#has been for the most part really great. idk i can’t explain it
johntorrington · 1 year
sometimes media is so much better when you aren’t fourteen
7 notes · View notes
annymation · 5 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 5- When Blue Turns Green
Chapter 4
(This one has more of my commentaries than most because I was feeling chatty today, let me know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing)
“…Yes… I do have a wish”
Magnifico holds in a laugh, just a bit longer, gotta hold in the act just a bit longer.
Magnifico walks towards her slowly with that same gentle smile he had at the wish ceremony “I knew you had it in you, just needed a lil push, right?” the king extends his hands in front of her, the same way he always does when getting people’s wishes “May I?”
He asks, as if Asha had a choice.
Asha stares at his hands… It’s not like she can actually grant this wish she’s thinking about right now, so she might as well let the king do it for her.
(… Oh you’re waiting for me to say what’s the wish she’s thinking of? Lol this is the chapter opening, read more if you wanna know)
Asha closes her eyes.
Takes a deep breath.
She thinks about her wish.
She forgets.
Magnifico is holding her wish.
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Asha thought that after giving up her wish she’d feel a great sense of relief, like a weight being lifted from her shoulders. That’s at least what everyone in Rosas says it feels like…
She feels lied to, because there’s no sense of relief to be found at all.
She feels like she just forgot something really important, it’s not her interest in drawing though, it’s something else, but she can’t for the life of her remember what… She feels like part of her is missing.
While Asha is going through all that emotional turmoil, the villains are looking at her wish as if it’s the most adorable thing in the world.
“Now, was that so hard? All you had to do was think about it and *snaps his fingers* there’s your wish” He says while making the wish bubble levitate slightly above his hand
“Oh and what a beautiful wish it is, it really does suit you well, Asha” the queen complemented in a honeyed voice
“Th-thank you?” Asha doesn’t really know how to react to the complement, of course it suits her, it’s literally the most essential part of her…
Oh god, did I actually just give that to them?
“Could I… maybe take a look at it?” She says meekly raising her hand to reach out for the wish.
Magnifico swiftly moves the wish away from her and holds it above his head, like a bully keeping a toy away from a smaller kid.
“Ah ah ah noooooo peeking~” he singsongs in a mocking reprehending tone “You know the rules Asha, you’ll remember your wish only after I grant it for you” he explains like he’s talking to a toddler.
“I… I know but… Why’s that even a rule again?”
“Oooh you and your questions haha” he laughs while pinching her cheek and shaking her head “It’s more fun that way, sillyhead! So you’re surprised when it does come true!”
(I wanna murder this man I’m writing, I might actually just give Aster a gun idk)
Asha notices how the king is acting more… Mean than before, like yeah he has been kinda pushy and overly touchy with her, and disrespected her father’s beliefs earlier. But other than that he was being nice overall…
Now it just seems like he’s making fun of her and treating her like a child.
That’s because he has no reason to keep the mask on, he got what he wanted so why keep pretending he respects her at all, right?
Asha rubs her cheek that now feels sore because of the king’s grip, she was already feeling small in their presence before but now she feels like she’s the size of an insect.
“Patience is a virtue, my doll” the queen states serenely.
Magnifico glances at his wife with a little “Oh I see what you did there” smirk, referring to how she just called Asha a doll, get it? Cause he just turned her into a doll minutes ago with an illusion.
“Tell you what Asha, I was going to grant all of today’s wishes next week, buuuut because I like you soooooo much I shall grant them all… TONIGHT! So you’ll remember it by morning, how about that?” He exclaimed with his usual over the top energy.
In case y’all need a refresher, in my rewrite wishes are granted at night, while everyone sleeps, so when they wake up they can already tell their wish was granted.
Asha is feeling really lost, she doesn’t know what to say or what to do “Yeah that… that sounds great, can’t wait” she forces a clearly fake smile
“Oh I’m sure you can’t my dear, so how about you just take your leave now and go to sleep humm? The sooner you do the faster tomorrow will arrive!” The king says as he guides her to the exit of the treasure room
Asha’s eyes widened in confusion “Wh-what? But didn’t you say dinner was in an hour?”
The king had to hold in a laugh once again. The girl actually believed she’d be allowed to sit with them? How pathetically naive.
“I know Asha, but I just can’t help but notice how tired you are.” He says giving her a fake expression of pity
“Yes little one, you almost fell on the floor a minute ago had I not caught you” The queen adds “Clearly you need sleep, today was a big day for you, wasn’t it?”
“I’m not tired really I just-“
“I said” the king interrupts, his voice stern this time, as he makes direct eye contact with Asha and his blue eyes turn green for a second “You are tired, you should go home, now.”
Asha is frozen in place as she nods slowly “Okay.”
(If you’re wondering why he didn’t use this mild hypnotic ability earlier when they were trying to convince her to give her wish, it's simply because it had to be her choice to give it away, otherwise the magic doesn't work)
The king’s expression relaxes “That’s better…WELP!” He snaps his fingers and starts talking really fast “There! Now all the doors that lead to the exit are open! Thank you for coming sweetheart! Nighty night now! Sweet dreams! Buh-byeeeee!”
The door slams on her face
Asha’s now outside the treasure room all alone
About 5 seconds pass
The door opens again
“Don’t forget your goat.”
Magnifico’s is holding a very happy Valentino by the colar of his little goat sweater
He drops Valentino on Asha’s arms and-
The door closes again.
“Good night…”
She says quietly and starts walking down the stairs, making her way back to the exit.
As she walks we cut back to the couple real quick.
Magnifico has his ear glued to the door trying to hear Asha’s footsteps getting farther away. He has mischievous smile on his face.
Amaya is just standing there watching him do so, smiling just as wickedly as her husband.
“Is she gone yet?”
“Shh shhh wait” he signals to her with a finger on his lips
He no longer hear her steps, she’s far away enough.
Magnifico cannot hold it in anymore and starts letting out a wheezed laugh…That grows into a cackle… And then evolves into an outright deranged fit of uncontrollable laughter as he’s leaning on the door hugging his sides.
Amable is laughing along with him, letting a dark chuckle that grows into a maniacal giggling.
Their voices echo through the dark room.
(… I need you guys to understand these two are losing their minds because they successfully manipulated an 18 year old… Because they’re petty she raised her voice to them in public… These people are in their 50s… What I’m saying is the straights are not okay)
So we cut back to Asha who’s getting near the entrance of the castle, and just like how the king said, the door is open.
Her expression is a mix of lost, sadness, but most of all defeat.
Even though she understands she’ll get this wish granted tomorrow, it was still something that was taken away from her
She doesn’t feel like she’s whole anymore.
“Is this what people travel days on end to experience here in Rosas? Give away part of themselves… So they can have it be made a reality by someone they don’t even know?”
She hugs Valentino tightly, and he realizes something is wrong, so he begins licking Asha’s cheek.
She smiles a little bit with that “Thanks Val. I’ll be okay.”
She puts him on the floor to take some deep breaths before she leaves
She starts talking to Valentino (more so to herself, really)
“I mean, maybe I’m just being dramatic, like they said, I’ll get my wish granted tomorrow, right? Then I’ll feel normal…”
She's distracted talking to herself so she doesn’t notice…
That the door to the room where the queen left Bravo in earlier…
Is open.
“But then again… Those two are really not how I thought they’d be at all… I mean yeah, I knew Magnifico was a bit full of himself sometimes and the queen was… well, actually till today I’ve never seen her being nothing but sweet… They were just acting so strange ya know Val?… Valentino?”
“Maaa! Maaa!” Valentino starts bleating, but not to talk to Asha…
He’s talking to Bravo, who just so happens to not have had his dinner yet, and is preparing to pounce at the naive baby goat that just thinks he found a new friend.
“VALENTINO!!! NONONONOGETAWAYFROMHIM!!!” She runs as fast as she can and manages to catch her goat just a millisecond before Bravo made his move.
The lynx is now growling at her aggressively, she looks behind her and sees the door of the castle opened, she can make a run for it and someone outside might be able to help her, she can do it.
Buuuut Valentino is panicking, realizing the gravity of the situation and he kicks his legs to run away, making Asha accidentally drop him.
He runs up the stairs and the lynx runs after him, Asha obviously follows them running like her life depends on it.
She runs and gets close enough to the wild cat to step in his short tail. He lets out a scream of pain and turns to her with blood thirty eyes
“… Uh That- That was an accident hehehe” she nervously says as the cat prepared to jump no her
She manages to dodge him and starts running up the stairs after Valentino, with the lynx just after them
She’s realizes they’re getting near the treasure room again
It don’t bite
Asha makes it to the treasure room but she has no time to close the door.
But as they run to the other side of the room Bravo steps on the shattered glass slipper Valentino dropped earlier and gets distracted.
(Haha you thought that was just a pointless reference, didn’t you?? BUT IT WAS ACTUALLY PLOT RELEVANT HAHAHA- the writer proceeds to lose her mind as this scene unfolds)
Asha sees this as an opportunity, as soon as she enters a different room she slams the door behind her shut.
She and Valentino are both exhausted, Valentino drops on the floor panting heavily.
“I… *puff* am never… *puff* letting you in this crazy place AGAIN” she says trying to catch her breath
She looks around the room they’re in now
It’s a corridor, with decorative black armors along the way, leading to a new flight of stairs
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(I know that you knew what room I was referring to so no need for an image reference, but either way have Magnifico happily jumping on a poor armor’s head)
“… Whoever designed this castle REALLY liked stairs” she comments to herself
She takes Valentino into her arms again.
She can hear Bravo scratching the door behind them and growling angrily.
Asha looks to the stairs in front of her and sighs “Well… Guess we’re not getting out of here unless we ask them to control their crazy cat… Greeeeeeat” she pretty much groans, clearly not looking forward to talking to them again.
She and Valentino start making their way up these new stairs
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(Take a shot every time I wrote stairs in these past few chapters)
The ambience is dark, a direct contrast to how it was when Asha first entered the castle. Before it was beautifully illuminated by the sunset lights coming out of the glass windows
And now it’s night time, and the castle is just faintly lit up by some candle lights hanging from the ceiling.
She sees a light coming from the end of the stairs… the light seems to irradiate a mix of blues and greens flashes
Asha then hears something coming from the room she’s approaching… laughter?
That must be their room
She thinks… and wonders what they’re laughing so much about.
Asha reaches the end of the stairs.
She’s now in front of the large door… it’s slightly open, just enough that she can peek through.
She was about to say something like “excuse me” or “sorry to bother you again, but your cat wants to kill me” but her mouth was closed shut when she heard
“OH that stubborn little BRAT got me a headache!” Magnifico complained loudly while massaging both sides of his temple with his fingers “I never had to use THAT much mind bending magic on anyone before” he says sounding a mix of frustrated and almost impressed
(He’s referring to that whole illusion sequence at the end of their villain duet last chapter)
Mind bending magic?…What’s he talking about?
Asha looks through the small opening in the door and sees the king and queen are standing in the middle of the wishes room
(Like how Asha and Magnifico are here in this concept art)
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Asha is in awe with the sheer beauty of all of them in that majestic room. She understands how much each one of those bubbles represents the most beautiful part of so many people, and that alone fills her with joy.
“Aww my poor darling” the queen coos as she caresses her husband’s head “You deserve some much needed rest, say, how about I prepare a sleeping potion for you before we go to bed humm?” She suggests lovingly, but not like the fake loving voice she does all the time, this one felt absolutely genuine.
Asha remembers the tales that queen Amable used to be an amazing potion maker when she first arrived in Rosas… But that’s something no one really talks about anymore.
“Oh please do, my love.” Magnifico looks at his wife with a devoted passion, then turns his attention to the wishes above him with a malicious glee “But before that, let us see which lucky subjects get their wishes improved tonight” he lets out a dark chuckle
Improved? What's THAT supposed to mean??
Asha holds Valentino close to her and places her hand on his mouth so he won't make a sound
Asha watches as the king moves his arms bringing some wish bubbles down, they circle around him swiftly, forming patterns in the air.
