#her live acoustic shit in general is so good
gambeque · 1 year
soo cool to see another remjob, she came to my college and performed and i have been hooked ever since. please part unto us your favorite remi song, im partial to doctor and sally myself
hell yea that's cool. i missed her concert at my college last year i'm hopin she'll do a USA tour again soon 🙏
my favorite song tho ahh maybe guy or liquor store?? also ok the songs she recorded at electric lady go hard
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1989taylorsversion · 1 year
Y'ALL I'M STILL TRYING TO PROCESS IT WAS SO GOOD AND I'M SO TIRED but here are some of my thoughts from opening night recalled to the best of my abilities:
When she started with Miss Americana I legit thought I was on hallucinatory drugs
When she then proceeded to sing multiple songs from Lover BEFORE explaining that we were doing one era at a time, I was kinda panicking thinking this was Loverfest
I thought she was going to use the Lover house throughout the entire show as a way to change between eras and I almost flung myself to a premature death
THE ARCHER??? was so good and at this point I started to recover after learning we were just in the Lover section
The entire Evermore section was INSANE like... again I thought I was hallucinating??? TIS THE DAMN SEASON AND THEN MARJORIE?? TWO OF MY FAVES?? WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS ON THE FLOOR
I know people are mad Speak Now only got one song but realistically we had to sacrifice something and when she walked out in that big ass dress I once again cried because it was pure nostalgia and it was perfect imo
ATW10 was one of the most powerful live performances I've ever witnessed
The reputation section was a bolt of adrenaline and I was GAGGED by her performance of LWYMMD with all the dancers as old Taylors...
She did so much from folklore and I did not survive any of it... Betty live was like a dream come true... I think I blacked out for half of this section
The entire Midnights section was a total slay but particularly Mastermind and Vigilante Shit were sooooo good???? The way she performed both of those songs...
Generally speaking the stage was insanely cool, and the visuals were stunning... Like every moment of the production was absurdly good
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eoieopda · 1 year
hmmm, what about yoongi? we love a good hallmark au. the comeback story of a lifetime? separated by something and ironically reunited by the same thing?
i hope this fits!!
the one with the doughboy and the greaseball
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pairing: min yoongi x f!reader summary: guess who’s back in town? au: hallmark-style homecoming, childhood friends to ? type: drabble (fluff) rating: pg13 cw: none! wc: 1.2k 🔞 this drabble is sfw, regardless, my content is not for minors. minors and ageless blogs who interact with me or my writing will be blocked.
When Min Yoongi leaves his parents’ house and hits the sidewalk, there’s no way for him to know if he’ll find what he’s looking for. He hopes he will, but the local landscape looks different than it used to. So, he walks along on a hunch, more than anything else.
Down the block he used to live on; past the cafe where he’d unsuccessfully experimented with acoustic, open-mic nights; and onward until he winds up outside of the local body shop.
Above the front door to the office, there’s a hand-painted wooden sign that thumps against the siding with every sigh of wind. It hangs slightly lopsided, just like always. Yoongi chuckles to himself, thankful that some things never change.
Kim & Sons Auto Repair has confused the general public for as long as it’s been open — and that’s precisely the point. Woman-owned and operated, the name bamboozles the local troglodytes long enough to book repair services. By the time their stereotypical thinking catches up with them and they realize who they’re dealing with, they’d have to forfeit a cancellation fee to seek out a male mechanic. Nobody ever does; wounded pride is easier to heal than a wounded wallet.
As far as Yoongi is concerned, Mrs. Kim was a genius for this. Her daughter is, too. She’ll be a worthy successor, in his — and everyone else’s — opinion, when the time comes.
The bell jingles as he pulls open the glass-paned door to the shop. To his surprise, no one is waiting at the counter to greet him. Brows now furrowed, he glances around the vacant waiting area, hoping his hunch hadn’t been wrong.
It’s the first time he’s been inside in over a year; and the only time he doesn’t shout to alert the Kims of his presence. The urge is there, of course, but he knows that time kept marching on in his absence. Now, he doesn’t know if he’s that kind of welcome.
Yoongi flattens his smile into a straight line, worried that some things did change.
He steps around the counter and approaches the doorway into the garage itself. As he moves, he can hear tinkering growing louder; metal on metal. Humming, too, though that’s interrupted by intermittent curse words.
Now, that’s familiar.
All he sees when he crosses the threshold is steel-toed boots, grease-stained jeans, and small hints of skin that peek through holes in the denim. The body those belong to is halfway under some absolute clunker. Yoongi can tell, based on bent knees alone, that some things wait right where they were left.
“Be with you in a second!��
It takes a bit longer than that for you to emerge, but you eventually do. As you scoot forward, the rickety, wooden creeper underneath you squeaks along the cement floor. The flashlight you’re holding drops immediately at your side. It rolls back to the space you’d left underneath the car.
Surprise is spread all over your face when you see him standing there. Then again, it may just be a smudge.
Your smile is a mind-blowing shade of white next to the black something you unknowingly wiped from the back of your hand, across your left cheek. And you sound just like your mother — expletive included — when you gasp, “Min fuckin’ Yoongi, as I live and breathe!”
“There’s that mouth,” he snorts.
Thank god, he thinks. He’s missed your crassness. Missed the playful way you glare at him when he says shit like this to you. For once, you don’t smack his bicep in retaliation.
Yoongi extends a hand to pull you to your feet. The expression you’re wearing tells him he must be joking; and really, he knows better. Then, you stand on your own.
You’ve always been good at that.
Like you have to make sure he’s real — really there — you reach out and poke his cheek, eyes narrowed suspiciously. Yoongi doesn’t care in the slightest that he’s likely smudged now, too. All he can focus on is the way your lip twitches upwards when you’re satisfied with your findings.
“If you’re in town for a wedding or a funeral, tell whoever it is that I didn’t want to be invited, anyway,” you smirk, head cocked to the side. “It’s gotta be one of the two, right?”
You don’t say the quiet part out loud. He hears it, still: You said you’d never come back for any other reason.
Yoongi grimaces, if only for a second. It’s been a month since this plan came about, and it still feels weird, sitting on his tongue. He shakes his head and offers, “My dad.”
He doesn’t say the quiet part out loud, either, but it sits in his stomach like a stone. Immediately, your eyebrows shoot up. Clearly, it’s just as weird to you as it is to him. Yoongi wonders what conclusions you’re jumping to, having heard that what pushed now pulls.
Sheepishly, he rubs the back of his neck and hits you with a flat-line smile; the one you used to tease him for. Remembering that fact makes the corners of his mouth curve upwards.
“Damn bakery isn’t gonna run itself,” Yoongi continues. “Old man’s retiring to travel, or… whatever it is retired people do.”
You blink, stunned, and gesture wordlessly out the open door in the form of a question. He doesn’t need to see where you’re pointing to know what you’re pointing at. And even if he did glance towards the family business across the street, his eyes would only go as far as the bus stop on the corner. He’s been picturing it since he left town.
Left you with the only kiss he’d ever had the chance to give you.
He watches your eyes flick briefly from him, to that bench in particular, then back again. As he does, he wonders if — maybe — that bench has made a home in your head, too.
You wipe your hand off on your jeans, as if it makes any difference. As if Yoongi has ever — would ever — mind your callused fingertips, and grease-slicked knuckles.
When you finally do offer your hand to shake, you heave a melodramatic sigh. “There goes the neighborhood.”
“And here I was thinking that property values decreased when I left,” he mutters, now earning the bicep swat he’d been waiting for. He yelps in feigned offense, “Hey! Hitting a fellow business-owner — in this economy?”
You cross your arms and pop your hip with a roll of your eyes.
“Forgot how sensitive you are, dough boy,” you tease. “What are you gonna do, bake a cake about it?”
Yoongi tries to bite back a grin. As he does, he shakes his head. “Nah, that’s not what I’m going to do about it.”
With a quick glance down at his watch, he confirms that closing time is a few ticks away. You’re looking at him with confusion in your eyes when he resets his sights on you.
You nudge, “Then what?”
“I’m gonna give the grease ball an hour to get ready, and then I’m making it buy me dinner.”
“Min fuckin’ Yoongi,” you whistle, visibly impressed by his audacity. “Did you find a sense of humor on that sabbatical of yours?”
“Maybe,” he shrugs. Then, he winks. “Guess you’ll hear about it in an hour, huh, greaseball?”
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milgram-tournament · 5 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 8 TRIAGE vs. I LOVE YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for TRIAGE:
3. THE LYRICS OH MY GOD I'M CRYING!!! "If the voices crying out in pain, can be saved by me Allow it to be my charge and mission"??? "I want to be INNOCENT, I want to live"??? PURE GOLD!!
3.25. OH AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE "extract that fang" LINE. IT'S SO GOOD!!!!
To conclude: Triage is in my top 3 Milgram songs, I love it so much!! It turned Shidou from a character I didn't care about to one of my favorites!!!!!
-The scene with Shidou and his family… yeah don’t talk to me I’m so emo about it.
-The arc Shidou goes through during the song?? It starts with “why did you vote me innocent I don’t deserve it” to “I’m going to do my best with what you’ve given me.” Is really cool and I don’t think it’s talked about enough!!
-The final “I want to live!” Enough said. Shidou’s voice in general just fits this song really well.
-It gives a really good motive for Shidou, and helps you feel sorry for him. (Easiest inno vote of my life!)
Propaganda for I LOVE YOU:
mappi’s spitting bars 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
ok but i, as the iloveyoucountdown person before it released, waited 89 days for ily and SHE DID NOT DISAPPOINT‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 go vote ily now bc its peak music
the acoustic section where it just feels so raw and emotional it's crazy also we love to see mappi/miho okasaki rapping again and good lord mahiru delivered hadauwd, like you think about it a lot? like "Ishokujuu plus ai Miss you Raishuu aemasuka no Cadence Yurusarenai ikigai mou iki mo dekinai" it's also so catchy just "Dai- dai- dai- datte suki suki! Dai- dai- dai- datte daisuki."
it's such a quick song but it delivers and it DELIVERS WELL there's so much in the instrumental you can also miss, like sirens and such! again guitar section it's crazy!! i didn't even touch on the visuals, like the visuals are absolutely amazing and really touch on the toxic cycle of mahiru's relationship for example, the carousel turning into a forest! and also they were still able to implement some of tihtbilwy in the beginning of the song! we got to see mahiru's boyfriend as well!! additionally, RATS AND CAKE. HOLY SHIT we all know the absolute shock that appeared on everyone's faces the second that cake turned into a rat (to be honest, I was absolutely sick with shock for the rest of the day) It's really amazing as a song and MV, plus it did help give some more information on Mahiru!
miho okasaki's vocals are so powerful. it sounds like mahiru is screaming because of not being forgiven and because of what happened to her boyfriend and because "she can't just do it right".
