#headless torso obviously
pothedcorpsehed · 3 months
In another life I would have been an unidentified corpse from a serial killer in the 70s and 80s.
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lunacysuggestion · 11 months
When and how did you first notice you had a thing for mannequins?
I love this question. ☺️
Honestly, the very skinny, unrealistic mannequins in stores never made me turn my head ever... I was at this antique store and saw a very pretty mannequin with a very nice body (hourglass). I obviously immediately bought her and I actually didn't do anything with her for a little bit because again, I had a boyfriend at the time and I didn't want to hide any more secrets from him than I already was...
But one day I was jacking off and I just looked over at her and realized that I have the most perfect, headless, motionless sex toy with no thoughts, feelings, or soul. And after that I often found myself enjoying sex with her more than I ever did with my ex. Which was the main reason I got rid of her, I liked her a lot more than I liked my ex and that made me feel like a cheater, LOL.
I'm thinking of getting a mannequin again soon since I've been single for over a year and finally live alone. I'd be able to have a bit of a life with them. I'll probably get a male torso this time since I'd be able to emotionally connect with him more.
My old mannequin's name was Sally. She is missed. ❤️‍🩹
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theboywiththewaves · 10 months
Travel Diary Entry #4 - Power Gays (Indian Edition)
In many places across the world, there is a class of elite gay men that live decadent lives filled with leisure and luxury (all thoroughly documented on their socials). In countries like the United States, they often come from the upper rungs of the corporate, legal, and entertainment worlds. In Europe, they come from those worlds as well as the remnants of certain aristocratic/noble families. They grow up attending elite schools and vacationing in luxurious locations around the world, often with large groups of friends (my god - the sheer number of group pictures featuring yachts in the Greek islands!) . They also cut fat checks for political campaigns and wield a great deal of political power. These are called the power gays.
Call me naive, but I hadn't considered that this phenomenon would also occur in India until recently.
I was scrolling through my feed one day and noticed a group of very good looking young people from India dressed in immaculately tailored outfits eating in what looked like a palace courtyard in Rajasthan. One of these men triggered my gaydar and I did what one does on social media and stalked the shit out of his account. Through him - I discovered the not-so-hidden world of the Indian power gays.
Like their western counterparts, these men come from unfathomable wealth accrued by their families over generations. They hail from industrialist, entertainment, and royal backgrounds mostly in the North of the country (South India operates differently. The culture shuns ostentatious behavior so I'm not aware if there is a parallel scene here or not).
What surprises me about the Indian power gays and the reason behind this entire post is just how much their privilege allows them to live in an almost alternate universe. While they don't refer to their boyfriends as boyfriends publicly, they don't really try to hide their relationships all that much. They pose in couple pictures, have shared accounts for their pets, and openly salivate over shirtless pictures of each other. None of this is a complaint - it's just odd when you juxtapose it against the extreme conservatism of Indian culture. In my previous post, you can see just how closeted and hidden most gay men are here. There's no such thing for these power gays. They aren't headless torsos or catfish profiles on Grindr. It makes me wonder why the culture at large remains so conservative when the tastemakers at the top live such liberated lives.
Discovering these men also triggered some strange feelings for myself. I found myself lusting over both the men and their lifestyles. I even considered pulling some strings so that I could be introduced to one of them. But here's the thing - what the fuck would I even say to these people? What would we even have in common? And does it make sense for someone who believes in the redistribution of wealth for a more equitable and just world to chase this lifestyle?
The answer to all these questions is obviously no. So basically - I'm writing all of this out to tell myself "hey this in interesting. You didn't know this world existed and now you do. But it's not you and not what you want - so stop comparing and just move forward."
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nooneandeveryone · 3 years
Any thoughts on Asa’s collection of paintings?
AAAh! I almost forgot this ask.
So, yes, I have many thoughts. I believe the majority, if not all of them are his own paintings. (I say that largely because they appear to all be in the same style)
Caps of the art, and the rest of my thoughts below
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(I think those are all of them?)
Now, I think a lot of his paintings are from his early days. When he was just starting to explore the grotesque and more murderous impulses.
Dust off my old Art Major hat, the subject matter is fascinating. They are paintings of the human form, but off or "ugly" in some way. They are designed to unsettle you. It's a clear exploration of stereotypical hideousness. I think it falls inline what he considers beautiful.
There are three types of paintings going on here. The fat woman, the torsos, and the deformed heads.
1) The fat woman. Earliest paintings of his. I identified two paintings with this woman as the subject matter. I actually quite like them. They directly challenge the idea of painting a nude woman, the most basic thing they teach you in painting courses. They are the kind of thing you'd see at college or university level students. With these paintings we're challenging the norms of beauty. When he painted these, I don't think he killed anyone yet.
2) The torsos. I put these paintings as being done after his first kill(s). They're without identity. At most you see their neck. Generally speaking, headless paintings are dealing with depersonalization. But they also invite self-insertion. This can be read a lot of different ways. As art reflects both on the artist and the viewer. It could mean detachment or disassociation. The one ripping open its chest is quite interesting - while the other two paintings are static. But I put these paintings in a period where he's depersonalizing himself from his murders. He's also dehumanizing the figures... dehumanizing someone does make an easier kill.
3) Deformed heads. The most recent paintings of his. He's gone all in. He's fully acknowledged his love for everything grotesque. Showcasing how he prefers the unsettling. He's painting things he wishes he could create in flesh or has already done so. Obviously this'll lead him to his... 3d human-bug sculptures.
Lastly, color. All the paintings share the same palette. Those colors being the various stages of blood drying. I don't think he painted in blood, that's.... a bit difficult. At least if it's in the painting style in these particular paintings. Bottom line: they're meant to look like they were painted in blood.
Those are my chaotic thoughts! I would love to hear what others think. It can be interpreted so many ways.
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cassanovancats · 3 years
felicitate. nine.
eight < current > ten
Dec. 24, 2017
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You make yourself comfortable on the rooftop, debating if you should go ahead and text your brother. He would be almost as disappointed as you were; Satoru had taken to calling himself the captain of your ship with Yuta and Toge, even coming up with a nickname that incorporated shortened versions of all three names. You sigh, deciding it’s probably best to not text him. He’s likely already worried about leaving you in charge, no need to add a worry about something that isn’t deadly.
A sudden yell disrupts your thoughts and you jump into position, nocking an arrow and aiming towards the scream. You hitch your breath at the sight: Geto is striding into your school alone, leaving a trail of headless assistants behind him. One of the bodies is familiar and you recognize her as the assistant that gave you chocolate with a bright smile after a mission with unfortunate timing left you covered in curse blood and your own. She didn't flinch or offer pity - just a single chocolate kiss. Now she is covered in gore and blood, her previously pristine white shirt coated with her own brain matter.
You feel your resolve hardens. Geto is a curse-user, a human at his core, but he also is a monster. The arrow flies an accurate course but the man dodges, leaving it to embed itself into the wall instead of his torso. He turns to your rooftop, calling out, “Ah, (y/n)! And here I thought your brother would lock you in a tower.” Geto unleashes a grade-one curse that looks similar to a wolf and sends it after you. He is infuriatingly unbothered by your presence and continues his steady gait into the school grounds.
You start running across the rooftops, jumping over gaps and dodging the curse’s attempts to bite you. The rooftop tiles bite into your hands and knees. It faintly registers that a nail broke when you almost missed a jump, narrowly avoiding falling to the ground.
Satoru didn’t say how long to keep this secret, but you assume now is a good time to give Maki and Yuta a heads-up. You spot Maki stepping away from a classroom, so you run there, drawing the curse after you. On the roof next to where she stands, you plant your feet and turn, suddenly drawing your katana and slicing at the wolf. It draws back, avoiding your attack before lunging suddenly. Its claws sink into your leg. You cry out in pain, falling to your knees. When the curse lunges again, this time aiming for your throat, you fall on your back and thrust your blade into its stomach. You force the blade down its body with a grunt, disemboweling the creature. The teeth around your throat loosen, but the dead weight of the curse dropping on you prevents you from getting up immediately. Guts slide out and onto you and you suppress a gag. You feel a lot like Carrie on prom night.
When you finally stagger to your feet, you see Maki has engaged Geto in a fight that she’s obviously losing. You cry her name and rush to her side. She doesn’t get a chance to acknowledge you as Geto, in one fluid moment, breaks her weapon and sends her flying. She falls to the ground as a ragdoll, bleeding heavily from her side and head. You watch her body land, horrified, before you’re snapped back into the fight rudely.
Geto is now the closest to you he’s been since you were a child, frightened and unable to communicate with the people around you. He feels some long-forgotten sense of pity as he slides the blade of his knife further into your stomach. “W-wh-?” You look at the handle sticking out of your body curiously, blood starting to leak from the corner of your mouth. The pain hasn’t begun to register but your body understands that you are unable to fight. You faint, missing the entrance of Panda and Toge by a few precious seconds.
When Yuta comes out from the classroom, he isn’t sure what he’s expecting to find. He felt a few earthquakes and thought it best to find you and Maki to wait out any aftershocks together. Yuta was sure it was to be a little awkward after his rejection, but also wanted to be sure you were okay. He didn’t expect to find you covered in blood, the same cute gym clothing you were wearing that morning when he rejected you ruined. A quick glance around and he sees the rest of his classmates, his friends, in similar form. Inumaki is clinging to consciousness.
Geto, the one who grabbed Yuta months earlier, stands surrounded by the bodies, hardly winded. “I truly wanted you to live, Okkotsu, but this is for the future of jujutsu.” Yuta wonders how he can fight this man. How can he protect his friends, the only ones to give him a chance since Rika, when Geto already destroyed the strongest people he knew. He was so, so weak compared to each of them.
Inumaki desperately calls a slurred version of his name and says, “Run away.” The fact that the command does nothing, that Yuta feels nothing, breaks him from his spiral. He summons Rika in a rage.
“I am going to kill you!” He declares. Yuta doesn’t think he has ever felt such anger and despair, the feeling of watching Rika die now multiplied by four.
Geto simply says, “You are going to die.”
A sudden pull on your stomach wakes you harshly. “Shit!” Your eyes snap open, to see a sheepish Panda holding the knife that was previously in your stomach. You automatically go to apply pressure on the wound but your hands find Maki’s already there, dressing the wound. “What happened?”
“The fight’s over, but we need to find Yuta,” Maki explains. “He must have healed all of us, but you still had the blade in you. It needed to be removed before you get up. All of us are going to be fine, (y/n), you can rest now.” She helps you to your feet and you cringe looking at your ruined outfit. Maki catches your pout and smiles, glad some things never change.
