#hinokami kagura
sarcastic-kaz · 6 months
Tanjiro: oh by the way Zenitsu, thank you for telling me how to use Thunder Breathing! It really helped against Upper Four! Zenitsu: wait what Tanjiro, who can use like four different breathing styles: Zenitsu, who can only use one form from his breathing style: Genya in the bed beside Tanjiro, who can't use breathing styles at all: Genya: gee, you want a medal?
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owarinaki · 1 year
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Kimetsu no Yaiba S3E03: swordsmith village arc
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leeh-arts · 1 year
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☀️The Sun
✨ Tsugikuni Yoriichi | Kimetsu no Yaiba
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pokianne · 1 year
Dance of the Fire God!!
Solar Halo Dragon Dance🔥🐉
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ruiniel · 1 month
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a great story is a great story is a great story
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shokos-lazy-life · 11 months
Guys....guys...about the Kamados...
Also spoilers!
Just finished reading this damn sobfest manga and a question here,specifically about the dad,
as in are we sure Tanjuro,the Kamado patriarch,didn't die because he overtaxed himself with the Sun Breathing?
We sure he didn't die because of the demon slayer mark or something?
Like it's never specified what age he was when he died but he seemed young if ill and the Kamado's wouldn't know that they are essentially performing superhuman and really taxing feats,yeah?
Like Tanjiro specified his father had the same damn mark he himself is developing and Hinokami Kagura is essentially just Sun Breathing for dummies so...?
I mean the official reason for the death of the Kamado patriarch is basically an unspecified illness and I am totally ready to accept that too!
Don't get me wrong this story is tear jerking enough without the implications of the blessing of inhuman strength also basically being a curse for everyone involved.
But yeah this thought won't leave me alone and since I am sick right now and possibly delirious if this post makes no sense I apologize.
But really,realistically Kamado's wouldn't know what the damn breathing is and anyone else would have just called a random wasting sickness.
At the same time,they did live on a mountain so maybe the dad just caught pneumonia or something?
But like he was wrestling bears at one point and dancing the Hinokami for hours apparently,and Tanjiro describes that as actual debilitating pain and a stamina and strength sapping effort of only pulling one of the forms,imagine dancing it consecutively for hours?
Man no wonder Tanjiro just seems to be so good at this too!
He had the most difficult form of breathing as a yearly tradition!
No but really this damn breathing form and breathing in general was dropping people left and right and most of the Hashiras got their mark in the end but imagine being a normal man and pulling this superhuman bullshit as a yearly tradition that lasts hours?
Damn the entire Kamado family is something else.
It also gives credence to that whole adage about no hero ever had a happy life but thankfully we had the power of friendship on our side.
In other words Kamado's are crazy but that's nothing new.
On the side note,apparently the realest and smartest person here is evidently Tengen.
Man came there,saw,conquered and dipped.
No but really how pissed of would you be if you basically killed this world's version of basically Satan and then the very thing that gave you the strength to do it,kills you?
It's probably nothing and I hope it was just some random illness or something but jeez the coincidence and implications are not giving me any joy.
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spi-d3r · 1 year
All Breathing Styles and Forms!!!
SUN BREATHING (13 forms)
Also called Hinokami Kagura or The original Breathing