THE LYRICS ARE SO. "clothes food shelter + love and miss you"?? "my lethal weapon is how to be in love with you"?? "kiss goodbye to this feeling cuz it's too heavy"?? again, the "why can't i just do it right" line?? SO GOOD.
i've heard the i love you chorus once and now it's in my head forever. i wake up, i sing the i love you chorus. i go to sleep, i sing the i love you chorus.
the lyrics are so sad when you start thinking about them more. "saying i love you but doing what i did, i know i have no right, crossed and covered in sin"?? please, don't you want to give mappi a hug. please she deserves it. she needs it
the "DIE-suki" pun.
the mv is so. i can talk about it for hours. it literally starts with showing us what happened to her bf. i've watched it live, i knew about this part and i still was shocked. mahiru's boyfriend is dead. mahiru is also rapping. also, the lyrics. this scene is terrifying to me and i mean it in the best way possible.
the cake symbolism. mahiru refusing to accept her reality and the true nature of her relationship with her bf and still seeing everything around her as cute and soft and pink. her feeling guilty and not knowing how to express love properly and still choosing to continue to love in this way. i don't know, something about it is so.. it's so sad and so realistic and so heartbreaking
i love how we can say so much about her relationship with her boyfriend based on mv and the lyrics. this is more of a theory and i probably shouldn't talk about it but i like the fact that mappi and her bf's relationship wasn't just abusive or one-sided love or anything like that. it's like they loved each other, they just.. didn't know how to show it or express it in a healthy way (or maybe mahiru's bf did know, but he was okay with going through all of this for her). like this scene when they're both riding the carousel and looking happy at first and even when both of them look like a mess, mahiru's face expression is still pretty much the same while her boyfriend looks much more tired, but he's still smiling. something about that part breaks me.
the instrumental is so fun and chaotic and creepy please listen to it. all milgram instrumentals are great but ily instrumental is definitely one of my fav ones.
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girlreviews · 3 months
Review #7: Rumours, Fleetwood Mac
I might have met a person who hasn’t listened to Rumours, but I’ve never met a person who has listened to it and was like “no thanks”. Never. If anyone hates this record get in touch, I just want to talk.
So interesting that such an incredible piece of work that holds up decade after decade, represents a band that during its creation was a damn hot mess. It’s not just a breakup record. It’s a double breakup record. Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham had called it quits, and John and Christine McVie were circling the drain, divorcing while they toured Rumours. Hoo-boy can you feel it all. Never has such an overall cheery and upbeat record been so deeply filled with resentment, anger, heartbreak, defeat and getting the fuck over it. You’re just trying to keep up with which song is a fuck you from which band member to the other. Except you can’t, because you end up just getting lost in the music.
Never mind that before all of that, the drummer had an affair with Mick Fleetwood’s wife and all hell broke loose. Line up changes and whatnot. They started as a blues band, y’know? Yet, here we are, with this gorgeous thirty nine minutes of music and a group of people that arguably should seek therapy, rehab, and probably never see each other again. If David Attenborough is a Fleetwood Mac fan — and let’s assume that he is — he would say, “life… finds a way”.
As is often the case I had actually heard covers of a few of the songs as a young’un before ever hearing the originals or ever hearing the full album. Eva Cassidy covered Songbird. It was my childhood friend’s favorite song, and makes me think of her every time I hear it. The Corrs, Irish sibling band, covered Dreams in the late 90s. Their whole thing was a little weird. Jack Dee used to have a bit about the “odd” Corr brother that wasn’t invited to be in the band, Pat Corr. It was pretty funny. That old boss of mine used to say disparaging things about Andrea Corr as if she’d ever have given him the time of day. It makes me want to punch things, even now. I realize in hindsight he used to tear down any Irish woman musician that saw more success than him (see also: Sinéad O’Connor, Delores O’Riordan). They all did see more success, and they all deserved it, with two of them leaving legendary musical legacies even after death. He never made it past a breakfast show that had two knockoff muppets as presenters. I’m not joking.
Let’s talk about Second Hand News, what a charming and odd way to open an album. Buckingham wrote this and he’s generally acknowledged to be a real piece of work (allegedly, John McVie threw a glass of vodka in his face during the making of the record), even now. He insists he “ain’t gonna miss” Nicks when she goes, and that he’s been “tossed around enough”, but it’s pretty clear he ain’t over it. Boohoo, Lindsey. Such light acoustic riffs, luscious harmonies and hefty rhythm throughout with some outro guitar solo just to really make its point.
Dreams is a Stevie Nicks led classic. Let’s talk about Stevie. She’s been my hair inspiration for most of my life. She put out solo shit that was every bit as good as this record. Her voice sounds like that of a woman who has lived a thousand lives. An old, witchy, wise, woman, living in a young, exuberant, beautiful woman’s body. Like smoke on water. She warns Buckingham of his inevitable loneliness… “when the rain washes you clean, you’ll know”. Oof. For as tough and witchy as she is, there’s a real tenderness to her. I’ve always admired her ability to show the world all of her sides, the badass and the vulnerable. Pretty recently she showed us that vulnerable side when we lost Christine McVie. Stevie let her deep grief be known to the world. Whatever had gone on with that band, that was her best friend, and they’ll never sing together again.
This really is one of those where all of the tracks are amazing, but they’re all really different. Some are like standing in an open field of sunflowers, while some are like that part on a rollercoaster where you’re climbing slowly up the incline just waiting for the chaos. The Chain, I think, has to be my favorite for that reason. What I find so interesting is that they’re all credited as writers on this one, so it was an actual team effort, it would seem. First and foremost, the four (five?!) part harmonies in this are so incredible. It’s no softy squishy Simon and Garfunkel shit. These people are pissed, in different keys. It’s POWERFUL. But each instrument also has a voice of its own, the bass line, the guitar solo, the simple drum beat that evolves into a sprint. Whoever was on the tambourine even was going really fucking hard. It takes you on a damn journey. That rollercoaster was wild, let’s go again. And again. And again.
I used to have this record on vinyl and it sadly was one that got lost along the way between the UK and the US. I’ll say, it sounds mighty fine in that format. For a while in and after college, I lived in a shitty house in East London (it’s definitely fancy now but it was a rathole when I called it home). The kitchen ceiling literally caved in once. Anyway, it was me, my then boyfriend, my best girlfriend, and four other dudes. Sometimes we had just one rotating roommate. The point being it was some chaos, not unlike Fleetwood Mac in the making of Rumours. We were all a damn mess. But we were united any time I stuck this record on my turntable, or any time I was doing the dishes and one of the singles came on my absolutely adorable digital radio that looked like a teeny tiny Marshall Amp (add to list of things I wish I still had). I think of the good times in those kinda bad times when I hear Rumours, which is sort of the point of the album, as pointed out by Stevie in 2002:
“If you took out all the bad stuff in the band, the songs wouldn’t have happened. There simply wouldn’t have been a Rumours if everything had been fabulous.”
I’ll take her at her word, anyone with bangs that effortless can really do no wrong.
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ouatnextgen · 4 months
Any headcanons for the next gen?
Finally can answer! Sorry this took so long lmao. These are just a bunch of random headcanons
Reblogging for the update that Alice is now Hope's sister.
He loves baked goods, especially when they’re baked by Regina, and has a strange love of Mountain Dew, which grosses everyone out
He got his first tattoo, the exact same lion tattoo that Robin had, in the exact same place,  when he was twelve, thanks to Little John, and Regina almost fainted when she found out. 
He inherits his father’s arrows, rings, and wardrobe, while his sister gets his bow. Before he died, Robin made Roland his very own bow, and that is the one he uses
His biggest secret is that he doesn't want to lead the Merry Men, like his father before him; he wants to be a baker
Surprisingly squeamish. Doesn’t do well with blood or guts
90% of his Storybrooke wardrobe is flannels
He likes camping, hiking, and just generally being outside
Is a pretty good singer, and knows how to play the acoustic guitar
His favorite season is autumn
His favorite color is red
They have survived solely on food from Granny’s Diner and coffee since they graduated high school
They actually work at Granny’s Diner, pretty much doing Ruby’s job after she moved to Oz.
In several instances, they had managed to convince many small children that the pink streaks in their hair are 100% natural
Can wield a dagger pretty well, but is a self-proclaimed “runner” and not a fighter
Most of the graffiti around Storybrooke can be attributed to them
Though they’d rather die than admit it, they really like doing so-called “feminine” hobbies like knitting, sewing, and crocheting. They are very proficient at all three
Got a tongue piercing at 12:01 am, the very day that they turned eighteen
They play the bass, and dream of starting a garage band
Their favorite season is summer
Their favorite color is pink
Really likes spicy foods. Or foods he can dump gallons of hot sauce on. He pretends to be a tea drinker, but really can’t stand the stuff
Secretly loves country music, but knows that his friends would crucify him if they found out
His least favorite subject in school is English, because he feels like he gets interpretations of stories “wrong” somehow. Math is easier because it’s “straightforward”
He’s a guard on the school football team
Somehow, he’s also senior class president and has a 3.89 GPA
Since in this AU, Regina turned down the offer to be queen in favor of Snow, Leo is next in line for the throne (Emma opted out)
Can’t do archery for shit, but is great at fencing
He likes to babysit his brother and other neighborhood kids
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is indigo
He’s one of those people who only eats plain noodles with butter, and only drinks water if it’s ice-cold or flavored. Very picky.
He has dyspraxia, which is a disorder similar to dyslexia. It affects his movement and coordination functions (my little brother has this) so he is very prone to stumbling, dropping things, and just general clumsiness.
He’s a night owl. He tends to stay awake until three hours before he has to get up (“Three hours is enough sleep, right?”) which results in a lot of coffee consumption
He’s a member of the school drama club, and has performed in many plays and musicals
He’s really into urban area gardening, where he grows plants and food in tiny boxes around his house
His honorary aunt is Mulan, and she was the one who taught him sword fighting, archery, and helped him figure out that he’s gay
He likes to live in the moment, and do spontaneous things. He’d rather regret doing something than not doing something.
He has Alex sneak him into clubs sometimes, just to do something rebellious for kicks
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is purple
Thanks to Regina’s influence, she loves apple flavored food
She got her glasses in her freshman year of high school. Before that, she just…moved closer to the board to see what was going on (I know in canon she only has her glasses when she’s cursed, but I like the idea of Robyn, the archer, needing glasses full-time, so here we are.)
She inherits Robin’s bow, and carries it around with her like a favorite teddy bear (when Robin comes back to life he teaches her how to make her own bow)
She longs to escape Storybrooke and travel the different realms, like Henry
She loves the outdoors like Roland, but not quite as much.
Her magic is chaotic and wild, like her personality
She’s on the school soccer team, and kicks everyone’s ass
The only jewelry she ever wears is a ring her mother got for her
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is green
Has a weakness for seafood, and regularly drinks tea
He’s a math nerd, and is on the school’s mathlete team
Unsurprisingly, he loves to read. Fiction or nonfiction, he doesn’t care. He’ll read five books a day if Belle lets him.
He also likes video games, but is very bad at them
He’s on the autism spectrum
He likes keeping journals, and keeps several personal journals, study journals, and doodle journals
Since his magic is inherently dark, he doesn’t like to use it much. If he does need to use magic, it can trigger memories from his time as the Black Fairy’s puppet to come back in the form of nightmares
He wants to be a therapist when he grows up, and maybe publish a book or two
His favorite season is winter
His favorite color is orange
She loves to eat things with marmalade, and even just marmalade straight from the jar. And she’s british…so tea is life
She has a mental illness (canon never gave her a proper diagnosis), and takes prescribed medication that helps her symptoms. When she has "bad days," Robyn, Hope, and their parents know how to help her.
She loves the idea of dying or putting streaks in her hair, but she’s slightly worried she’ll regret it later on, so hasn’t tried it yet
She still loves to paint, doodle, draw, and basically anything artsy. 
She loves to play chess with her father, and other, more modern board games with her friends. Her favorites are Candy Land, Battleship, and Monopoly.
