#he is the feral boi i wanna hug and put on my pocket
meimilk · 4 years
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I just wanted to draw Zib recieiving some love with aaaa 
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
Okay, I know I already sent you another request, but this one...I just had to drop this one on ya. Can I request Bakugo, Hawks, Shinsou, and Dabi’s reaction to seeing their black s/o getting hit on in the most cringiest, fetishizing way while they’re standing next to them? Since the s/o is dating them, they know the things that should and shouldn’t be said to a black person, but the weirdo goes to them and says things along the lines of:
“Do you taste as chocolatey as you look?”
“Lemme conquer you in the bedroom”
“Twerk on me like Megan Thee Stallion”
And “Our kids are going to be great athletes”
Like the she is just stunned into mortified silence since she couldn’t process the audacity for someone to say something so disgusting. She’ll let her man’s handle it cuz the last thing she needs is to be charged with homicide.
(Trust me, writing those lines hurt me but not as much as it hurt when I was told these things 🤢)
“Why Don’t You Just Do Us All a Favor and Shut Up?”
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You don’t understand how many times a trashy guy has said something like this to me thinking I would find it cute or attractive. So gross! As a society we need to do better and stop sexualizing and fetishizing black women and girls.
also the gif has nothing to do with this, I just thought it was cute.
Anyways...starts below the cut!
Warnings: swearing, fetishization of black women and girls, sleazy trashy guys, protective boyfriends, sexual implications
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“Katsu, can we get ramen at that new place that just opened up the street?” (y/n) questioned, her (eye color) eyes wide with anticipation.
“Ok.” The usually explosive blonde agreed, snaking his larger hand into her slightly smaller one. (y/n) had finished training earlier and since it was a light day, Bakugou had suggested they walk around the downtown area. “It’s over this way, right?” (y/n) nodded simply, looking around at the different shops they passed on their way to the new ramen restaurant.
Ever since Katsuki had begun dating the black girl, he had calmed down significantly, though only around her...with everyone else he was just as explosive as he always was. The black girl was fiercely protective over her friends and especially Katsuki, though he didn’t really need it; probably a part of her tiger quirk, though it came off as more endearing than annoying.
“What are you gonna order?” She wondered, making small conversation as they waited to cross the street.
“What I always order.” He answered simply.
“The spiciest thing on the menu.” (y/n) and Katsuki said at the same time, (y/n) rolling her eyes with a smile.
“You won’t have any taste buds left if you burn them all off.” She teased as Katsuki rolled his crimson eyes at her, holding her close to him as they continued to wait.
A whistle caught the couple’s attention, Bakugou’s eyes narrowing as they fell on two boys standing at a shop located behind where they were standing. The two boys looked the same age if not a little older than (y/n) and Katsuki, the taller one had lime green hair and matching lime colored eyes. His pale face had a smirk plastered on it. The slightly shorter of the two had pink hair the color of bubble gum, lavender eyes focusing on the black girl, a smirk on his face also.
Despite (y/n) usually being confident, there was something highly uncomfortable about the way they were eyeing her that made her uneasy.
“Hey Riku, you think she’d go for someone like me? You know I have a thing for exotics.” (y/n) turned around, deciding to ignore them, they weren’t worth the time. She gripped Bakugou’s hand, turning him around, trying to think of something to say to distract them both from the annoying boys.
The ash blonde sent her a bewildered look, confused as to why she wasn’t going to say something to them. “They aren’t worth it. They’re extras, right?” She joked, flashing a half smile at her boyfriend.
Bakugou tched, but decided not to say anything since (y/n) didn’t seem to want him to.
“You know why exotics are the best?” The lime green haired boy questioned, loud enough to make sure Bakugou and (y/n) had heard it.
“Why Riku?” The bubble gum haired boy said, a creepy glint in his eyes.
“Because of that fat ass.” He snickered. “You think she’d let me get a taste of that chocolate?”
(Jesus Christ, I cringed writing that. 🤢)
Bakugou’s head whipped around to glare at the two boys, (y/n) turning around to look at them, holding herself back, but too shocked by what she had heard to catch Bakugou before he did something that would attract the attention of police.
“You two fucking clowns better shut the fuck up before you get a taste of my foot shoved so far up your asses it’ll be coming out of your fat fucking mouths.” Bakugou growled, punching them each in the face, making sure to heat up his hand so that it would definitely leave a mark.
(y/n) looked around to see a few people watching, as she let Bakugou beat up the boys before she finally decided it was enough. She placed a hand on his shoulder, as he looked up, the feral look in his crimson orbs dissipating to a gentle one.
“I just wanna go. Can we please, before the police get here?” She questioned as he punched them and kicked them a few more times before standing up and nodding.
“You won’t be fucking needing these either.” Bakugou said, going through their wallets, taking the money out before snapping the cards in half and tossing them on the street next to the boys who remained on the ground. “Let’s go.” He held out his hand, as she grabbed it and they walked across the street. “I hate these fucking extras.” He grumbled as they got to the ramen restaurant. Bakugou Katsuki had every intention of using the money he had just taken to pay for everything, it was the least they could do.
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The woman was on her way to her apartment, getting off early from her patrol because not only was it a Friday, but the day after was her 23rd birthday and her pro-hero boyfriend seemed to have planned something, despite her telling him he didn’t have to.
Her phone rang, taking (y/n) out of her thoughts as she slid the answer button seeing her boyfriend’s picture pop up. “Hey Kei.” She answered happily, stopping at the corner, waiting to cross the street.
“Hey, Kid.” Came his response, causing the black woman to smile. “You got off early right? You wanna get (your favorite food/ drink)?”
“Really?!” (y/n) grew excited, her voice raising an octave as a laugh bubbled from her full lips. The couple was usually very busy and that meant they didn’t have a lot of time to just go to restaurants and walk around the downtown area, but since they had managed to get the afternoon and weekend off, Hawks was going to take full advantage of it.
“Yeah.” He laughed back. “I’ll meet you there?”
“Ok! Love you.” She told him.
“Love you too, Kid.” He said back before hanging up. (y/n) crossed the street, walking towards their favorite restaurant, her hero costume folded in the black backpack she wore on her back. She too was a pro-hero, though she wasn’t as popular as her boyfriend, she had recently gone pro in Japan, already a famous pro in her native country. She slid her phone into one of the pockets of her black jeans, her simple white t-shirt half tucked into her pants.
She increased her stride, her smile widening as she saw the crimson wings of her boyfriend up ahead. He turned around his own smile growing as she got closer. “How was patrol?” She asked him as he hugged her, the pair pulling away and intertwining hands.
“It was fine...kinda boring.” Hawks answered as they walked inside the establishment.
“Woah.” The cashier said softly, after ringing up your orders. Hawks paid, even though she protested though he responded by saying it was her birthday weekend and she wasn’t allowed to pay. The cashier, who seemed a little older than the two of the pros, named Ukyo, handed her her drink practically ignoring Hawks.
Keigo frowned, growing slightly annoyed, though he wouldn’t really peg himself as the jealous type, Ukyo just made everything very uncomfortable and Hawks was growing irritated that (y/n) was uneasy. It was the protective nature in him, which he would admit could get a little intense at times.
“Um, thanks.” (y/n) replied with a slightly awkward laugh before looking at Hawks to say she was ready to go. They had planned to walk through the park nearby. As they were stepping away, Ukyo called out.
“Hey wait, pretty girl!” He called out, catching the dark skinned woman off guard. “You forgot something.” She turned, raising an eyebrow before going back towards where Ukyo stood behind the counter. He held out a napkin to her, his messy chicken scratch handwriting on the piece of paper. “It’s my number. You should call me sometime, I’d love to get to know you more.”
“I already have a great boyfriend.” (y/n) replied, giving him a smile as he still pushed the napkin to her, managing to stuff it into her bag. At this, Hawks stepped closer, still remaining silent, wanting to let her handle it because he didn’t want to come off as overbearing or suffocating. “Really, I’m not interested. I love my boyfriend.”
“Who? Him? But our kids would be so cute! They’d be great athletes, you know?” He smiled widely at her, grabbing onto her wrist to stop her from leaving. Hawks had heard enough, at (y/n)’s silence and the way her eyes seemed to bore into his own, he dislodged some feathers, sending them at the cashier, stopping them a few centimeters away from him.
“Let her go, before you make me really mad.” Hawks said, glaring at the male, sharpening the feathers into blade-like devices, his golden eyes shining with anger.
“Chill out, Man! She’s hot! She was practically asking for it!” Ukyo put his hands up, Hawks’ eyes narrowing as a growl almost sounded from deep in his chest.
“You’re lucky my girlfriend’s here.” Hawks chuckled darkly, as (y/n) placed her hand in his own. “I would’ve cut your disrespectful racist ass.” Hawks walked away with (y/n), sending the feathers at the wall behind the cashier, just narrowly missing him.
Hawks smirked as he stepped outside, hearing the high pitched scream that came out of Ukyo at the feathers going near him, fearing he was about to be sent to the hospital. Hawks glared at him through the shop window, his wings flapping behind him as if he was about to send more feathers causing Ukyo to scream again, though this time a wet spot began to grow in his khaki colored pants.
Hawks’ eyes lit up as a loud laugh fell from his mouth causing (y/n) to laugh lightly. “Fucking bitch.” Hawks muttered as they walked towards the park. “I should’ve sent the feathers into him.”
“No, you did enough Kei.” (y/n) giggled, Hawks growing happy that he had gotten her to laugh after that rude cashier incident.
Every week after that Hawks would purposely walk past the shop, launching a feather through the window and into the wall, an adult sized diaper held to the wall by the sharp crimson feather, a note usually attached saying:
‘just thought you might need to start wearing these.
I hate you,
Ps: Show this to anyone, tell anyone about this, or do something like that to another person again and I’ll send the next feather so far up your ass, you’ll need surgery to remove it. xoxo’
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(i decided to insert another character, like Mineta but 100x worse and not jokingly either. His name is Shintani Narisuke.)
(y/n) was sitting in the common room where everyone from the general studies class usually hung out during their down time. Although, surprisingly it was empty except for the purple haired Shinsou and his lavender haired girlfriend, (y/n). It honestly was just a coincidence that the pair both had purple hair, though the girls from their class thought it was the cutest. (y/n) placed her head on one of Shinsou’s shoulders as they watched a random movie on his laptop, pushing her goddess braids so that she could be more comfortable.
The common room was empty only because one of (y/n)’s friends and classmates had told everyone that they couldn’t go into the common room because Shinsou and (y/n) were on a date. Everyone obeyed her...she was kind of scary when she was determined about something.
“How can he just get away with that?” (y/n) questioned, placing some popcorn into her mouth, pausing to place some in Shinsou mouth as they continued to stare at the screen. The pair alternated, the next time Shinsou threw some into his mouth and then fed some to (y/n).
“I hate that guy...he reminds me of that annoying little grape kid in 1-A.” Shinsou mumbled, causing her to laugh.
“We don’t speak his name.” Shinsou joked as the pair broke out into laughs again.
“Hey (your nickname)!” The pair turned, Shinsou pausing the movie, to see Shintari Narisuke enter the room. (y/n) raised an eyebrow at the use of her nickname, that ONLY Shinsou used for her.
“It’s (your full name).” She corrected him.
“Aw, don’t be like that.” The average height boy pouted, sitting down next to her, causing Shinsou to sit up more, a frown on his face.
“What do you want, Shintari? We’re busy here.” Shinsou chimed in, slightly annoyed as he rolled his tired purple eyes.
“Not that busy.” The aqua blue haired boy responded, flashing a fake smile at Shinsou. His eyes narrowed as the frown on his face deepened.
“What do you want?” Shinsou repeated.
“Hey (y/n)...” Shintari dragged out, looking at the black girl with big eyes.
“Has anyone ever told you that you kind of look like Megan Thee Stallion?”
“No…” The girl answered, confused as to where this was going. To her they looked nothing alike, though she was one of her favorite female rappers. “We don’t even look alike.”
“Your ass does though.” He answered smugly. “You think you could split on me like she does?” (y/n)’s eyes widened as she tried to process what he had just said. She was at a loss for words, completely surprised that he would go that far.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Shinsou grew angry, standing up and getting in the blue haired fool’s face. He had noticed that she was still slightly shocked, which is why he decided to handle it, because normally she was the one that would jump to put someone who needed it in their place.
“She heard me. Right, (your nickname)?” He said teasingly, his eyes not even looking at Shinsou. The usually disinterested male grew increasingly more angry, at being ignored and at the boy for using his nickname for his girlfriend.
“Do you think you could answer something for me?” Shinsou questioned catching the boy’s attention as Shinsou’s grip on his shirt tightened.
“Yeah, what do you want, Villain?” Shintari asked, falling for the trap. Shinsou’s purple eyes glowed softly as he activated his quirk.
“Shut the fuck up and…” Shinsou paused, really wanting to tell the kid to go take a long walk off of a short pier, but he knew he would probably be in trouble if he did that, so he took a deep breath. “Lock yourself in your room for the rest of the week and don’t come out.” Shinsou ultimately decided, letting the boy go with a smug smirk watching him walk down the hall.
The purple haired male turned, his focus going to his girlfriend who had a sick look on her face. “You okay, kitty?” He asked softly, sitting beside her. She simply wrapped her arms around him, listening to his steady heartbeat.
“I hate that asshole.” She mumbled.
“I do too.” Shinsou agreed. “I’m sorry he said something like that to you. That was fucking gross.”
“Thanks for handling it.” She half smiled at him. “I think I would’ve killed him...then he really would’ve called me a villain.”
“Who gives a fuck, let’s finish the movie.” Shinsou laughed lightly, causing her to laugh too. “Besides, he already calls me a villain.”
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(For this one (y/n) works in a bakery)
The black girl came from the back of the shop, a tray of fresh cookies in her hands, the sweet smell filling the store. She opened the glass cabinet, carefully transferring the cookies inside before going to return the tray to the back of the bakery.
Customers sat throughout the store, reading books from the bookshelves in the corner, drinking their coffees and teas while working, or simply just enjoying the warm atmosphere with their friends. (y/n) came back to the front, taking her place behind the register after washing her hands.
She looked up from where she had been adjusting a machine to the door, the sound of the ringing bell meaning someone new had entered. “Hi Baby.” The deep gravely voice said. She could hear the smile in his voice as she looked up, her own smile growing as she immediately recognized the voice.
“Hi Staples.” She teasingly replied. “What are you doing over here? I thought you were busy today.”
“I needed more.” He replied, holding up the bag at his side with the black hair dye inside.
“You want my help when I get off?” She clarified as he nodded, his blue eyes looking over her appearance. “What? You don’t like my uniform?” A soft smile on her face as she wiped down the counter.
“No, you look good.” His signature smirk appearing on his burned face. (y/n)’s heart fluttered slightly, the fiery boy never failed to make her heart skip a beat even after two years of dating.
“I get off in 50 minutes. You wanna hang around? I just made a fresh batch of cookies.”
“The ones I like?” His eyes seemed to sparkle like a kid in a candy store. Dabi loved to act big and bad, and that side of him was definitely...hot, but you loved to see the goofy childish side of him as well.
“Yeah, your favorite.” She replied, a large smile on her face as he nodded quickly, the dark hood of the sweatshirt pulled up on his head. “Alright. Here. I’ll be done soon.” She handed him a few cookies, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he slinked off to the seat he usually took in the corner of the shop when he waited for you.
(y/n) watched as he stood, picking up a book he had already started last time he came, sitting back down and flipping to the page he had left off on. Dabi...Touya wasn’t a bad guy, no matter what anyone told her, otherwise.
She was pulled out of her thoughts at the chime of the bell, a blonde man walking into the store. He must’ve been a traveler because he looked lost, especially with the way he had pulled up directions onto his phone. (y/n) gave him a friendly smile, “Hi, what can I get you?”
“I’ll take a...hot chocolate.” He said weirdly, giving her a smirk as his light eyes trailed up and down her body, at least the part that wasn’t hidden behind a counter. She nodded uneasily.
“Anything else?” Her mood had dropped, already tired of the male customer.
“How about your number?”
“No, sorry. I’m working and I-” He cut the girl off as she handed him his drink, ringing it up after she had made it.
“Come on, if it’s because I’m white...I’m hung like a black guy, if you know what I mean.” He said to the girl, Dabi’s eyes narrowing as he practically glared a hole through the blonde man.
“E-excuse me?” (y/n) repeated, blinking as she ran her hands over her apron, stepping back from him. She wasn’t even sure that had just happened, nothing that bad had ever happened at work before, just the occasional Wow, so pretty or Your hair is so fluffy, like a cloud from a few children when she wore it in an afro, that made her smile though, the kids were cute and everyone was generally respectful.
“If that’s why you won’t give me your number, you don’t have to worry about that.” He repeated.
“Yeah, I’m gonna need you to shut the fuck up.” Dabi chimed in, catching his girlfriend completely off guard. She hadn’t even noticed he had come up behind him or moved from his seat.
“What’s your problem man? I don’t think this involves you at all.” The blonde guy shot him a glare before turning back to the black girl behind the counter and stepping closer. Dabi’s blue eyes seemed to hold small flames in them as his anger grew. A dark chuckle left his lips as he harshly brought his hand down onto the blonde shoulder, heating it up until the man’s jacket was practically smoking.
“That’s my girlfriend, man.” Dabi told the man mockingly, his voice low and his eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t mind you calling her pretty, because she’s gorgeous but if you disrespect her, then you’re gonna deal with me.”
“Ew you fucking creep. I’ll call the police.” He threatened after turning and seeing Dabi’s face. Dabi tilted his head to the side slightly, a slow smile growing on his face, though it seemed more eerie than anything.
“I’ll give you something to call them about.” Dabi threatened. “Now, why don’t you leave and if I see you around here again, I’ll burn your ass so bad you’ll be virtually unrecognizable.”
“Fuck all of you. This place is shit anyway and the bitch behind the counter looks like a fucking monkey.” The guy announced going to walk out of the bakery.
“Not acceptable. Apologize.” Dabi demanded, his hand going around the blonde’s neck as he heated his hand up, making sure it would leave a burn.
“Sorry.” The guy cried out, Dabi rolling his eyes before shoving him towards the door, a scoff leaving his lips as the guy tripped on the way out.
“You know you’re gorgeous right?” Dabi questioned as (y/n)’s best friend and coworker told her to go home after that incident. Dabi grabbed (y/n)’s hand, waving back at her coworker before the couple walked towards their apartment, (y/n) excited to dye Dabi’s hair.
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Welcome To The Pack: Not Lost
Summary- 8.5k Alpha Steve x You. You wake up, and your not in your northern home anymore, but deep in Wakanda, in the palace of T’Challa and under Shuri’s care with Steve and Natasha at your side. Can Shuri fix you? Bucky is about to head out with Clint, Wanda and Pietro to bring back who Brock and Alanna took, The White Wolf and his team are ready for the hunt. Warnings- Smut, bad words. It’s a softer chapter. 
A/N- Wow, thank you everyone who reads this. I always appreciate thoughts on The Pack, and what you would like to see. Much Love and Happy Reading. 🐺❤️
Chapter  7 / Pack Masterlist
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Bucky returning home made him sigh in relief once him and Clint pulled onto Pack lands once more. The White Wolf pacing his mind lifted his muzzle in appreciation, inhaling deeply the cool forests that they called home. 
<Feels like we haven't run here in ages.>
Don't get too comfortable, we're headed out right away. Brock still has Cassandra. Bucky wouldn't even consider another thought, one where Brock didn't have the woman anymore.
Bucky thoughts darkened with worry for her and the White Wolf growled deeply in the deepest parts of his mind. They might have nothing more than a physical attachment to her, but he was responsible for her safety. Brock would pay for ever laying a hand on her.  Bucky turned back to his current thoughts, watching the dappled sunlight through the trees, like it was welcoming them home.
The tension ebbed from his shoulders and glancing at Clint, he could see the archer felt the same way, immediately taking a relaxed stance, elbow on the window sill of the jeep, fingers thrumming the steering wheel in the same way the songs beat flowed through the cab. Although it was a known fact the archer was partially deaf to an military accident when he was a younger man, his other senses heightened. He had once told Bucky he felt music as much as could hear it. It seemed so the way his fingers danced on the steering wheel, following the beats' vibrations. 
“Never thought I would be so damn glad to be back.” Barton said as the jeep rumbled towards the garage, and put it into park. 
“It's a shame we won't be staying, are you sure you want to come with me?” Bucky asked as he opened the door and slid out, preparing to go find Wanda and get a hold of Pietro who should be headed back to the east coast anytime now. 
“Of course, I wouldn't have made the offer brother if I didn't mean it.” The Archer said as he stretched and they made their way towards the gathering group, Sara leading them as she was now the acting Alpha till Steve returned. 
“Boys, am I damn glad to see you.” She held her arms out, first hugging Bucky and then Clint, stepping back to inspect them. “Although you two are a sight for sore eyes, I just got off the phone with Sam, he said that clean up at Pierces is now going much faster, since Stark’s crew showed up, and he's hoping the pack can come home within’ a day or two if you two are sticking around.” 
