#griffon helm
we-are-knight · 2 years
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Knight, by Dominik Mayer
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dndtreasury · 1 year
Departed Helm
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Time Warden Helm
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) ___ This helmet has a monocle-like glass clock over its left eye. While wearing it, you always know what time it is. In addition, the helmet allows you to catch glimpses of the near future: you can’t be surprised while you’re not incapacitated, and you have advantage on initiative rolls. 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜. While wearing the helmet, you can use a bonus action to see the immediate future, granting yourself advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn. For the duration, your speed also increases by 10 feet, and other creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you. If this is the first time that the property has been used since dawn, you needn’t make a saving throw; otherwise, you must then succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the end of the effect. On a failed save, a wave of lethargy sweeps over you: you can’t move or take actions for the rest of your turn, and this property of the helmet can’t be used again until the next dawn. The save DC is equal to 10 plus the number of times this property has been used since dawn. For example, the first time this saving throw is made each day, the DC would be 12, since the property would have been used twice. If you’re also wearing the “time warden armor,” you have advantage on the saving throw. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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felassan · 11 months
Let's talk about these new images & the new/clearer looks at images from the Dragon Age Vinyl. (first, read this post hhhh). under a cut for length.
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These resemble the map of the Fade in DA:O.
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This one with the eluvian is labelled as the "Black City" side of the flip mat merch item. behind the eluvian is a flower-like pattern. and this is the first time I remember [? could be wrong] seeing the 'roots' of the 'tree statue' structures. from root, to trunk, to branches. [interestingly with root and branches looking like veins, lyrium veins, Titan veins..]. an eluvian shattering in the context of the "Black City" - again the splattering, the shattering..
and I looked up and saw the seven gates of the Black City shatter, and darkness cloaked both realms.
were/are the seven "gates" eluvians? ^^ they are portals and a gate is type of portal.
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On the left here is Grey Warden imagery - griffon, sword, Joining Chalice with darkspawn blood drop.
I can't make out the two middle images - is anyone skilled with image manipulation able to unskew them?
On the right here, the four circles pattern looks similar to the pattern on Solas' Hermit Tarot card. and in the middle is the sense once again of an eclipse - in the very center, a sun-like shape/representation of the sun. and behind that, two overlapping spheres/two shadowed spheres.
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Codex entry: Old Elven Writing
This elven writing found in the Arbor Wilds is so old as to be incomprehensible. There are whispers from the Well of Sorrows. It's impossible to understand the entire text, but certain parts suddenly reveal a shadow of their original meaning. "In this place we prepare to hunt the pillars of the earth. Their workers scurry, witless, soulless. This death will be a mercy. We will make the earth blossom with their passing." For one moment there is a vivid image of two overlapping spheres; unknown flowers bloom inside their centers. Then it fades.
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And here is our first clear look at the Black City version of the art. we can now make out details in it that we couldn't the other day. the 'feel' of the image is that the sunrays emanating from the dragon/just behind the dragon cause/caused the now-Black City to destabilize and crumble. the wings and foliage also have a color gradient. at the bottom, gnarled and blackened, where the rot set in and is spreading. it spreads upwards to marr the little amount of gold that there is left, killing the foliage in the process.
but the main new exciting detail here is the heads held in the wings. there are 6 of them and they have elven ears. on their helms are the 'Evanuris headpiece/symbols'. seen from different angles in some, but it's these symbols nonetheless. you can match them up, like so:
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After matching up the heads to these symbols, only the central one, the biggest one, is left out. and as you can see, what does match that is the Black City dragon's horns (recall they or the dragon itself changes from the Golden City version of the art to this one) and the staff of the figure facing the dragon in the Golden City version of the art.
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close up of that figure shows they have pointed elven ears.
here's an Elgar'nan asset from DA:O. compare the horns with the staff top, the Black City dragon horns and the symbol in the biggest semicircle.