She rarely uses her light magic, and only to protect people. Emma trains with her regularly
She will stay awake into the wee hours to go stargazing, and loves astronomy, star mapping, and even the zodiac signs (she’s a proud Aries)
Even though she’s never officially sailed a ship, she knows the inner workings of how to do it so well, she might as well be a sailor
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is teal
Her favorite food is literally just cheese
She is on the autism spectrum
She has a special interest in swords, which results in a large sword collection, and a bunch of useless sword facts
She also has a special interest in dancing, which results in her now knowing a few books worth of dances, both modern and classical
She’s on the school dance squad (see above)
She likes to go sailing with Killian and Alice
Her favorite piece of jewelry is the swan necklace her parents gave her
Going to the beach calms her down, and she listens to ocean noises to fall asleep
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is navy blue
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Favorite Måneskin song?
HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME? Do you have any idea how much I love this band and their songs? DO YOU? You really think I won’t make this a top 10 just to have an excuse to praise more than one? You really think it didn’t quick turn into a top 20? And then a top 25? You really think I didn’t spend three days working on this reply and am still unhappy with it because it didn’t do the band any justice?
25 - Chosen
The lyrics are not all that special, and even though Damiano shines in it as he does in everything, it doesn’t compare to how great his voice is in other tracks... but dear lord, the band is fucking great in it, especially Thomas. Immaculate guittar riffs. 
24 - Lividi Sui Gomiti
Whenever I hear this song, it is the very definition of “Better than I remembered.” The chorus is catchy as fuck, I love the beginning and end of it, and Victoria shows exactly why she is THE perfect choice to play the bass. Plus, angry Damiano telling the world to fuck off and let him do his thing is always a win.
23 - Somebody Told Me
As much as I enjoyed seeing their performances on X Factor, plenty of them suffered from the “reality show effect”, in which you watch it, lose your shit over how good it is, and then never think about it again because it only works in the context of “I hope they win this thing.” This version did NOT suffer from that. At all. The band grabbed this song and made it their bitch.
22 - Bury A Friend
Yet another cover that they absolutely fucking owned. As a Billie Eillish fan, it annoys me when people just take her songs, do literally nothing with it except sing faster and louder, and think their work is done. Maneskin actually put in the fucking effort to find a way to add their own twist to the song while also showing that they clearly understand what is so great about the original version. I may or may not smile like a crazy person when Ethan starts playing the shit out of the drums and shows us what this version will be like.
21 - Niente Da Dire
I just fucking love singing along to this one. It’s fun, simple, and the lyrics are pretty damn good. 
20 - In Nome Del Padre
Damiano sings that the world and stage are not enough for him, AS HE FUCKING SHOULD! This song just has a way of truly making me feel as if I am seeing all the things the band went through to get to were they are. Also I am not sure it is legal for anything to sound as good as the end of this song with Thomas just going fucking feral.
19 - Supermodel
Like most of the Maneskin fans, I didn’t care for this song when it was released. It didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it either. The studio version feels like it really muted the band, and left just Damiano’s vocals - good, but come on, we need the whole thing. Then they performed it live and even made an acoustic version and everything fell into place. Thank God we got to hear the amazing song that was hiding behind some very generic production.
18 - Ventanni
One of Damiano’s best lyrics, combined with one of the band’s best instrumental AND one of their best videos. I am surprised it wasn’t even higher on the list and I am the one making the damned thing!
17 - Amandoti
Maneskin REALLY has a thing for just making great covers. I know everybody loves the version they did with their mentor, but I personally prefer the one with Damiano singing by himself. But he is not the one who makes the song so great for me. The wat Ethan will barely touch the drumset in some moments, and then suddenly go for it, like a bomb finally going off, and Vic and Thomas jump in and turn it up to eleven... oh man, it is pure magic.
16 - Immortale
Another one that is just so fun to listen to and sing along. It’s just a great duet and whenever I hear it, I just HAVE to listen a second time. And a third. And a fourth, and fifth, and sixth...
15 - Beggin
As much as I understand that it is super unfair that this became their most well known song despite not fully representing what the band can do and over-play having really killed the song for some people, and even for myself a few times... there’s a reason this is the biggest hit. It’s just great track that keeps on getting better the more it goes on, to the point that even though it can be repetitive, I’m disappointed when it ends. 
14 - L’altra Dimensione
Okay, okay, OKAY, who allowed Damiano to have such a great voice? How can he show more emotion just singing “Marlena” over and over again than many artists can in an entire album? Who gave him the right write a track that works perfectly as a celebration of freedom and art AND as an excellent declaration of love? 
13 - For Your Love
Once again, Thomas, Victoria and Ethan just go all out, the costant change in tempo lets them show how versatile they are - I was not surprised to hear Thomas say this was his favorite song. But this time, they don’t steal the show, because everytime Damiano gets to last verse of every part of the song, my jaw hits the floor. The lyrics are so simple, but the way he sings them makes it a thousand times more beautiful
12 - Le Parole Lontane
Not to sound like a broken record, but holy shit, Damiano! He really makes the listener understand his longing for his muse - even the ones that don’t speak a word of italian and never looked up the translation. The anguish is so visceral, and the last verse always gave me the impression that it wasn’t that he stopped singing because the song was over, but because he couldn’t go on.
11 - Lasciame Stare
At first, I didn’t like this song. I thought of it as the weakest on the album, and often skipped it. Then one day, right the fuck out of nowhere, whatever it was that kept me from liking it just disappeared, and I listened to it 50 times in a row, and every now and then I just find myself with that damn chorus stuck in my head and there is NOTHING I can do to get it out when that happens.
10 - Un Temporale
This is one of their best covers and genuinely one of the best songs I’ve ever heard, and I am fucking FURIOUS that I can either listen to a extremelly short version with good quality by seeing their performance on X Factor or get the full thing in video some fan recorded with their phone. JUST FUCKING MAKE AN OFFICIAL VERSION AND RELEASE IT, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
09 - Mammamia
Damiano being a petty, horny brat, Thomas going off, and Vic and Ethan making me stomp my foot to the rhythym of this great track every single time I hear it... what is there not to love? All that’s missing is a performance with Damiano singing it in a stripper pole.
08 - I Wanna Be Your Slave
The first Maneskin song I ever heard. I was instantly hooked. Insanely catching, unbelievably horny, and the lyrics are a mood. I love the way Damiano shouts, whispers and just straight up moans while singing, and seeing Vic just vibe to the song while playing the bass is great. The video for it is also my favorite and that gave it a lot of extra points. 
07 - Moriro Da Re
I looooove the lyrics in this one so fucking much, especially because, once again, Damiano managed to make it a perfect love song AND a celebration of his ideals and goals. I can’t help but get slowly (or not so slowly) unhinged when it gets to “Marlena, vinci la sera” and he sings it over and over.
06 - La Paura Del Buio
Probably my favorite chorus and ending in any of their tracks, and it fucking blew my mind the first time I heard it - and the millionth time as well. Watching live performances of it makes it hit even harder. Damiano was born to be a front-man and seeing Thomas, Vic and Ethan giving it their all is the coolest fucking thing ever.
05 - If I Can Dream
I thought over and over again about how to explain why I love this cover so much, but honestly all I can say is that it makes me incredibly emotional and it is a delight whenever I hear it.
04 - Vengo Dalla Luna
The fact that they don’t sing this song in every single show is a fucking crime. It is the best cover they ever made - so good that I have to keep reminding myself that this isn’t an original of the band, because it suits them ridiculously well. The sheer raw power in every second of the track is incredible.
03 - Torna A Casa
This one is, heart-breaking, heart-warming, hopeful, desperate, pure passion and a desperate cry of pain all at the same time, and it’s on the top 2 best Maneskin lyrics. I absolutely adore it and if I ever have the luck to see them live and they play this song, I might straight up die on the spot.
02 - Coraline
This one is, without a doubt, THE most depressing Maneskin song. It is also one of the most beautiful they ever made, and the best Damiano ever wrote. The way it starts so slow and simple, Ethan jumping in to make the song come alive, Thomas’s solo, the devastating end... It’s no surprise that the fans love this one so fucking much.
01 - Zitti E Buoni
Behold! THE perfect Maneskin song. We got bass, drum, and guittar solos, Damiano rapping, amazing lyrics, and an iconic performance at eurovision. I Wanna Be Your Slave was the one made me like the band, but this was the one that made me absolute love them, and I adore it just as much as I did when I first heard it. I’m not sure they’ll ever top this one - and it is so fucking great that they don’t even need to.
Anyways, anon, I hope you have learned your lesson: don’t ask the bisexual to choose.
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Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert, & Jon Randall - The Marfa Tapes Country music is a genre of music that gives people one of two emotions when hearing its name and when it rears its head -- hatred or love. Some people really love it, and some people really hate it. You know what I mean, people say they “listen to everything but country.” Bonus points if they put rap / hip-hop, but the idea is the same -- people seem to brag about how they don’t like county music, and in some respects, I get it. A lot of the modern country music that you hear on the radio is very pop-friendly, generic, boring, and even incorporates a lot of hip-hop instrumentation, along with tons of tired cliches that have been tired for the past decade. Ever since Florida Georgia Line got big with “Cruise” in 2012, country music was never the same, for better or worse. I look at that in a good way, especially in retrospect, because that led to a resurgence of more “raw” styled country and folk music. Guys and gals like Tyler Childers, Colter Wall, Ian Noe, Adeem The Artist, Kacey Musgraves (she’s part of the “establishment,” too, but she always went against the grain), and many more are part of this movement that bring something new to the table, whether it’s a sense of storytelling, perspectives, ideas, or sounds. One artist in the genre that’s been a staple for the last 20 years is someone you could include in that crop of current artists that still bring something unique and interesting to the table that also break away from the cliches and the sounds that are popular. That artist is Miranda Lambert, who has been around since the early 00s, but didn’t release her label debut until 2005. She got big in 2007 with her third album, and second major label album, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, which showcased her prowess for stellar vocals, a kickass attitude that doesn’t take any shit from anyone (especially men), and songs that were written very strongly. She rose up the ranks in the scene, ultimately becoming one of the most important singers and songwriters of the genre, but one that doesn’t get enough credit. She is mainly known, too, for her marriage and eventual divorce from Blake Shelton, who you may know from making bad country music is exactly what people hate about it (or love, depending on what kind of country music you like). She released the ambitious double album, The Weight Of These Wings, back in 2016 and that served as an album to chronicle and talk about her divorce. I listened to that when it came out, because I was wanting to get more into country music, and that was a good decision. The Weight Of These Wings is a very ambitious and long album, but it was also very rewarding. Fast forward four years, and she released Wildcard, which came out right before the pandemic, unfortunately, so she never got to tour that album. I’ve listened to it in retrospect, and I really enjoy it, despite how long, ambitious, and messy it is in spots, thanks to its sound being all over the place and its tone not being set in stone. What I wanted to talk about, and this is a long way of getting to it, because I wanted a lot of background, since this is a weird album to talk about on its own, is The Marfa Tapes from 2021, featuring Lambert, Jon Randall, and Jack Ingram, who are two other songwriters from Nashville that she’s worked with. She worked with them a lot on her follow-up, 2022′s Palomino, which is a very good album. What is this album exactly? It’s not a studio album, per se, but it’s a collection of songs that the three of them wrote semi-live. This album is an acoustic, lo-fi, and sort of “live” album, because it features single takes of recording. You hear a little bit of studio banter, some background noise, and a few mistakes they make, but it works, where the album is meant to be very loose and easygoing. Personally, I love this record, and I’ve been very apprehensive to check out a lot of mainstream country, because it just hasn’t done anything for me, but this album is very different, so peoples’ mileage with it depends on how much they like Miranda Lambert and what they like from her. This is a very acoustic, lo-fi, and somewhat quiet album, because it just features a single acoustic guitar and the three musicians’ voices. That’s it. This album is bare bones, but it’s great. The harmonies are utterly gorgeous, the songwriting is very strong, and the production is very warm, inviting, and it makes you feel like you’re right there. This record is also a lot of fun, because for every emotional song, such as “Amazing Grace (West Texas),” “Ghost,” or “Breaking A Heart,” it features some very fun moments in the form of “Homegrown Tomatoes,” “Geraldene,” and “Two-Step Down To Texas,” which are all very bouncy and catchy. This album showcases a lot of very strong performances from Lambert especially, because her vocals are so good here. What works, though, are its lyrics and overall mood. I love a lot of the lyrics on this record, such as “Ghost,” “In His Arms,” “Tequila Does,” and “Homegrown Tomatoes.” Sometimes having fun can be all you need, and that song paints a great picture of just having a good time. This album features songs that were on Wildcard, including “Tequila Does,” as well as songs that were eventually on Palomino, albeit re-recorded with a fuller sound, including “In His Arms,” “Waxahachie,” and “Geraldene.” An acoustic version of “Tin Man” also appears from The Weight Of These Wings, which makes the song even more emotional and hardhitting. Overall, this album is fantastic, especially if you want something very personal, laidback, lo-fi, and warm. It’s a very warm sounding album in all the best ways. I absolutely love this record. I do admit that when Randall and Ingram, it’s not quite as good, but I do enjoy their songs, nonetheless, and I like that this isn’t just Miranda Lambert and two other musicians, so it feels more of a collaborative effort, but their voices aren’t quite as good as hers. I’d check this out, though, especially if you want to hear a very authentic and story-driven country album that’s none of that mainstream bullshit that you hear all the time. I’ve been playing it nonstop for the last few weeks, and I won’t be stopping anytime soon, I keep having a blast with it.
