#he can overcome this fear of intimacy
s0fter-sin · 1 month
mermay idea
mers keep their faces covered as a way to indicate social status and familiarity. warriors have intricate masks, handcrafted when they win their first battle and the more detailed a mask is, the more accomplished the wearer is. they're rarely shed and are only taken off for their closest kin and mates
warrior bull shark mer!soap seeing human!ghost, seeing his skull mask and immediately knowing he's a high ranking warrior; one to be feared going off the numerous scars covering his body
an ideal and worthy mate, so long as he can prove his prowess
so he follows him as he's deployed on a mission near the ocean and is smitten when he sees how ruthless and capable he is; bathing himself in his enemies blood. he keeps his distance, not wanting to tempt fate but ghost spies the tip of his fin cutting through the water
and he's nothing if not an opportunist; kicking the bodies off the pier to the waiting jaws below
but soap? all he sees is the first step in a courting ritual
and he has to come up with something truly brilliant to match such a glorious offering
on ghost's part, it's been difficult getting people to understand the depths of his dependence on his mask. price thinks it's something to overcome, gaz and other soldiers just think it's an accessory to help with intimidation
the few partners he's tried to have thought he was someone to "fix"; nothing more than an object, a notch on their belt to prove how "good" of a partner they were to put in so much work to make him better. it always leaves him feeling violated, more so than if they'd just taken his mask off outright. one night stands were hardly worth it either; scratching a physical itch but falling so short of the intimacy and connection he craves that he feels worse off than he'd started
when he finally meets the mer that's been hunting him across the country, sees the bright red mask so artfully hewn and attached to his face?
it's like looking at a reflection of himself
he might have finally found the understanding he's been searching for
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dmitriene · 4 months
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cw: tooth rotting fluff, comfort, vague smut (johnny's part), maybe a bit of emotional hurt on simon's part (not reader experience), established relationship, kisses, marking, intimacy, touching, pet names, everyone of them can seem slightly ooc, confessions, no femenine terms, just a big amount of love. pairing: bf simon, johnny and john x gn reader
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴. 𝘢𝘰3. ˑ༄
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SIMON'S love language is as gentle as it can be for a man of his coolness and frightening size, whose feelings are buried behind a broken ribcage, a place colder than russia, nothing more than the insides of a real ghost, but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve love, that he can't be meek.
simon is meager with words, and you don’t blame him, you’re not in a hurry to open an old wound without knowing how it will turn out for you, so you give him time, he himself comes to you with affection, like a dog with his muzzle lowered into accepting warm palms, and you carefully stroke him, whisper reverent declarations of love, without demanding an answer, because one look from his dark, flaming eyes is enough to understand the depth of his affection. this does not stop simon from spending time and money on you, a little embarrassed, afraid that it will look awkward and strange from the outside — but you accept all the tiny manifestations of his love in gifts, new clothes, bouquets of flowers, allowing him to gradually teach what you like and what don't, and every time he gets better, more quickly he reaches out to express his gratitude for your love for him. gradually, the need to admit it trembles on its own, his tongue is knotted with the desire to voice these three words, but he constantly puts it off until later, sets it aside for a few minutes later, promises himself that on a certain day, evening, in a certain place, maybe a restaurant, he'll confesses to you for the first time and forever, but in the right moment he is overcome by such fear that his heart seems to want to come out of his throat, the tips of his fingers sting from the cold and makes them painfully curl into a whitened fist under the table, and he says again to himself — “later, tomorrow, next week„ just to confess this night. it’s been dark outside the window for a long time, your body is enveloped in soft sheets and a warm blanket, warming a little worse than simon’s body next to you, a twisted ball of muscles just to lay his head on your chest, listening to the heartbeat of your heart, he thinks that you’re sleeping, he consoles himself with this thought, while the warm alcohol he drank earlier is flows through his veins and tempting him to take a desperate step, for him this is a cliff, because he does not suspect that this is actually a new streak, but one way or another he firmly goes to stop right in the face of the abyss and wheeze out tensely — “i love you„ he is sure that you are sleeping, he is sure based on the peaceful beating of your heart and the heaving of your chest, but when your hand silently rises and runs through his blond hair, tangling in the strands and sliding to the back of his head to press his face deeper into your chest, tracing a path to his jaw to scoop, his chest bursts at the seams and suddenly blossoms, following the words spoken from your lips — “i love you too, simon„ and your palm burns from the warm moisture of the salty tears that left his eyes for the first time.
JOHNNY'S love language is boyish, bright and daring, like the lights in his blue eyes, a flame that does not burn, but warms, as well as his tremulous touches, bordering on the edge of too enthusiastic, hasty, as if an little puppy running around your legs and whose eyes are focused only on you, he is not interested in anyone else, only you. he feels like a bright flash, as dazzling as his bright smiles, causing his eyes to squint pleasantly at the edges when he looks at you and openly chuckles when you scold him for not being able to hold back even when in public, a massive hand brazenly examines your butt and periodically even squeezes your clothed flesh, and how can you be angry with him when he purrs so flirtatiously, sickly sweetly — “sorry, honey, couldnae handle myself, coud a? ye juist leuk sae pretty„ a real devil, but one way or another, yours, so you allow him to express his love for you in touches that make areas of your skin burn and remember the imprints of his wide fingers, in hot kisses that heat your lips and make them tingle while his tongue intertwines with yours, and your teeth collide and clash in an absurd hurry. johnny does not skimp on signs and, be it his views or words, actions — he is active more like a boy than a man, with a vague, almost wolfish grin, plucking and giving you a single street flower, something small, but so charming, sprinkled sweet words that sizzle on your tongue like candy every time you listen to his speech — “a pretty flower for the love o ma life„ but johnny becomes even more loving at home, it’s amazing how much more affectionate and soft he becomes as soon as you cross the threshold, that insolence, that sparkle — recede to demonstrate his obedience, he sticks to you from the back, his hands constantly squeeze you in his arms, not letting you go from his muscular body even when you are busy with something and scold him for it — “johnny, baby, you're stopping me from laying out the dishes„ but he doesn’t care at all, there is endless adoration in baby blue eyes, he places his chin on your shoulder and bats his eyelashes in a ridiculously seductive way, making you sigh heavily one way or another and drop whatever you were doing, because there is nothing wrong with giving him a little more attention, no matter that it always ends the same way, in the same scenario where you both end up in bed for the whole day ahead. johnny will endlessly cover your body with soft kisses, somewhere biting the skin, somewhere running his tongue, despite the light layer of sweat on your body and the possible unpleasant saltiness, anyways, these are all the tricks of his early actions, but you can’t say a word, except to bury your fingers in his chocolate strands of hair, hidden behind the blanket that covers his body, while he lies half weighted on you and looks into your eyes with a slight squint, kissing, biting and purring again and again — “a love ye„
JOHN'S love language is courteous, confident that he knows how to behave around the person he wants to take care of and whom he loves, this can be seen not only in his words or actions, but even in the warm, peaceful look and stern aura that follows him always and everywhere, and you immediately understand that this is the man who can not only care about you, but also fulfill your every whim. sometimes, looking at him, everything around begins to seem somehow surreal — too good to be true and at the same time enough to remain true, he knows how to not only appreciate people, but also take care of them, support, cherish, everything you can dream of and what his partner, you, knows better than anyone. he does not hesitate and does not regret when it comes to financial expenses — do you want to buy something for your home? you know where his bank card is, as a last resort, send him a list, do you want to buy something for yourself? he will be more than happy to let you do this and later find out about your new purchases out of pure interest, are you interested in going on vacation somewhere with him? john hasn’t rested for a long time and is more than happy with this idea, the main thing is tell him where and for how long, he’ll take care of the rest himself. you may not lift a finger once in your relationship, but this does not mean that he will not be happy if you do something around the house, go grocery shopping, naturally, he usually insists on accompanying you if you need to go somewhere, not because mistrust, but out of care, an instinct instilled in him as a captain responsible for his soldiers, but you are not just a person under his supervision and control, you are a person who has taken his love and devotion for yourself. he loves to please you, strives to support you in any endeavors, hobbies, or just during sudden mood swings, john focuses most of his energy and time on you as a priest would do with the deity he worships, and if there was the same scenario here, he would have no qualms about sacrificing everything to get your blessing, and this is the man who would kneel down in front of you on both knees without shame. it’s also worth noting that john is not at all embarrassed by the demonstration of his love in public, nor by other people’s glances, ordinary or sideways, he is never embarrassed to walk with you by the hand, bend down to softly kiss you on the lips, scratching your skin with his facial hair and smiling warmly, or even hold you on his lap — the only thing he is focused on at these moments is you, especially if it is a special day for joint relaxation — sit at home, go somewhere, have dinner in a good restaurant. the main thing is to be prepared for the possibility that he will not let go of your hand for a minute, stroking the back of it with his thumb and listening to any of your babbles and stories, his blue eyes are focused on your face, the corners of his lips are stretched in a smile and are lost against the background of how his beard and mustache stretch, while he presses your fingers to his lips and gently kisses them up to the knuckles, each time awakening butterflies in your stomach that never get rest in his presence, especially when he whispers in a slightly smoky, but so gentle voice — “i love you so much, dear, your voice is the loveliest sound for me„
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springtyme · 4 months
18+ (mdni!) the simon playlist
Simon’s intensity is both a blessing and a curse; it draws you in like a moth to a flame, irresistible and relentless. His passion radiates from his very core, touching every aspect of your relationship, and that most definitely includes your sex life. 
There is a certain enchantment to being with someone whose desires and love burn so brightly. Simon’s unyielding intensity fills the room, overwhelming your senses, making you feel like the centre of his world. His touch is electric, igniting a fire within you that cannot be easily extinguished. 
However, there are days where darkness engulfs Simon, shrouding his heart in pain and anguish. On those days you catch glimpses of the haunting shadows that dance in his eyes, an echo of the inner turmoil he battles with. Simon’s past is a constant companion that lingers in the background of your shared existence. He has come a long way, though. You have helped him heal in ways he never thought possible and he isn’t sure that you’ll even ever understand just how much you have done for him. You offer him a safe haven, a sanctuary where he can express his emotions without judgement.
In your embrace, Simon finds solace from the demons that haunt him. Your love and understanding create a refuge where he can confront his past and find strength to continue his journey towards healing. You become his pillar of support, offering unwavering patience and compassion.
Through his moments of darkness, you hold his hand, reminding him that he doesn’t have to face his struggles alone. You offer a listening ear, allowing him to vent his frustrations, fears, and regrets. In your presence, he discovers the power of vulnerability and realises that it is okay to release the pain he has carried for far too long.
Your love-making becomes a sanctuary of its own - a space where Simon can lose himself in the physical connection and momentarily escape the weight of his past. With every touch, caress, and kiss, the intensity between you intensifies, creating a momentary respite from his inner battles. You provide not only physical pleasure but also emotional intimacy, a safe space for him to open up and explore the depths of his desires and fantasies.
Your relationship becomes a catalyst for Simon’s growth and transformation. In your unwavering support, he discovers the strength to face his past head-on and embrace his vulnerabilities. With you by his side, Simon begins to rewrite his own narrative, shedding the pain and darkness that once consumed him. With you he can be Simon, and only Simon, there is no Ghost around you. 
Together, you create new memories that overshadow the haunting shadows of his past. Your love becomes a beacon of light, guiding him towards a brighter future. With every passing day, Simon’s intensity evolves, no longer a curse but a liberating force that fuels his passion for life and deepens his love for you.
As you continue to navigate the complexities of your relationship, you cherish the intimate moments when Simon’s intensity becomes a canvas for shared vulnerability and profound love. You remain dedicated to supporting him, knowing that your presence has the power to heal and provide him with the strength to overcome any darkness that may threaten to consume him.
Together, you and Simon have built a foundation of trust, understanding, and unconditional love. And as you face each new day, you are grateful for the opportunity to be the one who helps him realise the tremendous impact his intensity has on both himself and your shared world.
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blairpfaff · 20 days
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That sex scene early on where Harry licks cum off Adam's chest really struck me, because any kind of contact with bodily fluids like this would have once been horrifying to Adam. Did you consciously include this scene in relation to Adam's shame and him overcoming it?