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I still speculate that the figure and therefore the second 'Black City' dragon is Elgar'nan (with the first dragon being Mythal). opposite Mythal, he's the leader of the gods, the Zeus. that semicircle and symbol is the biggest. There isn't another big one because Mythal was murdered, and of course there isn't a ninth because that's Fen'Harel. I wrote in my last post on this,
left, silvery dragon - Mythal? right dragon (which is gold-toned despite the blackening) - Elgar'nan, after he’s approached her [maybe as the figure on the rock promontory] and then murdered her and taken her place as the god, ruler, dragon who presides over all? moon and sun, moon dragon and sun dragon, beauty and destruction.. the shape of the 'right-hand’ dragon’s horns match the evanuris headpiece on the ring which is in the biggest hemisphere, and of the 7 gods those headpieces apply to (9 Evanuris, minus Mythal and Fen'Harel), the 'biggest’ naturally is the patriarch leader opposite Mythal, Elgar'nan.
husbands killing, betraying or doing acts of violence against their wives is unfortunately not a rare thing. and in the lore this has happened before. Andraste (with her Mythal-like crown..) was betrayed by Maferath. Conobar betrayed Flemeth, the human woman whom the spark of Mythal - betrayed herself by other Evanuris - crawled to. the spark of Mythal "clawed and crawled through the ages" to Flemeth when Flemeth cried out for help. there is a reason Flemeth is the vessel the spark of Mythal joined with, their stories are similar. Dalish lore and the memories of ancient elven lore we see in DA:I sometimes show that Mythal sometimes had to temper Elgar'nan's fury or defuse situations involving him. of course, just because Elgar'nan was the main culprit of Mythal's death didn't mean that he did it alone or acted alone. other Evanuris were involved. Solas says "and in their lust for power they killed her". in their lust for power, the City was blackened.
the question is, what do the Evanuris heads in the dragon's blackened wings represent? ofc it's another version (really different art style etc) of this event. the heads/symbols, the City blackening.. it's the same event being depicted. but the way their body-less heads hang there in the blackened wings, dark and connected to the corrupted tree.. it reminds me of the theories connecting the Evanuris to the Blight somehow. "What the Evanuris in their greed could unleash would end us all. Let this place be forgotten. Let no one wake its anger. The People must rise before their false gods destroy them all." The Balrog Theory. Andruil travelling into the darkness of the Void and returning, twisted and mad. stuff like that. that's what the heads in the wings remind me of. so other Evanuris ("they") were involved in Mythal's death, and they were up to something shady "in their lust for power" that was giving 'not great for the world' vibes.
also, stylistically the choice to show their heads like this also reminds me of the faces in the borders of the beautiful map that came out with the Tevinter Nights book. those borders not only also contain two different dragons facing off from each side of the map but a bunch of celestial body, sun/moon and eclipse imagery...
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anyways, we also get a more detailed clearer look at the Golden City cover art and in this we can see -
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this is the door/gate to the Golden City in this Art. and idk, it just reminds me of this dragon Mythal mosaic or this Mythal dragon statue.
also -
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soo is Elgar'nan is one of the "Evil Gods" that has Thedas in their sights? that mural could be read as implying that there were two returning or at least lurking ominously. All 7 non-Mythal-non-Fen'Harel gods coming back or being at risk of coming back in one game could be too much both in terms of irl meta-resources for development (there are lots of other things going on in Thedas to cover as well) and too much as a threat, if I was a writer I personally might handwave most of them to the side like "oh yeah, 5 of them got corrupted/stuck/lost forever over the Ages since while they were trapped and only Elgar'nan and [Other One] remain to pose a threat. they're still looming and ominous though". yknow?
but who knows, this was just one guy's take. to be further updated on all things gaming news reviews and discussions, stay tuned right here on yongyea, I'll see you guys next time, yong out
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mistfallengw2 · 8 months
Further design notes on Aurelia's design (and some backstory infodump)
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[previous notes on non-armor design changes here (not entirely up to date)]
(Everything under read more because it's a lot of screens and text oops)
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Legions, before 1320 AE Her gear changed often during her 12 years of active service, especially since she tinkered in armorsmithing as a hobby, but this one was more or less her favored setup: simple design that protects while still allowing movement + lots of spiked parts to ram into enemies, especially the helm's horn that compliments her own.