(Ya know like how he did in the movie during the “At All Cost” sequence? That was neat, not gonna lie)
Paying more attention she notices something really odd.
Most of the wish bubbles aren’t blue… they’re green.
Asha has never seen green wish bubbles before, only blue ones… like her wish.
Speaking of which
“I thought we’d begin with our little star of tonight, I am oh so looking forward to coming up with something special for her” The queen says sinisterly while tapping her fingers on Asha’s wish bubble. Her voice makes Asha feel a chill run down her spine.
What on earth is going on?
Now she’s trying to hold her own breath so they won’t hear her.
“Ooh you know how I always leave the best for last, my sweet. Besides, there’s some wishes here that have been gathering dust for a while” Magnifico gazes upon the wishes floating around him like a predator watching his prey “And what kind of king would I be if I left our precious people waiting, right?” He adds with sarcasm.
Amaya just shrugs and goes to the table with potions and alchemy materials to start preparing a sleep potion for her beloved husband.
Magnifico makes the wishes spin around him faster and faster “Now lets see… Eeny, meeny, miny… YOU!” All of them suddenly stop moving, Magnifico is pointing at one specific blue orb, he signals with one finger for it to come to him.
As the orb lands on his hands it reveals a young woman flying in the sky, along with a flock of birds.
The king’s face is cruel, but his voice is saccharine sweet “Awww would you look at that my beldam, little Wendy wishes to fly like a bird.”
“Is that so? How lovely” The queen says while preparing her potion “And what shall you do about that? Oh wise and benevolent king” she speaks jokingly.
It’s like they do this pretty much every night, and they just never get tired of it.
“Hmmm… You mentioned last month you’d like to have a mockingbird as a pet, didn’t you?”
The queen gasps with one hand on her chest “Awwn you remember?” She says, already knowing where her husband is going with this, but playfully acting shocked.
“Now how could I ever forget a wish from the only person that matters in this kingdom?” The king says lovingly
Asha feels like she’s gonna pass out, he’s not actually going to do what she thinks he’s going to do… Is he?
“Well mi reina, your wish is my command” He says as he caresses the blue orb and starts mumbling some words in latin as his eyes start glowing green
“Mutatio animae, mutatio mentis, hoc votum fecisti, nunc meum est”
As he says the spell, the image of the young girl named Wendy looks at him terrified, as her arms turn into wings. The king caresses the orb a few more times and it slowly goes from blue… to green.
He removes his hands from the now green orb, revealing inside a little bird flying away scared, like it’s trying to get out.
… Asha holds in a gasp. She feels a single tear forming in the corner of her eye.
The king looks at the wish proudly, admiring his handy work “More of a Wendy Bird than a Mockingbird, but eh, it’ll do” He shrugs as he lets the bubble fly up to join the others “Tomorrow once she wakes up as a speechless helpless little bird, she’ll come flying begging for my help, and voila! You get your bird!” He says excitedly to his wife
“And what will you say if her family comes asking where she is?” The queen asks him, but not out of concern, more like she’s testing him to see if he’d know what would be the right thing to say
“… Not my problem?” He laughs at that
“Darliiiiing~ remember what we practiced”
“Hahah I know I know I’m jesting.” Magnifico says after laughing a bit more, but then his face instantly morphs to a sorrowful expression as he demonstrates what he’d actually say “Oh… I’m deeply sorry, but Wendy wished to be free from you, to live somewhere far far away… I’m sure she’s much happier wherever she is now” as he finishes the little act his face instantly goes back to an evil grin and gives her a bow like an actor.
“Hmmm not bad, you’re getting better” Amable complements softly
“Well, I do have the best teacher” He lifts his head and gazes upon her lovingly.
(This would be so sweet in any other context)
Asha feels like the world is crumbling down around her the more and more with each and every word that comes out of their mouths…
These people were more vicious than she could’ve ever comprehended… They tricked thousands of people… they tricked her.
“NOW!” Magnifico claps loudly, snapping Asha out of her thoughts “Let’s see who’s our next lucky subject~” he says in a singsong voice as the wishes once again start spinning around him, and once again he picks a random one
“A wish to write engaging stories about your culture?… Booooring!” Magnifico yells at the wish, the little man inside the orb holding a pen and paper gets frightened. “How am I supposed to make this fun for us?”
He ponders as he throws the orb to one hand to another several times, playing with it like it’s just a normal ball. The little man in the wish bubble is being thrown side to side like a rag doll.
“Just do the same you’ve done with the royal cooks, my love” Amaya suggests “Change the subject he’ll be writing about to something more interesting.” she says nonchalantly while grinding some herbs with a mortar and pestle for the sleeping potion.
(English is not my first language, so like, learning new words like “mortar and pestle” has been pretty cool :3)
The royal cooks?… Dahlia’s parents.
Asha thinks to herself in horror
“Oooh good idea my love!” Magnifico said excited as he turned his attention to the wish and once again recited the spell in Latin
“Mutatio animae, mutatio mentis, hoc votum fecisti, nunc meum est”
“Aaaaand there, why write about your lame ol’ culture when you can write about something much more important… like ME” the wish is now green and shows the man writing a book about Magnifico.
Asha connects the dots. That family recipe book Dahlia found, THIS is why her mom doesn’t care about it anymore, the king made her only interested in making meals that fit his liking.
(I do love when my set ups pay off)
“Ahem” the queen says with an eyebrow raised and a mischievous smile
“… I MEAN US! WRITE ABOUT US! Of course, I’m sorry my darling, hold on le-let me change it!” Asha sees an emotion that she hasn’t seen from the king ever before, he got nervous, but not in a scared or pretending to be nervous way, more like an “awkward teen trying to impress his crush but he gets flustered” kind of way.
“Heh heh I’m just teasing, dear.” The queen says giggling at her husband’s small panic attack “We both know the less this kingdom knows about my past the better, so really, you may have all the spotlight you want” she speaks sweetly.
The king sighs with relief and comments casually “Hehe indeed, it would cause quite a stir if the people found out their beloved queen was banished from her homeland for being a witch back in the day, now wouldn’t it?”
As soon as the king finishes that sentence a cloud of smoke pops out from one of Amaya’s flasks, making a loud noise.
“Your sleep potion is done… Also, you know I much prefer the term “alchemist”” she corrected him, sounding a bit more serious… like the word "witch" strikes a nerve with her.
“… My apologies my love, I forgot” he says genuinely
(… I might make a blog all about this, because there’s history here, let me know if you’re interested… anyway enough of them being a cute evil couple, Asha is SUFFERING)
Asha is not even that shocked with the reveal that the queen was a witch, that’s minor compared to everything else she has seen.
They tricked THOUSANDS of people for the past 25 years, and no one had a clue…
How many people had their dreams twisted beyond recognition? How many families had their culture erased from their minds after entering Rosas? And how many couldn’t even tell that they’ve been forced into a complacent life of loving nothing but these two monsters?
And… What would they do to her wish?
Asha will get that answer earlier than she thought, as she hears the king say:
“You know, we really should wrap this up, it’s getting late…” he says looking at the stars outside and then turning his attention to Asha’s wish that is floating around, he smiles maliciously “Let’s finish this with our sweet birthday girl’s wish, shall we?”
Asha feels her heart stop.
Magnifico makes the wish fly towards him
Amaya also walks to her husband to take a closer look at the wish.
As they take a look in her wish we see...
Asha happy with other people in Rosas.
That was her wish, to make other's happy, and to be accepted.
Magnifico looks quite disappointed but not surprised "A wish to “Make others happy”… Pffft pathetic." Magnifico rolls his eyes and sighs "She couldn’t even want something only for herself. Now how can I possibly turn this into something entertaining?"
Asha's eyes widen, that's it, that was her wish... She can't really feel a connection to it anymore... Why would she want to be accepted?
(Sooo yeah, just like how Simon’s personality changes because he doesn’t have his wish, a similar thing is gonna happen to Asha, but it’s not gonna be that noticeable)
"Hmmm I can think of a way" The queen says with a wicked gleam in her eyes as an idea forms in her head
"Do tell" he says already anxious to hear what his wife’s words of wisdom.
She walks a few steps away from her husband to start explaining her idea
"Riddle me this, darling... Who makes a kingdom happy?"
Magnifico... The damn king of this forsaken kingdom, struggles with that question for a bit
"Uuuuh... Shoot, I don't know. Uh florists? Backers?...Hair dressers?"
The queen gives him a one arched brow look.
"That’s kind of a vague question, don’t you think? Peasants get excited over the simplest of things" He shrugs
"Fair enough... Let me put this in a different way then... What do we want to make of this girl" She continues her train of thought walking around the room.
"To be honest? I considered just pushing her off the stairs handrails a couple of times today" He states like killing a random 18 year old is just a normal Thursday.
"Yes yes me too, but that's thinking too small, what she has shown today is that she has this almost unbending spirit, so much so she made you tire yourself using your powers... What we need is to put her under control, make sure that she NEVER inspires anyone else to be like her" She explains eloquently.
Asha does not like the sound of that at all.
"I like the sound of that. Buuut how can I do that with such a simple premise? "Make others happy"... Should I just make her WANT to conform to the norm?" He ponders
"That is, again, thinking too small, darling" she walks towards him slowly "Wanna know something I've always wanted?"
Magnifico was kinda taken aback by the sudden change in subject but ok "Well, just tell me and it shall be yours, my queen" he said with his voice dripping with passion
"... I always wanted a daughter"
"W H A T ? !"
Magnifico literally screamed with eyes wide like a bat blinded by the sun, his voice echoed through the room in a way that some of Amaya's potions even shook.
He's not mad by the way, he couldn't get mad at her even if she stabbed him, he's just surprised, really. Because that's something he thought they both agreed on.
Amaya blinks a few times after that reaction, she may love this man more than anything in the world, but wow, his temper is something they really gotta work on.
She continues her train of thought like that didn't just happen.
"Yes... But Asha is not a baby, is she?"
... Oh... Oh no... Asha understood where the queen is going with this
The king did not tho
"... Ooooooh... Uuuuuh??" He stared at his wife, very confused "Not that I’m questioning you dear, but um... Are you suggesting we make THAT girl... A princess?"
(Hehehe subverting the disney princess trope, I love it)
"Precisely." The queen nodded pridefully, then she continued “You change her wish from “I wish to make others happy” to “I wish to be a princess”, it’s semantics since a princess does make the kingdom happy. Her personality will be rewritten to fit that wish, and she shall never question us again.” The queen speaks like she’s just talking about the weather.
The king is not fully convinced though "...Thats all fine and dandy but I thought we were gonna punish her, not give her a life of luxury”
"And who said anything about a life of luxury? You know the guest room on the west wing tower?"
"Yeeeeees?" Magnifico starts to understand his wife’s train of thought
"We lock her up in there." Amaya says it like it's simply the most natural course of action.
"Hmmm" He thinks for a moment with a hand in his chin, and by the looks of it he warms up to the idea "Yeah I can see the appeal now... It’s like throwing her in the dungeon, but in a socially acceptable way." he rationalizes with an evil smirk
"To the people it'll seem like this poor orphan girl just got the wish of a lifetime. While to her, well, she won't remember ever wanting anything else than to obey us... And as a bonus she can stay drawing in her room all day, just how she wanted." She has a wicked smile that grows more and more with every word.
"There's just one caveat to that though” He says with a worried expression “She'd be the heir" He almost whispers like the word frightens him.
The queen shrugs "And? We are too beloved for anyone to dare threaten our lives, and with my potions we can remain young for many MANY years to come" The queen says like that’s all obvious.
Magnifico still looks concerned. He really despises the possibility of anyone getting his crown.
Amaya notes his fear, and genuinely gives him some words of comfort... in their own way "Here's a thought, in the impossible scenario that we may have to come to terms with our own mortality... I'll give the girl my special tea, the same one I gave to your brother all those years ago, and she won't take what is ours. How does that sound?" She speaks calmly... How she's gonna straight up kill this girl if they so happen to become old or sick.
