#had to take a small break and ended up watching HH and enjoying it
shaylai · 4 months
Your executive producer
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owlown · 2 months
Its always okay to take a break
This is something I thought of after watching ep 6 of hh(Harbin Hotel)
Angel notices nifty over cleaning during the night and he decides to help her take a break and she's been cleaning all day so she needs it.
It was a peaceful night in the hotel, everything was quiet, no noises could be heard.
everybody was sleeping peacefully
except for one tall demon.
Angel Dust.
The spider was laying in bed cuddling his pet pig, Fat Nuggets, after having a rough day at work, he couldn't seem to get any sleep
he hated Valentino and Angel wanted him to get killed by the exterminators
He hated his boss so much
Angels thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash that came from the lobby down stairs
Filled with curiosity and worry the spider went down stairs where he saw Nifty, a smaller demon, running around cleaning thinks like crazy, her eye had a crazed in it
"Niff! It's late, what are you doing?" Angel commanded, his voice harsh but not too harsh. He didn't wanna scare her away. Nifty looked up at the taller one and immediately climbed on him dusting him off with the duster she held in her hand.
Getting annoyed and confused Angel dust picked her up with his front arms holding her away from his face as he glared at her "God niff, would you stop that!" Nifty tried wriggling out of his grib "I gotta clean! This place is filthy!"
Angel shook his head "It is not filthy nifty!" He said disagreeing "You've done a great job cleaning this hotel top from bottom. I dont see any mess here" other than myself he thought to himself before continuing "And neither should you. Now, you can stop with the cleaning and come rest"
Nifty sniffled at the spiders words immediately nodded a small tear dripping out of her big eye.
Angel dust frowned seeing the tear as he wiped it away "Don't cry nifty, I didn't mean to be harsh, you just shouldn't push yourself" if only if he didn't have pushed himself, but he didn't wanna see nifty or any of his other friends do the same thing.
Nifty reached out to hug angel as he returned the hug smiling. Before pulling away he smiled at her "Now... are we ready for bed?" He asked. The little demon bug nodded
Angel then carried her to her room putting her in bed. "Now remember, I don't want you cleaning tomorrow, no bug chasing, no dusting, no anything, understand?" Nifty nodded yawning as she slowly feel asleep
Feeling himself smile angel slowly got up and went to his own room. fat nuggets was fast asleep in his own bed that was next to angels.
Crawling into bed angel went on his phone, a shit ton of messages of Valentino. Ignoring them, he shut his phone curling up in his sheets and going right back to sleep
Tomorrow won't be so bad, he thought
Wowsers that was fun to write, I apologize if it was short I really wanted it to be longer but I had 80% motivation. But I really hoped you enjoyed this! Feel free to request any hazbin hotel stories! (Just as long as it doesn't involve r-pe or smut)
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
28 Kara is cute, one would say too cute to suffer. Not me. Maybe fic where he is feeling really sick, but being the quiet one he is forgotten for a while? Or something. Pls and thanks.
haha, nobody is EVER too cute to suffer here! including precious baby 18!Kara~ <3
I had fun with this, I hope you like it! c:
It’s pouring rain when the rest of the sextuplets come to walk Karamatsu home from the train station, and he doesn’t want to go out in it.
Today’s drama club meeting wasn’t a very good one. The teacher leading it got focused on the two lead actors for the play which the club is showing tomorrow night, because they were both fighting and at each other’s throats. Most of the others ignored Karamatsu in favor of being on their phones or reading magazines or running lines while the teacher was busy with the leads.
Finally, in a twist that puts the cherry on the horrible meeting sundae, despite the fact that he’s playing a small part, Karamatsu messed up his own lines every single time. The others were so irritated with him, he wished the floor would just swallow him up.
Usually he’s so good with acting. It’s something he’s passionate about and enjoys and takes pride in. Today… it’s not that he’s nervous about the production. It’s that he just feels awful.
He’s been tired since he woke up, he’s warm and clammy at the same time, his throat is scratchy, he keeps coughing and sneezing, and any part of his body that doesn’t have a specific complaint is simply achy. Mommy noticed that he wasn’t feeling well when she sent them all to school, but he begged her not to keep him home, and since he didn’t have a fever this morning, she let him go.
There’s… definitely a fever running through him now, though. He thought for sure his brothers would notice and maybe ask him if there was anything they could do; instead, he’s been behaving so normally as far as they’re concerned, with his quiet nature and tendency to cry over small things, that not a single one of them has picked up on it.
On top of everything else, he forgot his umbrella. It was supposed to be sunny today, so he had to walk from school to the train without one, and now when he gets out of the station, he has to go out into the rain with barely any protection.
Although he’s crying by the time he reaches his brothers, it blends in pretty well with the rain.
Thankfully, all his brothers are carrying umbrellas, so he huddles under Osomatsu’s and presses himself against his older brother’s side. Osomatsu immediately accommodates him, pulling Karamatsu in to get dry. “Hey, bro! Geez, you’re shaking like a leaf. Sorry you didn’t have your umbrella!” He chuckles and tousles Karamatsu’s hair. “That’s what you get for picking a nerd hobby that’s right after school so you don’t have time to go home and get anything.”
“Don’t listen to him, Kara ― your hobby is just fine,” Choromatsu hums. He’s busy trying to entertain Totty, who’s doing his damnedest to attach himself to Choromatsu’s hip. “Now, guys, it’s raining out here, so can we please go home and get some tea? If we stay out here much longer, we’re gonna catch colds, and I do not want to be sick for graduation.”
Jyushimatsu scoffs. “That’s still two weeks away. We’d be fine, dumbass.”
Choromatsu’s face turns bright red. “W-well, if you’re fine getting sick regardless, you can go jump in the puddles for all I care!”
A smile briefly flashes across the second youngest’s face. “Really??” And just like that, he’s back to looking constantly angry. “Naaah… that shit’s for babies!”
They all begin to walk, and Ichimatsu shakes his head. “Ah, Karamatsu-nii-san… some of my friends wanted to come see that play tomorrow. What time does it start, again?”
“U-uh.” Karamatsu sniffles a few times, nuzzling against Osomatsu’s shoulder. “7 P.M. for the first one. Then there’s another showing at… at 8:30. I… don’t know if I’m… going to go, though.”
“What??” Choromatsu frowns as the six of them stop for the crosswalk. “You’ve never had stage fright before. You’ll be fine once you get up on the stage.”
“I don’t know, Choro…”
“Oh, come on, Kara-nii-san. Don’t cry like that… you made a commitment! You don’t wanna let your club down, right?”
Karamatsu reaches up to try and wipe the tears away. Not only is it kind of ineffective because his rain-soaked bangs keep dripping down his face, his hand keeps brushing against parts of his acne as he tries, which is painful. “Y-yeah, but…”
Osomatsu gives his little brother a squeeze that he thinks is supposed to be reassuring. It’s a bit rough, though. “No ‘but’s unless you’re grabbing a girl’s butt, Kara! You got this! You’ve done this shit before and totally nailed it. You usually don’t have too many lines, anyway, so it’s not that bad, is it?”
God, he should have a little more backbone. He should be able to say things decisively and not just fall silent when his brothers push him like this. Actually, if he just managed to say outright that he’s sick, they wouldn’t even be saying anything like this stuff. Right now they just think it’s pre-curtain jitters, which happens, which they can usually shake him out of because they know he loves acting.
Funnily enough, even though he doesn’t have much of a spine himself, this crappy cold of his evidently thinks this is the perfect time to speak up. The congestion he’s been fighting blossoms into something insistent that he can’t ignore, and he quickly ducks his face down between his hands.
“― Hh’DSHH! Hah’DTchh! Hd’TCHHuu! Ahh’DTSCHhhoo!”
A volley of coughs rides on the tail end of the last sneeze, so much that he can barely get a breath in. Each one makes his all-over soreness sharpen for a second, unbearable pinpricks of pain across his whole body. The coughs make something in his chest crackle and it hurtsand suddenly he’d pulled into a protective hug.
Part of him wishes he could just pull away. The part of him that wants to lean into the contact wins out, allowing him to nestle into his older brother’s chest as he continues to cough.
“Shit, Karamatsu!” Osomatsu starts rubbing his little brother’s back in an attempt to help break up the fit. “The fuck, man? That sounds nasty. You coming down with something?”
Karamatsu can feel the others hovering closer, murmuring in concern among themselves. The coughs finally taper off and he scrubs at his eyes, no matter how much it hurts, even as more tears start to bubble up. “Y-yeah… I woke up sick…”
“What??” Choromatsu sounds almost like he’s been betrayed or something. “You should have stayed home! Ah… wait… wait, you walked all the way to the station from school in the rain when you already have a cold? That’s a great way to end up with a sinus infection or pneumonia! Shit, we gotta get you home…”
“Sorry…” Karamatsu manages to croak out, followed by more sniffles. Thanks to the cold air and the sneezing, his nose has started running again. “U-uh… does anyone have tissues…? I used all mine already…”
Ichimatsu starts to dig around in his pockets. “Yeah, I think I have some.”
As he hands over a small pack to his older brother, Osomatsu gives a protective squeeze. “Hey, Choro, don’t blame Karamatsu for all this. He should have said something, sure, but it’s not all on him here. We should have noticed something was up. Right? We’re his brothers.”
Karamatsu lets out a small whine of protest, pressing a tissue over his nose. It would have been nice for them to notice, but… it’s not like it’s their job. They don’t owe it to him to pay attention to him. “I-it’s not your fault…”
Before anyone else can say a word, Totty lets go of Choromatsu and darts over to circle his arms around Karamatsu’s waist. He’s sort of wedging himself between Karamatsu and Osomatsu, pretty clearly wanting to be with both of them. “Ah! We love you, Karamatsu-nii-chan!! We’ll take good care of you!”
“… Yeah,” Choromatsu chuckles. He reaches over to pat Karamatsu’s back. “I’m sorry we weren’t paying enough attention to notice you weren’t feeling well. But we’re gonna get you home and tucked into bed. And I’m sure Mom will call the drama club teacher to tell her you can’t perform tomorrow night.”
Jyushimatsu hums, and he appears to be trying very hard not to smile wide like he wants to do. “We’re probably all gonna catch it, right?”
Ichimatsu chuckles softly. “Yeah, that’s what usually happens.”
“So… we can go stomp in puddles, right? Since we’re gonna get sick anyway?”
“No, no, no,” Choromatsu immediately speaks up, “no stomping in puddles! We have to get Kara home!”
Of course, it’s too late. Jyushimatsu has run off ahead of them all, launching himself into every puddle he can find, his face switching between an irritated scowl and a borderline maniacal grin.
Totty’s still clinging to Karamatsu, snuggling against his shoulder. “We’ll all get to be sick together! That means we get to stay home from school for a couple days. We can sleep and watch movies and have a big cuddle puddle.”
Choromatsu sighs. “As long as we don’t miss the commencement ceremony, that’s okay. I guess the last few weeks of our senior year don’t matter too much with regard to schoolwork, anyway. Especially since we’re already adults.”
Another few coughs are muffled against Osomatsu’s chest, prompting everyone to give a brief stroke to Karamatsu’s back or hair. “Well, before we catch it,” Osomatsu says, “we’ve gotta get this geek home and throw his ass in bed. He’s really warm… feels like his skin’s gonna burn his clothes up. C’mon, Kara. We’ll get you wrapped up in a blanket, then maybe I can help Mom make some kayu to make you feel better.”
“Mm…” Well. That does sound pretty good. “… W-with umeboshi on top?”
“Yeah, sure! Whatever you want! And Choro can make some tea, Totty can pick out a movie, Ichi can get a cold cloth for your forehead, and Jyushi…” Osomatsu blinks and peers out where their fifth eldest is… way ahead of them. “What can Jyushi do?”
Choromatsu blows out a slow, frustrated breath. “… Stay out of the way??”
Totty giggles. “He can be the bodyguard! We’ll station him outside the room, and if any of Ichimatsu-nii-chan’s friends come by to try and take Ichimatsu-nii-chan away, Jyushi-nii-chan will scare them off!”
“Hey, yeah! That’s a good idea, Totty!”
“What? Why do you want to scare my friends away?”
“Because Karamatsu-nii-chan’s sick! They can’t drag you off somewhere when your big brother needs you! That’d be mean.”
“A-ah, hahahah… he’d be fine without me, but… I can just say no! We don’t need Jyushi to scare them away.”
“We miiiiiiight! At least, it would be funny!”
Karamatsu offers a tiny laugh, which quickly turns into another couple of coughs. He puts a weak arm around Totty and wonders how he’s going to keep his eyes open for the rest of the walk home. He thinks they’re not too far away, though.
“Thanks, guys… this… this might not be such a bad day after all…”
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thedevillionaire · 3 years
The Twentieth
Okay. ~5,000 words of Underworldian stuff that happens. Well, primarily one thing, really, but not all at the same time. Sort of. Ask me anything, thank you so very much for reading, and...well, here we go.
--- This was not at all how he’d planned for the day of their anniversary to unfold.
In the back of his mind, in corners he’d quite deliberately not lingered for a moment longer than absolutely necessary, he’d known that trouble was possibly oncoming as early as the night before last, the descending fog of nascent illness as recognisable as it was unwelcome. But it had been…at least a year, perhaps close to two, since he’d last felt this way, and he was hoping that he was wrong, and that what were seeming like potential signs of bad news weren’t actually signs at all.
They were.
Cerberus sniffled.
It wasn’t supposed to go like this. He’d tried, he really had. Discounting those signs as unimportant even as he took precautions because of them, he’d risked nothing, pushed his luck with nothing. He’d even gone to bed several hours earlier than usual last night, and fallen asleep almost immediately on top of that. Unlike his bonded, who’d had a late night and come home at some uncertain hour from one of those social catch-up things she so enjoyed that he was…less inclined towards, even in times when he was feeling entirely well – not that he’d given that as the reason for his disinclination to participate, of course.
Hardly relevant, anyway.
And he’d slept soundly enough that he’d not woken to notice her join him – in fact, he’d been so sapped of energy that from the moment the warmth of the hearth and bedcovers enveloped him, he was out – which just made it all the more ominous that he’d woken feeling like he’d got no rest at all, bone-tired as if no respite had been granted, with a constant, dull headache that so far had refused to resolve, and yesterday’s mild discomfort at the back of his throat sharpening significantly into an active and intrusive concern.
Getting caught in that ridiculous downpour on the way here wouldn’t have helped matters either, he thought bitterly. Although brief, it had been intense, and sudden, and heavy, and though the mercy of Teleport could not have been a more welcome escape, the short time spent in headblurry indecision about whether or not he should utilise it had nonetheless been long enough that his coat had been soaked through. The refuge of the radiant heat of his Office was helping somewhat, at least, and most of his clothing had dried by now – though his hair, which he’d tied back with a loose bow of slender black velvet ribbon to keep errant strands from his face, was still noticeably and uncomfortably damp against his neck. Less so than had he left it unbound, but still…
If he’d ever regretted choosing to walk rather than taking the lazy option before – gods, the damn irony of thinking that the walk would possibly benefit him tonight, of all things – he was sure he’d not regretted it as much as he did right now.
He sniffled again.
Closing the folder of Requiem’s surprisingly competently done assignment, he sighed and added it to the small stack of completed works, vaguely wondering if he’d been too generous with the grading. Although he knew the content backwards and could in fact get away with paying very little serious attention, his mind was nevertheless, for the most part, almost entirely on other things.
This was supposed to be the night where, once respective regular mundanities and commitments were out of the way, he would take his beloved to indulge in whichever of the things she most loved to indulge in while on a Visit, utterly at her behest, and completely guilt-free for her with no mandated set goal to achieve, no limitations on immersion, no regulations at all; just an unscheduled and spontaneous trip to the mortal plane, a high-end cocktail bar all dress codes and decadence, and a veritable array of delicious, oblivious Takings there for her pleasure – ahh, darkling, a smorgasbord! – all eyes upon her because nobody, not in the Underworld and certainly no mortal, can compare, and despite his usual personal antipathy towards bothering with the mortal realm, he knew of certain excellences all the same, and he’d put his own preferences aside and simply present her with the glories and spoils she deserved, watch her dance from the shadows and delight in it.
Darkling, I will give you the world.
He’d had every intention of doing precisely that.
And it was also really starting to feel like he was definitely not going to…not going to let this happen, damn it. You’ll be fine, stop putting unnecessary emphasis on transient discomfort, it’s nothing, you know these things pass, just…
He sniffled again, more sharply this time, claimed another tissue and blew his nose, trying to disregard how doing so did nothing much to stop the continuing drip and irritation.
Just get on with it. Honestly. Vaporising the tissue, he took another sip of the honeyed tea that wasn’t doing nearly as much to counteract the sting in his throat as he’d hoped it would, and returned his attention to the job at hand. He noted with distaste as he opened the new folder that yet again it seemed that Hellion hadn’t bothered to proofread the simplest of…
Oh gods.
His breath caught, thoughts ceased, focus helplessly crumbling.
He rolled his eyes at the inevitability of it, and grabbed another tissue, and another, as the insistent need made itself unstoppably and urgently known.
“Hh-TSCHH-uu! *snff!* Huh-TSSCHH-uu!”
Therion, across the room and in the midst of cataloguing a stupidly confusing array of recently rediscovered and yet unsorted secondgen scrolls, glanced back over his shoulder at Cerberus briefly. “Gesundheit,” he commented offhand, not remotely surprised by this development. Given the constant sniffling that had been going on for the last couple of hours or so, he’d pretty much been expecting that to happen sooner or later. No matter how infrequently the Demon king may catch cold, symptoms were symptoms. Sounding like shit there, boss, he thought, but decided against voicing it.
Cerberus managed a quick thankyou before the demanding urge once again overtook him, and he inhaled deeply, desperately, the force of the sneeze almost doubling him over.
Therion glanced over again. “You okay, man?”
Cerberus, with a strong sniffle, cleared his throat and made an incidental sound of dismissal. “Mm, fine,” he murmured, which he knew at this point was a complete lie, his head pounding. “Pardon me.” He blew his nose, sniffling again immediately. Ugh. “It’s, um…it’s nothing.”
He returned his attention to Hellion’s paper.
It was, however, no matter his assurance, becoming undeniably something.
The hours had somehow simultaneously dragged and flown by, some goals achieved, others – and, to be honest, the ones he’d most been counting on – unfortunately not so.
Cerberus sighed heavily, put aside the last of the assignments he’d reviewed, and, having had quite enough of honeyed tea for one day, poured himself a substantial glass of cognac from the decanter on his desk.
On the plus side, he’d got through a decent amount of the papers, all things considered. On the minus, though, his oncoming cold, rather than resolving into the insignificance he’d hoped for, had instead settled in undeniably, pouring into his head like cement, and he pressed the back of his hand firmly against his nose with enough force for pain to overtake irritation. He vaporised yet another bunch of used tissues, sniffling again, and tried to take his mind off Kia and what she might be thinking, expecting, dreaming, anticipating…
..and what he feared he was not going be able to deliver.
Acceptance of such, however, was still not something he was willing to entertain quite yet.
Damn it, it’s one night. Surely you can at least delay this ridiculousness for one more night. With a lengthy, determined sniffle and heavy exhalation, Cerberus, elbow on desk and hand against forehead, lost himself in a mix of annoyance and self-pity for a moment before an intense rising fury at the situation overtook it, and he frowned, sat up straighter, and drained the glass of cognac entirely.
Do. Better.
With a brief shake of his head, he rubbed his nose and opened the next assignment in the pile, read the name. Ah, Cenotaph, he noted with a slight satisfaction. Shouldn’t be dreadful. Although he nearly always…
His thoughts were jarringly interrupted by the intrusive ring of the telephone, and despite him dearly wishing he could palm this off to Therion, the phone was on the desk, and proximity demanded he be the one to answer. And to make matters worse – apparently that’s possible, and of course it is – he could feel the rising, inexorable need to sneeze again.
No. This is not happening. Just… The idea of being defeated by such a simple, base physical weakness infuriating, he sniffled with sharp determination, crushing a hand clutching a tissue against his nose, and answered the call.
Aera took a moment. “Cerbie? Okay, wow. What are you doing in Office?”
I…work here? Cerberus couldn’t quite parse what her intention was, what sort of answer she was expecting. Was that rhetorical, or…? “I don’t… What do you…” He sniffled again, his breath catching momentarily, but he fought the urge back once more, and tried to concentrate on the matter at hand. “What?”
“‘Debodics’,” Aera said in mimicry of the congestion destroying his consonants, her tone flippant and biting at the same time.
Frowning in annoyance, his patience worn thin enough as it was, and in no mood to engage, Cerberus snarled a curt, “I’m fine,” and wiped his nose.
Aera scoffed. “You’re seriously going the denial route? Hate to break it to you, but you sure don’t sound fine.”
“Do you have a point?” Cerberus asked tersely, internally cursing his inability to comprehensively prove her wrong – not that she was necessarily wrong, but that was hardly the issue.
