#he would TREAT me niceys
loving-delusions · 10 months
girls (gender neutral) help...
rf wally is a comfort character and i can't....... get rid of him......................
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suguru-getos · 1 year
Angry much? | Keigo Takami x F!Reader | Warnings: Degradation, brat-taming, spanking, mean dom!Kei, Still loves you so he’s niceys only you don’t want him niceys iykyk :3
Shoved down on the mattress face first, ass up and beautifully perked on sight for Keigo to do whatever he wishes. Your soft rabid pants were paid no heed to, your futile struggling as well. “Move again and I will fuckin’ tie you up.” Keigo was not nice today, you understood that. You didn’t want him to be nice today in the first place.  “Ngh-” you managed to break out in a fake, resisting murmur which granted you a harsh spank on the curve of your ass. Keigo had long fingers, and a sturdy hand especially when he administers control and reprimands. 
Oh and you love every second of it, sending jolts and waves into you, making you gasp and rut for more. Which is exactly what you did, arching your ass up for more. “Such a needy fuckin-” Keigo stopped, he didn’t want to degrade you. He was very clear about when degradation will happen, it will never be in anything heated, it will only be when you ask for it and both the conditions didn’t suffice.  “AH-” You managed to break out in a whimper, feeling another hit land right across the same spot, while his feathers quickly ripped off your clothing. Keigo was pent up, his emotions brimming with carnality which needed to be taken out, drunk by you and accepted by you. You hissed, feeling two or three paper cuts in your inner thigh from his ever so sharp blade like plumes.  “You okay? Shit-” Keigo registered the happening scenario, taking immediate back foot. “I’m okay don’t you dare stop~” You whined out, resisting it with a boulder-like determination. 
An amused smirk ran down Keigo’s face, “Painslut” He cooed, watching you smirking at the audacious nickname, granting him a ‘Yes’ to the degradation. He realized maybe he shouldn’t be too gentle; kissing your reddened ass once more, before using his feather, making it sturdy and landing another sharp hit right across. You screamed this time- deliciously dancing around in the high of pain and pleasure.  Another- Another scream... Another- Another scream... Another... and you couldn’t scream anymore. The resistance building and your cunt squeezing around nothing, you needed him.  “You pissed me off today, you understand?” Keigo was stern, almost making your confidence shake with uncertainty of the consequences.  “Yes, I understand.” Another hit landed across your ass, this time arching you forward as you squealed, pressing your legs together and tearing up.  “What do you understand?” Keigo’s charming voice echoed, hands sympathetically soothing onto your now bruised ass. “I should have taken your feather with me.”  You managed to speak clearly, knowing full well if you didn’t, if your voice wavered, Keigo would soften up and you didn’t want that.  “Yeah, exposed yourself to?” Keigo murmured, spreading your pussy lips and watching your juices dribble down, softly kissing your needy clit and leaning away. “To danger” You whined out, arching up and shoving yourself closer to his face again. “Grind like a slut and I won’t even grant you friction. Tie you up all night and abuse your pretty tits so your pussy learns to fuckin’ behave.”  You clenched around nothing, it sounded so delicious you’d almost willingly brat more. Then again, Keigo’s tongue feels better anyways. “Sorry.” “Are you?” “Yeah” “Get on your back and present your cunt then, I’ll decide whether to fuck you or not from your desperation” Oh you love him- how his eyes were still tender, mixed with authoritative siren gaze eating you up. You also wanted to be put in your place anyway, Keigo treats you like glass. About time he atleast changes that, scarcely maybe.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 3 months
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The person in the tags really said "I see kindness and emotional availability as inherently feminine traits" like congrats! That's the radf/em brainrot!
Idk, why might people pick emotionally open men who aren't steeped in toxic masculinity to headcanon as trans? Is it maybe because of the intense pressure on the transmasc community to not "give in to our inherent toxicity" or "defy the evil nature of our manhood"? Is it maybe simply because people pick characters they like and relate to, to headcanon as sharing their identity? Should people be picking unkind and emotionally unavailable characters to personally headcanon because you don't like that the characters they feel connected to are niceys?
