#invader zim issue 49
poitypinky · 8 months
Keep it to yourself: the ZIMvoid key!
⚠️ This contains spoilers about the comics ⚠️
The Battle Void arc, better known as ZIMvoid arc (issues 46 to 49), got me going wild. I read all the analysis I found about it, and I haven't seen the same findings and theories. I'm SO EXCITED and I hope you feel the same as you take a look into what I uncovered 🔍
What if the ZIMvoid arc started way before Issue 46?
The beginning (and the end?)
Consider that issue 12, when ZIM, GIR and Dib time travel, is the first time ZIM meets (and defeats) another version of himself, so it could be the beginning of it all.
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Also, when you read the extra bit at the end of the same issue, you find, as GIR would say, “some kinda ZIB man”.
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Maybe there's not a direct relation, but there's a thematic connection; in the main story, with the idea of ZIM being his own worst enemy.
The little extra story at the end explores a fact I've seen a lot of fans notice: Dib and ZIM can be very similar, mostly when Dib lets his selfish motives wins (as ZIB did). Also, Dib says he'll never join ZIM, but he already has, and will again in the ZIMvoid arc.
The star and the key
Issue 17 is so funny, I loved ZIM as a girly ranger, and how it was hinted (again) that he doesn't care about gender, which is one of the good traits I find in this character; also, it is surprising how far he is willing to go to bribe GIR.
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I bet you remember Dib and ZIM incarcerated, telling lies or half-truths about how they are heroes, but at the end there's an extra bit, the important one! It is called:
Keep it to yourself
This short extra comic at the end of issue 17 it's just 3 pages, so here you have it; you can open the images in a new tab and zoom if you need a bigger picture.
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Wait, What? This “electromagnetic pulse bomb that destroys any nearby Irken tech”, it might look different (or does it?), but it works the same! It is the Zapper!
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ZIM states later that it is “his own basic Irken disruptor design”, and ZIB also says he did it all thanks to that same electromagnetic pulse weapons.
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And so we know that ZIM built this technology to damage Dib's (Tak's) ship, also, we get to see that the Irken disruptor from issue 17 and the Zapper from the ZIMvoid arc are actually not so different looking either:
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Yep, it is basically the same thing.
But that's not all, so let's look deeper in this void, just beware, it might look back!
The GIRvoid
Why isn't GIR damaged by the Zapper?
I have this blog 'cause I'm analyzing comedy duos; for Invader ZIM, I chose ZIM and GIR, and so I pay special attention to their dynamic.
In the short comic Keep it to yourself, ZIM shows us how wild he is by making this disruptor that can damage his own tech, but we also see how much GIR's antics have weight in the whole deal.
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GIR's bees causes ZIM to scream, activating the disruptor and damaging all close Irken technology, including GIR!
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So here's my theory: after this happened, ZIM not only fixed GIR, but also made him immune to this kind of technology.
I think GIR was also extra compatible with the Zapper because it was combined with other weapon: mind controlling technology. Look at the module GIR installed on himself at the beginning of the ZIMvoid arc.
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When you compare that obedience module to the base of the Zapper, it looks similar, so it could be the same technology ZIB uses for his mind controlling virus.
Fun fact: GIR is not only immune to ZIB's Zapper, but also to another similar weapon we see in issues 42 (and 43), which begins somewhat similar to the Zimvoid arc.
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That's my GIR!
Without GIR, ZIM wouldn't have been able to get out of the ZIMvoid.
GIR is the key that opens the gates of the ZIMvoid at the end, literally, because ZIM access the technology through him, but also because GIR is the one to travel time and space for ages in order to secure his master's success:
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But why is this GIR the only immune? The fact that there were no other SIR units in the ZIMvoid because the Zapper damage them all makes me think of 2 main possibilities:
ZIM 2170 was the only wild enough (aside from ZIB) to build an Irken tech disruptor.
OR he was the only ZIM that decided to make GIR resistant to this kind of weapon after he was damaged by it.
Sure, there might be many other reasons why GIR is safe from the Zapper, perhaps it has to do with the explosion of the time thingy on issue 28, or with ZIM killing HOK, GIR's Error correction software, on the Virooz arc (issues 22 to 25). Or it could be...
The very thing
I think that the fact that GIR is immune to the Zapper, or maybe all the ZIMvoid arc is connected to issue 33, since we can see Mr. Wiener face in ZIM's memories of “his thing”. I can not really tell what the connection is, and I'm very much interested in reading your theories about this.