“Godssake, Cerbie, you’re such a…” Aera began, but recognised she was probably wasting her time and decided to just let it go. She knew his pattern with this sort of thing, and so she backed off a little – though by no means completely. “Okay, fine, alright, I could be wrong, maybe you’re not sick after all. So, you know, if you’ve been crying or punched in the face or something, go right ahead and clear that up for me.”
Cerberus, exasperated and increasingly distracted, just wanted an end to it all. “Damn it, Aera, can you please try to tear yourself away from the apparently fascinating state of my health for a moment and just tell me what the hell it is you want? *snf!* And you could be a bit more pleasant to me, you know,” he added pointedly. “It is my anniversary, after all.”
Aera gasped lightly in realisation, the date having escaped her notice completely. “Oh, shit, it is too! Ah, fuck, sorry, happy anniversary. But, no, anyway, this call does actually have a point. I think I might have left a scarf in your Office yesterday. Do you have it? It’s blue.”
You couldn’t have just asked that immediately? Cerberus glanced around the Office perfunctorily, not seeing anything of the kind. “N…” His breath caught again and he scrubbed his hand roughly under his nose, sniffling sharply, and took a moment before trusting himself enough to answer her. “No.”
“Really? What the hell have I done with it, then?” Aera wondered, partially to Cerberus but mostly to herself, before returning her attention to the conversation at hand. “Oh, and bless you.”
“What?” Cerberus frowned in confusion, his head clouded enough that he wasn’t entirely certain that he hadn’t missed or forgotten something that surely he ought not to have been able to miss or forget. “I…I didn’t sneeze.” It was…inescapably true that he needed to, but he’d not…
Aera chuckled briefly, quietly. “You will.”
She hung up.
The freedom afforded him by that disconnection, one staggered, desperate inhale was all it took. And in the moment, he didn’t even care that she’d been right. At this point he just wanted relief.
“hh-HH… Ahh-HEHTSSHhuu!”
“Gesundheit,” said Therion again, smiling grimly to himself. He usually minded his own business about this sort of thing – not that it came up much – and indeed still considered staying out of it altogether now. But he hadn’t known about the anniversary factor before, and playing substitute Leader for a few days was hardly the worst fate in the world, and if not tonight it was almost certainly going to come to that fate soon enough anyway, so…
He put the scrolls aside, walking over to stand opposite where Cerberus was seated at the desk. “Hey, man…”
“Huh-AHSSCHuu! *snf!*” Cerberus groaned. “Gods. Excuse me,” he murmured with a heavy sigh, his head and sinuses throbbing. He sniffled wetly, blew his nose, excused himself again, and looked up at Therion somewhat hazily. “Mm?”
Therion half-smiled, casual, non-committal. “Happy anniversary, dude. Didn’t mean to listen in or anything, just…you know. Overheard.”
A small smile of appreciative thanks crossing his face, Cerberus sniffled again and nodded in otherwise silent acknowledgement.
“Just a thought, though,” Therion continued. “If I had a choice between going home to my mad-hot bonded… How many years now, man?”
A heartbeat. An eternity.
“Fucking what?!” Therion stared at Cerberus as if he was out of his mind. “Fuck, man! Congrats and shit, but for real? If I had a choice between going home, like, immediately or staying in Office for a few more hours marking shit I could pretty easily get my Understudy to do, actually? I’d be out of here in a fucking microsecond. But, you know, you’re the boss, man. Do whatever. Just saying.” Reaching across the desk, he picked up Cenotaph’s paper and scanned its contents quickly. “I mean, this looks pretty good, I guess, but, you know, Kia probably looks better.” He grinned as Cerberus gave a dark smile in response, and paused only for a short time, but enough that the pause be noted. “Seriously. You know she’d spoil the fuck out of you.”
Cerberus sighed again, regret, bitterness and castigating self-reproach evident in his eyes beneath a haze of sickness he really could no longer deny. Yes, I know, of course I know, but... “The spoiling really was suppo… hh-HH…” He hastily took another few tissues from the box, burying his face in them just in time to catch another fierce sneeze he had no chance of stopping. “AHHTSCHUU! Goddamnit. Pardon me.” He wiped his nose, sniffling again immediately – disturbingly liquid, entirely ineffectual, and with a weariness behind it that he could not disguise. Looking back up at Therion, he returned to his point. “I’d really intended the providing of spoils to be my job tonight. And this…utter ridiculousness—” He made a vague gesture towards his face. “—was supposed to have improved, not worsened, damn it.”
With another heavy sigh, disappointment palpable, he capitulated. “I don’t suppose you keep any cold medication in Office, do you?”
“Sorry.” Therion shook his head. “Go the fuck home, man. I got this.”
Standing, Cerberus nodded briefly in reply, giving Therion a firm pat on the shoulder as he passed by. “Thank you,” he said quietly, and vanished.
And naturally half the damn Underworld seems to be here.
Well, he most certainly was not going to queue.
Ignoring the mixture of hushed mutterings and soft gasps from the others in the Healing centre – none of whom he recognised but it was evident from the expressions on the faces of the…many people staring at him that the reverse was not the case – Cerberus walked to the front of the line with only the most cursory of glances at those who he had no intention of waiting either for or behind, greeted Riviera at the front desk perfunctorily and, abruptly beyond caring to hear any more of the continuing intrusive sussurance, froze the entirety of the waiting room’s occupants under Stasis with a crisp wave of his hand.
Dear gods, shut up. I will set you all on fire and I won’t regret it for a second.
He sniffled strongly. “Aldiss, please,” he said to Riviera, who had already Mindsent the Healing Leader in anticipation of precisely that directive.
“On her way,” Riviera replied. She indicated the Stasis-held others. “Um, is that…are they…?”
“Entirely temporary, just expedient. I’ll undo it soon enough.”
Aldiss appeared beside Riviera at the desk, Mindsending her :Cover me for a bit. Room 5, burns, not serious, mostly dealt with already,: and Riviera duly vanished.
At a loss and clearly awaiting clarification, Aldiss turned her attention to Cerberus. “Alright, what are you doing here?”
Cerberus frowned. Why is everywhere I am apparently a surprise tonight? “I’m ill, obviously. Why else would I be here? I need cold medication.” He sniffled again, as if in emphasis, though not intentionally so, and wiped his nose.
“Again? Already?”
Again? There IS no again. I literally just got here. What the hell is going on? Cerberus briefly wondered if he could be hallucinating this entire sequence of events, so little of it seemed to make any coherent sense. “What do you mean ‘already’?” He winced as his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat, which did little more than cause him a different kind of discomfort, a convulsive cough following in short order, his nose running again as a result. He sniffled sharply, repeatedly. Gods. For fuck’s sake. “Excuse me.”
“I’m not giving you anything more if you’ve taken the other lot already.”
“Damn it, Aldiss, do I sound like I’ve taken anything?!”
Aldiss did have to concede that point.
Thoroughly exasperated, Cerberus exhaled heavily in annoyance. “Why is everything always such an ordeal in this place?” And suddenly another strangeness occurred to him. “Wait – what other lot?
“The meds Kia picked up, obviously.”
“What?!” Cerberus, a fresh fear striking him – one he was entirely unprepared for, one that actually managed to distract him from his own discomforts for a moment – stared at Aldiss in unconcealed horror. “Kia’s unwell?!”
With a wry smile, Aldiss shook her head. “I swear I never personally get to experience it, but rumour has it you’re actually quite a clever man, Cerberus, so try and stay with me here, alright?” She looked at him with a certain sardonic encouragement. “The meds Kia picked up for you.”
Unfortunately, this didn’t make much more sense to him, if at all. “But what reason would…” He sniffled again. “Why would she do that?” He rubbed and wrinkled his nose against a building itch, took a tissue from the box on the desk, then another, and tried to stay focused.
Aldiss, in mildly amused bafflement that he could actually be this oblivious, stared at the Demon king as if he was a complete imbecile. “Because you’ve got a cold?”
Annoyance clearly evident despite the hitch in his breath, Cerberus frowned at her. “Yes, Aldiss, we’ve established that, but Ki…Kia doesn’t…” Ah, fuck. Bringing the tissues to his face as the itch became sharply definite, he turned away hurriedly. “Huh-ATSSCHH-uu!” He groaned, sniffling immediately, the force of the sneeze bringing to the fore anew the pulsing headache he’d almost, almostbeen able to forget, his breath still a little shaky as he excused himself. He claimed another tissue and wiped his nose, sniffling again, and took a moment before returning to his earlier point. “Kia doesn’t know about *snf!* this yet.”
“Yes, she most certainly does,” Aldiss countered. “What, you didn’t think she’d notice?”
“Well, of course she’d notice now, damn it, Aldiss,” said Cerberus in open irritation, “but I wasn’t nearly this…”
“Oh, for god’s sake, Cerberus. How long have you been together?”
“As it happens, it’s our twentieth anniversary tonight,” Cerberus replied, a bitter and rueful undertone unmissable despite increasing congestion, “which I am attempting not to completely ruin.” Another sharp sniffle. “Apparently a futile pursuit,” he muttered resentfully, and pressed the back of his hand against his nose in an attempt to see off a newly threatening, vibrantly insistent itch.
“Twenty years and you think she’d miss a thing? She knows you. She knows you really well. How do you not…”
Aldiss sighed as Cerberus, thoroughly losing the battle, sneezed again, wetly and powerfully, and she passed him a handful of tissues as he murmured both an apology and a thankyou. Looking out at the significant number of people yet to be seen, she allowed him some necessary moments of recovery, then made her point. “Listen, I’m sorry you’ve managed to catch cold for your anniversary but you do have both medication and a devoted bonded waiting at home. Please go there. Kia’s probably wondering where the hell you are anyway, since – if I can I remind you – she knows you’re sick. Oh, and you can undo your…stopping people in time thing or whatever it is now, too, thank you very much.”
“As always, Aldiss, it’s been a delight.” Releasing his Stasis hold with a short wave, the murmurs and mutterings picking up precisely where they’d been cut off as if there had never been a break, Cerberus turned his gaze briefly upon his unbidden rapt audience, disregarded them all equally, internally cursed himself for having even bothered to come to this ridiculous place, inclined his head in crisp farewell, and promptly vanished.
Leaning back against the loungeroom wall in weary resignation upon his Teleported arrival home, Cerberus stopped still, his attentions resolutely redirected in an instant at the entirely unexpected sight of his beautiful lifebonded reclining languorously across the couch, dressed – or almost dressed, it could technically be said – in diaphanous babydoll chemise and finest lace lingerie, soft brunette darkestness falling silkenwild around her shoulders, a vision of breathtaking boudoir fantasy he was quite thoroughly unprepared for, and he paused for a moment to simply gaze at her, enchanted.
:Darkling, you are perfection.:
Kia looked up slowly, and with a sultry, indulgent smile, dropped her book onto the coffee table and stretched before sitting up just a little, beckoning him to join her with crooked finger and open invitation.
“Took your time, sweetheart,” she said, gently teasing, and opened the bottle of cognac, pouring a glass for them both. “I’d almost decided to start without you.”
“Love, I…” Cerberus began but was torn from his words unstoppably, unable to do anything about the sudden, desperate need overtaking him, and, expression crumpling and focus destroyed, he had no choice but to give in to it. “Huh-TSCHH-uu! Ah-HEHTSCHuu!” He pardoned himself with haste, groaning quietly.
“Aw, bless you, hon. Come here.” Kia repeated her beckoning motion. She regarded him a moment, frowning in puzzlement. “Where’s your coat?” She’d not seen him leave the house this morning, but she was entirely certain he’d have worn one.
“Hmm? Oh, um…” Cerberus sniffled, wiped his nose and glanced down at himself, not having given any particular thought to his outfit – his standard fine linen shirt, brocade waistcoat, tailored black pants – since leaving Office.
Which was, of course, where he’d left his coat.
“Got rained on. Earlier, that is, not… A while ago, anyhow.” He sniffled again and tried to focus. “In Office. The coat, I mean, not where the…rain was.” He sighed in exasperation as anger at the situation overtook tiredness again. “Honestly, it would be nice if I could at least form a damn sentence!” Gods, what the hell is wrong with you. Get your damn shit together. “Sorry, love. I, um…used Teleport after that, though, so I���ve not really been outside since.”
“Well, coat or not, you were supposed to have given up and come home ages ago.” Kia laughed gently. “You know, like a normal person. Why are you always so stubborn about this stuff?” She caressed his face affectionately as he sat beside her, curled an arm around the back of his neck, and kissed him with warm promise. :And don’t you even dare say a word about not wanting to give your cold to me,: she Mindsent preemptively. :Yes, I know, no, I don’t care, and there is no way I’m not kissing you on our twentieth anniversary.:
“Anyway,” she continued in satin murmur, tracing a finger along the angular contours of his jawline and kissing him again, “you know I’ll spoil you.” She looked at him directly then, sapphire eyes narrowing in challenge. “You do know that, right?”
“I…” He did, but between the desire not to need her to – at least not tonight – and rather for him to be, as he’d so very much intended, the one fulfilling any fantasies, and the desire to just try and forget failed plans and expectations and immerse in her…frankly stunning sanctuary, and his head was far too clouded to explain himself right now, and technically he had left Office early anyway so he wasn’t that late really, especially considering he hadn’t realised that he’d been expected, but what did any of this even matter when this goddess before him was so…very… He sniffled again, claiming a tissue and wiping his nose firmly, and wished he was at least a little more functional because she was so incredibly breathtaking, and that was all he could think about in the moment, really, aside from feeling like he was fairly sure he was going to sneeze again – which, when combined with the first and…infinitely preferable reason that he couldn’t think straight, provided a particularly strange contradiction in where his attentions were directed, and now he couldn’t with certainty remember exactly what she’d asked him anymore, and she was just…gods, she was everything, and his head was a mess and he…definitely had to…
He blinked rapidly, his breath hitching in escalating intensity, and turned from Kia to bury his face in crooked elbow. Gods, fuck, just…
“Huh-TSSCHH-uu! Ahh-HUHTSSHhuu!”
The force of the sneezes combined with the pounding throb of sinus-heavy headache to set the room spinning, but despite that had done very little to quiet the insistent irritation he just could not seem to escape tonight. Another staccato breath and fuck ano… hh-HH ..another and a Mindsent apology because he was entirely unable to voice one, doubling over in thrall to desperate demand, powerful, possessing. “Hhuh-AHTSCHUU! Huh…hh-TSSCHH-uu!”
“Oh, sweetheart, bless you.” Kia indicated the medications she’d collected on the table, though she wasn’t sure there was much point, his ability to focus entirely and…mesmerisingly hijacked. “You should probably…”
Cerberus, with a brief shake of his head, held up a finger in a gesture indicating that she had to wait a moment, the relentless need not done with him yet, and he inhaled deeply, unable to do a thing about it other than succumb once more, and he sneezed again – undeniable, absolute, violently ferocious. “Hh-hhAAAHTSSCHHUU! ..uhh…” A quiet groan and he pressed the back of his hand against his nose, sniffling fiercely, more than a little breathless. “Damn. Sorry.”
“Wow, bless you!” Kia said with softriveted, emphatic appraisal, and flashed him a wickedwarm grin. “Impressive. You should get a prize for that kind of effort.”
“Gods, love.” Smiling wryly despite himself, Cerberus managed a brief disbelieving laugh before having no choice but to give in to sharpburning sensation, his breath catching abrupt, deep, jagged, pleading. “hh-h-huh-TSCHH-uu! Huh-TSSCHH-uu! *snf!* Huh… huhhTSSCHHUU! For fuck’s sake! *SNFF!* Ugh, sorry.” Sniffling repeatedly, he excused himself again with clear irritation even as Kia offered him a tender blessing. He took a fresh multitude of tissues from the box and blew his nose, muttering under his breath that in any reasonable world he’d get to kill at least one person over this, and if…
“Oh, look!” announced Kia with cheery brightness, breaking into his thoughts and picking up one of the medication vials. “You win drugs.” She handed the vial to Cerberus with a kiss to his cheek, effectively short-circuiting his rising fury at the situation, and trailed a languid hand down the length of his arm, dropped her voice to a sultry purr. “I’ll even throw in the glamorous assistant.” She semi-curtseyed, winked in play.
With a soft laugh and a sigh both appreciative and self-effacing, Cerberus accepted and took the meds as proffered, curling an arm across Kia’s shoulders, drawing them closer together, and leant his head against hers, Mindsending a heartfelt, sincere :I adore you.:
“I’m so sorry, darkling.” He ran an index finger under his nose, sniffled quietly, exhaled with dismayed heaviness at the thought of having let his beloved down, in any way. “I really did mean to give you everything you desire tonight.” He sat back again; smiled at her, a little sadly. “And I truly do wish to bring you the world you deserve. All the worlds, come to that.”
“Oh, sweetheart, I know. And I know that you’re, like…literally able to do it, which still just amazes me and will forever, I swear, you’re incredible, but…really, you don’t need to be disappointed. See, I want you—” Shifting her position smoothly, Kia moved to sit on his lap, her legs astride his, and caressed his face in her hands, kissing him with passion burning. “Mmm. I want you—” Another kiss. “—to think for just a minute—” And another. “—from a different view.” Reaching behind his head, she untied the velvet ribbon constraining his hair, allowing it in release to cascade over his shoulders. She wove a gentle hand through freed midnight, tucked a few stray strands behind his ear. “If things were reversed, if I was the one who’d come home sick tonight, what would you have done?”
Cerberus chuckled wryly, softly, as he recognised her viewpoint. He didn’t pretend otherwise. “Anything you wanted, love, as always.”
Kia gave him a knowing smile. “Mm-hm.”
Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him again, slower, deeper. “So, then, babe,” she purred, tracing a trail of kisses down his neck, shoulders, chest, “you should know that you are everything I desire, everything I dream of, and the only way you could ever let me down is to not be with me tonight, and now I am going to order you into the bedroom and you are going to do exactly what I say and that is pretty much what would have happened even with you in perfect health with your perfect plan, because you should know—” She broke off again, kissing him with a craving undeniable, abandoning speech for silksultry Mindsend.
:that all I want:
One hand now twining through his hair, the other first toying with then smoothly untying the topmost bows on her chemise, allowing it to fall away, and she pulled him closer to her again, deepening the kiss at his involuntary resulting moan.
Another kiss and her hand reaching down, loosening clothing and caressing him to urgency, and he moaned again, curling one arm around her waist and another behind her head, holding her around him and returning her kiss with a fire straight from his soul, feeling her breath quickening, demanding, as she pushed back against him, heat rising. A soft growl, a gasp, a sharp inhalation as they joined together, and she met her beloved’s famed emerald gaze eye to eye, consummate, profligate, incendiary.
“Oh, and sweetheart? Tonight I am going to make you wish you caught cold more often.”
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starpollen1998 · 3 years
Uber Allergic: A Romance - part 1 / ?
I don’t know what it is with me and cars lately.  Maybe because I haven’t driven one in nearly 4 years, or maybe because I had a plot bunny about a hired driver and then couldn’t decide which direction to take it.  So, naturally, I wrote 2 stories. A warning: I have never taken an Uber.  I have used a similar company in the country where I live, so I imagined it would be the same.  Apologies for any mistakes.  Hope you enjoy!
The Ride - Part 1
When I saw him standing on the curb waiting, I couldn’t help but blink. And then swallow hard.  The man was stunning: tall, broad-shouldered, long-limbed, with a perfect jawline and dazzling smile.  His hair was that rare coiff that crested like waves from his head, barely brushing his ears, thick and tawny like a lion. When he dropped into the back seat, I saw his eyes were a stunning shade of blue.
I’ve had attractive men in my car before, sure.  But none quite as mind-blowing as this one.
“Heya, darlin’,” he quipped, firing off a devastating wink at me through the rear view mirror.
“Hi,” I replied, barely able to get that single syllable past the lump in my throat.  I prayed I could focus on the road in front of me and not the Greek-god-incarnate in the back seat.  He was headed across town, a trip that would take us roughly 40 minutes.
We rode in silence for almost a full minute, him tapping away on his cell phone while I gritted my teeth and forced my gaze at the horizon. Occasionally I glanced at the GPS, checking that we were on track.
I couldn’t help it.  My eyes darted up to the rear view mirror.
I watched as Greek-god pinched his nostrils shut, rubbing in hard, tight circles, finishing with a small shake of his head, blue eyes blinking furiously.  Was it my imagination, or did those eyes seem to be getting red?
I kept driving.
Not even a minute later…
Once more, my eyes snapped like magnets to the rear view mirror.  My passenger was frozen in classic pre-sneeze expression: eyes squeezed shut, mouth open, lower lip trembling… nostrils flared, the tip of his prominent nose visibly twitching.  His elegant head turned left, then right, and then…
He sneezed - snapping into his elbow at the last second.
“B-... Bless you,” I stammered, sure I was blushing red as a tomato.
But Greek god wasn’t done.
He raised his head, eyes still shut, shoulders bouncing with stuttering hitches.  My eyes were darting between the road ahead and the rear view mirror, terrified that I was either going to rear-end someone … or miss one second of the spectacle in the back seat.  
