#headers heroes of olympus
maddiesflame · 5 months
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dua lipa x percabeth layouts
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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edietrent · 5 months
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percabeth messy headers
like or reblog if you save.
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baatheblacksheep · 3 months
I made an unhinged Percy Jackson playlist if anyone cares
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godoffamine · 2 years
annabeth: do you want to come with me to-
percy: yes
annabeth: you didn’t let me finish
percy: “with you” is all I need to know
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minhortas · 1 year
im back to share my little worst attemp to draw the big three son's from pjo 🥴🥴
🎨: @.lukeenrique27
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booksreyna · 2 years
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✦ Percy Jackson — Wallpaper / Lockscreen
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ladymidnight13 on Pinterest
fanart’s: drex.drownings; Frostbite Studios
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barrowedits · 1 year
could you do heroes of olymous headers please?
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dutifullynuttywitch · 5 months
Avatar: art by the wonderful @lilyoffandoms
Header: created by the amazing @aallotarenunelma gifted by my lovely friend @thosehallowedhalls 💛
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Meet my MC: Autumn Nightbloom ✒️
Meet my mc for Blades, Autumn Nightbloom, an orphaned elf raised by kind farmers in Riverbend.
Things left unsaid ✒️
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Ⓜ️🔥 Angst, Explicit/NSFW)
Continuation of Blades 2 Chapter 3. Autumn reunites with Mal after her escape from the Shadow Realm. She stays the night to explore their relationship after a year apart.
Reflections on the eve of battle ✒️
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, angst)
On the eve of the Ash Empire’s invasion, Mal reflects on his feelings for Autumn and his fear of failing her. A take on Mal's inner turmoil throughout Blades 2.
A Thief's Oath ✒️
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Takes place several hours after the final battle in Blades 2. Autumn (MC) and gang have defeated the Ash Empress and merged the kingdoms. Mal wants to take care of his tired kit, so he makes good on his thief’s oath.
Pancake mornings ✒️🎨
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Mal tries his hand at making Heroes of Morella pancakes ... and Autumn considers more legitimate career choices for her handsome rogue.
A Whitetower Festival ✒️
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Mal and Autumn enjoy their first Whitetower Festival of Friendship and Love with friends and family.
Gifts & commissions
Bumbling adversaries ✒️
Mal and Daenarya encounter ferocious foes in the Deadwood...🐝 A gift for the lovely Dani
Untitled ✒️ Birthday ✒️
Lovely gifts by the amazing @thosehallowedhalls 💛
In the arms of night ✒️
A wonderful gift from Dani
Autumn nightbloom portrait 🎨
A gift by the incredibly talented Lily
Mal and Autumn waltz 🎨
A beautiful art commission by @hydn-jpg of my favorite pair waltzing under the Ash Empress' nose in Shroudwatch. Blades 2 chapter 14.
Pancake mornings 🎨
Gorgeous art commission by Artbyainna (IG), gift from the @choicesficwriterscreations January 2024 reading event. Post blades 2.
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Meet my MC: Eva Archer ✒️🎨
Meet Eva Archer, 25 yr old leader of the newly established Olympus colony, fiercely loyal friend and fighter.
Starlit night ✒️🎨
Troy Hassan x f!mc Eva Archer (teen, fluff)  
Several years before the events in Wake the Dead, Troy surprises Eva with a late-night outing within the confines of the Tower. 
Sisterly advice ✒️
Eva Archer and Brynn Archer (teen)
Eva and Brynn enjoy a rare day off.
Close call ✒️
Troy Hassan x f!mc Eva Archer (teen)
Eva is terrified that something may have happened to Brynn while out scouting.
Happy birthday Eva ✒️
Troy Hassan x Eva Archer f!mc
Troy surprises Eva with a special gift.. drabble by the wonderful @inlocusmads 💛
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HS1 revisited ✒️
Dino x f!mc, Lucifer x f!mc, Sammy x Adi, other pairings
Mature / explicit content Ⓜ️🔥
This is a completely self-indulgent rewrite of Heaven’s Secret 1. It will stay mostly true to the original story, delving into some of the main characters’ motivations and POVs, and a little more world-building. Dino-Lucifer-MC love triangle, and explorations of Vicky's relationship with Malbonte. Other pairings to come up.
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roman-and-azathoth · 6 months
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Hi, I'm Roman. Welcome to my blog.
I post whatever the fuck I feel like on this blog.
As of this post, I am tentatively reopening my ask box, feel free to ask about my ships, OCs, F/Os, headcanons, or even request drawings.
Commissions are open. DM me for details.