Absolutely. That's the point of that shot to me. I think there's probably lots and lots of people who will not truly understand that at all. Of course, you will understand it because you understand it from a personal standpoint. There are two gay people of a different generation and one has no fear in that moment of what he's doing. The other one is still resistant to that. That's years of something within his body telling him to be resistant. And he overcomes it because of course, you can overcome it. Lots of people do overcome that fear and shame and that is the point. In that moment, there was a little bit of resistance, but the intimacy and the compassion of Harry in that moment allows him to overcome a sort of embedded fear. [x]
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blakeswritingimagines · 6 months
Kissing over their scars
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Aegon: The touch of your lips on his scars is one that gives him chills each time. It not only feels physically good to have your attention on those marks on his body but also emotionally. It makes him feel loved and desired, even with such imperfections.
Aemond: He appreciates that you are not repulsed by his scars. He is thankful for your acceptance and appreciates your desire to caress the area surrounding them. While he feels uncomfortable discussing the details of the injury itself, he is not opposed to the showing of affection to that specific part of his body.
Jacaerys: As Jacaerys felt the touch of his partner's lips upon his scars, the sensations stirred beneath his skin. The memories and pain that were once associated with those scars turned to comfort and warmth. He knew that you understood his past and accepted him for who he was. As you continued to kiss, he let go of the pain and embraced your love.
Lucerys: He would blush madly, feeling a rush of both happiness and embarrassment. His scars represent a dark, painful chapter of his life, and he wouldn't want anyone to know the full truth. But the feeling of someone close to him kissing them would be so sweet and intimate that he would find it hard to look away. He might even move around slightly to give you better access to his scars.
Rhaenyra: If you were to kiss her scars, she would likely react by being both surprised and touched. She may pull away at first out of surprise, but if she felt a deep connection with you, she would likely lean into your affection and allow you to continue. This would be a deeply intimate and meaningful moment for her, as it would show her that you are accepting and supportive of all parts of her and your relationship. She may also feel a sense of vulnerability in allowing someone else to see her scars, which could further strengthen your bond.
Daemon: As the warm caress of your lips lingered on each scar, he couldn't help but close his eyes and revel in the sensations. The comfort and connection of your touch were more potent than any pain or fear he had before. Time seemed to stand still as you slowly embraced him with an intimate kiss. He leaned into you, feeling a deep sense of vulnerability but also trust. Your mouth, warm and supple, teased a deep and primal desire within. His entire frame was awash with pleasure until you pulled back, and he opened his eyes slowly looking at you with a smile on his face.
Alicent: Her face reddens at the boldness of the action, the surprise and pleasure from the kiss combined. She moves slightly closer to you, wanting more contact and intimacy. She can feel her face heat up, and she closes her eyes for a moment when the kisses end, to savor the sensation for a little longer. She wants you to keep kissing them, wanting to keep feeling your soft lips on her scars. The sensation is so powerful that it makes her forget her previous shyness and pulls you closer.
Helena: As you kiss her scars, she'll close her eyes and allow herself to be vulnerable and feel the moment. The light caress of your lips awakens something deep within her soul. She longs for the intimacy of your connection. Her body reacts to the touch of your lips, and she knows you feel it, too. She opened her eyes slowly and met your gaze, your faces so close to each other that you could kiss. It is only a matter of time, she thinks to herself. She leans in and...
Harwin: The first time he was kissed on his scars, he felt a mixture of emotions. On one hand, he was happy to be loved and accepted for his flaws. But on the other hand, he felt very vulnerable and exposed. The kiss reminded him that even though he had overcome difficult times in his life, the scars were still visible, and it was still a part of his past. He was also reminded that someone else knew the pain he had endured and that someone else's lips could heal what once had cut deep and wounded him.
Cregan: Kisses on his scars bring a warm and intimate feeling, as if you doing it is showing your affection and appreciation for him and his past. Each scar marks a unique experience, and it brings him joy to know that you appreciate and value these experiences as much as he does. He is always reminded of your care and attention towards him whenever you kiss or touch his scars, and it brings him deep satisfaction to know that he is being loved and accepted despite the physical flaws and imperfections.
Criston: He is taken aback by the sudden contact, but slowly begins to relax once he realizes the care and love underlying the act. He may blush at the unexpected attention, and his heartbeat quickens out of anticipation. The sensation of your soft lips on his damaged flesh sends tingles throughout his body, and he'll find himself longing for more.
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i-yap · 16 days
Literally loving ur writing so far Bestie 🥺💙would I be able to req how the batboy would react to a fwb/situationship vibe with reader? Like they have feelings but reader is scared of commitment
Thank youuu! Im gonna be really honest, I don't think a lot of the batboys would be okay with a situationship sort of deal.. and I don't write romantic damian( at least not yet) .
Batboys x reader- Situationship headcanons
Dick grayson-
I can see a teammate or someone he works close with as a detective turns into a night of passion and now both of them cant go back to normal situation .
He says he is okay with it, and prolly keeps up that act for 4-5 months?
I think you would end the situationship. Dick is a really sought-after guy and one night he Is just upset with you about something. So when another girl flirts with him rather than his usual " I'm sorry there's someone else I'm into" line he flirts back. You see red
you either walk away angry/upset or pull him away. He follows you to an alley or a secluded area of the party.
"why are you even upset, you are the one who doesn't want us to be official?" "well that's not because I don't want you, that's because I'm scared of intimacy"
He would be really understanding once you explain your issues and fear of commitment. You guys come up with a better set of guidelines for your arrangement and he sticks to it.
if you want an open relationship, he is down. if you want to be exclusive but not yet in a relationship relationship he would be okay.
But dick does want to get married someday and have kids. So this arrangement wont last for long. he will try his hardest to help you overcome that fear of commitment but if you cant then its gonna end someday. And he makes that clear to you from the start. all cards are on the table always and communication is key and he makes sure no one gets hurt( or at least tries avoiding it as much as he can)
Jason todd
wont do it
maybe a bestfriend turned situationship scenario
you are his sanctuary , his home a safe place to come back to. and after everything he has been through he struggles with so many insecurities and he deserves a domestic life.
the moment he sees you with another guy, even if it just flirting, he is out the door. He already believes no one loves him and now you don't even want to commit to him? is he not enough?
he gets that you have issues and no one understands issues better than him. But he is in so much pain already that its best for the both of you to not get together at all.
even the fact that you from the very start didn't want to commit makes him get all in his head and even if you get ready to commit later on , he wont be able to forget that fact and will keep thinking you'll leave him or he isn't the one
he also reads a lot of classic literature and romance in books is what he wants. the concept of a situationship doesn't make sense to him and he just needs some good old domestic loving.
Tim drake
best at it
you guys are young, he is so busy. he is totally cool with a teenage dirtbagy relationship
lets meet under the bridge , get high and makeout type of shit,
Partners in crime / bestfriends that hookup
he loves it, its perfect for him
there are no expectations no responsibilities, you guys are just what the other needs . no stupid anniversaries and big fancy dinners
tim gives very "eat the rich" vibes so this situationship is another way for him to be a little rebellious .
Very very teenage dirtbag- going to grocery shops at 2am and sitting on the dirty floor trying all 20 types of slushies
spray painting the really big asshole companies buildings, going to huge rallies without having any idea what you are rallying for.
stealing the batmobile and then crashing it
the adrenaline makes you hot and bothered and it leads to more. and once its over you go to a shady Chinese place and tip 200 on a 40 dollar meal.
he gets you, you get him and you don't need labels to show your love to each other. and who needs someone else when you have everything you could want within each other? and then someday when you're ready and if you are ready, you can always make it official. its all up to you two , fuck the labels
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callsigns-haze · 3 months
Baby Now?!
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Pairing: Cassian x reader Warning: Contains explicit scenes of intimacy and strong language. SMUT Summary: In the passionate aftermath of Solstice celebrations, Cassian and Y/N's intimate connection deepens as they embrace the prospect of parenthood together.
A second part to Say something and will become part of A Warrior and a Navigator... BUT CAN BE READ ALONE
Cassian lay in bed, the soft glow of dawn filtering through the window of their shared chamber. His fingers traced lazy patterns through Y/N's hair as she slept soundly, her head nestled against his chest. The rise and fall of her breathing, the gentle warmth of her body against his, brought a sense of peace that he had not known in weeks.
It had been a tumultuous journey since he had woken from his coma, his wings nearly shattered from the fierce battle that had nearly claimed his life. But now, after weeks of painstaking healing, they were nearly whole again, each scar a testament to his resilience.
As he lay there, Cassian couldn't help but marvel at the woman beside him. Y/N had been his rock throughout his recovery, her unwavering support and love a constant source of strength. She had been by his side every step of the way, offering comfort when the pain was unbearable and encouragement when he felt like giving up.
With a soft sigh, Cassian pressed a kiss to the top of Y/N's head, his heart swelling with love for her. He couldn't imagine his life without her, couldn't fathom how he had ever lived without her before.
But even as he reveled in the peace of the moment, a part of him couldn't shake the lingering shadows of doubt and fear that still haunted him. The memories of battle, of loss and sacrifice, weighed heavy on his mind, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked just beyond the safety of their sanctuary.
Yet, as he looked down at Y/N, her face serene in sleep, he knew that he would face whatever challenges lay ahead with her by his side. Together, they were unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with.
With a tender smile, Cassian brushed a strand of hair away from Y/N's face, his heart swelling with gratitude for the gift of her love. And as the first rays of sunlight bathed the room in a warm golden glow, he knew that no matter what the future held, as long as they were together, they could overcome anything.
Cassian's concentration broke as the familiar presence of Rhysand brushed against his mind, a gentle nudge in their shared mental bond. With a slight furrow of his brow, he responded, the connection effortlessly bridging the physical distance between them.
"We're still in bed," Cassian replied silently, his thoughts carrying across the bond with ease. "Y/N's asleep. I'll wake her up in a moment."
There was a brief pause, during which Cassian could almost sense Rhysand's amusement.
"Taking advantage of the rare moment of peace, I see," Rhysand teased lightly, his tone tinged with affectionate sarcasm.
Cassian chuckled inwardly, a soft rumble of amusement echoing in his mind.
"Just enjoying the quiet before the chaos of the day begins," Cassian replied, his fingers continuing to thread through Y/N's hair as he spoke. "We'll be down shortly."
He could sense Rhysand's understanding in the bond, a silent acknowledgment of the need for a moment of respite amidst the ongoing challenges they faced.
"Take your time," Rhysand responded, his voice warm with understanding. "We'll save you some breakfast."
With a mental nod of gratitude, Cassian severed the connection, returning his focus to the woman in his arms. As Y/N stirred slightly against him, a soft smile tugged at Cassian's lips. Despite the trials and tribulations that awaited them beyond the sanctuary of their chamber, he knew that as long as they faced them together, they could weather any storm.
Feeling Y/N stir against him, Cassian's heart swelled with warmth. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, lingering for a moment to breathe in the scent of her hair. His lips trailed a path of gentle affection, leaving a trail of tender kisses along her temple and down to her cheek.
As Y/N began to awaken, her lashes fluttering against her skin, Cassian's lips found hers in a tender embrace. The kiss was soft and sweet, a silent reassurance of his love and devotion. He poured all of his emotions into that simple gesture, a silent promise to always be there for her, to protect her and cherish her for all eternity.
When they finally parted, Y/N's eyes met his, a sleepy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Her fingers reached up to brush against his cheek, a silent caress that spoke volumes of the love they shared.
"Good morning, my love," Cassian murmured, his voice husky with emotion. "I hope you slept well."
Y/N's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with affection as she snuggled closer against him.
"Every moment with you is a dream," she whispered, her words a soft melody that warmed Cassian's soul.
With a contented sigh, Cassian wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they savored the simple pleasure of being together. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth and love of their embrace, the outside world faded away, leaving only the two of them and the promise of a new day filled with endless possibilities.
Cassian chuckled softly, his breath warm against Y/N's cheek as he spoke. "I'm afraid we may have overslept," he admitted, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Rhysand reached out through the bond. They're waiting for us downstairs for breakfast."
