#harry styles narcolepsy
finelinevogue · 3 years
Are you writing more narcolepsy? Or more brother Harry? All your writing is 😘 but they’re very different to anything I’ve ever read and I love them! Also I loved the gang kidnapped one!!!
anon: Are you writing more of the narcolepsy one shots? X
anon: more harry with narcoleptic reader ? i love your works !!
i feel like there’s only so much i can do with narcoleptic reader, but here’s another blurb ‘cause it was highly requested!! ;
It was a big night tonight.
All your life you’ve felt like a burden or an obstruction in people’s lives, Harry’s and your families included, because of the condition you have.
Narcolepsy is no joke and it’s a fucking pain in the ass to be tired all of the time. You hated feeling sorry for yourself. You hated feeling like everything that you did wasn’t ever good enough. You hated that people didn’t take narcolepsy seriously and worse, some people didn’t even know what it was so they never knew how to deal with people who had it. You believed it was something more people should know about and understand.
So you wrote a book.
After 3 years, you had now published that book. It took a long time, due to your condition and you weren’t prepared to have a ghost-writer. You were very proud of your book though, it being a mixture of an autobiography, a factual help book and other peoples stories that you thought deserved a voice. Many late nights and stressful meetings later you were very happy with the resulting book.
Today was the release date and you were having a party to celebrate it.
Harry had rented out a loft apartment in London, somewhere expensive, and had organised decorations and catering. He had been the most supportive boyfriend through this whole process and he genuinely couldn’t be prouder of someone other than you. Your whole family, including Harry’s, and friends were all coming along with your new book publishing family and your PR team.
It was going to be such a good evening, but it didn’t help that you felt so stupidly tired.
Last night you didn’t get too much sleep as you were both nervous and stressed about today. You regretted that now as you were trying to get ready as well as keeping your eyes open as best as you could. You were so frustrated that you were going to be the one to ruin your evening. You thought it’d be Harry dropping cake down himself or your manager making an embarrassing speech, but no.
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror in your underwear after just coming out of the shower, you inspected your under eye circles and wanted to cry at how dark they were. You hung your towel up and sat down on the edge of the bathtub, needing a moment to soften your tiredness. You closed your eyes and tried to control your breathing so you could calm yourself down slightly.
“Babe?” Harry shouted up to you, obviously reading that your heartbeat was slowing down because you were settling down. “Y/N, darling, where are you?”
You heard him run up the stairs and rustle around through the bedrooms until he saw you sat on the bathtub ledge, nearly about to fall off it. He caught you before you could topple over. Unfortunately, for you, you woke yourself up by falling and startling yourself to the point where you were worried because you were so disorientated.
“O-oh i’m sor—” You began, but Harry cut you off.
“No. Don’t do that. Don’t apologise for that.” He shook his head, making it clear to you that he never wanted you to apologise for things that didn’t need your apology.
“Okay.” You nodded your head and you sat in his lap contently, resting your head against his chest as you sat sideways.
“Y’okay m’love?” He asked carefully, knowing you didn’t like it when he became overbearing.
“Just so tired. Hate this so much.” You huffed and blew out a short breathe before you could let the frustrated tears take over. “Why can’t I just be normal?”
Harry pulled your chin to face him and you could tell by the serious look on his face that he wasn’t too happy with what you just said. He kept eye contact with you for a moment, shaking his head sadly before speaking.
“I just don’t understand how y’can be so cruel to yourself. Y’re the most important person in m’life and it hurts me to think y’think about y’self this way.” He shook his head again, more in disappointment over the fact he’d not done enough to convince you that you were enough. That this condition didn’t define who you were and that you were a fucking strong woman for getting through it all day by day.
“My book launch is in an hour Harry and I couldn’t feel worse about myself right now. I just want to sleep.” You started to tear up, a mixture of being tired and so angry at yourself.
Harry’s watch beeped to signify a change in your heartbeat. It seems like you got your wish as sleep overtook you instantly, without warning. Harry caught your head before it could fall back. He kissed the tip of your nose and whispered how much he loved you and how proud he was of you, before standing up with you in his arms and carrying you towards your bed. He didn’t care that you had to be at the venue within the next hour, all he cared for was you and making sure you were okay.
So he let you sleep.
You woke up with a raging headache around twenty minutes later, heavily disoriented. Your memory slowly pieced things back together and you slowly crept out of bed in search of your boyfriend.
Following the smells of freshly baked goods, you entered the kitchen to the sight of Harry frosting some cupcakes that he’d been making that morning whilst some brownies baked away in the oven. He looked funny in his apron that was pink and had frills all over it, as if it was something your grandma would’ve worn in the 40s. You made yourself present and Harry smiled at you as he stopped frosting the cakes.
“Y’okay sleeping beauty?” Harry asked, opening his arms as you walked towards him and straight into his awaiting hug. Your heart always melted when he called you that nickname, because it fit perfectly and made you feel extra special.
“Better.” You nodded against his chest, feeling his lips leave a warm kiss to your forehead, before he pulled away and let you stand against the kitchen counter as he finished frosting.
“Y’still up f’your book launch. Can postpone if y’not up to it tonight?” He asked, eyeing you from the side to judge what you were feeling about the whole situation.
“N-no. I want to go. Need to go. It’s my special night and I deserve it.” You said, taking control of your condition for once and telling it to back off for a change.
“Yes y’fucking do, baby.” Harry smiled, moving in quickly to leave a soft kiss to your lips that left you smiling so widely.
“Just don’t wanna be late.” You sighed, thinking about the struggles of getting ready and choosing what to wear and such.
“A queen is never late, everyone else is simply early.” Harry answered, finishing his last cake and putting the piping bag down on the counter side too.
“Did y’just quote The Princess Diaries?” You laughed, making Harry laugh when he saw your giggly smile.
“Babe, y’know how much I love those movies.” He said as if your question had been a stupid one to ask. He actually did though.. love those movies. So much so that he had requested a tiara and tea party for his 25th birthday one year. You loved him so much for being him.
“Okay then.” You clapped your hands before backing out of the room, “This queen better go get beautiful then.”
As you ascended the stairs you heard Harry shout after you, “Y’re always beautiful Y/N L/N!”
It took twenty minutes to get dressed and ready, adding on lots of perfume and dry shampoo for the fact you didn’t bother having a shower. Harry got changed and ready in ten, leaving you to arrive 5 minutes late to the event like the queen you were crowned, by Harry, to be.
Harry brought along all his baked goods and set them out on the catering tables so people could snack on them later.
You’d done a few rounds and said hello to a lot of familiar faces. You’d been more closely drawn to yours and Harry’s family though, who were all conversing with each other nicely. As the evening progressed you got more tired with each person you spoke to, but pushed on through until the very last minute. You’d done a few moving speeches and you even signed a few copies of your books for people, hoping they didn’t just go sell them on eBay. The evening was truly so marvellous and Harry’s cakes went down very well.
“I didn’t even get to eat one of y’cakes y’know.” You pouted, now laying in bed with Harry.
After a very steamy and long shower together you were now ready for a good nights sleep. Harry laid on his back and you laid on your front on top of him. He drew patterns along your bare back with his slender fingers as you traced the tattoos on his chest with yours.
“I’ll bake y’100 tomorrow.” He replied and you hummed in delight at the thought of him putting so much time and effort into doing something solely for you.
“100? That’s a lot of cakes.”
“Well, i’ve got a lotta love for you.” He replied, making your cheeks blush and push them further into Harry’s chest to hide yourself better.
“Thank you, Harry. For everything.” You said softly.
That’s the last thing you remembered before falling into a thick dreamy sleep. You didn’t remember Harry turning off the light or him taking a quick selfie of you both at the sight of you cutely sleeping on his chest so tightly. You didn’t remember the moving of limbs as Harry turned on his side to spoon you and shushing you as you moaned in discomfort in your sleep. And you, unfortunately, never heard Harry whisper the words that always meant the most to you;
“I love you, Y/N, m’sleeping beauty. And i’ll forever be the proudest of you.”
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Sat 2 Mar
First news of the day was a wild Zayn popping up to randomly tweet "love you" @gigi. The reaction to this is mostly along the lines of UGH, and Why?? Some optimists hoped it was a publicity bid for something from Zayn, but it seems that in fact it's to deflect from a flurry of very bad press that Gigi is dealing with atm. Vogue Hong Kong selected her for the cover of their inaugural issue, but then deleted the posted cover from their Instagram in the face of an outcry from people who remember her anti-Asian racist video of a couple years ago and feel she is not a good choice for the face of the new Asian market Vogue; Zayn's tweet has successfully redirected the chatter about her to something more positive. Anyway, songwriter team MYKL posted a nice old pic of Zayn today, riding the positive response to their recent interview in which they talk about working with him.
Lots and lots of talk of Louis' single everywhere, but fans got restless about the lack of posts from him, with worries cropping up that Taylor Swift, already a controversial figure in this fandom, may be dropping her new single the same day as Two Of Us. But team Lou haven't forgotten us- Louis went out to 'run into' a few (familiar, label approved) fans today in London, and hit the town with the lads this evening. The lad crew posted from somewhere with Clifford during the day, then they all headed out to Cirque le Soir so we got cute drunk sweater pawed Louis pics and videos. Odds are good that Eleanor is also there and we'll get pap pics sometime after I post, but as we all know she hates cameras so that's probably why we haven't seen her yet. Meanwhile, the Two of Us fan promo machine is moving into action, with packets going out to radio stations and a cool video campaign of people writing letters to Louis on the style of the lyric teaser video kicking off.
Harry also headed out to be seen in London, also meeting up with some (familiar, label approved) fans and signing things for them. It sounds like he continued to decline photos, and he didn't seem real enthused about signing either, trailing right off in the middle of the sentence. "All my lo!" Uh no Harry, that's pretty clearly only part of your love; to be exact, half. He did take the time to introduce them to his friend Jeffrey. Okay! Thanks for letting us know you were out working, in case it wasn't totally clear! Got it. They asked about new music and he said, "you never know" which is classic Harry swerve and to my ears, pretty clearly means absolutely nothing at all, but some people got worried about him releasing music at the same time as Louis. I don't think we have any reason to think that's an issue as of now, so if we're gonna talk about Harry music, let instead focus on him ig following Rihanna and get our hopes unrealistically high! I mean, the follow is Met Gala related. But still!
Niall liked a text post suggesting some people deserve to be punched for the way they act online then he helpfully modeled absolutely ideal online behavior by reposting Hozier's repost of Niall's story praising Hozier's album, which Hozier than reposted in a dizzying infinity mirror like recursive ig story. Another quote from the golf podcast popped up too, of Niall expressing pride at having gotten some of his young women fans into golf. Well, I guess he could be leading them in worse, uh, directions.
Finally, Liam was, yet again, photographed with a fan while on his morning run in London.
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londonfoginacup · 3 years
Hi!! H17 please :)
This is, of course, entirely subjective lolll
Tumblr media
you got me shakin' | writtensoul Harry/Louis | 4k
louis and harry live next door to each other and harry is a phone-sex operator and louis is jealous. “I suppose I was. Do you like my dress? You’re a phone-sex operator.” And, well, that wasn’t supposed to come out, but it did.
Mange de la Merde et Meurs (a love story) | tomlinsunshine Harry/Louis | 3k
”High five me, Liam.” Liam does not high five him. He just stands there, hands shaking by his sides, and whispers, “You sent Harry Styles an envelope full of anthrax because you think he’s cute?”
