#gotta read up on queer theory
jules-van-hering · 11 months
to me being queer is the dedication of an indivdual to radically deconstruct cisheteronormativity in their daily life, relationships and work. queerness to me is a political as much as a sexual identity & orientation label. following this, yes, a cishet man can be queer.
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leather-blr · 5 months
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa did you see the new pnf short?
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this is news to me. i’ve been focusing on my mental health (playing red dead redemption 2 and nothing else) for the past week so i’ve been offline but i gotta check this out…
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i am so hype for this. i love it so much. it is amazing and i want more right now. please don’t read under the cut there’s definitely not a multi paragraph conspiracy theory underneath
us shippers are rejoicing, as we rightfully should, at this amazing w. but i just gotta be that one guy, i gotta poop on the party. could this be bordering into… and forgive me for uttering these words… queerbaiting?
i know the idea of being queerbaited by an evil scientist man and a secret agent playtpus is ridiculous and hilarious, but r we getting johnlocked just a little bit? maybe just a little…. because i’ve always been of the opinion that perryshmirtz will most likely never be a canon storyline for a bunch of reasons, and as much as i’d like that to happen, i can see how some oblivious straight people (so… probably a lot of the writers let’s be real) could reasonably watch all of phineas and ferb and think there’s absolutely nothing homoromantic going on between the two of them. like of course there’s jokes about them being like couple in the same way we get it for buford and bajeet, but, at least when it was airing at the time that it was, that was neverrr going to be acknowledged as anything but funny funny haha joke. like i love dwampy but this show is not crowned for its thoughtful and progressive takes there is SOOOOO much racial stereotyping and ignorant shit in pnf. relationships between two men were not going to hold the same narrative weight as a hetero relationship
so yes i think it’s a bit of a stretch to say pnf in itself is queerbaiting with perryshmirtz, but THESE SHORTS… this is like……. a lot man it’s a lot man it’s a blessing and a curse. i hope it’s just a couple folks who like perryshmirtz putting those bits for funsies but i’m getting suspicious. i’m raising my eyebrows up and down, feeling as if i’m seeing flags of a.. pinkish hue… reddish, perhaps.
and this is disneyyyy cmmmonnn all these hip new queer kid shows? they’re doing pretty good. of course, we aren’t going to ruin our precious precious phineas and ferb IP for the foreign market by putting a gay relationship in the actual show, but it couldn’t hurt to draw in a few tumblr and tiktok queers from our homoromantic little shorts, eh? ehh? it’s a big market, kids aren’t just tuning in on cable tvs anymore to watch phineas and ferb, we need a little more outreach. it’s all about streaming babbbyy it’s all about that disney plus! get those queers watching the new seasons of phineas and ferb when they’re finished binging the owl house!
are you understanding my friends? i am no messiah of perryshmirtz. that’s liz. but maybe, i shall be a mere messenger spreading my annoying takes amongst the land. or maybe it’s not that deep because 8 year olds watching phineas and ferb don’t care. but it’s a free website baybe
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yonpote · 5 days
the way dan speaks about his sexuality is interesting to me bc he originally was like yeah on some level i am attracted to women i wouldn’t say i’m totally gay and now it’s like i am a homosexual i would never date a woman
to me it reads as. yes in theory dan has the capability of being attracted to anyone regardless of gender or anatomy. but he just happened to bag the most fuckable emo twunk on terf island fall in love with a boy who would end up being his forever partner and therefore didn't have the necessity to explore his sexuality beyond that, but it was still something that he thought about. i think of people who get into straight relationships and one of them realizing theyre bi but they just never pursued the same gender and then ended up falling in love with someone of a different gender.
i remember talking to a couple people about whether or not dan should be called bi, but as a bi person who has struggled with calling myself bi in the past, i just really dont think that's a call for anyone to make other than dan. he's said he's queer. queer is intentionally not a very well-defined word in terms of a sexuality/gender. queer doesn't mean anything other than different from the norm. nowadays it feels like theres a lot of terms that fall under the bi+ umbrella, or the multisexual-spectrum (mspec) as some people like to call it. idk exactly how it is for dan, but for me, i like the history behind the terms bisexual, queer, and gay so those are what i use for myself, even if you could argue that i should technically call myself pan- or omnisexual. like even if dan is "technically" multi/bi/tri/pan/omni/polysexual, it doesnt matter cuz hes in a gay relationship and he calls himself gay. he has personal trauma and history surrounding the word gay, whereas FOR HIM, the bi label felt like an escape route to be openly queer without seeming "too queer." so his reclamation of the label Gay is so much more than a technical definition.
wait i gotta find a clip of dan in one of the stereos where he literally says "you can call yourself gay even if youre technically this or that you can just call yourself gay" i always think of clipping it and always forget to
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mkuliatruther · 4 months
MK's (and MKulia's) odds according to EP9-13 leaks. (Spoilers, obvi.)
hey all! i have too many thoughts and instead of going on a long ramble on my priv i thought i could.. y'know.. actually share my thoughts for once! i'm gonna say this right now that my thoughts may leave a rather negative tongue, so if mkulia (or mk!) is ur comfort and u don't wanna hear anything bad i suggest not reading this!! without further ado, time to ramble!
i'll talk about MK first before i talk about my thoughts on MKulia. right off the bat: she's getting eliminated EP9. this just goes without saying i think but i want to elaborate on this more. in EP8 we have: raj | wayne | julia | MK | caleb | priya | damien | zee in EP10 we see damien:
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in EP12 we see caleb:
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and in EP11 we see wayne and raj's clothes:
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and going back to EP10's description, both julia and priya are mentioned:
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AS FAR AS EP9 GOES, this leaves: raj | wayne | julia | MK | caleb | priya | damien MK is not mentioned nor seen. at all. and yes, raj is left up in the air as well but at least there is higher hopes for our silly guy. there has been the popular theory of "well, raj may have given wayne his hoodie to remember him!" but... i think the odds of that are low? raj gifting wayne something before getting eliminated is very plausible, but i see no reason as to why he'd give away his hoodie to him? i feel like if that was the case he would have given wayne something else IMO. even if we don't take it at full face value, there's still a very low chance that MK's safe from elimination (and she'd probably be safe for like another 2 episodes if she were to be safe EP9. the odds of her being a finalist are also incredibly low). after being outed as a cheater, she hasn't been doing all that well in challenges either and since EP9's challenge has to do something with breaking objects, i can only imagine how well she'd do with that. and MKulia can make their alliance not-so-obvious-and-not-so-strong for so long. people are gonna want to break them up. now let's say MK's out EP9. this leaves both priya and julia as the only female contestants remaining in the game. and assuming they're going to add a female finalist it's going to be julia. and ALSO assuming we're going to get helpers for the finale, we MAY get more mkulia content. it's not that bad! may i also add EP9's title is 'Breaking Up Is Hard To Do' while yes this is about prileb, this could also be about mkulia. with mk getting eliminated, julia has to deal with fighting on her own. and we know very well that julia cares for MK, platonic or not. So what does this mean for MKulia? people fail to realize what mk getting eliminated means. we get to see how julia deals with it (unless she just moves on and doesn't care like what priya kind of did when millie got eliminated ... i'd cry.)
plus, if MK does get eliminated next episode we'll have more MKulia content in EP9 without a doubt. there's still so many questions left unanswered and i'm sure those will be resolved before MK goes home. and honestly, i have high hopes. i think MKulia will end off on a sweet note. do i think we'll get canon MKulia? absolutely not. it'd be really nice, but i doubt it. at best, it'll probably be up to viewers interpretation whether or not julia's care for MK comes from a romantic or platonic standpoint. i think that's how far we're going to get. calling it queer bait is a little bit of an exaggeration IMO, then again i am very picky with the fandoms i am in so i don't really know what it's like to ship something that is possibly queerbait. we just gotta buckle up and endure whatever BS will get thrown at us MKulia nation. o7
and hopefully i am very wrong about this. i have extremely low expectations so i can be happy if im wrong LMFAO!!
