#him on the floor with a baby playing with baby toys and making funny faces and just being himself
dixons-sunshine · 5 hours
Doggie Bath | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: It was bath time for your daughter. However, she refused to take a bath unless Dog bathed first, and the furry companion refused to comply with Daryl's requests. Luckily, Dog loved you and would easily comply with your wishes.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Post Bridge (Not mentioned, but Rick doesn't go missing and the Leah plot never happened, hence Daryl being in Alexandria.)
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive themes towards the end.
Word count: 1.2k.
A/n: I don't know what this is. I had an idea pop up and I tried to get it written down, but not very well lol. However, I hope you like this!
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“Dog, c'mon. Jus' this once, buddy,” Daryl practically pleaded with his furry companion, desperately trying to lead Dog towards the bathtub and into the water, but to no avail. “I'll cook ya a squirrel if ya do this fer me.”
In your arms, your three year old was happily giggling as she watched her dad struggle due to something she requested. “Go, Doggie, go!” Hazel happily babbled as she clapped her hands for added emphasis. “Pick up, Daddy. Put in water.”
You were seated on the closed lid of the toilet with Hazel in your arms as you watched in amusement as your husband struggled with the big dog. “Yeah, babe, pick him up. Put him in the water.”
Daryl shot a small glare in your direction. “The hell ya think I've been doin'?” Dog suddenly barked loudly, making Daryl flinch and your daughter burst out into laughter. Daryl looked at Hazel with a playful glare, but the smile on his lips betrayed his true emotions. “Oh, s'this funny to ya, Hazelnut? How 'bout I put ya into the bathtub first?”
Hazel gasped and hid her face in your neck. “No! Mama, Daddy mean. He promised. He breaking promise.”
You let out a small chuckle and rubbed her back affectionately. You looked at Daryl and shared a smile with him. “You can't break your promise to our daughter, Dar.” Your eyes moved down to look at Dog, who defiantly laid on the ground with no intention of setting his paws into the water. “The deal was Dog, and then Hazel. You can't go back on your word now.”
Daryl groaned in frustration. “He won't fuckin' listen. He—” Daryl suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, all colour draining from his face. His eyes flickered back to Hazel, praying for the first time in his life; he really prayed that Hazel hadn't heard his little slip up. However, Hazel appeared ignorant to his mistake, making Daryl sigh in relief. “Oh, thank god.”
You laughed and lowered Hazel from your lap and onto the floor, handing her your necklace to play with. “Stay here, baby. Mama needs to help Daddy bathe Dog. Daddy can't do it without Mama's help.”
Hazel giggled and started toying with the arrow on the necklace you gave her to play with—a gift that had been given to you by Daryl many years ago.—and nodded. “Mama gonna get it right. Daddy learn from Mama.”
Daryl smiled fondly down at his daughter and shook his head. “Ya have a lot'a faith in yer dear ol' dad, huh?” He stepped back and allowed you to approach Dog, who excitedly wagged his tail and nudged his nose into your hand. “Good luck with tha', Sunshine. If he ain't gon' listen to me, wha' makes ya think—” With little to no effort, you urged Dog into the bathtub, the puppy in a grown dog's body excitedly splashing around in the water, nearly soaking both you and Daryl . Daryl sighed and shook his head. “I thought ya were on my side, Dog. Fu—Freakin' traitor.”
You laughed and scratched Dog's chin. “Good boy.” Dog barked happily and moved around in the water, luckily making no attempts to jump out of the bathtub. You turned your head and sent your husband a cheeky smile. “What can I say? He's a total ladies' man.”
Daryl hummed, his eyes narrowed at his furry friend. “Would be alrigh' if he wasn't tryna impress my girl with his tactics.” He stepped back and leaned down, picking Hazel up and adjusting her in his arms. “Ain't tha' righ', Hazelnut? Dog's tryna steal Mama from us?” He gently started tickling her on her stomach, eliciting shrieks of laughter from his baby girl. He chuckled and pressed a soft, tender kiss to her temple. “Dun' worry. I won't let Dog steal her from us. He'll have to fight me fer her.”
You smiled at the two people you loved the most in the whole world fondly. You leaned forward to grab the dog shampoo—something Daryl found while on a run and something you were surprised actually still existed in the now messed up world you existed in—and lathered some onto your hands. “You just gonna stand there and look pretty, Dixon, or are you gonna help?”
“Hmm,” Daryl hummed as he pretended to think about your question, gently rocking Hazel in his arms as she lowered her head to rest on his shoulder. “Nah. I think ya got it. 'Sides, yer clearly tha' traitor's favourite. He'll stay still for ya.”
You playfully narrowed your eyes at him. “So you're leaving this all up to me while you, what, watch?”
Daryl took your prior spot on the closed lid of the toilet. “M'holdin' our daughter. Ain't tha' the excuse ya used earlier when I originally asked fer yer help?”
“Touché, Dixon, touché.”
Daryl chuckled again and smoothed his hand over Hazel's back. All fell silent between the two of you after that. Dog was relatively still while you washed all the grime from his coat, only moving whenever you tried to wash his paws. In a little over ten minutes, Dog was completely clean and more than eager to leave the cooling water. Before you could even attempt to towel dry him, Dog was shaking himself off, sending water flying in every direction.
Daryl shielded Hazel from the onslaught of droplets. “Dog, no!” Dog simply barked and made a run out of the door, leaving wet footprints in his wake. Your husband simply rolled his eyes and shook his head, standing up from the toilet and holding Hazel close to his chest. “Fuckin' hell. M'wetter than a drownt rat righ' now.”
You laughed and nodded, standing up and wiping the water from your body. You turned to Daryl and eyed your daughter in his arms, a look of realization dawning on you. “She's asleep, isn't she?”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah. She fell asleep almost fifteen minutes ago.”
You shook your head and allowed a small smile to spread over your face. “Well, at least Dog's clean.” You took a step forward and pressed a soft kiss to Hazel's head. “Let's just put this little Gremlin to bed. We'll bathe her first thing tomorrow morning.”
Daryl nodded and leaned forward, capturing your lips in a quick, loving kiss. He pulled back and gave you a small, fond smile. “I love ya, Peach.”
“I love you too, Dar,” you replied softly, caressing his cheek. Hazel started stirring in the archer's arms, making your breath hitch. Luckily she only adjusted her head on her dad's shoulder, making you sigh in relief. “I think that's a sign that we should get her to bed. And after that, how about we watch a movie in our room?”
“Yeah,” Daryl quickly agreed, nodding eagerly. “Let's go.”
Daryl knew exactly what you meant by that. The television that came with the small house you lived in with Daryl and your daughter was located downstairs in the living room. There wasn't a television in your shared room. However, with a little one running around and needing to speak in codes around her innocent ears, that particular code translated to something else, something much more enjoyable.
And after Hazel was put to bed, Daryl wasted no time in rushing you to your room and gently pushing you onto the bed for some much deserved “movie watching.”
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one thought appears and i already know i'll be an emotional wreck for the entire day now
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pucksandpower · 8 months
Heyyyyy how are you? Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. How is medical school hope you're doing good. So I was thinking about the grid kids series and a scenario appeared in my head. So basically the baby still a toddler say a swear word and when asked who taught her that she just tell she heard that from Yuki, but in reality it was the grid kids that braided her with candy. It's just so funny to me
Grid Kids: Potty Mouth
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: the grid kids help expand their sister’s vocabulary in interesting ways
Series Masterlist
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It’s a lazy Saturday morning and you’re making breakfast. Your toddler daughter is happily perched on Sebastian’s lap at the kitchen island, babbling about anything and everything while he nods along seriously.
The grid kids lounge around, still half-asleep. Game night ran late, fueled by one too many Red Bulls and everyone’s chronic competitiveness.
Charles yawns loudly. “I don’t know how she has so much energy already.”
“Right?” Lando grumbles. “It should be illegal to be awake before 10 am on weekends.”
Max stumbles to the coffee maker, nearly tripping over George who’s fallen back asleep on the floor. Mick and Lance are slumped together on the couch, bleary-eyes barely open.
As you finish cooking, you turn to your daughter. “Okay sweetie, breakfast is ready!”
She grins, kicking her little legs excitedly. As Sebastian goes to lift her into the highchair, she suddenly shrieks “FUCK!”
A stunned silence descends on the room. Eight heads swivel towards the little girl, eyes wide. Sebastian and you exchange horrified looks.
“Where did you learn that word?” You ask gently.
She blinks up at you innocently. “Yuki said it!”
The grid kids practically dive over each other to appear shocked and appalled.
“Yuki? Using language like that?” George exclaims.
“How disgraceful!” Max adds. “We’ll be having a stern talking to with him about this.”
You raise an eyebrow at them.
Something seems … off.
Sebastian kneels to your daughter’s level. “Honigbienchen, are you sure Yuki said that? Not one of your brothers?”
She nods vigorously. “Yuki said it when we were playing race cars!”
The boys subtly sigh in relief.
Crisis averted.
Or so they think.
“You know, I don’t recall Yuki having a chance to play with you recently,” you say slowly.
A tense pause.
Sideways glances are exchanged.
The grid kids develop a sudden fascination with the ceiling.
“Alright boys, enough playing dumb. Who taught her the swear word?” Sebastian asks, his Dad Voice™ making them squirm.
“It was Max!”
“It was Charles!”
“It was Lando!”
“It was Lance!”
“It was George!”
“It was Mick!”
They all exclaim in unison, pointing fingers.
A fierce blame game erupts as their bickering intensifies to chaos.
“Enough!” You shout over the noise.
The six drivers fall silent, heads hanging guiltily.
You sigh, lifting your daughter into her highchair. “We’re very disappointed in all of you. You know she’s at the stage where she repeats everything she hears.”
“We’re sorry,” Mick says quietly. “We should have been more responsible.” The others nod, mumbling apologies.
“And we’re sorry we made you say it was Yuki, munchkin,” Lance adds. “We just didn’t want Mom and Dad to be mad at us.”
Sebastian shakes his head. “Lying makes it worse. But we know you didn’t mean any harm.”
“Tell you what,” you offer. “Whoever teaches her the most educational words this week is forgiven. Good, clean words only!”
The boys’ faces light up. Charles grabs a notepad and they huddle together, beginning to strategize.
You can’t help but smile.
Crisis averted.
What follows is a week of mayhem.
“Look Lando, it’s an AARDVARK!” George points excitedly at a cartoon aardvark in a book. “Aardvark starts with A!”
Lando nods seriously. “Aardvark. Aaaaardvark.”
Your daughter claps her little hands. “Aawdvawk!”
The boys high-five. One point for them.
Later, Max drives his toy model RB22 towards her. “Vroom vroom! This is a race car! It has DRS. Can you say drag reduction system?”
She scrunches her nose. “Dwag wedection system!”
“Nice one!” Lance whispers. Max grins, ruffling your daughter’s hair smugly.
At dinner, Charles scans his food. “Mmm, broccoli! This is BROCCOLI!” He holds up a roasted floret. “Can you try and say it?”
“Bwock-lee!” Your daughter squeals through a mouthful of the vegetable. Charles pumps his fist.
Mick doesn’t waste time and pulls out a small globe as soon as she finishes eating, pointing at a certain country. “Look! It’s Germany! That’s where Papa and I come from. Can you say Germany?”
Your daughter scrunches her face in concentration. “Ger...mummy?”
Mick chuckles, “Close enough!”
Sebastian winks at you with a smirk, “Well Mummy sure did conquer Germany, didn’t she?”
You playfully raise an eyebrow, “If by Germany you mean one particularly sexy German driver, then yes, I guess I did.” The grid kids pretend to gag.
Too bad. You’ll take the payback any way you can.
This continues for days. Meal times become vocabulary lessons, walks around the house are accompanied by exaggerated pointing at objects. Books are read with ridiculous enthusiasm, animal noises amplified.
You and Sebastian exchange amused looks as the boys vie for your daughter’s attention, each hoping to teach her the most complex word or phrase. Their efforts have become less about earning forgiveness and more about one-upping each other.
By the end of the week, her vocabulary has expanded exponentially. The boys even taught themselves some new words in the process.
As the boys argue over who should be declared the winner during dinner the following Saturday, Sebastian whistles loudly. “Enough! You all went above and beyond this week with her.”
You smile. “You’re all forgiven. And I think we can thank you for increasing her word bank more in a week than months of normal teaching.”
They cheer, exchanging pleased grins.
You lean down to your daughter’s level. “Now, can we agree no more bad words?”
She nods seriously. “No fuck!”
The room descends into chaos once again.
It’s race day and the paddock is hectic as usual. You and Sebastian finally relented and brought your daughter along after weeks of nonstop begging from the grid kids to have their sister on the sideline cheering for them.
As you walk through the pit lane, she squeals and points. “Max! Lando! Chawles! Lance! Mick! Geowge!”
The boys grin, waving enthusiastically as they rush to crowd around her, cooing over how big she’s gotten in the few days they haven’t seen her while she giggles and soaks up the attention.
Nearby, Yuki is chatting with his trainer. Your daughter tugs Sebastian’s hand and skips over to him. “Yuki! Hi Yuki!”
