#he probably won't be older than 40 by the time he got out so that gives him so much time to hurt so many more
thesmokinpossum · 3 months
just got some really fucked up news (that don't affect me directly but still mess me up real bad) but I still have to work and do all my school work including my latin exam in 3 days so that's super cool i guess
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mchlgayser · 1 year
( ✮ ) BITCH, BITCH! ft kylian mbappe
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🧺 𓂃⭑ᜊ an: Been asked lots of times for a Kylian's fic, I'm doing this purely based on my idea, ( not the original idea, it turn out shitty so I redo ) none of you put on along with a storyline so I hope this is okay. xx
🗯️ 𓂃⭑ᜊ content warning: cursing, harassment, assaults, a mid age guy mention!
🔖 𓂃⭑ᜊ: @iwritesjud3's masterlist
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The car's engine stops resounding, and both of you and Kylian got out 'You sure this is fine? You can wait in the car if you want, I won't be long.' He smile assuring you that it was okay. You two got inside the supermarket, hand in hand. Kylian gets a basket and you began walking to one of the isles to get your groceries. Kylian was walking behind you, and watching through the racks for stuff you wanted to buy.
'Hey! Can you please get me milk from the dairy section?' Kylian hums walking away to the dairy section whilst you continue looking through, you get all the groceries you listed and was about to leave when your shoulder bumps against someone. A man probably in his 40s, stood there looking down at you picking up your stuff, with a long sigh 'Hey, come on, it's not my fault you get all your stuff scattered around, you should watch where you're going next time.' You rolled your eyes at him 'Did I ever say that it was your fault? Pissed off, dude!' You bit back, you went past him but he yanked your hand 'Ahh, is that how you suppose to talk to someone older than you? You rude bitch!' You swat his hand away with a disgusted look 'Get your hand off me, you old perv.' He looks at you with an irritated, unbelievable look. One of his eyes twinges in annoyance.
'You bitch!' You dodged his slap and scoff 'What the fuck?! You crazy man! Have you lost your mind?' He caught you by your wrist and pull you close to him 'I'm gonna teach you a very good lesson.' You headbutted him on the nose making him moan in pain 'Yeah! That's what you get for being a bitch, bitch.' Blood trickles down his nose like a pool, his eyes red and teary.
'I'm gonna kill you!' He was yanked to the back and you released a relieved breath. Kylian stood before you shielding you from the guy. A guard grabs him by his pit and force him up 'What did I do? This bitch started it!' They went deaf ears and continue dragging him out of the place.
Kylian turns to you, both palms over to your cheeks 'Are you alright?' You smile at him, and one hand going over to the back of his neck, gently caressing 'Fine,' You two walk off to the counter pay for everything, and left.
Kylian made sure that you were 100% okay when you get home and sure to cuddle you to sleep and assured you he'll make sure he finds the man again and beat him up to a pulp.
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hornystiel · 2 months
hiii!! offering my 2 cents on the subject of "old man". younger generations in general use it very loosely but it's without ill intent, rather it's coming from a perspective of "that man (dilf) is so hot i need them but i could never because they'd see me as a child so i gotta call them old instead". like they're out of my league but i'll blame it on the age difference you know?
and in destiel's case i believe it's affectionate, they're old compared to most queer couples represented and they're getting older together and it's hopeful to see that :)
~ a gen z mutual who's too shy to come off anon ly 🤍
hi! a literal wall of text ahead
okay i actually have a lot of thoughts about this topic and i really hope i won't sound rude but i just want to talk about it for a sec here. and below will be purely my own musings which probably won't coincide with a general fandom views on the matter and it's wider than this question and destiel but well
i totally get what you're saying about younger fans calling them old because they're too young for them but still hot etc etc. i know that's not some ill intent, clearly. however, what bothers me about the question of 'old' age in fandom spaces is this - for some 'old' starts somewhere around 35+ and they mean it (i wonder what they call a 50 yo? a corpse probably). and yeah of course for 16 yo 35 is twice their age but i wouldn't have even the slightest problem with it because i've been in fandom spaces since i was maybe 14 and stumbled upon people of different ages and backgrounds and we can all coexist quite fine. but what i see now (and maybe again, that's like a recurring generational thing, i don't know, i'm not that old and i wasn't in english spaces until i got at least 18-20 so) - those younger fans repeatedly saying 'you're 30 and in fandom? get out. go find some appropriate hobbies for your age group, like fishing hehe'. like it's fine to be horny over some dudes twice (or even more) your age, but people who in reality are not even that far from you, because usually it's 20 somethings who write such things - and it's a crime. you're suddenly gross. i wonder what those kids would do without all the stuff written, drawn and giffed by those who have a child on one hand, a full time job on the other, and their age appropriate hobbies in between. like when i was a tiny fan i was like 'holy shit that person somehow found a way to update that long ass sherlock fic while being neck deep in her family things and work i wanna be like them!" and it also gave me hope about the future of my fandom life. like age shouldn't matter. but now i see this shit, the whole 'more than 3 yo age difference is pedo' talk, 'adult creators shouldn't post anything because children can see' talk etc etc. and i know, of course, that that's the general internet censorship on the rise and neopuritanism is dancing tango with it but still.
what i'm saying - i do have a problem with younger generation using the term old very 'loosely' because they wield it as a double aged sword. you're either some hot dilf who can be forgiven for your shitty fandom takes because well you're hot (and i'm not talking about anyone in particular here rn) or you're a gross 30 smth in fandom space who shouldn't draw porn because teens can't click the block button
short answer - i don't like what the people who call them old add to their characters and lives when they do that.
long answer under the cut
all of that is what EYE don't like in most popular fandom hcs and i usually just scroll past the things i don't like, i don't want to start shit publicly (and because of what, takes?), but here you can read what i usually think when i see them.
first - if we're talking canon ages. 40 smth and this is dean's age at the end of the show - is NOT old. at all. i can't even call him that affectionately. because this is the tragedy of it all - he dies YOUNG. very fucking young, he didn't see any calm life, didn't pursue his dreams, didn't have a normal life and love and then he died. in a way, and i see some others think the same, calling him old is like 'welp it's not that bad, he lived long enough, seen shit'. but the thing is - he didn't? literally. so no, for me he's young, died young and it's fucking awful. not talking about cas here because well, billions years, old, young, he's everything (<3)
if we're talking about post canon fics where they settle. you can all burn me at the stake but sadly my spirit will just repeat the same shit - making them some kind of a wannabe hetero aging couple is not only boring as fuck, but also completely out of character for them?
what i usually see in the posts with 'old men <3' there
some variation of a white picket fence house
baby jack
dean being some kind of a soccer mom who bakes and argues with other moms
cas being more of a dad shaped thing who gardens and Doesn't Get It at the parents' meetings or somewhere equally boring and somehow still clueless about a lot of human shit
them creaking every part of their bodies (jesus my joints have been like this since i was 14, and my back is bad now when i'm only 30 where is my retirement pakige?)
probably forgetting smth but you get the gist. and, again, not saying that that's ALL i see with the old men posts and art etc (some hcs are wild and i LOVE them), but the majority? yeag, i've been permanently a destiel blogger for 4 years now, i've seen the popular stuff
doesn't all of that remind you of a typical heterosexual family on some conservative cable tv show? if not i'm happy for you, but i can't help but see how the roles are set in stone and i don't find it endearing at all. that's one reason. and also i'm a strong believer that a baby won't fix dean. jack won't fix shit and here's another stick to my pyre - i don't care about him at all and i think that dean especially should focus on himself and his own shit and his shit with cas if they settle together, not be thrown into the baby routine again. the fandom likes to remind everyone how dean raised sam and it's mostly true but don't you think for one goddamn second he would want/need to live for himself and not over obsess about bringing up another kid? sure he loves them, but if every person with dean's baggage were trusted with kids as a cure-al ...well. and again very hetero, 'you should have a child, that'll fix your hysteria!' i'll even say, very real life stuff, just not the one i want to see here.