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supercalime · 14 days
all those interviews are fun even with hardcore stans speculation but god i wish they kinda stopped.
like, stop having stans interviewing actors in the first place, what do you mean they talk about couch theory? are we even serious right now? it’s obvious people are going to create even weirder hc after all these interviews.
I understand the interviewers (to a degree) bringing up b*ddie and baiting Oliver and Ryan to “leak” information or address how they are defenders of the ship, as it obviously makes dramatic headlines, which causes engagement, which advertises the show and by extent the website/reporter that did the interview.
Just a bit off topic but it has to be said: most of the interviews are borderline unprofessional. Not just with the aspect of bringing up b*ddie when the recent storyline has nothing to do with eddie but also relying their questions on stereotypes about the queer community (someone unironically asked Oliver who’s buck’s favorite pop diva now that he’s queer. Like wtf).
Anyway, going back to the mess haha. I’m not surprised the stans are acting this way (I’m very new to this fandom but not to fandoms and their discourses). I’m sometimes very invested in media and there are times I do extrapolate and need to touch grass. Sometimes I feel like people who are this invested in a fictional relationship that’s not even canon just need to find a different outlet for intense feelings, and not rely on things that are out of their control.
Of course fan reaction can influence a story being told, however fans have to also know how to approach it while being respectful. In all honesty, if I were writing a show and I finally went with a storyline I wasn’t allowed to write before because the network previously denied, and that was how the fans of a ship reacted, I would be pissed. I think I would not have b*ddie be a thing out of spite.
The bi!buck/bucktommy storyline is a huge step forward for a tv show in this scale. In fact, I can’t remember other procedurals that have as many queer main characters as 911/911 lone star. It’s been said, but a story about this very masculine man that has been known as a womanizer figuring out he’s bisexual well into his thirties and in the seventh season of a very popular show that is not part of a specific niche is important and should be celebrated on its own, regardless of ships or whatever the fans have to say about the partner choice.
But let’s be real for a second as I end my little essay here. If you know a single thing about writing, you know you can’t just throw a love story without buildup and as hard as it is to accept, the interactions between buck and eddie seemed to have always been ambiguous on purpose, and buck being maybe into guys was more played off as a joke. I know the fans want the ship to happen, but if they want this love story to happen, they gotta be patient. Just commenting “we don’t like this. We want buddie!” on an ig post about tevan won’t make the story suddenly turn into that direction.
What I’m saying won’t change anyone’s mind but whoever reads until the end, I want yall to know that unfortunately every fandom is like this and we gotta try our best to stay out of the discourse cause in all seriousness: none of this matters. It’s a show and arguing about it, bothering the actors, commenting annoying things on ig won’t change anything.
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that-random-outsider · 7 months
okay so imagine if "good little girl" was actually written for bubblegum. Hold on hear me out so like if you look back to the episode it's supposed to be Marceline's own twist on on Ice Kings Fiona and cake story. Also let me just say the ability to come up with a gender bent version of herself that a good amount of girls had a crush on on the spot in itself is kinda queer but I digress. Anyway back to my theory so that episode always felt a tiny bit strange to me because Marceline holds no romantic feelings for Finn whatsoever. I mean if she wasn't clear enough in the episode "Go with me" she really really doesn't like him like that. And of course you can argue "well this is just a story" or "they're not the same character" but here's the thing. Marceline is telling this story not the Ice King so no ideas or character archetypes are being beamed into her head, this story is completely her own she's just borrowing Pismo's characters at this point. And every story has to come from somewhere so basically you gotta look at it like this. Marceline is telling the story of Marshall Lee which is why the two seen so similar. In her story Marceline sings to Fiona a gender bent version of Finn, who she harbors no romantic feelings towards whatsoever. Yet despite this she writes a pretty convincing love song, and what inspires Marcelines' songs? Past experiences. So who inspired the song "Good Little Girl?" Well the only female character we're aware that that she has feelings for Bonnabel Bubblegum. And if you need any more convincing just look at the lyrics "good little girl always picking a fight with me" Gumball and Marshall as well as Marceline and Bubblegum are constantly arguing and bickering with each other. Also "you know that I'm bad but you're spending the night with me" we know from the episode varmints that they used to sneak around together just to hang out despite one of their earliest meetings were of Marceline vandalizing property. As well as "what do you want from my world" Marceline is honestly a pretty self destructive character I'm not gonna do a whole analysis or anything because it's late and l need to verify sources and everything but this just reads as something she'd ask to PB or wishes she would ask at this point in time. Anyway there's probably a lot more or maybe I'm reading yoo much into this but gay so I win.
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thefringespod · 2 months
Its #AudioDramaSunday once again and I'm back with an actual round up of listens for the week! Starting off with @innbetween which I got caught up on this week! I love that The Lowlifes got so caught up in the spirit of love that they (minus Rukes) were ready to host a wedding. Absolutely iconic of them, they all lost the brain cell in that moment. I also got through the early access for the next episode and it was very very fun
New @tellnotalespod made me feel every emotion under the sun. Parts of it were very lighthearted and fun! Car rides! Secret plans! Frank is queer! And then parts of it had me close to tears at my desk. Leanne really put me through the wringer this week and I love them for it <3
Public release of @souloperatorpod ep 4 was this week and it was so fucking good. The more that is revealed about this town and the people living there, the less I feel like I understand (positive) it's absolutely incredible. Also the editing on this was one phenomenal 10/10
@woebegonepod has once again done things to my heart that I will never recover from. I'm so worried about Base working for the Compound. I'm worried about all the iterations in the Compound. I am still worried about Michael and this ep did not help that. An excellent ep as always
Magnus Protocol has given us *so much* in terms of lore and red string board theories. I love Colin. I'm certain bad things will happen to him. I want to protect Sam but he's proving to be very hard to protect. This show keeps getting better each episode, i can't wait for more
@kingmakerpod episode 19 has proven that the most terrifying thing out there is children with magical powers. A thirteen year old mentalist? Nope, don't like that. Thirteen year olds should not be able to read minds, Colette is right about that one
The new ep of The Grotto *destroyed me* it was so good. Also I'm in it! Which was very fun! This episode had @taytayheyhey ripping my heart out of my chest and also had my favorite song Athan has written for the show so far. If you're not listening to The Grotto you *gotta*
Here on the Fringes, we've released this seasons dragon episode! The dragon episodes are very dear to my heart and hearing people's responses to it have been lovely 💜 Early access for this week's episode is also up right now at patreon.com/PineTreePods!
And that's all for this week! Busy week ahead with work, podcast things, and an appointment for a new tattoo but there are also some excellent shows for me to listen to to get through it 💜
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samasmith23 · 7 months
Viewing Kamala Khan as a mutant through a queer lens
I’ve gotta say, after having read Issue #3 of Iman Vellani’s Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant miniseries yesterday, one of the elements that I’ve really grown to love about this book is how well it functions as a metaphorical coming out narrative for Kamala Khan! In addition to the previous issues showcasing Kamala struggling with the newfound pressures that being a mutant comes with, especially during a time when anti-mutant bigotry is at record levels following Orchis’ genocidal attack on Krakoa, during this issue’s dream sequence we’re introduced to the idea that Kamala’s hesitancy to accept her newfound identity as a mutant and inability to access her new powers is all due to a mental roadblock inside of Kamala’s own psyche. However, when the villains try to force Kamala to accept her mutant powers before she is ready by invading her dreams (as part of a Trojan horse to activate a psychic bomb against other mutants), Kamala refuses her “dream-self’s” offer upon realizing that only she alone can decide when she’s ready to define who she is, countering Orchis false anti-mutant narratives and defining her solely by her latent powers by proudly proclaiming, “It’s not about the powers. It never was. It’s about the why we fight. The who we fight for. My powers don’t define me! They aren’t the testament to who I am, in here! I was afraid that being a mutant meant that I was no longer anything else. But that doesn’t erase any other part of me. It just makes me more… me. Who I am — that’s up to me to decide.”