Then - a red light.
Thank you! I screamed in my mind to whatever higher power was listening.
When I came back to the rear view mirror, his right hand was raised, hovering loosely cupped, nostrils stretching into little round O’s, his upper lip curled back from gleaming white teeth…
“hegt--SCHgtT!!” he snapped down, visibly misting the hand. This time he stayed down, and I could almost see his abs rippling beneath his button-up shirt.  “eegh--SCHHtT… aAH-SCHTch-u!!”
“Bless you,” I barely breathed, glad that this particular red light seemed to be taking a lot longer than usual.
His voice - husky and a little congested - floated up from behind the hand still cupped to his nose.
“... snfll… thanks, darlin’.  … sdrfl…. Don’t suppose you h-have… sdrffl…  any tissues?”
Fumbling, I opened the glove box and pulled out the stack of drive-through napkins I kept stashed away for emergencies.  Usually spilled coffee.  Twisting in my seat, I set the stack on his left knee, fingertips brushing the hard muscles of his thigh.
Peering through the tawny strands of hair that had been knocked loose by the fit, his eyes crinkled with a smile.  “Thanks.”  
An impatient honk made me jump.  Heart pounding, I whipped back around to face the road and eased us forward through the intersection.  His soft chuckle made my ears burn, sure that I was blushing fire-engine red by now.
I heard soft blowing, more wet sniffles, and managed to catch in the mirror when he stretched two KFC napkins between both hands and muffled a wet double: “t’SCHmp--g’SCHHm!”
“Bless you,” I managed, happy when my voice sounded even and calm, even though my hands were gripping the steering wheel hard.
“Darlin’ you don’t… hH!--... have to say that every time… snffl---hHehH!--... l-looks like I m- muhH!-HGK’tSCHHt!... excuse me.  I might be at this a while...”  Taking another napkin from the dwindling stack, he pinched it around his nose and rubbed again in small, fast circles, brows drawing together in concentration.
Grateful for another red light, I stared into the mirror.  My passenger had a fist full of crumpled napkins in one hand, the other pinching and rubbing desperately at increasingly pinkening nostrils.
“Does… this happen often?”
Another husky chuckle, which deteriorated into more hitching breaths and another itchy-sounding sneeze. “hgz’CHHT! … Depends,” he breathed, bringing the knot of used tissues up to dab at his watering eyes.  “Do you have a c-... hHihh!... a cat?”
The Ride - Part 2
 My mouth dropped open, eyes wide.  He saw my expression in the mirror and gave another chuckle.  Swiping a knuckle under his nose, he flashed me a wry grin.  “Well, that explains it.”
 “I’m sorry,” I looked back at him, stricken.
 “Nah, don’t worry about it,” he gave a dismissive shake of his lion’s head.  “You couldn’t know.  heh-GSCHhtu!... And it’s not like there’s a box to tick in the app, or anything. ...snfl…  ‘Driver has pets.’ ...sdrfl … A lot of people do.  Have pets.”
 “I know,” I replied softly, turning the wheel smoothly as we rounded a corner.  “But I can still be sorry that you’re… you know…”  I couldn’t bring myself to say it.  I couldn’t even glance in the mirror.
 But I heard the smile in his voice when he said, “It’s fine.  Really.  It h--hH!  hg’zCHHt!-heh’GZShht!... excuse me.  It happens a lot, actually. snfl.”  
 That did make me glance at the mirror, brows raised in surprise… and interest.  “Really?”
 Greek god had placed the growing pile of used napkins in the seat beside him, frowning down at both his watch and the small stack of napkins still on his leg. The tip of his nose was flushing a tell-tale pink, blue eyes definitely red-rimmed.  He blinked rapidly and sniffled constantly, dabbing at his eyes or wiping at his nose, overall looking the very picture of ‘itchy’ and ‘allergic.’
 “Yeah,” he replied, breath spiraling in preparation for another sneeze… but it left him last-minute, causing him to give a frustrated cough. “I’m allergic to most animals, but you might say I’m… uber allergic to cats.”  Those stunning blue eyes twinkled at me in the mirror, followed by a mischievous wink.
 “Why risk taking an Uber, then?”
 “Well, as cliché as it sounds... my car is in the shop.”
 “Yeah, snffll, I got a… hH!--... a recall letter.  Better safe tha-… heh-GSCHt--ahh-GSCHu!... ugh. Apologies.”
 We chatted a little more during the ride, about his job as an IT consultant and my 3 jobs: kindergarten teacher, waitress at Olive Garden, and Uber driver.  By the time we reached his destination I had counted no less than 56 sneezes, nearly always he followed up with ‘excuse me,’ or some other polite apologetic. He had used my entire stash of emergency napkins, and his handsome face was a bleary, blotchy wreck: nose red, eyes puffy, voice croaky and thick with congestion.
 “I’m sorry, again,” I said when we stopped at the curb in front of his building. 
 “Add - agaid - you dod’t have adythig to be sorry for,” he rasped, palming the pile of used tissues and reaching for a few that had fallen to the floor.
 “Oh, I can do that,” I got out in a rush.  “You don’t have to--”
 “Oh, doh,” he chuckled, voice breaking on the second word like a prepubescent.  “I cad take by owd dirty tissues, darlid’.”  Glancing up, he gave me a soft smile.  “You’ve beed padiedt edough about all this.”  Maybe I imagined it, but it looked like he blushed just a little.
 “Well it’s my fault,” I insisted.  
 He opened his mouth to reply, but instead turned and gave a tired-sounding sneeze into his elbow. “H’eISCHt!... gkm, pardod.”
 “Bless you,” I murmured. 
 “You dow, sdrfl, I usually dod’t like it whed people say that…”
 “I’m sor--”
 “But sobehow whed you do,” he glanced back, swiping a knuckle under his nose and giving that same, soft smile.   “I dod’t mide.”
 He exited, leaving me staring after him with a mixture of warmth and confusion.  Definitely one of the most… unusual... rides I’d ever had. 
 Throwing the lever into park, I got out to do my usual check of the interior in case the passenger had left something behind. A flash of white tucked by the seatbelt latch caught my eye.  Thinking Greek god must have missed one of the used napkin wads, I reached for it. 
 And pulled out a business card.
 “C. B. Decker - Sunfire Technology”
 I turned it over.
 “Thanks for the ride...  Have dinner with me sometime?”   
I pulled my head out of the car, staring over my shoulder at his building.  I wasn’t sure, but it looked like someone was standing just inside the glazed doors, watching.  Turning back to the card in my hand, I bit my lip.  It was a violation of my Uber contract if I said yes.  
 That guy...
 Aw, hell.  I could get by without the income.  Probably.  
 I looked back at the building, and was now sure I could make out his tall silhouette, tawny mane just a bit disheveled.  The figure suddenly bent forward, and I knew. 
 I kept my eyes on the building as I made a show of putting the card into my pocket.  It wasn’t a no.  But it wasn’t a yes.  
 Not yet. 
 As I drove home for the night, my imagination spun out as I deliberated whether or not to accept.  One, he knew I had a cat, was apparently ‘uber’ allergic... and wanted to see me again, anyway.  Two, I had been getting tired of driving 30 hours a week, and maybe I could arrange to suspend my contract.  Or I could quit, and then get rehired if things didn’t work out… or, if they did... 
 I crawled into bed, reaching up to stroke Sheba where she always slept on the second pillow. She made a little mew, flipping her head upside down and curling tighter into a furry ball. 
 As I drifted off to sleep, his delicious sneezes echoed in my dreams…
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
It had to be picture perfect...like how their relationship is 🥰
February 25, 1961
Daniel had planned his proposal for a while before the day of. I mean, they were soulmates so there was really no rush, but he wanted it to be nothing less than perfect for Loretta. It was only what she deserved. The first step was on Valentine’s Day when his gift to her was a set of Elvis tickets for his upcoming LA show later in the month. Daniel had it all planned out and replayed his plan in the back of his mind for nearly every waking moment from February 14th to February 25th.
He came back into the city for the concert, taking a few days off of school for the occasion, which was exciting for Loretta who always missed him terribly when he was away for school. They had been dating nearly three years but Daniel still found himself getting nervous before a date and this one was especially no different. It felt like their first Elvis show all over again, back when she was still dating Corbyn and he was trying to get her attention by doing anything for her. But now, Loretta’s heart was his and they had said many times that they planned on getting married – who wouldn’t marry their soulmate? – but Daniel felt anxiously sick to his stomach as he drove up to Loretta’s house that evening.
He rang the doorbell and greeted her father with a handshake and they shared knowing smiles since Daniel had visited him earlier in the month to ask for his blessing to marry his daughter. Daniel was nothing less than a gentleman, of course, and Raymond was more than impressed with him. So, he passed over his daughter and wished them a good time at the concert before watching them drive off.
Loretta’s hand was tucked in Daniel’s between them as he drove towards the venue and he only prayed she couldn’t feel how clammy his palms were getting. She talked excitedly about what songs she hoped Elvis would play and what they were going to do after the show. Daniel just sat quietly.
“Are you alright?” Loretta finally asked him as they slowed to a stop at a red light.
Daniel looked over at her and sent her a reassuring smile, “Yep. I just like listening to you.”
She smiled and he leaned in to kiss her lips softly twice before he had to turn back to the road. Loretta pulled his hand onto her lap, holding it in both of her own as she looked out the window and watched the passing city of Los Angeles as they approached the venue. When they found a parking spot, Loretta took a moment to reapply her strawberry lip gloss in the sun visor mirror and Daniel let his hand discreetly fall to his pocket to make sure the ring was still there. He couldn’t fit the whole box in his pocket, so he had no choice but to slide the loose ring in there instead and he was paranoid he was going to lose it.
“Ready?” Loretta asked, startling him out of his nervous trance as she closed the sun visor again.
“Yep.” Daniel leaned over to kiss her sweetly. “Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?”
“No.” Loretta blushed lightly, setting her hand against his chest.
“You do. I’ll be fighting Elvis off of you.”
“Oh, gosh.” Loretta laughed, cut off by his lips on hers again and she leaned her head back a little to break their kiss, “Okay, let’s go.”
They got out of the car and headed towards the venue hand in hand, the same venue they went to their last concert together on a night that was momentous in itself but now, this night would certainly be topping it. Daniel handed over their tickets at the door, his other hand claimed by his girlfriend who was nearly wrapped around his arm, hiding her excited smile against his shoulder. Their hands were stamped, and they were ushered inside.
It was a similar set up that they were familiar with: the low stage and open checkered floor in front of it where the crowd would gather to dance or get right up close to the performance. Loretta loved being front and centre and Daniel wasn’t surprised when she pulled him through the mass of people to the spot up at the front. She finally dropped his hand to set her both on the dividing rail and get a good look at the set on the stage.
Daniel set his hand on the small of her back, dancing his fingers over the lace of her dress a little before leaning in close to whisper, “Do you want anything to eat?”
“No, no. I’m too excited to eat right now.” Loretta answered giddily.
Daniel was almost thankful for that answer because he was too nervous to eat anything. Loretta was the perfect height to rest her cheek against his shoulder and she tucked her arm around his back to keep him close. He pressed a kiss to her head.
If you asked Daniel anything about the first half of the concert, he wouldn’t be able to tell you a single thing. He sang along to the songs and held onto Loretta’s hand when she reached for him and shared a dance or two but he was just waiting and waiting for the familiar guitar intro to a very specific song. The minutes felt like hours.
When it was finally time and the gentle tune of I Want You, I Need You, I Love You filled the venue, Loretta turned to Daniel with a huge smitten grin, gushing out a sweet, “It’s our song!”
“Dance with me?” Daniel asked, trying to keep his voice or his hand from shaking as he held it out to her.
“Of course.” Loretta stepped right up close to him and draped her arms around his shoulders to pull him against her body and his arms instinctively found her waist.
They swayed slowly alongside a few other couples to the gentle love song, the one Daniel and Loretta had shared their first dance to those few short years ago.
“Every time that you're near
All my cares disappear
Darling, you're all that I'm living for
I want you, I need you, I love you
More and more”
Loretta was enjoying herself, savouring the dance with her soulmate to their favourite song live with her head resting on his shoulder and his arms around her waist. But Daniel was suddenly all too aware of all the strangers around them and how quickly the song seemed to be going. Had it always been that fast?
“I thought I could live without romance
Until you came to me
But now I know that
I will go on loving you eternally”
“Lori.” Daniel breathed, sliding his hand to her hip and gave her a little squeeze.
She lifted her head from his shoulder to look him in the eye, brushing her nose against his as they kept swaying ever so slightly. Neither of them spoke at first and she pushed a soft kiss to his lips as the final verse came to an end.
“I love you.” she whispered.
Daniel couldn’t even work himself up to answer her as his hand slipped into his pocket. His lack of response had Loretta’s eyebrows furrowing as they stared at each other silently in their close proximity. Daniel looked down and she followed his gaze to the small diamond ring he held in his hand. She barely had a second to respond before he sunk down on one knee. The audience gasped in time with Loretta and her hands went to her mouth, staring down at him and the diamond ring.
“Spending the rest of our lives together is sort of an obvious, but I wanted to at least make some part of our future a bit of a surprise. Loretta Jean, I fell in love with you in this very room and, three years later, I’m still just as crazy about you, if not more. Will you-”
“Oh my gosh!” Loretta squealed, completely cutting him off, “Yes!”
Daniel laughed lightly, relieved as if she could have said no, and got back to his feet as the audience erupted in applause and cheers and Loretta threw her arms around his shoulders and kissed him right in front of everyone. She held out her left hand to him and he gently slid the pretty little ring onto her finger as she absolutely beamed at it.
“I love you.” Daniel whispered.
Loretta clung onto him tighter and pushed another kiss to his lips, “I love you too.”
“Aw, well. Would you look at that.”
They glanced up to the stage where Elvis was smiling down at them.
“That was mighty sweet…honestly my show might be a bit of a disappointment after that. Congratulations, you two lovebirds. This next song goes out to you.”
Loretta only blushed, her smile taking up her entire face as she clung onto Daniel under the gaze of her favourite celebrity as the concert continued. A few of the other audience members looked on jealously; wondering how she got her soulmate and a shoutout from Elvis of all people. Who wouldn’t want to be her?
If you asked Loretta anything about the second half of the concert, she wouldn’t be able to tell you a single thing. She was riding on a cloud of absolute bliss, singing along to the songs while still standing as close as physically possible to her fiancé. She could hardly believe it.
A few people shared passing congratulations as they left the venue after the concert and Loretta couldn’t stop beaming with so many emotions, she was sure her face was going to freeze like that. Daniel held her hand tightly as they walked back to his car, his own smile on his face only growing as she walked so close to him they were nearly tripping over each other. When they reached the car, Daniel opened the door for her but Loretta only slid her free hand around the back of his neck and pulled his lips on hers.
The usual electricity was unmissable, the addicting feeling of natural warmth radiating down their bodies always being something they craved more and more with each other. Daniel dropped his hand from the open car door and slid it around her waist to pull her close so they were right up chest to chest. Her lips felt so perfect locked with his and the idea that hers would be the ones he would be kissing for the rest of his life only made him pull her closer.
Loretta hummed softly into his mouth, nipping gently at his bottom lip as she leaned back against the cool red metal of the car. Daniel broke their kiss with a small peaceful sigh and their eyes opened and found each other’s loving gaze, hands falling into each other’s again.
“Sherry’s?” Daniel offered. “Share a strawberry milkshake?”
“You really are made for me.” Loretta giggled, leaning up to kiss the corner of his mouth before finally getting into the car.
Daniel closed the door behind her and rushed around the driver’s side to climb in himself. He turned the key in the ignition, paused to kiss his girl once more, and then backed out of the parking space. Loretta turned up the radio as they drove towards the beach and then let her left hand fall into Daniel’s right over the seat between them. He glanced down at their intertwined hands and smiled to himself at the sparkle of the ring she now wore on her finger.
The literal second Daniel put the car in park outside Sherry’s, Loretta was rushing out of the car and towards the front door of the diner like a kid in a candy shop. Daniel rushed after her quickly enough to see her run right up to the front counter and shove her left hand in Zach’s face.
“Look!” she squealed.
“Golly, sure looks better on you than the in the glass case in the store.” Zach chuckled, taking her hand to admire the ring a little.
“You knew?”
“Of course. We’re his best friends.” Zach said, pausing to share a secret handshake with Daniel who approached the counter as well. “Congratulations, you two.”
“Where’s Jack?” Loretta asked.
“Over there.” Zach gestured across the diner to where Jack was waiting one of the tables.
Loretta giggled excitedly and rushed over, completely interrupting his work to slide her left hand between him and his small notebook as he took the customers’ orders. He followed her hand up her arm and to her grinning face, her cheeks dusted pink with giddiness and the fact that she hadn’t stopped smiling in a few hours.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Jack whispered, his lips curving into a small smile. “Didn’t think you’d say yes.”
Loretta smacked his arm playfully.
She returned quickly back to the front counter and slid her arms around Daniel’s shoulders, peppering kisses up his neck right up to under his ear to make him shiver. He laced his fingers in hers and brought the back of her hand up to kiss her soft skin.
Zach set a single strawberry milkshake in front of them, donned with a swirl of whipped cream, two cherries, and two pink and white striped straws, “And a milkshake to share, on the house.”
Loretta and Daniel thanked him sweetly and Lori slid onto the stool beside her brand-new fiancé. They shared a kiss and then both leaned in towards their treat, noses almost touching with how close they were, and they giggled though their straws. They sat side by side and drank their milkshake and shared the story of how exactly Daniel proposed with Jack and Zach hanging onto their every word until it was time to head home.
Daniel drove them back to Lori’s house and parked in the driveway so he could shift to face her a little. He barely got his eyes on her before she was nearly throwing herself at him, pushing their lips together and tugging him close by the front of his shirt and the back of his neck. Daniel laughed lightly into her mouth as his hand slid up the side of her face lovingly as their lips moulded together perfectly. Truly and completely made for each other.
After a bit, Daniel pulled back to check the time, “Gotta get you inside. Can’t start bringing you home late just because we’re engaged now.”
“Oh my gosh, we gotta tell my mum and dad, Dani.” Lori beamed, absolutely gushing with glee, “They’re gonna be so happy.”
So they headed up the front porch together and were ushered inside and into the living room around the corner from the front hall. Loretta pulled Daniel down onto the couch with her as her mother sat in the chair across from them and her father poured a few glasses of champagne.
“Daddy, I haven’t even told you the news yet.” Loretta said.
“We already know, honey. Daniel came to ask for our blessing last month.” Raymond chuckled, passing each of them a glass one at a time from the bar cart.
Loretta’s eyes went wide and she glanced over at Daniel, “You did?”
“Of course. Just because the universe wants us to be together doesn’t mean your parents do.” Daniel teased, earning laughter from the room.
“Let’s see that ring, sweetheart.” her mother said, leaning forward across the coffee table and Lori held out her left hand to her. The women admired the diamond with mirrored smiles and quiet praises until they sat back, the mother turning to her future son-in-law, “Well, you certainly have good taste in jewelry, Daniel.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Daniel blushed lightly, earning a kiss to his cheek from Loretta.
They shared the story for the second time that night, sitting right up close together with small glasses of champagne the hands that weren’t holding onto each other. But soon it was getting later and Daniel needed to get home so they headed back to the foyer for goodbyes. Daniel shared quick hugs with the parents and they exchanged a few niceties and congratulations, and then left his fiancé with a loving squeeze to her hand and a lingering kiss to her cheek.
Raymond tisked from a few steps away, “Kiss her on the lips, Daniel! You’re marrying the woman, for God’s sake!”
Daniel flushed pink under the stare of her parents but he slid his hands up to hold her face tenderly and pressed a kiss to her soft lips. Loretta giggled at her father’s teasing applause and she wrapped her arms around Daniel as he shifted to hug her tightly, brushing two more discreet kisses to her neck in the process.
“Good night.” Daniel said as he let her go.
The Howard family wished him good night and safe driving and he made his way back down the front porch steps and towards his car. Daniel had a bit of a spring in his step, letting a little whistle fall from his lips as he pulled his keys from his pocket. He barely got to the drivers side door before quick footsteps approached behind him and he was pulled around by his arm and Loretta nearly threw herself at him, tossing her arms around his neck and he lifted her off the ground a little.
She giggled sweetly, brushing her nose against his before connecting their lips as he gently set her back on her feet. Loretta just couldn’t get enough of him and the giddy warmth that each touch from each other brought.
“I love you.” she whispered, tangling her hands in the back of his gelled hair as she kept her eyes locked on his. “Forever.”
Daniel gave her hip a little squeeze as he replied, “I love you forever and a day.”
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bbaejohnnyluvr · 4 years
3 is Just a Number (Chapter IV)
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Title: 3 is Just a Number
Pairing: Wooyoung x Female!Reader x San
Genre: Romance, BFF to lover, Eventually poly!relationship
Summary: The bond between the three of you is almost unbreakable. Wherever you go, they will follow. Wherever they go, you will join. The moment both of the guys got into a relationship, everything just got better. The three of you are happy with the current moment. That is until one of them decided to follow their own heart – and may or may not break the friendship that you have been holding onto for more than five years.