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piratefalls · 6 months
Kellyyyyy I saw your sleepover Friday prompts reblog and I'm sick and I feel very :(((( do you have any recommendations for happy-making songs? btw also I went back to one of your pacific rim reclist posts the other day and read them again and it was vv nice thank you <3 <3
alexisssss i miss your face so much and i hope you get better soon! and i'm so glad that old list was able to make you happy even for a little bit, that's why i love making them!
so for songs that at least make me happy because they're either boppy or funny or nostalgic:
getaway car, taylor swift, because what's better than "uh duh i stole the money and left you behind to get caught what part of think about the place where you first met me didn't click for you?"
substance by demi lovato because it's everything i loved about female led pop punk bands circa 2006 and the nostalgia factor hits
that's what i want by lil nas x because there will never come a time where that doesn't make me want to dance
run away with me by carly rae jepsen because it's just so fucking upbeat and fun
summer hair = forever young by the academy is... because nostalgia but also that chorus makes you want to head bang at least a little
most people would say dear maria count me in when they mention all time low, and i do love that song to an unreasonable degree, but i'm gonna go with six feet under the stars (acoustic) because i'm realizing a lot of these songs are happy making because i have happy memories attached to them
if i'm being honest, most of a hangover you don't deserve by bowling for soup is full of ridiculous and fun songs like trucker hat and 1985 and ohio (come back to texas). a++ album, no skips.
high rises by chika because her flow is so good but backed by harmonies sung by amber riley? it scratches my brain so good.
#thiscouldbeus by doug locke. even though the lyrics are kind of a bummer this shit is a bop.
in general, and if you haven't heard of them, anything by flight of the concords is pretty funny. personally a big fan of hiphopopotamus vs. rhymenoceros
and to top it off, at least for now, sunshine song by jason mraz. it's the live version but he's just so good live it makes me want to hit things.
sleepover friday!
0 notes
speak now tv for me on first listen:
in general:
i love the heavier and more unfiltered (?) guitar work, it suits speak now soooo well. hate whoever the backup singer dude is. their voice is not good with hers imo, its really throwing me off. i dont like how quiet her secondary/backup vocals/‘improvs’ are either. its hard to tell if i like the mix or not yet bc its just different yk
in specific:
i like all the vault tracks. theyre good. anyone who thought castles crumbling would be scream-y i have full rights to call you silly. i can see you was way more of a banger than i thought it would be.
fucking hate mine. i will not be listening to it i dont think. which is the first rerecord i absolutely cannot stand. remember when big wigs came up on you belong with me tv and said its a totally different song and thats me with mine. its awful
sparks fly - pretty good overall, doesnt quite match the heart of the og but i think thatll be a running theme unfortunately.
back to december - perfect. theres a sorta loud like horn or something after the first chorus but its fine. very good taysquared fans are FED.
speak now - perfect. solid. nothing to say bc its a pretty nothing song really but its great.
dear john - honestly was just okay until the middle really. then she really gets into i feel, and it fucking hits. the girl in the dress wrote you a song. and you shouldve known.
mean - i love it! sounds like how it did when they played it live. its fun
the story of us - meh. its not bad at all but its not like. magical either. i like the og better but this is still perfectly listenable
never grow up - three times as good as the original. listening to this was like hearing it for the first time at 14 when someone had one of the most prevalent thoughts in my head into one song.
enchanted - the model rerecord (kinda). this is what they should be. not all of them are going to be exact remakes, but this one is pretty damn close but still has its own personality. WIN.
better than revenge - BANGER. THE FUCKING BACKING VOCALS. i dont mind the lyric change, its hers to change, and i dont think thats much of anybody’s business. shes come to terms with the way she treated another woman when she was 18 and i personally wont shit on her for that. and she couldve intentionally made it shit so a lyric that still works well and illustrates the picture? yes please
innocent - better than the original. better. esp the bridge. no more words cause i will be crying. (also i didnt know for years this shit was about kanye and ngl that did sour it a bit but its MINE so I WILL NOT BE CARING. ty)
haunted - ehhhhh. this is one of my favorite ts songs literally ever bc i was born and raised to be an emo piece of shit, i love the second half, but im not sold on the first half. i hope this is one that mega grows on me, and im still so fucking disappointed not to have an acoustic rerecord :( hopefully itll be added later bc its so fucking good
last kiss - the two seconds of waiting for this to play were like every first day of school all over again. but like enchanted its stellar, she got into it from the beginning and i always forget what an amazing song this is until i listen to it again. i wrote this song out in full at least five times in the journal i had at the time. i really love this version just as much.
long live - so fucking faithful??? WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY FOR MINE??? UGGHHHHHHH anyways shes cute! i like. not super attached to this song anymore but i like this way more than the og even i think. a spruce up was what it needed for me i think
ours - its really really different, and i have no feelings really bc ive never really liked it lol. it flows better i think now, but its still a boring weee im in love song so eh
superman - i really didnt listen to this lmao, it didnt deserve to be on any version of speak now imo, esp now hearing the vault tracks, i wouldve liked foolish one more (timeless is more red to me, she was a bit too immature for when emma falls in love and castles crumbling to sound right, and the other songs were too pop for speak now really)
no matter what though, red and speak now will never be replaceable for me. i love these versions but listening to the originals as a young teenage girl and feel heard and seen in ways i never had been before and working through so many complicated things with the help of those songs is something the rerecords will never have.
also whoever said she could remove one of her best songs from arguably one of her best albums.
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afro-elf · 4 years
fine, i’ll elaborate on my thoughts about tylor sift but they will be disorganized
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disclaimer: i know a few people will read this and be like “op is a hozier fan can she really talk about the cultural obsession with mediocre white art?” and the answer is yes because a) i’m black and i have an english degree so can do whatever i fucking want, b) hozier is a better artist than taylor objectively, like his mediocre tracks would be considered her great ones, and c) the comparison of taylor to hozier is part of the problem Genuinely because i don’t even think white people like half the music they listen to, they just don’t wanna be left behind, we’ll get into this later. i’m sorry to everyone who is tired of hearing about him but hozier will be returning later in this post jsfglsjlgldsjlfd
second note: read this
i don’t just dislike taylor because she’s white. i don’t dislike taylor because she’s a woman. i don’t dislike her because she writes mean and petty lyrics about past relationships and people who wronged her. i don’t dislike taylor because her public circle of friends is almost exclusively blonde white celebrities with their own laundry lists of issues that includes ryan reynolds and blake lively who are poster children for white privilege and pseudo-excellence if i’ve ever seen them. i dislike taylor because the amalgamation of all of those things is so exemplary of a huge problem i have with the music industry in general but also like american society
fuck it, numbered list!
1. taylor swift consistently releases the same mediocre album but in different colors. every album is the same lyrically and tonally. her body of work rarely goes very far above “good for taylor swift”. folklore as both title and musical aesthetic is irrelevant to the actual content of the album, which is just every taylor swift album except set to folk pop and with a bit more cussing, congrats for baby’s first swear. i’ve seen folklore compared to much better bodies of work and even propped up by stans as album of the year, a distinction that rina sawayama and chloe x halle will be battling it out for if there is any justice in the world at all. the fact that she is allowed to do this and still be considered great when this is something that even white male artists are butchered critically for... astounds me. like we all know how well received all of coldplay’s similar sounding albums are.... Come on. 
2. i don’t think taylor or her work is particularly feminist and yet for some reason every time she frowns an army of white women brings her kleenex. i’m not saying taylor’s anger has always been unjustified, but her feminism to me has always felt like “i can do whatever a man can do” feminism, which is utterly fucking useless to me as a black woman. it’s only useful to her because as a wealthy, white, straight, cis white woman her ONLY obstacle in life is her gender. and if she just didn’t have that tricky little bitch then maybe people would take her seriously. like, just think about her music video for the man... what was the thesis of that? what was the point of that? with all of her privileges she’d just be gaining a single extra privilege. she’s a blonde blue eyed thin white girl, the world kisses her feet. i have no interest in proving myself any better or any worse than white men, they are not the standard for how a person should be treated, they’re cautionary tales, and white women are too. i think taylor capitalizes off of white woman victimhood, and it’s all over her writing style. even when she’s trying to be empowered, like in mad woman for example, there is this tone to it of victimization, poking the bear, unleashing the beast if you will. she invokes the imagery of salem witches and even more boldly chooses a noose to write about in the song which is..... surely going to be a white tumblr staple for many gifsets to come but holy shit is it hollow. she also tends to come back to teenage memories in her music and she’s thirty. i don’t think about being seventeen unless i’m being held at gunpoint but she seems to think about it All The Time. and part of this is to keep herself young, at least in her music, which only further ingrains this image of fragile teeny bopper taylor into the mind of the listener, fueling her victim image. this imagery and language means nothing because the world always rallies around taylor. even when she was the butt of jokes for not being beyonce (which she is not and never can be) and writing about her exes (which she does), she was largely supported by the industry and by critics. look at how many fucking awards she has!
3. folk and indie and alternative music is in a moment of transition, where musicians of color are getting the chance to really speak about how they’ve been treated in these overwhelmingly white circles and create their own standards and their own voices. and for taylor swift to swoop in with aaron dessner and jack antonoff fantano and almost reassert that mid-2010s indie sound as The Sound of folk pop in the popular consciousness.... it makes me violent! it! makes! me! violent! 