‌First Form: Dance (円えん舞ぶ) whit variant by tanjiro: Dancing Flash (円えん舞ぶ一いっ閃せん)
‌Second form: Clear Blue Sky (碧へき羅らの天てん)
‌Third Form: Raging Sun (烈れつ日じつ紅こう鏡きょう)
‌Fourth Form: Burning Bones, Summer Sun (灼しゃっ骨こつ炎えん陽よう)
‌Fifth Form: Setting Sun Transformation (斜しゃ陽よう転てん身しん)
‌Sixth Form: Solar Heat Haze (飛ひ輪りん陽かげ炎ろう)
‌Seventh Form: Beneficent Radiance (輝き輝き恩おん光こう)
‌Eighth Form: Sunflower Thrust (陽よう華か突とつ)
‌Ninth Form: Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance (日にち暈うんの龍りゅう・頭かぶり舞まい)
‌Tenth Form: Fire Wheel (火か車しゃ)
‌Eleventh Form: Fake Rainbow (幻げん日にち虹こう)
‌Twelfth Form: Flame Dance (炎えん舞ぶ)
‌Thirteenth Form (拾じゅう参さんノ型かた)
KNOWN USERS: Yoriichi Tsugikuni, Sumiyoshi, Tanjuro Kamado, Tanjiro Kamado
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Water Surface Slash (壱いちノ型かた 水みな面も斬ぎり)
‌Second Form: Water Wheel (弐にノ型かた 水みず車ぐるま) whit variation Lateral Water Wheel (弐にノ型かた・改かい 横よこ水みず車ぐるま)
‌Third Form: Flowing Dance (参さんノ型かた 流りゅう流りゅう舞まい)
‌Fourth Form: Striking Tide (肆しノ型かた 打うち潮しお) whit variant Striking Tide, Turbulent (打うち潮しお・乱らん)
‌Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought (伍ごノ型かた 干かん天てんの慈じ雨う)
‌Sixth Form: Whirlpool (陸ろくノ型かた ねじれ渦うず), whit variant Whirlpool, Flow (ねじれ渦うず・流りゅう流りゅう)
‌Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust (漆しちノ型かた 雫しずく波は紋もん突づき) whit variation Drop Ripple Thrust, Curve (雫しずく波は紋もん突づき・曲きょく)
‌Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin (捌はちノ型かた 滝たき壼つぼ)
‌Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent (玖くノ型かた 水すい流りゅう飛沫しぶき・乱らん)
‌Tenth Form: Constant Flux (拾じゅうノ型かた 生せい生せい流る転てん)
‌Eleventh Form: Dead Calm (拾じゅう壱いちノ型かた 凪なぎ), created by water hashira Giyu Tomioka
KNOWN USERS: Giyu Tomioka (Hashira), Tanjiro Kamado, Sakonji Urokodaki Sabito, Makomo, Aoi Kanzaki, Murata
FLAME BREATHING (9 forms, only 6 known)
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Unknowing Fire (壱いちノ型かた 不知火しらぬい)
‌Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun (弐にノ型かた 昇のぼり炎えん天てん)
‌Third Form: Blazing Universe (参さんノ型かた 氣き炎えん万ばん象しょう)
‌Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation (肆しノ型かた 盛せい炎えんのうねり)
‌Fifth Form: Flame Tiger (伍ごノ型かた 炎えん虎こ)
‌Ninth Form: Rengoku (玖くノ型かた 煉れん獄ごく)
KNOWN USERS: Rengoku Kyojuro (Hashira), all the male members of Rengoku family
One of the five main Breathing Styles
‌First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter (壱いちノ型かた 鹿じん旋せん風ぷう・削そぎ)
‌Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind (弐にノ型かた 爪そう々そう・科しな戸と風かぜ)
‌Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree (参さんノ型かた 晴せい嵐らん風ふう樹じゅ)
‌Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm (肆しノ型かた 昇しょう上じょう砂さ塵じん嵐らん)
‌Fifth Form: Cold Mountain Wind (伍ごノ型かた 木こ枯がらし颪おろし)
‌Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist (陸ろくノ型かた 黒こく風ふう烟えん嵐らん)
‌Seventh Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts (漆しちノ型かた 頸けい風ふう・天てん狗ぐ風かぜ)
‌Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash (捌はちノ型かた 初しょ烈れっ風かざ斬きり)
‌Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon (玖くノ型かた 韋い駄だ天てん台たい風ふう)
KNOWN USERS: Sanemi Shinazugawa (Hashira), Masachika Kumeno
One of the five main breathing Styles
‌First Form: Serpentinite Bipolar (壱いちノ型かた 蛇じゃ紋もん岩がん・双そう極きょく)
‌Second Form: Upper Smash (弐にノ型かた 天てん面めん砕くだき)
‌Third Form: Stone Skin (参さんノ型かた 岩がん軀くの膚はだえ)
‌Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest (肆しノ型かた 流りゅう紋もん岩がん・速そく征せい)
‌Fifth Form: Arcs of Justice (伍ごノ型かた 瓦が輪りん刑ぎょう部ぶ)
KNOWN USER: Gyomei Himejima (Hashira)
One of the five main breathing Styles
‌First Form: Thunderclap and Flash (壱いちノ型かた 霹へき靂れき一いっ閃せん) improved by Zenitsu in Sixfold (六ろく連れん), Eightfold (八はち連れん) and Godspeed (神しん速そく)
‌Second Form: Rice Spirit (弐にノ型かた 稲いな魂だま)
‌Third Form: Thunder Swarm (参さんノ型かた 聚しゅう蚊ぶん成せい雷らい)
‌Fourth Form: Distant Thunder (肆しノ型かた 遠えん雷らい)
‌Fifth Form: Heat Lightning (伍ごノ型かた 熱ねつ界かい雷らい)
‌Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash (陸ろくノ型かた 電でん轟ごう雷らい轟ごう)
‌Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami (漆しちノ型かた 火ほの雷いかづちの神かみ) created by Zenitsu
KNOWN USERS: Zenitsu Agatsuma, Kaigawa, Jigoro Kuwajima