Y/N's eyes widened slightly in surprise, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she realized they had lost track of time in each other's embrace. "Oh, I didn't realize it was so late," she murmured, a sheepish smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Cassian brushed a gentle kiss against her forehead, his fingers tangling affectionately in her hair. "It's alright," he reassured her, his tone warm and reassuring. "We can take our time getting ready. They'll understand."
With a soft sigh of contentment, Y/N nestled closer against him, her fingers tracing lazy circles against his chest. "I could stay like this forever," she confessed softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
Cassian's heart swelled with love at her words, a tender smile curving his lips. "As much as I would love that," he replied, his tone gentle, "we should probably get up before they send someone to check on us."
Y/N chuckled softly, a playful glint dancing in her eyes. "I suppose you're right," she conceded, pressing a lingering kiss against Cassian's lips before reluctantly untangling herself from his embrace.
As they rose from the bed and began to prepare for the day ahead, Cassian couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude that filled him. In Y/N's arms, he had found a love that was beyond measure, a love that filled his days with light and warmth. And as they made their way downstairs to join their friends for breakfast, he knew that no matter what challenges they faced, as long as they faced them together, they could overcome anything.
As Cassian and Y/N descended the stairs hand in hand, they were greeted by the warm embrace of their friends gathered in the grand hall. Azriel, ever silent and stoic, offered them a nod of acknowledgment, his eyes twinkling with hidden mirth as he observed the couple's disheveled appearance.
Feyre, radiant as ever, greeted them with a bright smile, her eyes alight with warmth and affection. "Good morning, you two," she said cheerfully, her voice carrying the promise of a day filled with celebration and joy.
Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court, stood at the head of the table, his regal presence commanding the attention of all who gathered. "You're just in time," he said with a grin, gesturing for them to take their seats. "We were starting to wonder if we'd have to send out a search party."
Mor, the vivacious and fearless cousin of the High Lord, winked playfully at Cassian and Y/N as they approached. "I hope you two weren't up to anything too scandalous," she teased, her laughter ringing through the hall.
Amren, the enigmatic and otherworldly member of their group, regarded them with a curious tilt of her head. "You seem rather... disheveled," she observed dryly, a hint of amusement coloring her words.
Cassian chuckled good-naturedly, exchanging a knowing glance with Y/N. "Just enjoying a quiet morning together," he replied with a grin, his gaze lingering affectionately on his beloved.
As they took their seats at the table, the air was filled with the anticipation of the coming Solstice celebrations. Around them, laughter and conversation flowed freely, the bonds of friendship and love that bound them all together stronger than ever.
And as they shared a meal in the company of those they held most dear, Cassian couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him. In this moment, surrounded by love and laughter, he knew that there was nowhere else he would rather be.
As breakfast came to an end on Solstice morning, a mischievous gleam lit up the eyes of Azriel, Cassian, and Rhysand. It was a tradition that had been upheld for years – a playful snowball fight in the crisp winter air, a chance for the brothers-in-arms to embrace the childlike joy of the season.
Excusing themselves with barely-contained excitement, the trio slipped away from the table, leaving Feyre with a puzzled expression and Mor and Y/N exchanging knowing glances.
"What do you think they're up to?" Feyre asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice as she watched the three men make their way towards the door.
Mor grinned, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Oh, you'll see," she replied cryptically, her lips quirking into a smirk.
Y/N laughed softly, her gaze following the retreating figures of Azriel, Cassian, and Rhysand. "Let's just say, it's a Solstice tradition," she explained, a fond smile playing at the corners of her lips.
As the three friends made their way out into the snow-covered landscape, the air filled with the sound of laughter and the echoing of snowballs being thrown. For a brief moment, they were transported back to simpler times, when their only care was the next snowball to dodge or the next target to hit.
And as they laughed and played amidst the falling snow, the bonds of brotherhood that bound them together grew stronger than ever, a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the joy of the season.
As the snow continued to fall gently outside, Y/N and Mor exchanged a knowing glance, a shared smirk dancing across their lips. With a conspiratorial wink, they both nodded towards Feyre, their eyes alight with mischief.
"Feyre," Y/N said, her voice filled with excitement, "we have a little surprise for you."
Feyre raised an eyebrow, curiosity flickering in her gaze as she watched her friends with interest. "Oh? What kind of surprise?" she asked, her tone laced with intrigue.
Mor's grin widened as she took Feyre's hand, leading her towards the door. "You'll see," she replied cryptically, her voice tinged with excitement. "It's a Solstice tradition."
With a flicker of power, they vanished from the room, reappearing in a flurry of snowflakes outside the cabin. Feyre blinked in surprise as she took in her surroundings, her eyes widening at the sight before her.
On the snowy hillside, Azriel, Cassian, and Rhysand were engaged in a fierce snowball fight, their laughter ringing out through the crisp winter air. Despite their age and power, they moved with the grace and agility of young warriors, their faces alight with joy as they embraced the simple pleasure of the moment.
Feyre couldn't help but laugh as she watched the three Illyrians play like children, her heart swelling with affection for the men she loved as she joined Y/N and Mor on the porch.
"They never change, do they?" Feyre remarked, a fond smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Y/N shook her head, a soft chuckle escaping her. "No, they don't," she agreed, her gaze warm with affection. "But that's what makes them so endearing."
Mor nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "While the boys are busy with their snowball fight, how about we go inside and warm up with some drinks?" she suggested, a playful glint in her eye.
Feyre grinned, nodding eagerly as she followed her friends into the cozy warmth of the cabin. As they settled by the fire with mugs of steaming hot chocolate, Feyre couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds of friendship that surrounded her, and the simple joys of the season that brought them together.
As the laughter from outside began to die down, Y/N and Mor exchanged a knowing glance, their lips quirking into mischievous smiles. With a shared nod, they turned their attention back to Feyre, who looked at them expectantly.
"So, what's next in the Solstice tradition?" Feyre asked, her curiosity piqued.
Y/N and Mor shared a secretive grin before Y/N leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, after the snowball fight, the boys have another tradition," she explained, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Mor nodded in agreement, her gaze dancing with amusement. "They head into the sauna to warm up," she added, her tone playful.
Feyre's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a blush creeping into her cheeks. "Oh," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N and Mor burst into laughter at Feyre's reaction, their mirth filling the cabin with warmth. "Don't worry," Y/N reassured her between giggles, "it's nothing scandalous. They just like to relax and unwind after their snowball fight."
Mor nodded in agreement, her laughter subsiding into a fond smile. "Besides," she added with a playful wink, "it's not like we haven't seen it before."
Feyre's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red at Mor's teasing remark, but she couldn't help but laugh along with her friends. Despite the embarrassment, there was a sense of camaraderie and friendship that filled her heart, a reminder of the deep bond that they shared.
As they settled back into the warmth of the cabin, Feyre couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and laughter of her friends, and the joyous traditions that brought them together on this special day. And as the sounds of the boys' laughter echoed through the snowy landscape outside, she knew that there was nowhere else she would rather be than surrounded by the warmth and love of those she held most dear.
As the evening after the Solstice celebration unfolded, the air was still charged with the lingering magic of the festivities. Y/N and Cassian made their way back to their chamber, their steps filled with a quiet intensity, the anticipation of the night ahead palpable between them.
As they reached the door, Cassian's demeanor shifted suddenly, his gaze darkening with desire as he pinned Y/N against the sturdy wood. With a swift, decisive movement, he pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that was both fierce and consuming.
Y/N gasped in surprise at the suddenness of his actions, but any protest was quickly swallowed by the heat of his kiss. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as she responded with equal fervor, her heart pounding in her chest with a heady rush of desire.
Their bodies pressed together, every touch igniting a fire that burned hot and bright between them. Cassian's hands roamed eagerly over Y/N's curves, his touch leaving a trail of searing heat in its wake as he explored every inch of her with a hunger that matched her own.
In that moment, there was no past, no future – only the fierce intensity of their desire, the raw passion that consumed them both. And as they surrendered to the pleasure of each other's touch, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them in a whirlwind of sensation and longing.
Wrapped in each other's embrace, they lost themselves in the heat of the moment, their bodies moving together in a dance as old as time itself. And as they finally stumbled into their chamber, the air thick with the scent of desire, they knew that this night would be one they would never forget, a celebration of love and passion that would burn bright long after the Solstice fires had faded.
With a low growl of desire, Cassian urged Y/N to jump, his arms ready to catch her as she wrapped herself around his hips. With practiced ease, he swiftly opened the door, the cool air of their chamber rushing to meet them. Their lips remained locked in a passionate embrace as they stumbled inside, the world outside forgotten in the intensity of their desire.
Closing the door behind them with a firm push, Cassian wasted no time in carrying Y/N towards the bed, their lips still fused together in a feverish kiss. With a deft movement, he lowered her onto the soft mattress, his hands roaming hungrily over her body as he claimed her with a primal hunger.
Y/N moaned softly against his lips, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer, her body arching beneath his touch. The heat between them intensified with every kiss, every caress, until they were both consumed by the flames of their passion.
As they surrendered to the pleasure of each other's touch, the room filled with the sounds of their shared desire, a symphony of moans and whispers that echoed through the night. And as they moved together in a dance as old as time itself, they knew that in each other's arms, they had found a love that burned brighter than any flame, a love that would endure for eternity.
With a hunger that could not be quenched, Cassian's hands eagerly sought out the fabric that separated him from Y/N's bare skin. With each piece of clothing he discarded, he uttered words of admiration and desire, his voice husky with longing.
As he peeled away the layers, his fingers traced the curves of her body, his touch igniting a fire that blazed hotter with each passing moment. With each garment that fell away, he marveled at the beauty before him, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of her exposed form.
"You're stunning," he murmured, his voice filled with reverence as he gazed upon her with awe. "More beautiful than I could ever put into words."
His words were like music to Y/N's ears, her heart swelling with love and desire at the adoration in his eyes. With trembling hands, she reached out to him, her fingers tracing the contours of his muscled chest as she pulled him closer, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace.
In that moment, there were no words that could adequately express the depth of their desire, no gestures that could capture the intensity of their love. There was only the raw, primal connection between them, a bond that transcended time and space.
And as they surrendered to the passion that consumed them, their bodies moving together in a dance as old as time itself, they knew that in each other's arms, they had found a love that was truly eternal.
As Cassian's hands caressed her skin and his lips sought hers with a fervent hunger, Y/N's breath caught in her throat. In the midst of their passionate embrace, she found herself overcome with a longing that went beyond mere desire—a longing for something more, something that would bind them together in a way that nothing else could.
With a soft whimper, she pressed her lips against his ear, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke the words that had been weighing on her heart for so long. "Cassian," she murmured, her voice trembling with emotion, "it's time. I want to have a baby with you."
The words hung in the air between them, heavy with the weight of their shared dreams and desires. Y/N's heart raced with anticipation as she awaited Cassian's response, her fingers clutching desperately at his shoulders as she searched his eyes for any sign of hesitation or doubt.
But there was none to be found. In that moment, Cassian's gaze softened with an overwhelming tenderness, his heart swelling with love for the woman who stood before him. Without a word, he gathered her into his arms, holding her close as he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead.
"I've wanted this for so long," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "With you, Y/N, I want everything."
As Cassian shed his clothing with an urgency fueled by desire, Y/N's heart raced in anticipation of the intimate moment they were about to share. With each piece of fabric that fell away, the air crackled with electricity, the anticipation building with every passing second.
With a hungry glint in his eyes, Cassian closed the distance between them, his hands trailing over Y/N's trembling form as he pressed her gently back against the bed. With a low growl of desire, he claimed her lips in a searing kiss, his touch igniting a fire that burned hot and bright between them.
And then, with a whispered promise of love and devotion, he entered her, his length stretching her in a way that sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Y/N gasped in surprise at the sensation, her fingers digging into Cassian's shoulders as she arched beneath him, her senses overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of their connection.
As Cassian's movements became more urgent, more intense, Y/N's cries of pleasure echoed through the room, her voice ringing out with a raw, primal need that seemed to fill the very air around them. "Cassian!" she cried out, her voice a desperate plea for more.
Cassian's lips curved into a teasing smile as he continued to move within her, his touch driving her to the brink of ecstasy. "Louder, my love," he teased, his voice husky with desire. "I want the whole castle to hear you."