“That's good, I’m sure Sam is ready to be back home, as well as you.” Sara gave an affirmative nod, the mates bond ached for their partners when separated, her hand absently moving up to the mark Sam left on her years ago, rubbing it absently. “We're going after Rumlow, he's still got a hostage and we need to return her home, safe.” Bucky said, staying vague. It wasn't that he didn't want Sara knowing, the White Wolf was always a bit of a loner, and did not want the whole pack knowing his relationship with Cassandra, especially since he didn't entirely know himself what it was. “Is Wanda around? I would like to speak with her.” 
At the mention of her name, she came out of the crowd, and Sara nodded over to her home. How about we all go inside? You three can discuss what you need to and fill me in on what's going on with the Alpha, Y/N and Natasha.” Her arms embraced around the two men, leading them away from the group. When she felt the rest of the pack unsettled behind her, she looked over her shoulder growling softly for silence. She would fill them in on the details later. 
Sara ushered them inside of her home, everyone settling in comfortably while she got beers for all of them, and sat down too. 
Bucky wasted no time while screwing off the top of the beer he was given. “Thanks Doll.” Turning to Wanda, he motioned between him and Clint. “I was hoping I could rope you and Pietro into coming with me and Clint while we hunt down Brock and Alanna. They took someone, we need to get her back.” 
“If that's what the Alpha has requested, Pietro can meet us on the road if you’re ready to leave right away.” 
Bucky shook his head, and twisted the bottle in his hand, messing with the label. “No Wanda, this gotta be something you wanna do. Steve, he's fine with whatever you choose, and I know Stark is your Alpha, so really you're a free Wolf here. But she is probably going to be hurt, in ways… I just don't know. I can really use a healer for her.” 
Wanda listened intently, Bucky could see that she was discussing with her Wolf, the risks going off with him and Clint could mean for her and her brother, but then her resolve passed over her face. 
<She will join us, and it's good to have her with us. She can keep Cassandra calm.> 
Partly why I wanted her with us. 
“Of course I will come, I will message Pietro. My brother, he will want to come.” Wanda was already pulling out her phone to call her twin, pulling away from the table. “Pietro, how do you feel about…” Stepping out of the room, Sara turned back to the two of them. 
“And Steve… How's he doing?” It was easy to sense her worry and concern for her Alpha and friend. Bucky and Clint look at each other a moment, recalling how feral he had turned in the tunnel. 
“Not good, he was close to attacking us after Y/N was infected and lost consciousness. If Bucky wasn't there to challenge him, he probably would have. I'm sure Sam told you Tony is shipping them to Wakanda. Banner seems to think that the Panthers might have a solution to bring her Wolf back.”
“Even if they can't, Steve isn't just letting her go. You know him and the Wolf are already attached to her as if they have already shared the bite.” 
Clint nodded in agreement and Bucky winked. “Mans got it bad, I bet y’all fifty bucks they have bonded before they get back.” Sara gasped and smacked Bucky's arm. 
“You're terrible, betting on your friends like that.” 
Bucky grinned as he tipped up his bottle. “Doll, never said I was a good man or a good wolf.” 
Inside the White Wolf yipped in agreement, making Bucky’s grin wider.
Clint piped up on the other side of Sara. “I will take that bet.” and Sara pointed a finger at Clint. 
“You're no better than him.” Leaving both the wolves laughing as she got up, shaking her head at them. “Bond or not, Steve obviously cares for her in a way he didn’t with Alanna. I cant see him going all the way to Africa on a whim for her.” 
Bucky thought about his best friend's earlier relationship, and had to agree. Their bond wasn't there, Steve had lied to himself for years about it, but if push came to shove, Steve would have stayed with the pack first and sent someone else. With You, you couldn't pry him away, if it had been anyone other than Bucky, he would have killed them for coming near you when you first went under.  
“Your right Doll, there isn't anything Steve wouldn't do for Y/N, bond or not.” Bucky agreed and Sara gave a knowing smile. 
Wanda came back into the room, her phone going back into her pocket. “Pietro’s in.” 
“Good, then let's get packed.” Bucky finished off his beer.
     You finally tore yourself away from the view of Wakanda, and went back in, much to Steve’s persuasion. Once you settled back down at a nearby table that still provided a view for you to get lost in. Steve drew his hand along the back of your neck, and you tilted it back, looking up at him. “Hungry? I can call down for breakfast before we go back to the lab.” 
You questioned yourself a bit if you wanted food, and was met with quiet in your mind. A stillness that made you uneasy. Usually your Little Wolf would be demanding some answers right now. Or food, she would have liked that. That silence tightens your chest in grief that for the first time you felt alone inside. You put on a smile instead and a nod. 
“Breakfast sounds good. I'm ravished Alpha.” 
He gave a soft smile and dropped a kiss to your forehead. “Right away Little One.” 
Steve went to make that call, you turned back to the view. Tilting your head to inhale deeply, thankfully you didn't lose your strong sense of smell, cause it was something to behold. Heavy sweet scents of fruit encased your tongue, tasting it on the air as if you cupped that fruit in your hands to inhale. Rainfall, it was crisper than your lake, but not quite like the streams you liked to jump over. It was a heavy moisture that seemed to dew even now on your skin, the shower outside was reflecting the sun in prisms that danced around the walls of your room. All of it was so leafy and green in your mind, dripping constantly in the lushness under the towering trees that stretched up to your balcony. Steve footsteps drew you back from your daydream, seating himself across from you. 
“It will be up soon Little One.” He reached across the table, and weaved his fingers with yours, studying you. 
You nodded and gave a light squeeze to his hand. “How many days has it been Alpha, since all this happened.” 
“About three, after you passed out, Barton flew us to Stark. Banner couldn't do anything, but he told us that maybe the Panthers could. A plant, Shuri is positive, it's what caused this to happen to you. The dose Pierce gave you, more than it should have been.” 
You wrinkle your nose at what he's saying, trying to keep calm, without the help of your Little Wolf now. But you can't help the shimmer of tears brimming your eyes. 
<She is so lost without her Steve.> The Wolf whined, and Steve softly agreed with his beast. 
“Come here Little One.” He gave a soft tug to your hand and you raised from your seat circling around the table, where Steve opened his arms, and pulled you gently into his hold till you were cradled into him, one hand wrapped around your waist, and the other gently tracing your outer thigh, tucking you into his shoulder. 
“I promised you that you're not alone, we will find her Little One. Shuri is sure she isn't gone.” 
“No? Then where is she Steve? I searched and called for her. She never came.” Your voice was muffled into his neck, and he could feel the wetness falling on his shoulder to slide down his back. “I'm nothing without her.” You said with defeat and Steve shifted you enough to look at him. 
“No Little One, that is not true.” He nudged his nose gently against yours, nipping softly at your lips. “You stood up against your abuser just as you are now, and would again. How many times have your decisions been because they are what you wanted, and she supported you? All your choices, the one to escape, the one to trust me, and the one to fight with the pack, all you Little One. You and Her are the same. Even when you can't see or feel her.” 
Steve’s Wolf rumbled softly in response, Steve could feel it rolling through his chest, which you felt the vibration, heard it. His way of saying he agreed. You were no less a wolf then before. 
A knock on your door made Steve catch your lips quickly, and pull away, calling out. “Give us a minute.” Tapping gently on your thigh to signal you to get up, he reached for a folded robe at the end of the bed, and snapped it open to ease onto you, and while you were tying it shut, he grabbed his own, and slipped it on to go to the door. Opening it, they found Natasha standing there, with a full cart of food. 
“Figured I would join you two, if you don't mind?” 
“Of course not Nat, there's plenty for all of us.” Steve stepped aside, and when Natasha came in, she grinned seeing you awake. 
“Thank God, it's so good to see you Y/N! I thought I was gonna be stuck here alone with Steve.” She ditched the cart once it was inside and went over to hug you, which you were so happily to give back, nuzzling into the red head. 
“It's so good to see you to, and I wouldn't subject you to that. What kind of pack member would I be, leaving you all alone with the Alpha. “ Steve strolled the cart past them, snorting at them. 
“I see how it is, two against one. That's fine, don’t worry about it. I will just leave you two alone.” He gave a teasing growl while popping a grape in his mouth, stopping at the table. 
You and Natasha grin at each other and follow along after him. 
“Not like you can eat all this yourself.” You sweep down into Steve's lap, picking up the cup of coffee he just made while Natasha took the seat next to you two, quickly falling into easy conversation till Shuri called for you all to join her in the lab. 
     Back home Sara was giving the group lasting hugs as they all prepared to leave. Sam still wasn’t back with the rest of the pack, and maybe she was getting a little emotional as she hugged Bucky around his neck. “Stay safe, and come home soon. You hear me Buck? Sam misses it when you take off.” 
Bucky couldn't help but grin at this news, and Sara groaned softly. “You can't tell him I ever said that either. My mate would never forgive me.” 
At this the whole group laughed, Bucky folding his arms over each other. “Sara, that man worships the ground you walk on. He would forgive you in ten seconds if he thought you were sad about it.” 
Wanda arched a brow to see if Sara would deny it and Clint, grinned, knowing full well Bucky told the truth. 
“Fine! He really wouldn't, but for the love of god, don't Barnes. Or I won't forgive you.” She said and ushered the three of them to the vehicle. “Be safe!” 
Barnes slipped in behind the wheel as Clint and Wanda got in as well, closing the door and letting his elbow rest on the door. “Doll, don't worry about it. We will see you soon” Giving Sara a wink, he flicked on the radio and left. 
Sara watched from the side, watching the dust kick up behind the Suv. Trying to battle the unease in the pit of her stomach. 
Her Wolf sidled up with a whine, her ears laid back as she watched her family drive away. 
It will be okay, they will be home safe. Sam will be home safe. Steve, Y/N and Natasha will be home safe. 
<Then why are we feeling like this?> 
Sara didn't answer the Wolf, turning away from the road and headed back to her cabin, clearly not having an answer. 
     Down in the lab, you stuck close to Steve’s side, again immensely missing your Little Wolf's presence in your mind as you looked around in awe. Natasha followed along close behind, her hand taking your free one, and giving a light squeeze of assurance. Steve's arm was also wrapped around your waist, keeping you tucked in close. His eyes would glance down at you once in a while, and catch yours, giving you a soft smile and pressing his lips to the top of your hair, soft and silken against his mouth as he would mouth softly. “You're not alone.” 
You're not alone. 
You repeated it back to yourself, and turned back towards the awaiting Panthers. Natasha released your hand while Steve drew you forward to introduce you to the others now that you were awake. Steve could feel the soft nervous shiver that rolled through you, catching these predators scent. It spoke of night stalking in the jungle treetops and danger, although Shuri beamed wide at you, and the King smiled softly. “Alpha, your queen is a true beauty.” Taking your hand he bowed his head to touch his forehead to your knuckles and backed up afterwards. Steve's hand tightened around you slightly. “Y/N, this is the King of Wakanda, T’Challa.” 
“Errr, what is respectful to a King? I'm sorry, this kind of etiquette I just don't know.” 
Shuri gave a laugh and T’Challa put up his hands. “You have no need to be formal Y/N, that is only for the rituals of old. T’Challa is fine.” 
“If we had to bow down every time, his head would get swollen.” Shuri made a motion around her head, and crossed her eyes at T’Challa. You gave a soft laugh listening to the siblings. 
“And this is my sister, Shuri.” T’Challa said, clearly ignoring Shuri now. And Shuri bounced forward, slinging her arm around your shoulders. 
“What do you say, I drag you away from your Alpha and see if we can't figure out where your Wolf has wandered off to?” 
You bite your lip and look up at Steve, who gives a soft nod, and extracts his arm from around your hip. Shuri is quick to drag you away, chatting the whole time while you look over your shoulder one last time at Steve and Natasha before turning back towards her. 
“I’m sorry, what?” You can't help but feel your Little Wolf would have really liked her, she was so outgoing and just automatically acted like you two were friends. 
“What happened, after Piece gave you the shot?” She asked again and had you sit on an examination table. 
“Oh.” You rub at the back of your neck, watching Shuri closely while she tapped on a computer. “It all happened suddenly, the syringe was emptied into me, and then there was pain. All over, and my Little Wolf collapsed where she was, withering in pain, and said she was trying to hold on, but then… she was just… gone.” You wiped at your face, wishing Steve was there, but you could still sense him. Just on the other side of the door, and you took a deep breath to calm yourself. Shuri was typing quickly, hissing in aggravation at your story. 
“Fucking asshole gave you like five times what he should, no wonder you fell into a coma like state.” Shuri said sympathetically, and tapped her computer till it projected an image. 
It showed a flower, beautiful to look at, something exotic like you've never seen in your woods before. You study it closer, the shape of the flower reminded you of a calla lily, the shimmering purple almost glowing that made it almost seem unreal, ethereal. 
“This is what he gave me? What is it?” you tear your gaze away and Shuri comes over by you, also looking at the flower. 
“We simply call it a Heart Shaped Herb, native to Wakanda. Very rare, and we grow it in a special place, so how Pierce got it…” She bared her teeth in agitation. “We are looking into that. It’s abilities include putting our Beasts into hibernation. Which, I think is where your Wolf is right now. You can't find her cause she's in a deep sleep. Right now.” 
“Can you wake her?” You ask, a bit of hope in your voice. And Shuri nods. 
“Give me a bit of time, and access to your mind Y/N, and  I think she will be back with you.” 
You gave a soft pleased cry and hugged around Shuri’s neck, who hugged you back, patting your back. 
“My Panther thinks you're absolutely adorable!” Shuri giggled. 
In the other room, Steve and Natasha watched the interactions, Steve’s Wolf pacing back and forth, his ears roving back and forth. 
Can you hear them? 
<No, but isnt going to stop me from trying.> 
She is safe here. 
<She is safe when she's back with us.> 
Steve switched subjects on the Beast, tilting his head as he watched you stretch out on the table. 
Our Little One, she seems relieved. 
<Whatever the Panther told her has certainly given her excitement. And some good news. She didn't even hesitate touching her.> 
Not at all, I think she will be okay. I trust the Panther. 
The Wolf finally settled down, still watching. <I do to, she is good for our Mate.>
Natasha gave the Alpha a sidelong glance. “What are you two discussing, I can see the way you're concentrating on Y/N that the both of you are extremely focused.” 
Letting his gaze break from you as you and Shuri broke apart, and you started to get comfortable on the examination table, he loosened his rigid hold, relaxing slightly. “My Mate of course.” 
Natasha let her eyes roam over her Alpha as he went back to watching you, making sure you were safe above all else. 
<Do you think he's noticed that he no longer battles denying she is his?> The Red Wolf thoughts echoed in Natasha’s mind. Although she kept a straight face, not letting the smile she could feel bubbling in her chest cross her face. Natasha was happy for Steve, she had been witness to the years before he was Alpha of the Pack, and many times forced herself to bite her tongue at disrespecting Alanna out loud. But her and her Wolf, neither liked the woman who wound herself into Steve’s life at the time. 
I do not know, but being a mate is good for him, having someone to call his own. 
Shuri spent about an hour tapping into your mind, searching for any sign of the Little Wolf, and finally once she finished, knowing you were exhausted. 
“You did great Y/N.” She helped you up, and motioned for Steve to come inside. “How about you go rest with your Alpha, and I'm sure T’Challa has set it up where you two can go do some exploring. Just not too much.” Shuri stressed looking at Steve, who arched a brow, taking your hand to help you to a stand. 
“Trust me, my mate's health is first and foremost in my mind.” Steve assured Shuri as he steadied you on your feet, always knowing just where you were at his side even when he wasn't looking at you. You picked up that subtle remark, letting it sink in that he had called you his Mate. Shuri gave a nod, and flashed you a smile. 
“I hope to see you at Dinner tonight. T’Challa I’m sure will be extending an invitation. Some of the clans will get together on the palace grounds, and will all love to meet our Northern Friends. But only if you've gotten rest.” 
You gave an assuring smile to Shuri as you let yourself lean into Steve. Even without the Little Wolf adding her own desires, you still craved that closeness to him. “Im afraid my attire is very limited.” Steve's hand dipped along your ribs, tracing your body through the wisps of clothing you had been given while here. He started to ease you away, ready to get you back to the room. He could feel the strain the past hour had put on you.  
“We will see tonight Highness, if Y/N is up for it.” Excusing the two of you for the elevator, you rubbed at your forehead a bit, and he enclosed you close in his arms during the speedy ride up to your floor, his voice soft as he inhaled against your neck, feeling the rumble more than hear him. 
“You okay?” Tilting his head to be able to look at you and you nodded, rubbing your face against his rumbling chest and looked up at him with a grin. 
“Im okay Alpha, a shower and nap. I will be as good as new.” Once the doors opened, both of you headed towards the rooms you were staying in, and opening the door, Steve saw someone had brought them up some food. Fresh cut fruit, drizzles of golden honey to spread over it, light and appreciated as you inspected it, surprised to find you stomach rumbling while Steve went to start the shower for you. Taking a slice of kiwi, you put just a touch of the golden sweetness on it, and taste, giving a soft surprised moan at the taste. 
“Oh damn.” 
Immediately hearing you, Steve popped his head out of the bathroom, tugging off his shirt and tossing it to the now made bed. “Find something good?” 
You chuckled softly seeing him getting ready to join you in the shower while you were snacking. Licking at your fingertip, you went to pass him to go into the bathroom. “Fruit and honey. And honestly the best I've ever tasted.” Steve caught sight of some golden droplets at the corner of your lip and he grasped your chin, letting his tongue lap at the stickiness. He rumbled softly in appreciation. “It certainly does taste good, on you.” Catching the wicked gleam in his eye, you bit at your lip and thought about going back for more. But he turned you towards the shower with a gentle nudge and chuckle having seen the shift in your expression. 
“Later, we’re not leaving right away.” 
You relent, and start stripping off your clothes, and let them fall where they land. Your hand tests the water, and then you duck inside, stepping under the rainstorm shower head, tilting your head back to let it flow over your face and into your hair. A rustle behind you and a brush of Steve’s chest across your back had you backing up to give him room. He ducked his head under and gave a vigorous shake of his head, spraying water before he stepped out. “Turn around Little One, let me wash your hair.” 
Glancing at the choices provided, you picked up a bottle and flipped the cap, sniffing it. Fresh and clean, lightly scented with a hint of citrus, you handed the bottle to Steve and did as he asked. The Alpha took it and palmed a generous amount. Letting his fingers massage against your scalp, keeping it in a steady deep pressure without it hurting. You groaned, tilting your head this way and that when he pressed slightly. 
Steve admired the way the water beaded on your skin, and streaked down your body, the droplets precarious in the curves before falling over the edge and falling away from your body. Your soft sighs made the Beast rumble softly in appreciation, and it rolled through Steve as he pressed a kiss against your shoulder. “Close your eyes so I can rinse.” His tone dropped an octave, his Alpha tone. There was no impulse directly from your Little Wolf, but you still didnt even think twice about it as you stepped back under and his hands massaged your hair again, making the suds fall away. A light grasp to your throat brought you back into his chest, his nose tracing the column of your neck, inhaling deeply, and nuzzling against your pulse. A lap of his tongue over what you knew would be his preferred spot to mark you made you shiver in his hold. “Steve?” you questioned, but the Alpha just inhaled one last time and let you go. You waited patiently for him to tell you what to do as his eyes looked down your back. You no longer tried to hide the scars, not like before. His hands eased over them, and he felt that shiver that rolled through you. One day he would touch you there, and you wouldn’t fight it. 
“Face me Little One.” Hands eased you to face him, and another palmful of soap was applied, his hands sliding down your shoulders, your arms, then back up. He groaned, not hiding at all how turned on he was just seeing you dripping wet. “Little One, you are so incredibly beautiful.” Down to your full breasts, his fingertips just sliding over your nipples, and rolling between calloused pads, pulling slightly to hear you gasp and that shift in your eyes spark in arousal. 
“Even though I'm just me right now?” Your brows furrowed, your head dropping enough for wet strands to hide your face from him in that moment. He was quick to bring your back, palming your breasts and giving a firm squeeze. “
“Little One, Y/N” He used your name to really drive his next words into you. “I still want you just as you are now. If you wanted my bite, I would bond with you right now Y/N, don't think that you're not a wolf just because you can't see the Little Wolf. She is you, and you are her.” His hands massaged your quivering belly, and over your hips to reach behind and clasp your ass, pulling you in close against him. Before you could make any kind of argument against what he said, he claimed your mouth, his size pressing you to step back under the warm spray when he advanced. His hands rinsed you off, warm slippery skin under his palms, curves he had grown intimate with. You couldn't help digging your fingers in slightly on his arms when your back contacted the cool tile, you gasped into his mouth. 
“That's right Little One.” He growled against your lips, then lapping his tongue along the roof of your mouth, and over your teeth before once more pulling away, making you lean forward and whine at the loss of contact. “I will always want you by my side.” His hands didnt stop till the reached your waist and Steve went to his knees, his nose sliding over your stomach to kiss and nip around your belly button. Everything he said was true, him and the Wolf were completely enraptured with you, and had a lifetime to find out all the little things that made up who you were. 