Also, wow, that's some transmisogyny in "the characters headcanoned as trans women are usually mean and aggressive". Are they? Are they really? Or are they unafraid to stand up for themselves in a way that transfems find empowering? Is there a transmisogynist expectation put on us to just take abuse and that we're dangerous and mean and aggressive if we refuse to? Also, I'm just curious, how many of these "mean and aggressive" characters aren't white? Is this an endemic problem of "mean, aggressive" characters, or is it simply a character type that's commonly found to be empowering?
Also just. "It's wrong that an alleged majority of headcanoned trans men are about nice people and an alleged majority of headcanoned trans women are not". So its wrong for people headcanoned as trans to be nice... but also to be mean? Like sure, don't get me wrong, there's a point to be made about variety in representation but these are headcanons. This is personal fandom. This isn't corporate media, it isn't even really media a lot of the time, not even fanworks! Headcanon≠rep in any way, shape or form.
But I do find it curious that whether characters should be treated as more nice or more mean is gendered, especially when I've seen other transfems make the exact OPPOSITE complaint about transfem headcanons - that they rely on misogynistic standards of femininity, especially in terms of "acceptable behavior" and that they in fact wished people would examine that and consider headcanoning women who were messy and imperfect as transfem. But, y'know.
(Also, this is focusing on a specific type of headcanon, almost to the point of tunnel vision. Because I guaran-fucking-tee there are plenty of transmasc headcanons that aren't "emotionally available sensitive man". Like, really showing that anecdotal bias. I've seen fucking Dean Winchester headcanoned as transmasc. Just about every TF2 character. Kim Kitsuragi, who I don't know much about but even if he is kind and emotionally available I do know he's supremely fucking dysfunctional. Harry Dubois as well, who I KNOW is not emotionally fucking available. Apparently from my trans partner, Sans fucking Undertale. Certain interpretations of botw/totk Link. Fucking interpretations of Miku Hatsune. Jade Hunter from Rainbow High.
But really, I keep going back to "people see feminine traits and say trans man because they see trans men as women" when the only traits named were LITERALLY "kindness" and "emotional availability". Fucking. If you think only women are kind and emotionally available you're reinforcing toxic masculinity and are in for a rude fucking awakening at toxic femininity and women who are bullies in general, and how these attitudes allow them to face less or even no consequences.
My fucking gods. Kindness and emotional availability. Feminine traits. Fuck.
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megabuild · 2 months
Big Man Jim!
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most are neutral here mainly because i think jimmy in relationships is sort of particular and weird. because you have to treat him so niceys. theres an assumption in place that he will die first and be generally useless and i think that anyone getting into an alliance with him who follows that assumption even subconsciously is already doomed.. i cant explain jimtyn. because it would require me thinking about my very ooc and horrid version of martyn. and ive thought about him enough already
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meirimerens · 2 months
for viktor kain so loved his gay son he asked his dead wife to give me some kind of psychic arm ache through sheer undead force of the witch just so i would be kept from drawing his son's cringefail return to his hometown 5 years later after he's been to private all boys' school and he slowly realizes he's the same old piece in a wholly new puzzle even his old rival fits better in. viktor tell your wife to unhand me if she's gonna treat me like that. treat me nicey
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thegeminisage · 2 months
star trek update time. last night* we watched tng's "attached" and ds9's "necessary evil." *i am typing this at fuck o clock it will go up when im at work
attached (tng):
ok, the premise of this is basically every spirk fic ever, right...? "ooh, we accidentally have a telepathic connection and our feelings are revealed"
to get this out of the way, i like how much worf e riker e deanna was in the b-plot of this, even just circumstantially (i missed data though). i also think riker finally getting fed up with the aliens and giving them shit was really funny. riker is never mean to ANYBODY. i'm also glad he was relatively chill about picard being missing for once lol. like, in NO way were these assholes ready to enter the federation. not to agree with picard, but PART of a world can't enter. if you haven't mastered world peace you can't sit with us etc etc. not that i'm fully buying the propaganda of the federation as the ultimate good or that earth does somehow have world peace but whatever. even i know these guys weren't ready. what a fucking joke
frankly stunned this didn't lead to discussion about the affair baby wesley crusher. yes i know picard said he would never act on it. i don't care about that. i KNOW these people have had an affair baby. they're the type. he would knock her up and leave her high and dry. it's the kind of man he is. don't tell me there's no affair baby. i know what i know. there IS an affair baby!! i will die on this hill
