshly bite the inside of your cheek. 
“I don't know if that's possible. Not after everything.”
He opens his mouth but no words come out. 
“I will sleep in the guest's room tonight. I think we both need to cool down to properly talk about this.”
You're escaping the confrontation again, you know that but you're physically and mentally exhausted. Thinking of the baby and yourself, you need to rest and take your mind off this. If that's possible.
Yeonseok stops you with his voice booming in the room. 
“I will take the guest room. You stay in the bedroom, the bed's bigger there.” 
The bed in the guest room is large enough for two people, not mentioning it is for you alone. Both of you know that. Yet he still chose to let you sleep in your bedroom. It makes you even more sad now.
And he leaves, brushes past you as you two remain the most distant you've ever been. Your marriage and relationship is slowly but surely crumbling down.
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It's safe to say you haven't slept well. As soon as the main exhaustion wore off, you were awake, tossing in the big and cold bed. Yeonseok kept his word and stayed in the guest room, which made you wonder if he's got trouble sleeping as well. 
With having the whole night to think, even though it wasn't the right time to be thinking, you couldn't help yourself but consider every option you have. You couldn't help yourself but to think – if you never decided to go with the decision, you wouldn't be here and your marriage would go well. Maybe you and Yeonseok having kids wasn't planned for you. Maybe you should've lived the rest of your lives with no kids. Maybe after a while, Yeonseok would consider adoption.
But all of those are what if scenarios. No one knows if your marriage wouldn't suffer because of it later on. 
You had those kinds of thoughts the whole night and by the time you woke up, it was almost lunchtime. Yeonseok was not at home, something you discovered after finally getting out of the room and walking around the apartment for a good half an hour. No sounds of anyone else being here were heard, so you went to check the guest room just to find it empty. 
It's Saturday and Yeonseok has no work.
He wanted to take you out today, if you remember correctly. Not that you mind. After what happened yesterday, going somewhere out and acting like everything is fine is the least of the things you want to do. 
When one of your friends calls you, you have to hold your tears back when she not only asks about you, but Yeonseok as well. 
“Are you guys doing well?”
The single question makes you choke up on your sobs, she quickly understands there is something going on. So you tell her you don't want to talk about it right now. Luckily she understands and tries to take your mind off it. After an hour of talking and trying to laugh with her, the call ends and you're left alone all over again.
You've no idea what crosses your mind when you're trying to binge-watch the newest reality show, but you find yourself reading your old messages with Yoongi. Most of them are just dates and time, but hold a significant memory.
Even though you haven't slept well, you came up with the only solution you could find. With Yeonseok not being present, you weighed your decision and options. It's not going to be easy but you have this feeling you need to at least try. 
He comes back around dinner time. Well, a little after that.
You expect him to come back wasted, or merrily drunk because you've never gone through this kind of situation and never had an argument this heavy. He's not the type to get drunk though, yet you expect him to do things most men would do.
However, he's completely sober when he joins you in the living room, barely giving you a glance before his eyes stop at you for a split second. You decide to speak first, judging by his stance he had no intention to speak at all. 
“Can we talk?”
He bites back any bitter remark, simply staring at you before he offers a simple yet distant; “Okay.”
He doesn't sit nor join you on the couch, lingering at the end of it as he waits for you to speak. Mustering the right courage and ignoring your fastly beating heart, you lick your dry lips as you let out those painful words.
“We should take a break.”
And then.
“What?” he breathes out.
“We should take a break.” you repeat.
He stares and then he sits on the edge of the couch, holding the arm rest for dear life as he looks shocked. And scared? 
“What exactly do you mean by that? We are married, Y/N.”
“I know that,” you tell him slowly, looking at him a little sternly. Of course you know you're married. Does he think you're stupid? “And… we need a break. From everything. From each other. We both need to think.”
“Think?” He sounds shocked. “But you do plan to get back together, right?”
“I… don't know.” you tell him honestly. A break means many things. 
But you both need to figure out where you stand and what you want to do with your marriage. You had a lot to think about. You're pregnant now. And to be a single mom sounds scary. But you can't be in a marriage that's not bringing you any joy. There are many issues you both have and you can't bring a baby into it. No matter how scary the thought of being a single mom is. For all you know, Yeonseok could easily kick you in the ass and say the kid is not his. You would end up divorced with a baby and no father near. 
You're still not sure if this is the right decision, but you have to try.
“But we're expecting a baby. You really want to do this now?”
“And when? When not now?” you question him, frowning. “Don't think this is easy for me either. I'm the one who's pregnant Yeonseok. You could easily divorce me and leave me alone with the baby.”
“Why would I do that?” 
Because you're not a biological father.
You can't say it. It's not fair to him. He is the father. You discussed it. Who cares about the biological side? But there's nothing stopping him from dropping his title of father. The baby is not born yet, no birth certificate has been done yet and won't be until the baby is here.
All you've got in him is trust that he wouldn't do it. Never in a million years you would've thought you would be in this position. Both of you. 
“I don't know. I guess we need to figure that out. I just know I need some time alone.”
“Time alone for what?”
“To think,” you respond with a frown. “This is not easy for me either. But I can't be in a marriage where things don't work, Yeonseok. I know it's not your fault,”
It is not. He tried to be the best husband he could be. 
“It's all on me. And for your sake, and mine, I need to do this.”
“Okay,” he says after a while. “So what now? Are we going to pretend we are roommates? I don't think I'm fully grasping your vision.”
“I'm gonna move out.”
Yeonseok starts choking on his spit as soon as you say it. “M-move out? Woah, that makes it even more serious and official. Where would you go?”
“I'm still working, partly but I am. I've got some saved-up money.”
“That's not right, Y/N. This apartment is ours. Your name is on it too.”
“I know, but I need to gather my thoughts and be alone.”
“Okay, then I'm moving out.”
“Seok, no.”
He frowns. “No. We have one small apartment in the city. I can stay there.”
You don't want him to be the one that moves out. You're the one who came up with the idea. It doesn't sound fair. Makes you feel like a bigger asshole. 
“What does this mean? We're broken up? Are we together? Are we divorcing?” 
You don't know. 
“Let's just say we're broken up for now. We both need some time off. Some time to think.”
He stays silent before letting out a bitter chuckle. “I can't believe this.”
“No. I gave you everything and you're leaving me.”
“We talked about this. I told you I need–”
“And what about what I need?!” he exclaims, standing up as you flinch. “I went to such lengths to keep this marriage perfect. I gave you everything I possibly could. I gave you house, luxury–”
“I never asked for any of that!” You stand up too, frowning at him. “And you know that. I never needed your luxury, Yeonseok. That's not why I married you or fell in love with you.”
“I know, yet I still decided to spoil you. Fuck, I even let my brother to fuck you!”
You're confused. He sounded broken and sad just a moment ago, almost as if he's trying to understand your decision but now, he's just angry and yelling at you.
“Please, don't bring that up.”
“Why not?” he snaps. “Isn't that right? You wanted him to fuck you. You agreed to it so we could start a family and now you're leaving me. Let's be honest Y/N,” 
He sounds so distant. Like a stranger. Even his eyes darken and your heart squeezes painfully. So does your stomach. 
“No one would take care of you like I do. We get divorced and then what? Co-parent? Or you're going to leave me and be a single mother? Nobody would ever want a single mother.”
Tears fall down your cheeks but he continues, staring at you without flinching as he spits out venom that slowly digs into every fiber of your body. 
He just told you minutes ago that he wouldn't leave you alone with a baby. He made it clear he still wants to be a father no matter what. But considering everything he's spitting out, it's like he's trying to intimidate you.
Everything is a shock right now.
You stand there, crying and listening to him and his scenarios that are supposed to scare you. To show you what a good life you have with him. And for a second, you don't recognize him. You can't believe you married this man. But isn't this your fault? You've brought this inside him. 
“Stop.” you whisper. “Just stop!” you scream. 
He breathes heavily, glaring at you like you're the biggest enemy. You feel out of place. Like you don't belong here. 
“Leave or I will.”
“You have nowhere to go.” he scoffs.
Your eyebrows shoot up before you turn around. No things with you, just your bag where you quickly toss your phone and wallet as you slip your shoes. Yeonseok is hot on your heels, doing nothing to stop you as you simply watch.
You take your things with you and slam the door shut. The door doesn't open but you don't linger around to wait for anything. Wiping the tears with the back of your hand, you rush to the car and bite back any tears that want to spill out. You need to get out of this place, drive safely so you don't harm yourself and the baby. And then you can cry all you want.
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It was stupid of you to leave without any of your stuff. But it was the least of your worries and in the heat of the moment, you just had to get out of that place. Being there next to Yeonseok was suffocating. And the thought of it still is.
You park in front of a familiar building, its state not looking any better than you can remember. Who would've thought you would be back? Certainly not you.
But after sitting in your car that you parked in an empty parking lot in front of an already closed grocery store, Yeonseok words echoed in your mind. 
You have nowhere to go.
It's not that true actually.
You could easily call one of your friends. But that would mean explaining them things and you want to avoid that right now. Plus, they would be the first thing on Yeonseok's mind if he were looking for you. 
Will he? You're not sure. 
You never had an argument like this and it's hard to say what he's going to do. But as of now, you want to be as far away from him as possible.
You thought not taking anything with you besides your wallet, phone and bag was stupid, but it's certainly not as stupid as you coming here. Why here out of all people? Why him?
He probably doesn't want anything to do with you, wants to distance from the drama as much as possible. Can you blame him? No. A part of you feels guilty for coming here. And nervous too. Is he even here? 
Silently hoping he is, you make your way to the tattoo shop where its walls hold dozens of memories shared between you and him. But none of that is important right now. Before you can change your mind, you deliver a few soft knocks on the door. 
There is no sound, no buzzing or chatter that could tell you there are people inside but the door looks like they can hold a sound or two. Much to your luck, the door opens shortly after and an unfamiliar face pops out of the door frame.
He looks surprised to see you here, or maybe it's the weird expression you're holding that is somewhere looking like it's the end of the world between a massive need to cry your eyes out. However, you haven't cried yet so your eyes aren't watery nor red. You haven't seen yourself and you only hope you don't look as half bad as you feel.
But he still sends a bright smile your way. He does look kind of cute, definitely younger than you or Yoongi. Or maybe it's the blond hair and clear skin that make him look so youthful.
“How can I help you?” He offers a second after, relaxing a little as you catch a glimpse of the space behind him. You're surprised to see the place almost empty and an unsettling feeling grips your stomach.
“Hi,” you breathe out, “Is Yoongi here?”
“Ah, Yoongi is no longer working here. He moved out of this place, I'm renting it now.” he explains and you dryly gulp at the new information.
