#he’s scary in a car
firefly-sky · 1 year
kyle broflovski would have such road rage
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starry-bi-sky · 4 days
i think i'm hilarious -- aka i made blood blossom danny au memes
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all of these come from my DpxDC prompt "i am pushing the batdad agenda--" and it's corresponding additions in the reblogs ksdjlf.
i am. rotating them in my head. forever and always. personally i think there should be more batdad aus in dpxdc, their dynamic could be neat. :)
#THAT FIRST ONE TOOK ME A HOT MINUTE TO MAKE. i have never been more careful with a trackpad. imgflip doesnt have an undo button#i think its fucking hilarious#its a batdad au#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc#dc x dp#mmm i need to come up with a name for this au#found family ftw WHOOOO. i could just do a generic 'blood blossom au' tag but i want a specific one because i like being unique#eldest batkid danny au#chronically ill danny au#danny: im grateful he's helping me but im still kinda apprehensive...#battinson: vaults over a car to escape reporters. likes rock music. isn't fucking evil. punched a cop. actively looking for a cure#danny: ...huh. okay.#furiously pushing the batdad agenda for my own gain. just look at them guys. they're funny little guys.#unofficial witness protection to adoption pipeline.#bruce wayne accidental teen acquisition. save a teenager gain a son#its about the adventure of them going from strangers to friends to family :)#im bored of the bruce slander guys in the words of hermes from hadestown:#“[its] about someone who *tries”*#danny saw a funny man in a funny costume eat the side of a dumpster and has never related more with someone on a spiritual level#“brother eugh i feel that. oh heY WAIT HERO BUDDY?? SAME HAT??? SAME HAT?”#danny's been the only hero he's known since he was 13. on god he is leaping at this opportunity. like YES. PLEASE BE ANOTHER HERO#HELP ME GET AWAY FROM CERTIFIED CRAZY MAN. HELP. YOU'RE SCARY AND HIDING IN THE DARK. EVEN BETTER. HELP A BROTHER OUT HERE#blood blossom au#for the time being thats the name
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
Took the bus to the big city yesterday and it only stops near where I live in the early morning and late at night, so I left a bowl for Pandolf with enough food for his 2 meals of the day. He didn’t start eating because it was too early for breakfast and he’s punctilious about mealtimes, but I told him “Bon appétit” to Authorise The Kibble, then left. When I came home at night it was long past his normal dinner time yet I found the bowl half-full—he had eaten the breakfast portion but since he only got 1 bon appétit he didn’t dare to eat the rest for dinner. I don’t think if I had said it twice in a row he would have understood that one of them was a Bon Appétit voucher for his next meal unfortunately. But I’m always amazed by his scruples, he is the most principled animal I know. When he was a puppy he would try to stick his head in his bowl while I poured the food so I taught him to wait until he heard ‘bon appétit’ before going anywhere near it—and very quickly in his mind the words became an incantation that turns the contents of his bowl from a miasma of forbidden unthinkableness into edible food that belongs to him.
This is Pandolf waiting for me to cast the Legal Food spell:
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nico-di-genova · 2 months
Thinking about George’s crash and Zhou’s crash at Silverstone. How George, acting on instinct, parked his car forfeited his race, and hardly thought about rushing to help in anyway he could. How he talked about how scared he had felt, and how worried for Zhou he had been. How he found himself in a situation that must have been one of his worst fears and they didn’t red flag the race for him. Despite how much he was asking for one. No. They had him sitting on the track, unable to see the cars coming at him, trapped and frantically looking around waiting for that impact. Its horrifying. It shouldn’t have happened to anyone, and the fact that George showed his true character by immediately placing another drivers safety first, but the sport couldn’t do that for him in return is so upsetting.
