#good thing kinn is an ass man
guzhufuren · 1 year
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Favourite VegasPete Fics pt.2 (pt.1) (in alphabetical order)
1. Black Velvet by @kerrikins https://archiveofourown.org/series/3158706
Vegas notices Pete watching him during the torture scene. Intrigued and more tempted than he expected to be, he stalks Pete and succeeds in taunting him into coming with Vegas so they can fuck.
It starts off as a cat and mouse game for sex, but when the two of them are finally forced to reckon with the fact that they're on opposite sides, they both find themselves more conflicted and drawn to each other than ever.
2. cause and effect by @sapphicblight https://archiveofourown.org/series/3234285
“Don’t you have better things to do with your time? Other virgins for example,” Pete asks him one time over a guerrilla warfare style lunch date. “Not until next semester,” Vegas laments. “I’ve already exhausted our current student body.” Pete doesn’t even know where to begin unpacking everything wrong with that statement.
Or: the college au in which Vegas is a manwhore with a weird innocence kink and Pete is an inexperienced painslut.
3. Drowning, and other Metaphors https://archiveofourown.org/works/44171761
Vegas has never experienced an afterglow that burns like an oil fire, a sudden and dangerous thing that he can’t quite remember how best to put out past the panic. It doesn’t help that Pete’s smile is like a torrent of cool water on his feverish skin, making the flames jump higher. It makes Vegas want to do something dangerous that he’s never really been good at before – it makes him want to take care of Pete. Problem is, he doesn’t really know how.
4. Holy Palmer's Kiss https://archiveofourown.org/works/41273907
"By the way," says Vegas in English. "Interesting scars you’ve got on your chest." Pete doesn’t tense – he doesn’t – but the leveled manner his gaze slides back up must be enough of a tell because Vegas… "What ? Don’t tell me you thought it wouldn’t come up."
The begining of episode 11 but Vegas zeroes in on Pete's top surgery scars instead of his hip tattoo.
5. i want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck by @dage-mingjue & @stratumgermanitivum https://archiveofourown.org/series/3352987
Pete picks up the chain leash and offers it to Vegas. “So, you never did tell me what you were getting this for.” Vegas takes the chain from Pete’s hands and fixes a dark and sultry look on him. “This? Oh, it’s for bad boys who misbehave.” And with that he gives one last smirk before walking out the front door, leaving Pete an absolute mess behind the counter. *** “Pete,” Porsche says, in a very slow voice, like Pete is a particularly small child. “He was hitting on you.” Pete blinks. “He what now?” — Or; Vegas adopts a puppy.
6. Sharing Different Heartbeats by @raelle-writing https://archiveofourown.org/works/40549581
Of course Vegas noticed Pete. But not with much weight. Sure, Pete was hot. But so were all of the rest of Kinn’s bodyguards. That wasn’t notable. It wasn’t worth more than a passing once-over, or an absent glance at the man’s ass in those suits they insisted on wearing. He had a nice ass, but it didn’t stick in Vegas’ mind. It was passing lust, nothing more. And he certainly wasn’t hotter than the other bodyguards– not Porsche, for example. The only thing notable about Pete was that he had a surprisingly soft, cute face, and a sunny, disarming smile. He looked far too soft for his job. But he was Tankhun’s head bodyguard, and one of the men that Kinn often tapped for important missions. Which meant that the cute, soft face was hiding real talent and skill. So yes, Vegas noticed Pete. But it didn’t mean anything.
OR: a retelling of the story from Vegas' POV, from first impressions until after the hospital.
7. The King Must Die https://archiveofourown.org/works/41144892
“It’s fine,” Macau assures Vegas, whose very soul feels plunged into turmoil. Tear-bright eyes, a faint handprint on his sheltered face, and Macau tries to comfort Vegas. “It’s fine, I promise.” Vegas would kill for his brother, indiscriminately. He’s just now realising quite what that means.
(The queer experience of having an ill-advised one night stand with your cousin's head bodyguard and then ending up in hiding with him while you plot to kill your father.)