The guy checks your face, tilting his head to the side for a moment as he studies your appearance. 
“Um, but he gave me the address of his new tattoo shop. He might be there, if you wanna check?” he questions and your head snaps in his direction. 
“Yeah, that would be awesome. Thanks.” you offer him a slight smile as he lifts his point finger in the air before he disappears inside. 
He comes back not even a minute after, a yellow square paper in his hands as he gives you Yoongi's new address of his workplace. 
“Umm, I should've asked sooner but you're not like, I don't know how to say this…” 
You raise your brow at him.
“You're not… some psycho or something, right? He would kill me if he knew I just gave his address to someone.”
Chuckling, you open your mouth. “Chill. We are family.” you explain, not wanting him to worry. Technically you didn't lie, so there's nothing wrong with your response even though it does feel weird to say it. 
It's Yeonseok connecting you two. Well, realistically there's also the baby but that doesn't exactly make you  family. 
The guy visibly breathes out a relieved sigh and luckily doesn't question you any further as you thank him for the last time, bidding a quick goodbye. 
When you arrive at the scribbled address your navigation so kindly navigated you to, you park your car nearby on the opposite side of the road. You have to admit. This neighborhood and the building itself looks amazing, way more safer and in a better state. It's a complex of one big building with multiple shops. From a hair salon, some fast foods to a tattoo shop – which you hope that's where Yoongi is.
There's cool graffiti art on the wall of the mentioned tattoo shop, the name yet to be announced. You admire the art while you walk before you push the door inside. Like you expected, the place is spacious and there's an entryway. There's no chair or machines you walk right into, there's an actual reception and a bunch of boxes surrounding the place.
And you feel like an idiot for coming inside like some intruder, especially when there are people inside, chatting and laughing at the black reception table. Of course, they notice you right away and their heads are turned your direction in a split second.
You don't recognize any of them, at least not at first glance but that's before you recognize the woman from Yoongi's old shop. Yoongi's friend. Her hair is black and short now, a couple of new tattoos adoring her exposed thighs. 
Her being here means Yoongi is around too. Or at least she could lead you to him.
But this hunt for Yoongi is starting to make you feel ridiculous. If he's not here, you will just have to figure out something on your own. Maybe you should sleep at a hotel or something, and not bother anyone else. 
“Hi, sorry for barging in.” You even sound like an idiot.
However, the group looks curious about your presence, some of them shoot you a bright grin which eases down your nerves a little. 
“Hey. You're Yoongi's sister-in-law, right?” The woman speaks up, her eyes scrunched for a second before they go back to their normal shape as she recognizes you.
“Yeah. Is he here?” you ask, shifting on your spot as you ignore the man eyeing you up and down with a little smirk.
He's got a few tattoos himself, the one on his neck catching your attention the most. However you don't let your eyes linger for too long.
“Yoongi, you've got a visitor!” She yells, tilting her head to the back where there's something that looks like a hall but it's too dark there to tell any more details. Even from where you're standing, they're mostly in your eyesight. 
None of them make any sound, simply watching you and giving Yoongi's friend curious looks. Feeling a little bit awkward, you take the time to look around instead. There's nothing much to see. Boxes and unpacked stuff everywhere as everything smells of…. Novelty. 
Following footsteps catch everyone's attention, including yours as he comes out of the dark hall, fully exposing himself to the bright lights of his new tattoo studio and a set of curious eyes. Eyes peeling off the floor to look at his friends, a look of annoyance and confusion crosses on his smooth face. Something about finally seeing him and being in the same room as him once again, makes your heart pick up the pace. You ascribe it to your nervosity and sudden regret of coming here. 
“What?” he grumbles, silver hair slightly messy as his skin glows – or maybe it's sweat because he does seem to look a little tired. Judging by looking around, it seems like he's been working to get this place together. 
His friend raises her brow and points your direction, all attention back to you while your eyes stay solely on Yoongi. You see it from the very beginning. From him frowning in confusion, staring at his friends before he follows the direction her finger is pointing at – you – until his eyes fall on your figure standing a few meters away from everyone. 
His frown deepens before a look of surprise makes it onto his face while his mouth opens – very slightly – agape.
It's awkward. All of his friends – or whoever they are – are completely quiet, just watching you two like you're the most interesting part of the day.
“Hi,” you speak up, hugging your arms which totally reveals your uncertainty of coming here. Your usual collected and confident self is gone now, much to Yoongi's surprise. “Can we talk?”
“I don't know about our Yoongi, but you can talk to me anytime you want.” One of the guys says with a grin, his words causing you to send him an unappreciative glare. He obviously thinks it's a joke but you hate guys like that.
“Cut it out, Jimin,” Yoongi scolds him, sending him a second long glare before his eyes are back on you. “Come here. We can talk in the back.” Yoongi tells you and you get moving, not wanting his friends to stare at you any longer. 
Do they know? Did Yoongi tell them? Is that why they stare at you as if you were an alien? 
As soon as you get close to Yoongi, he motions to the back with his arm as the woody familiar scent of him surrounds the space around him. Yoongi sends a last glare to his friend or all of them – you don't know – before he leads you to the mentioned back. The hall is dark but not as dark as it appeared from where you were standing. 
The back door is open and bright, revealing all the equipment a tattoo artist needs. There are empty boxes, some of them still unopened, lingering on the floor as he closes the door behind you. You look around, sensing the familiarity as Yoongi has stuck to his previous color and managed to have this place dark. But it doesn't look like some dungeon or creepy dark tattoo studio. Instead, it looks even more modern and chic – and you know it's going to look even better once it's all done. There is a long and wide mirror to be installed, leaning against the wall with a sheer bag on it protecting the glass. 
But that's not why you came here. Therefore you don't look around for too long, turning around to Yoongi as soon as he closes the door and motions for you to sit down on a brand new couch. It's similar to the one he owned in his old studio. The only difference is that it's not black but light cream – however the leather looks comfortable and expensive. 
Sitting down on the comfortable piece of furniture, Yoongi sits down on one of the chairs, sprawling his legs rather tiredly as he stretches his neck with a mild frown. “What are you doing here?”
He doesn't sound hostile but confused.
“I'm sorry. I didn't know where to go. I went to your old place but some guy told me you're no longer there, so he gave me this address. I hope that's okay.” you explain quickly, rubbing your knees as your palms get sweaty with each second. 
“That's fine,” he assures you casually. “Did something happen?”
Staring at his brown eyes, you're only more confirmed what a stupid idea it was to come here. What's he got to do with your personal problems? He looks fucking confused, as he should. Probably wondering why you always keep coming back to him for some reason. 
Yoongi might not know all of you, but he's not stupid or not observant enough to not notice when you're acting weird. When it's clear there's something wrong. 
“Me and… your brother had an argument,” you start, staring at your knees. “I suggested we should take a break and well, he didn't exactly take it well.”
Yoongi leans forward, slowly and patiently as his frown deepens. “You broke up with him?”
“We are married. I don't think we can break up.” you try to joke, chuckling shakily as Yoongi's expression doesn't move which makes your grin drop.
“You know what I mean. Did he do something to you?” Yoongi asks, an awaited question finally spoken as his eyes quickly scans you from head to tone. He sounds unsure, not thinking his brother would be able to hurt anyone physically, especially his wife. But he still makes sure, it's a natural response. 
“Apart from getting angry and telling me not so nice things, no. He wouldn't touch me like that.” you say, wincing at the thought of it. 
Yoongi slowly nods, eyes never escaping you. “I don't understand… What happened then? Why would you want to take a break?”
“Because I can't be with him.” Your response is quick, mouth shutting right away as Yoongi's brows lift up. 
“At least not right now. I just need some time to think. Our marriage and relationship is not what it used to be and it got me confused. I can't keep doing this to him and he expects things from me, which I understand but I also need to put myself first too, I can't suffer and everything got so fucking messy–”
“Hey, hey,” He butts in, leaning his head toward you as he makes sure you look at him. Once you do, he continues. “Breathe. Okay?”
Wow, easy to be said. 
He wants to ask why you came to him? What's he got to do with your and his brother's issues? The questions sit on the tip of his tongue and he's ready to ask them, still straightforward as he is but then a silent sob leaves your mouth and he freezes, watching you shake your head. 
“I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go.” You repeat your previous words and he feels bad.
He's not great with handling other people's emotions, fuck, he's not the best person to comfort someone and most of the time he doesn't know what to say. This time it's not any different but it doesn't mean he's fine watching other people going through stuff. He's not as emotionless as people make him out to be – or as he often portrays himself to be. 
“It's okay.”
“It's not,” You sob, finally breaking in tears. “You don't get it, Yoongi. One moment he said he's going to be the baby's father and then the next he almost hints at the possibility of me ending up alone. I don't want to be a single mom. I can't do this. I didn't go through this just for this to happen.”
You cry and Yoongi feels uncomfortable, not sure what to do as he listens to your cries and tries to make out your words. 
Deep down, you know if you haven't said anything to Yeonseok and haven't proposed a break, none of this would happen. But your marriage and relationship would suffer in different ways. You're just trying to get this right, to deal with this somehow but it's fucking tough when you're all alone.
“How can he say that? He wanted to have kids too.” 
He says kids in general. He avoids talking about the baby that's already growing inside your womb. 
“He can't possibly leave you all alone to deal with… everything alone, right?”
You wipe your nose with your sleeve as you let out a bitter chuckle. You look at Yoongi, eyes and cheeks all wet and teary. “The baby hasn't been born yet. There are no documents signed. If he decides not to be the father, he can. DNA tests will prove he's not and I'm–” All alone. Sniffling, you stop yourself from saying.
“If he does that, he's an even bigger asshole than I thought he is.” Yoongi scoffs but you don't pay attention to those words too much, wiping your cheeks. “Do you, uh, want some water or something?”
You chuckle, shaking your head.
“I'm sure he just had a tough time dealing with the whole break thing. He loves you, Y/N. He always wanted to have kids. He is gonna come back.”
Is that what you want though?
“I don't know if that's what I want.”
“What?” Yoongi deadpans. 
“I, like I told you, our marriage is not what it used to be.”
You don't want to get to the whole topic of you feeling guilty all over again. You know the last time you talked about it to Yoongi, or more precisely, the last time you decided to end things out of guilt, he didn't really take it well. Something tells you if you told him the whole truth, he wouldn't take it well either. What would you even tell him when you're confused yourself? 
“Okay.” he says unsurely.
He leans back against the couch, letting a sigh escape his lips as you two sit in silence. It's awkward. He doesn't want to ask any more questions, thinking if you wanted to tell him you probably would. But one question that has already been asked still lingers in the air and after a moment of silently watching you, he can't help it but ask you again.