4. back to hozier! finally, i wanna talk about white standom, fandom, bandom, and womandom. i often see these very superficial comparisons between hozier and taylor (and hozier and florence and hozier and stevie nicks and hozier and whatever other white woman in fashion) and they frustrate me for more than one reason. i know that hozier has met taylor and said she’s cool, which is nice of him and he’s a nice man, but i’m not a nice man so i’m going to just say it: none of the people who have made those posts have listened to more than four hozier songs and it shows. the reason why this matters is because these posts catch on and create an image and preconception of hozier’s music that is divorced from reality and divorced from his influences and most importantly divorced from the deliberate and reverent blackness of his musical style. hozier has his white male privilege in the industry for sure but he’s not as towering of a giant as taylor and taylor’s music is an unsalted chicken, plain oatmeal, white paint drying on a white wall, a stick of unflavored gum. her music is so white it told me that its dad is a cop. i am, as a black hozier fan, exhausted with having to share space with white women who don’t know why hozier’s music kicks me in my lungs sometimes and think that taylor mentioning a tree ONCE in her 3 minute acoustic guitar slog about whatever suburb is the same when it simply is not. i swear some of you are pretending to love taylor because your friends love her and you don’t wanna be left out of the hot new musical discourse but she’s only the hot new musical discourse CONSTANTLY because she’s a white woman, she’s almost the Perfect white woman. like if someone asked me to describe a white woman, it would be taylor swift. her position at the top of the musical pyramid among people who eclipse her musically, vocally, and lyrically is only allowed because she’s The Perfect White Woman. she’s an ideal. white girls relate to her immediately because of it and now we have this unshakable mob of unbearable white women who think that the world has wronged someone who literally wrote fanfiction about the rich oil heiress white woman who owned her rhode island mansion before her aklghlghdhlgs it drives me fucking NUTS 
anyway that’s all. if you made it this far, listen to adia victoria, kaia kater, samantha crain, valerie june, kelsey lu, corinne bailey rae, brittany howard, kimya dawson, japanese breakfast, cold specks, left at london, rhiannon giddens, aisha badru, shea diamond, nadine shah, xenia rubinos, karen o, mirel wagner.... Anyone
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hello lem!!!!!!!!!!! Some nursing home mickey things;
his boss finds out that mickey can play guitar and dead serious asks if he can play acoustic.
mickey: its really just agressive strumming and no finger work
his boss: im desperate for someone to do live music i dont care
so mickey and ian team up to learn some basic guitar shit so mickey can help the activity folks out
Tami starts doing a free hair-do night for all the ladies
Debbie starts volunteering as well, remembering aunt ginger
Mickey gently kisses the knuckles of every female resident when he helps them stand up
he memorizes some random facts about the years and general eras when his residents were born
hes so shameless when he asks residents about cool historical things they witnessed like the moon landing, various sporting events, etc.
He learns more about baseball after he starts working there than he ever did in his entire life. he starts calling kev whenever theres a cubs game on and watching it with his adoptive dad buddy
Ian loves picking mickey up from work he comes hours early so that he can say hi to everyone, even though hes not technically sipposed to be let in there the residents just like him so darn much
Alicia, all of these are fucking phenomenal and I love them and you.
The music Mickey and Ian plays for activities is all like crooner Frank Sinatra, or Elvis, or Patsy Cline, all the stuff the old people love. The old ladies almost WEEP when Mickey starts singing Doris Day sweet love songs to Ian.
YES TAMI WOULD DO THEIR HAIR AND THEY WOULD ALL LOVE HER! Especially on days when she would bring Freddie and New baby along so they got in baby fixes while their hair dried or while their curls set.
AWWW YES Debbie and Franny would come and do shit with the ladies like painting their nails or learning to crochet from them.
AND THEY ALL ADORE MICKEY AND FLIRT WITH HIM. "Oh Mickey if that handsome husband of yours wasn't around and I was sixty years younger..."
"Mickey you need to teach my husband some things, ALBERT COME TALK TO MICKEY! HE HAS SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU!"
He also does a little dance with them when he transfers them, "Okay Scarlett, just a little dance with me while we go to the chair."
"Mickey these old bones can barely stay upright anymore let alone dance."
"Could've fooled me Doris, just need a step, a step, and we're good."
Doris then pats his cheek affectionately.
He'll ask about things that they have special interests in too. Like the old man with maps all over his room he'll ask about where he's travelled in life, where he would travel if he could, bring him maps of different places to get his opinion. Printing out a map of Middle Earth because it doesn't matter what kind of map it is the guy just likes maps (one of my old men still had the middle earth map i printed him when he died)
He'll do a fast food friday or sundae sunday and go to wendys or some shit every week and bring back food or frostys for everyone.
Ian will talk to all the oldies, but find a special kinship with the veterans, and they'll all talk to him about it and tell him how great of a soldier he would've made, but it's okay that he didn't enlist.
He'll take each of the ladies out to the flower gardens in the courtyard and help them water everything while Mickey watches from inside all heart eyed.
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harold-has-style · 2 years
Harry's House: First Impressions
First LISTEN: Out Loud, Second: with headphones
Music For A Sushi Restaurant: A GROOVE. Scoob-a-doop-bo-bob. This man is the scatman. Lizzo needs to get on a remix of this ASAP! Or at least cover it. This will be so amazing live. 80's bop! Love the horns or whatever too!
Late Night Talking: MAN IS IN LOVE. YA BOY IS WHIPPED. Things haven't been quite the same. A lot of change happening metaphorically on this album.
Grapejuice: A crooner. YOUUUUUU. Shakespeare who??? This album seems like a chill one you listen to....around the house....eh? eh? I'll see myself out. NAH fr, I would definitely listen this to study, gives me low-fi vibes. (Liked it better the second time with headphones)
As It Was: In the album order it hits like woah. New chapter like Zane said. Feels surreal and cool to sing along. Like feels sped up but it's just cause the track before was so calming.
Daylight: This album is much more electronic than acoustic fine line. But the rock of this? FIRE! Very unexpected and I love it! Someone doing coke??? V bad harry. bad one. If I was a blue bird? So cute!!! Reminds me of old 2000s coldplay as well. I'm guessing this is the cocaine album.
Little Freak: Jezebel? mE! I'm a whore. Ya welcome. I expected it to be more risque but it's actually so romantic and kinda cute. Lana Del Rey could sing this and it would be cool too. Just thinking about youuuuuuuu. Love the guitar.
Matilda: Family never showed me love? Yeah no shit. That's why I'm listening to your album at 2am. Dead inside? *that's so raven voice* Yep that's me. I do want to do it on my own, thanks harry! KEY CHANGE KING! This song really made me smile. On second round, it feels like an intimate hug from Harry.
Cinema: This is so cute. I'm guessing it's about Olivia, which I find adorable. Do you think I'm cool??? Aw, little Harry has to prove himself. Good. Damn this nigga screaming in the background. You okay??? You pop when we get intimate? if this is his way of bragging about making a woman come then so be it. But okay....
Daydreaming: As soon as I heard it, I loved it. INTRO IS AMAZING! Like the groove is soooo sick. Love me like you paid me? Sugar daddy. Also gives me a little bit of Stevie Wonder vibes. Can't wait to hear this live!!!
Keep Driving: Very cute and cinematic way of singing. This album feels very indie. Hash brown egg yolk I will always love you? CUTE!!!! Like I can see this music video and the camera cutting rapidly between these things. I love it. Puff pass? Edibles? Cocaine? Say no to drug kids. This man loves a good drugs sex and love theme and I love that for him. Choke her with a sea view??? Yes please daddy. I told y'all this man wasn't vanilla. My fave on the second hearing, it was the first song I liked on Spotify.
Satellite: There are a lot of questions in this song and in the album in general. I like that the beginning sounds a bit space like. Like dreampop. idk why this songs feels SAPPHIC! This is gonna be the summer song of the album. IYKYK. When he said I'm here idk why I teared up. I think this song is going to be the best live.
Boyfriends: I'm gonna need some wine and ice cream for this one. Very true. If I ever slip and get my heart broken by a man this song is going on repeat for months. SAY IT WITH ME: MEN ARE TRASH. I think this was the song playing in the trailer????
Love of My Life: Nevermind it was this song playing in the trailer? Baby you are the love of my life???? Sheesh. This man gonna marry that woman. Second hearing update: looked up the lyrics and he talked about a past love. Damn. Sorry bout that. At least you got some good bops out of the heartbreak. Second hearing: Harry loves a bop beat with devastating lyrics. Damn song. Like the sunnier yet just as sad sibling of Falling.
Final thoughts: I feel like Fine Line was more 70's groove and this was more 80's bop. But tbh I think this album is very groovy indeed. I think this album had more similar sounding songs (in a good way) and was more of a mesh of emotions rather than Fine Line which were like, in my opinion, very significant different emotions. Harry delivers again. TBH while Fine Line (the song and album) will have such a special place in my heart but I do like this one. JOB WELL DONE.
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Songbird Shenanigans // Charlie Gillespie
IN WHICH: The reader will routinely sneak away from her band/hotel to continue her tour shenanigans in parking garages. A way for the young star to return to the stupid years where the concert venue was a car and the mic was the steering wheel. As each city comes and goes with the tour, one thing never changes, driving to parking garages to scream songs at the top of your lungs.
Warnings: Swearing, Mamma Mia songs (oops), and fluff
Words: 4.0k (with lyrics included)
A/N: There’s something endearing about Charlie randomly going a stranger in a duet and dance without a care. This was loosely inspired by the chaotic live they did when Jeremy and Charlie stayed at Owen’s place. I loved Charlie’s tropical shirt giving Animal Crossing vibes.
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A moment you had desired for a while finally came around in Oklahoma City during the free day between the two concerts. The pure quiet away from the interviews, photoshoots and demanding life of a musician. Yet despite wanting this time, you definitely felt bored, which only meant one thing.
A new video for your followers as you had done since the beginning of your successful career. Back before, you had the prominent following you had; now you would travel singing in your car, and then one video got viral. That elevated your following until you had signed a record deal with your brand new agent.
A series was then born of driving at night to the parking lots and garages in the city you temporarily visited. You'd park and sing any suggested songs from a previous video for an hour to see if a fan could find you. It was a fun game you had developed.
Y/N Y/L/N: Another installment of Songbird Shenanigans. From 9pm to 10:30pm, I'll be somewhere in Oklahoma City. Come find me for the prize!
Your agent both hated and loved the series as it brought attention to your career and songs but also was a hazard during the tour. The risk of losing your voice made your agent nervous, but the positives outweigh the negatives.
"What song are you doing?" Maddie asked from her chair in your hotel suite with a ratty book in her hand. Her rich dark hair pulled up in a high bun with a few pieces of bangs pulled down to hang free.
You didn't know if you could do what you do if you didn't have Maddie by your side as your singing partner and chief stylist. Maddie also always knew without looking on social media when you had a new installment coming.
"My most requested video is Train Wreck by-"
"James Arthur." Maddie snickered with her grey eyes pinned to the page she was reading faithfully. The book had seen better days, but it was her absolute favourite one by far and one of the only physical books she had.
"Somehow forgot you had it on repeat for a week straight." You snorted, shoving a hat on your head for warmth. A plain black coat pulled over your arms that matched the warm boots you had chosen, "I'll send you my location."
Maddie waved on hand in response, having known the routine since you first started this fun series. It allowed you a bit of your old life when the concerts you performed was solely in your car with the steering wheel as the microphone.
Judy, your agent, was sitting in the lobby with her binder surrounding her when she looked with a sigh. Without a word, she tossed the keys to the rented car she knew you'd need, so in each city, she rented one. A smile of gratitude shared before you were out the door with your hood up.
"Be careful!" Judy exclaimed just as the sliding doors closed behind you, sending you out in the cold night.
Almost instantly, your cheeks turned a light pink in the cold winter air, even if the walk to the war was short. As requested, the car was a newer model but one that would blend in with other city cars. It made finding you harder, but the windows couldn't be tinted.
"Here's to hoping I get a place with good acoustics." You muttered, starting the hatchback vehicle. Despite the cold winter weather, the road conditions were surprisingly okay, but then again, you were from a small town. Roads were shit in general.