Toge comes to your side to take Maki’s place as your crutch. You hug him tightly, unable to express in words how relieved you are. He hugs back, equally overwhelmed after seeing what seemed like your corpse. Toge helps you limp along as you all start tracking Yuta’s residuals. Panda clears his throat and asks, “When did this happen?”
“Only a few days ago. Don’t act like you didn’t see this coming,” you explain with an eye-roll.
“No, I totally did. Just curious who won the bet.”
“If we didn’t just fight for our lives, I would kill you.” You four continue to try to have a light conversation until you come upon Yuta’s unconscious body. Toge helps you sit on the ground and you move his head onto your lap, muttering about checking for a concussion. All of you needed medical attention but you were desperate to help any way you could now.
Yuta begins to blink his eyes open and sits up urgently. “Your wounds… Panda! Your arm!” He seems to be working himself into a frenzy. You place a comforting hand on his shoulder as Panda explains that everyone will be okay. Yuta urgently looks over you, trying to determine how much blood was yours, before he seems satisfied.
“Thank you for saving us,” You whisper. His eyes fill with tears and you wonder how scared he must have been. You maintain eye contact, hoping to communicate how much you admire him, before Rika’s jumbled voice makes the both of you jump. Yuta stands, leaving the circle your class formed around him.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Rika,” he says, approaching her.
“What’s wrong?” Maki asks, a little fearful at how resigned Yuta looks.
Yuta hums a little before answering, “In exchange for her power, I promised to go with her.”
“What?” You screech and the suddenness of the yell pains your wound. Your classmates join a chorus of disagreement. Panda and Inumaki both grab fistfuls of his shirt to prevent him from walking any closer to Rika. Instead of her usual retaliation for someone restraining Yuta, her form just falls away to reveal a young girl. Four of you are confused but Yuta just mumbles, “Rika?”
A clapping distracts from the drama. You turn as best you can with a hole in your stomach to see your brother without any eye wear approaching your group. “Congrats. You broke the curse,” he continues to clap and stands next to you.
“Who’re you?” Yuta and Maki ask, causing you to snort before you groan at the pain.
Your brother pouts before replying, “Everyone’s favorite good-looking Gojo-sensei. Do you not see the sibling resemblance?” He gestures between your face and his, before carefully putting you on his back. He doesn’t even flinch at the grime covering you transferring onto him as well, relieved to see you awake and alert. You rest your chin on his shoulder and listen to him explain.
“I thought Yuta was interesting, so I looked into his lineage. Apparently, you’re a descendant of Michizane Sugawara. So, super-distant, but we’re relatives!” You groan and hide your face in Satoru’s neck; the teasing to come will be unbearable.
Your classmates look dumbfounded at the information while Yuta just goes, “Who?”
“One of Japan’s big three vengeful spirits.”
“A big-shot sorcerer.”
“The annoying side of the family,” you add.
Your brother takes back control of the conversation. “Yuta, you’re right. Rika isn’t cursing you, you cursed her. When the curser severs the bond tying servant to master and the cursed doesn’t desire punishment, the curse is broken. Though it seems you figured that out by yourself.” He gestures at the little girl and Yuta.
“Oh my god,” Yuta collapses in tears. “It’s all my fault…. Hurting so many people, Geto coming after me, it’s all my - all my -” He begins to hyperventilate. Inumaki takes a step to comfort him, but before he can, Rika approaches and hugs his trembling form.
“Thank you, Yuta. For giving me time and letting me be by your side. I’ve been happier these past six years than I ever was alive. Good-bye, be well. And don’t come over too soon, ‘kay?” She gives a bright smile, toothy and pure as she dissolves into bright ashes. Yuta stares at where she stood, long after all the ashes disappeared and everyone else walked away.
“See you,” He says to himself, before getting up to follow his friends to Doctor Ieiri.
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snootyfoxfashion · 3 years
i think the last anon talking about the candles meant like. while body positivity is great, a lot of the whole "oh here buy this headless figurine of a plus-sized woman" rings a little hollow (and capitalistic) when it's not met with as much support for those people irl (and from what anon said, I'm p sure they're plus-sized themselves). it's a common concern. why tf would u tell a plus-sized person to blacklist "fat bodies" that aggressively in response... that does NOT look good...
Friend... that’s clearly not what I was telling them to do. I was just including that in the list of tags so that anon could clearly see there were lots of tags already on the post. I understand what anon was getting at, but if anon or you put any effort in to look at the shop and their social media they are so very obviously not sexualising or commodifying fat women. You really think I, a whole ass fat person, am encouraging people to block the tag fat bodies? That’s really what you took away from that?
Do y’all go to art galleries and museums and get outraged at the naked torso statues? Venus of Willendorf - she doesn’t have a face. No? Then why get so upset over candles sculpted by women for other women?
Maybe y’all should be taking the time to learn the difference between over-sexualisation, fetishising, commodifying and body celebration, women appreciating other women’s bodies and exploring their sexuality. I understand being cautious or wanting to avoid any depictions like the candles, but there’s nuance to this conversation that I don’t think you and other anon are getting.
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nelllraiser · 4 years
the next right thing | solo
PREVIOUSLY: Plot Drop Page
LOCATION: Deep in the Woods
TIME:  9:43 PM
PARTIES: Nell Vural
TRIGGERS: Vomit (brief mention), Sibling Death
“how to rise from the floor? but it's not you I'm rising for. just do the next right thing.”
Nell woke up. Her eyes opened after she’d been sure they’d closed for the last time, not expecting to see the light of day ever again. But this was darkness, and daylight had long since turned into night. Blinking in confusion, her vision took its time to clear, though her nose seemed to be working just fine. The stench of blood, seeming to seep into every fiber of her being, reached her as she stirred in the dirt, arms and legs feeling like a newborn calf’s. Weak. Tired. Useless. She could taste the blood on her lips as her tongue darted out to wet them, and she took another long moment to make sense of the world she’d awoken to. Where was Montgomery? Hadn’t he been readying to kill her? The blade had been raised over her neck, poised to kill, and then Bea— Bea. 
Her sister had been here. Nell remembered it— just barely, but it was there. A flash of light, so bright that Nell had thought she’d imagined it as Bea had cast her shield. A head. Falling. A hard, wet thud as it hit the ground. Bea’s head. The sightless eyes of her sister looking back up at her as the darkness had taken Nell, as she too had hit the ground. Where was her head? Where the fuck was Bea’s head? Nell searched the ground blindly with her hands, stumbling upon something cold, soft, clothed. Her hand retracted in instant disgust, recognizing the feel of her sister’s body, realizing how wrong it felt. There was nothing there. No warmth. No life. No fire. Finally, Nell’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she’d never forget the sight she saw before her. It was Bea. Her oldest sister. Lying in the mud with no head in sight, drenched in the ruby red blood that had spilled from her neck where Montgomery had savagely chopped it off. The blood. The blood that had been on Nell’s lips. She instantly retched, spilling her stomach next to her sister’s body, making the connection that it had been her sister’s blood on her lips, her face, her hands. 
“Bea?” It was foolish, to speak to a corpse that was so obviously dead. She didn’t even have a head. “Bea?” Her voice was ragged, rubbed raw from the yelling she’d done while Montgomery had been closing in. It matched her soul, quickly fraying and tearing at the edges, like a tapestry unraveling before her very eyes. “Bea, please,” her hands returned to her sister’s arms, still balking at how empty she felt, but not knowing what else to do to seek comfort in this moment, to find some sort of reassurance. “Don’t do this, Bea- don’t be like this- don’t be-” And just like that she’d devolved into panicked breathing, her chest heaving as a strange, eerie sound filled the air. Wetness on her cheeks as she lurched forward to try and lift Bea’s torso from the ground, wrapping her arms around her sister like a blanket. Crying. Oh. She was crying. Sobbing. “It’s okay- it’s okay, I’m here,” she keened, her tears mixing with the blood on her cheeks, reaching out to pick a stray piece of grass from Bea’s shoulder. Bea shouldn’t be dirty, she was never dirty. “I’ve got you, it’s alright.” It was her, wasn’t it? That was the echoing, mournful sound that had filled the clearing, birds fleeing from the surrounding trees as Nell gripped her sister even tighter, as if she were worried she’d disappear, that someone would steal her away. But someone had already stolen her, hadn’t they? 
Murdered. Taken from her. And it had been Nell’s fault. If she’d been faster, stronger, more vigilant, if she’d seen Montgomery coming, if she hadn’t been fucking out here in the first place. Bea would still be here. Her sister would still be alive and breathing— serving a dinner for her sisters whenever they got home, reading with Dia in the nook, existing. Nell didn’t know how long she sat there, time barely existing in this moment that seemed to exist in a timeline of it’s own, like it had fractured away from reality, and it was only her and Bea on this Earth as Nell broke. Broken. That’s what she was, wasn’t it? That’s why the world seemed to be just out of her reach, spinning in a way that made it impossible for her mind to grasp. She couldn’t make it stand still, was unable to make sense of anything that wasn’t her shock and grief. The pain that seemed to resonate in every inch of her body was so great that she wasn’t even sure it was real. How could it be real? How could Nell begin to even make sense of what had occurred? Bea was gone. The sister that had been there for every step of her life, a person she’d quite literally never lived without, present since the very first breath Nell had drawn. It seemed grotesque that Nell should still be drawing air when Bea wasn’t, that Nell could be alive in a plane from which Bea was missing. 
And yet— she was. Nell was here, the freezing tips of her fingers reminding her that she was human. Human and alive. Something had to come next, didn’t it? Though this moment seemed frozen in place, she needed to act, to move, to take Bea somewhere other than this pitiful site of death and destruction. “Okay- okay-” Nell began, her breaths finding a rhythm once more, the haphazard rise and fall of them settling into something of a pattern. She needed something to focus on, something to do. Bea. She needed to help Bea. “Alright, I’ve got you. Don’t worry, B-Bea.” Finally, Nell rose, feet finding purchase on the grass beneath her feet. Then she was falling, head spinning after trying to stand too quickly. “Fuck,” she cursed, hands fisting in the dirt to barely catch herself. “Just- just get up. Just this thing.” She tried again, and this time she didn’t falter, standing with sagging shoulders above Bea’s body. Look around. See what there is. Bea’s car. It was there- the little red, VW Beetle that her sister had treasured. Connections were just barely firing in her mind’s eye, painting a picture that at least appeared to make sense. Get Bea to the car. That was the next thing. Take her away from this place. Nell could feel her magic sluggishly moving beneath the surface of her skin, not nearly entirely recharged, but there. How to move her? Nell didn’t have enough to lift her all the way there. Before she’d even entirely thought it, a tarp appeared in her hand, summoned from her greenhouse. 