Yuki turns, smiling. “Hi, o-joh-chan! Excited for the race?”
She nods, pigtails bouncing. As Yuki leans down to chat with her, a two-way radio falls off a passing golf cart, narrowly missing his foot.
“Ah shit!” He exclaims before freezing. Your daughter’s eyes go wide. The grid kids stiffen, bracing themselves.
Yuki stares at you and Sebastian in horror, realizing his mistake. “Oops! Uh, I mean ... shoot!”
But it’s too late. A devilish grin spreads across your daughter’s face.
This is her moment.
“SHIT!” She shouts gleefully.
Yuki turns bright red as laughter erupts around him. “I am so sorry!” He sputters. “I didn’t mean to—”
Sebastian just chuckles, patting his shoulder. “Don’t worry, we know it was an accident.”
Your daughter is thrilled with this new word she can very clearly enunciate. She spots two team principals across the paddock.
“Chwistian! Shit!” She yells. “Toto! Shiiit!”
Christian trips over his own feet. Toto turns an alarming shade of splotchy red but can’t help laughing. You and Sebastian hurry over, trying to shush her excited swearing.
The grid kids are crying with laughter. Charles is wheezing. “This is even better than I imagined!”
Max high-fives your daughter. “That’s my girl! You tell them!”
You shoot him a warning look and he gives you an innocent grin. Sebastian scoops up your still-cursing daughter, bouncing her gently. “Alright sweetie, I think that’s enough for today.”
Her lip wobbles. “But it’s fun, Papa.”
The boys are zero help, doubled over cackling. Yuki still looks mortified.
Sebastian kisses your daughter’s forehead, stifling a grin. “I know but let’s keep the excitement PG for now, okay? You can say those words when you’re a grown up too.”
You take her little hand, ready to steer her away before she can scar any more eardrums. As you walk off, she peeks over Sebastian’s shoulder and yells one last farewell.
“Bye Yuki! SHIIIT!”
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bloompompom · 5 months
✦ content: girl dad!eren jaeger x fem!reader, domestic fluff
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“What are you doing?” 
The words left you on a disbelieving laugh. You leaned against the doorway to your family room, eyes cast down to where your husband and three-month-old daughter lay. 
Up until more recent milestones, Eren was the one invested in the baby’s toys and trinkets, not her. They wouldn’t have gotten much use if not for his insistence on testing everything out, or so he said. You’d call it his boyish sense of curiosity, something he never quite outgrew. 
So, really, it should have come as no surprise when you found him adjoined your daughter on the floor, with her sprawled and sharing a corner of her play mat for her father to rest his head. Above them, a colorful arch decorated with various sensory toys—tiny rattles and shakers, crinkly plushes.
“Trying to figure out what’s so interesting about this thing,” Eren said, flicking one of the spinners. 
Your daughter’s little eyes widened until you could make out the green of them, even from where you stood. Eren turned to her with delight, waiting for her reaction when he spun the ring a second time. A smile squished her cheeks and a giggle slipped past—the tiniest sound you could imagine but somehow more than enough to make your heart want to burst from your chest. 
“See?” He lifted his head to get a better look at her and softly poked the tip of her nose. “What’s so funny?”
She smiled again, bigger this time, putting a cute scrunch in her nose. 
“The box said it’s for zero to twelve months. I think you might be a smidge too old to get it,” you teased. 
She was at that age now, rounding the corner where merely observing the world around her blossomed into reacting to it as well. You’d only known her smile for weeks, such a small fraction of your life, and already you were enamored with it, more than anything else. She was still discovering her own—sometimes crooked, sometimes not—while you strived to discover their causes. Which, more often than not, was Eren. Annoyingly so at times, but only because he absolutely ate it up. 
His eyes were still fixed on your daughter, as were yours. She stuck a plump hand out to paw toward Eren’s face or hair, you couldn’t tell, but fell short—she was still tackling coordination. He hooked her hand with his finger and kissed her tiny knuckles.
You were reminded of the impermanence of the moment. It was a warm feeling, honey-colored like the ephemeral ray of afternoon sun that told you sunset was near. That night was inevitable the same way tomorrow was inevitable, then the day after that. Soon enough, she would be able to grab his hair or pinch your face without falling short. It would hurt, but you would laugh anyway, and you would think back to this day.
So you joined them. You walked over and dropped to the floor. You inched your way beneath the arch, right beside your daughter, and flipped a gear until it spun, just to see what all the fuss was about.
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cameronluvr · 11 days
BABY DADDY — exbf!dad!rafe x mom!reader
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summary: you have a baby with your ex, rafe, but when you arrive early to pick her up from his place, you discover drugs on the table…
warnings: toxic!rafe, arguing, mentions of cocaine, rafe being manipulative and a total asshole, cussing, angst, lmk if i missed anymore!
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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your daughter is the most perfect little girl you could’ve asked for. she’s sweet, funny, sassy, and so beautiful. the older she got, the more she began to look like rafe. she has his bright blue eyes, his dirty blonde hair, the same shaped eyes and nose… she was his twin. and you were unsure whether or not you liked it so much. you love your daughter more than anything in the world, but gosh, you wish you didn’t see your ex in her every time you look at her.
rafe had her over the weekend, so when sunday evening approached, you left to pick her up. upon arriving at his place, you knock on the door and wait for it to open, but suspiciously, nobody answers. you frown, looking down at your phone to realise it was an hour earlier than you’d usually come to pick the baby up.
you knock again, only this time hearing footsteps rushing to the door. it swings open, and rafe greets you with a smile. “hey,” he moves out of the way, motioning for you to come inside.
“hi,” you walk inside, looking around. “where is she?”
“oh, she’s in bed.” he tells you, scratching his head. “already? she isn’t usually tired at this time” your brows furrow in confusion, it was only 6 PM. “yeah, well, she wanted to go to bed” rafe shrugs. you ignore him, walking to his bedroom to grab your daughter.
slowly opening the door, you see your baby laying awake in her crib, making you grin and walk over to her. “hi, baby girl” you softly say, reaching down to pick her up. she raises her arms, making grabby hands at you. you giggle as you pick her up, holding her on your side.
“mommy missed you so much,” you plant kisses on her cheek, making her laugh. rafe is stood by the door at this point, watching you both. you turn around and notice him, “did you have fun with daddy, hm?” you ask her, gently bouncing her up and down on your hip.
“yeah we did. we went to the park, and the beach, and we went to see your grandpa and aunt’s, didn’t we, baby?” rafe says, walking over to you both to give his daughter a kiss on the head. he loves her so much, you can see that. “ooh, that sounds fun” you giggle, looking at your daughter with a grin on your face.
“uh huh, we had the most fun” rafe smiles, tickling his daughter in your arms. hearing her adorable laugh made you both giggle in adoration.
“right, girl, we gotta’ go.” you tell your baby as if she can understand what you’re saying. you walk out of the room with her in your arms as rafe follows behind. you start to gather her things before noticing something in the living room.
on the table lies a fresh line of cocaine, with the bag it came from next to it. “is that?…” you ask, carefully setting your daughter down on the floor to let her play for a minute. rafe stops what he’s doing to look at what you’re looking at, both of your faces dropping.
“are you serious?!” you raise your voice at him, but not loud enough to scare or startle the baby. “what?” he asks so stupidly. “wh— what?!” your eyebrows raise and eyes widen in anger. “your one year old fucking daughter is in the next room and… wait, is that why you put her to bed?” you ask, connecting the dots.
he put her to bed early so he could feed to his drug habit.
“relax, she’s fine, isn’t she?” he asks, frowning as if you’re overreacting. “she’s fine? yeah, sure, that makes it all okay, rafe!!” you respond with pure sarcasm and rage. the two of you start to argue and bicker back and forth as your baby takes no notice. she’s too young to understand, and instead ignores you both to play with her toys.
“what if you got up to do something and she went over there, rafe?!” you yell, but again, not too loudly. “well she didn’t!” he argues back. “well what if she did, huh?!” you’ve never been this angry before, your face just inches away from his.
“that’s why she’s in my roo—”
“that’s why?! so she wasn’t even tired, you just put her to bed so you could ignore her while you sniff your fucking lines?!” you place your hands on your forehead out of stress.
“i wasn’t ignoring her!” rafe yells back.
“do you do this every weekend? is this why you took so long to answer the door?!” you ask him. “no, jesus, y/n! chill the fuck out” you stress him out now, watching as he runs his hand through his hair.
“chill out? you want me to chill out, after doing that shit around our daughter?!” you squint in anger at his stupidity. how could he be so selfish? to you and your daughter.
“i’m not doing it around her! i’m doing it while she’s in the next room, no big deal. i’m not hurting anyone” he argues, defending himself like a cocaine addiction is normal.
“oh, that’s fine then. it’s no big deal, you’re right. come on, y/d/n, we’re leaving.” you sarcastically roll your eyes before turning around to pick your daughter up from the ground.
“don’t think for a second that you’re seeing her next week, you can fuck off.” you face rafe for a moment before grabbing the baby’s bag with your other hand, and walking over to the front door.
“y/n,” rafe says, quickly following you to the door. “what?!” you snap, making your baby jump in your arms. “don’t be like that, i’m sorry!” rafe pleads, begging you not to keep his daughter away from him. he may love her, but boy is he stupid.
“rafe, this is the type of shit you could go to prison for, and get her taken away from us! is that what you want?!” you shout at him, not noticing as your baby begins to cry.
she ignored the fight when she was sat on the floor, but now she’s face to face with you both, witnessing the argument firsthand, which scared her.
“oh, baby,” you quickly divert your attention to her after hearing her cry, attempting to comfort her. “see what you did? come here” rafe blames you, taking his baby from your arms before you could protest.
“me?!” you ask him, the audacity. “yes, you!” rafe says, rocking the baby back and forth in his arms to calm her down, shushing her. “give her back to me, rafe” you demand, holding your arms out.
“no, you just made her cry.” he shakes his head, moving your daughter away from you as tears roll down her cheeks. “it was your fault!” you say to him, getting frustrated now.
“yeah, it’s always my fault. you want her to be raised around this? around her mom constantly yelling and being fucking crazy?” he asks as if you’re the problem.
“i— oh my god” you shake your head. “rafe if you don’t give her back to me, i swear to god…” you clench your fists. “what? you gonna hit me? with her in my arms? you could go to prison for that, too, you know” he tuts, shaking his head at you. he is the master manipulator in your life, you don’t know how you ever had a kid with him.
you love your daughter to death, but sometimes you just wish she had a different father.
“oh, fuck you, rafe.” you look at him with fiery eyes, almost as if you could murder him right now. “see how your mommy talks to me, baby?” he diverts his attention to the little girl in his arms, making you roll your eyes.
“your mommy can be real crazy, huh?” he says, only this time looking at you while he says it, which ticked you off the edge. “don’t talk to me about crazy, you fucking psycho.” you raise your voice at him, reaching for your daughter, but he moves her away again.
“rafe! let me take her home!” you yell. “this is her home, too” he shrugs, not yelling as he gently shakes her in his arms, trying to prove that you are the problem, not her daddy. “so you’re just not gonna give her back to me, is that it?” you ask, dropping your arms and giving up trying to get your baby back.
“that’s right. you can leave, she’s staying with me.” he nods. “why? so you can lock her away in the bedroom again? while you snort your fucking life away?” you still argue.
“believe whatever you wanna’ believe, but i am not giving her back to you when you just scared her” rafe shakes his head, keeping your daughter away from you which angered you deeply.
“it was your fault!!!” you say again, like you said before, but he never listens. “yeah, yeah” he rolls his eyes, turning to walk away from you. “where are you going?!” you raise your voice.
“we are going away from you so you can calm your fuckin’ psycho ass down. makin’ a baby cry like that, what’s wrong with you?” he says, still walking away with the baby.
there’s no winning with rafe. you get the blame for acting crazy, starting fights and trying to protect your daughter. you just dread to think what he will tell her when she gets older.
“you know what? i’m done. i’m leaving. i’ll be back for MY baby, asshole.” you shout, opening the front door and slamming it as you walk out. rafe always manipulated you, always got his way with you… you should’ve considered that before pushing his baby out a year ago.
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this is SHORT and i really don’t know if i like it or not… hopefully you guys liked it! lmk what yall think in the comments. thank you so much for all the support, i LOVE you guys. <333
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astraysimp · 7 months
Seo Tiny
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'Seo Tiny'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Hiiii bestiessss! I’m bring more dad!skz…this time it’s Binnie’s turn.
 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥSummary: baby Seo uses Binnie as her personal jungle gym ( i did that as a baby ngl)
 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ 빛나: Binna, your mini Binnie -8 months old
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀Warnings:  cavity inducing fluff, binnie and baby Seo, Binna is  called  Baby Bin, soft! Domestic Binnie, petnames, fem!reader
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡                            °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡                            ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
It was Sunday night–7 o’clock to be exact. That meant, dinner was eaten and everyone was in pajamas. Binna in her piggy onesie and you and Changbin in sweats. You were all relaxing in the living room ,winding down for the night….or so it seemed.