Y/N's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at his playful taunt, but she couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through her at the thought of being heard. With a breathless laugh, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer as she surrendered herself completely to the intoxicating pleasure of their shared desire.
In that moment, as they moved together in a dance as old as time itself, Y/N knew that there was nowhere else she would rather be than in the arms of the man she loved, surrendering herself completely to the intoxicating pleasure of their shared desire. And as their passion reached its crescendo, the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them lost in the rapture of their love.
As their passion reached its zenith, Y/N felt an overwhelming surge of ecstasy wash over her, her senses consumed by the intensity of their connection. With each thrust, each caress, she felt herself spiraling higher and higher towards the peak of pleasure, her body trembling with the sheer intensity of their desire.
"Cassian!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the chamber with a raw, primal need that seemed to reverberate off the walls. In that moment, she felt as though every fiber of her being was alight with the flames of their shared passion, her world narrowing down to the man who held her in his arms.
But as her cries rang out into the night, Y/N couldn't shake the nagging sense of awareness that settled over her—a sense that they were not alone, that their intimate moment was being witnessed by more than just the two of them.
And then, with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she realized the truth. Everyone could hear her. Every member of the court, every servant, every guard—everyone knew what was happening behind closed doors.
The realization sent a flush of embarrassment rushing to her cheeks, but even as she blushed with shame, she couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through her at the thought of being heard. It was reckless, it was daring, but in that moment, it was also undeniably exhilarating.
As Cassian's movements grew more urgent, more intense, Y/N surrendered herself completely to the intoxicating pleasure of their shared desire, her cries of ecstasy ringing out into the night with a fervour that seemed to set the very air around them ablaze.
And in that moment, as they reached the peak of their passion together, Y/N knew that there was nowhere else she would rather be than in the arms of the man she loved, surrendering herself completely to the intoxicating pleasure of their shared desire, consequences be damned.
As the intensity of their passion began to ebb, Cassian gently guided Y/N into the curve of his strong, protective embrace. With a tender touch, he brushed away the stray strands of hair that clung to her damp forehead, his lips trailing soft kisses along her temple as he held her close.
"Did you enjoy yourself, my love?" he teased, his voice husky with lingering desire as he pressed his lips against her ear.
Y/N couldn't help but laugh softly at his playful tone, her heart swelling with love for the man who held her in his arms. "You know I did," she replied, her voice tinged with affection as she nuzzled closer against him.
Cassian chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against her skin as he held her tight. "You were quite vocal," he teased, his lips curling into a mischievous smile.
Y/N's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the reminder of her earlier outburst, but even as she blushed, she couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. "I couldn't help it," she admitted sheepishly, her voice barely above a whisper. "You just... you make me feel things I never knew were possible."
Cassian's smile softened at her words, his heart swelling with love for the woman who lay nestled against him. "And you make me feel the same way," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity.
In that moment, as they lay together in the quiet aftermath of their passion, surrounded by the warmth and love of their shared embrace, Y/N knew that there was nowhere else she would rather be than in the arms of the man she loved.
Cassian's playful tone shifted, his voice lowering to a husky whisper as he spoke. "You better get used to this, my love," he murmured, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "Because I don't plan on leaving this bedroom until I've filled you with my little Illyrian baby."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat at his words, a surge of desire coursing through her veins at the thought of carrying his child. She pressed herself closer against him, her heart pounding with anticipation as she whispered back, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
With a tender kiss, Cassian sealed their pact, his arms wrapping protectively around her as they settled into the warmth of their shared embrace. In that moment, as they basked in the afterglow of their passion, they knew that their love was not just a fleeting flame, but a bond that would endure for eternity—a bond that would be strengthened by the new life they would create together. And as they drifted off to sleep, their hearts beating as one, they embraced the promise of the future that lay ahead, filled with endless possibilities and boundless love.
Bonus scene
As the intimate moment between Cassian and Y/N unfolded, a familiar presence brushed against Cassian's mind, a teasing voice echoing through their shared mental bond.
"Well, well, well," Rhysand's voice resonated in Cassian's thoughts, filled with amusement and playful banter. "I always thought Feyre and I were bad, but it seems like you and Y/N are giving us a run for our money. You two are like a pair of wild animals."
Cassian couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at Rhysand's teasing, his lips curling into a smirk as he replied silently through the bond. "What can I say, Rhys? When you find someone who sets your soul on fire, you can't help but let the passion take over."
The mental exchange was filled with camaraderie and brotherly jest, a testament to the strong bond that existed between the two warriors. And as Cassian and Y/N continued to revel in the warmth and love of their shared embrace, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other—and the unwavering support of their friends by their side.
Tagging some:
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doumadono · 1 year
Hashiras & s/o having hard time orgasming - headcanons (part 2)
Warnings: male!reader, angst
Requested by: my one and only @greenwitchsalem
Tengen Uzui
Tengen, known for his flamboyant personality, would initially be taken aback by the situation. He prides himself on being a skilled lover, so the thought of his partner struggling in this way would deeply trouble him
However, Tengen would approach the issue with understanding and patience. He would make it his mission to create a safe and comfortable environment for his partner, where they can openly communicate and express their needs
Tengen would encourage his partner to share his feelings and experiences at his own pace, assuring him that he is there to support him unconditionally
Tengen's sex with his significant other would focus more on emotional connection rather than purely physical pleasure. He would prioritize intimacy and trust-building
"Darling, I want you to know that your pleasure is my priority. I'll be here, by your side, supporting you every step of the way. We'll create a new definition of intimacy together."
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi, often viewed as gruff and distant, would find it challenging to confront such a sensitive issue. He might initially react with frustration or helplessness, unsure of how to address the situation
However, as Sanemi grapples with his partner's struggle, he gradually realizes that his anger won't solve the problem at hand
Once he realizes the depth of his partner's trauma, Sanemi would put his abrasive nature aside and prioritize his emotional well-being. He would become fiercely protective and determined to help him overcome their struggles
Sanemi would approach physical intimacy cautiously, never pushing his partner beyond his comfort zone but certainly encouraging him to engage more in physical contact
"I can't change what happened to you, but I can damn well make sure you never feel that pain again. I'll protect you, even from your own fears. We'll take it slow, no rush. You're worth every ounce of patience and care."
Obanai Iguro
Obanai, with his reserved and mysterious demeanor, would struggle to express his emotions openly. The news of his partner's trauma would leave him deeply concerned and conflicted, unsure of how to proceed
However, Obanai's loyalty and devotion would compel him to educate himself on the subject matter. He would meticulously research and seek out resources to better understand the impact of trauma on sexual experiences
Obanai would approach the issue with a calm and collected demeanor, offering a steady presence and unwavering support to his partner. He would prioritize open communication and encourage his partner to express his feelings without judgment
Obanai would carefully observe his partner's behaviors and cues, striving to understand his needs without pressuring him to disclose his trauma
He would carefully explore what brings his partner comfort and pleasure, using his knowledge to create an experience tailored to his partner's needs
"You are not defined by your trauma. I see the strength in you, the resilience. Let me be your pillar of support."
Giyuu Tomioka
Giyuu, known for his introverted and introspective nature, would internalize his partner's struggles as his own. He would blame himself for not being able to provide the comfort and pleasure he deserves
Initially, Giyuu might distance himself emotionally, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to approach the sensitive topic. However, his empathetic nature would eventually drive him to confront the issue head-on
Giyuu would prioritize communication, actively listening to his partner's needs and fears. He would offer unwavering support and reassurance, reminding him that his worth is not defined solely by his sexual experiences
Above all, Giyuu would patiently stand by their side, dedicated to supporting them every step of the way
Giyuu would be a steady and unwavering presence, assuring his partner that he is there for him every step of the way, providing reassurance and offering gentle guidance towards healing
When it comes to physical intimacy, Giyuu would proceed slowly, respecting his partner's boundaries at every step. He would prioritize consent and open communication, ensuring his partner feels empowered to express his needs and desires
"You're not broken, love. You're a survivor, and I admire your strength. We'll take it one step at a time, and I'll be with you every step of the way."
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 18 days
A show about Self-hatred, Love, & Connection
TW: Self-hatred, Suicide also Sydcarmy warning for the antis
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Carmy's self-hatred is a big part of his character and it's his biggest hurdle in getting past his trauma. His self-loathing becomes apparent in the first season, particularly in the episode "Hands," where he tolerates verbal abuse. This inner critic is rooted in familial and complex trauma, existing long before his experiences in NYC.
The Familial Pattern
Those experiencing self-hatred may or may not, be in a situation that requires them to be in contact with someone from their painful past, causing distress and a tendency to withdraw to avoid experiencing painful memories and emotions...
Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP
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The Berzatto family has a history of self-loathing, with Donna's mental barriers and emotional and verbal abuse, not just from her but from extended family members, who made an impression on the Berzatto siblings.
The episode Fishes dives into Donna's inner critic that's similar to Carmy's, she says no one would care or miss her, we see the reasoning for self-hatred from the berating of Carmy, to Uncle Lee vehemently telling Mikey he's nothing, to the unforgiving nickname for Natalie, such abuse and extreme criticism is to the point that it becomes ingrained in their thoughts.
Mikey unfortunately succumbs to the pattern, but Natalie breaks the curse by attending Al-Anon meetings and loving those who instills confidence in her.
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Her own actions in seeking comfort lessen the impact of Donna's self-loathing influences, as she asks for an embrace from Steven. I believe that this moment shows us how connection can help calm down our extreme inner critic.
Also Natalie's connection with Pete helps her own self compassion and feeling deserving of the good things in life. Pete tells her how great the restaurant is. He easily gives compliments to Carmy. This treatment is foreign to the Berzattos but is embraced by Natalie as she breaks the cycle.
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Connecting to those who make you feel good is also foreigner to Carmy, he struggles with Pete's compliments and receiving it, he pushes those away from fear of the unknown territory of feeling good.
Feeling undeserving is one of the reasons he avoids emotional intimacy with Claire. Not only does she remind him of a past filled with ridicule from Richie and Mikey but he can't understand why someone could love him. If he could open up and allow intimacy, he would be on the path towards acceptance.
Solace in Sydney
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Theres one significant moment of self-acceptance and that happens in 2x09. Carmy's character growth is clear as he chooses to listen to Sydney's words and affirmation instead of ignoring them.
I want to note that it frustrates me when people comment that Sydney's voice only contributed to Carm's work-life when his self-hatred shows up in his personal life.
From "Let It Rip" to "You Were the Most Excellent CDC," we take a look in Carmy's potential to overcome anxiety and self-loathing. The difference between "Let It Rip" is that Sydney's voice and his bond with her and it gives Carmy moments of feeling good about himself like Natalie feels with Pete. That moment of acceptance is a big step in his relationship with himself and Sydney's love for him serves as one of the remedies for his self-hatred.
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I want to emphasize that Sydney can't fix Carmy, but her company, talents, and aspirations help him feel good and encourage self-compassion and confidence. Sometimes, loving someone helps you fall in love with yourself more, as long as this person also supports you in the same way.
To beat loneliness and self-loathing, Carmy needs to open his heart and contribute to filling his own cup, then he could receive love when someone pours into him.
But it's funny because he's already doing this with Sydney. He allows her love to wash over him, and even through mistakes, he tries to believe in her the way she believes in him.
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Carmy will experience true love for himself and others when he moves forward and strives toward a genuine connection (forgiveness, compassion, etc.). When Carmy receives that love, he will finally feel deserving of something good happening in his life.
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stargirl-writes · 7 months
pairing : f! reader x anakin skywalker
word count : 1.3k
masterlist | ao3 link
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when you decided to sleep with anakin skywalker, you have set an arrangement to keep it purely physical. but it was getting harder to repress that you've fallen for him. and tonight, you aren't sure if you can keep seeing him in like this anymore.
tags : angst, hurt/no comfort, pining.
warnings : !mature content! (implication of sexual themes, but not discussed) and drinking. kind of a cliffhanger (i'm debating whether i should make another part still)
notes : hello lovely people, i'm currently hyperfixiating on media referring/relating love to faith and cannibalism (as smone with religious trauma haha!) so here's my tiny drabble on that, i hope ya like it 🪽
likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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Corruption begins at the mouth. To consume the flesh— the wanting. The thought of being ready to devote entirely. And to be devoured with the same intensity.