actually, even though i dislike picard, i think sir patrick stewart is a v talented actor and i DO like him. i also really like beverly, so they managed to be charming a couple of times in this episode, mostly when they had a thought we couldn't hear and then started snickering about it
that said, i have no respect at all for jean-luc. the campfire conversation sucked. beverly was DEEPLY flattered and also in a little bit of a vulnerable position and he WAS LYING when he said he didn't feel that way anymore bc he tried to hit her up at the end of the episode. a man would have HELD HER, jean-luc. i would have held her. beverly crusher i would treat you so much better
this is insane bc i don't even have a crush on beverly. like genuinely. i only talk like this about sophie devereaux and brit marling characters. i just think it's outrageous her man doesn't treat her better. i almost had a fit when it came out he didn't like the breakfasts until beverly responded in kind also lol her saying croissant w the french accent
them getting sick when they split up was really funny. jean-luc, time to ruthlessly experience morning sickness. this is how it was after you left her high and dry post affair baby conception
the bait and switch at the end fucking killed me i love beverly making him ask and then turning him down GOOD FOR HER but i have no idea what motivated the entire thing. like, was the goal to get them together before the series ended? ok, why keep them apart? why show her pushing him through to safety at the expense of her own if she was gonna turn him down? why was she giving dtf vibes there at the end? like i was YELLING at him to go to her and then he did and she was like "actually nah." which was FUNNY and again good for her but what the fuck? i thought she wanted him. i just want her to be happy.
necessary evil (ds9):
i knew going in that this was an odo episode but AN ODO AND KIRA EPISODE??? swoon. oh my god she was the first person to give him his little constable nickname. HURL. KILL MEEEEE
actually, odo/kira and odo/quark people were BOTH getting fed during this ep. odo like yeah idc about quark but im gonna solve this murder case w extreme prejudice. i like both so i had a great time
every single mention of odo's dehumanization in the past makes me HOMICIDAL please treat him really niceys. i would kind of like to know what the cardassian neck trick is though. just not from odo
"i dont drink" fuckin hilarious. i think odo should shapeshift himself a digestive system so he can try food. um one that can digest stuff in 16 hours i guess or it would all just fall out when he gooped again. we tossed around the idea of chewing gum, since you just spit that back out eventually. but does he even have tastebuds, or just the approximation of them? his other senses seem to work ok........
the window in this acted SO sketchy like she was fake crying at her third dead husbands funeral after she just inherited a zillion dollars but she literally was innocent. she pointed at kira and was like girl she did it and we're like NO kira's innocent! and then kira is literally not innocent but shady sketchy widow is. incredible
kira with long hair my beloved. i would hate it if she had long hair in present day but it's perfect for past kira
ds9 looks SO BAD in the past. to have children running around and playing in it now is insane. you can really feel the difference between the cardassian occupation and Now so well in this episode, it's as striking to us as it would be to kira and odo
ohhh my god kira and odo. "will you ever trust me again" he's not even mad she killed that guy just mad that she lied about it. AUGHGHGHG
but when kira did something shady it was for a good cause. when odo was being shady he was indirectly working for the fucking cardassians. "choose a side" so true but he eventually chose kira's <3
i love deeply that he didn't try to fuck her. like it genuinely didn't even occur to him. ace king.
40s mystery style of this was so fun. odo narration is so funny bc like he doesnt wanna do it and his log is just one sentence bc he thinks its fucking stupid and then by the end of the ep hes like man am i supposed to be usign this thing as a diary?? girl dont worry about it james t kirk did the same fucking thing
final note: rom in this episode was amazing. i've never really given him more than a passing thought before this but him secretly being a fucking amazing thief was truly fantastic. sisko and odo good cop bad copping him was really funny too especially when you remember his son and sisko's son are besties. i would still rank the ferengi as my least favorite ds9 characters but i was pleasantly surprised with how often i laughed
TONIGHT: tng's "forces of nature" which sounds like. its gonna make me mad lol
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iamknicole · 2 months
Baby Shower
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Ten weeks flew by in a blur for everyone except Haleigh. She was so anxious and ready for her due date, she barely gave the baby shower a second thought. The only thing that excited her about it was that it meant she was that much closer to her due date.
Getting to the venue, Ardian helped her out of his SUV and pushed her hair from her face. She couldn't help but giggle at the excited look on his face. He was honestly more excited than she thought he would be especially since Roman and Rezar made it clear that they would be putting together all the furniture later that night.