“Y/N, really, what are you doing here? I'm not kicking you out or anything but–is there a reason why you came to me?”
One thing is sure, you feel even worse after he says it and once he looks the horrification on your face, he opens his mouth again to justify. 
“You got into a fight with my brother, you said you're taking a break. Did you pack some of your things with you? Where are you even going to stay?”
He hopes you didn't come here because of that. 
The last thing Yoongi needs is for his brother to be knocking on his door or be involved any more than he already is. Just the fact you came here made him slightly involved and he doesn't like that. He was doing fine. His business is going good and finally, Yoongi is out of debts – thanks to the money Yeonseok gave him in a big exchange. He didn't do it for free though.
After you decided to break things off which ended up being a success for you too in the end, he thought he would never have to deal with this shit again. But here you are, cheeks stained with tears and in a state Yoongi would never imagine for you to be in. 
“I had to leave in the middle of our fight. I didn't bring any stuff with me. I wasn't thinking…” You shake your head at your own stupidity while Yoongi gives you a pitiful look.
“Look, let me be straight with you. I wouldn't want to get involved in your personal problems with my brother. I'm glad I don't have to face him again and this thing we did–is way past us.” He tries to explain, mentally cringing how weird he sounds but he's only trying to voice out his thoughts. 
You gape at him. A part of you understands him but the other is hurt how he doesn't care. Why would he? What did you expect of him? You know what… you expected him to be here for you, to maybe help you or assure you everything's going to be fine. Like a friend. 
But you only realize he never was.
And you only hate yourself for it, because you made yourself to believe that in a way, he cared for you and wasn't so careless as Yeonseok pictured him – along with their parents. 
“Don't worry, Yoongi. I'm planning to stay at a hotel.” You sound a little bitter but Yoongi doesn't comment on it.
The thing is, Yeonseok offered to move to another place but since you left in the middle of the argument, one that wouldn't probably end if you didn't leave, but right now you're not so sure. Is he still there? Where can you go grab your things? Are you even staying at your place or you will have to move out? Where will you go? You don't know anything.
It's a lot for your mind and body. You just want to be somewhere safe where you could possibly cry yourself to sleep.
“I just don't know what you want from me, Y/N.” Yoongi reminds you with an edge to his tone. “You can't come here and talk about being a single mom. What do you expect me to do, Y/N?”
You open your mouth, staring at him in disbelief. 
“I don't expect you to do anything, Yoongi.” you bite back and he only scoffs. 
“You and Yeonseok were willing to do anything to have this baby. You gotta figure it out.”
“I gotta figure it out.” you scoff under your breath.
“Yes, Y/N.” 
God, you suddenly hate when he says your name. He sounds so stern and frustrated. He has never spoken to you like this. 
“Or what did you expect me to do?”
You hate how accusing he suddenly sounds and it makes you frown as you look at him with a glare. 
“I don't know what I expected but this was certainly not it. It was a mistake to come here.”
“I think you know.” He successfully ignores your remark but something tells you he definitely agrees with you. He doesn't want you here. Like he said, he doesn't want to get involved and that's a clue enough for you. But you stay glued to your place, ready for more throws from him.
“What?” you deadpan.
“Oh, come on. How more obvious can you get? Yeonseok starts talking shit about not being the father and you come to me,” he says firmly, suddenly standing up as his hand goes to his silver hair before he lets go. “I don't want kids, Y/N, I told you that. I'm not your kid's father.”
Every word he says is like a knife digging into your heart. Most importantly, you realize what he must be thinking. He questioned your motive for coming here and now he thinks you came here because you expected him to offer you god knows what. Apparently to take Yeonseok's place just in case he decides not to be a father after all.
He got it all wrong. 
Your mistake and your own confusion has brought you into the mess. And Yoongi accusing you of something that's not even true hurts as fuck. And you could try to explain it to him but the truth is – his words hurt. They hurt so much that you can't bring yourself to explain anything.
However, his words are harsh regardless of how cold he sounds to be talking about a kid he helped to beget. 
You stand up too, glaring at him through your teary eyes as you furiously wipe your cheeks. 
“That's not why I came here at all. That's not what I want from you.” you tell him firmly despite your voice shaking. 
“Really? Because–”
“You know what, fuck you.” You don't let him finish as you spring out of the room, not caring how harshly you open the door as you make it past his friends.
They stop in the midst of their conversation, not hanging around the reception table this time but unpacking some of the boxes as they stare at you while you storm out of the shop. Fuck Min Yoongi. Fuck all of them. 
You've managed to dig yourself even a deeper hole with the Min brothers.
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plutoslvr · 5 months
so i'm rereading trc with my friend and we're currently on bllb and i just read chapter 30 and in it blue's asking malory what gansey used to be like before he moved to henrietta and the gansey that malory describes to blue is so different from the gansey she currently knows and i just cant stop thinking about it.
first off, malory describes gansey as "small" as in not just his height but as in gansey was young and it makes sense because at the time gansey was 15 but it just kind of does something to my heart when i think about young, small gansey trying to figure out why he's still alive.
malory then goes on to say, "He was still trying to prove that he hadn't just hallucinated. He was still quite obsessed with the event [his death] itself." gansey first died when he was 10 and to be obsessing over your death for FIVE years trying to convince others but mostly yourself that you didn't make it up that you actually died and not some part of a childs imagination it must've fucked with him so bad???
then malory tells blue exactly how obsessed gansey was with his death and was to the extent that he was always drawing bees and hornets and "Got screaming nightmares over it- he had to get his own place since I couldn't sleep with it [...] Sometimes these fits would happen in the day, too. We'd just be toddling through some riding path in Leicestershire and next thing I knew he'd be on the ground clawing his face like a mental patient." the gansey that blue currently knows doesnt act like that but this was only two years prior its fucking INSANE and it's here blue starts to think about the facade gansey had learned to throw up since he was a kid.
AND IT GETS WORSE SOMEHOW?? earlier in bllb in chapter 3, gansey talks about how he felt like running and how it had been a long time since he had felt that way. at the time it didn't make sense like wdym by that gansey but then back in chapter 30 malory tells blue how gansey just disappeared one day. left most of his bags and left without a word to anyone not even his family who then called malory to ask for gasneys whereabouts. "He picked himself up and moved on so easily, so quickly. He had done it so many times before England, Jane, and it was old hat to him."
it makes blue rethink every conversation she had with gansey previously, similarly to when adam heard gansey's voice of fear in the cave in chapter one where gansey had the panic attack because its around this book where the gangsey start to figure, as blue puts it, "It was more like the Gansey she'd seen was a partial truth."
it's so very easy to pass off ganseys insecurities and his feelings about how he should comfort other people but they shouldn't do the same for him because he's had it the easiest (his words not mine) because he himself skips over it so fast. like he'll mention something and then act like he's never thought or said it, like its something normal which really isnt and then it slowly makes sense that gansey throughout the series, starts to lose that mask (there's multiple masks but thats a conversation for another time) and the readers and the gangsey get to see what the real gansey is like instead of the bulletproof, untouchable gansey they're used to seeing.
the idea of gansey running is insane in a good way because its nothing like the gansey we know, plus paired with the fact about how young gansey has me clawing at the walls because he's just this kid desperate to prove he wasn't hallucinating, trying to find some purpose to his life before he finds it in henrietta. a kid who was still terrified of his death who relived it, screaming every night who still had panic attacks anywhere and everywhere and would end up clawing at himself because there's hornets everywhere. a kid who doesn't stay in one place too long who learns to put on an easy smile to convince everyone okay and gets so good at it that it works and people think that hes normal and okay when he's anything but.
idk pre canon gansey is something that i need to inject into my bloodstream and analyse in a lab.
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
You know Mileena’s fatality from MK1 where she stabs her opponents head with two sais and twist them until the head can get pulled off?? (You should really see it to get a better idea)
Picture Nomad!Branch going hunting with a group of ferals trolls and for SOME reason BroZone decided to tag along with him?? (They don’t know how else to spend time with Bitty B, they’re desperate at this point 😭) They promise to be quite to not disturb them, and what do you know a critter does appear!! The group does it thing and manage to hold the critter down and the brothers think that Thing is going to be the one to put it down (honestly, they would have), so image to their absolute horror when Branch is the one to run at the snarling creature with two knives, stab both of them to its head, BREAKING and TWISTING its neck, to finally decapitating the creature and have its head rolling on the ground. The ferals and Branch all celebrate the kill since yay!!! food for the rest of the village for another week, meanwhile the brothers are losing their shit at their brother killing a critter so violently and IS HE LICKING THE BLOOD OFF HIS FINGERS (At least two brothers definitely fainted)????
Needless to say, BroZone needed a moment to process this and did NOT eat the meat during dinner that day trying to hold back tears at the loss of the mental image of baby Branch 😭😭. Meanwhile Branch and Thing are already talking about heading out again tomorrow (Cue to ANOTHER break down of BroZone trying to convince Branch not to go).
(I LOVE your Nomads AU!!!)
THANKS FOR THE LOVE!!!!!! I love this idea sooooo much AHHHH!!!❤️❤️❤️ if u have more pls do tell 😁😁
I’ve said before Branch only comes out on hunts for emergency (or trying to step out of his comfort zone) but since this takes place after they have been found, I like to think he has a easier time leaving the grey village once he knows the Bergens are cool now!
The story would be Branch and Thing wanting to bond (and get more food) by going on a hunt with some of the hunting squads, Brozone would overhear this plan (not putting in too much thought on what the hell a hunt was) and begged to go so they could spend more time together as a “family” (they are so desperate to spend time with Branch, they have no idea how to bond with him without it being something they did with him as a kid) Branch (reluctantly) agrees some cheering happens, the brothers get some gear and their on their way.
They honestly thought they were just gathering berries or playing a game and you know no not hunting HUGE DANGEROUS WILD ANIMALS!!!! The hunt trip overall consists of Bruce and Floyd being bad at being sneaky (Clay and John are like stealth masters) Thing keeps trying to piss Brozone off by being super close with Branch and doing “family stuff” (or what he thinks family stuff is) basically just rubbing their Brotherhood in the other bros faces(they are seething with jealousy) The brothers are also trying to “protect” Branch by shielding him or getting ready to “fight” when they hear a noise (their not the best at “protecting” Branch well besides John of course)
Soon when the hunt looks like a failed trip a GIANT CRITTER comes out!!! The hunting sqaud does its thing and gets the critter tied down as they wait for the killing blow. The brothers at this point circled around Branch to “defend” him from the beast and the bros are just waiting for Thing to handle-…why is Thing just standing there?!?Why aren’t they running at the opportunity to kill?!? why are they starring at Brozone with a knowing look and smug smile?!??
