#haven’t posted in literal ages
rosicheeks · 28 days
You could post cute pics and get validation from strangers on the internet while you wait.
Fr tho I hope you're doing okay ❤️
What do you think I’ve been doing 😂😘
#haven’t posted in literal ages#and then I post multiple things in the past day or two l o l#your girl wants attention and validation all the damn time!!!#was trying to reblog old content but yall have seen that too much and don’t have the same reaction#I want your mouth to drop and you can’t help but drool from looking at me#that’s my goal 😇#but seriously I’ve been looking at a lot of my rosie content and deciding what’s good enough to post#looking for someone to go through all my content and tell me what are the true gems#so I can post those#it’s actually insane how much content I have#and most of it has never been seen before lol#have this school girl post I’m working on 😇#just working on the cute tags hehe#if you guys are ever bored and looking for something to do#give me attention#and praise#and worship me#pretty please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺#on a real note I should be fine? I hope.#every day is different… today I’m doing my ehhh alright?#but I can’t complain cause some days I feel like death#I’m also lucky I have weed to use as my crutch#I’m just in between jobs right now cause I was trying to get into this dumb program#but now that I’m on a waitlist I’m gonna have to find some sort of income#I saved up some from my last job but that is slowly dwindling away#maybe I’ll do some sort of driving/delivery job#I’m just so sick of working when I know it doesn’t make a difference#I’m going to be poor and broke the rest of my life so who cares#welp getting sad and don’t wanna do thaaaaaat….. also running out of space lol. so gonna smoke the little weed I have left and ignore ignore#ask
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vvenushalo · 6 months
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remembered this old sketch of mine & im being so normal about it xx
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rystiel · 2 months
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he wanted to grow old with jack 😐😐😐😐 even if jack couldn’t grow old with him 😐😐😐😐😐😐
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beebones · 1 year
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deciding to restart 2023 today woah happy new years guys heres fenris to celebrate
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vir-adahlen · 4 months
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your honor, they’re trying their best
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padfootastic · 1 year
i’m doing this for the heck of it, bc i have an active wip for the first time in…5? 6? years and i’m so, so giddy about it hehehe
“This is your house?”
“Er- yes?”
“You didn’t think that was worth mentioning yesterday?” Harry asked.
“You—didn’t ask?” Sirius replied, his grey eyes open deliberately wide.
Harry snorted—that innocent act could work on someone who didn’t know him. He got up, instead, to pull his drowsy godfather into the chair he’d just vacated, carefully navigating him around the floating cutlery and assorted members.
Before Mrs. Weasley could, he went up to the counter and grabbed a plate for Sirius, adding just a little extra of everything for him. He hadn’t had time to think - much - about this yesterday but he wasn’t happy with how skinny Sirius was, at all. It’d been over two years since he’d escaped Azkaban and though he was on the run, that didn’t mean he wasn’t without friends and allies. He shouldn’t be this skinny and that he was- it meant that he wasn’t taking care of himself, nor was anyone else.
No wonder, Harry was here for a month and he was going to do the job. He knew a little something about starvation, after all. That thought motivated him to increase the roasted veggies and fruit, and remove the bacon entirely. He placed the finished meal with a cup of light tea in front of his godfather, who was awake enough to be bemused.
“Er, Harry?”
“You need to eat properly,” Harry said, briskly. “You’re too skinny.”
Sirius blinked. “I—feel like that’s my line.”
“Too bad, finders keepers.” He took advantage of the confusion created by his words to tuck a fork into Sirius’ hand and sat down opposite him so he could keep an eye on his eating habits. Since this was the first time, he didn’t expect to know exactly what and how much Sirius ate and any future meals would depend on his current habits so it was necessary to understand those.
“Harry, dear, you didn’t have to do that,” Mrs. Weasley said kindly.
“I know, Mrs. Weasley. I wanted to,” he shrugged. He turned back to his godfather. “So, your house?”
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redjukebox · 2 months
Me @ my brain: cmon man we gootta focus on this school shit and we gotta do all these things to ensure we’re good for the next quarter and we literally cannot be late or we’re so screwed and we reeeaally have to make an appointment like we’ve had to for the past 3 months pleeeaasee
My brain: ok but like what if Tick Tock constantly feels the need to move around, whether it’s moving his ears, tail, tapping his hoof, or even just talking to make sure that he still can?? Like bro was paralyzed and literally could not move AT ALL for at LEAST a year (at the very VERY least) like that must’ve done SOOOO MUCH DAMAGE OH MY GOD HE LITERALLY COULD NOOOT MOOVE BRO HE WAS 12
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guys i’m back because christian borle was on the broadway cruise and now it’s happening again
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anthyies · 8 months
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my files with many doodles are small potatoes but they are fun :)
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inthewild-flowers · 6 months
y’all what is UP with the good omens fandom i posted a fic two days ago n it already has like 400 hits and 29 kudos. that’s insane !!!!!!! insane !!!!!!! anyway god bless this is so fun i might fr get into writing fic again
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toxicrevolver · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @onlyoneofsideblogtrashheep !!!!!
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(Receiptify link)
I’m too tired to tag anyone so if you wanna participate you can!!
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coming back from the grave for one more addition:
tommy: “aha what if i made a tumblr account wouldn’t that be fun”
phil: “here ill join too, it definitely won’t cause a mass panic of users no of course not”
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theadoptedfandom · 1 year
has anyone talked about Ted being from Kansas and the specific vibe of the ~dream sequence~ theory ending the montage before he wakes up on the plane and the sort of phenomenon we (humans) have of going on trips that ‘feel like a dream’ when they’re over?
like basically what I’m saying is, was Ted the Dorothy and the whole show was the Wizard of Oz?