You didn't bother playing music as you used the drive to find a parking garage and warm up your throat. Your vocal coach would have your head if you didn't warm-up, and then Judy would kill you even more.
You lucked out in a parking garage to a building that seemed to be a renovated warehouse with insanely cool windows. The metal was a dark shamrock green with a multitude of small rectangular glass between the metal. The panes swung open upwards in a fascinating design.
"Perfect." You muttered, signalling to turn into the parking garage that was easily accessed and without any trespassing signs. It was desolate, with cars parked here and there in the stalls.
A bright orange Subaru definitely took the cake as the most 'flashy' vehicle among the more nondescript ones. Not that it caught your attention when you lowered your windows marginally while simultaneously clipping the phone onto the dash. Immediately you double-checked for any apparent signs to your location before declaring it safe; with a tap of your finger, your Instagram live began.
"Welcome to another part of our Songbird Shenanigans. This time I'm in Oklahoma City for a two-day concert. The most requested song is Train Wreck by James Arthur."
Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens
Signs, any signs I'm alive still
I don't wanna lose it
I'm not getting through this
Hey, should I pray? should I pray
A natural instinct of closing your eyes as you got more into the music occurred. Your voice belted into the garage beautifully. Tons of comments appeared in the insta live chat of both supportive and haters.
username3: I suggested this song!!!
username88: Your voice goes perfectly with the song.
The song came to an end quicker than you would have liked since it was definitely one of your favourites to sing.
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
No action was helped back from taking a swig of water from the reusable bottle you had brought along. Your eyes scoured the comments for more suggestions or things that stuck out.
"Why don't you include hints in the Songbirds?” You read out from the comment section with a smile barely held back, "Why would I? You all know that my windows are often down, and even the most unoriginal locations have tells. There's been a few people that have found me."
Username13: I think I know where you are (insert heart emoji)
          ↳Username63: username13 where?! How do you know?
          ↳Username13: jatp is streaming all day and the guys are in a car. Same background
Your eyes read the short but interesting conversation between the two different accounts on something called jatp? Whatever that was.
"Any other requests?" You asked, scrolling through the suggestions, "Sing something from jatp? I'm sorry, guys, but I have no clue what that is? Is it a movie? OH! It's a show. My bad."
The comment section was flooded, "Okay! Let me look up the lyrics and the melody!"
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Three males: a blonde and two brunettes, walked between the rows of both occupied and unoccupied parking spots. The blonde wearing a black t-shirt with BEANS written across the chest and the brunette with short slicked-back hair crowded the middle guy. All three pairs of eyes watched the iPhone stream the television series.
"I call shotgun!" Owen spoke as the car in question came into view, "We gotta Livestream in the car again!"
"Your neighbour sucks, man." Charlie groaned, nudging Jeremy to unlock the car when the older man hesitated.
"If we're going live in the car, we should cover your license plate," Jeremy suggested to a resounding agreement. 
Charlie drove an obscenely vibrant coloured car that could be picked out quickly, so he didn't need any help in broadcasting his location. Owen grabbed the book from the passenger seat to angle it to lean against the plate.
"Done!" Owen called, racing back to climb into the car with his friends. The blonde-haired man bounced in his seat as the owner of the vehicle set up the screen.
In seconds, the streaming went from the app on the phone to the car's built-in screen to the boys' delight. In a moment of what some may call brilliance and others stupidity Owen went live on Instagram with Charlie joining him swiftly.
"Do you rem-"
Username76: Songbird chose a shitty location.
           ↳Username 39: Or we just got a Hail Mary hint
"Who is Songbird?" Charlie questioned, leaning closer to his friends in the front, catching a few comments.
The comments were mixed among other unrelated ones, but all had Songbird, Shenanigans or both words. The mystery was so intriguing the boys turned down the show to scour the comments for tidbits.
"Wait? Do you hear that?" Jeremy questioned, scanning the parking garage with his blue, green eyes. Soon his head was sticking out the window, "Someone is singing here."
Jeremy's hand turned the key of the car, "Is that-"
"Oh, no." Owen groaned, seeing that specific light appear in Charlie's eyes just as it did each time one of the songs came on. His pink beanie slid around his long blonde locks.
The two guys watched as the second oldest in their group did some kind of shimmy after pushing his phone to Jeremy. Jeremy's hand scrambled to get a grip on the phone as Charlie delved into his love for these songs. Sharing a look, Jeremy and Owen followed the Canadian to a car with a girl singing in the open hatchback car.
(Italics is you! Italics and bold is Charlie and you! Just bold is Charlie!)
When you were lonely, you needed a man.
Someone to lean on, well I understand
It's only natural
But why did it have to be me?
Your eyes remained shut as you neared the middle of the first verse. You completely stopped when a voice joined. Your e/c eyes met the twinkling brown of a handsome guy with the best voice you'd heard in a long time.
Nights can be empty, and nights can be cold
So you were looking for someone to hold
That's only natural
But why did it have to be me?
Your lips parted in a grin as you grabbed the hand being offered to be pulled out of the car; on your way, your hand nudged your phone. Your phone was in a mount attached to the roof of the hatch. When you followed the stranger, the phone turned in perfect view. Your free hand turned to hover over your forehead, legs bending to feign a swoon.
I was so lonesome, I was blue
I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I
Always thought you knew the reason why
Charlie beamed playing being shot by the arrow you pretended to shoot with a grin planted on your own lips. Charlie's hand flirted with your hip as you sashayed around his body from his left to his right. Hand grabbing a first full of his white with light teal with light pink design to tug him chest to chest.
I only wanted a little love affair
Now I can see you are beginning to care
But baby, believe me
It's better to forget me
In turn, Charlie grabbed your wrist to twirl you into his arms straight into an impressive dip with the toe of your shoe pointed to the far wall. Your fingers just barely caressing the rough paved lot.
"I'm Charlie," Charlie murmured during the instrumental between the chorus and the second verse. Your eyes scanned his features with an expression you would later be glad was hidden from the lighting in the garage.
"Y/N." You breathed, clutching his shoulders still low in the dip, hoping subconsciously that your breath was still fresh.
"Wanna finish this?" Charlie spoke, searching your eyes with his own; up close, you could see his eyes were a mixture of colours. You only nodded before he continued singing to the music.
Men are the toys in the game that you play
When you get tired, you throw them away
That's only natural
But why did it have to be me?
"Are you seeing this?" Jeremy whispered to Owen as they watched Charlie literally sweep a stranger off her feet. Owen could only nod as Charlie went into the next verse, still dancing as if he was in Mamma Mia 2.
Falling in love with a woman like you
Happens so quickly, there's nothing to do
It's only natural
But why did it have to be me?
Charlie spun you back away from his body in a graceful twirl your choreographer would be incredibly proud of. The moves you made somehow made sense, with the movements matching the spontaneous duet-er.
I was so lonesome, I was blue
I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I
Always thought you knew the reason why
Once more in his arms dancing, he dipped you once more as you finished the end of the last chorus breathing heavily. The two strangers staring intensely into each other's eyes with an intense look that had tensions in the parking garage.
I only wanted a little love affair
Now I can see you are beginning to care
But baby, believe me
It's better to forget me
"Intense." Owen chuckled as Charlie raised you back onto your feet with a matching grin to yours, "Oh! Look at the comments!"
Username24: Holy shit! They ooze chemistry!!
           ↳Username9: lol, okay Alex. 
"You aren't a viewer, are you?" You breathlessly laughed, taking a step away from Charlie as the music faded away.
The equally breathless spontaneous performing partner laughed as well, "I heard the song and hoped for the best."
"Are you Songbird?" Came a voice from a few feet away. Behind the once upon a time stranger stood two males approaching slowly.
"Oh!" You gasped, turning on your heel to see where your phone was pointing, "Well, that's convenient! One moment."
Jeremy and Owen flanked Charlie as you repositioned the phone at the moment with practised precision. You kept the three people out of the shot for privacy reasons.
"There is about ten minutes away from the end of this installment being over. For the first time since we started this series, I had a duet." You playfully laughed, looking over at the trio, "It's completely up to my sudden partner, but would you like to meet your audience?"
Charlie simply shrugged, "Sure. They've seen you be serenaded by a stranger."
A short laugh came from the three individuals around Charlie as he moved into the camera frame with a large smile. As soon as he was in sight, the comment section went nuts, furthering when Owen and Jeremy came into view.
           ↳Username4: omg jatp in Songbird Shenanigans?? Life accomplished.
You couldn't hold back the snort at the comments you could read quickly as they disappeared after new ones. The three guys couldn't help but chuckle as well.
"I've never seen these guys before. If you could introduce yourselves." You asked the three guests, to which each sent a reassuring smile to your hesitance.
"I'm Charlie Gillespie, and these are my friends Owen Joyner and Jeremy Shada." Charlie took the liberty of introducing both his friends and himself. His heart fluttered at the adorable smile that had appeared on your pretty face.
"I'm afraid this concludes this edition of Songbird." You apologized to the camera as the time passed the allotted hour and a half. The comments turned sad before most of them started sending questions, "I'll let you know when I do another edition! Bye for now!"
Your finger clicked the end button firstly before clicking the save button for when you would upload it to your account later.
"Thank you for doing that. I'm Y/N." You chuckled, shaking hands with Jeremy and Owen, who each grinned back, "So what brought you guys to the parking garage with three phones and a live-action Animal Crossing shirt?"
Amusement was found on all four young adults in the parking garage, pinning a gaze at the material. You had to admit you kinda adored the shirt, or maybe the person wearing it was the reason.
"We're trying to get Julie and the Phantoms to number one again." Owen offered as he displayed the live still going on his phone. 
"That's a tv series. That was the second song I did on the live before Charlie joined the little concert." You told the boys all the while aware that thousands of people watched from the phone still streaming.
"The phone's about to die." Owen piped up, catching the single decimal number broadcasting the percentage. Without any prompting, he ended the live to save it solely for the little performance Charlie did.
"Did you save it?" Jeremy asked, lifting on his tiptoes to check the phone Owen had commanded for the last half hour. Like Owen, Jeremy wanted to save it solely for the stellar performance.
"So, how'd this series start?" Charlie questioned, pushing his hands into his pockets, ignoring the subtle glances of his best friend.
"I needed an escape from touring so many cities. It's reminiscent of the days before I was discovered. When my audience was the dials in my car and my family." You half-smiled, recalling all the times you had simply driven around to sing.
"You're a musician?"
"I am. I'm currently on tour for my second album. Every second or third city I'm performing in, I take the rented car to parking lots or garages to sing. I always have a prize for the fans that find me."
"Could I get your number?" Charlie hesitantly questioned. His features twisting with the manipulation of nerves.
His palms had gone clammy enough to inconspicuously wipe them on his legs; this version of Charlie was unfamiliar. Owen and Jeremy had only ever seen him as this bundle of joy and energy, not to say he didn't have his low days, instead of nervous. Owen slipped his fingers behind his back to cross them. He hoped his Canadian friend would get it.
"You don't leak mine, and I won't leak yours." Your e/c eyes twinkled with the brush of Charlie's warm fingers on your own. The new contact waiting for his information, "Maybe we can meet up with each other?"
"I'd love that."
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Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, Unspecified Date
The sounds of screams and heavy instruments blocked by the unique in-ears explicitly made for your ears alone. You'd heaved, catching a breath after such an energetic song you'd just performed for the sold-out venue. You just jogged to the side for a chug of water as your band switched instruments.
"Are you having fun tonight!" You asked the crowd who had fought tooth and nail for tickets. The crowd screamed back louder than before.
Selling out MSG for completely insane even after touring the country with your band three times. It was still a little jarring, going from a nobody with untapped potential to selling out concerts and very successful albums, in all honesty.