8. The Last Thing Left to Break by @blackwatervial https://archiveofourown.org/works/41053809
Hatred ran deep between the Theerapanyakul and the Saengtham family. It was common knowledge that the two leaders, Khun Vegas and Khun Pete, despised each other and used every small excuse to initiate yet another bloody conflict. Only that no one was really aware what happened behind closed doors…
9. the mortifying ordeal of falling in love by @dage-mingjue https://archiveofourown.org/works/41659146
“If I had to rate you?” Pete pauses and tilts his head with a low hum, considering. “I dunno, a six out of ten? I thought you were a sadist, but you didn’t really give that impression. Are you actually kinky? That didn’t feel kinky. It didn’t do it for me.” Vegas looks like someone punched him. Hard. His cock is still out and his hair is rumpled and he looks devastatingly disheveled, like Pete was the one who just took Vegas apart and not the other way around. “I’d worry that it was just a fluke,” Pete continues, ignoring Vegas’s flabbergasted sputters, “but I also don’t think I’d give you a second time to prove me wrong.” Pete shrugs and fixes his shirt, petting back his hair. “Anyway, see you around.” — Or a fic in which Vegas fucks through all of Kinn’s bodyguards and lands on Pete, but Pete uno reverses it on Vegas leaving Vegas wanting so much more. Vegas gets humiliated and has to work for it.
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silviakundera · 1 year
Kinnporsche fic I won't write:
the one where we can flesh out the ep 3-5 timeline, as Kinn's escorts all start getting a crush on Porsche, who is hot and sweet.
After Big outs Kinn and Porsche tells him off, he gets a little protective
does that asshole fuck with you? Decides he will take home all of Kinn's boys and Show An Interest.
He asks about their job and let's them pick the music and stops for street food & beers on the way driving them home, gossiping about shitty, entitled customers and why there isn't more of a retail to serial killer pipeline. It's not unlike a really charming first date, which is why they start shooting their shot. and, well, he's been so lonely & is used to getting laid on the job. They're pretty and friendly and smell like sex.
soon Porsche is making out with each escort at drop-off while the car idles at the curb. Just soft, slow kisses as he rubs his thumb behind the guy's ear, making him shiver into it. Everyone's Favorite Bartender Porsche walks each one to the door every time and ruffles their hair goodbye, and he's just SO. MUCH.
a repeat buisness escort starts gossiping w Kinn one night about Porsche's everything "did u know what he did THEN???? and that chain around this neck..., his skin there is SO SOFT. FUCK."
Kinn is like laughing mad about it for about 10 seconds but then just incredibly relieved that finally he can vent about his crush and they break out the good shit, getting increasingly hammered on top shelf whiskey and sharing the equivalent of thirst posts about Porsche's laugh, tits, waist, ass, and attractively terrible winking that would make kpop stans proud.
(the only escort who's ever stayed the night)
(because he was passed out on the floor, head under an end table and cuddling a jumbo bag of shrimp-flavored chips)
but then after The Auction Incident, Porsche takes home the flavor of the day and the boy is like CONCERNED. what is wrong w Porsche?? who broke him?! Bangkok sex worker phone tree engaged.
Kinm gets petulant looks behind his back, lazy handies, and passive aggressively awful blowjobs. It's not just that Kinn is pining, he's getting objectively bad service and is too distracted to notice.
instead of Kinn following advice from Pete on how to stop screwing up with Porsche he finally just breaks and asks his escort in THE MOST AWKWARD moment. They're like mid-fuck and Kinn just pulls back, still breathing hard and resting his weight on his hands. ahh! stop. I gotta ask you something. ... You've made out with Porsche, right? Sober? "... yes?" Explain how u made that happen. In detail.
kinn takes actual! notes! he's gonna get his man. and so he never visits Porsche on his break but when Porsche comes back to the compound Kinn is downstairs in like 5 min flat, he's RUSHING. It's super embarrassing, because he's obviously excited-anxious and a lil flustered and Big very much wants to die. (no, Big! in this more sexy universe u LIVE) (anyway) Kinn strolls up with serious buisness face and Porsche immediately gets defensive but then, like, confused. because Kinn wants him to drive them around to run?? errands?? all day??