another reason is this - they are freaks.
they are assholes, freaks, serial killers, undead creatures, bad people...who are very much in love and very soft with each other and their family but they are still freaks. and i don't understand how them getting old will so fundamentally change so many aspects of their characters that they become typical suburban mom and dad combo. maybe i sound like a person who doesn't want them to be happy, or who doesn't get the 'it shows that their life is finally calm and they can pursue Normal Hobbies and Raise Kids and Build a Farm (idk how that is a calm place have you ever been on a farm with animals that you should watch and take care and kill if needed. another talk for another time) and To Love is to be Changed' etc etc etc. believe me i get it all perfectly, just not for them. if it tickles your pickle, by all means. what tickles mine is cas getting the weirdest (and often dangerous) hobbies (and this is why i got him driving a motorcycle, boxing and skydiving in my old men cheating fic) and he's an impatient guy so i don't think he'd love gardening really, he'd be mad at the plants and kill them or grow them as fast as his grace would allow (yes i'm also against human all the way cas, baby we're getting a bingo here). and dean of course should have ties with his community and i've already talked about this but i see how they are out of active hunting, but still help those who are still in it (if the supernatural isn't wiped completely and i don't see why it should be), maybe they always have a place in their home for those who come to regroup or just to chat or smth. and dean is an overprotective and micromanaging asshole so he would want to still have the gist of it all (and cas would want to unwind by killing some things from time to time)...and they still sleep in the same bed, eat the food they cook together, wear matching tatts maybe as a wedding gift to each other, and have dogs, cats and whatnot.
what i want to say - i don't get why the weird and the sweet can't coexist. why should they lose all of their insane bits. they loved each other WITH them (cursed or not remember) why should they change so drastically to fit the 'happily ever after' narrative.
anyway i can probably write a lot more but that's a long ass grumbling as it is.
sorry your question became the starting point for this rent i genuinely hope i didn't offend you and if you finished reading all of this woah you are a hero <3
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lostonehero · 27 days
Tma x Malevolent
Enter Sasha, Gertrude and Gerry
*Sasha came back a year earlier than the boys
Also Arthur finally realizes he's in the future
"This was a horrible idea." Martin stared at the table they were placed at separated from Kayne, his father.
"It wasn't really an idea, just something he took and basically ran with it." Tim trails off as he places his head on the table.
"I.... why did they assume I'm your guardian?" Arthur blinks.
"Because you're the second adult with us." Danny states as a fact.
"That shouldn't mean... Kayne is another man, and you are children, isn't it a bit queer they assume I am a caretaker?" Arthur frowns.
Tim and Danny exchange glances, then look to Jon, and then finally, Martin.
Jon raised his brow. "Um, what year is it from where you're from?"
Arthur sighs and raises his brow himself co fusion on his features. "It's 1938, and I understand that this is Britain, which explains the different laws and such, and even the different sounds."
"Arthur, the children are staring at you with a blank expression."
Danny speaks up first. "Dude, it's like 2003."
"Excuse me?" Arthur blinks words slowly creeping into his reality.
"I just thought he was an academic." Martin motions to his clothing choice.
"You didn't ask your father?" Jon stops. "Right, stupid question."
"Fuck how did we even think his statement would be taken seriously, he probably has lead poisoning." Tim huff.
"I think people already knew not to eat lead back then." Martin pauses. "Sorry, Arthur."
"I assumed it was at least the 40s, maybe even the 50s, since you mentioned time." Arthur groans.
Tim sucks in a breath. "Yeah, we probably shouldn't have played this as if we were on a timer."
"Oh, the receptionists and Mr. Bouchard probably assumed you and Kayne were life partners." Danny hums. "That's probably why they thought we all were your kids."
Tim snorts. "Fuck I totally forgot about that."
"What she assumed we are married? That's legal and not a criminal offense?" Arthur looked bewildered.
"Well, it's not legal for another decade, but it's not hated nor shunned in most popular circles. You won't be arrested for being with another man." Jon paused. "Considering the time period, you probably wouldn't be helpful for your insight.... no offense."
"That's harsh." Danny frowns.
Martin goes to speak but is interrupted.
"Tim?" A female voice gasps. "You came back too?"
Tim picks up his head from the table. "Sasha?"
"In the flesh and not replaced." Sasha laughs and pauses. "Martin, and Jon, you came back too?"
"A teen girl with frizzy curly hair and coffee colored skin with thick square glasses has approached our table. An older white woman with glasses stands behind her along with a man with black hair, but it seems to be blonde at the roots."
"Sasha!" Jon got a wide smile. He paused. "I'm glad you're here."
Martin could feel a buzz he ignored and was about to say something when a cold hand is placed on his shoulder.
"Bow, don't get too excited, Martin. Friends are great to have and to see." A white hair man smiles, looking down at Martin his eyes flashed red.
"O-oh, did your interview go well?" Martin pulled his gaze away from the odd looks from the new group.
A man with slick back hair and a smile and gray eyes comes from behind Kayne. "Oh, I say your father did quite well and will be well suited for the archives, and it's great that you're about Gertrude. Kayne, here will be your new assistant, so you don't have to ask children for assistance."
"I look forward to working with you." Kayne smiles.
The air around everyone got a few degrees colder.
Gertrude seemed to force a smile. "Thank you, Elias. I shall show him around and the children since they seem interested to learn."
Elias smiles back. "Of course, it's good for children to take interest in their parent's work." He turns and walks away.
Kayne smiles and speaks when Elias is out of earshot. "Martin is wearing shoes a requirement for work?"
"It's a requirement for dealing with the public." Martin sighs and covers his face.
"That is quite an annoyance." Kayne huffs.
"So Elias has hired one of the sp-" Gertrude cannot finish her sentence as her voice vanishes.
"Nu uh." Kayne's smile twists into a manic one. "I am not to be compared to lesser gods or mortals following a pied piper."
Wide eyes stare back at Kayne before Martin sighs. "Give Gertrude her voice back, dad."
Kayne huffs and snaps. "Only because you called be dad kiddo."
"What are you?" Gertrude's eyes flash a neon green before anyone could speak or warn her.
Kayne's smile drops. "Now that's just rude. It's more rude than the staring thing, honestly. I played along with the interview, but you, you are getting on my nerves."
"Damn, I thought it would take longer to piss him off." Tim slumps back in his chair.
Kayne pauses and smiles. "Oh, I really like you. You have such interesting friends, Martin."
"Still a bit concerning a God of Madness likes you, Tim. You really need therapy." Danny kicks at Tim's feet.
"It's too late for that." Tim sighs.
Sasha clears her throat as they sit in the tunnels. "So to sun this up, Kayne is your father Martin, and is a God. Arthur has a fragment of the King in Yellow, which takes his eyes and sees for him, which is another elder one, and the apocalypse happened." She groans into her hands, then looks back up and pauses. "Wait, where did Martin and Tim go?"
"Damn, I was not paying attention." Kayne says before vanishing.
John groans. "This is going poorly."
Arthur sighs. "When do things ever go right?"
Tim held onto Martin's hand like a lifeline as they appeared in an ancient impossiblely built city.
Martin coughs and gasps. "Fuck. I'm so fucking sorry. I don't know what happened. I... i..."
Tim pulls Martin closer. "Dude, you literally have god powers and have no idea how to use or control them. Apologize when you understand what you did."
Martin swallows and nods, holding Tim close. "I uh... I don't know where we are."
"The Dreamlands!" Kayne appears behind them.
Martin curses and Tim jumps.
"Impressive on its own, you got here, but you brought a guest with you too." Kayne floats around them, tapping his lips for a moment. "We should visit the King while we're here, I'm sure he would love some guests."
Martin doesn't have a choice as they are wisked off to a palace. Impossible creatures he somehow knew were dancers lined the yellow throne as a creature cloaked in yellow sat? In the golden throne
Tim stared wide-eyed at the opposing figure. "Is that the actual King in Yellow?"