My internet mom is @theandrewgraves !! She made my blog header, AND we riff off of each other quite often in tags and reblogs, so if you see a lot of the same post, that is most likely what's going on. LOL.
Current ships:
-Yusuke Urameshi/OC
-Bakuquad/Izuku/OC polycule
-Various OC/Canon ships
-Various selfships
Current F/Os:
-Eijirou Kirishima
-Katsuki Bakugou
-Izuku Midoriya
-Denki Kaminari
-Nero Sparda
- Andrew Graves
- Yusuke Urameshi
- Yoko Kurama
- InuYasha
-Danny Fenton
Current Fandoms:
-Kingdom Hearts
-Yu Yu Hakusho
-Jujitsu Kaizen
-The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey
-The Legend of Zelda
-Danny Phantom
-Devil May Cry
-Baldur's Gate 3
-Dragon Quest
DNI if:
-Under 18
-Support AI """art"""
Also, if you're a fan of Lore Olympus, I'd rather you not talk to me. I'm a Hellenic Pagan and find the depictions of the gods in that series highly offensive.
Ask Box Dos and Donts:
-ask about my OCs
-ask about my ships
-ask about my F/Os
-ask about my HCs
-request artwork
-be respectful and polite
-send hate
-ask about my personal life offline
-attempt to gatekeep my posts
Violation of these rules will result in being promptly reported for spam and blocked.
Hateful or rude asks will be promptly deleted from my inbox without being answered. This blog is not a discourse blog.
If any of the shit mentioned in this post upsets you, this is NOT the blog for you.
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bonesofapoet · 2 years
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my dear, how sweet we could be
[roy harper x you ]
author’s note:  he literally has my whole entire heart rn like i cannot believe it took me so long to Get It?? zero regrets, never turning back, etc, etc. still trying to find my voice within his character tho, so hopefully this isn’t too Off as a first go :) and beautiful header from this post by @donnastroya​
word count: 1536
It was gentle, being with Roy.
He may be all unyielding hero and crystal clear sarcasm deflection, but he was also made of soft touches and sweet kisses that found a home in your heart and melted the hardened bones that intertwined seamlessly with your glowing soul.
Some nights may be spent wrist deep in bloody gauze with fingertips navigating tweezers through valleys of torn flesh to discover a bullet, X Marks The Spot and, babe your shoulder is not supposed to be a treasure trove of gold plated bullets, y’know that, right?
I tried to tell the other guy the same thing, y’know? To show my deep gratitude for becoming his personal - ow, darling’ - pincushion, he’ll be finding arrowhead fragments for months.
But the others. . .those coveted nights where it was just the two of you against the world in your quiet, cozy apartment? The atmosphere would sing hymns of peaceful waters safely navigated while you were wrapped relentlessly around one another. Candles danced lazy shadows against your walls of secrecy, illuminating the shadows in this home you had created slowly, carefully, painstakingly - together.
His gear was tucked away safe and sound in another room, beloved arrows scattered mid-build on the coffee table nearby. Your own work was hidden far away for the night, in the small kitchen nook you reserved for such endeavors. Sirens sounded beyond windows shut tight against the raging downpour, with wind blowing sheets of rain aggressively into the glass. Night had fallen quicker and louder, thanks to the storm arriving unannounced on the horizon.
They grew louder, the sirens chasing the thunder, as they came closer and closer to your neighborhood, your apartment building, your crowned hero-vigilante, snuggled up tight against your chest. Your legs were tangled mercilessly on your sofa, completely lost and found under the soft blanket draped carelessly across Roy’s waist and both pairs of feet. Your lips slipped on a smile, and you couldn’t help but tease.
“Sure you don’t wanna get that? Sounds like a calling card.”
“Nah,” he says, hugging your arms closer, tighter. You mirror him, always, squeezing where they lay looped around his waist. He shifts in your arms, flops his head lazily against your shoulder. You feel him smile, breath warm when he huffs a laugh against your neck. “I’m right where I need to be.”
It’s mumbled into your skin, chapped lips singing his point home when he presses a gentle kiss to your neck, your shoulder, your jaw. It’s a sigh that leaves your lips next, all contentment on the brink of bubbling laughter that fills the silence of serenity, then - inevitably - nudges it into the empty spaces of this relationship - fragile, sometimes - that you and Roy had crafted by mistake.
It was almost as if Eros himself had descended from his place on Mount Olympus to mark you as the next impression upon the Muses, all those months ago. An unlikely love story worthy of a melancholy song. You snorted at the thought and ducked your head into Roy’s shoulder, hoping to muffle the laughter that irony pulled from your chest. A low, rolling thunder covered the sound, but it did not hide the way your body shook against the man laying on top of you.