Turning back to Bea, she laid the tarp on the ground, and steeled herself before placing her hands on her sister once again. Rolling Bea side over side, she managed to get the body onto the plastic, a few more errant cries breaking loose as she did so. Then she was gripping the edge of the tarp, something in her moving on mindless auto-pilot as she tugged, pulled with all her might. Slowly, sickeningly, Bea’s body began to slide after her, towards the car. Long and heavy steps finally had her approaching the trunk of the little Beetle, and popping it without hesitation. When had the back of the car gotten so small? Would Bea even fit? God- how fucked was it that she was measuring her sister’s headless body against the trunk of a car? Nell shook her head, trying her best to banish that thought before taking Bea in her arms again, having first laid the tarp down on the floor of the car. Halfway through, her still noodly arms failed her, and instead of lowering Bea peacefully, gracefully, the body thunked into place. Nell gasped. “I’m sorry- I’m sorry! Fuck- I’m sorry.” Another sob. Then she bit her lip until it bled, letting that physical pain try and ground her away from the emotional. Gingerly, Nell lifted Bea’s arms, placing them at her sides as if she were in a coffin. Jesus Christ. A coffin. Bea was dead. She was fucking dead, and she wasn’t coming back. Nell couldn’t do this anymore- couldn’t look at the headless body of her sister lying in the back of a car. So the trunk shut, and her shaky hands fumbled with the keys as she opened the driver’s side door. 
Next step. What was the next step? Keys in the ignition. Turn the car on. A good next step. She had to go somewhere, do something with Bea’s body. But who- how? The name and thought lept unbidden to her mind, and her foot hit the gas, feeling as if it weren’t even connected to her. Nell knew a place- a person that was safe. A person that would know what to do. So she drove the streets of White Crest, bloodied hands gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles as she didn’t bother to pause at empty stop signs. This was all she could manage to think to do. 
Beyond that was a darkness so great that she shied from it, not daring to think further than what her next action would be. That would mean seeing whatever lay beyond this, whatever lay past losing her sister. And that was something she’d never bothered to think of, to plan for. Whatever lay past this wasn’t something she wanted to see, so Nell let the streetlights show the way, unable to see it for herself.
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littlemisswolfie · 4 years
Nora Lewis has many things she could complain about. She could complain about having to share a bathroom with her twin brother. She could complain about said brother dating her best friend. She could complain about her overbearing parents, or about school exams, or even about having to register on a list of non-human entities because she was kidnapped as a child and had to share a Faerie body with a Faerie soul.
But right now, her chief complaint is that she and her boyfriend can’t have a decent make-out session without his head falling off.
Granted, it’s better now than it used to be. Ewan’s starting to build up a tolerance. When they first started dating, he couldn’t even listen to her saying she liked him without losing his head—quite literally, in his case. They’ve been dating for about four months now, and the chill of winter is beginning to give way to spring, and they’ve had plenty of time to work on amping things up in a gradual way so that they’re not stopped by Ewan’s head hitting the floor.
But Nora, evidently, went a bit too far this time.
They’d been on her bed, this time. Her parents were out with her grandfather and Spencer was… doing whatever a Spencer does on a weekend. Nora really didn’t care what her brother got up to as long as he didn’t drag her into it, not when it gave her an excuse to sneak her leather-clad boyfriend up into her room and close the door. Ewan wiggled out of his leather jacket, leaving him in just his tight black tee shirt and his tight black jeans, and Nora was only wearing a sweater and leggings, so one of his large hands was splayed on the skin of her back beneath her clothes. She was straddling his lap, because that was the most comfortable way for her to be during extended make-outs. He was at least half a foot taller than her, possibly more, and in this way, the difference in their heights was almost inconsequential.
And then she’d ground down into his lap, and then there was a flash of green and the absence of his lips on her neck and the thunk of his head hitting the floor.
“God damn it,” Nora mutters, lifting herself off her boyfriend’s headless body. Without her to hold it up, it slumps forward, arms falling to touch the ground as the torso laid on the lap. His body was much more flexible without his head attached to it. She walks around her bed to scoop Ewan’s head up into her arms. “Of all the guys I had to fall for,” she grumbles at him, “it just had to be the one whose head falls off when he gets too excited.”
“At least I have more control than I used to?” Ewan says, sounding sheepish as a pink flush spreads across his cheeks.
Nora sighs and twines the fingers of one hand through his brown hair. “I guess there’s that.”
She’s just about to move back to Ewan’s slumped-over body and return his head to him when her door bangs open. She freezes, for a moment terrified it’s her parents home early and she’ll have to explain why she’s holding her boyfriend’s head while his body is a foot away, but relaxes minutely when she sees it’s just Spencer, whose face is twisted into fraternal disgust. “Oh my god,” he says, “are you serious?”
The Cain Instinct rears its nasty head, and had Nora been holding anything other than Ewan’s head, she would throw it at Spencer. As this is not the case, she settles for shrieking, “Get out of my room!”
Ewan, apparently resigned to his short-term fate, says, “Hi, Spencer.”
“Hi, Ewan.” Spencer steps further into the room.
“Uh, no?” says Nora. “What part of ‘get out of my room’ did you not understand?”
Spencer levels her with a flat look. “You think I want to be here when you guys were obviously just making out? I pissed the Brownie off again and it stole my phone. I need you to call it so I can find out where it is.”
“The phone or the Brownie?” Ewan asks.
“Yes,” says Spencer. “Anyway, the sooner you call it, the sooner I let you get back to…” he gestures broadly, “this.”
Nora’s face flushes hot, but she returns Ewan’s head to his body before plucking her phone off the floor where it fell when they started getting more… enthusiastic in their kissing. “What did you do to piss it off this time?” she asks her brother as she scrolls through her contact list to find his number.
Spencer shrugs. “Hell, I dunno. I thought I was being polite.”
“Oh no,” Ewan groans. “Did you thank it?”
“I… yes? Is that not polite?”
Ewan and Nora sigh in tandem. Spencer goes red. “Never thank a Faerie,” Nora tells him. “Not one like a Brownie, at least. It’s basically cussing them out.” The faint but distinct sound of Spencer’s ringtone cuts through the air. “Go on,” Nora says, making a shooing motion with her free hand. “Go fetch.”
Spencer does, though not before flipping her off, and he leaves her door wide open in his wake. Ass.
Nora groans and flops back on her bed. “I’m sorry,” she says to Ewan, covering her eyes with her arm. “I hate him so much sometimes.”
“No, you don’t.” She feels the bed shift as he lays down beside her. It’s crowded, since she just has a twin bed, but she’s not complaining about an excuse to cuddle up to her boyfriend, nope, not at all. One of his arms curls around her waist and he turns her so he can tuck her head under his chin. “Besides,” he adds, “it’d be worse at my place.”
Nora shudders. Ewan’s dad means well, she’s sure, but he’s a Faerie, and has very, very few human sensibilities. If she has to hear him ask about grandkids one more time before she goes to college, she might just go back to Faerie for good. “Fair.”
“Wanna go for a ride?” he suggests. “Get away from meddling families for a bit?”
The thought of his motorcycle does funny things to her stomach, and she doesn’t even need to think before she says, “Absolutely.” 
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Sweet like Sugar (Branjie) - Delia
AN: Hey lovelies! This is my first time writing fic, so please be gentle but also let me know what you think…a little Branjie sugar mommy for your nerves x ps: if you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to hit me up on @thvnderfuckz pps: tw for some, very minor, implied daddy kink
25/F/New York City
I’m a 25 year old dancer from Toronto, working to start my career. I like fashion, nights out, and travelling. Seeking a partner who is fun, adventurous, and willing to support me in pursuit of my dream.
Brooke Lynn read over her bio for what must have been the seventh time in as many minutes and let out a sigh. Each draft that she’d written had sounded more robotic than the last. It’d been a long time since she had to write anything like this, having deleted Tinder, Bumble, and HER off her phone not long after she left Toronto. Since moving to New York, she’d discovered that she much preferred going out and finding women to hook up with in person. With her long blonde hair, dancer’s physique, and innate flirtiness, it was easy enough to find someone willing to take her home for the night. Easier, at least, than talking to a girl on an app for weeks, only to find out that she was interested in a long term commitment, and having to deal with their messy emotions after Brooke told them that she wasn’t interested. If there was one thing that she did not do, it was relationships.
And now, she was trying to get paid to be in one.
She’d be lying if she said that she never thought she’d be in a position like this. From the time Brooke had told her friends and family that she’d wanted to pursue dance as a full time career, she’d been given the “wouldn’t you rather something more secure” speech more times, and by more people than she could be bothered to count. Even her older sister Katya, who’d chosen to make abstract semi-sacrilegious art her vocation in life, had tried to suggest to her that she do something with a future that was less uncertain. But Brooke knew that she was born to dance, no matter what anyone tried to tell her to the contrary. If anything, their doubt fuelled her drive, and made it all the sweeter when she’d been offered a role in ensemble of the Broadway production of Moulin Rouge! upon her graduation from Ryerson. The moment that she’d stepped off the plane at JFK and stepped into the apartment that she would be sharing with another ensemble member from the show, Scarlet, she felt as though she was living her wildest dreams come true.
In all of her excitement at the time, Brooke forgot that the most wonderful dreams often lead to the harshest wake ups.
Four months into her run, the cast began to notice a dwindling number of fans at the stage door after each performance. Five months into her run, cast and crew alike began whispering about finding new jobs soon. Six months into her run, on a particularly humid Sunday in July, the cast and crew were gathered by the production team before everyone left the theatre and were told that the show would be closing at the beginning of September, after the Labour Day weekend. Brooke immediately started panicking at the prospect of being out of a job in one of the most expensive cities in the world. There was nothing she wanted less than to have to move back home to Toronto with her tail between her legs.
It had been two years since Moulin Rouge! closed, and although Brooke had managed to avoid making the move back home, she hadn’t been able to get a job performing since. She was always too tall, or too technical, or didn’t have enough personality. She’d been able to find a job in the meantime, teaching classes at a dance studio in Tribeca, but the money she made from that was barely enough to cover her necessities. It certainly didn’t cover luxuries such as brunch with your ex-roommate, as Brooke found out after her credit card was declined at her and Scarlet’s bi-weekly date. She barely had time to try and form an apology before she witnessed Scarlet reaching into her purse and placing a crisp one hundred dollar bill on the table, telling the waitress to keep the sixty dollars in change. Her embarrassed expression transformed into one of jaw-dropped shock as the redhead pulled her from the restaurant.
On the walk back to the subway, Scarlet revealed to Brooke that she’d been various “mutually beneficial relationships” with different men since she’d first moved to the city when she was 19, and that it had been her main source of income even while she was performing.