Changbin was on the floor, leaning against the couch. His stomach is full of dinner making him tired and nap ready. You were on the couch, legs seated in a way where Changbin could lean onto one, and Binna was crawling around near him, pacifier in her mouth. She had started to crawl about a month ago and dang….could she go. That’s what she was doing now, either crawling around or playing with her toys. All of a sudden, you heard her pacifier fall and giggles come out of her mouth. She was climbing over Changbin’s body, as he laid on the floor. Laughing, you looked down at her. “Baby bin, what are you doing, my precious girl?” All she could do was giggle some more before crawling over his legs. Changbin laughed, seeing the way Binna crawled over him. “What is my baby doing? Is appa your gym, huh?” He asked, as Binna crawled over his chest and her bum plopped on the floor.
It was a funny sight to see, your baby girl crawling over your husband’s body and plopping onto the other side. Binna seemed to be enjoying it though. Giggling, you leaned down to kiss the top of Changbin’s head. “She’s way too cute, hm, Binnie?” you smiled, patting his chest. “Oh definitely, honey. Look at her, those eyes and those cheeks.” he smiled, watching as Binna continued climbing over his body. “She got her cheeks and eyes from you, baby. She’s a copy and pasted version of you,” You smiled, hearing Binna giggle. Briefly stumbling, Binna giggled and climbed onto Changbin’s stomach area, only to giggle and slide off, her little bum plopping onto the other side. “Be careful, baby bug.” Changbin laughed out, his hand patting Binna on the bum. It was amazing how she wasn’t tired,yet. You were getting tired, ready for a nap. Slowly, you laid your head against Changbin’s, stifling a yawn back. 
Your yawn must have caught Binna’s attention, because she sat on Changbin’s chest and reached her chubby hands up to your face. Laughing, he held onto her to make sure she didn’t slide off of him. “What are you doing up there, little Bin? Giving mama kisses?” He smiled, blowing a raspberry on her tummy. Giggling, she smooshed your cheeks in her hands. “Hi, princess. Do I get a kiss?” You smiled, puckering your lips as she pressed her lips on yours.” Thank you, my sweet girl.Does appa get a kiss, too?” You smiled, as Changbin leaned his head up, wanting his own Baby Bin kiss. “Yah, appa wants kisses from his Binna,” he pouted, holding Binna tighter to his chest. Binna giggled and leaned down, pressing her lips to his. “Thank you, Binna bear.” He smiled, patting her back, feeling her stack to wriggle in his hold. Having enough cuddles, she sat on his stomach and started to his his chest. “What are you doing,baby bun?” He laughed, feeling her small fists hit against his pecs. Laughing, you watched on as Binna hit his chest. “Are you hurting appa, bunny? “ Pouting, he pulled Binna onto his chest, smothering her in kisses as she giggled.”Don’t hurt me baby bunny. Appa loves you so much.” All she could do was giggle and kick her chubby little legs. Then, Binna got restless, wanting to play more.
Soon enough, Binna wiggled out of his arms and continued to crawl over him. “Really….how is she not tired?” Changbin asked, leaning his head on your leg. “Don’t know, my love. She sure is having fun though.” You smiled, running a hand through his hair. He smiled and then took Binna into his hold again, lifting her into the air. “ Wah, Binna bear is flying!” You smiled, as she giggled, kicking her arms and legs. “Binna! You’re going so high up,bug!” You smiled, as Changbin lifted her a few more times. Although she was still giggling, she was getting tired. So, Changbin settled her down onto his chest, rubbing her back. Sliding onto the floor next to Changbin, you smiled cuddling into his side. “Seems like someone is all popped out for today,hm?” You smiled, seeing Binna clinging onto his shirt, her eyes starting to droop. “Sleepy, princess. Guess it’s time for bed, for this little one.” Changbin gently smiled, placing a pacifier back in her mouth. Nodding your head, you pressed a kiss to Binna’s head. “Bed time for Binna,” you smiled, caressing her cheek. Kissing her head, Changbin carefully got up from the floor, Binna still tight in his hold as he rocked her to sleep, making his way to her nursery. “Let’s get you to bed, little one,” he smiled down at her, as you followed behind them. 
Making your way into the nursery, he carefully set her in her crib, and placed a dwaekki plushie in her arms. “Sleep well, Binna bear.” You both bid her goodnight, before closing the door and going to your bedroom. Now, it was yours and Changbin’s turn to sleep, cuddled in each other’s arms.
*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ 💘 ✧.*please don’t steal, copy/paste,claim,repost, or plagiarize my works*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ 💘 ✧.* AStraySImp2023*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ 💘 ✧.*
tag list| @jinnie-ret @straykeedz-recs @binsito @channiesbakery -open
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astrophileous · 8 months
if reader is bug, their son is little bug and their daughter is little bug, what is derek's bug related nickname? or is he disappointed about not having one?
OKAY I personally think Derek's usually fine over not having a bug-related nickname (after all, he's the one who came up with them for his lil family 🥺) but I just imagined a scenario that wouldn't be ooc for him to feel jealous of not having a similar nickname and I hope this is to your liking <3
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
It was bound to happen.
With how often Derek dropped the sweet nickname for you every single day, you knew that it was only a matter of time before it was bound to happen.
But that didn't mean you weren't absolutely floored when it happened for the first time.
Derek's eyes caught yours from across the room. "Did she just--"
"Bah. Bah."
In front of you, your daughter stood on wobbly legs. Your face was the exact twin of Derek's stunned expression as you saw your daughter pointing her fingers towards you and said--for the nth time that afternoon--a word that made your brain reduce into a mush.
"Is she--" your voice caught around a disbelieving chuckle, "--is she saying Bug?"
As if confirming your suspicion, your daughter took hold of your hand before pressing it to her face. "Bah."
Derek was laughing as he crossed the room. He picked up his daughter and lifted her in the air, earning a series of delighted giggles from the 1-year-old.
"My smart baby. Who's a smart baby? Yes, you are!" Derek cooed.
"We're gonna have to explain to people why our daughter's first word is Bug." You laughed as you watched your husband smother your daughter in kisses.
"Well, we can just tell everyone that we have the smartest 1-year-old in the world. Isn't that right, Baby Bug?"
For the next few weeks, your daughter's adorable murmurs of bah became the new constant in your home. She started learning to use the word as a means to attract your attention. But it wasn't the only thing that your daughter had managed to learn.
"Lil bah."
"That's right, baby!" Your son clapped his hands ecstatically, his sister mirroring him with an exhilarated grin. "I'm Little Bug. Good job!"
You followed the interaction between the two from the couch, a permanent smile on your lips. Derek was lying with his head on your lap when you heard him sigh.
"You okay, Mister?"
"I'm the only one she's still refusing to call."
The pout Derek had on his face nearly made you chuckle, and you probably would have done it if you didn't know just how devastating the whole thing was for him.
"You should take it as a compliment," you said instead, trying to put a balm on his wounded heart. "She only said Bug as her first word because she listens to you so much. She just wants to mirror everything you do, hun."
Derek exhaled another long breath. "Should I find myself a bug-related nickname just so she would call me?"
You snorted. "Like what? Mr. Bugkeeper?"
Derek pinched your thigh. "Very funny. I'm hurt and all you do is make fun."
That last statement of his actually made you laugh. Derek proceeded to grumble something under his breath, but you were too busy trying to keep your bellowing laughter under control to pay attention to it.
From across the room, your daughter suddenly stood on her chubby little feet before staggering over to where you and Derek were lounging on the couch while your son continued to play with his toys.
"Bah," your daughter said once she had reached you.
"Hi, baby."
"Bah." She proceeded to turn towards Derek after that, tracing the features on her father's face with exploratory fingers and a cute curiosity in her eyes. "Bah?"
"That's not Bug, baby," you told her. "That's Dada. Can you say Dada?"
She stared blankly at your face in response.
"Say Dada," Derek encouraged. "Come on, Baby Bug. Say I love you, Dada!"
Your daughter blinked and tilted her head to the side.
Derek sighed in disappointment. "This is hopeless. She's never gonna--"
You and Derek both froze in shock.
"Da." Your daughter grabbed a hold of Derek's cheeks. "Da. Wuv yu."
You didn't think you ever saw Derek sit up so fast in his life.
"Baby Bug." Your husband's voice was laden with bewilderment. "Can you say that again, sweetheart? Say that again for Dada?"
"Da. Wuv yu."
The laughter that rumbled from Derek's chest spoke of the greatest joy you had ever seen radiating from a person. He picked your daughter up in his embrace, spinning her around until the baby shrieked in glee.
"I told you it would happen, Mr. Bugkeeper," you said around your own jubilant laughter.
If it were any other day, Derek would have given you a side eye over the ludicrous nickname. But at that moment, Derek couldn't find it in his bones to care.
After all, his daughter had just told him that she loved him for the first time.
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sturniolowhore · 5 months
summary ⎯ following matt's revelation of wanting your mouth and you giving him exactly what he wants, it's time for him to return the favour and show you the exact appeal of having a heavenly mouth
part one!
warnings ⎯ matt x fem!reader, eating out, smut, cursing, riding
A/N ⎯ wrote this while i was supposed to be revising but i have to give the people what they want (and procastinate but we don't talk about that!) and here's an in advance sorry about the length.
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
"swallow it baby."
you can't help but complying, swallowing the load as though you have no other role in this world. it slips down you easily and from the way matt is watching you from above, it's clear he's turned on by the entire ordeal. it feels good knowing you have an effect on him, knowing the mere sight of you can make that smug smirk appear on his face. usually the smirk irritates you beyond belief but in this moment as it covers his lips, you find it looks rather appealing and you just want to feel it against your lips.
you stand up slowly and sit beside him on the bed, grasping his face in your hands before biting at his bottom lip, feeling your own lip tingle slightly as matt moans into your mouth. then you kiss him, wanting and like you've never kissed before. if he's shocked at your pace, he doesn't show it, simply gives you exactly as you desire and kisses back with the same amount of desperation. it would be funny if not for the fact that the need he is feeling is a mutual theme that resides within you too.
"look at you, tasting yourself," you whisper and he whines that captivating sound which makes you kiss harder.
the need for him increases by the second and your throbbing can't be ignored any longer. you need to feel him, have him, anything. you pull away from the kiss and stare at him, his forehead covered in sweat that makes his hair stick to it a little and his lips fuller than usual due to you practically attacking them. it's a sight you frame in your mind and one you're sure you want to keep painting.
your tone is needy when you speak but you can't help it, "fuck matt i need you so badly."
he fucking grins at you and moves his hand to your shorts, toying with the waistband teasingly before tugging them off and watching as they form a pool of material on the floor. his fingers return to your thong and he blows out a breath.
"fucking look at you, so sexy," he praises as he leaves barely there touches against you, mocking you in a way that's almost humiliating yet you sort of like it.
he leans closer to your ears and whispers, hot and wanting, "take them off come on baby."
you do as he says, slipping them off in the hopes that he'll give you what you need. his hand circles your clit and you moan at the feeling, grinding into his hand to meet him halfway and maximise the pleasure that is undoubtedly increasing by the second.
he's moving slow, far too slow for your liking and so you place your hand atop his, guiding his movements at a faster pace that makes him chuckle lowly, "what a desperate little slut. i'm going to give you what you want."
he drops off the bed and moves himself so that his mouth is dangerously close to your core. he licks at his lips and when his tongue pokes out, a new found desire to have it inside of you forms. you whine helplessly, not knowing what to do for a second because all he's doing is observing you, letting his eyes swallow you but you need to feel something.
in hopes of pleasing yourself, you move your fingers and begin playing with yourself, moans escaping your lips but of course, matt can't have that so he slaps your hand away, shaking his head at you in the process.
"if anyone's going to make you whine like a little bitch, it's me. got it?" he gets out and you nod your head in response.
"words. words or i won't get you off. i'll tie you up and leave you so that you can't touch yourself or cum so fucking speak up," he tells you and the thought of matt leaving you all tied up serves as yet another thing turning you on.
"i get it just please, do something," you basically plead and that seems to do the trick because he at last attaches his mouth to your clit and sucks on it, your hand instantly flying to grip his soft hair.
you tug on it and he groans onto you, the soft hum sending you into a spiral of no control. he continues lapping his tongue, moving in various patterns before he starts moving routinely. the feeling of his hot and wet tongue is enough to satisfy you beyond belief. you understand what he means about mouths now because his also feels like heaven. he just does it so flawlessly like it's second nature for him.
"fuck matt, don't stop. please don't stop," you know you sound desperate but his mouth gets you all hot and you never want the pleasure to stop.
his tongue enters you fully and you grip his hair with the firmest hold, making him gasp into you. his tongue plunges deep and then he moves it again. that happens for a few moments before he pulls it out and looks up at you, "spelling slut inside of you with my tongue because that's exactly what you are. a needy slut, my slut."
and then he goes back in as though he never said anything. the sensation of his tongue mixed with the dirtiness of his words sends you over the edge, "fuck matt i'm cumming."
you cum fast and hard, riding out your high as he continues with his tongue before he pulls away with a sharp exhale. his chin and lips are coated in your cum but all he does is gather it on his fingers before sliding them into his beautiful mouth and sucking them clean. you watch in admiration as he groans when he swallows.