"Ooo, correct!" Kayne chuckles. "I really like you, human."
Tim grimaced as the king turned almostly lazily to focus on his new guests.
"You've rebuilt." Kayne appears next to the opposing impossible figure.
The King in Yellow waved a hand, and the dancers fled. His voice was like a whisper, but booming. "Have you've come to gloat?"
"No, but... OH! OH! OH! I do have a deal for you." Kayne gasps, returning back to Martin's side, then walks next to Tim. "How do you feel about helping us out? You seem to be affected by these fear gods, as I was."
"Why would I play your game?" Yellow leaned forward in his throne.
"Oh, for one, look, I have my own little prodigy. He got here all on his own by accident and brought a human. I'm very proud of him. He even has his very own name, Martin. Isn't that something?" Kayne laughs, grabbing Tim and appears next to Yellow, covering Tim's eyes. "Want to return? Want to help? You seem to be bored, and that's no fun."
"Shielding the mortals eyes won't save him from me." Yellow motions with his hand. "However, I suppose you've caught my interest. I've healed from our last encounter, and I no longer need that missing piece of myself."
"Oh, but Arthur darling has already put hooks into you. Curiosity eats at you to figure out what changed that former piece of you." Kayne leans closer. "How about another chance, another human? Of course, my rules."
Yellow let's out an inhumane grumble. "A child?"
"Oh come now, Yellow. Where's your sense of adventure?" Kayne knew he already won.
"What's the catch?" The king looked down at Martin, who managed to climb his throne.
"Kayne, what are you doing?" Martin knew Tim was too scared to speak.
"Keeping your interesting friend safe." Kayne hums. "What do you say? You both will share everything, and I mean share everything but thoughts and emotions."
Tim couldn't speak his voice was lost to him.
Yellow tilted his head. "I want my power."
"Oh, I could arrange something. This human will be domatinate since it is his body, but your sharing will change things in time. You'll have your power here and in the mortal plane." Kayne smiles with too many sharp teeth. "Althought if you accept there will never be a separation for you, this mortal will be a replacement for that John sized hole in ya you claim is fixed."
"D-" Martin can't finish his yelp as everything goes black when he is interrupted by the king.
"I accept."
"Now I had to change things around Martin, but don't worry, they still have their memories minus me, of course." Kayne laughs. "Think of this as a clean slate. We can't do anything while you youngsters have growing to do in mortal eyes. School begins on Monday, and it would be wise not to be late. Don't worry. I'll handle keeping everyone safe and away from the dangers of these new gods."
Martin stumbles back. He was back in their apartment. "W-what?"
"Just a little rearrangement, and don't worry Arthur and John are still here. I'll fill them in while you rest." Kayne pushes Martin back to his room before he can understand what was happening. "Sleep well, my baby boy, if you can."
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inkwell-and-dagger · 7 months
I am so interested in the rayan lore feel free to use this ask to infodump :3
eeee okay thank you so much I love infodumping and I'm so glad you're enjoying Rayan's lore and Forsaken Souls!! /gen
okay a thing I find most interesting about Rayan's character design is the ties / references it has to the story, or his background, etc etc! for example, his hair (bangs swept over one eye, mostly to hide a large scar there. also kinda long at the back my man has no time to cut his hair in foster's basement) is strikingly similar to his previous partner, Sage's, aside from the colour since Sage's hair was dyed blue most of the time, and Rayan's got brown hair! I won't go too far into it, since Sage did commit suicide, but Rayan has a lot of things in his room / Madison's house that reminds him of Sage! this also applies to his clothing style: Sage used to wear skirts and dresses and whatnot, whereas Cora (past Rayan) was the exact opposite, but did wish to dress just a little more androgyne (at the time Cora was living with their parents). but now, more than a decade later probably, and now that Rayan has cut ties with his parents, he tends to dress in a more feminine manner most of the time! his regular clothing style is inspired by Caroline Carr's!
and also his surname, Hyacinth! in floriography (and thank you very much to Eros for reminding me of this 😭) commonly symbolizes asking for forgiveness! what does this have to do with Rayan? Rayan wants TS, and basically anyone Cora wronged, to y'know- forgive him. he's already served his time in prison for many moons, which should mean he's probably a liittlllee older than 35 (40 genuinely, though, since his physical body stopped aging*) but shh, and now he has to deal with a band of his previous, surviving victims — except for Es and Zayn, and also the Living Weapon Trio™ if we include them in their AU — tormenting and kidnapping him for a very long time, threatening and hurting the people he holds dear to him just in an attempt to make him more vulnerable and figure out a way to kill this immortal man. talk about high expectations /j
anyhow! Rayan keeps trying to ask for forgiveness, and although some of them have (Zayn has from the start practically, and Ezra (overtime, despite Cora literally killing his bloody brother) has forgave him more recently in canonical lore since he's also Vee's boyfriend. we love gays!!) that doesn't necessarily mean that they'll ever stop, until Rayan outlives them. but luckily, in canonical terms, most of The Survivors have been arrested, but Esrana is still out and about doing her girlboss shenanigans.
*and about this! when Ezra was still agreeing with TS' actions and whatnot, they tried killing Rayan by cutting his throat. that, of course, only knocked him unconscious for a couple hours before he Came Back Alive Ig™, but at least now they've found a weak spot. after many hours and days of routinely cutting Rayan's throat, his physical body just. couldn't handle it and sorta like- how do I describe this- like took a screenshot yk? and since then Rayan's physical body stopped aging past 35 (the age he was when they constantly did this). he's much older, maybe early to mid 40's, but idk. he also gained a fear of the dark cuz. yk. Void™
uhh I think that's all!! there're many other things, from symbolic scars like a rather deep one on his wrist and obviously his prosthetic leg, among many others, but hey! either way, give this sopping wet cat of a man a hug
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professor-walnut · 1 year
Sometimes like today when my depression gets out of control for a while, I'll do things like search the internet desperately for advice or motivation to make it through another night, unable to come up with my own reasons. And scrolling through places like redit; all I see over and over is the phrase "it gets better"
And listen man, I have never hated anything more than that phrase.
I was first diagnosed as depressed when I was eight. "You'll grow out of it" the doctor said.
I went to therapy at 14 when I was suicidal. "You'll feel better when you're older and your hormones calm down" she said.
I got put on antidepressants at 17. "You'll be fine once you finish school and get into a routine" the doctor told me.
At 23 I was told "Excersize, healthy eating, a good social group, get all that down and things will get better"
I'm 26 nearly 27 and I've followed every rule and piece of advice and it has never gotten better, every year it gets worse, it gets harder.
Life never stops getting harder. You can do everything 'right', you can get perfect grades in school and be polite and kind and avoid drugs and alcohol and work hard at everything you do, but sometimes you'll still end up unemployed and burnt out and poor and lonely. Sometimes no matter what you do you'll be a failure.
So hearing "things will get better" frustrates me, probably frustrates many people. Because when does it get better? Have you ever met a depressed person who has experienced it get better? Probably not.
So you know what, here's a better piece of advice to keep trying, for anyone else out there trying to find reasons.
Maybe everyone else in your life is doing better than you, they have jobs and families and hobbies, and you're sleeping 20 hours a day and feeling worthless and lying to your family about how you're doing all the time so they won't be disappointed. Maybe you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s - and you still havn't achieved anything worthwhile, maybe you never will.
But once back in university I went out at 3am with the intention of ending my life, I was having a panic attack during a depressive episode, suicide hotline was busy and I went out almost in a daze with the intention of stepping into traffic desperate to end the terrifying panic and pain. But during my walk, a knock down drunk guy passed me and he smiled at me. He didn't even say anything, just smiled as he stumbled past.
For whatever reason, that tiny, seemingly insignificant gesture was enough to make me think twice about my decisions and go back home.