“Ohhh,” he drags out. “I get it. It’s all fun and games until we start getting serious -” the word is accented by a surprise squeeze to your side, and the sharp crest of the sirens turning onto your street. They muted your yelp at the unexpected jab. “ - and sappy, huh?”
You hummed, tongue poised and ready to tease him back in kind. The act of pulling away from the man draped across your lap was required, but. Instead of meeting his eyes, your gaze was pulled to the closest window - and, oh.
Lightning flashed to illuminate rain streaked window panes. The blurry glow of silhouette street lamps drove home the surprising streaks of nostalgia, of comfort, of home - and you realized they were now associated with arrows, with crime-fighting, and. . .with Roy Harper. It trickled down through your veins, this newfound awareness. It decided to tug on your heart, just then, and the sudden sharp inhale had both you and Roy creating space between you that was not necessarily welcome.
“No, “ you met his eyes, all soft green and walking a careful line - yet they lit with a spark nonetheless, when you smiled something kind, something sweet, when he began to separate himself from your arms. “No, no, no - stay right where you are.” your hands slid back to rest on his shoulders, tensing ever so slightly at the shift in your demeanor.
The solidity of these lightbulb moments weren’t always conveniently timed - nor were the reactionary aspects - but god. 
“It’s just that - it’s kinda - funny, isn’t it? We never  expected to find ourselves like this, but - we are, and it’s - it’s nice, y’know?” The tone you spoke with softens, and it melts like the tension you feel disappear from Roy’s shoulders. “It just kinda hit me, I guess. That, and I thought of an Eros pun.”
Slowly, Roy leans back to settle against your chest once again. It’s hidden from you, the small smile growing upon his lips at the mention of your joke, and - well. You had never failed to make him smile.
“Care to share with the class what’s so funny this time?”
“Just a classic tale about how the archer god of love has very clearly shot you, another archer, with a nifty trick arrow of his own. Ironic, isn’t it?”
He feels your head tip forward to rest against his neck, shadowed red hair tickling your nose all the while. Your breath is warm and steady against his skin, and Roy reaches up to pull your hands from his shoulders, wrapping your arms snug around him one more time. His touch is gentle, and so is his soundless laugh. He relaxes gradually, into you - the one stoking the fire in his chest, the one inspiring him to embrace how simple things could be - if only, if only, if only.
“Can’t say I’m complainin’, sweets.” he says, sentiment dripping lukewarm from his words. Your fingers cling to his shirt. “So you’re saying you like the sappy,” he says. That slight build of tension dies under the lightness of his voice - chased away by the weight of his calloused fingers slipping themselves between yours to hold.
Your answering laugh is quiet in his ear, the soft kiss to his shoulder is sweet. And right now, that’s all he needs. All he wants, really, at least for the night.
“Yeah, Roy. I like the sappy. And the serious.”
“Good,” he says, playing with your fingers. You feel them rise, cradled carefully between his own before they’re pressed to his lips. His kiss lingers, and you can’t help but bury your face in his neck at your own attempt to quell the sheer adoration blooming through your whole being. “Because I have way more where that came from.”
He feels your smile ignite against his skin, leans further into you when he returns your hands to his waist and you hold him tighter.
“I hope so,” your turn now, to mumble into him. “That mean you’re sure you're not going anywhere? Because I can still hear those sirens -”
You couldn’t, actually. They faded into the pounding rain and roaring thunder only moments ago.
“Are we gonna ignore movie night to see who the reigning Champion of Sarcasm is? ‘Cause if we are, I’m gonna need to go polish my crown -”
“I mean. We could do both.”
He hums. Starts to get up. “I think I hear my phone ringing -”
“Harper.” He doesn't get very far - you don’t let him. Within a heartbeat, Roy is, unceremoniously, pulled back into your chest with an oof. Smiles, laughter, matching in every way - they light up the room with the tabletop candles very clearly losing the quiet battle of luminance. “You’re right where you need to be, remember?”
It was gentle, being with Roy.
He may be all unyielding hero and crystal clear sarcasm deflection, but he was also all golden hearts and tender intensity. He steps carefully and quietly following your lead, always, one step, two steps, three steps ahead of you regardless. He was the halo of the sun gifted sparingly, the glow of radiance that dispels shrouded shadows within minutes, seconds, breaths. He gave grace freely, and you whispered it right back to him on nights spent under the bright moon, stars, the heavy weight h.of the lives you lead as if it could all come crashing down within a minute, a second, a breath.
