#haha literally i'm 4 foot 10
yelenabelovasbxtch · 8 months
Crush On An Archer PT.4
Kate Bishop X f!reader
a/n: Honestly, I know I took forever to write this but I'm proud of myself for coming back and doing it haha. We all know how I can be when I fall off the writing wagon for a bit. Anyways, I think this part was pretty good! Let me know what you think! For those of you asking, there will probably be one to two more parts after this. Most likely one but we'll see if I change my mind. Happy writing!
Word count: 2250
Warnings: Not proofread, drinking
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Waiting for 7pm too roll around felt like weeks. You tried watching tv, scrolling tiktok, literally anything to pass the time. You ended up settling on taking a nap to make time move quicker and so you’d have no problems this time staying up a little later. Your alarm goes off at 5:30 and you get up to get ready. You settled on some beige shorts with a black tshirt and a fitted cap to match the shorts. You threw on your chain and rings and hit yourself with a mist of your cologne before you were ready to head out. You had about 40 minutes until 7 when all of a sudden your phone went off. 
“Hey any chance you could come to mine for 7 instead? I ended up having to host the pre game. Sorry about the inconvenience.” Kate said in a text. 
“Sure omw in 10.”
Kate dropped you a pin with her location as a reminder of where she lived and you started to head over. 
Despite the constant texting and good amount of time spent together so far, you couldn’t help but be nervous. You don’t drink often and when you do secrets spill so who knows how this is going to go. You send her a text saying you’re close and as you walk up the steps to her front door the door swings open and there’s Kate with open arms and clearly already tipsy. 
“Y/N!!!!!” She says as her arms wrap around you and her body weight almost completely falls onto you. You’re practically holding her up until she finds her footing. She looked gorgeous. Her hair was down, she was wearing this beige tank top style shirt that was tight to her body with super high cut black shorts. You were practically drooling. 
“It is SO good to see you. Let’s get you a drink. We’re playing some games.”
You walked into her house and around the corner there were about 10 other girls some of them you recognized from the team some you didn’t. 
Kate quickly did a run down of who everyone was in the room for you while cracking a vodka soda for you and handing it off. 
“Do you know the rules of flip cup?”
“Yeah I think so.”
“Want to watch us play one round then join in?”
“Yeah absolutely.”
You sat there and watching a bunch of drunk girls playing flip cup but honestly your eyes were stuck on her. Fuck she was absolutely gorgeous. Her smile felt like it was lighting up the entire room. Every feature on her face was your favorite. Your heart was just melting looking at her and she had no idea. 
“Y/n??” You zone back in. 
“Yeah sorry?”
“You saw how to play. Think you’re ready to join now?”
“Yeah absolutely.”
You played a couple of different drinking games that Kate walked you through for about an hour and a half and had a pretty strong buzz going when one of the girls announced that the party you were going to go to got shut down. 
“Well it’s not too late, we could always just go to the bars instead?” Kate says. 
Everyone nodded in agreement, you were honestly a little relieved because house parties weren’t so much your thing. A bunch of the girls went to touch up their makeup while you waited by the door ready to go. Kate walked over to you and waited with you, of course she’s so naturally gorgeous that she wears practically no makeup. 
“I hope you’re having fun!! I know you don’t typically do this sort of stuff.” She says. 
“I am yeah I’m excited to go to the bar too.”
“Good.” She says with a soft smile as you two stay making eye contact in this dark entrance to the apartment. 
“C'mon you two let’s get going.” One of the girls says as she stumbled between the two of you bringing you back down to earth. 
Everyone was ready to go and you all started walking towards the strip of road with about 5 different clubs and bars on it. Luckily, Kate’s place wasn’t far at all from the area so it was only a short 8 minute walk. After IDs were checked you all headed in, the music was blaring, drunk people dancing, yes you absolutely felt over stimulated and were trying to keep your cool. 
Kate looks over at you and sees the concerned look on your face. She grabs your hand with hers and motions towards the bar with her head. “C’mon let’s go get a drink” is what you think came out of her mouth but it's practically too loud to tell. 
Kate orders the two of you a shot and a vodka cran each as the bartender makes eyes at her, you can feel her grip tighten. 