Changing those nips to kisses, the traveled further town, his beard scraping against your thighs till you couldn't take the teasing any longer, the burn making you wetter than you already were. Your fingers plunged into his hair and your thighs parted so that his cheek could rub up against your inner thigh. 
“Again Alpha?” You shuddered, and tipped your head back, moaning when you felt the rasp of his beard again and his nose trailed your slit before he even took a taste. 
“You smell so sweet Little One, much better than that honey.” A hand moved from your waist to the back of your thigh sliding to your knee and lifting to hook it over his shoulder. Nothing would be hidden from him, and he kissed your inner thigh pressed near his cheek, firmly biting it hard enough to bruise, leaving his teeth impressions without breaking your skin. The sting made your back arch off the tile, tightening your hold in his hair, hissing with satisfaction. 
You could feel the upturned curve of his lips pressing where the bruise would form, but then your Alpha turned his attention to your aching core, and you spied a look down, that made you whimper, clench around nothing yet. His gaze on you wasn't just a man in need, it was a beast. Eyes shimmering a slight yellow as his pupils enlarged, the pink of his tongue escaping to plunge between your folds, and gathered your slick all over his tongue with a deep lap, the tip teasing your clit before going back to inhaling your arousal, making his head swarm, the Wolf to start howling in his lust. You were perfect, completely enrapturing him with those soft mewling sounds above him whenever he honed in on a sensitive spot for you. 
“Steve, Alpha” you chanted his name, tugging his hair to press him in more. His beard scraping your sensitive folds every time he took those long laps to spread your slick, and when his teeth would pull at your folds, his lips suck on your clit, it was just a mess of sensations that made your jolt under his firm hold. He would growl at you once in a while out of instinct, his eyes flicking up at you to see you start to fall apart. “Please Alpha.” Begging now for him. 
The vibrations from Steve made you clench around him the moment he let his tongue fill you, stroking your fluttering walls and sucking all the juices, squeezing you to give him more. Your thigh ached to close against his head, and you tilted your head back, giving a low wail when he took one more demanding stroke with his tongue. “Little One, Look at me.” The Alphas voice was graveled, not giving an option to deny him, you struggled to look at him, but once your eyes locked, he bit your mound, drawing it into his mouth, while he sucked on your clit, and you knew he wanted you to cum for him. 
Another lap, demanding growl and harder fingers, one hand pinning your hip against the cool tile while being misted by the warm water, and Steve's other hand had laid claim to your thigh over his shoulder, his arm folded over it, and fingertips biting in your inner thighs sensitive flesh. When the Alpha looked up again, eyes now a weird mix of yellow and blue, the wolf laying claim to you as well, you broke for him. Flooding his mouth with your release, grinding into him as you stiffened almost painfully, he worked your orgasm from its high to low point, letting you sink down the tile, when he let your leg drop, and when you landed before him, he grasped your face in his hands and kissed you deeply, needing to lay claim not just to your body, but to all of you. 
Fingers curled at the back of his neck, your eyes closed as your tongue danced with his, when he broke from you, your head fell to his shoulder and you could hear Steve whispering. “I got you Little One, sleep.” and the water suddenly stopped. Somewhere as you were fading away, you could feel his hands sliding around your wet body and then his firm chest cushioning you. Even further away, a barely there howl you were all too familiar with made you stir in his arms, your Little Wolf calling for you before you sunk back into a deep sleep.
When you woke, there was a soft light in the room and that's what your eyes focused on at first. It was a lamp near the bed, and you rolled to the other side, seeking out Steve but he wasn't there either. Rubbing at your eyes to focus them, you inhaled to try and scent him instead. You just barely caught him amid the barrage of other smells, and you would see him on the balcony, ear to his shoulder like he was holding a phone, and leaning forward on muscled forearms against the balconies railing and the muscles in his back were taunt in that position. You allowed yourself a moment to appreciate the sight before you. His deep voice drifted back to you in bits and pieces, but you picked up enough to know he must be talking to either Sam or Bucky. After a few moments you pushed the sheet covering you off and started to seek out some clothes, pushing yourself up out of the soft bed. 
Hearing the sheet rustle, Steve glanced over his shoulder to see you move to a stand, arching your arms over your head, and the curve of your back dipped further in an arch. Momentarily distracted as he admired you, Sam's voice grew aggravated. 
“Steve? Did I lose you?” 
Turning away from watching you sort through some clothes Shuri had provided, Steve went back to Sam. 
“No I’m here, Y/N just woke up.” He stated and Sam gave a slight chuckle in a knowing manner. “So you are all about to head back home? Were you able to find a temporary Alpha for them till that pack can figure out what they wanted to do?” 
“Caine is going to take over, he wants to. Turns out Pierce didn't actually kill all those Wolves he claimed he did. A few, but there's still plenty there. Tony's crew turned up, helped us out. The Council came down. Ross in particular.” Steve heard a slight growl in Sam’s voice, and he couldn't disagree. Ross had a way of pushing the wrong buttons. “Claims he wants to speak with you once you come home.” 
“Well his ass can wait. I don't know when I will be home.” A pair of hands slid up his back, and Steve straightened, his arm moving to rest around yours and pull you in against his chest, his nose dipping into your hair and breathing you in while he listened to Sam. 
“What I told him. Besides what he doesn’t know wont hurt his ass any. As soon as I get home, we’re picking up those customer orders that had been sidetracked, but other than that things are all good here. Tell Y/N that Sara is ready for her to come home and send your girl our love.” 
“Of course, you can tell her yourself actually.” Steve handed you the phone, and you pressed it to your ear, talking to Sam for a few minutes. 
“Miss you guys too, I will keep him in line.” You give Steve a look and he gives a playful growl, snapping his teeth near your ear before kissing your shoulder, making you laugh as you hang up the phone. 
“Sam seems to like playing Alpha.” You hand it back to Steve while he drops it into his pocket. 
“Well good, I will take you on more exotic vacations like this one.” He teased, wrapping you in his arms and you rubbed his chest looking excitedly up at him. 
“Alpha, before I fell asleep…” 
“In the shower.” Steve had a bit of a grin, and you felt your cheeks get warm at the memory, his hand catching your chin and pressing his lips to yours. “Don't be shy, it was beautiful seeing you like that.” 
You could feel your body warm, and the praise settle in, making you feel good. “ANYWAYS, I think I heard my Little Wolf!” 
Steve arched his brows in surprise, and the Wolf stirred to hear you, pushing himself up from where he was resting and pacing closer to the front of Steve’s mind. 
<Maybe the Panther was able to bring her back after all.> 
Did you really doubt Shuri and Y/N that they couldn't bring her back?
The Wolf flicked his ears back and let his muzzle drop, sighing. <Some of me did.>
I was worried too. You're not the only one. 
Steve's hands rubbed along your back and grinned at your news, kissing your forehead, and letting his hands move to cup your face. “We will tell Shuri when we go down to dinner, maybe she will be back home sooner than we thought if you heard her.” 
You couldn't help the elation you were feeling, that you might have her back soon, fill that emptiness that you have been feeling since that day. 
“Dinner? Oh that's right, but I have nothing to wear.” You frowned a bit and Steve took your hand, leading you inside the room. 
“Natasha is waiting for you. The Queen and Shuri had outfits brought up for you two to pick from. Nat insisted they were brought to her room, and that you can change with her once you woke up.” Steve loved seeing the excitement suddenly flash across your face, and he grabbed a tee to yank on, and opened the door. “Shall we?” Slipping your hand into his, he led you down the hallway, your gaze wandering. Beautiful woven tapestries, mostly of Panthers lined the hallways.
You were a bit excited, you had never had the opportunity to dress up before, not for anyone. You just genuinely hoped you could give something for Natasha to work with. Stopping a few doors down from you, Steve knocked and Natasha’s voice rang out “Come in.” 
What Steve opened the door to was not what you were expecting and your eyes widened taking in the room. There were outfits everywhere and even Steve looking around seemed a bit overwhelmed. 
Natasha on the other hand, with a glass of what looked like champagne was perfectly at home, running her fingers over the richly colored fabrics, until she reached you. “Perfect, Alpha I got her. You go get ready yourself.” 
Steve gave a half grin looking down at you in apology, and you gave him a gentle push. “Go on, let Nat doll me up, see if I can't make you pant a little later.” You winked as he growled. 
“You always do Little One.” Nuzzling your neck he pulled away and Natasha handed you your own glass of champagne while shutting the door. 
“Lets blow his fucking mind. Okay, here's what I was thinking.” She tugged you along, and you were lost in a sea of bright colors and girl talk. 
 They had been on the road most of the afternoon, Bucky got the coordinates from the trackers Steve had sent when Cassandra first came up missing. Wanda sent Pietro a message of where to meet them once Bucky confirmed where the trackers were waiting. It wasn’t anything more than a few hours drive. Meeting up all together in a truck stop diner, late at night. They all crowded around a table, pulling up extra chairs, and the waitress came over, taking their orders. Small talk was exchanged at first, waiting till they would be left alone for a period of time after food was brought to them. Once everything was brought, and their host left them to enjoy their meals, they turned towards the food, each one digging in. 
 Ravenous as Bucky, Clint and Wanda were, they spoke between bites, Pietro next to his sister would quickly reach in and snag a fry, making her growl at him while he smirked. 
“Can't share with your brother?” 
“Get your own.” she responded as she dunked it in ketchup and popped it in her mouth. 
“Why when I can just take yours?” He grinned and lightning quick grabbed another. 
Bucky normally wouldn't say anything, knowing the twins were playing in their usual manner, but there wasn't time for games. The White Wolf growled at the younger Wolves and they were quick to quiet down, Wanda sliding her plate between the two of them to share while Bucky turned back to the trackers.
“Do you have any idea of where Brock and Alanna are?” 
They both nodded, the older, a male named Adam slipped a piece of paper across the table. “From what Tonya dragged up about them, they have been staying here for a few months. We checked it out before you all came into town, and sure enough their scent is all over it. And others, I'm guessing it's your woman Bucky.” 
Bucky didn't correct him, even though he did catch Clint's side eye. 
<Tonight, we can't wait any longer to get to her and pull her out.>
Tonight, as soon as we clear it with the rest. 
<Your Alpha here, they will go as soon as you suggest it.>
Bucky looked among the wolves seated around him, and he knew the White Wolf was right. He couldn't have asked for better pack members then what he had right here with him now. 
“And the house is currently occupied, we saw movement inside. Someone checks the curtains once in a while although they are closed all the time.” Tonya added, and Bucky nodded, looking at each member of their tables. 
“Tonight, after dark, we storm the place. Get Cassandra out, if Brock and Alanna are casualties then so be it.” Bucky said, and there were nods from around the group. 
“Well sounds like a good time Alpha.” Pietro grinned from across the table, and Bucky snorted, arching his brows in amusement. 
“I'm no Alpha.” 
Clint chuckled and slapped his comrades back. “Ya are tonight man, this is your gig. Were along for the ride.” 
Wanda nodded at him while dunking another fry, and the trackers joining them shrugged and nodded. “We did our part, we're just following you now.” 
Bucky growled out with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t know how the fuck Steve puts up with all of you.” The White Wolf shook out his fur, arching to a stand. 
<The same way we put up with them. They are our family, our pack.> 
Bucky didn't have anything to say to that, he just reached over and stole one of Wanda's fries from her fingers and popped it in his mouth with a grin. 
Steve had knocked on Nat’s door, but Nat opened it just a peek, not allowing him to look in. “Were not ready yet.” 
“Where is Y/N, is she okay?” He asked trying to look over Natasha’s head, inhaling deeply your scent that was reaching him, but she blocked him, hands moving to her hips. 
“She’s just fine Steve. Now go on downstairs and we will join you soon.” Natasha worked on closing the door. But the Alpha and the Wolf were not entirely ready for that and his foot blocked it from shutting completely. 
“Shouldn't I escort you ladies down? That is the gentlemanly thing to do after all.” The Wolf huffed in laughter at his attempts, but Natasha shook her head, green eyes glimmering in amusement. “I will escort her, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.” Pushing his foot out, the door closed on Steve, and he relented. 
“If you're not down in ten minutes, I’m coming back up!” He raised his voice through the heavy wooden door and tilted his head listening. Natasha’s distinct laugh on the other side. 
The redhead had her ear pressed against the door, listening to Steve's retreating steps before turning back to you, wriggling into the dress. “You think he's really going to like this?” You pressed once more as you turned in the mirror and Natasha tilted her head, inspecting you. 
“Y/N, you got my wolf howling.” Grabbing her lipstick and turning you towards her, applying it on. “Just need this last touch. Done.” 
You took one last look, smoothing a hand over the lush fabric, Natasha grinning over your shoulder while also admiring you in the full length mirror. “Trust me Y/N, he will not be able to contain himself.”  
     Steve had entered the banquet room, to see Wakandians milling around, the Wolf in him alerting all the non wolf predators in the room, his hackles raising slightly and shaking himself out like he was trying to shake out the nerves.  
It's okay, they are friends. 
<I know, I know.> The Wolf paced around a couple times and started to settle back down in his mind. <Still makes me nervous.> 
T’Challa approached him with a friendly smile, still keeping a bit of distance, sensing the Alphas' wariness. “Welcome Roger’s, it's an honor you were able to come.” Steve was first to hold his hand out, and gave a shake. 
“Y/N and Natasha will be down soon, they are still getting themselves prepared.” 
T’Challa gave a smile in acknowledgment, motioning towards his sister who was excitedly talking with an older lady. “My mother and Shuri were rather excited to be able to send up some clothing for them. How are you three settling in? Accommodations are suitable?” 
“Excellent, Y/N is rather taken with the balcony and the view. Over the canopy this morning a flock of macaws caught her eye.” T’Challa laughed with a nod. 
“They come by every morning, loud beasts aren't they.” 
“Hell yes.” The Alpha grumbled good-natured. “But stunning. Thank You again for opening your home. Should you ever come to the states, we would love you to visit The Pack.” 
“I might take you up on that.” T’Challa was quick to surprise Steve. “I plan on traveling there in a year or two to New York. Dr.Cho who works for Stark is tackling the genetics issue of your children, and is hoping to exchange her work with ours, to resolve it. At least let your females come to term easier and safer in their pregnancies. We've had good luck here, again thanks to Shuri.” Steve took interest in this, he couldn't fathom getting into specifics, as he wouldn’t understand, but the problem had plagued the Wolves for a lifetime. “We're only waiting cause Dr.Cho is still doing her own studies. We have similar issues, but separate species and all. I honestly don't understand much of it, but Shuri seems very hopeful.” 
“That’s incredible. Do you really think you could help us?” Steve had given up the idea of having his own children years ago, but now if you two decided to make it official, it could be a possibility. 
The Wolf had started to grow excited at the prospect. 
<Imagine the cabin with our children, bringing them to Little One in the morning so she could cuddle with them.> Steve's mind was filled with images of you with a full bump, the sight of you in the moonlight, bathing in the glow. Inhaling deeply to simmer himself down, the whole idea… well it set the Alpha on edge. 
“It is always a possibility. Never say never Alpha.” The King gave a shrug and looked over Steve’s shoulder, his face brightening up. “And here comes the ladies now.” T’Challa turned towards where Steve had entered, and the Alpha caught sight of Natasha first, but then she stepped aside to talk to you, and Steve could have sworn his heart stopped beating. 
You were always beautiful to him, he had a hard time keeping hands off you. But when you came in, The Wolf howled your song, and his own eyes widened a bit. Rich blue was wrapped around you, loose and flowing at the bottom, the top hugged around your waist and cusped around your breasts, showing off all those curves Steve had gotten familiar with. A simple bit of silver adorned your throat. Natasha had done your hair in a manner that wasn’t your usual style, but it framed your face in a wispy gentle way. Your hand smoothed down the curves of your side, and looked around. He could even see you tilting your head up a bit, nose in air seeking him out with closed eyes. Images of you again dancing in the moonlight struck him and the Wolf growled softly, need, lust, desire. It was all hitting Steve at once. Would he be able to last through this dinner?
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
An Artful Revenge pt. 3 (Feysand)
Part of the Damnation Series. 
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 
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I spend three days figuring out what to do with the phone number. 
On Day 1, I decided I’d text, not call. It was the cowardly thing to do, but the thought of him answering the phone and putting me on the spot made me want to run and hide. 
Day 2 had been plain ole procrastination. I’d gone to the museum on the hope he’d be there, but like he’d said, that really was a horrible way of communicating.
Day 3, I decided, was the day of reckoning. I’d text him today. 
Shit, did billionaires even text? 
Maybe I should send a properly-formatted memo instead. 
And what should I even write? Hey seemed too casual. Hi, maybe? How’s your day going? Wanna make out? 
Gods, I’m bad at this.
After another two hours of staring at a blank screen, I send: Dinner tonight?
Then, because I realize I’m a fucking idiot: It’s Feyre, btw.
I throw my phone across the room in embarrassment, and put my head in my hands like that’ll unsend the message, then jump the couch like a hurdle when I hear a ding. 
And promptly frown when I read: If you’re going to ask me out, you have to call me like an adult.
I can practically hear his the smile in his voice, and I grit my teeth in annoyance.
But I call him anyway. 
“Look who grew up,” he says in lieu of hello, voice gravelly and amused. 
“Oh, shut up. Do you want to buy me dinner or not?”
He laughs at that, the sound making my lips twitch. “I would love to buy you dinner. But only because I can’t bear the thought of you eating Ramen for the third time this week.”
Narrowing my eyes and glancing around like a fugitive, I try to figure out how the hell he knows I’ve been surviving on reheated, soggy noodles for the past week.
I don’t have the chance to ask before he declares, “I’ll pick you up at six. Oh, and check your doorstep.”
The line clicks dead ominously, and I glance suspiciously at my front door. 
Tiptoeing over, I peek outside, eyes going wide when I see a package leaning against the brick side of the building. 
How long has that been here? I got the mail yesterday, so it had to come today, but... how did he know I’d call today? Is he Batman or something?
I grab the package, roll my eyes at the big red bow on top, and put it on the counter. Then I pick it back up and shake it like that’ll tell me what he’s up to. 
But the curiosity starts to kill me, and I rip into the pretty packaging like a feral animal, unable to wait another second. A shiny black box is inside, and I flip the top open, eyebrows flying up when I look inside. 
The dress is blood red and looks fitted and beautiful. But that isn’t what surprises me. It the thin, lacy underwear with a note attached. A note that reads, in Rhysand’s slashy, distinct handwriting, These are optional. 
The feminist in me flares, and I decide right then and there to make him eat those words. 
When six o’clock comes around, I’m prepped and ready for battle. 
My hair is done, my makeup pristine, and the dress is hugging every curve and propping my boobs up to sit nicely on my chest. I don’t typically give myself compliments, but I look damn good. And more than that, I feel good. 
I also don’t typically wear bold makeup, but I’ve thrown that rule out the window. 
My lips match the dress, a dark, ruby red that makes my skin look pale in comparison. I’m complete shit at eyeliner, but I put enough mascara on to frame my eyes and make the blue pop against the red of my lips and dress. 
I look like a mix between a pinup girl and a vampire, basically. 
Knowing how punctual he is, as soon as the clock on my phone reads 7:00, I swing the door open and smile broadly. 
Rhysand pauses, fist halfway to where the door was, and uses a long moment to take me in. His eyes linger on my lips, the exposed cleavage, the sweep of my hips. His mouth drops open slightly, but before he can speak, I step out and lock the door behind me. 
“The problem with your chauvinistic little plan to tell me what to wear, Rhysand,” I tell him, slipping the lace he’d gifted me into his pants pocket and accidently feeling him up, “Is that now you know I’m not wearing any underwear.”
“It was a flawed plan, I admit.” He swallows, eyes narrowing on my hips like he can sense if I’m telling the truth. “But the important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing.”
I roll my eyes. “Quoting Einstein now to make yourself feel smart?”
He smiles at that. “Stop calling me on my shit, Feyre. Let’s go.”
I take his hand, happy with myself for winning this round, and let him pull me down the street. He stops in front of a dark, speedy looking car. “Beefcakes busy tonight?”
He gives me a strange look, then laughs loudly. “His name is Rolando.”
Still chuckling, he opens the door for me before walking around to his side. The car’s low to the ground and dark inside, and it makes a loud, rumbling sound when he turns it on. 
He grins, almost like he can’t help it, and I laugh. “Boys and their toys.”
Rhysand pulls out of the spot smoothly, driving slowly because of the traffic. He reaches over and puts a hand on my thigh, just below the hem of the dress. 
It’s warm and wonderful and casual enough to not mean anything, but I’ve made it my goal tonight to make him cry like a baby, so I swat it away. “Don’t even start.”
“Start what?”
I look over at him and smile sweetly. “Trying to seduce me.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
I link our fingers together and rest them on the center consol. “Where are we going?”