"you taste so fucking sweet," he gets out and you smile softly at him, still panting slightly because of how much you came.
he gets up from the floor and moves to the bed once more, sitting against the headboard with a blown out look and sinful smirk to match it. you think he looks fucking delightful and even though you're supposed to hate him, you can't exactly do that right now. how are you supposed to hate someone that tells you that you taste sweet and eats you out as though you're their favourite meal. it's quite honestly impossible.
you watch him as he signals for you to come closer and you do exactly that, swivelling your body to face him and move so you're just beside his stretched out legs. his top is still on and so is yours so he leans forward and removes your top, leaving you in just your black lacy bra, making him stare at you hungrily. he follows this by removing his own top and you almost moan at the sight of him completely naked before your very eyes.
he glances at you with his pupils dilated and a look that tells you more than words ever can. the smirk still hasn't left his face and doesn't when he speaks either, "you're gonna ride me like a good girl."
it's the way he commands rather than asks that makes you want to listen as quickly as you can. there's just something about the control in his voice that leaves you with no choice but to give him exactly what he wants. you would also be lying if you said this wasn't something you also wanted. getting pleased and being the pleaser; something you can more than work with.
you move to straddle his lap and his hands move to your hips as soon as you do so, a rough hold already making you want to stay in this position for eternity. you move against him and watch his cock harden again, inviting you to sit on it the way you so deeply desire. lifting you up a little, he slams you down onto him with a heavy groan at the feeling. the suddenness of the action makes you fall into him and that laugh of utter humiliation returns yet again, this time close to your ears as he bites at your earlobe.
"fuck you're so tight and warm baby," he praises, moving you up and down roughly whilst you ride him, swaying your body with urgency.
"i knew you were made for this, made to take me like a whore," he comments before he whimpers, a string of curses falling from his lips in the room filled with noises of skin slapping against skin.
"fuck matt, you feel so good," you moan and your words make him move you faster which just solidifies your statements.
he removes his hands and you whine at the loss of contact for a second but quickly shut up when they move to your bra and take it off. he tosses it aside in an unknown place but you don't care because his perfect mouth attaches to your right tit. he works his way around it, biting at it and grazing it with his teeth in a frenzy of lust.
he takes your left nipple in his hand and twists it with his fingers making you let out a particularly loud moan. the different feelings are combining together and making you feel light headed with pleasure. you feel so full with his dick inside of you and your tits feel so good with his mouth and hands around them. he licks stripes at them and groans as he slaps them, enough to sting but feel good at the same time.
"you're so fucking hot," you can't help but say and he grins, slapping you again and again and again.
your hands wrap around his neck when he slams you down at one point, more rough than ever to the point you're sure you are on fire. you sink as deep as you can, chasing your orgasm because it's so fucking close. you can feel matt getting closer too because his hold tightens and his moans are slipping out of him uncontrollably.
"oh god 'm gonna cum inside you, gonna fill you up," he breathes out and you nod eagerly, getting closer and closer.
he pushes his body into you and you let go completely which helps him to mirror you perfectly. you cum at the same time, words of praise and curses dancing in the air as you grip each other. you fall into his chest and he pants loudly.
"matt," you start, mumbling into his chest, "i'm not gonna stop wanting you after that."
he smiles but you don't see it, "good because i've never not wanted you."
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imthebadguyyy · 9 months
Something Just Like This
Tumblr media
pairing - charles leclerc x reader
fandom - f1
synopsis - a reflection on your relationship.
part - i (part ii)
warnings - talk about death, leukemia, badly translated french and the events may not be in order.
a/n - felt guilty for being away for so long so here's a wee little bit of a fic to make up for it!! all my love, always ♥️
when you were five,your dad had taken you to a go kart track in monaco, to watch a race with his childhood best friend, herve. having previously lived elsewhere, your trip to monaco with your parents was tremendously exciting, and you had nearly tripped over in your excitement at visiting a new country, and possibly making new friends. your dad had told you, "my friend has 3 sons himself, I'm sure you'll all get along very well"
so, you went, clutching your raggedy anne doll in one hand, and your model ferrari in the other, excitedly chattering away to your mummy and papa, eventually falling asleep on their shoulders.
when you awoke, you found yourself on a strange bed, with neither your doll nor your car beside you, and your parents seemed to have vanished too. the easy tears that had always been ready to spring to your eyes did their job, and your bottom lip began to wobble.
just before you could burst into tears, a pretty lady with kind eyes looked in at the door, and upon seeing your trembling lip, walked in with a soft coo.
"ma cherie, don't cry. are you looking for your maman and papa?" she asked, sitting down beside you.
"yes I am, do you know where they are?" you asked, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand as you spoke. "yes cherie, they're here, in the living room. im pascale, your parents friend! my husband, herve, is your dad's friend. come, let me introduce you"
and so you followed her to the living room, clutching into her finger for dear life, and the moment you spotted your parents, you ran to your mama, clambering into her lap and hiding your face in her hair.
"hello! are you y/n?" a little boy asked, with messy dark hair a sweet smile. you nodded, looking at him curiously. "I'm Lorenzo, but you can call me enzo!" he said with a smile. "hello" you mumbles softly, taking in your surroundings.
you took in the pretty apartment, with the bright sunlight and the pretty paintings, before something on the floor caught your eye.
there was another boy on the carpet, with brown hair and green eyes, who had in his clutch your missing ferrari toy.
"hey thats my car!" you exclaimed, sliding off your mother's lap to sit on the floor"
"that can't be your car, girls don't play with cars!" the boy exclaimed, holding it close.
"now charles, of course they can! and that is y/n's car so why don't you ask her if you can play with it together?" pascale interrupted, sensing a fight about to break out
"ok, im sorry y/n, can we share this car please? i love ferrari!" he exclaimed, flashing you a bright smile, and it was at that moment that your little five year old heart fell hard for the boy.
the two of you spent the afternoon together, playing with your ferrari and all his other cars, and laughing and giggling with lorenzo, and also playing with baby arthur.
your parents watched with smiles, realizing their children were forming life long bonds.
no one could have foreseen how you would be joined at the hip forever after that. your parents moved to monaco for a job your dad got, and you started living just down the block from the leclerc's. that meant Saturday night dinners at either of your houses, and lazy Sundays spent at the beach or at go kart races.
you even went to the same school as the boys, with either of your parents picking you up and dropping you off.
as the years passed, you and charles got closer and closer, and it was a rare occasion where you weren't stuck at the hip.
you found in him the best friend you always wanted, funny, kind and caring, and always ready to have your back, something he proved on the very first day of school, when he punched a kid who pulled on your pigtails.
his parents weren't happy but when a tearful charles explained that "i couldn't let him hurt y/n/n!! i love her!!" pascale softened and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"you love her, do you?" she asked with a chuckle, when the boy nodded furiously. "she's my best friend, nobody should make her upset" he said determinedly, making his dad chuckle too.
"ok, mon fils, tu n'as pas de problèmes"
on your sixteenth birthday, the leclercs joined your family for a special dinner on the beach. your dad rented a yacht and you guys had spent the day sailing on it, and trying to catch fish and swimming in the blue water. you had all laughed and screamed and lorenzo had taught you how to do a proper cannonball into the water. your mother's had scolded him for teaching you such unladylike things, and he in turn said "but she's y/n! no one's expecting her to be ladylike!" at which point you had dunked him in the water.
you tuckered each other out by swimming around, and participating in a chicken fight with the leclercs. it was you in charles' shoulder, and arthur on lorenzo's. of course, you won.
it reminded you of when you were children, always together, always messing around in some way or the other. but with Charles spending more and more time racing, you got to see the leclercs much lesser than you'd have liked to.
so communication with Charles became through letters, written to him when he went out of the country to race, with his dad and brother. pascale was a regular visitor but meeting charles had become something to be cherished, what with you busy trying to get auditions to be a singer.
in the years that had passed, you and charles had become extremely close, meeting each other whenever possible and becoming each others support system whenever the other needed it. so of course it was fitting that he was your designated best friend, your confidante, your favourite leclerc (but we won't tell arthur that)
so that night after dinner, when charles suggested you take a walk together on the beach, you thought nothing of it. not until he pulled out a small bracelet he had made, out of seashells, that you gasped, leaping into his arms for a tight hug.
"i want you to have something to remember me by when I go racing, ma jolie, i know I'm not always around, but this way you'll always have a piece of me with you, even if I'm not there" he whispered, dropping a small kiss you your forehead.
gentle kisses and hugs and touch were not unusual for you, it was your love language and it always had been, ever since you were kids.
but there had always been a lingering crush you had on him (and him on you but we'll talk about that later) and you felt your belly burn red hot when his lips dropped to your cheek.
you pulled him in close for a hug, hand running through his hair, freshly cut by his mother.
"merci, ma vie" you whispered, pressing a kiss to his wrist, and as the both of you stayed there, your head on his shoulder, his head on yours, cozy on a rug he had stolen, watching the beautiful monaco sunset, you swore you had never loved anyone as much as you had in that moment.
and charles realized it too, looking over at you, and how the sunset cast a golden hue on your mesmerizing eyes, and the way your hair shimmered softly, and your skin glowed bright, and he swore he had never seen a sight prettier, and his little teenage heart fell a little harder for the five year old who worse pigtails and loved ferrari as much as he did.
however, your story wasn't always just sunshine and rainbows. when you were seventeen, your dad was diagnosed with leukemia.
the news came as a shock to you, especially when the doctor told you, he did not have strong chances of recovery even with the proper surgery and treatment. you'd never forget your mother's wail, as she sobbed over your father's fate, and how pascale and herve were there for her through it all, but for you, you couldn't breathe.
you ran to the park, crawling under the slide set, your breathing harsh and shallow. your eyes were blurring and every breath sent a sharp pain shooting down your chest. around you, the world seemed to spin and you closed your eyes, drawing your knees in, and begging your brain to stop, and pressing a hand to your chest.
before you knew it you were gasping, every gasp making you more and more dizzy, and your heart seemed to be banging against your chest to get out.
"am i dying?" you thought to yourself, labouring gasps echoing in the darkness.
"and am i hearing things?" you also asked yourself, because you could have sworn you heard charles' voice.
and lo and behold, he appeared, panting and sweaty, sinking down next to you, grabbing your sweaty hands in his own and pushing his forehead down to yours.
"cherie? ma jolie? regarde-moi s'il te plaît, regarde-moi. maman told me what happened. please cherie, breathe for me, i need you to breathe. peux-tu respirer pour moi?" he begged, rubbing your back slowly and pressing kisses to your nose.
slowly, your breathing slowed down, but as it did, tears began to stream down your face, and ugly sobs wracked your body.
Charles felt his heart break, watching the strongest girl he knew break down in his arms, tears and sweat pooling on his shirt as you sobbed.
"i know, Cherie, i know" he whispered, his own eyes glazing over. he loved your dad as much as your dad loved him, and he couldn't believe it when his mother told him the news. he pulled you in even closer, so you were straddling his lap, and kept rubbing your back, whispering sweet nothings to you.
"papa, il va mourir et il va nous laisser maman et moi seules" you wailed into his shoulder and he shushed you gently.
"no no no, cherie, listen to me, please?" he asked, pulling your chin up, heart breaking when he saw your red eyes and runny nose.
you nodded slowly, still hiccupping, but letting him pull you into his chest.
"y/n, i cannot tell you what the future holds for your papa. but I can promise you that you and mama will never be alone, ever. even if the day comes when we have to say goodbye to your papa, you will never, ever be alone, not while I am there, not while maman is there, not while papa is there, and not while lorenzo and arthur are there. you are my family, y/n, and family sticks together. I'm here for you, always" he whispered.
you looked at him, your heartbroken eyes looking into his sincere green ones, seeing the same pain reflected in them. and in that moment, you knew it was right when you leaned in, and he did too.
your lips met that cold, dark, rainy evening, under the shade of the slide set in the park, but your souls had intertwined when you were five, and you could have sworn you had never felt more alive than you did at the moment.
and while your heart broke and sagged with the weight of losing your father so soon, it also ached with love at having charles with you. so when you drew back, still tasting, the salty tears you both had shed, he pulled you back in for a tighter hug.
"toujours là pour toi cherie, toujours."
you lost your dad the following year, in 2016, and charles was by your side at the funeral, watching you cry as you placed a white rose on his casket.
you had never spoken about that kiss again, and neither of you had thought it was the right time to bring it up in the months that followed.
charles watched as your mother, the woman he so admired, crumbled before him, lost without her guiding light. is that how it would ever be if you ever lost him?
the fear that coursed through his heart shocked him. he couldn't imagine what it would be like, to loose someone he loved so dearly.
his father had taken over as a surrogate father for you, and constant support for your mother. but the leclercs knew something that you didn't, their father wasn't keeping very well either, but no one had the heart to tell the l/n's, not when you were already suffering through so much.
after the funeral, there was a small tea at your own house, but you couldn't bear to be there. so at the first opportunity, you slipped away, leaving your mother in pascales care.
you ran, not caring where, until you found yourself at the beach. you sat down, pulling off your shoes and throwing your hat away, before sinking down on your knees to the sand.
you sobbed, salty tears dripping down your face, holding the locket your dad gave you in your hands, and once again, a familiar smell filled your nose as a warm body settled in next to you. charles.