Tell Me Where You're Hiding Out | halolove Harry/Louis | 9k
The OT5 roadtrip gone wrong.
The Flatmates | Centa0592 Harry/Louis | 48k
Harry is a cheeky Alpha who vows never to settle down. Louis is a hurt omega whose Alpha died just before they could bond officially. Zayn is an artistic Alpha who doesn’t understand privacy, or personal space. Liam is a curious Beta who is convinced the world is going to end. And Niall is a drunk Beta who keeps falling asleep randomly without finishing his sentences….he might also suffer from narcolepsy. None of the lads know for sure.
Shot Me Out Of The Sky | foxandbee Harry/Louis Zayn/Liam | 26k
Harry means well, he honestly does, but he also has a disproportionately large pie-hole which can sometimes get him into trouble. Take right now for instance, when someone’s out to get him, shots are being fired, Paul-the-human-bullet-vest is squishing him into the concrete and Harry really just wishes he knew when to keep his mouth shut. He blames it all on his underpants. Alternatively, the story where Harry’s a passionate-if-slightly-misguided popstar who may or may not have multiple assassins out to kill him.
Battle Cry | Velvetoscar Harry/Louis | 21k
Harry's got a heart, a soul, and a band. And with that, obviously, comes a future paved in great success, right? So all he has to do is win the Battle of the Bands, right? Simple. What's not so simple is the fact that Louis Tomlinson is his biggest competition. And also happens to be made of everything that Harry's ever wanted. No... That's not simple at all.
Just Me, You, And This Box of Matches | tomlinsunshine Harry/Louis Zayn/Liam Zayn/Perrie | 87k
Louis is fairly sure that his new neighbour is going to destroy him. And also their apartment building, and the dumpsters outside, and all the forests within a thirty mile radius. But. Mostly him.
Have You Coming Back Again | whoknows Harry/Louis | 31k
It’s five o’clock in the morning. Louis has a lecture at half eight. He could be using this time to study or to do his readings or to go to the gym, but - well. He doesn’t have any exams coming up, he’s not going to his seminar today anyway and he hates the gym. Instead he’s using this time to fuck with Harry Styles’ poor little brain. Louis jogs across the street and jabs the key into the car door. It opens easily, not that he was expecting anything else. He copied the key for a reason, after all. He’s got Harry’s schedule memorized, more because the guy keeps following him around than anything, so he doesn’t bother looking around before climbing behind the wheel and setting his bag on the passenger seat. It’s a Monday, which means that Harry doesn’t even get out of bed before noon unless he’s planning on harassing Louis.
Mystery Fic Rec Game
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fluffnstuffjojos · 4 years
Fluffnstuffjojos Masterlist
Started: 05.27.20 Last Updated: 5.29.20 Total Number of Works: 314 
**Notes: If you are sending requests, please make sure to read the rules first. There are characters within the masterlist for which I do not currently write for.
Jojo Combo Posts (All Jojos or Multiple Jojos):
**Note these fluctuate between being everyone and only the ones I currently write for based on the date they were written! A mess! I may reorganize some day, but for now, feel free to browse! Mix of headcanons/scenarios 
Longest morning routines 
Thoughts on horror movies
Disney Princes/Princesses
Peppering Josuke/Giorno with Morning Kissies
Facetime Headcanons
Getting Postcards from Traveling s/o
Rainy Day Headcanons
Social Media Headcanons
Modern College Headcanons
Dancing to Smashing Pumpkins (Suggestive NSFW)
Incorporating s/o into Workout Routine 
Josuke and Joots s/o with a stand that manifests while they’re asleep
Falling for a drifter
Jotaro/Josuke/Johnny Reacting to Affectionate s/o
S/o with chronic Nosebleeds
Duckling Imprinting
Joseph/Giorno/Jolyne Insecure s/o
Autistic s/o who hates loud noises/crowds 
Jonathan/Joseph/Jotaro/Josuke Flexing to Impress s/o 
Reacting to a cheating s/o
Butt squeezes
S/o has no sense of direction
Male s/o in a wheelchair 
Talented Baker teaches Jojos how to bake
Reacting to s/o placing a flower crown on their head
Missing and/or trapped s/o
Reacting to s/o getting a grill 
Playing with s/o’s hair as they fall asleep
S/o appreciating Jojo’s bodies 
S/o doing their makeup 
Types of Youtube Channels
S/o decking a trash-talker 
Rescuing s/o who is the “damsel in distress” type 
Reacting to s/o biting them 
Distracting s/o before hitting someone (Gappy style) 
Jotaro/Josuke reacting to s/o blacking out/hitting their head 
S/o who wears crop tops
Wearing Jojo’s clothes and mocking them/posing playfully 
S/o dies, but they are unable to find their body
Crushing on the same gender
How they feel about s/o calling them “Jojo” 
Cop Josuke hunts Mafia Giorno
3-8 comforting s/o with their stand
Jojo Hugs 
Playing dead to prank/scare s/o 
Vines/fave videos  
Indulging in fashion with s/o 
Great-Grandpa Jonathan with kid Josuke 
Contortionist s/o 
Jotaro/Gappy/Josuke s/o kidnapped by enemy stand user 
Fave memes
Serenading their  s/o 
S/o dying without them being able to say goodbye 
catching s/o after they fall 
S/o makes homemade Valentine’s Day chocolate 
Spoiling s/o on Valentine’s Day 
Self-conscious, chubby trans man s/o
Absent Father Comfort 
Giorno/Josuke/Jolyne insomniac s/o 
Taking care of s/o on their period 
Helping trans s/o into their binder
Jotaro/Josuke - s/o dresses like a sukeban/female delinquent  
Boys finding out the girl they’re flirting with is into girls  
Jotaro/Johnny/Gappy s/o steals their hat 
Playfighting with s/o
S/o playing with their hair 
S/o with mental illness(es) 
Squeezing Jojo bobbies (the original is linked here too!) 
Onesies (original is linked as well!) 
Androgynous GF 
Jonathan raising Joseph 
Jotaro/Johnny mute s/o
Joseph Raising Josuke 
1-4 + Johnny strong/small s/o 
Jonathan/Jotaro/Johnny s/o with anger issues 
Danger-seeking s/o 
Clothes stealing s/o 
S/o has a destructive/intimidating stand 
Getting s/o in the mood (nsfw-ish) 
Assorted Character Combos Grab Bag 
Johnny/Diego/Gappy Confessions Headcanons
Jotaro/Jonathan/Polnareff Painful Period Comfort Scenarios
Jotaro/Kakyoin/Polnareff/Josuke s/o talking in their sleep
Kakyoin/Polnareff/Rohan/Gyro S/o with narcolepsy 
Josuke/Jolyne/Rohan coaxing depressed s/o out of bed
Jotaro/Gyro/Rohan cheering up sad s/o 
Josuke/Giorno/Polnareff 20 Nugget Challenge
Jotaro/Polnareff/Josuke/Okuyasu Slow Dancing with s/o
Jotaro/Polnareff/Josuke/Okuyasu crush suffering from Hanahaki disease
Johnny/Gyro/Jotaro with a s/o who is a saddle bronc rider 
Jonathan/Caesar cuddles/fluff
Caesar and Gappy s/o fears rejection when requesting affection
Jotaro/Josuke - s/o telling him they’re pregnant 
Jonathan/Kakyoin - s/o hates their body 
Female friend asks Josuke/Polnareff for advice on flirting with women
Dio and Jolyne trans s/o 
Jotaro, Polnareff, Josuke, Okuyasu saving s/o from an enemy stand
Jotaro/Joseph/Dio with beautiful s/o 
Jonathan/Josuke/Kakyoin comforting lonely/stressed out s/o 
Okuyaus/Polnareff/Caesar/Jotaro Powderpuff GF 
Jonathan/Dio/Johnny/Gyro first “I love you” from s/o 
Jotaro/Kakyoin/Josuke/Okuyasu motivating s/o to work 
Jonathan/Part 4 Squad being protective
Caesar/Okuyasu/Josuke/Dio Taking s/o shopping 
Jobros Mario kart 
Jonathan/Josuke/Okuyasu/Kakyoin Comfort
Caesar/Polnareff/Josuke/Okuyasu winning the lottery
Jonathan/Josuke/Okuyasu/Polnareff musical roles 
Jotaro/Josuke/Okuyasu kickboxing s/o 
Jonathan holiday headcanons & Okuyasu sex headcanons
Jotaro/Kakyoin/Josuke/Okuyasu Sports/clubs 
Jotaro/Kakyoin/Josuke/Okuyasu with s/o who just applied for college 
“You’re safe now, I’ve got you” Polnareff/Jonathan
“Hey! I was going to eat that!” Joseph/Okuyasu
Cakes for Jonathan/Josuke/Okuyasu/Gyro
Part 1: 
Dio trying to steal/win s/o from Jonathan
Jonathan Joestar
Starting a relationship with someone outside of the aristocracy 
Modern headcanons! 
Father and Husband Headcanons
Ghost Jonathan watching over loved one 
Date at the Opera
Forever and Always (Jonathan contracts Vampirism and s/o vows to stay with him)
Valentine’s Day  
My Immortal  (immortal Jonathan finds his soulmate) 
Happy Honeymoon
Dio Brando:
Using Rich BOI™ tactics to woo shy s/o 
“Pillarman” s/o who loves being superior/intimidating to him 
Rather Harshly (Post-snapping at s/o comfort)
Impeccable Tastes (Dio has to feed from s/o) 
A Sense of Belonging (Jealous/Possessive Dio)
Part 2: 
Joseph/Caesar with a fellow Hamon user who is laidback and silly 
Poly Caesar/Joseph swing dancing with s/o
Joseph Joestar:
Reacting to Holly’s Wedding 
Raising Holly 
Fierce Protector (Protecting s/o from a BUG) 
Indifferent (Chasing a girl who isn’t Interested)
Caesar Zeppeli:
“What’s wrong, darling?”  (comforts s/o with depressive episodes (feat. my bad art))
Direct Instruction (S/o teaching him how to play violin)
Part 3: 
Dio and Jotaro Fluff 
Polnareff/Kakyoin Comforting stressed s/o
Poly Jotaro/Kakyoin Comatose S/o post Dio Nonsense™ 
Poly Jotakak Valentine’s Day
Jotaro Kujo: 
Comforting Anxious/Stresses s/o
Cheating on his s/o (ANGST)
BFF Headcanons
S/o who gets upset when he raises his voice 
Joots being CUTE 
Crushing on a himedere girl 
Tranquil/gentle s/o 
NSFW Joots (Obvi NSFW) 
Mothering s/o taking care of Part 4 squad = Jealous Joots 
small gf 
Jewelry headcanons
Singing in the shower
Pastel s/o
Forgiveness (Post-Argument Fluff)
Toxic Behavior (Crush is Leery of how Joots treats Women)
Tidepool Gatherings  (Meeting a Mermaid)
Maritime Fun (Boat trip with s/o)
Just Breathe (s/o teaches Joot how to use hamon)
Joots Jr.  (Super smart s/o makes a robot)
The Shape of Water (Joots meets a fishy person) 
Homemade (Homemade birthday cake & kissy) 
Introductions (Jotaro introducing s/o to Part 4 squad) 
Cop a Feel (Accidentally grabs a boobie while helping)
No Place like Home (Takes stand user s/o home after they’re injured) 
Past Scars (Self-Harm Scars Fluff)
“You look so cute when you pout like that”
A Joestar to Die for  (Zeppeli descendant gives their life for Joots)
A Joestar to Die for Aftermath  (Joots loses his cool)
Kakyoin Noriaki:
s/o appreciating him 
cute relationship headcanons (plus my cursed art)
Fluff headcanons
Firsts (Male s/o First Kiss)
Spelling Trouble (Honors student Kak falls for delinquent school girl)
Spoiled Rotten Spoiling s/o on Valentine’s Day 
Need a... Dad? s/o is a single mother 
Jean Pierre Polnareff:
Part 3 and 5 Fluff 
Himedere GF with a hidden vulnerable/lonely side 
Giving s/o a tour of Paris
Part 4: 
Oku seeing Josuke without his hair up for the first time 
Josuke and Okuyasu New Year’s Kisses 
WHOMST is Josuke/Okuyasu checking out with binoculars in the header???
