#has helped me so muhc x
honey-reads · 2 years
When we are committing to relationships, sometimes we aren’t thinking about the longevity of what we’re committing to. It’s hard to get into anything if we don’t have some future-level thinking that is focused on where the relationship is going and what the possibilities are. This is especially true when it comes to dating. If we marry someone because they’re fun in the present without thinking about how that will translate years down the line, that can create some conflict in the future.
Nedra Tawwab
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Oh wow you are so nice! Thank you, though I apologize for the like dozen of requests I’m about to send lol. Is it alright to request headcanons with the mob!turtles cause they’re cool and they fall in love and try to court April’s brother, the male reader? I like to think that both he and April would be the top agents cause yes. Anyways, thank you very much!
I am so so sorry for how long this has taken me. My mental health is a bitch and has made it hard to write. Thank you so muhc for being patient with my bpd ass, love xox
and of course! I love writing about the mob! turtles Just a reminder tho that the mob! boys are pretty bad people so this might not be as cute as you want it to be
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Mob! Leo
Ok, so he's more or less head of the business
(the others would like to disagree though)
so he gets whoever he wants
however there's one man he's had his sights on for a while but it's.... Complicated
you see, you're April's brother
April, the activist who helped Splinter escape from the underground, abusive freak show he and his 4 mutant sons were stuck in
yeah, that one
but Leo is a gentleman first and believes in honour
so he talks to April
"look, I'm not gonna front. I like your brother. Would it make things weird?"
she tells him it absolutely would not and to go for it
Leo is also pretty smooth
so he doesn't directly ask you out
he'll invite you over and make you a few drinks
his hand rests on your thigh a little too long
lingering gazes
brushing the hair out of your face
until one day he can't take it any more
you're leaning against the kitchen counter while he makes some tea and he just goes for it
leans in, one hand on your cheek, and kisses you deep
"you have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that, y/n"
of course you're a blushing mess
he puts his hands inside the waistband to your trousers and pulls you closer to him to kiss you again
trailing a finger over your jawline until he rests his hand around your throat
it's smooth sailing from there on out
no more nervousness, everything is out in the open
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Mob! Raph
So Raph is a little more...Complicated
there's no way he's asking for permission on who he can fuck
so he invites you out a lot, usually to work out in some capacity
or watch sports, even if you're no into that
or to get drunk
he stares at your lips like a lot
pulls you in for one arm hugs and puts his hand on the back of your head, ruffling your hair a little
he's also pretty intense
he'll text you a lot, asking about your day, if you need anything, if anyone's bothering you
that kinda thing
but you're shy and you don't wanna assume he's into you
so you play it cool
until he can't take it anymore
he blows up at you one day when you show up late
just yelling about "Am I a joke to you? What even is this? You show up an hour late and expect me to be cool?"
he also gets a little violent because he's hurt and kinda drunk
that mix is never good for him
shoves you against a wall, grabs your hair and just starts kissing your neck
he realises that's not exactly the move though and pulls away, expecting you to be repulsed by him
but instead you look him dead in the eyes, step towards him and kiss him back
he's shocked but into it
things get a little x-rated from there on out
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Mob! Mikey
Ahh yes, the crazy one
so Mikey is actually pretty shy when he's into someone
doesn't even think to ask April how she's feel about him getting together with her brother
he barely talks to you
if you're at the house he just kind of sits there and drinks while stealing looks at you
he thinks you don't notice but you do
honestly you kind of thought he wanted to kill you with the way he was acting
but then, one day, you get a call from him out of no where
he asks you to come over, he's got something for you
"So, I heard you talking about that museum and, well, I rented it out for us"
you're beyond shocked
a man who has hardly spoken to you before is now inviting you to a private museum tour with him that you've always wanted to go on
it continues like this for a bit, he invites you over and has something for you
until you feel guilty enough to just ask
"Why are you doing all of this?"
he just looks at you
"Because. Because I want you. "
it's plain, it's simple, it's to the point
it's very him
you agree on a date, an actual date, but only if you get to pay because the money he's spent on you makes you feel a little guilty
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Mob! Donnie
Yes, the resident sociopath of the group
oh he's already hacked into everything you've got
knows you inside and out
if you come over, he's juts standing there making unbreaking eye contact with you until you're uncomfortable and look away
it makes him feel powerful
won't so much ask April if he can date you as tells her he's going to ask you out
he does like her after all but he's never been one to need permission
you're at work one day, you're boss comes in and tells you to leave with "some guy" who just showed up for you but assures you that you'll still get your day's full wages
"some guy?"