A/N: This is a bad chapter hh I’m sorry ;; Also, idk if I’m able to survive ateez’s comeback because it’s just asjkdkbdjksjk i almost cried istg
It had been a week since the incident happened. Since then, you have been staying at Yunho’s house. He is nice enough to let you have the bed while he sleeps on the couch.
His kindness made you wonder why San and Wooyoung disapproved of him in the first place.
Ever since the first night you slept in his house, he was always available for you to rant. He also lets you cuddle with him any time you want to. Sometimes, he would place a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Just like that, you are slowly falling for him – that was what you wished to happen. But, not everything will turn out the way we want to, right?
Every time you hug Yunho while watching the television, it reminded of you and Wooyoung doing the same thing. When he gave you a peck on your forehead, you suddenly thought of San since it had always been his job to do so.
You know that you cannot deny that you miss your boys. Sure, Yunho can provide you all the warmth and affections you crave, but it’s different than the one you used to get.
You miss the smell of fresh foods on the table, cooked by San. You want to have your usual bantering with Wooyoung every day. You want to witness their childishness whenever they are being clingy with you.
You miss them so much and it hurts you so bad. However, you cannot do anything, simply because you are not ready to face them yet.
It is lunchtime, but you do not feel like eating. You were walking aimlessly around your faculty when you came across a big poster plastered against the wall – ‘PERFORMANCE ART DAY’.
Looking at the title, you are reminded of Wooyoung and San for the nth times of the day. All of this occurrence makes you forgot that they will be performing on stage soon.
You walk closer to see the date and time. Tomorrow.
Biting your lower lip, your mind starts to think about your boys. Did San get enough rest? Did Wooyoung eat properly?
It was your duty to always keep them in shape no matter how busy they are.
San tends to overwork himself without him realizing just because he wanted to deliver an amazing performance. Therefore, you had to remind him when to stop.
On Wooyoung’s side, he would practice his routine continuously, which resulted in him forgot to have his meal. Sometimes, you wonder how can a human went on a day without eating a single thing.
Just like that, it became your job to pass by his practice room to give him some food and make sure he finished everything right then and there.
It was a bad choice to look at the poster because your heart is now filled with worry. However, due to your ego, you refuse to check on them.
To get rid of the feelings, you walk away from the place and decides to focus on your class.
The show day is finally here. Faculty of Performance Arts are busy with people here and there. Aside from the performances, they are also enjoying all the foods available at the booths nearby the entrance.
Everyone is having the time of their life, except for you, who are currently munching potato chips, on the couch, while watching television.
Yunho was about to walk towards the door but his intention got halted by your presence. He let out a sigh and leans against the wall.
“Aren’t you going,” he asked.
You know what he meant. However, you choose to ignore him and go back to your own activity.
“You can’t be like this forever, y/n.”
Once again, you pretend as if you heard nothing coming out from Yunho’s mouth. The man pulls himself from the wall and stands on his feet, both hands are now in his pockets.
“I heard that those two aren’t like how they used to be before.”
The barrier that you created earlier instantly crumbled down as soon as the sentence left Yunho’s lips. Although it is not enough to make you face him, it managed to stop you from eating junk food.
“They said that they tend to practice until late at night. Sometimes, they even slept inside the practice room. They also barely eat anything and hardly be seen together nowadays.”
If you decide to put aside your pride for a while, you would have admitted that those lines pierce your heart. They sound so exhausted, unhealthy, and sad.
You swallow down your saliva, trying to regain your composure. “They are just busy with the performance-”
“You know well that’s not the reason,” Yunho cut you off. You take a brief glance at him and you can see the seriousness on his face. His bubbly expression is gone.
He let out another sigh the moment you go back to devour those potato chips in your hand.
“I know that you’re still confused, but they need you. You guys have never been separated for too long before. Y/n, you are their strengths. I’m sure they find happiness whenever they are around you – the same happiness that you gave me.”
Your eyes widen slightly at his words before facing him. Those last bits sound a lot like a confession, and it makes you dumbstruck.
The room was quiet for a few minutes. The only noise that you can hear is the conversation on the television.
With a small smile, he walks towards you to ruffle your hair gently. “As much as you hate to admit it, you miss them a lot, right?”
You bite your inner cheek, refuse to give away to your feelings. An amused smile plastered on Yunho’s face as he watches you fighting with your own inner self.
He let go of your hair and walk towards the door. Before he went out of the house, he delivered a few sentences that leave you speechless.
“One more time. Give them back their happiness one more time, and show me again your smile – the genuine smile.”
Somehow, you end up queueing up in front of the hall where the dance will be held. As expected, there will be a lot of people wanting to watch the show.
You were about to take out your wallet to buy a ticket. However, the woman in the booth is faster than you. She hands you a ticket with a smile, leaving you confused.
As far as you know, you did not mention the number of tickets you need. Well, you are alone. But, what if you are here with someone else and the person did not know that?
“It’s y/n, right? This is the ticket reserved for you,” she said.
Although you are still clueless, you take the ticket from her and mutter a soft ‘thank you’. You flip the ticket around and you saw a note that instantly makes you smile.
“It’s not much but we hope you will enjoy the show. We love you – WooSan”
You forgot how sweet both of the boys can be towards you.  No wonder everyone love them a lot. They deserve all the love and happiness in the whole world.
Without further ado, you enter the hall and look around for your designated seat, just to find out that it is nearby the stage.
As you sit down, you can see that you are near the stage where you can clearly see the performance. Unconsciously, a soft smile forms on your face.
They even thought about the position, huh, you thought.
A couple of minutes have passed and the show finally starts. The light slowly dims itself and you can hear the music starts to play.
You watch as one by one enter the stage with their dance routine. The way they move their body matches the rhythm of the music perfectly. It is mesmerizing to watch.
Suddenly, your eyes fell on a familiar figure. One of the person you have been missing. Choi San. He is moving gracefully on the stage as if he is in his own world.
He was making a turn when his gaze fell on you, resulting in his eyes widen and almost fall down on the floor. But, being one of the best dancers, he manages to cover up his mistake.
You were panic for a while, yet you quickly regain your composure once he continues his dance routine.
The performance resumes until it reached the end. Everyone in the hall claps their hands loudly, delighted by the performance.
Not long after that, the next group was called up to take over. That is when you saw the one and only, Jung Wooyoung.
Seeing him reminds you of that time when you asked him the reason he is not in the same team as San’s.
“First, I know I can't keep my hands to myself if he's around. Also, our style is different. He prefers energetic, while I’m more to sensual.” Those were his responses to your question.
The only difference between San’s and Wooyoung’s stage is that he is already looking at your way. San must have informed him about your presence.
His gaze is a mixture of anger and longing, and it pierces your heart.
The music starts and they all start to move according to the beat. Your eyes stuck on Wooyoung as you watch his body flows perfectly to the music. He is a great dancer, just like San.
On stage, he is not the prankster annoying Wooyoung that you know. He is just, Wooyoung.
Without realizing, a tear escaped from your eye. You did not know that watching them grow up while doing what they love can make you feel proud and happy.
Memories of the three of you suddenly came into your mind. All those happy, sad, mad, and crazy moments. You remember everything – and you want to experience it once again with them.
When Wooyoung’s team ended their performance, you had to excuse yourself to the washroom. You turn the tap and wash your face with the water.
If only, if only you are willing to put your ego aside, you would have gone back to them. But, you are not ready to face them. For you, the thing that happened between the three of you is too much.
With an exhausted sigh, you get out of the washroom, just to found two young males leaning against the wall.
Your eyes immediately study their features. Due to the distance between you and the stage earlier, you can barely see the flaws on the boys’ faces.
But now, you can see how swollen their eyes have become. Even though they are wearing makeup, their eye bags are still visible to you. Their lips look dry too. It is obvious that they did not take care of themselves.
“Have you been well?” San’s question breaks the silence between you guys. Likewise, you did not respond verbally, so you just nods your head.
“How was the performance,” the younger male asked. You look at him and force a small smile on your face.
“It was nice. Good job.”
The surrounding become quiet once again until San decided to speak up.
“We miss-“
“Don’t.” You cut him off. You know what he was about to say, but that is the last thing you want to hear coming out from his mouth.
“Why? We can’t miss you now? Is that it?” As always, Wooyoung’s sudden outburst never fail to make you feel irritated.
“You can, if it’s just a friend. But, it’s not just a friend, is it? You can’t love someone else more than that when you both already have each other-“
This time, Wooyoung decided to interrupt you. “Where is the rule that says you can’t have a relationship with more than one person?”
You took your gaze away from Wooyoung as you bite your lower lip. San who has been watching your actions move closer to you.
Just by looking at you, he can sense that you are keeping something inside your heart and mind, and he needs to know about it.
“What exactly are you thinking, y/n?”
Your head hang low. The frown on your face clearly shown that you are still puzzled with everything that had happened.
You play with your fingers as you contemplates if you should or should not let your guard down – and the earlier won.
“I… I don’t want to be labelled as a stealer. Besides, this thing is… rare.”
Wooyoung softens listening to your reasoning. He did not know you would feel that way when San told you about their feelings towards you.
He thought that you are disgusted with the idea. He bite his inner cheek and clenches his fist. He is mad at himself for misunderstanding you.
In contrast, the older one chuckle to himself softly before standing in front of you and pat your head.
“But, don’t you think it’s special because this kind of relationship is rare?”
You puffs out your cheek a bit, but did not give any responds to him.
“Also, you aren’t a stealer. I told you, that we both love you and it’s solely on us. You did nothing wrong, my princess.”
It is understandable when a blush suddenly crept onto your face. No, it’s not peculiar for San use nicknames to call you. But, it is the first time he called you like that ever since that day.
Wooyoung squints his eyes a bit as he witness how shy you suddenly become. To say that he is jealous, well, yeah, he is, a bit.
Even though you tried not to be biased with any of the boys, he still envy San for having it easy. It feels like San knows what you feel and think – And that, annoys him slightly.
Without wasting any chance, he grabs your hand and put it against his face, his eyes lock with yours.
“Just come back home. We miss you. We rarely went back just because you weren’t there.”
You wanted to pull away but instinctively, you begin to caress Wooyoung’s face with your thumb. It is still soft, just like how you remembered.
You were lost in your thought until Wooyoung lean to your hand even more. Quickly, you take your hand away from his face, startling not only him but also San.
“I’m sorry, boys. But, I think I need more time.”
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leapyearkisses · 5 years
Coffee Break
Aaaahhh, the amazing @kotyonoksnz commissioned me to write for her wonderful OCs Theo and Venn!  I was very happy to be able to work with them, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!  (Seriously, her art is so gorgeous I had it in my head the whole time aaa)
~Please consider commissioning me!  Commissions are OPEN!~
Venn took a rag to the espresso machine, wiping foam from the steam wands in between cappuccinos. The air smelled of mocha, a heady scent of freshly ground beans and quality chocolate.  The owner didn’t mess around with ordering sub-par ingredients. That was probably one reason why the café was so busy today.  It was also coming up on mid-October, spring was in the air, and the summer school term was starting.  Students from the nearby high school were reuniting over coffee, grouped around the doors outside and laughing in line, phones out.  Venn didn’t miss school himself – he found the ambient whining chatter about the reinstatement of homework to be irritating – but he wouldn’t turn out a paying customer… much less a whole class of them.
“What can I get for you?” he asked, returning to the register.  His fingers worked easily over the order buttons as the girl rattled off a list of drinks.  The iced and blended drinks were popular today.  No wonder… he could feel sweat gathering at the collar of his shirt.  He was used to his own heat, but the air conditioner was wheezing asthmatically today and it wasn’t doing him any favors as he rushed around.  He pushed his hair up off his neck for a second, unconsciously, although fine strands still clung to his skin.  “$18.57. Will that be cash or card?”
“I’ve got this one.” Theo passed behind him, reaching past Venn’s elbow to the stack of plastic cups.  He’d come into his own at the café and now moved with the same frenetic grace as the rest of the small group of employees during a rush, slipping between bodies from machine to machine.  He still kept his eyes down off the crowd, though, and today his face was disguised by a white flu mask.
Venn swallowed and looked away, grabbing the customer’s receipt.  “Thanks.”  He enjoyed working with his boyfriend, but.  Some days it was almost too easy to get distracted.  He tried to ignore the way Theo’s forearms looked in that shirt and the way the back rode up slightly when Theo bent down to get a new carton of straws.  He tried to ignore the way Theo’s pale hair fluffed despite the heat of the day and the way his glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose when he moved.  
He especially tried to ignore the way that Theo was sniffling, because it wasn’t going to do either of them any good.
“Decaf iced vanilla latte,” Theo called a bit thickly, setting the drink on the counter.  “And an americano with skim milk.”
The bell above the door jangled cheerily as another group came inside, bringing with them a gust of hot air, the scent of late anemones, and pollen.  Theo narrowed his eyes.  The delicate skin of his lower lids already looked red, like he’d been rubbing them earlier, and Venn was sure he didn’t imagine the faint glimmer of a tear forming at the corner of one eye.  Theo cleared his throat, a delicate half-cough.
“You wanna take a break in the back?” Venn asked, sidling up to him under the pretense of checking the milk levels.  This close, he could hear it when Theo sniffled wetly behind the mask and his mouth went a bit dry.
Theo pressed the back of his wrist to his paper-clad nose.  “I’m not due ­hh for a break for another hour,” he said, stubbornly. “I’m okay.”  He sniffled again.
Venn shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying to ignore the way his body suddenly felt weird and electric.  “Sure. Just let me know.”  He didn’t really think that Theo was telling the truth – or, no, it was more that he suspected Theo was doing some wishful thinking.  He could always say he was worried about Theo’s powers going haywire at the shop, but no one was more self-conscious about that than Theo himself.  Venn didn’t want to bring it up unnecessarily. “I’m okay with it if you go a bit early.”
“Sounds like preferential treatment,” Theo replied, eyes crinkling as he smiled behind his mask. “Better hope no one hears you.”
“Oh no,” Venn said, voice deadpan despite his body’s singing.  “I’ll be arrested by the bean police.”  He emphatically avoided saying anything suggestive afterward, just unscrewed the top of the soy milk pitcher and began to refill it.
The rush started to let up a little in the next twenty minutes after the bulk of the student crowd had moved on to other afterschool activities or back home.  Various detritus had collected on the tables and floor of the café like less attractive autumn leaves.  Venn picked up a pair of cups someone had left beside a window, towel slung over his shoulder.  His mind wandered.  He needed to make a note to order more of the French roast.  One of the grinders needed a new O-ring.  They had leftovers in the fridge, but he really wanted to eat yukgaejang instead…
“Excuse me?” came a voice to his left.  It was a young-looking guy, maybe Theo’s age, with an asymmetrical haircut and a silk scarf. “Do you work here?”
“No, I just pick up trash for fun.  I make Dumpster collages for fun.”
Is how Venn wanted to answer, but instead, he smiled and answered in the affirmative.  “Can I help you with something?”
“I just wanted to order a drink?” asked(?) the guy. He pointed a thumb back at the counter. “And there’s no one there?”
Venn tilted his head. Well, he was right.  The only people in that direction were a pair of regulars examining the pastry case and chewing on their usual topic of politics.  “I’ll get right on it.”  He tossed the cups on the way over and then waited on the small line, dispensing coffee and the last of the muffins.  That done, he flagged Kelly, who’d just punched in, to take over. “I’m gonna go check something in the back.”
“Sure thing,” she said, stretching and then leaning her elbow on the counter, bored.
Venn went through the “Employees Only” door, past the cluttered office and into the stockroom, which had, over time, acquired a pair of cheap folding chairs and now doubled as the breakroom.  There was barely enough room for two people to sit between the close shelves of dry goods and the freezer toward the rear.  “Theo?” He poked his head around the door frame.
“Huh- huh-istchiu!”
“Aha.”  All the stirrings from earlier returned in full force and Venn became alarmingly aware of every inch of cloth touching his collar, stomach, lower. His jeans felt too tight and he smoothed a hand down his shirt.  “Bless you.” He stepped in and took the other chair.
Theo had pulled his mask to the side and it hung from one ear as he sneezed again into his cupped hands. “Hh- hh- ­hktsschuh!  Hh- huh-” An allergic tear slipped down his cheek and Venn watched it run along the side of Theo’s palm where it touched his cheek.  “Hh-ktschxiu!”
“Need a tissue?” Venn could feel himself blushing now and curled his left hand in the fabric of his apron to keep from fidgeting. His voice sounded too low to his own ears, colored with his arousal.  He swallowed.
“Yih- yheah.”  Theo gestured to his pocket with his elbow, keeping his hands pressed to face.  Venn tried not to combust at the implication.  “I’ve got some, here.”
Venn reached over into Theo’s pocket and tugged out a travel pack of tissues, almost empty. They were close enough to kiss, if Theo would let them.  So maybe there was a little bit of mess there…  That didn’t change Venn’s impulse to carefully entwine their fingers, lean forward until he could bring their lips together, move his mouth gently against Theo’s.  Put a hand on Theo’s lower back, where his shirt kept riding up, encourage Theo to-
Venn reached out and smoothed Theo’s bangs away from his face, then forced himself to restore their personal space.  His heartbeat was pounding in his ears and other places, too, but he was at work. And Theo probably wasn’t feeling too well, at least in this moment.  He was sniffling again, inhaling unevenly.  Venn held out a tissue.  Theo took it quickly and wiped at his nose.
“Thanks.”  He sounded stuffy and tired.  “I’ll be fine in a minute… I took some more pills.”  He scrunched his nose, but it didn’t look like it helped.  “The pollen’s hh- really bad today, though.”  He took a knuckle to his septum for a few moments, rubbing with determination, pushing each nostril closed with a little groan of irritation and a soft, moist sound. Venn was transfixed.
Then Theo sat straight up so suddenly that Venn almost startled.  “Crap.”
“Ah- What is it?” Venn curled his fingers more tightly in his apron.
“I left the counter unmanned!”  Theo scrambled to his feet.  “I was still in the middle of my shift!”  He rubbed his hands on his apron, dropped his tissues, bent to grab them again, gasped- “Huah- hih- Hkksht! Nkt-ussch!”  The two sneezes came quickly, forcefully.  Theo pressed a hand to his face, but not before Venn saw another hint of wetness. The fluorescent bulb overheard flickered.  
“Uh, Theo?”  Venn reached out to try and snag his boyfriend’s sleeve.
“Hih- hh- kshxtuh!”  One of the shelves behind them rattled and a several prepackaged bags of ground coffee tipped over like dominos.  “Hh’iktschiu!” Theo bent into his cupped hands again.  A bottle of flavored syrup shot into the air.  Venn’s eyes widened and he parried it with his elbow. The lights flickered again and the bottle clattered to the floor.  Theo sighed and snuffled in defeat.
“­­Bless you,” Venn said, flushing gently.  He took Theo by the arms.  “Hunter, sit down.  You’ve been covered at the counter.  Hipsters can still get their coffee and the world isn’t ending.”  He pressed a kiss to the top of Theo’s head, giving in to the urge to pull him in close.  “Far as I’m concerned, you can take a double break to get settled.  Is there anything I can get you?”
Theo looked up at him, eyes dewy, nose deeply pink and running.  He sniffled ineffectually and then rested his forehead on Venn’s shoulder. “A new immune system?”
“Besides that.” Venn nuzzled him.
“Some water.  And some more hh tissues…”  After a moment, Theo wrapped an arm around Venn’s waist.  “…I hope I’m not making your shirt gross.”
Venn bit his lip. “I don’t really care about that right now.”  He rubbed Theo’s back.  “Listen…” It occurred to him that he was going to ask this selfishly, as much for his own relief as Theo’s: “Do you want to go home early?  We’re wrapping up here, anyway.”  He did feel Theo stiffen a little.  “I mean it.  West and Kelly are closing today.  I’ll only be another two hours or so.”  He nuzzled Theo again.  “You could take a nice shower, get rid of some of the pollen, work on your computer… and feel better.”
“…Tempting,” Theo said, begrudgingly.  He stifled a cough.  And finally sighed. “…This is not going to be a usual thing, okay? But.  I don’t want to like, throw anything at the customers.”
“I’ll pick up the stuff, no big deal.  Really.” Venn touched the cool back of Theo’s neck.  “I’ll see you at home.”
Theo headed out, flu mask back in place, a few minutes later.  Venn saw him out, but no one was going to give Theo a hard time.  It was a great relief to know that his boyfriend was going to be lying down soon and giving himself a break… and the anticipation of joining him and getting to cuddle properly gave Venn an extra spring in his step as he finished his shift.  And a period to cool down before they reunited.