Josuke and Okuyasu antics 
Poly Josuyasu taking care of sick s/o
Josuke/Okuyasu with a s/o who always steals their clothes 
Part 4 Squad with a non-verbal/reserved crush
Part 4 Squad Music Tastes & Bonus oldie but goodie 
Vacations with the boys! 
Boys in a band! 
Famous boys 
Josuke/Okuyasu being Hayato’s big bros 
Boys as firemen
Secret Santa 
Josuke/Okuyasu future careers/relationships/families
Josuke/Okuyasu sharing a crush who likes them both 
Josuke/Okuyasu sharing a crush poly relationship (cont. from original) 
Josuke and Rohan Comforting s/o during a rough time
Part 4 Crew Ideal S/o
Poly Josuyasu and s/o with Mario Party 
Poly Josuyasu with severely injured s/o
Josuke/Josuke’s gf/Okuyasu as a Ron, Hermoine, and Harry trio
Josuke Higashikata:
Werewolf Josuke and Female s/o
Male Crush
Childhood Friend Mutual Pining
Soulmate AU 
Protecting s/o from catcaller(s) 
Helping/keeping s/o company while their mom is in the hospital
Mutual pining shy crush 
Rural s/o is baffled by Morioh 
Twin Sister
Waiting Up (Josuke has a late night and you wait on him) 
Hiding a Part of You  (Discovering s/o has a secret stand)
Sting of Betrayal (Forgiving s/o for Betrayal)
“For your eyes only..” (Josuke gets a text (NSFW-ish)
Star Crush Mario Party Confessions with Crush 
Tentative (Hesitant to makeout and ruin the romance)
Missing Something (Comforting s/o grieving a sibling)
Make it all Better (Bad day comfort)
Got Moves (Dancing with a boi)
Mornings Like These (Josuke Fluff)
Taste of your own Medicine (s/o mimics his pomp with their own hair)
Deeper Pain (Can’t protect s/o from grief)
Sound of your Voice (Reading to s/o)
Soft Boy (S/o teasing “delinquent” Josuke for being a big ol’ softie)
"Breathe with me” (Anxiety comfort)
Romance Kinda Guy (First Valentine’s Day date) 
“I had a nightmare” 
Batter Up! (Softball/baseball gf)
Dog Hair (Corgi antics)
Little Helper (Tries to win his ex-wife back with their kid’s help)  
Bloodlines (Crush is Caesar’s grandchild)
Christmas Tree Murder (Josuke knocks over the tree) 
Sunshine (Helping s/o fall asleep after a bad day)
Disinterested (Falling for someone who isn’t interested back) 
Single Father (s/o dies and Josuke raises their daughter) 
Feline Overlord (Cat Hates Josuke) 
“I’m not jealous” 
“You can’t keep doing this.”
“This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done” 
PS2 Squared (s/o and Josuke have similar gift ideas) 
Okuyasu Nijimura:
Foreign s/o 
Proposal Headcanons
Sweet/shy s/o 
Clingy Oku 
Driving, hugging, anger headcanons
Getting a Kitten
Fluffy Morning Lovin’ (NSFW AS HECK) 
“Yell, Scream, Cry” (Angst Prompt)
Baked Goods (Baking with the GF) 
Long-Distance (s/o Flies to Morioh to meet for the first time)
“You aren’t dumb, Oku,” (Comfort/fluff)
Fixer Upper (S/o and Oku fix up his house)
Love Letters (Flustered Oku gives male crush a love letter)
Valentine’s Day Korean BBQ 
Meeting the Fam (Bringing home s/o for the first time)
“You’re not falling behind,” 
Entrapment (Rescuing kidnapped s/o) 
“Come ‘ere” (Using his stand with GF (light suggestive nsfw))
Care (Taking care of hurt s/o)
Scatterbrained (So excited he forgets to respond to a confession)
Spirited (Ghost girlfriend )
“You can’t die”/”I’m not losing you again”/”Hold me back!” 
“I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot” 
Stray Cat Adventures 
Loss (Oku is Missing Keicho)
Rohan Kishibe:
Flexible/athletic s/o 
Daddy Kink (NSFW) 
Blind s/o
Pianist s/o
Unique (Comforting s/o insecure over their “cutesy” art)
First Valentine’s Day 
Transgressions (Getting a cat without his permission)
Valued (Receiving expensive gifts)
“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion” 
Part 5: 
Giorno Giovanna:
Reacting to a member of La Squadra defecting to join them 
Finding a former classmate is a member when he joins the gang 
Don Gio romancing an American Tourist
Raising Kids 
Surprises (Finding out s/o is pregnant) 
Hanging On (Has twins, but one is in critical condition) 
Young Love (Falling for a younger Passione member) 
Part 6: 
Jolyne Kujo:
“You look tired” 
Part 7: 
Drunk Johnny and Gyro Headcanons 
Johnny and Gyro on s/o’s birthday 
Gyro/Johnny Christmas/Holidays
Poly Johnny/Gyro/Diego convince s/o horses aren’t scary
Johnny and Diego trans boy Crush
Johnny Joestar:
Valentine’s Day 
Kissing Headcanons
Fall for You (Falling for female friend)
Left Behind (S/o leaving him for someone else) 
Jealous Type (Jealous over guys hitting on s/o)
Quality Time  (Fluffyness) 
“I could kiss you right now” 
Gyro Zeppeli:
Fluff headcanons
Small/strong s/o 
S/o with chronic pain and in a wheelchair 
Fatherhood (Finding out he’s going to be a dad)
Twists of Fate (Crushing on foreign executioner who hates him!)
Lady and the Tramp (Spaghetti Kiss)
Bundle of Nerves  (Nervous proposal)
Chance Encounter (Pretty Lady at the Bar)
Diego Brando:
Petting and Feeding him ROCKS 
Show-rider crush
Having his boobies squeezed 
Sharing is Caring (Sharing a bed with his crush)
It’s a Date (Dinner Date)
Thoughts of the Future (Dinner Date Proposal!!)
Part 8:
Poly Yasuho/Gappy
Gappy (Josuke) Higashikata:
Falling for Female Crush
Soft spot headcanons
Fatherhood (Finding out he’s going to be a dad)
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weidol-bot · 3 years
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✧・゚:* CHO HYESOO !
known as weidol's first true ace-in-the-hole, hyesoo is best-known for her hit album, CRYSTAL TELESCOPE, and her intoxicating indie sound. she flaunts her lunar child status with grace and elegance, even if she's a bit on the loopy side - still, it adds to her charm, doesn't it? drink in the moonlight. it won't last forever.
hyesoo's text is blue. her emoji is 🌙. she is 23 years old, pansexual, poly, and single.
posts are at this link. chatter is at this link. plots and more details are found below.
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✧・゚:* SFW !
hyesoo knows how to play the violin after studying it for years. many of her fans are begging her on twitter to drop a violin album, since she's never publicly played.
she enjoys a little forbidden sippy (alcohol) from time to time, even if she doesn't tell anybody. a lot of her best songs were written while she was tipsy.
she's considered to be eccentric, enjoying stargazing and reading more than partying and going out, often making her seem like a bit of a recluse.
she's not very easy to surprise, but if you manage to get her good, she'll commend you for it. try catching her off-guard!
her favourite food is doenjang jjigae, as well as anything salty. she's also a massive foodie - she can put away so much food, it's absolutely unreal.
she's a harry potter nerd, and prides herself on being a ravenclaw.
she's pretty easy to talk to, but it takes a lot of courage for her to approach people. though she's charismatic, she still finds it difficult.
not many things make her upset, so it's hard to truly anger her. however, if you ever piss her off, you'd better start running.
she has very mild narcolepsy.
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✧・゚:* NSFW !
switch. however, she tends to dom more with women and sub more with men.
she knows she has a fat ass. stop telling her.
not incredibly experimental, but moderately kinky.
she enjoys being referred to as "miss" or "ma'am" when dominant, but she prefers being called "darling" when submitting.
her favourite position is doggy style or tribadism.
pull her hair, coward.
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✧・゚:* PLOTS !
canon idolverse. exactly what it says on the tin. you're a trainee or newly-debuted idol at weidol entertainment, and who else is set up to be your mentor but the one and only cho hyesoo? she sees potential in you, she thinks you're the perfect junior to train into stardom . . . but maybe there's something more between you. or maybe, you two are idols from two different companies, spurned by your forbidden love . . .
college / modern. oh, hyesoo? you mean that kooky physics and astronomy major that lives a couple floors up? you should come talk to her! sure, she doesn't party much and she's often lost in a book, but that should be okay, right? maybe you're in a group project together, or you meet at a party . . . the possibilities are endless, but don't fret if she doesn't talk much.
moon goddess. deep within the lakes of old seoul rests the eternally-sleeping goddess of the moon, but during these solemn days, she has risen. you haven't stumbled across her domain in so long, or maybe you're an adventurer seeking out the secrets of the lake, but that gorgeous woman washing her hair and stargazing at the shore is difficult to ignore, even for the most seasoned of skeptics.
create your own. use whatever plot you desire!
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tickledpink31 · 4 years
My tablet wasn’t working so behold a hand-drawing of my OCs
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Let me introduce them to you:
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Akane Hayashi from Ouran High School Host Club
Age: 16-17
Height: 157cm (5′2″)
Formerly known as Aisling by her birth parents
The adopted daughter of the Hayashi family
Deaf and speaks JSL
She came to life after I watched Amélie 
Affiliated closely with Kyoya
A talented engineer and botanist
Her parents are generous people and she’s no different
The Hayashi family are also a modest bunch and live in an apartment big enough for three people
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Veronica Midford from Black Butler
Age: 19-20
Height: 156.5cm (5′2″)
I wanted to indulge in my love for reverse harems and time travel stories so Veronica was born
Prepare to be romanced by a demon, three reapers, and maybe I’ll throw in an angel
Descendant of the Phantomhives and Midfords (either from Lizzie or Edward, but not O!Ciel.)
Known as Lady Phantomhive by ominous people that she meets *cough* Undertaker *cough*
I kept changing her style before I settled with the short wavy look
A psychic like her ancestors as a side effect of the demon contract
Dresses in lolita, but her fashion choices look more mature these days
Her older sister, Beatrice, practices exorcism
I just realized I forgot to put the devil’s trap in her eye (Beatrice put it there for protection)
A charitable young woman who wants to help and will do it outside of the law if she has to
Much smarter than people realize
Fluent in 6 languages including ASL
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Kaguya from Avatar the Last Airbender
Age: 16-18
Height: 165cm (5′5″)
Born in the era after Korra
I don’t really follow The Legend of Korra ever since the end of season 1 and I don’t really want to so I’ll decide what’s canon
Youngest of 10 siblings
Has been to the spirit world several times without aid
Travelled to Republic City from the Northern Water Tribe to attend the Bending Arts Academy and become a doctor
Invented a healing form of blood bending
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Minerva “Minnie” Castillo from Obey Me
Age: 18-19
Height: 162.6cm (5′4″)
You probably know her from some of my posts so I’ll give you a brief rundown
She’s me but better
Why did I draw her eyes wonky?