And it could, you supposed. You wondered if Roy almost expected it to, sometimes. Maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn’t. All that mattered to you was the here, the now, the man curled up fearlessly against you, with arms wrapped around you too, now, and this was how you always hoped it would be. The two of you standing on your own two feet, yet tangled together against the whole entire world, until your very last breath.
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melonwithseeds · 5 months
✨melon's blog header✨
you can call me melon/jayden/mylo idc which you use
demiromantic (maybe quoiromantic as well), omnisexual, polyamorous
quoigender?? maybe??? who knows? not me
current special interests: Riordanverse, Stray Kids, Good Omens, Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things
chronic pain haver (my body is a temple and that temple is burning to the ground)
side blog for my fanfic: @ghostwriter-of-silly-things
heroes of olympus OC fanfic I will probably be still working on by the time i've finished uni but wtv
moot list in alphabetical order:
@gnostie <3
@shrineofimperfectdreams <3
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neuroticbookworm · 10 months
9 People You’d Like to Know More
Tagged by @blmpff and @lurkingshan, thanks besties! ^^
Last song: Bhoomi Bhoomi from the OST of Chekka Chivantha Vaanam
The YT lyric video has English translation in the subtitles, if y'all want to check it out. I'm just gonna quote my favorite line from the song here:
கடலில் மீன் ஒன்னு அழுதால் கரைக்கு சேதி வந்து சேருமா If a fish weeps in the ocean Will the news of its sorrow reach the shores?
Currently watching: Gay OK Bangkok 2 (highly, HIGHLY recommend before Only Friends) and Hidden Agenda
Next in line on my watchlist: Mama Gogo, 3 Will Be Free, The Warp Effect, Last Twilight in Phuket, I Promised You The Moon
Starting soon: Only Friends, Dangerous Romance, I Feel You Linger in The Air. My Tumblr header is soon gonna become wayyyyyyy more relatable to me than it already is.
Currently reading: The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
Current obsession: The inability of one (1) Joong Archen to button up his shirts (thanks for the compilation, @blmpff, *air kisses*). My personal favorite:
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Tagging @wen-kexing-apologist, @telomeke, @alan-apologist, @so-much-yet-to-learn, @thegalwhorants, @waitmyturtles, @chicademartinica, @miscellar, @ueasking. No presh!
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
I see you changed your tumblr banner (header?). Who are those characters?
it's a piece of fanart I found and loved. I changed the shading
left to right: Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson(Hispanic version of him) Rachel Elizabeth Dare(my favorite female character in the Percy Jackson series)
They're are(some of) my favorite characters from the Percy Jackson series(never read heroes of olympus). Don't really like many of the other characters in the book. Made a posts about it, describing what I mean:
Or just click the Percy Jackson tag on my blog. Over all these are my top three favorite characters. Plus I love shipping Nico or Rachel with Percy. While reading the books I hard core shipped Rachel and Percy. Hated they didn't end up together. I can't really stand the canon ships(mainly the girl Percy gets with).
Nico: Is a gay male character who is in canon in love with Percy. He's the son of Hades. Has cool powers and is called the ghost king.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare: Mortal human that runs with demigods and is an artist! Love her. Her red hair reminds me of Ariel.
Percy Jackson: Sassy Gremlin character who is the son of Poseidon. He's really funny, has adhd, and loves his mom.
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ahtkalfjalg 300 people are following this blog! thank you, that's crazy! i love you guys and for some reason you like my unhinged messy little brain so here's a celebration post 🎊❤❤
let's get the basics out of the way - send in the emojis as an ask. you can send in more than one but not 🟪 and 🟧 together. you can send in asks till 2st september. now, let's do this!
🟩 : so i have 8 playlists, send me a number from 1-8, I'll shuffle that one and give you the first three songs
🟪 : i'll make you a moodboard with an aesthetic of your choice
🟦 : give me a word or phrase and i'll try and come up with a few poetic lines struggling with writing songs rn so this might actually help me
🟧 : i'll make you a header for any fandom, character or ship that you choose (i'll put a list of the fandoms i'm part of below the cut)
🟥 : send me 3 song recs
🟫 : tell me about one of your OCs
yes i know i'm not actually doing anything for those last two
aaaand that's it for this time. i'll answer all your asks but please be patient with me, i'm quite busy at the moment
list of fandoms: mcu, the shadowhunter chronicles, agents of shield, percy jackson, heroes of olympus, the owl house, she-ra, stranger things, bad buddy, kinnporsche, six of crows, king of scars, all for the game, red white and royal blue, one last stop, i kissed shara wheeler, taylor swift
tagging some mutuals, i'm sorry if i forget someone! @stephensnoras @bluebirdflyingtoyou @fighting-god-69 @sassychaostrash @manyreasonstoworry @the-ethereal-aura @thechangeling @chaotic-coexistence @chaotixalex @jisbon-rocks @catboypranparakulisaro @quillsink @stevensgus @aqueerembrace @tamaraheartz @divorcedmoonlight @chaoticnessoverload @anotherteenageroninternet @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @jesse-is-spiralling @the-ghost-in-your-attic @silveredviolets @fauxdaylight @spaceflower113 @smoljigglypuff @disasterofahuman @quietgirl1998 @learningshelfcontrol @missus-chanandler-bong @taylorjamie @familyline @laserbatbunny @gayshipsandanxiety @gayforcarstairsgirls @jvneday @murder-is-always-an-answer @girl-of-ink @insomniactalks @vpsbf @kiara-herondale @becausedragonsarecool7
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godoffamine · 2 years
will: I’m going to a party.
