#him laugh 💖
the1trueanon · 1 year
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poor lil lad, he dont get your joke 😔
i have been. very tired TwT work is good but very physically demanding, so have a wally doodle while i rest a lil bit and make some more stuff
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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#just a couple of equally fierce battles 😅
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saypoopcock · 22 days
so i’m pretty new to batjokes/the dc fandom (as in the past seven days new) but in every fic i’ve read, the joker has felt… so familiar to me. like i’ve known him as a character for years. and it’s been so easy for me to get into his headspace and write his voice and so this entire past week i’ve been like ? what is going ON is this like a weird soulmate character thing?? is the joker my one true fictional dude?? i mean i’m cool with it he’s funky but wtf ?? but i just realized. it’s. he’s rumplestiltskin once upon a time.
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mymarifae · 1 year
i think the most important thing in the world is vbs being best friends who love each other so much and are super affectionate with each other like. listen to me:
- when toya hugs kohane he'll pick her up a tiny bit (a tiny bit is all he can manage. noodle arms) and she squeals with delight every time
- toya just really likes hugs in general. it's suuuuper common for him to just come up behind akito or an or kohane and wrap his arms around them and lean his head against theirs. hello and goodbye hugs with him always last a good 20 seconds because he won't let go sdjfjsnfkd
- kohane loooooves to tuck her hand in the crooks of her teammates' elbows while they're walking together. this way she won't get lost <3 sometimes she'll hold onto like, akito's elbow with one hand and an's with the other. it's very cute. and as vbs has grown closer, she's started to switch to hand holding. (don't tell anyone but akito's her favorite to hold hands with because he swings their arms as they walk and it's cute)
- also, kohane's hair tends to be messy because of her damn hats and this bugs akito so he spends a lot of time fussing over it. he'll just sort of...tug her closer and take out the pigtails and comb through it with his fingers. at some point she starts packing a brush in her bag to placate him. i like to think akito knows how to do hair because ena will sometimes make him do hers so after a while he stops just rebrushing kohane's hair and starts pulling it up in different ways... braiding it... etc... and he starts keeping things like hairspray in His bag. yknow. jic
- the hairstyling extravaganza extends to an and toya too. (i mean there's only so much akito can do with toya but he tries...) it's a calming thing for him - fiddling with his teammates' hair as they plan setlists or wait backstage. and having your hair played with is always nice <3
- i think shortly after teaming up an started giving kohane little kisses on the cheek. not as a romantic gesture - just simple affection! and after a while, she starts kissing toya and akito too. toya is always happy to lean down so she can pepper his face with little platonic kisses, but she usually has to wrestle akito. it's all in good fun and he'll always relent and let her kiss him in the end
- speaking of platonic kisses, i ALSO think that akito gives toya little kisses from time to time. it started back when they were still BAD DOGS. toya wasn't having a great time one night and after soothing him with a good sturdy hug, akito kissed the top of his head. it completely floored toya and akito blew up when he realized what he did. and they never fucking talked about it <3 but since toya didn't seem MAD about it, akito decided to stick with it and kept giving toya kisses like that. it's not common, and he ONLY does it when they're alone. except for when they make up after their little divorce arc in the main story. IGNORE the gunjo sanka mv and listen to me. they HUG after their heart to heart. and akito kisses toya's cheek. right around where he punched him
- but an's overaffectionate nature kind of rubs off on akito after a while. so he becomes less stingy when it comes to kisses and starts giving them to kohane and an too <3
- they lean against each other while sitting like kohane might cuddle into toya's side or an goes and lays her head on akito's shoulder
- and they have sleepovers and they fall asleep comfortably tangled up together (or not comfortably. at all. seriously cuddling while sleeping can get so uncomfy but it's worth it to be so close to someone you love). ken's taken quite a few adorable (and sometimes really funny) pictures of all four of them passed out on piles of blankets and futons. just dad things
i could go on forever it's just. platonic affection is so important to me and it's so frequently Ignored in fandom spaces. and in the case of vbs and the prsk fandom specifically, there's a tendency to separate vbs into akitoya VS anhane. which is so 💔 because the whole POINT of their story is that while they started off as separate duos, that's no longer the case! they've become such good friends. they're inseparable.
like even jokes about akito and an being "wlw and mlm hostility" are starting to wear on me because... they're friends, guys. they're incredibly close. akito is always looking out for an and is right by her side to support her through all the shit she's currently struggling with. there's no "hostility" present in their relationship. like, if you actually look at the game's text, an... rarely teases akito. the person who teases him the most is actually toya but you know... whatever... gotta reduce an down to a mean lesbian amirite... completely ignoring that she's one of the kindest characters in the whole game...