"hi cherie" he whispered, wrapping an arm around you.
"hello" you whispered, mustering up a small smile.
"ma courageuse fille" he whispered softly, making you giggle and sob at the same time.
"i have to be strong for maman" you admitted. "she has no one but me in this world anymore" you whispered, eyes blurring again.
"she has us, always" charles said determinedly. "and we aren't going anywhere" he said, taking your hand in his.
and as the sun set once again, you reminicsed about a simpler, sweeter time, when you and charles where carefree and innocent, not scarred by life and it's harsh realities.
there was something special in that sunset, you noted, resting your head on charles shoulder again. perhaps your papa was trying to indicate that charles was the one for you.
but at the moment, sitting by the beach, in a moment of joined sorrow, you had never felt more human.
with charles growing success in f2, and you finally getting a record deal, life was going well.
until you were told that herve was not doing well. denial flooded your brain. no. how was this possible? how could god take both the father's in your life to disease and illness?
you screamed and wailed and cursed, too stung, too bitter, about life.
and then the day came, in 2017. when pascale called you sobbing and lorenzo came to your door knocking wildly.
"c'est papa,il ne se réveille pas !! tante laura, qu'est-ce qu'on fait?!'
your mom was out the door in an instant and you followed, following a heartbroken lorenzo to the door of the house you knew so well.
you could hear pascales wails before you even reached, and the easy tears rose again but you forced them down.
you had to be strong for your second family, and with a deep breath, you pushed the door in.
what you saw broke you.
charles, sobbing on the sofa, head in his hands, while arthur sat next to his mother, in tears.
your mother dealt with all the formalities but you stuck to charles, letting him cry into your shoulder, holding him the hold day, whispering how much you loved him and how sorry you were to him, and promising him that he wasn't alone.
you comforted arthur too, holding the boy in your arms, wrapping him in the tightest hug.
you had never felt more respect for Lorenzo, ever the big brother, tears streaming down him face, even though he stayed so strong for his family.
later that evening, you held charles in their balcony, wrapped in a blanket that you had knitted for him.
"i feel so hollow, so empty" he admitted, burying his face deeper into your neck, trying his best to stay grounded by inhaling the scent of your perfume.
"i feel as if a piece of my heart has been snatched away and I'll never be okay again" he admitted, tears filling his eyes for the hundredth time that day.
"i know, charles, believe me I know" you whispered softly to him, running your hands through his hair, "but a wise boy I know once told me, that I was never ever going to be alone. he told me 'even if the day comes when we have to say goodbye to your papa, you will never, ever be alone, not while I am there' and today charles, I am saying the same to you. i know that it hurts like anything right now and that pain will never go away"
"feel that pain charles. it's what makes you human, ma vie,and i know it hurts. but I am here for you. take out all your pain and I will be there to catch you when you fall. i will be there to put you back together when you fall apart. i am here for you ma vie, always" you whispered to him, and he choked out a sob, curling himself into you, never more sure of his love for you.
"i lied and told him I got the ferrari seat" he finally choked out, and with a soft whisper of "oh charles" you pulled him in close.
there it was.
the reason why he felt like his soul was being eaten up inside.
"charles, mon coeur, i promise, you will get that ferrari seat. it will be soon, and you will have kept that promise to your papa, i have a feeling mon coeur, that your future in formula 1 will be as bright and shiny as you, and you are going to get everything you deserve, i know you will"
and he chose to take solace in your words.
just like he took solace in your soul.
you made your formula 2 debut alongside charles at Baku that year. everyday you were left more in awe of the powerful force that he was, ready to race in less than a week, because he felt he owed it to the man who made him who he was.
so you told him you'd go with him, be his support and be there for him when he needed you to most.
and you were left spellbound yet again, at his talent, his resilience, his drive, his passion.
p fucking 1. at a race that meant the world to him.
and as he ran towards you after, body colliding with yours so hard you swear some of your bones snapped, you told him everything you had to in your embrace.
rough racing gloves on delicate skin, frenzied pulling closer and harsh breathing. thats all you remembered from the moment, looking deep into his emerald ,knowing the media was having a field day.
"I'm so so so so proud of you so fucking proud" you whispered. "and i know your dad is too" you continued, pressing a small kiss to his helmet.
when he stood on the podium, tears streamed down your cheeks. you were so so so proud of him.
and as he looked down at you, he smiled, knowing you were always going to be his brightest star.
Charles' journey is formula 1 started with Sauber but you knew for a fact that he wouldn't stay there.
when kimi announced he was leaving ferrari, you called charles and screamed into his ears "YOURE GOING TO GET THAT FUCKING SEAT MARK MY WORDS" and he had simply chuckled saying he was hoping for the best.
so when in the middle of recording a song, your phone rang with charles' name, you dropped everything you were doing and picked up the phone.
"je l'ai fait. j'ai eu le siège"
"le siège ferrari. j'ai compris. c'est à moi. je vais être pilote de ferrari pour 2019"
the scream you let out was so loud your producer jumped out of his skin.
"I'm so proud of you!! J'ai toujours su que tu l'aurais, tu mérites le monde et plus encore!!" you screamed, tears streaming down your face and you heard charles laugh.
"merci, mon cherie. i will celebrate with you soon" he chuckled.
"obviously you will!! I'll be home soon, let me just finish this album first and then I am all yours" you laughed.
oh how you longed to be all his. it's all you'd ever wanted since you were a teenager.
charles' heart ached.
oh how he longed for you to be all his. it was all he'd ever wanted since he was a teenager.
later that day, you wrote the song feels like.
social media had a breakdown.
charles had a breakdown.
but that's mainly because he'd rather you wrote a love song about him.
unbeknownst to him, you had atleast a 100 lovesongs written about him.
clicking your pen for the hundredth time, you let out a sigh.
this songwriting thing was so frustrating.
it seemed like you had a billion ideas but nothing compact came out of it.
with a deep sigh, you let your hand crash against the piano, letting the discordant notes ring in your apartment.
but the ending caught your attention.
humming, you grabbed your pen again, jotting down, scribbling down all the things you wanted to say but never would.
being a singer had always been, and just as charles was flourishing in his career, you were flourishing in yours. you had already won a grammy for your album 'nostalgia' and had won amas, Brit awards, and 2 vma awards.
'the rising star of pop' was what they affectionately called you.
you had stunned the world with your versatility and range and the depth of your songs. ballads like gravity and last kiss had shown your emotional depth. songs like when I get there and make you feel my love had showing your delicate, romantic, vulnerable side. songs like happier reflected your pain.
your song fat funny friend had shot you into the global scene when you released it as a single. millions of fans wrote to you, thanking you for being vulnerable so others could feel seen.
and of course, no one picked up on the secret ballads for charles, pinning it down to young love and romance that was usual for all people your age.
so as you finally finished the song and smiled, you knew they wouldn't guess for this one either.
but you would know.
and so you sent it to be your next single.
summer break rolled around, and you had a new mission - confessing your feelings for charles.
you were sure the timing was right.
you had to tell your best friend in the whole world that you were madly in love with him.
you told pascale, who squealed and told you "welcome to the family officially!!' earning a laugh from you.
"let me tell the boy first maman, then I'll tell you what he says"
"of course he'll say he loves you too! i know my son cherie, he's been in love with you since you were children, he's just too stupid to do anything about it" she joked affectionately and you laughed.
"j'espere que tu as raison maman. i love him very much" you admitted, blushing a little.
"of course darling. come to dinner tonight, everyone will be there, you can tell him then" she smiled, and you got up to go get dressed, pressing two kisses to her cheek.
back home, you nervously scouted your cupboard to see what you could wear. you showered and washed your hair, and put on a red dress that charles had gifted you when he got his seat.
smiling at the memory, you put on your makeup, did your hair and took a deep breath.
you were really going to do it. you were going to tell the man you had loved your whole life that you loved him.
the drive to the leclercs house was nerve wracking, and ringing the doorbell to their home was even more nerve wracking. you saw lorenzo there already, and he rose to greet you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"how are you y/n? i haven't spoken to you in a long time no?" he asked, sitting down next to you.
"I'm good enzo, very busy with recording. howve you been? I'm sorry i haven't been keeping in touch, I've just been very busy" you apologised, feeling guilty for not spending a lot of time with the oldest Leclerc.
"don't be silly, soeur, i understand you are busy. and your music, it's been a joy to listen to. you're truly a talent, ma belle" he said, and you could feel yourself getting emotional.
"aw, enzo, meri beaucoup, votre avis est très important pour moi" you said, giving him another hug.
he poured you a glass of wine, a small smile playing on his lips.
"so, is tonight finally the night?" he asked with a smirk, remembering how smitten you were for his brother.
you blushed, taking a sip of your wine to cover for it.
"yes, I'm going to tell him tonight" you admitted and he flashed you a warm smile of encouragement.
"Tell who what?" a voice interrupted, and the youngest leclerc plopped himself down next to you.
"y/n/n's going to tell charlie she loves him" lorenzo stated matter of factly, making you Tut and whack his arm.
"quoi? are we not telling arthur?" he asked, feigning hurt.
"i was going to tell him" you whined and then you turned to arthur.
"you must swear to not bring this up until it's over okay?" you told arthur, trying and failing to be stern.
arthur pretended to be hurt.
"of course I won't? what do you take me for, a gossip box?"
"yes" you and lorenzo chimed in unison.
arthur gasped dramatically, making you roll your eyes.
"do you really think that low of me?" he asked, pretending to cover his eyes in agony.
"yes, now shush, i think i heard the bell ring" Lorenzo said, getting up to open the door.
you bit your lip nervously, preparing for charles to walk in the day.
and he did. he looked gorgeous as ever, in a shirt the cover of deep red wine, hair tousled by the wind on his drive, but his eyes and smile were as bright as ever.
your heart started beating so fast you swore you almost had a heart attack.
but nothing could have prepared you for what he said next.
"everyone, i want you to meet charlotte"
a/n - aaaand drum roll please 🥁 cliffhanger!!
i promise i won't leave you hanging but this was getting too long and it needed some ✨spice✨ i know this wasn't the best and the timeline wasnt cohesive but I needed to get this out of my system so pls go easy on your girl.
feedback, comments,opinions, reblogs and likes are always appreciated 🩷
hope you had a good read!! much love always xoxo
taglist -
everything - @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird @roslastyles420
f1 - @theonly1outof-a-billion
to be added to the taglist send me an ask, dm or comment 🩷
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pricescancerstickk · 8 months
Platonic! Simon Ghost Riley x Young! Child reader
(Took a tiny break, this idea is a bit tw) *edited*
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Your parents were never available or present ever since you were as young as a baby, it was very cruel and unfair and you were forced to grow up too fast for someone your size, Screaming yelling, bottles breaking and things falling over piercing and deafening your ears, the shouts from your father when you didn’t bring beer fast enough. The sound of the slap and your moms hand connecting to your little cheek after you didn’t clean the dishes. It was a dark world and you knew it all. It didn’t matter where you went Via school or home there was never a safe place for you except for Your Neighbors Home. Simon knew your parents as the three were childhood friends. Seperating in high school, Your dad was simons best friend. Your father was a hunter when he was in his youth and it was why he had a shotgun on display in his home, Simon was a lieutenant. Serving in military. A remarkable soldier of the SAS. Why was simons home a possible safe home? Sure he had only seen you once when you were 3 years old. A delicate cute baby. He missed rubbing your chubby red cheeks, he missed you secretly. Still having those pictures of you and him. Simon holding you in his arms, a Polaroid picture.
But when going back to the thought of school and your parents was unfair. They never bought you toys, never provided any comfort whatsoever and doing as much as looking or acknowledging you in their presence. Looking at you like a bystander examining a bug. The way they beat you after you made one little mistake…Awful. Your other relatives weren’t any better. You tried telling any staff or calling the police on how you got harassed and groped even by your older relatives. Nobody believe a word from you? Why? They just assumed you were spoiled or lying to get something that you wanted..You really weren’t, but alas. They couldn’t see that. Despite your little body all battered and bruised, coming into school in a weak state and all bandaged. Nobody batted one singular eye!
Eyes fluttering open as the alarm clock rang. Waking you out of your dazed and sleepy state, you rubbed your eyes and slipped your feet into the slippers. Walking to the bathroom, Grumbling softly. “I don’t wanna go to school today…” your hand rested atop the sink. Turning on the water. Washing your face, spreading toothpaste onto the tooth brush before brushing your teeth. Tilting your head making sure to clean thoroughly. Spitting out afterwards and washing up. You changed into your clothes and brushed your hair. Taking the pink flowery school bag with you. It was cheap. Small. But enough for you and it fit your school books and all that was necessary and important for you to bring to school. You tried to ignore your parents arguing, as always. Both drunk and hung over. Sparing you a glare as you walked to the school.