I ship her mostly with Lucifer
Filipino-Canadian like me
A musical theatre kid
An identical twin, practically the Snow White to her sister’s Rose Red
Unwilling and chaotic mom friend
Planning never goes right for her so she’s in literally in hell
Lives in a van during her college life
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Erika Matsumori from Harry Potter
Age: 11-16 (Golden Trio Era) 30s–40s (Post-Wizarding War II)
Height: 175cm (5′9″)
At the risk of getting attacked I am making not one but two Harry Potter OCs one of which will be paired with Draco
I am a recent fan and yes I’m aware how problematic Rowling is so don’t ruin this for me
This girl’s resting bitch face gives Blaise Zabini a run for his money
In the language of Hanakotoba, Erika means “solitude” explaining her solitary disposition
Her surname translates to “pine” and “forest”
Pine for the wood of her wand
Forest because back in Japan, Erika often ventured into the nearby forest to look for yokai
Erika has nerves of steel and an equally steely face
But she has a good heart underneath
Had a hard time making friends but Luna Lovegood was a good start
Ginny became her friend by extension of Luna but not without a few misunderstandings
A year younger than the Golden Trio
Dated Colin Creevey for a month before they decided to just stay friends
She’s a muggle-born Slytherin (I do what I want)
Although she’s a muggle-born, she grew up knowing about the wizarding world because her uncle is a muggle-born
Was once a student at Mahoutokoro (did you know students there start attending at age 7 but are not boarded until they are 11?) until she was expelled for associating with yokai
Moved to the UK with her uncle to attend Hogwarts at 11
Became part fox after helping a kitsune get back to their mother
Has narcolepsy and has plenty of vivid prophetic dreams because of it
Like a true Slytherin, she protects her kind, muggle-borns that is
She defended her fellow Slytherins before the Battle of Hogwarts
It annoys Draco that she just happened to catch his attention
Made love potions illegal as an adult
Like vixens, Erika goes to great lengths for her family especially her three children in the future
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Kikyo Malfoy from Harry Potter
Age: 16–19 (mid to late teens depending on when the story takes place)
Height: 160cm (5′3″)
Erika and Draco’s eldest child and only daughter
She two brothers who are twins, Scorpius and Ryuji, they are both protective of their sister
In the language of Hanakotoba, Kikyo means unchanging love, honesty, and obedience
Not a Slytherin but a Ravenclaw, her parents knew that all along and they are proud of her regardless
Wrote a non-biased version of the Harry Potter series for the purpose of helping muggle-borns and half-bloods who are not aware of their magical heritage
Writes about Newt Scamander, her mother, and herself—a complete series in different points of views of all the houses
Has the ability to split into four different versions of herself (Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor) possibly even more
Wishes she has her mother’s nerves of steel
Has some kitsune abilities like summoning fire and enhanced sense
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Marie Christen/Marjorie Calieus/Mar from The Arcana
Age: 21
Height: 151.8cm (5′0″)
I have mentioned my love for time travel stories and world hopping so prepare for another one
There aren’t a lot of world hopping fanfic for The Arcana so here’s mine…sort of
They are the offspring of two powerful magicians from far outside of Vesuvia
Their father travelled to our world and dropped Mar off at a married couple’s house in Zürich and was renamed Marie Christen
Mar is non-binary but goes by all pronouns and still responds to the names Marie and Marjorie
They have a birthmark on their cheek which The Fool symbol
Happily lives in adoption with her parents Eva and Liam and her kid sister Antoinette
Her familiar is a lamb named Edelweiss
Her biological aunt located Mar when they were 10. From then on, Mar made frequent visits to their aunt’s shop in Vesuvia to hone their magical abilities
At 12, they met Asra who was nearly 15 at the time
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alarriefantasy · 5 years
Do you happen to know of any larry fics where ot4 or ot5 are really close friends? I know most stories have them being friends but I want them to be super close and their friendships to be a main part of the story.
Hi, sorry for the wait!! I know it probably doesn’t seem like it, but this took me a while, and this was what I could come up with for now! Hope there’s something you like! :)
Saturday Detention by FallingLikeThis
Words: 15k
Five boys with nothing in common end up together in Saturday detention. Maybe if they can get past their first impressions, they’ll realize they're not as different as they thought.
The Breakfast Club Au that was dying to be written.
Two Steps Behind by sacredheart (orphan_account)
Words: 38k
(Or, Louis is two years younger than his neighbors, Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn, and he grows up bending over backwards to get their attention and acceptance. Especially Harry's.)
The Flatmates by Centa0592
Words: 48k
Harry is a cheeky Alpha who vows never to settle down.
Louis is a hurt omega whose Alpha died just before they could bond officially.
Zayn is an artistic Alpha who doesn’t understand privacy, or personal space.
Liam is a curious Beta who is convinced the world is going to end.
And Niall is a drunk Beta who keeps falling asleep randomly without finishing his sentences….he might also suffer from narcolepsy. None of the lads know for sure.
Or The story where five lads all respond to the same ad about an available flat and move in.
Atlas At Last by louisandthealien
Words: 83k
He doesn’t know what he had been expecting out of the road trip itself besides burping contests and too much shitty gas station food with Oli and Stan, but in the brief moment before Harry ambles up his driveway, Louis idly wonders if this is about to become some sort of Gay Coming of Age story.
Maine to California in ten days. In which Zayn’s an open-shirt hippie they meet somewhere in Ohio, Liam’s the pastor’s son running away from home, and Niall’s the number they call on the bathroom wall.
It’s 1978. Harry and Louis are just trying to get to San Fran in time for the Queen concert.
Collision by itjustkindahappened
Words: 207k
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
Young & Beautiful by Velvetoscar
Words: 227k
Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn't stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
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slytherfriends · 5 years
Saw this from @crazystaglady so I’m gonna overshare on my sideblog
Nickname: sally, sara
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 163cm
Hogwarts houses: slytherin
The last thing I googled: “snl sinkhole skit” after finding out one of my friends has a weird fear of sinkholes. also the skit is hilarious.
Favorite musicians: taylor swift, billie eilish, kesha, harry styles, run the jewels, 5sos, kim petras, lana del rey, lizzo, pink, brendon urie, the 1975, stevie nicks, 
Song stuck in your head: easier by 5sos
Do you get asks: yep! (some are pretty weird tho lol) thx to ppl who send nice asks tho! <3
Amount of sleep: i’m in a study for narcolepsy right now. so. uh. no. i may update about how the brain scan i have scheduled goes. i get so little sleep i’ve been having lac-of-sleep related hallucinations. its. a..... problem. 
Lucky number: 21
What you’re wearing: black skinny jeans, heeled combat boots in black leather, black tank top, black and white floral silk button down (french tucked like a proper gay)
Dream job: honestly i don’t even know anymore! i’m currently a design engineer and I’m thinking I might get my PhD and teach in a couple years. I also applied  for a new job tho, heading out an R&D electrical research team, interesting lab work, less field work, ideal. we will see how that goes! i also wouldn’t mind going back into art/graphic design but i dont think that will ever happen and i will keep that as my hobby forever and ever. 
Instruments: vocals, sorta piano, bad guitar
Languages: english, french, learning spanish, and i can read italian but not keep up a conversation
Favorite songs: this love - taylor swift, ghost of you - 5sos, pussy is god - king princess, death of a bachelor - patd, i wanna get better - bleachers, menswear - the 1975, taxi - exes, the chain - fleetwood mac, 
Random fact: i’ve been keeping reptiles for almost 20 years! i got my first reptile when i was 7, i got my parents to agree to let me keep an iguana and she was a pretty great pet for almost ten years until she broke free from her outdoor enclosure and ran away. her name was veronica and i still miss her. 
Aesthetic: anything clean and neat or tidy or minimalist, simplicity.
I tag anyone who sees this!
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bbhoneylt · 5 years
IFD2019 bottom louis rec list!
Hey, for international fanworks day here is a bunch of larry fics i’ve read and love! these will all be bottom louis cause i’m a blouis stan and cant read bh, sorry 🤷‍♀️
almost all of these are one shots, they are only chaptered if stated otherwise assume it’s a oneshot
also, all of these are finished 👍😉
Worth Dying For by whoknows (44906- finished)
summary: “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Louis says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. In the center of the table, a set of three glossy photos stares up at him, mocking him.
“A security detail is non-negotiable, Louis, you know this,” his mum reminds him, tapping the middle photo with two fingers.
Louis doesn’t look back down at the pictures, gesturing towards them wildly, over-dramatically. “This is not a security detail!” he protests. “This is a lanky college student. In what world do you hire someone like this kid to protect me?”
Ain’t No Tellin’ Who’s In Charge Here by whoknows (14562- finished)
summary: The thing about Louis’ and Harry’s dynamic is that while Louis is the instigator of 99% of the foolishness, Harry will always come back at him with something ten times dirtier than whatever Louis had thought up. Of course, Louis can’t let that go, so he does something else, so Harry has to do something else, and then it’s a vicious cycle that continues until one of them makes a plea for a truce.
It’s like that even when they’re at home. Sometimes it’s like that especially while they’re at home, because Louis gets bored easily and Harry is just such an easy target. The point is that the kind of foolishness that Louis is known for doesn’t stop when the cameras stop rolling, so when Louis lets himself into Harry’s bedroom at 5:30 in the morning to annoy Harry into waking up before he goes for a run is completely normal and to be expected.
Except that it turns out not to be so normal.
As Wicked As Anything Could Be by whoknows (21775- finished)
summary: It starts when Louis decides that he wants to lose his cherry and announces that he thinks the best way to do that is by going to a gay club. Naturally, Harry can’t let him go alone, so he tags along and spends the night rating guys with Louis until someone finally catches Louis’s eye.
Harry shoves him out to dance with the guy, and he can already tell that it’s going to be a quick and dirty hook up, so he’s not surprised that Louis and the guy disappear into the bathroom ten minutes later.
It is a surprise when Louis comes out not even two minutes later, pale and clammy, grabs Harry by the hand and drags him right out the door.
Somehow Harry comes to the decision that it would be a good idea for him to be in the room with Louis while Louis gets laid.
It’s a stupid fucking decision.
I Would Follow You (To The Moon And Back) by Dick (20355- finished)
summary: Everyone has baggage, some people sleepwalk, some have obsessive exes, and others turn into anthropomorphic wolf-like monsters that destroy furniture and run rampant in the forest. Perfectly normal.
Or the one where Harry and Louis have been dating for six months, Harry is a werewolf, and it's a full moon. This time they're going to get it right.
Pinkies Never Lie by emma1234 (83615 CH.7/7- finished)
summary: “I just think if we’re both into it and neither of us is looking for something serious, why not?” Harry asks, eyes soft and voice sweet. He pauses and gives Louis a moment or two to answer.
There are countless reasons why Louis shouldn’t agree to this, but in the end, none of them really matter. This will end with Louis in pieces, but he’s been in love with Harry for four years. There was only ever one answer.