of course it's Donnie
he's booked you a wine tasting day
he doesn't talk too much, mostly asks questions and drinks but encourages you to drink more
on the ride home, there's a chauffeur, you're very drunk
leaning on him for balance, feeling a little sick, everything is spinning
Donnie's kind of a creep and enjoys power so naturally this is when he makes his move
he leans in a kisses you
you like him, so you let it happen but you know it's wrong
you know he's taking advantage and you know he had this planned
but his lips are so soft and his hand is on your shirt to pull you almost on top of him and it's such a turn on
you stay at his that night (no funny business, he just lets you sleep) and makes you breakfast the next morning
you're his from that moment on
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haifengg · 3 years
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Lucas can’t really go without affection. He needs a smooch at least before he leaves the house or when he says goodbye on dates. He wants to be reminded that their S/O loves him and that he loves them. It’s as easy as this.
B = Before (What were they like when they had a crush?) Dude would try to impress. With bad jokes. With flexing his guns. He would always ask his crush if they want to come with him and the guys to do whatever. And if they agree he wouldn’t really be able to hide his excitement. It would light a spark of pure joy in his eyes. It would be very obvious really.
C = Confession (What was their confession like?) Regardless of his looks and height Lucas still is a very childish man and he’s not that old either. I would honestly go that far and say that during his life he wasn’t the one confessing often. He usually got confessed to. So when it is actually his turn he would probably get all shy around his crush and he maybe asked Kun for advice as well on how to tell them and what to say since he is not the very best with words.
D = Date (What was the first official date they went on?) I am guessing something cheesy. Lucas may or may not be a romantic person but being all nervous about fulfilling expectations and doing a solid job he would take their S/O out to go an amusement park. He is a child really and his sometimes subtle playfulness is probably what attracts his S/O to him as well.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Please don’t come for me on this one but I recon he would choose a text. As I mentioned in section C = Confession I imagine him being this popular kid in school everyone had a crush on at least once a week. (We’ve all seen the pics he’s adorable.) That being said he maybe got too used to dumping people interested in him. I won’t say it is the same with his S/O as it was with high school sweethearts but he might just fall back into old patterns due to convenience. Breaking up would still hurt him and still be difficult.
F = Fights (What would fights look like? What are things that upset them?) Honestly: Fights with Lucas would be a pain mainly because he doesn’t see where he’s wrong or what the issue exactly is. He is a very loyal person once fully committed but maybe not the most understanding one.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) His emotional way is very gentle. His physical way in terms of hugs and holding hands is too. Simple mind - Simple showings off affection other things we don’t discuss here it is SWF, please
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Just like Johnny his arms are insanely long and wrapping them tightly around his S/O is just way to nice to not do it constantly.
I = Intimacy (What is their favorite form of intimacy? Do they have problems with it?) He knows why he’s in SM. He got casted off the streets for his looks. He also really radiates the vibes of only being there for the fun and the people only. Lucas is very confident in the way he looks and he is aware of how many thousand people find him insanely attractive. I am pretty sure there are close to no problems when it comes to intimacy but that is something very personal because we know that everyone has at least one issue with themselves which we sometimes could never tell.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) He gets jealous. Not much but he does in general. I am not sure how exactly that would display or how he would show it but overall: Yes he does.
K = Kisses (Are they a good kisser? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) I hope he is. Okay no honestly, hear me out lmao. Lucas ... is either very excellent at kissing or he isn’t. I just look at him and I really hope he is because that would be so grate and elevate him one step closer to being the complete package. He meets the height requirements. He has the hands to hold his S/O. He surely has the lips as well. Which is also where they like to kiss/be kissed the most.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Lucas is the perfect personality type for getting along well with kids. He is goofy enough to play around with them and fun and fool but he is also calm enough to not out-child them and keep an eye on them. He is guiding their playfulness in a way only a few people can.