“New York.”
My mouth drops open. “Um, what? That’s like a twelve hour drive.”
“We’re not driving.”
I gesture around us with my free hand. “Yes, we are.”
“You are such a little smartass tonight. We are currently driving, but we aren’t driving to New York. And before you ask, the answer is yes.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “To what question?”
“If it’s my plane.”
I drop his hand and throw both of mine up in frustration. “Okay what gives? Did you stick a chip in my head or something?”
He smiles, pulling onto the interstate smoothly. Even though it’s not as crowded, he still drives slower than I’d expected when I saw the car. “Your face is very easy to read.”
“It is not,” I argue, my face instantly finding insult with that statement.
“Yes, it is. I’ll prove it to you. Tell me two truths and a lie, and I bet I can guess which one is the lie.”
“What’s the bet?”
He takes his eyes off the road to give me a very male look. I narrow my eyes, picking up on the innuendo in his gaze, and he laughs. 
“And if I win?” I ask, taking in his profile while he drives and trying not to sigh at how handsome he is. Such a nice jawline. 
“I’ll answer three of the questions you’re dying to ask.”
Oh, he knows me too well for this. His smile grows because he knows I’m a fish gladly swallowing the hook, but still asks, “Do we have a deal?”
I take a few minutes to think of facts about myself. 
“I had a pet goat when I was little, my best friend’s a lesbian, and I think Mick Jagger is sexy.”
They’re the three most random things I could think of, things he’d have absolutely no way of knowing.
But the damn bastard still says immediately, “Your best friend isn’t a lesbian.”
My mouth drops open because technically, she’s bi, and I make a strangled sound of disbelief that makes him grin. “I told you. You’re a bad liar. Shame, I could tell you really wanted to ask those questions.”
“I hate you,” I tell him, beyond annoyed myself. 
He pulls off the highway and turns, leading us out to a dusky private airfield I--shockingly--never knew was behind the airport. Rhysand slows to a stop and looks over at me, then leans slowly to press his lips to mine. 
It’s warm and sweet and soft, but I feel it all the way to my toes.
He ruins the moment by murmuring, “I’ll take my reward later, by the way.”
I shove him over to his side of the car and climb out, then realize I don’t know where to go. We’re surrounded by expensive looking planes, one of which is obviously owned by the billionaire trying to get in my pants, but I don’t know which one. 
I glance back over my shoulder at him, and he smirks and points at the one to our right. 
“Are you seriously taking me to New York?”
I kind of thought he’d been joking, but he nods. “My favorite restaurant is there.”
“You're ridiculous.”
“More like hungry,” he argues, holding out a hand to gesture up the open steps leading in the plane.
I stay where I am, casting a curious glance up the stairs. It looks nice and shiny in there, but no matter how nice and shiny, it’s basically a steel death trap. 
Even though I can feel his eyes on me and desperately want to hide this fact about myself, I can’t step up. 
And because he’s an observant little asshole, he notices. “You’re afraid to fly.”
“Um, well, not afraid-”
“You’ve never flown before.” 
I nod, blushing from embarrassment. I mean, it’s obvious he flies all the time if he has his own plane, and I’m small town enough to have never even been in one. 
“Don’t be embarrassed. My first time flying was three years ago, Feyre.”
My face must look doubtful, because he nods. “I’m serious. I never saw the point until a business rivalry made me feel inadequate. I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable. We can go somewhere else.” 
He’s sweet to offer, but... I want to go. I’ve never been to New York, and when am I going to get an offer like this again? 
“I’m... uh... are you sure about this thing?” I reach out and grab the handle of the stairs, shaking it to see if it’ll fall off or something. 
There’s no argument, no doubt in his voice. And I know it’s irrational, but-
Strong arms wrap around my waist and heft me up, and I yelp as Rhysand flings me over his shoulder and my head comes very close to his ass. “What are you doing?”
“Kidnapping you. You obviously want to go, and I’d hate to miss the reservations.”
“Rhysand, wait, hold on a second.” He ignores me entirely and walks up the stairs and inside the plane, even stopping to shake hands with the pilot. I’m dropped in a plush chair, and before I can object, a seatbelt is around my waist. 
“See?” He gestures around. “Like a living room.”
“In the sky!”
He shrugs like that’s an irrelevant detail, looking back over his shoulder and gesturing again to the pilot. I peek around him to see the door seal closed, then the gentle-looking man disappears in the control room. 
“He’s the one flying this thing?” I mean, he looked competent enough, but... 
I start freaking out.
Rhysand slips his jacket off, throwing it over the back of a seat before sliding into it, gentle grace and luxury lining his every movement. His eyes roam over me slowly, and I can tell he’s about to try and distract me before he even says, “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks,” I pant back, gripping the arms of the seat with white knuckles.
Plan A having failed, he swiftly moves onto B. “Are you really not wearing underwear?”
B, I have to admit, does a decent job of momentarily distracting me from my inevitable death. “I thought you said I’m easy to read.”
He smirks. “Tell me anyway. I won the bet, remember?”
“I remember you never specified the terms, so-”
I cut myself off as the plane starts rolling, and if I had half a mind to care, I’d worry my painted nails are about to bust through the soft leather of his chair. 
I feel like fucking throwing up or stabbing him or running far away or crying.
Rhysand, on the other hand, looks completely relaxed, sprawled casually in the seat across from me.
The plane makes a slow turn, then pauses. Apprehension sweeps over me, and I groan and look at the ceiling. 
“Allow me to rectify that horrible mistake. My prize is... a kiss.”
Despite the nausea, I raise a brow and looks at him suspiciously. “You want to kiss me? That’s it?”
“Mmhm. Right now. Close your eyes.”
“But the plane-”
He shrugs and waves a hand. “Just close your eyes, love.”
I shut up and close my eyes, slightly pursing my lips and waiting patiently. I hear a shuffle, feel the warmth of his body come close to mine. My breath draws shallow in anticipation, goosebumps appearing on my arms.
There’s another pause, and I’m about to open my eyes to see where he went, but then the plane attempts to break the sound barrier and takes off, and I’m thrown back against the seat. 
At the same time, I feel a kiss on the inside of my knee.
My eyes fly open to find Rhysand kneeling in front of me, hands bracketing my thighs. I open my mouth to say something, but he growls, “Close. Your. Eyes.”
The frank demand in his voice gives me no option, and as soon as I do, he kisses my thigh again in reward.
“Now spread your legs.”
The plane goes faster and faster. “Rhysand...”
He sighs, a long-suffering sound that makes me giggle as I once again do what he wants. I mean, really, why was I even hesitating?
It’s obvious what he’s doing, and even though it’s not safe in the slightest, I’m well on board with the idea.
His hands move to my knees, then glide up, pushing the tight hem of the dress up. He’s pressing open-mouth kisses to my thighs as he goes, and then his hands slide up another inch, and my lack of undergarments are revealed. 
“Fuck, Feyre,” he says, like my going commando was my idea, not his.
I’m about to point that out when he leans forward and put his mouth on me. At the same time the plane lifts off the ground. 
I’m torn between panic and ecstasy. The combination makes me light headed, and a rush of adrenaline hits my system, making me gasp.
I try to sit up straighter in the seat, but he’s holding my hips in a death grip and pulls them the other way. I slide down, thighs falling further open. He slips his shoulders under them, completely in control of the situation, and all I can do is grip his hair and enjoy the ride.
His mouth is insistent and confident against me and makes me finally stop thinking about dying in a fiery plane crash.
He slides a hand up my thigh, somehow able to hold me still with just one, then presses a finger inside me. I groan and pull on his hair, squirming underneath his grip, but it’s useless. 
Rhysand holds tight, his strong hands preventing me from moving, as he devours me completely. I make a helpless sound, but he doesn’t take mercy.
I think, instead of the crash, I’ll die from this instead. 
I think I’ll just burn and burn and burn from the fire he’s ignited in my blood.
His name slips past my lips, and he pauses, then becomes even more demanding. I’m being adored, worshipped, eaten like a ice cream sundae.
Another finger slips inside me as his mouth sucks softly, and I come with a cry, practically strangling him with my thighs. 
He keeps moving, kissing me softly, until my thighs go limp and I fall back into the seat with a huff. 
He leans back on his heels, hands braced on my thighs, and runs his tongue across his lower lip in a way that makes me almost come again. Realization of what he just did courses through me, and I blush, well aware that my lady bits are still on display. 
“Flying isn’t so bad after all.”
Rhysand laughs, pressing one last kiss to my knee before gently pulling my dress back into place. Then he sits back in his seat, crosses his legs, and looks me over slowly. 
“Well, that was definitely a faulty plan, because now I don’t even want to go to dinner.”
The heat in his gaze sends a thrill through me, because suddenly, I don’t even care about New York. I want him to land this plane and take me home and give me a repeat of what just happened. 
But now it’s abundantly clear that if I went home with him, I wouldn’t walk out with my sanity. So, once again a coward, I deflect. “Well, too bad. I’m hungry.”
He says something I can’t quite hear, the way he looks at me tells me not to ask. 
“How long is the flight?”
He checks his watch. “About another half hour.” My mind wanders to very... creative ways we could fill that time, and I blush again. “I’m curious to know what you’re thinking about over there.”
His smile says he knows, so I look him over like he often does me and say softly, “I’m thinking about returning the favor.”
His eyes flare, his mind easily following mine, but he maintains his composure. “A half hour isn’t nearly enough time if we start going down that road.”
It takes me more than a second to figure out how to breathe again. “How much time would we need?”
Oh, holy hell.
I’m about to tell him to keep us in the air that long, but he winks and looks away, then presses a button on a remote I hadn’t noticed he was holding. A classy looking woman in a red skirt and matching blouse comes out of the cockpit, wheeling an ice bucket and holding two glasses. 
“Good evening,” she says quietly, looking at me kindly but avoiding eye contact with Rhysand entirely as she pours us both champagne. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
Then she’s gone. 
I’m about to sip from my glass, but he reaches out and switches his with mine. 
Immediately, I steal my original glass back. “I’m not getting poisoned because you pissed her off.”
“What makes you think I pissed her off?”
“She couldn’t even look at you.”
His lips twitch. “I know you’ll find this strange, but some people find me intimidating.”
I scoff, a very ladylike sound, and take a gulp of the champagne. Noticing he still hasn’t drank any of his, I take his glass and sip from it with a raised brow. “Are you going to let me die alone?”
He rolls his eyes and calls me a smartass but drinks from his glass anyway. 
“Why are you always so sure someone’s trying to kill you, anyway?”
There’s a long pause, and he seems to be debating if he’s actually going to tell me before he responds, “I have a lot of enemies, Feyre.”
He sounds so unusually serious, like he’s just told me something important. 
“I don’t,” I tell him with a sigh, suddenly irritated with my normal life. “I think I’ve grown a bit boring, actually. No one hates me, and I never even have to worry about being poisoned.”
Rhysand chuckles and gives me a strange look. “You’re not boring. And never worrying about being murdered isn’t a terrible thing.”
“I’m boring. I can’t even lie properly.”
“That,” he laughs, “I can’t argue with.”
“New game: I say something, and you guess if it’s a lie. No betting this time.”
He sighs but nods and gives me a get on with it gesture. 
Keeping my face completely neutral and making sure my fingers aren’t twitching or any other obvious give away, I say, “I have two sisters.”
I narrow my eyes, but take a deep breath and keep my cool. “I tried to learn Italian last summer.”
“Also true, but I’m willing to bet it went poorly.”
A laugh escapes me at that. “It was horrible. I’m complete shit at the accent.” I try to think of other facts about myself and come up short. Gods, I really am boring, aren’t I? 
“I’ve never been in love.”
His eyes scan my face. “That’s a lie.”
“It is,” I confirm, looking at his chin and wondering why I even said that in the first place. 
He ducks to catch my gaze. “Your ex?”
We’re getting into dangerous territory--even I know you don’t discuss your ex-boyfriend this early in the game--but he doesn’t seem upset or stressed or jealous. He looks... curious. So I shrug and nod. 
“What happened?”
Taking another large gulp of champagne, I say, “He wanted to get married, I didn’t. I loved him, but... he was older and wanted something I just wasn’t ready to give him. And then he moved, and I got over it.”
Rhysand’s silent for a beat, a muscle in his jaw twitching, then nods like he understands. “Older, huh? You have a type.”
I laugh at the thought of the two of them being anything alike. “You couldn’t look more different from my ex. And you refused to actually tell me how old you are. ”
He sighs. “I’m seven years older than you.”
Quick math has never been my strong suit, but I figure it out eventually, my mouth dropping open when I do. “You’re twenty-eight?”
He nods in confirmation, and I proceed to lose my mind.
“Just twenty-eight? As in two eight, twenty-eight?”
Another nod, along with a very strange look. 
I realize I’m acting just a little bizarre, so I shake my head to clear it and say, “You’re... very impressive, Rhysand.”
When I’m twenty-eight, I’ll probably be just another starving artist, looking for a museum to hire me as a curator and begging people to buy my paintings. I’ll be broke and will have developed an allergy to Ramen from how much I’ll be eating it. 
I definitely won’t be a gazillionaire with a private art collection and enough real estate to own half the city of Chicago. 
He shrugs uncomfortably, like my bewilderment isn’t deserved, and I can’t resist the temptation to tease him. “You also suck at taking compliments.”
“Yes,” he admits. “But so do you.”
“What? No, I don’t.”
He smiles and braces his elbows on his knees and immediately proceeds to prove me wrong. “You’re far more impressive than me. You’re gorgeous and talented and have a way of looking at the world that makes me feel like I haven’t lived a day of my life properly.”
I blush furiously and look at the ceiling of our death trap, wildly uncomfortable all of a sudden. “You’ve proved your point.”
Rhysand laughs, then glances at his watch. “We should be on the ground soon.”
Almost like he spoke it into being, the plane dips and a mechanical whirring sound meets my ears. Is that supposed to happen? “Oh, fucking hell, you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”
“You did try to poison me.”
I give him a nasty look and mutter, “So fucking ridiculous, flying to another city for dinner. Next time, we’re going to Taco Bell.”
He rolls his eyes at my antics, unbuckling and moving to sit next to me. His hand slides into mine, warm and comforting, and I grab onto it like child child running from the boogeyman. His thumb runs over the back of my hand, and I sigh, leaning to put my head on his shoulder. 
“Thanks for the dress,” I finally say, remembering my manners. 
“It looks good on you. Like I said, I have excellent taste.”
I smile. “I’m waiting on dinner to confirm or deny that.”
Suddenly, there’s a large sound and a bump, then I’m leaning forward as the plane comes screeching to a halt. I press my eyes shut and squeeze the shit out of his hand, but he just keeps running his thumb along my skin, silently comforting me.
The plane comes to an eventual stop, and I peek open my eyes to see him grinning down at me. “Welcome to New York, Feyre darling.”
A week after our soiree to the Big Apple, I decide I have a problem. 
I like Rhysand way too much to have only known him three weeks. 
He’s all I fucking think about. 
Which, I guess, isn’t a problem. Being swept off your feet is every little girl’s dream. But it’s getting harder and harder to resist sleeping with him.
I’ve been wined and dined and given searing kisses that make my toes curl, not to mention the whole incident on the airplane, but we haven’t actually had sex. Honestly, I thought I’d cave on the way back from New York, but I ended up passing out in a food coma before the plane even took off, my head nestled in the happy spot between his shoulder and neck. 
I definitely want to sleep with him, so much so it makes my eyes cross just thinking about it, but it just scares me how much I like him. 
And I know sleeping with him would just make me like him more. 
I need a breather, need to get my distance and keep my head or whatever the saying is. I need to calm the fuck down, basically. 
So I, being a mature adult, decide to avoid him.
I make it five days. 
Five days of missed calls and intentionally unseen smoke signals. 
Then he apparently decides to stoop to my level and figure out how to text, because five days after the most extravagant dinner date of my life, my phone dings. 
If you ignore one more of my calls, I’m going to buy Dancers in Blue and light it on fire.
I spend exactly eighty-three seconds debating if he’s serious. I mean... surely not, right? I know he’s richer than sin, but he wouldn’t just burn fifty million dollars. 
Rational thought and self preservation be damned, I pick up the phone when it starts to ring. 
“That, Rhysand, was emotional manipulation.”
“Yes, it was.” He’s shameless. “Why are you avoiding me?”
“I’m not.” I don’t know why I bother lying, since I’m apparently such shit at it, but I do. “I’ve been busy.”
Yes, very busy with watching nine movies in the past four days.
Inspiration dawns. “My senior project.”
“Oh, really?” A nervous sweat breaks out across my back at the knowing tone of his voice, and I begin to doubt my genius. “What’s the subject?”
“Uh, well-”
“Now that we’ve reestablished you’re a horrible liar, tell me what’s really going on.”
If he were here, I’d strangle him. 
Or maybe kiss him.
“I need a few days,” I mutter, upset with myself for being an open book. 
His simple question makes me think he doesn’t want space. Is he as into me as I am to him? Is that even possible? 
“Because I like you,” I say honestly, having learned my lesson about lying. 
Rhysand’s quiet for a long moment, then he chuckles. “I see the issue.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do. Answer the door.”
What? “There’s no one at the door.” 
At least there shouldn’t be, because I didn’t invite anyone over. 
Eyes already narrowed, I stomp over and fling the door open, practically ripping it off its hinges in my frustration. He’s leaning against the brick stoop, looking sexier than socks on a rooster in a midnight blue shirt and black slacks, smiling at me. 
“You are not allowed to avoid me just because you like me,” he states, brushing past me without invitation.
“What do you think you’re doing here?”
He kisses my brow. “I like you, too.”
“Okay, but-”
“And I have cake.” He holds up a clear box, allowing me a glimpse of the fluffy chocolate deliciousness inside. 
It’s almost annoying how well he knows me, because chocolate cake is my vice.
I try to think of another protest that won’t que him in to why I’m actually scared, but he cuts me off because of course, he already knows. “I won’t touch you, I promise. Even if you ask.”
My lips twitch. “Even if I ask?”
“Even if you beg,” he states with confidence, strolling into the kitchen like he owns the place. He looks around, face not giving a single detail away as he takes in everything. 
Thankfully, I’m not a slob, so the place isn’t dirty, but it’s definitely not a penthouse apartment. 
It’s a tiny old townhouse, barely big enough to even be called that. The water is lukewarm, never hot, and I had to just take the smoke detector out of the ceiling so it would stop beeping. 
It’s part of my scholarship, and compared to where most college students live, it’s a dream, so I don’t complain. 
His eyes roam over half-done canvases and art supplies, pictures of my sisters, random shit I don’t have the heart to throw away. 
I sigh and bump him aside with a hip so I can grab two forks, then motion for him to follow me. We head into the living room, and I flop onto the couch dramatically, then motion for him to hand me the cake. 
Sitting next to me with far more class, he flips open the lid and hands me a fork. “Chocolate mousse.” 
“I’m going to be three hundred pounds if you keep feeding me,” I warn as I take a bite, not at all concerned with that possibility. 
“I think you’ll be fine.”
I grab the remote and flip through movies, eventually sighing in defeat and putting on Scarface. 
“Seriously?” he asks around a mouthful of cake, fighting a smile. 
“It’s my favorite movie, and nothing good’s on anyway.”
He looks at me like I’m the most amusing thing he’s ever come across, but settles down and flings an arm around me. Fighting the urge to tell him this breaks his whole ‘no touching’ rule, I snuggle into his side. 
Maybe it’s the cake, or the fact that I’m horrible at staying awake through a movie past eight o’clock, but I drift off to sleep, my face pressed into his chest. 
I finish the movie--fucking Scarface--even though she fell asleep a while ago. 
She’s soft and warm against me, body relaxed into mine without an ounce of hesitation. 
She tried to hide it, but I know why she didn’t want to see me. 
She’s falling for me. 
Which, technically, is the plan. 
Technically, everything is going great. 
Except she’s fucking worming her way into my heart too. Which is so goddamn annoying, it makes me want to strangle her. Or maybe kiss her. 
Being with her is... a wonderful kind of torture. 
She’s beautiful and charming and doesn’t look at me with an ounce of fear in her bright blue eyes, but it’s also like holding up a mirror that shows me the worst parts of myself. 
I hear her laugh and am reminded of the last time I laughed and loved freely. I see her beautiful soul and compare it to the bleakness of my own.
I look at her blind innocence and force myself to not care that I’ll be the one who robs her of it.
Maybe that’s why I finish the movie. I give myself two hours to sit here and enjoy her company, two hours where she doesn’t hate me or curse the day I was born. 
But then the credits role, and I have to pull my head our of my ass and get on with it, no matter how much I don’t want to.
Moving slowly so she doesn’t stir, I lift her into my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck, fingers playing in the hair at my nape, and sighs happily. 
I wish she wouldn’t do shit like that. 
I wish she was heartless and cruel and cold. 
I make my way up the creaky stairs to her room, then put her on the unmade bed, the covers horribly messy around her. The moonlight coming through the open window illuminates her skin and allows me to see how vulnerable she looks.
