breelandwalker · 4 years
Do you know spells for justice or protection for other people? Like the protesters?
I know a few, but it’s difficult to pick one exactly. Here’s everything I could find in my personal spellbook that I thought might be applicable.
Ninja Dust
Intent: To enable a person to make a quick unseen exit or go unnoticed; formulated to work in crowded places.
1 pt White Oak
1 pt Bloodroot
1 pt Black Salt
1 pt Red Poppy
1 pt Mustard
1/2 pt Rosemary
1/2 pt Sage
1/2 pt Clove
1/2 pt Willow Bark
Pinch of Galangal Root
Pinch of Heather Blossom
Pinch of Devil's Shoestring
Pinch of Black Cohosh
This powder was prepared for a friend of mine the night before she attended a large-scale protest march. It's meant to help you stay safe in a crowded situations and affect a quick exit when and if you have to.
Sprinkle a pinch or two on your shoes before you go out, or carry a small vial or packet with you. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to leave quickly, toss down the powder and step on it as you leave.
Of course, this should always go along with whatever practical safety measures are deemed prudent for your situation. If you find yourself in a position where you are in immediate physical danger, forget the powder, just get to safety however you can. Be careful out there!
Liza Hempstock’s Invisibility Charm
Inspired by The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman.
Use this charm when you want to pass unseen and unremarked in a crowd or need to escape a situation without being noticed.
Put a pinch of poppy seeds in your shoe or carry a packet of them in your pocket. When you need to make a quick exit, turn three times, spit over your left shoulder, and whisper:
Be hole, be dust, be dream, be wind Be night, be dark, be wish, be mind, Now slip, now slide, now move unseen, Above, beneath, betwixt, between
Gather yourself together, find your exit, and GO.
No Fear Here
To help dispel fear, ward off danger, and promote bravery. This blend is meant for a home ornament witchball, but it can also be put into a sachet or a bottle charm if mobile magic is needed.
Black Pepper
Black Tea Leaves
Walking Ward Protection Oil
For personal warding spells of all kinds
Sweet Basil
Witch Hazel
Fennel Sprigs
Mix the herbs in equal parts and soak 1 tbsp of the blend in 1-2 cups of bland oil for about a week to make the infusion. Strain and bottle the oil. If desired, add a couple of drops of Basil or Rosemary essential oil.
Short Notice Travel Protection Charm
If you're called to make an unexpected trip and don't have time to prepare a full-sized bottle charm, making a braid or knot-string out of white yarn or string. As you tie it, say seven times over:
By water and fire, by sky and by stone, This charm will see me brought safely back home.
Tie the string around your wrist or ankle for the duration of the trip. You can remove it when you return home or let it fall off on its' own.
"Bibbity Bobbity Back Off" Banishing Spell
This spell grew out of a quip that I made in response to some hate mail that came my way. Some weeks of experimenting with word-activated protection magics later, this is what I came up with.
Intent: To repel or banish harmful things that attempt to accost you.
Piece of Personal Jewelry
Small Jar with Flat Lid
Tealight Candle
Herbs: Angelica Root, Peppermint, Marjoram, Willow Bark
Make a potpourri blend out of the herbs and place it in the jar. For extra potency, spit in the jar. Place the piece of jewelry in the jar, close the lid, and shake gently. Set the jar somewhere level and safe, set the tealight on top of the lid, and burn it for a few minutes.
Focus on the flame of the tealight and chant, as many times as you feel you need to:
I cannot be snared, I cannot be caught However you try, no harm is wrought
When you've finished, blow out the candle. Wait for the candle cup and the lid to cool before opening the jar. Retrieve the jewelry and wear it when you need a little extra protection.
Should you need to activate the protection, simply breathe on your fingers, touch the charmed object, and whisper, "Invictus." (Latin, pron. in-VIK-toos; “invincible.”) The charm will last until you remove the piece and breathe on it again. You'll need to return it to the jar of herbs to recharge within 24 hours of use, or you'll have to cast the charm all over again. For best results, I recommend changing the herbs in the jar between charges.
This is a short-term heavy-duty banishing spell. It can't ensure physical safety, but it can help keep you safe from emotional and mental attack, and may provide an opportunity for escape if one is needed. It may also diffuse aggressive outside energy long enough for you to make a prudently-timed getaway if a confrontation seems imminent.
"Not On My Watch" Vinegar
 Intent: An all-purpose preventative potion for use in protective and binding spells.
Jar with Tight-fitting Lid
2 cups Vinegar
Coffee Filter
Bottle for Storage
Knife and Cutting Board
Fresh Ginger or Horseradish Root
Peppermint Essential Oil
Herbs: Bay Leaves, Coriander, Lemon Peel, Cedar Tips, Pine Needles, Witch Hazel, Clover Leaves
This is a heavy-duty protective vinegar that I created in a fit of rage. If the ingredient list seems excessive, it's because I was angry enough about the situation to basically throw the book at it. I've used it a few times since then and it's been very effective.
To make this potion, you'll need a jar with a tight-fitting lid. A large brand-new mason jar is best for this. For some other spells and potions, you can use recycled food jars, but for this one, you want a fresh jar with no chance of leftover food particles.