and Kinn keeps trying to make small talk? and ask about what being a mafia bodyguard is actually like and which super nutritious meal disgusts you the most. Kinn is trying so hard to be chill and relateable and not a weirdo rich crime lord. It's totally not working at all, except Porsche is reluctantly charmed by how bad Kinn's taste in music is and how confidently he says ridiculous things and how he smiles to himself out the window when he thinks Porsche isn't looking.
he has them stop to get food and then cheap beers. puts a hand on Porsche's thigh and looks very expectant.
it clicks for Porsche, OMG. he is actually running the post-job make-outs playbook. starts laughing in Kinn's face, naturally, but then the patented awwww noooo come 'ere and coaxing Kinn's stern face to tilt back to him and accepting a sharp, petulant kiss that Porsche breaks off from to laugh more. ❤
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the-cookie-of-doom · 2 months
double dipping wip asks for PROSTITUTE CHAY??!????!???!
Send me an ask and I'll tell you about one of these WIPs!
Answering these together, here's the first one
One of the funniest parts of this AU is that Kim always pays for Chay's time when they hang out together, but Chay refuses to accept the money. He just uses it to fund their dates/gifts for Kim. It literally does not matter how broke he is, it's the principle. He's trying to prove he wants Kim, not just his money, dang it!
There's the tiniest bit of angst in that as much as Kim enjoys spending time with Chay, he is genuinely worried that it's only about the money, and Chay will eventually get tired of him. But Chay is working very hard to prove that will never happen.
Here is your 500 words!
Kim had to give it to Tankhun, his brother had impeccable taste. From the elaborate decorations to the scantily-clad escorts furnishing the venue, every inch of the party was drenched in excess splendor. Khun had spared no expense in celebrating his 30th birthday.  A number of escorts approached Kim throughout the night. None of them caught his interest. He stayed mostly at his brother’s side, rolling his eyes at the pretty boys that managed to draw Kinn’s eye, sharing a private laugh with Khun with their middle brother snuck off to partake in their offerings.  “I don’t understand why you did all of this,” Kim said. His brother had never seemed particularly interested in sex, and while he could easily afford to rent what seemed to be an entire company of escorts for the night, Kim couldn’t see the point.  “I like pretty things,” Khun sniffed. His eyes traced the path of a shirtless, handsome man as he passed by with a tray of drinks, a pair of smart glasses perched on his nose and a look of intense concentration on his face. Khun snagged a glass as he passed then turned to Kim with a smirk, patting his cheek. “That's why you’re my favorite brother.”  Khun’s favoritism was even more fickle than their father’s, but it wasn’t nearly as cruel, so Kim allowed it. He would appreciate his new status until he inevitably did something to annoy him again; or until Kinn won him back with a no-doubt ostentatious gift.  “Ooh, look at that one, isn’t he a darling?”  Kim followed Khun’s shameless pointing; it wasn’t hard to figure out just who had earned his attention. The boy looked entirely out of place. While everyone around him was clad in their best haute couture—dressed for a gala, no one willing to be called out by Tankhun’s shrewd eye, and even Kim let Khun design his outfit for the night—the young man wore a simple button down shirt and slacks. His smile was endearingly awkward as he tripped over seemingly nothing, letting himself be caught in the arms of a guest more interested in looking at his ass than breaking his fall.  “It’s a good act,” was all Kim said. While most of the escorts were presenting themselves as sensual, tempting things, hiding behind coy smiles even as they bared their bodies in invitation, Kim could see the appeal of the naïve ingenue.  Eventually Tankhun wandered off to mingle with his guests, thriving under their verbose praise, and Kim was left to his own devices. It didn’t take long for the boy he’d noticed to find his way to Kim’s side. Kim watched him try the same trick on two other guest, tripping into their arms and giggling in their ears as he thanked them. Most entertained him for a few minutes, then brushed him off in favor of more tantalizing company. After the third attempt he’d locked eyes with Kim, an embarrassed flush creeping across his round cheeks. He swiped two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and made his way over.  “I guess I’m caught, huh?”