Yelling that’s what the brothers heard before Branch jumped over them and took two daggers out of his hair. He proceeded to stab them into the beasts head, as he quickly twisted them BREAKING the creature’s head off as it rolls limply on the ground… The cheers of the hunters were tuned out by the horror that is currently overwhelming Brozone they just saw their sweet baby brother (who would cry over stepping on a fly) who has just killed a critter 20x his size, he was so sweet and innocent what happe- OH MY TROLL IS HE LICKING THE BLOOD OFF HIS FINGERS, WHAT THE FU-(so Floyd and spruce fainted, John and Clay were standing due to years of being desensitized to this kind of thing, Clay is trying not to puke as John is slacked jawed at the site of Branch )
When they got back they just had these horrified looks on their face but no one payed to much attention to them, except for Branch fretting over them asking if they were ok (the brothers would find it adorable that Branch cared so much if they weren’t currently losing their minds at the moment) When they sit for dinner they are trying their best not to breakdown as the meat of the creature Branch killed was sitting right in front of them taunting them as the horrible revelation of Branch not being their Bitty B anymore is finally sinking in. Next to them Branch and Thing are chatting about going out again tomorrow for ✨funzies✨!! Cue Brozone immediately panicking and begging Branch not to go as they are currently having a complete meltdown while holding Branch trying to keep him their with them (Branch panickingly agreed so they would calm down, he was so scared ) Thing was not amused that they just ruined bonding time 😐
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safety-writes-noms · 29 days
Ohohohhoho now that you bring it up, I can definitely see Mark just. Agonizing over the fact that he wants to eat people every now and then. Hmmm how would you think his first time nomming someone would go?
he would be half convinced he's a psychopath or something. like... who thinks about eating their loved ones?? swallowing them whole too like omg?? clearly someone who's not sane. the impulses have gotten worse and worse as he's grown through the years and now it feels like a constant thorn in his side. that never ending hunger burning through his body that no amount of food can possibly sate. it doesn't even want food -- just people and that's gonna freak him out soooo bad.
obviously he can’t really talk about it to anyone just in case they think he’s utterly batshit insane so he’s slowly winding himself up while the urges keep getting more and more intense. He figures that it’s a viltrumite thing since eating people alive is very very very frowned upon in human culture. So, when he sees his dad again (with the ep where they find that Nolan’s banged a bug and made another kid) it’s one of the first things he asks about before they get the snot beaten out of them by the other viltrumites. His dad’s answer? Nolan has no idea what Mark is talking about whatsoever.
so its a mark thing. Alright. Cool. Awesome. Totally won’t send him into an emotional crisis spiral but whatever. He gets home. Hands off his new little brother to his mom and flies off to clear his head.
he runs into a crazy dude while patrolling. the guy's clearly off his goddamn rocker with a massive futurized looking gun. Mark pulls himself together before going down there before this dude can shoot anyone. does the quip thing, the whole schtick.
In the process however, he gets hit and finds himself way bigger than he's supposed to be. Nabbing the criminal is a cynch -- or its supposed to be, at least. The place s mostly evacuated by now, courtesy of Cecil and his crew and its good thing too because buildings are crumbling and now Mark is grappling with a mega sized lunatic who decided that it'd be a spectacular decision to also make himself gigantic. go figure.
he's sent flying into a building, dust flying every where as bricks collapse into a broken heap, leaving only the shell of walls left. he glances to his side groggily, registering a tiny trembling form of some poor guy who didn't have the time to get out of there, taking shelter as giants clashed outside.
there's adrenaline pulsing through mark's veins, he almost freaking squished this dude and he needs to get them out of here before that raving mad man outside comes in to beat on him some more which would undoubtedly result in this civilians death -- and shit, he's has no idea how the hell he's going to get out of here with no lives lost.
and he is just so hungry.
he barely even thinks before he's moving, gently scooping up the person and popping them into his maw. It feels weird at first, a whole living, wriggling, breathing human just… there. In his mouth. Wild. His subconscious reacts before he does, throat moving to automatically swallow in one fluid motion, and just like that, he’s done with it.
mark doesn’t actually get a whole lot of time to process anything before he’s jumped again, trying to ignore the desperate squirming nestled in his body and the rush of dopamine flooding his brain. Sure it’s not exactly what his urges want, considering they’d rather have someone close to them and not some rando but for now, they’re satisfied that they’ve been partially appeased and just focus on keeping the little human warm and safe.
The bliss of not feeling too much of that aching, burning hunger has him practically floating, and he finally finishes off the lunatic, knocking the guy out with one massive punch.
Now that mark’s been left alone (partially, sonce theres still an unconsious crazy laying in the rubble) he finds that in the absence of adrenaline is the slow rising horror of the realization that yes he actually freaking ate someone, and yes they’re still inside of him. It wars with the tidal wave of dopamine currently still juicing up his brain and eventually wins out.
Mark stumbles to his feet, cupping a hand to his mouth and heaving desperately, muscles contracting as his body fights against him until he manages to bring the poor human back up who, thankfully is just shaken and a bit confused.
Cecil's team comes in then, uses the gun to reverse their sizes back to normal (huh all they had to do was flip the batteries sweet) grabs the crazy and the dude mark ate to 1) apprehend and 2) wipe the memories of the guy. they tell Mark that Cecil wants to talk to him later, and promptly disappear.
mark is left alone with horror sinking in his chest and a slow pit growing in his stomach all over again.
this isn't an actual story or anything I js wanted to make a scenario where he ate someone so :3
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leggerefiore · 1 year
cw: fluff, christmas holiday thing, n x reader
You watched the green-haired man curiously as he stared at the glowing tree in the Gear Station. He was unsure about how he felt riding the trains around Unova instead of getting around above ground, but you managed to convince, as the winter weather made you uncomfortable in trying to walk from Nimbasa to Lacunosa.
“Have you never seen a Christmas tree before, N?” you asked him, curious as to whether he had even celebrated the holiday. Ghetsis… certainly was not the type to enjoy such a holiday, you felt. He was quite lacking in more cultural knowledge, too. His pure excitement over you explaining the fireworks show on summer had been a pleasant one.
“No…” he nervously admitted, blue eyes glimmering with reflection of the lights, “What is it for?”
“You put one up and supposedly a special Delibird brings you a gift if you have been a good kid,” you told with a soft grin, “Of course, that's just what parents tell their kids to get them to behave.” His eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. You knew there was some time to kill before the next train arrived for Lacunosa, so you decided to let him enjoy the tree for a moment.
“Ah, love,” he suddenly asked you, “What is that supposed to mean?” He pointed to a giant nutcracker standing beside the tree. You stared at it. Whose choice was it to put this up? It would haunt your nightmares at how it stood just taller than you.
“I'm not sure, and I don't think I want to know,” you admitted and grasped his hand.
Perhaps it would be better to wait at your platform after all.
You stared around the shops with a worried thought plaguing your mind. Christmas was fast approaching, and you needed to get gifts for your friends and family… and N. He was completely absorbed in the holiday spirit, you would say. You did not think he was much a holiday type, but it seemed the idea of celebrating Delibird and giving gifts was enchanting to him.
Decorating your home with him was fun, but it struck you hard that he needed a gift.
What did he like?
Pokemon. Sweets. Unovan history. Not things you could really box for around a week or two.
Well, you did already plan to make a Christmas cake for the holiday, but that was not necessarily a gift for him. A shudder ran down your spine as you recalled his “room” in the castle Team Plasma had built. His struggles with maturing were perfectly understandable, but it felt mocking and cruel to get him a children's toy for Christmas.
Maybe… you pondered a certain toy store with something sitting in its window.
Maybe he would appreciate something like that.
You waved off the last of your friends and family as you shut the door to your home. Snow piled up outside thickly, as it did every year in your part of Unova. Many blamed the Giant Chasm, but Kyurem had since been captured. It could not be their fault. Unova's climate just enjoyed being torturous.
You re-entered the living room to find N sitting in his sweater warmly while a Darumaka tried desperately to crawl inside of it. Apparently, the little guy had got a bit cold. You grinned at him when he gave you a gentle smile. Walking over to the tree, you ignored the random television show put on as background noise. The gift was wrapped in Delibird themed paper. He tilted his head when you approached him holding out the box.
“What is this?” he asked, eventually daring to take it from your hands. It laid neatly in his lap as N considered it curiously.
“A gift from Delibird,” you joked and sat down beside him, “I got you something since you seemed in love with the holiday. You've been pretty good this year.” N… N was never a bad person per se. Just a deeply confused and misunderstanding one. He devoted himself to learning about the world and who he was, which led to vast improvements with himself. However, many, many scars remained on his identity from the upbringing Ghetsis forced upon him. You hated how confused he had been from the isolation and lies of his youth.
Now, you felt excitement as he tore into the wrapping paper to reveal the box proper. He opened the box and his eyes went wide. Pulling out the plush Zorua, he gazed at it brightly. “Oh… How cute,” his voice was soft as he observed the little details, “Thank you…”
“Not a problem! Haha, you look adorable,” you pecked a kiss on his cheek. His arms came around you tightly as he buried his face into your neck. Poor Darumaka whined from between you both, but you happily returned the affection to him.
“Merry Christmas,” you told him, and rested your forehead to his.
“Merry Christmas, too?” he attempted to respond.
You gave another laugh.
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duhragonball · 9 months
Dragon Ball Super Movie 2: Super Hero (5/5)
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Okay, so we're now at the last leg of this movie, where everybody teams up to defeat Cell Max. Once Piccolo turned orange and convinced the Gammas that Magenta was evil, the Red Ribbon Army collapsed on the spot. Magenta went to activate Cell Max as a desperate counterattack, but he was killed by Dr. Hedo. However, Magenta still managed to get Cell Max started up before he died, and the first thing Cell Max does is smash up whatever's left of the Red Ribbon base.
It's not clear to me what happened to the rest of the bad guys in this movie. A lot of them probably fled when the battle turned against them, but it's a pretty big facility, and I doubt they all could have evacuated in time. Like, Carmine was knocked unconscious a few minutes ago, and I doubt anyone went to the trouble of getting him to safety before Cell Max showed up. I suppose he could have survived this, but it seems pretty unlikely.
So let's talk about Cell Max. Apparently when Dr. Gero came up with the idea of Cell, he forwarded all of his notes and design specifications to Magenta at Red Pharmaceutical Company. RPC tried to make use of the data after Gero's death, but they couldn't figure it out, probably because the real breakthroughs in Cell's creation were accomplished by Gero's computer in an alternate future. But Magenta knew the Original Cell could get the job done, so he wanted one of his own, and when he learned of Dr. Hedo he thought he finally had the man to make Cell Max a reality.