“It’s easy money, plus it’s kind of empowering,” explained Scarlet in her low voice, which still held a hint of the drawl indicative of her Southern upbringing. “It’s like, they have the money but I have all the emotional power. Without me generously donating my time to them, all these men have are their frigid marriages, or soul sucking jobs. A lot of the time the only thing standing between these powerful, rich men and a complete nervous break is me. And if that’s not power, I don’t know what is. So if I have to laugh at a few bad jokes and kiss a couple of CEOs to be able to live the kind of life I want, all while knowing that I could end any of these men at any given moment, then so be it.”
Oddly inspired by her friend’s speech, Brooke downloaded the sugar dating app onto her phone later that day.
And now here she was, sitting in front of her laptop at 11:00 pm on a Saturday night, drinking a bottle of wine and stress reading her three sentence bio for at least the tenth time. Fuck it, she thought, this is as good as it’s gonna get.
After clicking the “submit” button, Brooke was redirected to a page showing all of the potential sugar daddies in her area. As she scrolled through pages upon pages of photos of headless torsos, she became increasingly regretful of her decision to not filter out men immediately.
Absolutely not.
Brooke was a lesbian, and had known that since she was 14. However, Scarlet told her that there were far more sugar daddies than sugar mommies in the New York area, and that a lot of the time the men didn’t necessarily even want sex. But as she clocked the usernames of several of the daddies on the app, it was clear that the redhead had either lied to her or was somehow the most blissfully oblivious girl in the city.
The blonde promptly returned to her settings page and deselected men as an interest. When she returned to the home page, she was delighted to see the profiles of fifty-or-so women pop up. She began scrolling again, hoping that someone would catch her eye.
Meh. The two blonde women in the thumbnail picture were definitely beautiful, but Brooke didn’t know how she felt about getting involved with a couple who had a child.
The woman in this picture looked like she’d had a lot of plastic surgery. Still, she was hot. Brooke tapped the little heart icon next to the photo and continued scrolling.
Toward the bottom of the page there was one profile that had a little green dot next to the thumbnail. Brooke took a little comfort in the fact that she wasn’t the only one on this app at this time on a weekend night. She clicked on the profile and two pictures filled her screen. The first was a headless torso shot of a woman wearing an oversized Versace t-shirt as a dress. Although her face was out of frame, Brooke could tell that the woman’s hair was a caramel brown, at least at the tips, and went to just below her collarbone. The second image was another faceless picture, but in this one the woman was wearing a spaghetti strapped red dress, showing off her deeply tanned skin and an, in Brooke’s opinion, weirdly specific chest tattoo of a hairless cat atop a red rose. The bio beneath the pictures read:
V 23/F/New York City
no face pics because i gotta stay lowkey. promise i’m not gonna kill you or anything like that, just lookin for a cute girl i can take out and trEat right.
Brooke rolled her eyes at the innuendo and let out a small huff of a laugh. The girl obviously had some sort of sense of humour, which she supposed was important. And it was pretty impressive that someone so young was in a position where they could support someone else financially.
The green dot was still displayed next to V’s username. She was still online. Brooke took a deep breath and clicked the chat icon at the bottom of the screen, typing out a quick, hopefully flirty-but-without-coming-on-too-strong, message.
BLH: I hate to break it to you, but saying ‘I’m not gonna kill you’ sounds exactly like what someone who would kill me would say ;)
Brooke quickly exited out of the app and opened up Instagram to check and see if Katya or her wife had added any new photos of their cats or dog. Before she could even begin typing her sister’s name into the search bar, her phone dinged, letting her know that V had responded.
V: hate to break it to you babe but saying youre looking for a partner sounds like youre tryna open up a lawyers office
Brooke swore under her breathe. She knew she sounded too robotic.
BLH: Oh god, I’m sorry. I’ve never done anything
V: lol relax mami, youre cute with all your worrying
She bit down on her lower lip, half in frustration and half trying to suppress a smile. V was already teasing her about her worrying, and they hadn’t even met yet.
BLH: Aren’t you more of the mommy in this situation though ;)
V: i mean i usually prefer daddy ;)
Brooke felt a quick rush of heat to her center at the word “daddy”. She closed her eyes trying to stave away memories of various nights in the alleyways behind various bars with various women.
BLH: I think I can make that work ;)
V: listen, not to be too upfront but youre gorgeous and id love to take you out sometime if youd want?
V: we could meet and figure out an allowance or something if thats what you want! ive done this once before and it was a really good experience for both of us…i gave her around $8000 a month for rent and stuff but we could figure out something specially for you if you need somethin different
Brooke could’ve sworn she felt her heart stop when she read the word “month”. She’d never been with one single person for more than three nights, much less on a month to month basis. But V seemed nice at least. And if not nice, she was at least experienced at this kind of arrangement, and was apparently quite generous to boot. Eight thousand dollars a month would cover her rent and utilities almost four times over. Eight thousand dollars a month would mean that she wouldn’t have to worry about getting her card declined at brunch. Eight thousand dollars a month meant that she wouldn’t have to pick up every possible shift at the studio, and could spend more time going to auditions.
Eight thousand dollars a month meant that she was definitely not turning V down right off the bat.
BLH: I’d love that. Name the time and place, I’m free when you are.
BLH: Daddy ;)
Brooke Lynn Hayhoe doesn’t do relationships — but for eight thousand dollars a month, she was willing to fake it.
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Does the 8 hour rule for binding change if I’m wearing a fursuit? Genuinely asking because I’ve just started work on a fursuit as a project and i plan on wearing it out, however I don’t feel comfortable leaving the house without a binder on. Thanks
Lee says:
Hmm. Obviously, you shouldn’t be binding longer if you’re wearing a fursuit- but I don’t think there’s any particular agreed upon number of hours that you should wear it for in this situation. I’d say be cautious of dehydration because it might be hot (also see this post about binding in hot weather) and listen to your body. 
Try to take a scheduled quiet moment away from the action every few hours- it can help to set an alarm on your phone so you’ll be reminded to do this, and if you set your alarm to your ringtone then you can pretend you’re taking a phone call and need to go somewhere quieter if you need an excuse, or you can say you have to go to the bathroom.
Sometimes when you’re hanging out with friends (or doing whatever furries do in their outfits- parades? conventions?) and you’re caught up in all the excitement you can miss cues from your body. I know that I personally have sensory issues because I’m on the spectrum, and I don’t always realize when something is feeling “off” but by the time I get home and I’m able to relax and then notice it then it’s too late because the damage has been done. 
Even if you don’t have those issues, it’s still good to be able to take a moment for a few deep breaths and a check in with your body to see if you need to take the binder off or not. 
If you do need to take your binder off, you should have something to change into with you. You can carry a bra, maybe a comfortable sports bra, in a bag to change into in a bathroom. You could get a mini-sized backpack, a drawstring knapsack, a computer bag, a messenger bag, or a fanny pack. I usually carry a small one-strap backpack (like this). If you plan on carrying a bag in advance, you can theme it to match your outfit if you’d like, and maybe carry a water bottle in there too.
If your fursuit covers your chest/torso, then you may not need to wear a binder- you can probably get away with wearing a sports bra because nobody will be able to tell what’s under that suit, like how you never know what/who is inside a mascot which makes them kind of scary (is that just me?).
Our Binding FAQ has general guidelines on safe binding, so check that out as well.
Followers, does anyone have any tips gained through personal experience for anon?
Followers say:
marowreck said: Hey, from personal experience: do NOT bind while wearing a fursuit if you live in a hot climate, or at least avoid at all costs, and specially if it is a fullsuit. Even fursuits with good ventilation can get really hot. Seriously, a partial suit (paws, tail and head) is enough to make you sweat pails. You can, and will get clammy all over after a few minutes, and since heads (beginner’s, specially) tend to have poor ventilation youll just not be able to breathe at all. Without a binder on i could only manage to stay with my head on for half an hour at a time (got slightly dehydrated and i was dizzy by the time i finally took it off after 4 hours) in a place with ac. If it’s a fullsuit you can get some chest or body padding or something to mask of the bulge on your chest (and it looks stunning on digitigrades), though long fur is good enough to mask it. Id recommed using a good sports bra instead of a binder. No matter what you wear, you will be sweaty and hot, so just try to do everything possible to be comfortable.
knightofcaliginousrage13 said: If it’s a full-suit, definitely take frequent breaks(I know it’s tedious to take the whole thing off to remove your binder but better safe than sorry). If it’s a partial you should still take breaks, but they may not have to be as often. As Lee said, listen to your body, and maybe set reminders on your phone. Also never go suiting alone!! Make sure to have someone with you who’s not suiting to make sure you don’t bump into things or overheat(even if they’re not in the fandom, find a friend or family member who’s willing to carry water and other things for you). I also recommend buying a mini fan you can wear around your neck(or if you have the skill to do so, maybe install one in the fursuit head, but it’s kinda hard to do). You can get them on Amazon for around 10-15 USD(just search “necklace fan”). Stay safe and happy suiting! 💖🐾
cupcake-souls said: I would just suggest to really know your limits with binding+fursuiting before you go out somewhere with it! They get very hot very quickly and I’m not sure I would recommend binding in them if you don’t have a way to get the binder off immediately!
heartsbanegardener asked: said: You should already have someone dedicated as your handler to make sure you don’t bump into things. Maybe ask them to help you find quiet places or headless lounges(furry cons have dedicated spaces for fursuiters to chill out of sight from others). Also maybe develop a way to quickly let them know you need out. Speaking from personal experience with helping my own brother! Hope this helps!
guiltyidealist said: I would also be careful about overheating. As far as I know, both binders and fursuits are notorious for making their wearers much hotter than usual. I think it’s possible to install a fan inside of a fursuit, but that’s probably much more elaborate.
vivianthesiren said: I feel like if you padded the suit right you’d be able to go without looking like you have anything of a chest depending upon how big your chest is
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qinghe-nie · 6 years
46. Act 10: Crafty Child, Part 1
The inadvertent smile on Wei WuXian's face froze, as if someone had dumped a cold bucket of water over his head.
This tall silhouette was standing under the shadow of a tree while facing in his exact direction. If there had been a head on top of his shoulders, he definitely would have been quietly staring at Wei WuXian.
Over by the bonfire, the Lan family youths had also spotted the silhouette. The hairs on the backs of their necks prickled as they reached for their swords with wide eyes. Wei WuXian pressed his finger against his lips, quietly letting out a 'Shh!'
He shook his head and eyed them with a look that said 'Don't.' Upon seeing this, Lan SiZhui returned Lan JingYi's half-unsheathed sword back to its scabbard without a sound.
The headless man reached out and placed a hand on the tree trunk. He felt around it for a while, almost like he was pondering the identity of the object.