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(A little of the pictures I found to describe what it’s like for little reader to be playing alone)
You opened up your locker and set some of your stuff inside. Taking a book but a foot connected to your back and you fell to the floor wincing. But catching a flash of your reflection on the metal handle of the lockers. Red puffy eyes, you’d been crying the entire night, forced to suck it up and bear with it while you can. You couldn’t understand why life was so cruel. You were only in the first grade. You heard laughing. But didn’t realize it’d been going on for a while as you zoned out. They chanted cry baby as witnessing the sight of those round eyes filling up the brim like a river with all those big round clear, Tears. “It’s not funny! Stop it!” They kept kicking you over and over as you cried. They couldn’t get anymore childish than hanging that ‘kick me’ sign onto your back. Snagging it off and grunting. Crying softly wanting the day to end already but hearing the bell ring after so many hours your eyes widened in relief. You left the class as fast as you could. Snatching the bag onto your back and rushing outside. Shaking in fear knowing coming back home wouldn’t be good either..What could you really do though? You couldn’t run away. You didn’t know where to go.
“Sweetheart?’ A voice called out shaking you and snapping you back to reality, turning around and seeing it was Simon. What was he doing here? “Daddy will be mad at me I-if he saw you with me si” you gently spoke up, voice shaky. Eyes about to tear up, His blue eyes filled with concern. His hair blonde and short. He gently took a knee. Kneeling infront of you and taking that flowery bag of your back and hoisting it over his shoulder. Taking you into his arm. Careful not to trigger anything, “How do you carry that bag darling? It’s a bit heavy ain’t it” Gently he murmured as you clung onto him like your entire life depend solely on Simon. “Can we go to your home?..” whispering caught him off guard but he recently found out what had been happening at home, he loved you too much to let it happen longer. He nodded along and his long legs moved around the floor. Walking you to his home. Hand in hand, seeing your outfit. It was childlike and innocent, matching your personality exactly, Blue hoodie with those pink like suspender pants it seemed, (idk how to describe but it’s gonna be similar to the picture idk???)
Setting you down gently on his couch as he sat beside you and wrapped you in a warm blanket easing all of your worries. Slowly wrapping you in a blanket burrito before putting you on his lap. Watching your eyes look into his pale-like ones, They softened further he looked at you. Long finger tracing your cheek, touching the scar on it with a gentle touch like a baby’s caress. A light graze “they’re monsters. You’re never going back to them, your staying with me. Sweetie” he reassured as you couldn’t hold back tears anymore and your tears stained his shirt. Hands clutching on the dark shirt. Eyes wide and sad. “T-thank you” crying sweetly and heart easing as his hand went to the back of your small head. Pushing it into his broad chest and stroking your hair back. Pushing the bangs away from your eyes. The height difference was massive. You couldn’t grow up fast. Never eating well and being starved and at the age of 7 you were really short, about 4 foot something. But Simon was one of those blokes. His British accent gruff. Phlegmy like but soft and stern. He was on the phone as he ordered the pizza later after letting you decide what you wanted to eat. He took it and set the box on the table. Offering a slice to you, you took it and gently stuffed it to your mouth. His finger wiping off the cheese that sprinkled onto your face. A light giggle emitting from you. “It tickles..” you murmured softly and ate. As you watched the cartoons on tv in pure bliss it wouldn’t be long before those shitty parents came to haunt you
Simon placed down the slice of pizza. Standing up and pulling his phone out his pocket. Seeing it was your dad calling and his heart sank tiny his stomach as he answered it he argued with your father on the phone violently. There was no way in hell Simon was giving you to those so-called ‘parents’. He hung up and sat next to you again, seeing you already finished eating surprised him. You were sitting there a second ago. You must’ve been really hungry. He panicked, as he didn’t see you? “Y/N sweetheart? Where did you go?” His voice raised lightly, startling you,
“I’m over here si!” You answered back softly. But he found you on the floor next to the table with the colorful plates and toy kitchen. Sitting on the floor. Eyes looking into his, and that he forgot to mention he bought you toys before you came here. He had thought this through and planned thsi without knowing. He kneeled next to you on the floor “Don’t scare me like that again Y/N” he ruffled your hair a bit, Simon’s blue eyes were sincere. His face was chiseled and you always called the jawline ‘lines on his face’ because you didn’t know the word ‘chiseled’, you yawned soflty after a while of playing, tired. He was on his phone checking the time, he looked up and saw you laying on your side. Asleep, throughout the day after he picked you up from school. “Will mommy be mad at me?” Those words echoed in his head. Reading him of mid day when he gave you a little bubble bath to wash the wounds and dirt off your body. You were really skinny and he took note to feed you more than you need to at times. In a good, healthy way. He hated how you shied away from his touch, how your eyes filled with fear if he almost walked to you too fast. He didn’t want to hurt you in any way. He’d feel like a monster. The way you flinched or shied away broke his heart and shattered it like no other. Despite his entire family dead and haunting Simon, he could cope with you. He had a terrible past aswell. And you were a ball of sunshine in his life. The ray of light and the little angel that saved him after his heart was too dark to let anyone in to love. He shed tears for you. A sign how much he cared for you. Your tiny peck on his cheek and your hands wiping away the tears and your compliments to him were sweet gestures showed how you were comfortable and safe with him melted his heart like no other. He was a giant teddy bear to you,
Not a while after you fell asleep in his arms. His chin resting atop your head and listening to the soft snores and head buried in his chest. Wrapped in the blanket. On his lap. Resting like a baby, finding the empty pizza box you both ate together laying on the floor. The tv playing cartoons you were watching earlier. He carried you to his bed. Laying you next to him, snuggling you and planting a kiss on your head before shutting his eyes. Falling asleep with you, making sure you were safe before he slept next to you, both nuzzled up.
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chrisevansonly · 8 months
idt theres a pierre blub and i want to show some love if u dont mind? pierre gasly x reader where reader makes him stuff like flower crowns and paper rings? ty 💓
aww my first little pierre blurb, i’m dedicating this to all my pierre girlies 🫶🏻
by now the pile of little flower crows and colourful twine rings were growing on the living room coffee table in your home, pierre, your ever loving boyfriend playing model as you worked away on these crafts for your girls weekend coming up.
“pierre, can you please try this one on too?”
“combien de temps encore mon amour” he replied, a slight hint of annoyance in his tone but you knew he didn’t mean it
“a few more please? then i’ll leave you alone..i promise”
pierre knew you never asked much of him, so really he was more than happy to sit here with you and let you place as many flower crows on his head as you wanted
“i’ll sit here for however long you want baby, i’m just messing around”
“really you sure you don’t mind?”
he nods leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips
“i don’t”
“okay, thank you lovie…i promise it’s just this last one”
you carefully took the soft daisy crown in your hands before raising it to his head, smiling when it fit him perfectly
“one sec stay there..”
he was about to ask what you were doing but when you took your phone out to snap a picture, he didn’t need too. pierre was sure to indulge you, making funny faces as you giggled, knowing you’d keep this pictures of him forever
“so do i get to keep any of these or was i just a model today”
you nodded, fixing the daisies on his head
“yes, this one is yours, for um well putting up with my crafting for almost 3 hours”
he laughs stretching his arms dramatically as if he’d been sitting for days
“i love it, thank you…im finally free”
smacking his chest lightly he couldn’t hold back a laugh as he pulled you down to the floor with him
“tu aimais m'aider, ne mens pas”
“oui, parce que c'est pour toi...en plus maintenant tu peux venir jouer au padel avec moi!”
pierre continued to laugh as you groaned, knowing padel was not your favourite sport to play, but for him, you’d endure hitting the ball back and forth over a little net, until you’d give up taking your place with alexandra on the bench to watch charles and pierre battle it out
in his eyes, it was a win-win situation.
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banggyu0308 · 1 year
Come Back Soon // Kang Taehyun
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sub!incubus!taehyun x dom!fem!reader
Summary: you’re almost asleep when a boy enters your room, horns peeking out of his hair, and tells you he’s an incubus. You’ve heard of them, sex fairies, and have a good idea of what’s going to happen, despite the possible repercussions.
Warnings: overstimulation (m receiving) , handjob, oral (both receiving) , nipple play (m receiving) , infidelity , dacryphilia , reader calls Taehyun “good boy” and “baby” , hints at future intercourse, not proofread
word count: 1.9k
The room is silent, other than the soft sound of the ceiling fan rustling the drapes against the wall. You’re fast asleep, pillow pressed against your cheek, your legs out of the blanket.
There’s a light tap at the window, the open window, and you stir. Your eyes stay closed, but you’re awake and your heartbeat quickens. You listen, training your ears for any more sounds that may come.
Another tap follows a few moments later, by now you’re fully awake, laying on your bed with your blanket tucked so high up that it’s over your nose.
A shadow shifts and appears in the window, and your breath hitches, terror climbing up your limbs. The figure seems humanoid, maybe a burglar, but when it moves to land in your room, you catch sight of small, sharp horns peeking out of dark, silky hair.
Panic courses through you, but you sit up, the blanket falling into your lap. “Who are you?” You ask, brows furrowed. You aren’t sure if confronting them is a good idea, but you do it anyways, crossing your arms.
They straighten up, a smirk toying at the edge of their lips, and you see that it’s a boy, about your age.
Or maybe not your age, you rethink, giving the horns another once-over.
“I’m an incubus,” he states simply, eyeing you from underneath the strands of hair that are falling in his eyes.
At your blank look, he sighs, closing his eyes, and leans against your bed frame. “You know? A male sex fairy?”
You nod slowly. “I do know… I’ve heard of you.” Your eyes rake over his slim figure, his forearm, unhidden by his T-shirt, and the… glitter that trails up his neck and what you can see of his collarbone.
He cocks an eyebrow, a teasing look in his eyes. “Yeah?”
You nod again. “Yup. So, you just, like, fuck me?” You’re skeptical, but relax slightly, uncrossing your arms from your chest to uncover your sheer nightgown, not quite see-through in the moonlight.
He laughs slightly, a little surprised, and leans forward to get another good look at you. “This is a first,” he says. “Someone who knows. Yes, that is  what I do.”
You purse your lips, mentally weighing this, then respond. “If I’d had known you were coming, I would’ve been a little more prepared. Maybe some candles, at least nice lingerie. Sorry about that.”
You’re half joking, half not, your half-lidded gaze resting on him.
“You’re funny,” he laughs again. “I’m Taehyun, by the way. Your incubus of the night.” Taehyun mocks a bow, dark hair splaying across his forehead when he rights himself.
It’s your turn to laugh. “I’m- wait, do you already know who I am? Is that, like, part of the job?” You say it jokingly to hide your curiosity, peering at him from under your lashes.
“It is, actually. Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He extends a hand, and when you take it, you tug lightly. Taehyun gets the memo, the blanket on your bed suddenly nonexistent as he props himself on top of you, your legs on either side of his.
“Sorry for the small talk,” you giggle. “You’ve probably got other people after me.”
He shakes his head. “Just you tonight, Y/N. This can go as long as you want.”
In response you push his chest lightly, making him sit up, then tug off your nightgown. It hits the floor, but neither of you notice, Taehyun already undressed.
He moves to settle back on top of you, but you shake your head and he stops, curiosity clear in his wide eyes.
You position yourself on him instead, clothed heat right above his face. “Be good for me, Taehyun, let me ride your face, and I’ll reward you.”
A soft whimper is the answer you get before you feel his tongue on your thigh, a shiver running up your spine, your outstretched hands on the mattress are all that’s keeping you upright.
You adjust so he is free to slide off your panties, then move until your wet pussy is above his lips, your knees on either side of his neck.
Taehyun looks up at you from between your legs, wide eyes filled with lust, and his tongue dips over your clit without warning. 
You gasp in pleasure, grip tightening on his shoulder, a moan leaving his mouth as your nails dig in. His nails pressing your thighs in response.
You can tell he’s a master at this and you wouldn’t expect any less, but you are still unprepared for the amount of pleasure you’re receiving and how quickly you peak from his tongue’s quick circles around and over your clit.
It’s his eyes that send you over, the beautifully fucked-out, glazed expression of them, despite his not being touched yet, a fact that you are reminded of when he whines as you slip backward on him, straddling his hips after your high subsides.
“You were such a good boy for me, baby,” you coo, shifting down, imperceptibly, on him. He whimpers in response, bucking his hips desperately, dick rutting against your inner thigh. You still your movements, kissing up his neck instead, tongue tracing a line from his collarbone to his earlobe. “Do you think you deserve to be rewarded?”
Taehyun stills and you think he hasn’t heard you, but then he shakes his head quickly. “N-no, wanna make you feel good,” he whispers, eyes wide.
His words send a pleased shudder down your body, but you focus on him, nipping his ear lightly. “You do, baby, you make me feel so good,” you tell him, voice teasing, and you get off his lap, wrapping your fingers around his hard dick. In the dark lighting, you can tell he’s flushed a tantalizing red, tip leaking.
He gasps, his entire body trembling when you touch him. “Don’t, wanna, tonight… ‘s for you,” he mumbles, barely coherent as his eyes squeeze tight shut.
A mocking lilt to your voice, you say, “For me? No baby, I’m going to make this for you.”
A whimpery noise leaves his lips when you slide your hand up his dick, slowly, and his body jolts in reaction. Taehyun’s lips are trembling, eyebrows tilted upwards, his whole body shuddering and his breathing growing faster by the second.