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Kamala’s story has always been one about identity, self-acceptance, and intersectionality. This has been evident since her initial run by G. Willow Wilson & Sana Amanat, where Kamala was at a crossroads in regards to figuring out who she was as Pakistani-American Muslim from an immigrant family who had just obtained Inhuman powers, eventually deciding to embrace the best aspects of each part of her respective identities.
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Discovering that she now also happens to be a mutant doesn’t erase those previous aspects of who Kamala is, but simply adds to them. Additionally, several X-Men stories in the past have framed the mutant allegory through a queer lens, and there’s a lot you can read into Kamala’s journey of self-acceptance as a mutant in regards to both queer theory and intersectionality. I’ve mentioned before how the recent spike in anti-mutant bigotry amongst the general public following Orchis’ attack on Krakoa Island bears a lot of real-world parallels to the recent upsurge in homophobic and transphobic legislation by Republican politicians here in the US, and Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #3 further expands these parallels. Similar to how Queer people of color are the groups most severely affected by homophobic and transphobic legislation, Vellani effectively demonstrates how Orchis anti-mutant hate campaign significantly impacts Kamala as a woman of color who just found out that she’s also a latent mutant. Orchis’ attempt to try and play on Kamala’s fears of being rejected by her non-mutant superhero friends while framing mutants as inherently arrogant beings with god-complexes, feels eerily similar to how Republicans have recently tried to push false “groomer” conspiracy narratives in order to frame LGBTQ+ people as inherently “predatory towards children,” further isolating an already vulnerable community by falsely defining them solely through the lens of sex. But similar to how sex & sexuality does NOT entirely define a gay or trans person’s identity as an individual, mutant powers do NOT solely define the sum of Kamala’s identity either. It may be an important aspect of who she is as a person, but it is NOT representative of the whole of her identity. Just like how being a Muslim from an immigrant family is an important facet of her personhood, but it is not the sum total of her personality. People are more complex than the narrow-minded stereotypes that bigots like to falsely project onto them, and Kamal effectively demonstrates this by accepting her newfound status as a mutant as merely another facet of personhood. She’s a mutant, as well as an Inhuman, a Muslim, a woman of color, second-generation Pakistani immigrant, nerdy fan-fiction writer, and a compassionate human being who simply wants to help others in need!
From Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #3 by Iman Vellani, Sabir Pirzada, Carlos Gómez & Adam Gorham.
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bloody-wonder · 14 days
Until now, have you found any couple (canon or non canon) from any media (books, tv series, movies, anime/manga, etc) that the dynamics remind you of Neil/Andrew and Damen/Laurent?
if you're looking for dynamics specifically (as opposed to a full romance arc) the lymond chronicles, the queen's thief and empire of the vampire will scratch that damen/laurent itch.
it's common knowledge, at least in my niche circles, that cs pacat is a big fan of dorothy dunnett's work, that laurent is based on lymond and that his relationship with damen (down to specific scenes) was inspired by lymond's numerous boytoys. so reading the lymond chronicles after captive prince is constantly going aha! *leonardo dicaprio pointing meme*. what these books however don't have is a full romance arc with any of those men which is why you could say capri is, in a sense, a slash fic of the lymond chronicles. it's my favorite series of all time and i can't recommend it enough but it's also rather inaccessible in the beginning and has a steep learning curve - quite a commintment of your time and brain energy but so SO worth it!
the queen's thief is another series heavily inspired by the lymond chronicles and it has multiple ships that reminded me of damen/laurent: gen's love interest is very much a cast iron bitch and they do engage in an intense enemies to lovers romance, with some casualties. costis and kamet's story in thick as thieves is basically if the side quests laurent and damen went on were a whole separate book. and while not a canon romance like the previous two, whatever gen and costis have going on in the king of attolia is very reminiscent of the laurent/damen dynamic in book one (minus the slavery). two things to keep in mind if you decide to pick up the queen's thief: it's sort of ya (??) so the brutality and sexiness, while present, will not be on the same level as capri. and book one doesn't feature any of the above ships so, again, you gotta commit to the whole thing :)
now, while these two recs seem like no-brainers to me, i'm very excited to take this opportunity to yell about empire of the vampire from the rooftops AGAIN!! eotv is basically a story about epic quests and valiant deeds told by a jaded captive vampire hunter to his cunty vampire captor (who is blonde bc yes). jean françois is definitely inspired by anne rice's lestat (as the narrative format as a whole is inspired by interview with the vampire) but his dynamic with gabriel is just Peak Laurent/Damen Banter. "i speak your language better than you speak mine, sweetheart" and "hello, lover" galore! in fact, after i found out that pacat and jay kristoff know each other personally i became convinced that he had either read capri and borrowed the vibe OR *starts rambling about her conspiracy theory about how all australian fantasy authors drink secret australian magic juice that makes them write fun depraved sff, gets smacked on the head, passes out* where was i... ah yes, nasty gay vampires. eotv is very fun and very tropey, also very queer and sexy (esp book two) and it had my toxic yaoi needs covered however comma. jean françois/gabriel is basically them sitting in a room in the frame narrative and exchanging homoerotic barbs, while the story itself is about gabriel's past adventures (also very interesting but less homoerotic). it's unlikely that they're gonna have any sort of romance arc - unless someone reads the books and writes a fic of them. please.
alas, i still can't rec anything that comes close to what nora achieved with andreil. to me, the defining characteristics of their dynamic are two feral cats circling and sniffing each other, intricate rituals, overdramatic dialogue, aspec attraction (on neil's part). while one can attempt to find some of these elements in other stories, you cannot find all of them at once (aspec pov on relationships being particularly rare in fiction). there's just no other couple that manages to strike a perfect balance between the anime levels of drama and chaos on the one hand and the serious themes of trauma, acceptance, consent etc on the other hand. sorry, anon, ig we'll have to keep re-reading aftg until one of the aspiring authors i bet this fandom has a lot of writes their own book inspired by andreil🤷‍♀️
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
I am wheezing. Wow. These kids. It's like a little fairy tale they imagine for themselves and then they live in it.
Okay so they said this :
"meaning that in the case of naruto’s kids they’d have to have grown in his womb to have those markings which confirms naruto as dfab and also confirms hinata as dmab as they’re her kids too. if you were referring to them being Naruto’s kids, then the correct pronoun would be ‘his’. But no, it pretty much has to be him and Hinata, with Hinata being trans too - Himawari has physical characteristics similar to Hinata. And the show and manga both confirmed it by having the kids exist with the markings - that is itself the confirmation, regardless of if Kishimoto meant it to be (which he likely did not - he probably forgot the specifics of his own rules and just wanted the kids to look cool). But according to the universe rules he created, that’s how it has to be."