He nodded, grabbing her hand. "Yup. I got really good food at your gender reveal."
"Really?" She laughed. "Not for baby boy but for the food."
"I'm excited for him cause he get to eat good food too. Me and my best friend gon have a good day."
Haleigh waddled beside him, shaking her head.
When they got inside, Tia approached them with pins and pointed them to their chests. She ignored Ardian's protests about his pin, silencing him with a quick look.
"I'm gonna steal Mommy for a few minutes. Come on, Hae." Tia pulled Haleigh's hand away from Ardian and stared to gently pull her away.
"Wait," Ardian called out. He leaned over to talk to Haleigh's belly. "Don't kick Mommy too hard cause you think I left. I'm still here, best friend."
Tia chuckled. "But you ain't wanna put the pin on. Uhuh."
When they walked away, Ardian spotted them men in his family with the men in Haleigh's family. He went over to them to avoid getting hit later for not speaking. Rezar snorted seeing the pin and the other men laughed.
"See? Told you that's yo son," Eli joked slapping hands with him. "Glad to see you coming around to the truth."
Ardian laughed. "He just my lil best friend."
"Even I don't hold onto a lie this long." Tyrell joked slapping hands with his nephew.
"You barely let them outta your sight and when you not with them you texting and calling to check up on em. I had to make her let me take her to the store the other day." Jimmy said as he squeezed Ardian shoulders.
Jey nodded, agreeing with his brother. "Right, she kept telling me uhn uhn, Unc, Ardi gon take us. Had to put my foot down just to see her."
Roman and Rezar laughed listening to the men go on and Ardian blush. While they were talking, Haleigh was being interrogated by her sister in law and cousin in laws. They listened to her with smirks on their faces.
"Just friends? In what world?" Aunni laughed.
"They must have changed the meaning of friends." Nola joked.
Haleigh rubbed her belly, trying and failing not to laugh. "Talk been talking to Nicey and Morgan or something? Starting to sound like them."
"We actually hadn't yet," Tia admitted, "Only our mother in laws."
Haleigh rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course it was them. Me and him are just friends."
Nola rubbed Haleigh's back then her belly and spoke softly. "We know you're still a little shell shocked from the bitch boy so you're hesitant. And you don't wanna rush into anything while you're still carrying my nephew. But you can't keep running from your feelings, I know once he gets here neither of you will be able to or want to."
Aunni, Haleigh and Tia stared at Nola without saying a word making her chuckle.
"I know it's bad if you're talking softly and being nice." Haleigh half-heartedly joked.
"That's right so you better listen cause that doesn't happen often."
The older women were making sure the food and treat tables were set up how they wanted and talked amongst themselves. Kandice and Tasha introduced their family to one another before the shower started.
"Guess you're a grandma too now," Apryl joked.
Kandice pinched her cousin. "Didn't I tell you not to call me that. I'm sure Tasha held the same way."
"And I do," Tasha nodded, "I am not a grandma."
Apryl laughed at the faces they made. "Grandma, Mama, Nana, GiGi ... either way yall got a grabdbaby coming."
"And don't be like your child and deny it." Monique added.
"Kandice, I say we don't invite these heffas when Hae has the baby for getting on our nerves."
"I think that's a great idea," Kandice answered.
Games were played, activities were done and now everyone was sitting around talking and eating. Haleigh sat at the table she shared with Ardian, waiting for him to bring their food to the table. In his absence, Roman slid into his seat, nudging his babygirl's shoulder playfully making her smile.
"Hey, Daddy."
"What's going on, Princess? How are you and my lil guy?"
"We're good, he pretty calm." She responded leaning against him. "What about you?"
He nodded, taking a look around the room. "I'm actually pretty good. You and lil guy have a lot of love in this from. I know at the beginning you were worried about how it would go without that boy but look at where we are now. He left to make room for someone even better."
She nodded listening to him.
"I know that boy tried to fuck up how you view men and relationships and trust but Ardian is changing your mind. Am I right?" He asked looking over at her.
"He is, Daddy."
"And I know it's scary but it's good for you and lil guy. Whatever your choice, you know Daddy's always her, Princess."
She smiled. "I know, Daddy."
"Good," he murmured kissing her head. "I hear he's gonna be in the delivery room with you."