How many times have you smiled at someone on the street in passing, or at a cashier at a store, or at the bus driver? Probably 99% of the time it barely makes a difference to someone's day, but maybe 1% of the time it does, maybe it impacts someone, and maybe that tiny chance is worth you keeping your smile alive for.
Maybe a crappy sketch you did as a joke or a fanfiction you wrote one night at 3am is someone out there's favourite thing in the world, maybe the time you baked shitty cookies for the staffroom at work, one person is thrilled because they forgot their lunch, maybe that person you held the door open for last week was having a shit time and your tiny action reminded them that there were kind people in the world, maybe the old man who talked to you for 30 seconds in the grocery store line has been lonely for months and you made his day with your brief few exchanged words because you let him feel seen, maybe the postit note you wrote a silly message on ten years ago for someone in school is still stuck on their desk giving them motivation and reminding them that the world isn't all bad.
Maybe you are inputting into the world more than you realise, and even if you sleep for 72 hours at a time and spend 6 days of the week crying and feel like a waste of space, maybe the world is lucky to have you in it. Even if only for the tiny moments where you subconsciously smile at a stranger - because you are always more important than you feel you are, no matter who you are and what you do.
Maybe things won't get better, the likelihood is they won't, but maybe humans are made of tough stuff and have survived bullets and falls from airplanes, so maybe you can survive a lot more than you feel you can. Tomorrow things won't feel as bad, and next time you feel even more horrible you'll know you can get through it because you survived it last time.
Maybe every minute you're surviving is worth it for those little times you impact the world silently from the shadows without even knowing it.
Sometimes all you need to to is breathe to knock down a domino. So keep breathing, even if that's all you can do.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
now you have me curious, how would pa! reader and austin have been if they had met earlier?
literally nothing. absolutely nothing. oh? oh. no you wanted an answer. okay fine, but know like the "we'll be together when you're 30 and i'm 40" anon, y'all have gotten me in trouble with my own throwaway lines. ( i kid, truly, this was actually a nice thing to theorize about and if i write something about it- well- we all know i'm a sucker for au's of my own au. )
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okay so serious answer? it depends entirely on how we're defining earlier. because i write my pa! reader as about 9ish/10ish years younger than austin. so there is not that much earlier to play with in terms of legal age which i'm sticking to. it'd be different if the age difference was smaller, so if pa! reader was a little older but as the entire verse/world is based mildly on that age difference, yeah it doesn't necessarily work. ( this isn't true for other people's pa! reader, or like some stuff i'll write that's in my inbox but ya know ) but basically it boils down to a too young but good friend situation until the reader's late 20s?
that being said, so he's always going to end up still being with vanessa and there's a difference between meeting her at 18 vs. 20/21. because here's the thing, papi? still happens even though austin tells her it's a bad idea because he's not gonna leave his wife for you, come on now. but pa! reader will make the argument that she's a grown adult and he treats her like austin treats vanessa. to which everyone say it with me- "no honey no." eighteen year olds, not the best judges of character. run off do the dumb thing with papi, don't contact austin during it and then 2 months go by and he gets a text in the middle of the night, "know you're with nessa. i'm fine, call me later?"
and here's a thing that ends up coloring 95% of his interactions with her for almost a decade. because austin ends up seeing her as like a kid versus you know the adult she technically is because he met her at 18 so even when she's 21/22 he's still thinks "kid" not adult. so he's always thinking "oh is how I'm interacting with her hurting her." point blank she doesn’t end up getting to be priscilla because when her name is even brought up austin shoots it down because "no she's a kid I'm not gonna do that". also generally speaking you know he will still be really really aware of how elvis was with priscilla. so he won't want her to be priscilla.
it definitely causes a fight to where they go from good friends to sort of half friends from like 22 to like 28. jokes on austin though because eventually there's like a miniseries or something about priscilla's life and lo and behold yeah she still ends up being a priscilla actress.
and then you know she's older and wiser, austin's a divorced single dad to little lori butler. career trajectory wise she probably mirrors his in that you know she does the odds and ends sort of parts and then toward the tail end of her 20s it's boom she gets all these parts. but she gets cast first then he gets cast second because he's got the star power and she's still kind of iffy re: can she hold up a movie by herself. austin almost backs out when he realizes who's playing his romantic interest but his agent reminds him hey you haven't ever done like a regency thing so do it now. besides since you know her it should be fine.
pa! reader gives no fucks because whatever this could be her big break. sees austin for the first time in years at the table read and is like "hi." and austin endures the most awkward moment of "oh fuck you're hot" of his life because this is the first time he's thought of her in that light ( pa! reader always had kind of liked austin but also isn't dumb and realizes he thinks of her as a kid even pre-fight ). and then they get to know each other again, totally fall for each other, she calls him birdie he definitely subs for her on occasion and it's generally just a different dynamic with the exception of austin still being incredibly protective over her. and also the publicists/pr/agents loving them because they're not idiots like in the actual main world thing.
might this have been an excuse to just use that gif up at the top? maybe. did i also love this question? yes. will i probably write up a headcanon post for this? i've done stranger things. would austin get a wet shirt scene in this hypothetical movie? yes.
also. consider: "did it really take a decade for you to stop thinking of me as a kid who made a decision so bad you called my mother?" "yeah, but trust me, that is- the farthest thing from my mind right now." "are we just gonna be like kurt russell and goldie hawn?" "depends, you trust me enough to marry me?" "i did when i was 18, it's almost a decade after and i still do, birdie."
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alto-tenure · 11 months
okay so: there are a decent amount of timber fics that pit Tim and Bernard against each other as enemies in some way. some variations of this include Bernard getting possessed, Tim as Joker Junior, or Bernard as a mob heir. but, you know, we are missing one scenario: evil gun Batman.
but this post is not about timber + evil gun batman!tim. this post is about the circumstances that it would take to get Tim to agree to being Batman in the first place, which are many because of our current set of characters. but first, let's discuss our theoretical worldstate.
1) Approximate ages
Tim is 24. Steph is 25, Cass and Jason are both ~26, Dick is like...31?, Duke is 22, and Damian is 18. I don't know how old Babs is in the current canon but we'll assume that she's, like, a couple years older than Dick. Helena Bertinelli (who will matter later in this) is between Dick and Barbara. Bruce is in his 40s and we'll just leave it at that.
2) Hero mantles
It's pretty much what you would expect, but I'll detail a couple things: Cass and Steph are still sharing Batgirl, but Babs has stopped the mantle entirely and is Oracle full-time, as she should be. Damian is still Robin but he's not happy about it and is on the verge of quitting to become someone else/leave Gotham/whatever. Tim is...it's complicated, okay? It's not that Tim doesn't want to be a vigilante. He definitely has a healthy civilian-vigilante life balance! I think right now he's not really patrolling formally, but he does do stuff for the vigilante network that Babs doesn't because she's busy with the Birds of Prey/non-Bat projects she's working on right now and can't keep track of vigilantes in Gotham who aren't the Bats. People like Xanthe, Helena, Claire (Gotham Girl), some non-Duke We Are Robin alumns, etc.
3) Other miscellaneous stuff
Kate is in the Bat-circle, but falls more under Tim's purview of "vigilantes operating out of Gotham who aren't really part of the Batfam" than under Bruce's purview of "Batfam leader". She's still Batwoman, though. Darcy Thomas is still friends with Tim and operating as Sparrow, but with an actual vigilante costume and not just a purple hoodie and a domino mask. Tim operates out of a larger version of the murder houseboat.
Okay, now: why is Tim Batman, again?