And Hedo delivered... mostly. Cell Max's body was completed first, but it was going to take a lot longer to develop his brain, and Hedo wasn't particularly eager to work on Cell Max because he liked the superheroic Gammas better. He warned Magenta not to use Cell Max, because he would just run wild and destroy the world Magenta wanted to conquer.
And you know, it's poetic that Magenta's last act was to release this mindless engine of destruction, because that's really all the Red Ribbon Army ever was. Magenta mocked Dr. Hedo's fixation on super heroes, but Magenta's fixation was on the Red Ribbon Army, a failed mercenary group brought down by its idiotic leader.
Red's story ended with his army destroyed, and then Black went on a lunatic rampage on what was left of the Red Ribbon base. Dr. Gero's story ended with his own androids turning on him, and then Cell activates and nearly destroys the world with little concern for Gero's agenda. And now Magenta lies dead in his own stronghold, while Cell Max goes on a rampage.
It always turns out the same way, but with Magenta, we shouldn't be too surprised, because he admired Red and Gero so much. He saw their spectacular failures and convinced himself that they almost won, and if he just gave it one more try, he could get it right this time. But instead, Magenta just wound up sharing their fate, because this is the only way it could ever end. The Red Ribbon Army isn't some noble cause. It's just a bunch of goons who push around innocent people. And the problem with the whole 'might-makes-right' philosophy is that sooner or later you run into someone mightier who pushes back. Commander Red ran into Goku. Dr. Gero ran into Vegeta and his own creations. Cell ran into Gohan.
And I guess Magenta's failure to understand that is what led him to idolize the original Cell so much. I mean, it's kind of ridiculous that he would have asked Dr. Hedo to make a new one. Hedo was a kid when Cell threatened to destroy the Earth, but Magenta ought to have remembered that broadcast. He must have understood that Cell wasn't loyal to the Red Ribbon cause. When he announced the Cell Games, he didn't say anything about sparing the RPC. But I think Magenta never considered any of this. He just knew that Cell was powerful and he wanted one. For men like Magenta, the power is the point. Whether or not you can control the power is a minor detail. It was probably more important to Magenta that he was the one who got to push the button, regardless of the consequences.
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Okay, so I kind of got off-track. What is Cell Max, exactly? Well, Hedo's a much better scientist than Gero was, so he managed to take Gero's incomplete "recipe" and make a bigger, even more powerful version of Cell. The downside is that this version is dumb as a bag of hammers. He just stomps around and screams a lot. He seems to have a canny fighting skill behind all that bestial rage, but that's it. You won't find any of the smarmy taunting or mindgames that we used to see from the original Cell. This version might be more powerful, but it's not perfect.
To put it another way, Cell Max absolutely sucks, and I mean that as a compliment. This movie kind of needed a final boss to offset the morally conflicted Hedo and Gammas, and Cell Max makes a good choice for that role. We don't need a cunning, invincible super villain for the last 20 minutes of this movie. There just isn't time for that. What we need is a doomsday weapon unleashed by Magenta in a final act of spite. Magenta probably thought he was getting revenge with this last strike, but this is the good guys' chance to do the classic superhero bit where they have a misunderstanding, fight, and then team up to tackle the real threat.
Also, as a fan of Cell, I just like this novel way of bringing him back in the Dragon Ball Super era. We've already seen Frieza revived and Broly revamped for the canon. Bringing back Cell seemed like a very obvious play, except it's a really dumb idea. Cell was a failure. He took on the whole world and lost, dying alone in a barren waste. Most of the world had no idea who he was or where he came from, and he didn't have flunkies who would wish him back to life the way Sorbet brought back Frieza. It makes much, much more sense that a character like Magenta would rather build a new Cell than bother with the original. And this only emphasizes Cell's inhumanity. He's not a villain, he's a weapon, to be discarded and replaced when he becomes obsolete. Is the new model better? That all depends on how many targets it can hit.
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Broadly speaking, Cell Max loos like Semiperfect Cell from DBZ. The same bulky proportions, the same fish lips, etc. The difference is that Cell Max still has wings, which were curiously absent from Semiperfect Cell. Also, Cell Max is unique for his naughty red color, and his tail comes out of his butt like Frieza's, instead of sticking out from between his shoulder blades. Oh, and his feet look like hiking boots.
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Also, the end of his tail isn't a stinger. It's like this club-looking thing that can shoot hot pink lasers. I've seen fans draw Cell Max in a "perfect form", which mostly looks like the Original Cell with Cell Max's red and green colorations, and it's interesting to look at, but it kind of misses the point. Cell Max isn't designed to absorb something else and achieve a completed form. This is as good as it gets for Cell Max. I mean, Dr. Hedo seemed to think he would be smarter and easier to control with time, but we really have no way to be sure of that, do we?
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All right, let me try to get on with the plot here. The Gammas immediately attack Cell Max, not only because of their heroic natures, but because they know how dangerous Cell Max is. Piccolo leads the Z-Fighters to help out, and the Gammas explain that they need to aim for Max's head, because Dr. Hedo added a weak spot there. If you blast through his cranium, it'll trigger an explosion powerful enough to destroy Max's cells, but even the "weak spot" is still pretty damn strong. Also Cell Max is quite the artful dodger, so it takes a while for anyone to land a blow. Piccolo manages to pull it off, but the attack isn't powerful enough to be effective.
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As Cell Max destroys more of the base, the ground starts to give way under Pan's feet, and she can't make it to the safety of Bulma's airship. Krillin tells her to fly, but we know she can't do that yet. But she tries really hard and finally learns to fly! I guess she just needed the right motivation. Piccolo reminded her of her Saiyan blood at the start of the movie, and he was trying to reassure her, but Saiyan power isn't just a blessing, it's something you earn through turmoil and hardship. Maybe Pan had to be in deadly peril for her to make this next leap forward. It's like how Gohan was when he clobbered Raditz.
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Back at the fight, everyone realizes they need to attack with greater intensity to stop Cell Max, so Goten and Trunks do a Fusion. But they fuck it up and turn into Fat Gotenks. He can't even turn Super Saiyan, but Gotenks is no quitter, so he charges in anyway, and manages to headbutt Cell hard enough to crack his exoskeleton. I guess they're doing chip damage to his head? Like Piccolo hit him pretty damn hard earlier, and now this, so they must be making some progress, right? Anyway, Piccolo praises this moment as the first time a failed Fusion actually does something useful.
Speaking of this, remember how Goten and Trunks had two different opportunities to use Fusion in GT, and they just... didn't do it for no good reason, even though it would have been awesome and cool? Remember how GT had no idea what to do with Piccolo, so they just killed him off and made him live in Hell? Remember how GT fucking sucked, and this movie does the opposite of those things and it's hella rad? I don't know, I just thought I should point that out.
At this point, Gamma 2 decides to go for broke, and he asks everyone else to keep Cell busy while he readies a strike onto his noggin, basically what Gotenks did, only with more power behind it. Gamma 1 is upset about this, but 2 tells him he needs to protect Dr. Hedo, who's still alive in the rubble. "Now who's being sloppy?" 2 asks 1. Because he didn't check his sensors to make sure Hedo was okay, you see.
So they all fight, but then 18 almost gets hit, when...
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Kienzan, motherfucker! First rule of being a Cell, dipshit, you're gonna have to go through Krillin.
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Solar Flare! Oh! Ohhhhhhhh! Krillin is the MVP once again!
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So this sets up Cell Max perfectly for Gamma 2's attack, and he comes straight down... into Max's left forearm, because he managed to block it just in time. But to 2's credit, he keeps pushing, and seems to smash through anyway...
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But it's no good. Cell Max's left arm falls off, and it looks like much of his body has been turned to ash, but he's still alive. Enraged, he tries to stomp on Gamma 2, but Piccolo won't have it and he ORANGES UP. As he pushes back on Max's foot, Krillin shows up to help, and tells Piccolo to grow his body, just like he did when he fought Goku at the 23rd World Tournament. I love how Krillin doesn't just tell him this, he helps push back on Max's foot while he talks. Krillin's the real superhero here.
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Piccolo's like "Oh yeah, I forgot I can do that," which annoyed some fans. I get it, it's kind of silly that he would forget a thing like this, but it was a long time ago, and it didn't work on Goku at all, so I can understand how he might have forgotten about this ability. Also, it's pretty sweet how Piccolo has so many cool powers that even he has trouble keeping them straight. He's forgotten more about being awesome than we'll ever know.
And while this does give him some much-needed leverage against Cell Max, getting big like this doesn't make him stronger, so they're not much better off than they were before. Piccolo still has plan though. he gives Gohan the senzu bean he brought with him and tells Gohan to eat it. He means to keep Cell Max busy and hopefully Gohan will get enough power built up to deliver a killing blow.
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So for a while, they have a good old fashion Big Boy Wrassle, but the tide quickly shifts in favor of Cell Max. Gohan still isn't ready, so Krillin leads a desperate charge to distract Max and give Piccolo a chance. But they all get taken out, and it ends up being all in Piccolo's hands again. He refuses to quit, and does everything he can to hold Max down.
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And when it looks like Piccolo is finally beaten, something snaps in Gohan, and we get....
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Gohan Beast! Well, they don't call it that in this movie, but that's the name for it, apparently. I remember when the movie premiered in Japan, and I kept seeing trending tags on Twitter for "Orange Piccolo", "Cell Max" and "Gohan Blanco", and thinking "What the hell happens in this movie?"
So... Gohan Beast. Basically it's like the moment where he went SSJ2 for the first time, stacked on top of Mystic Gohan. At least, that's how I see it. Remember, Goku's plan at the Cell Games was to get Gohan as powerful as he could possibly get as a Super Saiyan, so that whenever Gohan tapped into his "hidden power", it would push him into some higher form. Back then, it was SSJ2, but now, he's at his current maximum level, then he sees a good friend in dire straights, and it's pushed him into some new level. And it looks a lot like his SSJ2 form from when he was a kid, but with white or silver hair this time, and red lightning, I guess. Anyway, some people hate this form, but I don't mind it one bit. If Gohan's snapping and kicking ass, I don't care what he looks like. If he turned into a rodeo clown in this scene, I'd still be marking out.
Cell Max punches Gohan and he's like "Naw. Naw." Then he kicks the shit out of Max and starts preparing his attack. Max does his own big energy move, but Gohan doesn't give a fuck because he's in his edgy mode now. Blast that Linkin Park music, because we're doin' it.
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Of course, Gohan still needs to get a clear shot, but Piccolo's not out of this yet. He just remembered another cool power he has: Stretchy Arms! Get fucked, Cell Max!