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taylorroger-s · 5 years
what’s another night on mars? // brian may x reader
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a/n hey hey hey this is my first brian fic so pls go easy on me. this is for @queens-n-roses writing challenge yeet. i absolutely love this song, so when i saw it open, i had to get it. this is fluffy as shit, so get hyped
masterlist here!
based on another night on mars by the maine
warnings : none, but there’s fluff sweet enough to rot your teeth
enjoy :)
this one goes out to my closest friends
the ones who make me feel less alien
i do not think i would be here if not for them
during the late seventies you were having the time of your life. on a whim, you decided to follow your best friend brian and his band as they traversed their way across europe and america. there was not much tying you to the uk besides brian at that point, so when you asked to tag along, they immediately agreed.
you were able to see small towns and big cities across the ocean in a different continent. it was like being on an alien planet. you could drive hours and hours and still be in the same state, while in europe you could drive an hour and end up in an entirely new country. it was culture shock every other day as you moved from place to place.
one clear night the bus was parked at a truck stop somewhere between richfield and cincinnati. most of the people following the band on the tour bus were out by the curb, having a smoke and retelling stories of the night before. you weren’t a huge smoker, so you stayed in the bus, curled up on the couch with a thin blanket covering you.
it was deathly silent, the only noise being the distant sound of a freeway and loud laughs coming from just outside. you could feel yourself slowly drifting asleep when someone tapped you on the shoulder. you groaned, shifting around so that you could see the person that woke you up. a head of curly brown hair greeted you.
“bri? what the fuck i was trying to sleep.”
“c’mon, i want to show you something.”
you swatted at his hand reached out to help you get out, taking your sweet time sitting up and then sliding off the couch. you slipped on dark blue boots and a new sweatshirt from two towns over. barely giving you time to yawn, brian grabbed you hand, leading you towards the back of the bus. his touch sent a dangerous chill down your spine. it was hard enough having feelings for him as a best friend, but it was even worse in that moment as he showed genuine excitement to show you something that made him happy.
brian abruptly stopped and dropped your hand. you stared at the back of his head, yawning heavily while he fiddled with god only knows what. just as sharply as he started, he stopped, reaching out for your hand again. you hesitantly took it, taking a moment to ask him what was going on.
“why are we headed to the roof of the tour bus?”
“you’ll see.”
you sighed, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. he sounded so cheerful, it was hard to act annoyed. he started up the ladder and you followed close behind, still suspicious as too what had brian so worked up. once you were near the top, he held out a hand to you again. he gently helped you up onto the roof, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as a strong breeze blew by.
he had fallen silent, but when you looked over, it was clear why.
his gaze was trained on the stars, a dreamy smile on his face. you could see the constellations reflected back in his hazel eyes, eyes full of wonder and awe for the expanse of the cosmos.
“beautiful, isn’t it?”
“mhm.” you responded, still looking at his side profile. he looked like an ethereal being with his perfectly chiseled features, curly hair dark as the night sky itself, eyes made of stardust and light. it took you a minute to realize he was talking about the night sky. but you thought he was just as beautiful.
brian looked over to you, giving you a small smile that make your knees weak and could outshine any astral being drifting throughout the universe. you were so entranced that when he asked you a question, he had to repeat it a few times before it really sunk in.
“you alright?”
“oh, uh, yeah, sorry. what did you ask?”
“want to lay down?” he reached down and picked up a red blanket that he must had stowed somewhere, other hand still gripping yours. you nodded, crossing your arms over your chest as he carefully laid out the blanket in the middle of the roof.
“bri, this is so highschool.” he looked back up at you, a bright glint in his eyes.
“what’s so bad about that?” you rolled your eyes, giving him a playful punch to the shoulder.
“nothing at all.”
brian reached out to you again, letting you lay down on the blanket before he went to lay by your side. he was right, the sky was beautiful. out in the middle of nowhere, with no town for miles, the stars were especially prominent. you could spot the wide strip of light marking the milky way galaxy, and the various constellations hidden beneath a complicated tapestry. before you met brian, you had never really been intrigued by the night sky. to you it looked like just dots of light in random patterns, something that you only saw during especially quiet nights or far away from the city.
just being in his proximity raised you interest in them exponentially. you could listen to him talk about the cosmos on hours on end. whenever he realized he was rambling, he would stop and apologize, cheeks flushing pink. you eagerly reassured him that everything was alright and encouraged him to keep talking. you loved how his voice would speed up a little when he got deep into a groove, the way he moved his hands to illustrate what he couldn’t find that words to say. but you of course had never found the nerve to ask him out. you were too afraid of ruining your friendship that took years to build.
“whenever we’re on tour, i tend to look at the stars a lot more than usual. makes me feel like i’m back home, under the same sky. then i tear my eyes away and i am thousands of miles from home.” he didn’t look at you, seemingly saying the words to no one in particular. it took you a few moments to gather the courage to respond, and when you did, it wasn’t the most thought through or articulate response.
“but, don’t you enjoy touring?”
“yeah, yeah i do. but sometimes it feels like… i don’t know, like i’m on mars or something. like i’m not where i am supposed to be.” he sounded so lost, so far away. it made your heart hurt. all you wanted was for him to be happy. so you went the tough love route to get your message across.
“that’s some grade a bullshit.”
“oh give me a break. with all the nights in shitty bars and throwing up in taxis, do you never feel… lost? not at home?” you sighed, propping yourself up on your elbow. he hadn’t even looked your way. his eyes still reflected the stars, but were a little duller after his confession. you wanted to reach out and run your finger down the lines on his face, down his jawline, and the edge of his lips. you wanted to brush his hair back from his face and pepper his cheeks with feather light kisses. but instead you watched him with your hands to yourself, listening to his soft breaths in the nighttime air.
“now why the hell would i feel like that? so what’s another night on mars? with friends like ours, anywhere is home.”
he fell quiet, and you turned back to the sky, mentally tracing the constellations as the silence stretched on. then, without thinking, you blurted out something that you couldn't hold in any longer.
“i always feel like i’m home with you, bri.”
you could hear him take in a sharp breath, and immediately regretted your decision. you could feel the sting of tear behind your eyes as you began to sit up, hands clenched in fists at your sides.
“i-i’ve got to go. see you later brian.”
“wait!” his thin fingers gripped your wrist, keeping you from leaving the bus’ roof. his eyes mirrored some of the emotion you felt; the bittersweet look of unrequited feelings and fear of loneliness. it made any words you tried to speak stick in your throat. he was breathing hard, almost more so than you. the tension in the air was palpable. sticky and sour and clinging to the air, to your skin.
he held onto you a little tighter, slowly pulling you back by his side. your heart was racing, but his touch calmed you. you were back down on the ground by his side, his hand was still holding yours, thumb moving lightly over your knuckles in small, even circles. he was your lifeline, keeping you grounded.
after all, with friends like yours, anywhere was home.
hh this was so fun to write
congrats on like,, 3k now @queens-n-roses
permanent taglist!
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letterfromtrenwith · 6 years
Grand Jete - Ch 9 & 10
When George Warleggan quits a high powered job in the City to take care of the finances of the South West Ballet, run by his friend, Francis Poldark, it changes his life - even more so than he expected.
Elizabeth Chynoweth came to the South West to come back home, take on new challenges, and leave behind a less than perfect time in her life. She intends to focus on her art, but everyone knows what they say about best laid plans…
Ch 1 & 2 Ch 3 & 4 Ch 5 & 6 Ch 7 & 8
Chapter 9 
George stretched, luxuriating in the warmth of the bed. Reaching over to the other side, he frowned at finding it empty. He sat up, blinking sleep out of his eyes, and looked around.
“Elizabeth?” He couldn’t hear the shower running, or any other movement. Where was she? Had she had some sort of emergency? No, she would have woken him, surely? His eye caught on something white on the bedside table. Rolling over, he found it was a piece of paper which had slipped half under the base of the lamp. In Elizabeth’s softly swirling handwriting, and signed with a kiss, it was a note:
Gone for coffee! Back soon x
George smiled. They’d gone for a late Sunday lunch – or early dinner – after yesterday’s de Valois matinee, and then come back to his flat for ‘dessert’. The thought brought another smile to his face, as well as reminding him of one or two very pleasant aches. A trip to the bathroom seemed to be in order, although it was with some reluctance that he dragged himself out from under the warm Elizabeth-scented duvet.
“I’m back! Are you awake yet?” He’d actually managed a quick shower while she was out, and was sitting on the bed reading the papers on his phone. “I didn’t mean to be gone so long, the place was heaving! I should have thought, really – Monday morning rush – oh.”
“What?” He looked up. She’d made a somewhat disappointed noise when she entered the bedroom, two cups of coffee in a little tray in her hand. She’d slipped one of his sweatshirts on with her jeans and it hung slightly over to one side, exposing the curve of her shoulder in a very distracting way.
“Well…” Elizabeth put the coffees down on the sideboard and kicked off her shoes, before getting onto the bed on her hands and knees. “I was sort of hoping you would be exactly where I left you.”
“Oh, yes?” he asked, leaning forward to meet her, barely inches between them. “Why’s that?”
“So that I could have…woken you up.” She licked her lips, a sight which made George temporarily forget how to speak.
“Hh – “ was all he managed.
“But nevermind.” Elizabeth took both of his hands in hers and slid them up under the sweatshirt, confirming that wore nothing underneath. George took a shaky breath. “There’s still plenty of time for that.”
It was disgracefully close to lunchtime when they eventually emerged from the bedroom, George feeling incredibly thankful that he’d chosen to work yesterday and have today off. Their coffees had ended up going completely to waste, stone cold by the time they weren’t otherwise occupied.
“It was a very nice thought,” George said soothingly when Elizabeth pouted a little as she poured them away.
“Your fault for distracting me,” she teased, and he couldn’t help but kiss her.
“Do you want to get something to eat?” he asked, when their lips parted. “Or have you had enough of me?”
“Never,” she smiled. “I’d love to, only I think I should change.”
George waited in the car outside Elizabeth’s flat while she got changed, citing a desire to avoid temptation, which earned him a cheeky grin and a torturously lingering kiss before she hurried away into the building. She returned impressively quickly, giving him another quick peck.
They drove out to a lovely country pub, the friendly waitress seating them at a snug table next to gently crackling fire, which was very welcome in the crisp November weather. He helped Elizabeth out of her coat, revealing a fitted jumper dress in a soft petrol-blue colour. It looked incredibly good on her; she noticed his look and glanced down, blushing slightly, which was especially endearing considering what they had been doing not long ago. He’d thought she was incredibly beautiful from the first moment they met, but sometimes she took his breath away.
Their legs tangled under the small table when he returned with their drinks, and Elizabeth smiled at him over the top of her menu.  
“Actually, I think it was a mistake coming here – the food is so delicious, but I shouldn’t eat too much since I’m back in rehearsals first thing tomorrow!”
“Surely you need your energy?”
“What? Since I’m so worn out after last night? And this morning?”
“No, I didn’t – “ But she laughed, shaking her head.
“I’m only teasing! Although I must say I have worked up an appetite…Perhaps I should build up my strength, especially if you’re going to come back to mine this afternoon?” That question went straight to a very primal part of George’s mind. No matter now nice the food was, he was going to have a lot of trouble concentrating on it. 
A couple of audience members ooh’d and ah’d as Elizabeth’s and Hugh’s swords clashed, the sounds of the props impressively realistic. In their roles as the Black Queen and the Red Knight respectively, their climactic pas de deux took the form of a duel. This was George’s fourth time seeing it, and it was captivating every time – not entirely due to Elizabeth, either. The staging of the chess-themed piece was stunning, and George was certainly not alone in thinking so.
He could anticipate the reaction to each moment – breaths held as the Knight presented the Queen with a rose, the symbol of his love despite their battle. The pause as he turned away and then – a collective gasp of shock when Elizabeth thrust her sword into Hugh’s back; the Queen’s betrayal. The triumph of death over love, culminating in Malcolm’s Red King cowering at Elizabeth’s feet. In her pure black costume, she was magnificent the lights casting her into shadow for a moment as she raised her sword to deliver the coup de grace. With impeccable timing, the stage was plunged into darkness at the exact moment she began to stab downwards.
By the time the lights came back up, the cast were lined up at the front of the stage, Elizabeth holding the hands of her ‘victims’. The audience clapped and cheered enthusiastically and she smiled her beautiful smile as she took her bow. He watched her look out over the crowd towards the back of the auditorium – she knew he was there, although the lights would obscure him from her view.
He slipped out before the curtain fell for the interval – the audience would return for the second of the two de Valois ballets: Bar aux Folies-Bergere. However, George wasn’t here for that – he’d seen it twice already and, as artistically impressive as it was, it lacked one very important element: Elizabeth.
“Hello, you.” Margaret greeted him with grin when he entered the backstage area. She was lounging on a chair in the corridor, already in her can-can dancer’s costume. “Hey, Elizabeth! Your No. 1 fan is here!”
A door further along opened and Elizabeth stuck her head out, making a rude gesture at Margaret, who laughed delightedly in response, before turning to smile at George, opening the door wider in invitation. He glanced back at Margaret as he entered, frowning at her suggestive eyebrow raise. As soon as Elizabeth closed the door, she pulled him in for a kiss, and then giggled as she wiped off the stage make-up she’d smeared on his face.
“Sorry! Let me get this all off and then I’ll get changed.” As Elizabeth wasn’t appearing in Folies-Bergere she didn’t need to stay for the rest of the night, although she often did – either to watch from the side of the stage, or to socialise with the other dancers afterwards. Tonight, however, they were going somewhere special.
George had debated with himself for about a week about asking Elizabeth if she would like to go away together for a couple of nights. He’d got the idea when he’d found out from Francis that the dancers were going to have a few days free between runs of the de Valois, to give them a break since they were also in rehearsals for the Christmas show. But was it too soon? They’d only been seeing each other for a little over two months. He already knew he had strong feelings for her, but he didn’t know if she felt the same, although he could certainly tell she liked him.
In the end, he’d decided to bite the bullet and ask her. If she thought it was rushing into things, she would say so. However, she’d reacted with excitement, actually clapping her hands in delight when he’d told her their destination was a surprise.
“So, are you going to even give me a hint?” Elizabeth glanced at him in the reflection of her mirror as she wiped off her greasepaint. She pouted when he shook his head, making him smile. “Not fair.”
“You’ll see when we get there! It’s not far; you might have even been there already, for all I know. I’m the newcomer around here, remember?”
“Fine. I suppose I’ll just have to be patient….Here, help me with this will you?” She stood and came to stand with her back to him. The fastenings of her costume were half-undone, exposing most of her bare back. George undid the rest, knowing that she must be able to manage perfectly well herself. When he was finished she wriggled out of the whole thing, leaving her standing in only her knickers; wrapping her arms around herself she peeked at him over her shoulder and he groaned.
“I’m still not telling you anything.”
“Damn.” She laughed.
“Still,” he murmured, trailing fingertips up her spine in a way he knew made her shiver, “very cruel to you to have me undress you when we’re not going to be alone together for who knows how long….”
She gave him a wry smile, amused by having the tables turned on her, before hurrying to get dressed. He had made one concession to a hint by telling her to dress smart-casually for their arrival.
“Enjoy your dirty weekend!” Morwenna called down the corridor as they were on their way out, earning her the same gesture as Margaret, which she likewise found highly amusing.
“She’s always been a pain in the arse,” Elizabeth muttered, and George chuckled, knowing she didn’t mean a word of it. He’d seen how close the cousins were.
It was a beautiful night, cold but crisp and Elizabeth even wound down the window slightly when they were out on the road, the breeze catching her hair a little.
“So,” she began. “I’ve got to dress fairly smartly, and you told me to bring something to wear for dinner and my swimwear…”
“Just wait, will you!” She laughed delightedly, only teasing. It didn’t take them long to get there, as it happened, since the hotel was at Fistral Beach, just over 10 miles away. Just under half an hour after leaving the theatre, they were pulling up outside.
“Oh George, it’s lovely! I’ve seen this place in Cornish Life and I thought it looked so lovely.”
“Well, I hope it lives up to expectations.”
Judging by her reaction to their room, it certainly did. Since it was the off-season – and not actually the weekend, despite what Morwenna had said – he’d managed to get an ocean view suite, and for a surprisingly good price. It had a balcony which looked straight out to sea over the beach, a very large, very plush-looking bed…and its own private hot tub.
“Hmm, I see what the swimwear’s for. Although, since we’re going to be only ones here, I’m not sure that my bikini’s actually necessary…” She bit her lip, raising her eyebrows, and George busied himself with putting their suitcases away. It wasn’t long before they were booked in for dinner. With a laugh, Elizabeth flung open the doors to the balcony, letting in a blast of cold, salt-smelling air. After a moment, he followed her outside, shrugging his jacket tighter around himself. “Oh, George, it really is so beautiful. Thank you so much for bringing here.”
She leant forward and kissed him softly, smiling affectionately at him when she pulled back, before turning away to take in the view again. He looked at her in profile, the soft light from room glowing on her skin, the wind pulling at the strands of hair which had escaped her scarf, and suddenly came to a very big realisation – he didn’t just have strong feelings for Elizabeth, he had fallen in love with her.  
Chapter 10
Elizabeth returned from their little stay away feeling incredibly relaxed and contented. The hotel was beautiful, quite possibly one of the most romantic places she had ever been in her life – and not merely because of its location. After a truly wonderful dinner on their first evening, their table leant a lovely privacy by the soft draping decorating the restaurant, they’d discovered just how comfortable the suite was, but it was the second day which had been the most special. A leisurely breakfast in bed, followed by an enjoyably windswept walk on the beach. Thanks to the season, they’d had the sands almost entirely to themselves; George had looked especially handsome with his hair tousled by the wind. She’d been completely unable to resist kissing him, until they’d been splattered by a rogue ocean spray, causing them to run away laughing like children.
During their light lunch at the bar, George had surprised her with an appointment for a hot stone massage in the afternoon. When she’d returned to the room, she’d been amused to find him checking work emails on his phone, and teasingly chastised him.
“Didn’t you want a massage?”
“Oh, I don’t know if it’s the sort of thing I would like.” Elizabeth had frowned as this.
“You mean, you’ve never had one?”
“No,” he’d looked adorably embarrassed by this admission.
“Well, I think I should fix that.”
Later – rather a lot later – they’d had dinner in the room, accompanied by the beautiful moonlit view of crashing waves. Elizabeth did wear her bikini when they finally tested out the hot tub, although much to George’s obvious appreciation, she eventually discarded the top. Afterwards, he’d lain her down on the bed, pressing her into the mattress, and when he’d kissed her, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so happy.
Returning home was almost a shock to the system. She’d felt oddly lonely lying in her own bed, George having gone back to his flat after he’d dropped her off.
“So, someone had a good time….” Demelza grinned at her from the changing room bench the following morning when Elizabeth arrived for rehearsals.
“Yes, I did.” Elizabeth was aware she was putting her things away with rather exaggerated casualness, something which had not gone unnoticed by her colleagues.
“I’ll say. You’re practically floating.”
“Oh, shut up.” Demelza laughed before suddenly adopting a slightly more pensive expression. “Listen, there’s actually something I’ve been meaning to ask you….”
“Whatever Caroline’s put you up to – “
“No! It’s not to do with you and George, as much as I’d love to press you for details.” Demelza glanced around as if making sure no one was listening. “It’s actually about Morwenna.”
“Morwenna? What about her?” Elizabeth frowned.
“Is she seeing anyone that you know of?” Elizabeth hadn’t known what to expect from this line of conversation, but that certainly hadn’t been it.
“Er, she hasn’t said so if she is. Why?”
“Well, it’s actually my brother, Drake. He broke up with this girl a while back – I didn’t like her, to be honest, but that’s not the point – and he’s been on his own since. He’s just a couple of years older than Morwenna and I think they’d really get on. Do you think she’d be offended if I suggested introducing them?”
“You’d have to ask her, but I don’t think so.” Just then, Caroline appeared, and Elizabeth was about to make a joke about her rubbing off on Demelza when she noticed that her friend did not look her usual self. Caroline was rather wan, her usually smiling mouth angled downwards. “Caroline? Are you all right?”
“She’s not well,” Demelza answered for her. “I said so at Pilates yesterday, but she won’t admit it.”
“Just – “ Caroline coughed. “Just a bit of a sore throat. I’m probably getting a cold, that’s all.”
“Hmm.” Elizabeth wasn’t convinced, but Caroline was stubborn enough that pressing her wouldn’t do any good.
“Look, never mind my silly tickle. Tell me all about your romantic getaway, Elizabeth.” Caroline tried to smile, but it was unconvincing. Before Elizabeth could answer, Keren stuck her head around the door to say they were getting started, and Caroline hurried into her practice gear.
It became increasingly obvious throughout the day that Caroline was not just getting a cold – she was off her game, as much as she was trying to put a brave face on it. Elizabeth noticed Francis and Anne exchanging concerned glances,  as were a few of the other dancers. She also saw Caroline massaging her throat when she thought no one was looking.
Eventually, Elizabeth decided she’d had enough. During a break, Caroline took a drink of water and almost choked on it, coughing horribly and struggling to clear her throat.
“Right, that’s it. You’re going to see Dwight. Come on.” Not giving her any choice, Elizabeth hauled Caroline up by the arm.