So Naruto grew his kids in HIS womb because otherwise his kids won't have the whiskers (not whiskers btw, just marks). So apparently the 'universe rule' that Kishi made, according to these kids, basically 'implies' Naruto carried the kids which is why he is trans and his kids have whisker marks. They can't see that this universe rule is simply their assumption without any validation in canon. Heh. And apparently Hinata is also trans. Why? How? Himawari had physical characteristics that are similar to Hinata.
Umm yeah, she is her daughter. That's how genetics work. Smh.
Universe rules Kishi created. Lol. Can't read narrative for shit but ready to follow up on the non existent universe rules Kishi 'created'. It's just so dumb.
Kishi didn't mean it, he must have forgotten his own 'specific' rules. For his MC. Sure.
Noice. Because that's what professional writers do. Make specific rules for their protag and then conveniently forget about them. Totes. Spot on. Emphatically accurate.
Hehehe. They can't digest the fact that Boruto and Himawari having whisker marks is just a design aspect so they can appear distinctly as Naruto's kids. That's literally it. No other reason. For Naruto, those marks were functional, as they would flare and darken when his kyuubi chakra leaked out. They served a design purpose in Naruto's story. They don't serve any purpose in Boruto. Boruto simply has them because he is Naruto's offspring whose design necessarily needs to look similar to Naruto. So he is instantly recognisable by the audience. That's really all. No mental gymnastics required.
These kids are playing make-believe stories for their heart's pleasure. They find themselves too het and vanilla in an increasingly complex world and so, they look for diversity where there isn't any. Can't follow a very gay love story for shit (wherein they ignore the story and major characters but glorify and overestimate their largely irrelevant and less than sidey fave character, a selfish and boring woman married to a gay man) but they can and will appropriate queer theories to feel better about themselves. Reassure themselves. They also want to be seen as woke and forward thinking. Lol. And they think appropriating important concepts without an iota of intelligence, objective thought or consideration is the way to do it. Won't acknowledge a very visibly canon and credible gay love story that makes this manga, but will surely pull their heads out of their asses to believe Hinata is queer and NH is special. Wow, so woke. So QuEeR. Lol silly lil hypocritical ones.
I think they are just little kids or young adults who want a little feel good hormones and I guess, just let them have fun? They will get it sooner or later. Including how to comprehend media. All sorts of eye openers around, they just gotta look for it, maybe have an epiphany. Lol. If they don't, it's their loss.
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songbirdtana · 7 months
(You know who this is lol) Put every idea you got about the Glee cast all going to high school in NY and Brittany becoming Spider-Girl on your blog. ❤️
This took me so long, but when I’m asked to share my au ramblings from the dm’s I gotta do it🥰
I’m gonna put this all under a read more because it’s so long💕
This isn’t even half of what was thought of for this au btw lmao and most of this is my unhinged ramblings but here we go
How Britt gets bitten:
Okay so during the deliberation on this au, there were 2 theories of how Brittany gets bitten put forth lmao
The first was that Brittany gets bitten while doing a lab tour (maybe for a scholarship program she was applying for, with her genius math brain) with her aunt *we’ll get to her in a minute*
The second was that Brittany was having a massive 16th birthday party at some big old venue or something and she goes to get away from the noise of everything. She ends up stumbling into an off limits/dusty room and gets bit. Santana finds her as she stumbles out. She insists she’s fine but when she wakes up the next morning and…uh oh👀
*OKAY SO Brittany’s aunt is the sort of uncle Ben/aunt May figure…so you know where this is going lmao
Brittany has an aunt who she was really close with. Maybe she was the only other person who seemed to share Brittany’s way of thinking, and was the only other queer person in the family who Brittany could confide in. She wasn’t close with the rest of her family so spent a lot of time with her aunt. Then one day…her aunt is tragically killed because she was just being boldly who she was. At this point, Brittany already had her spider powers but never used them for anything other than for fun. However, like spider-man lore, her aunts death motivates her to step up and go after the bad guys (she feels guilty that she hadn’t used her powers to save her) and pledges to protect the people like her and her aunt💕
Who finds out when and how?
Sam finds out first. He’s the big superhero nerd and is a big Avengers fanboy, so he immediately is noticing the classic signs of a friend hiding a secret identity. Brittany sneaks out of class one day and he follows her and catches her coming out of the back entrance to the school in her costume. At first, Brittany is terrified that he’s going to tell everyone, but he just begs to be her tech support guy in the chair😂 so he becomes sort of the Ned role of the team lmao
Then Rachel finds out. She only finds out because someone manages to get a video of spider girl singing and Rachel knows that voice. The girl prides herself on being trained to be able to distinctly pinpoint the details of someone’s singing - should she be in a blindfolded musical hostage situation lmao Rachel just will not let go of figuring this out and one day, Brittany sings in glee club and it all clicks. Of course, she then corners Brittany after class to confront her and Brittany’s so caught off guard that she reveals it all😅 Rachel doesn’t necessarily have an official team role but becomes the designated ‘distractor’ when Britt needs to get out of a social situation to go get into spider girl mode.
Santana finds out next and is livid that Rachel got to know before her😂 One theory of how she finds out came from the drama side of my brain😌 Santana’s really worried because Brittany keeps disappearing and avoiding her at times. Their relationship is just starting and she needs answers. So one day, Brittany stands Santana up again and she’s like “fuck this” and starts to leave where they were supposed to have their date. On her walk home she sees Spider Girl get into a fight in an alleyway and the bad guy gets away. Brittany is super beat up and, thinking she’s alone, takes off her mask to make sure her face isn’t messed up. They immediately lock eyes and it’s just dead silence for a few moments. Santana is initially upset to find out like this but pushes that down to go help make sure Brittany’s okay. Santana’s like “you could have told me, you know. I would have stayed.” And Brittany’s like “I needed to keep you as far away from this as possible. I’ve already lost someone I care about, I can’t lose the person I’m in lo- I can’t lose the person I’m in love with too.” And it’s just a sad yet mushy, romantic Brittana moment🥰
Kurt finds out because Brittany had been going to him for fashion/sewing help so she could make her diy costume. Then one night, spider girl sneaks into Kurt’s house and asks for help repairing a big tear in the costume and accidentally references something Kurt has only told Brittany before👀 He confronts her the next time they’re having a sewing lesson and Brittany blurts out everything. He almost immediately tells her that he’s making her a whole new costume because the one she made herself was so bad and he was cringing every time he saw spider girl lmao
And Quinn technically knew the whole time (she’s very observant) but never said anything until Brittany came and told her herself.
Recruitment to the avengers
So Brittany gets recruited to the Avengers shortly after the events of the first Avengers movie. She sees all the fighting and damage and decides that she has to do something, so puts on her suit and runs out. She holds her own pretty well with the og 6 and at some point (but only where just the avengers can see her) her mask gets torn and her identity is shown to them. The avengers had been keeping tabs on her for a while but never pinpointed her identity until now. Maybe Brittany also loses a couple people in the fighting, nobody she’s super close with but any loss hurts all the same. She isolates herself afterwards because she feels so guilty and won’t even talk to Santana about it. She spends almost every night on top of one of the taller nyc buildings just to sit in silence or yell or cry. Then one night, Tony tracks her down and talks to her about the life of a superhero and what that means - the good and the bad. He then formally invites her to at meeting at Avengers tower to talk about recruitment and mentions that the deal will include therapy to help her move forward and mentally survive this life🥺 He then offers to fly her back home because she’s too mentally drained to swing home safely, but instead of taking her to her place, she asks him to drop her off at Santana’s. Brittany climbs in Santana’s bedroom window, goes over to cuddle her and finally talks about her feelings over what happened with her💕
She’d have admiration for the og avengers members and maybe trains sometimes with Natasha, with mentoring from Tony, but I feel like her Marvel group would be some of the younger members.