M = Messages (How often do they text his S/O?) He texts them A LOT when he’s bored. During practice or some random meeting he would get distracted by his phone and text them about how bored he is. Also he would often take pictures or snaps of stupid little things he wants to show them but they’re not around. Speaking of SnapChat: Filters.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Nights out in clubs are hot and fun. Nights out in bars (if they are dates) are hot. Nights out in movie theatre would be so much fun. He would totally get this slushies that turn your tongue in different Colors but would also hold his S/O during scary parts of the movie even though he’s scared himself. Acting all tough
O = Opinion (Would they ask for their S/O’s opinion a lot? How important is it in terms of decisions?) He would ask for their opinion but mainly because he thinks he has to or that they would want to be ask. If it’s about his personal matters. When it comes to mutual decisions it’s different because well of course he asks for his S/O opinion. What they say matters to him and he wants both of them to be comfortable. So when they say that sofa is ugly - it’s ugly.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Getting on his nerves is quite hard I assume. He probably would be the one getting on his S/O’s nerves (most of the time by accident tho.) If it’s something about them that actually bothers him he will be patient and ask them to maybe change that behaviour for a long time before actually admitting how much it is bothering him and eventually raising his voice.
Q = Quizzes (How does a bar trivia night teamed up with them look like?) A complete mess. Lucas once admitted he is not the smartest one and I adore people who are aware of that and own it in their own way. He would still try his best to not let his S/O and maybe other teammates down. BUT he is still an important part of the team: The one who chugs everything for the sake of the cause. IDK I just see him being able to drink a lot. He radiates this frat boy energy help
R = Remember (How much do they remember about their S/O or their relaitonship in general?) Lucas does his best but he is forgetting a lot. He writes it down in his phone. For example there could be a list for his S/O's family member’s birthdays and all their important anniversaries. He may still forget them tho. When it comes to memory Lucas knows it’s not his forté but he is trying hard.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) He is maybe one of the most protective boyfriends you will find in whole NCT. He shields his S/O from wind or rain, he corners them in crowded subways. He flags and gets in cabs first. He will shove between his S/O and other guys dancing at clubs casually so they don’t notice. He will tell people to fo k off if they are obviously bothering his S/O. He does it all.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) He might be sloppy with everyday chores but he will rather often take his S/O on spontaneous coffee dates or bring home take out aka steal something from the dorm Kun cooked.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a S/O?) What makes Lucas unique as a S/O is definitely his awareness of his ... stupidity? Now I can see people coming for me for saying this but he once said he is not very smart and he is probably correct about that. His abilities lay more in the practical and emotional/empathic area. So what makes him special is is ability to pull his S/O’s guard down. If they come home from work super stressed he will put their mind at ease by simply talking to them about not so heavy or challenging topic. He will be their save heaven. A place where they don’t need to pretend or to impress. Lucas loves his S/O 190% for their character or quirks and maybe even for their intellect as well but he doesn’t compete with it and is real about himself.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) SO. MUHC. He has sloppy days tho but they will mostly never catch him with greasy hair or anything. And also he is in shape and plans to stay that way.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their S/O?) He would. If he is not with them for a long time he can feel how he is losing his inner center or balance. Lucas would be fine on his own but honestly exactly just fine.
X = X-Ray (How transparent are they?) Lucas is an open book. He can’t hide anything and he is so easy to fool on like April 1st or some prank they want to play on him. If he’s feeling down they’ll see it. If he’s happy they’ll know it. if he truly loves them it will be on the local news.
Y = Yuck (Everyone has flaws. What is theirs?) Bruh okay. Well. He leaves his underwear everywhere. Or his socks. and he leaves the toilet seat up.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Being asleep he grabs everything and pulls it in close. There is no escape. And I feel like he will wander towards the mid of the bed so if their S/O is avoiding being hold custody they will have no where to go but the sofa or wake him up.
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@jeonghanmoon @kpopsnowball @pocky-otp @himitsu-luna @soleilsuhh @dundun-baby
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supersoldierslover · 7 years
Two Nights Stand Epilogue
Summary: (Modern Au) After a bad breakup, your roommate insists that you need to a one night stand to end your dry spell. Following her advice, you have a bad one night stand with Bucky Barnes, but what happened when you are forced to spend time with him?
Paring: Bucky x Reader
Words: 3886
Warnings: This is vaguely inspired by a movie of the same name. GUYS SO MUHC FLUFFY
Catch up with Two Night Stands here
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Three months after that night
“How do I look?’ You ask your boyfriend. You are wearing a baby pink dress with matching heels. “You look amazing, sweetheart. The bride will be jealous of your beauty.” He says, smiling sweetly at you. You give him a peck on the lips and sit on his lap.