“But – “
“But nothing. If you’ve just got a cold, he’ll say so, but I really don’t think you have.” She looked a Caroline beseechingly. “To put my mind at rest, at least. Please?”
“Okay.” That Caroline acquiesced without a sarcastic remark or a sardonic quirk of an eyebrow only convinced Elizabeth even more that something was properly wrong.
Dwigh was in his office when they arrived, and greeted them with a friendly smile, looking especially pleased to see Caroline, Elizabeth noted. With a bit of prompting, Caroline explained her symptoms – chiefly a terrible pain in her throat and the sensation that she couldn’t clear it properly.
“Are you struggling to breathe?”
“No, but deep breaths make the pain worse sometimes.”
“Any other pain in the mouth?”
“And you don’t smoke?”
“Sorry, I have to ask.” Elizabeth wasn’t surprised. Quite a lot of dancers smoked, in her experience. Some did it to lose weight, some as stress relief. There were a few at the South West, although the disapproving looks Francis gave them every time she saw them on a cigarette break had convinced a few to cut down.
“Well, I don’t.”
“All right, let’s take a look. Open your mouth, please.” Looking unusually awkward, Caroline did as she was asked, studiously avoiding looking at either Dwight or Elizabeth as the doctor shone his penlight at her throat. “Caroline…When did you last east fish?”
“Fish?” Caroline frowned, still massaging her neck. “A couple of days ago. But I’m not allergic.”
“No, but you should maybe think twice about going back to that restaurant. Open up again, please.” He rummaged about in a drawer for a moment before producing a pair of tweezers. Elizabeth watched in confused fascination as he gently extended them into Caroline’s mouth and, with a small tug, extracted…a fish bone. Caroline stared at it in disbelief before suddenly starting to laugh. Soon, all three of them were chuckling.
“Well, that’s embarrassing.”
“Not at all.” Dwight and Caroline smiled at each other for a moment, and Elizabeth felt a slow smile creep across her face. Well, that was interesting. The doctor coughed and shuffled some papers on his desk. “I’ll, er, I’ll go and make up some salt water. You can gargle with some now, and then every morning and night for the next couple of days, just to make sure there’s no infection, although that’s unlikely.”
Elizabeth sat down next to Caroline after he left, and Caroline laughed again.
“A fishbone! Oh my God.”
“Aren’t you glad I dragged you down here now? And not just because Dwight fixed your throat?” Caroline gave her a sideways glance. From that alone, Elizabeth could tell she felt better.
“Actually, I believe we have some unfinished business. You never told me about your little romantic break. So, come on, details.”
“It was very nice.”
“Very nice? Is that it?! Certainly not, judging by that blush.” Elizabeth tutted and Caroline smiled. “Seriously, though, I’m really happy you enjoyed it. Things are getting serious between you and George, aren’t they?”
“Yeah….” Elizabeth felt odd suddenly, frowning to herself as Dwight returned. “Yeah, it is….”
Caroline’s observation continued to bother her for a few days afterwards, niggling at doubts Elizabeth thought that she’d put aside. She’d had her concerns about getting involved with someone again – especially someone she worked with – when George first asked her out, but had found her attraction to him overwhelmed them. However, they now seemed to have come back in full force.
They were getting serious, and after just over a couple of months. Even before their little trip away, they’d been spending more and more time together and Elizabeth had been feeling herself falling…No, she couldn’t think like that.
It was nothing to do with George – he was kind, and interesting, hiding a gentle, surprisingly funny side of himself behind his quite serious demeanour at first meeting. He was also handsome, as well as a very good kisser…among other things.
That was the trouble, she liked him a lot. More than a lot. But she was concerned that maybe they were rushing into things, getting in too deep, too quickly. She’d been burned that way before, and she didn’t want that again; she didn’t want it for George, either.
Conflicted about her feelings, she began to avoid him a little, the combination of the final set of de Valois performances and preparations for Lion offering the perfect excuse. He’d accepted her claiming to be tired after a day of rehearsals or that she was going to have late supper with Morwenna after a performance – not a lie, but Elizabeth had set it up so as to have a reason not to see him. She’d pushed her food around her plate and refused to admit to her clearly suspicious cousin that anything was wrong.
She’d endeavoured to focus on her work, and her performances had been as good as ever, but Morwenna wasn’t the only one who noticed she was off personally. Hugh had asked her more than once if she was okay after a performance, but accepted her excuse that she was just tired.
After a few days she was feeling increasingly guilty about the way she was treating George. He didn’t deserve to be given the cold shoulder like this. Although he hadn’t said anything, she’d heard confusion and disappointment in his voice earlier that day when he’d called to ask her if she wanted to meet for lunch and she’d made yet another excuse.
Sitting at home that night, she reached for her phone and video called Verity, hoping that her friend wasn’t busy. She knew the Scottish Ballet were on a short break before their Christmas show: Cinderella. Verity was playing the Fairy Godmother. After a few rings, Verity’s face appeared on the screen, smiling.
“Hello! This is a nice surprise. How are you?”
“Fine.” Now that Verity asked, Elizabeth found she wasn’t sure how to put it into words, even though Verity would certainly understand.
“How’s George? I’ve been meaning to call him. Francis says he’s been doing a great job! Oh, is he with you?” Verity glanced around as if she could see out of the side of the screen.
“No, we’ve both been busy.” Elizabeth had told Verity that she and George had been seeing each other, but not all of the details. She hadn’t been expecting Verity to mention him first, and it threw her. Before she could say anymore, there was a male voice in the background, and Verity looked away for a moment, saying something indistinct.
“Sorry about that.”
“Oh, I didn’t realise you had company.” Now that she looked properly, she could see Verity was a bit more dressed up than might be expected for a Thursday night at home.
“No, it’s – er – it’s just Ross. He’s visiting for a couple of days since we’ll both be working at Christmas. We were going to go out for supper.” Oh. That was the last thing Elizabeth had expected Verity to say. Ross Poldark was Verity and Francis’ cousin. He’d also been a pupil at the Royal Ballet School with them – and, for several years, Elizabeth’s boyfriend. The reason why she was now feeling so hesitant about her relationship with George.
“Oh, sorry, Verity, I’ll let you go. We can talk another time.”
“No – “
“No, really, it’s fine. Enjoy your supper!” With her false note of cheerfulness, she ended the call. Hearing Verity mention Ross, knowing he was there in the room with her, had brought back everything she’d been pushing away these last couple of years, and increased all of her doubts tenfold. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her phone, pulling up George’s number.
I think we need to talk. 
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rockbell1003 · 6 years
But You Love Me Anyways
So here’s part 2 of my first snz oc fic....I still have zero idea of what I’m doing but you can read part one here  as always I hope you enjoy!
By the time we entered our room, whatever Kaito originally planned had been placed on the backburner. In just the 20 minutes it took to get here his cold symptoms seemed to worsen, consistently sniffling due to congestion setting in and the frequency of his sneezes increased too. As I stepped into the room I turned on the lights, both the main and the bathroom’s, “alright, we’ve got about 4ish hours until dinner with your friends. So let’s get you into the shower.”
Kaito raised his fist pressing it against his nose, “heptCH...ugh, sounds good.” With a shake of his head, he walked into the bathroom. I on the other hand walked over to our suitcases and grabbed him some fresh clothes to lounge in once he was finished in the shower.
“HEPCHOO...heh..hih..giTCH-uh”  I entered the bathroom, Kai already in the shower. Bent by the waist, the steam from the shower already working to relieve him of congestion. I placed his change of clothes on the toilet, “Bless you, I’m leaving your clothes on the toilet.”
Kaito peeked his head out from the sheer shower curtain, black hair plastered to his forehead and nose a darkening shade of red, “Tha-hih-nk...gh’AESHOO...ugh, snfl thangk you.” I smiled and pressed a chaste kiss on his moist lips, “I’ll leave some cold medicine on the counter.” With a nod of his head Kaito ducked back into the shower to release a whole volley of sneezes, “HAAAAESSCHEWWW!! HEPCHEWWWW!!!  Heh...heh..HEESSSSCHEWWWW!!”
A small smile tugged at my lips as I rummaged through his toiletry bag for cold medicine, “bless you!”
“he-PCH, hiih-HAESHEW...lobe you,” came the response. A wave of warmth ran through my body, goddamn this man. Finally finding what I was looking for, I left the medicine and filled the complimentary plastic cup with water from the sink. Reluctantly I left the bathroom and my sneezy man in order to change into an oversized t-shirt, that may or may not be Kaito’s. Once changed, I grab my laptop and plop myself on the bed. Scrolling through my social media, as I listened to Kaito’s sneezes.
I bit my lip, jeezus if only he knew what exactly his sneezes do to me. A few minutes pass and Kaito walks out of the bathroom, a tissue cupped around his nose with a hearty blow I can still hear some congestion. Guess the shower didn’t clear all of it, Kai lets out a sigh and crumples the used tissue. “How you feeling?” I ask adjusting my legs so he had room to sit.   
“ A liddle congested,” Kaito sniffled wetly to prove his point, “and tired but other than that I’m good.” Kaito tosses the tissue in the nearby waste basket and sits down on the area of the bed that I cleared off for him, his arms supporting him from behind. I move my laptop off my lap and scooch closer to Kaito, wrapping my arms around his and place my chin on his shoulder.
“Wanna cuddle and watch a movie?” I run my hands up and down his arm and wait for his response. With a wet sniffle Kai turns his head and places a light kiss on my forehead,“I’d love to, just led me grab the dissues.” I grin and pull away to grab my laptop and allow Kaito to get up.
I already pulled up the movie when Kaito came to join me on the bed,  “ So whad movie did you decide on?” he asked.
I gave him a teasing smile, “ Disney’s ZOMBIES”
Kaito just chuckled and plucked out a tissue, “Your Disney obsessiond has do bounds does id?”
“Nope,” I replied trying to keep my concentration on playing the movie instead of my boyfriend who was currently blowing his nose. Once the blowing stopped and I had the movie up I turn my head to Kaito, “ready?”
Kaito pulls up the covers and sniffles, “yep.”
He was already asleep by the time the first song ended. Which was one of the reasons why I chose this movie, it was one that Kai wouldn’t feel bad if he slept through. I however was absolutely invested in the new DCOM, enjoying every minute of it while Kaito snored. By the time the movie ended we had about an hour and a half until dinner with Kaito’s college friends. Slowly I climbed out of the bed, careful not to wake Kaito. Once up, I walked over to my suitcase trying to find an outfit for dinner. Sure we were just meeting up with his old college friends, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. It’s the first time I’d be meeting them, hell I still haven’t met his parents yet! So choosing the perfect outfit was essential to hide the fact that I’m a big bundle of nerves.
Since I also had no idea where we’re going to dinner, I settled on my jean skirt, dark purple floral tank pairing it with my army green button down and suede booties. Once I changed, I also redid my makeup and fixed the curly mess that I call hair.
“hept’CHOO...ugh that one hurt.”
I turn away from fixing my eyeliner in the mirror to see Kaito sitting up, rubbing his nose with his fist, “ Bless you baby.”
“Thanks,” Kai lifted his hands to rub the sleep from his eyes, “Hey, Mallory what time is it?”
I glance at my watch, “It’s 5:45, we still got time before we need to leave.”
“Mal, we’ve got about half an hour till we need to leave. Why are you getting all dressed up? It’s just dinner with Colin and Mark,” Kaito asked eyeing me as I continued to fix my makeup.
I sheepishly turn back around to face him, “I’m sorry, I’m just nervous.”
Kaito swung his legs over the edge of the bed and walked to me. Taking hold of my hands, “Why? They’re just some old college buddies.”
I look up at him, “I know but I wanna make a good impression! I want them to accept me as your girlfriend..” I trail off looking back down, realizing how dumb I must sound.
“Hey,” Kai lifted my chin with his finger, “they will love you.”
“Really?” I ask as Kaito pulled me into a hug.
“Really, and youhhihh….hih..” Kaito pressed me against him, one hand against my back and the other cupping the back of my head, “Hhh-- EEIIISSSHHHeeeoooo!!”
“Bless you,” I mumble into his shirt.
“ Thangks, snfl- as I was saying, you look gorgeous.” He pressed a kiss on top of my head before pulling away and grabbing another tissue.
“ You’re gorgeous too.”
Kaito looked up from blowing his nose, and I blush at my incorrect and not so smooth flirting skills. Slowly Kaito lowers the tissue and exposes his red raw nose, his lips quirked in that little smirky side smile I love.
“Yeah, I bet I look gorgeous with this red nose and bed head.” he joked, tossing another used tissue into the wastebasket.
“You know what I meant, buckethead.” I pouted turning back to the mirror, fiddling with my hair. I heard Kai chuckle before he snaked his hands around my waist and rests his chin on top of my head.
“ I know but look,” Kaito nudged his head to get me to look at our reflection, “ you look much prettier than me right now.” As I stared at our reflection I could see the blush rise on my cheeks.
I place my hands over his, “then go get dressed, then we can be equally pretty.” I tried to pry his hands open and off of me. Suddenly I felt Kaito’s chest rise rapidly and let my hands rest on top as his. I leaned against his chest a little more and watched him in the mirror. His eyes were now closed and his tongue peaked out of his parted lips.
“ih….heh...hePTCH” he stifled into his shoulder, reluctant to let me go. Not that I would have wanted to leave, the rise and fall of his chest and the way his abs tightened when he sneezed. Yumm just yum.
“Bless you,” I said tilting my head back.
“Thangk you Mal,” Kaito replied sniffling, almost reluctantly he moved one hand from my waist to knuckle his red nose. I break away from his grasp and stand on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek, “go get dressed, do you want more medicine?”
With me no longer in his grasp Kaito grabbed another tissue from the bedside table. After a liquid blow Kaito shook his head, as if it’ll help clear the congestion, “ yeah, I’ll take some right before we leave.”
“Sounds good,” I called as he grabbed what he was going to wear and entered the bathroom.
We were now parked outside of the restaurant, a little pub like establishment. Kaito got out and opened my door, we walked up to the restaurant together. Waiting outside were two couples, both of the men light up when they saw Kaito. So this must be Colin and Mark.
“Kai! What up man?” the shorter blonde man asked pulling Kaito into one of those ‘bro hugs’.
“Snfl haha, hey Colin.” Kaito replied smiling, he stepped away from Colin and embraced the other man, Mark.
“Hey Kaito, it’s nice to see you again.” Mark said after they broke out of their hug.
“It’s nice to see you both, let me introduce you to my girlfriend,” Kaito took my hand, “ this is Mallory.”
Both men and their significant others looked at me, I just smiled and offered my hand like my step-dad taught me, “nice to meet you.”
They all shook my hand and introduced themselves, Colin was Kaito’s roommate and Mark was his best friend. I also learned that Sara was Colin’s girlfriend and Alex was Mark’s wife.
“Shall we go in then?” Mark asked, placing a hand on Alex’s back guiding her towards the door.
We all followed suit and walked into the pub and were seated at a booth, Colin, Sara and Mark on one side while Alex, Kaito and I sat on the other side.
“So, how did you two meet?” Mark asked after we placed our order.
I looked over at Kaito to see if he was going to answer but he was turned toward me, arm raised, “HeptCHO..snfl.”
“Bless you,” I commented before answering Mark’s question, “I met Kai at a work event.”
His eyebrows raised, “Oh, so you’re a voice actor too?”
I laughed, “No, I run the forums and blog. Though I also do some other random tasks too.”
Alex leaned forward trying to see me around Kaito, “That’s so cool!”
I ran a hand through my hair, feeling a little embarrassed, “thanks.”
“heh-RRSHOO! - hhaah-RRSHOoo”
I look back at Kaito who had his face buried in his arm. I was about to bless him when Colin interrupted, “ Jeez Kai, still sneezing your head off I see, I swear living with you and listening to you sneezing was annoying,” Colin glanced over at me, “Hey Mallory is it annoying to listen to this guy sneeze all the time?”
His question and tone took me off guard, I look back at Kaito and I saw him tense and clench his jaw. I look back at Colin, “ No, but I find you making him uncomfortable annoying.”
Colin flushed at my comment but said nothing as the waitress arrived with our food. Slowly I began to regret what I said, thinking that I went too far and might have made Kai even more uncomfortable. As the waitress was placing our food on the table, I wrote “sorry” on his thigh, hoping he would get the message. Once I finished he gave my hand a squeeze, assuring me that it was okay.
The rest of the night was uneventful, we were asked more questions, mainly asking when we would be back in the San Francisco area and there were a few more stray sneezes from Kaito but other than that it was fine.
After we said our goodbyes, Kaito and I walked back to the car. As soon as I closed the door an apology ripped out of me, “ Kai, I’m soo sorry for snapping at Colin like that.”
Kaito just smiles and turns to face me, “ It’s alright but you didn’t snfl answer him.”
I raised an eyebrow in confusion, “did you want me to?”
He just shrugged, no longer looking me in the eyes. Honestly it baffled me, we’ve been together for a year and even though I haven’t explicitly said ‘I have a sneezing fetish’ I figured he had the general idea that I didn’t mind his sneezing, even liked it.
Slowly I cupped my hands around his face, “Kai, baby, you’re sneezing isn’t annoying,” he sniffled wetly, the medicine having worn off, “ in fact..” I trailed off moving to whisper in his ear, “ I love it.”
Kai pulled away so he could see me, his nose twitching, “really?”
The knowledge that I just confessed one of my biggest secrets set in and I could feel my face flush red, “ yeah, does that weird you out?”
Kaito shook his head, “ nooh-hih...iht’s...peerhi-EPCHOO….heeAACHHOO...snfl...berfect.” he gave me a silly grin while his nose wriggled trying to dispel the tickle.
Goddamnit I love this man! Unable to help myself I kiss his nose before moving down to his lips. It was sweet, but short. Kai pulled away, “ hiihh..hiih..hiiRCHOO”
Kaito raised his fist and began to knuckle his nose, “Gods, I love you.” I said watching him. Kaito stopped and lowered his fist, nose a bright and angry red.
“I lobve you doo”
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi, Ben!  Hope your day is going well so far!  Congrats on the new sofa, and on getting it up the stairs (did you at any point develop the urge to start shouting “Pivot!  Pivot!” ? XD [Sorry, can’t help myself, it’s where my brain immediately went.])  My home reno I’m currently avoiding is getting my Christmas tree up.  I have managed to get the boxes out of my storage unit to my apartment, and managed to clear a (hopefully) big enough space, but I can only seem to do things in fits and spurts today before either my spoons or my focus give out for a while.
Because I have terrible impulse control, I looked at the family tree despite knowing I’d get spoiled.  (But I mean, knowing where it’ll end up doesn’t mean I know how it’ll get there, so.)  Since I did that on a break at work yesterday, it meant I got to spend a large chunk of my shift alternating between internally ferally screaming over the continuing SPN saga, and internally ferally screaming over the things I’d managed to guess correctly about future chapters and the things I didn’t see coming at all.  Gotta say, it at least helped keep me distracted during a very long, short-staffed shift.  Not gonna lie, it took me a minute to figure out the letter code in people’s names.  At first I was like, “oh, a middle initial”, then I realized it was the same few letters, and who had what, and felt like an idiot. XD  I noticed there wasn’t a (T) in Isaac’s name, and now I’m curious if he stays human, or you just haven’t added that detail yet.  (Also, Jesus, I both can’t imagine what Chris and Noah might do to Mr. Lahey, and kinda really want to see some epic smackdown at the same time.)  And holy shit, do the boys know the truth about Scott’s parentage?  Because if not that is a massive angst bomb about to drop on the three of them (because of everything that happened with Claudia).  I feel the need for a drink just thinking about it.
Also, that SPN shit is getting wilder by the day.  I think Misha may have put out some sort of video earlier about the reactions and theories, but I haven’t actually watched it to see if it’s shade or towing the party line.  I feel very “I don’t really go here, but I did do a semester abroad here and enjoyed it immensely so now I feel unwillingly invested in the outcome” about the whole thing.  I also really, REALLY want to scream at my friend who also watches about all of it, but she didn’t see the last few episodes, and is militantly anti-spoiler, so I just have to sit here and quietly vibrate with impatience until she some day sees the ending.  (Or someone else spoils it and I don’t have to take the blame. XD )
And I’m really glad you liked the story!  I was kinda worried about that one, so I’m glad its gotten so much love.  Although it’s also kinda funny to me, because it’s the one that’s most likely to cause thoughts like “oh, I could have phrased that better” or “jesus, I’ve got to stop using that word so often” when I read through it.  
So I’ve seen that Doctor Who post you shared, but never that version of it, and I love it because it is completely right about Torchwood, and also leaves out my least favorite character from the summary, who is very much like an older, female version of Scott.  Same tendency towards narcissistic arrogance, and irritating self-righteousness.  I could rant for days about it (don’t worry, I won’t. XD )  Anyway, I was very amused by the whole thing.