First, clean your piece of ginger or horseradish root. For best results, you'll want a fresh root, not dried pieces, as you want the juice and oils to blend with the vinegar. Cut several slices from the root and place them in the mason jar. Wash and dry the knife before continuing.
Note: Fresh horseradish root has a very strong peppery-sour smell, and can produce fumes like onions do. The fumes may cause your nose to run and may irritate your eyes. (It's a great way to clear the sinuses though.) If you are sensitive to such things, you may want to wear a surgical mask and goggles, or just use ginger root instead.
To help your herbs fit more easily into the jar, you may want to carefully dice them into smaller, more manageable pieces. You can work with fresh or dried herbs for this potion, whichever works best with your available supplies. If you want additional aromatic qualities in your potion, I recommend using fresh Lemon Peel, Cedar Tips, and Pine Needles if possible. It adds a nice fresh, clean scent, a little bit like a certain name-brand floor cleaner, but less chemical. Using fresh versions of these ingredients will also help to cut the vinegar smell to a certain degree. But again, if you only have dried herbs, that will work just as well.
Dried or fresh, you'll need approximately 2 ½ ounces of chopped herbs altogether. That's about five tablespoons or 71 grams of herbs. Mix them together and add them to the jar. If you've used fresh herbs, you'll need to dry or discard any leftovers. If you used only dried herbs, put any extra mix into a container for future use. Waste not, want not.
Add two cups of vinegar to the jar. I used white vinegar, but cider vinegar or wine vinegar will do as well. Use whatever you have available. White vinegar may be less expensive, if you need to purchase a fresh bottle. Add 2-3 drops of Peppermint essential oil, close the lid tightly, and give the jar a good shake.
Leave the vinegar jar in a warm, dry place to steep for three full days. Strain the resulting liquid into a clean bottle using a funnel and coffee filter, and discard the herbs. The mason jar can be used again after it has been thoroughly cleaned and dried.
Use the potion in home protection magics, particularly if you need to repel unsavory persons, "accidents" which are not at all accidental, or harmful magics. It can also be an additive in spells meant to make the home a sanctuary for those who need it. Add a small amount to your washwater when you clean hard floors or your doorstep for additional protection. Splash a little on your front door or at your property line to discourage trespassers.
(I’m sure this could be put to use for keeping yourself safe during protests, keeping cops away from your home, blessing marchers and venues, and so forth.)
I’ll try and search up my post with magical measures for justice as well.
Hope this helps!
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melonishus · 4 years
What if Qrow had a friend?
Qrow - No one will ever beat my first super bestie , better than the resty “Summer Rose”
Kali - Is that so ?
Qrow - Yes
Kali - Why don’t you tell me about your nie.....
Qrow - [pulling out his wallet, talking excitedly as he shows pictures he had saved over  the years from important life events] Did you know the firecracker punched down the wall of her classroom when she was 7 ? After the yelling from the teachers , Tai said she was a prodigy !
[Kali smiles]
Qrow -  [proud of his nieces, showing one of rubys first concepts of Crescent Rose] And I taught Ruby everything she knows. She made her scythe all by herself , not many kids today can build  something so complicated, she.....
[Qrow catches Kali watching him]
Qrow - Sorry...that’s not cool is it
Kali - You’re a proud uncle, there’s nothing wrong with that
[Qrow nods as Kali brings out a picture of Blake]
Kali - This is a picture of my daughter Blake. She’s on a team with your nieces
[Qrow nods and listens to Kali gush about her daughter]
Writing Requests are OPEN
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toysoldiers-rwby · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
@halethebop​ @the-blue-quetzalcoatl​
long over due requests lol. i can’t wait for Glynda and Ozpin to reunite.
[sketch and writing requests: open]
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What kind of magic do all your characters use?
Thank you, this tells me how much more I really need to talk about them.... Ceral is a storm mage. He uses lightning, fire, ice and wind magic Laan uses geomancy and self growth magic Except specializes in healing and shapeshifting magic Y'lona does use magic but is afflicted by 2 counter acting contract/curses Zoya can imbue weapons with minor enchantments Atlan mostly uses fist magic but does have varying types of pyromancy Sturn is a psuedolich that commands his dead crewmates Samuel dabbles in necromancy but specifically control over spirits Kitai, while a knight, can manipulate glass Aseri summons monsters via blood infused tattoos scattered over her body Cas slings minor fire magic and some reinforcement magic
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19-bellwether · 3 years
Gauntlets and Greaces?
If your gauntlets have grease on them, you need to clean them more often
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lifblogs · 3 years
Pyrrha and Yang from RWBY .
I know nothing about them, but they look super cute, and their hair colors look really good together, so obviously, they have to be gay together.
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For Snowbird, what would happen if one of them got very badly injured. (Again)
Here we go! I’m so so sorry that this took so long to answer so I hope you enjoy it @halethebop
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theepicwaffleman12 · 4 years
Waffle, what's your favourite part of RWBY?