Magnifico's face softens at that, his wife always know the right things to say
"As always, the brightness of your mind outshines the sun, moon and stars, my love." He holds her face tenderly. "Very well then, if a little princess locked up in a tower is what my queen wants, then your wish is my command"
They exchange a kiss.
Magnifico turns his attention back to Asha's wish and mumbles the spell one more time
“Mutatio animae, mutatio mentis, hoc votum fecisti, nunc meum est”
And the blue bubble with Asha smiling among the citizens of Rosas... slowly turns green, and the image inside morphs into Asha smiling forcefully, while standing between the two royals.
... So umm yeah how's Asha feeling right now you may ask?
Yeah our girl is not fine, she's actually panicking. Tears running down her face while she hugs Valentino.
(It's like she's stuck in a story that the writer also can't wait to move along and get to the happy stuff... So let's move this along, shall we?)
Valentino obviously didn't understand anything that just transpired but he sees how sad Asha is, so he tries cheering her up.
Asha covers his mouth instantly
But they heard it.
"What was that?" Queen Amable whispers.
The two royals start walking to the door.
Their steps are quick.
Asha doesn't think twice and slides down the stairs's handrail.
She’s terrified. If they find out she heard all that she’s as good as dead.
She makes it back to the corridor with the black armors.
Asha knows behind that door there's a savage wild cat... Which now feels less scary than the people coming from those stairs.
She gets an idea.
Asha opens the door quickly and when Bravo notices that it's finally open he runs inside to attac-
Asha pushes one of the armors and it falls on the lynx, making a lot of noise.
Magnifico’s enraged voice echos through the whole castle.
She hears their footsteps quickly approaching.
They have not seen her yet.
She runs as fast as she can to the exit without looking back.
Magnifico and Amaya get to the corridor and find quite the sight...
Their cat has his head stuck in the armor's helmet, he's struggling to get out like those cats you see on youtube that get their head stuck in a jar.
Bravo meows in his raspy voice panicking as he moves around.
"OOH my sweet precious babyyyy! How on earth did this happen??" Amaya rushes to his rescue like a worried mother.
"Bad kitty Bravo, you don't attack armors, just the people inside them" Magnifico says sternly.
Meanwhile our girl is BOOKING IT down those dang long stairs, jumping the steps and almost falling a couple of times.
She doesn’t know if they're actually right behind her or not.
But she’ll not look back to check.
She finally makes it out of the castle.
The wish ceremony celebration is close to ending but there's still a few people in the surroundings of the castle, talking to each other.
Asha just keeps running, she let's go of Valentino, she knows he can keep up with her
So she just keeps running.
Some people see her and try asking what’s wrong.
But she can’t stop.
She' can’t look back.
Tears run down her face.
She’s stopped, by a large hand holding her arm.
Chapter 6
Final Thoughts
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Don’t get me wrong, I LOOOOVE writing these two with a passion, but I wanna focus back on my girl Asha and couldn’t quite do that with those two stealing the spotlight… They gonna keep stealing the show every time they appear in the story tho but hey that’s kinda what it means to be a Disney villain.
With that said, I hope this helped make it pretty clear how Disney royally screwed up when they scrapped the villain couple concept. Like, it’s not just a “oooh that looks neat” thing, NO it’s more of a “THE WRITING POTENTIAL IS UNFATHOMABLE” thing.
Because I cannot stress this enough, we’ve been told through Disney’s WHOLE HISTORY how love is the strongest thing of all, and that’s true… But what happens when two immoral people love each other? WHAT HAPPENS??? Well I’m planning to show here what I think would happen, and it’s scary.
Also a recurring theme I was trying to make very clear in this chapter is how this couple comes from completely different worlds, Amaya was a peasant, Magnifico was born royalty, but they both learned from each other to make themselves more powerful… Actually, I think I might write a whole blog about their respective backstories, like yeah I wrote about them here but this was the early concept (not that it’s out dated, you can still read it if you haven’t yet) but after some further reflection I came up with even more details to flesh them out and make them feel like rounded characters, that although are irredeemable, have their own perspectives on the world that makes them see themselves in the right… Let’s just say they think the world wronged them so they can do the same to others, that’s all I’ll say for now.
Also OH MY GOSH, I did it, the animal sidekicks pretty much are the whole reason the plot is set into motion. I'm actually so happy.
When I first started to think on this scene (Last month) I thought about Asha just going back up the stairs to ask for her wish back because “oh she changed her mind”… which didn’t feel right, ya know? Like yeah it’s cool she’s so determined, but it felt off… And then the idea of the royal couple having a pet lynx showed up to save the day.
It’s kinda funny that none of this would’ve happened if Magnifico just teleported Asha outside after getting her wish… But he was feeling petty as usual so he decided to have her walk AAAAALL the way back… And he accidentally messed up the spell and instead of just opening the door to the exit with the snap of his fingers, he opened ALL the doors, letting Bravo get out. So my point is that Magnifico’s pettiness will bring his downfall, as it should be.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! And get hyped because STAR BOY IS COMING!!!
Thank You For Reading!
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 months
Okay since people wanted me to explain why I don’t like ra-on, I’ll gladly do
It might be a long rant, also it’s my opinion.
So, I don’t even mind that they have strong libido. I mean go ahead, fuck those devils if you want, but the problem is they are supposed to be the player’s inserts. For that, this character is written way too bland.
They are way too indecisive, for example Levi’s bloodshed card, he was hurt and that dude kept saying, ‘oh I really shouldn’t do this, this is wrong,’ but what did they do? They fucked anyway. Man was on the verge of dying, and I get that he looked beautiful while doing so, there is still a time and place for everything. Then, they got hints from Levi that he wanted to do it too, okay, great, lucky you ig. But they were still so unsure of it. If you really are that desperate to do it in a graveyard with a injured man then do it with confidence, instead of keep being so unsure. Cuz if you really were that worried, you literally wouldn’t touch him. Besides, apparently they are too dumb to do first aid on him. I’m not asking them to treat his wounds, Simply putting some clothes over him would have been enough, man’s laying in the rain on the ground while bleeding my god.
Second, they are around 20-22 guess? Because minhyeok is studying and they are childhood friends. Then why are they so incompetent that they have to live off that poor man. We never heard of them having any hobbies or job, all we know about them is that they watch porn in their free time. Great. Not to mention I bet they smell, there is a comic telling us about how they’d masturbate on his chair and not wipe it afterwards. Again, poor minhyeok is the one to wipe it afterwards
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That’s fucking disgusting like bro, I get you had a sad past, I get you lost your parents and didn’t have anyone to teach you some stuff, but that is being a normal functioning human which they aren’t. In the beginning, we saw that minhyeok had to take care of ra-on like they were some teenager, they can’t do anything to contribute to sharing a living space with their friend. They can’t cook, could clean but doesn’t cuz they are slacking off. How amazing. Minhyeok is going to college and has to take care of such a nuisance, he truly is pitiful. I’m not asking them to make millions, a simple part time job would suffice, heck, even knowing that they cook their own food. But nooo, they are fucking useless.
Then, in the story, we literally never know anything. They are getting pushed around by the devils. Sitri keeps calling them by the name of another, Satan does whatever the fuck he wants with them, most of the devils use the reason that they have to fuck to take advantage of them, Levi hangs them, mammon also just does whatever he wants but suddenly claiming ra-on owns him. I mean that’s not bad, most of it are little things that could have been alright if only they asked first. Consent my friend, consent. Just ask: ‘I think you need devil energy now, if you don’t mind, I could help.’ (Some did, I think beliar did ask, so shout out to him) then everything would have been fine. But because ra-on’s opinion is so irrelevant, it makes it so clear that the devils only see them as ‘the descendant of Solomon’, as a toy. But they are also somewhat at fault, cuz they aren’t assertive at all. They have no opinion to begin with, they are a pushover.
Third, or fourth? Idk, anyways their goal. So the goal is to end the contracts between the devils and the soul of Solomon. Alright, so the most normal thing would be to ask who those 72 devils are, where to find them and where you will be heading next. But no, the little group is just dragging them to wherever. Also, that about fighting angels, I know they are a human and useless against such strong enemies, but at least don’t just stand around and watch? Like they could hide, go out of the way, call for more forces, pick up a fucking weapon and shoot like Amos and stolas, nope, staying useless again. Those angels are coming for your life, which is nothing they could have controlled, but doesn’t mean they had to stay a damsel in distress. If ra-on got separated from the devils just once, they wouldn’t be able to do anything.
Beelzbubs story, they met him at a bar and he starts to sniff and lick them? Starts to invade their personal space? Sure, why not, he looks good so of course they let him use them.
The devils are biting you, forcing their kinks on you without telling you beforehand, which is basic bdsm etiquette? They are a perv, they like anything anyway so it’s fine.
No it’s not. Ra-on lacks communication and an own standing, it’s as if they don’t respect themselves. Or they are just so chill that they don’t mind getting laid during war? Now that I think about it, you have an option to say you do stay in contact with minhyeok when bael asked you about ‘that special person you left behind’. When, how do they stay in contact? Through ppyong? They could have written a letter to give minhyeok then, a text for ppyong to show minhyeok, told ppyong to tell the only friend they had to take care or something. Nope, nothing, they really only used him huh. Or maybe I’m overthinking it and their character isn’t developed enough to think about such details. Now that I’m talking about development, they don’t seem to have any at all. They are still as plain as before, and we are at chapter 5. They haven’t gotten any more serious, mature or anything. They don’t actively participate in helping neither.
They don’t talk a lot, don’t seem to have a Typ, don’t seem to dislike anything except normal things like crimes, don’t have anything they especially like besides sex. Just a mindless horny doll with no own personality. They don’t understand how hell works at all. Heck, I bet they don’t even know the names of all seven kings. It’s always about the devils doing whatever they like with ra-op, and ra-op being surprised but accepting it with no complains. They are such a failure, like they don’t resemble Solomon in the slightest. I think Solomon has more layers to his personality than ra-on. I get them wanted to make them ‘relatable’ and ‘basic’, cuz it’s a player insert, but no, they aren’t giving us any choices to support that.
Ra-on can stay a bottom for all I care, I don’t relate to them anyway, but they could be a little more sassy maybe? And a bit more decisive and mature please like my god. If they caused for a funny quirky moment then that would be enough. The writing is a joke anyway, so it would be better actually to just straight up make it into a comedy.
I could probably say more if I read more, but I’m stuck at 5-21 cuz I don’t have energy anymore. I’ve written a lot already, and i should probably mention again that this is my opinion, also that I do like the game, just not the MC.
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kai parker x reader
part of you knew it was wishful thinking to believe vampires couldn't sense period blood. your heretic best friend proves that true when he comes over to see you. in fact, to him, it smells even sweeter than the blood you normally offer, and he practically begs you for a taste. (heretic!kai) (virgin!kai)
tags: period sex, oral sex, blood drinking, blood sharing, loss of virginity
word count: ~3.5k
As soon as you get back from the bathroom, your phone gets a new message. Checking it, you see it’s your best friend. 
Kai: hi princess, are you free tonight? i miss you. movie night?
You bite your lip, fighting the urge to say ‘yes’. The two of you haven’t had a night to yourselves in awhile, and a movie night sounds like heaven. Only one thing - your period has come three days early, and Kai’s a recently turned heretic. You don’t know if vampires can sense that type of blood the same way they can with venous blood, but if they can, that’ll lead to a pretty embarrassing situation that you don’t think you can handle. Not that Kai won’t be a gentleman, because you know he always is with you, but just the thought of explaining that to your best friend sounds less than appealing. Besides, periods tend to make you way more needy than usual, and that crush you’ve been harboring does not need to be revealed. 
Sighing, you type a reply. 
Y/N: i’m not feeling great today. another day?
The minute you hit send, you know you chose the wrong words. Kai answers immediately.
Kai: you okay?? anything i can help with? if you’re sad, i don’t want you alone :( 
Fuck, why’d you tell him that?