I feel like there were other things (there usually are), but I’ve also just remembered that I had dishes sitting in a sink full of water, and I should really probably check on those.  ’>.>  Anyway, I hope you’re feeling better, and I look forward to whatever creative outlet you eventually decide on, because it’ll be great either way.  (And if my brain lets me focus that long I’ll try to come up with some Noah headcanons for your post!)  Take care!  *Hugs to you both!*
Sup B? My day went alright I guess? Said new sofa arrived at 9 am and was big enough to completely block the doorway. And bulky enough and the stairs small enough that getting it up the stairs was a matter of trying to wrestle an object of 86 pounds up an area that is smaller than said object, on my own, while I don’t have the strength to lift it above my head. And having a turn in the stairs meant that at some point I had to slip under the couch, got stuck between the couch and the wall and couldn’t get out. Almost called 112 (911 for Dutch people) because I got so stuck it was crushing my ribs but then my phone dropped out of my pocket and I couldn’t reach it.
It was then that I remembered a trick from my days as a tree climber (from when I was a kid and climbed a lot of trees and other places), which was, arms up, tummy in. Though my goddamn boobs got in the way (I seriously want these off and I can’t wait for surgery.) And I slipped free enough to end up on the other end where I proceeded to somewhat lift the couch up enough to eventually get it on the plateau of the hallway. Where I put it on one end and scooted it into my apartment. 
But yeah that was an adventure, the couch got lightly damaged in the process and I am hurting all over. But, I succeeded. I was out of commission for the rest of the day though. Didn’t do much beside that. And I didn’t have a pivot! pivot! moment. Mostly because 1. I never really watched friends, and whenever it is on tv I quickly zap to another channel. 2. There was no room to pivot or turn it. This is a small ass stairs in a small ass house in a small ass country XD.
And hey, those are good accomplishments! You got your boxes, check 1, you cleared your space, check 2, you can be proud of that! I’m proud of you. And I’m very curious as to what your Christmas tree is going to look like ^^.
Because I have terrible impulse control, I looked at the family tree despite knowing I’d get spoiled.  (But I mean, knowing where it’ll end up doesn’t mean I know how it’ll get there, so.)  Since I did that on a break at work yesterday, it meant I got to spend a large chunk of my shift alternating between internally ferally screaming over the continuing SPN saga, and internally ferally screaming over the things I’d managed to guess correctly about future chapters and the things I didn’t see coming at all.  Gotta say, it at least helped keep me distracted during a very long, short-staffed shift.  Not gonna lie, it took me a minute to figure out the letter code in people’s names.  At first I was like, “oh, a middle initial”, then I realized it was the same few letters, and who had what, and felt like an idiot. XD  I noticed there wasn’t a (T) in Isaac’s name, and now I’m curious if he stays human, or you just haven’t added that detail yet.  (Also, Jesus, I both can’t imagine what Chris and Noah might do to Mr. Lahey, and kinda really want to see some epic smackdown at the same time.)  And holy shit, do the boys know the truth about Scott’s parentage?  Because if not that is a massive angst bomb about to drop on the three of them (because of everything that happened with Claudia).  I feel the need for a drink just thinking about it.
This is making me smile in one of those, hehehehehe gleeful ways only an author can smile in. Making my day here. And I’m glad I could provide that distraction for you. And the letter coding is (H (human), T (turned), W (Werewolf), K (Kitsune), Ban (Banshee), B (Beta, since that is basically the ‘trans’ coding), HH (Hellhound), D (druid) ) And I think that’s all of the coding I’m using right now. I didn’t fully update it yet, I generally do bits and pieces when writing something is not working but I do want to work on OUAT. So Isaac will be turned in the story, I just hadn’t added the T yet. Also not sure what I’ll keep on Chris just yet. Still debating on that one.) Some of the names might also still change. (as in baby boom #2 to keep it easy) 
And Mr. Lahey, oh he’s gonna get it. Isaac is just gonna be unofficially adopted into the family even before he ends up with the person he ends up with. (hopefully that’s vague enough for tumblr XD)
Everybody loves Isaac, Kyra, and Lydia. Scott though, well, he needs to grow and convince the people around him, especially the person he ends up with. That’s gonna be something of a road trip too. 
And no, neither the young generation or our boys know about Scott’s parentage. Peter has always suspected, but Mel never wanted to confirm it. When Noah learns, when Stiles, Malia and Scott learn.. Shit’s gonna hit the fan again. I already bought an extra bottle of wine to write it.
Yeah man, I can barely keep up with the rollercoaster that is SPN right now. But it’s SO compelling! Omg! I haven’t cared about this show in three years and suddenly it’s all back in my life and I don’t know how to feel. I honestly stopped watching again after they killed off Gabriel for the second time, and never got back into it. Until now. jfc.
I honestly loved it and despite it being 3 am when I read it I can still very clearly recall what happened and still smile. Which is a very good thing! I actually have your first fic open in a tab rn and once my brain wants to cooperate again, I’ll read that too because I honestly just really love your writing. You’re really good at it! Also remind me to rec all of your fics, I think I forgot that last night but I meant to. And sorry for the rambling, despite my day it is once again 2 am XD.
Hope your day has been going well too! I’ve almost finished recording all the needed episodes from Season 1 to start giffing for OUAT and will let you know when I can start posting. Hope your dishes went well too, and let me know if you have any headcanons, would love to hear them <3.
Now I am turning in though, I’m starting to fall asleep. Take care and lots of hugs from me and Mo. <3
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If you have time could I request the RFA (maybe Saeran if you can) coming home and MC is crying because of anger like she is super mad that she broke something or she can't fix something? I cry very easily from anger and I was wondering their reaction. (Sorry for bad English)
(sorry late answer)You’re fine don’tworry, although I didn’t write Saeran because I couldn’t think ofanything his s/o could break that would mean anything to him, I justfelt like he wouldn’t really care u_uAnd Zen’s is prettyshort because ehh I don’t know what he could own that would meansomething important to him idkAaand I haven’t written in a while, so it’s probably not great + I wrote the first two a while ago compared to the rest so they have a different format and length hh it’s a mess :I
Yoosung :
would be just asmuch of an emotional mess as his s/o when he comes through the doorand sees them cry
he would rush to hiss/o’s side and asks them what’s wrong as he gently rubs theirshoulders and tries his best not to cry
when s/o points atthe keyboard on the desk – his expensive keyboard specificallydesigned to play video games – and explains they accidentallyknocked their coffee all over it and ended up breaking it, Yoosungfeels an immense wave of relief taking over him; he was alreadyexpecting the worst; for them to be in pain or dying, but thankfullya broken keyboard was a far less important problem
after a sigh, he’dgive them a slight smile and hold them in his arms, reassuring themthat it was okay, that Seven could always repair it, that he wasn’tangry at them and they shouldn’t be angry either
if they were stillupset, he’d try to comfort them by telling them of all the times hedropped soda on his keyboard or went to take a shower with hisheadphones on because he forgot to remove them; he wanted them tounderstand it happened a lot of times to him too and it was okay
Zen :
his first instinctas he sees his s/o cry is to hold their chin to look into their eyesand wipe their tears away because he hates seeing them cry, but as hedoes so, they avoid his gaze and persistently look at the floor
he’s a little sad attheir actions and immediately thinks he’s done something wrong, likehe forgot a date or came home from work too late and he startsapologizing as he begs them to stop crying
but then, his s/oshakes their head and shows him the soggy pile of fan mail wrapped ina towel
At this, he can onlylook surprised, seeing as he wasn’t expecting this to be the reasonof their tears, meanwhile, they apologize through their sobs and Zentries to calm them down. His hand rubbing their back and promisingthem that it’s okay and it’s nothing to worry about, that he knows itwas an accident and they tried their best to fix everything; afterhearing all this, they stop crying and he gives them the warmest hughe can.
He’s honestly notvery upset about this, of course his fans are important to him andhe’s always so touched by the letters they send him, but he alsoknows that nothing is more important to him than his s/o and theirwell being; and he would never want them to think he could get upsetat them – no matter what they did.
Jaehee :
her s/o knew howrare this dvd of Zen was, and how much Jaehee cherished it; andthat’s why they were even more upset and wary of Jaehee’s reaction
when Jaehee woke upafter hearing a strange sound, she noticed her s/o wasn’t in bed andgot up. As she walked in the living room, she was surprised to seethe scene in front of her; the pastel colored sky could be seenthrough the windows, there was a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses onthe table as well as a tray of pastries, fruits and pancakes, thefamiliar smell of coffee and freshly baked goods wafted around theapartment and sitting on the couch was her s/o.
Before she couldsmile at the sweet attention, she noticed her s/o’s shoulders weretrembling and Jaehee was immediately alarmed at this sight as sheremembered the noise that had startled her; she circled the couch andsaw tears streaming down her s/o’s cheeks as they held broken piecesof a disk in their hands
Seeing this, shedidn’t pay attention to the broken shards and instead worriedlychecked her s/o’s hands for any deep cut or any wound caused from theaccident. After making sure they were unharmed, she gently asked whythey were crying if they weren’t hurt. They guiltily showed Jaeheethe box of the dvd and started apologizing endlessly.
Jaehee was sad asshe looked at the broken pieces of her most prized possession, butshe didn’t think it was bad enough to cry over it and ruin such asweet morning; she gathered the shards and set them aside beforesitting next to her s/o and holding their waist, reassuring them itwas nothing important and that she had made 3 copies of the dvdanyway; she was much more interested in enjoying a deliciousbreakfast with her s/o than watching a dvd she already knew by heart.
Jumin :
Jumin wasn’t one tocare about material things as they could always be replaced; but ifthey had a sentimental value, then it was a different matter and hiss/o could only angrily blame themselves as they stared at the brokenpicture frame on the ground. 
They had accidentally bumped into thesmall table of the living room while they were playing with Elizabethand the frame had fallen to the ground, the glass shattering inpieces and the picture, a photo of V, Rika and Jumin in happiertimes;  had been scratched by the shards and was left with a fewwhite lines over their smiling faces.
Despite their angerand their tears blurring their vision, they cleaned up the glass onthe floor to make sure Elizabeth wouldn’t walk on it but theycouldn’t clean the scratches on the picture and as they thought ofhow irreplaceable this item was, because of how old the picture wasand how precious the memory it held must be to Jumin, they felt evenmore upset with themselves and how powerless they were to fix theirmistake.
Jumin came home fromwork to a crying s/o, holding their head in their hands whileElizabeth looked at them, rubbing her face against their arm as anattempt to comfort them. 
He quickly approached his s/o and before hecould ask why they were crying, he noticed the photo on the table andrecognized it as the one who was always on the small table in thecorner of the room. As he saw the glassless frame on the table andthe scratches on the picture, he could guess what had happenedwithout asking.
With an almost fondsmile, he sat by his s/o and kissed their forehead, laughing a littleat how upset they were for something that didn’t mean much to himanymore. He took their hands in his and told them he had beenthinking of removing the picture, seeing as it brought a bitter tastein his mouth to look at it now, but had never had the courage to doso; that he didn’t want to think of those times any longer and thatif anything, he was happy at the opportunity this gave him to finallyhave a picture of him, his s/o and V on that table, as it would meanmore to him than the older picture ever did.
707 : (post 707’sgood ending I guess? Kinda?)
If they had brokenanything else; one of his figure, or a computer, or his headphones,or even one of his toys; it would have been fine and replaceable andSeven wouldn’t have even cared but no.. They had to break the floppydisk which held the only pictures he had of Saeran. 
They knew hewouldn’t have made a copy on his computer, in fear that someone couldfind them and put Saeran in danger. They couldn’t even blame anyonebut themselves for stepping on it, even though Seven’s house was amess and he had left the floppy disk lying around on the floor, theystill thought they should have been more careful and none of thiswould have happened.
And now they had tosit there, waiting for him to come back because they had no idea howto fix this – if it could even be fixed – and google wasn’treally helping since no one had really tried fixing a floppy disksince the early 2000. This left them even more upset as they startedto doubt that anything could be done about this.
Seven came back halfan hour later, and his s/o – upon hearing the door speak in Arabic– started crying again as their frustration and fear rose again,knowing they had to tell him now what had happened. He walked in andlooked at his s/o, whose eyes were red and puffy, and made anover-dramatic gasp, dropping the box he had in his hands and sprintedto his s/o before letting himself fall on top of them, the couplefalling backwards on the sofa. 
He asked why they were crying and asthey quietly admitted breaking the floppy disk, he answered with asimple ‘I know’ and told them he had seen it on the camera feed onhis phone. He looked to the side and his s/o felt even worse thanthey did before until he smirked and started tickling them, assertingthat their punishment would be to endure the tickle-torture for anindefinite amount of time.
His s/o tried tomake him stop to understand why he wasn’t that affected by the lossof those pictures of Saeran, and he looked mischievously at the boxhe had dropped earlier; running to pick it up, he held with atriumphant smile a dozen of pictures he had just taken with hisbrother, most of them in goofy photobooths where you can add stickersand texts on the pictures, and most of them with a sulking Saeranglaring at a laughing Saeyoung. 
He explained that, after seeing thebroken floppy disk, he had a good excuse to drag his brother with himto take pictures together and that these pictures felt more real thanthe ones of Saeran as a child, because this time, they were together.
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sneezingpotatoes · 6 years
A/N: Wow it's been a while :3 I decided to take a break and lurk on SFF BUT NOW IM BACK :D (Don't ask me about the last fic because I lost the motivation LELS) Anywho, this is a totally different fic that's not related to the other fics I wrote! I just got motivated to write this fic and I decided to post it here. :3 Also I'm writing/editing this in the app so I apologize in advance if it looks like poo poo and has typos xD SORRY. HERE YOU HAVE IT
Snow fell all around the two. Umeji mumbled a curse to himself for not checking the weather before he left the apartment with his trusted co-worker. Umeji heard him mention something about snow, but then again, when had he ever REALLY listened to his partner? Umeji took a quick glance at the boy with his gentle, Brown eyes; He could tell that Taizo's jaws were clenched shut in order to prevent his teeth from chattering, he was hugging his arms tightly in order to provide himself a little warmth, and he kept sniffling from the cold winter air that cracked the dam deep in his nostrils, releasing a stream of snot that threatened to coat his upper lip.
"Here..." Muttered Umeji, as he unravelled his own scarf and tied it around Taizo. Well sure he was cold too, he could've sworn that he was even colder than Taizo himself, but it was his fault after all that they were in this mess. It was the least he could do. "The cab should be here in less than 10 minutes." Though he said these words, 10 minutes felt like 10 years in the still and silent cold. To make matters worse, they were out in the middle of nowhere with no other people or buildings around them; just the lovely company of nature. Boy did he feel like an idiot. It was a setup and he should've known that this lead was nothing more than a trick. Why did he have to bring Taizo along with him to investigate?
"Umeji..." The boy whispered a frail breath to the man as he took two steps closer to him, footsteps engraving the merciless snow, "Don't beat yourself up about this."
Umeji winced in defeat. It felt like no matter how hard he tried, Taizo could always figure out what he was thinking or felt. Maybe that's what made him a great detective, he humored to himself.
"We had fun, didn't we?" A familiar smile creased the boy's lips, engulfing Umeji Into a warmth so warm and gentle that even an oak fire couldn't produce such warmth. The older man nodded slightly, shifting his eyes away from the boy. "... Thank you, Umeji..." The boy muttered as he dug his face into the man's side, despirately seeking warmth. The other man was surprised, even though he shouldn't have been. This was nothing new; it had happened before- plently of times. He lifted his right hand atop the boys head, gently fiddling his fingers throughout his hair.
The boy giggled, nudging his face deeper into the man's side, being tickled by the man playing with his hair. Taizo's laughter stoped abruptly as his face slowly lifted out from his side, giving Umeji a clear view of his face. The boy's lips were slightly trembling as his eyelids dropped into only a sliver, and the man could feel his head begin to slowly tilt backwards from underneath his palm.
"Ihh... Ihh..!"
He pauses, looking up at the gray sky, desperately trying to hold onto the sneeze that's been pestering him this entire trip, before it leaves him once again to be lost in the depths of his nostrils. The older man silently watches, being intrigued by the situation. Umeji had never seen the boy so much as hitch a breath all the 3 years they worked together and this was his first time seeing Taizo look, well... Vulnerable.
The boy brings up a shaky, curled index finger to linger underneath his small snout, still silently hitching to himself. The man wonders if he should help the boy or just watch him helplessly struggle in the fight with this pestering sneeze. Umeji hestitantly brings up his left hand, pointing his finger towards the boy's nose before he--
"Hh...! Iksch!" With a sharp hitch, he snaps forward, snapping at the waist with a weak, catlike sneeze. He remains hunched over, shoulders still jerking with quiet "Kngtsh! H'Ksht! Ikscht! Tshnk!"s in their wake. After the fit ends, he rises back up, sniffling uncontrollably while irritably wiping his now pink-rimmed nostrils with his index finger.
Umeji stands in silence, stunned by the boy's cute, catlike sneezes. He then realizes he's staring and clears his throat. "Bless..." He mumbles, almost inaudibly through his coat collar, but the boy still hears him any way, and nods his thanks in return. Umeji wished he had tissues to give him, but he never carried them with him, and he was never prepared for situations like these. Even though he had bad allergies himself, he just didn't like to carry tissues around on his person. Without thinking, the man unzips his heavy coat, pulls the boy close and wraps his coat flaps around the boy, shielding him from the cold air.
"N-nani?!" The boy yells, feeling deeply embarrassed by this action. He weakly tries to break free, only for his efforts to be in vain. Knowing Umeji, he was way stronger than him and his efforts were like a baby poking a boulder. Umeji mentally cursed at himself, already feeling his nose start to run. Damnit.
"... You'll catch a cold..." Umeji mutters, biting back the shivers that are trying to make his teeth chatter. His coat was unzipped, and he didn't have a scarf anymore, which left his neck and chest exposed. He sighs, feeling the boy jerk up against his torso. A pause, then another jerk. And another jerk. The man tightens his hold on the boy in order to keep his balance and to warm him up more. The last thing he wanted was for him to catch a cold. And now of all times. The boy leans into Umeji, feeling exhausted and worn. "Bless..." He whispers silently above the boy.
The two silently stand in the snow together, with Umeji's head resting in the hair of the boy, enjoying each other's company before the honks of a cruddy taxi interrupt the still moment. The man slowly unravels himself from Taizo, wishing the moment didn't have to end so soon, and escorts him into the taxi, closing the door after his partners' seatbelt is fastened. He gets in through the other door, scooting beside him and ordering the driving to take each of them home. Taizo first, of course. The boy tiredly rests his head into Umeji's chest, looking depleted. It had been a long day. It was time for them to rest.
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enthralleddd0112 · 7 years
[170815] Some Consolidated Kyungsoo-related Fan Accounts from The War Public Fansign in Busan
Kyungsoo is really too nice. As it is my first time attending a fansign, I was stuttering a lot. At the end, I thanked him for becoming a member of EXO, thanked him for becoming a singer, and he was smiling brightly at that. Kyungsoo-ah, shall we go to Sapporo together?
[Kyungsoo wrote “shall we go Sapporo?” ‘Shall we go Sapporo?’ is from the travel prose by Lee Byeongryul’s <The Winds Blow, I Like You>. The book is about love and travel. ‘Shall we go Sapporo?’ also means ‘I Love You’.]
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Kyungsoo said that he's no longer doing pilates.
OP: Oppa, if you were to describe today using a scent, what would it be Kyungsoo: A warm scent. This answer is so Kyungsoo. When addressing me on the autograph, he even used the "-nim" salution. 
[Note: "-nim" in Korean is a more formal level of language.]
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Kyungsoo always adds a -nim. He did that at the last fansign so I asked him to write noona instead, so he went “Ah! Noona~” and write “_ noona [OP’s name]!” The exclamation point is too cute. What pretty handwriting ( ◠♡◠ )
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Kyungsoo drew Huchu for me.
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The first time I got Kyungsoo’s signature! As soon as I got to Kyungsoo, I got on one knee, held out a bouquet, and asked him to marry me. Kyungsoo asked “Did you ask us to marry?” with his uncontrolled haha laugh. The message is something I asked him to write! It was really nice... I asked him to draw a heart on his photocard. The ring I gave him. 
[OP requested Kyungsoo to write “love you, my girl!”]
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I asked Kyungsoo to write down his favourite lyrics. He thought for a long time before writing it down. Besides that, he so expectedly addressed me with "-nim" (in his autograph).
[The lyrics that Kyungsoo wrote is from the song <Forever>, "your gaze, words and everything, forever!"]
I told Baekhyun, “please sing <What Is Love> with Kyungsoo oppa again!” And he said he wants to sing it again too if there‘s a chance.
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(I) Asked Kyungsoo if he's practising tap dance and he shared that he's been doing so diligently. I told him that I'm looking forward to it and asked him to be careful and not hurt his feet. Even until the point that I was moving on (to the next member), he kept saying thank you. I could go crazy just being so excited. Kyungsoo had wrote "the moon tonight is so bight and clear..."
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OP: Next time if you film movie again, what genre do you want to do Kyungsoo: Anything. Anything... Yes, Kyungsoo will be good at anything.