He walked forward a step, allowing Wei WuXian to clearly see a majority of his body.
The headless man was wearing some tattered burial clothes –  the same ones worn by the torso dug out from the Chang sect cemetery.
There were a bunch of fragments near the headless man's feet. With some difficulty, Wei WuXian recognized them as the torn pieces of the sealed gankun bags.
Wei WuXian thought to himself, "The good brother managed to piece himself together after we neglected him!"
Ever since he and Lan WangJi had entered Yicheng, they had encountered endless surprises. All in all, it had been two days since they played a duet of Anxi. During the previous parts of their journey, the two had to work exceedingly hard to suppress the body parts of the good brother. However, once the four limbs of a corpse were gathered together, the attractive forces between them strengthened dramatically. It's possible that their reactions to each other's grievances created an extra strong need to reunite, allowing them to take advantage of Lan WangJi's night patrol to break out of their sealed gankun bags to automatically reunite into a single corpse.
It was too bad that this body was still missing a piece, and the most important one at that.
The headless corpse put his hand on top of his neck and palpated the cleanly severed area. He felt around for a while, but never came across the thing that was supposed to be there. This fact seemed to enrage him. He suddenly lashed out in anger, punching the nearby tree trunk.
The tree trunk splintered. Wei WuXian thought, "What a big temper."
Lan JingYi held his sheathed sword horizontally in front of him, his voice trembling as he asked, "W-what kind of a demon monster is this?!"
Wei WuXian replied, "I can tell you haven't done the basic class work just by that question alone. What's a demon? What's a monster? This is obviously a ghost – how could it a demon monster?"
Lan SiZhui whispered, "Young Master Mo, you're being rather loud. Aren't you scared he'll discover you?"
"It's nothing to worry about. I suddenly realized that it doesn't matter how loud we talk. He doesn't have a head, so he doesn't have any eyes of ears. He can't see us or hear us. If you don't believe me, you can test it out yourself by shouting."
Lan JingYi, surprised, said, "Really? Let me try."
He shouted twice after he was done speaking. However, right as he got done shouting, the headless corpse turned around and started walking towards the Lan family youths.
The youths' souls practically left their bodies. Lan JingYi shrieked, "Didn't you say that it was nothing to worry about?!"
Wei WuXian put his hands beside his mouth and loudly proclaimed, "There really is nothing to worry about! Look! I'm talking so loudly, but he's still not coming over, is he? But your problem isn't the volume of your speech – it's the light from the fire! It's hot! And you're all male! The yang energy of living people is really strong! He can't see or hear, but he can definitely walk towards what he feels are lively places! Now put the fire out, quick! And scatter! Scatter!"
Lan SiZhui waved his hand, causing a gust to exterminate the fire. The group of youngsters then scattered all throughout the abandoned garden. As it turned out, the headless corpse lost his bearings as soon as the fire was exterminated and the youths moved apart.
He stood there blankly for a while. Everyone let out the breaths they'd been holding, but suddenly, he began moving again. Not only that, he was moving towards one youth in particular with striking accuracy.
Lan JingYi yelled out again, "Didn't you say that there would be nothing to worry about if we exterminated the fire and scattered?!"
Wei WuXian didn't respond to him, turning to the other youth and saying, "No sudden movements!"
He picked up a rock near his feet and tossed it at the headless corpse with a flick of his wrist. The rock hit his vest. He immediately stopped walking, turned around, weighed his options, and began walking towards Wei WuXian instead.
Wei WuXian slowly, slowly moved aside two steps, barely brushing against the headless corpse as he walked past. He told the youngsters, "I said to scatter, not to run around all crazy. Don't run too fast – this headless ghost's cultivation skills are quite high. If you move too fast, he'll be able to detect the breeze you create."
Lan SiZhui said, "It looks like he's trying to find something... Is he trying to find his... head?"
Wei WuXian replied, "Correct – he is trying to find his head. There's so many heads here, he doesn't know which one is his. He'll just rip the heads off every person here and place them over his own neck to see if it's appropriate. If it's appropriate, he'll use it for a short while. If it's not, he'll just throw it away. Therefore, you guys need to walk really slowly and hide really slowly. You cannot let him catch you."
The youths shivered as they thought about the headless fierce corpse ripping off their heads and putting the blood-dripping object on top of his own neck. They all raised a hand to protect their own necks as they started to slowly flee to the four corners of the garden. It was as if they were playing a dangerous game of hide-and-seek with this headless ghost. If they got caught, they had to hand over their heads.
Wei WuXian began to slowly pace around while carefully observing the corpse's movements. He thought to himself, "The good brother's posture is a little strange... His fist is clenched around empty air and he keeps waving his arm around. This movement..."
Whenever the corpse caught on to one of the youngsters' trails, Wei WuXian would throw a rock to catch his attention so that he'd walk over to Wei WuXian instead. Lan JingYi said, "Are we just going to go around like this forever?"
Wei WuXian thought about it for a minute and replied, "Of course not."
As soon as he was done saying that, he loudly shouted, "Hanguang-jun! Hanguang-jun! Are you back yet, Hanguang-jun?! Save us!"
Upon seeing this, the others all started shouting along with this. Besides, it's not like the fierce corpse had a head. He couldn't hear anything. Each shout was more mournful and reverberant than the last. In a flash, Lan WangJi's silhouette appeared at the entrance to the garden.
The youngsters were practically crying tears of happiness as they said, "Hanguang-jun, you're finally back!"
Lan WangJi, upon seeing that headless silhouette, seemed almost stumped for words. Immediately following that, he unsheathed Bichen. The headless corpse seemed to realize that there was a very powerful, icy-cold sword coming to attack him, so he raised his arm and waved it about again. Wei WuXian thought, "There's that move again!"
The headless corpse had high agility and was very nimble and strong. He threw himself forward, dodging Bichen's tip, then reached out to grab the sword. Surprisingly, he easily grabbed Bichen's hilt just like that!
He raised Bichen up high, like he wanted to examine the object in his hands. However, he couldn't really do that without any eyes. Everyone expression's changed immediately, except for Lan WangJi, who looked the same as always. He pulled out his zither, lowered his head, and plucked one of the strings.
The string trembled, letting out a sound that was like a sharp arrow. The arrow rotated, whistling as it traveled through the air to hit the fierce corpse.
The headless corpse waved Bichen in the air, shattering the lingering sound from the zither. Lan WangJi plucked seven strings this time, letting out an intense, high-pitched noise, almost like he was calling down a rain of arrows.
At the same time, Wei WuXian pulled out his flute and blew a sharp note. Under the overbearing assault of both the zither and the flute, the fierce corpse finally collapsed.
More accurately, he fell apart. His body returned to its original parts, which were now in a pile on the ground.
Lan WangJi put away his zither and recalled his sword back into its scabbard. He and Wei WuXian walked together toward the pile of body parts. They lowered their heads to give the pile a once-over, then pulled out five new gankun bags, like they were getting ready to put the disassembled corpse into them. Lan SiZhui looked like he wanted to ask something, but Lan WangJi told him, "Rest."
Even though 9pm had not arrived yet, it was the word of Hanguang-jun. Lan SiZhui held back his question and respectfully replied, "Yes." He led the other youths to another part of the garden, created another bonfire, and went to sleep.
There were only two people left by the pile of corpse parts. Wei WuXian squatted down on the ground, picked up the left arm, and started stuffing in inside a gankun bag. He had it halfway inside when he said, "Hanguang-jun, the only part of the good brother that we haven't found is the head. But this time, the left hand didn't point us in its direction."
"The right arm didn't, either."
The head was the most crucial body part, but it was definitely going to be the hardest to find. Wei WuXian said, "It's not pointing us to any particular direction. Could it be that the trail of clues is gone, just like that?"
Lan WangJi was silent for a while before he replied, "No. I know who he is."
"You know?"
Lan WangJi slowly nodded his head. Wei WuXian said, "Alright. I also know who he is."
He lowered his voice. "It's Chifeng-zun, right?"
During their hide-and-seek session earlier, the headless corpse continued to repeat the same action: with his fist clenched around empty air, he would wave his arm about in horizontal and vertical strokes, like he was chopping something down. Looking at it, it really seemed like he was brandishing some sort of weapon.
The moment he raised his non-existent weapon, Wei WuXian immediately thought of a sword. He was a sword user himself, and he had crossed swords with many other sword-wielding cultivators in the past. However, he had never seen anyone using a sword in that fashion before.
Swords were known as 'the generals of a hundred armies.' Sword users were always very dignified or elegant whenever they attacked. Even if the sword was a sinister one that belonged to an assassin, it was still necessary for the wielder to be nimble and use a lot of jabbing motions. But the headless corpse's movements were very heavy-handed. His strikes were ruthless and full of killing intent, without the least bit of grace or elegance.
But if he wasn't holding a sword, but rather a knife – a heavy knife with an enormous murderous aura  – then it would all make sense.
The usage of swords and knives and the mannerisms of their wielders were completely different.
While he was still alive, this headless corpse's weapon of choice should have been a knife. His skills with a knife were unmatched. He sought only power and prestige, not elegance. When he was looking for his head earlier, he was also looking for his weapon. That's why he continuously repeated the knife-swinging motions. It's also why he snatched Bichen out of the air – he was trying to use the sword in place of his knife.
Not only that, Lan WangJi had really been a little bit speechless when he first saw the headless corpse. He only pulled out his sword after that moment had passed. It seemed like he had recognized the identity of the corpse merely through its silhouette. Lan WangJi must have seen this person before countless times to be able to identify him through his silhouette alone. Since Chifeng-zun Nie MingJue and Zewu-jun Lan XiChen had been sworn brothers, they must have visited each other often, fulfilling this particular requirement.
Previously, the good brother's body was still in pieces. He didn't have any birthmarks or identifying marks on his body, and he had been cut into so many pieces that he was hard to recognize. But earlier, when the four limbs and torso had been temporarily joined through their grievances, they pieced together a corpse that could move. Lan WangJi would have definitely figured it out then.
Upon seeing Lan WangJi's tacit approval, Wei WuXian also asked, "Just how sure are you?"
The remaining 10% couldn't be confirmed because of the missing head. The two had a couple of ideas on how to confirm their hypothesis.
It was better to arrive with good timing than to arrive early. When the group arrived in the mountains, they learned of some new information: the QingheNie sect leader was currently a guest at the Cloud Recesses.
Chifeng-zun and Zewu-jun had been good friends before becoming sworn brothers. When he was younger, Nie HuaiSang often accompanied his older brother to the Cloud Recesses. However, since the Lan family's customs and practices were complicated and outdated, he never liked to go by himself. He never had anyone to keep him company on his visits, so he could only exchange a few words with Lan XiChen. The only times he would voluntarily visit were the few months when Lan QiRen would hold his classes, where there would be many boys his own age here as well.