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My hunch could not be so out of place when you realize the ZIMvoid, the Keep it to yourself story, AND the Mr. Wiener face issue had all the same writer: Sam Logan. An awesome writer also, this investigation made me realize he wrote some of my favorite issues.
The wiener, I mean, the winner!
Remember GIR had a plan on issue 33? Since he never explains what his plan was, it could have been just to make a bunch of wiener faces or maybe, just maybe, much more.
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Analyzing GIR is amazing, and I love it, after paying close attention you realize how surprisingly focused, functional and successful GIR is when he has a motivation; he can follow through complex plans, also he can make no sense. And so his actions on issue 33 could mean everything or nothing at all.
The secret mission
When they are about to enter the ZIMvoid, GIR ends up going with Dib and is close to him until almost the end of the arc.
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I think this is the exact moment when Dib ignores the signal ZIB has sent to all the Dibs because of how competitive he gets, also because GIR hits the ship at that exact moment; but, was GIR supposed to attack Dib?
One thing we know about ZIM is that he studies his enemies and allies to find weaknesses or strategic value, so if I have to bet, I would say he asked GIR to stay close to Dib, maybe to keep him distracted while he found the Irken he was looking for.
Your SIR units
While GIR is with Dib, ZIM is being slaved, and he asks about their SIR units, but never seems to wonder where his own GIR is, he also doesn't call his partner in crime to bail him out, like he usually does.
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ZIM probably knew where GIR was because he has a tracking device on him; in the episode TAK: the hideous new girl, he uses GIR to track Dib, so it wouldn't be a surprise if that's exactly what he was doing here.
The reaction when they meet could support this secret mission theory. Also, it is impressive how GIR recognizes and chooses his own master, even if he is surrounded by a ton of ZIMs (and loves it).
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The real ZIM
Close to the end of the arc, GIR claims that he is ZIM. (It is not the first time, he does this on issue 38, that time as a question.)
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He is just being silly, right? Well, maybe, but also think about it: in the GIRvoid there's no competition, there's only one and true GIR, and he doesn't even have to fight the other versions of himself to win. He won when he became the only GIR to make it into the ZIMvoid.
The void, looking back at us
To wrap this up, let's look at the end.
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Look at that maniac laugh, it is actually similar to the one at the end of issue 12! And it's funny how Dib says that it is not his fault that he fails, because that's exactly what ZIM was claiming at the beginning of the arc.
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The thematic connection with issue 12, but also with issues 42+43, is very clear here; at his worst, Dib is similar to ZIM, just as competitive and self-deluded. He ends up helping him, instead of defeating him.
At the end, they are both sinking as a good captain goes down with their ship, right? But who was really steering ZIM's Voot Runner? GIR, actually, and he is too the first one to drown. In a symbolic way, GIR can represent chaos or madness, and the ocean is the symbol for emotion or the subconscious mind.
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In other words, madness is what drives ZIM at this moment, and it is what's gonna make him drown in himself: go insane. Remember the beginning of the ZIMvoid arc? Look at what happens to Car-nivore.
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Car-nivore ejects his brain; ZIM is losing his mind. Even the expression they make is similar, but of course, that might be just a coincidence.
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At the end, I found 2 keys: the short story Keep it to yourself of issue 17 is our key to understand a bit more of the ZIMvoid. GIR was the key out of the ZIMvoid!
〰 Poity
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random-iz-stuff · 1 year
Invader Zim Deathmatch:
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The rules are as follows:
1. We’re assuming that both participants actively want and are willing to kill each other unless actively specified otherwise (for example: Chammy Wamboo).
2. The fight must be one on one so no outside help is allowed, but prep time is allowed.
3. The rule for prep time is that if one contestant gets prep time, the other contestant gets an equal amount of prep time as well.
4. The Zib Clause: “In any fight between Zib and an irken, we are assuming that either Zib does not have access to his dib virus or that the irken he’s fighting is immune to said virus”
Information about both contestants (who they are, powers and abilities, etc) can be found under the cut.