You can tell he’s so, so sensitive by how he reacts to you quickening your pace, even slightly, his moans growing cutely high-pitched, hips thrusting up into your fist.
His eyes open again to watch you, lashes wet with the tears brimming in his waterline. It’s over for him the moment your tongue touches his still-leaking tip, your mouth being met with the taste of his cum, spurting all over your face and down the side of his dick. Surprisingly, he’s practically silent when he cums, but when you take a look at his face for his reaction, you see that his cheeks are wet with tears, his chest heaving, and you can still feel the tremble of his thigh underneath your fingertips.
You gently lick up the side of his dick again, cleaning him up, and he cries out as his hands grip the bedsheets tighter. You only smirk and continue, his sounds fading to soft, incoherent mumbles that grow louder when you fully overstimulate him, the tears on his cheeks running down his neck, soaking into your pillow. “I love you, I love you, so much, love you so much Y/N,” Taehyun whimpers, hands tugging at his own hair, his cock already hard again despite cumming moments before. Your tongue moves to his thigh, and you press light kisses, attempting to let him calm down.
It doesn’t work.
His pleas grow louder, shakier, when you gently sink your teeth into the sensitive skin of his inner thigh, whispering, “‘m gonna cum, gonna cum ‘gain, please, please, please, can I?”
Taehyun’s hands are gripping the sheets again, so hard his knuckles turn white, the veins of his arms standing out under his skin.
Your tongue makes it’s way to his thighs again, your left hand trailing up his chest. You lightly pinch the pink of his nipple and Taehyun makes a choked noise, hips bucking upwards to meet nothing. “Please, please, gonn’ cum, Y/N, I..-“
His whimpers are cut short when you whisper against the skin of his thigh, “okay, baby, cum for me.”
Your pointer finger and thumb still playing with his nipple, his thighs shake under your tongue. Taehyun cums on his own stomach and you reach to stroke his softening dick with one hand before moving to caress his cheek. “You did so good, baby,” you hum, then kiss him gently, aware of the fact that it’s the first time you’ve touched his lips with yours the entire night.
Taehyun kisses back quickly despite his current fucked-out state, eager to please you, and you both allow yourselves to get lost in each other’s lips, the kiss growing heated and sloppy. Your tongue meets his, you both moan into the kiss, oblivious to how the sun’s peeking in through the window.
You do notice minutes later, breaking the kiss and panting heavily, realizing your room is significantly lighter than it was when Taehyun first came in.
Reminded of your situation, you force yourself to stop both of your actions. You look down at Taehyun again, his facial features fucked, lips glistening and swollen in the light, hair mussed. God, you would do anything to have the chance to fuck this boy again. Or, not again, you remember. The night hadn’t exactly gone that specific direction.
You gently remind him of the time, and he whines, face falling to rest in the crook of your neck, arms around your waist. “Don’t wanna go yet…” he exhales against your skin, still whining. “Wanna fuck you…”
You laugh slightly, running your fingers through his hair, his horns drawing your attention again. Your fingertips graze them, and Taehyun lets out a soft whimper, panting slightly. You hadn’t expected him to be able to feel it, let alone be so sensitive to it, and you mentally store this information for later.
“Are you allowed to come to visit whoever you want?” You ask, fingers threaded through the silky strands of his hair. Taehyun nods, quiet, and you tsk. “What’d you say?”
“Yes,” he responds, his breath tickling your neck.
“And you want to fuck me?” This time, your question is teasing: you know the answer.
“Yes, please,” he whines again, and you stifle a laugh.
“Alright, baby, the come back tomorrow, hm?
He nods quickly, eagerly, and you smile in approval. “Sound good?”
“Yes, perfect,” he whispers in reply.
You allow him to get up, pulling on his clothes, but steal a last glance at his body. You really can’t wait for tomorrow night.
Taehyun kisses you tentatively one last time before stepping out your window. He pauses, halfway, when you call his name. “Yes?”
You grin a lopsided grin, laying in bed with your legs spread, still naked. You don’t know if he even remembers what he said in the heat of the moment, but you say, “I love you too,” before gesturing him to go. 
A shy smile on his lips that tells you yes, he does remember, Taehyun climbs onto your roof and disappears.
You get out of bed to start cleaning, the sheets more than a little messy, then head to the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror for a good few minutes, studying the littered marks on your skin from Taehyun’s sharp teeth, when a few thuds downstairs jolt you out of your thoughts, and you remember.
How am I supposed to explain these to my boyfriend?
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A/N- tentative about a part 2..~
@hyewka here's what i was talking about 🤭
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rafedaddy01 · 2 months
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Warnings: not really any, maybe some angst? Rafe admits feelings for reader in the end but he’s kinda an asshole in the beginning..
A/n: hey lovely’s 🥰 I just wanted to say thank you for all the support. It’s been a journey and I’m so happy to be able to be back and writing, I know you guys have some ideas so I’m asking if anyone is willing to share to help me get out of my writing rut. (Comments, reblogs, likes are appreciated but not mandated.) Thank you!!
The music blared as the flashing lights blinded you, but you were too caught up in the moment. Drunk off a couple drinks and shots you downed with your friends, your hips swaying to the beat of the loud music. “Look whose here!” Your friend shouted over the music and nodded her head in the direction of the boys that just walked in.
“Shit” you groaned as you felt your high slip at merely the sight of him. Rafe Cameron. Kook King. Fuck boy of the island, you name it, that’s him. Overall he was a royal douchebag and also happened to be your ex boyfriend who lived to torment you. “Funny seeing you here” Rafes eyes lingered on your body a beat too long as a small smirk rose his lips.
“Fuck off rafe” you snapped at him as you pushed past his boy toys, topper and kelce, and made your way to the drinks table. “Rawr, baby’s got claws” he teased back and you heard the boys snicker at Rafes childish remark. As you pour yourself another drink that familiar smell of sandalwood invaded your nostrils, a smell you used to adore and now only fills your insides with disgust. His hands come on either sides of the table, caging your body against his. He leans down to whisper in your ear, “wanna dance baby?” You turn your body around and nudge at his shoulder to get him to move but he doesn’t budge. “Come on, y/n, once dance? For old times sake?” You know Rafe well enough to know he won’t take no for an answer and you know him well to know this is all part of his game. It’s a power move he likes to play, reminding you that you’ll never get rid of him, even if you’re not in a relationship anymore.
“Fine. I guess one dance with the devil won’t hurt” you take a chug of your drink as Rafes smile grows wider, his hand outstretched for yours. He leads the two of you onto the dance floor, turning you around and placing his hands on your hips as you start grinding onto him, feeling his erection start slowly rising. He leans his lips down to your ear, his hot breath fanning your neck and making you hotter than you already are. “Let me have you tonight, y/n” he whispers softly in your ear and your head lols to the side as you give into the moment.
Rafe abruptly takes you hand and pulls you off the dance floor and up the stairs, you follow him like a lost puppy, wagging your tail and waiting to be rewarded for being good. You know in the back of your mind you shouldn’t do this. Rekindling your past with Rafe would be a mistake, once you fall into this trap you won’t be getting out again. But your so horny and your so wet already, truthfully you were wet from the moment he walked through the door with his mischievous grin and rings decorating his fingers, but still, you knew you shouldn’t do this yet you wanted to so bad.
To be fair you were also a few drinks and shots in and your mind was a little hazy. Rafe opened the door to a spare bedroom and tossed you onto the bed after shutting the door and locking it. “Are you sure-“ he started to ask only to be interrupted by you “shut up, rafe” you knew that if he spoke you’d change your mind. “Y/n, I need you to know something before we do this” he made his way over to you and took a seat on the bed, cupping your face, he kissed you. A deep, soft, gentle, tender kiss that was unlike anything Rafe ever gave you. “I need you to know that I miss you. You were my everything, the love of my life and I was stupid for letting you go. I was an asshole and I can admit that now. Y/n y/l/n, I love you.
Your in utter shock. Not knowing what to do or say. Rafe has never been this vulnerable with you. Usually he would deflect his feelings with anger, but this, this was something new. Something you’ve always wanted Rafe to be and you weren’t sure if it was all an act.
The music blaring from the party downstairs flooded the awkward silence as you and Rafe stared at each other. He awaited an answer from you but truthfully you didn’t know what to say. “Y/n” Rafe softly spoke. “Say something..” he pleaded as he searched your eyes for any sign of forgiveness or understanding.
“D-did you hear me?” Rafe cleared his throat as he suddenly got self-conscious. Being vulnerable wasnt his thing but yet when it comes to you he finds himself doing a lot of shit he wouldn’t normally do. “Rafe. I-I don’t know what to say. I mean, what do you expect me to say” you scoffed a laugh as you tucked your hair behind your ears, scooting a bit back from rafe and you saw his face drop in hurt. “I-I don’t know what I expect. But I wanted- I needed you to know” Rafe ran a nervous hand through his hair, his eyes now avoiding yours from embarrassment. “I’m not saying no, rafe. I just- you can’t expect me to forgive all the things you did to me because you finally discovered what you wanted. I need time to heal and recover from my trauma before I can give you an answer, I need time” you placed a hand over his on the bed for reassurance. His eyes shot up to meet yours and you noticed the small tears gathering at his waterline. It broke your heart, you wanted to give him the answer he was expecting but you just couldn’t, not yet at least.
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @hoesindifferentshows @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 5 months
The Five Naughty New Years
A collab between @vanwritesfan-fiction and @w1ldthoughts
A series that follows Jack and the readers relationship through five years of celebrating New Years together in the naughtiest ways.
Year Five
Warnings: language, smut, references to dom/sub relationship
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Written by @vanwritesfan-fiction
Jack hated begging. It wasn't very alpha of him. He'd rather walk away with his ego in tact then be caught begging.
Except when it came to you. For you, his baby girl, he'd live his life on his knees if it meant you were happy. He hated seeing you upset, especially if he was to blame, and on the off chance that it happened, he was willing to do anything to make it up to you.
Tonight, on New Years Eve, you were using that to your advantage. In your defense, he'd been teasing you all night. It was all for the buildup between you two, a little game you liked to play to see who could fold first before you were taking the other to bed. Usually, you were all for a little taunt, but only if you had the upper hand.
You could take the longing glances at you across the room as he talked to acquaintances, or the inappropriate touches as the two of you danced the night away in the middle of the crowd, but when you spotted him flirting with the waitress who kept replenishing his drinks all night, you knew he wasn't playing fair.
It was time to take back the power. You made sure he saw the pout on your face before leaving the ballroom, Jack making haste to try to catch up with you.
"Baby, stop", he called after you, chuckling to himself as he watched you hobble toward the elevator in your high heels. He told you not to wear the shoes, but you were stubborn because they went perfectly with the dress you'd chosen for the night. Now, you were cursing his name and Christian Louboutin in the same breath as your feet screamed at you in pain.
"Fuck off." You threw a middle finger over your shoulder without stopping, hearing his footsteps gaining on you.
"Y/N, you're gonna hurt yourself. Let me help you." His voice was gruff and louder, and you knew he was starting to get irritated. Good, he needed a taste of his own medicine. You weren't really mad at him, just a bit jealous, but you knew the more angry he got, the better the sex would be when he finally got his hands on you. It was time to land the final blow.
You turned on your heels, stopping in the middle of the hallway, giving Jack your most convincing upset face.
"Why don't you just go back to your girlfriend? 10 minutes to midnight, wouldn't want you to miss your first kiss." You had to work overtime to stifle a laugh. You could physically see where you'd struck a nerve with Jack, his jaw flexing so hard you thought he'd chip a molar.
"Ok, that's enough." He swept you off your feet so quickly, you couldn't even get your barings before he pushed you into the elevator. "You think you're funny, huh?". He let out a curt laugh as he pushed the ground floor button.
"I think I'm fucking hilarious."
You let out a gasp as he pushed you against the wall, his nose inches from yours. "Drop the attitude, before I fuck it out of you." He gave you a cocky smile, his hand trailing toward your core. "No." You swatted his hand away just as he crept underneath your dress.
"What are you doing?" Jack was confused as to why you weren't playing along.
"You have to ask. Nicely." You crossed your legs together. He tried to get to you again, but you were consistent. "Why would I ask for something that belongs to me?"
"Beg for it", you bit out, "or the only thing you'll be touching tonight is your own dick."
Jack let out a dark chuckle as he stroked his beard. He had to give it to you, you were brave. The elevator chimed as it reached your floor, but when you tried to move he held you back and knocked the emergency stop button with his fist.
"Jack, what are yo-". Jack dropped to his knees, his fingers toying with the band of your underwear before cleanly ripping them off your body with one pull. "You wanted me to beg?", he confirmed as he lifted your thigh to rest on his shoulder, exposing your glistening core to him. "This is me begging."
His nose grazed against your pussy as he latched onto your clit, the tip of his tongue flicking against the sensitive bud a couple of times. You let out a shriek, clamping a hand over your mouth as you heard the echo against the metal walls of the car. "Fuck, fuck, don't stop", you whispered, as he ate you out, your hand tugging at his curls to direct him to your most sensitive spots.