“You are cheesy, Barnes. Peggy is going to look incredible, Steve is one lucky man.” He laughs, hugging you by the waist “He is but not as much as me.” You roll your eyes at him, fixing his tie “If you say so, James… I am not going to argue with you.”
“I’m going to miss you during the ceremony.” He says, kissing your shoulder. You are going to miss him too. You don’t know anyone at the wedding with the exception of him and the happy couple.
You smile at him, hiding your face in his neck. Bucky was Steve’s best man and as much as you and Peggy get along, you two aren’t close enough for you to be one of her bridesmaids. “I know baby, but it’s only during the ceremony. And I bet that the maid of honor is going to be beautiful and funny, maybe I should even be jealous of her.” You say playfully, the last part making him smile
“You obviously don’t know Sharon; she is nice, but she isn’t you.” You leave his lap, holding his hand “Come on, baby. We have a wedding to attend, a lot of drinks to drink and we need to find a place in the venue to have filthy sex.”
“Filthy sex?” He asks in a much better mood than before. Boys sometimes are so easy to manipulate. “Every wedding someone has to have filthy sex; it’s kinda like, a law.”
You always loved weddings; they are always filled with romance, flowers and good food. What’s not to love? But by far your favorite part is to watch how the groom’s face lights up when the bride walks down the aisle.
You love to see the love in their eyes; you wonder if someone one day will look at you like this, with so much love and devotion. You hope so; you don’t want a wedding as big and as fancy as this one, but you do want the love and the promises.
The ceremony is beautiful, but you can’t help but stare at the Bucky as the minister speaks. All this talk about love, commitment and being there for the other person makes you realize that you are in love with him.
Different from any other relationship you’ve been in, the thought of, loving him doesn’t scare you. You are excited to tell him, and you don’t mind if it is too soon into your relationship to tell him how you feel.
“Do you want to dance?” He asks, taking you away from your thoughts. You look at the happy couple, having their first dance. “Of course, I love this song.” He takes your hands in his, leading you to the dance floor.
He rests his hands on your waist, as you rest yours on his shoulders. “I can’t believe they got married, I’ve know them since forever… I feel old.” He says spinning around. You smile and start to look at his brown hair. “You are right, I am starting to see a few grey hairs on you.” You say playful, making him groan. “Don’t say that.”
“You still look beautiful, Mr. Barnes, better yet, very handsome and very manly.” He rolls his eyes at you and then kisses your forehead. “You are a precious dork, you know that?” He asks as another song starts. Your heart is filled with love as he says these words; you’ve never had a boyfriend like this, so affectionate and one that made you feel this way.
“You’re the dorky one, Barnes.” You two keep dancing, exchanging compliments and telling jokes to each other until you fall into a comfortable silence. Three songs later, Bucky takes a deep breath and says, “Natasha is here.”
You look around, searching for the redhead but you don’t find her anywhere. “What is she doing here?”. You can’t deny it; you feel curious about the woman, but you would never go and talk to her, especially because of the way he is looking right now; full of guilt.
“Peggy invited her, you know because  they… I mean, us were invited to Natasha’s wedding. Steve told me before the ceremony started. I can’t believe that they invited her.” You nod, you can’t believe it either. They caused so much pain to each other; they should talk about what happened but never in such a public place.
“Are you going to talk to her?” You ask resting your head on his shoulder. You want him to, maybe it could help with all these feelings he has inside. “I don’t know, you think I should?”. You shrug; yes you do, but you are not going to pressure him into it. “It is up to you Bucky, whatever you decide, I am going to be by your side.”
“Thank you.” You two continue dancing until you feel tired and dehydrated. You go to the bar and ask for a bottle of water and your favorite cocktail. You feel relieved when you sit on a couch; your feet were killing you. Your shoes were so cute, but they are the worst.
You feel someone sit by your side. “Your shoes are killing you too?” You nod to the woman without paying attention to her. “Yes, how can these things be so pretty and still so deadly?”. She laughs. When you look at her face you notice that you are talking to Natasha.
You stare at her,  not knowing what say. Does she know who you are?  Probably, why else would she sit by your side? She smiles at you, “You are James’ new girlfriend, right?” You nod again; she is gorgeous. What does she want from you?