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yujeong · 3 months
i spotted some talk of ace vegas 👀 please continue if you want.
there's a lot of demi pete acknowledgement, but i can totally get why vegas would be a service top as an ace person
Hey there, anon! Thank you so much for sending me this! I'd love to expand on my thoughts actually, since I'm pretty sure I haven't stumbled across any posts that delve into this headcanon about Vegas. However, before saying more, I'd like to give 2 important disclaimers: 1. I'm not ace, or at least I don't think I am (sexuality has been a fraught topic to me for the past couple of years, I try not to think about it), so everything I'm about to say should be taken with a grain of salt - as well as be corrected if I say sth stupid or inaccurate, 2. The "ace Vegas" headcanon isn't an original thought of mine. A former fandom friend had mentioned it once in a server I used to be a part of, and it intrigued me. Now, on to the topic at hand. Apologies in advance, because this ended up being super long: Vegas' sexuality and how he expresses it has been a very interesting topic to me due to how much emphasis is put on it throughout the show. From the way he flirts with Porsche (horribly) to the way his room is decorated or the way he dresses and acts, the man oozes sexual appeal, so much so that he rivals Kinn, aka the horniest man on planet Earth. But the more we get exposed to it, the more it makes me wonder: is Vegas really a "sex freak" or is he using it as a weapon to win against Kinn? Because if Vegas copies other things Kinn does in order to win against him - the suits, the boyfriends, the mafia tactics - why wouldn't he copy his (presumed) sex life? Why wouldn't he try spicing up his image as this scary sadist with the cuffs and the whips and the XL vegan condoms, in order to rival his cousin? Adding the ace aspect here, it could also be a way for him to cope with the fact that he hasn't experienced sexual attraction towards anyone in comparison to Kinn (because it is of vital importance to me that everything Vegas thinks about himself is because of Kinn). He can see how Kinn stares at the men he fucks, he can see the hunger; it's sth he lacks. He feels inferior to Kinn due to this, he feels like a freak - as he told Pete, I'll expand upon that line later - so, he overcompensates for it.... ...which brings me to the mirror scene. Yes, that mirror scene. I'd say it's one of two scenes that could discourage someone from having the "ace Vegas" headcanon, due to how Vegas is alone and fantasizes about Porsche while (I assume) touching himself, BUT I have two counter-arguments to that: 1. Vegas is so deep into this facade he's put on that he's trying to persuade himself to feel powerful for managing to incapacitate Porsche, even though he eventually failed to do what he had wanted to, 2. Vegas isn't fantasizing about Porsche himself, but rather the thing he did to him, the act. He managed for a little while to have the upper hand on him, and that power makes him feel good (aka horny). Is it a stretch? Maybe. Since a lot of fans love Vegas being a hardcore sadist who practices BDSM (something I'm in the minority of), perhaps ace Vegas doesn't sound believable - even though a LOT of ace people practice BDSM, as is known. Now, let's examine VegasPete in this context:
Vegas hadn't shown any interest to Pete pre-spying shenanigans, and even then, he mostly taunts the poor man. Condoms and ass grabs and merits, that's the most he does to Pete up until ep10, when he has him tied up in his basement and tortures him. I do love how most of the torturing he does to Pete is sexual or has sexual implications (RIP Pete's balls). It emphasizes how Vegas uses sex as a weapon to achieve his goals, whatever those may be - which, in Pete's case, are just him trying to redirect his intense anger from his failure onto someone else. Vegas knows how powerful sex is - it's why he used it to drive Pete's attention away from his issues after they buried the hedgehog and Pete told him he shouldn't hit himself. And being ace, he's more detached to it (by not being attracted to the person he's using his tactics against), so he's better at it. He excels at it, it gives him a perverted sense of self-confidence. Now, their NC scene is one of my favorites exactly because of what anon mentioned: Vegas reads so much as a service top in it. He is 100% focused on Pete and how good he's making him feel. His own orgasm can very well be considered an afterthought and it's perfect. With all of this, I can't help but see the possibility of him being ace. The last 2 things I want to mention are from the next scene, because they're also arguments that could be used against this headcanon: 1) "Do you know how sexy you are?" and 2) "I thought I was a freak, until now" Ok, so, a question: if we take into consideration the idea of Vegas being ace - a Vegas who compares himself to Kinn, a Vegas who uses sex as a tool, a Vegas who thinks of himself as an unlovable monster, a Vegas who hates himself to the point of being suicidal - then what's the most probable outcome of him having the first actual good sexual experience in his life? Answer: he'll get hella confused lol What I mean by this, is that Vegas didn't suddenly become allosexual from this experience with Pete. Vegas simply... fell in love. (or, more accurately, the feeling that had been building up inside him since the pill kiss cemented itself in his heart after they had sex) And what do some people do when they have a similar experience? They confuse romantic love with sexual attraction, thinking they experienced one thing when they did the other. That's what I believe happened with Vegas. He thought he's not a freak because he figured he's sexually attracted to Pete, when in reality the poor fucker loves Pete romantically. If we can accept the fact that Vegas knows shit all about proper BDSM practices (Pete isn't even looking that up lmao), then he sure af doesn't know about the differences between sexual and romantic attraction. Hence, what he told Pete. I think that's all I wanted to say, which is a lot already haha, but in order to properly expand upon this issue, I needed to write an essay of a post. I'm sorry if it was tiring and thank you again anon for your ask ❤️❤️
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kerasines · 1 year
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Thank you @kprecfest for making me finally start putting together all the vp rec lists I’ve been planning! (And also just in general, let me say it again, what a fantastic idea I love you.) There are so many amazing fics in this fandom, but let’s start with canon compliant fics set during season 1, including everything except the post-credits scene, which will be a separate list.