But after Nie HuaiSang's teenage years were over, and especially after he became the clan leader, he was put under constant pressure to deal with things he wasn't familiar with. He begged for help from everyone, especially from his big brother's sworn brothers. He would go up Jinlin Tower one day to cry in front of Jin GuangYao, and then go to the Cloud Recesses the next day to stammer in front of Lan XiChen. He was only able to deal with being the Nie clan leader with constant support from the leaders of the Jin and Lan clans, and even then he was only barely adequate for the task. This time, he was visiting Lan XiChen again for some reason or another. He was sitting in the living room, yashi*, opposite Lan XiChen, wiping away his sweat with his handkerchief while venting to Lan XiChen.  Lan XiChen listened to his complaints and poured him some tea, saying, "You work hard."
Nie HuaiSang sounded extremely tired as he said, "I'm really exhausted. I don't know when these days are going to end... It would be so easy if big brother was still here. Before, he would carry the burden of these matters and I wouldn't have to worry about a thing. Big brother was the type of person that was born to lead Xianmen families."
Lan XiChen was silent for a while before he slowly replied, "You're right. If big brother were still here..."
Nie HuaiSang lowered his head, waving his folding fan as he mocked himself: "But me... I'm just Qinghe's 'know-nothing.'"
Upon hearing his words, Lan XiChen shook his head, gently patting him on the shoulder. Lan XiChen was just about to say something when a voice came from outside the yashi. "Zewu-jun, Hanguang-jun has important matters he wants to discuss with you. He would like you and Clan Leader Nie to meet him at Mingshi."
Lan XiChen: "SiZhui? You guys are back? WangJi is back as well?"
Lan SiZhui respectfully replied, "Yes. We came back from our night hunt this morning. We didn't have enough time to inform you."
Lan XiChen rose up from his seat. "At Mingshi? What's the matter? And why does he want HuaiSang to go along?"
"Hanguang-jun never told me about what was going on. He just said that it was absolutely necessary for you and Clan Leader Nie to go to Mingshi together."
Nie HuaiSang also stood up, his heart filled with anxiety. He couldn't stand it anymore and pulled out his handkerchief again from his bosom to continuously wipe away his seat. His whole face turned red from his excessive wiping as he and Lan XiChen walked towards Mingshi.
There was no one outside Mingshi and the front doors were tightly shut. Before entering, they followed the usual conventions and saluted the wooden doors. Only after they saluted did they finally push open them open.
Upon opening the doors, both their expressions changed immediately.
A tall silhouette stood inside – one that they were both very familiar with.
Nie HuaiSang and Lan XiChen shouted at the same time, "Big brother?!"
*yashi: it's like how LWJ's room is called jingshi, it translates to elegant room
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jodiwalker · 6 years
Every Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Thing Arie Did in Part 1 of the Awful, Riveting, No Fun, Painfully Mesmerizing 'Bachelor' Finale
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So, as it turns out: "needle dick" was a pretty solid assessment of a highly thoughtless person, gifted to us during The Bachelor's season 22 “Women Tell All” special a few weeks ago. Yes, it was an assessment made by a pathological narcissist with a YouTube channel and a WebMD printout of "laryngitis" symptoms, but still...
On Monday night, The Bachelor decided to air three hours' worth of their chosen testicle-in-charge Arie repeatedly telling his final two sister-girlfriends that he was so in love with each of them, choosing one to propose marriage to, and then breaking off the engagement with That One while a camera crew filmed the whole thing because he figured out he was actually in love with The Other One. Now, let's be clear: Becca K. as she's known around the Bachelor Thunderdome, has dodged the most boring of bullets. When all is said and done — or in the case of Arie and Lauren, when all is just done — this situation will ultimately be nothing but a win for Becca K. She comes out looking like a Minnesota rose with the most treasured quality of all: not being engaged to Arie.
But this entire show is designed to make Becca fall in love with Arie, and she did that. Becca did exactly what The Bachelor asked of her, and they repaid her by having a dude whose personality amounts to "cars go vroom vroom" break up with her in real time on national television. Obviously, the very worst thing Arie did on Monday night was setting his fiancé up for a blindside, and agreeing to film it for mass consumption. But in The Bachelor world, it's near impossible to know what's contractually obligated and what kind of behind-the-scenes manipulation is at play. I put the burden of airing Becca's heartbreak on this franchise; at least until the final two hours of this trainwreck air on Tuesday night when perhaps Arie will explain himself [ed. note: hahhahahahaha omg srsly, wut am i thinking?].
Even with that benefit of the doubt given to Arie about just how callous and insensitive we could believe him to be to the women he claims to love, our Bachelor still spent the entire three hours of Monday's filmed finale in "hold my beer, watch this" mode. Truly, he had moves we've never seen — and a few we've all seen. Without needing to hear a single thing he has to say live on Tuesday night, these are unequivocally The Worst Things Arie did in Monday night's Bachelor finale:
At some point, Arie decided to replace his most-used catch phrase, "I love that," which is entirely devoid of meaning, with a variation—"I love you"—which is one of the most important phrases in the English language. When Ben Higgins told both of his final two women that he loved them, he immediately knew he'd made a mistake, and spent the rest of the finale looking like he was going to throw up on his penny loafers. Because Ben realized telling them such an important thing would make both women feel extremely confident, and eventually one of them would be extra hurt and confused, knowing that he loved her a day ago when they were making out by a waterfall, but he's now rejecting her next to a pedestal from Home Goods with Chris Harrison lurking around in the background. Basically, Ben took one single moment to consider his girlfriends' feelings and was like, Ohhhh, I'm a fucking idiot.
Arie is a fucking idiot who will never, ever realize it, as is evidenced over and over again in his final, excruciating breakup with Becca. He loved that Becca and Lauren both felt so confident about their relationship with him, almost like he never once considered that one of them would be completely traumatized once they hobbled down a Peruvian hillside in the name of an engagement to the man they loved—and who loved them!—only to get a swift Kanye to the face [ed note: you know, Imma let you finish, but Becca had the best wife potential of all time]. Arie telling both women he loved them repeatedly, often, and with mounting conviction wasn't his worst mistake, but it was his most fundamental mistake. It's the infrastructural jackassery upon which his Mount Rushmore of his jackassery stands. Shall we proceed?
Okay, I did kind of savor how rude Arie's parents were without seeming to have any idea how awful they were being. While I could empathetically understand that it would suck for Becca that Arie's family kept being like, Yes when we met Arie Jr.'s other girlfriend Lauren yesterday, we enjoyed her exactly as much as we are currently enjoying you…it was also a little hilarious how insensitively clueless they were. Heyyyy, it's almost like that characteristic runs in the family or something! Food for thought.
My family's opinion matters to me too — wanting to keep that opinion hovering around "only slightly worried about her delayed progression into adulthood" is one of the many reasons I would never go on The Bachelor (the other reasons are that The Bachelor wouldn't take me because I have curly hair, have never been a catalog model, and unabashedly ate a cookie for breakfast last week). What I'm saying, is your family's opinions go out the window the minute you decide to do any of this. But Arie clearly couldn't get past his family's assessment of two women they'd spent maybe three hours with, and whose only immediate differentiating features are: one is shy-nice, and one is outgoing-nice and they have two different hair colors, though I can't for the life of me remember which belonged to which woman. I want to say there was a Sarah. Was someone named Sarah, Arie Jr.??? Anyway, pick Becca—she talks!
This situation was doomed from the moment ol' Pillow Lips himself explained that he wanted to be able to tell Lauren something that would help her understand why he was breaking up with her, "But I have no real reason to give her."
All I wanted to say to Arie throughout the entire finale was: TRY, Arie. Why don't you just try to explain it? It's a good practice, trying! I get that it's hard, but if you put in the work, and try even a little bit to understand your feelings, I swear you can ink something out, even if it's just: I do love this, and I don't love this. Those words are very solidly in your vocabulary, I know it. Just TRY to relay your feelings to the people you supposedly love, you weak-willed doofus!
Rude, so rude. This woman literally hates to speak, Arie—that is what you love about her! (I think!) And you're going to let her go on and on, quite eloquently might I add, about how you've inspired her to let her walls down and how she's soooo glad she finally let herself believe that this love could be real??? This man's spine is made of pudding cups.
At this point, the idiocy truly became astounding. Not only has he blindsided and traumatized a woman who he has been telling that he loves for weeks by choosing another women over her, but now he's going to tell Lauren that he loves her moments before proposing to Becca? Has he considered that might be painful for his alleged future wife? Of course not! I think if you told Arie that other people have internal thoughts and feelings just like him, his head would explode, and then he'd just go on living his exact same life as a headless torso being told what to do by the Bachelor producers. But at least this brings us to...
I know this will shock you, but the best thing Lauren did during the finale was speak a series of words out loud — and boy were those words dead on the money. In the limo, feeling shocked and betrayed, she repeats out loud one of the idiotic things Arie told her when he broke up with her: that he didn't know who he was going to choose until just that morning. "Does that not terrify him?" she asks. "How could you get down on one knee if you weren't sure, like, three hours ago?" An excellent question, and proof that even Lauren would have been a more equipped Bachelor than Arie.  
Obviously, Arie's biggest mistake, from which there is no turning back—although he sure does try, that stinker!—was exactly what Lauren couldn't wrap her head around: he got down on one knee and proposed marriage to Becca when he had been completely in love with another woman and unsure of who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with just hours before. 
Never has it been clearer how toxic the construct of this show is than now, when it's been thrust upon a canvas as blank and malleable as Arie. He spends the entire finale saying he's not sure about one woman, spending time with that woman, and then being completely reassured that he's in love with her, basically because she is in love with him; lather, rinse, repeat with the next one. I truly believe that if Becca had the first final date with Arie, and Lauren had the second spot, Arie would have chosen Lauren instead. He has the emotional retention span of a drunken dance floor makeout. I think a baby trying ice cream for the first time might have a stronger grasp on what love is than Arie.
Oh, and let's not forget this standout line from Arie’s proposal of marriage: "I choose you today, and I choose you every day from here on out." Arie apparently thought "here-on-out" was like one of those Old English words like "wherefore" or "fortnight" where it sounds like it means one thing (forever), but actually means another (two months, or whenever the camera crew is available to come out to this mansion in the Hills).
Assessing the production genius and emotional sociopathy of the decision to show Arie breaking Becca's heart in real-time split-screen is for another time. For now, let's just block off the next four hours to discuss every single stupid thing Arie did during said exploitative disaster. First, after sitting Becca down for a serious talk, Arie tries to ask her how a recent trip to Las Vegas was and compliment a new tattoo. [Ed. note: The distraction of trying to figure out if the tattoo had anything to do with Arie, and ultimately, the immense relief that it did not but was merely your average bumblebee wrist-tattoo, was at least appreciated.]