She’s in tiny little shorts that shouldn’t be legal, and a thin white shirt that does absolutely nothing to hide what’s underneath. Her hair’s a mess around her, her lips are parted, and there’s a calm, peaceful look on her face.
It’s perfect. 
It’s horrible.
Taking a deep breath and running a hand through my hair, I tell myself not to care. 
But as I take out my phone and snap a picture, my hands still shake. 
And as I type the message I’ve been mentally drafting for years, I feel like I’m going to be sick.
But as much as I hate myself for it, a feeling of victory shoots through me as I hit send. Revenge, it seems, really is sweet. 
And I’m just getting started. 
Part 4
@perseusannabeth​ @cursebreaker29​ @elorcan-trash​ @januarystears​ @emikadreams​ @alpha-omegas​ @joyceortiz13​ @sapphic-beauty​ @meowsekai​ @ahappyhistorianreader​ @courtofjurdan​ @acalypsot​ @a-bit-of-a-cactus​ @elriel4life​ @girl-who-reads-the-books​ @shinya-hiiragi​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​ @highqueenofelfhame​ @nahthanks​ @ghostlyrose2​ @lovemollywho​ @tillyrubes10​ @claralady​ @tswaney17​ @rowanisahunk​ @superspiritfestival​ @thegoddessofyou​ @bamchickawowow​ @awesomelena555​ @booksofthemoon​ @greerlunna​ @jlinez​ @studyliketate​ @over300books​ @justgiu12​ @maastrash​ @aesthetics-11​ @b00kworm​ @sleeping-and-books​ @musicmaam​ @hizqueen4life​ @maybekindasortaace​
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mxvladdy · 3 years
More than just a flirt
John Hancock X OC
Hi hi! My smut hand be rusty but nothing like completely self indulgent OC smut to bring me back :)
So I’m still new to tagging and the like but my Fallout 4 OC is GN but I do insinuate female genitals. Soooo ye *finger guns* 
If ya read it I hope a like it! 
John was a flirt; that’s all he ever could be. He was charming. He was witty. He was an adventure covered in an oversized trench coat. What bed partners he had came for one thing. The experience. The ability to boast loudly about fuckin’ a ghoul. Like it was a damn badge of honor. His whole life had been a stream of one night stands, and cold beds. That's all he ever could be. That’s all he ever would be.
So then why did he wake up so warm?
Cracking an eye open John reached behind him searching blindly for what was heating his back. His burned fingers were a complete contrast to the soft flesh that greeted him. Slowly, he traces down it, following the flow of the dark muscular till he is holding on to an arm wrapped around his middle.
“Morin’.” His bed partner huffs in his ear. Chestnut curls tickle his cheek as they hug him closer. Whiskey and melon sweet breath bringing back memories of their lips against his. Last night clicks in place. Ophelia. John rose quickly as if burned. This was wrong, they are a friend. A good friend, a trustworthy hardworking leader. They deserved better than-than…
“John?” Ophelia rose uncaring of how the blankets slipped from their arms. Old fabric pooling around their bare waist. They rub at their eyes wearily. “You ok?”
He froze at the edge of the mattress. Long fingers reaching for his pants on a very recognizable floor. He was in Ophelia’s room; or rather this was their hotel room. Damn. He couldn't remember a thing from last night. What did he take? Fuck. He could kick himself. Of all the one-nighters, he wanted to at least remember this one. “Ye doll, sorry...just didn't wanna wake ya.” He smiles, covering his momentary panic.
Ophelia frowned, sleepy hazel eyes narrowing into a familiar piercing glaze. They size him up. Reading him better than anyone ever had before. John couldn’t help but squirm. They looked at him just like when they had first met. Strong jaw tense and their chin high, silently calling out his bullshit.
“I'm fine, honest. Didn't expect to see you is all.” Hancock tried again tugging on his pants.
“In my own room?” His friend snorts, rising to go open the curtains. “Where else would I be?”
John is silent. “I don’t know. Not here-with me.” He keeps his back turned. It was stupid to linger. The warm tingling of their soft body seeps down into the floorboards leaving him aching and cold. Staring at his irradiated hands he could almost cry. Almost- his tear ducts had been scarred shut years ago.  
“John?” Ophelia comes within arms reach. He could sense their hand hovering close to his own boney shoulder. They drop it moments later. “You sure you’re ok? You coming down from a bad trip or somethin’?” John chuckles humorlessly. Was he that predictable? Stepping away from them he finishes dressing.  
“Ye sunshine. Don’t worry about it. Ain’t my first time and sure as hell won’t be my last.” He tosses out over his shoulder. “I’ll give ya a minute ta get ready and meet you out front.”
If Ophelia had anything to say after that they kept between their pretty little lips.
“I think we should head for shelter.” Ophelia says, looking up from the fallen mutant. Their arms filled with loot. John follows their gaze. His black eyes reflect the eerie shade of green growing in the sky. Rad storm. Looked like a big one too. He lights a cigarette and sticks it between his grimy teeth before helping collect a few more useful items.
“Closest place is probably that supermarket couple o’ klicks back.” He jabs a thumb over his shoulder. If they hoof it they could probably get there and pick off any ferals before the worst of the storm hit. Ophelia sighs, John knew how much they hated backtracking. The decision was made for them when their pip-boy starts clicking in warning.
“Well-” They frown, throwing a glance back at the ghoul. “You alright with taking two steps forward and ten steps back?” John laughs, tipping his tricorn up to flash them a quick wink.
“Shit doll- You just summed up my life in a sentence.” Offering a hand he helps the sharpshooter over some loose rubble. “You keep an eye out K? I know you’re low on ammo so I’ll take point.” Ophelia nods. Their sniper rifle slung uselessly across their back. Readying his shotgun John follows behind.
The storm hit just when he had expected. Dropping rain and hunks of debris on the two as they struggle to close the supermarket doors against the high winds. Thanks to their combined dumb luck the place was empty. The sentry bots long since destroyed and even a few tins of food were still scattered about the aisle. Ophelia left him to collect some and scout out any hidden lock boxes, leaving him to set up the sleeping bags and start a small fire. Cracking open a room-temperature beer he stares idly into the flicking flames. It grew steadily as he fed it bits of cardboard and kindling. The yellow glow touches his skin and starts to dry his drenched clothes. John contemplates his predicament while he waits for Ophelia to return. The memories of last night slowly start to come back to him in the silence. The tastes, and smells of washed sheets and sweating skin permeate his senses. Ophelia’s sweet mewls and gasps echo around in between his ears. Who gave them the right to make his name sound so sweet?
Shit-He knew he shouldn’t dwell on it. First rule of one-nighters is to live in the moment then walk away clean. But damn if he wasn’t the worst at following rules.
He relives it all the best he can, parts still blurring and blocked, like a scratch in a holotape. But he’ll take it. He’ll take the phantom feel of strong, sure fingers mapping his body. The ghost of a tongue slipping against his. Washing away the taste of mentats and cheap drinks. He can’t remember the last time he had felt so warm and wanted. Made the sudden distance he put between them hurt even more. Fuck him for getting greedy.
John flicks the butt of his cigarette into the roaring flames and searches for another. He grumbles in irritation as each pocket bears no fruit. “Here. I got some.” A familiar red and white box appears in his peripheral. Ophelia’s chipped yellow nail polish clashing with the old carton.
“Thanks, sunshine.” He rasps, taking the box. He can’t bear looking up for the crumbled container. The thought of making eye contact with them while his blood and brains were living in his trousers seemed unholy. Pulling out the least damaged cigarette of the lot he lights it with a practiced flick of his wrist. “Found anything good?”
They shrug, putting a few cans of beans and corn in the growing amount of embers around the fire pit to heat. “Some ammo and super glue. Also-” They grin, forcing him to look up. “Got you a present.” They pull a bottle out from behind their back to brandish it at him triumphantly. He stares. Not at the bottle, but at the way that little pull of muscle brightens up their whole face. That signature gapped tooth smile warming him better than the beer and firelight combined. He reaches numbly for the bottle. A Nuka-Cola Quantum, the chill of the bottle a welcomed surprise.
He and the rest of the crew had learned over the years not to reject a gift, no matter how valuable. MacCready nearly had a heart attack when he was gifted with a shiny new sniper rifle. That pretty little custom piece came with all the bells and whistles. Not to mention a few boxes of specialized ammo. John had zoned out when the other man started rambling rapid-fire over specs clutching the gun to him like a newborn. Each of the core companions got some good shit from time to time. He had some absolutely sinful blades and an old bottle of pre war bourbon tucked away in his office. Valentine had gotten some fantastic upgrades to his hardware and repairs to his offices. Hell- Curie got a whole bloody body.
Can’t beat these job perks.  
“What’s the occasion?” He pops the cap off with the blunt end of his pocket knife, taking a pull from the bottle. The rush of sugar and god knows what else damping his headache.
Ophelia shrugs from across the pit. Pulling off their worn boots to warm their feet by the fire. “I remember you said they perk you up after a particularly bad crash.” They pause, face closing down for a moment, before looking up in horror. “I would have thought- I mean. I- you-I hope I didn’t do anything last night that upset you. I know you were a bit buzzed and I was way past tipsy. But, if I stepped out of line you would tell me right ?” John looks at them beyond confused.
"What?" He asks dumbly.
" Is," Ophelia waves vaguely at the distance between them. Normally when they camped together they were thick as thieves. Joking and nudging at each other's shoulders. Others used to joke about them getting a room. Now it felt like a great chasm had opened between them. "all of this about last night."
"Oh. Nah. Don't gotta worry none doll." John shrugs. Best to rip the bandage off now then later. "It's in the past, best leave it there. " He lies. It burns his throat worse than jet, but he has to. If only to protect his crumbling pride. One day he'll believe his own words. Hopefully.
"Well I am worried. How 'bout we start over. What’s wrong?" Ophelia jabs.
John feels heat rise under his thick skin. Just pokin’ a fresh cut tonight huh..."Kinda hard to start over after having someone's dick down your throat." He tosses it out carelessly. A shit attempt to derail the coming train wreck. Ophelia doesn't even flinch.
"Well, it's a damn good thing we both know how flexible I am then.” They rebuttal smoothly. “So, I'll ask again. What’s. Wrong?" The ghoul shrinks under their heated look. He was never keen on being hit with these eyes. Meant another kinda storm was brewing.
John throws his hands up in frustration. Had they never heard the phrase 'read the room'. "What, ya never had a one nighter before?" He regrets it the second the words leave his lips. He'd never seen someone flinch from words before. "Look, doll, I ain't one for making things awkward. I know the rules so let's just forget it and move on."
Ophelia deflates. Their signature look that could pin a super mutant in fight extinguished just like that. John watches them mouth over his words slowly. Clearly hating the taste of them as much as he did. "Is- was that what you wanted out of it?" Ophelia sighs. They dig a hand through sweat tangled locks. The tight coils of their hair protesting the drag of their fingers. His own fingers itch watching them, remembering the feel of their hair wrapped around his hand as he pulled them in for a kiss.
"What did you want out of it?" He asks, feeling dumber than a radroach.
Ophelia mimics him, throwing their hands up with a short laugh. "John, I thought it was clear. I don't go sleeping around with my friends and colleagues for shits and giggles. Who do I always ask to join me on travels?"
“Dogmeat?” John jokes, the knot in his stomach loosening with hope. It's unimaginable really- and yet. Were they serious? The past couple of times out they had always come to him. Even when they would be at a strategic disadvantage for whatever crazy scheme they had brewing. Only time he wasn’t Ophelia’s top pick was when some Minutemen tasks needed to be done. Even then He could always expect them at his front door the moment their feet landed on safe ground. A bottle of liquor in hand and an unbelievable story to tell.
“Not funny.” They chastised him scooting until they were seated next to him, knees brushing. "My idea for this morning was to maybe get breakfast and a semi decent cup of coffee. But I guess this is fine." They scrunch their nose in distaste at the cans warming in the fire pit.
“Shit doll,” John reaches out, wrapping a wiry arm around their waist. “Can I make it up to you? For being such an ass?” They hum in jest covering his hand with their own. The kiss that follows was unlike anything that he expected. It was slow and sweet. So different from the fast pecks he would get with others he slept with. He deepens it greedily, not ready to part just yet.
“You’re lucky I find you attractive.” Ophelia whispers into his mouth tossing his tricorn to the side and straddling his narrow hips. “We are going to have a talk about all this. Just-later-much, much later. I need a repeat performance of last night now that we are both sober.”
John groans letting them push him down. “Damn-you got it. You got whatever you want if you mean it.” Ophelia scoffs, ridding themselves of their baggy jacket. John can’t help but marvel at how beautiful they were backlit by the roaring flames. The orange glow of the light wrapping around their dark skin much like he craved to do. The flicking of it lapping at their smooth skin. Flashes of last night coming back to him of his tongue traveling down the same areas. He would have to remap them.
“As if I could ever lie to your smart ass.” They scoff grinding down on the growing bulge hidden in his rough pants. “But you have been lying to me and yourself it seems.”
He grunts in acknowledgment eyeing the way their ass moves. “You are absolutely right.Fuck- how can I make it up to you?”
Ophelia smirks cupping his cheeks. Their eyes meet. Rich hazel meeting cold black. The moment digs dip under his tough hide. The raw emotions in their stare makes his throat dry. “Put that mouth to good use- hmm? I know it’s good for more than some self-depreciation.”  
Spurred by Ophelia’s words he flips their positions, placing the sniper down on his bedroll. John sinks lower, kissing and nipping at their hip bone. Mapping out all the sensitive parts of their body. His tongue tracing the silver little streaks on their belly. Ophelia’s stomach twitches at the feel of his warm breath on their stretch marks, cursing quietly as he finds their slick core. Their nails score his scalp, dragging a hiss of pleasure from his lips. He licks with gusto, taking full advantage of their isolated positions to make them scream.  
“John-” They mew clawing at his shoulders to pull him back up to their kiss swollen lips. He goes leaving a trail of kisses in his wake before giving them a surprisingly chaste kiss on their lips.
“You sure ‘bout this doll?” He didn’t know what would happen after this, but it felt so different compared to his other recurring bed partners. He did want to see them again. He wanted this relationship to bleed into every aspect of his life. If he could relive that morning wrapped in their arms till his brain was splattered out on some dusty alleyway then he would. Without question.
Ophelia nods, reading in between the lines of his multilayered question. If there was one power figure in this wasteland they trusted, it was him. Wrapping a strong leg around his strong waist they shimmy off their tactical pants. Their eyes lock onto his pants as if the ratty briefs offended them.  John chuckles and casually loosens the draw strings keeping his pants up. Ophelia takes it from there scooting the rough material down his legs. They pur, grasping his erection and stroking it. Their dexterous fingers play with his head drawing out a healthy bit of pre.
John sighs and rests his forehead on Ophelia’s brow breathing in their naturally clean scent. It reminded him of the rare times he could get freshly washed laundry mixed with the springtime. Shen the wild plants strong enough to brave this cruel world sprouted. He kisses them, nipping at their chin and collarbone while they drive him wild. “Doll, please.” He gasps, back arching into their touch. “You’re killin’ me ya know.” Ophelia chuckles returning a deep kiss.
“Good, consider it penance for thinking I couldn’t love you.”
John heaves, lost for breath as their words hit him. He pulls back floundering.  “You mean that?” He sees the rapid fire thoughts racing through their wide eyes. Shock that they let slip that dirty little secret, fear of what he would do, then a stark resolution.
“Of course.” Ophelia nods through their embarrassment. Their sharp cheeks beginning to warm under his gaze. They say it like it’s an obvious statement. Like he should have just known. In a way he did. He just couldn’t believe it.
John takes the initiative now.  Dragging Ophelia down to his scarred lips preening when he feels them sigh into it. Their tongue teasing his telling him point blank what they wanted. Grabbing onto their plush hips John grinds down on them, rubbing his stiff erection through the seam of their thighs and wet entrance. The moans that elicited from them made his radioactive blood boil with need. He had to have them again, last night was a dud. He would savoir this time.
Positioning themselves over John’s cock Ophelia shoots him a sultry wink before sinking down onto him slowly. “Oh fuck me.” He groans, dropping his head to his pillow. Their body was feverish around his, soft, pliant and so willing.
“That was my intention.” They grab onto his shoulders for support. Eyelids fluttering heavily. “If I’m not getting that across now, perhaps I should quit while I’m behind?” They joke as they ride him. Their hips move in slow tight circles. It’s enough to drive him wild.
John digs his fingers into the supple flesh of Ophelia’s hips. With any luck he’ll leave bruises. Excellent. Ophelia couldn’t stop John as he flipped their position. He pinned them roughly down on his sleeping bag. “Don’t worry Doll. You got your point across very well. Don’t need to go putting yourself out like that.”
“You’re one to ta-” John thrusts into them cutting off their snark. Taking  devilish delight in flustering them. Setting a fast pace he drives in deep revealing in their cries of pleasure. God damn- this was almost enough to make him wanna go sober. How did he ever think one night would be enough?
“Fuck! I don’t deserve you.” His hisses cutting through the wet slaps of skin on skin. Ophelia does nothing but groan. Neither of them last long. Much to John’s chagrin. He finishes with a choked shout, hips and stomach twitching as he spills himself on their thigh. Ophelia doesn’t fare much better. They bite hard at the rough skin of his neck, nails scoring his back with a perfect mixture of pleasure and pain while they came undone beneath him.
“Do you mean it?” He asks, cupping the back of Ophelia’s skull. They wrap an arm around his neck nuzzling close, draping their body across his.
“Ye- but if you talk down about yourself again I’ll have to feed you to a deathclaw.” John chuckles feeling his eyelids getting heavy. He wouldn’t put it past them.
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"Can you tell me a story from when they were around?" with Danse please? and a f!sosu? if you wanna do it gender neutral that's fine too tho xx
i can do a f!sosu for you! ❤️ enjoy!
quiet was something he was used to, but sometimes there was just too much of it. especially now that sole was gone, it had been something he dreaded everyday. he hated how it replaced the sound of her voice daily and perished it out of existence, only allowing it to become a distant memory. and that’s what he feared; forgetting the sweet sound of soles voice, the beautiful features on her face, and how soft her touches felt against his body. he didn’t want to forget but as the months drew by, it seemed to grow more remote from his memory and he became scared.
he became so lost in thought and worry, not noticing the little girl running towards him excitedly with a huge grin on her face. he nearly threw the gun he was working on, getting startled at the sudden voice that boomed out of no where. “mr. danse! goodmorning!” he looked over his shoulder and caught a small girl looking at him with a happy expression, her hands folded behind her back. he shot her a soft smile, putting down his weapon to give her his full attention.
“good morning to you too, melanie.” danse spoke, “it’s early for you to be awake. does your parents know you’re out?” she nodded, letting out a small ‘mhm’ as she did so. his eyes looked around her, searching for her guardians around sanctuary. she was a rule breaker and danse knew that by now; he had seen her grow into the person she is the minute she stepped into sanctuary two months back.
“did you have any business with me?” danse raised a brow, crossing his arms as he stared down at her.
“yes, yes i do! i wouldn’t come here if i didn’t.” he chuckled at her remark, “do you know who mrs. sole is? and don’t you lie to me!”
he paused for a moment, blinking in surprise once soles name left her mouth. melanie noticed how his expression had changed and she tilted her head in confusion, eyeing him. danse noticed her observing eyes and tried to collect himself before speaking.
“y-yes, she’s my wife.” he stuttered. her eyes bloomed with amazement, her grin growing even wider as she jumped eagerly.
“no way! you had a wife as awesome as her?! you’re so lucky!” danse smiled. sole could still amaze people even after she was long gone and he was happy her legacy continued to live on despite time passing by.
“i consider myself beyond lucky.” melanie agreed almost instantly and took his big hand in her small ones, tugging him to a bench nearby. he bit back a laugh, watching her attempt to pull someone as big as him. it was cute.
“let’s go sit!” he obliged, following after her as he enclosed his hand around hers. she hopped on bench, patting the seat next to her enthusiastically. danse sat near her, leaning forward so his elbows were resting on his knees. he looked at her with a curious smile. “what’s this all about?”
“can you tell me a story from when she was around? pretty please?” she clasped her hands together, shooting him puppy eyes in hopes to sway his decision to her liking. he felt a pang in his heart but concealed it as best as he could, knowing that even the thought of speaking about her would push him to the edge. “why ask me? i’m certain a handful of people have stories of her around here.”
“but i want the best of the best, mr. danse! and codsworth said to go to you if i really wanted that.” he sighed under his breath; of course codsworth would do something of the sort. with a forced smile, he accepted and rubbed his chin in thought.
“do you wanna hear the story of how we met?”
“of course i do!” she swung her legs energetically, grinning from ear to ear. “i’m not getting any younger here so spit it out!”
he laughed at her excitement. “well..” he had began telling the story on how sole he’d swooped in and saved the day with just her 10 mm pistol and her strategic mind. he mentioned how his crew had been ambushed and corned by a pack of feral ghouls, unsure if they were gonna make it out. he watched how her expressions changed in a comical manner, much to his amusement and found himself enjoying it.