Package of a Person by @kat8porgs (E, 2.4k) Pete gets put in the vase's box for shipping to the safe house.
Drowning, and other Metaphors by lewdhandholding (E, 8k) Vegas has never experienced an afterglow that burns like an oil fire, a sudden and dangerous thing that he can’t quite remember how best to put out past the panic. It doesn’t help that Pete’s smile is like a torrent of cool water on his feverish skin, making the flames jump higher. It makes Vegas want to do something dangerous that he’s never really been good at before – it makes him want to take care of Pete. Problem is, he doesn’t really know how.
i want it all by devoutpete (E, 5k) “It’s too hot…” Pete repeated. He wanted to cry. This was taking too long. When their eyes met again, Vegas smiled. It was almost…sweet. “I told you already,” without warning, he poked the blade into Pete’s skin, red peeking from the puncture. “You’re hot because,” he carried on with a sudden, slow drag of the blade spanning a few inches, “It’s inside of you.” — Vegas was sick of Pete's inhibitions getting in the way, but he knew just how to fix that.
take me to your planet by @any-open-eye (E, 1.3k) Pete’s face is doing something. He thinks he might be smiling. He feels fucking high. What the hell is happening to him? He knows afterglow and this isn't it. If it was, he'd be way more into sex. There were people in high school and then one long-term girlfriend a few years ago, but she never—it was nothing like this. This is like… that blissful moment between sleeping and waking when you're conscious of your body but not yet of your mind. Just a vessel of receptors and processes. Electrified meat. “That was good, right?” Vegas's hands are on him. “Tell me it was good.”
(more under the cut, it got a bit... long)
Sharing Different Heartbeats by @raelle-writing (E, 58k) Of course Vegas noticed Pete. But not with much weight. Sure, Pete was hot. But so were all of the rest of Kinn’s bodyguards. That wasn’t notable. It wasn’t worth more than a passing once-over, or an absent glance at the man’s ass in those suits they insisted on wearing. He had a nice ass, but it didn’t stick in Vegas’ mind. It was passing lust, nothing more. And he certainly wasn’t hotter than the other bodyguards– not Porsche, for example. The only thing notable about Pete was that he had a surprisingly soft, cute face, and a sunny, disarming smile. He looked far too soft for his job. But he was Tankhun’s head bodyguard, and one of the men that Kinn often tapped for important missions. Which meant that the cute, soft face was hiding real talent and skill. So yes, Vegas noticed Pete. But it didn’t mean anything. — Or: a retelling of the story from Vegas' POV, from first impressions until after the hospital.