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Mists, 1320-1324 AE Long story short, Aurelia ended up in the Mists while fighting the first wave of branded that followed the creation of the Brand, specifically after smashing assorted human artifacts while trying to take down a big branded griffon. After dealing the killing blow, she then wandered the Mists for ??? (time in the Mists is weird), hoping to find a way out while injured and failing not to panic, till she stumbled upon the spirit of a certain crystalline dragon. A pitifully short fight later, Glint admitted she saw something in the charr, then offered her the powers of a dragon to do what had to be done: go back to Tyria and finish the wounded Kralkatorrik.
When Aurelia accepted, desperate to get out of there and see her family again (if they were still alive), she was given one of the dragon's facets, which bound itself to her damaged armor and magically transmuted it (golden and crimson, reflecting her own aura, with the facet itself in the center), as well as granting her a direct connection with Glint's spirits and her draconic powers.
Still, before Aurelia could go and do her task, she needed to hone her powers as fast as possible. Initially a hard deal because Aurelia had never used magic in her life, but it seemed to proceed well... until it backfired spectacularly. Glint's cryptic words whenever she inquired about her family had made her worry grow too much, far beyond making meditation hard, and when it was time for her to try and make her very first rift, it spat her out in buttmist nowhere, as her focus was elsewhere (she had unknowingly aimed for the Domain of the Lost, where most of her warband was). She tried to follow Glint's instructions, but other voices had accidentally entered her mind, and subsequent attempts to go back to where she started went progressively worse as she messed up again and again, stumbling in other places until she ended up in a forgotten corner of the Mists, where [data corrupted], something no mortal mind was ever meant to witness.
Against all odds, Aurelia managed to escape, thoroughly traumatized and wounded deeply by what she had experienced, but the facet had stopped working like before and turned dim, having taken the brunt of the corruption while shielding her. Aurelia struggled to contact the real Glint again, but she only found her echo to add to the others in her head. Still on the brink of corruption, she wandered aimlessly, fighting her way through fractal after fractal, her mind slipping away as her armor turned darker and darker, facet's powers and her memories fading as any thoughts beyond survival became drowned out by the constant whispers of echoes. It was a long time spent in that nothingness before she realized she had gotten stuck in an anomaly fractal for who knows how long.
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Vigil, 1324 AE After popping out of the Mists thanks to a friend's "sacrifice", she had no memory of what happened in the Mists beyond having had it rough. Farm shenanigans happened, remembers some of what happened to her, then found out what happened to her warband and that her son was AWOL, so she pulled herself back together in hopes of finding him. Powers came and went, got a bit better after she got used to the constant voices in her head. After a brief stay in the Black Citadel to sort out some Legions' matters, she officially joined the Vigil and became a Crusader, relying on some old friends there, including Almorra. Thankfully an exception to the uniform code was allowed: Aurelia just can't separate herself from that weird enchanted chest piece with the glowy thing, mostly because she feels safer and overall better when wearing it... but especially because, even if she leaves it locked in a chest somewhere, it just reappears in her close proximity. The fact that it forms itself around her torso is just a nice added bonus.
Orr campaign, 1325 AE Very glad to find out that Adamas was alive and well in Lion's Arch and working for another Order, very much not glad that she didn't get to enjoy their reunion before a whole other dragon started wrecking stuff too close for comfort. Not too keen on the whole Pact Commander role for herself because she's not used to being in a leadership position of any sort, but trusts Trahearne and she'll do what she has to. Some memories start coming back thanks to a new friend's help, but while she's not that eager to rediscover more, it does seem to make her powers a bit more reliable, and killing a dragon helps a bit too. Swapped the pauldrons for something lighter and more flexible.
Season 1 and 2, 1326-27 AE Being constantly busy is nice, because you can't think about your own trauma when you gotta prevent or fix trauma-causing events, right? Right? All the stuff with Glint's aspects charges her armor up and makes her memory clear up more. However, visiting Glint's lair sure was a trip for her, one she could have done without, given what she remembered afterwards. At least she's convinced herself to make and wear charr armor again, which feels a bit like the "home" she'll never have again. Small progress, but having her son by her side and a growing support net does help her stabilize.
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Heart of Thorns, 1328 AE When Aurelia touched Aurene's egg for the first time, her armor had reacted and... turned slightly lighter? Not that she had time to really understand what was happening, busy as she was being chased through the jungle by a murdertree. Maybe it's the contact with Exalted stuff that's inherently linked to Glint and the egg being Glint's own, but her powers did get more reliable after all that, so she's not complaining. Also, uh, when did her pauldrons become "part" of the chest piece?