Tim does not want to be Batman. This is important. This is also preceded by a giant conga line of tragedies. For this to happen, Dick, Cass, and Bruce all either real-die or fake-die. I imagine Bruce is not really dead because he's not allowed to die. He just got lost in the multiverse because of a glitchy portal or something. Cass died in the line of fire trying to protect someone, because if she did try to dodge the bullets someone would die. Not sure about Dick yet. Maybe he had to fake his death again to go undercover. (Tim will absolutely call him an asshole for this.) The order of events is probably that Dick is the first one, then Bruce, then Cass. Cass ends up surviving the injury miraculously, but is in a coma/stuck in physical therapy/unable to do vigilante work. Damian is at a point in his character development where he no longer wants to be Batman. Helena does not want to do that again. Jason is like "fuck Batman we do not need Batman".
Duke asks if there's anyone else who's ever been Batman. Tim has flashbacks to Azbats. But then he does have a brainwave and attempts to reach Helena, but Babs says she's out on an important thing for the Birds of Prey and won't be back for a while. >:(
Nobody wants to be Batman, but Tim is exactly the kind of character who would do it anyways because Gotham needs a Batman. (Someone who is better read on Damian would be able to talk about how this impacts him, but I'm sure it would not be pretty, especially considering the character developments I've given him for this scenario. He does not want to be Robin anymore! He was already approaching that point when Bruce disappeared!)
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firesidefandoms · 2 years
What if? (P3)
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What if Anakin never broke our hearts?
What if Luke and Leia were raised together on Naboo and trained together as Jedi?
What if Luke went on to reform the Jedi laws and Leia rescued slaves from all around the galaxy?
This is what I think would happen:
Thanks for reading!!
Part 1
Part 2
The twins are both knighted at 21
Leia joins her father on his slave runs
Luke advocates for better Jedi laws, picking up where his parents left off
Obi-Wan, now retired from training Luke, officially leaves the order
And...since he's off the hook from Jedi laws, settles down and starts a family of his own
Ahsoka, after leaving Leia to join her father's slave runs, goes to find her own path; protecting force sensitive children (and adults) around the galaxy who are being persecuted because of their gift
Leia and Anakin, continue to rescue slave after slave
On time during a solo mission, Leia gets caught
Anakin is off on his own mission, unable to get there in time
Padme, though she knows Leia won't appreciate it, pays someone to rescue her daughter
He's not the most heroic or honorable person, but he was nearby and in in the area, and the only person available skilled enough
He's trustworthy enough to get her out quickly and safely
The man is a smuggler named Han Solo
For him the plan is simply get in, rescue the local princess, get out
But when he realizes she's not just a damsel in distress, but capable, snarky, a skilled pilot and mechanic...he can't help but fall in love
When he arrives she's scheduled for public execution
But according to her "she had it handled"
Just between them, she probably did
Leia doesn't care for him at first
His attitude puts her off, he's sarcastic, arrogant and annoying
But after he shows her that he really cares...she decides that maybe he's not that annoying, and perhaps his sarcasm is just a little attractive
Anakin and Padme don't approve of their relationship
They don't trust this cheating, lying, "promiscuous" man, not to mention he's ten years older than her
Han and Leia don't care, and elope together after only a year
Han takes on the name Amidala
A year later Ben Amidala-Solo is born
(Perspective check: Obi-Wan is 60, Anakin is 45, Padme is 49, Ahsoka is 40, Han is 35, and Luke and Leia are 25...and btw, Darth Vader died when he was 45, so Anakin became a grandfather when he would have died and that just warms my heart)
Sorry, back to the story
Leia retires the vigilante life when she finds out she's pregnant
Not one to remain idle, she turns her attention to politics instead
She follows in her mother's footsteps, soon becoming a senator of Naboo at only 26 years old
Han turns respectable with Padme's influence and his trade job flourishes with returning customer's praising his good work
Now to turn our attention to their son
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Ben struggled with nightmares as a child and rarely slept
He was awful as a baby, wailing the whole night through
He only got better as a toddler because he was afraid something would kill him if he made a noise
Every single night he would lie awake terrified
The nightmares are caused by the emperor trying to corrupt him even as an infant
Uncle Chewie tries to help, but he hasn't had much experience with children and especially not delicate non-furry children
Ben wails uncontrollably whenever Chewie holds him
His parents are the only ones who can console him
But Han and Leia are often busy, and rarely home
Han with trade jobs and Leia with diplomatic meetings
Honestly they never intended to have a kid, and while they don't regret having Ben, they were unprepared to take care of a child
Even though they are distant, Ben has a special bond with his mother who shares his connection to the force
The force is a sense of comfort for young Ben and his mother helps him-though subconsciously-access the force easier
Ben suffers from separation anxiety when she's not around
Han spends countless nights with Ben as a toddler, replaying recordings of Leia, to soothe his son to sleep when Leia wasn't there
On the days when both parents are gone, Ben goes to his Grandparents; Anakin and Padme
He also hangs out with Chewie...but much to his dismay, Ben is still scared of him for the first five years of his life
Ben loves his Grandparents dearly
Padme becomes a second mother to him
And Anakin forms a special bond with Ben because of the force
Ben is very strong in the force and while his mind is too clouded to find it himself, he can easily feel the positive force energy from his family
This is very calming and serves to ground young Ben's chaotic mind to reality
Ben continuously struggles with insomnia due to nightmares
He dreams of impending doom
And the death of thousands by his own hand
He feels frequently that he's inadequate, unworthy of love, or sometimes even that he's a monster
Throughout his childhood he he has low self-esteem and self-image, and he struggles with anxiety and depression
However, Padme senses something is wrong with her six year old grandson
She begins to recognize some of the signs that Anakin showed when he was struggling with fear and depression shortly before the twins birth
The nightmares, anxiety, impulsivity, and irritability
Most people brush it off, Ben has always been this way
But Padme approaches him and asks him if he's okay
He melts into her comforting presence and tells her everything; all about the nightmares, his fears and the voices in his head telling him he's not enough
Padme helps him feel less alone, and shows him how loved he is
She also realizes it may be something force related and turns to Anakin for further help
Anakin, (with Ben's permission) searches Ben's mind
There he finds Snoke's presence
Anakin protects Ben, forcing Snoke out of his mind
He also teaches Ben how to shield his mind from future attacks
Their happy boy emerges, and while he still has the occasional nightmare or bout of depression, and he may always be a little timid, he feels much happier without Snoke manipulating his thoughts...and with more sleep
Even when Han and Leia get restless and join Naboo's Airforce (Meaning they're often gone for weeks at a time) Seven year old Ben finds solace in the love of his grandparents
They help him understand why his parents leave, and make sure he feels loved
Han does try to be a good dad, and likes to teach Ben how to fix things, such as things around the house or even the Falcon
When he's gone for a long time he brings back a toy ship to build and play with together
When Ben was six years old he wandered into the Falcon searching for his dad
Han, absently asks Ben to pass him a wrench
After that becomes a sort of game, Han asking Ben for various tools-sometimes even ones he doesn't need- just to see Ben giggle and happily pick up the object in his chubby child hands, grinning ear to ear as he bounds over to his father
Han asks for Ben's help every time he has to fix the falcon, and Ben loves every second he gets to spend with his dad
Chewie also doesn't mind Ben's intrusion and although sometime he can get a little rough with Ben, he thoroughly enjoys the little boy's company
Honestly he's just happy that Ben isn't scared of him anymore
Although he pretends he's annoyed when Ben plays with his fur
Sometimes when Ben gets bored of that, Han gives him his golden dice to play with
He will spend hours lying down next to his father fascinated with the dice, until eventually he falls asleep (Often in Chewie's lap) and Han or Chewie has to carry him to bed
When Ben proves competent enough, Han lets him actually help instead of just passing him tools
By the age of eight, Ben is learned in the anatomy of a ship
Han buys some scrap and a broken ship to begins to fix it up together with his best friend and son
After a year of working on it, the ship begins to take shape
Anakin can't take it anymore and and decides to join in
"We can do better with this"
Anakin and Han bond over building the ship together and discover that they don't actually hate each other
This is the first time that they speak more than a few passing words to each other
Leia is relieve her father finally is getting along with her husband
The ship is completed when Ben is almost eleven years old
He wants to drive it himself and Han almost lets him...