nico: ok but don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
nico: that means no talking to anyone
nico: and no “having a good time”
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loganslowdown4 · 11 months
Extras & Headcanons 2023
That’s The Tea Logan Photo
Zapp Brannigan/Roman Meme
Twin Snakes/Janus Candy
Zodiac Meme Logan/Remus
Logince Meme
Double Trouble/Janus She-ra Comparison
Old Thomas Pics
Maybe New Janus & Remus Sketch Coming?
Never Ending List feat. Janus
One Ticket To Barbie feat. Logan
Turn Down Music feat. Virgil
I’m Sick feat. Roman
Thomas Channel Header July 2023
They Returned Me Logince Meme
Farmer Thomas Photos 🍆
Roman 🎧
Those Hero Shots (Redux)
Sound Off Sanders Sides
Patton and Janus Tropes I Love
How Logan Feels Love (Canon)
Patton Flips Off
Logan’ sLow down
Thomas Pic 2020
Logan Missing Poster
Young Wholesome Headshots
Sweeney Todd Casting (Aug 2023)
Theories In A Cafe (Ft. Deceit)
Anime Opening Logince Stuff
Talyn’s Coffee Order (from patreon livestream)
Over The Garden Wall Comic/Sides Detail
Logince Drabble (based on my quote)
Sanders Sides Stills w/Eye Colours
A Lil Logince Youtooz (Sep/23)
Crofters The Musical Appreciation Post
Accidental Renaissance Painting (DnD Slide Short)
SaSi Draw Your Squad of Accidental Renaissance
‘JUST Good Friends’ Stills
Getting Choked Up Over ‘JUST Good Friends’
2022 Calendar Art SaSi (& RWR Crack Theory)
Logince in SaSi Kids Cereal Mini Youtooz
Me As Quil Logince
Pre-Fanders Quil (Only SaSi Kids Cereal Mini Youtooz Plush)
Sweeney Todd Father/Daughter Selfie (Oct /23)
Green Screen BTS Shots from Anime Opening (Patreon Oct /23)
Daily Remus/Astrology Bot
Janus & Logan Created The Devils Plan (Netflix)
Patton Silly Meme
Nico’s 3rd Birthday (Oct 10/23)
Mini Plush Logince Moment
Sanders Sides + Text Posts Part 5
Logince Green Screen Junk
R&P Fan Cast
Sanders Sides + Text Posts Part 6
Sanders Sides + Text Posts Part 7
LNTAO 5th Anniversary
1st Anniversary Of Into The Unknown
Duality of Man Oct 2023
Equally Stupid Royality
Lee Calls BS
Roman Heels
Logan’s Birthday Message 2023
November Meme (Mean Months)
Inside Out 2 Anxiety
My Roommate Is Hades B99 Meme
Logan Pics Different Looks
Dreamy Thomas (floral shirt 2020)
Janus Shirt (Literally Don’t Care)
Fandom Ranking Tumblr 2023
Happy 4th Kill In The Blank/Detective Sanders
Scott Pilgrim Meme
When Logan Is Roman’s Secret Santa (Nov 23 Patreon Livestream)
Helios/Janus Lore Olympus Vol 5
Spamb0t Meme
Ncuti Sides
Sanders Sides All The Extras 4
What’s Going On In My Head Meme
Cool Dad Far Side Mug (Short)
The Smile The Reason Meme (Logince)
Mindpalace Lilly’s Birthday Dec 19
The Smile/ The Reason (platonic anxceit)
I’m Featured Fander/Perfect Gift Reaction Video
Lego Fortnite Livestream Shoutout Dec 2023
Janus Hoodie (yellow skull flowers)
Incorrect Quotes Meme
New Banner 2024
Just Minding Your Own Business meme
Surrounded By Idiots (Logan Book)
Back To The Grind (WTIT Meme)
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