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claracivry · 1 year
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Well done, my prince
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mamawasatesttube · 6 months
everyone who prompted "can you hear me?" from that list last night. well there's good news and bad news. the good news is i had a banger idea for what to do with it! the bad news is that it's definitely not gonna fit in a ficlet AND im out of town for the next couple days and probably won't have time to write so i Really hope i retain the "oh shit this is a banger idea" juice 😩😩😩
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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Fernando S1E5 - “Mission Accomplished”
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0046incognito · 3 months
how do you animate? ive always wanted to but idk where to start, any advice? love your art btw
thank you!! i Love encouraging people to learn to animate it seems daunting at first but once you get the hang of the basics you can basically do anything
i Started learning animation by not even animating, i just would rewatch all the original animaniacs skits animated by tokyo movie shinsha over and over again and go through them frame by frame to study the timing and movement on any shots i liked, timing is probably the Most important part of animation and a lot of it genuinely just comes down to intuition, so it's good to get into the habit of studying any animation you like frame by frame, i Still do this all the time [usually just for fun but also to use as actual tangible motion reference in whatever i'm working on, for example i learned to animate lightning effects from hunter X hunter and i learned to animate floaty bouncy movements from perfect blue]
BUT i'm getting ahead of myself, basically it's good to study animation you like before jumping right into actually animating, but that won't do you any good if you don't understand the fundamentals!! this also gives me an excuse to do a warmup for once which i usually skimp out on [<-hack fraud]
the first thing ANY animation class will teach you is The Dreaded Bouncing Ball [<-i actually like animating balls][<-intentional euphemism], because it's both simple And teaches you really essential basic animation skills such as A) motion, in general B) timing C) how timing sheets basically work, and occasionally D) squash&stretch!
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you'll sometimes see animators draw charts with a bunch of lines off in the corner of a page, that's basically an old-timey timing sheet! each dash on the line indicates how many frames for a particular movement; for example, the top ball bounce has more frames bunched up at the top where it moves slowly, less frames when it's moving fast
if every motion you animate uses the same number of frames to do any movement, it'll look weird, because nothing in real life typically moves like that. you can demonstrate this in real life by just moving your hand in front of your face from one side to the other really fast; you won't see it in the middle, because that's where it's moving the fastest. this is basically where the principles for smear frames comes from!
the second thing they teach you in animation school is flour sacks so really animation is just all about nothin but balls and sacks
but the flour sack exercise is slightly more complicated so my advice for Getting STarted really ends here. once you have the hang of bouncing balls, you can apply those principles to things like character animation; some of the first "character animation" type things i ever animated when i was first learning were just really quick expression changes and flinching. this also teaches you about anticipation and what richard williams [author of the animator's survival kit highly recommend seeking out a PDF of that, he also was animation director on who framed roger rabbit and he made thief&the cobbler, he also animated some sequences on the raggedy ann&andy movie] calls Takes&Accents
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this is a Really Really simple way to get started on character animation, this is only four frames! a lot of really bouncy-looking anime tend to animate their expressions pretty much exactly like this. you can always add more frames to make it smoother or more expressive, sometimes you'll also see an "anticipate up" frame before the "anticipate down", but remember the Timing is key so if you're adding more frames, try not to shift the timing too much or it might look awkward
OK i have spend like two hours typing this up instead of actually working on what i was supposed to today LOL i hope this helped at all if you have any more questions ever feel free to ask i Love talking about animation
OH ONE MORE THING!!!! i started learning animation in adobe animate [the software that was formerly Flash] but it SUCKS!!!! DON'T USE ADOBE ANIMATE!!!! i currently use a pirated copy of toonboom harmony which is THE industry standard 2D animation software and also just the best art program i have ever used in general, but it is CRAZY expensive that's why i pirated you can also invest in a perpetual license for clip studio paint pro or EX, but pro only lets you use 24 frames Total on a timeline and EX is like two hundred somethin dollars, OR i've heard decent things about procreate dreams? which is a mobile app IDK if it has a desktop version but i think it's only like twenty bucks
OK good luck have fun everyone please enjoy animating
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frecklystars · 9 months
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Ken immediately shielding this complete stranger when he sees a "scary unmarked black truck car" pull up. My goddamn sweetheart.
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kingprinceleo · 7 months
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Oh fuck me fuckme fuck me
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nat-without-a-g · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time the children of season 1 dads had to be distributed amongst the players— and because one of the 5 aforementioned characters took a sudden one-way trip to the infernal plane, Lark specifically had to be paired off with the missing character’s correlating player— I would have two nickels.
It isn’t a lot, but I like to read into both instances for absolutely no reason. They mean something to me.