“Thank you!” you try to yell over the music as she hands you your drinks.
Kate winks at you as you cheers your shots, tap them on the table and throw them back.
“Let’s go dance!” She screams over the music. Her free hand grabs yours again and pulls you to the front of the dance floor right in front of the DJ. The two of you bump into some of the girls you came here with who are so unbelievably plastered they had absolutely no shame in dancing any which way. You however felt shy, although there was copious amounts of liquor coursing through your body you were still sober enough to be nervous. That or the nerves were so bad they were sobering you up. You decide to down your other drink for courage and try your best at dancing. Kate was a natural, she went out with these girls all the time, they practically all had a dance routine created based only on their time drunk dancing in bars. Your second drink was starting to hit a little harder than expected so the nerves were settling and you felt like you could relax and have a little bit of fun. Was the room spinning? Yes. But it was spinning in the best way possible.
You and Kate were jumping around having an amazing time screaming the lyrics to whatever Taylor Swift song the DJ queued up (there were a LOT) when all of a sudden you saw all the emotion drop off her face. She got real quiet and started to stand a little behind you. You look at her confused as you follow her eyeline three people down to a guy who just walked up with his friends. Fuck.
“Kate? Everything okay?”
“What’s going on?”
“I just haven’t seen my ex since we broke up. I know it was inevitable with us living in the same town and going to the same school and everything but it still took me off guard.”
“Did you want to leave?”
“--fuck no. He doesn’t own the bar. I’m not going to ruin my night just because his dumb ass showed up.”
You see the guy she’s looking at make eye contact with Kate. Fuck is he walking over here?
Kate’s fingers are entangled in yours as she clutches onto your hand behind her back. 
“Hello ladies.”
“Why are you over here?”
“Woah Kate, no need to be so hostile. I just wanted to come say hi. Why don’t you introduce me to your little friend?”
You could see fire lighting behind Kate’s eyes. She quickly squeezed your hand twice and pulled you around in front to reveal your hands locked together.
“Girlfriend actually.” Kate says confidently as she releases your hand and puts her arm around your shoulders. Your arm naturally fell to her waist and your heart was beating a mile a minute as your hand gripped around her side. 
His eyebrows raise as the two of you hold each other. “Yeah…okay…sure.” He says. 
“I don’t know who you are but you’re making my girl very uncomfortable so I think it’s time you go.” You say with the most fake but hopefully believable confident tone. 
““Your girl” yeah?” he says with air quotes. 
You just raise your eyebrows in response. He scoffs, looks at the two of you back and forth and walks away. A huge sigh of relief comes out of your mouth as you watch him walk away. No way would that have been possible without the amount of liquid courage you downed just beforehand. You snap back into reality as you feel a kiss planted on your cheek. Your eyes widen and your face more beet red than it already was turns and looks at Kate. 
“You were GREAT thank you so much for playing along with me.”
You got a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, arm around her waist. Why did you feel so shitty? Why did it feel like your heart fell out of your ass to then get trampled on? 
You managed to crack a smile out as your eyes looked at Kate with lust and love and how all you wanted was for it to be true while she seemed obliviously happy that it was just you two again.
Her friends came back over to you guys after getting more drinks and Kate told them what just happened as you stood there still trying to process it all and how you felt. The rest of the night felt hazy, you tried to dance with Kate and her friends but fuck all you felt was out of it. That whole thing really fucked you and your night up and it never improved. 
You check your watch, “1:27am”
“Hey Kate, I think I’m going to go home, I’m feeling pretty tired.”
A frown comes across Kate’s face when you say you’re leaving. “Okay…but I’m walking you, I don’t want you walking alone at night.” She says. 
“No, it’s not a big deal, stay with your friends.”
“No y/n, I’m walking you home, you have no say in this.”
You let out a small chuckle and agree as Kate turns around and says bye to all her friends. 
The two of you push your way through the crowd and manage to make it outside and damn fresh air never felt so good. 
“So…how was your first night out experience?”
“I had a pretty good time, yeah.”
“So glad to hear it! I hope you come out with us again soon.”
“Yeah for sure.”