Yelena and Brittany become really close friends. Yelena appreciates how normal being friends with Brittany makes her feel and even (once she’s warmed up a bit) asks Brittany to teach her some cheer moves and tell her all about Glee club, and she imagines that she got to be a regular high school girl with her🥺 However, it takes a long time for Yelena to get on with Santana because they can both be very similar and spend most of the time they’re in the same room insulting each other lmao
On the other hand, Kate Bishop becomes really good friends with Santana lmao They both meet in college and start hanging out/studying together and it isn’t until Santana comes to visit Brittany at Avengers tower one day that they realise another big thing they have in common lmao And Kate and Brittany have a great friendship cause I feel like they share similar vibes??
Finally, Kamala Khan is like a little sister figure to Brittany in the Avengers💕 Brittany takes her on trips to comic book shops (Santana sometimes comes with and Kamala jokes that they’re her nyc moms lmao) and will give her boy advice and how to navigate being a superpowered teen in high school. She feels like she’s taking on the role her aunt had with her and carrying on her legacy with helping guide the younger superheroes💕
*Disclaimer: I can struggle sometimes to write out long winded thoughts in a coherent way. So if most of this makes zero sense and is a grammatical mess - it’s my brains fault (adhd✌🏻) and I do apologise😅💕*
Also I’m probably never going to have the attention span to write this au out fully. So if anyone for some unknown reason gets inspired by this brainstorm specifically, pls pm me and give credit💕
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lizardinkart · 1 year
Lizard Reads Ward
Arc 1: Daybreak
Lizard’s Cry Counter: 2
TL;DR: A Victoria-focused arc that dragged a bit in places but ultimately felt like everything we needed to know about her (and more). I wished it’d started closer to the fight but having the fight, the trauma, and the family drama laid out felt like the groundwork that was missing from the prologue, especially with the shifted role of Amy. Wish that we had a little more about the other characters introduced in the prologue tho. 8/10 Aight! Let’s get wormin’!
So in my brain I’ve split the arc in to 3 parts, pre-fight, fight, and post-fight, so I’ll talk about the arc in terms of those mini-arcs. Mini-Arc 1: Pre-Fight (Victoria, not Glory Girl)
Ok the fact that the city is Gold colored is hilarious to me. This is Children’s Hospital Red™ levels of awful design choices, somebody really just said color theory in context is fake. I also appreciate the later indications that most of The City is in fact shittily built but hey shitty shelter is better than no shelter I guess (also relatable as someone looking at apartments). Other worldbuilding things I was thinking about since Wildbow really wants us to see the cool world he built (but it’s not really about the world tbh)- the technology of post-GM is so weird. Like you have dial-up internet but it also works perfectly fine and technology works when you need it to. Like I’m sorry but Reddit-AOL would be so much buggier. But all that being said, it’s really funny to see the irl jump in technology from when WB was writing Worm to when he was writing Ward, because Taylor’s flip phone vs smartphone drama was so real and relatable, and now dial-up internet just works on smartphones...I’m baffled. anywho! Onto Victoria lol. So Victoria is working with the new kiddie PRT- awesome, very cool. I appreciate the focus on her wanting to still feel heroic even if she gets that massive body dysmorphic/dysphoric (yes, both) feeling from actually using her powers. Though I also appreciate the small touches we see when she’s on her way to work with a much better mirror scene than the opening of Worm, her interactions with the one hero during the obelisk incident show that she still gets heroes and feels bad for the shit being thrown their way (idk, it gave me big closeted queer energy, queer-to-queer communication in a queerphobic environment one might say). “Nice response time” really is the dorkiest shit to say tho and I appreciate it. Victoria is a dork.  I also appreciate the setup with her parents, laying the groundwork for what’s to come later. Also that she enjoys working with the disillusioned and directionless kids/teens, cause that really is a thing that is the kind of selfless-selfish pull that I think Victoria is shown to be struggling with (finding the balance in the healing process is difficult!). While I felt like this part really did drag the most in the arc, I think there were some really good parts that make it worth it. And it leads into the first Wildbow fight of the story! Woohoo!  Mini Arc 2: The Fight (The Trauma Hammer)
Oh boy I do love me some Wildbow fights. I felt my little storyboarder brain light up because there were some God-tier moments in here that I wanted to draw sooooo bad. But alas, too many, not enough time. 
Crystalclear is cool as hell and I think he may be one of my faves of the new powers so far, he’s a very Wildbow-concept hero and I do really appreciate the man’s flare for the complex and flashy. Tempera is also cool, and Fume Hood is a snarky bitch and I love her. What a queen. She did not deserve to get shot (maybe a little tho).  
But overall there was some great tension in the ticking clock leading up to the fight, and seeing how shit played out was super fun as always, I was not expecting the 18-wheeler to come out of nowhere but it was a very fun time. I gotta say tho, I know Lord of Loss and Snag are important, but I for the life of me could not keep them straight in my brain since Snag made Victoria feel Loss, but like, that’s LoL’s name lmao. 
And on the topic of loss: oof. I did not call this the Trauma Hammer for nothing lol. This is where things went from meh to great for me in this arc, because since Victoria’s story was so ancillary to Worm, I had 1) forgotten how she triggered, and 2) didn’t really remember too much about the specifics of her story outside of the hospital interlude. But god, just sitting in her shoes through falling in love with Dean, losing him, losing her family, feeling inadequate to the rest of her family, and the ever-present looming threat of Her (that we will get to, don’t worry lol), it was just so helpful in really honing in on Victoria’s entire ish that is rattling around in the background. As someone who does characters like this, esp in TTRPGs, having that context of someone’s thought process really is helpful to have in understanding how you’re supposed to interpret the character, even if you’re already in their head (since characters and people lie to themselves, see: Taylor). But yeah, since Victoria avoids those thoughts anyway, it was clever to give them to us up front. And the fact that it happened while she was being a hero again? Kickass. Loved it. 
Mini Arc 3: Post- Fight (Her)
Oh my god this family is messy. I have essays I could write on Carol Dallon and just the Dallons in general but I think I’ll get the chance to eventually cause this is already too long lol. But oh my GOD I truly was thinking “yeah this is gonna go poorly, maybe some passive-aggressive family stuff, getting overwhelmed, getting pie and then leaving”, but holy SHIT the fact that Carol really just ambushed Victoria with lawyer speak and finessed the entire narrative of what was going on- jesus. Manipulative ass snake, but in such a relatable way. 
Once again, have been in that situation before and the way that Victoria goes from like a 2 to 1000 in 0.2 seconds when all the pieces come together- holy shit if that is not the exact feeling of trauma. I know the “#triggered” discourse is old hat at this point, but man I could feel myself get short of breath and panicky when Vicky got trauma triggered in this chapter (this is the spiritual Cry Point). It was so convincingly written that I wanna hold Wildbow in my hands to make sure he’s good.
But I’m proud of how Victoria handled herself, definitely snaps for that therapy working its magic, but man. The Amy Ambush (an Am(y)bush if you will, yes haha joke away), was so something I did not see coming this early, but I’m glad that it did because holy fuck. Victoria talking about moving on and then her family (mom) “moving on” but in a “forgive with an emphasis on forget” kinda way really does leave Victoria in a place that proves all that feeling of inadequacy right, and it’s crushing. But it provides that big stumbling block for her to overcome esp when she finds her new group. 
And seeing how many times she was forced to confront her worst moments and she still actively avoided Amy... oh baby. As an Amy Enjoyer (less “condoning her actions” more “study her like a bug”) I am highly intrigued in how this is gonna go. This is 7 levels of Fucked Up. 