Y/N: no, i’m okay, i promise. just a stomach bug. i don’t want you to catch it
Kai: i can’t get sick, i’m a heretic now. plz let me help you
Kai: i’ll get you some soup from the grill and we can watch your favorite movie
Y/N: idk i just don’t think it’s a good time rn
Kai: oh, okay
Kai: i didn’t do anything wrong, did i?
Y/N: no! pumpkin, you did nothing wrong, i just don’t feel good
Kai: okay
Kai: you sure i can’t help? i miss you sm
Y/N: i know, and i miss you, too
Kai: do u want me to find jo and ask her your symptoms? she might be able to help
Y/N: no you don’t have to do that! i know what it is, i’m okay. it just hurts
Kai: wait, what is it?
Y/N: nothing serious, just a lil bug
Kai: i don’t like knowing you’re hurting alone
Kai: i promise i won’t talk too much, just let me come comfort you
It’s a losing battle with Kai. It always is. He’s always so adamant about keeping you company, especially at times you don’t feel well, and most of the time, you’ve given into his convincing. But in the past, he’d only been a witch. His vampirism is an unfortunate game-changer. 
Kai: y/n, please, i’m worried
Kai: take a nap if u want, just let me come and make sure you’re okay
Kai: you can use me as a pillow again :)
The needy part of your mind takes over, and you answer without thinking twice. 
Y/N: alright, but i might go to bed really early
Kai: that’s okay :)) i’ll be there in 2
Great job, Y/N. Now you’ve fucked up. How are you going to explain this??
In the two minutes that you have to spare, you burn some sage, hoping that smell will overpower the more obvious one. Your fingers are crossed that maybe vampires can’t detect periods, but you have a feeling that’s wishful thinking. The knock on your door comes sooner than anticipated. 
Despite your worries, you can’t help the happiness that consumes you when you see Kai at your door. “Hi!” You exclaim, rushing forward to hug him. 
The boy hugs you back with one arm, the other full of soup and snacks, then grins at you when you separate. “I know you aren’t feeling well, so I’ll keep my voice down and try to talk less. I just don’t want you alone when you’re sick, y’know?”
“I know,” you nod, leading him to the kitchen to open the takeout boxes. “Thank you for caring.”
“I’ll always care about you. Mhm, is that sage?”
“Yeah, sorry. I was hoping it would make me feel better.”
“It should. I mean, it’ll at least help. Is there anything else I can do?”
“Hmm, all I need is you, this soup, and a good movie, and I’ll feel okay eventually, m’kay?”
He’s unsure about the truth in your statement, but agrees anyway.
The two of you sit on your couch, soups in hand, sharing a blanket across your lap. You decided on a stupid movie that’ll make you both laugh, and try not to think too much about the cramping in your abdomen. As the movie goes on and Kai begins to get lost in it, you start to feel a little more comfortable. Maybe your sage trick worked, or maybe it is undetectable to vampires. Either way, you let yourself curl into his side, enjoying your closeness. You don’t miss him putting an arm around you to pull you closer, and the gesture makes your heart flutter. 
About an hour later, the midol you took is finally kicking in, and the pain is lessening more and more. Sighing in relief, you stretch your legs out for a second, easing those cramps, before tucking them back under you. In that moment, though, you forget that movements like those might trigger blood flow, which may then trigger the heretic’s bloodlust. And if he can smell period blood, that most certainly did it.  
With a glance up to Kai, you almost see the gears turning in his head. Fuck. 
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Do you smell blood?”
“Um, no. Why?”
Yes. Yes, you do. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“I don’t know, but out of nowhere, I do.”
“Maybe I got a cut from this plastic lid?” You refer to the container you’ve been, thankfully, playing with for the last half hour.
Kai immediately grabs your hands to check. “No, no cuts.”
“Maybe it’s the neighbor?”
“Too close to be the neighbor. You sure you aren’t bleeding anywhere?”
“I’m okay, I promise. I’m not hurt.” It’s not a total lie. You aren’t hurt, you said. You hadn’t confirmed nor denied if you were actually bleeding. 
“Can I check?”
“Check for blood? Just to be sure.”
Panic courses through your body. “No,” you blurt out. You even move a little away from him without realizing, but then immediately regret it. 
Kai tenses, “okay. I’m sorry.”
“Wait. Fuck, okay. Kai?”
“Chill, Y/N, it’ll be fine.” You tell yourself out loud, concerning him even more. “Okay, I actually am bleeding, but it’s nothing you need to worry about.”
“Wait, what do you mean?”
“It’s natural, supposed to happen, but I can’t control it.”
“Please explain, Y/N. What is it? Does it hurt?”
“Okay. It’s a period, women get them every month, and like I said, it’s totally normal. They cause a lot of stomach cramping and such, which is why I was in pain earlier, but I took something for it and I’m okay now. But basically, in simple terms, when women don’t get pregnant, their body gets mad and retaliates by shedding the lining of the uterus. This results in the lining, and tissues, and blood, and some other things to be drained from the body via…” you gesture to the lower half of your body. “So no, I can’t control it, but I can stop it from leaking with pads and tampons, whatever’s on hand. But right now, the cramps and pain are gone, but the blood doesn’t stop.”
As you explain it, you see his eyes darken. The veins underneath turn to a purple-ish, black, and you think you know exactly what’s happening. 
“Can I… can I taste it?”
“The blood.”
Hell yes, please, you want to say. But at the same time, that’s a step too far into intimacy that you haven’t taken. “Um, I don’t know.”
“It smells so good, I need it.”
You try to swallow the butterflies swarming in your stomach. “Kai, I’m sorry. You can feed from my neck or wrist, but we can’t-... I can’t-” you don’t know how to finish that sentence. 
Slowly, he nods, the bloodlust taking over. 
“Okay,” you lift your wrist up to his mouth, “drink, baby.” It’s a pet name you use for him all the time, but this time, both of you can feel something more. 
Kai licks the spot where he plans to bite, then in one quick motion, sinks his teeth into your skin. You gasp for a second, but then start to enjoy the feeling. He’s fed off you more times than you can count and it always delivers the same pleasure. 
Kai drinks for a few seconds, but detaches way too soon. There’s no way he’s full from that. 
Though, you get your answer in the form of a desperate plea, “Y/N, I need it. There’s something different about it. I can smell it, it’s so good.”
“Kai… c’mon, drink.” You lift your wrist up again, but the stubborn boy literally refuses to latch. “What about here?” You offer your neck, even tracing your hand along your jugular. 
“Just a taste, please, Y/N.”
Once again, a losing battle. His determination plus your increasing arousal at the thought of it all betrays you, and before you know it, you’re laying back on the couch, his fingertips at the waistband of your leggings. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Do you want me to stop?” He offers the option, even though you know he’s silently begging you to say ‘no’. 
“No,” you admit.
He looks at you with lust-filled eyes - an expression you’ve never seen before on him. “If you change your mind, I will.”
“Okay. Hey, can you put something down on the couch? I don’t want to bleed on it and have a big, embarrassing stain.”
The heretic nods, fetching a towel, then continues. He puts it under you as soon as your leggings and panties are gone, then for a minute, just stares. No blood is visible, but he can smell it. It’s strong, and mixed with the intoxicatingly sweet smell of your arousal. His heartbeat quickens, pants tighten, and he looks at you for one more consent. 
“Go ahead. I trust you.”
Kai doesn’t know whether to use his mouth or a finger first. One thing he’s never told you: he’s a virgin. Yet the need for this blood is too strong to dive into that right now, and he fights with himself before making a decision. 
“Kai, please do something,” you whine, wondering what has him waiting. The cool air on your body causes you to shiver; his gaze makes you wet. 
In a split second, he chooses to feel you first. His index finger traces your clit ever so lightly. It travels between your folds, then dips into them in such a slow motion, you could explode. You fight the urge to moan his name again, but maybe that will snap him out of whatever trance he seems to have entered. 
He’s still going gentle, much too gentle, as he feels around your walls. Seemingly exploring, as if it’s his first time. Though the idea doesn’t cross your mind that it may be, because you’re too needy to think coherently. 
“Please,” you can’t help but beg. The need for his fingers, tongue, anything, to taste you is overwhelming. 
Kai finally goes deeper. One finger is inside you, down to the knuckle. Wetness begins to coat his finger, whether it’s arousal or blood, you’re unsure. Please let it be blood, you think, and then his vampirism will take over and he’ll be consumed by it, and I’ll get some pleasure out of this. And then you immediately feel bad for thinking that. He’s exploring your body for the first time, give him a break. For all you know, the crush is mutual. 
After a minute of swirling his finger around you, he pulls it out and brings it to his lips. There’s a bit of blood, but most of it is the clear, creamy substance you know all too well. 
Kai’s afraid to ask what exactly it is - afraid to reveal he doesn’t know what he’s doing; afraid you’ll regret letting him do this. If she knows I’m inexperienced, she won’t ever want me, a voice in his mind tells him. Speaking of which, you better get your shit together. He sucks your juices off his finger, and his eyes roll back in his head. Fuck, that’s heavenly. Need more, and need more blood. The second time, he’s less slow. Two fingers enter you, they move about, coating them evenly, and then he sucks them off again. This time, there was more blood. His eyes start to turn black again, and he knows he needs better access. 
You sign in relief when Kai moves his body down, mouth making its way towards your heat. Him eating you out has been a dream of yours for months, and with the added sensitivity of your period, you know this is about to be perfect. Not even the vampirism scares you, because you love the feeling of him feeding on you, so why would this be any different?
“Need you,” you moan, bucking up your hips slightly. The action causes a little bit of blood to dribble out onto the towel, and Kai’s veins reappear.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Yes, please, Kai.” In your state, you speak without considering your words. “I love the feeling of you feeding on me. It’s euphoric, it makes me wet. This’ll be ten times better.”
The confession drives him, finally, to indulge. His first few licks are still slow as he gets used to the sensation, but then the taste of blood overwhelms him. It’s better than the blood from your neck, if that's even possible. It’s coated in the same sweet wetness that covered his finger, and seems to gush more with every flick of his tongue. The taste soon has him humming into your heat, causing you to cry out and grab his hair. You’re pulling him into you, bucking your hips against his face, panting heavily. Kai grabs onto your hips to keep you steady, helping him to maintain some control. 
“Fuck,” you hear him mutter. The vibration goes straight into your core. “You taste like heaven.” The praise makes you grip him harder. And with every tug of his hair, he delves his tongue deeper.
For a second, he begins to nibble on your clit. At first, it feels good, but then you realize he might actually bite you there. 
You giggle, “don’t bite me, Kai! Not there!”
He stops for a minute, confused. You look at him, now equally confused. Why does this seem so new to him?
“Bite here,” you poke your inner thigh. “Or here,” your lower stomach. “Or really anywhere, just not right there.”
“Okay.” Immediately, the heretic’s teeth sink into your thigh. Blood from your period has dried onto the area from his messy feeding, and now fresh blood joins with it. 
“Holy fuck,” you squeeze your eyes shut from pleasure and pain. When you open them again, his fangs are covered in your blood, dark red. His eyes and veins are still black, but there’s a pinkish tint to his cheeks. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you gush up at him. “Kiss me.”
Unlike before, there’s no hesitancy as he obeys your command. Blood from his lips seeps into your mouth, giving you a chance to taste yourself, quite literally. As the metallic taste drips down your throat, you find yourself moaning again. Kai’s lips curl into a smile. 
Then, moments later, his head is dipping back down, tongue re-entering your heat. He seems to have gotten more confidence now, alternating between slurping blood from your entrance, and sucking at your clit. His left hand covers the open wound on your thigh, preventing too much blood loss. Though you both know you have to tend to it soon. 
“I’m so close, Kai.”
He keeps pace. At times he’s on your clit, two fingers enter you, feeling your walls, and bringing you closer to orgasm. He hums again, sending more vibrations through you that are better than any vibrator you’ve ever used. Repetition takes you to your high, finally, as white spots cloud your vision. You cry out so loud that you hope the neighbors can’t hear you while your orgasm rips through your entire body.