“Yes, and you are his ex.” You say, feeling things getting awkward. You should have just nodded and gotten away from this. You definitely don’t want to be in the middle of this, whatever this is. “Yes, well… you must hate me… he must hate me… sorry, this was a bad idea.”
You feel bad for her; you don’t know what she thinks, but you know she looks defeated. “ I don’t hate you, I mean, I don’t even know you. I heard some things, but Bucky never told me anything that made me hate you…” Great, now you are babbling, you think, resting your head on your hand.
“Thanks. Do you think I could talk to him… he is avoiding me like the plague. I swear, I just want to see if he is okay.” It is not up to you to decide this; if Bucky wanted to talk her, he would have already done it but at the same time, you think this could be good to him.
“What do you want to talk to him about?” You ask. You trust her; she looks sincere and not like someone who wants to start a fight in the middle of a wedding. “I don’t know, I mean, I think I want to talk about what happened… you know? I put all the blame on him when it wasn’t anybody’s fault… these things happen. I left him all alone, I blamed him… I made people take sides… I was awful. I was hurt and I wanted to hurt him too, but I never thought that he was already in pain… I think I want to say I am sorry?”
You listen as she speak; you understand her side and you never blamed her, but she blames herself like Bucky. Not as much as him, however, enough to make her come to this wedding and invite him to hers.
“I don’t want to get in the middle of this, but he is talking with Steve …. If you want to talk to him, you know where he is.” You watch as she leaves, smiling at you. A few minutes pass when curiosity gets the best of you and you follow her.
You watch as she speaks with Bucky. You can’t see her face, but his expression says everything to you. He is uncomfortable and on the verge of tears. You smile at him from afar, trying to give him some comfort, but he doesn’t see you.
The only thing you can do is watch as they talk and hope for the best. You don’t know how much time has passed, but eventually, he hugs her and kisses her cheek. She wipes a few tears from her face and goes to a man that you imagine is her husband.
He walks in your direction with a genuine smile on his face. “Did you have anything to do with this?”, He asks and you shrug. You are so curious about how things went. “Maybe?”  He smiles, kissing your forehead. “Thank you, sweetheart, you are the best… I love you.” You can’t help but smile at the words.
“I love you too, Jaime.” “I love you too, Jaime.”
Seven months after that night
“Bucky baby, are you home?” You ask, entering your boyfriend’s apartment. A couple months ago, he had given you a key in case of an emergency. You usually never came unannounced, but today, that was not the case.
You had a horrible day at work; your boss was being an ass to you all day and you had so much paperwork to do. You needed a nice, relaxing bath, with candles and your favorite bath bomb. And you would have done this in the comfort of your own home if you haven’t forgotten the lush bag in here.
Not that you minded; your boyfriend had the biggest bathtub that you ever saw.
Slowly, you start to prepare your bath, lighting the candles and putting on your special playlist for days like this. You get in the bathtub, letting the warm water relax your sore muscles; all you are missing right now is your boyfriend and glass of wine.
“Aren’t you the cutest burglar that the world has ever seen?” Bucky says, scaring you. You were so immersed in the bubbles and the song that was playing that you didn't even notice the front door or the bathroom door being opened.
“I think you’re the burglar, or did you think that I  wouldn’t notice that a couple of my bath bombs are missing?” Instead of answering, he gets on his knees outside of the bathtub and pulls you in for a kiss. “I Am I forgiven?” He asks between kisses.
“Only if you join me, but no funny business… remember the last time we tried to have sex in this bathtub?”. You warn him; he nods, taking his clothes off as fast as he can before entering in the tub with you.
He sits on the opposite side of you and starts to massage your feet. “Be careful, I might fall in love with you if you keep doing this.” You say playfully, making him smile. “I thought you already are. You hurt me, sweetheart.” He answers in the same tone as you.
“I’m sure you’re going to live. So how was your day? I hope it was better than mine.” You say, feeling his fingers caressing your leg. “Pretty boring. I am working on that new project with Tony and he is driving me insane. I don’t have any idea why I accepted that promotion… But enough about me, do you want to talk about your crappy day?
“Not really, and you accepted that promotion because you care about your work and you’re really good at.” After that, you two fall into a comfortable silence. He pulls you closer, washing your hair and kissing your neck. You don’t have any idea how long you two spent silence, exchanging soft touches.