Contestant Stats:
“Number 1”
Zib is the main villain of the Zimvoid Arc, spanning Issues 46-49 of the comics
Powers and abilities:
Enhanced strength (Dib shows various feats of superhuman strength throughout the series, like smashing through a wall for example (possibly because he’s a clone that’s been genetically modified). As an alternate Dib, Zib has the same abilities, possibly more so due to his stolen PAK)
Enhanced agility and stamina (Dib also shows various feats of superhuman agility, stamina and acrobatic skills throughout the series (once again possibly because he’s a clone that’s been genetically modified). As an alternate Dib, Zib has the same abilities, possibly more so due to his stolen PAK)
Enabled Durability (Dib consistently shows throughout the series that he’s remarkably durable, surviving getting blown up, thrown through walls, etc (Try to guess why that may be). As an alternate Dib, Zib has the same abilities, possibly more so due to his stolen PAK)
Increased Intelligence (Dib is one of, if not the smartest humans in the show. He’s cunning, crafty, able to find and capitalize of his opponent’s weaknesses, has shown himself to be able to modify and use pre-existing alien tech for his own purposes and knows how to make his own devices from scratch. Zib not only has Dib’s regular intelligence, but shows that he also has some of Zim’s extreme intelligence due to his stolen PAK, managing to build a scaled up replica of one of Zim’s old inventions from (stolen) memory)
Stolen training (as Zib has access to Zim’s memories, he may also have access to some of Zim’s military training. Elite level fighting capability)
Supernatural knowledge (Dib is extremely knowledgeable on all things supernatural and has successfully used at least two magic devices (a Spelldrive in Gaz; Taster Of Pork and a (faulty) Freezing Talisman in one of the unfinished episodes, showing that he generally knows how to operate them)
PAK (PAK legs, PAK lasers, shield generator, all the things an Irken PAK can do)
Fun Fact:
Zib may or may not be a reference to the Fake Episode “Invader Dib” and a reference to the Unmade Episode “10 Minutes To Doom”.
“The Almighty Smallest”
Skoodge appears in “The Nightmare Begins”, “Battle Of The Planets” and “Hobo 13”. He also has a cameo appearance in “Dookie Loop Horror”
Powers and abilities:
Irken physiology (can lift over 3 times their body weight and is extremely durable)
PAK (PAK legs, PAK lasers, shield generator, all the things an Irken PAK can do)
Elite military training (Skoodge is an Invader, meaning that he went through irken military training and became an elite soldier before going through Invader training. This means that Skoodge has the combat skills of an elite soldier)
Superior Invader training (as an Invader, Skoodge is trained in espionage, stealth, sabotage, and other invader-related things. Skoodge is also the single best Invader the Empire has, taking over his planet the fastest out of everyone and being seen conquering another planet in Dookie Loop Horror)
Fun Fact:
If the series continued, Skoodge would have begun living in Zim’s base. More specifically his ventilation system.
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thatonegeck1 · 11 months
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Headcanons I had for palindrome that I decided to finally put to use on a ref.why am I obsessed with these silly fictional roaches on my screen and in my books? Tried to keep his height as canon as possible to the comics meaning I had to look up other characters heights to determine his.
(Character does not belong to me , character from the invader zim comics issues 47 — 49)
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aceisew · 1 year
Sometimes I see artist..like REALLY GOOD ARTIST that drew invader zim mainly iz but sometimes other fandoms..NOW THESE ARTIST IN PARTICULAR HAVE GOOD STYLES so I go to see their tumblur their YouTube whatever...last posted 2020..ALL OF THEM IK IT WAS FAMOUS BECAUSE OF ISSUE 48/49 OR SINCE THE MOVIE WAS RELEASED IN 2019 I THINK BUT LIKE...I'm not saying I'm sad because I missed them well I am wish I was there to see the post and scream when I did but I wasent in the fandom also the pain of seeing a creator not post anymore or not like that thing anymore is always so upsetting.But this dosent make sense these people don't make sense...since they haven't posted anything atall nothing the last post was IZ and it was 2 years ago..
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meimilk · 4 years
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I spent like 15 minutes doing this stupid meme :v
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catboy-on-main · 3 years
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zib stimboard for anon
with anything! (i hope this works? and that its the right guy? i'm not sure)
💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡
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faulty-robocat · 4 years
Commission to include Zib in the Bad End Friends AU
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laloward · 4 years
i bought the new iz issue and uploaded it to google drive so you don't have to. enjoy
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fall-out-boytoy · 3 years
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look at them they find comfort in each other in a time of terror
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katowashere · 4 years
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Ok Google, how to convince people to give Zim 0002 more love and attention? He deserves it all sm 💕✨ Yep, falling in love with background character. This has never happened before… And here we go again.
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galxury · 4 years
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So ive heard about zib being a parent—
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lillylunala · 4 years
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Finally jumped the wagon and drew the nasty murder roach boy
(B&W version and original sketch below!)