Kai laps up your blood until you’ve finished. The second you feel yourself go weak from the overwhelming pleasure, he sits up and bites into his own wrist, bringing it up to your lips for you to feed. You take it gladly, feeling a bit dizzy, and can’t help but admire him as he watches you. Eyes, turning back to blue, but intense. Hair, a mess from you tugging on it. Mouth, stained red from the copious amounts of your blood he drank. It’s a sight that would scare most, but you’ve never been more attracted to him. 
“You okay?” His voice snaps you out of your thoughts. “I didn’t go too far, did I?”
His blood begins to heal the wound on your thigh and return your body to its normal state. “No, Kai, you’re perfect. That was amazing.”
“To be honest, I could’ve kept going.  I could drown in your blood. But I could never hurt you, so I had to stop. Plus, I didn’t want to overstimulate you too much, and I think you started to feel that way when you came.”
“Just the perfect amount of overstimulation. Like I said, you were perfect.”
He swallows, as if debating what to say next. “Um, thank you. For both, letting me feed, and letting me taste you.”
You smile, “so… you liked it?”
“What do you mean? Of course I liked it.”
“I know, but I mean… the intimacy of it.” It’s a risk, but you have to know. “I know we blood-share all the time, but never like this. Never with my… y’know.”
“The intimacy… you mean, sex?” 
His bluntness makes you blush. The sociopath’s limited emotions lead to a lot of bluntness, you’ve learned.
“Um, yeah.”
“Yeah, I liked it a lot. I mean, I’ve always wanted to go that far with you, but I was afraid you’d reject me, and then we’d stop being friends. Right now, I’m thanking whoever gave women periods and Lily Salvatore right now for these stars aligning.”
If it’s possible, you’re blushing even harder. “I wouldn’t have rejected you, Kai. I wanted you, too. More than you could know.”
“I know… I mean, I figured. Because I’ve been able to sense your heart rate getting faster when I’m near you, and even before turning, I could see your cheeks reddening and you’d stutter sometimes. But I couldn’t risk losing you because you’re the only person to ever care about me.”
“Well worry not, because I’m not going anywhere, pumpkin.”
“I think I…” he licks his lips, “oh, fuck it, I do love you.”
You had looked down because of your blushing, but his confession snaps your eyes back up to face him. “Oh my god, I love you, too.”
For a second, the two of you just stare at each other. Then, out of nowhere, he grabs your shoulders and pulls you into a hug. You squeal, let out a laugh, and turn to kiss him. He’s gentle, yet hungry for you, and the combination drives you insane. When you separate, he looks nervous again.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Are you sure I was okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“The sex, or at least, what of it we did.”
“What?! Are you crazy? I’m dead serious, Kai, that was the best I’ve ever experienced.”
“Okay. Good. Because, uh…”
You duck your head, waiting for him to continue.
“You’re, uh, my first.”
“Wait, what?” 
“You’re joking?”
“There is no way.”
“Is that okay? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“Ew, don’t call me that.”
He bites his lip, looking anywhere but at your face.
“There’s no fucking way you’ve never done this before.”
“I mean, I’ve touched myself in the prison world plenty of times.” The sociopathic bluntness returns. Coincidentally, your blush also returns. 
“But you’ve never touched, eaten out, anything with a woman?”
“Not until you.”
“You’re mine,” you look him in the eye. He meets your gaze, not expecting the possessiveness. It’s usually him being overly protective of you. “You’re mine, and no one else’s, you fucking sex god.”
It’s his turn to blush, and he does so a deep red. It matches the blood staining his teeth, Your blood. “I don’t want anyone else but you.”
“Good. Now kiss me, and let’s watch this movie until you get hungry again.”
“I will not argue with that.”
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softxsuki · 2 months
Hiii, i just joined the club and everything here is amazing!!! I absolutely love how you write and i wanted to make a request if it's ok, it's half urgent half not...let me explain: these last days have been very stressful for me and i have been trying to find a comfort mha fanfic for a simular situation as mine, i feel like a i need attention but now just soft one like a worried kind one and not from a partner but from more like a fatherlike figure i need to feel secure and cared for to relax before i breakdown :")...idk if you take requests with characters other than bakugou etc but i really wanted to request this fan fic:
Reader is part of class 1A and she's been having trouble at home and training hard plus insomnia, in other words she's not feeling too great but she always takes part i class, trains and never skips anything. Mr Aizawa has noticed that the last few days reader seemed out of it so he decides to have a talk with her after class but reader in that specific day has been feeling much worse than the other past days of exhaustion and while Mr Aizawa is expressing his concerns and trying to get her to talk to him she has a stress induced seizure and then passes out from then all carrying reader for urgent check up and the comfort. :))
I would be so happy if you took this request...thank you so much for all your hard work!!
Aizawa Comforts Reader Who Has A Stress-Induced Seizure
| Pairing: Aizawa x Fem!Reader (PLATONIC) | Genre: Comfort | Post-Type: Headcanons | Word Count: 650 |
Warnings: Mentions of seizures, stress, insomnia, alluding to at-home troubles
Note: Hey, welcome to my blog it's great to have you! I don't write for Aizawa anymore because I'm just really bad at writing for him as you'll see NBFHKEAFJ. But I wanted to make this for you since it's a topic I haven't been asked for yet, but moving forward for anyone reading this, I do not write for Aizawa so please don't send any requests for him :3. I have a full list of characters that I do write for on my navigation page if anyone wants to check that out. But hopefully this does it's job for you! All my urgent requests are written in headcanon format so I hope that's okay! I hope the stresses in your life ease up so you can get the rest you need ! <3
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You could feel your head pounding as Aizawa asked you to stay for a few moments after class, a worried expression on his usual stoic face
It had been a tough week for you, with your usual troubles at home and the countless nights you’ve had without sleep
Yet instead of taking a break, you pushed yourself even harder, training every day and never missing a class
It got to the point where Aizawa could see how out of it you were, hence why he pulled you aside
You could hardly focus on the words he was saying, but by the look on his face it seemed like it was serious
Tingles shot up your body as the pounding in your head grew more severe, and before you knew it, your body was convulsing
Alarmed, Aizawa supports your head, waiting for your violent shakes to cease from the little knowledge he held about seizures fill his mind, but once you go still, you're passed out from your lack of sleep and fatigue that had filled your body these past few days
He lifts you up and brings you to Recovery Girl who watches over you until you finally wake up later in the day when classes are over
Upon opening your eyes, you see Aizawa asleep in a seat beside the bed in the room
“Aizawa Sensei,” you say softly, making the older man jolt at the sudden noise, his eyes immediately on you as he sits up
“How are you feeling?” He asks with a sigh, rubbing his tired eyes
It was the most rest you’d gotten the whole week so of course you felt a lot better, but you could see the slight furrow in Aizawa’s brows as you speak, letting him in on your rough week and how you’ve been feeling in general
“L/N…you’re a great student and I know you want to give it your best, I see the effort you’re putting in, but you can’t do it at the expense of your health. Take the next few days off recuperating at the dorms. I’ll have Uraraka or Yaoyorozu bring you any work you miss. Don’t bring yourself to your breaking point like this again”
He’s stern, and stoic as usual, but you can hear the tinge of concern in his tone, you’re his student so of course he’d be worried about you just suddenly collapsing and having a seizure like that
You were ready to protest–how could you go a full week without training? You’d fall behind your classes. Seeing your inner turmoil, Aizawa speaks again
“You’re free to train after class hours for no longer than an hour each day, I’ll have one of your classmates observe you…Just know your teachers are here for a reason, even if you feel like you can’t come to me, every teachers here at UA has an obligation to be there for their students, so reach out if you need it. I’ll be stopping by the dorms to check in on everyone more frequently from not on, so please rest”
You nod your head in agreement, with Aizawa’s support perhaps you could work your way through your troubles and stresses moving forward in a better way
You were a future hero, if you couldn’t properly take care of yourself, how could you save anyone else?
With a small smile, Aizawa pats your head, standing up from his seat as he nudges his head towards the door
“Then let’s get you back to the dorms, Recovery Girl said you were set to head back once you woke up”
And with that, Aizawa leads you back to the dorms where everyone is informed of your situation (briefly) to make sure you actually do rest instead of overworking yourself again for the next few days and even moving forward in general
Not only do you have your teachers support, but even the support of your classmates
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Posted: 4/15/2024
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Hey Alex 👋
What are some movies you’ve really enjoyed in your life?
My cousin actually asked me yesterday what I though the “greatest film of all time” was, and I said I am not qualified to make claims on that level… but movies I enjoy, now THAT’S something I can do!
The Mitchels vs. The Machines - I think this was a Netflix Original, but it’s an animated film produced by Sony, and has so much life and love in it! Just a fun family film about a robot apocalypse with quirky characters and very relatable family struggles, but in the end a very sweet resolution that makes me envious 🥺 10/10
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - I’m noticing a pattern with these movie titles so far… anyways, while the comics were better overall (and I need to finish them) the Scott Pilgrim movie was pretty great! I highly recommend it to people curious about Scott Pilgrim to get essentially a crash course in Scott Pilgrim, and then read the comics if you want more.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - While I’m ashamed to say that this is the only Monty Python media I’ve interacted with directly, The Holy Grail is such a great movie and very much my style of humor in a lot of ways XD
I have to give a shout out to the original live-action Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies, especially the second one. I have a lot of great memories of watching these with friends, and every now and then I still rewatch the second one if I want a dose of nostalgia 👌
The Hobbit Trilogy are so so so so so good, for a long time I didn’t realize there were people who disliked them compared to the book? As someone who has read and reread The Hobbit religiously over the years, the movies are pretty damn good! Some parts aren’t quite up to snuff with the book, but some parts I think do a better job of explaining the course of events than in the book (and especially Gandalf’s travels being viewed as part of the film lends itself incredibly well to preceding the Lord of the Rings trilogy). Sure the dwarf/elf romance may have been unnecessary, but it was kinda cute and has some good poetic quotes about it. All in all, some of my favorite movies right here, but especially the first one.
your name. (Kimi no na wa) - I adore Makoto Shinkai films, 5 Centimeters per Second was one of the first anime films I ever watched. your name. is just one of the greatest movies ever made, such a beautiful love story, animated brilliantly, and the funniest part is that Makoto Shinkai considers it INCOMPLETE because he had to rush the ending to meet deadlines… and it’s still a masterpiece! I recommend watching the sub version if you can, because there’s a lot of intricacies involving the Japanese language and things that gets a little lost in localization and dubbing. Honestly might be my favorite movie of all time.
The Spiderverse films by Sony are some of the most spectacular animated movies of the decade, at least! I grew up as a Spider-Man fan, and especially loved the Andrew Garfield movies, and these movies scratch that same itch, while also featuring sooo many variants of Spider-people from different comics and crossovers. Both Into and Across were fantastic, can’t wait for Beyond!
Growing up a big Star Wars nerd, I might be expected to name an original trilogy film, but actually I think Rogue One is my favorite Star Wars film ever! It’s got all the makings of a fantastic sci-fi thriller, set in the Star Wars universe, about a famous line from the original movies: “Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR…” (this might also be the only good thing Disney has done for Star Wars movies idk)
To a much lesser extent, The LEGO Movie actually holds up quite well in my mind! Always love revisiting a fun family film like that :3
There we go! Is this more than you asked for? Probably, but you get it anyway! X3 Thanks for the ask~!