"He is. He asked and I had been thinking about it so I was glad he did. You think I'm doing the right thing?"
"Doesn't matter what I think, Princess. But yes, I do."
"Thank you, Daddy. For everything."
"Don't have to thank me." He paused to look around once again. "Picked a name yet?"
"Yup," she answered proudly.
He chuckled. "Gonna share?"
"Nope! Everyone including Ardian finds out when he's born, Daddy."
Roman huffed playfully and kissed her head again before getting up. He helped Ardian out the plates on the table then slapped his back softly as he passed him. Making sure the two of them were occupied, Roman went to Rezar speaking softly.
"Step outside with us, real quick, big man."
Rezar nodded. "Everything okay?"
"My nephew wanted to show me and my cousins some texts he got. We may or may not need to make a trip later. We can leave Ardian out of it for now, Princess isn't gonna let him outta her sight right now."
"Sounds good," he smirked. "I'm gonna grab my brother in laws."
"Alright, meet yall outside."
Roman left Rezar, kissing his wife’s cheek as he passed her then went to his son. He squeezed his shoulder as he passed him, inconspicuously nodding towards the door. Catching the hint, Koda made eye contact with Eli and Milo and looked at the door.
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
Honestly, the double standard for WC characters is so weird (and misogynistic of course). Nobody thinks it's weird ships like SquirrelCr0w <- (so it doesn't go into the tag) is weird, when most depictions overlook Crowfeather's abusive behavior or even ignore what he did to Breezpelt entirely? His neglect of Breezepelt is treated as afterthought if ever acknowledged at all. His treatement of Leafpool or Nightcloud? Nah, who cares about that! His red flags in his relationships after Feathertail aren't even there. Crowfeather would be a great father to Squirrelflight's kits and mate, unlike stinky Bramblestar (who he acts near identical to anyways, and the only difference is he doesn't have an unhealthy power dynamic as her leader or deputy to use against her). Heck, from what I've seen it's usually Feathertail encouraging him to be sooo niceys too, so it's not like HE does introspection (ofc I'm sure that's not always the case but still worth bringing up), so it's not even a matter of him growing as a person. Meanwhile, if you decided to ship Palebird with anyone people would start freaking out. Or if you even breath about Nightcloud since the fandom and books are so desperate to absolve their little uwu boy. I get that AUs are supposed to be fun, but the double standard is so annoying. Especially when it means they act like Crowfeather would ever be sweet as pie to anyone- 💀 no he wouldn't even his so-called redemption book he kept going "god i wish the son i didn't care enough to raise would die already" because he's not saying I'M a good father to him or backing me up!".
i generally understand crowsquirrel as like. a ship that makes sense in the context of tnp where the two actually have an entire journey to bond, but i also just generally don't agree that the two would get on very well after a while. but you know, most of it exists in for fun au's and even though i have my little crowfeather haterisms, i'm not gonna fault anyone for having fun with a sillay little ship au.
but then yeah it is a little like. why dont i get my silly little au then. why can't i believe in a world where the women in warrior cats can actually like each other lol
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infestedstar · 17 days
💓 BEATING HEART for vein
🌏 EARTH for dhaveira
🌌 MILKY WAY and 🍰 CAKE SLICE for both 👶
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing? / Vein
in terms of fear, the idea of death.