But Leia is the voice of reason
She only allows him to be a passenger
That rule changes quickly however, and with the help of father, grandfather, Uncle Luke, and Uncle Chewie, his mother and grandmother relent within the year
By twelve he is flying his first ship (still with an adult's help)
And by fourteen he's allowed to fly the ship by himself (with an adult still on board)
At fifteen he's one of the best pilots on Naboo
He gets his official license by sixteen (and no longer has to fly with an adult)
He's a fairly responsible pilot (Padme's doing) though he does enjoy a good thrill ride
Not unexpected when you have Han and Anakin as your teachers
But despite what most people would think, Leia actually taught him the most about flying (Though Han and Ani did quite a bit)
At 17 he is gifted a new ship (He names it "Starflyer-base")
Ben is also maturing in other ways
He becomes Luke's Padawan
This is partly because he needs to learn how to control his power and so he can properly protect himself from Snoke and the influence of the darkside
But ultimately becoming a Jedi was his choice
(I'm sorry I didn't write about C3P-O and R2, I just didn't really know what to say about them. Assume they're just hanging out throughout all of this watching the chaos continue)
(I'm also only on season 2 of the clone wars, so if I left anyone out I'm sorry!!)
Thanks for Reading!!
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auroragothcs · 2 years
TWs and CWs: Mentions of violence, injury, cannibalism, human experimentation, disordered eating, recreational herbs and detachment to a sense of self.
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| Il Dottore Headcanons (pt.2).
26. He really really wants to experiment on Capitano and has gone as far as to ask for permission "as a show of respect".
27. Once got in trouble for using recreational herbs inside Akademia property and ended up being failed by the professor who caught him, oddly enough that same professor disappeared a week after Dottore came into power as a Fatui harbinger.
28. Dottore's clones actually have a deep admiration and respect for Prime that overshadows their fear, whether they're made to feel that way or not is up to speculation.
29. Vulnerability can get you killed as a Fatui, he first learned this by being on the advantageous side of it.
30. He has sensory issues that are mostly affected by textures so he keeps his gloves on at nearly all times, but even mildly wet gloves make him nauseous.
31. Soft natural fur feels like heaven and is one of the few things he truly enjoys wearing, artificial fur makes him feel itchy all over.
32. He once tried to walk in heels to prove to Signora that she was weaker than him for complaining about her aching feet after he made her wait outside his lab with nowhere to sit, he almost broke his ankle.
33. His handwriting is great but it becomes little more than a scribble when he writes in a hurry, this greatly affected his grades during his time at the Akademia.
34. There's nothing this man won't sacrifice in order to reach his goals and his single-minded focus often ends up doing him more harm than good as he gambles with his own well-being.
35. Childe once broke his nose because he made a comment on how the younger harbinger looked at him like he had killed his family, offering to actually do it so the glare would be justified.
36. His clones like to spar and act out dramatic plays where they defeat gods and beasts alike as a way to cheer Prime up when he starts to lose motivation.
37. Well manicured nails.
38. Dottore craves gentle physical contact but is far too stubborn to even realize it.
39. He became so detached from his own humanity that he denies himself even the most basic of needs such as rest and proper meals.
40. All of Dottore's clones have slightly different voices so he can differentiate befween them if needed, but they can also be identified by their birthdays.
41. Someone once told him his hair has a beautiful minty color, he started using mint-scented hair products because it was one of the few compliments he's gotten and it felt honest.
42. Exhaustion often leads him to crash as soon as he's even slightly relaxed.
43. He's secretly a sucker for cute items.
44. All of the clones loved to bother Scaramouche, patting his head and calling him a grumpy kitten whenever they saw him just to see him shake in anger.
45. Slightly crooked nose and jaw, both from injuries.
46. Thanks to his higher intellect and full focus on his academic endeavors, Dottore has always felt distanced from others and struggles to see himself at the same level as people who have -comparatively- shown far less interest in learning everything they can.
47. He kicks people's shins if they're annoying him but he's unable to fully express that.
48. There was a clone created to be more mature and to look older than Dottore but he disappeared without a word to anyone after having a breakdown about his own existence as a mere copy, he is probably still alive.
49. Cereal before milk unless there's someone else at the table, then he puts both in his mouth and swallows.
50. Dottore finds his experiments pitiful but still does his best to keep them alive for as long as possible as replacing them is burdensome and takes up time in his clone's schedules.
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naomana · 2 years
i got norman & brian brainrot, your fault
okay but like, i'm a sucker for norman helping brian, brian's young, cocky and gets himself into a lot of trouble. norman's younger and a lot more forgiving than he is in lost heaven years later, so he often lets the kid go, save for tap round the back of the head. it's all complicated, he's just a kid trying to survive and especially in this city? he reckons he can be a little lenient, there is crime around every corner and this little kid robbing a store is awful sure, but considering brian didn't actually rob the store in the end and it was something extremely petty that norman got him to hand over, eh give him a strike, one outta three. and if it was bad enough he'd probably only throw him into a holding cell for the night. and like, imagine when brian gets older, he helps norman: norman gets himself into a shoot out and brian pulls up to save his ass. brian's been getting worse lately, he can actually perform up to criminal standards nowadays (give or take) and it only makes norman more frustrated. he could let him go when he stole some food or something small, but actually killing people? and robbing jewellery stores and speeding on the street, putting other people in danger and abusing other gangsters.
things just start getting even more complicated and he starts having a war with his decisions and feelings, he's gotten too strong of a soft spot for brian now. do you reckon, there has been a time where norman let him go when he certainly shouldn't have. norman stands there with a shotgun in hand pointing it at brian but still does nothing, doesn't order anything. he can't bring himself to pull the trigger or speak to him so he just nods for him to fucking leave. reports in that he found nothing at the scene.
and did he ever learn of brian's death in the '40s-'50s? he would still be in lost heaven give or take. like what if norman did get along with brian really well, not only did he know brian he knew a lot of irish gang members in the area too, some of brian's friends. so what if he runs into one of them and they have to break the news to him. and it's unlikely and he most likely would never find out who did it, but imagine if he did, he found out vito scaletta killed brian. and then in '51, tommy's found dead, murdered by none other than vito scaletta. (even if he didn't pull the trigger he was still there, he still delivered the message)
conclusion: norman's a stupid affectionate dummy and he probably hates vito a lot. (im sorry this got long but it's brian and norman so i figured you'd forgive me-)
This took me embarrassingly too long to respond to, life wouldn't let me hold coherent thoughts for longer than 2 seconds sjsjs
Norman definitely has a sweet spot for Brian.. To a point where Brian could very easily be his adoptive son (but let's not go with that bc we know they did the dirty stuff, Norman probably so fucking scared he has a thing for somebody so much younger, and a man nonetheless)
Anyway, he definitely had let him go once or twice, always telling him next time he won't hesitate to arrest him, but next time he never does anyway and Brian knows it.