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adaine-party-wizard · 6 months
i really need to rewatch fantasy high and fhsy especially cause i think i relate to fig more than i thought i did at first watch
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
Ok but what do you think the experience of teaching the kids to drive was like for Alicole? I’m literally laughing at all of the images lollll
Alicole is gonna have some grey hairs after teaching 4 kids, their kids in particular, to put it one way.
all of them are, lovingly, nightmares when it comes to driving, and they give their parents a run for their money with how many ways they can be nightmares.
Aegon's a natural driver, he's just anxious as all hell, he has no trust in people or the rules of the road to actually keep him safe, he stalls and flounder's a lot, especially when crossing lanes of traffic to get somewhere. he's convinced driving is useless the first close call he experiences, cause this is just too dangerous and there are too many variables and people are stupid. but as time goes on and he is forced to drive more and more, his parents supporting him to just let himself get used to it, he begrudgingly goes for his permit and then his license, and while he's still an anxious driver, he doesn't mind it. (he likes driving late at night on back roads, cause there's never anyone out there). he definitely choked both his mum and his dad with his harsh stops, initiating the seat belt lock as they slam into them. Criston nearly lost it when Aegon stalled out on a 5-lane intersection, they don't like to talk about it.
Helaena is very literal when it comes to rules of the road. she's definitely like me when I first learned to drive, going exactly the speed limit, trying to drive straight by making sure her steering wheel is perfectly center instead of making little corrections here and there, so she ends up going more or less diagonally at times, a little heavy on the gas. plenty of things that makes her parent's anxious, especially cause a lot of people on the road get angry about her going "so slow". but once she gets the hang of it she's a good driver, though she prefer's to be a passenger princess, as she likes to be able to continue her daydreaming, and is a bit of a speed devil. definitely listens to audiobooks and bug documentaries in the car.
Aemond took forever to learn to drive, cause he not only had to learn the basics, but he had to learn to drive down an eye and with a bunch of driving accommodations. he's really committed and not all that bad at it, his parents anxiety mostly comes from the fact that he wants to drive a big ass truck and that he is a very confident driver with multiple large pinches of road rage. it's a lot less of them trying to teach him to drive, he picked that up over night, it's trying to keep him from committing vehicular manslaughter.
Daeron, like always, as he was raised by his siblings, picked up both the best and worst of them. He's very all or nothing, he's either going smooth and fast or slamming the breaks, super focused or his head's in the clouds, can be very apologetic on the road, but if he gets pushed around too much, he's going nuclear. he's truly their source of grey hairs, after Aemond, they make him wait till like... 18 or 19 to actually get his license, and it isn't helped by the fact that he's the baby of the family, so they're naturally a little overprotective. funnily enough, when him and his siblings are doing things they probably shouldn't, he's the designated driver, even prior to him getting his license (just wait till Alicole finds out they're going to have a stroke).
the kids all stressed them out, but they love them.
Bonus: The kids and their cars.
Aegon has an older Volvo sedan, it might have been golden at one point, but the paints worn to hell, so it's now a yellowy silver color, its like his baby, not in like... a car fanatic way, but in the teenage boy with his first care type of way... there's a difference I swear. its got black leather interior that he takes care of like his life depends on it, the passenger seat is only clean of trash for his sweet sister, the outside is all sorts of dinged and scratched (mostly prior to getting it) but he still takes it to get washed every two weeks, spends an hour in the self help section vacuuming it out and using all the sprays and tools. he defintly has to do a little dance to get it driving but he refuses to get rid of it till after the babes come and they need to upsize (he kept it and planned to give it to his kids when they got older, ignoring the fact it was pothole away from crapping out).
Helaena has a white kia soul, probably from the early 2000s. she saw it at a used car lot and liked 'face' it had (I think those cars look sorta... buggy? Idk I'm not a car person, it just felt like a car she'd float towards). takes good care of it, but isn't like Aegon. she keeps it clean, gets it cleaned once a month or two, and decorates the hell out of it. Crocheted steering wheel wrap, seat belt covers, seat covers, things to hang from her rear view mirror and hand holds, etc. (all the kids had her make ones for them too) and they're all bug/nature themed.
Aemond has a huge green truck, I'm talking diesel 4-door, you have to use the footstep to get into it and even then you need to like, pull on the seat to give yourself enough momentum. this thing is his baby, in the car freak sorta way. its getting cleaned every week, he puffs it and waxes it and does all that weird 30 different products, 12 microfiber towels, and a blood sacrifice shit car guys do. it has extra mirrors for him so he can see easier.