he likes pain, not necessarily bruises or a paddle (those are fine too), but to be cut open and ripped apart. it's an itch that needs to be scratched or he feels wrong. it doesn't need to be by another person, he's fine with just himself. or treat him tenderly LOL two extremes but if you're extra niceys to him and very loving it makes his heart race. hold his hand 🥰
🌏 EARTH - will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them? / Dhaveira
EHEEHHEEEHE *twirls my hair* YES and YES i think this is mainly influenced by dhaveira's idea of some inherent, intangible wrongness dictating his life, that he will die young regardless of the anchor or even his blight, so he would literally give up the world, obliterate all of thedas just for solas, and metaphorically give up the world and leave his entire life behind for him too. his obsession borders on fanatic but he doesn't really think he's here for a long time, so the quantity of things don't matter, so long as he attains the one thing he thinks he needs. the decision comes as easy as breathing. Lowkey im realizing i keep making toxic yaoi?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
for dhaveira, i was actually just remaking my original solas-mance inquisitor, but with the knowledge of what the game was and how i wanted to play it. the very very first thing was the vallaslin being red, and everything surrounded that originally. i'm not really sure what my first inspiration behind dhaveira was, he might have been my first unique thought for the first time when i was 17. there are two versions of dhaveira and the first no longer matters, so the inspiration for the second iteration revolves entirely around his sentient staff. he was very much inspired by my own unmedicated, untreated schizophrenia, and how this would affect someone like him. every clothing choice and every slight alteration i make to him, even changing his class entirely, revolves around his staff. it's all very inspired by the elven lore in the game, which i've literally memorized just for this purpose LOL
for vein, the very first thing i decided was that he has to be a drow. and then slowly i became enamored with the idea of this guy who clearly succumbs to the dark urge but bhaal failed to account for mortal emotion, so he's really struggling to navigate being a person. design-wise he's very much inspired by my love of visual kei. dhaveira is pre-visual kei, and you can really tell, and vein is a product of my love for atsushi sakurai and tatsuro from mucc. his design is very much "Would it look cool?" his post-tadpole personality is inspired by the unique way i navigate my own life due to being antisocial. i can't seem to escape my own self HAHAHA but neither can he! yippee!! yay!!
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
i don't think dhaveira likes sweets at all. he strikes me as too elfy. if he ate a cake i think it would need to have literally no sugar and taste like elfroot or something. vein likes strawberry shortcake. actually i think he would eat any cake so long as it's cute and pink/red. he likes sweets the most out of all of my ocs and i think it's the one thing he really lets himself be happy about.
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futurewife · 11 months
Why did teenage me want to be in the worst most toxic relationship with m/cu L/oki like dont treat me really niceys I wanted that abysmal emotional torment like I haaaated him cause he was mean, cheating lying fighting leaving me in the lurch, disappearing for months etc. but I just couldn’t walk away I loved his brilliance the grip he had on me etc. we had that like love the way you lie, cosmic love, what kind of man, my life would suck without you type of vibe. no I know why. I lived for the high stakes cyclic high drama 
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treetownconfessions · 1 month
REAL committed plushie owners know their plushies would never hold any ill will towards them because they TREAT THEIR PLUSHIES WELL!!!!!!1!
can confirm my lifty plushie loves me because i'm niceys to him and hold him in my arms so sweetly. i leave shifty on the ground but it's okay he likes it down there
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weenunreleased · 2 months
nsfw postinggg <3
I am so underwhelmed by my sex life. and i think there's something wrong with my clit. and everything hurts but not bad enough to be considered vaginismus. and YET my sex life is the best its ever been. I only hunger for more. Women deserve to enjoy sex as much as men. Dudes are so lucky their DICKS JUST WORK unless the have ED or whatever. Fuckign assholes. Anyways i'm wondering if going straight size queen would fix my sex hurts issue. Women literally give birth every day and it hurts for me to put a menstrual cup in.
Also i keep thinking about my hot teacher like it's a brain parasite at this point. His hands and arms are top-fucking-tier and he's so wide. And he treats me really niceys. I bet he'd know exactly what to say when he's shafting me. Should i kill myself. 💔
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deankarolina · 3 months
for the anti honesty hour (an hour can last as long as you want. source: trust me bro.jpg) how do you feel about fictional murderous lesbians, what sweets do you hate, which yellowjackets character's fashion is the best in your opinion, what do you think about harold finch
This is true hours are as long as I want them to be when I ignore time
oh I hate fictional murderous lesbians, Idk why they keep writing them like why don't they just make some lesbians who are nice and never harm anything or anyone and def don't homoerotically threaten people with wepons, and instead why doesn't everyone just be real nicey to each other oh I absolutely hate sour sweets why would anyone ever want to have a flavour that harms you as a treat makes no sense I dunno why but for some reason the fashion question is really confusing my brain with the negatives i cannot