“i bet you fell in love with her after that!” she had cut him off with a playful smirk. he sent her a half smile, remembering the moment he laid eyes on her. he had recalled all the emotions and thoughts that ran through his head the minute she stepped into his life.
“i suppose you’re correct.”
“i knew i was right!” she cheered, victorious, “what was your first thoughts about her, mr. danse?”
he looked at his hands, recollecting the moments from when they first met. “she was beautiful, you wouldn’t believe it. when i saw her, i was marveled and instantly breathless. i didn’t know if she was real or if the panic had started giving me visions. luckily, it was the upper hand.”
he looked back towards her, seeing the interested look on her face before continuing. “she was brave, yet stupid, for doing something so careless but i would’ve been gone if it weren’t for her. the minute she stepped into my life, it had changed entirely for the better.” danse whispered under his breath, not taking in the fact that she was still listening closely to him, “i miss her.”
melanies happy demeanor had dropped once she remembered that sole had passed away. living in a world like this, she wasn’t drawn away from the topic of death and knew how it affected people close to them. she scooted closer to danse, resting her head on his arm shyly. his body jolted in surprise and looked down to see her staring down at her shoes.
“you’re pretty cool too, mr. danse. i think she thought of you the same way too.” she muttered, “that’s why she’s your wife. she fell in love with you too.”
danse felt a sense of warmth, noticing her endeavors to make him feel better. it had been a while since someone had properly comforted him about what had happened. the last thing he expected was to get that need from someone far younger than he was.
before he could respond, a loud voice called out for melanie, making her jump off the bench with shock and fear. “melanie marie, where have you been?!”
“dad! mom!” she looked back at danse with a panicked expression. the woman had hugged melanie, and pulled back with a worried expression. “you scared me! i didn’t know if you were okay or not.”
her dad walked over to danse, sending him an apologetic smile. “i’m sorry, sir. i didn’t mean for our daughter to disturb you. we know you’re a very busy man.”
danse stood from his seat, waving off whatever he had just said. “it’s fine. i don’t mind it.”
“melanie, you know mr. danse is a very occupied individual. why are you bothering the poor man so early in the morning?” she crossed her arms, pouting at her mother who chided her for her actions.
“i was just asking about mrs. sole!” her parents then looked horrified, their face dropping at their daughters confession.
“i’m so, so sorry, sir. we didn’t mean for that to happen. we know what happened to sole was recent and-“
“it’s no harm.” he cut her mother off politely. his eyes traveled to melanie, who looked up at him with surprise. “if anything, i’m more than willing to ease her curiousity. she seems to favor my wife.”
melanie smiled happily and looked at her parents. “please?!” they looked at each other, sighing simultaneously before responding. “okay. that’s fine, but please make sure he is completely free and don’t bombard him all the time, melanie. let the man rest.”
“okay!” she happily agreed sending smile a large grin. he smiled back, waving at her as her parents pulled her back to their shared home. “thank you, mr. danse!”
“thank you, sir.” her father nodded.
“not a problem.” he responded. danse watched as they walked away, his smile never leaving his face. maybe the memories of her would never fade away, not while her legacy still existed around the commonwealth and boy, boston wouldn’t be forgetting her name any sooner. he clutched the locket in his pocket that had her picture in it and turned around to continue working on his weapon.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
DAD TIM TIME DAD TIM TIME. these two are so good istg
When Tim was awoken by someone knocking on his door his first thought was ‘’You’re kidding me.’’. He hadn’t gotten a decent sleep in almost a week, and most days found himself running off of only four or five hours. Not even melatonin was helping. He groaned into his pillow and rolled over. 
Tim sighed and looked down. Laying by his arm was a skinny grey cat that gave him an irritated look. Probably because Tim had woken it. He rolled his eyes. ‘’Well excuse me, Kralie.’’ he muttered. He sat up, being sure not to disturb his other cat, Brian, who was curled up near his feet, sleeping peacefully. He carefully climbed off his bed and sighed, running a hand through his messy black hair. It had to be late, it was pitch black in the room. The only light came from the tank where his pet frog lived. He could barely just spot the outline of his third cat Jay sitting and staring at a wall for no apparent reason. He did that a lot. Tim had given up trying to figure out why. He strode across the room and over to his door. He pulled it open and looked up.
‘’Mmmh?’’ he grunted as he blinked at the person in front of his door. In the darkness he could barely recognise the skinny frame and fluffy hair of Cody. The slightly taller boy fiddled with his hands nervously.
‘’Sorry for waking you.’’ he whispered. Tim shook his head.
‘’I wasn’t sleeping.’’ he lied. ‘’What’s wrong, kid?’’
‘’I…’’ Cody shrugged. ‘’I couldn’t sleep. And I-I kept thinking about stuff…’’ he murmured. He glanced up from the floor, looking at Tim anxiously. 
‘’You need a distraction?’’ the older man asked. Cody gave a slight nod. Tim sighed gently. ‘’Alright. Lemme get dressed then.’’ he murmured. He heard Cody mumble out a feeble ‘thanks’ as he closed the door. Tim put on some comfy sweatpants and an old warm fleece. He walked back to the door and opened it. Cody perked up a bit, looking at him. Tim stepped out of the room and put his hands in his pockets. ‘’C’mon kid. I feel like going out.’’
Cody chuckled a bit. ‘’I was hoping you’d say that…’’ he murmured as he followed Tim upstairs. ‘’I looked out my window earlier. It’s a really nice night.’’ 
‘’Yeah?’’ Tim looked over his shoulder at Cody, smiling a bit. ‘’Good.’’ 
The two of them crept through the living room, careful not to alert Slender upstairs. They unlocked the front door and stepped out into the night. They walked over to Tim’s car. It was an old, busted up thing he’d been driving since 2005, and he refused to replace it. That car had been through hell and back right along with Tim, and every time it broke down Tim would just fix it himself. Usually with help from Cody and anybody else that thought they could lend a hand. Tim climbed into the driver’s seat and watched Cody climb into the seat next to him. The car smelled musty and there were some miscellaneous stains on the seats and dashboard. Tim turned the ignition on and the dashcam hanging from the mirror came to life. He drummed his hands on the steering wheel and looked at Cody.
‘’So, where to?’’ he asked. Cody shrugged. ‘’You hungry?’’
Cody smiled a bit and nodded. ‘’Yeah, actually.’’
‘’What’re we eating?’’ Tim asked as he drove the car towards and along the dirt path that’d lead out of the forest. 
‘’Hm…’’ Cody frowned, running his tongue over his teeth as he thought. ‘’Baskin robbins sounds really good...but taco bell does too-’’
‘’Dinner and dessert.’’ Tim replied. He glanced at Cody and smiled. Cody grinned. He was being spoiled tonight. 
‘’So Brian looks the guy dead in the eyes and says ‘that’s a serious problem. Go to a doctor or you’ll die in like three days’.’’
‘’Well- I dunno, I never saw him again.’’ Tim grinned to himself as he balled up the wrapper from his taco. ‘’Maybe he did die, I dunno.’’ he shrugged.
‘’You think Brian killed him?’’
‘’Probably.’’ Tim nodded and laughed quietly. ‘’I swear, there was nothing behind Brian’s eyes. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was a wanted murderer or some shit.’’
Cody tilted his head. ‘’Is that why you guys were friends?’’
Tim snorted. ‘’Yeah. Except I can hide the fact that I’m secretly a feral guy who runs around the woods in a mask. With Brian you kinda knew.’’ Cody snickered. He loved hearing Tim’s stories. He always found a way to make it funny, and he’d had more than his fair share of bizarre experiences. ‘’Here, kid, gimme your trash. I’ll throw it out for ya.’’
Cody passed over the empty taco bell bag and watched Tim stuff his own trash into it. He reached over and unlocked the door, stepping out. ‘’C’mon, we’ll walk up to get the ice cream.’’
Cody climbed out of the car and followed Tim across the parking lot. He tilted his head. ‘’You sure you wanna walk through the cold?’’ he asked, mostly just to start conversation.
‘’Yeah? Gotta burn it off somehow,’’ Tim replied as he put the empty bag in the bin beside the entrance to the taco bell. ‘’Some of us have slow metabolisms, twig boy.’’ he shot Cody a grin. They both knew that wasn’t the real reason. Tim didn’t desperately need to lose weight, he just wanted to spend more time with Cody. He wanted to savor the night together, even if it was chilly.
Conversation came easy to them. Cody was impulsive, and liked to say whatever first came to mind. Tim always had a sarcastic comment to respond with. Cody liked that about Tim. He never judged. He always took Cody's ideas, as far-fetched as they were, seriously. He was supportive. 
"Hey kid," Tim suddenly spoke up. Cody looked at him. "...going out with you like this- it means a lot." He smiled at him. Cody softened.
"...me too." He murmured. He wasn't good with emotions. At all. "Uh- like- you're always...nice to me and I- appreciate that." He fiddled with his hands. "...yeah."
Tim laughed gently. "I appreciate you too kid." He murmured. "Honestly. You're great." He paused for a moment, debating what to say next, but Cody cut him off.
"You're like a dad to me." He blurted. Tim blinked in surprise. Cody slapped his hands over his mouth, staring at him with wide eyes. 
It was silent for a moment. Then Tim smiled. Then grinned, then began laughing quietly. His laughs became louder and Cody glanced away in embarrassment. 
"Pffft-! Kid-!"
"Shut up!" Cody yelped back. Tim quieted his laughs and smiled. 
"I'm not laughing at you, Cody," He murmured. Cody muttered something to himself. "...why do you think I call you 'kid' so often?" He asked gently. Cody looked up. Tim shrugged a bit. "Never saw myself as- y'know- a dad, but fuck if I don't care about you like one."
Cody stared at him. Then a bright grin curled up his face. Before Tim could do anything, Cody tackled him into a tight hug. The two stumbled back and Tim grunted from the impact. He'd had worse of course, and he wasn't going to push Cody off. Not at a time like this. He laughed gently and curled his arms around Cody, squeezing the skinny boy tight. 
"T-Ti-" Cody grunted. "Dad-" 
"You're...sq-squeezing the air...outta me…"
Tim suddenly released him and looked up in surprise. He smiled a bit. "Sorry kid." He murmured. Cody grunted.
"It's fine." He mumbled. "I think my ribs are still intact. We're good."
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emily-strange · 4 years
Second Chances
Thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in this story :) means so much. I just wanted to note that this story won’t be “look how awful Abigail is”. I have too much love for her to do that! Everything has a reason.
Tagging @porkchop-ao3​ @redeadepression​ and @lucacangettathisass​ who asked but if you’d like me to stop let me know :) <3
For the premise of this story, Jack is a little bit younger. I just can’t hurt that boy’s feelings!
Summary: You’re Sadie Adler’s 18 year old daughter who was visiting from school when the O’Driscoll’s attack. How will you cope with gang life and your increasing feelings for someone who, on the surface, isn’t up for grabs?
Pairing: John Marston x female reader
Warnings: Swearing, Mention of Blood
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Chapter 2
Arthur was true to his word. He took you into Valentine with the other girls and even lent you a bit of money to get some new clothes, which was greatly appreciated. You’ve been wearing a dress lent to you by Mary-Beth and considering you were wearing a nightgown when Dutch and Arthur found you, you really couldn’t complain. But having the chance to get back into a pair of jeans was amazing.
So kitted out in some new clothes and borrowing Arthur’s rifle, you both went hunting. Which was a great success. In one trip, you already had enough money to pay back Arthur and you had the feeling he was impressed.
He spoke to Dutch who agreed to let you out of camp on a trial basis. You weren’t particularly happy about being dictated to about your comings and goings, but this gang did save you and your mother so you decide to just go with it. For now, at least.
That was about three weeks ago.
And now you’re riding into camp (after being away for almost two days with Charles) with quite a bit of stuff for Pearson and some money in your pocket. Most of which is for camp but at least you can take your mom to town and get her a few things. Treat her to some new clothes and essentials.
“Hi mama” you say approaching her after delivering the meat and pelts to Pearson. Unfortunately, your mother was where you left her. Sitting by the campfire, just staring into the flames. She wasn’t doing well.
Your mothers always been a strong woman, she didn’t take crap from anyone. So, when Colm’s men attacked that horrible night, she became ruthless. Almost feral. You’d never seen such rage. If only there’d been less of them, maybe you all would’ve stood a chance.
But you can’t think about that. No, you need to be strong for the both of you now. She kept you both going during the long, horrible days and nights with the O’Driscoll’s. Now it was your turn to do the same for her.
“How’re you feeling?” you ask softly sitting down next to her, rubbing her back. Her eyes are red and puffy, they look so sore.
“How’d you think she’s feelin’?” Abigail bites, appearing out of nowhere to stand opposite you with her arms crossed, “Her husband’s gone and her only child is gallivanting around fer days on end!”
You were stunned into silence.
By the time your brain caught up with your shock, your mother had hurried off crying. Followed closely by her new best friend.
What the hell? You think to yourself. Totally confused.
You took a moment to watch Abigail hug your mother by her lean-to and fury took over.
How dare she! You scream internally.
You throw yourself to your feet and storm off into the trees, making sure to put as much distance between yourself and the camp without actually leaving the area.
You make it to a secluded part by the cliffs edge and without stopping your fast pace, you pick up the biggest stone you can see and throw it off into the open cavern below.
Oh God. You think. What if there are people down there?
Having had the wind taken out of your sails by the mere thought of hurting a passer-by, you edge closer to the side of the cliff. Hoping to peak over the top without being seen.
You move slowly…..
You peer a tiiiiny bit over the edge, when….
“You know there ain’t no one down there, right?”
You jump back from the edge and squeal. Actually squeal. You turn around to see John sitting under the shade of a big tree reading a large book.
“Oh my God. John!” you gasp holding your chest and laughing, “I didn’t see you.”
“Nah didn’t think ya did.” He smiles back.
You hadn’t really seen much of John the past couple of weeks, with you keeping your head down and him doing the same. He looks so much better than he did. His scars are healing well.
“Wanna…..talk, about it?” he asks somewhat awkwardly, gesturing to the spot next to him on the ground.
You sigh loudly and smirk at his attempt at comfort. You nod and walk over to the tree, sitting down with a very unladylike thud and grunt.
“Just….people.” you smile at him.
“People are tha worst” John replies quickly making you giggle.
You rub your forehead and John hums.
“You do that a lot ya know.” You glance up in time to see him gesture to your forehead.
Looking up at him you’d say he almost looks….concerned.
“I get a lot of headaches…especially when stressed…everything’s stressful” you answer with another sigh before looking him dead in the eye and laughing, “Anyway, you been watching me John Marston?”
John lets out a gruff laugh and holds his book to hide his face before groaning, “Ahh pleaaase don’t call me that.”
You giggle again.
“What!? It’s your name?” you can’t help but increase your laughter at his bizarre request.
He moves the book and slumps back against the tree behind him.
“Don’t remind me. S’the only thing I hear.” He huffs out.
That’s when it clicks.
“Abigail?” you ask quietly and he nods.
“And Arthur. And Dutch. God an’ Hosea. But he says it with more disappointment than the others.” He explains and you nod along, letting him know you’re listening.
He looks so sad. So pale and drawn out.
You then remember the very, very, brief conversation those weeks ago in his tent.
“John…can I ask about….the ‘Jack’ of it all? You know, what you mentioned before?” you say quietly and almost regret doing so when his face falls even further. If that’s at all possible.
You’d tried to get some information from Arthur about the whole situation but he didn’t shed much light on the subject. He seems to have his own issues with John. You stopped your line of questioning very quickly once he started questioning you back about why you wanted to know.
Being nosy didn’t seem like a very good reason.
“He’s. He’s not mine.” John says looking you in the eye without a hint of anger or uncertainty.
“But you, had a…relationship? With Abigail.” you ask choosing your words carefully and he scoffs.
“If you cn call it that. We hada thing yeah. But we weren’t….together. Not really. She was still workin’…..in camp n outta it. The timin’s don’t add up. I know people think I’m dumb n maybe I am but….I’m not that dumb.” He says and finishes with a humourless laugh.
You don’t really know what to say. So you just nod. Silently letting him know he can carry on if he wants.
“I love her….but it’s not that kinda love you know?” You don’t really know, having never been in love, so you just stay quiet. “Anyway. Boy ain’t mine. Can’t be. But she’s said he is n that’s that. Guess she figured Dutch woulda believed any of the others if they said it weren’t theirs. N’ if it were some customer from a saloon then well…..she did what she hadta do I guess.”
“But have you told anyone all of that? Like, Hosea?” you ask feeling instantly stupid when he laughs. He catches the drop of your eyes and promptly stops.
“Sorry, I weren’t laughin’ at you. Its just real obvious you ain’t never been ina gang.” he smiles.
How have you only just noticed how nice his smile is? Your face heats up but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“Moment she told me, I went ta Arthur. He’s like ma brother. Was like ma brother. He told me it was time ta be a man…..but hows that fair!?” he said raising his voice a bit and without meaning to, you flinch.
That he did notice.
He cleared his throat, “Sorry.”
“No it’s fine.” you say quickly, making sure he knows he didn’t do anything wrong, “You’re allowed to be upset.”
“So’re you ya know. About, ya know, what happened.” There’s that awkward attempt to comfort again.
You nod and bring your knees up, holding them to your chest, taking a long deep breath.
“Not sure that’s true you know.” You sigh, looking out into the blue sky. Trying to remember when things weren’t so sad. John just looks at you with confusion.
“I mean. Have you seen my mother? She’s a wreck. Of course she is, who wouldn’t be? But. We can’t both fall apart. She kept everything together for such a long time….she deserves her time to grieve. I can wait.” You say hoping to convince yourself as well as John.
You sit with John in a comfortable silence for about 10 minutes when you hear his name being shouted in the distance. It’s hard to tell but it’s a good guess to say that it’s Abigail.
“God dammit” John groans and rubs his face a bit too hard, causing one of his scabs to shift and a small amount of blood to rise to the surface, “Shit.”
You put your shirt sleeve over your palm and shift closer to John. You go to touch his chin, to guide his face to look at you but like you earlier, he flinches.
For a brief moment you both just look at each other.
Without saying anything you reach forward again and this time he lets you gently pull his face forward. You ever so gently dab at his face, getting rid of the visible blood spots. All the while his eyes are closed.
When the shouting gets a bit louder you pull back but, as you do, John seems to follow after your hand. Before he quickly catches himself and opens his eyes.
“Thanks” he says before coughing and looking anywhere but at your face, “Guess I should get back before she sends out a search party.”
You smile softly, “I’m sure she means well. Just worried I guess.”
John finally looks you in the eye and nods, grimacing from his leg wound as he stands up. Book in hand. You remain seated.
“Ya know, I uh, come out here quite a bit. No one from camp seems ta walk out this far.” He says looking down at you. You find yourself completely at a loss of how to respond so you just nod and say ‘okay’. He laughs a bit to himself and turns to walk into the trees before stopping and turning back briefly to you, “Maybe see you here again then.”
John doesn’t wait for you to reply before walking into the trees, away from camp again. You figure he must be doing a loop around so no one sees what direction he comes from.
You roll your sleeve back up and make a mental note to wash it before anyone sees. You don’t need to answer questions of how you have blood on your clothes but no injury.
You move into the spot John was in so you can lean back against the tree and watch the sun get lower and lower.
Before you know it, you drift off to sleep.
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blackaquokat · 4 years
The Song You Might Have Been (Chapter 6)
Link to Chapter 1 and Chapter 5 !
A/N: This one is a little short, my apologies. And this is around the point I got stuck back during NaNoWriMo, so I can’t promise consistent updates from here on out, but I promise it’s not over yet.
The poem quoted at the end is called “Wild Duck” by Lola Ridge. It’s a lovely piece.
And I’m a horrible person, because I keep forgetting to credit @timelords-13 as my beta for this fic. Your help is greatly appreciated, my dear, and I apologize for falling off the wagon!
When you wake up, feeling strung out and dried of all the moisture in your body, you realize you’ve been tucked into your bed. You blink the sleep out of your eyes and see Yancy at the foot, legs crossed underneath him, reading the Sound and the Fury. 
“Have you been there all night?” you croak.
“Not a bad book, this one,” Yancy says.  “A little...boring, but the writing’s nice. Confusing--”
“It switches perspectives a lot,” you agree. You wipe the crust from your eyes. “You...why did…” You sit up, slowly. “You stayed down here with me?”
Yancy shrugs. “Youse asked me to.”
“No, I didn’t. Not really.”
Yancy looks sheepish. You’d dare say vulnerable. “Don’t push youse’s luck, we’ve got plans to make.”
His reminder pulls you further into the waking world. “I assumed you were joking, last night, when you said you had a plan.” You lean closer to him. “You were joking, right?”