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seariii · 5 months
Kotoko - 1, 3, 4, 15, and 16! ^-^
HIIIII THANK YOU!!! Thank you for letting me ramble (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) you are the best
1. Favorite song lyrics?
For now just from Harrow, since we still don't have the Deep Cover official one heh
If it damaged someone’s dream to the points of stopping it
I’ll gouge you out with my fangs
This one in particular just speaks to me personally. A dream is something so important for us, for everyone, and it's such a term that can mean a goal, an aspiration, maybe something impossible... But it's something that makes us humans, our dreams... The thought of someone stomping and breaking our very essence is something that shouldn't be taken lightly, to say the least
The person that can’t be saved, Is now understanding the abnormality
This one also speaks to me personally, idk, how to explain it... It's just a nice one
Goodnight “HARROW” “HARROW” Laugh and I can get to like myself
I want to be drowning in the knowledge that I am right
And you did, you drowned <3 you fell so deep into those waters that you stopped being able to see the light around you, not even knowing what you are right about anymore <3 losing your real purpose <3
3. Favorite non-mv official illustration?
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*gay sigh of a girl in love* in the birthday one she looks so pretty and I wanna hold her hand and take her someplace nice and treat her to a nice dinner. And in the 3rd anniversary one I literally melt.... I just shut down
4. Favorite minigram episode moment?
Hmm... I quite liked the most recent one where Mikoto just pulls her around, she looks so cute with that little ribbon on her neck. And the one where Muu gets scared of her hehehe, and the one where Muu and Yuno drink all her protein shake thingy. AND AND THE PICTURE ONE TOO
15. What do you think of their voice?
I LOVE HER VOICE!!! i started to listen more of Aimi just to get to hear Kotoko more hehehe. I love the power, the feelings, the pain, the desperation, the hope. I love how her voice is so good at transmitting... Its really inspiring, I wanna learn to growl (<- has been practicing, still can't) and I wanna take a voice acting course
16. How do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Hmm... I think Kotoko doesn't really sing much, maybe just hums a bit to herself when she knows no one is around. But I can see her listening to music, enjoying it, and quietly singing some parts and humming others without noticing. I think she most probably sings great but since she doesn't do it often she has never considered at all
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matan4il · 1 year
I love your posts about Jewish representation on TV and it reminded me of another post I saw by someone else who talked about how there’s a movie coming soon to Amazon that’s based on a book (it’s called Red and White & Royal Blue), and how the only Jewish character from the book was the only character to not be cast authentically in the movie because the actress and her family and openly and proudly Christian. I don’t think the character herself was canonically very religious, she goes home for Hanukkah, but she was written as Jewish ethnically. The blog I read it on talked about how it’s Jew erased because they didn’t cast someone Jewish and you can’t play another ethnicity (especially a minority one) and because the character doesn’t really do anything Judaism related, no one will even know she was supposed to be Jewish. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on it?
Hi Nonnie! And just lemme give you the BIGGEST hug! I thought this was fascinating. I'm so glad that you enjoy my posts about Jewish representation on TV and in film, they're obviously really important to me on a very personal level. IDK if this'll make you happy to hear, but I plan on writing at least two more posts about Jewish rep, one on OUaT and one on Friends. All in the context of my theory regarding Jewish rep. Here’s my thoughts on your ask...
What you're asking about can be referred to as the question of "Jewface." It's a term that has existed since the late 19th century, when non-Jews started portraying caricatures of Jews, often while wearing fake enlarged noses, fake long beards, ragged clothes and speaking with a thick Yiddish accent. By 1909, mainstream American Jewry had already decried this custom. But recently, this term has been brought up again, in 2021 Sarah Silverman wanted to talk about the way Jewish roles often go to non-Jewish actors.
I have to admit that as a general understanding seemed to take over that white people should not be cast in the role of POC for several reasons, Jews were left out of that discussion, so I think Sarah was absolutely right in bringing it up, as are you to ask about the casting of this Jewish character in RW&RB. The thing is, Jews ARE an ethno-religion. That means that we're not like Christians or Muslims, who are only bound together by a shared religion, Jews are also bound by shared ancestry. We're not the only ones, BTW! Another prominent ethno-religion is the Druze. Now, the Druze are far more strict than the Jews, they cannot marry any non-Druze and no one can convert to the Druze religion. Judaism isn't as strict: Jews can marry non-Jews, and people can convert to Judaism. However, for most of Jewish history, not that many people converted to Judaism. It was due to more than one reason:
Many non-Jews never got a chance to know Jews and Judaism, so there would be no reason for them consider converting.
Judaism on its part is against trying to convert non-Jews to Judaism (we believe that if someone converts, that means their soul was always Jewish, they were always meant to be a part of the Jewish people. But for that, conversion has to be an act of free will and not the result of a campaign of persuasion).
Jews were persecuted to such a degree, they suffered discrimination in every walk of life you can think of, they were lied about, demonized, repeatedly attacked, too often even massacred, so why would you want to be a Jew? Even if you did get to know Jews and Judaism and decided you liked this, the price to pay for being Jewish was just too great. This was an obstacle to conversion as well as to simply marrying Jews.
This is why for the most part, non-Jews did not convert to Judaism. At the same time, Jews sought to marry other Jews in order to pass on the Jewish identity, faith, values, traditions, culture, language, etc. As one lady explained it to me some years ago, "If you truly believe that a certain set of values is full of good, that your religion is true and enriching, and that your culture is beautiful, why wouldn't you want your kids to have all that as well? And the best way of ensuring that inheritance was by marrying and having kids with another Jew."
That means that to a great degree, the People of Israel (notice, this is what Jews call themselves in the Bible: not the Religion of Israel, the People of Israel, עם ישראל) did remain one people, one nation. Even the exceptional people who did convert to Judaism, they also married into the Jewish people, and their kids married Jews as well, and so did their grandchildren, and so the descendants of converts still shared that same common Jewish ancestry.
And all of this together was probably critical to the survival of Jewish identity. Take for example the Philistines. They were a seafaring people (most likely Greek and originating in the island of Crete based on the pottery they left behind) who invaded the Land of Israel from the west and settled along the southern part of Israel's coast. When the Babylonian empire invaded and occupied the Land of Israel roughly 2600 years ago, the Philistines were expelled to Babylon together with the Jews. But where the Jews maintained their identity long enough for the Persian empire under Cyrus the Great to defeat the Babylonians and allow the return of exiled populations to their homelands, the Philistines disappeared from the pages of history. Historians believe it's most likely that as a small minority, they inter-married with the majority, the Babylonians, to the point where they lost their culture, their language, their faith, and as a result, their distinct identity, and that's why there's no record of them after the expulsion to Babylon.
Now back to the question of casting, while Jews all over the world share common ancestry, we don't necessarily all look the same. The Middle East is actually a place where facial features and skin tones have always been very diverse, and that's what the Jews are, Middle Eastern. Add to that some degree of inter-marriage with convert Jews, and the result is that there really is no one look that all Jews share. So the question of casting, I don't think it's best tackled through that prism. I think it's more about the way the ethnic part of the ethno-religious identity of Jews should be acknowledged. About feeling like we matter, and that casting directors take Jewish identity into account, just like they do when they cast for a black character or an Indian one or a Native American. I also think having this conversation would allow us to talk about how the idea of Jewish facial features HAS BEEN demonized along the centuries (precisely that idea of the "Jewish nose" that was used in ugly antisemitic caricatures, or the idea of Jews having darker complexions than the average European).
Lastly, I know some people might point out that Jews get to be cast as non-Jews, so supposedly this shouldn't prevent non-Jews from being cast as Jews. Well, other actors who are POC are sometimes cast in roles originally intended for white people. An example is the 2018 show Troy: Fall of a City which cast a black Achilles, even though he was Greek (and specifically described as having fair features, as the ancient Greeks believed that was a sign of being favored by the gods). As much as such a casting might stir a discussion, at no point would we assume this means it would be okay to cast a white person in a movie about Martin Luther King Jr.!
Which brings me to another point, the question of which Jewish roles are played by Jews and which are not. This is something that I thought of being a gay woman. I know that a lot of gay actors, once they come out and are publicly perceived as gay, they get type cast as gay. It doesn't matter whether they look gay. It doesn't matter that prior to coming out, they could get lots of straight roles. Once they're identified as gay, there's a world of roles they're not going to get anymore, especially as a romantic lead or an action hero. It's a part of why many gay actors choose not to come out, even if they're okay doing so on every other level.
I'll just stop the analyzing of gay roles for a second to mention that this was true for Jews for a really long time as well. Yes, they were cast in non-Jewish roles, but they had to change their names and make sure no one would know they're actually Jewish. For example, beloved comedian Danny Kay was actually born David Daniel Kaminsky. Kirk Douglas, the movie legend? Born Issue Danielovitch Demsky. Winona Ryder? She was born Winona Horowitz. Natalie Hershlag? You know her as Natalie Portman.
At the same time as openly gay actors are limited to (mostly minor) gay roles, there are MAJOR gay roles in the entertainment industry, the ones that will have prestige attached to them, and those are almost always played by actors who are publicly known as straight. Think of Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal in Brokeback Mountain, Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club or Armie Hammer in Call Me By Your Name. They're all men that the public knows as straight. Now, I think straight people should be able to play gay and learn some empathy for gay people through that, that gay people should get to play straight and not be punished through the loss of work opportunities for being open about being queer, and I also think that when it's all mixed up, that can also prevent the bullying of an actor for taking on a gay role to the point they're forced to come out (by accepting that it's okay to be queer, straight, questioning, gay-but-before-realization, and take on a gay role). BUT I do think we have to talk about the Big Gay Roles being cast almost exclusively by straight actors. We should put studios and execs, not actors, on the spot, and ask them for more Big Gay Roles and for more diverse casting in those roles, and we should def not badger a teenager for being cast in a gay role.
Along the same line, I was asking myself about Big Jewish Roles. TBH, over the years, there haven't been many, give or take mostly Holocaust movies. But now in recent years, we have the non-Jewish Rachel Brosnahan in the lead role as a Jewish woman in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, until that show was canned we had the non-Jewish Kathryn Hahn set to star as the Jewish Joan Rivers, the non-Jewish Daniel Craig was cast as the lead in the movie Defiance which told the real story of Tuvia Bielsky leading a group of Jewish partisans and saving the lives of roughly 1200 Jews during the Holocaust. These are just some examples off the top of my head, there are many more. So yeah, I'd like more Big Jewish Roles and more actual Jews cast in them.
In conclusion, I think Jewish actors being cast in Jewish roles should, at the very least, be talked about because it does matter and it does help explain a part of Jewish identity, and I also think we need more Jewish stories with Big Jewish Roles, and I think it does very much matter that those be cast (at least predominantly if not exclusively) with Jewish actors.
Thank you so much for being interested! And I am so sorry for the length... But I really didn't know how to do this subject justice in less words. xoxox
You can find my ask tag here and my other posts about Jewish representation here. xoxox
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ilovepannacotta · 3 months
Yeah, the entirety of dublith comes off way more differently in fmab than in the manga, and greed and Izumi are definitely the ones who suffered for that.
That scene you’re talking about is a good one! It really made no sense that the entire fight with ling and lan fan vs envy and gluttony was cut? Like, it’s kind of a big deal for them and their quest, but it’s also important for the homunculi because they’re encountering strong foreign warriors getting in the way of their plans to the point that they couldn’t back up lust which led to her dying? I think the thing about that fight I think the most about is when ling is running from gluttony and asking lan fan to toss him his sword. Something about that image is great to me. I do agree though with the whole visible sag of relief that the big bad homunculi are gone and the sort of “what the heck have I really gotten myself into” kinda mood from the usual chill vibe ling.
My favorite scene though is a bit earlier than that. They had a few more scenes in rush valley than just the fight, but the manga also had part of the train ride from rush valley to central and that’s where ling explains fu and lan fan are from a family that’s served his clan for generations. Edward tries to tease him in that whole “oh you’re too chicken to go traveling without your personal retainers” kind of way and there’s just something about ling responding that it’s dangerous for a kid to travel alone and that he’s fifteen that gets me every time. On a more serious note, another scene of ling’s I like from rush valley is after he has his whole “I can’t afford to be worried about appearances” chat with fu and lan fan, he actually has a few panels where he’s internally thinking that something definitely senses off about the country of amestris. Also feels like that was important and shouldn’t have been cut but. Studio bones.