So when you agreed to have sex with Anakin Skywalker, you convinced yourself it was purely physical. The attraction has always been there, one of you is bound to break, and to your favor, Anakin had been the one to come to your quarters.
But it doesn't matter. Whatever you feel is overcome by your fear of intimacy. You can satiate the physical sensations without ever needing to commit.
He wanted you. And you wanted him — in the same manner. Purely physical, that was the arrangement you set.
The days are most exhausting but you can give into the relief of coming apart by Anakin's touch, and his hungry kisses, and his deep thrusts. You'd forget the stresses of the galaxies. You'd allow him to hold you, without him knowing that no one has ever stood to your soul as he does when his eyes fix on you at the edge of your climax.
And Anakin would fuck like you were the most beautiful thing he'd got his hands on. He becomes greedy, he'd become the closest thing to intimacy you can define.
It never mattered how you felt before.
He always made sure to have you feel good first, and you'd always make him crumble by your touch after.
It was a mutual exchange.
There's no need to complicate such a clear line by confusing his kisses as something romantic.
You knew he was carnivorous about love— he'd want to be teeth deep in possession. He could love you, if you let him, you could become his God.
And that terrified you more than your fear of intimacy.
You stood up from the sheets, legs still trembling.
Despite the moments earlier, you wrapped your robe around your body, feeling exposed.
You know Anakin would never stay after. It was good that he didn't. At least, then you can reestablish some space after such a binding ritual of fucking and vows that leave his lips in the heat of the moment.
You sat down by the chair away from your bed, pouring yourself a drink. It was a vice you developed during the war. One you can't entirely quit because it sends you straight to sleep.
Anakin was steadying his breath. You heard him shuffling, as if he too was trying to come down from the high.
You downed your drink and poured another. Begging for that warm buzz to come over quickly so you'd stop feeling so... excessively.
Through the mirror, you saw Anakin put back his garments— his hair stubbornly a mess.
You take your gaze away from lingering on his bare torso. Or his sharp jaw. Or his tight back.
You drank your shot once more.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Anakin says, his profile the only thing you could make out from the reflection.
Your heart aches, torn between wanting to say yes, i'll see you tomorrow, please come find me tomorrow, hold me tomorrow, and no, i can't keep doing this tomorrow, i don't want to see you tomorrow.
You cannot admit that you knew loving would destroy you. if he comes tomorrow, you fear you'd break and finally tell him. But then again, if you refuse, he'll know how you felt.
The stage is finally set; for you and Anakin to dance and circle around waiting to be consumed by one another.
Possession is cruel, it corrupts. You thought, with all the love you have— you could eat him whole.
You don't speak, Anakin steps forward, standing very close to your back.
The heat of his body emanates to your robes— casting imprints on the fibers of your soul.
You saw Anakin's gaze land on the drink you were having. He never did like how you turn to alcohol for some sort of relief.
"Did you not want me to come tomorrow?" He insists after noticing your silence.
Your lips purse, "No"
He tilts his head, lost by what you meant.
"No— no, you can, if you want to" you clarified, unsure how committed you were to your own words.
You downed the rest of your drink— feeling the familiar haze of its effect.
"Then what's bothering you?" Anakin speaks softly, you hated how much you didn't want to ruin this.
You sigh, shaking your head "Nothing"
"Nothing at all"
Anakin kneels down, wanting to see your eyes. His eyes were dark, intent, you wondered what they'd look like if he fell in love.
"Did I—" He begins, Your eyebrows furrow at the concern coating his voice.
"Did I hurt you? Did I do something?"
You pressed your palm against his cheek, forcing him to look up. "No, Anakin"
Under your touch, he looked like everything you asked for. Underneath your sinful fingers, he becomes something you could worship.
You caught yourself dreaming and withdrew your hand, taking the glass of alcohol instead.
You could feel his eyes burn at your skin watching you drink.
"I'll see you tomorrow" You dismissed, standing up, trying to establish some space, so you can stop being so encased by his warmth, or his eyes, or his hair, or his hold on you he was so blissfully unaware of.
Your head spun, you fought through the blurriness.
You found yourself at the balcony instead, a breath of fresh air would do you good.
You waited to hear your door lock— held your breath til he left.
But he stays.
"You know, you really should stop depending on alcohol" Anakin appears next to you.
You ran your finger to the rim of your drink, huffing a breathless laugh.
"It's the only thing that comforts me nowadays" You sigh, not intending the double entendre.
Besides, you doubt he'll interpret your attraction to him as anything else.
The silence hung once more. The cold of the midnight air felt crisp against your bare legs, so you hugged your robe against your skin.
"I worry about you" Anakin's voice was husky, exhausted. "We used to be able to talk about everything before"
Your heart tinges in guilt. Along the way, you somehow have pushed him farther away by denying how you felt.
"I'm sorry, I've just been trying to figure out some things"
You're doing it because of love. And for love, you disappear.
"Well, come to me. You know you can always come to me, whenever you need me." Anakin stresses.
You look up, biting your tongue. Begging to stay in one piece.
If you offer yourself— it'd be the most selfish thing you'll do.
You'll be mine. You thought as you get lost in his eyes.
Burning devotion. For all eternity.
"Anakin, we can't keep doing this anymore" You said finally, submitting to your truth.
Anakin's eyes furrow in focus. "Doing what?"
You frown, trying to explain something incommunable.
You've always felt ashamed for wanting. For taking. It wasn't a virtue, it was a disguise. Because you can't love without giving yourself entirely, bones and all. Ravenous, intense, unforgiving devotion.
Because isn't bite also a form of touch?
Finally, Anakin seems to understand the expression painted on your face. You held your breath, bracing for his reaction.
"You wanted this" He reminds. The sterness of his voice made you flinch. It felt like the cruelest rejection.
"I know"
"You said clear lines. No attachments"
"I know" You felt like you were being caught in the act of doing something forbidden.
Anakin's expression hardens, seeming to process your admission.
Your tears were threatening to fall, but you refused to let them. You didn't want him to feel sorry you felt that way. You didn't want him to know how far you've pathetically fallen for him.
He turns to his heel and your heart breaks.
The tear finally leaks your left eye, as your hand reaches out, just enough to grip on the end of his robe.
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part ii?
© to @cafekitsune for the borders!
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 7 months
The Experiment Pt. 1 | Jonathan Crane x Reader
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Summary| Jonathan Crane assigns his students a new experimental project: choose a phobia and research methods for coping with or completely overcoming those fears in test subjects. A student approaches Dr. Crane with an interesting project proposition... can he help her overcome her fear?
Warnings| Teacher x student relationship (both are consenting adults), Borderline sexual assault between a bf and gf, Erotophobia, Smutty stuff yk , Masturbation, P in V penetration, Teasing, Semi-public, Unprotected sex, Begging, Experiments. Extensive discussions of sex and intimacy.
"Oh My God"- Ida Maria 🎵
"Lazy Eye"- Silversun Pickups 🎶
"Romantic Lover" Eyedress 🎵
Word count: 3375k
Minors do not interact!!
He leaned back on the desk behind him, his hands flat against the surface and his suit coat spread like grayish wings against his arms. Dr. Crane looked between his students, landing on a female student,  squinting against the projector’s harsh glare in his eyes. She looked back from her seat near the back of the lecture hall, a small twist forming between her eyebrows as she read the text on the screen just above his head. 
“I expect this won’t be much of a surprise to most of you, considering we’ve been working towards this for the greater part of the semester.” He watched the dozens of eyes in his hall blink rapidly in response and swallowed his distaste. 
“Remember that I study phobias- fear- and from the looks on some of your faces, it appears quite a few of you are afraid.” He chuckled darkly and changed the slide, the light flickered against the students’ faces. 
“Choose a phobia, research it, and develop methods of coping or even ways to overcome this phobia. You should have a test subject and a complete study, all of which should be straightforward considering the work you’ve done with me in the past weeks. The research paper you turn in will account for 30% of your final grade. Take this seriously. These are your instructions. Other questions can be directed to the syllabus. Only come to me if you have specific concerns regarding the experiment- I’m doing research of my own and don’t have time to meet with all of you.” He swallowed, scanning the class again and landing on the girl from before. 
Faye Greyson, why is it that her papers are so well written but she contributes nothing to class discussions? She seemed so pathetic sitting up there on the back row with her big doe eyes caught in the headlights of his lectures…he thought briefly and let it slide from his head as he dismissed the class. The college students around him fled from the room, talking quietly to one another as they scrambled out of the room. The girl came down the steps and brushed past him gently. She smelled like generic soap and rose water. He wrinkled his nose slightly, breathing her in. 
“Sorry, professor.” She apologized kindly with a smile that showed too much of her pink gums. 
“Watch it.” He muttered beneath his breath, giving the back of her head a dark glare and turning to pack up his briefcase. He took the rail to his lab on the north side of town, a book open across his lap. He fingered page 16, running his index against the straight edge of the paper and turning it quickly as he read. The doors opened at one of the stops and he glanced up briefly, fixing the horn-rimmed glasses on his face. He rolled his eyes when we saw Faye board the train from the yellowed platform, hand in hand with another student from his class. One of the boys that took the class because they were naturally gifted but did nothing besides attend some classes and depend on their smarts to barely pass. He would have some harsh realities to face by the end of the semester when he saw his final grade, Crane would make sure of that. 
He hated seeing students outside of class, it prompted them to speak to him when he’d rather both parties pretend they didn’t know each other. To be fair, they really didn’t know each other. Crane didn’t find his students very interesting so he wasn’t concerned with getting to know them. The only aspect he could muster some ounce of thoughtful contemplation for was their phobia projects, where he theorized, they would all most likely choose their own phobias. Knowing their phobias was about as interesting as their lives could get for him. Besides that, he could care less. 
The train was full so the girl held onto one of the rubber handles suspended from the ceiling, but because she was so short, she had to stand on her tiptoes to fully grasp the handle, her knuckles turned white in her grip. The boy… maybe Jason White (Crane couldn’t remember exactly) took one of the ceiling bars easily and slipped his arm around the girl’s waist. Their puffy coats slid against one another as they swayed in the fastly moving train car. The boy's hand left her waist and traveled up, somewhat discreetly, to one of her breasts. With her free hand, she swatted him away but he persisted, thinking that it was a game. Faye happened to glance over in Crane’s direction and recognizing him immediately, turned bright red. The boy’s hand slid over her hardened nipple visible through her pink jersey turtleneck. She tried to cover her chest with her arm but as the train shuttered in speed, she had to stabilize herself with her free hand against a plastic partitioner. Crane cleared his throat distastefully and returned to his book.
For some, the absence of fear is a greater disaster than fear itself. To fear nothing is to have no conception of danger, empathy, pain, or love. Do sociopaths fear? Some scientists have sought to answer this question but the evidence is inconclusive on the subject, though it is nearly unanimous among the scientific community that fear is essential to survival and companionship. It is the primal root of our existence and should be a present factor in every major part of our lives. It is how we make connections with others and how we protect ourselves and our own. For sociopaths who may not fear, they lack a basic foundation of complexity that supports an emotionally ‘typical’ person. They lack love, understanding, and hope because they do not feel the fear of potential loss, misunderstanding, and dread in the same situation. 
“Stop it, Jason.” The girl whispered harshly to the boy. 
“No one’s looking.” He whispered back and kissed her neck, the sound causing a wave of communal discomfort amongst the rail riders. 
“Perhaps not but we can still hear.” Crane muttered beneath his breath and raised his eyes to the young couple. The girl looked to be on the verge of tears, her face so pink it nearly matched the hue of her shirt. Crane noticed the small curvature of her breasts still showing through the fabric. 
“Damn the cold.” Faye whispered and covered her chest with her arm with embarrassment and Jason laughed condescendingly. 
“Don’t go blaming that on the cold….” Jason cornered her against the wall of the rail which Crane assumed would have been attractive to someone who wasn’t standing uncomfortably on a moving public train. 
“Can we at least just wait till we get off? I don’t…” She trailed off, making eye contact with the professor who was now thoroughly annoyed. Jason looked over too, finally seeing Crane across the doors. 