“Yeah,” Louis answers finally, hoping his voice sounds normal. “Why not?”
AU in which Louis hates his job and loves Harry, Harry just wants a distraction, everyone else wants them to get their shit together, and Louis learns the hard way that new beginnings are only possible when something ends.
Enter The Rose Garden by angelichl (10387- finished)
summary: Soft heats make omega Louis clingy. Enter alpha Harry.
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This (29982- finished)
summary: Loosely based on The Wedding Date. Inspired by 27 Dresses. Basically, Fake Boyfriend AU with a twist. Louis' sister is unknowingly getting married to the ex who broke his heart. When faced with the prospect of turning up alone, Louis panics and hires a corporate escort named Harry. General chaos and epic jealousy ensues.
Your Touch Is The Only Thing I Feel (15979- finished)
summary: Liam. Liam was finally here. Louis kept his eyes closed and cuddled farther into Liam’s side, revelling in the pheromones Louis’ body desperately needed. He wasn’t sure how long Liam had been holding him, but Louis figured it had to have been at least an hour by the way his body had loosened. The need of an alpha’s touch seemed to have been temporarily lifted from his mind.
Louis listened to the sounds of the pub around him. It was louder than before he had fallen asleep and he briefly wondered why Liam hadn’t just woken him to go back to their flat.
“Who the fuck are you?”
Louis’ eyes flew open at the sound of Niall’s voice, and the arm that had been around Louis shoulders lifted in the same instant. He missed the warmth immediately.
Louis looked from Niall’s stormy face over to the person who was definitely not Liam. The alpha Liam impersonator, who smelled a lot better than the actual Liam now that Louis was alert, looked back at Louis with wide eyes and familiar furrowed brows.
Or the one where Louis refuses to settle for just any alpha despite intense touch deprivation. Fortunately Harry isn't just any alpha.
Out Of The Wild by jaerie (21502- finished)
summary: Louis has spent most of his life as a wolf in the wild, Harry has spent most of his life as a human in the city. Their worlds collide during the audition process for the hottest new singing competition. What happens next should have expected.
Just my Style by thoughtsickles (15443- finished)
summary: Harry is sick, and the only thing that might help him is the pheromones from his mate--problem is, he hasn't got a mate.
Louis' just been disowned, and taking part in a medical study where he has to cuddle with some strange alpha seems to be his only option for earning a bit of cash.
The hippies and Omega Rights campaigners are busy changing the world--but all Harry wants is a chance to live.
Louis Lucas by theteapirate (67,999 5/5-finished)
summary: Pornstar!AU. Louis is a pornstar with more issues than he can drink away. Harry is a bisexual singer/songwriter who is desperate to be signed to a major label. Zayn and Liam are Louis's long-suffering best friends (who also happen to be pornstars, and also happen to be dating each other). Niall just wants to play his guitar.
Time Out by Speechless (27539 5/5- finished)
summary: "I'm a mermaid." Louis decides, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck. "You're on holiday. Somewhere tropical, like-"
"No, no-" Harry mutters, leaving what's left of his sandwich on the desk. "You're a fairy." he says, bending down to mouth at his neck.
Louis scoffs.
"I was a fairy last week, Harry." he complains, barely resisting as he gets pushed towards the bed.
"You're my pretty, small, delicate fairy." Harry ignores him, sneaking his hands under Louis' shirt, dragging them up his back. "You're so small." he rambles, as Louis rolls his eyes, hides his smile. "If I'm not careful I might hurt you."
Harry and Louis are perfect for each other.
Everybody knows it.
They know it, their friends know it, everybody knows it.
That's why Zayn, Liam and Niall won't let them get away with breaking up.
No chance in hell.
The flatmates by centao592 (48425 14/14- finished)
summary: Harry is a cheeky Alpha who vows never to settle down.
Louis is a hurt omega whose Alpha died just before they could bond officially.
Zayn is an artistic Alpha who doesn’t understand privacy, or personal space.
Liam is a curious Beta who is convinced the world is going to end.
And Niall is a drunk Beta who keeps falling asleep randomly without finishing his sentences….he might also suffer from narcolepsy. None of the lads know for sure.
The story where five lads all respond to the same ad about an available flat and move in.
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atruththatyoudeny · 6 years
Monthly Reads | December 2017
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⭐ Larry Winter Drabble Challenge ⭐
Staring Across the Room
by allwaswell16 for 1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names Fic Challenge | hate to love | enemies to lovers | mutual pining | humour | 26k Harry Styles has a great life. He’s a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library, he’s got wonderful friends, and he loves cooking, green tea, yoga, and his collection of bow ties. He doesn’t mind that his life seems a little structured, maybe even a little boring. But when Louis Tomlinson joins the library staff as the new Installation Coordinator, things become a lot less predictable. Louis gets under his skin right from the start, bossing Harry around, making noise during story time, and eating the last cupcake in the staff lounge. Louis may be almost offensively attractive, but Harry will not be succumbing to Louis Tomlinson’s charms, even if the rest of the library staff have.
by LadyLondonderry for | christmas | fluff | humour | 31k Harry Styles works at the Hillsyde Library with his friend Zayn and best mate Niall. It’s December, which means Christmas, which should be the happiest month of the year… Except Niall just broke up with his boyfriend, Zayn needs to let up on the rules a little, and the library is getting their fire alarm system replaced, which means that for the next few weeks there are going to be firemen patrolling the library ‘looking for fires’ while the system is down. Harry almost hits one of them with his car right off the bat - and of course he’s the hot one. Happy Christmas, here’s to many more. A 2017 Advent Fic
I want you so much (but i hate your guts)
by becauselarry | a/b/o | enemies to lovers | hate to love | 83k AU in which Louis gets accepted to play for the Manchester University Alpha-Beta Football Team. The only problem: Louis is actually an Omega. He is determined to make it big in the football world, though, and he can't do that bound to an Omega team. With the help of a faked doctor's certificate and some pretty strong suppressants he is ready to fight for his dream. That Harry Styles (Alpha, second year and youngest football captain of the A-B team in ages) doesn't seem to like him complicates matters, though.
The Flatmates
by Centa0592 | a/b/o | 47k Harry is a cheeky Alpha who vows never to settle down. Louis is a hurt omega whose Alpha died just before they could bond officially. Zayn is an artistic Alpha who doesn’t understand privacy, or personal space. Liam is a curious Beta who is convinced the world is going to end. And Niall is a drunk Beta who keeps falling asleep randomly without finishing his sentences….he might also suffer from narcolepsy. None of the lads know for sure. Or The story where five lads all respond to the same ad about an available flat and move in. Sequel: I Don't Think I Have This
Find You Home
by FullOnLarrie | christmas | fake/ pretend relationship | friends to lovers |35k When Louis lies to his family and says he’ll bring his new boyfriend home for Christmas, his best friend and roommate Harry agrees to play the part. It’s that, or be left alone over the holidays. What will happen? No one knows! Perhaps Santa will swoop in with a Christmas miracle. Featuring lovesick idiots, kissing and cuddling, pies and Christmas clichés.
73 Questions
by literlarry_real | strangers to lovers | famous/non-famous | 6k Louis is more nervous than usual about filming the upcoming episode of Vogue’s 73 questions. Musician and soon to be actor Harry Styles may have something to do with that.
And this old world is a new world
by ifidoitsyou for Louis Centric Fic Exchange | famous/non-famous | hurt/comfort | 44k Louis works in a little coffee shop although he hates coffee but what can you do when you're pretty much living day by day trying to ignore that dream of yours you're too scared to pursue. And then Harry enters the scene, or more precisely the coffee shop. He's beautiful and kind and funny and also famous and not in town for very, very long. But that doesn't keep Louis from maybe falling for him a bit and his friends from randomly inviting him along to go golfing.
If the Fates Allow
by afirethatcannotdie | strangers to lovers | christmas | 13k He picks up his phone again, thinking that maybe Fizzy can help him. He’s just scrolling to her name when a few rows down, he spots another name. Harry Styles. Hadn’t he said he knew how to bake? “I usually bake for my mum but this year I can’t,” or something like that. No. It’s ridiculous to even consider it. He’s certainly busy; it’s two days after Christmas and Harry seems like the type of person who would spend the entire week with his family, not skip out early like Louis. But it’s worth a shot. Hi, I know this is crazy but I wondered if you could maybe help me… Louis yells at a stranger in a shop and a few days later, needs his help. Desperately. Then he discovers he’s kind of in love with him.
Lunary Love
by angelichl | strangers to lovers | friends to lovers | emotional hurt/comfort | 6k Louis overhears his neighbor crying in the shower, and decides to check up on him to make sure he's okay.
Not even the gods above
by Anonymous for Royalty Direction Fic Exchange | royalty | enemies to lovers | friends to lovers | war | 25k The thing is, though, this isn’t good enough for Harry. Sure, he has the rest of his life to be a notable king, but he wants to be notable now. He wants to bring the two kingdoms together and he wants to do it early on, wants to be the one to facilitate the merge until it seems like the two kingdoms were one all along. He doesn’t want to wait, but everyone he’s turned to thinks waiting is the right choice, so he supposes he has to trust them. That is, of course, until a declaration of war from the Kingdom of Tomlinson shows up at his palace.
Please Be Naked
by Only_angel_28 | strangers to lovers | nude modeling | 17k Or the one where Louis agrees to help out Zayn with one of his art projects and ends up getting much more than he bargained for.
To Be a King Beside You
by Anonymous for Royalty Direction Fic Exchange | royalty | king Louis | servant Harry | 32k Harry scrambled to his feet quickly and bowed. “Your majesty” Harry mumbled, not making eye contact but instead staring at the ground. “Please forgive me- I was just- um-I’m sorry”. Harry guiltily tried to hide the half made flower crown behind his back. "H-Harry?" Louis eyes widened in shock. "Hi" Harry gave a small wave. "Oh my goodness!" Louis rushed forward, smashing his body against Harry's, wrapping his arms around him and holding him close. "I haven't seen you in years. What are you doing here?" he said pulling back, noticing that Harry wasn't hugging him back. "I applied and well" Harry shrugged. "Here I am..."
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finelinevogue · 3 years
sleep is for the strong
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Description - you suffer from narcolepsy and Harry is always there for you
A/N - just like to say i don't suffer from narcolepsy, but i had a look at how different people are effected to write this. sorry if it offends anyone. i'd be happy to change bits if it isn't accurate!
warnings : narcolepsy, swearing
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Ever since you were little all you wanted to do was sleep. Sleep is all you've ever known.
It wasn't because you were lazy or dysfunctional, it was because you had been blessed with narcolepsy. However, having narcolepsy was not the worst thing in the world.
Narcolepsy is beyond annoying, but it can be used to your advantage in unfortunate situations. For example if someone's speaking to you that you don't like, or you just can't be arsed to listen to, you can just pretend to fall asleep and then blame it on your medical condition. It is annoying though when you and your boyfriend, Harry, are trying to have a nice meal out somewhere and you can't help but fall asleep.
Your story with Harry was a funny one.
Your friend and you, not so long ago now, had bought tickets to a Harry Styles concert. You had made your friend buy the tickets because you were hopeless when it came to the internet. What you forgot to tell her was your price budget, which then ended up with you both having front row tickets - it was every fans’ dream.