Season 3, 1329 AE Swapped out damaged parts of her armor, went for matching colors to her chest piece. When Aurene hatched, Aurelia's armor reacted again... and again she didn't get the chance to figure it out right away, but it seemed just another case of it lighting up a shade. The bond with the dragon hatchling opened a clearing in her mind, and the more time she spends with her, the better she feels, the more stable her powers seem to become. Might also be all that unstable magic she's coming in contact with, but she doesn't turn crazed like other people do (seeing weird luminous things was quickly resolved and does not count), so it's fine.
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Path of Fire, 1330 AE
By the time Aurelia leaves for the desert, her armor had shifted to a slightly lighter color again (she had to repair/remake her armor periodically anyway), and the facet was glowing brighter. In the fight with Balthazar where she died, his sword easily tore through the enchanted metal and shattered the facet. When she came back to life, the armor was inert and severely damaged, but to her surprise, her powers were not tied to the facet or armor, but her own and strong like before (actually stronger, as dying removed some of the corruption). She repaired it as she could before setting out to slay a god and save Aurene, but she left the hollow space where the facet used to be untouched.
Season 4, 1330-32 AE When Aurelia had drawn on Aurene's powers during the final fight with Balthazar, a small crystal had formed itself in the facet's place, and she kept it, thinking it was a shard of the original facet. After a few days, while Aurelia was repairing and upgrading her armor (it wasn't enchanted anymore, so she went all in and used orichalcum as well), the crystal started glowing blue. To humor herself and the curious voices in her head, she tried placing it in the breastplate's empty slot, and to her surprise it bound itself to it. The whole armor slowly became enchanted by the new facet, turning stronger than normal despite not being indestructible, at least until Aurene ascended. She does start wearing a shawl occasionally, be it to hide the facet's glow or to have more shielding from the weather.
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IBS and onwards, 1332+ AE Turns out that Aurelia had apparently been slowly enchanting the gear she crafted/repaired (ask her skyscale how she found out that could happen). She doesn't know since when, since it was excess magic latching onto things, but she has now figured out how to willingly channel magic into her gear, so now her armor is almost as shiny as Aurene. She can also do more things with it thanks to Aurene's magic, even on the go!
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Casual Overall she gets little proper downtime so she's more often than not in armor, but she's been enjoying more "multicultural" clothes since coming back from the Mists. She particularly likes comfy shirts that leave her guns arms out or have wide sleeves, but she will wear anything as long as it doesn't feel too tight and restrictive (and still allows her to carry the facet comfortably).
Assorted notes
- The original facet only served as a conduit for Glint's magic, as without help Aurelia (or any mortal) wouldn't have survived the sheer amount of it, especially since she wasn't magically trained at all.
- After enduring the corruption, the facet pretty much acted as a "life support" against its effects, filtering it out just enough to allow Aurelia to recover from what happened when she was corrupted. The anomaly fractal's own "nature" actually helped her survive the worst part of the process, as there was still a chance of succumbing to the corruption anyway or being killed if she stumbled in the wrong place in that state.
- Her memories faded and became blocked off entirely during her time in the Mists post-corruption (became progressively more like how in a dream you can't remember most of your real memories, then stayed like that other than random bursts of remembrance and awareness in the anomaly fractal) due to the trauma and the corruption's influence. For the first few days out of the Mists she barely knew her name (also as a result of her escape, was exhausted to the point of acting nearly feral), then they slowly came back to her as she made the effort and the corruption was cleansed. With the exclusion of what her mind couldn't process at all (mostly things that happened while she was on the brink of corruption), by EoD she remembered pretty much everything of her life, while what happened in the Mists pre-[data corrupted] is still a bit dubious even with Aurene's help due to its inherent mistfuckery and the limitations of Aurelia's own understanding at the time.
- The corruption also irreversibly messed with her powers, specifically not allowing her to create traversable portals to the Mists. She can create ones in the superficial layers of the Mists (the ones used in attacks), but anything beyond that spits her back (as if the Mists rejected her) and gives her a very unpleasant feeling close to pain (partially works on others as well, and she uses it tactically at times). She can traverse other portals just fine, although being in the Mists does give her anxiety.