MOON BREATHING (16 forms, only 11 known)
derivate from Sun Breathing
‌First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace (壱いちノ型かた 闇やみ月づき・宵よいの宮みや)
‌Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing (弐にの型かた 珠しゅ華かノ弄ろう月げつ)
‌Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains (参さんノ型かた 厭えん忌き月づき・銷つがり)
‌Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy (伍ごノ型かた 月げっ魄ぱく災さい渦か)
‌Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant (陸ろくノ型かた 常とこ夜よ孤こ月げつ・無む間けん)
‌Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit (漆しちノ型かた 厄やっ鏡きょう・月づき映ばえ)
‌Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail (捌はちノ型かた 月げつ龍りゆう輪りん尾び)
‌Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths (玖くノ型かた 降くだり月づき・連れん面めん)
‌Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves (拾じゅ��ノ型かた 穿せん面めん斬ざん・蘿ら月げつ)
‌Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon (拾じゅう肆しノ型かた 兇きょう変へん・天てん満まん繊せん月げつ)
‌Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon (拾じゅう陸ろくノ型かた 月虹げっこう・片かた割われ月づき)
KNOWN USER: Michikatsu Tsugikuni/Kokushibo
SOUND BREATHING (5 forms, only 3 known)
Derivate from Thunder Breathing
‌First Form: Roar (壱いちノ型かた 轟とどろき)
‌Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes (肆しノ型かた 響きょう斬ざん無む間けん)
‌Fifth Form: String Performance (伍ごノ型かた 鳴めい弦げん奏そう々そう)
KNOWN USER: Tengen Uzui (Hashira)
FLOWER BREATHING (7 forms, only 5 known)
Derivate from Water Breathing
‌Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum (弐にノ型かた 御み影かげ梅うめ)
‌Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo (肆しノ型かた 紅べに花はな衣ごろも)
‌Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility (伍ごノ型かた 徒あだの芍しゃく薬やく)
‌Sixth Form: Whirling Peach (陸ろくノ型かた 渦うず桃もも)
‌Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye (終ついノ型かた 彼ひ岸がん朱しゅ眼がん)
KNOWN USERS: Kanae Kocho (death Hashira), Kanao Tsuyuri
LOVE BREATHING (6 forms, only 5 known)
Derivate from Flame Breathing
‌First Form: Shivers of First Love (壱いちノ型かた 初はつ恋こいのわななき)
‌Second Form: Love Pangs (弐にノ型かた 懊おう悩のう巡めぐる恋こい)
‌Third Form: Catlove Shower (参さんノ型かた 恋こい猫ねこしぐれ)
‌Fifth Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw (伍ごノ型かた 揺ゆらめく恋れん情じょう・乱みだれ爪づめ)
‌Sixth Form: Cat-Legged Winds of Love (陸ろくノ型かた 猫ねこ足あし恋こい風かぜ)
KNOWN USER: Mitsuri Kanroji (Hashira)
Derivate from Flower Breathing
‌Butterfly Dance: Caprice (蝶ちょうノ舞まい 戯たわむれ)
‌Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter (蜂ほう牙がノ舞まい 真ま靡なびき)
‌Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon (蜻せい蛉れいノ舞まい 複ふく眼がん六ろっ角かく)
‌Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag (蜈ご蚣こうノ舞まい 百ひゃく足そく蛇じゃ腹ばら)
KNOWN USER: Shinobu Koucho (Hashira)
Derivate from Wind Breathing
‌First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze (壱いちノ型かた 垂すい天てん遠とお霞がすみ)
‌Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist (弐にノ型かた 八や重え霞かすみ)
‌Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash (参さんノ型かた 霞か散さんの飛し沫ぶき)
‌Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash (肆しノ型かた 移い流りゅう斬ぎり)
‌Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze (伍ごノ型かた 霞か雲うんの海うみ)
‌Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist (陸ろくノ型かた 月つきの霞か 消しょう)
‌Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds (漆しちノ型かた 朧おぼろ) created by Muichiro Tokito
KNOWN USER: Muichiro Tokito (Hashira)
Derivate from Water Breathing
‌First Form: Winding Serpent Slash (壱いちノ型かた 委い蛇だ斬ぎり)
‌Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head (弐にノ型かた 狭きょう頭ずの毒どく牙が)
‌Third Form: Coil Choke (参さんノ型かた 塒とぐろ締じめ)
‌Fourth Form: Twin-Headed Reptile (肆しノ型かた 頸けい蛇じゃ双そう生せい)
‌Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent (伍ごノ型かた 蜿えん蜿えん長ちょう蛇だ)
KNOW USER: Obanai Iguro (Hashira)
BEAST BREATHING (11 forms/fangs)
Derivated from Wind Breathing
‌First Fang: Pierce (壱いちノ牙きば 穿うがち抜ぬき)
‌Second Fang: Slice (弐にノ牙きば 切きり裂さき)
‌Third Fang: Devour (参さんノ牙きば 喰くい裂ざき)
‌Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice (肆しノ牙きば 切きり細こま裂ざき)
‌Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting (伍ごノ牙きば 狂くるい裂ざき)
‌Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite (陸ろくノ牙きば 乱らん杭ぐい咬がみ)