The concert started off amazingly well, with Harry performing - in your opinion - some of the best songs towards the start of the show. This was beneficial to you, and you alone, because halfway through the show you started to become very very tired. It was when you had to rest your head on your friends shoulder and catch a few winks that Harry noticed you. To this day it is still the most humiliating thing that's happened to you - what with your face being put up on the big screen by a passing cameraman.
You remember Harry making a joke about how you were finding him boring and he was putting you to sleep, and you had to shout back saying that it was nothing personal. For some reason Harrys interaction with you made you feel more alive and you were able to get through the rest of the show. Harry kept close to the area that you were standing in, for the rest of the show, and you liked to believe that he even sang to you at one point.
Towards the end of the show, when your post concert depression was starting to kick in, you received a note from one of the concert ushers. What you never expected it to be was a note from the man who had been teasing you himself.
Hi! My name is Harry, call me so I can find out yours x
He had so smoothly written in the note. You were flattered that he had even took the time out of his day to write you such a note, so you obviously called him up with your name.
From then on, you two had been inseparable.
When you explained to Harry that you have narcolepsy he was not phased. You expected him to run away just like every other boyfriend you'd had, but he stayed. Harry always assured you that it's no big deal, but you couldn't help but feel sorry for him sometimes. When he comes home from a long day at work all he probably wants to do is be with you, but you are normally asleep and it makes you feel bad for putting him in this situation.
He has to put up with a lot from you. You're quite the trouble maker for someone who's never gone a day without having more than 12 hours sleep.
Harry was currently in the midst of his press tour for his new album, Fine Line.
It was your favourite album in the history of music, let alone his music. Harry had played the album to you one night on the way home from a boring business meeting, complaining how he needed to do something fun that night. So, the spontaneous pair you are, ended up driving around your town until 3am listening to the album on repeat. You couldn't pick a favourite track, but Fine Line itself has brought tears to your eyes.
Harry was doing interviews today at a pop up store in London. He was currently sat in a room with people shuffling around him, making him look pretty and preparing him for types of questions he might get asked. Sarah was currently sat on a sofa, behind where all the cameras were set up, with you. You hadn't really made an effort to look nice today, considering you were going to be sitting around all day and at some point you knew you were going to fall asleep. You'd gone with one of Harry's, oversized, grey hoodies and then some black joggers and vans.
You look like a Primark next to Gucci Harry.
Lou was dusting some foundation on Harry’s face as the first interviewers filed into the room, at which point Harry stood up to greet them by shaking their hands - such a gentleman. You yawned to yourself, feeling yourself about to drift off and so bunched yourself up tight in the corner of the sofa, knees close to your chest, and pulled the hood over your head.
Harry had seen you manoeuvre and, being the protective boyfriend he was, excused himself to make his way over to you for a moment. He crouched down in front of you and held onto your knees for balance.
"You okay gorgeous?" He asked. You hadn't fully gone to sleep yet and so were able to still hold conversation with him.
"Harry you're supposed to be doing an interview." You mumbled. He was always wary about you when you went to sleep. There has to be someone around you that monitors your heart rate to make sure it isn't too high, or too low, and Harry was that person. If your heart rate is abnormal then he had to call an ambulance, right away, to make sure you were okay otherwise you could end up in a coma. To make sure Harry knew you were okay all the time, he'd bought you a FitBit watch which monitors your heart rate and then synced up his FitBit with yours so he could monitor it too when he wasn't immediately next to you. You pointed to his wrist. "You know I'm okay."
"I know, I know. I just get nervous sometimes." You smiled at his concern and moved your tired arm up to cup his cheek, which he leaned into lovingly.
"It's okay to be nervous H, but I promise you I'm okay." He nodded in response, feeling more confident than before, as your hand stayed on his cheek. "And I'm only a sofa away from you. "
"Okay." Harry stood up and kissed you on your forehead before going back over to the sofa. You closed your eyes as you felt yourself drifting. He turned back to Sarah for a second though. "Just keep an eye on her, will you?"
"I'm fine H." You told him firmly, not wanting to get him in to trouble for staying with you . Your eyes were still closed. Sarah laughed next to you and you could hear Harry chuckle before heading over to the sofa for their interview. You heard the interviewer start before you fell asleep.
"Are we rolling?" The interviewer, Richard, asked his camera crew. They gave the man a thumbs up and then he began.
"Hi Harry! How are you doing today?" Richard asked.
"Good. Yeah all good. How are you? " Harry answered, looking over at you quickly - noticing you were asleep whilst taking a glance at the FitBit to check your vitals.
"I'm also good!" Richard laughed. "So I know you'll be getting asked this a lot but if you could describe your album in four words, what would they be?"
Harry counted each word on his fingers to make sure he would indeed say four words. "Umm... I'm not going to be too clever with my choice of words and go forr..." Harry drags out his last word before continuing. "Different. Mature. Retro. Passionate." Richard nodded his head in agreement.
"Why passionate? " Richard asked, wanting to hear some context to Harry’s choices.
"Because i’m really passionate about music, and the song writing process that comes with it, and I feel that that message comes across nicely when you listen to this album."
Harry took a quick opportunity to look down at the FitBit again.
You were still okay.
"What's your favourite song on the album?" Richard asked.
"That's tough." Harry drummed his fingers on his chin whilst looking to you for inspiration. "Personally my favourite is probably Sunflower Vol. 6. The song has a strong but simple meaning behind it and also it’s one that I think is going to be great to preform live. " Harry answered.
Little did the interviewer, or anyone except from Mitch, know that the song was inspired by you. Harry was in awe that nothing ever got in your way of life. No matter how awful something might be, you had this magical way of making the best out of a bad situation. It was one of Harry's favourite qualities about you. The fact you had narcolepsy didn't faze you, and Harry admired that. The song was written about you. A simple poem attached to a few chords. It was a love letter from Harry to you.
Harry does another check of his wrist, for you.
Richard has caught on to Harry checking his FitBit and so questioned him on it. "Are you alright Harry? You seem to be distracted by your watch."
Harry chuckled along with Richard, thankful he wasn't angry about it. "I'm sorry man. My girlfriend, over there, has narcolepsy and I'm just keeping a check on her heart rate." Harry pointed you out to interviewer and he just oh's in response, as if it all made sense now. Thankfully Richard wasn't annoyed that Harry was persistently diverting his attention off the interview, which Harry was very thankful for.
"I'm guessing she's the one sleeping?" Richard asked, understandably, since Sarah was sitting next to you, on her phone. Richard's question made Harry laugh, noticing the way you were slightly dribbling in your sleep.
"Yeah that would be correct." Harry still laughed, as he sat forward slightly, leaning to get a better angle of you. You looked so innocent, yet you were a right devil when you were awake. "Normally people are asking if she's the one who looks like she's high on sugar!" Harry joked.
Just because you had a medical condition that meant you wanted to sleep a lot of the time, didn't stop you from having fun. In fact it meant that you put the effort in to have more fun when you were awake. You know you pissed people off, because you always would have random bursts of energy when no one else did, but that was something they had to learn to deal with.
"Oh! Is she a trouble maker? She looks very peaceful right now though?" Richard joked. This interview had taken an unexpected turn which Harry nor Richard expected, but Richard knew the fans would love to see some content of Harry with his girlfriend and so kept it going. Richard was as nosey as the fans - wanting to see how his interviewees acted with their significant others as if the cameras weren't around.
"It's all an act." Sarah stated, which made Harry chuckle knowing exactly where Sarah was coming from. "She is actually the biggest diva."
"Facts." Harry responded, loving how he gets to talk about how special his girlfriend is so openly. Richard looked at them both in disbelief. "Honestly." Harry assured Richard. "She is the first on the dance floor, on a night out, and then the last also - she's hard work!" Harry smiled as he remembered the time you were about to fall asleep on the dance floor, and Harry came to move you to someplace quieter, but you threw a tantrum and petitioned to remain where you were. Harry couldn't say no to you, so he ended up giving you a piggy back, on the dance floor, for ten minutes whilst you slept.
He wouldn't have you any other way.
Harry looked down at his FitBit and noticed your heartbeat had sped up slightly. Either it was because you were about to wake up, or something was wrong. Richard and Jeff started talking about some finalities of the interview, so Harry zoned out for a moment, making sure you're okay. He was nervous for a minute but when he saw you shift in the sofa and stretch to rub your eyes, he calmed down and sat further back down into the sofa in comfort.
The interview continued for another few minutes before time was up. Richard thanked Harry and vice versa. You were now awake, but still a bit sleepy. Your subconscious has been aware of the voices in the room and so had distracted you from a good sleep.
You were scrolling through Instagram, to pass some time, when Harry appeared in front of you and Sarah.
"Stand up baby." Harry held his hands out for you.
"Told you I'd be okay." You said smugly and Harry rolled his eyes at you - letting you know that he knew you were right and that was something he'd never easily verbally admit.
You placed your phone on the flat arm of the sofa and allowed him to pull you up, giving you a quick kiss as he did. Harry sat down exactly where you'd been and pulled you down to sit on his lap. He had one arm wrapped securely around your waist as the other one was free to move when he talked. You laid your head back into his shoulder and continued to scroll through Instagram. Jeff stood up next to Sarah, after checking everyone was alright. You heard chatting and you were pretty sure everyone in the small room was conversing, but were too out of it to understand.
As you scrolled through your Instagram you liked a few pictures on the way down. A lot of your feed is your friends activity but you do also follow some Harry fan accounts, mainly because they're so sweet and also because the pictures of your man they post are beautiful. You came across a fan page which updated everyday with the best pictures of Harry and are always asking how their followers are. They're also a negative comment free zone, so there's never any hate and if there is it's removed.
You loved this page and this fan.
"Watcha looking at gorgeous?" Harry asked, before moving the hood away from your neck slightly so he could press a kiss there. He couldn't resist himself so had to leave a few, leaving a slight mark as he did so.
"Only the most stunning man I've ever seen." You said confidently, moving the phone to his face to show him a picture of himself. Harry laughed into your neck and squeezed your waist slightly in response.
"You're something else, you!" Harry joked, finding it flattering that you were looking at photos of him even if he hated looking at them himself. "Why though?"
"Why not? You look pretty darn good here H, and also this fan page is beautiful." You start explaining everything good about the account, and how they made you happy with their positivity and content. Harry just sat there and listened - in awe of the way you spoke so kindly about others. He pulled out his phone and logged on to his own Instagram. "What are you doing?"
He looked at the fans username and typed it in. He goes to the direct messages and composed a message to the fan that ran the account.
Hi! Harry here! Just messaging you to thank you for all your continuous support of me. You are amazing! Also Y/N was raving about your account to me and so i want to personally thank you for putting a smile on her face everyday! Keep it up! All the love. H x
You swore you could've cried at how generous and kind Harry was. That fan was going to have a heart attack, though. "Thank you." You said quietly before snuggling closely into him, attempting to give a hug.
"Anything for my angel." He kissed your forehead. It was true - he would do anything for you and you for him. You were the best team, even if you were a bloody handful at times.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 5 years
hi you shouldn’t have tagged your harry styles post as ‘narcolepsy’. that’s not what narcolepsy is and it’s really insensitive to people who actually have narcolepsy
0 notes
maggieisalarrie · 7 years
Titles: T
take me for what i am (who i was meant to be) by howlouvely (8k)
Too late, he realizes that the handsome stranger spoke to him and Louis has yet to respond. He puts on his most dazzling smile before speaking. “Why yes, I must be. Are you one of the lovely people competing for my affections, then?”  