“Does this look like the face of a joker, to you?” Yancy winks. “Listen, youse was right. This is big. I can only do so much to keep you safe if even the guards can be turned by this guy youse investigating. So, best bet?” He shuts the book dramatically and tosses it between the two of you. “I get you back on the outside, youse take down the guy trying to kill you, and I get no more assassinations I don’t order myself in here.”
You roll your eyes. This is mostly a cover to keep you from outwardly freaking out over the fact that Yancy just said he’d break you out of prison. “You are so lucky I’m off the clock. So where do we go from here?”
Yancy taps his fingers against his chin. “I need to get some...affairs in order. But we should be good to go by tonight.”
“So soon? You don’t need more time to plan?”
“Eagle, I know every single nook and cranny in this place. Getting out’ll be a piece of cake. Just gotta wait for nightfall again.”
You nod. “Enough time to...to say good-byes. Or, well, I imagine you don’t want me giving away the plan, so...I’ll be subtle.”
“Eh.” Yancy waves his hand dismissively. “I think some of them suspect. They’ll help you get ready, no worries.” He leans forward to whisper conspiratorially, “Might wanna give them a refresher on that library system youse trying to set up.”
It catches you off-guard, the realization that you aren’t going to get to hang out with Yancy’s group in this capacity ever again. (What does it say about you that you have no doubts that Yancy will get the two of you out without a hitch?) Here you are, standing with them in the yard, wondering how the hell you can cope with saying good-bye.
Oddly enough, they make it easier for you. Jimmy pulls you right in for a hug. “Yancy may not have wanted to see it, but we knew you wouldn’t stay here forever. Good luck on the outside, Eagle.”
You receive similar farewells from Sparkles, Shithole Hank, and Bam-Bam. Tiny, on the other hand tackles you hard into a much harder hug than Jimmy’s. “Don’t die out there, Eagle.”
“I’ll do my best, Tiny.” You hug her back. “Look, I’m going to get that volunteer program for the library set up as soon as possible. Every third Sunday won’t be enough to see all of you guys. You all better stay safe too, okay?”
And then, later, when you’re heading back to your cell, Rex passes by and nudges your arm gently with his club. “I’ll miss seeing you in that cell, Eagle. But I better not see you in there again, you hear?”
You can’t help but laugh, despite how serious he looks. “I hear you, Rex. I’ll try to get more poetry sent to you, okay?”
Rex turns away and strolls down the hall, but not before you hear him sniffling.
Yancy is waiting for you in the cell, on his top bunk. “You ready, Eagle?”
You suck in a breath and let it out, taking one last look around the cell. The one that was decorated after you started reading poetry to the inmates every night. 
This was very close to a home for a long time. You won’t forget that.
“Yeah, I think I’m ready.”
“Good.” Yancy pops up and holds up a long length of black cloth. “Now, before we do, I need you to put this on.”
“...I’d like to remind you of my trust issues--”
“Listen, Eagle, much as I like you, I don’t need anyone else knowin’ the way out of here. You think it’d be so good for peoples in here to be breakin’ out when they shouldn’t be breakin’ out? Didn’t think so, now put the blindfold on and we’ll get started.”
You take in a breath through your nose and take the blindfold from him. “It’s cute that you think I’d broadcast the path out of the prison.”
“I’d rather not take my chances, Eagle, now youse wanna be free or what?”
“And here we are!”
The blindfold drops from your face and you take a step back in utter astonishment. 
You’re outside. On the other side of the prison gate. The free side. Just yards away is the woods.
Yancy’s still inside, looking ridiculously pleased with himself. “Told ya I knew all the nooks and crannies, didn’t I? Oh, and uh, one other thing.” He flicks his hand and the photo of your mother suddenly appears between his fingers. “I took a little detour by the warden’s office for a ‘chat’ and thought I’d swipe this back for youse.”
So the warden is most likely dead, you think. I’ll need to work on my surprise when it pops up in the paper later.
Your thumb traces over your mom’s face. The lump in your throat grows and you try to clear it so you can speak again. “Thank you.” 
It doesn’t hit you until that moment. You’re out. You’re free. You’re not out of the woods (literally or figuratively), but this is a start. You can seriously get to work on your case and get your name cleared.
And yet...you can’t bring yourself to look away from Yancy.
When you don’t immediately run off, Yancy’s brow furrows. “Everythin’ alright, Eagle? Freedom is just a gander-on that way.” He points behind you. You can’t tell if you’re imagining the slight trembling in his hand or not.
“Yancy,” you start. You don’t know if you’re just stretching out this last moment together or if you’re honestly hoping he’ll accept the offer you’re about to make, but here you are. You can’t help but feel like if you don’t at least mention it, that you’ll regret it later. “Do you want me to look into your case? See if I can get you a parole hearing scheduled?”
You try to make it clear that this is his choice. That you aren’t presuming what he wants. That you aren’t coming from a place of pity. Lord knows this man has a big issue with pity and presumptions.
Yancy seems floored by your offer. But the next moment, he shakes his head. “I’d...nah, don’t do that. I’ve done bad things, Eagle. A lot of them. And...well, I belong here.” He gestures back at the prison. “This is home.” He doesn’t sound as sure as he normally does. “I...it is for now, I mean, I don’t...”
You nod your head slowly and pocket the picture. “Well...if you change your mind, or if parole comes up without my help and you decide to take it…my guest room is pretty cozy.”
You can’t bring yourself to look at him. You’re offering the human equivalent of a semi-feral street cat a place to live and somehow you are not questioning your sanity at doing so. 
(The last person to live with you besides your mom was Damien, but those days are long past. Maybe...maybe it’d be nice to have a housemate again.)
Eventually, you look back up and, to your surprise, Yancy looks as if you just plucked the moon from the sky and handed it to him. 
How can I say good-bye to you? How can I just leave you here? I know it’s what you want, that you’re taking responsibility for your crimes, and it’s one of the reasons I think I--
No, no, cut that thought off at the roots, do not even let it linger--
“I’ll, erm…” Yancy clears his throat. “I’ll keep that in mind, Eagle.” His hand rubs anxiously at the back of his neck. “Maybe when parole comes around, I’ll...maybe…” He shakes his head hard, then, and forces a grin. “Anyway, I better get back. Don’t get arrested again, and hey, don’t forget about visitation! Every third Sunday, Eagle, you hear?!”
“Yancy, wait--!” 
But he’s already faded back into the shadows. Back into the prison.
The gaping ache of regret in your chest threatens to swallow you whole. Out of nowhere, you remember Lola Ridge. 
So my soul...emptied of the known you...utterly... / Is yet vibrant with the cadence of the song / You might have been…
You swallow past the tumor in your throat. You force your hands to release the bars of the gate. One step back. Another. Another. Another. Until you manage to turn away and scurry into the woods.
The last line of that damn poem drops into your brain like a feather, but no less devastating than a comet crushing and burning you to ash.
A word that rattles well in emptiness: / Good-by.
Thank you for reading! Please reblog/comment! If you want to be tagged/untagged for the rest of this series or this pairing, please leave a message in my inbox!
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wispandwhispers · 4 years
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Notes: I finally fucking wrote something, hallelujah! Anyway this is a one shot that got streched because , yes?
Words: 1907
Pairings: Prinxiety, Logicality, dukeceit that could be romantic or platonic idk
Tw(s): Sexual references and implied content, no smut though, cursing, threats, remus being remus
The night was dark, but not the type of dark that you would fear, the type that was comforting and was not frightful. And out of that dark he came.
The dark of the second floor corridor, but still dark.
"Ok 3Q, this is Virgil Lunapuer, Virgil this is..."
It didn't matter what Ms Quill said next, Roman was too focused on what sounded better, Virgil Xia or Roman Lunaper.
He stared at the new member of their class taking in his hair that was made out of the night sky but seemed to radiate some sort of light that was intoxicating . Taking in his eyes are hypnotising and they are endless pools precious stones that glisten. Taking in his-
A snap of fingers.
"Ro are you the-"
"Jan, do you think that  Xia sounds nice, I think it sounds nice, doesn't it sound nice.."
"Remus, did you spike drink his in the morning?"
"Not today at least.."
"...Oh God, your in love aren't you?"
"Yeah, Rem has eaten a pet dove..." And Roman was back to day dreaming about the new kid's face the calm but elegant beauty of it, how can he even be real, his body seemed so ..so...ma-
Roman's face got slapped by a semi gloved hand.
"Quill is calling you!" The slapped snapped back into focus, eyes widening and refocusing.
"Yeah, Miss." 'Miss' currently was pinching the bridge of her nose, looking like she was regretting all her life choices up to now ( That made sense, she did decide to go into teaching.)
"I'm buddying you up with Lunaper, do all that movie shit where you take him around the school and do that bonding fuckery or whatever." Virgil stood in front of his new guide with his hands in his pockets seeming not even focusing on him ,but his eyes were glued in a sideways position .
Oh god, I'm too gay, I'm too fucking gay for this, someone come and fucking help me.
No ,you can do this Roman. You can woo him. Your are Roman Xia . You can-
"Um, hi Roman."
Nope. I do not fucking have this. I am doomed. Can you die from a overdose of gay? I think you can. I am going to die.
"Are you ok?"
" Um, yeah.. yeah I was just going to that you are looking lovely today."
"..Oh my, that was really bad but-"
The ringing of the bell surrounded the room.
"Get out of classroom."
Virgil turned to Roman.
"So you're guiding me?"
(Janus walked up to his homeroom teacher's desk. "Quill, are you even allowed to curse in class?")
("Janus, do you remember I know what you did on Sunday evening?")
The stream of feral adolescents filled the corridor. Shoving and pushing began as the students rushed their way over to their first period classes.
Somehow in the chaos, Virgil and Roman managed to stay together.
 "Um, so, what do you like to do?"
The journey to second period would take about two minutes because the class was at the other side of campus, the guided concluded it would be a good time to break the ice.
"Oh, I really love theatre and just musicals in general, maybe it's because of my childhood Disney obsession-"
The jocks barge through the crowd.
"No, that definitely explains why you are currently wearing propaganda-"
Everyone parts like the red sea for the resident Heathers.
"It's going to a multi-trillion-dollar corporation  that has a very solid grasp on the younger generation perception of entertainment and what is right and wrong. It's propaganda princey."
He gave me a nickname. He gave me a nickname! 
"Why princey ?"
Virgil made a sharp turn to face him.
"You're a Disney loving thespian, you just seem like the type to envision yourself as a prince.."
Virgil gave a small smirk/smile (Roman couldn't tell and it didn't matter. His heart skipped a beat either way.) to his guide and put his ear bud back in.
"Janus Vale?"
"Remus Xia?"
"Not here, in the principle's office for something."
"Thank you, Janus, Roman Xia?"
"Here, sir!"
("Wait, that kid in the green denim jacket with the attempt at a moustache is your brother?")
"Ruth Yillton?"
("Twin brother actually.")
"I'm alive, I guess?"
(Virgil looked at Roman with a surprised face. "The one who offered to give a senior a blowjob in the middle of the hallway.")
"Nyx Yonder?"
("Yeah, I'm not sure how I'm related to him either." Roman started to doodle idly in the margin of his book.)
"You can see me."
( Roman noticed Virgil peering over at his book with a sly eye, seemed to acknowledge something and focus back on his music, bobbing to the beat with a quiet tap of his sneaker.)
"Remington  Zenith."
Virgil stopped tapping his foot in response the student's name. The class was silent.
("Why did you stop tapping your foot?")
("You noticed me tap my foot?")
("No-t-h-h-ing, I meant why did you peer up your head like a deer in headlights?" And for one second, while the that his eyes flickered with colours that he could even describe. But it was just one second. Could of been an illusion.)
(" Nothing, it's just that's the name of my cousin.")
Don't panic yet. People have same names.
"Well if no one knows where Remin-"
"Morning bitches!"
("Huh, I was right.")
"Remington, you are five minutes late, where is your slip?"
A piece of discarded paper flew at the teachers face.
"Here you go.." The tardy walked to his seat at the front of the class.
Sir sighed.
"Class, Nyx is currently handing you back your tests graded, I'm just going to say that barely anyone of you got higher than a C and Janus meet me after class to discuss why you and Remus have both got an A+ despite you never being able to get anything higher than a D- ."
 ("Remington, move your shoes from the table.")
("You are insufferable.")
("It is one of my talents.")
" As this is a revision lesson, you are allowed to talked to your peers."
And the classroom erupted into idle chatter (To be honest, why would teachers believe that students were actually going to talk about their scores and where they went wrong. They were obviously going to bitch and gossip about trivial shit.)
Both earbuds out.
"Well because this is my first day and I haven't got anything to look over, wanna talk?"
Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck yes Fuck ye-
"Beauty and the beast is not an allegory for Stockholm syndrome -"
"So please explain why Belle fell in love with a furry-"
"It's because she see the beast beyond outward, appearance and the fact she understands that there is something deeper inside, she can see it!"
And with that the eyes were back, the eyes that seem to contain whole nebulas and are ready to destroy everything and anything that disappeared in a second. And in a second it would be all that it took to make Roman dismiss the fact that his pencil once again was radiating the cosmic energy.
Well they did say that lightning not striking twice was a myth.
Virgil pulled him by his collar until they were at eye level with each other.
Stop thinking gay thoughts Roman.
"If you think you know anything about me, think if you value your life,"
He relinquished him just as the bell went.
"What's next princey?"
 What just happened?
The day went on with no other incidents, like the one that occurred in the classroom and the day had gone mostly smoothly.
Virgil talked to Roman significantly less after that experience, the ripples of whatever button he had pressed subliminally affecting their conversations.
Roman did learn that Virgil, like him, was a theatre kid but unlike his 'basic bitch musicals' ( Virgil's words, not his.)like Hamilton, Be More Chill and Dear Evan Hansen ;he listen too the folks who made A Very Potter Musical ( Roman forgot who made it though). He also figured out that he was quite anti-social and preferred to stay invisible.
By final bell, Roman thought he had bonded with the boy.
Just a few more steps and we will be married.
"Pa, do you believe in true love?"
Pa straightened his glasses which was currently focused at his email pileup . "No, I don't Roman, love takes time, trail and error, you have to find someone like you that you don't just love for outward appearance, it doesn't just happen."
"So how did you fall in love with Dad, someone who apologise to the coffee table when he bumped into it?"
"On rare occasions,  true love as you put it, can occur but I-," He looked up from his laptop. "Why are you even talking to me about stuff, you know your father is better with emotions and I'm better with logical things."
"Please don't speak to me in slang."
"Please never say slang."
" Dad, I think might be in love."
"Might, you were eye fucking him in class-"
"Remus, language!"
"Anyway, there is this really cute boy who I'm guiding around the school and he likes the stuff I like and I really want to get to know him better but he got really angry at me and I don't know-"
Dad encased his son in a hug. " Look, if you are this in love with this boy that you only met so recently, just follow your heart, It's really and truly the only thing that can tell you what to do kiddo."
"Wow, that sounded really profound and wise, what have you done with my father?"
TheDuke: Hey
ThePrince: What do you want bro
TheDuke: You know Remy
ThePrince: How can I forget?
TheDuke: Well, Jan just sent me a video of him without his glasses on
ThePrince: Spill
TheDuke: Ok, so the file keeps on corrupting itself for some reason but his eyes are had this weird mystical vibe to it, it think I saw a cloud with 💤 in it
That reminds me of ..what? I can't remember in full but it has to do with Virgil.
ThePrince: Is that all had to show me?
TheDuke: Yeepers
ThePrince: Night brother
Roman was pissed that he woke up to say the least.
It didn't even get to the the really good bit...the fuck am I? Remus?
Roman turned to his phone to see that his usual flood of notifications was simplified down to two.
He checked it.
Anonymous: Do not fucking touch him or all of Sideton can see you spread his legs
Anonymous: [ Attached a file with the dream in word format.]
Roman screamed.
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queenofthefullmoon · 5 years
An exhaustive list of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin bosses I would or would not date
The Last Giant
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Listen… The Last Giant has No Face. I like dating people who have faces. Also, his arms detach and he’s like, at least 10 meters taller than me, so I think that would be a hazard. I think he’s more in need of a friend than a romantic partner. I’d gladly sit down with him and discuss his feelings, but we are not meant to date.
The Pursuer
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The Pursuer is great because he’s just so… Rotund. He’s shaped like a friend. Or maybe… More than a friend… He’s got a biggass sword that glows blue, which is great if you need to get up at night to get water or a snack, and a big shield he can use to protect you from the hot Drangleic sun when you’re on a date. You never have to worry about losing him because HE WILL FIND YOU. I think he’s a catch.
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He almost didn’t make it in the list of bosses I would date, but encountering him so often made me have a soft spot for him. Plus he’s a little bit round and I’ve gotta say. Rotundness is where it’s at. He’s fun to fight so I feel like you could have some fun jousts together and then chill… And go, like, I don’t know, ride dragons*? Fun couple activities.
*although dragonrider is his name I’m not sure we saw any dragonrider ride a dragon so this is a shot in the dark
Old Dragonslayer
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The Old Dragonslayer has a very sexy armor, I’ll give him that, but he 1. Has a furry mask (a terrible fashion faux pas that I cannot forgive) 2. Is just sitting in the Cathedral of Blue while a DRAGON is outside, unslayed, which says something about the quality of his work. I had to kill the dragon myself, while the Old Dragonslayer was sitting around… Being old, I guess. Not for me.
Flexile Sentry
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Ruin Sentinel
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The Ruin Sentinels are arguably the sexiest armor bosses in all of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Something about these long lads and their eldritch identities and behaviors just tickles me the right way. The shape of their helmets looks a little bit like a turtle which gives them just enough cuteness while not taking away from the fact that I’m absolutely terrified of them and that they are in fact very scary (which is good). They’re also very tall which means they can carry me around and make me feel tall too. Definitely a good thing in a partner.
Belfry Gargoyles
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I wouldn’t date the Belfry Gargoyles, but I’d be friends with them. I feel like they’d be fun at a sleepover. Girl’s night! Girl’s night!
Lost Sinner
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I’d date the Lost Sinner. It might be a little bit controversial because yes she is a little bit nasty, I’m aware of that, but I think she just needs a little bit of company. I don’t want to change her, I love her right like she is, but if she wants me to teach her how to shower, I might just do it! I am a little bit biased because she’s got a big sword that looks really cool? Perhaps.
Executioner’s Chariot
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Skeleton Lords
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I think the Skeleton Lords are neat but I don’t really see myself dating them. Firstly, I’m not a skeleton fucker, so that puts a little bit of distance between us (given that they are in fact skeletons). They also have an army of skeleton children, which I’m just not ready to raise. I’m trying to find a date, not to become a skeleton mom. I feel like we’d be great friends though, I’d probably invite them over so they can practice their standup routine at my house while they leave their 30 skeletons children with the babysitter and we can like drink wine or something.
Covetous Demon
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I would not date the Covetous Demon, but I would keep him as a mean dog in my yard to discourage my enemies from entering my property.
Baneful Queen Mytha
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I’d be all here for the sniddies if Mytha kept her head on her neck but alas she is headless. 
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Smelter Demon
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Mh… Yes. He’s big and large and he’s got horns. He could put me up on his shoulder and walk around and I’d be warm up there. Sounds like nothing but a good time.
Old Iron King
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Ngghghhh….. I wanna say no but he is Ripped… Absolutely jacked! I’m also a hoe for horns and wings! What can I say. Call me out if I ever make fun of scalies again? (im gonna do that like in a few paragraphs anyway)
Scorpioness Najka
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Given the fact that her own fiancé, made miserable by her, asks you to murder her, I don’t think Najka is a fine romantic partner. In addition to that, even though I was here for sniddies, scorpions are scary and gross me out, so no, I would not date Scorpioness Najka.
The Duke’s Dear Freja
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She’ll remain dear to the Duke only and she is NOT invited in my yard.
Royal Rat Authority
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Wouldn’t date the big rat that makes all of the rules, but similarly to the Covetous Demon, having him on my property to scare people away would be pretty neat.
Prowling Magus and The Congregation
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Prowling Magus has a SICK aesthetic I can absolutely get behind (« look at my cool sorcerer boyfriend wearing his goat helmet ») and I’ve stated before I Am a Hoe for horns so we could have something going on.
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The Congregation is however BANNED from this house so since they’re probably his buddies that would most likely be a point of tension. Ultimately it might be better for me to keep a platonic relationship with Prowling Magus, as I do not want hollows to crawl on my floor when he invites his friends over.
The Rotten
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Oh no lol
Looking Glass Knight
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NNNYES absolutely I would date the Looking Glass Knight. He’s not only really cool looking and a Very Dramatic Man (standing in the rain when you meet him… the scenery… the atmosphere… he knows how to make an entrance), but he’d also be a great person to bring with you for a night out.
Exhibit A: he’s really fucking tall and scary which would dissuade anyone from approaching you uninvited
Exhibit B : he carries a FULL BODY mirror around everywhere which means you can fix your hair and/or makeup at any time without needing a shitty pocket mirror or going to the bathroom
Exhibit C : if you need help he can summon a limitless amount of people through his mirror
Just a great partner all around.