Becca, however, is like, cut the shit and tell me what you want to talk about; that is our first sign that Becca is equipped to deal with the fuck boi nonsense that is about to be presented to her. I would like to be clear though, that just because Becca is strong, and Arie is weak, would not make this any less painful for her. 
Arie then proceeds to explain in great detail how he can't explain why he's breaking up with her, except to say it in the absolute harshest, and most callous way possible: "The more I hung out with you, the more I felt like I was losing the possibility of maybe reconciling things with Lauren." I honestly think the worst part of that awful statement isn't saying that you've been thinking about someone else the entire time you’ve been with Becca; it isn't saying that you're leaving her for another woman; it isn't naming that woman by name just to really drive the knife right in the bumblebee tattoo; it's calling your engagement "hanging out." GROW UP, ARIE!!!
Becca's flawless response: "Are you fucking kidding me?" NEVER CHANGE, BECCA!!!
Arie goes on to say just about every wrong thing possible. He didn't think "it would be fair" to stay with Becca if he was only half in the relationship. "So are you going to be half in with her?" Becca asks. Nope, Arie's gonna full-love Lauren, and he feels like he's been "pretty upfront" with Becca about how he's been struggling to get past his feelings for Lauren. That's when Becca's left hand with her giant engagement ring briefly dips below the split-screen, and without saying anything, comes back up diamondless. And that's when I fall in full-love with Becca. Perhaps, Arie says, he didn't let Becca know "the extent" to which he hadn't moved on from Lauren. "Clearly," says Becca, a queen.
Then this martyr-ass-muthafucka tells the fiancé he's breaking up with in order to go chase after another woman that he "thought it would be good for us to talk about this now," rather than doing it on After the Final Rose. Becca tells him it would have been good if he hadn't proposed to her in the first place. She says she's done here, and goes in the back of the house to start re-packing the suitcases she brought with her when she was assuming this would be a romantic weekend with her fiancé…
People talk to me about The Bachelor a lot. Even when I'm not writing about a season, or not really watching it, they know I'll be down to clown about The Bachelor and I love that — always talk to me about The Bachelor, I beg of you.
The number one thing I've heard from women who watched last night's slow-motion disaster, is how sick they felt watching Arie hang around that house and follow Becca around, and ask her to talk to him, even after she’d repeatedly told him that she wanted him to leave and had nothing to say to him. Because there is a certain type of immature man than many women (and men, I'd imagine) have dealt with: men who want women to reassure them that they're still good men even though they're doing a bad thing. Arie begged Becca to talk to him some more, and when she relented, he stared at her in silence. Because he was waiting and waiting for her alleviate the emotional weight of his guilt for him, so that he wouldn't have to feel it anymore.
Becca refused to do that: she refused to hug him goodbye. She refused to tell him that it was okay. She refused to tie an ugly situation up with a pretty bow in order to take this man's emotional baggage onto her already heaving load. And that is the admirable, strong, very good, incredibly courageous thing Becca did.
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meetpositivesblog · 6 years
The blog post Tips for Gay Dating is available on: https://blog.meetpositives.com Dating with Gays Just like everyone else, gay men are like everyone else. Gay men also looks for connection, companionship and commitment. Many of gay men are left unsatisfied with their dating experience because they don't have proper training, education and support when they try to mingle and mate with other men. So here's a few tips on how to meet and date with gay men in the US. First seen on: (http://www.welovedates.com/us/gay-dating/) If you’d like to meet up with gay men, here’s some quick tips to get started with online dating to get you started!   1. Be up front with what you want This goes especially for dating online. Most dating devices have an assortment of boxes you can check off to indicate what sort of connections you’re looking to make. Many also have a section where you can describe more vividly what you’re looking for. Use it, and use it well. You’re not going to look too slick if your profile says you’re looking to meet the man of your dreams and your accompanying photo is a naked headless torso. That being said… 2. There are a lot of directions dating can go I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word ‘date’ I think ‘boyfriend interview’, which is probably why dates inspire so much anxiety in me. But there are unlimited options for what a date could mean and where it could go. A boyfriend? A plain friend? A friend with benefits? A combination or something in between? The best thing you can do is go out and have a good time with someone new. 3. Build your own relationship Let’s say this isn’t the first date. You’ve had many before this, and you are hoping there will be many more after. Your brain is plagued with those questions: “What does this mean?”, “What are we?”, “Where are we going with this?” Breathe. Obviously this person likes you if they are dedicating this much time to you. That’s what’s important, right? As a society we spend a lot of time to emulate the romance we see in movies and on TV, or sometimes even our own friends, but as I have said before, your relationship is 100% unique, and you need to let it bloom at the rate you want it to, and it the way that you want it to (this ‘you’ being both/all of you, and not you specifically. If only it were that easy!) Have fun, get creative, and be happy with it. And don’t worry about whether or not other people understand it. You owe no one else an explanation. 4. Sex is OK There are a lot of folks out there who like to shame folks for having sex on the first date. I don’t think it’s such a bad idea, as long as you are doing because you want to, and not because you feel like you have to. If sex is important to you, as it is with many gay men, it might be helpful to get a measure on sexual chemistry early on. Sexual tension can make or break a budding relationship; sometimes letting it build up adds to the intrigue, and sometimes you just won’t know how to connect with someone until you’ve had a good roll in the hay together. 5. It’s okay to have an unsuccessful date. Not all dates are going to go smoothly. Sometimes you hit it off in one form or another, and sometimes there is absolutely zero chemistry. Your date may be a really nice guy! But that doesn’t mean he’s a great match. I have had several dates in the last year with some very nice young men…whom I felt very little desire to see again. I thought the lack of chemistry between us was perfectly palpable, and yet they still asked to see me again. The point here is…don’t be afraid to admit when a date ends with no fireworks. On the flip side, don’t feel like you have to force chemistry with someone simply because they are a decent human being, however hard they may be to come by.   The recent study shows that the most number of gay men got the virus from their partners online. So how can you make sure that you are protected from STD infections? First seen on ( https://ift.tt/2oeukYw) Understand important health issues for gay men and men who have sex with men — from sexually transmitted infections to depression — and get tips for taking charge of your health. Although your individual risks are shaped by many factors beyond your sexual orientation and practices — including family history and age — it's important to understand common health issues for gay men and steps you can take to stay healthy. Protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections Men who have sex with men are at increased risk of contracting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, as well as other sexually transmitted infections, including hepatitis, human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex, gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. To protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections: Use a condom or other protection. Use a new latex or polyurethane condom every time you have sex, especially during anal sex but ideally during oral sex as well.Use only water-based lubricants, not petroleum jelly, hand lotion, cold cream or oils. Oil-based lubricants can weaken latex condoms and cause them to break. Don't share sex toys, and keep them safe by protecting them with a condom and cleaning them before and after every use. Be monogamous. Another reliable way to avoid sexually transmitted infections is to stay in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who isn't infected. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink, and don't use drugs. If you're under the influence, you're more likely to take sexual risks. If you choose to use injectable drugs, don't share needles. Know the risks associated with sexual venues. Sexual venues such as bathhouses, sex parties and the Internet can facilitate multiple sexual partnerships and anonymous sexual encounters, as well as higher risk sexual behaviors. Get vaccinated. Vaccinations can protect you from hepatitis A and hepatitis B, serious liver infections that can spread through sexual contact.Not all sexually transmitted infections are prevented by vaccines, however. Hepatitis C is not covered by any vaccine and can lead to liver failure, liver cancer and death. The HPV vaccine is available to men up to age 26. HPV is associated with anal cancer in men who have sex with men. Get tested and have your partner tested. Don't have unprotected sex unless you're certain you and your partner aren't infected with HIV or other sexually transmitted infections.Testing is important because many people don't know they're infected, and others might not be honest about their health.Different types of tests have a different "window period," the period of time between HIV infection and when signs of the infection show up on a test. Being tested during this time might result in a false negative. It is possible to transmit the HIV infection to someone during this period. Consider the drug Truvada. In July 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the drug emtricitabine-tenofovir (Truvada) to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted HIV infection in those who are at high risk. Truvada is also used as an HIV treatment along with other medications. Gay dating can be exciting and fun, but it can be upsetting too.  Don't be afraid to ask your potential partner to get tested first to know your status.  Make sure that you are protected when you have sex with your partner to avoid health issues in the future and make your experience more fruitful. He will be glad that you feel great discussing it with him and will have the capacity to ease any stresses you may have. Meet Positives Gay Dating     [Are you recently diagnosed?|} Meet Positives is a platform for people impacted with a Sexually transmitted infection Start feeling normal again Search: https://meetpositives.com /
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tyrantdk · 7 years
Sleepy Hollow Au scene 4
This entire scene is just Yugi and Atem hanging out in Atem's delapidated bedroom, cuddling. Yugi doesn't really have probs with that. After all, he's pretty sure the horseman isn't supposed to be this pretty.
Yugi slowly sat up in a bed he was very sure wasn’t his. The room around him smelled musty, like the windows hadn’t been opened in forever, and like something had died long ago. From the boarded up state of the windows, fresh air hadn’t circulated in the room for a while. The certainly-not-his bed was comfortable, but ancient. He could feel the feathers-goose down, the young man supposed-stuffed into the white linen covered mattress. The same was true of the pillow he had been using.
The quilt over him was thick and warm, despite the age. Feed sack cloth and other types of cloth had been used; the once pure white now a dingy light brown. It was beautifully embroidered and obviously masterfully hand quilted. Yugi knew from the sight of it that the quilt was as old as the bed. Gauzy white bed curtains were tied to each of the bed posts, with the canopy the same gauzy white. Violet eyes spied the moth eaten and time worn holes in the fragile fabric.
Long chilled fingers slipped under the loose white shirt that also wasn’t his. They splayed across his lower back, adoring in the way they drew figures on his skin. Slowly, Yugi’s eyes turned to the form sharing the bed. Dark, deliciously tanned skin stretched snugly over well-developed muscles. From the waist up the very obviously male form was nude, the chiseled lines of the other’s torso made his mouth water. Yugi had absolutely no shame in eyeing the man beside him. His eyes followed the torso steadily up.
He connected with warm red eyes. He was eyeing the Headless Horseman! Except…he was really gorgeous with his head attached. In his surprise, Yugi had lowered himself into the Horseman’s face. His violet eyes blinked. Yeah. He wasn’t seeing things. The other male chuckled softly, but made no effort to move. Yugi murmured a soft hello.