I screamed with joy when Dr. Yamada showed up, I am in love with her and think she is wonderful, and also a great addition to the central cast of this story (esp in a story about healing from trauma? YES get the therapist in there). Also Crystal is wonderful and a good ally for Victoria, and I appreciate Victoria’s need to scrutinize both public and private Aesthetic (shoutout to me and Crystal vibing as 2 fun ADHD individuals). 
Also a shoutout for Gilpatrick because he’s cool and funky and a good boss. Get u someone like Gilpatrick. 
Bonus: The Interlude!
I would give my left kidney for Moose. I’m kicking Prancer’s ass, and I hope Velvet keeps her truck forever and ever. A better love story than her and Prancer tbfh. Also Nursery is so cool guys, she’s so neat. I love the weird shit being done with powers so far in Ward. 
AND A MARQUIS CAMEO HELLO???? HUSBAND?????? Sorry I really like Marquis lol. 
Final Thoughts
The only things I would criticize this arc for that lowered it a bit in my eyes is that the prologue really didn’t do a fantastic job of prepping us to only focus on Victoria. I wished we had sped things along a bit with getting to the others from PHO, even with little PHO interludes interspersed in to let us know what these guys were up to. Bc like, this really did feel like 3 arcs so I feel like we could have used another interlude or 2, just for spice and to break things up a little. Like a commercial break!
The other thing is Wildbow’s uh... underlying ish breaking through. I know Ward was written in the shadow of Worm for him, but there are some parts of these chapters that just feel very mean-spirited and pointed towards people who enjoyed certain parts of Worm. Mainly stuff that could be construed as “fandom” things, or things that fandom would like, that Wildbow seems to be very overt in saying “hey, fuck you for liking/engaging with this.” I dunno, it may just be me, but that kinda attitude cropping up often enough for me to notice the pissed-off hand of the author was off-putting and distracting from I think the greatest parts of this arc. Because it is a good story, it just feels like the occasional potshots WB takes are more coming from his own bitterness than Victoria’s, and are ultimately detrimental to the story as a whole. Idk, I will try not to bring it up so often, but it’s definitely something that’s running in the back of my head and I hope that it subsides soon-ish. 
But all of that to say, I enjoyed the arc! It was a solid opening that’s got me really excited to read more (which by this point, I have, and I will be writing up my arc 2 thoughts shortly lol), and the Trauma Hammer really hit home in a way that felt earnest and really earned. 
That’s all for now tho! As always, I’m happy to discuss stuff wherever, so let me know what you thought of the arc if you’ve read Ward! 
Until next time: Ward out ✨
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raraeavesmoriendi · 2 years
*ralph wiggum voice* ‘queer people of different genders can’t be in a queer relationship bc ablpblpblpblp’
so -
a. how is this not the cis people thing of reducing people to their genitals again. like, you get genitals that don’t match and suddenly how people understand their own interior life and desires is thrown out the window? is that how this works? are we really gonna be stopping couples that show up to a Queer space while not performing gender the same way and go “hey excuse me can you list off your respective relationship histories so we know you aren’t just hets that have gotten cozy in our midst?” who is that for? no, really, who is that for??? If I’m dating a woman as a non-binary person, do I have to recite Halberstam bc we don’t match gender-wise? Or bc it *looks* like one of us needs a strap to have “traditional” penetrative sex, we’re in the clear. In which case, again, stop trying to figure out what’s in people’s pants, buddy, that’s rude.
b. does this mean Queerness is conditional? does this mean we’re back to box-ticking performances based on seeing Str8ies as Default? “You must be this Queer to ride” well shit. well fuck. who’s gonna tell all the single gays that just like one flavor? how do they tick the box? do we have Gay-approved sex toys they can walk in with to show they’re definitely gay without a relationship? are we printing ID cards or something? does this mean I’m on a probationary period every time I date someone who isn’t my specific shade of genderqueer? fuck’s sake, I don’t have time for all that paperwork. god knows how many Queer Validity hearings I’ve missed by now. fuck me, the census is gonna be a nightmare this year. Does everyone have to stand in front of the Queerness Measuring Tape, or just the people who don’t pass narrow ideas of what Queerness looks like? When did we vote on that? Who wrote this fucking manual anyways?? How do we amend this shit, bc this sounds like someone didn’t read past Queer Theory 101, and we’ve got more to think about here.
c. do people not hear how gender binary-reinforcing this sounds?? “well they don’t LOOK like they’re Queer—“ buddy, I don’t bind bc I get overheated easily where I live and I can’t decide if I can even afford to get my tits removed yet. Not that it’s anyone’s business, but I don’t want bottom surgery. If I tell you I don’t identify as a woman or with the experience of womanhood, are you going to accept how I’m describing my own experience and perception as accurate? Or are you gonna ‘Or/But’ me into the ground until I perform an absence of gender that meets whatever your arbitrary-ass (pretty cis-sounding ngl) standards are? Why are we then saying that if a couple doesn’t “perform”/conform to your narrow-ass caricatured expectations of Queerness that say it can only look like people with matching AGABs, then clearly that overrides everything else about these people’s understanding of themselves? The the way they define their own experiences and their attraction to various genders is suddenly rendered Str8? Is it bc one of them maybe has a penis and the other one doesn’t? Is that why they’re not Queer?? Man, first of all that’s not how dicks work, and second of all, you have got to stop trying to x-ray people’s pants, what did I just say—
d. I am holding your face very gently in my hands. Some of us are more than one thing. Some of us are not cis and like more than one kind of person. It’s not as simple as “Do our genders match? Okay great, we’re gay!!” Some of us have to navigate a few more variables, okay? Trying to police Queerness based on a “same-ASAB only” definition is not only constricting for all the people who have other things going on, it’s reductive to the idea of Queerness as a whole. There’s so many different ways it can look. It’s beautiful, buddy, you just gotta trust me on that. Trying to keep people out of the community bc they don’t match your black and white definition of “You Are or You Aren’t” doesn’t benefit anyone. It genuinely does not. We’re either building a home for all of us, or we’re just doing to other people what the Str8ies did to us the first time. Read a book, hell, read two. And if someone doesn’t match whatever your internal horse-blinders expectations of External Gayness, remember, it doesn’t affect you and it’s not your fucking business, okay? just drink your little mineral water and live your life, you’re gonna be fine, I swear 🖤
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eta, nov. 5 - the people who can’t read found this post so I’m taking it away and putting it up on the closet shelf until they learn to leave queer people be. Taps sign, etc.
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ecrivainsolitaire · 1 year
Zoloft day 17
Today some drunk neighbours were smoking under my balcony and before I could tell them to gtfo I had a mini freakout about their potential reaction. Bad sign. Up until now I've been absolutely shameless since I started taking the pills. I even flirted with a friend's sister who was coming onto me at her graduation the other day, in front of their parents, which used to be a legendary mode challenge level for me. The incident this morning made me question if the effects are wearing out, though until I have more tangible proof I'll attribute it to missed sleep. I've also been getting a bit hungrier, which may have to do with the fact that I had a couple days where I absolutely broke my diet so my stomach may have expanded back to original size. I'll try to see if it's a reversible outcome.
My libido is slowly coming back. Very slowly. Glacially slowly. Tectonic plates level slowly. But it is coming back, which is a relief. In a couple weeks I should probably be able to finish again. Initially I thought it was happening at the times where the pill had already worn out for the day, since it's been happening in the middle of my sleep around 3am, but today I fell asleep in the afternoon and it happened again. That also could be the pills losing their effectiveness, but I choose to remain optimistic. I'm no longer worried I'm being targeted by some sort of dramatic irony based vendetta from a greek god who decided to take away from me the two things that helped with my panic attacks before the sertraline: that and weed. I may eventually go back to normal without having to quit the pill. I've never been one for patience, but time will tell.