‌Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness (漆しちノ型かた 空くう間かん識しき覚かく)
‌Eighth Form: Explosive Rush (捌はちノ型かた 爆ばく裂れつ猛もう進しん)
‌Ninth Fang: Extending Bendy Slash (玖くノ牙きば 伸しん・うねり裂ざき)
‌Tenth Fang: Whirling Fangs (拾じゅうノ牙きば 円えん転てん旋せん牙が)
‌Sudden Throwing Strike (思おもいつきの投なげ裂さき)
KNOWN USER: Inosuke Hashibira
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sirensea14 · 5 months
"Hinokami Kagura, Enbu!!"
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soymilkeuu · 10 months
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The sadness of the end of an arc :(
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cardtorius · 1 year
I felt a series of gifs just does not do this justice. Like at all. Turn sound on.
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sarcastic-kaz · 8 months
mans shouldve become a hashira AGES AGO. added some commentary to make it spicy
*bribes, reblogging, propaganda, and voter fraud are all allowed
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vinz-aor · 4 months
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astro-can · 2 hours
tanjiro kamado - mha x kny
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this is tanjiro!! his hero costume is literally just the hinokami kagura outfit. I didn't draw his feet bc I cant draw feet
this is the link to kanao's profile for my MHA x KNY story
more information:
name: tanjiro kamado
hero name: (still unsure)
age: 15
height: 165cm
family: tanjuro (father, deceased), kie (mother), nezuko (younger sister), hanako (younger sister), rokuta (younger brother), takeo (younger brother), shigeru (younger brother)
occupation: first year student at U.A., part of class 1-A, hero-in-training, employee at his family’s bakery
quirk: hinokami kagura - by performing a series of dances, tanjiro can build up physical power. there were only twelve known dances, but tanjiro managed to unlock the thirteenth one. each dance has a different name. dance is the first dance, and by performing it, tanjiro’s physical power only goes up a little bit. In order to get stronger by using the dances, he must connect the dances together. at the current moment, he is only able to connect the first three. once he manages to connect all of them, his power will ultimately be on the same level as all might. he can also convert the strength into objects, like his sword. the scar on his forehead also gets bigger as he starts dancing. drawbacks include exhaustion, lightheadedness, internal bleeding, and nausea.
tanjiro is one of the students that entered U.A. late. he was unable to attend due to some difficulties involving the passing of his father. he first started attending at the same time as kanao tsuyuri, after the USJ accident.
his family runs a decently popular bakery. however, they are a family of seven and it is quite hard for kie to support the family on her own. this is why tanjiro decided to become a hero.
the kamados are family friends with the no. 21 hero, tomioka. tomioka helps financially support them, as does the retired hero, urokodaki.
the quirk hinokami kagura is a quirk that has been passed down for generations in the kamado family. tanjiro inherited his quirk from his father, as did his younger brother takeo. however, takeo has no intention of becoming a hero. all his other siblings other than nezuko inherited their quirks from kie.
he is friends with zenitsu and inosuke, who are exchange students in class 1-b. they often come over to his bakery (to see nezuko).
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bakastandotsukai · 1 year
I know I'm so late for the party but I'm so happy that we got the most goated animations for both One Piece and Demon Slayer in recent episodes that is definitely gonna get even better in the later episodes (especially One Piece)
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achromatoma · 9 months
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fuutaka · 9 months
My digital drawing of Tanjiro Kamado ✍🏾
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