The two of you talked about all sorts of different stuff on your walk home, school, friends, archery, you had some laughs but for the most part you were still feeling really weird about everything that happened earlier and you weren’t doing a very good job at hiding it. 
“Thanks for walking me home…but now I’m worried about you walking home alone.” You say with a chuckle. 
“It’s okay, I can call an Uber.” Kate responds. “Uh…y/n..can we talk about something for a sec?”
“Yeah for sure what’s up?” Fuck. You can feel your heart racing again.
“Are we good?”
“Yeah of course, why do you ask?”
“I don’t know, it’s just I felt like we were having a really good time and then after my ex came over and that whole thing you seemed really off the rest of the night.”
Fuck. What do you say? Do you tell her you have feelings for her? Do you shrug it off? One of those sounds a lot easier than the other.
“Yeah! No, yeah of course we are good. Yeah that whole thing was definitely weird but there was no issue.” You say with the fakest smile ever. At this point you were worried she could hear your heart racing.
“You know if there are ever any issues you can tell me right? Like if I crossed a line or something, just be honest.” She says as she takes a step closer to you. 
“Yeah of course. No issues here.”
“Okay good. Because I have really enjoyed getting to know you and I love the friendship that we have…”
Is she just saying that to make it abundantly clear that we are only friends and will only ever be friends?
“...or whatever else we have too.”
You felt a lump get caught in your throat as your eyes were making lingering contact. Heart thumping so loud you can feel it in your eardrums. Your eyes were scanning her face, fuck all you wanted to do was grab her face pull it in and kiss her. Your body is just full of adrenaline, it's practically shaking out of you when all of a sudden you tune back in. 
“Yeah, I love our friendship too.” You say with a big goofy smile and take a small step back from her. 
What the fuck was that?
Kate’s face was fighting back every emotion it was feeling. Struggle was painted across it. She clearly had something to confess that she practically did but you are such a big pussy that pushing her back and away was the only thing you could do. 
“I should um get some sleep.” You say. “Text me when you get home safe?”
“Sure– uh– yeah.” Kate says looking confused as you start backing up towards your door and walk through it. Back against the wall as your head tips back in frustration trying to figure out why the fuck you would do that. 
– End of PT. 4 –
Taglist: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld @inluvwithfictionalwomen @x666hours @natashaswife4125 @onetruwhore @karmasgxrl @hopelesslyfallenninlove @setsuna1415 @swiftdazer @imobsessedwithmilfss @madamevirgo @louisprettybab @splatalia-jumpanova @jediluka @t00manyfand0ms @oohlala666 @kates-abs-slay @scmg11 @uselessgaez @katebishops-simp @d0ingitwithpassi0n @wuwu96 @ar23northlondon-forever 
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forcebookish · 5 months
15 people, 15 questions
thanks for tagging me, @djeterg19! i usually forget to do these because i get weirdly anxious about who to tag but i'm feeling frisky today 🤷
1. are you named after anyone?
my secret identity, no, but rum comes from kairumption which is a play on kai (exo) + kyrumption (angel), so... almost?
2. when was the last time you cried?
oh god this is so embarrassing... watching starlympics seeing everyone hug book dfjlsjlkg I JUST LOVE HOW MUCH EVERYONE LOVES HIM OKAY HE DESERVES IT
3. do you have kids?
just a cat, and she's adopted (ba dum tss)
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
as a kid i played soccer, basketball, tennis, and cross country "competitively;" gymnastics, volleyball, and badminton casually. i still have a volleyball/badminton net and a tennis racket but i never have a buddy to play with :( i'm also not very good :(
5. do you use sarcasm?
no (that was sarcastic) (and low-hanging fruit)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
their outfit or hair probably? idk i never really thought about it
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
is it dumb if i say i like scary movies with happy endings? i know there are like... two out there. but fr i prefer vaguely frightening/disturbing and bittersweet (pmmm and other horror anime are the best examples). the typical horror movie gotcha endings annoy me, with a few exceptions like evil dead 2 and the first two re-animators. most of my favorite movies/books are sad and end with major character death actually D: BUT IN GENERAL i don't watch a LOT of scary movies and prefer happy endings, those faves are technically outliers. i just like to be moved!