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And how will Gohan capitalize on this moment? Three words: Special Beam Cannon! Hell yeah! No wonder Gohan transformed. He had to build up a lot of power just to set up this technique, so seeing Piccolo get wrecked during the charge-up must have really put him over the edge.
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And that's it. Cell Max explodes, everyone gets clear of the blast, and the good guys win. Piccolo asks Gohan how he learned to do the Special Beam Cannon, and Gohan explains that he trained on it in secret. A ha! You see, Piccolo? You thought Gohan was slacking off in his training, but he was actually working on things you didn't even know about!
And this sums up the Piccolo's character arc in this movie. Piccolo tries so hard to get someone else to take the lead in this film. When he can't raise Goku or Vegeta, he starts scheming to traumatize Gohan and make him fired up enough to become the big hero. And yet, in the end, Piccolo was the big hero of this movie. He was so busy trying to get someone else to handle things that he couldn't see it. But he was the one who infiltrated the enemy base, he was the one who got the cool new power up, he was the one who flipped the Gammas, and he came up with the plan to beat Cell Max. Sure, his plan was to get Gohan to fire the kill shot, but what was that kill shot? Piccolo's signature techique, which Gohan learned on his own, simply because Piccolo was such a great role model and mentor to him over all these years.
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Unfortunately, Gamma 2 died in his attack on Cell Max. He used up all his energy in that move, which apparently causes his entire body to disintegrate. Piccolo consoles Hedo by observing that 2's stunt significantly weakened Cell Max's attacks, making it possible for the rest of them to finish what Gamma 2 started. "He was a real superhero", Piccolo says, which is probably as great an honor as Gamma 2 could have hoped for.
Hedo admits that he basically knew what Magenta was all about, but he played along anyway in order to get the money for his research. But with Gamma 2's death, he now realizes the error of his ways. Gamma 2 didn't do anything wrong, but he was the one who paid for Hedo's reckless alliance with the Red Ribbon. He offers to turn himself in to the authorities, but Krillin objects to this, saying the authorities can't handle someone like Hedo. Remember, this movie opened with him getting out of prison, and everyone was relieved to see him go.
Instead, Piccolo suggests they all overlook this incident, and Hedo asks Bulma if he can work for her now. She's impressed with his bulletproof skin treatment, and thinks she can find a place for him in their cosmetics business. And Gamma 1 can be some sort of security guard. Fair enough.
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So that about wraps things up, except for one last bit of business. Pan pulls Piccolo aside to show off how she learned to fly during the battle. She swoops around and everything, and Piccolo proudly tells her that she'll begin the next phase of her training tomorrow. Hooray!
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Then we get a post-credits scene where it turns out Goku and Vegeta have been fighting this entire time, and they're finally at the end of their evenly-matched bout. They're so exhausted that they can barely move, but Vegeta manages to kind of gently shove Goku with his fist, knocking him over and earning the victory. Then he falls over as he celebrates. Goku's fine with it because he's a class act, naturally.
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As for the spectators, Beerus fell asleep during the fight, and Whis almost forgot he was supposed to be officiating. Cheelai sat through the whole thing, but she was bored the whole time. She looks to Broly for solidarity, but he and Lemo were moved to manly tears at this epic combat spectacle. "Men!" Cheelai says. Look, if you and Broly are gonna be a thing, Cheelai, you have to respect his interests. I'm just glad Broly has something like this to get passionate about. In the last movie he was so repressed and timid. It's great that Whis put on this no-transforming no-ki-blast fight specifically for Broly's benefit, and he seems to have gotten a lot out of it. And it's kind of cute how Cheelai couldn't care less, but she's way off the mark. This was great.
And that's it for Super Hero. I was worried I'd run out of image space for this post, but somehow I managed to get it all in under 30 images. Let me see how many I have left...
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Yeah, this was a cool shot of Gohan Beast, or Beast Gohan, or whatever you want to call it.
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Nice simultaneous punch with Cell Max and Piccolo. The eternal struggle between red and orange.
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Yeah, I forgot to talk about 18's yoga pants and shorter haircut. Some people hate this look, but this is peak 18 in my book. Krillin's a lucky man, I tell you what.
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"RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME DIE RAAAAAAAHHHHHHH--Oh! Oh, that's much better. Thank you. Well, I'd better start exploding then. Raaah."
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Wow I had a lot of image space left, didn't I? I thought this was going to be a lot tougher than it was.
Well, anyway, this was a fantastic movie. It was so great that I was kind of stressing out about how to cover it properly, but now that it's over I feel pretty good about the whole thing. I don't know if they'll make another Dragon Ball movie. It makes sense, considering how much money this one made, but you never can tell. All I know is that I'm pretty excited for whatever they do next.
And yeah, that's all I've got for this movie, but we're not done with Super Hero just yet. No, now I need to cover the manga adaptation of this movie, and if my calculations are correct, that should be wrapping up next week, so that's some excellent timing there. I will see you then!
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nerves-nebula · 6 months
TM(N)T question. You've said Splinter wouldn't want to train/raise more kids after the turtles abandon him, but would he do it if the kids were human? Like Zack and Caitlyn from the 87 series, maybe even a 2012 Timothy, because they all wanted to be be cool ninjas and fight bad guys. Splinter might, possibly, could then kinda, like, pretend he's a human man with human children? Like, they show up, pester him to make them cool ninjas and Splinter doesn't like children, but it's free disciples for the Hamato cult Clan, ready and willing to tell him how great and amazing he is and follow his every command, and he can "be human again" vicariously through them. Kinda IDW style where those turtles abandoned Splinter when he became leader of the Foot Clan and just, kept using child soldiers, and Mikey can physically fight him about it and eveything
hmmmmmmm. mmmaybe? i don't know. i think it depends on the kid. they would need to be sufficiently desperate, not too whiny (that'd be annoying) and not too tough/headstrong (because then they might get ideas about running away from him or fighting him) but not too weak, or willing to give up on the first try, because he'd certainly reject them the first few times. ideally someone who already idolized him for whatever reason.
(though i think its important to note that Splinter isn't aware of the traits he's looking for in a kid, i just don't think anyone outside of his specific ideal would manage to convince him to train them.)
so yea I can't see him really wanting to RAISE any more kids, but i can definitely see him wanting to live on through them/pass the hamato name to someone who's like, actually a HUMAN. so maybe a kid who can already theoretically take care of themself. like, someone who's over 9 years old. who can feed and bathe and clothe themself.
which is a lot of words to say: potentially yes, he could take on more students, but in the story i'm interested in telling, i don't think he'd get the chance to. i think he mostly becomes a hermit after the turtles cut contact with him.
if anyone wants to write a fic about an OC (or an iteration of an existing character) who fits this description and who, for whatever reason (i can think of a few off the top of my head but I'll leave that up to yall) idolizes neglected Splinter i give you free license to do that but it prolly won't become canon.
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chthonicgodling · 16 days
an Elysium Drama Update!
ahem that is, another textual Elysium drama update, in my hopes and dreams I want to draw things SO MANY THINGS but I have many things to draw first and i have zero energy lately so. TEXT POST disclaimer this did get very very long what a shockerrr but woo
recap: here. Crucial to read that first! (and its linked predecessor!) *our timeline is all fucky wucky right now: Elysium time has been like. a day. two days.
Tory and Maci divided and conquered through the palace to try to scope out if Loki was like, hiding in another room. he is not—oh my god he is not. he’s really gone. Elysium Loki-pregnancy number 3 officially 3 for 3 on cryptically panic vanishing.
cat was kind of let out of the bag as mentioned in my last informal update when Tory stumbled upon Vali, Nari, Eisa, and Einmyria and accidentally told them about the baby. (not who the other parent was!) AND NOW, here’s what’s happened since, ending with where we are right now which is a genuinely unexpected and pending hilarious twist of events! READ ON✨✨
So, aforementioned four Lokikids went off to convene another Sibling Meeting with Rane about newfound baby info and Loki’s REAL disappearance while Tory went off to find Maci. did we find him?!?! no, says Tory very quietly. Maci’s whole face falls she’s now in tears. (“…He really left…?”) okay.,, well. NOW what do they do?????
Tory mentions that some of the kids know what’s going on now and that they were calling a meeting together; maybe they could pop in and see if the kids had any ideas on how to find Loki so they could all work together. okay great plan! Only problem: this is a TOP SECRET meeting.
….Problem quickly solved by ambushing Libby (worst liar of the litter) in the hallway.
Unfortunately when Libby returns from asking Rane if they can join, Rane’s apparent answer was not even a no, it was an ABSOLUTELY NOT. too fucking bad though— Tory and Maci follow Libby and crash the meeting.
it is here that Maci and Tory — and we, the eagerly watching distressed audience — now discover some things about the LokiKid clan:
1: hilariously, Rane is in charge as self appointed leader. - she is 11 years old yes. ruling with an iron fist. No one questions this, not even much older and bigger brothers Fen & Jör, who are present through this meeting as looming figures OVER HER SHOULDER backing her up. Rane is holding court.
2: less hilariously and actually very upsettingly - this may be the worst possible moment to discover, in a crisis, how apparently most of Loki’s kids seem to FUCKING HATE TORY AND MACI. oops! uh-oh! Especially Rane and Vali, glaring the most predominantly.
After a tense stand off with Rane (finally with Tory desperately threatening to pull rank on her to let them attend this meeting; Rane’s response, dryly: “Don’t bother. Your titles carry no weight amongst the children of Loki. We only humor you to be polite.”) Eisa and Einmyria convince Rane to let THEIR parents stick around, also helped along by Tory finally telling them that the new baby on the way was sired by him.
…mass shock. Oh so MACI drove him out?!??! QUICK reassurance that no no no she’s on his side now she’s just as devastated that he’s gone— no one’s really even buying this and tensions grow.
Because well, the kids want him back but THEY know the drill. Loki leaves when he has babies. He’ll send for THEM eventually, privately, but he’s not to be disturbed - certainly not for Tory and Maci, eeeugh. Rane (and Vali) are the most coldly vicious about this but lmfao all of them are kindave in agreement, at least no one’s correcting them. They go back and forth, Tory trying to explain in increasing frustration - the baby is Too big and Loki is weakened. Loki’s a fucking idiot and running from his problems and is not in a good mental space. They love him they need him he has to come home. He just has to.
But Rane, and on behalf of her siblings in a United front, is having none of it- YOU KNOW WHAT some choice canon convo snippets and oh my god I desperately want to draw this REMEMBER RANE’S 11 AND WEARING A FUCKING TOP HAT - btwwww Rane’s ALWAYS been like this, in my brain. this is her very first opportunity to shine! ahem,
Rane: “How arrogant it is to presume he’s better off with you, of all people, than caring for himself.”