And him coming to Norman's rescue is so damn sweet, I can't handle it nnsn
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guillermogoth · 8 months
ex-LO deleted something with all their thoughts and such, said some interesting stuff. doesn't seem like i matter though, it's not about me.
honestly, i bet it was one of the other people they chat with.
and to see everyone out here flaunting their friends... hah. it sucks.
but i'll just keep going. not everyone is connecting on deep levels. most people are soft friends. maybe it will change, maybe it won't.
i know i made mistakes. it would be ridiculous to pretend i didn't. they didn't even do anything wrong. i was just insane. i didn't know how to handle relationships with people. i haven't had a real friend in a long time. i don't think i have this, but the way i acted at the time... i was almost certain i had BPD.
and maybe i do tbh, a lot of symptoms apply to me. but it doesn't matter. the point is i know i wasn't normal about, and i just have to let it go. there's no way to go back and act like nothing happened.
and i'm the worst, really. because someone ghosted me first, and that's why i went out desperately seeking someone new to connect to, and then i found someone i liked SO. MUCH. and i did the same shit to them.
but i haven't talked to anyone else from that time, either, not just them. it's just too hard. i have so many problems, and no one could help. they wouldn't even listen or ask questions. they'd just say "sorry you're going through that."
how am i still going?
i want to mention something from the past. when i was younger and told older people about my suicidal ideation (because i was in an abusive household), they'd laugh, say it didn't matter, tell me my texts were too long to read, or even try to bond with me over it.
but the one who told me he wouldn't read all of it is probably the one that hurts the most
and i know i shouldnt ask people to protect me, and it was maybe terrible to let other people know how badly i wanted to die, but i needed someone to tell me they cared, or i would have done it every time
i still check up on guy who told me he wasnt going to read everything because my texts were too long. i look at his social media. and i know he's honestly a bad person with a machismo problem. he pulled a g-n on his ex. according to his ex he also assaulted him (sexually). and i have no reason not to believe his ex. his ex has mental health problems but he's not out here lying. his friend got fucking shot in a club in the last year. it's just messed up. why am i checking on this guy? why am i seeing what he's up to?
i fell into the same hole again. i checked up on the older guy who partially ruined my life as a child. he's just normal, fine, with friends. i mean, he works in fast food and lives in an apartment at like, almost 40, but he's happy.
why the fuck are these people happy, when i'm so depressed?
i hate how i feel about people. i hate how i care more about them than they ever do me. i hate it. so much.
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8, 13, 37, 38?
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
"Why are the shakes something you're even looking for?" Phil asks, amused right up until he notices Sneeg using all of his strength to push the barely-eaten golden apple to the edge of the platform. "Hey, hey now, what're you doing?"
"Well, if you actually don't have a problem with it, then you won't mind me wasting one," Sneeg says defiantly, just before his voice breaks with the strain of his exertion. "Right?"
"Right," Phil says slowly, unable to completely bleed the reluctance from his voice. Once again, his feathers are prickling, and it's making the back of his neck itch. Some horrible feeling is twisting inside of him, lies pressing against his teeth in a desperate bid to shield his vulnerability away from Sneeg's beady, prying eyes. "It's...yeah. That's fine. That's totally not a big deal."
"Totally," Sneeg agrees, and both of them watch the apple fall into the lake below, together.
so, this is from my last origins fic about sneeg and phil, and what I really like about this exchange, and a lot of their exchanges I write, is that it sort of showcases their funky power dynamic - neither of them want to lose each other, but they're also always pushing boundaries with each other. it's this carefully threaded tension where sneeg is testing how far he can push phil to reveal his secrets, and phil trying to retain as much control as he can - and fooling himself into thinking that sometimes giving control away makes you come off as stronger than you actually are. they're really fascinating to write to me :)
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
already answered!
37. Talk about your current wips.
mmm i have so many and very few im paying attention to right now. well, i still want to finish danse macabre, that's mostly plotted out and ready to write, i just need to make time for it. Then there's the hardcore fics I'm in the middle of writing, like the mind control ender king & phil one that I still need to finish + my big memory loss-centered hardcore fic... that's probably the two that are my main priority right now. we'll see how i feel about revisiting my several Older wips (send me another ask and maybe i'll tell you about one of those)
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
ohhh one time i got a double whammy of a lovely long comment + tumblr ask/dm session from lew @/liloinkoink who had some super super kind things to say about red eggs and ham :] their kind words still live in my head to this day for real <33
40 questions for fic writers
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
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Can't really read how many cc's this is it's about 450 500 really it's obscured but it's a big enough motor to do anything you want and it is much more powerful than the KTM 525 it's a street motor more or less and it has tons of torque and tons of horsepower and because it can handle beatings and most likes don't take a beating and they get beat up and it's light enough that it can it doesn't weigh that much she said they said like 600 lb and he said no I think it's more like 400 or 350 he was thinking 350 inside and it's about what it is it's a light bike and it's really really nice he said sitting when it's comfortable and it's lower but he lowered just a smidge more and you can but boy he fits right on that bike the pictures it looks like he was made to ride it and you can put carry boxes on it and handles real well tires are nice and big and beefy and it's fast enough of course top speeds like 200 miles an hour it's really a superbike that it's changed to be like a supermoto and it's too much bike for him he says which is probably true and he's not sure about riding the street but he wanted to sit on and test it out and just think about it like someday and it's safer around here right now it's probably not good at all but we sell this bike and Ken was saying wow that's quite a bike it's trying to look it up and it's not at 6:50 and his heart sink a little but he heard that it's a fast bike from others and he said even though with the wait it's got a lot of power like 40 40 foot pounds of torque and 40 horsepower which is tons it's a light bike it's like 350 lb then he started to brighten up and he said wow and it heals nice so soon we can talk heavy it's it's got a lowest in your gravity for a bike that has a good suspension real suspension and mostly a superbikes don't really that's one advantage and the other is you can go off road if you have to without any problem and the price is right Kawasaki selling them in a decent price and they they cost a lot for them to make good quality bikes for this realm they last a long time and $7,000 plus it's like 7500 and it's a decent decent bike it really runs nice and he had a Kawasaki and nothing everyone wrong it's older than hell it was like 10 years older than he was and it was like 1978. We saw these bikes been very cheap and brings in Stratton almost the same exact bike ours are 350s but they have the same horsepower and the same foot pounds of torque and they go about the same speed almost exactly the same speed they handle just as well and they look the same this is our opening model for Briggs & Stratton motorcycles for the most part it's almost exactly the same and say he said he likes the look of the Chinese bike and we worked on it and we think the Japanese took the idea cuz this is a 2023 and it looks the same it has that front end that's small the fairing and it has a adventure bike look to it and it's also super Moto look second cross between the two and it has the power and it's light and has the speed so Japanese are doing that to brings in strength it's a new class of bike they also have a 650 that's more of an Enduro supermoto adventure bike it's more it's a real adventure bike it's a 650 usually they're that big but this bike is really awesome it's it's a nice bike and it works it's a great starter bike for someone who's ridden before so it's not a starter bike and we are selling them and ours cost around $2,300 fully assembled at the dealer out the door so he wants us to come down there but he still hasn't to drive a motorcycle and we don't want them on one not for some time now it'll probably be his first bike and there are foreign people who like to bring some Stratton is it forced to use it and it'll be our company and they'll be forced they're going to be forced to use this motor because it won't be anything else available mostly here
Thor Freya
You like the bike but he won't be able to get it for ages cuz they won't be they won't let down here so we're going to try and get him this RS and it's a 450 then he's hesitant because of danger so we told our people he really is nervous to ride around here and they said we're making this bike for people like him and he's nervous to ride but then he said then they say other people will ride the bike because they need to use it for certain things but he is way too pressure he's under duress and we do understand that so we are probably holding off on pushing for you to ride it yes it is dangerous and very dangerous and riding the bicycles hard enough it's already had a spill as ridiculous he just fell over like 1 mile an hour and with laundry cuz I pulled him down and he's got to drive around with laundry and stuff it's not ideal and I'll take forever to really really cheap car in there insurance will still be too much so we're thinking of what to do and we haven't come up with something yet but it'll take us a little bit of time
Posiden and Goddess Wife
We'll leave with this thought he's going to move cuz the bugs are at him
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Tsunami AU. I lied, I need to write more.
Haku hears the whispers of the villagers as he easily glides through the crowd. The elders are all murmuring to each other, hope and wary disbelief on their faces. Uzumaki, he hears. The name of the boy with hair like the sun and eyes the color of a clear summer sky. The boy who desperately wishes to protect those he cherishes. Like him. Haku drifts closer, unseen. Uzumaki, they whisper. Is he real? Some ask. Did he steal the name? Others look fierce. No, he Knows the Sea. Even more whisper even as their voices ring with the sincerity of their declaration. He doesn't look like an Uzumaki, one protests. Fool, another replies. It's in his face, his eyes, the way he walks. He belongs to the Sea. More nod and Hope flickers through the group of elders like ground fire. Eyes shining and spines straightening. They look like they're going to speak more but several of Gato's thugs have entered the market and the group scatters. But Haku can see, they each carry that ember of Hope with them as they move away and disappear. Haku thinks of what he heard. He hopes Zabuza-Sama will explain what they meant when the people of Wave declared Uzumaki to belong to the Sea.