"Oh baby, that feels so good." You shivered as you felt the hum of his laugh against your core, your orgasm building quickly. "God, you taste so good, baby", he groaned, his voice vibrating your entire body. Jack looked up at you, his blue eyes piercing in the light, but you could barely focus, feeling yourself so close to release. The sight of you unraveling in his mouth had his erection straining against the zipper of his pants.
"I'm so close. I'm so close", you repeated over and over again as you ground your pelvis against his face, your release coating his beard as you orgasmed.
"For someone with a sharp mouth, you sure are all talk." Jack pulled you in for a rough kiss, making you stumble over your feet as your legs shook from exhaustion. You could taste yourself all over his lips and beard, slowly dragging your tongue along his jawline to get every bit of yourself off of him.
"I wanna go home now." You gave him your sweetest gaze, knowing it was his weakness, but Jack needed to make sure you knew your place before he gave you anything else. "Who does this belong to?" You knees went weak as he palmed your bare, sensitive pussy, making you jump from overstimulation. "Jack, fuck", you breathed out, his touch almost sending you over the edge again.
"Tell me who this pussy belongs to, or the only thing you'll be touching tonight is yourself. He grinned, throwing your words back in your face. You knew you'd regret saying that at some point. He pressed a large digit against your entrance. "Tell me, baby." He whispered in your ear, almost inaudible against your heavy breathing.
"Yours. This pussy is yours", you edged out between clenched teeth, sighing as he let you go.
"Good girl." He hit the emergency stop button again, and you felt the elevator jolt as it settled on the floor.
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Tall Drink Of Water
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Does my little dance for @turbulentscrawl
Rated Mature | Warning: None
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You have the same amount of energy Luca Balsa has, and many more given how you laid out on the floor rolling around playing with Ann's cat (you do not care if it is an Outer God that took the simple form of a cat to oversee whatever an Outer God oversees). The cat is playing with a ball of yarn you got from Annie in exchange for helping her with a toy project. The cat actually is playing with you rather than you playing with it, Alva a few times glances over to see being the one is playing with the yarn more than the cat.
Your logic for not fearing the cat is ‘I don’t worship it so I don’t have to follow its rules’. Neither does Alva yet here is a chosen one of that creature. His eyes linger on the way your shirt by now has ridden up exposing your stomach and dangerously close to the rest of your chest before you sit up and start petting the cat. 
It permits it the petting, the dotting upon, you have no idea you are worshipping it by doing that and Alva could not tell you otherwise given the cat is purring. When it has enough, it places its paw on your hand pushing it away then jumping on a chair and curling up in a ball to rest.
“I want five more babies, Alva.” Without context and him not paying attention you say those words.
“Excuse me?” Stopped his hands with his current task to make sure he heard you properly.
“Five more babies,” Pointing at the sleeping cat, “We can have different types too.” You bet Ann would agree but you might have to watch out for Ithaqua because you have seen him fearlessly chase the black cat. Weirdo.
The inventor needs a moment to recover, “I am sure the Apostle would not appreciate sharing your attention.” Resuming the final touches of the device he making.
You go to sit on the couch in the room then lay on it as you stare up at the ceiling before your eyes drift to other objects in the room before falling on the ass of the Hermit. Small, you can grab it and feel a bit of meat, a bubble butt. Your eyes follow the way his back is bent over slightly as he works over the workbench tinkering away.
“Alva,” You call out to him, “Have I ever told you how handsome you are?” “You do and I never grow tired of it.” He replies, “You are quite handsome too, (Name).” Sometimes sparks to life in his hand for a second then shuts off. “Yeah but,” You think for a moment then grin, “You’re a tall drink of water, baby.” Yeah, this is a good one! “And I’m thirsty.” Snickering. Both a funny and a compliment, genius.
Alva has learned to grow accustomed to your time of humor and language. Given you are from a different modern time, you are far different from the people of his time in every sense. He raises an eyebrow then shakes his head, “Given you also know how ridiculous that sounds,” He stops his task as he can feel his neck becoming strained and the statement you made is a hint. “(Name).” Turning around, “Come here a moment.” His index finger beckons you over where he is leaning against his workbench. 
It is cute how quickly you get up to go over to him and without skipping a beat you hug him, one who enjoys physical touching. A tactile person. He places his hand on your head petting your hair as you rest your chin on his chest with your eyes closed and a small content smile on your face, “I love you.” The words flow out easily from your mouth as you say them a dozen times with ease, you follow those words with action as you are happy to kiss his hand that traces your lips, his palm, then your eyes open halfway as you once again say, “I love you, Alva.”
“Do you need me?” A low sensual tone as you whine as his other hand starts at the lower part of your back, fingers tracing up your spine and the low-grade spark up your back makes you moan as he uses his power to stimulate your nerves. Strange as it sounds you found it gets you going a lot faster as he is directly stimulating your nerves and skin.
“My answer is always,” Though at times you feel bad given you have a much higher sex drive than the inventor. He is much lower, rarely does the mood strike him, but tries to be accommodating to your needs when he can keep with them.
Though you understand he is in the mood, it is understandable, you make it very clear to him that you never take more than what he can give. You are one to talk freely about your needs and listen to others about theirs, you had sat him down to ask what he needs from you and vice-versa.
“Are you sure? I have no problem using your shirt.” Asking to make sure he would not mind doing it right now, you can always wait for when he is ready. He got the hint you want to be intimate by your silly pickup line, something you do to hint but easy for him to know he can take his time. Plus, you like letting him know how handsome he is daily.
When you handle your own desires alone, you need something of his to keep on that edge, his shirt helps a lot.
God, you feel like you got it down bad for him— Because you are.
So bad that you ask him, sometimes, if he is comfortable with recording a ‘visual aid’.
A request and one he needed an explanation of. One you provided when he was sexually ready and you were the one teasing him. So you recorded yourself, well, let’s just say the man had a reminder of how different you both are from a technology standpoint too.
The recording on your phone plays back a video of you touching yourself as you call out his name. One of his spare shirts drapes over your body as you are a humping pillow. You are no pornstar but you are proud of your camera work!
You learned that day teasing Alva was returned tenfold and you were unable to return to your room until the afternoon of the following day.
Kissing your forehead, “I want to.”
The grandfather clock in the room strikes midnight and the soft tune of the clock plays.
You stand on the tip of your toes as he kisses you, slowly and methodically until the meow of the forgotten guest steals your attention.
“Pspsps.” Alva is looking annoyed at that damn cat as you slip away to kneel on the floor to pet its sleepy form, “Pretty kitty.”
“There is another kitty in need of proper attention if it returns to my side.”
You turn your head to see Alva Lorenz walking to his bed and sitting there patting his lap.
The hint in those words is not lost to you at all nor the Outer God cat as growls before standing up, jumping in the air, and disappearing.
“Aw.” You pout, “Do think it will come back later?”
“Let’s hope not,” He welcomes you into his arms as you straddle his lap, “Your attention is going to be elsewhere for a while.” His index finger traced the path of your jawline, his lips brushing against yours but not quite, no he let that tingle of electricity make it feel like he kissed you but you were not letting that slide as you grabbed him by the collar of his dress shirt and lean forward kissing him and pushing him down.
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dollfaceksj · 7 months
I don’t think Yoongi’s gonna get mad tbh
can’t afford love | myg (m) #14
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yoongi simply stares at your phone for a moment before glancing up into your eyes
your heart is beating like crazy
she’s saying baby saenggakajima..
you take your phone from him and avoid his gaze as you go to take a seat next to jun
there’s a funny feeling in your gut but you refuse to acknowledge it
yoongi has no say in who texts you
his privilege has been revoked
you run your hand through jun’s hair and gently rub his cranium
“my pretty boy,” you whisper and kiss his chubby cheeks
he looks so much like his dad
he giggles and squirms under you
“have you been giving daddy a hard time?” you say as you play with the shell of his ear
he shakes his head as he starts eating the gimbap his father prepared for the three of you
“oh, it’s not jun that’s giving daddy a hard time.” yoongi’s voice snaps you out of your trance
makes you glance at him
what’s his deal, for real?
“jealous?” is all you ask
he scoffs as he bites into his gimbap
“are you doing all that to make me jealous?” he asks, still not looking at you
you roll your eyes but also refuse yo look at him. “why would i want you to be jealous? we’re divorced.”
he simply chuckles and shakes his head. “right.”
the fight is over
you can’t seem to let it go, though
“how am i giving you a hard time?” you turn to look at him
he looks at you with a ‘don’t play with me’ look before returning his attention to his food
you scoff. “no response because there’s nothing for you to say.”
bickering like little fuckin kids
he deeply exhales. “you’re actually driving me crazy.”
you turn your attention back to jun and wipe his cheeks a bit
“is it good, baby?” you ask him and he simply nods his head
“daddy is a good cook, right?” you whisper and jun just nods again, clearly just focused on his food
it’s true though, yoongi is a great cook
you eat your gimbap in silence
by the time you’ve finished eating, jun’s already playing with his toys on the floor again
“it’s time for bed.” yoongi picks jun up but jun fights against him, throwing a tantrum
“come here,” you coo and hold your arms out, taking jun from his father’s arms as you cuddle him. “you have to go to sleep, baby. you’ve got daycare tomorrow.”
he eagerly nods and then reaches out to his dad again
little prick
yoongi disappears with jun upstairs and you take it upon yourself to clean the table and do the dishes
you can hear jun still throwing a tantrum and it makes you giggle
thinking about how yoongi looks when hes annoyed
by the time you’ve finished doing the dishes, yoongi is back
stares at you
you stare back as you dry your hands using the towel you just dried the dishes with
he walks up to you, cornering you against the sink
what is he thinking?
what does he want
he simply stands before you, breath fanning over your face
you look up at him
but he says nothing
and you wish you could have that kind of determination but you don’t
you have to speak
and you do
“you know,” you start, “this outfit wasn’t expensive.”
you crazy bitch
he blinks at you for a moment. by the look in his eyes, you know he knows exactly what you’re referring to
“jun’s asleep,” is all he says.
you shrug your shoulders. “i can keep quiet.”
“can you?” he snaps. he leans forwards, placing his hands on the edge, caging your body in between his and the sink. “can you keep quiet? because lately, all you’ve been doing is lie for no damn reason.”
there it is
you glare at him for a moment before shrugging. “i think you like it.”
he blinks a few times in confusion. “what?”
“you like when i lie to you.” your eyes stay stuck to his. “gives you a reason to be rough with me.”
he dryly chuckles, so empty of any hint of humor
“we’re not teenagers anymore, y/n. i don’t ‘need’ a reason to do anything. if i want to turn you around right now and fuck you right here on this sink like i hate you, i don’t need a reason for that.” he never breaks eye contact as he talks. “i don’t need a reason to be rough with you. you can stop lying.”
“i just don’t believe you.” you shrug your shoulders.
you’re a menace
that much has been established
he simply sighs and shakes his head in exasperation. “what am i going to do with you…” he drops his head and leans his forehead against your shoulder
you’re trapped against the sink, with his body barricading you
his head on your shoulder, lips gently grazing your neck
it’s quiet between you two
and you don’t know what possesses you when you ask,
“do you think jun would be confused if he saw us like this?”
uncomfortable silence
yoongi’s still leaning on you
doesn’t say anything
just inhales your scent
you might have put his favorite perfume on
but then yoongi straightens his back to look at you
“confused? maybe. but i don’t think it’s harmful for jun to think his parents love each other. he’ll realize sooner or later.”
‘to think his parents love each other’
“what if we meet someone else?”
at this, a muscle in his jaw jumps
you eyes trail to his lips for a moment before back up to his eyes
he shakes his head. “then he’ll get used to it but it’s not happening. not for me at least.”
you roll your eyes. like yuna didn’t happen yesterday. “you still think taehyung and i are a thing?”
he frowns sternly. “why’s he offering to take photos of you in private?”
you giggle. “he said i should considering modelling. said i wasn’t comfortable in front of the camera.”
he thinks about it for a while. the message has been giving context. he doesn’t seem that annoyed with it anymore. however, he can’t help but say, “still a weird thing to say.”
you pretend to agree as you say, “like saying you’d have fucking ruined your ex wife in some random restroom if her dress didn’t look expensive?”
yoongi ain’t no bitch
“i still stand by it. i’ll do it right here too, doesn’t have to be a random restroom.”
“i’m not ovulating.”
“i know.”
you bring your hand up and push against his chest but there’s no real strength behind it
and he knows
he knows you don’t actually want to push him off
so he simply buries his face in the crook of your neck again
it’s quiet again
his nose nudges against the skin of your neck
you can’t help but squirm a bit
he whispers, “so, what do you say?”
what’s going on
what does he want?
you gather the courage to whisper back, “what?”
“you gonna let me fuck you or not?”
you swallow to relieve your dry throat
he’s so so close
every hair on your face feels his breath fanning against it
calm down
say something witty
you shrug your shoulders again. “i didn’t come to dinner to have sex.”
he responds, “i didn’t invite you over to have sex either.”
as an established liar yourself, you can tell he’s speaking the truth
he slowly looks around, appearing casual. “but it doesn’t hurt to try again when we have the chance, no?”
to be continued
— enjoyed it? you can always show your appreciation by buying me some coffee if you want ☕︎♡
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