- The friendly being bound to the anomaly fractal was ultimately the one who managed to send her back to Tyria. While she had gotten better in there to the point of coherency and relatively frequent awareness, her escape had taken a lot out of them both, and she only "remembers" flashes of her time in there and that she misses whoever they were.
- Rytlock is still the first revenant by technicality, as Aurelia only had Glint's powers in the Mists and then didn't have the full array of rev powers until Aurene hatched. In a way, she was a failed first attempt.
- While it was a very necessary crutch during the initial times after getting out of the Mists, later Aurelia only used the blindfold on occasions when the voices get too loud and confusionary for her to handle (echo-migraine). She also doesn't use helms anymore.
- The new facet is a mix of Aurene's magic and her own, which is why she has much more control over it compared to Glint's facet.
- While the corruption is like 99.99% gone thanks to the bond with Aurene filtering it away, it still has left a mark on Aurelia. Whether Aurene was ever aware of what it originated from or not, she only mentioned it in a vague comparison to the Dragonvoid. P****a is the first to openly notice it and be quietly unnerved by it, but she didn't mention it again.
- With the last upgrade of her armor and the link with Aurene strengthening after her ascension, she is able to summon crystalline wings fully on her own (just for gliding, requires a lot of concentration/magic). While they still show some of the lingering corruption and its damages in their opaqueness, they shine with her aura (first pic). If she had been able to do it at any point before then, they would have shown the corruption far more heavily (second pic).
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primroseprime2019 · 1 year
First Line Tag
Thanks for the tag, @toribookworm22
I’ll be doing this from a roleplay me and my friend are doing. (I forgot about this, I’m sorryyyy!)
“C’mon, little one. Open your optics.” Albert said gently. Ganymede slowly opened his vivid purple optics and he chirped.
Talida smiled softly, “he sure is purple.”
Rolling his eyes, Albert chuckled as he picked Ganymede up. The little mechling nuzzled his chest, purring.
“Polaris and Cassiopeia will be happy to see him,” Albert said, “and so will Paige.”
He gently set Ganymede down in the crib and the little bot slowly rolled onto his servos and knees.
Atlas looked at him and hissed a little. Ganymede shrunk back.
“Hey, no hissing, Atlas,” Albert said firmly. Atlas curled up against the corner of the crib.
“How old are Polaris and Cassiopeia now?” Talida asked.
“They’re six years old,” Albert chuckled. Paige walked into the room with two young Predacons following. Polaris was a dragon and Cassiopeia was a griffon.
“Hey, Paigey,” Talida chuckled. Ganymede lifted his helm and stood up in the crib.
Paige smiled and she picked Ganymede and Atlas up. “They’re so beautiful,” she said and she knelt down, “Polaris, Cassiopeia, come meet your brothers.”
Atlas looked up at his siblings and chirped.
“They’re so cute!” Cassiopeia giggled. “And so small!” Polaris said, optics wide with curiosity.
Ganymede cooed and chirped, yawning.
Tagging: @talesofsorrowandofruin @royal1asset-if @inkvulture @thesorcererspen @blind-the-winds @kaiusvnoir @overlookedfile and anyone who wants to join
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kei-nova · 1 year
Reliving a Mech Warfare Classic - A Gungriffon Series Retrospective Gungriffon is a series of Mech Simulators primarily helmed by Game Arts (Thexdar, Lunar, Grandia, Silpheed, etc). The series stems back to the Sega Saturn in '96 but didn't disappear until 2004 on the Microsoft's original Xbox. Without a doubt, it is a unique series that rivaled even the likes of heavy weights such as MechWarrior at the time.
I've always wanted to play the Gungriffon series, and I really enjoyed making this video for all of you as well. It took a lot of work to complete, so if you could drop a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE I'd really appreciate it! This channel is all about Giant Robots, Mecha, and sci-fi! The titles are as follows:
GUNGRIFFON II - Sega Saturn, 1998
GUNGRIFFON: BLAZE - Playstation 2, 2000
GUNGRIFFON: ALLIED STRIKE - Xbox, 2004 Do note that SPACE GRIFFON VF-9 is NOT part of this series.