I am so thirsty all the time. Not that kind of thirsty, actually dehydrated. I already live in an incredibly hot place so it's quite annoying having to always be seeking water especially in places it's not as available and I have to rely on sugary drinks. I may have to start carrying a water bottle around.
I'm considering piercing my ears. I mean, I was already considering it but now I think I could do it without going catatonic due to my fear of needles or how my uber Christian family may react to their amab son queering it up a notch. They'd have a heart attack if they heard I went to pride last year and plan to go back this year. But I don't care that much now.
I keep fighting with my uncle about meaningless nonsense but I no longer take his conspiracy theories as an existential threat. We actually had a somewhat civilised discussion yesterday. Even my grandma noticed the air was lighter around us.
Since my whole family is on a low fat diet due to medical reasons I've been forced to cook less fatty meals lately, which has given me some perspective on just how much oil and lard I usually consume and how bad my stomach feels after. That feeling used to be relief from the anxiety, like adding it to my stomach somehow made me feel out of danger, but now it just hurts. I really gotta cut down on the oils and stuff.
I notice whenever I see someone online or in person say something really dumb I get cynical and mean about it. I don't like the feeling. I shouldn't be so judgemental of those around me, I just don't know how to change it yet. I already knew this to some extent but I used it as a defence mechanism from things that no longer feel threatening. I need to stop that.
Going online to look at memes and social media is no longer as fun or rewarding as it used to. By contrast, I have an increased capacity to sit through a TV show or movie for extended periods, which in the last few years I could only do with my favourites, like the MCU. The other day I saw a nearly three hour long samurai movie and although it was in two sittings and it's not usually my favourite genre I didn't get bored out of it and quit. It seems like my brain now rewards longer forms of entertainment that are more engaging instead of quick dopamine bursts. I might try to read again.
I'm working on a secret project that involves learning to code, and with some help from ChatGPT I've done more progress this morning than the last couple months I've been thinking about it. Having such a powerful learning tool essentially act as my project manager and code tutor keeps me motivated to continue. I estimate it'll take about a year to complete but I'm more confident now about my ability to keep working on a project for longer. I wish Tumblr stopped having a moral panic about AI and started to see it as the tool that it is; there's a lot of misconceptions about what it can and can't do, and most of it is to blame on OpenAI's marketing team. When you're using it to supplement your original ideas instead of trying to plagiarize it can actually do miracles. But thankfully I feel less and less interested in getting into fights about it. Eventually they'll have to come around, it was the same when smartphones came out and everyone was freaking out about omnipresent internet connection.
Overall, I feel mostly at peace. Life isn't perfect by any means, but it's bearable now. once my body fully adapts to the pills, I'll hopefully be doing a lot better. Even despite the extremely frustrating side effects, this is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I only wish I'd done it sooner.
Also, because of my project, I spent all morning writing. I can write again. I should get back to my children's book I stopped writing because all the characters were depressed and miserable. Perhaps this time I'll be able to finish it.
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troglobite · 1 year
okay real quick more thoughts abt the shows i'm watching don't make fun of me for the shows i'm watching
people genuinely think that ted and rebecca are going to end up together, that they are somehow endgame
and i'm just like
i may be completely in fanfiction hell over here w ted and trent, but at least i, an experienced Chronically Disappointed In Media Lesbian, know that i stand no chance of that happening and i'm like "lol bc it's fun! also it'd be great" and that what i DO actually think is that trent is queer.
but....the show...has in no way...........tried to make ted and rebecca happen. like the exact opposite. they're really good friends, they're each other's confidantes bc of their marriage issues. her telling him the truth and apologizing in season one sets a precedent for them being Safe People for each other.
at the same time, they clearly don't talk abt everything.
ted has told no one abt what michelle did (which apparently there's Discourse abt that, too, but the fact of the matter is this: dr jacob ain't onscreen enough for me to fling vitriol at him, but she IS onscreen and is not even remotely sorry, apparently, for what she did--over the course of like 3 years. but no she's not a villain just a kind of shitty person/wife/ex-wife) including rebecca
and i'm just
ppl are romantically giffing the exchange they had in the hallway where rebecca says "I BELIEVE IN YOU. TED. I BELIEVE IN YOU." with an absolute batshit crazed look in her eyes
ppl think....she was....trying to help HIM?
and instead what happened was that she kept him from the locker room and KEPT HIM FROM DOING JUST THAT bc ted not being in the locker room meant that BEARD AND ROY SHOWED THEM THE VIDEO OF NATE AND GOT THEM SPITTING MAD
and people are treating that exchange as ROMANTIC????
y'all i thought i, a lesbian who loves queer romances in media, was absolutely losing it when i was like "fuck yeah, ted and trent"
ppl who genuinely think ted and rebecca are endgame are....absolutely fucking wild.
and that includes ppl who have other ships or don't even care abt that relationship--they genuinely think it's endgame.
like. is this how straight ppl feel when queer ppl are reading between the lines begging for a queer relationship to happen in a show? bc y'all are fucking wild.
oh how the turntables
anyway in other news if colin is the only canonically queer character in this show i WILL lose my fucking mind.
ppl i would bet money are queer, now having seen episode four:
colin, obviously, and his bf michael
at LEAST one other player on the team
KEELEY FUCKING JONES 1000000% that woman is bisexual as all get out and she WILL have some kind of Situation w jack.
TRENT FUCKING CRIMM i'm going to Eat Drywall if he's not queer. i'm sorry bud but who the fuck stands and walks and looks like that at your age in a fucking FOOTBALL STADIUM AND LOCKER ROOM and ISN'T QUEER????? my dude. my bro. you're queer as fuck.
now [grabby hands at the show] give it to me, pleeeeeeeease.
i'm asking nicely.
but also anyway it would be vastly more compelling to have had all of these straight relationships and then everything goes haywire (as it is) and things just end up weird. several relationships not being endgame. most people NOT ending up in relationships, actually. and then a couple of queer things going on. would be really nice.
bc legitimately the two theories that i've read that i'm like "yes that is 100000% something that the show would do, seems plausible that it could happen"
are that rebecca IS going to become a mom--but she'll either be single parenting or co-parenting bex's child w rupert.
and that--hang on i forgot the second one.
OH that shandy is going to out colin or something. right.
yeah it was a sucky one not the fun one where it's blatantly obvious that there's going to be Some Kind of Situation btwn keeley and jack. jack is gay. she's just gotta be. like COME ON.
anyway this is a show where i absolutely wanna go back and rewatch everything again bc like. they had a plan for 3 seasons, it seems, so the story is being told in full. so i want to LOOK for everything that they were setting up! there are a lot of callbacks that i'm missing, too, bc it's been a while.
but in general this is a very tightly written show that takes its past seriously (apart from that pre-madonna joke that was kind of weird?) and has like. clearly been building up to various things and stories. i think it'd be compelling to look back more closely. it's not like colin's storyline has come out of nowhere, i just figured it wouldn't fucking matter and had resigned myself to a Painfully Heterosexual Show but w delightful characters so i'd get over it bc the relationships weren't front and center, and also i generally liked everyone in them. like for example roy and keeley were very sweet.
anyway. it'd be some late game queer shit to have it all happen at once but then again this is genuinely a show abt fucking premier league football. aka one of the most homophobic situations in the world.