Tory:  “Is he better off without us?”
Rane: “Well. My father’s judgement of his own circumstances is absolute. Seeing as he’s no longer here, you tell me.”
Vali: “Well, here we are. He always has reasons for fleeing as well.”
Maci: “Your father’s an anxious self-destructive wreck, who we love and care about. His judgements and reasons historically suck, and he needs to come back home.”
Rane: “You especially have no business seeking his return. You’re an enemy of my family. And now you’ve driven him away.”
melting melting melting AHHHHHHH
this back and forth goes on and on until finally LIBBY interrupts, watching this whole thing timidly as newest Lokikid, adjusting to the dynamic;
what happens, says Libby, if we don’t find him and bring him home?
well, worst case scenario, says Tory, is injury to the child; to Loki himself; or both. Maci points out that he could end up losing his powers and stuck somewhere where no one can get him, as he had lost his powers during pregnancies before (Rane herself even.) suddenly the gravity of this all hits home when Nari points out that their pantheon can die - Loki could DIE. childbirth is an injurious death. Suddenly, it’s not a matter of what Loki would want (they know what Loki would want, to be left alone) but what’s BEST for his well-being (bringing him HOME). Reluctantly…,,, the tune changes. Vali is the last onboard, but Rane’s word is absolute (lmao).
…Fen also admits he was going to look for Loki anyway regardless of this meetings outcome.
So! How to find him? Finally, the kids share with Tory all of Loki’s usual hiding places. Across realms, though with a baby he’s probably too weak to do this. Often in the upper world, cloaking houses in disguise and blending into Midgard. And finally, in the POCKET VOIDS of the Underworld……..
IMPORTANT INTERLUDE! Now, the pocket voids are an Elysium canon thing. When Loki magically fused with the Underworld long ago, the aftershocks of the magical turnover created many little spaces and gaps “between” physical spaces of the Underworld. They’re almost impossible to find, shifting and infinite, private and discreet. …unsettling and empty. Kind of a collection of “backrooms” of the Underworld, liminal spaces that no one but Loki, as accidental creator, can get into. Only Loki knows how to thoroughly navigate them.
The existence of the pocket voids was discovered when Thanatos escaped back in 2013, I promise I’m going somewhere with that thought. as this was a series of areas that Thanatos was able to escape to. well how was Thanatos able to get into those himself?? I’ll get to that. :3
For now, back to the present — so, Rane assigns her siblings to look for Loki. Vali and Nari are adept at haunting the upper world and could potentially find him up there; Fenris and Jör can travel between realms; the other kids can spread across Elysium, the Underworld - finally as for those pocket voids- still hold that thought! Anyway!
The meeting disperses with Rane refusing to give Tory and Maci an assignment to look for Loki. oh you’ve done MORE than enough, she sneers. Just wait around for him, if you really must. ….ummmm Firstly never forget that Tory’s got JUST as much as a temper as Maci does - it’s just.,, downplayed due to how much time he spends next to Maci, who is worse fgkfkf. But here now, Tory, angry and upset, demands to know exactly what he’s even done?! This isn’t fair!
Rane responds,
“What have you done? You’ve driven our parent away from here - the harder you cling, the further he runs. Not with any of us - but we know him better than you do. And though he may come and go, as through the births of myself and many of my siblings, the child you’ve given him could properly kill him, and now he’ll have to be dragged back against his wishes. Furthermore, you’ve inserted yourself into a private gathering of which you’re not welcome.
We will handle this. Your involvement is no longer needed beyond what you’ve already begun.”
Tory snaps back,
“He consented to having the child. Everything I’ve done was performed with Loki’s permission, gathered beforehand to avoid this situation, but he ran anyway.”
and Rane, coldly,
“That’s your fault for believing him, then.”
S… so.
Both of them fuming and… hurting and trembling,, Tory takes Maci’s hand and retreats with her. They make it as far as their bedroom before Maci bursts into tears (“Holy fuck, that was horrible”), oscillating between raging at how that had gone, the fact that Loki really fucking left; to devastation, over the helplessness they feel and the fact that Loki really left.
Tory makes it as far as Maci choking out that she doesn’t know what happened “he was happy! I thought he was happy.” before Tory is also quietly in tears (and blaming himself! probably because Rane told him this was his fault!)
and so Maci and Tory spent the evening clinging to each other, ANXIOUS about Loki’s wellbeing, furious that he’s gone, and above all, utterly, utterly, heartbroken.
so…. currently.
Let’s lighten the mood - Return to those pocket voids.
There is actually one other person besides Loki who can get into those - NOT Thanatos; in fact.,
the ONE other person who can access the voids is CHAL.
First discovered by Chal when she was on the run from Ker long long long ago, Chal has always been able to break into, reside in, and teleport through the pocket voids of the Underworld (and had brought her father there during his prison break Shh oops). It’s where Chal was finally discovered and “captured” when they brought her to the Elysium house. Though she hadn’t known it until very recently, it turns out that Chal’s realm of Reincarnation - a slipping of shades across the thin life and death veil - has granted her unprecedented access to slipping across the thin veils of the spaces of the Underworld itself. Though she can’t NAVIGATE them like Loki, she’s always been able to get into them, and is the only person besides Loki himself who can.
Now here we are back during that meeting where, all potential Loki hiding spots are covered except for this one; the biggest, and the one Loki is probably most likely to actually be in.
Libby volunteers Chal to look!
(chal, notably NOT present during this meeting)
here lmao actually, another canon snip:
Libby: “Chal knows how to get into Loki’s pocket voids, maybe I can look with her.”
Rane:  “Ugh, no. Your horrid rude sister isn’t going to do any favors in courting Father back.”
Einmyria:  “Hey, that’s our sister too! …Agreed, though.”
Tory:  “Maybe if she took Bel with her as a buffer?”
Libby:  “Sure, he’s slightly better.”
Slightly lmao 💀And so here in current canon!!! in a truly shocking turn of events!! of ALL FUCKING PEOPLE, Chal and Bel are currently looking for Loki through the voids!!
will they find him?!?! will they convince him to come back?!?! IS THIS THE MOST INSANE LEFTFIELD TWO MESSENGERS TO SEND AFTER LOKI??????? I can’t believe this but it is SO good! currently:
Chal: “…Loki used to— Loki was a fucking, supervillain. Isn’t Loki fucking dangerous? Is this dangerous? Is he going crazy in a fit of fucking rage? What if we have to fight him? I, I can’t win against him in a fight. I don’t even know if I know how to fight anymore and I can’t do magic.”
Bel: “He hasn’t been overtly malicious in a long while.”
Chal: “Maybe he turned overtly malicious while he was running away. Maybe he’s gonna be in a real overtly malicious fucking mood about me and you trying to talk to him.”
some very welcome brevity from Maci and Tory sobbing in each others arms around the gap in the bed where Loki was though. again I do want to draw any of this but!! IN NO TIME SOON SOOOOOO
HEY SORRY I DID SAY this was ALLLLL AN excuse for ANGST….. PHEW!!!!
and so if you made it to the end!!!! first of all jfc gbless ily. second of all: STAY TUNED!’ updates of course to follow!!! maybe art one fucking day too fgfkfkgkkgkgk
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minnielvr · 11 months
ROSES - CHAPTER 28 : "take me back?" ──────────────────
y/n saw a notification pop up on her phone, so she picked it up and read the name of the sender, it was felix. as much as she hated him right now she really couldn't resist looking at the message. she unlocked her phone and opened the app, the message read:
"ik u hate me rn but come to the hill by ur fav restaurant at 7. please be there"
y/n had somewhat of an idea of what this meant, either he was going to talk to her and ask to at least be friends or ask for another chance, and she didn't know wether she was ready to make that decision or not. but she still decided to go because deep down she knew she loved him. a lot.
so there she was, sitting in front of her vanity, the clock read 6:25 pm and she still had no idea of what to wear, and if she should do any makeup. so naturally, she called yunjin.
"hey y/n whats up??" yunjin answered the call and asked
"felixwantstomeetupwithmeandihavenoideawhattowearhelp" y/n said in one breath
"woah woah slow down there..what did you say?" yunjin clearly couldn't understand y/n's fast talking/mumbling.
"FELIX ASKED TO MEET UP AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR. please help" y/n was scared to look at yunjin through the phone screen
"HE WHAT?!?! NAH HE DOESN'T GET TO DO THAT RIGHT NOW" yunjin was furious at his behavior
"look yunjin i know how fucked up everything he did was and i understand how stupid thus is of me but i really love him and no matter how much i try convince my self that i hate him i really don't."
"oh...okay. well if your sure then" yunjin smiled, knowing y/n really loved him
yunjin guided y/n on what to wear, telling her if something was too dressy or too casual. also telling her that she should just do a light makeup look, to not make it look like she was trying too hard for him. just to let him know that she's not desperate.
the clock showed 6:45 and y/n realized she had to leave because she barely knew the directions to this place and it would take a while to get there. 'kinda stupid of him to not even send me directions while its night time' but she decided she could talk about that to him later, if things go good. so she thanked yunjin and hung up the phone, grabbed her purse, and left her apartment.
to say that getting to the meeting was hard is an understatement. y/n was sure to yell at him for this. but the whole adventure was so worth it when she got there.
y/n was met with the sight of an arch with roses and vines wrapped around it, rose petals on the grass, candles everywhere, and then she saw him, never did y/n think that she would see THE lee felix of stray kids, with a ginormous bouquet in his hands and his eyes teary, all for her.
"felix?" y/n called out
felix looked up from where he was staring at his shoes and breathed a sigh of relief, she even saw a bit of a smile.
"y/n...you- actually came" he was suprised
y/n kicked the ground beneath her and said "well yea..i mean it would be kinda of rude if i didn't." she scoffed.
"NO. i-i mean..no. i would completely understand if you didn't show up, I was the one who was rude. i acted like such a dick, gosh i am so sorry. god you have no idea how fucking sorry i am. i have no idea what got into me. it's like all of a sudden i had someone controlling my mind or something, i just go so insecure and worried and i feel so stupid for that, i cant believe i trusted that bitch. i just thought that i wasn't enough for you and you were just with me out of pity or something. and i KNOW you wouldn't because thats not you. i feel so bad for calling you a whore, i just got in my own head and wanted to make you feel bad about yourself and i don't know why i would ever want that because i only what you to be happy. i only want you to feel loved and taken care of. so yes, i know i fucked up..REALLY bad. but i swear to god that if you just give me once more chance i will prove to you i'm not that type of guy. so please..take me back?"