Daeron has a jeep, his car's newer, does basic upkeep on it, but is a little rough. he likes taking her (he definitely refers to his car as 'her' and 'she' and 'my girl') off road, likes taking his dog with him (mentioned in a previous post, he has a dalmatian) after going on hikes and to watering holes. she's seen some shit, is covered in a perpetual layer of dirt and dog hair, but he loves it. keeps the top of 90% of the year. his dog is his passenger princess. his siblings sit in the back 9/10 if Tess (his dog) is with them. only person who gets the dog booted is his mom and dad, and later on once they've grown a bit, his niece and nephew's. (I do think Daeron would be the sibling to fix up an older sports car, but I can't decide on what he would pick to fix up)
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takethelx3 · 5 months
I'm a little late cuz time slipped away from me but happy birthday Hiiro (even though,,,,, uhhhh,,, I ended up drawing everyone in ur bday image?)
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(Hiiro is overcome with love for his besties on his bday I put tears in his eyes I know he's not the type to cry a lot but I think it's not illegal if he cries on his bday bc he loves his fam)
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subwaytostardew · 3 months
falls to my hands and knees. please god let me date cilan
Just going to put a disclaimer that Cilan is in his 20s in this mod before continuing... (Since he's 16 in the anime but... The mod takes place after Best Wishes.) Kids may be able to be champion and fill government positions back in Unova, but Cilan is at a legal working age so he can open his own cafe in Stardew Valley. He didn't have to give up his job as a sommelier when moving. He would be around the Sam-Sebastian age range.
We might add that as an option later after we start on the roommate Cilan update, but that won't be until much MUCH later on our to-do list. We want to write his platonic route first (less rewriting... Ingo's whole route is going to need a rework but Emmet is mostly fine until after 8 hearts). Cilan's romance route probably won't be too different from his roommate route outside of kissing him instead of hugging. There's a lot more for him to do outside of that! He's an everything connoisseur! He'll get too caught up in his infodumps to remember to say "I love you". He's sorry!
That also reminds me........ I never drew a blushy/embarassed portrait for him! I organized the portrait sheet I posted earlier wrong! The first 6 boxes are hardcoded so they need to be in order of neutral, happy, sad, anything, blush, and angry. His angry portrait was where he was supposed to blush and the first of his many infodumping expressions was where he was supposed to be angry! Anyways... Here's his blushing/embarassed portraits.
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Still planning out how to write him and what his storyline would be but this is what I had so far:
Cilan is unsatisfied with just running a resturaunt with his brothers back in Unova. After travelling with Ash and Iris, he's a little bored; he craves adventure, travel, and excitement- so he jumped at the opportunity to open a faraway cafe in a new station built by submas. The farmer introduces him to the new flavors of the valley (quite literally... Grow him some corn or something and he'll lose his mind) and Cilan takes an immediate interest in them after that. He's happy to cook up new recipies with all the ingredients he has access to!
Along the line, Cilan expresses insecurity about not being sure about what he should do with himself since he doesn't like feeling tied down with only one line of work... He loves being able to explore new experiences! Staying cooped up in a resturant doesn't stimulate his hunger for knowledge (he loves knowing it all... if he can't infodump about everything ever then what's the point 💔). Identity crisis aside, he also feels pressured to stick to one line of work since he's aware that others are annoyed by his interest in well... everything. The farmer reassures him that they like listening to him infodump and that it's good to be enthusiastic about everything! They also help him realize that he doesn't necessarily need to settle down and that he can just do whatever makes him happy. The farmer's a farmer, but most of their time is spent running around slaying monsters and stuff in various dungeons! Cilan kind of freaks out when he learns about that but it does spark his interest so he requests to tag along with the farmer on their next adventure.
Cilan ends up really liking the farmer's adventuring antics and they get closer as friends with him tagging along being a regular occurence. Farmer gets a healer. Cilan gets to forage for more ingredients while having fun learning about various monsters/swordfighting/the mysteries of the valley/etc and infodumping to someone who likes listening to him. He makes a good farmhand, too! They might as well live together. So that ends up being an option.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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dutchimagine · 10 months
pov: You hear a knock on the rear window
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and man door hand hook car door
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