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lairofdragonagelore · 2 years
Hinterlands: The Unknown Ruin [Mihris]
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When we approach a collapsed ruin, which will be called “dungeon” alone, we find Mihris. She is an important character in The Masked Empire and related to Michael [another char we see in Empise du Lion]. Her clan was killed by Imshael when Michael tried to destroy the demon for good. Looking for vengeance against Michael, Mihris allowed Imshael to posses her, and only another ancient elf in the series [Felassan] convinced Imshael to leave her by promising him that something “big was coming”, hinting Solas’ plan, and that promising level of disaster convinced Imshael to let her go. [This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”] 
Updated December 2022
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Now, Mihris roams this place because she wants to join another clan and help with the breach.
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The place can only be accessed by a mage.  The front of this place doesn’t say much. It’s a wall of  typical stone, very usual of any fereldan fortress. One would suspect it was built by Fereldans. However there are Avvar pillars and arcs at  the entrance of this place. 
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Once inside, we see a corridor with flags that we immediately assume to display Grey Warden iconography. As it usually happens in most cases in DA series, I assumed this place was built first for some fereldan-based group [the building itself is ferelden, not elven] and then, later, taken by Grey Wardens. Once the Grey Wardens abandoned it, it was retaken by the Avvar. However, in detail, the banners show some discrepancies with the usual Grey Warden symbols. Maybe the first two can be related to them
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This one is undeniable: it’s the typical one-griffon symbol of the Grey Warden.
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This one, however, does not belong to the typical heraldry of the Grey Warden. I even checked the books of World of Thedas and Art of Inquisition, and the grey warden section does not show similar icon. Where we can see this symbol is in a pre-blight doors made by Tevinter. 
This also brings to my attention that the Hall of Silence, in the Still Ruin, is flanked by griffon statues [assuming they are always Grey Warden iconography], which makes no sense in terms of timeline: this ruin was sealed before the blights and only now in Inquisition we are exploring it.  There was no way for the Wardens to use it as part of the fortifications against the darkspawn [we saw it untouched and frost in time]. If they would have done so, the whole ruin should be displaying more Grey Warden symbols, not just one in a very particular hall.
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As we can see these griffons are the typical Grey Warden statues we find around. They include the joining goblet... so, my main conclusion is that maybe the symbol of the Grey Wardens has a potential relationship with Tevinter. I questioned several times why the Grey Warden have a symbol of a sunburst in their iconography when they are an Order independent of the Chantry, and even older than it.  Maybe the answer is related to Tevinter [in what way or how, I cannot say. There is not much to speculate with.]
A combination of both symbols can be also seen in the concept art of Tevinter doors, which shows a more obvious design of the Grey Warden. This is so curious to me. 
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The third banner is the most mysterious one that I called “Strange wolf-halla-like banner”; I couldn’t find any similar to it in the series of DA.
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Looks like a wolf, but it’s not even close to the Fen’Harel banner we have in DAO game files.  And its pointy style makes us suspect of Tevinter origin.  The only symbols I could relate this with was the symbol on the elven funerary lid:
In the book Art of Inquisition:
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Or in game:
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It’s more geometrical, and follows the style of the vallaslins we see in the paintings of the Hallas in Nation Art: Elvhen. It’s a design that can be done entirely with just one stroke.  Both this drawing and the banner above share a similar structure in different styles. I wonder what this means.
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Updated 2023: Recently I realised that the top of this figure is the undeniable symbol of the helm that Tevinter mages use, so maybe this symbols is more related to Tevinter, and like all what it comes to it, previously taken from the Elvhen.
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Continuing on, at the end of the main corridor where the banners hang, we find this unique statue that I have only seen in the Fade, in a region where one can assume it’s a representation of sacrifice. The sacrificed lamb. It could also mean “A sacrifice with horns and humanoid body”, relating Gatsy’s Sacrifice murals to this: in that mural we see magisters sacrificing qunari.
This statue is mounted on a device that looks like a capstan, usually seen being used by slaves in the trope wheel of pain, or more typically, to open and close gates that requires a lot of strength. This is the same exact statue we see in the Fade [we can see the “cute” slaves drawings below]
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Solas presents us the Veilfire for the first time here, telling us it’s present where the Veil is thin.