Instead of confirming his suspicions, though, the man laughs in a way that is both inappropriately loud and extremely endearing. “Unfortunately not,” he gets out through his chuckles. “I’m Harry. I’ll be your host today.”
Louis is dealing with heartache. Niall signs him up for a dating show to help him move on.
take my hand (and lead me home) by tumsa (13k)
AU in which every time a person falls in love with their soulmate, a red line, like a tally mark, appears on their wrists. When their love is requited, the tally mark turns black, and turns into a scar when the one they love dies. Harry with no tally marks falls for Louis with all of his tally marks scarred.
take my hand (and my heart and soul) by bananasandboots (46k)
Harry feels nauseous when he opens his mouth. "Hey. Um, hi. It's me," he mumbles before realizing with a jolt that Louis might not have his number anymore. "It's Harry... Styles," he tacks on, screwing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. This was a terrible idea.
There's silence on the other end for a long time. Harry understands. He shouldn't have called. He tries not to let the static swallow him whole.
"I – yeah. Hi," Louis finally answers, slowly, awkwardly. "I um. Sorry. I heard about your accident. You're alright?"
Or, the one where Harry hasn't spoken to his best friend in sixteen months and can't remember why.
Take Off Your Running Shoes by polkadotpeacoat (55k)
AU- Harry is the fit supermarket check out boy. Louis wants to sleep with him. Summer romance ensues.
take your time rolling up your sleeves by aniloquent (5k)
“Lovely. Could you whip us up a strawberry shortcake with a message on it?” Harry nods again, drawing his notepad from one of the pockets of his apron and waits for the message. “‘We all knew the cat was going to leave you for something better.’” Harry sputters while the raven-haired boy elbows his friend harshly.
“Louis,” he chides. “You’re such an absolute dick, you know that?”
Louis shrugs as a little scowl pulls at thin lips. “What the fuck am I supposed to put on it? ‘Sorry me and Zayn threw the fucking mutt out into traffic during a trash wrestling match and it decided to take a fucking hike?’” Zayn, he presumes, hits him again. Harry blinks.
Based on the twitter prompt "I work in a bakery and you keep coming in and asking me to write you weird messages on cakes"
taste on my tongue by bethaboo (78k)
Louis Tomlinson, second place winner on TXF four years ago, is looking to reinvent his career.
Harry Styles is a baker who is desperate for a bakery of his own.
Louis doesn't bake. Or cook. Or know how to use an oven.
Take Louis. Take Harry. Add in a heaping cup of sexual tension. Another cup of delicious (and not so delicious) food. A smidgen of competitive spirit. A dash of hopes and dreams. And you get Kitchen Wars, a TV show that promises to be the must-watch event of the fall.
Tell Me What You Want by stylinsoncity (11k)
"Harry is looking for a new roommate after Liam moves in with his girlfriend. After a few bad dates he’s done with men for the moment and wants to concentrate on school. That’s why he’s looking for a female or a straight male roomie. When Niall tells Louis about the free room he leaves that little detail out. Louis, desperately looking for a room, pretends to be straight, thinking it would be easy, until he discovers that Harry likes to be naked at home. His best female friend posing as his girlfriend doesn’t work very well either."
The Art of Reading Tea Leaves by evelynegrey & fortunefavorsthebrave (29k)
"If he were such a good person, he'd be in here," he smiles jokingly. "You know that house elitist stuff doesn't make sense, right?" It's a comfortably old debate, one they both know the outcome of, and Harry takes it gratefully. "Harry Potter was Gryffindor, is all I'm saying," Niall argues easily and Harry opens up his books again. "And Voldemort was Slytherin," he fills in with a smile. "But Romeo was a Montague, you know. A rose by any other name and all that." "What?" "Never mind."
Hogwarts AU where Harry decides to take Divination without his friends, Niall wants to get laid, Liam and Zayn are the dream team in Potions and Louis has a secret. He also happens to be a Slytherin.
the beast you made of me by Ashtarok (5k)
The bell tinkled, and Harry froze as an overpowering scent, musky and thick, crisp and slightly sweet, yet utterly masculine, delightfully tickled his senses. Harry's eyes slowly slid up to see the source of this wonderful scent, and his breath was taken away at the sex god before him, all muscled and compact and utterly screaming of Alpha. Icy blue eyes stared him down, set off by sharp cheekbones, a stubbled jaw that looked yummy enough to nibble on, and caramel hair, which was lazily gelled, a few pieces falling over his forehead. His skin was tan, his hands strong and steady, his biceps still clearly visible even through his jacket. Every fiber of Harry's being stood at full alert.
The one where Harry's a vanilla-sweet Omega and Louis walks into his bakery one day.
the boys of fall by godgavemelou (21k)
“And everyone, this is Harry Styles. He’s going to be our starting quarterback this year.”
Louis looks at him, the tall and lanky Harry Styles, and takes it all in. He’s got hair to his shoulders that curls at the ends, tattoos all down his arms, and a bright smile on his face as the team cheers him on. He’s lean and fit, and absolutely beautiful, and Louis hates him to the core.
OR an american football au where the boys play for the university of tennessee, and harry and louis quite hate each other.
The Dead of July by whimsicule (117k)
Being an Avenger means continuing to be Captain America and smiling and being honorable for the public and Harry does his best. But it doesn’t give him time to figure out who he is supposed to be once he takes off his uniform and puts the shield to the side. Just being Harry had always involved Louis, and Harry fears he doesn’t know how to exist without him.
or: Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
Part 1 of Avengers
The Finish Line (Is A Good Place For Us To Start) by LoadedGunn (122k)
Louis Tomlinson, one-time Formula 1 World Champion, is looking forward to the 2013 season. He’s got Zayn in his garage and Liam in his ear, he’s got Cowell Racing backing him despite former indiscretions, he’s got experience and the best race car out there. Not to mention he’s the only racer they have, after Oliver dropped out late last year.
It hasn’t occurred to him that Oliver would have to be replaced by February. That is, until he finds himself at a party celebrating Harry Styles leaving Ferrari for Cowell. Harry hotshot Styles, who broke a record last year and is probably looking to make a big splash. Harry Styles, who is talented and somewhat intimidating. Harry Styles, who left Ferrari for reasons unknown and seems kind of lonely and harmless in person. Lonely, harmless, hot as fuck. Whatever.
The first thing Louis does is take him under his wing. From there it’s nine months of slow-burning romance, the past catching up to them, turning into the human puppy pile that is OT5 and a lot of feelings until, of course, reaching the finish line.
The Flatmates by Centa0592 (47k)
Harry is a cheeky Alpha who vows never to settle down.
Louis is a hurt omega whose Alpha died just before they could bond officially.
Zayn is an artistic Alpha who doesn’t understand privacy, or personal space.
Liam is a curious Beta who is convinced the world is going to end.
And Niall is a drunk Beta who keeps falling asleep randomly without finishing his sentences….he might also suffer from narcolepsy. None of the lads know for sure.
The story where five lads all respond to the same ad about an available flat and move in.
Part 1 of Life as we know it
The Fragmented Veil by missberrycake (28k)
In which Louis gets attacked one night in the dark. It changes his life, just not in the way he expected.
The King of Spades by hazmesentir (109k)
Undercover Metropolitan Police officer DC Louis Tomlinson has worked his way up the ranks of a prominent London crime family without raising suspicion, but when he finds himself pitted against a rising crime boss with a police background and a favoured employee by the name of Harry Styles, everything starts to unravel. Finding himself in the middle of an escalating war between two bosses whose bad blood runs deep into a violent past, Louis has to be even more careful where he steps in case his big secret catches up to him – and if it does, he knows he won't survive it.
Not to mention he's falling for someone he can't have – whose earnestness and honesty is a bright spot in a dark world – he can't sleep because his nightmares haunt him and he's in way over his head, but it's just a game, always just a game, and if Louis plays his cards right he might just make it out alive.
The Melody You Never Heard by bananasandboots (30k)
It's one last adventure. One last chance to be young and carefree. One final weekend before they take up their internships, their corporate positions, before they enter the real world, fresh out of university. Niall's his best mate. Liam's been there for him since they were lost, little freshmen, trying to find their ways through an overwhelming first year. Harry can't disappoint them, even if it means enduring four days with Louis.
Louis, who he does share a history with, a history he's never told anyone about, not even Niall, a history he hasn't brought up in three years because it's stupid and embarrassing and confusing.
Or, the one where Harry gets roped into a four-day camping trip with the boy who kissed him and never called back.
The Stars In Your Eyes Light Up The Sky by andthensusays (60k)
Once again, Harry’s life was on a fast track into seriously uncharted territory. He had known from the moment he’d woken up on that horrible morning that he would have no choice other than to come out. Publicly.
Harry Styles, the first publicly gay Prince of England in British History.
That would be his luck.
The one where Harry is a prince forced out of the closet and Louis is a boybander forced in. When they meet, everything changes.
The Sweetest Incantation by smittenwithlouis (41k)
Harry has been alive for decades, and yet he's never been as confused and dumbfounded. He's a witch, for God's sake. Can't get much weirder than all the magical things he's experienced throughout his lifetime. Never in a million years, however, would he have expected to be mere inches away from a hybrid.
Or: Harry is a witch who's still working on developing his powers and Louis is a werecat who falls into his life and turns it upside down.
The Things I’d Do To Wake Up Next To You by dirtymattress (36k)
AU. Harry wakes up to a pregnant Louis Tomlinson and a wedding band on his finger.
These Constant Stars by stylinsoncity (31k)
Louis’ career has nowhere to go but up. He’s living at the height of New York City on the precipice of an epic promotion. Life is good and only getting better. And then one day, things turn disastrous.
This is a story about life, death, and punk rockers turned guardian angels.
Title inspired by "Fool's Gold" by One Direction.
Part 1 of Guardian Angels
These Roads We Stumble Down by onewasturning (18k)
He’s completely drenched, not one millimetre of him not covered in rain, and the old sheepskin cover over the seat is probably going to stink afterwards from the damp. But even with what seems to be a constant tremor shaking his body, brown hair plastered to his forehead, and a blue tinge to his skin, he’s still probably the most gorgeous person that Harry has ever seen.
Or, Harry picks up a hitchhiker in Oxford, and it's a long ride to Glasgow.
This Road Leads Where Your Heart Is by LittleLostPieces (15k)
Alright, so Louis has a bit of a type is the thing. And as fit as his supermodel flatmate (Harry) may be, he isn't what Louis is looking for in a potential partner. That’s all. He’s not Louis’ type, with his miles of lanky limbs and his bright, boyish eyes. His impossibly tight, little body and infectious laughter are not what Louis wants. They're not. Really.
Three French Hems by 100percentsassy & gloria_andrews (20k)
In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
through the wire by Awriterwrites (11k)
“Mate. He’s like. I don’t know how to describe it.” Liam’s voice was on edge, a tremble in it that indicated he was either very nervous or extremely excited; unsure of what to do next. It was probably both.
All Harry could think about was LouisLouisLouis. He needed him so badly his body ached with it. His skin was crawling and his entire body felt explosive, ready to ignite at the slightest touch.
“Ok. Li? This is what you are going to do…” Louis took a deep breath, the intake of air audible through the wire, as he prepared to guide Liam through what was probably going to be the strangest most erotic, and possibly most awkward experience of his life.
trusting things beyond mistake by sarcasticfluentry (10k)
"Is that even possible?" asks Harry.
All of them stare at him for several seconds, and then Louis says, "What, coming untouched?"