9. any talents?
i can open doors by turning the doorknob with my foot. oh, and i guess i'm good at writing.
10. where were you born?
washington state, lived here my whole life :')
11. what are your hobbies?
yoga, books, writing fanfiction, making edits and doing other fandom shit, (vegan) cooking/baking, and video games
12. do you have any pets?
just the one these days (i used to have two since i was nine, but they both passed away in the last five years😢 they were angels🥲), and my "adopted" joke goes doubly because we're actually taking care of my aunt and uncle's cat while they're traveling the country in a trailer so she's technically my cousin haha
13. how tall are you?
5'8" which i don't consider very tall but anyone who hasn't met me in person is always shocked! i guess it's above the female average... literally everywhere, but most of my family, on both sides, are taller than me😅 my mom is 5'9" and my dad is 6'2"😅 my mom's brother was 6'4"😅
14. favorite subject in school?
english and japanese
15. dream job
successful novelist :')
feel free to ignore this: @forcebook @seatawinans @ellasaru12 @komari-maxx @forcebookbrainrot @bookishforce @cryptidcrysis @forcebookuniverse @retiredficwriter @thenewaromantic @fireworksgalaxy @jonginnation @monwillica (omg i actually got it to almost fifteen... ily... also IDK WHY I FELT WEIRD TAGGING MY IRL FRIENDS BUT IF YOU SEE THIS CONSIDER IT A TAG ok bye)
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nunuboo · 9 months
bias tag game!
tagged by @wnjunhui almost four whole months ago 😅 i'm sorry this took forever to post, but i still really wanted to do it so here it is ♡
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
tagging: @boobzi @gguksgalaxy @seungmmin @facethesuns @sevencoloredstar @momowife @seunghyubtual @lee-minhoe @minzbins and anyone i may have missed and wants to do this! (as usual, you don't have to do it if you don't want to ♡)
my biases:
answers below the cut! <3
p.s — i love talking about my biases, so feel free to drop similar questions in my ask box!
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
seungmin! i only recently started listening to tbz :)
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
i'm deeply attached to both of them though :( in slightly different ways but almost to the same extent? i don't talk about wonwoo a lot bc i bias him quietly if that makes sense, but i'Il always have my eyes on him. shownu is one of my "look! that's my man!!" biases haha he's one of the biases you won't hear enough of from me.
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
i'd pick seungkwan! coffee date (obviously), then maybe a drive to the beach. he could teach me beach volleyball and how to swim lol. i'd love to watch the sun go down with him :) we could have a good seafood dinner and drinks after! or honestly i'd be down with whatever he wants to do!
i would love to spend the day with heeseung too, but i think it's going to take a lot of awkward silence before we get to talking hahaha
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
his ʕ>◠▽◠<? smile/laugh!
5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
the way he's unapologetic about who he is and whatever he chooses to do. and how kindness is his second nature. i also love how much he loves food! his face just lights up when someone brings it up or when he gets a chance to talk about food he loves :")
6. If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
i hope you never lose your childlike sense of playfulness and wonder <3
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
but their closets are boring...... lmaooo ok so maybe wonwoo's? i bet those oversized shirts of his are comfy!
if i have to choose from all 10 of them though, i'd pick hobi!!!
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
i think he's tried almost everything? but maybe i wanna see him try something similar to nct taeyong's outfits!
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
seungmin! he's still almost a foot taller than me though....
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
btob's music remains unmatched in my heart. they have a song for literally every mood or feeling or vibe i'm into. i'm so in love with the quality of their music, too. you can hear how well-produced every single one of their songs are, and that still blows my mind every time i listen to their discography.
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childotkw · 2 years
1) 🏋️🚪 makes me crazy with his ridiculous way of thinking... Hope that Lily makes through it alive.
2) I think Narcissa is late to the tournament because of Sirius... So, there is a possibilty that Tom is in the knowledge of certain things about 🏋️🚪's plan and taking actions against it.
3) Holy sh*t, Barty is here!!! I have a feeling that he is related to Erebus or the Lady but idk 💁🏻‍♀️
4) I wonder how much Draco know about the extent of the relationship between Tom and Hadrian 🤭 And how did he learn it?