"That's what I like to hear!" You beamed, pushing a strand of your unruly hair away from your face. Your eyes momentarily cast to the side stage with the equipment hiding the crew, "I have a surprise for you. A couple years ago, I had a spontaneous duet partner during one of Songbird Shenanigans. I'd like to invite my fiance Charlie out here."
The crowd went nuts as Charlie wandered towards you from the side of the stage away from Owen, Jeremy and Madison. Charlie's hazel eyes scoured the oceans of your e/c eyes he got to wake up to each morning. Mostly when Julie and the Phantoms had been offered to open for you; to be frank, it was more of an unspoken co-headlining.
"Can we tell?" You asked, keeping the mic covered and away from your body. Your body bounced, waiting for the smile from him.
Charlie nodded, accepting the guitar from one of the crew members. It was a song you had written a few months back. Charlie had memorized the entire piece with the deep adoration he felt for it.
The couple perched on the bar stools brought to the middle of the stage with a secret smile. One that only they and their immediate family understood.
Three months ago, you had sat Charlie down in your home to play him a little song that changed everything.
Charlie placed the last bag of groceries on the counter when he felt arms wrap around his midsection. He immediately knew that it was you welcoming him home from a very short trip to the store. In a swift move, he had manoeuvred you to sit on the counter while he scooched himself between your legs.
"Hi." Charlie breathed, rising to press a kiss against the smooth skin of your cheek, leaving heat in its wake.
"I want your opinion on a song." You burst out, unable to refrain from showing him a song you had been secretly working on. The French Canadian was beyond intrigued by the sudden announcement from his fiance.
"Come." You coaxed the man from the kitchen to the designated music room filled with instruments of all kinds���even a recent addition of a recording booth in the corner with high-end equipment.
You bypassed everything for the grand piano you didn't play as often as you wished to be able to. Your fingers brushed the ivory keys for a mere second before you began playing the melody.
I, I have known love before
I thought it would no more
Take on a new direction
Still, strange as it seems to be
It's truly new to me
That affection
The smile that grew across Charlie's expressive face was uncapturable from the best of the best; he adored your voice. He had a personal ringtone you had explicitly done for him a few months into the relationship.
I, I don't know what you do
You make me think that you
Will change my life forever
I, I'll always want you near
Give up on you, my dear
I will never
You thrill me, you delight me
You please me, you excite me
You're all that
I've been yearning for
I love you, I adore you
I lay my life before you
I only want you more and more
And finally it seems
My lonely days are through
I've been waiting for you
Charlie's frown, however, faltered as your face ever so slightly paled with trepidation coating your pretty irises. Your voice even quivered with nerves he'd never heard before, but it made sense from the third verse started.
I'll carry you all the way
And you will choose the day
When you're prepared to greet me
I'll be a good mum, I swear
You'll see how much I care
When you meet me
You finished the song with the last note drawn out ever so softly, freezing as the room went quiet once more. This song was definitely vulnerable and personal; you felt naked under Charlie's silent stare.
"You're really?" Charlie breathlessly chuckled, his wide eyes screaming disbelief.
After a few years together with an engagement ring on both of your fingers after you had both proposed to each other, with the relationship very serious, you two had decided to stop contraceptives and let everyone happen if it was too happen.
"Yeah." You laughed as he swept you off the bench into his arms, "We have little Birdie to prepare for."
"I love you so damn much." Charlie choked out, spinning the two of you around in his arms. The smile never fading as he drank in the special moment of learning you had created a life together.
"With the impending arrival of our child, I will be taking a break to prepare. Even though I wouldn't be performing, I will still do Songbird Shenanigans. I'll just have to up my game on staying as hidden as possible." You informed the audience as the song came to an end. 
Next thing you knew, you couldn't discern between the crowd and your friends now on stage screaming. You were able to feel Charlie's hand on your barely-there baby bump and his lips pressed against your temple.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @thesweetestsinner @merceret​ @imsydneywalker​ @sunsetcurvej @nicoledawson5604 @merceret​ @kexrtiz​ @biqherosix @lukewearingbeanies​ @dangersolns @soverignparker
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janeyseymour · 3 years
I saw the second preview of six and here are my thoughts (along with a few fun stories at the end):
My heart literally fell out of my ass when the queens started walking out They changed a few small little things here and there and it was perfect If six doesn’t win best lighting at the Tony’s I will sue Ex-wives was WOW I literally could not stop smiling Some of the poses were different 
I am convinced she just is beyonce always
She’s just fantastic in that role and that’s what I have to say about that
Ig abby danced a little too hard during no way because she kept messing with her wig after
Actually she lowkey played with it throughout the whole show and it was adorbs
Britt was helping her fix it and like pointing out where it was a little cray (also abby’s wig looks so good omf)
Her delivery throughout the whole show was a bit more mature, but it was still so babey I love her
(On a side note someone today told me I look like Andrea, which is very kind but so untrue because I literally look like a broken thumb and she is gorgeous)
She like low-key cut made the whole head joke short and im kinda sad ab it, but it was still fantastique
Through the “Wearing Yellow To A Funeral Bit” abby looked confused through the entire thing and I was cracking up
She was INCREDIBLE and her dress was so pretty and sparkly and I just wow 
Shes just so pretty in general like ma’am how do you do that please drop the skin care routine 
The emotion that was conveyed was enough to make me tear up BUT I DID NOT CRY AND I AM VERY PROUD OF THAT 
she did the “you lift me high” line and kinda went into this airy place in her voice and it was angelic and heavenly and all the good things
She was just fantastic and thats all I have to say 
Thats a lie I have so many things to say about that woman but the time will come
HOH was a whole acid trip there was a point during this song where I literally just took it all in and then thought “Janey, you really spent your hard earned money to go on an acid trip for a solid few minutes good job”
Their dancing is hilarious and thats that
ABBY SAYING “BUT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU’LL STILL WALK AT FORTY” I had to stifle a laugh because my queen is indeed 40
Brittney Mack is… all bad bitch energy and I was living for it
She is a queen
When she did the “my horses can trot up to twelve miles an hour”- in the boot (not that I watch those…) abby is always making a 😳😶😲 kind of face and this time she just couldn’t stop smiling and it made me laugh
Her reveal was SO GOOD she literally just started checking out her nails while everyone just applauded… AS THEY SHOULD
When britt told the person to get up, this person full on WENT and britt was like shook it was hysterical
justice for the beheaded cousins 
BOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO BABY MARY HAD THE CHICKEN POX AND YOU DIDN’T GET TO HOLD HER HAND… YOU KNOW ITS FUNNY BECAUSE WHEN I WANTED TO HOLD MY NEWBORN SON…. IIIIII DIIIIIIEDD. Abby lowkey went feral and I loved every second of it and then her pose after got so many laughs it was truly amazing
Aywd destroyed me
I also teared up here but I did not let those babies fall because I was not about to ruin my look
justice for my pink queen
Her delivery is insane and honestly its gotten better and I didn’t even know that was possible because WOW SHE WAS ALREADY STUNNING BUT DAMN MY HEART GOT RIPPED OUT OF MY CHEST
The whole “Catherine not singing” bit was fantastic
Abby looked so confused the entire time 
Andrea’s “hahaha what” was perfecto 
when Anna said “should we really be doing this” someone in the audience went “yes” very loudly and made the queens break for a solid second abby almost forgot to say her line and you could barely hear it because the audience was laughing at the rando 
Anna acknowledged it and just went “I know” before turning to the queens and saying “I know” it was hysterical 
“I’m Catherine parr, I draw the line in arbitrary places bLaH bLaH bLaH”
THE CLAPPING- BRITT GOT IN HER FACE AND JUST *CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.”  It was the funniest thing oh my gosh
“Are you sure Catherine? I-we don’t mind if you wanna sit this one out… I mean you must be exhausted from all those backing vocals”
I dont know if this was intentional or not but when they all start to understand the purpose of parr’s thing- abby is the last to stand up and in my head im like “no yeah that makes sense because shes “the one he truly loved” and shes still trying to get to a point where shes realizing he wasn’t all that great and I dont know I just really like that minor detail
The whole “remember that I was a writer…” part got loud cheers, especially from abby it was very cute
She did a new riff on the “we all disappear” line and WOW my eyes went so wide it was so good I was genuinely shook
the “i dont get it” was sooo good
“My sixth finger” was said so casually and so determinedly that it was a whole new joke and I loved it
“Everyone notices Jane cant dance” -abby just looking so sad
“Yeeeaaaahhhhh. I read!” Was so cute and she sounded so proud of herself it was adorbs
The way they just stood there awkwardly was amazing and got so many laughs it was so good
When sam said the line about competing, abby really almost cut Anna’s line out but she caught herself and it was funny I dont know if anyone else noticed it, but I did and it was glorious
After it was over, of course it got long applause and the entire time abby was doing her like “sparkle hands” but also awkwardly moving her arm kinda like a noodle and then going back to sparkle hands and it gave me a good chuckle
The slow acoustic part was so soft I died
The harmonies was delicious
The audience was so hype
Super hype
All the good things ever
Basically it was just adorable and amazing and absolutely stunning
The new costumes are gorgeous and the lighting is wild if they don’t win best lighting for Tony awards I will full on riot
Aragon and Boleyn interacted a lot and so did Seymour and Cleves and it was very very sweet
Abby interacted with the band a lot to the point where she almost missed a cue and it was very endearing
abby’s hair is SO LONG but I am here for it
So I was looking for my friend when I hear “Make some room, make a path!” From a security guard, and the queens legit walked RIGHT PAST ME
I wanted to go to the theatre anyway to take pictures, but when I saw them, I did follow them back to the theatre because wow I wanted to bask in their glory I didnt even want to talk to them I just wanted to be in their presence
So im like, walking behind them when this happens:
I guess abby saw someone she knew because I heard this “abby!” And then she was like “OH MY GOD” and like RAN to hug them and i legit almost walked right into her/got stepped on but i freaking stopped like a noob i should’ve just let her run me over but I did not I just stopped in my tracks and let out a soft “aH” and then went around her
And then I got to meet a friend and apparently toby heard us squealing and watched us hug for a solid however long so that was awkward
And Julia schade was like talking to him and stared at us for a good amount of time
And then I was walking away and passed Julia again and she kept looking at me, but she was talking to someone else and I think she thought I was going to stay to talk to her (and I would have loved to) but I didnt I just gave her a smile, a nod, and a little wave because I can not do confrontation like if I could not confront abby ma’am I cannot confront u either I am SHY
And that is a very detailed run down of my time in nyc at the brooks
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allegra-writes · 3 years
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Bar musician! Harry styles x Bartender!Reader
General audiences
Warnings: None
Just some Valentine's day fluff with our favorite green eyed boy. Dedicated to @gaycinnamonrollgirl for giving me the idea, and @tomsrebeleyebrow for patiently listening to me endlessly gush about Harry Styles and still being my friend. Happy belated Valentine's day 💖
"You don't have to say you love me
I just wanna tell you somethin'
Lately you've been on my mind..."
Adore you - Harry Styles
...Oh, she looks so good, oh, she looks so fine
And I got this crazy feeling that I'm gonna ah-ah…
"Bartender, my good friend! I'll have my usual and a plate of your finest chips, if you would be so kind"
It was closing time when Harry, the local musician, sat in front of you, elbows on the bar you were wiping down while humming to Patti Smith's "Gloria".
You raised an eyebrow at him, but the willowy man could see the slight tremble at the corner of your lips, a tell that you were suppressing a smile.
"I'm afraid the kitchen is closed, mister Styles. Sam left an hour ago."