I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THEY DID SO WRONG GREED IN BROTHERHOOD. I'm waiting to read the Dublith arc!! I bought that volume but it will arrive in one or two more weeks, and I need to see what they did to my love. It's a shame that original Greed just appeared in two episodes in fmab, so I hope the manga does him justice 😔
AND YESS!! I love how badass Lan Fan was in that fight while Ling was so confused and crying for help HAJAHDJAHAHA. It's sad how Bones treated the Xing gang so badly (because they also removed all May Chang's first apparition!!!)
I know which scene you are talking!!! Ling being aware he is just a child is so important to me because it makes this contrast with Edward, who always acts like he is a grown-up and can do all by himself. Idk, I love his dynamic, and how Ed is furious because Ling is younger and taller than him.
Bones needs to make another anime adaptation because I'm unsatisfied 😠
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lilcatdraws · 3 months
For the ask game: orchid, abelia, mahonia, camellia, ivy, and aloe vera ☺️💜
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
Oh wow I don’t know if I can answer this 😅 There are lots of songs I consider to be really good but perfect? I don’t know. If it was done perfectly it would have to be sung by either Layne Staley or Chris Cornell. I’m sorry. Maybe I’m biased but those men were absolute legends.
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
I don’t wear jewelry often but one piece I can’t part with is a bracelet I bought at a summer camp when I was seven. I love how it’s made and it’s very nostalgic for me. I’m surprised it’s lasted this long. Another piece I can’t part with was my great grandmother’s red heart necklace that she wore all the time. It has a few jewels missing but that’s okay.
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
I’d say music and other people’s art. It gives me a lot of inspiration. You guys have no idea how many animatics are playing in my head when I listen to music 💀
When ideas come to me, I either make a mental note or if it’s really good I’ll write it down so I don’t forget.
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
When I was a little kid, I was kinda loud, a lot less shy, and spoke my mind. I still do but not as openly. I didn’t start becoming introverted and shy until i was around 11 or 12. I’ve always had anxiety but it didn’t really start getting bad until that time period. And it’s just snowballed from there 🫠
I had a huge imagination back then and I was very creative. I came up with my own stories and made paper “books”. Way before I knew about OCs or fanfiction. Should’ve been a sign I guess.
From the time I was like 9-13 I was so cringe and annoying. I probably got on a lot of people’s nerves lmao. I was a weird kid. I’m still weird but’s a different weird. Idk how to explain it.
I have changed a lot but I still have some of the same interests and hobbies. My personality is definitely different though.
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
My face is definitely a dead giveaway. Like if I’m upset or mad at a situation you can definitely tell. When I’m happy, I get excited and my voice gets higher. When I get embarrassed or flustered, I blush and turn really red, sweat, or stutter. I hate it 😭 When I’m tired, my eyes are droopy and I’ll prop my head up on my arm. I’m usually not in a good mood at all when I’m tired.
I also have a resting bitch face so people usually just assume I’m either mad or sad all the time. Like one time I was just sitting peacefully minding my own business and this random old lady came up to me and said “you don’t have to look so sad all the time” I wanted to deck her 😀 
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
Cleaning and taking care of my own place.
Thank you for the ask! ☺️ Sorry it took so long. I had fun answering!
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the-au-collector · 4 months
I have no backing for this but I feel like every post about KH I’ve been making lately has been very negative??? Idk I reblogged a post today and realized it was really really negative? And like. I don’t like KH3. I stand by that. And it’s because I fucking love this series. I love it’s characters. I love how much of a madman Nomura is.
But. I can also feel the lack of love that went into KH3. That’s not to say there wasn’t any love. The world designs are phenomenal (did you know they modeled a specific city block in San Francisco for San Fransokyo’s level? I need to post that comparison soon). The gameplay, while too flashy and breaking the flow of gameplay constantly, looks really good. The game looks good. It feels good to play. I hate the game yet it’s my most replayed KH game to date.
Yet I can’t help but feel like Nomura was tired when writing it. He was tired of these characters. Tired of this arc. He wanted to move on. I don’t blame him. He’s been working on the Xehanort arc for around a decade. Damn, I would be tired too. But it’s a problem when I can feel that tiredness in the story.
And it permeates the story. The sequel-baiting. The bringing up things out of left field. Fucking Verum Rex. It’s just. KH3 feels tired. It feels tired of its own IP. It feels tired of the arc it’s supposed to be ending. It feels tired of Disney and Sora and the characters we’ve been following for years.
Idk, I mostly just feel disappointed about KH3. At this point, I’m just tired of it. I loathe the game because I love the series and I hate how lackluster of an ending KH3 got because Nomura got tired/wants to do other things with the series (*side eyes the hideous rebrand of Versus XIII as Verum Rex*). This series is near and dear to my heart and it’s just sad. When the game came out, I felt betrayed. There was too much coming out of left field. Too much focusing on what was ahead instead of closing off arcs. It was too little too late.
We waited thirteen years—and for what? For Sora to be sent left and right with no direction across 6 Disney worlds? For everything to be wrapped up in a nice little bow with little to no struggle or emotional agony that all of the previous games have consistently given us? For Sora to just be able to fix things with no consequences? For every world Sora was sent to to feel inconsequential (and I can see the effort there. I can see so, so much effort to make something. Each movie featured has themes of loss and sacrifice but it’s just not there in KH3)? For Sora to not even take a front-seat in most of the story? He’s just there, a vessel for the player to watch events that he has nothing to do with unfold? What happened to Sora, the main character? Why does no one want to involve him on anything? Now he’s just the dues ex machine all the important people get to call when they get in trouble. Where’s the setup? Where’s the payoff? Where’s the hours of Lea agonizing over Roxas and Xion? Where’s Aqua and Ven trying desperately to save Terra, knowing he might be too far gone? Where’s Sora, facing up against the biggest foe of his life, who’s supposed to be the most conniving, deceitful man ever? It all just gets shoved to the end, barely mattering outside of a single world.
The worst part is—I know Nomura can write something good. I know he can do the setup and payoff. He explained why Mickey was shirtless in KH1 for Pete’s sake! He did really good at Union X’s story and making us really care about the new characters we have never met! He made impeccable Disney Worlds in Dark Road that had plot relevance! I know he can make something good, great even! So why didn’t he with KH3?
Sorry for the long post. Figured I’d explain some of my disappointment in KH3. I really do love the series, and it’s what makes KH3 so disappointing and bad to me. I know this is a 5-year old conversation but I’d figured I’d put my 2 cents into the pot.
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strandnreyes · 9 months
Jen, I utterly adore your writing, as I hope I've made clear in the past. My favorite fic of yours is to live for the hope of it all. It was one of the first Lone Star AUs I read and I don't know how many times I've reread. (actually, thinking about it right now is giving me a very strong urge to reread...but I think I need to prioritize a reread of as if you were a mythical thing first!) I've been reading fanfiction since I was 12 in many different fandoms and it's truly one of my favorite pieces of fanfiction EVER.
Anyway, what inspired you to write to live for the hope of it all? Do you have a favorite line or favorite part of it? Was there anything you were going to include but ended up leaving out?
omg wow! thank you so much! your support is so evident and it means so much to me!! ❤️
honestly I have no idea where this story came from tbh! I like writing AUs that have a story or a goal outside of tarlos falling in love. I find those easier to write because there’s something there to move the plot along. So when thinking of a new au to write, I wanted something high-stakes, action/adventure and idk how I got here but I woke up the morning after my birthday with a hangover and a dream and by the end of the day, I had half an outline for this fic sidjsj
I think this was one of my favorite parts:
“Tyler Kennedy isn’t real,” TK says before he even realizes he wanted to. It’s everything he’s been feeling in the simplest of terms. Carlos’ gaze snaps to him, setting down the palm branch in his hand but staying rooted in his spot.
“He’s this perfect version of who I should be. The son of a movie star, the one born for great things, America’s heartthrob. He’s not… he’s not an addict, he’s not gay, and he’s not me,” he explains, suddenly having this urgent desire to be transparent with Carlos, to let him know what he’s getting into. Most people want to be with Tyler Kennedy, and while Carlos has never really known anything but the real version of him, he still has doubts. “He’s not TK.”
A soft smile takes over Carlos’ face as they stare at each other. “Well I really like TK,” he says slowly, knowing exactly what TK’s not saying. “And I think he’s pretty perfect.”
And this (because it goes together)
“Maybe there was a part of me that was worried,” he says as he stares at the wall in front of him. On it there’s an outline of the streets of Austin and Carlos’ clear love for the place he calls home makes TK want to see every inch of it when they eventually make it out of this bedroom.
“That I wouldn’t love you back?” Carlos asks with a hint of confusion, as if he can’t make sense of a world where that would be true.
“That you fell in love with a version of me that I couldn’t be here.”
Carlos hums, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “I don’t need you to be TK for the whole world if that’s not something you’re ready for yet. I just need you to be him for me.”
Those parts feel like an overview of tk’s thoughts and what he struggled with throughout the whole fic (other than the whole ‘will I die here?’ thing)
I don’t think there was anything I had planned to include but then deleted. The story itself feels pretty wrapped up and cohesive to me. Of course there’s a bit of open ended-ness with what Carlos is going to do for a career now (partly because I didn’t know what he was going to do for a career), but the island is the main part of the story and what needed to happen there happened. I do think what happened in the initial crash when TK was still passed out and Carlos was alone would be interesting to dig into
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amournoir · 1 year
Writing Questions Tag Game!
tagged by @fvckinghenrycavill thank you love!
• What is your absolute all-time favourite idea you've ever had?
the general idea that i should write. i had read so many fics and i figured i should try to write one as well. my problem was that i had so many ideas but i couldn’t get them all down fast enough which made me procrastinate but i finished my first ‘series’ and quickly after, i had an idea about another one 😭 i’m not a new writer though, i’ve been writing since i was at least 11, my first ‘public’ story was an OC on quotev which is cringeworthy to read now so i tried brushing it up and posted that on wattpad (ended up making the whole thing private) and then i wrote on tumblr and posted my first ‘fic’.
• Is there a question you've been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes?
no, at least not on tumblr. when i wrote on quotev, i had other writers who asked to be co-authors on my story which made me feel like i was doing something right.
• What is your favourite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
the writing part is my favorite especially if my idea easily flows from my head to my fingertips. i love things that look visually appealing so it takes me a bit longer to make the entire fic look pretty. something i would leave would be writer’s block because it’s not about lacking inspiration, it’s about losing the drive/desire to write anything. it’s even worse when i have a great series lined up but the thought of sitting down and writing it physically makes me sick.
also, i’m a perfectionist, i can’t stand the thought of writing anything that is subpar so i tend to put that wip on the side which i then forget to return to later….on the off chance that i do return to it, i hate the fic idea so now i completely won’t write it. i no longer come up with a fic title, i just write my idea down and keep going, i’ll figure out a title or summary at the end. if i don’t it this way, it’ll force me to look at the fic in one way only which stresses me out because i feel like i can’t deviate from the ‘original’ idea if that makes sense.
• What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
1) reading the responses to my fics + reading fics from other authors that i adore. i’ve read my fair share of fics but only a couple have stood out to me. i gravitate more towards writers that have a similar writing style as myself or those who want to tell a story that you can easily follow along with that pulls you in.
2) music. i can create any fic from either a full song or just one lyrical line (must be powerful enough). i dislike music fics though, you know the ones that have lyrics in the fic….yeah not a fan but that’s my opinion. also, playlists are my favorite thing to ever have existed because i create a whole series from a 1hr playlist.
3) booktok. if you’re on tiktok, you know exactly what i’m talking about when i say ‘booktok’. i won’t go in depth explaining this one but just know it’s deriving ideas from existing books.
• What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
writer’s block is different for everyone and you never know when it’ll actually hit you. i’ve never had it in my whole life up until this year and i totally didn’t know how to ‘handle’ it.
