#he fell asleep finally
mingoosgf · 1 year
Of course I’m delusional. Jungkook is my ult.
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ossy-serenity · 1 month
Power Nap
she insisted for him to stop sleeping on the floor of the garage
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he did get a couch in there
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kana7o · 1 year
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at council meetings
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 days
addendum to my pre ask. The only breedable man in Shinra, besides Cloud, is Steve from accountant.
Steve from accounting doesn't exist, he's just the go-to made-up person everyone uses when they need an excuse.
Angeal: You look good. Why are you all dressed up?
Genesis: I have a date.
Angeal: With who?
Genesis: Uhh....Steve from accounting.
Angeal: Where were you last night?
Cloud: I slept out.
Angeal: Where?
Cloud: At a...friend's place.
Angeal: Which friend?
Cloud: Steve....from accounting.
(Even later)
Angeal: Zack, are you aware you have a lipstick mark on your neck?
Zack: Oh, I guess I do.
Angeal: Who did that to you?
Zack: .....Steve from accounting.
Angeal: Man, this Steve guy is super popular.
(And so)
Angeal: Hey, Sephiroth.
Sephiroth: My name is so odd to hear, I often wish I had a different name entirely.
Angeal: Like what?
Sephiroth: I don't know. Anything. Steve, for example.
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jennsterjay · 2 months
[Miles' foot gets caught on something while they're out for a walk, but then he sees Hobie about to come to his rescue and he smiles]
Miles: Help me 'Obie-wan Kenobi
Hobie (getting him out): Kenobi? That's not my name mate- What is that? Are you winding me up?
Miles (laughing): Haha nah just a joke from an old movie, I'll watch it with you later if you want
Hobie (walking beside him and smiling): Sounds good luv, what's it called?
Miles: Star Wars
Hobie (realizing something): Ohhhh it must be called something different in Gwendy's universe- Is that the one with Kirk and Spock?
Miles (snorts): No no- at least in my universe that one is called Star Trek. Here we have both Star Wars and Star Trek but they're two different things
Hobie (smirking): Do they both have aliens and spaceships that go into hyperdrive and travel trillions of kilometers a second?
Miles: Uhh- well... yeah?
Hobie (shrugging): Sounds like the same thing to me
Miles (chuckling): Haha well don't tell Ganke that- Star Trek is his favorite and you'll never hear the end of it
Hobie (laughing): Hahah I like that bloke- he's cool... but you know I don't need a star war or even a star trek when I got the best light show right here
[Hobie playfully nudges Miles and Miles laughs and nudges back with a shy smile, as Hobie walks a bit in front]
Miles (smiling and stopping in place): How so?
[Hobie stops a few steps away, and then slowly turns to face in front of Miles with a smile. Then he casually starts to walk back to him slowly like a moth to a flame, before he answers the question]
Hobie (smiling easily): ...'Cause I don't need to fight wars and I don't need to trek trillions of kilometers...when I already have my favorite star right here
[For a moment, Miles was speechless as he heard his words, and looked at the earnest smile on his face. If the slow burn spreading on his face was any indication that he believed him, then when Hobie stood in front of him and gently placed his palms on either side of Miles' cheeks, any words Miles may have said blew to the wind right then and there]
[And when Hobie looked into his eyes, and said something that revealed everything- then anything Miles was going to say was lost in the view of Hobie's smile]
Hobie (smiling thoughtfully): Miles Morales...you make me so happy...Eres mi estrella y mi luz, amor
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If Nine, Mangey, and Sails moved in with Sonic and Tails, would they drink coffee or something else? I don't think Mangey or Sails and Sonic possibly wouldn't, but I can definitely see Nine and Tails drinking it. I can just imagine them making some sort of energy drink, trying to be sneaky because the others are worried about how much coffee they've been drinking, and they want to get them off their back, but then Mangey finds it somehow and drinks some of it and goes absolutely crazy because of how much energy it gives him and everyone has to deal with the chaos it causes until he tires himself out and finally falls asleep.
Coffee is a strictly prohibited substance in the workshop, its inhabitants, of course, consume coffee anyway because they don't care about the nagging opinion of a hedgehog that doesn't even have permanent residence registered there!!
More seriously, Tails and Nine definitely drink coffee (to the dismay of one particular hedgehog), even after the incident of hyperactive Mangey pretty much flipping the whole workshop on its head that Sonic chewed the foxes out for. They're just more secretive about it now. Thing is, you can't really hide things from Mangey. He will find it and he will consume it, and then learn that he shouldn't have, and feel bad for breaking half of the appliances.
Sails will laugh at all that and poke fun at the prower twins while himself not being into coffee that much. He would probably try it just out of the curiosity of it and the fact I like the headcanon of him sometimes pretending to be much older than he is when it's convenient for him (ala stirring the store-bought grape juice in his wine glass while eating the chocolate tubes pretending they're cigarettes, y'know like kids do) than he realizes it doesn't even taste good and later makes it his mission to snitch on Tails and Nine constantly.
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soupalley · 1 year
swagless teen vs dripped out gilf
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a literal fever dream turned au in collaboration with my good friend @kasketeru , resulting in their wonderful fic
twirls hair and kicks my feet
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bagelsenjoyer14 · 11 months
I can just picture Crowley going to his Bentley after a long day and yelling at his plants, I mean absolutely destroying those green suckers with words, and civilians just awkwardly walking by where he parked being like ?????
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phoenixtherobot · 8 months
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Hermittober Day 22: Shard!
Tango has a shard in his hand, what will he do?
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mapicccc · 9 days
save me mapicc... you are my only hope...