Demon of Song
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Ohhhhhh noooooo Lord nooooooooooooooo please! Please spare me
Velstadt, the Royal Aegis
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Velstadt is very loyal (a real man for following Vendrick all the way to the Undead Crypt) and he’s also very tall, very large, very strong, and very stylish (see the scales cape he wears). I would’ve put him at the top of the date list, but he’s no dating material — he’s husband material. A little downside is that he might put his job before me but I get it. It’s career before everything. I will not limit my husband’s ambitions.
King Vendrick
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Vendrick is taken by an eldritch entity and still very much in love with her despite the fact that she destroyed his kingdom and brought the entire civilization down and also caused him to become a war criminal and kill a pacific race of giants all on his own like a big boy so I’m not very interested in him.
Guardian Dragon & Ancient Dragon
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I’m putting them together because they essentially boil down to the same thing : I’d offer them a home but I wouldn’t date them. The Guardian Dragon can stay outside and be feral with everyone else that I put in the yard, while the Ancient Dragon can have his own room and like is invited for tea sometimes, but that’s all.
Giant Lord
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See Last Giant
Throne Defender & Watcher
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I’m a little bit torn on this one because I’m experiencing bisexual panic. We’ve got cool large dude with a beard ; cool slender lady that jumps around everywhere ; they could both beat me up and they both look hot, help me. However, I have to say if I had to pick I’d got with the Throne Watcher because she is hot and looks slightly cooler. I’ve always wanted a very tall wife who could suplex me into the sun, which she could do in a heartbeat.
On the other hand, they do look like a power couple that I’d love to have for dinner and I’d hate to break them up while there are so many fish in the sea and they look so great with each other.
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Human Nashandra looks pretty and soft, however anyone who witnessed my first blind playthrough of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin will tell you that she did not have me fooled and I was very wary of her from the beginning. Anyone who has witnessed my first fight with her looking very skeletal will also tell you that I screamed « WHAT IS THAT » for at least 5 minutes, so that probably gives you an idea of if I’d date her or not.
Also, her weapon of choice is a scythe, which looks cool, but is very unpractical, and just for this fatal mistake, she becomes undatable.
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Wings… Four arms = twice the hugs… Cool hood… Yes…
Elana the Squalid Queen
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She’s nasty and told me I was undeserving of the mire, which is pretty mean of her. Even if she thinks it, she could at least be nice about it. I would not date her.
Sinh the Slumbering Dragon
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Sinh is BANNED from this house because he’s not just feral, he’s RABID and POISONOUS and if I let him live in the yard he could poison my entire property and I do not want that.
Fume Knight
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Alas! The Fume Knight looks really cool and has a pretty sexy armor, but tales say that he was infatuated with another woman (whether he met her when she was already an Ashen Idol or not remains a mystery but I’m no one to judge his taste in women). I respect people’s crushes so I will let him be in love with whoever he fancies and they may come over for dinner, as long as they behave.
Aava, Lud and Zallen, the King’s pet
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They are very welcome to live in the yard. They may come inside the house, but they are not allowed on the couch.
Burnt Ivory King
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No… He loved his wife very much… I’d invite them over for dinner and MAYBE try to seduce one of his knights (they have sexy armors, what can I say).
Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin
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Aldia is a weird dude and I wouldn’t feel safe around him. I think he’d probably kidnap me while I’m asleep and go do some experiments on me in his cursed mansion. It’s a no from me chief. Not to mention the fact that he’s a… tree?
Afflicted Graverobber, Ancient Soldier Varg, and Cerah the Old Explorer
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I wouldn’t date them, even though their armors are pretty sexy, simply because they seem like a good group of friends and I wouldn’t feel comfortable inserting myself in the group. I think I’d even be too shy to befriend them, but if they wanna come by my house and have a good time, they’re welcome to do so.
Blue Smelter Demon
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See Smelter Demon, but with more vigor because this one is blue.
Sir Alonne
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Yeah… he’s got the eldritch factor that I like in the Ruin Sentinels while also seeming more human and he’s also a pretty stylish man. I feel like he’s one of the strongest contestants in the game and he wouldn’t mind my long nose, as he’s got one himself. Pretty sexy armor and he is a man of honor. Definitely a yes.
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Rehearsal quotes out of context
“You have to die. I’m sorry”
“Don’t be! “(:
“Danny devito! “
“Danny devito is your favorite food? “
“Yea,, Danny devito”
“I need to get sleep ,, Down a whiskey or two and gO To sleep.”
“Dude!! Go see our show we have a dog making out with a kid ,man! “
“I wanna hear make your water in the chamber pot”
“Wait , actually?”
“I need to go repaint the inside of the porcelain throne “
Something Shakespeare about the better *name of person* ™️ shoving a music stand very far up someone’s ass
“What do you REALLY want?”
“I want to go hOME”
“I broke your lead!”
“I thought you said you broke his leg?”
“No! LEAD! “
“I’LL break your leg! “
“PEOPLE ARE HERE!! Make a noise People make!!!”
When the guards find r&j
“Ah! A dagger! I’ll take it out! All better! Dad of the year!”
“Okay go through his pockets for spare change “
“Oh heavens-(dropping to knees)OH FUCK, “
“You can say that, but don’t say fuck.”
“Where’s lady capulet ?! Lady CAPULEt GET yOuR A s s DoWn Here!”
(Looking at them lovingly with a smirk) “Ah, my wife”
“I would like to rage” but as a “HEY THERE PIZZA BOY” warmup?”
“Friends,,(someone asks a question)*marc Anthony throws script* //friends romans countrymen//
*everyone about to fight* AAAAAAAAGH
“I don’t remember where I’m supposed to die”
Literally just every time someone says “Daddy capulet”
*goblin voice* “I AM HER LORD”
“you never said they wanted him dead -I JUST said I want him dead”
“Ting, ting tang ting ting ting-“
“Someone shoot me in the head”
“*directors name*!?!”
“nO noT really “
“I hit his butt ,and he’s like,, the fuck?”
“How rarest thou ask me questions about my hoes”
“Am I the sexiest ass you’ve ever seen?”
“You could go through here we’ll call it the polonius death curtain “
“I didn’t get good sleep maybe cause I Drank so much last night”
“Let’s all sever our arms and pledge an oath to the gods to call [SM] ‘mom’”
“Let’s say we go to my place daddy “
“Oh so this is the REAL Romeo and Juliet “
“Everyone knows plan c “
“What’s plan c? “
“kill someone”
“Like...a Suicide pact?”
“NOoO not ThAT crazy,,, just choppin off each other’s arms”
“yEAH AleX GO fERaL”
* to Alex when they climbed the stairs we didn’t know were structurally sound yet or not*
“We have a bunch of furry little friends that like to scurry around and eat things”
“Oh so *names people*”
“Ready white people?!”
“My dearest Juliet ,
I sweat profusely in a feverish anticipation as I (well) anticipate dying next to your cold crisp corpse. Oh how I wish that before I Join you in this glorified suicidal wet dream that I may kiss your lips of crimson curses one last time & that your lumptuous, lustful lips may still maintain
the moistness for one last embrace.
I will see thee again soon, my thicc thot.
Your one true hoe, Romeo (also ‘Hoe’meo or ‘thot’ague)”
“Here’s romeo’s friend we found him in the churchyard”
“If you wanna be a twerky little ass then sure”
“It’s boring as fuck”
“I dunno ,,,fuck is ,,pretty fun??”
*group hug*
“Is this grappling”
*puts hand phone up to ear*
“Yes,,hello?,,oH , it’s for you”
*middle finger*
“Does she say anything to our friend the asshole king”
/onomatopoeia from tech lady/
“You just,,,pull some testicles out of a trenchcoat “
“Hey you wanna buy some testicles”
“How many? I have seven”
“Get thee to a shrubbery”
“I just say come at me to some children then I’m fighting them I’m like the rock”
*Claps every time Ian places a shrub or tree anywhere *
“The Taming of the shrub!”
“That’s not the right clue blues clues”
*referring to the stump* if anyone breaks this,,,, I Will Break All Of Your Limbs”
*to the lighting with jinx*
“He doesn’t look bothered “
“He looks rather stoned”
“What’s the show don’t feed the plants”
“That was particularly chewy”
*when I blew them a kiss and they caught it and put it in her mouth, making chewing noises*
“Let’s do a dance circle around Jinx!!”
“..than Romeo and his...Juliet?”
“My dick is too low for you?”
*a piece of paper in between her legs, knee height*
“Do you know how fast you were going”
“No sir, my tomato meter was broken “
“Is that like Elvis?”
“Yeah,, oh”
“Yeah!! GeT that!”
“Choke on smoke!!”
“I’m so salty,, I’m a salty boi”
“You’re just gonna die in 4-7 business days”
“Men are trash”
“But you’re MY trash”
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boneandfur · 5 years
Riding Lessons [2]
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Rating: for mature readers only // Words: 2388 // Summary: Juniper gets ready to ride in the rodeo, and unexpectedly sees a face from her past.
"If yer still hellbent on this damn fool idea of yours, you gotta wear something else." Cliff coughs delicately, moving his finger up and down to indicate the dress. They're standing under the pines, killing time. A blush creeps up his neck. "Just think what kind of example you're settin' for Duke's girl." 
"I think it's mad cool, grandpa!" Brooklynne squeals, hugging Juniper around the waist. "I'm gonna vlog the whole thing!" 
Juniper looks at Cliff, though she doesn't need his permission, she feels chastised all the same. She looks to Brooklynne. "Brook, what size shorts are you wearing?" 
Cliff's eyes bulge. "Oh, hell no. Duke would never forgive me if I let --" but Juniper is already tugging Brooklynne towards the bathrooms.
"This dress would look real pretty on you, Brook. In fact, if you like it, I'll let you keep it." Juniper keeps talking as they head into the bathroom and surpass the line, going straight into two neighboring stalls. 
"They're actually a little too big?" Brooklynne squeaks from the next stall. 
"Perfect." Juniper may have her mama's hips, but she can make it work. "Shirt too." Brooklynne's shirt and shorts sail over the partition, and Juniper passes Brooklynne the dress. She stole it from Caitlín before she left, hell, she stole Caitlín's boyfriend, Sully, too. But he didn't touch me the way Dick Mulligan... She pushes that thought away, but the memory of his touch is branded on her skin, she's aching all over with the need for him to touch her again, Just like that. 
Seven minutes later, Juniper is in Brooklynne's hacked off jeans, now a pair of teeny tiny Daisy Dukes that hug her curves like a second skin. The tank top might be a problem, she acknowledges grudgingly to herself as she looks in the mirror. My breasts are the problem. She's wearing a red lace balconette bra that seemed like a good idea at the time, but is completely out of place under the black tank top, which barely skims her belly button.
"Here, Juniper." Asha appears, looking her critically up and down before passing her a plaid shirt, and Juniper rolls the sleeves up, tying it under her breasts. 
"That's not what I..." Asha's eyes bug out. "Never mind. Looks cute, I guess. You might even pass for one of us, if you wore it the way God intended you to." 
Is that supposed to be a compliment? Juniper doesn't answer, intent on braiding her hair, out of her face. "Thanks, babe." She blows an air kiss, and Asha recoils like she's been slapped. 
"How's this?" Brooklynne taps Juniper on the shoulder, and she hears Asha suck in a horrified breath. 
"Oh, sugar, ain't you a picture!" Her mama's words come out of her mouth before she can stop them, and Juniper coughs to cover her slip. "You look beautiful. Don't she, Asha?" 
Asha is staring at Brooklynne like she's somehow become wild, feral. "You'd better cover yourself up! Juniper," she continues in a dark, urgent whisper, "I'm surprised -- no, shocked at you! You can't let that baby girl go out in the fair looking like, like -- that." They both look at Brooklynne, who is twirling dreamily in the mirror, the skirt fanning out around her knees, looking five years older already, the kind of girl who runs off with a carnival boy and never looks back. "When her pa sees that he's gonna --" 
"What's Duke gonna do? Oh, hell." Juliette pops her head in through the door to the cement washroom. "Asha, you better take that kid to get a cover-up on before Duke and Cliff see her. Juniper, you come with me." 
"And where the hell are you taking her?!" Asha demands, exasperation coloring her tone. "The rodeo starts in..." she checks her clipboard. "In less than fifty minutes!" 
Juliette ignores her, pulling Juniper out into the sunlight. She takes a good look up and down at the tied plaid and the Daisy Dukes, letting out a wolf whistle. "Damn, girl! They gonna let you ride in that?" She waits until they're out of earshot, then her face splits into a big grin. "You're riding in the rodeo! Sawyer told me," she goes on, unaware of how her face lights up when she talks about him, like no one can tell how she feels inside. 
If this wasn't all a means to an end, Juniper would let herself give them both a little push in the right direction, but she can't let herself get attached -- it hurts too much to say goodbye that way, and she never says goodbye, not if she can help it. "What else did he say?" Juniper plays with a loose thread on the shorts, which threaten to cut off her circulation at the hips. When all of this is over, and she's made it safely over the border, she's going to take a long soak in a copper tub, sloughing off this false identity like the dirt from the road. But until then, she's here in East Podunk, lying low, safe from the long arm of the law. "What?" 
Juliette waves a hand in front of her face. "You in there, June Bug? I said that Sawyer was real worried about you, but I told him I'd take care of it. And first order of business is gettin' you some ridin' boots and a hat. You're representin' Oakley Ranch, after all." Juliette winks at her. "What size shoe you wear?" 
"Six." But Juliette is already handing Juniper her boots.
Juliette runs a hand through her dark curls. "The toe box might be a little wonky, but I think you'll be all right. Those are five and a half's. They okay?" 
The boots fit like a dream almost to the toe box, which pinches. But it's only for a few hours. Juniper feels a warm feeling of gratitude bubble up in her chest, but she pushes it away. The less beholden she is to these people, to this place, the better. She wiggles her toes. "Thanks, I think these will be fine."
By the time they finish, Juniper is wearing a red hat edged with cheap silver ribbon, and there are only fifteen minutes left before the rodeo starts. Juliette leads her to a roped off area near the gate, crowded with people and press milling around. "You just go over there and find Asha. She's probably by thie chute. She'll assign you your number. You want me to come?" 
"Nah, I got this. Thanks again." Juniper hugs Juliette quick, kissing her on the cheek. Juliette smells of bourbon and green apple shampoo. She gives a little wave to Juniper.
"Good luck!" 
With a swing in her hips and a confidence she doesn't feel, Juniper waltzes up to the crowd of cowboys.  Even in Juliette's boots, it's hard to see over the bobbing sea of ten gallon hats. There are rodeo cowboys and rodeo queens with spangles on their boots, there are little boys and girls in chaps leaning on the fence watching, and teenage boys swaggering around. 
She's never seen so many girls in painted on jeans, sparkly cowboy hats, and push up bras in her life. Somewhere in the crowd, she can hear Dick's deep baritone, and the high pitched giggles of girls. She looks for a familiar face, but she's hemmed in on all sides. She spots Dick, surrounded by several stage five clingers, all spray-tanned and bleached blonde with their hair teased to high heaven. They're pouting, trying to get his attention, but he's busy talking to some dark haired guy who's dressed as casually as the others, yet looks somehow out of place. As if he can sense her eyes on him, the stranger raises his head, scanning the crowd, and Juniper ducks down, frantically backpedaling. 
Dave Reyes. The long arm of the law has found her at last. I'm not ready. Not yet, please, not yet! She feels like she can't breathe, and sucks in several deep, rapid breaths, her heart rate speeding up. Her vision swims with black spots, and as she tries to fight her way back out of the crowd,  she feels a wave of dizziness slam into her. 
"Hey now, what do we have here?" A guy with a blonde crew cut, press badge, and a blue vest over a short-sleeved flannel shirt that looks like it came from the Sprawlmart clearance rack grabs her arm, smacking his lips as he surveys her. She's too out of it to slap him the way she yearns to, and instead a feeble protest leaves her lips as he hauls her forward. 
"No!" Juniper tries to tug her arm back, but the guy isn't listening. 
"A buckle bunny! Martin, look! I got us a real live buckle bunny!" he leers in Juniper's face, addressing her breasts. "How-de-doo, little bunny. I'm TJ." He snaps a selfie with a full flash, blinding her, and then gropes her ass. "Maybe you've heard of--" TJ has barely opened his mouth to start his spiel when Dick shoves his way through the crowd to step between them, his body shielding Juniper. 
"The lady said no. Are ya as dumb as ya look, or are ya deaf, too?" Dick snarls menacingly. 
With an irritated scowl, TJ puts his hands up like he'll shove Dick in the chest, then some sense of self preservation kicks in, and he steps back. "Get your own buckle bunny, man." 
"Back off," Dick growls. "You really wanna test me, city boy?" 
TJ mumbles something Juniper can't hear, and she whimpers. Dick whips around so fast she swears she can hear his spurs jangle, and then his arms are around her and he's carrying her through the crowd, all the way to a quiet corner in the back of the barn. 
Dick sets her down on a crate, rubbing small circles on her back. He clears his throat. "He didn't hurt ya, did he, Goldilocks?" 
Dizzy and nauseous, she shakes her head, and Dick passes her a flask from his pocket. She can't even touch it, too intent on trying to breathe. 
"Good. I thought..." Dick shakes his head, then starts rubbing her back, his deep voice low and soothing in Juniper's ears. "Put your head between your legs, cup your hands over your mouth, and take some nice, easy breaths," he murmurs, beard tickling her earlobe and setting off butterflies in her stomach. "I swear to God, if I see that city boy with his hands on you again --" she hears the sound of Asha's irritated voice, and then Dick's big, warm hand leaves her back as he stands up. She can hear Asha upbraiding him for "harassing the press". 
"You okay?" Asha crouches down near her, and Juniper nods, focusing on each small breath. Asha stands up, apparently satisfied with that answer, because she pats Juniper's shoulder awkwardly, and then fades back into the crowd when someone calls her name. 
From the corner of her eye, Juniper sees Dave again, and she ducks her head beneath the brim of her hat, hoping against hope he hasn't recognized her. She starts sweating, and then she's shaking uncontrollably, trying to fight the wave of blackness that threatens to engulf her. Voices swim around her in the darkness, and then she feels Dick's hand on her back again, tethering her to the here and now. 
"You clean up real good, Goldilocks," he whispers. "Knew I was gonna have to fight 'em off the minute I saw ya in them Daisy Dukes." When she looks over at him in surprise, he tips his hat and winks at her, then stands up, holding out a hand. "Ain't you gonna wish me luck?" 
Juniper stands up, the world righting itself again. She scans the crowd for Reyes, but he's melted away, as though he never was. She bites her lip. Maybe she was just imagining things. Maybe... "Good luck? Shouldn't you be wishin' me luck, cowboy?" she pokes Dick in the chest, and then he's pressing her up against the barn, their lips a hairsbreadth away. She feels drunken, dizzy, though she hasn't touched a drop. Dick tilts her chin up with two fingers, and just as he bends his head, his breath warm on her lips, she hears Asha calling her name. 
"Juniper!" Asha's voice, so close, makes her jump, and she wriggles past Dick, making her way towards Asha, who rubs the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Did she see Juniper and Dick, so close they almost could have kissed? Undoubtedly. Asha's voice is colored by something deep and green when she speaks again, and Juniper shifts uncomfortably in Juliette's borrowed boots. Her feet are beginning to hurt. "It's not too late to back out..."
Just lay low as long as you can, honey pie, Opal Mae's voice whispers in the back of her mind, as though her mama is standing right beside her. It's living out in the open that'll get ya. Ghosters are livin' dead people's lives for 'em. If the Feds don't know where ya are, they'll never catch up to ya. 
But the money... they can start over with that kind of money, they can stop running for good. Three notes, Ellie. She thinks of the last postcard she sent, musical notes interspersed amidst her cramped handwriting. Ellie remembers, right? She must. It was all Opal ever whistled when it meant You're safe now, little chicks, the coast is clear. 
"June?" Asha touches her shoulder. For a moment, Juniper loses her train of thought as she hears the national anthem start up, and Dick Mulligan swaggers past her in his chaps and black hat, raising his brows at her and giving her a nod as he passes. 
One last con, one last game, you can do this, she tells herself. "I'm not backing out. I can do this, Asha." 
Asha exhales through her nose. "Right." She hands Juniper a number on a piece of paper. "You're after Mulligan. Remember to mark the horse out, or you'll be disqualified on the spot." Her fingers brush a stray curl that's come loose from Juniper's braid. "Lucky number seven." 
Lucky number seven. That's gotta count for something, right? 
Tag list: @walkerismychoice @lizeboredom @debramcg1106 @darley1101 @youwontlikewherewewillgo @choiceslife @regrettingnathan @viktoriapetit @thatcatlady0716 @breaumonts @blackcatkita @enmchoices @llamasgrl @littlecrookedheart @nazariobae @tmarie82 @gardeningourmet @anneross41 @ritachacha @cora-nova
(part one is on the choices archive - choicesfanfic.com under the same name. eventually i will make some new masterlists with the external links.)
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