"Christ," Zayn mutters, throwing his hands up. “This fucking band, I swear.”
...or, Harry wants to see if he can come without touching his cock and ends up getting more than he bargained for.
Truth Be Told (I Never Was Yours) by JustForTommo (77k)
Harry watches Louis as he scrunches up his nose and bites the end of a pen in concentration. He’s been working on seating arrangements for the past hour and getting more frustrated by the minute. Louis huffs out a breath and glances down at Harry with a soft smile on his lips before he returns to the task at hand. It’s easy, right then, for Harry to let himself believe that they’re planning a seating chart for their own wedding and bickering over who is going to sit where from a list of their own family members. He can let himself daydream about a white picket fence and a dog that they could have within the next year.
It’s like a cold slap in the face when Harry looks to the top of the page to see “Aiden and Louis Grimshaw” at the head table, and Harry has to mentally remind himself for the thousandth time that Louis is not his. Never was, really. He’s just the wedding planner that’s been in love with Louis since he was sixteen.
(or the one where Louis and Harry have a complicated past, Louis is getting married to someone that’s not Harry, and the universe has decided to have a laugh and make Harry the wedding planner.)
Tug-of-War by cherrystreet (63k)
Louis' husband dies suddenly and he is left with nothing. Well, not really nothing. He has Harry. And a St. Bernard puppy named Link, whom his late husband left behind for him. Louis takes care of Link and Harry takes care of Louis. Everything is okay until suddenly, it isn't.
Two Sugars, No Cream by loveyoulou (orphan_account) (8k)
Harry's a young, successful, and rich music producer under Simon Cowell. Louis' a college student, working part time at the local coffee shop while studying to be a pediatrician, just barely making ends meet. He has no idea who the cute boy is that keeps on popping up at his school and work is, or what Harry has in store for him.
Last edited: September 6, 2017
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can you write more about narcolepsy Y/N and Harry. I absolutely adore their relationship. I love how Harry takes such good care of her. Thanks
yeah of course i can! hope that this is alright, i decided to do a quick blurb of them on a date night;
Must. Keep. Eyes. Open.
Currently you were trying to do your makeup for date night with Harry, but you were so tired and exhausted from your ridiculous irregular sleep patterns recently that you were struggling to hold up your eyebrow pencil to your face. So you had given up on makeup and decided that picking out on outfit might be better to keep your mind awake and busy, but no because you felt yourself about to pass out on the pile of clothes on the floor.
Tonight, Harry had planned for you to two go out for dinner. The both of you had rarely been out and so you wanted to treat yourselves and each other. It had been planned for the last week and you’d been so excited to go, until your narcolepsy had decided to strengthen and make you uncontrollably fall asleep more often than not. Your body was weaker than it was a week ago and so the excitement and readiness to go out for dinner was getting lesser and lesser.
“Ugh!” You groaned in frustration, because you couldn’t find anything to wear. Your clothes were now in a massive heap on your bedroom floor and nothing looked good enough to wear. Or more, nothing looked comfortable to wear. You just wanted to slouch and sleep forever, or at least that’s what your body was telling you to do.
You leaned into the pile of clothes, huffing because tonight was already not going the way that you wanted it to. Harry was supposedly picking you up in two hours and yet you had barely begun to get ready. You still needed to do your makeup. You needed to pick out an outfit. You should probably wash your body and have a quick shave, luckily your hair had been washed this morning. The thought of how much you still had to do was stressing and tiring you out, making you need another nap.
You were trying to convince your brain not to fall asleep, but you weren’t strong enough, so to sleep you had to go. For the third time tonight.
Lights out.
Often your dreams came quickly when you slept and you had a lovely experience in dreamland which made you never want to leave, but sometimes you woke up not even remembering that you’d fallen asleep and you’d be really disorientated. Your dreams were a result of a quick sleep, whereas no dreams were because you were asleep too deep to dream. Luckily you always had Harry there to help you come around, when you awoke disorientated, and now was no different.
“Hey my beautiful girl.” He cooed and you realised your head was in Harry’s lap, head facing up to see the ceiling - only Harry’s head was the only thing you could see at the moment. He was sat crossed legged and had both his hands stroking the sides of your cheeks calmly.
“Hi.” You whispered, smiling at him and how beautiful he looked.
“What?” He asked when he noticed you staring.
“You’re so pretty.” You responded, reaching on of your hands up behind you to caress his cheek as he did yours. He leaned into your touch and then kissed your hand so softly that it was barely noticeable.
He was so utterly handsome though, dressed in a t-shirt with an over-shirt left unbuttoned to display the vintage Fleetwood Mac print. He was wearing some trousers too that were belted up high on his waist, a fashion trend he very much enjoyed doing ever since you jumped his bones for “looking too fucking hot”. You didn’t have the energy to jump him though tonight. You didn’t really even have the energy for date night.
Shit a fucking brick. Date night.
“Shit, Harry! God, date night. I need to get ready. I need to… I need—” You tried to sit up really quickly, but felt dizzy when you tried to so Harry stopped you and pulled you to lay back on his legs.
“Woah, will you stop baby. It’s okay. Stop worrying.” He ordered politely, forcing his hands down on you so that you would stay put and not try to move again until you’d fully brought your mind back to life.
“But what about dinner?” You asked, pouting because you didn’t want to upset him or disappoint him. You didn’t want to be a burden.
“Dinner can wait,” He told you confidently, going back to caressing your cheek, “and I know what you’re thinking so stop it. You’ll never be a burden to me. Every moment i’m with you, no matter when or where, builds for the greatest story of my life. So, even if we stay here in our pyjamas and just sleep, cuddle or watch rubbish on Netflix will be still a great evening, all because i’m doing it with you.” He leant down to place his lips against yours, but you brought your hand up to cover his mouth before he could. He looked at you confused, letting you speak.
“Because we’re doing it together.” You nodded and he nodded in agreement. You let your hand go and he wasted no time racing the rest of the distance towards your lips, crushing them with his own. He was so in love with you and you could taste it all over his sinful lips. The kiss was uncoordinated and messy from this angle, but it didn’t stop you from both kissing your bursting hearts out. Harry tried biting your lip but it ended him biting your tongue because you were both so out of sync with each other. You burst out laughing and he had to move an inch away to laugh too.
God your laugh was infectious, Harry thought.
“Let’s not try that again.” He laughed through his words. “Nearly bit your whole bloody tongue of then.”
“Would be like you then, what with you jumping out a window and biting the end of your tongue off.” You shook your head and belly laughed as you recalled the evening he had been high on shrooms. It was a very funny, but also a very terrifying evening, for everyone.
“That’s why i’m saying let’s not try it again you dipshit, because believe me missing your tongue isn’t as cool as it sounds.” He booped his finger on the tip of your nose, making you flinch from the unexpectedness of it. “Y’so cute.” He whispered almost to himself, but you still heard him. You hummed in response and leant up to kiss him again.
“Hey!” You whined as Harry pushed your face away, never so easily rejecting your kisses. You were about to start protesting more, but you got interrupted by a yawn so had to back down.
“How about we love to y’bed and then i’ll give you all the kisses you want m’sleepy girl?”
And it was so completely obvious that your answer was a yes.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Harry Styles Masterlist ‘21
Tumblr media
get lost in a world where harry styles is the main character in your life.
if you want, feel free to buy me a coffee if you like my writing! <33
Oneshots (+5k)
our canyon moon -
a car journey on the Malibu coast with Harry
he’s so vogue - 
you are the journalist for the new Harry Styles December Vogue Issue
keep on dancing -
you’re a professional dancer on Strictly and harry is your partner
sleep is for the strong -
you suffer from narcolepsy and harry’s always there for you
*love me, please? -
harry forgets your birthday
birthday wishes -
it’s your daughters birthday party but harry isn’t there
perfect angel baby -
you and harry take your newborn baby daughter home
an interview from hell -
harry is doing his interview on the Howard Stern show and you hate it just as much as he does
the beginning of the UNIverse -
harry and y/n are university students who happen to share the same flat
unrequited love -
you reunite with harry after some years, but lots has changed. except from your feelings towards him.
we’ll be alright -
harry plays you, his best friend, the album fine line for the first time
i want to be good enough -
you’re in subspace and there’s a miscommunication
*happiness looks good on you -
a time together in the golden, Italian sun, with Harry
the lone wolf - [part II]
harry is an alpha and you’re the omega
the road not taken looks real good now -
y/n and harry!female rekindle after a devastating breakup
a costa coffee collapse -
you faint and harry is terrified
*love on tour -
you join harry on tour
a modern day cinderella -
your daughter wants to hear the origin story of her parents
choose - [ blurbs ]
harry is a ruthless gang leader and you, his girlfriend, gets kidnapped
tales of the heart -
an engagement, a wedding and a honeymoon
‘tis the season -
the evolution of christmas time with harry
no way home -
you are tom holland’s sister and harry styles is your date to the no way home premiere
*i’ll be home for christmas? -
harry is an army soldier who came home for christmas
HSLOT - blurbs about you coming with harry on tour
little moments - blurbs about you and harry building a family
kiss me in the dark - blurbs about you and harry in high-school [au]
Blurbs (-5k)
yours and harry’s daughters first day of school
it’s your daughters first concert as a newborn
harry is exhausted from work
your parents don’t like you and harry comforts you
you love to bake and harry is a terrible baker
harry and you are weirdly in sync
picnic date with harry
you’re a youtuber/vlogger
you have narcolepsy and it’s date night
• you publish a book about your condition
you and harry take on a big rollercoaster but harry hates rides
harry proposes over a cup of tea
you prank harry for a TikTok
you facetime harry so he can meet fans
you and harry looking through photos
a bath and a glass of wine with harry
you are sick and harry takes care of you
you and harry catch the subway
you and harry chilling on a yacht together
gucci invite you and harry to the met gala
autumn with harry
daily conversations with harry
you paint a gift for harry for christmas
you’re upset and harry’s there to comfort you
you have an eating disorder and harry loves you
you and harry breakup but also makeup
harry has a panic attack before his concert
you have cancer and are alone
you and harry endure champagne problems
• no more champagne problems
you have bad anxiety and harrys not there
you hate your body and harry loves you
you meet harry on the red carpet
• harry helps settle your first-day-on-set nerves
from the moment we met - (series)
harry is a ceo and you’re a taxi driver
• harry is a ceo but you’re no longer a taxi driver
• harry takes you out for a dinner
harry is a busker in manchester
• harry continues to busk and still loves you
love island!harry
early morning conversations with harry
harrys the badboy but you’re not pink gin
you don’t get into college and harry still loves you
cockwarming underneath the stars*
dom!harry x sub!reader*
you’re the reason harry “needed a wee” at the brits*
harry leaves wet kisses all over your body*
harry has a lactation kink*
making sub-harry cum multiple times*
moustacherry eating you out*
pornstar!harry punishes you*
imperfect sex with 70s rockstar harry*
pornstar threesome*
a hot evening with subrry*
nfsw alphabet*
riding harry’s thigh in malibu*
harry has a size kink*
harry spanks you red raw*
you’re harry’s little sister and he worries over you
you’re harry’s sister and his girlfriend hates you
International Readers
cooking feijoada on date night - brazilian!reader
Instagram Concepts
Picture Concepts
Fic Rec Masterlists
10 Things About Harry Masterlist
random ellie thoughts
requested blurb masterlist
other masterlist
harry styles ‘22 masterlist
dividers and headers
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