that guy who came in to the pub in a west ham jersey and baz was like "he's with me"? that's his boyfriend. that's going to be relevant to colin's storyline, as well, which implies he's going to either come out or be outed. : / i have complicated feelings abt that and idk how the show's going to handle it. bc it's going to be. Bad. but i also don't want to see the--so far only canonically--gay character get gaybashed, right?
idk man.
generally i trust the writers bc they have had a vision or plan or whatever for the show
at the same time i'm like
[stares at these mostly american cishet white men]
yeah idk. lol
they have other people on the writing team, absolutely
the show isn't perfect, it does miss the nuance of some things for sure
but it's mostly enjoyable but now i'm sitting here like
handle colin's story well
clearly trent is gay or i'll eat fucking drywall (not literally this is not a binding contract)
keeley seems pretty fucking queer bro
don't fuck this up.
eight episodes to go. fingers crossed. as the show says, ~believe~ lol
but yeah ppl who think ted and rebecca will end up together absolutely baffle me
they're looking at the mountains of evidence of other shows and movies, which absolutely makes sense
but they're not paying attention to the actual text of the show and that's. wild. lol
the most romantic exchange they've ever had was that christmas episode, and that's just bc it was very love, actually for Everybody in that episode. but not all of it was romantic. roy's niece didn't have a crush on that boy and he didn't on her. but they love, actually'd it, y'know?
so anyway.
actually one final thought
the most compelling ending for ted is ending up single. realizing that what he tries to find in romantic relationships often just pushes him back into the more self-destructive, self-effacing patterns of behavior that are a problem. that he has an easier time relearning how to communicating in less high pressure situations.
he needs to deal w the trauma from his dad, and his fear of being alone. bc ultimately that's what compels him. he needs to be okay being alone at the end of the day, and idk if he is.
i think it's infinitely more compelling if he thus ends up alone--and is happy with that.
i don't think he's queer (though the text of the show is FINALLY adding some more actual queerness outside of keeley calling rebecca hot 24/7)
but i also don't think he's going to end up w any of these women. or maybe he's Not Alone in that he begins to value friendships even more. which sounds silly for someone like him but he just doesn't confide in people. he just doesn't.
i think it'd be more interesting for his story if he ends up romantically alone but infinitely more connected to everyone in his life bc he stops shoving everything down.
telling beard things and being honest w michelle is good.
but he needs to do that more.
anyway i guess that's my final thought on that. i don't see a romantic relationship working out for ted, bc it being rebecca, sassy, or michelle would just be utter fucking nonsensical chaos.
and we're in the last third of the story, which means no more new characters.
so that's it.
i don't think ted ends up w anyone.
i think he learns from all these relationships what he needs and he learns that not being in a romantic relationship is okay. he's not a failure. he's not ACTUALLY alone. and he needs to open up to ppl more.
okay thoughts Done.
i have no idea if roy and keeley get back together, i KNOW jamie and keeley won't (but i feel positive that she'll try to and jamie will turn her down), i have no idea where rebecca will end up romantically, but i think the more important thing to her is being a mom--which bex and baby diane are likely to offer.
i think romantic entanglements are fun for drama but i honestly think a lot of the characters are going to realize that's not....The Point.
rebecca mostly wants to be a mom.
keeley wants to be successful and supported and help raise others up
ted just doesn't want to be alone
roy--now that's a complicated one. but i think he just wants to feel useful.
jamie's already doing great, proud of you.
and we haven't seen enough of everyone else.
but those are the big ones.
so i'm genuinely not convinced that any relationships are fully "endgame" as it were. but especially any with ted.
i like ted and trent bc i think it'd be fun and compelling. i think their dynamic is sweet. i love trent as a character. i like the idea of ted being queer.
do i think that'll happen in the show? not at all.
do i think trent is likely queer in the show? absolutely.
but i just....
idk i think it would be healthier and more interesting if the relationships Weren't The Fucking Point.
which is also part of why i'm like ??? at ppl saying ted and rebecca are endgame. lol
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jemmo · 2 years
reveal your watch & rewatch drama list
ty to the always lovely @snimeat for tagging me and letting me rant about the gays for a hot minute (bc let’s be real what else do i watch) 💕
21 days theory - i picked this one up bc it was there and i have time to fill while i’m off work and it was enemies to lovers so… gotta say so far im not hating it and i think the leads are cute, i just don’t care for any of this side character straightness i feel happening, hoping there’s less of that going forwards
even sun - still haven’t finished this bc what even is this show. it’s just such a weird watch and i still am not fully sure what’s going on but hey bounprem are on screen and doing stuff??? i guess???? but if this was to tide me over until between us, it didn’t work
his man - this i didn’t expect to get into bc im not normally a reality tv fan but man am i invested. something about how shy and almost awkward they all are around each other and now slowly becoming more comfortable and getting closer, it’s just so fun to watch and i cant stop my stupid grin the whole time. also changyu supremacy
mama gogo - this is one of the first non-bl gmmtv shows I’ve followed week to week and omg am i glad I have. It’s just so much fun, the characters and their storylines are fun and interesting, the dancing is cheesy but you can tell they’re just having the best time and i have cried at multiple eps. just so much heart in such a fun series, i love it here
merry queer - very behind on this but it’s an interesting watch and i just wanna support what it’s doing. but also hani
minato shouji coin laundry - oh my beloved. this show has wormed its way into my heart and set up shop there. i might just be a little bit obsessed with shin and his bold, forthright flirting and how he can go from so confident and driven to so hurt and in need of love and attention. and i think the story they’re telling is very interesting, esp with minato and how he shows this post-high school queer experience that we rarely ever see, and how those experiences affect you going into adulthood. plus it’s just cute and soft and the vibes are so welcome, it’s a show i wanna snuggle
the eclipse - what else needs to be said. confident rebel gay meets uptight golden-boy gay panic in a enemies to lovers plot shrouded in supernatural mystery and system oppression. sign me the fuck up. can’t wait to see first and khao act their asses off and have their moment to shine.
vice versa - whenever im watching this show im just having the best time and that’s what i love. jimmy and sea are just the most adorable pair to watch and the series has such lovely styling and cinematography and a vibe that’s so considered and adds to the atmosphere and story so much that i can’t not be in love with it. and im so ready to dive deeper into what this story is gonna give us
war of Y - this is kind of messy but it’s too early for me to tell if it’s in a good or bad way yknow?? i didn’t watch scoy nor do i know much about it but the mains seem to have good chemistry, but also we’ve kind of just been thrown in to this world where stuff is happening and it’s kind of hard to understand what everyone’s deal is, esp when you can’t read any of the texts and such
extraordinary attorney woo - back in kdrama land! watched ep 1 a couple of days ago bc my sister wants my mom to watch it and it was cute, so yay for a good family watch
bad buddy - i can’t believe we’ve made it to this point, but both my sisters only have ep 12 to watch now and then the big bad buddy rewatch and experience for them is over. it’s been so much fun sharing this with ppl and reliving everything I felt for those 12 weeks through them again. god i miss it so much and this show will never not impress and move and amaze me, you wonderful creature
my only 12% - this was a cute surprise actually. i have no clue where the story is going bc I’ve gone in blind but santaearth have a fantastic dynamic and act so naturally with each other that it’s just fun to watch even when nothing is really happening.
starting soon:
the only thing i’ll be starting soon is whatever i try to get my sisters to watch after bad buddy. the current candidates are probably blueming, to my star and maybe kinnporsche if i can handle watching that content with someone else (but my sisters are both smut fic writers, it’s water off a fucks back to them) but any recs or votes are welcome lol
i know im late on this one but I’ll just tag @seeking-moonscapes @talaypuens and @dribs-and-drabbles so i can peek at what your watching and your thoughts on them bc im nothing if not nosy 😁😁
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