• What is your favourite story you've written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you'd like and can!
i wish i could link it! lol it’s the one in my head, i have 2 series and idk when they’ll ever be done or if they will be.
• What is your favourite out-of-the-box quote?
lol i don’t think i have one
• Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
i’m still working on my wips and there are new characters but surprisingly none of them. their mindset might be controversial to some but not me honestly. i like characters that have an ideal or two that can be relatable, i wouldn’t write characters that are fully unhinged because i can’t force myself into that mindset and it’d be uncomfortable to write. *i will revisit this question later on because it’s interesting to me*
• If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
lmao younger me would definitely think i’ve lost my mind with half the ideas i’ve come up with. also, she might be a bit disappointed because i loved writing poetry and there’s this specific piece of writing that i adore, it’s my favorite thing i’ve ever written and i wish i could write like that again. it was a short story for a class and i wholeheartedly love it. other than that, she wouldn’t be too surprised because i haven’t changed that much, i grew up and so did my perspective of how to write stories.
🏷️ tag you’re it: @dreamingwithrafe @delicate-moon-princess @softcoremaybank @fleurfairie + anyone else!
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belovedmuichiro · 2 years
Your thoughts on adult Nezuko? How would she be? What would she like to do? How would her personality develop after everything she’s been through?
Oh I actually do have some thoughts!! I won’t be talking about her as a mother or wife or anything like that, which I’ll sort of explain in a second.
Here’s some funny ones that happen after she turns human again before I get a little too into it! I just had these on my mind
think that Nezuko would go from being an extreme sleepy head to barely needing any sleep since she was passed out almost constantly for like what, 3 years? It’s so hard to get her to sleep now, and if you somehow do it’s only for a few hours (2 or 3 at most)- it goes on for a few years.
She eats a LOT too, like she rivals Inosuke because she truly misses eating her favorite foods more than anything.
She also gets injured a lot which… doesn’t phase out very fast. She got so used to being literally invincible that she forgets you can’t just. Jump off your roof after fixing it or something. She concerns everyone just a little bit 😅
Okay, so a while ago I read this really great twitter thread on how deeply repressed Nezuko is from being a demon, and honestly I think that would be the base for her personality as an adult. For all that’s happened to her and the things she’s seen, I think that Nezuko would grow up to be someone who is unapologetically herself. She’s spent so much time being someone else (between a dormant person who sleeps her life away and a monster threatening everyone around her) that as an adult, she would come to understand that life is beautiful but sacred, and spending it trying to hide herself away again isn’t worth it. She’s probably more outgoing than ever before, but also more mature than the average adult would be.
I imagine that Nezuko actually wouldn’t get married very quickly. I think that post year update was supposed to imply that Zenitsu and Nezuko got married or at least engaged a year after the war and I’m sorry but I cannot see that happening. She missed like 3 years of her life that she can admittedly get back, but so much happened in that time that nothing will ever be the same again, so I can’t see her immediately jumping to get married like that. I think that Nezuko would spend most of her adulthood adjusting to her new role in her family as both one of the only surviving Kamados, and an independent person.
I actually kind of like the idea that Tanjiro kind of steps down as the head of their family solely because he’s been fighting for so long that he wants to rest!! But Nezuko’s life has finally restarted, so she takes his place as a matriarch of sorts. Like idk I’m really fond of the idea of Nezuko taking back her life and her efforts to enjoy it to the fullest pay off as she’s someone her family fully respects, loves and admires. And Tanjiro would be more than okay with this because he knows that his time fighting built up to a happy, surviving family that wouldn’t of existed otherwise if he didn’t pick up a sword.
Anyway, I think that Nezuko would be like Yoriichi in the sense that she is very open and honest about everything. If you talk with her, she’ll give you honest and heartfelt answers without holding back, even if the topic is something grim or hard to talk about. She doesn’t really judge anyone for the most part, she’s seen a lot of terrible things and even worse demons, so unless you’ve committed a truly terrible and unforgivable crime, she’s very forgiving and willing to listen to reason. I really do think that she would be someone who creates a safe space around her for just about anyone who needs it.
All in all, I think that Nezuko would grow up to be a very mature, understanding but happy and fulfilled (also a little sassy because I love sassy Nezuko). It would probably take a few years to get there since nobody can gain that kind of mentality overnight, but I think that as she grows, she will only get more optimistic and grateful for the life she was given. I also think that she would hold her head up high as a sign of respect to the demon slayers that died in battle, because if she doesn’t, then what did they die for?
As for what she likes to do (sorry I know this post is already long), I think that Nezuko likes to garden and paint! Gardening because even though she did conquer the sun as a demon, that was a relatively short amount of time compared to how long she spent nocturnal, and she never wants to live like that again! She gets tips from Kanao for plants and flowers and starts a pretty decent garden outside their home! And painting because I really like the idea of her and Yushiro becoming friends after everything. They’re the only two people that can really understand each other’s experiences, and it would just be nice to think that Yushiro doesn’t completely shut himself off from everyone, so I like the idea of them learning to paint together and it helps him start his career.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 1 year
I would also love to know what it is about Louis’ fans that makes him feel such a strong connection to them despite everything they do that’s a little invasive.
We obviously only can speculate but..I imagine it might be the unconditional love and loyalty fans invest to support him and to engage in fandom so passionately. This fandom is really fucking invasive and very hard to deal with at times especially when you turn people against you (ask Lisa from bmg or the skinner brothers hahaha). But Louis knows he has our back, no matter what. He can do whatever and he can count on us, we proved it many times. And I feel like he is a very self reflected person and aware of his feelings and also of his past and the mistakes he did back then which maybe other people would get canceled for. The relationship with us that he has, considering his background with the lgbt and some of the controversial things he’s done over his time in the spotlight (and maybe even before he was famous) I guess he doesn’t take it for granted that the same community he has offended/ turned against him a few times is so fond over him and so many queer people identify with him and find comfort in his space. I don’t think that’s something you can explain (as fans we could but Louis himself, not sure). And i can imagine that he regrets a few things he’s done (the tweets from 2014 for example). But his fans were there and are still here and they have forgive him/ have great empathy for him and view him as a great ally (and consider him part of the community as well). I know I can’t speak for him so of course, this is just me speculating but I can imagine that he is deeply thankful for having been in a place where he was allowed to make mistakes and to be confused and to be in a position now where he still has the same people by his side to this day. That his fans always allowed him to explore and to find himself and to change the way he wanted to without leaving him at any point. Idk but this is how I feel when looking at these seas of pride flag at every show. I’m pretty sure that he learned from us as well. (And you know some people love to claim he used to be homophobic which I find debatable but honestly in that case his fanbase is probably the best thing that could have happened to him.)
I do think about this a lot. I hope that Louis feels supported by his fans and by the environment at his shows. I tend to think he does, given certain comments he's made.
I often think about how rainbows are the most prominent queer symbol at Louis' shows, but sometimes I wonder how much that particular symbol resonates with Louis. I see posts from time to time asking why can't Louis verbally acknowledge the flags and the rainbow lights projects - at least in a manner that would position himself as an ally. And I have no way of knowing how Louis feels of course, but I've long thought that rainbows stopped being a safe queer symbol for Louis to openly interact with after the rainbow Apple t-shirt and the Independent article. I imagine that he feels like he can't openly acknowledge the rainbows without outing himself (and I think he's probably right). Anyway, just storytelling on my part. I could be way off-base, but it's something that's been in the back of my mind a lot this year.
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mewmewchann · 2 years
A vento aureo with Josuke au? 👀
Is there anything you're interested in sharing about it? I love hearing about other people's aus.
Sure!! I don’t plan on writing it so I’ll post everything I remember from it here
Bear in mind I came up with the base of it like a year ago and have moved on from it since so most of it is just cliffnotes and some areas are more detailed than others Also I had trouble remembering things so yea
Also you could REALLY tell I was playing favourites in some areas lol
…Also this gets long. Like really long
So the base idea for this AU was “what if Jotaro sent Josuke to check on Giorno instead of Kokichi and he stuck around for the whole part” So first few episodes are mostly the same, except when Koichi decided to leave and go back to Morioh Josuke figured “huh my technically once removed uncle is actually pretty neat I’mma see if I can hang out with him more” and literally sneaks onto Team Bucciarati’s boat just so he can follow Giorno So Giorno has to explain that to the gang, and Bruno just figures “eh he can’t exactly back out now and his stand is pretty powerful so he can come too I guess”
The main storyline changes that I had down don’t come until Bruno decides to betray the boss, so the changes before that are basically:
The gang don’t trust Josuke at first and it does take some time for them to warm up to him ...Narancia and Mista consider him a bro immediately but that’s besides the point
Abbachio is probably a bit more standoffish to Giorno since he accidentally brought an outsider into things
I had the idea of him being there for the Illuso just for the joke of Giorno saying that he has to resort to the whole bricksnake thing despite there being a healer literally RIGHT THERE
Grateful Dead probably would’ve been a lot easier to deal with because of Crazy Diamond, he could’ve just kept reversing the water back to ice over and over. The dude literally uncooked spaghetti back in Part 4
Also some of the interactions between him and the gang would’ve been great
Anyway, now to the major changes!
So the first major change is that Fugo actually gets on the boat this time. Why? Three reasons:
So that the numbers made sense for the Chariot Requiem fight
...He's a comfort character to me okay
Because it’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later
So then after that the Clash/Talking head fight happens which probably remains the same, but if I’m getting his powers right Notorious BIG probably would’ve been dealt with easier too? Like Josuke could’ve healed Giorno’s hands back and been able to heal the others so they could fight back once it came back, then Spice Girl would’ve done her thing
And then Abbachio dies.
This is essentially the point of no return here, since the boss killed one of their own, but Josuke decides to stay anyways since he feels he needs to bring justice for Abbachio’s death.
As for Fugo (since he’s here too), he feels...Complicated.
Because remember Araki’s original plan for Fugo? Yeah, I decided to bring that back here too. Kinda. (this was essentially my justification for having Fugo there so bear with me on this) Cue a new miniature arc (Idk if this would’ve taken place before or replaced the Cioccolata fight, but this was like a year ago I can’t remember things) that I called the “Kiss the Sky arc”. ...Yeah it’s based on the lyrics of Purple Haze
Essentially Diavolo was using him as a mole and wanted him to hinder their progress, but after seeing him kill Abbachio he wants out of their deal, as he never wanted any of his friends to die. This obviously pisses Diavolo off, and through some sequence of events the group finds out. The gang of course feels betrayed, but before they can even attempt to talk it out Fugo lashes out with Purple Haze and makes a break for it. (also this would be the point where Giorno realised that Bruno was a living corpse since “oh shit, he isn’t affected by Purple Haze wtf”) An argument over whether or not they have to kill him ensues, when Josuke eventually comes in like “HOLD ON A FUCKIN SECOND LET’S THINK ABOUT THIS”, as he figures that the boss was only using him as a pawn due to his powerful stand ability. He says that because of this they shouldn’t kill him because of a scenario where he had no control of anything, and they should at least try to get him back. Giorno agrees and eventually the others do too, and a big emotional fight scene happens where Fugo essentially begs Giorno to kill him to atone for his betrayal, Giorno refuses and a lot of crying and emotion happens and yaaay Fugo’s back again
Then if the Cioccolatta fight happened here then I had this amazing mental idea of the Seven Page Muda being a combo attack between Giorno and Josuke because that would’ve been dope
And after that is another grey area. Whoops
Well the body swap still happens, but Giorno switches with Josuke and Fugo switches with Narancia here Narancia still would’ve died, Fugo probably would’ve either died or been grievously injured, and I think at some point I actually considered killing Josuke off during the final battle. Idk if I would’ve gone through with it if I actually wrote this but I remember this being an idea I considered because Diavolo probably would’ve taken one look at Crazy Diamond and figured “okay this is way too broken for them” and would’ve made at least some attempt on him
But yeah, this is all I can remember. I had this idea like a year ago and hadn’t thought of it since and just randomly remembered it today, and I had some pretty cool ideas there hahaha
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