5) And this part:
** “Go suck a cock, Crouch,” he snapped, unable to help the childish comment.“That an offer, sweetheart?” Crouch asked, fluttering his eyelashes, and pitching his voice to sound breathy and eager. His smile was enigmatic, a slow pull of his mouth that showed his dimples and made him almost boyish in his mischief.
“No,” Riddle said suddenly, nudging Hadrian away and stepping forward. It was less in response to Crouch’s words and more a shutdown of their entire interaction. **
Btw, I want to see Riddle squirm with jealousness. I literally need it.Burn Riddle, burrrn 🔥🔥
First, I just gotta commend you on the emojis. I had a cheeky chuckle at those haha
Albus is definitely on thin ice - but he's the worst type of crazy because you can kinda see where he comes from? Like, it's a 1/10 for morality, but his desperation and willingness to cross lines makes sense in the context of his character.
We'll get to see what's up with Narcissa in the next chapter 😉 she's got an awesome scene coming up. I genuinely love it.
No comment on Barty - only that I'm glad so many people were banging the table in excitement when he came in 😂
Draco's definitely picking up on the ~vibes~ but he wouldn't touch their relationship with a ten-foot pole. He resolutely Does Not want to know the details lmao. Hadrian and Riddle aren't exactly...subtle, so that's how he's started piecing some things together - plus, Lucius is definitely lamenting. It's not Draco's fault his dad mutters 😂
My favourite part of the chapter, tbh. I put that in for all the ILYWT peeps out there 😘
Riddle's possessiveness will definitely be making an appearance in the next chapter, don't you worry - but his jealousy will be it's own character in the sequel!
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umbrellasareforever · 2 years
Well then, answer me 1, 2, 4, 8, and 10 for the new and shiny Doctor Who ask meme!
Ah crap, gotta put my money where my mouth is!
1. A terrible effect or costume that you love
There's so many put the first thing that comes to my mind is the shot of the TARDIS and Professor Chronotis' TARDIS from Shada in the time vortex. It makes me cackle but in such a sincere way, it feels like the epitome of Classic Who to me.
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2. A terrible effect or costume that annoys you or breaks your immersion
Ah jeez that's a tougher one okay OH the Cybermasters. I hate them so much, I think they look so ridiculous and out of almost everything Doctor Who has had in it, they just feel so fake(?) I think that's the word I want to use, I'm not quite sure. ESPECIALLY when they were first revealed in Timeless Child with those ridiculous frowns on their faces oh my goooood.
4. How an episode you don't like could have gone better
The problem with this one is choosing just one episode, haha. Going with the first one that came to my head, Kerblam!. I really, really dug that episode up until the third act. The reveal of the antagonist and their plan and their motivation just all felt so muddled. It was like the writer knew what they wanted to do but it ended up coming out so wrong. The whole episode was showing just how grim and sad and awful it was to work at this place and then for the villain's motivation to be that there weren't enough humans working there just felt so off. It may have been more obvious, but I do think the episode would've worked a lot better had the company been the problem. Because lemme tell ya, the fact that more humans weren't allowed to work in that place would not be my biggest issue were I an employee.
8. If they were to give him a historical companion, when/where should they come from?
Well first of all I'd be happy with literally any time period because anything would be more interesting than modern day Earth at this point. I feel like I can't come up with anything super unique because I'm not a huge history buff (probably my worst subject in school honestly), and this idea might just be because my partner and I started watching X-Files, but I kinda like the idea of someone from the late 60s or 70s who's a major UFO/alien theorist and meeting the Doctor/traveling with them gives the companion a sense of vindication. I feel like it could be really sweet and also lead to a companion who is just fascinated by everything they're seeing.
10. If you could pick one iconic item of clothing or accessory for Fourteen, what would it be?
I'll be honest I'm very bad when it comes to creativity with clothes, haha. The question also says accessory though so I'll say I'd really want 14 to be less reliant on the sonic and have other tools and gizmos as well. 10 had a couple here and there, like in Partners in Crime, and I think it's very fun for the Doctor to have just all sorts of things in their pockets and tool boxes that have different uses. Still have the sonic for stuff like doors and computers, but if the Doctor needs to track an energy reading on foot or cloak a signal coming from an alien escape pod, why not have some funky little prop!