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zaddyazula · 8 months
something i think some people don’t understand is that everyone has different things that happen to them in their life!!! just because something isn’t emotional to you doesn’t mean you should try and tell people who did find it emotional it’s not!!!! people have lived beyond who you know in person!!!!!
#i saw a barbie post and it reminded me of this#like this is so fucking simple and some people do not get it#i bawled my eyes out at the end of the barbie movie because it took me back when i was younger and i really connected with it#but my friends (who i went to see it with) didn’t cry at it or find it emotional and have since tried to convince me it wasn’t sad#you don’t know why i cried at it!! you don’t get it!#and when i try to tell them “you don’t get it because we’ve had different lives” they say there’s nothing to get because it’s not sad#they don’t get it because they haven’t had my particular experience - the same way i haven’t had theirs#i don’t know how difficult it is to not discredit someone’s emotions but it can’t be that hard#the barbie movie is really important and special to me as someone who struggles with identity#my friends don’t know this so i can’t blame them for that but the point still stands#the age old thing you are taught when you are literally a young child is that you don’t know what people are going through so be respectful#but they and other people don’t seem to understand that despite being well older than a young child#you have no idea why i find it sad. let me find it sad and move on with your life.#particularly two of them seem to try and cement this point that the film and the billie eilish song (which i literally cannot listen to)#aren’t sad#it really does irritate me because any possibility i get to say something’s sadness can be entirely subjective in some cases i am dismissed#these people are girls. they played with barbies. and still i can bet every one of us associates different things to when they played with#barbies. they do not get that.#i can’t really describe my relationship with the barbie movie properly and maybe it’s just me having a fit about it but it is so so persona#to me.#sorry for the rant.#barbie movie#barbie 2023#zad talks
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no1ryomafan · 6 months
In my constant brain rotations of “why are people in the west so hard on mecha aside from the fandom can be a bit unfriendly” I think one thing I realized as much as I hate to say is how mecha is sometimes treated remind me of the constant hatred superhero stuff gets.
It’s such a weird comparison because with mecha I do not know what the root of it was-and I’d love to know why but I feel there’s either no clear answer or there is one and it’s stupid-where as for superheroes in the west while there’s still a dedicated community the mainstream audiences have become tired of them due to over-saturation, which I understand, but it’s caused such a massive dismal to the entire genre of it much like mecha.
People think superhero stories can’t have any substance because it’s all about fighting and not about the characters- yet forget the SIGNIFICANT impact they had to so much pop culture. How superhero stories were rooted within comic popularity, how superheroes inspired countless of stories, even so far as reaching japan since so much early anime was taken off of western media which birthed its own genre of superheroes. It’s no different to how mecha help started up the anime industry making it one of the most important genres to japans history, yet most people don’t know it and belittle it.
Yet in superhero story cases it’s even WORSE when people are against it yet then go to see one superhero movie because it’s animated and put it on a pedestal and don’t bother to try other superhero content even though they consumed is no different from the norm. It’s the exact same shit when people watch eva and then think all other mechas don’t compare to it, when the genre always had darker, mature and emotional elements, just only a select few decide to canter to a audience who doesn’t even accept what genre it’s from which makes it all the more frustrating to deal with.
I’m someone who’s hardly into superhero stuff even if some of it catches my eye but it sucks to see that the situation is pretty identical to how mecha is seen, that I can’t help to feel sympathetic whenever I see some comic book fans upset at the mainstream audience even if they too can be a little hostile.
#meg text#to clarify I do agree 100% live action superhero movies especially the MCU got really stale#but that doesn’t mean those movies being stale should single out all superhero content when the stuff before is still GOOD#I was in a server that wasn’t mecha but someone was like “I hate superheroes” yet the discussion was just about a old Justice league cartoo#again- what’s so wrong about the animated ones? when they were from a time pre-saturation and people praise shit like spider verse?#I seriously cant tell if this is also a factor of the ever growing issue of people don’t wanna check out old things despite their importanc#*me awaiting the day someone unironically saids the boys/invincible/spider verse is a deconstruction so I can sigh in pain with actual fans#I hope to god that doesn’t happen but it feels like it’s close to why people already say superhero movies don’t have characters#and maybe that’s true bc I haven’t watched a marvel movie in ages but also I think you more so mean “characters being expanded upon”#because… every story has characters… just some can lack dimension and depth… but their still characters…#oh and it’s funny how it’s always these two that get singled out for focusing on action but shonen gets a pass 😑#action doesn’t equate to less characters!! How do people not realize this?#it’s fine if not your preference but fights can LITERALLY be CHARACTER DRIVEN#a lot of them are in fact because there’s always a purpose to these fights! Even if the meaning is sometimes barebone#also I know there’s gonna be a mecha fan who hates superhero who finds this post#and hate to break it to you but I’m pretty sure the super in super robot came from superhero and just not super powered#especially when a lot of the stuff Nagai made/worked on was him clearly tackling a superhero story from another angle#of course mecha isn’t entirely a superhero genre since we have “reals” but the 70s robots? Oh yeah meant to be superhero’s#and what I said above I think the comparison is warranted because the downplaying is unreal sometimes#will say between the two superhero’s probably have it worse because mecha honestly is more so “im curious but idk more then 5 shows”#because my god I can’t have some conversations irl where this shit doenst get unnecessary heated#had a whole English teacher who wouldn’t stop complaining about superhero movies last semester in college 💀 it’s that bad#that said mecha still suffers from people liking one show and shooting down the other it’s just not as prevalent bc mecha content is low#it’s not dead like others say but it’s mainly been gundam and people now just think gundam is every robot (which is PAINFUL but whatever)#moral of the story is don’t judge a book by it’s cover especially when that book is actually really important to fucking pop culture
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toocutetobesad · 4 months
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