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codecicle · 9 months
watching 108 i think charlie's having one of his "black out and he's in character" moments because he's been talking in gillions accent the whole episode. mine brother in craft his ass got possessed by the champion of the undersea hero of the deep and now all of his little filler words and mumblings are being improv'd by gillion tidestrider
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flamestar126 · 5 months
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Snuggling near the fire
Click for better quality
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spiderispunk · 1 year
As i listen to Andy Serkis read The Hobbit, I cannot stop thinking about Alfred reading books to Bruce before bed, doing all the voices and turning it into a whole event. Then doing the same for Dick, Jason and even Damian (though Damian would never admit it).
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orcelito · 11 months
ok. i finally finished trigun 98.
that. Sure Was Something. it's rly interesting to see how the end of 98 compares to what nightow did in trimax. there are some similarities of course, but overall it felt really... simplified in comparison.
my final verdict is that Yeah trimax is still my fav trigun iteration, but by itself trigun 98 is a pretty emotionally fulfilling anime
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Finals week was killing Robin. She loved college, loved that the things that made her a weirdo in highscool actually were seen as cool in college. But finals week was going to kill her. She had been pulling late nights in the library every day this week, she was exhausted and just wanted to go home after a long night of studying, only Steve platonic love of her life was late to pick her up and also not picking up his damn phone.
It was well past closing at the library so she couldnt even sit inside until he finally got here meaning she was stuck sitting on the curb and hoping she didnt get kidnapped. Robin was debating just spending the $15 she didnt have on a uber home when a presence made itself known behind her.
Robin jumped to her feet at the sound of someone clearing their throat.
"Fuck! Please dont steal me and sell my organs on the black market, my family has a history of kidney disease so stealing them really really isnt worth it" Robin blurted as she whirrled around almost losing her balance with the quick movement, her hands coming up in front of her in a defensive position only to come face to face with the cutest girl she had ever seen.
"Im sorry i didn't mean to scare you" said the girl as she brought a hand up to stifle her giggles at Robins antics "i was just wondering if you were okay? Its pretty late and i didnt want to leave you out here without checking"
Robin pressed a hand to her chest taking in deep breaths to try and calm her racing heart. "Yeah im okay, my roomate is late picking me up but i think i might just uber home, dont wanna keep sitting out here until someone decides to come steal me and my organs" Robin replied with an awkward laugh "unless of course the uber driver moonlights as an organ stealer then i guess im out a genetically sub-par kidney".
The girl laughed for real this time not bothering to stifle it behind her hand as she smiled at Robin brightly.
"Your name is Robin right? I'm Chrissy, i work in the library part time I've seen you working late every night this week" the girl- Chrissy- said "i could give you a ride home if you want?"
"Oh no i couldnt ask you to do that" Robin replied waving her hands around for emphasis
"Please? I'd feel awful leaving you out here this late, I promise not to steal and sell your kidneys, especially since i know now that i wont make enough off them to cover tuition" Chrissy joked, smiling at Robin brightly.
'I'd give you both my kidneys and my heart if you just keep smiling at me like that' Robin thought, her brain going all fuzzy under the force that was a beautiful girl like Chrissy smiling at her like that.
"If you let me drive you home you can keep your kidneys but maybe we could talk about you giving me your heart over coffee once finals are over?" Chrissy said her smile somehow getting brighter
"Oh god i said that out loud didnt i?" Robin said burying her face in her hands, mortified.
"That you did, now come on im parked over this way" Chrissy said extending a hand out to Robin "we wouldnt want someone to steal your heart and kidneys before we can get that coffee"
"No" Robin replied, removing her hands from her face and reaching out to take Chrissys warm hand in her own "we definitely wouldn't want that"
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kris-mage-fics · 8 months
Okay I gotta ask since it looks so great but I’m still on the fence about it: How scary would you say Scarlet Hollow is? For context, I’m a HUGE baby when it comes to horror- like even the most “mild” scary movies I watch between my fingers. I love a psychological thriller, but that’s about as far as it will go. I was also a kid who read Goosebumps and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark even though they inevitably freaked me out and gave me nightmares for years lol. Would you recommend to someone who loves a good story but is a big Scaredy Cat like myself?
Yes I would, because honestly I'm a big Scaredy Cat too! I wouldn't have even tried the game if two friends on another discord server didn't assure me that it wasn't really scary. In my opinion it leans more into the psychological side than really terrifying. Compared to movies like Saw or Se7en* it's much tamer. (Since I've seen very little horror I can't give a lot of examples to compare SH too.) If you've seen the anime Madoka Magica, I'd say it's similar-ish levels to that, a little scarier because of the more realistic art style. Actually, part of the game is inspired by the anime. I tend to get nightmares easily from things that freak me out, and I haven't had one from playing Scarlet Hollow. Though I have bawled my eyes out, especially at the end of Episode 4! It's just so tragic! There are some kinda gross and gory parts but it's not really heavy, because that's not what the story is about. It's really focused on things like generational trauma, and how the choices of a lot of character's ancestors affect the present. Just exploring those ideas through supernatural happenings and horror. (Is that the definition of Gothic Horror? Idk, I'm not genre savvy when it comes to horror.) You can always try out the demo, which is Episode 1. That should give you a decent idea of how scary it is. Though everyone has a different view on which part is the scariest so far. The devs have an extensive trigger warning list available as well, so feel free to check it out. Of course there are some vague spoilers in it. You won't encounter everything on the list in a given playthrough, since some of it is highly dependent on your choices. But no shame or judgement from me if you think it's too scary. Taking care of your mental health is more important than playing a game! <3 *Yes I know Se7en isn't really horror, but from what I remember, it was pretty gruesome. Granted I watched both it and Saw in my early 20's, so a long time ago. At this point in my life there's no way I could handle watching either of those movies again.
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