“Hello Mr. White.” Crane hissed, showing his deepest displeasure at having to step in for the sake of every passenger on the train.
“Professor.” Jason responded nervously. 
“Miss Greyson.” He nodded in her direction.
“Professor.” She whispered back in a weak mew of a voice. 
Crane stood, slid his book back into his briefcase, and clicked it shut. The doors opened at his stop and he turned around casually saying, ''behave yourselves,” to the two students and stepped down onto the platform. The doors closed behind him. He turned to face the windows cut into the doors, making eye contact with the girl, now visibly crying, overwhelmed and embarrassed. He tipped his head to the side, watching her, and raised an eyebrow as she looked up and met his clear blue eyes. The train shot away from the platform, sailing against the New York City skyline. 
“Hmm,” Crane hummed to himself and walked away, pursuing his chapped lips to whistle a low note.
His class met twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the evening. He commuted to work, taking a train to the college in the morning and working through the day until he could commute back to his lab and then to his small apartment where he slept most nights when he didn’t fall asleep on his pages of research and diagrams. 
Last night was one of those nights, so he wasn’t in a good mood as he boarded a later train than he usually took for his evening lecture. The train’s wheels squealed as they stopped in the station outside NYU. Crane hurried off and squeezed through the mess of people lining the subterranean station. He walked quickly through the station and raced up the stairs to the street level. He was met by the familiar sound of taxis whizzing by and the annoying laughter of students as they passed on their way to classes and dorms. 
He went straight to his corner office and put coffee on, relaxing as the smell of the brewing grounds filled his small office. He scanned his lecture notes on a pad of manilla paper and with a red pen, scribbled additional thoughts in the rigid margins. The coffee maker sputtered to a stop, steaming up the window just behind it. Crane pushed away from his desk and filled a small cup with the hot coffee. As he placed it on his desk, a hesitant knock sounded at the door. He checked his Rolex and muttered beneath his breath. 
“Shit. What the fuck is it now?” He gritted his teeth, “come in!”
His office door opened slowly and a girl stepped inside the room. Faye Greyson wringing her small hands, took a step toward his desk. 
“Good evening, Professor.” She greeted him quietly. Her nose and the tops of her ears were tinged with red. 
“Miss Greyson, what is it?” He sat back at his desk and cleared his throat. 
“Well, I just…” She trailed off pathetically and wrapped her arms around herself. She was wearing a light blue turtleneck this time with dark blue boot-cut jeans. They were low rise and showed the small pouch of her stomach that surrounded her bellybutton. 
He waited for her to finish her sentence but as the seconds dragged on, he sighed. 
“Would you like some coffee?” He asked with a hint of unkindness. 
“Yes, actually. Thank you.” The girl pulled the chair on the other side of the desk back and sat down, dropping her bookbag on the floor beside her. Crane took a second cup and poured her some coffee. She took it carefully and accidentally brushed her thumb against his. She muttered an apology. 
“Why are you here?” Crane asked plainly, removing his glasses and wiping them with a small cloth. 
“I just… well I just wanted…” she started again. 
“Yes I know, you said that before.” He chuckled darkly and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, losing his patience. 
“Right. I just wanted to apologize for the other night, Dr. Crane.” She said finally, exhaling between her lips sharply. 
“Apologize for what?” Crane furrowed his eyebrows and blew on his steaming coffee, trying to remain patient with his student. 
“For what you saw on the train.” She cupped her hands around the mug, her eyes held tightly to the adjacent wall, refusing to meet his. 
“Ah.” He sat back in his chair. “I’d forgotten about it but I still don’t see why you need to apologize. You’re an adult, Miss Greyson. What you do in your personal life doesn’t interest me in the slightest.” He shuffled through his papers again, searching for the scans he had prepped. 
“I’m glad that you see it that way, sir. Why I felt like I needed to apologize for was the whole scene we caused and how you felt responsible to say something when he wouldn’t… stop. So, maybe what I’m trying to do is thank you?” Her voice ended at an odd nasally pitch. 
“Thank me? For what? For telling you and your boyfriend to behave yourselves?” He was getting more and more confused as to why she was in his office talking to him about a train ride that he had almost forgotten about. He checked his watch again and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. 
“Yes, because he stopped after that, so thank you.” She crossed and uncrossed her legs and he could smell that familiar scent of rose water permeating the air inside his office. 
“Alright, you’re welcome.” Crane exhaled tightly and cleared his throat when she didn’t stand or say anything else. “Is there something else?” She nodded and blushed deeper, shifting in her chair. His jaw clenched and his palms were sweaty. Out with it, he wanted to growl. His lecture started in an hour and at this rate, they would both be late.
“I broke up with him.” She said finally as a tear rolled down her face, gliding along the shallow cliff of her cheekbone. He said nothing, restraining himself from saying anything at that point. She sniffled and hiccuped pitifully. He pitched his eyebrows together with his index and thumb, placing his glasses on the desk between them. 
“Why?” He asked finally. 
“Because I was scared of him.” The girl answered, crying softly and playing with her hands in her lap. She looked up at him with wide eyes, red and faintly smudged. His body subconsciously perked up at the mention of fear and he leaned forward on his elbows, his dress jacket’s elbow patches grinding against the wood surface. 
“Well it wasn’t that I was scared of him but rather what I felt like I’d have to do with him.” She wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands. Crane took a handkerchief from his pocket and offered it begrudgingly. She took it and blotted her nose where snot was leaking down onto her upper lip. He felt a fixture of disgust and surprise arousal. Her long eyelashes stuck together with sticky tears and she but her lip to keep from crying. 
“I’m not sure I follow you.” He pushed his glasses up farther. He lifted his cup of coffee to his lips and drank deeply. 
“I was scared of having sex with him.” She hid her face behind her shaky hand, the white handkerchief wavered in the movement. Crane swallowed loudly and set the cup down, clearing his throat. 
“Well…” He traced his mouth with the edge of his thumb, reaching for words to respond with. 
“It's erotophobia.” She added and hiccuped. 
“Fear of intimacy, interesting.” He scanned his bookshelf for a moment. “Why are you telling me this?” He sighed and rearranged himself in his chair. 
“I want to do my project on erotophobia,” she took a slow sip from her cup of coffee and took a deep breath, “and I want to be the subject too.” She glanced up, testing the durability of their eye contact. He didn’t look away, he was fascinated. 
“I don’t know about that, Miss Greyson.” He answered smoothly and collected his papers into a neat pile, clamping a large binder clip around the papers. He stood and took one last sip of coffee, still looking down at the girl below. 
“I’ve been looking for subjects since I saw this on the syllabus a month ago. There aren’t any, Professor.” She said timidly, sounding almost exhausted.
“That’s impossible, we live in New York City. You must have been able to find someone!" He laughed and collected his things into his arms. 
“And yet,” she stood and clasped a hand around her opposite arm, “I can’t find anyone. To be fair, this sort of thing isn’t easy to find in the population. Other people in the class will choose their own phobias, why can’t I do mine?” She turned as Crane stepped around his desk and went to his office door. 
“This is a very special situation, Miss Greyson. While I find your project topic surprisingly thought provoking, it’s…” He struggled to find an adjective. 
“Inappropriate?” She offered, lowering her head. 
“Perhaps but I don’t really care. I just worry that by you conducting the experiment and being the subject, you are jeopardizing the entire outcome of your research. It's unorthodox to say the least.” He opened the door and stepped out. The girl grabbed her bookbag and followed, standing off to the side while he locked his office door. 
“Yes, I know sir.” 
He walked quickly and she followed, matching his stride even with her shorter legs in tow. At the door of the lecture hall, Crane stopped. 
“We can talk about this later,” he nodded down at the girl and went straight to his desk on the elevated platform. She smiled shyly and climbed the stairs to the middle section of seats and sat, closer to the front that she had been before. Crane saw the old boyfriend in the same seat as before, chewing on the end of a wooden pencil. Exhaling, Crane dropped his briefcase on his desk and began to unpack the papers he needed for the lecture. 
After he dismissed class, he repacked his things and snapped his case shut, the sound echoing around him in the large room. The girl waited just behind him, he could feel her presence like an unseen bug hovering out of reach. 
“I-” Faye started but Crane spun around, interrupting her. 
“Have you tried masturbation?” He crossed his arms across his chest and sat on the desk. His student blushed and laughed nervously.
“See this is why I worry about you jeopardizing your own experiment. I asked you about masturbation, will your subject try masterbating to approach correcting her fear of sex?” He inclined his head in her direction. 
“Yes, she’s tried it,  Professor.” She responded short of breath. 
“And it hasn’t helped?” He furrowed his brow. 
“Not exactly.” 
He licked his lips quickly and brushed a hand across his mouth. “And uh, what does the subject think about while she masterbates?” He watched her shift uncomfortably between her feet and bit her lip. 
“I don’t know.” 
“Hmmm.” Crane hummed and stood up from the desk. He stepped down from the platform and stopped right in front of the girl. She looked up at him, her eyes wet and heavy with color. She took a step back prompting a quiet tittering from her teacher who stopped her.
“Ah, ah.” He closed the distance between them, not touching her but getting close enough to smell the residue of generic soap caught on the goosebumps of her skin. 
Crane leaned in, his wide lips brushing her earlobe as he spoke, “does your subject watch pornography?” Her skin warmed beneath his lips. 
“No.” Her breath hitched and Crane could physically feel her discomfort at his intimate proximity, the rush of blood to her… 
“Has she ever had sex?” He whispered, allowing his lips to rest on the ridges of her small ear. She shivered. 
He pulled away. The girl exhaled and looked up to the ceiling. With strong, angular fingers, Crane pulled her chin down to face slightly so that he could see her eyes. They glistened with inklings of fear- fear. 
“Then that’s what it is.” He muttered more to himself than to Faye, smiling. 
“What?” She asked, tears forming in the wells of her eyes. 
“It’s the physical aspect of it, isn’t it? Having to touch someone, be touched… outside of your imagination?” He crossed his arms across his chest proudly. A few moments of silence passed between them, each watching the other in contemplative stillness, charged with suggestive energy. 
“Yes.” She whispered finally and ran one of her hands up the buttons of her professor’s shirt to his neck. She went to kiss him but he stepped away and chuckled roughly. 
“No, no Miss Greyson. Think of the experiment.” He chided and turned her chin gently away, trailing his hands down a tendon in her neck. 
“Tell your subject to try masturbation and pornography. See where it takes her.” He took his briefcase and pushed past her, leaving a residue of rich cologne in the air around her.
end of part 1 :)
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blorb-el · 2 months
Psssst does the au superbat fic exist bc I waaaaaaaaant it
I want it too 😭 tragically it only exists in about........4.5k scattered scenes which I try to poke at in between working on my main project rn!
misc worldbuilding scraps that are currently rotating on the back burner:
(omegaverse) human instinct relies on scent > hearing > taste > sight to find compatible partners, kryptonian instincts lean on sight > hearing > scent > taste, hence the mating markings
omegaverse humans have a much higher degree of face blindness than we normal humans do lmao
helps clark pass, the more he pulls his scent back the more it fades away, clark kent smells so dull/insignificant/mild that it seems like he's got a medical condition (hypomyrodia). jonathan kent had this. when jonathan and martha found bby kal, he was scared and tried to match scents to the two humans who found him, which caused his kryptonian scent to quickly fade. a hypomyrodic pup would probably face high abandonment rates and low adoption rates, so it was probably a relief that two willing parents brought the pup in
kryptonians all pretty much exist along a relatively smooth spectrum of sexual characteristics and can transition somewhat like clownfish if there's a hormonal imbalance in their community. having zero (0) other kryptonians around does things to clark before he grows the fortress and is able to synthesize hormone stabilizers
humans meanwhile have ten major sexes because betas can be true beta, alpha-leaning, or omega-leaning depending on their recessive genes
poison ivy is x100 more horrifying in any omegaverse world. she only manages to zop clark though bc the pollen is enchanted. however it's enchanted to induce primal alpha hindbrain, which means something very different to lone kryptonians than packbonded humans
it would have been the norm on krypton to have one's facial markings out. kryptonians would pull them back if they were sick, or perhaps terrified... primal hindbrain clark looking around and seeing nothing but non-glowing faces, and it coming across as everyone around him fucking terrified of him
for the first few months of their acquaintance clark is like. im not sure what gender batman is and at this point i'm not sure its ok to ask (he can smell past the concealing patches to bruce's strong omega scent but the patches could also be doubling as, like, the equivalent of binders, could be that batman's gender is null, but he mixes in diluted alpha cologne, but that could just be for concealment/intimidation....???)
sun-powered kryptonians have a strong, distinctively alien but somewhat alpha-smelling scent (when they're not pulling it back) but barely leave any on people they try to scent with, and scents barely stick to them. when clark politely explains this to bb dickie hes just like well i guess ill just have to scent you for longer! and clark goes 🥺
at this early point in the timeline barry is the only known omega superhero so the tabloids are huge into superflash
anyway all that's just kind of fluff/details... the core theme i've been rotating around is overcoming real and genuine barriers to intimacy. the loneliness of knowing you're a square peg in a world of round holes, the necessary compromises of sanding away your corners, the joy of meeting someone who will stretch to meet you where you are. there's a fair few excellent fics of bruce uncomfortable in an omega's role and body, i want to come at it from a perspective where a xenomegaverse clark has to define what gender means to him, in the heightened roles of the omegaverse. we are looking also at layers of passing. when parts of your closet become your armor that protects but encumbers you, and other parts become your exoskeleton, which grow into who you are. we are looking at that comic about the orchid that has the pattern on it meant to appeal to an extinct species of bee. we are looking at compromise made of love and compromise made of fear. and we are looking at tentacles baby.................