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As we enter in this chamber, neither the walls nor the arcs or columns of the building give us a hint of who could have built it. It looks very ferelden, since it lacks of the usual elven or dwarven patterns we see in the constructions of those groups. At the sides of the main chamber we see the statue of Masferath, flanked by mabaris, that, due to the position of their heads, seem to be guarding him.
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On the other side, we find this mysterious Faceless figure holding a crown [representation of the Maker] and two mabaris in the same position.
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The columns and the corners of this chamber usually have this unique, strange statue that, if anything, reminds me of a Skull bud with sword. Because the shape of its background, similar to those big Tevinter diapason devices, I tend to suspect this statue as Tevinter, but I don’t feel very confident on that guessing, so I catalogue it as without identity so far. 
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On the floor we find one of the typical glyphs of magic. This is nothing special.  This symbol in particular is what we see when mages cast spells, more details in General glyphs and magical symbols.
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On a collapsed corner we find another Skull bud with sword and the Beheaded ram-man statue. On it, there is a rune which triggers the codex The Lost Art of Veilfire. It’s a book banned by the Chantry, and claims that any mage can control Veilfire, but it’s hardly of the same quality than the elves.
The presence of Veilfire in this place adds nothing of information: the place can be tevinter or avvar, since both group, beside the elves, also knew how to do veilfire.
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At the end of the chamber, we see an Avvar altar. The main statue used to craft it is seen only three times in game [in the fade, in the Stone-bear hold, and in the Hissing Wastes]. In this case, it’s clipped with a skull, in front of an urn. It is resting on top of a statue we have seen a lot in the Hinterlands: the Eroded dragon skull.
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At the sides, there are two statues that we only find in the Fade: they have deepstalker’s mouths and are screaming. In the Fade they are associated with a codex about burning the fears, so it belongs to the Avvar series of Keepers of Fear.
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What’s interesting of this statue, is that it’s a central piece of decoration in the Lair of Fear, in the Fade. There, we see fours of these vomiting blood. On its base, there is another drawing, which I can only see as another screaming figure, rising their arms in terror.
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At the base of this worshipping place there is an elven artefact.
It’s hard to point out what the hell this place is: It was weird banners, some look like Grey Warden’s but inside the chamber there is nothing related to the Wardens. It has Andrastian and Avvar iconography and a couple of statues which origin is unknown such as the Skull bud with sword. I guess with low confidence that the Skull bud with sword may be Tevinter, but it’s a statue that never had a codex related to it in game, nor appears in the World of Thedas or Art of Inquisition. That statue and everything in this place is such a mystery.
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore ]
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spidermilkshake · 1 year
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A hurthling farmer in the fertile lowlands below the Helm of the East discovers one of his billy goats attempting an invasion of the lush potato fields in mid-season, and exercises his species' unusual strength for body size to, uh, guide the interloper back to acceptable foraging. The goat is displeased, but can't do all that much about it.
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This koboldi farmer rides out to a stretch of his Underground lands, checking up on seismic activity. Trusty riding lizard is not particularly bothered, so I reckon they've got nothing to really worry about.
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The much-maligned minotaur people are not much for hunting or butchering at all, and indeed only very casually engage in low levels of subsistence vegetable horticulture--but when it comes to mutual relationships with various wool-bearing herd beasts minotaurs are very adept. Sometimes, lost roaming sheep, goats, and yaks from human operations end up being discovered and taken into minotaur farmers' herds--and minotaur wool beast keepers consider it not theft, as a proper keeper would not allow any of their vulnerable animals to wander into dangerous territory. This causes conflict sometimes, of course, but you can't help but see the minotaur's point.
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The Zanalva--the Mist Elven--people have long withdrawn to their high mountaintop communes and palatial wonders, spending sometimes all of their lives at the over 5000 meter altitudes through the ranges of the world, traveling largely by dirigibles and airships. However, some of the more rural mist elves utilize more lively and rugged transport in the form of tame griffons, one of the few peoples to keep the fierce avian animals. Here, a bundled up zanalva farmer soars in the cloud levels high over their homestead on the runs and peaks--terraces built into the mineral-rich mountain soil bordered with walls of charmed crystal-rich stones to ward away pests and draw heat, all growing perennial berries, hardy buckwheat and tubers, and a variety of vegetables and herbs. At the very peak, the small farmhouse and its courtyard are heavily-peaked to deflect windy weather and slough off snowfall, and in such a small mist elf abode the walled courtyards typically become the de facto griffon aerie.