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dongpound · 5 months
i demand to know more of your oc's (also im trying to catch up on your space au fic its been so long since i last read it)
Anon™️ I’m using your ask as like a sticky note of oc ideas specifically Tundra dude there’s SO much I’m so sorry I got into the hyper focus zone
Tundra’s name is actually Alejandra Citlali Osorio-Cruz and through the series she’s just about to turn 16 in season 1 and roughly 19-20 by Season 5 (give or take how the fuck you think time works in 2012 bc I think it takes place over 3-4 years season 5 included)
Tundra came about as a nickname when she was a kid and got super hyper-fixated on professional wrestling and like. She made an entire persona and lore. Alec started using her wrestling name as a silly nickname and it stuck.
Yes I did come up with a stupid cute reason behind the name Tundra bc I can not handle the fact I chose such a BAD oc name for a LION but like I can’t change it NOW!! I MADE HER IN LIKE 2015 SHES TOO OLD TO CHANGE IT
Xever did just think for the longest time Tundra WAS her name. He also just assumed that Alec and Chris adopted a child for fun.
Her bio parents Ixchel and Alejandro were really good friends of Alec and Chris for like. Well over a decade. Ixchel and Alec especially. Ixchel was an actress (like I would say their worlds equivalent of Selma Hayek) and Alejandro worked in music production.
They didn’t have a ton of family they kept in contact with, so Alec and Chris were named Alejandra’s legal guardians if anything happened to them. They sadly died in a plane crash when Tundra was around 1.
This feels like SOOOO edgy and silly to me now but like I literally can’t see Alec and Chris adopting a kid any other way than the guilt of losing their friends pushing them to do it. WHICH SOUNDS BAD. AND LIKE IT IS. However they still love and raise Alejandra as their own, if anything Chris is like. Somewhat distant bc he still has his career but Alec’s like “fuck yeah I get to raise a kid again” and kinda slips from the spotlight. Which is fine by them , they’re like 600 years old they can just have messy fun in the public eye another time
Tundra goes fucking THROUGH IT emotionally through the series. Like goes from would do anything for Chris and Alec (especially Chris who. Again. Was distant and she desperately wanted his approval) to the point where like. She’s yknow. Mutated, to growing resentful of them when Hachi enters the picture (especially when she has to take care of him) to like. Low key betraying the foot and joining the mutanimals in season 3. And then having to deal w Chris being resurrected temporarily in season 5 after a really chill and happy 2 years with her mom and little brother like it’s a LOT.
In season 1 she’s very much a “mean girl” stereotype and slowly evolves into Cool And Gay (but still a little better than you)(she. She gets that from her upbringing.)
Tundra and Karai are seen as like a duo/bffs up until season 2 after the whole “I’m not shredders daughter” thing happens. They grow distant (obviously) until season 4.
So like Alec and Chris are NOT the best parents and like. They did totally just let Tundra take Hachi to live w her and the Mutanimals in season 4. She’d already been in space w him for 6 months and the poor kid really didn’t want to go live in the woods. I have such a specific scene in mind for this and I want to write it out so bad. Anyway tundra basically becomes a teen mom for a little bit. Eldest daughters am I right? *plays class of 2013 by mitski*
Tundra has a modified mini van which she does haul all of her friends who can fit in. Apologies to leatherhead and slash . No she doesn’t have a license
She also has a bike. These two vehicles she did canonically find on the side of the highway and she convinced Donnie and Casey to help her fix them
Tundras in a punk (? Maybe more Pop punk ) band called The Muties (my other characters Jack and Spinstra are in it. also Mondo. Sometimes Raph fills in on drums if Spinstra can’t make it). Tundra and Jack switch off on vocals, she’s usually on bass. They started up in the down time between seasons 4 and 5. They play in Moira’s Menagerie (a mutants only bar and hall) every week on Fridays. Alec comes to nearly all of their shows and also they bring Hachi sometimes when they practice and he’ll play his DS.
Alec will also force their friends (I.e. Apep, Anton, Ivan and Xever) to come watch Tundra w the promise of drinks and she thinks it’s embarrassing every fucking time bc they’re SO LOUD and OBVIOUS and god she could just DIE (but also. Having the support makes her happy)
Alec WILL slam back 3 tequila shots and go on about how talented their daughter is.
Chris got to see her play once. And it was when he was resurrected. And Tundra, frankly, was not thrilled. Another one I wanna write
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obitv · 2 years
DEADWOOD DEFENDERS - an au that asks a question literally nobody else has asked: what if things were FREAKIER!
dwd is an au where instead of being picked to become the prime defenders, all 3 of them (and later ashe) are kept in/sent to deadwood so WATCH doesnt have to worry about them, because theyre... a lot weirder
FYI - obviously this all takes place in deadwood, so im leaning a LOT into my own personal speculation and headcanons here. powers have also been toned down because i cant imagine a world with their current powers where theyd be hidden away no matter what this au version of WATCH thinks
william is a lot more dead from the outset, but not as bad as he is at current canon. he also has much less control over his powers and doesnt have ghostshaping. right before dakota and vyncent transfer, one of his best friends cory was reported to WATCH as having powers and because of this, his ghost hunting crew of the unwitness protection program have been reluctant to get up to their usual "fun". also theres definitely still monster attacks but theyre a lt less intense than they seemed to be in canon so nobody really connects the dots
dakotas also more dead!! well not really. but he is Very Aware he was dead for a bit, and WATCH is also very aware. he still had his martial arts training, and turned himself in to WATCH hoping he'd be sent to one of their training programs and get to be a real hero. but uh. WATCH had.. different ideas. and what better use for this kid with very clearly superntural shit going on than as a guide for this OTHER kid with supernatural shit that theyve been desperately trying to deal with!
vyncent is just trying his fucking best here. this version of fauna was a lot more "vengeful spirits" than dragons, and instead of the greats being confined to vyncents head he can see them as spirits and they can possess him, though hes still the only one who can hear them otherwise. WATCH had no fucking idea what to do with him, since they couldnt just toss this guy who doesnt even know what a phone is into deadwood (their favourite dumping ground for things hey dont want to worry about) alone. enter dakota!
when vyncent and dakota move to deadwood, theyre pretty much just.. given an apartment, money, the timetable for the school bus and very little else. however!! WATCH did the bare minimum and sends tide out to check on them every couple weeks or so. officially hes just there for a day to make sure theyre both still nebulusly alive and give them what money they need, check on their powers, that stuff. but unofficially he and dakota still manage to have their father-son dynamic but its a lot fucking funnier when they only see eachother once or twice a month and tide is banned from speaking with them unless its an emergency
"how do they meet?" i hear you ask. well. as far as WILLIAM knows, it was on his first day back after everyone got over him disappearing into the woods for a week and let him go to school again. but in reality he ran into them when he was still trying to get home post cliffdiving incident, looking like he just got mauled, and yelled at them for being in the woods because its dangerous before stumbling off in what was honestly . probably the wrong way. dakota doesnt realise it was william when he sees him in school and vyncent is honestly kinda intimidated by it and also is partially convinced william is some sort of spirit which. he isnt wrong. but he isnt fully right either. or a wereworld, because thats funny. but he isnt sure if theyre real in this world so he doesnt ask. he tries to ask dakota but all dakota knows about deadwood is "its weird" so he just says Yeah probably! and moves the fuck on
ashe is in this too!! since theres no pd in this au, nobody raided harttowa to capture wavelength until much later. while WATCH does still crack down on the operation, he has enough time to get the hell out of there with ashe. but since ashe never becomes friends with them, he gets a LOT riskier with his book and has An Incident. at this point, with watch AND overlord on his ass and his kid running the risk of dying or killing a lot of other people, he decides to move them to the only place too weird for heroes to go: deadwood! ashe is one of the only people who can safely go into the woods without getting horribly killed or changed, likely bc of the books protection. he'd meet william for the first time trying to figure out what the hell is going on, because of course he didnt ask if its ok to go into the haunted fucking woods, and william has to fucking bodily drag him out while explaining all the horrible death that happens there before realising OMG NEW WOODS FRIEND and begins assimilating her into the group
as for plot. um. ask me later. KIDDING ok but im only in the beginnings of one of those. this au is less mnm and more toned down call of cthulu, since thats what deadwood has been compared to a couple times before. mal and the spirit world still feature, but theres a lot more focus on trying to unravel the mysteries of this town and the woods around it while trying not to die or go insane or die worse
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frankwoods-corner · 1 year
Reflections of Carnage
Frank takes a cold night to reflect on the ramifactions of a life lived in combat.
Warnings: Mentions of combat related killing, PTSD
Harsh, freezing winds can start to feel like glass against your skin if you’re exposed long enough to let it. Frank couldn’t sense it though, or he didn’t care enough to return to the warmth of his apartment.
Tonight was punishment.
Frank was certainly used to killing. He had done it so frequently that if he were to give it a second thought he would surely go insane. It was his job after all. Stop the bad guys. We have to defend our way of life. All of these ideas he repeated to himself like an innate philosophical principle that flowed in his blood. The motto he had been fed. The one he needed so desperately to believe.
The faces. The faces were the only thing that would flash through his mind like a brief moment of static from an old television. Expressions of those whose lives were leaving their body too soon. Seeing people fighting for consciousness, frightened by the realization that they can’t reach the life they’re grasping for. It was even worse when they pleaded. He had been in their situation.
It was all enough to make Frank sick, but he would certainly never show it. He would never risk showing remorse because when you live by the phrase “You can’t kill me,” becoming nauseated by the consequences of the statement is weak. Or at least to him, it was. It most certainly was to the kid who was only seventeen years old enlisting in the military.
Cold aluminum and a grit so rough that you start to lose any recognition of who you thought you could be. Burying parts of yourself along with those you kill.
Maybe he just wasn’t cut out for this anymore. Visions of himself trading places with the lives he stole plagued his usually unfaltering bravery. Gut feelings that his luck would undoubtedly run out sometime soon. Maybe nobody is cut out for it, but it still has to be done.
So, when it all became too much, Frank would try to stop drowning it out. He would stop pushing it down. The feeling of tears nearly freezing on his face was proof that he still felt. He was terrified at the prospect of numbness.
How long can it go on? Frank wasn’t quite certain, but when the punishment of remembering took its toll he liked to imagine what his life could be. When he retired, or if, Frank imagined himself with things he liked to believe he didn’t deserve. A house instead of the cold studio he lived in. Someone he loved, and who loved him back. The feeling of waking up next to a person who didn't hate him for all the things he hated about himself. A warmth that stayed.
But tonight, when he returns home to his cold bed, he can sleep with a feeling of hope. He can find the courage to convince himself that he deserved what he yearned for.
So when he kills more people on the next mission, he trades more faces to remember for a chance to do it all over again. And then however many times it takes for him to finally find himself waking up to someone who wouldn’t hate him as much as he did.
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