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gretavanfleetposts · 2 years
hi there! i was wondering if i could get a ship, please? :-)
a little about myself, i'm 5'1 (where my short besties at?), sort of curvy, and i have shoulder length red hair that is either super wavy one day or a curly mess the next! i have blue eyes, i wear contacts sometimes but i frequently switch back and forth between them and my glasses. i absolutely love the outdoors and spending time outside, whether it be hiking, camping, backpacking, kayaking, you name it, whatever it is, i'm down for it! i also have a deep infatuation with music, whether that be playing music or just listening to it. that being said, my music library is massive. i love thrifting and sustainable shopping. i'm trying to get my closet down to at least 70-80% secondhand clothing right now! last but not least, i'm going to school right now to get my AS and BS in Geology with hopes to work for the National Park Service or the United States Geological Survey. i'm currently employed at a state-owned cave as a tour guide!
now for the prompts!
1. pronouns: she/her
2. star signs: virgo sun, taurus moon, pisces rising, which is very accurate for who i feel like i am!
3. favorite movie: THIS IS SO HARD! i have too many. i'll give you a few. the shining, grease, lady bird, hereditary, and the lost boys.
4. intro/extro?: definitely introverted by nature! with college and working in jobs that require public speaking, i'm finding myself breaking out of my shell! which i'm happy about :-)
5. skill/talent: is being able to set a tent up in less than a minute considered a talent?
6. go-to-song: HAHA probably mountain of the sun by gvf, take me home, country roads by john denver, or houses of the holy by led zeppelin.
7. what i look for in a partner: i look for loyalty, comfort, and humor. i look for someone that i can find a home within.
8. favorite item of clothing: as of right now, it's either my thrifted kennedy meadow's denim button up or my new pair of flare jeans that just hug in all the right places! (also my chacos and blundstones. they're my besties.)
9. pet: omg i have three. i have two cats, megan and sammy, and then a pacman frog, beep. i love them all so much and i would honestly sell my soul for them. my cats are sleeping at the foot of my bed as i'm typing this out and my frog is right next to my desk in his terrarium.
10. ideal date: okay, i've thought about this a lot before. just like in passing during life, and honestly i don't even know! i guess an IDEAL date would be some sort of outdoor activity followed up by a nice dinner/lunch and then quality time spent at home watching a movie or two? i'm literally the most open person when it comes to dates, so ANY date is an ideal date to me.
thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to read this request and answer my ask. i hope you have a wonderful day! <33333
Hey there! I ship you with Josh!
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I'm just imagining Josh surprising you at work and scheduling a private tour so you can wander around the cave just the two of you. Can he also help you manage your curls? Probably. He's had a lot of practice with his own. I think he'd probably be pretty impressed by the size of your music collection. Like, he'd be so proud? And he'd be especially honored that he made it into the mix. You'd get great use out of your talent for putting up tents because I'm imagining the two of you going camping like every other weekend when he's not touring in the summer. And you are absolutely going thrifting with this boy every chance you get. Like, we're talking traveling far and wide for thrift stores when you've cleaned your local ones out.
- ⭐
Submit requests here!
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lachryphage · 2 years
frankly it pleases me immensely that I'm the youngest in the polycule by a good 4 years and up to 11 years.
idk maybe it's "freudian" or whatever but it just feels really comforting and natural because growing up I was the youngest in the family by ~10 years. like literally no one amongst the family members I interact with was even close to my age. my siblings and cousins were all young enough that they weren't Adults but old enough that I was (and probably still) a Child in their eyes. it was very isolating and I felt excluded from basically everything lol
but now... I belong! because now I'm around people who only know me as an adult so we're on more equal footing. so I kind of finally get to feel included by people who are more or less reminding me of my cousins and siblings. but I still get the benefits of being the youngest because they're all becoming protective of me which is... something I constantly crave
yessss haha take care of me... it's all according to keikaku >:)
I really hope this situation continues to work out, it's still so early in but I'm so happy. in terms of relationships, all I've ever wanted was to be adopted into a polycule, and I think that's exactly what's happening
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