Love harold love how he disrespects root at every turn, love how he refused to call root by her chosen name and I'm definitly not bitter and have anger about it
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heavenpierceher · 1 year
can u do tailgate 4 that ask game
(ask game here! and sorry this took AGES)
one aspect about them i love: would it be weird to say "that he's a liar"? idk i'm really enamored with like, characterizations that manage to take a pathologized/generally seen as Bad trait eg lying, stealing etc and make them like endearing and quirky. i like a lot that he's essentially a compulsive liar who's not like demonized for it and when the initial lie comes crashing down for him it's because he was extended compassion. idk it's very unique i think. ALSO ALSO i think it's sweet that he likes crafting stuff by hand.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: god im so bad at fandom i dont really pay a lot of attention to like fandom Trends at large. idk it bothers me when people take his punchier more vengeful trauma-response characterization in early lost light as like, Just The Way He Is By Default rather than a temporary defense mechanism? does that make sense
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: ive said before i think that since cybercrosis weakened his legs he prefers to use his alt mode to travel short distances (in crowd shots where everyone's fuckin Schmoovin he's usually in alt mode) since in alt mode his shoulders (front wheels) can pick up some of the slack... he was probably really happy about being able to transform again post-cybercrosis ;w; i think he probably has a lot of Weird medical stuff he kind of just has to Deal With, first as a consequence of just being old as shit and Built Different, then later because of the cybercrosis and recovery. in general i really like the idea of him being some equivalent of chronically ill/disabled because imo his arc has a lot to do with like coming to terms with how he doesn’t have to be "useful" or "strong" or serve some function in order to deserve support and love
one character i love seeing them interact with: is saying "literally anyone" cheating. i love the recurring bit with people giving him piggyback rides. Eveybody so sooooo nicey to him forever OK?
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: odd as it sounds, getaway? i understand why the pacing etc wouldn't have allowed for it but i'd have killed for a single conversation between the two post-47. just to figure out what is going ON in there (there being their heads). mainly because i want to know if getaway would just cut to the chase and be like lmao wakeup call i never gave a shit or if he'd like try to keep up the manipulation. get a job stay away from her etc etc
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: now i feel like you guys know by now about my rodimus+tailgate besties agenda. i think they get along especially well because they both have a weird little thing about being treated more like a set of ideals or a symbol than a person with emotions, rodimus with [gestures] His Whole Fucking Deal and tailgate with being like the Ship's Mascot Sweet Itty Minibot Who Missed The War What A Heroic Little Slugger. their relationship is symbiotic because tailgate loves being used as a projectile weapon they promise magnus they swear see look he's literally fine he's having fun see him thumps up 👍
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thegeminisage · 3 months
it's TNG UPDATE TIME. last night* we watched "birthright" parts i & ii. just this once, i'm not combining them because i can distinctly differentiate between the episodes, they were actually (after all that angst) kind of unconnected, though i would have DIED to have left it on that cliffhanger
* time changed i'm scheduling this to go up when people are awake
birthright part i (tng):
DS9 CROSSOVER! i wish it could have been for both halves. also, i kind of wish odo could have been the one to talk to data even though he has no reason whatsoever to leave. it just would have been so much autism in one room
human brent spiner HORRIBLE to look at. the faces he makes as dr soong (which...why would dr soong be white...was that old man white idr...) remind me of lore's.
however: thrilled that data can dream now. i was so happy also that everyone treated him really niceys. except bashir who microaggressed him one time but i forgive him because it was funny
it was WWWWILD to see tng characters walkin around ds9. i hated tng in my ds9 but i loved ds9 in my tng. i wish they had a budget for a proper crossover. did sisko have to be in the same room as picard again? did o'brien go aboard and say hello? i miss him so bad.
minor deanna and worf moment in this ep when she comforts him over his dad potentially being alive. mwah. i feel like the tng side characters have been non-existent for awhile...first we stopped watching tng as much for ds9, then we got that deanna-only ep, then that picard-only ep, and now the ds9 crossover and the worf-only ep...can we PLEASE get the gang back together
final note i love that worf loves shitty replicator food and also riker's terrible cooking. king.
birthright part ii (tng):
i have complex feelings.
worf's dad plot as a means to get worf to be the pov character for the ethical dilemma of this episode kind of undermined the entire ethical dilemma
the ethical dilemma tng THOUGHT it was presenting was, "if klingons and romulans have escaped the war to live peacefully together, is it right to disrupt their way of life just because their children might choose differently?"