idk. i juuuuuust wish that this fandom wasn't so defensive and obsessive over shipping akitoya and anhane (mostly akitoya while anhane is a second thought but YOU KNOW) because it results in so many people watering down vbs as individuals And as pairs - because all they care about is shipping. like i promise that the other dynamics in vbs are worth exploring (both platonicallyand romantically but too much of this fandom still feels threatened by m/f vbs ships). and hell, explore akitoya and anhane on a platonic level, too! don't just jump to shipping them because teehee boyxboy and girlxgirl. take the time to understand what draws them together in the first place
i love friendship. i love when friends outwardly express their affection for each other and it doesn't have to have any romantic implications. can we talk about friendship for once like this game is literally The Ultimate Friendship Simulator feat. Hatsune Miku
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satorugojoswiife · 8 months
when they show gojo in the episode for 1 second
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dearmrsawyer · 1 year
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Sam + cursed
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mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
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italy 😆💃
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recuerdosdeunanoche · 10 months
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
opinions on Minecraft [redacted] creature in the 14DWY discord server? he's a good doggo me thinks
✦゜ANSWERED: if anything happens to him i'm deleting the server
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spaciebabie · 6 months
Headcanon that Springtrap's nose has a squeaker in it so when you punch his stupid face you hear lil squeaky sounds 🥰
now you're speaking my language
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year
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Oh, if I pulled a few strings, I could keep it from leaking to the press for another… week? Maybe, that’s…
DANIEL CRAIG as BENOIT BLANC in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)
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payaso-affairs · 1 year
His laugh is so good
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sukugo · 8 months
So as a fellow sukugo shrine sweeper, I feel like I have to share this with you first:
That's it. It was over. They all watched as Gojo fell to the rubble beneath his feet. Shallow, raspy breaths and the gurgling of blood would only be poetic in a moment such as this.
"You fought well, my sorcerer." Sukuna's words weren't a verbal sneer. He stated it as fact, therefore it was so. He walked to the highest pile of former buildings and sat down. "I will give you a choice, Satoru Gojo. You die here and now, or you can crawl to me. After all, it would be a shame to lose you. You've taught me something that no one else could."
Everything was shaking. It was too much but nothing at all. Gojo could only cling to the voice in front of him, to the eyes of the god before him. Crawl, Sukuna had said. What did he have to lose? The world was fucked either way, and he had caused so much destruction.
The refuge in his audacity had run out.
The refuge ahead was still here. Just a few steps away.
Stumbling was something he didn't think was possible when crawling. He never had to worry about it before.
A clawed hand raked through his blood crusted hair. If he wasn't using the king of curses as a bedrock for his sanity, he might have been startled.
"There we are, Satoru. I'm glad you made the right decision. Come here, and I will tell you what you taught me." He pulled Gojo between his legs and the sorcerer laid his head on the other's leg. He felt Sukuna healing his wounds right under his fingertips, and gasped as it overflowed into his bones.
Not quite healing, but more a brand. A mark of victory, pouring into his cracked cup of a body. He felt Sukuna filling every empty space, not just his mind, but his physical form as well.
He didn't know when his eyes had closed, but Malevolent Shrine was kinda hard to miss.
"Why so quiet all of a sudden?"
"It's not empty anymore. It's quiet." Was it always this dark?
"Your six eyes caused that void. I removed the problem. Made you whole. You were born rare, but also broken. Empty. I suspected that was what was wrong with you, but... you don't have to worry about that now."
"Explains why everything is so fucking dark."
A barking laugh came from above him.
"A small price for me filling your void."
"Careful now, I'm already on my knees." Gojo wise cracked. "But what did I teach you?"
"Love." That's... not what he was expecting. " You and I are very similar. That is the reason why our fight was as fulfilling as it was destructive. We fill and heal the void that makes us restless... but only you can give that to me. Just as I will be the only one for you."
The curse lifted him up onto his lap, and Gojo gently examined his remains of his eyes. Gone.
"When they regenerate, they will be no different than normal eyes, little sorcerer."
"I would prefer if my love could see me." Gojo parted his lips to speak, but an insistent press of lips took the words from him.
When they parted, Gojo could only formulate one solid question:
"What would I see, Sukuna?"
The god holding him, his grin unseen, leaned back into his throne.
"That I alone...
...am the exalted one."
Sorry if this is really long or seem ooc, I was vibing to Neoni and things happened. I hope you enjoy though!!
sorry i just. i need a fucking moment. IAUGHKDGAJFHKJLJASDLAJFKADKASÑ IM SCREAMING
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leonsliga · 2 months
I know leon thinks he's extra funny for saying lg as in liebe grüße and also that's his initials lol
I just know this was Leon’s face when he hit post:
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He thinks he’s so clever 😂
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mariaddity · 1 year
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😶 i can explain…………….
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kedsandtubesocks · 3 months
⭐️my illustrious and distinguished sheriff erika! if you were to propose handcuffing gojo to the bed for some fun, how would he react?!
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Personally…I’m not one for handcuffs so in this scenario HE would have to be the one to propose them and I would just laugh at first (I’m SORRY!! And besides I’d suggest ropes instead WHOOPS 👀)
But then when Satoru suggest HE’s the one being handcuffed I would be so 👀 on board oh man I’m revealing myself too much I’m gonna shut up now LOL
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