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🎁 Best gift you ever received and why
I got a heated massage chair from my partner as a congrats gift for getting my first teaching job. I love that chair.
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kreetn · 3 years
Have they ever been convicted under any jurisdiction? How fine is your character’s control over their magic?
I wish so bad that I could remember which ask game this was. And that tumblr’s inbox notifications actually worked.
I’m just gonna pick one at random.
My character’s name is Doc Dollarday. He’s a bubblegum pink tiefling artificer whose magic manifests as an obsession with all things alchemical. He never seems to be short of materials, and is capable of solving almost any problem (or blowing it up) given enough time in his traveling medicine wagon. His main trade is “traveling snake oil salesman.”
He’s never been legally convicted, tried or imprisoned under his own name. ;)
I like to think his control over his magic is serendipitously imprecise. Like, loading his firearm with alchemical ingredients through a funnel in the top and somehow atomizing an aggressor.
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breelandwalker · 3 years
I have a really hard time visualizing things and I've noticed a lot of spell work is visualization. Do you have any tips or suggestions to help me?
I’m not always great with visualization either, so yes, I have some tips for you!
If visualization isn’t your strong suit, use props. You can sketch or doodle, weave or wrap with yarn, write or type a stream of consciousness, play music that puts you in the proper mindset, model or sculpt with clay, whatever tactile activity works for you.
I find this particularly helpful, since I have ADHD and often need to multitask or keep my hands busy in order to let me brain work properly. So tying knots in a length of twine or tracing symbols in a dish of sand helps me focus on what I’m doing if I’m having trouble. (You can work the activity into the casting of the spell if you want, too.)
You can also practice with guided audio meditations if you like, if having a voice describing the visualization helps your process at all. That’s really the only way I can do visualization for longer periods of time if I don’t have a physical prop.
Hope this helps!
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melonishus · 3 years
Is Honey Fluffles an actual cat? Or a stuffed animal?
Dew- A stuffed animal of course ! I can’t picture bringing an actual cat on a trip like this [giggles] the poor thing might get eaten alive !
Honey Fluffles is a gift from my mother, so it’s something I cherish deeply
OC Questions
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nightinngales · 4 years
2. What song fits your pairing the most? - War of Hearts (Acoustic) by Ruelle ends me every time. Also notable: Power Over Me by Dermot Kennedy. There’s actually a Seres playlist, but I haven’t updated it since probably act 5 ish. A good song Eres angst song though is Casualty by Hidden Citizens. 
5. Favorite canon moment of them? - oh my god i literally have SO many but i think my favorite is still
       “You never told me what that meant.”                    Eres takes her hand and places it over her chest. Serana looks at her, confusion written across her face—but Eres just smiles back at her.                   “Heart,” Eres tells her. “It means my heart beats for you.”
9. Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? - honestly, their banter is my favorite part to write lol. i have so much fun writing their dialogue that i miss writing them together when they’re apart. they have a very natural back-and-forth that makes dialogue very easy to write for them
14. Is there a pairing that you think rivals them? - honestly the only pairing i am quite as invested in on an emotional level is maybe leliana/the warden. it has that similar vibe of just an absolutely unshakeable, soulmate type of love. it’s not a fandom i write for sadly but GOSH i have emotions about that pairing and i probably will until i die 
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85 for Ceral
85. Do they prefer to live in the present or to plan ahead? Ceral very much lives in the present. He enjoys taking life as it comes and doing what he needs to do in order to get by. He plans ahead only if it really matters, like when it comes to his dragon whelp, Raz, being cared for when he’s not on Kaladesh or his gear. His personal journal, which contains notes on the weather patterns of every plane he’s ever been to, is fire proof, water proof and overall highly resistant to damage so that he never has to worry about it being on his person during a fight. But he’s got idea what he’s having for dinner or what he’s going to do if his clothes get ruined while he’s on the road.
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19-bellwether · 3 years
Gray - appear in your mirror.
You’re welcome for having beauty reflected back at you every time you step into the bathroom~
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lifblogs · 4 years
Thanks for this! Sorry for my intense answers to follow.
21: What I love most about myself
My sense of humor, though it’s arguably what my brother hates most about me since I almost accidentally kill him every time he has bronchitis.
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
It’s story time, kids! Okay, so my biological father hasn’t been in my life since I was 8, and I choose to keep it that way. So, my mom and my bio father got married, had me and my brother, and then they got divorced. I lived with my mom as my only parent for a bit. Then her friends set her up on a blind date. Enter, my new dad! They dated, got married, he adopted me and my brother. And I had a dad! I really had a dad! But things at home got difficult, the relationship got tough. My dad walked out right before my finals junior year. I decided to keep him in my life, especially since he was clearly so devastated to leave me. And, turns out, my mom was abusing my dad, and he was the buffer that kept that abuse away from me. With them separated that abuse is something I experience every day. Meanwhile, my dad is literally the greatest thing in my life, and I love him so much. I’m so proud to have his last name. Found family really is special.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
I thought she would blame me for getting raped, so I just... led her to believe that a different situation happened. (I tried to think of a less intense answer, but I almost never lie to my friends)
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