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wackyart · 3 months
Hey, I love your Martell Mando art. Out of curiosity, what would a commission for something similar go for? Armor would be grey warden inspired Mandalorian armor (winged helm, silver/blue coloring) and face would look like Idris Elba as Heimdall (with the dreads). Clan Sigil would be griffon.
Hello there !! Thank you so much, I'm glad you like my work !! That sounds like an amazing idea !!!✨
If you want to commission me, here is eveything you need to know and feel free to dm me personally if you have questions dear !!
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militaryleak · 5 months
French Army Gears Up for Next Wave of Serval 4x4 Armored Vehicle Orders
The French Army's pursuit of cutting-edge defense technology takes another leap forward as the Serval 4x4 lightweight multi-role armored vehicle prepares for its next phase of production. With Texelis and Nexter Systems at the helm, this vehicle promises an evolution in versatility and strategic capabilities. Texelis, responsible for the rolling chassis, anticipates imminent orders within the next half-year, extending production to at least 2033. This projection encompasses a substantial order of 2,000 vehicles, ensuring the production line's operation until 2035. The impending orders, including 420 vehicles expected by mid-December and an additional 530 by mid-2024, mark a significant expansion following the initial 2018 order of 324 systems. A key highlight remains the potential for export, emphasizing the global relevance and appeal of the Serval. The vehicle's adaptability and range of versions, from patrol and reconnaissance to communication and medevac, underscore its strategic importance in diverse military operations. Part of the SCORPION program, the VBMR Leger aligns with the lineage of formidable predecessors like the VBMR Griffon and EBRC Jaguar. Nexter's VBMR Leger, a derivative of the TITUS 6x6 armored vehicle, promises a lightweight 4x4 configuration, aligning with the evolving needs of modern warfare.
The French Army’s pursuit of cutting-edge defense technology takes another leap forward as the Serval 4×4 lightweight multi-role armored vehicle prepares for its next phase of production. With Texelis and Nexter Systems at the helm, this vehicle promises an evolution in versatility and strategic capabilities. Texelis, responsible for the rolling chassis, anticipates imminent orders within the…
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dndtreasury · 1 year
Vampiric Helm
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Pack Leader Helm
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) ___ This dark silver helm looks like a snarling wolf. While wearing it, dogs and wolves understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them. In addition, lycanthropes have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. You can use a bonus action while wearing the helmet to emit a supernatural howl, which is audible out to a range of 300 feet. Until the start of your next turn, you and up to four other creatures of your choice that you can see and can hear the howl have advantage on attack rolls made against any target that’s also within 5 feet of one of their allies, provided that the ally isn’t incapacitated. For the duration, each creature’s speed is also increased by 10 feet. Once this property of the helm has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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its-spelled-maille · 6 years
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@pastas-house says “This isn’t a critique, I’m just really desperate to know what the name of this sort of visor is. I know it’s a bascinet, but I’ve been trying to find the name of the visor for at least a week now and come up with nothing.”
Ah, this is easy, this is a modern day helmet that is inspired by actual armor, this completely fantasy design of visor is referred to as “Griffon” helms. Seen in HMB and other mosh-pitty sport fighting. 
a quick search of “Sport Combat Griffon Helmet” yields some from a few different makers. Armorysmith has a few nice models, 
But as none of us participate in HMB style fighting, (where this helmet is quite popular) I couldn’t gather any recommendations for you. 
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I hope we were able to help!
-Mod Close-Helm
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secretsimpleness · 4 years
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Oh, Grey Warden ... Yes. Well. I decided to do a submission to this contest! (The link goes to my design - but please consider looking through the whole gallery. Lots of pretty things there which deserves ratings!) (Based on) the Dragon Age franchise (c) Bioware
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hardkookiecookie · 4 years
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been thinking about redesigning Bellvalier for a bit and I got a few designs that I do like down, wanted to make them look more Knight like as that’s what half their name is, but I also still like their old design so ┐(● ‸ ● )┌ opinions are needed lmao
also Pirate Bell is here, they like to be included
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