graktung · 2 years
Tate: Time for plan G.
Violet: Don't you mean plan B?
Tate: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Violet: What about plan D?
Tate: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Violet: What about plan E?
Tate: I'm hoping not to use it. I die in plan E.
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graktung · 3 years
Time - a short story
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[The pain had disappeared, all that was left was the passion, strong enough to start a fire. Yet it was a hell she didn’t mind burning in.]
Soft rays of light seeped into her bedroom, climbing the house to reach her, Ink-covered hands slowed for the first time in hours, mind still racing. She turned around to lay her eyes upon a peaceful being encased in blankets, like a caterpillar in a cocoon. “Hey, wake up.” She murmured to her sleeping girlfriend, willing her to leave the dream land she was in.
Two hours.
“Mhm five more minutes” The girl pulled the other down into her arms, silently persuading her to let sleep take over, but to no avail.
“No come on, we have to get up. As much as I would love to waste the day here with you, we can’t- we have ti be ready in a couple hours.” Savouring the touch, she slowly made her way back to her writing, trying to perfect it in the little time she had; the idea of perfection was enticing even if she knew it would never come. A raspy voice interrupted her thoughts-
“Arc, are you up yet? You need ti eat before we leave.” The source of the voice came from her father, who was downstairs.
“Yeah we’ll be down in a minute!” She replied on behalf of her girlfriend and her. Arc, however, failed to hear the sigh that came from her father as the words left her lips. Besides, even if she had heard, she would’ve been baffled as to why; Arc’s father had been very accepting of her- and her girlfriend- ever since she had told him, plus, she was past the ‘moaning teenager’ phase so why would he be sighing at an answer so simple?
The smell of bacon filled the kitchen, drawing Arc in like a dog to a bone. “Two bacon sandwiches coming right up.” Her dad announced as the young girls wandered into the kitchen, their eyelids fighting to close and mouths hosting yawns. It didn’t take them long to eat, and after ten minutes of being downstairs, the girls retreated upwards.
One hour.
The thought of laying back down was almost too tempting, especially for Arc as she had barely gotten any sleep the night before. “Hey, what should I wear? I haven’t been to this place in a while and I want everything to be good.” Arc queried her girlfriend, who had moved into the bathroom to get ready, eager for her opinion.
“You look great in anything, doll. But don’t wear black- I’m sure it’s supposed to be a happy event.” Was the reply Arc was given.
Thirty minutes.
“Can I read you my speech? I need to know if it’s okay for my time later.” The was a certain hesitancy in Arc’s voice that she couldn’t quite place but pushed away as she got a nod from her lover. “Okay, here goes…’This isn’t just any story, this is someone’s story. This is the story that has been in progress since the second she was born. Now, I’m sure you have all learnt that stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end; and this is the end of her story. But, if you have read a good book, you know the ending isn’t supposed to be sad, it doesn’t disappoint you; makes you want to read on. And so, we will read on in her life and remember her in everything she did.” Taking in a much-needed breath, Arc looked up, with a golden tear cascading down her face, to find her girlfriend no longer standing there. Instead, she heard her fathers’ voice…
“Come on, Honey. The funeral starts in twenty minutes.”
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