"Yes yes, but I have it from a very good source he left you a big pile of leftover chips before he did," He accused, "you know, as he does every night..."
You frowned in confusion,
"I thought you hated cold fries. That you found them to be, and I quote, soggy and disgusting" 
"I guess you can say I acquired a taste for them" He shrugged, mischievous green eyes sparkling, "Just like you did for this lowlife songwriter in front of you and the heartfelt conversations you share with him" 
"Did you now?" There was an edge of scepticism in your voice, but you were already disappearing inside the kitchen. 
Harry's heart did a little jump as you didn't immediately deny liking him.
"Hey, Joe" he called out, "why don't you go home? I'll help Y/N close when we're done…" 
There was a deaf noise as a young waiter, the only person left in the bar beside the two of you, set the last chair on top of a table. 
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I got this" he reassured him, "did it dozens of times. Go home to your girl"
"Thanks, mate!" The second brit practically skipped on his way to the backroom, but turned around just before reaching the door. "Listen, you know I like you, but if you hurt y/n in any way…"
Harry smiled, genuinely. He could never get mad at anyone that protective of you.
"You know where I live. Pick my sister on the way, though. I think she would like to join you."
Joe rolled his baby blues,
"I know you're not a creep. I meant her heart"
"Yeah, me too…"
Whatever your friend saw inside Harry's eyes was enough to convince him. He nodded and left, as the musician got up to lock the front door and turn the "open" sign off. 
If you noticed Joe's absence at your return, you didn't comment on it, simply setting the giant pile of chips and two cans of cherry cola you were carrying, down in front of Harry, who had returned to his seat. 
"Ah, you always have the good stuff!" the sigh that left his lips as he took the first sip of the soda was not unlike the one any of your regulars made after the first taste of something strong after a hard day. 
"Rough night?" 
"Kind of. Good show though, so at least I have that going on for me…" 
"It really was, I'm actually impressed" You had to confess, "And surprised too, it was a bold choice going acoustic on a night like this, with such a big audience," So many people had gathered to see the show that the bouncer had to start rejecting people so you wouldn't have trouble with the fire department "but it definitely worked" 
There was a slight blush on the singer's cheeks when he replied, far more humble than you were used to,
"Well, you know, Valentine's day and all that. The band, all have boyfriends and girls they wanted to spend the evening with…"
You tilted your head,
"And you didn't?" It was hard to believe, when almost every night he played there you would see him leave with a different, always sculptural, painfully perfect girl. Or man. 
Harry didn't reply, choosing instead to stuff his face with stale fries.
"Alright then" You raised your shoulder in surrender, "keep your secrets…"
He squinted in disbelief,
"Did you just quoted The Lord of the Rings at me?"
"Did you just recognize my Lord of the rings quote?" You countered.
"You are such a nerd!"
"Look who's talking, chicken little!" You gestured at his powder blue sweater with a yellow baby chick at the front and herringbone pants. 
"Oi!" His manchester accent popped out, like it always did whenever he lost his cool "I'll have you know, this is Gucci"
You scoffed,
"That doesn't make it any better, it just means that you spent a shit load of money to look like my third grade teacher, mister Harrington!" 
"Ok, first of all," he countered, "your teacher sounds awesome and second-"
An inelegant snort escaped your mouth. Harry's emerald eyes pinned you down. 
"Second of all, you're no one to talk either, kitten hoodie" 
You could feel the heat creeping up your cheeks. Praying he couldn't see your blush in the dim light, you took a mouthful of soda to cool you down. 
For a moment, none of you said anything, the sweet notes of Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" the only thing filling the silence.
… Players only love you when they're playing
Women, they will come and they will go...
"Listen, y/n-"
"If I'm being honest-" 
He chuckled,
"I'm sorry, ladies first" 
"Now I'm not sure if I wanna tell you…"
"Come on" A grown ass man pouting should not be that cute, "I want to know"
You feigned a long suffering sigh,
"Fine, if you must know- If you must know, I actually like your new style. It's way better than that... rock and roll cliche... thing you had going on when we first met" You gestured vaguely in the direction of his body, "You know, the long hair, black clothes, doc boots…" 
He flinched, 
"Ugh, Don't remind me. I was trying too hard back then. And not only with my clothes, with my music too"
"Oh, yeah, I remember. All you used to sing about was" You chose your words carefully, "frisky girls and being horny…" 
"Well, to be fair, I still sing about being horny"
"Yeah, but now you're…"
You trailed off, unsure of how you could explain the difference, the change in your feelings towards his music, without explaining the change in your feelings towards the man that made it.
However, Harry would not let it go that easy. He was used to you being sharp, opinionated, guarded. Now there was a crack on that armour, and he wanted to see what was underneath it. 
You hadn't even realized how close you had leaned into each other until his hot breath fanned over your face.
"Now I'm what, y/n?"
More real. More mature. More emotional, as if he had finally found the link, made the connection between sex and love. 
"More open"
Harry smiled,
"Open. Yeah, I like that…"
So close. He was so close now, his malaquite eyes were out of focus. So close you could feel his magnetic field, the gravity of his atoms pulling in yours.
Never in his twenty seven years of life and over ten as a musician, had he heard a more beautiful sound than his name, breathlessly falling from your lips.
"Yes?" He murmured, lips ghosting over your soft, perfect ones.
"No" You repeated, more firmly, taking a step back, putting as much space between the two of you as possible, "I know what this is"
"And what is this, y/n" To your surprise, he didn't sound mad, or demanding. He sounded confused and sad. Dissapointed but unsurprised, as if he had expected it to go south or… never had dared expect it would actually happen at all. 
"A bad idea" You explained, "with guys like you, is always the same: You have beautiful women throwing themselves at you every night. And you take them home with you cause why wouldn't you? You are young, and free and hot. There is nothing wrong with taking what's being offered" 
"I'm not saying it's your fault" You went on, ignoring him, "And I'm not saying you don't fall in love, sometimes. But that's the exception, not the rule, and I… I'm the kind of girl that's the rule. Not the exception"
Harry had always thought the worst that could happen to him was losing your friendship. Finally making a move, a real move, and getting rejected by you. He thought that was the definitive pain, the one that would obliterate him, if things were not to work out. And he was almost certain they would not work out. 
But sitting there, in front of you, separated by a wooden bar that might as well have been the great wall of china as you stood there, arms around yourself, small and defenseless as you explained to him all the reasons why you wouldn't allow yourself to love him… that was way worse. 
"What if you already were my exception?" He blurted out, before he could stop himself, "What if I was in love with you?"
You laughed, bitterly.
"Harry, I'm not even your type. I've seen you leave night after night with models and socialites and actors, each one more surreally stunning than the last one…" You didn't have a bad self esteem, you didn't. You considered yourself attractive, but the people Harry usually went for were on a whole different level.
"Yes, but that's only because the most absolutely perfect woman in the world for me, keeps me at arm's length!" He rubbed his face in frustration, "And it's so maddening, so fucked up, the way I can't even get away from her long enough to get over her, because even the pain of seeing her every night knowing I can't touch what I see, that I will never have her, is better than the pain of being away from her. 
So I keep on taking home the hottest people I can find hoping they will keep me distracted long enough to fill the hours until I can see her again… until I can-"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Never, in all the time you had known each other, had Harry given you a single signal indicating he had any kind of feelings for you. Your relationship had always consisted of friendly banter and quip battles. Sure, you could get flirty sometimes, but you were a bartender, flirting was pretty much your customer service voice, and he was a musician, he would flirt with his own shadow if he could.
Harry opened his mouth to explain, but a familiar melody started coming from the still working speakers.
Walk in your rainbow paradise
Strawberry lipstick state of mind…
"Hey, this is my song!" You didn't quite understand why he seemed so marveled, "You never added any of my songs to your playlist before!"
Oh. Oh.
"Yeah, well" Harry could now clearly see your darkened cheeks as you stumbled over your words, "I guessed I never liked one of your songs so much before" 
This time, he was the one blushing and avoiding your eyes.
"What would you say if I told you-... If I told you I wrote this one for you?"
"I'd say you're full of shit" You scoffed, "Didn't you tell me you only ever wrote about girls you had dated?"
"No," he corrected, "I said I only ever wrote about women that had broken my heart…"
"How did I break your heart?"
Harry sighed. Your walls were back up, higher than ever, and he didn't know how to break through them. It wasn't your fault -and had it been your fault, truth was he could never blame you either, there was something about you that made it physically impossible for him to get mad at you- you spoke from experience, he didn't need to unlock the secrets of your past, didn't need the details. It was obvious you had been burned before, and though he hated it, hated them for whatever they had done to you, he couldn't fault you for trying to protect yourself.
Not when he wanted to protect you too. 
"You didn't like me, back when we first met"
"No, it's ok. You didn't like me, and you were right not to like me. I know you probably didn't realize it but, that first time you rejected me, when I flirted with you that very first night and you rolled your eyes at me… you changed my life"
"What? How??"
"You weren't wrong, I was a cliche. And I was trying way too hard, to be cool, act like a rockstar… but you took a look at that guy, at that though, playboy, sex, drugs and rock 'n roll guy… and you hated him" Harry snickered. You didn't understand what about all that was so funny, "I had created that guy so that everyone would like him, and you hated him. And the funny thing is-" He finally met your eye. No, he caught your eye and imprisoned them, "The funny thing is, you hating me for what I wasn't, somehow allowed me to start being myself a little bit more, because if you already disliked me… then I had nothing to lose" 
You didn't quite know what to say to that.
His bright green eyes were unable to face yours, choosing instead to focus on the palms he was picking at,
"Is that why you… uhm…" You pointed at his sweater.
"Yup" He admitted, "I showed up here one day, on laundry day, in one of my old nerdy sweater vests and you smiled, when you saw it"
"I remember that!" You chuckled, "It was the brown striped one, it almost looked like a crop top, cause it obviously didn't fit anymore"
Harry nodded,
"I may have had a couple grow spurts since I got that in high school" 
"Ok, but, you made it work somehow…" 
"Thank you. The point is…" he turned serious again, his deep, rich voice even more hypnotic than usual. Or maybe it was just you, for the first time allowing yourself to enjoy it without reservations. "The point is, you didn't like cool Harry, but you liked the real me. Even if just a little bit, and that meant the world to me. I… I adored you because of it. So I wrote a song for you, cause even if I couldn't say it to your face, I had to get it out. Just like I had to get this out tonight"
He opened his arms wide, in his typical ta-da gesture, sad, resigned smile on his face, before getting up from his stool, grabbing his jacket and guitar case.
"You don't have to say anything, I don't expect you to love me back" He declared, "I just- I thought I'd let you know. Valentine's day and all that."
He turned to leave, his own voice still signing in the background,
I'd walk through fire for you, just let me adore you
 Oh, honey…
"Harry, wait!" You almost fell on your face, trying to jump over the bar, but managing to stop him right before he reached the door. His poorly concealed smirk told you he might have seen your little show, but you didn't care.
"Did you mean it? That you'd do anything for me?" 
"I did" He confirmed, earnestly, "I still do. Anything you want, just say the word"
"Well then," you took a step towards him, that he mirrored without even noticing, "what about a date? A daytime date. At a public place." You clarified. Harry did smirk at that.
"What's the matter, afraid you won't be able to keep your hands off me?" He teased, leaning closer. 
"Don't ruin this, Styles" You warned, raising to your tiptoes to meet him eye to eye.
His smile faltered, replaced by the most sincere intensity you had ever seen on his handsome face,
"Wouldn't dream of it, bartender" He whispered, before capturing your lips with his.
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