Kyungsoo's nim, can you see? This "-nim" is so Kyungsoo's style...I bought my <My Annoying Brother> photocard for Kyungsoo to write something, so he wrote "Dongsaeng (Younger Brother) ♥ Hyung (Elder Brother)" before breaking into a heart-shaped smile (◉♡◉)...cute...
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Me: Oppa, which country do you want to visit beside New York for travelling Kyungsoo: Hm... Japan. Me: Also, oppa, your fingers is getting prettier (looked at his own fingers and laughed). Kyungsoo: (kept laughing, kept shaking head) Me: How did you take care of it? Kyungsoo: (kept laughing while shaking his head) It’s not like that~ The security kept asking me to leave. Finally.. Me: Oppa, I love you so much!
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Kyungsoo kept looking at everyone that came up the stairs tenderly. OP: Oppa, it's my birthday tomorrow. Kyungsoo: Ah, it's today? OP: No, it's tomorrow. Kyungsoo: Ah, hh, happy birthday. OP: Would it possible to give me a finger heart? Until the very end, he kept looking at me tenderly, and he bashfully gave his finger heart. I received both Kyungsoo's heart-shaped smile and his finger heart.
Me: Oppa, please suggest a name for a white dog. Kyungsoo: Salt (his hahah laugh) If I ever get a dog, it’ll be named Salt!
[OP requested for Kyungsoo to write “who's this lady that's endlessly beautiful?”]
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Kyungsoo had written ㅇㅇㅇ -nim, told him that I only managed to tell him that he's handsome during the last fansign, and I also only managed to tell him he's handsome today. He disagreed by saying "no" and smiled just like a child. 
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Me: (take out a gift) This is a gift! Kyungsoo: Thank you. Me: Oppa, please suggest something for dinner! Kyungsoo: Hmm? Me: For dinner! Kyungsoo: For dinner? hm... Busan.. Me: Yes! Kyungsoo: Busan is famous for its Daegutang (Codfish Soup), isn’t it? Me: Daegutang? Kyungsoo: Yes, please eat that!
Words on the post-in: Q. What role would you like to take? 1. Criminal 2. Police 3. Witness 4. Accomplice 5. Passerby [Kyungsoo chose passerby.]
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I asked Kyungsoo to tell me “fighting!” because I was studying art and he wrote “work hard on your art and become really cool!” I’ll promise to become cool
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Me: Is there anything you always eat when you’re in to Busan? Kyungsoo: Umm... it’s Jeonbok-juk (Abalone Porridge). Me: Where??? Kyungsoo: There.. a shop next to where Busan International Film Festival is held. Now... somebody please tell me the name of this place.
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Kyungsoo's face is really small, I want to pry into his eyes, nose, lips, his voice is so nice too. I told him that my mood is good today so I'll want to drink alcohol, and asked him to choose between Gopchang-jeongol (Beef Tripes Hot Pot) vs Dalg-galbi (Chicken Ribs) to go along with the alcohol. He replied saying that if to drink, it's definitely Gopchang-jeongol. 
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As Kyungsoo was the first member, I didn't manage to speak much to him. I told him that my mum likes him more than me, and will keep rooting for him. He said thank you while smiling. 
”Kyungsoo is really an angel, the comic that baby didn’t manage to finish reading, he took and kept it. Just thinking about how he repeated his own Chinese name a few times is cute enough to make me feel faint. This time, Kyungsoo gifted me with two black hearts, a sun and an unknown (?) wavy curve hhhhh [Actually what Kyungsoo drew is ♥ε♥ emoticon.]
Conversation between my friend and me: Friend: I gave it to him, he went “ah, this one”, and the staff actually say “you cant...” and Kyungsoo actually held it down and said [presumably to fan but for Security hyung to hear], “I may not be able to finish reading, do you mind giving it to me?” Friend: This is clearer. Friend: (He) Drew a sun. Friend: I’m not sure why. Me: Hahahahahah.. Me: Did you tell him that’s the characters of his Chinese name? Friend: Underneath his name. Friend: I don’t know what he’s drawing. Friend: Yeah, he repeated it a few times. Me: Cute TAT Friend: (Kyungsoo) Asked what that was. Friend: I replied, “did you forget, that penguin.” Friend: “Previously you mentioned that you like peach [out of all his nicknames] so XXX [OP’s name] drew the penguin inside the peach.” Friend: He replied, “ah, so that’s why, cute.” Friend: So I said, “so please express your feelings.” Friend: “Please write something.” Security hyung then said, “(he) already wrote something on the album.” Friend: “This cannot.” Friend: So Kyungsoo drew something instead. Friend: He had asked, “will a ♥ do?”
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“Can I follow up with you after this? Let’s go on an autumn date! [after summer date]” Kyungsoo: Lets also have a winter date, and a spring date. Let’s do it all of them.
Kyungsoo: (with his bright smile) Hello~ your name is _ [OP’s name]! Me: Hello, please come to Busan often! (literal heart attack at eye contact) Kyungsoo: I’d like to come here often…
 Me: I watched <Kamome Diner> because you suggested it and really enjoyed it~
 Kyungsoo: Isn’t <Kamome Diner> really good? (his eyes are sparkling with the film topic)
 Me: I really had fun watching it. Could you suggest another movie?
 Kyungsoo: Um.. have you watched <Megane> [by the same director]?
 Me: (it was loud so it was hard to hear) Huh?? Mega what??? Kyungsoo: Me! Ga! Ne! Glasses in Japanese (eyes get round). Please watch <Megane>!
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Cr: The War Fansign, sources as quoted above (2017.08.15) Chi Trans: weibo @都暻秀吧_DohkyungsooBar, @Nacho_都暻秀资源博 Eng Trans: twitter @serenadyo, @kyeongsew, @reyeolie, @enthralleddd, tumblr @fydk-translations​ Fan Account Consolidation & In partnership with: IG @channel930112
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whoareurl · 7 years
Beyond the Limit
my first commission!! enjoy some sick!vitya pushing himself through training courtesy of @hothedgie
Forgetfulness is Viktor’s primary personality trait, a fact well-known in the figure skating world. Aside from forgetful, he’s competitive and determined and hopelessly in love with his fiancé. There were some fans who had worried that Viktor’s return to skating would be tainted - undermined, even - by his unabashed love for Yuuri Katsuki of Japan. Articles had speculated whether Viktor would ‘go easy’ on Yuuri when they were in direct competition or give Yuuri a more technically difficult program to deliberately boost his score.
But the fans who worried about that clearly didn’t know Viktor Nikiforov.
“Again, Vitya!” Yakov’s tone is a practiced mix of bored and frustrated. “You know better than to present that sloppy footwork to me as improvement.”
Yakov is a tough coach but Viktor is doubtful he’d flourish under anybody else. Though he’s very self-motivated, he needs Yakov’s keen eye and unrelenting criticism to drive him, to spur him to practice until his feet are battered and bruised.
Viktor runs through the step sequence again but he starts watching his feet halfway through and he knows he’s about to be berated before Yakov even yells for him to stop. Viktor skates to a stop in front of his coach without waiting to be summoned, panting from the exertion.
“What’s gotten into you today, boy?” Yakov grunts.
Viktor doesn’t know how to answer him. What has gotten into him today? He supposed he could put it down to a bad night’s sleep. He’d woken feeling exhausted and overheated (and without Yuuri, which always made for a bad morning). The fatigue hadn’t gone away with breakfast and had plagued him all throughout his morning run. Everything about his body felt heavy today.
“I don’t know,” he says honestly, pushing his fringe away from his face with a gloved hand.
Yakov squints at him suspiciously and then sighs. “You’re getting nowhere with that step sequence today. Go stretch and eat something before you see the she-devil.”
A reluctant smile tugs at Viktor’s lips and he obeys. When he’s bending over to untie his skates, he feels overcome by a sudden rush of dizziness and has to throw a hand onto the ground to stop himself from toppling onto his face. He straightens and gives himself a shake. That was...odd.
He pulls his leg up into the bench to undo his skates instead and absently picks at the bento Yuuri had left out for him that morning.
Since moving to St Petersburg, the pair have fallen into a routine of domesticity and it makes Viktor’s heart swell. Whoever is awake first will make lunch for the two of them and feed Makkachin who will crawl into bed with the other until they get up to go for a run. Makkachin had pulled ahead of Viktor several times that morning. For some reason, he just couldn’t keep up with her. He wonders if perhaps he’s low on iron. It’s happened before, after all.
Lilia is as unforgiving as ever. She puts Viktor through his paces for hours, bemoaning his inelegant lines and poor posture.
“You could learn a thing or two from that Katsuki boy besides sex positions,” she says, making Viktor flush right to the tips of his ears. Lilia has always been blunt like that but it never fails to catch Viktor off guard. That’s probably why he likes her; she surprises him.
When Viktor stops for the third time to get a drink, Lilia frowns deeply at him.
“This is what half a season off will do to you,” she scolds as Viktor gulps at his water, thinking that his water weight might rival that of a small elephant right now. “Go home and don’t show your face in my studio again until you’re willing to put in the work.”
Viktor obeys feeling chagrined. That’s twice today he’s been kicked out of practice early. As he heads home, he digs his fingernails into his palm to keep himself from crying with frustration. He’s not weak and he won’t let Yakov and Lilia treat him like he is. This is probably his last season.
He’s going to fight for it.
The next morning, Viktor is up bright and early despite his lethargic body’s protests and he meets Yuuri in the kitchen as he’s sitting down to eat his yoghurt.
“Morning,” Yuuri says with surprise, smiling as Viktor swoops in to press a kiss on his cheek. “Did I wake you?”
Viktor smiles brightly. “Not at all. I just missed seeing you in the mornings.”
This isn’t a lie. Viktor had indeed missed spending this time with Yuuri before they had to start training. Yuuri always showers before he has breakfast so his hair is still damp and sits wildly atop his head. He has a speck of yoghurt on his upper lip which Viktor can’t help but kiss away.
“You’re such a sap,” Yuuri chuckles, ruffling Viktor’s hair fondly on his way to the sink to clean his spoon. He deposits it in the drying rack and the yoghurt tub in the bin before donning his skate bag.
Viktor’s eyes sweep Yuuri’s toned body. He’s dressed for practice with a grandpa sweater thrown over his t-shirt for warmth on the journey to the rink. His tight skate pants reveal the strong curve of his thighs and Viktor self-consciously prods at his own leg beneath the table. He has a long way to go before he’s back to his usual level of fitness and he’s very suddenly reminded that Yuuri is four years younger than him. In figure skating terms, that’s a lot.
Maybe...maybe he’s getting too old for this.
Yuuri tilts his head to the side, just one of Viktor’s many mannerisms he’s picked up during their time together. “Vitya?” He looks concerned, brows furrowing as he zeroes in on Viktor’s expression which he quickly moulds into a smile.
“Sorry, Yuuri,” he states cheerily. “Still waking up.”
Apparently satisfied with this, Yuuri’s face softens. “Don’t sacrifice your sleep for me, okay? You have a rest day tomorrow. Have a lie in and then we can have lunch together.”
This time, Viktor’s smile is genuine. “Okay! Have a good day, Yuuri,” he chirps, teasingly drawing out the first syllable and making Yuuri roll his eyes fondly. He laughs out a farewell and then he’s gone.
The change in Viktor is immediate and he slumps against the kitchen table in an unbearably painful fit of coughing. His chest is aching, head pounding; he feels sleepy and generally like he could do with an extra hour in bed. When the coughing subsides, he presses his warm cheek against the cool table and groans.
Viktor blinks, surprised by the harsh sound of his own sneeze. Do they usually sound like that? He isn’t sure. Another makes itself known immediately.
That was more what he’d been expect-
He swipes under his nose with a piece of rough kitchen paper, feeling much grumpier than he had been just moments ago. He curses quietly. This is some bullshit.
Reluctantly, he shuffles into the bathroom and pulls the thermometer out of the medicine cabinet, shoving it under his tongue with such impatient force that he lets out a little noise of pain. Even as he stands there, staring at his disgruntled expression in the mirror, he has a sense that this isn’t going to be good.
He scowls at the display and roughly jams the thermometer back where it came from. This is ridiculous. He doesn’t have time for this. Russian Nationals are hot on his heels and this is probably the last one he’ll ever get to compete in. Viktor isn’t an idiot; he’s pushing 30 and, in figure skating terms, he may as well be in a nursing home. He’s a living legend and he’s determined not to fizzle out like so many skaters before him who didn’t know when to quit. He knows when to quit and his body hasn’t had enough yet.
He’s Viktor Nikiforov and he’s going to go out with a bang.
...yeah he’s fizzling out.
Practice is exhausting and Yurio’s snarky remarks about his age don’t help much but Viktor deals with them as he always does - by pretending he’s not hurt.
“Aren’t you worried you’re gonna break a hip on that quad loop, grandpa?” Yurio taunts and it’s not different from his usual attitude but, for some reason, Viktor takes it to heart.
Being under the weather is making him feel vulnerable. He wishes Yuuri were here. Yuuri is good at knowing when he needs a little reassurance and tact has never exactly been Yakov’s strong suit.
Viktor is well aware that he’s the oldest skater here. Retirement is looming for him and he’s afraid. He’s been skating all his life and being without that is frightening. He wonders how long it will take him to turn out like Yakov.
And he throws himself into a triple axel to stop thinking about it. The landing is sloppy and the effort leaves him feeling like he could collapse on the ice then and there.
Yurio eyes him suspiciously. “What’s up with you anyway?” He asks and it’s clear he means for it to sound nonchalant.
“Nothing,” Viktor bites out, swallowing down a cough and storming off the ice in a very Yurio-esque fashion. Nobody comes after him.
When he’s safely locked in the bathroom, he coughs so hard that he finally collapses against the toilet, too dizzy to hold himself upright. The problem with Viktor is that he gets sick fast. He can go from 0 to 100 in a day and a half and it seems like, in characteristic Viktor style, that’s exactly what he’s doing.
He brings up a hand to swipe the tears from his cheeks but ends up clamping it over his nose instead when a vicious sneeze rips its way out of his sore throat.
With just that one sneeze, Viktor feels like he’s about to faint. The building pressure in his head is dizzying. So he’s less than pleased when he falls forward again, curling in on himself on the floor as the next two predictable sneezes follow.
ehhHUHKSHhh! hihh-INGXT!
He groans lowly, watching the cubicle spin sickeningly around him. He shuts his eyes and breathes.
For a while, he thinks about going home. Yakov would yell but he’d understand if Viktor just explained to him that he felt horribly dizzy. Yakov might be tough but he wasn’t a sadist. If anything, Viktor would probably get a row for showing up at all. But in the end he pushes himself up on his wobbly legs (it’s difficult in his skates) and stumbles over to the sinks. He splashes his hot face with cool water and convinces himself that he feels marginally better.
So he steps back onto the ice. But Viktor is burning. The heat of his fever courses through his body though he shivers in the cold rink air. His focus is so messy that he can barely see where he’s going and it’s completely his own fault when Mila knocks him onto his back during her run through.
She’s holding a hand out to him in an instant and pulling him to his feet. “I’m sorry, Viktor!” She squeaks, dusting the ice shavings off his clothes.
Yakov is yelling somewhere in the haze of Viktor’s perception but he can’t really hear him. He nods curtly to Mila and tries to smile but it comes out as more of a grimace. He can feel her watching him as he skates inelegantly over to where Yakov is cursing at him and plonks down on a bench without bothering to put on his guards. Yakov glares down at him.
“You were always difficult, Vitya, but this isn’t like you,” he growls.
Viktor can feel his throat closing over. He can’t cry in front of Yakov. He just can’t.
“Sorry, Yakov,” he forces out past the lump in his throat.
Yakov sighs. “Go home, Vit-”
“No!” Viktor’s head snaps up and he stares Yakov dead in the eye, seeing his unshockable coach rear back slightly at Viktor’s sudden reaction. “You can’t keep sending me home on bad days. I’m not fragile, Yakov.”
Yakov studies him and Viktor is beginning to feel like a bug under a microscope before Yakov’s lip curls and some of the intensity leaves his expression.
“Then get out there are show me a clean short program,” he says simply.
Determination floods Viktor’s body then. He skates through his short program three times until his legs are wobbling with fatigue and fever.
By the time he arrives back at their flat that night - following a brutal dance class with Lilia and a conditioning session at the gym - he’s so exhausted that he flops down on the couch in his practice clothes and falls straight asleep, barely registering Makkachin’s skittering toenails on the hardwood floor.
Viktor can hear his name, can feel someone touching him, but everything feels like a haze. He tries to move away from the noise, tries to burrow beneath his pillow but he can’t because his pillow isn’t a pillow but he doesn’t know what it is. He feels sick.
“Vitya, please look at me,” says the voice and it’s Yuuri’s voice so Viktor opens his eyes and sees Yuuri’s beautiful face staring down at him, lined with concern.
Viktor blinks. He coughs.
Yuuri pulls him up by his arms, supporting him while he hacks, leaning so far forward that it’s only Yuuri’s strong arms that keep him from falling onto the floor. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he registers that Yuuri doesn’t know he’s sick yet but that thought disappears among the fog in his brain.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re burning,” Yuuri whispers but Viktor wants to tell him no, he’s freezing. “We need to get your fever down. Can you stay here for me?”
Viktor doesn’t get a chance to answer but Yuuri is gone and Viktor can’t breathe without him. He doesn’t want Yuuri to leave. Viktor clutches weakly at the hem of his t-shirt, twisting the fabric in his fists anxiously.
And then Yuuri’s hands are cupping his face and his thumbs are brushing away the tears and his lips are kissing his forehead and it feels so nice.
“It’s alright, Vitka,” Yuuri says, voice smooth like honey. He presses a cloth against Viktor’s forehead and it’s miraculously cool. Yuuri gently dabs the cloth all over Viktor’s forehead and his cheeks, muttering, “hush now. You must be feeling miserable. It’s okay. You’ll feel better soon.”
Viktor initially shies away when Yuuri raises the thermometer but opens his mouth to accept it after a brief moment of embarrassment. Yuuri keeps talking. His voice is gentle like Viktor knew it would be. He wants to cry. This isn’t how things were supposed to be. He was supposed to train and improve and fight for this last season and instead he’s crying in his apartment with Yuuri, his Yuuri, trying to soothe his fever like he’s a child.
He’s been stupid, Viktor realises. He keeps crying.
Yuuri doesn’t tell him what the thermometer says but his expression says enough: not good.
“You should have told me,” is what Yuuri says instead and all Viktor can do is hold his arms out, begging for Yuuri to come close. And Yuuri does.
Yuuri pulls Viktor into his lap even though Viktor is taller than him with his long limbs and pointy joints. But Yuuri doesn’t seem to care about that so Viktor just revels in being held. He buries his face in Yuuri’s neck and relaxes. Because Yuuri is here now and there’s nothing to hide anymore. Hiding it was stupid in the first place.
“That’s it. I’ve got you,” Yuuri says quietly as his hands rub up and down Viktor’s back. “Now, when you’ve calmed down we’re going to get you some medicine and into some clean pyjamas and then I think you should go to bed.”
Viktor nods. “You’ll come with me?”
The request is innocent and Yuuri’s lack of suggestive joke seems to suggest that he understands that. Normally, Viktor loves the camaraderie they’ve developed in their relationship; the back and forth banter and inside jokes and exaggerated flirtatious expressions before they collapse into laughter. Yuuri is absolutely Viktor’s best friend in the whole wide world.
“Of course,” Yuuri says earnestly. “But medicine first, okay?”
Viktor croaks out a pitiful agreement before Yuuri goes to fetch some fever reducer which Viktor takes without a fuss though swallowing the little pills hurts his throat, even with the water. But Yuuri rewards him with a kiss on the cheek so he supposes it isn’t all bad.
“Come on,” Yuuri says as he pulls Viktor to his feet and drags him into their bedroom.
Makkachin lifts her head from the bed where she’d clearly been snoozing and wags her tail, sniffing inquisitively at Viktor’s hand when Yuuri deposits him next to her.
“Hey, girl,” he says hoarsely, giggling when she licks his hand (it tickles!). But the giggling quickly turns into a wrenching cough and by the time it’s finished, he’s certain he’s lost a lung and maybe also his liver because everything hurts.
Yuuri hands Viktor a clean pair of pyjama pants and says, “let’s get you out of those sweaty clothes, hm?”
Once Viktor is clad only in his plaid pyjama pants, Yuuri gently nudges Makkachin to the side and settles him under the duvet.
“Is that better?” Yuuri asks.
Viktor smiles sheepishly and nods. “Thank you,” he whispers, biting his lip. “I-”
But Yuuri anticipates his apology and holds up his hand. “I know. We’ll talk about it when you’re feeling a bit better, okay?”
Yuuri climbs into bed next to Viktor and pulls his sick fiancé close until he’s comfortably settled against him.
“You’ve been pushing yourself too hard,” Yuuri says but Viktor doesn’t think he’s looking for a proper answer so he just hums because he knows. “You’re ridiculous.”
Viktor hums again. He knows that too.
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