“I was thinking about getting a new roommate.” He says, taking you away from your thoughts. Steve and Peggy moved out 3 months ago and you have to admit that you liked that he lives alone.
For the first three months of your relationship, things were awkward. You and Bucky were in that honeymoon phase where you two couldn’t keep your hands off each other, and Steve and Peggy were so in love in their pre-wedding phase that you couldn't count how many times you two walked in on each other.
“Are you sure?” You ask, you don’t want him to find a roommate, but you don’t have any idea how paying for this place by himself. “Yes, even with Tony’s promotion… I have a lot of bills to pay.”
You nod; you can’t argue with that. “Well, choose wisely, darling.” You say, kissing his lips. You hope he chooses someone nice. “Of course I will. I already made a list of what I want in a roommate; do you want to hear?” You nod again, making him smile.
“Well, this person has to be funny, have good taste in movies and like my cooking…” He smiles at you, holding your hand before he continues to speak. “She also has to be great at cuddling, make the best apple pie that I’ve ever eaten and she has to have a sparkle in her eye”
He continues to describe his perfect roommate, with your hair color, your eyes, and all your little manias. You can’t stop smiling every time he says something that he loves about you. “So what do you say, do you want to move in with me sweetheart?”
You nod. “Of course, you dork.” You smile at him, kissing his neck. “Now do you want to get out of this tub and go to bed?”
One year and a half after that night
 “Are you sure?” You ask your boyfriend as he unties your bikini and kisses your shoulder. “Are you afraid, princess?” He asks playfully. You look around; there is no one on this beach right now but you are not sure that skinny dipping in the middle of the day was the best idea he has ever had.
“I don’t think this is a good idea, I mean, it is the middle of the day. What if somebody sees us? Or… We go to jail for indecency? I am too pretty to go to jail, Bucky.” You say, crossing your arms over your breasts. When Bucky suggested that you two spent a week on the beach to relax you were excited; now you are just worried that some stranger will see your boobs.
“Relax, there’s no one here and if someone shows up, I’ll cover you with my body. My awesome, toned,  naked body.” He says, taking off his shorts. He is totally naked in front of you, and you can’t help but lick your lips; he is gorgeous.
“So what’s it going to be?” You don’t answer him, instead, you let go of your breast and run towards the water, still wearing the bottoms of your bikini. He runs after you, holding you by the waist and spinning you around.
 “You cheated.” He says, making you roll your eyes. “I am very naked right now and you wouldn’t be able to see down there anyway.” You say kissing him, he moans into your mouth, picking you up in his arms.
 He keeps kissing you and playing with your hair until he drops you into the water “You’re an asshole, Barnes.”  You say fixing your hair and coughing up the water that you swallowed. You’re not going to admit to him you found it funny that he dropped you in the water, however, the smile on your lips gives you away.
“Come on, you loved it and you found it funny” He says hugging you and kissing your neck. “You are so lucky that I love you, Jaime.” He laughs, holding you by the waist. “Yeah, I am pretty lucky.”
 You two stay in the water until you start to get cold and wrinkly. On land, you two change into comfortable clothes and sit on the sand, watching the sunset. The sky was the perfect mix of red and blue and the sun was so orange; it was beautiful.
 You rest your head on his shoulder. You are so happy that you two decide to come here. You look up; Bucky is so distracted that you can’t help but wonder what’s  on his mind. “What’s happening in that pretty little head of yours?” You ask, tracing your fingers in his bicep.
 “Marry me.” Your heart stops;  you must have heard it wrong. “What?” You need to heart it again, you need to be sure. “Marry me? I don’t have the ring with me right now, I mean, I have it on my nightstand… I was waiting for the perfect moment, but then I don’t know, I just needed it do it. It doesn’t get much better than this, right?”
 You nod; he is right, today is a perfect day. “Bucky, are you serious?” He turns around, catching your face in his hands. You’ve never as seen as much love in his eyes as you do right now. “I want to be with you forever.  You don’t have any idea how happy you make me, so what you say?”
 “Yes! There is nothing in the world that I would like more.”
 Four years after that night                                      
 You wake up scared, not because you had a nightmare or because you heard some strange noise; actually, the reason that you’re scared is because your apartment is too quiet. You look at the clock; it’s almost 3 am and you  can’t find your husband anywhere.