“Good morn to you as well, my darling Bride. My charming Yugi.” The Horseman replied, a blissful, loving smile lifting his lips. Yugi was stunned by the other male. He cupped his cheek, his hold on him gentle, not tight. There was so much open affection in his expression. Yugi couldn’t honestly remember when anyone aside from his family had looked at him like that. “Forgive my rashness, Yugi. I could not take my solitude any longer. I need you here with me. You are my Bride, my husband, and I desperately need to have you in my arms.”
“O.k. Well, I don’t remember marrying you or agreeing to marry you. If I married a dead man, I’d definitely remember it. I would also be wondering why my friends didn’t commit me to an institute. So, you’re supposed to be the Headless Horseman, right? You don’t look so headless to me. …And why in the hell am I a bride? I’m male, dammit! I’m a Groom!” He laughed at his tirade. He placed a chaste, yet bold kiss on his cheek. It surprised Yugi.
“I know you are, Yugi. I readily agree with you, on both points, but Bride is the traditional title for one in your position. Also, would I not frighten you, if you saw me without my head?” Yugi nodded. “As for our wedding, it was more spiritual than physical or ceremonial. I did nothing more than change your clothing. I would never take your virtue, unless it was given willingly. Our marriage rite was our souls becoming one. That newly melded soul is than shared between us.”
Yugi relaxed at the tone in the other’s voice. He allowed himself to lay on his chest, his ear picking up a faint heartbeat. The other male pulled the quilt around them. He sighed softly when he began to card his fingers through his hair. “What’s your name, and could you explain the ‘Bride’ thing a little more?”
“I am Atem Crane, the Horseman of Death. You are my Bride as you are the only one whose presence calms and soothes me. I and my fellows are tamed by our Brides.” Atem closed his eyes. He could only pray Yugi would accept him. The arm he had across the other’s torso tightened.
“For Death, you’re pretty docile.” He replied. He knew Atem wouldn’t hurt him. He was safe here. He just knew nothing could touch him; the other would never allow it. Yugi let his fingers absently draw figures on Atem’s torso.
“Only around you. You are everything to me, Darling. If I were to lose you, the world would be forfeit to my madness.” A kiss was pressed to his cheek, an attempt to soothe after the chilling words. The pair lay in silence for some time. The rise and fall of Yugi’s chest lulled Atem into sleep. Yugi sighed softly. How was he getting himself out of this one?
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philly-stats-gay · 7 years
Dating is hard
Okay so I just had a midterm in one of my stats classes last night so bear with me. I apologize for all the stats terminology.
Dating in today’s society is tough. Not that it ever was easy at any point in time, but the advent of technology has made dating in the present day both immensely easier and immensely more difficult.
Dating has always been an obstacle course. There are so many variables and confounding factors. (See, I told you to be ready for stats terms). Everything in a relationship is not just dependent on yourself, but another person. How do they feel? What do they think the timing of certain things should be? How do you handle certain situations so that you can reach a solution you’re both happy with.
I can’t even begin to describe how easy it is to pull out your phone, download an app, create a profile, and meet someone; especially if you’re looking for sex. But then what about if you’re looking for substance? Why is it so improbable to find someone genuine amongst a sea of headless torsos and dick pics, profiles spouting inherent racism and yes, even homophobia, with “No Fats, No Fems, No Blacks, No Asians” yada yada yada. Please, it’s such bullshit. Don’t chalk it up to a preference because that’s utter hypocrisy. Have the decency to tell someone you’re not interested, or don’t even talk to them at all. But definitely don’t start a conversation and then all of the sudden ghost.
It’s even worse in the gay dating pool, one significantly smaller than its heterosexual neighbor. And also sometimes much more shallow. It sometimes feels like an insurmountable task to try to meet someone that is looking for love and not just a hookup, meets some of your check marks (hopefully most and if they hit them all kidnap them and never let them go because you will never meet someone like them again), gets along with you and is generally a decent person.
Don’t even get me started on trying to meet someone in person, especially for the sometimes socially awkward person like myself. I was out last weekend with a friend grabbing a drink and saw this really cute guy with a bunch of his friends. I’m very shy with this stuff, and he was obviously with his friends celebrating one of their birthdays, so I wasn’t going to disturb him. But we kept locking eyes, obviously both into each other to some extent. Luckily my friend forced me out of my comfort zone and went and talked to the guy and told him to come and talk to me. I got his number and we have a date today, but if it wasn’t for my friend nothing would’ve happened. I probably would’ve been glued to my phone, too shy to say something to him in person while I frantically tried to see if he was on an app so I could woof at him.
What has this world come to? What have I come to?
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The 10 Scariest Forms That IT Takes Besides Pennywise The Clown
IT Chapter Two has finally been released two years after Any Muschietti's IT Chapter One initially came out, and its conclusion is just as thrilling and terrifying as the first installment in this pair of films. Of course, IT Chapter One and Chapter Two is an adaptation of the epic Stephen King classic IT, and watching this iconic book brought to life in all of its gruesome glory is exactly as fun and chilling as any horror fan would want it to be.
RELATED: IT Chapter Two Characters And Their D&D Character Alignments
Pennywise the Dancing Clown is the most beloved (and horrifying) form that the titular creature It likes to appear as, but Pennywise is a creature that can transform and create illusions of all kinds, based on the fears of whoever It is trying to terrorize. The creatures takes on a variety of different monstrous forms throughout Chapter One and Two, and here are the 10 absolute scariest appearances that it adopts in both films (other than Pennywise). Watch out for spooky spoilers if you aren't up to speed with the movies!
10 The "Real" Pennywise
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Bill Skarsgard's performance as Pennywise is as memorable as it is scary, but he's covered in so much makeup and prosthetics (as well as being enhanced with CGI) that it's easy to lose some of the subtleties and nuances of his performance. Although Pennywise is the form that It likes to take more than anything else, it's hard to imagine him as a real living person.
Seeing the real man who served as the inspiration for Pennywise the Dancing Clown is one of the scariest parts of IT Chapter Two, and it's easy to understand why a glimpse of him sends Beverly running for her life.
9 Betty Ripscom's Legs
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So, what's even scarier than a dead child terrorizing you? Half of a dead child terrorizing you, apparently. It Chapter One and Chapter Two director Andy Muschietti pulled both chapters together in an interesting and terrifying way with Betty Ripscom.
Betty is one of the children to go missing in the first chapter, and when the young Losers Club are in the Derry house of horrors, they wind up seeing Betty's torso hanging from the ceiling. In Chapter Two, Eddie and Richie are faced with the same choice of "scary" doors, and when they open them, a pair of legs with a removed top half come running at them, presumably Betty's.
8 The Headless Child
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Once again, Pennywise seems to have a natural understanding of the fact that a regular human being missing certain necessary parts can be more frightening than any monster or grotesquerie that he could conjure up, especially when trying to frighten children.
RELATED: IT Chapter 2 Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
Ben Hanscom was the first of the Losers Club to understand that things in Derry were even more sinister than they may seem, and that knowledge seems to have caught It's attention. In Pennywise's efforts to put Ben off of investigating further, he shows Ben an illusion of a headless child in the basement of the library, which would be enough to scare anyone off of their curiosity streak.
7 Georgie Denbrough
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Fear is something that exists within every living thing, but the type of fear that everyone experiences and the particular things that scare them are as individual as any human being. So, while there are typical horrific things that will scare anyone, the things that typically frighten one individual person can be something fantastical or something completely mundane.
The real Georgie Denbrough was anything but terrifying. However, when Pennywise takes on his visage it's easy to be scared, and it's even easier to empathize with the fear and pain that seeing Georgie would bring for Bill, given everything that his little brother had to suffer through.
6 The Hypochondriac's Horror
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The way in which Pennywise appears to each member of the Losers Club varies, because their fears all vary. However, many of Pennywise's visions and illusions are the kind of thing that anyone would be terrified of if they laid eyes on it. Eddie Kaspbrak is a complete hypochondriac, so being harassed by this poor, afflicted soul is a nightmare come to life.
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The creature that Eddie actually sees is a gruesome and terrifying sight in its own right. This oozing, drooling mess of a being barely looks human, and the thought of being chased by this monster is something that would scare anyone.
5 The Woman In The Painting
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When you're a kid, it's easy to get fixated on a very strange thing and become consumed by  it, especially when that particular thing is something that scares you. Often, once you become an adult, you can look back and realize that it was absurd to be that scared of something innocuous.
Or, when it comes to the case of Stanley Uris' fear, he could have looked back and realized that the lady in the painting was absolutely horrifying. Nobody knows the painting's origins, but at least it gave Pennywise some great nightmare fuel to bring to life.
4 Mrs. Kersh
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The characters in horror movies very rarely know that they're in a real life horror movie, but the Losers Club don't have that excuse. If you're in a town that is terrorized by an evil clown and you run across an old lady who is super creepy, do not stick around to see what happens because you want to be polite!
We aren't going to spoil what exactly Mrs. Kersh's "real" appearance is, but Pennywise really knew what he was doing when he wanted Beverly Marsh to be absolutely terrified by the transformation of this polite and welcoming little old lady.
3 Mike's Burning Parents
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Derry is a town with an extremely dark and tragic history, but the character in the Losers Club with the darkest and most tragic personal backstory is absolutely Mike Hanlon. Surviving a fire that consumed your parents alive is obviously a difficult thing to cope with, and it's understandable that the experience fuels Mike's worst fears.
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The vision of his parent's charred hands desperately trying to escape is really scary in its own right, but it's infinitely more frightening because, for Mike Hanlon, it's a reality he knows and has desperately tried to forget and leave in his past.
2 Alvin Marsh
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All of the kids in the Losers Club find themselves in a very scary situation once they cross paths with Pennywise, but it seems like some of the kids are more prepared to deal with him than others, because, quite frankly, their life experiences are already a house of horrors.
Beverly Marsh's home life is some of the vilest stuff in the entirety of IT. So, watching Pennywise take on the visage of Alvin Marsh is one of his scariest and most repulsive transformations.
1 Stanley's Head
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Pennywise takes advantage of all types of fear that all kinds of people experience. Some of those fears are out of this world and some of them are based on the most mundane of things, but Pennywise's most frightening form is a combination of both.
After Stanley's untimely death in Chapter Two, Pennywise uses a vision of child Stanley's severed head that has been transformed into a grotesque spider-monster to terrorize the remaining members of the Losers Club. This hideous creation is truly an inspired, awful image that should scare and repulse everyone who sees it, even the experienced-in-horror Losers.
NEXT: 10 Things About It: Chapter 2 That Make Absolutely No Sense
source https://screenrant.com/it-scariest-most-frightening-forms-beside-pennywise-clown-chapter-2/
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