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misshoneyimhome · 3 months
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“Shhh… I’m here” I Frederik Andersen
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Summary: Being Frederik Andersen's girlfriend isn't always a walk in the park. Especially when he's been through health problems and struggles to open up about his feelings. But when you're deeply in love, there's only one question that truly matters.
Tropes & warnings; establishd relationship; soft!Freddie; no warnings;
Other notes; Wrapping up the "250 FOLLOWERS CELEBRATION" with some (short) good old-fashioned Freddie fluff 🌺 Thank you all so much for joining in the festivities! It's been an absolute pleasure! 🥂
Word count; 1.5K
・✶ 。゚
On a night in late February, Freddie shifted in bed, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. Beads of sweat were glistening on his forehead, his hands trembling as he clutched the sheets. The nightmares had returned, tormenting him relentlessly in the dead of night.
Sensing his distress, you stirred awake beside him, and with a soft tone of voice, you reached out, your hand finding his damp skin, offering a reassuring touch. "Freddie," you whispered gently, trying to bring him back to the present. "It's alright. Shh... I'm here."
His eyes flickered open, fear and confusion clouding them, as it took him a moment to realise you were there, to see the familiar outline of your face illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the curtains.
"Y/N..." His voice cracked, his throat dry from the remnants of his nightmare. "I... I had a nightmare..”
You did your best to pull him into your arms, holding him close, providing the warmth and security he desperately craved. His large frame enveloped by your small embrace. “Hey, you know you don't have to face this on your own," you murmured, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "I'm right here with you, Freddie. Always."
The larger goaltender clung to you tighter, seeking comfort in the safety of your embrace. "I'm scared," he confessed, his voice barely audible.
And you knew just how difficult it was for Freddie to acknowledge his fears, to allow himself to be open and vulnerable. He had always been stoic, keeping his emotions tightly held, even from you at times. But you had persisted, gently encouraging him to share, and reassured him that it was safe to lower his guard, especially with you.
It hadn’t exactly been a straightforward journey for the two of you. There were times when he pushed you away, his defences solid as he battled his inner demons. Yet, you remained unwavering, refusing to abandon him, believing in him even when he couldn't find belief in himself.
It had been some of the fiercest battles between the two of you. Despite only being in a committed relationship for just about two years, it had truly tested your limits. Yet, interestingly enough, it had also drawn you a lot closer to each other.
You emphasised that your choice to be with him wasn't based on his career, but solely on your love for him. And this had encouraged him to gradually open up. Step by step, he let down his guard, sharing his fears and doubts with you. It was a journey marked by setbacks and trials, but with each step forward, your bond deepened, fortified by the trust and intimacy you cultivated together.
And as he trembled in your embrace, his barriers crumbling beneath the weight of his nightmares, you held him tight, grateful for the progress you'd made. Though, you knew there would still be obstacles ahead, moments of uncertainty and apprehension, you were confident you could face whatever challenges lay ahead with each other's support.
"I know you’re scared,” you replied softly, your own heart heavy with empathy for the vulnerability in his voice. "But you're strong, Freddie. You've battled through so much already. And I know you can overcome this too."
As he gradually began to relax, you couldn't help but reflect on the journey you both had endured. The uncertainty, the fear, and the relentless determination that had led you to this moment.
Since Freddie's diagnosis with the blood clot issues, it had been a challenging journey. The uncertainty of whether he'd ever play hockey again had loomed over both of you like a shadow. Yet, through it all, you remained steadfast by his side, offering unwavering support and love.
There had been countless nights like this, where nightmares shattered his sleep, leaving him shaken and disoriented. And each time, you had been there to dispel the darkness, reminding him that he wasn't alone.
Minutes passed in silence, interrupted only by the steady rhythm of your breaths and the gentle reassurance you whispered into his ear. Eventually, his heartbeat slowed, his body relaxing against yours as sleep reclaimed him.
You held him tightly, aware of the turmoil in his head but resolute in your commitment to face any challenges together. As the night enveloped you in its quiet embrace, you knew that together, you were stronger than any obstacle that may come your way.
The next evening, as the moon once again cast its gentle glow through the window, Freddie's demeanour had shifted. The tension from the previous night had dissipated, replaced by a quiet determination tinged with nervous anticipation.
Seated together in the cozy embrace of the evening during a romantic dinner at your shared home, every detail spoke volumes of intimacy and love. The dining table was adorned with flickering candles, their warm light dancing across delicate china and sparkling silverware. A bouquet of fresh flowers graced the centre, their sweet fragrance mingling with the aroma of the meal you had prepared together.
It wasn’t particularly anything out of the ordinary, as Freddie had a tendency to try and make up for his distressful behaviour through nothing but romance.
However, as you both savoured the delicious meal, Freddie suddenly took a deep breath, his gaze meeting yours with unwavering intensity. Flashing him a sweet smile, you waited patiently for him to speak his mind. 
"Y/N," he began, his voice steady but tinged with vulnerability. "There's something I want to ask you."
Your heart quickened slightly, feeling the weight of his words as you watched him closely, a sense of anticipation filling the air between you.
"I've been thinking a lot," Freddie continued, his fingers nervously intertwining with yours. "About us, about our future together."
A smile spread across your face, warmth flooding your chest at the sincerity in his words. Yet you weren’t entirely sure where he was going with it.
"I know I haven't always been great at expressing myself," he confessed, his gaze briefly drifting away before returning to meet yours. "But you've been my rock, through thick and thin. And I can't imagine facing life's challenges without you by my side."
The tender admission stirred a rush of emotion within you, your heart swelling with love for the man sitting before you. "Freddie, you don't have to say this," you assured him, reaching out to cup his cheek gently. "I just want you to be happy."
But Freddie's determination persisted, a glint of resolve in his eyes as he took another steadying breath. "I know , Y/N, but there's something more I need to say," he insisted, his voice soft yet resolute.
With bated breath, you waited quietly, hanging onto his every word, captivated by the vulnerability he was revealing.
"I've come to realise that I've held back too much, that I've let fear keep me from fully expressing how I feel," Freddie confessed, his gaze locking onto yours with unwavering intensity. "But I don't want to do that anymore. I want to be honest with you, to show you just how much you mean to me."
Tears welled in your eyes at his heartfelt confession, the depth of his emotions washing over you like a tidal wave. "Freddie..."
Taking a deep breath, Freddie reached into his pocket, producing a small velvet box. And with a determined yet trembling hand, he rose from his seat and walked over to your side of the table. There, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window, he knelt beside you, his eyes never leaving yours.
With another deep breath, he opened the box, revealing a delicate ring nestled within its plush confines. The glimmer of the candle lights danced upon the polished diamond.
Taken aback by his actions, your breath caught in your throat as you beheld the ring, its beauty only surpassed by the love and sincerity radiating from Freddie's gaze. Every line and curve of the ring seemed to speak of his devotion, a silent hint of how he’d chosen it carefully and with a lot fo thought.
"Y/N Y/L/N," Freddie began, his voice a gentle whisper, "will you marry me?"
Emotion swelled within you, a flood of joy and gratitude threatening to overwhelm your senses. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you nodded, unable to find the words to express the depth of your love for him.
"Y-yes, Freddie," you managed to choke out, your voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, I will marry you."
A radiant smile spread across Freddie's face, illuminating the room with its warmth as he slipped the ring onto your finger. It fit perfectly, a symbol of the bond that bound your hearts together.
“It’s not too soon?” He questioned nervously, hints in his eyes of concern he’d scared you away.
But you simply shook your head. “No, not at all,” you chuckled lightly. “Freddie with all we’ve been through, I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”
And in that moment, as you sealed the engaging a kiss, and held each other close, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the night, you knew that your love was a force to be reckoned with. Gazing into each other's eyes, filled with love and promise, you knew that your journey together was just beginning, a path paved with endless possibilities and boundless love. 
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thevulturesquadron · 24 days
"I imagine that ‘some things are deeper than skin’ is the line they wanted to get out of it. (For me that fell flat and overall I think once again Rogue drew the short straw just to accommodate her relationship with Remy but that’s a different conversation all together)."
Okay, here i was reading this ask in the tag and saw this. Now you've piqued my interest. When you've got the time i'd love to know your thoughts on this. 😯
hey there traveler! 🌠 I said that? Oops, might have thought that one out-loud. Silly me. 😶 Well, we’re here now so we might as well drive this one home. 'Some things are deeper than skin' was a shallow take on the situation for the trio, imo. It felt like a sticker placed on top of a damaged car. Some things are definitely deeper than skin. So are Rogue's feelings for Erik. So is what her time with him inspired in her. For someone who was a terrorist, who presented drastic solutions to the world, not once did he try to push that onto Rogue. On the contrary, it was made clear that, in the time they spent together in TAS, he taught her to see her powers not as a curse but as an essential part of who she is. He spoke to her about what it really means to embrace her identity, about building a future that makes her feel proud of who she is, about her powers creating a sense of belonging instead of discomfort, shame, and alienation. His presence in her life taught her not to fear who she is, not to put limits on what she can do, it taught her to be a part of the world she wants to see herself living in. THAT is why she fell in love with him. That is the Erik that Rogue loves. The whole 'touch' only came in later. We already see her falling in love with him before they even considered the possibility of touching. I love Gambit with all my heart, but in that scene he didn't consider a single thing of what Rogue had to say about why she wanted to be part of Genosha's future. He literally went ahead and did the opposite of what Erik had done - he made Rogue revert into herself and feel the pain of her inability to touch for the sole purpose of romantic and sexual gain. That line was ultimately used to show that Remy was in the right, to frame him as the one that's been hurt, with close to no consideration for Rogue and what she wanted from life. He says 'some things are deeper than skin' and it feels off coming from him, someone who has the privilege of sharing a connection based on touch with others. It makes Remy come across as not listening to what's being said. And I know his words in that interaction can be read as romantic in the sense of 'we can overcome anything'. It's a valid interpretation, but it doesn't work for me. I'd rather two partners try and understand each other and listen to each other than dismiss it with a 'we'll find a way'. Especially when one of them is deeply affected by it. It just isn't my jam. So having Rogue echo the 'some things are deeper than skin' fell flat because it only addressed part of the reason why her and Erik shared something. I think there is love in Rogue for both men and, unlike Magneto, Gambit is just not willing to accept it. It has to be him and only him. All this when he's had a lifetime prior to Rogue of experiencing intimacy, touch and relationships and understanding what he wants and what he values. In this instance it just feels like he's indirectly manipulating Rogue's emotions, making her sink into guilt and self-doubt (very important to note here that he's not doing it on purpose, but as an instinctive reaction to his own emotions - because this speaks both of his qualities and his flaws). So when Rogue says ‘Remy was right, some things are deeper than skin’ I think that is her guilt and insecurity talking.