 Slowly, you walk into your daughter's room.  You need to know that she is okay. When you open the door, your heart melts. You see your husband painting your daughter’s nails, looking so concentrated. “Daddy, I don’t like this color.”
 You rest your head on the door of her room. They don’t have any idea that you’re there. “But it’s blue Lily, your favorite color. And this is the same color that your mother’s nails are.” The two-year-old girl giggles in excitement. “So pretty, I want glitter…glitter is so pretty.”
 “Anything you want, princess” He says, kissing her forehead and getting the glitter. You can’t contain yourself; you knock on the door letting  them know that you are there before speaking. “What are my two favorite people in the whole world doing up this late?” You ask, sitting on the floor, by your daughter’s side.
 “Monsters mommy, there was an evil clown in my room.” Lilly says, getting in your lap, hiding her face in your neck. It was incredible, like she was the perfect mix of the two of you; she looks just like you, but she has her father’s blue eyes and brown hair.
 “I told you that you shouldn’t let her watch IT, honey. I’m afraid of that clown and I’m an adult.” You say, caressing your daughter’s forehead. Poor little girl, she must be terrified. “She wanted to see the clown, you know that I can’t say no to her.”
 You laugh. Of course he can’t; Lily has him wrapped around her little finger. She has too much power for her own good. “Let me see if daddy did a good job with your nails.” Lily gives you her hand; you’re impressed with how good of a job your husband did. Maybe you should start to ask for him to do your nails.
 “It looks great, darling… I think you are in the wrong profession.” You say the last part to your husband. He laughs, getting up from the floor, taking Lily from your arms. “How about we go to bed, sweetie? Are you feeling any better?”
 Bucky asks your daughter; she shakes her head no, resting her head on his shoulder. “No, I don’t wanna sleep; I wanna stay up with you and mommy.” Any other day you would argue and tell her to go to bed, but tomorrow is Saturday and nobody has to wake up early anyway.
 “How about, daddy makes some pancakes for us while you and I watch some cartoons?” She nods, looking excited but not as much as your husband. “Are you sure that you want to give her sugar this time in the morning?”
 You shrug. “Yeah, she will be fine just don’t put any Nutella on it.” He nods kissing you. “If she gets out of control, can we send her to Steve’s?” He asks playful. “Of course I’m sure he is not going to mind taking care of our fourth child for a while.” You say sarcastic, but he only nods and laughs.
 In the living room, you put Aladdin on, one of your favorite Disney movies. You hope that the genie takes her mind off of the scary clown. 15 minutes into the movie, Lily is sleeping peacefully on your lap. “Is she asleep?” Bucky asks, entering the room with a plate full of pancakes with Nutella, and strawberries.
 “Yes, she must be exhausted, poor thing.” You say, taking a bite of the pancakes. You swear that this is the best thing you’ve ever eaten in your life, but every time Bucky cooks something you think it’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten.
 You can’t believe this is your life; you are married to this lovely and amazing guy that you love with all your heart. You have an amazing little girl that surprises you every day. You have a life that you never imagined you could have.
 You remember how scared you were when you found out that you were pregnant.  You didn’t know if you could be a good mom or even if you wanted to be a mom. You also were afraid of Bucky’s reaction; you didn’t have any idea how he was going to react, especially after everything that happened with Natasha and the baby.
 However, he surprised you. When you told him that you were pregnant, he was so happy. He dropped to his knees, hugged you by the waist and peppered kisses on your stomach, repeating over and over again “I’m going to be a dad.”
 Bucky was very protective of you during the pregnancy, not letting you carry anything heavy and not letting you do anything basically.  Not that you minded, you know how scared he was about losing this baby and if washing a few dishes would help him, who were you to complain?
 “What’s going on in this pretty little head of yours?” Bucky asks, taking you away from your thoughts. You look at him, kissing his cheek. “I love you, Jaime.” He smiles at you, and then at Lily, who was still sleeping on your lap. “I love you too, so much honey... both of you.”
 He kisses you, being careful for not to wake up the toddler in your lap. When he pulls away, he stares at your eyes, putting a string of your hair behind your ear. “Sweetheart, Lily is almost 3, and she is growing up so fast… and… what I am trying to say is that I want another baby.”
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