Zabuza is testing his movements, he needs to be sure of himself when he goes to fight Hatake tomorrow. Haku can deal with the brats easily but Hatake is the challenge. He'll win this time and take Haku and their money and go back to the Rebellion. There is no other choice. Haku comes back with a confused look on his face. He reports what he saw and heard before he hesitates before slowly asking what is special about Uzumakis. Zabuza can almost feel his heart stop as an icy hand clutches it at the mention of the name. Sea witches. Terrors of the Waves. Danger. Red Deaths. Why, he demands harshly as stories of the Uzumakis flit through his head. Even 40 years after Uzushio was razed to the ground, they were fierce and terrifying stories still whispered of in the Bloody Mist. The boy, the blond. His name is Uzumaki. Something deep inside Zabuza whispers to flee, to take Haku and run into the night. There's nothing more terrifying than Uzumakis on on sea. He squashes that down quick. It's only a brat, one Haku will be able to handle. Besides, he's from the Leaf. He wasn't raised on the sea. That part of him urges him to flee once more when Haku says that the elders in the village agree that the blond brat is a real Uzumaki. Zabuza let's out a breath. Uzumakis are terrors with water and seals, he tells Haku. Watch for that when you fight him. Haku asks, What did they mean when they said Uzumaki-kun belongs to the Sea? Zabuza resists the urge to curse. Grimly, he said, The boy will have a connection to the sea, he'll feel and know things he should have no way of knowing about the sea and he'll find things he shouldn't be able to. Some Uzumakis have the sea react to them, even without Chakra. They Belong to the Sea, a part of it. And it's a part of them. And no one sane can fight the Sea he thinks. It doesn't matter, he's likely never been this close to the sea before so he won't know what he's doing. Kill him quick. Don't hesitate with your soft heart he growls. With a soft Yes, Zabuza-sama, they turn towards other matters. Tomorrow they will fight an Uzumaki over the sea. They have to be ready.
When Tazuna first heard the loud, stupid young blond yelling out his name, he felt fury. He knew the Uzumakis once. They were of the Sea and this landbound brat is claiming their name? Their history? Then he felt shame. Even if the brat had stolen the name, Tazuna was probably going to get him killed. They were sending him out with kids barely older than his grandson. And if he's a real Uzumaki, landbound as he is, he may ne responsible for the death of the Last Uzumaki. He drank another bottle to drown his thoughts and guilt once more. The closer they got to Wave, the antsier the brat got. He squirmed and craned his neck, looking for something. When they got to the place where his old friend was waiting to take them back to Wave, the kid froze. He stared at the ocean, watching the water. Tazuna couldn't even see him breathe. Then they were ushered onto the boat and the moment broke. Tazuna kept an eye on the boy as he crossed. He was distracted, even as he talked with his team. Uzumaki, Uzumaki, a real Uzumaki, his heart cried. And you're leading him to his death, his conscience hissed. Tazuna shut his eyes and drank more. After they made it through that awful fight with those missing nin, he lead the Genin kids to his home. The closer they got, the further inland the more the blond lost focus. His eyes clouded over and his head tilted back towards the Sea the way Kenjiro's used to do when he visited Wave. He's an Uzumaki. He belongs to the Sea, his heart wept. Tazuna drank another bottle. Every time the boy Uzumaki Naruto, Maelstrom brought back his finds from the shoreline, fish, oysters, little treasures, the sicker Tazuna felt. Uzumaki, Uzumaki! The Sea Belongs to him, his heart screamed. Tazuna drank another bottle. The boy Uzumaki always lead the way to the Bridge. He never got lost. He could tell the time by the tides. He gifted the villagers with most of the seafood he found. It was always enough for everyone to have a meal. The boy with the hair the color of the sun and eyes the color of the summer sky the summer sea. When those ninja came back, he was going to die. Tazuna drank another bottle.
Ok, I think that's really it now. I have never been fond of Tazuna but I felt sorry for him here. Poor Haku was more for showing what the villagers though of Naruto, too. Not much screen time for him. 😅
Tazuna, who is old enough to remember when Uzushio thrived absolutely finds himself torn about what he's done, this danger he's placed what just might be the last of the Uzumaki into.
But it's too late to take back and the sensei is already catching onto his staring and the grief and guilt that not even Zabuza's apperance has managed to stem.
So he keeps his silence even if the whispers are already beginning to travel through the village with every glimpse of Naruto.
But it's not a secret that any of them will be able to keep for much longer, not with what's to come.
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
(@spinaroos-47 ) i had this idea some hours ago and im surprised that no one thought about it.
So like, an AU where Philip does manage to make Hunter back in the 1600s. What would have changed? What could have happened to both of them?
Probably not something good but a good source for angst
OOOOOOOOO okay, okay.
I'd LIKE to say that caring for a baby while he's still a pathetic powerless guy changes him, and he cares about something other than himself. Cute Phillip raising a baby, deciding that this is enough, and since Hunter would never fit in in the human realm, he may as well stay here for Hunter's sake.
Unlikely. More likely, he either foists Hunter on someone else until he's big enough to be useful/until he's housetrained, tosses him to a monster as a distraction, or otherwise raises him badly.
I'm imagining him teaching a small Hunter to solve puzzles, teaching him how to pick locks, how to avoid hits and attacks, and then using him as his "sacrifice"/distraction for all of his tasks. It's too early, after all, he has to wait for that eclipse.
Except Hunter doesn't die.
Hunter, tenacious eight year old, survives against all odds, and trots up to his uncle's side with a "that was a close one, I'm glad you got out safe"
Hunter, ten, gets out of them injured and asks, gasping, "Did we get it? Did I distract it long enough?"
Hunter, 14, has stopped asking his uncle if he's done well, just solves the puzzle, distracts the beast, or the flesh-eating plants, or takes the magical trap's damage like a pro. Occasionally his uncle will tell him a story of the human realm as a treat, and on those days, Hunter knows he did well even if his uncle won't say it.
Hunter, 20, is doing most of this alone now. He can defeat most of the beasts on his own, and his uncle is too frail. At least, that's what Hunter tells himself when Phillip-- except he wants to be called Belos now-- gives him a list of things to retrieve.
He hasn't failed to notice that his uncle doesn't seem to get any older.
Hunter, 37, has slowed down. His reflexes just aren't as fast. Old injuries are taking their toll, making his joints hurt. He gets badly injured and stumbles home without the prize. His uncle eyes him and says he supposed he hadn't expected much from him anymore.
Hunter, 37, leaves. He's not useful to his uncle anymore-- the last injury left him with a permanent limp and shaking hands-- and most debilitatingly, a deep sickness to his stomach whenever he looks at a puzzle.
Hunter, 40, is actually okay. Those savage wild witches are... kind. Even though he doesn't have magic, they treat him well. They've done enough healing magic that he can get around with a cane. Their magic can't do anything for the shadows in his mind, though.
He sees glimpses of his uncle, looking almost the same as the day he left him, albeit with greying hair and a greenish scar. But he can still always tell it's him. He feels an ache in his chest--but never approaches.
On his deathbed, he sees his uncle one last time. A small smile crosses the man's face.
"Hunter." the voice is different. But it's still him, isn't it?
"Uncle Belos," Hunter rasps, "You're almost done?"
He waves a hand. "Oh, I'm waiting to collect a few parts I need. Something broke, and I need a replacement."
"How long do you think it'll take?" Will it happen before...
Uncle Belos leans back with another small smile. "It should only be a few moments now."
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