I grew up with ROMY as my OTP but then, in time, that flame died and my view of the ship shifted. Part of the reason is because I started seeing a pattern in their relationship where often times Rogue would end up being the one pulled down, having to accommodate, accept and even apologize for things. And I was just not vibing with it anymore.
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sofasoap · 1 year
Second chance
Pairing: Simon “ Ghost” Riley x f!Reader
Summary:  Your fear that history will repeat itself.
Warning: M rating, slight angsty moments, discussion of past issues. Tw talk of pregnancy and children
A/N : Continuation/parallel universe of @saltofmercury ’s “The Favorite MacTavish” , where the reader/OC is Soap’s little sister. Thanks to her kindness leading me her character :D
“masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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"Everything alright love?”
“Mm Hm.”
Simon has noticed you've been extra clingy since he got home from the mission this time round.
Snucking up to him all the time and try to wrap both of your arms around his broad chest from behind.
Plonking yourself into his lap, while he winds down with his book in front of the fireplace at night, after the twins have gone to bed.
You subconsciously bury yourself into his chest middle of night, seeking for his warmth and comfort.
Not that he minds. He secretly enjoys the intimacy, which makes him feel loved,wanted, needed.
Looking down at you, basking in the afterglow of a tender love making session, tracing your finger over his tattoos on his arm.  
Simon calls your name. He notices your movement halt for a second, before curling your fingers up.
You are hiding something from him.
Gently cupping your face, lifting it so he can look you right in the eyes. Noticing tears starting to well up.
“Talk to me. What’s wrong? I know there’s something going on. Tell me.”
“I'm scared Simon.”
“About? What happened?”Simon frowned. Has something happened that he has no knowledge about? Racking his brain trying to go through all the conversation with you, and Soap, and his team mates, nothing triggers his mind.
“... The baby.”
“What happened to the kids?” Simon was ready to get up, to check on the twins. You reach out to grab his arm, stopping him.
“The twins are fine Simon.. I..” You took a deep shuddered breath.
“I am pregnant again.”
Simon is at a loss for words at your reluctance of not telling him sooner. And it suddenly clicked.
He remembered a passing conversation he was having with Soap a week or two ago while they had a drink, when he mentioned to Soap why he is unwilling to have more kids.
“... She suffered too much last time. That’s why I don’t want any more children.”
You must have caught the tail end of the conversation. It dawned on him the expression you had on your face after you came back into the room was a mixture of disappointment and fear.
The disappointment ,he doesn’t want the child.
The fear, he is going to disappear again after hearing the news.
He was the cause of your fear. The pain. AGAIN.
You had to go through the entire pregnancy with the twins, without him by your side, because he was acting like an asshole, refusing to face his demon. And you nearly died from it.  If it wasn’t for Soap and Emma supporting you, shaking his head, he didn’t want to think of the possible “ what if’s.”
Taking his silence and action as rejection, you started sobbing. “I can’t do this alone, Simon. Not again.”
“ I am sorry love..That’s not what I meant..”Caressing your hair and giving you soft kisses while cradling you, “I just don’t want you to go through the pain again…You nearly lost your life.” The guilt is starting to eat through Simon, "I was an utter ass pushing you away and not being there for you.” tightening his hold on you, “I will be here for you, this time. I promise. I wouldn’t ghost you this time.”
You let out a little sobbing laugh. “That is a bad dad joke Simon.” 
Gently wiping your tears away with his thumb,smirking. “I had plenty of practice.”
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True to his words, Simon was there for you all the way.
The first time he attended the ultrasound scan with you, he nearly overcome with emotion. These are all new experiences for him. Looking at the little dot on the screen. A new life. New responsibility. More love to share.
Even with his work commitments and missions taking him away from home, he always checks up on you. Telling the kids to look after their mum and future siblings.
“Yes L.T!”
“.... Did you…” Simon asks with a deadpan expression. 
“Ask Johnny.” You held your hands up. 
The pregnancy went through without a hitch.
He paced up and down the corridor of the hospital outside the operation room, agitated. He wishes he can light up a cigarette, to calm his nerves. He quit smoking years ago, after holding the twins for the first time.
In the end it was his children that gave him the strength.
“It will be alright Da. Ma and the baby will be fine.”
The twins knew this is all new to their father, seeing their mother going through this. You and Simon were honest with them when the children asked one day, out of curiosity, why they took their mother’s surname instead of Simon’s.
“Because your Da was a fool.” Simon was brutally honest. Looking at him after patting his hand, you gave him a tight smile. “Well, your Ma was a fool too.”  After giving the abridged and child friendly version of the story, the twins said nothing, both of them looked at each other, and went up and gave Simon a hug. 
Kylie Kathleen Riley was born with a loud announcement as she entered this world.
“Hot tempered just like her Ma.” you said to Simon with a tired but cheeky smile. 
Gaz walked around the base smiling like a dork days after he knew how you and Simon’s newborn was named after him, showing off his new goddaughter’s photos to everyone he knew.
“You know it’s Mini and I that had the child, not you right?” Simon mocked him once.
Gaz doesn’t care, he dots on his goddaughter so much, you started teasing Simon,
“Careful, now Kylie will say she would wanna marry uncle Gaz when she grows up, just like Aileen wanted to Marry König.”
Gaz was banned from the Riley household for a while.
You shook your head with your husband’s protectiveness with his daughters. It will come back and bite him one day.
And sure it did. 
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Laswell and her wife were pleasantly surprised the child was named after her. They attend her first birthday, and there’s always presents sent to the Riley household if they couldn’t be present for the important events.
Soap named his twins afterwards after Price and Gaz. Big chaos everytime there is a huge gathering, trying to call out names.
"Price? Soap? or Tiny? or this little bub here?"
" There's five of us here.. which one do you want?"
Gaz looked at little Kylie in his lap, "No confusion here between us eh?"
" Gaz, you forgot my son is named after you too?" “And mine.”
Gaz had a hard time trying to name his children when they were born.
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I love to think the 141 and all the members they worked with ended up to be very close together and one big happy family. :)
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f0gman · 2 years
Hi *taps mic*
I’m gonna try to debunk the theory I hear often of “maybe batjokes is canon, but it’s only a toxic, twisted, obsessive version of love that Joker is doomed to and Batman has to overcome”
Of course, it’s all up to interpretation and no one’s opinion has the final say, but as a (cough, cough, hopeless romantic) gay guy, I think they have much more than that! I’ll explain.
1. Joker’s love isn’t perversion, but vulnerability
Most are accustomed to seeing the Joker’s infatuation as creepy. While that’s not unreasonable as he’s suggestive and clingy amidst Batman’s discomfort, he doesn’t seem to expect anything to come of it. It’s his way of coping with strong feelings that’ll never be reciprocated; he knows they won’t be acknowledged. 
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And he doesn’t seek to violate Bruce, but rather to accept violence as a way to satisfy his needs. Yes, it’s masochistic, but it’s also consensual. He enjoys the feeling of being vulnerable; he sees it not as defeat, but intimacy, and he knows Batman finds some satisfaction in it. If he didn’t, there wouldn’t always be hand-to-hand combat. He could knock him out quickly or shoot him with a tranquilizer, but instead he gives Joker exactly what he wants and receives the same in return.
It's often about stimulation when them: two unlike people with core similarities trying to best each other. Without the dire circumstances (due to Joker's crime) in early Batman content, their fighting was much more like sparring.
Secondly, given that love is not Joker’s choice, admitting his feelings is not a ploy to make him more intimidating or powerful. It’s his weakness. The way Batman treats him directly affects his emotions and everything, really. He’s distraught if Batman’s absent for even a day when he expects him to come.
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Plus, in love is one of the most vulnerable things he can be. Pure obsession doesn't demand understanding and empathy out of your enemy. It wouldn’t wonder for decades what made him as broken as you. It wouldn’t long to see him with his defenses down, for once not shutting everything out.
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For Batman, it wouldn’t amount to hours upon hours of trying to understand and trying to find out why his enemy is broken, as if there's a missing piece to making him better. It wouldn't care about his humanity.
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A part of me thinks that Joker wants to believe it’s nothing more than an obsession. It scares him to think of Batman being unmasked—to see his human side. It would break the fantasy where he keeps his feelings...yet he knows they’re obvious and admits to them.
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I don’t think he would claim it to be love if it weren’t true. It only awards Batman more homophobic praise when he beats someone who has “no right” to be attracted to him. It doesn’t make Joker more impressive in any way, maybe more repulsive to some, but it won’t further any of his goals.
At the end of the day, he grieves over him. Even while getting everything he wants in a fight, he truly wants Batman to love him. So much so that Harley,  behind her rose-tinted Joker glass knows it.
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“He doesn’t love me. He only loves Batman.”
He’s driven crazy by it. But it isn’t love itself that makes him crazy. Joker, like Batman, is broken from trauma, and he finds understanding and excitement in someone else—the only one so far. Even a sense of solace, which is the hardest to come by. If you ask me, Joker being able to love is a human, redeeming quality.
2. Batman’s love isn’t inhumane, but empathetic
Batman is notorious for blocking people out. He’s the “master of fear” and treats his brain as if it’s a steel trap (constantly pushing himself to his limit). The fact is, he’s not sane in the way most people are; his trauma affects every part of him, and he realizes Joker is the same way. He obsesses over why. He wants to know what made him, what can change him, and what their relationship will become.
He sees someone that’s like him, yet Joker defies everything he believes as a person. It’s beyond frustrating and is the exact thing that keeps them trapped in the cycle. He takes his frustrations out in violence because Joker just won’t change.
I imagine the frustration would have started the moment he saw a glimpse at his human side. He saw him as someone just as messed up as he is, yet set apart because of what he does. Worst of all, he knows Joker wants him. At any moment, Bruce could have him, making it that much harder for him to fight and keep his morals. It makes him angrier.
But to end the toxicity, someone has to give.
Batman made this first step in The Killing Joke. He “came out” in a way. Between his denial to loving him and Joker’s fear to change, they were doomed to kill each other off in the end. Both resorted to violence to cope with their attraction and frustration, but acknowledging this was his first step toward ending the cycle. Not only that, but he wants a good relationship with Joker. He isn’t giving up on him, but changing the fight’s trajectory. He offers Joker rehabilitation to bridge the gap between them. Very possibly, that included rehabilitation for himself.
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“You don’t need to be alone...we don’t have to kill each other. Let me help you.”
He says, “let me help you”, promising directly that he will stay by Joker’s side. He realizes that he’s likely the only one that can change him. He accepted this when he accepted their relationship, and despite everything Joker’s done, he put him before everyone else. There’d be no other reason to put him above Barbara, Gordon, or anyone in the bat family. If it was only about obsession and some perverted version of love, he wouldn’t have let his guard down to speak to Joker man-to-man. He extends his hand out of empathy.
“Maybe I’ve been there too."
In that moment, both had let their guard down completely; there was a moment of peace and respect between them. Many times, Bruce has been called inhumane or even unhinged for offering this branch, but it isn’t an inhumane thing to have done. He isn’t looking at all the wrongs and horrible things Joker has done and condoning them. He’s seeing past them to the human he is—to the man he once was, to the person he could have been, and what he will become. I think that makes him more human than ever.
The problem is, Joker didn’t trust his promise. He admits to it in his joke:
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The point wasn’t that it's impossible to walk across the beam of light; Joker didn’t believe his offer of salvation to be impossible. The punchline was that the friend would turn off his light when he's halfway across. He’s afraid Batman would give up on (or even trick) him before he reached the “promised land”. He saw how effortlessly Batman jumped the gap, and knowing he can’t reach it as easily, he doesn’t dare hope that he’ll hold out for him. Even he is tired of pretending. He goes as far as to apologize.
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Of course, this isn’t the only batjokes timeline. My point is to say that despite everything they’ve done to each other, and all the pain they’ve inflicted, there is real, genuine love beneath it. In the end, they’re both human, and they can bring out the humanity in each other. They could become so much more.
Would they overcome their differences enough to be in a relationship? that’s an even longer post. but you bet your ass I think so 👍
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