THE ACTUAL DILEMMA IT PRESENTED WAS. IF YOU HAVE SEVENTY-THREE KLINGON PRISONERS OF WAR. actually that's not even a question. they just have them. let's break this down
this romulan guy, unclear if he was the one actually in charge at the khitomer massacre or not (i thought he looked familiar, i looked it up and he previously played a totally different romulan on tng lol), but this guy is running this fucking prison with seventy-three klingons completely at his mercy. yes, they ""asked"" to stay, but they WANTED to die, they ATTEMPTED to die, and they would have CHOSEN to die had the option been given to them, but they're doing this instead in order to keep from bringing consequences down on their families heads. so he has total power over them and he... "marries" one???
i am going to start discussing conception via rape please consider this your warning.
this is of course coming after tasha yar had a FUCKING BABY VIA RAPE in a romulan prison and then got killed for trying to escape. he "married" a klingon woman. ALL RIGHT
even if she thought she loved him and consented to everything SHE IS A PRISONERRR. SHE WAS NOT ALLOWED TO DIE. SHE IS NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE.
like, when worf kissed that girl and realized she was half romulan his revulsion should not have been from the fantasy racism but from realizing she is a rape baby. like, this whole sitch is horrifying
and it really brings into perspective too how lucky worf must have been...he was so young when khitomer happened and yet he's very in touch with his heritage, but something as simple as old klingon stories are considered dangerous by the romulan warden
AND HE IS A WARDEN. again: nobody is allowed to leave where they are. this isn't a peaceful group of equals, conscientious objectors who chose a different way of life. THEY ARE PRISONERS. they're not allowed to look at or even touch any of their old things. they have to find fun and entertainment with old weapons. klingon tai chi classes are NOT allowed
in fact, the REAL ethical dilemma is, is it right to try and force this half-romulan half-klingon girl out of her "home" when it is clear she is happy in here and will be reviled out there? i argue yes because her home IS A PRISON CAMP like girl if spock did it u can too but what do i know
it makes no sense also that these people would be choosing to procreate. if this prison camp is only marginally better than death, or worse than death in some ways but a necessary evil, why bring kids into it??? unless the romulans are the ones making the babies
god this dude even sat at the head of the table and had everyone bring his food to him and then was ready to execute worf for bringing klingon culture into and i repeat the KLINGON PRISON CAMP
anyway, this episode did pop off at a few points. it was cool to see worf help them get back in touch with their own culture and doubly cool to see him get "even" with his like...sort of enemies. ALSO fun to watch that little bootlicking klingon who was sucking that romulan guy's dick finally come to his senses and stand w/ worf
i also loved the part where worf was perfectly happy to die as a klingon rather than live as someone with dishonor...it felt so different from the episode where he tried to kill himself because this time he WAS being honorable and not cowardly. he would have had nowhere to go had he run and he would have been leaving those other klingons behind
i am disappointed though that after all that. worf's dad really was dead. also, how did that guy know where the camp was and why did he tell. ALSO also, how are the klingons gonna get by when they can't tell anyone what bloodline they come from...that's like your picture ID in the klingon world
the point is, as usual, tng almost had something really cool but couldn't get out of its own way and as a result dropped the fucking ball.
NEXT TIME: ds9's "move along home" and "the nagus."
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hai and welcome :0]
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my name is: Rex / Quill / Finch
i use these pronounz: he / it / bit / byte
im a justa queer fat boy-girl-animal-thing trying to live in tha world. idk what to tell you.
i am very shy and paranoid all the time so please be niceys. okay thank you. i love you
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important info & my tags are below this read more!
-by the way! if somebody says they are something, then thats what they are! someone says "hi im a lesbian dogboy" then okay! they know themself best and their identity is none of your/my business to argue about! please leave me alone if you have a problem with harmless identities! i think there is maybe a cockroach in your brain that makes you care too much about enforcing the gender binary!
-if you think that fiction/jokes/kinks/etc. can't ever affect reality then please leave!!! imo some things have to be treated seriously okay. i know stuff has complexities but like... don't go around playing with racism/the sexualization of kids/incest/other shit like that. and also please, please, please stop fetishizing random peoples' existence. it can imply a lot. treat people with respect and appreciation without needing to be turned on by them. thanks. <3
-if we are mutuals it would make me super duper happy if you would tag sugary foods, as they make me sick just to look at or think about! just a "#sweets" works! if you dont wanna thats okay though, but thank you so muach if you do!! :0] (cupcakes, cakes, cookies, anything with icing or frosting, chocolate, or marshmallows on/in it)
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