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random-iz-stuff · 1 year
Invader Zim Deathmatch:
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The rules are as follows:
1. We’re assuming that both participants actively want and are willing to kill each other unless actively specified otherwise (for example: Chammy Wamboo).
2. The fight must be one on one so no outside help is allowed, but prep time is allowed.
3. The rule for prep time is that if one contestant gets prep time, the other contestant gets an equal amount of prep time as well.
Information about both contestants (who they are, powers and abilities, etc) can be found under the cut.
Contestant Stats:
Ms Bitters:
“Not originally from Invader Zim”
Ms Bitters appears in many different episodes, to the point where I won’t list them all
Powers and abilities:
Shadowmancy (Ms Bitters has shown to be able to move through and materialize from shadows)
Shapeshifting/Extreme Flexibility (Ms Bitters has been shown to move and bend in unnatural ways, twisting around and moving almost like a snake. Whether this is due to shapeshifting or Ms Bitters simply being incredibly flexible is unknown)
Fear (Ms Bitters terrifies just about everyone she interacts with, so the physiological effects of this in combat should definitely be taken into consideration)
[Possible] Bug communication? (If skoolchildren theories are to be believed, Ms Bitters may be able to communicate with bugs, being one herself. However, this is only a theory, no matter how much evidence there may be to support it, so take this power with a grain of salt)
[Weakness] Sunlight (Ms Bitters needs to wear a hooded cloak whenever she’s outside, and it’s heavily implied that she’ll burn up and possibly even die if exposed to direct sunlight)
Fun Fact:
Before Invader Zim was made, Ms Bitters appeared in the Squee! Comics also made by Jhonen Vasquez.
Ms Bitters is also shown to play favourites with her students, seemingly treating Zita the best out of all her students and treating Dib the worst.
“Number 1”
Zib is the main villain of the Zimvoid Arc, spanning Issues 46-49 of the comics
Powers and abilities:
Enhanced strength (Dib shows various feats of superhuman strength throughout the series, like smashing through a wall for example (possibly because he’s a clone that’s been genetically modified). As an alternate Dib, Zib has the same abilities, possibly more so due to his stolen PAK)
Enhanced agility and stamina (Dib also shows various feats of superhuman agility, stamina and acrobatic skills throughout the series (once again possibly because he’s a clone that’s been genetically modified). As an alternate Dib, Zib has the same abilities, possibly more so due to his stolen PAK)
Enabled Durability (Dib consistently shows throughout the series that he’s remarkably durable, surviving getting blown up, thrown through walls, etc (Try to guess why that may be). As an alternate Dib, Zib has the same abilities, possibly more so due to his stolen PAK)
Increased Intelligence (Dib is one of, if not the smartest humans in the show. He’s cunning, crafty, able to find and capitalize of his opponent’s weaknesses, has shown himself to be able to modify and use pre-existing alien tech for his own purposes and knows how to make his own devices from scratch. Zib not only has Dib’s regular intelligence, but shows that he also has some of Zim’s extreme intelligence due to his stolen PAK, managing to build a scaled up replica of one of Zim’s old inventions from (stolen) memory)
Stolen training (as Zib has access to Zim’s memories, he may also have access to some of Zim’s military training. Elite level fighting capability)
Supernatural knowledge (Dib is extremely knowledgeable on all things supernatural and has successfully used at least two magic devices (a Spelldrive in Gaz; Taster Of Pork and a (faulty) Freezing Talisman in one of the unfinished episodes, showing that he generally knows how to operate them)
PAK (PAK legs, PAK lasers, shield generator, all the things an Irken PAK can do)
Fun Fact:
Zib may or may not be a reference to the Fake Episode “Invader Dib” and a reference to the Unmade Episode “10 Minutes To Doom”.
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autism2009 · 2 years
invader zim fic? uhm fuck yea
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creepypso · 4 years
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“You can’t just leave me here all alone”
___ What a beast this picture was.. It took me three days and around 13 hours to draw. 
The background was the hardest part of this picture. Ironically Zib as well as the buildings were relatively easy.. but filling the empty space? Yeah. It took forever. I had to adjust everything countless times but I’m happy how it turned out in the end. 
And Zib? Man I love this character! Poor guy though..
I also figured out how I want to draw all the characters from IZ.. which means.. I’m now going to make an animatic! :3
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meimilk · 4 years
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 Take ur time Zib
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