How Deep it Goes by @giraffeter (E, 4k) It’s only been a couple of days but Vegas is already coming to crave the way Pete looks at him when he enters the room, the alertness that enters his body, the wary skitter of his eyes to Vegas’ face. “I want to watch a show,” Vegas says. He sets the tote bag he’s carrying down on the bed. Pete stares at it. “And you’re going to put one on for me.” — Vegas decides to bring some toys for his new pet to play with.
write somewhere deep. by @evashougouki (M, 2k) “All clean,” Vegas says, like Pete doesn’t know what he’s planning. “Am I?” Pete asks, though he’s unsure why he says it, why he pokes. Vegas is silent for a second, silent enough that Pete can hear his breath hitch. His laugh has an air of breathlessness to it then. “You’re such a fascinating creature.” Lips come to lay up against the side of his neck, just resting. Or lingering, maybe. Pete shivers but does not have the energy to fight it. Slippery hands slide between his thighs, pushing stinging soap into the still too-raw burns there. The shock of it is rapturous. — Vegas washes Pete in the safehouse.
ain't nobody trying to save you by @incendir (M, 1.9k) Vegas is splitting Pete open on three fingers when Pete gets the idea. Or, some additional details on KPTS 1x12.
A Close Shave by @fleet-off (M, 4k) The bathroom walls feel claustrophobically tight, and Vegas’s stomach is a ball of leaden frustration poised to turn molten. He wants to shatter the mirror with his fist, to yell at Pete to stand up straight, to curse his uselessness--just another one of Vegas’s failures. The razor sits on the edge of the sink. This was a bad idea. — Vegas gives Pete a shave.
Dare to be Bad by @raelle-writing (E, 7k) “I think you want a reason to have to hide your skin, don’t you, Pete?” Vegas drawled, and Pete made a sudden, surprised, unmistakably aroused noise as Vegas shoved a knee between Pete’s thighs, pressing suddenly, threateningly against his groin. Pete couldn’t stop his breaths from coming a little faster, heart racing, cock already responding in his pants, even as he tried not to let it. Fuck, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this turned on. Vegas’ lips curled up in another lazy smirk, dark gaze still locked on Pete’s face. “Aren’t you tired of playing the perfect little bodyguard, Pete?” he murmured, voice low and sultry. “Don’t you want to be bad for me?” — After failing to mark Porsche at the auction, Vegas runs into Pete and decides to blow off some steam.
An Interlude in the Space Between Light and Shadow by lewdhandholding (M, 3k) One of Kinn’s guards is a step ahead of Vegas’s attempt to flee the diamond auction venue, so Vegas decides to indulge his anger and frustration for a moment. After all, Pete makes such a perfect little chew toy. It might make Vegas feel a little better if he can get him to squeak.
splinter by @lu-sn (M, 2.8k) Pete has managed to lie to Khun — and Kinn, and Porsche — about where he's been. He knows without a shred of doubt that he will not be able to lie like that to Chan.
past the last exit by jumun (M, 1.6k) Pete thinks about Vegas’ face, wonders what Vegas would have done if he’d brought the knife just an inch higher, wonder what would've happened if he hadn’t goaded him. He knows he did it intentionally, because being able to push and prod at someone isn’t something he’s indulged in in years, because it's difficult to talk about that with someone much less have a mutual understanding. Pete did not have a mutual understanding with Vegas.
stay with me a minute (swear i'll make it worth it) by @incendir (M, 2.3k) Pete hadn’t anticipated how much breathing would hurt. Or, an unseen moment in 1x13.
cleans up nice by Lirelyn (T, 2.1k) Vegas likes his pets clean, so Pete gets a shower and a shave. It's fine. Nothing Pete can't handle.
when he comes by Anonymous (E, 3k) “Hm,” again. Vegas has stopped twisting, but he hasn’t let go, still tugging idly, crouched over Pete like a predatory bird. The pain is cold and strange and Pete thinks his dick might be leaking. “I want to eat you,” Vegas says absently. “Cut you open and eat you. How did that feel?”
cut me open and tell me what's inside by @wegathpete (E, 3k) In retrospect, Pete will find it funny. A self-proclaimed man of honesty, yet so unwilling to look deep within himself, afraid of what he might find beneath the carefully crafted and polished surface. Keeping so much of himself locked away, behind bars, like a condemned prisoner, a chained up, feral animal, unworthy of being seen by the world. Is he hiding from himself or everyone else? Would the world like him for who he is or hate him for who he isn’t?
like a trigger (get me ready to shoot) by @veliseraptor (M, 6k) sadism: psychosexual disorder in which sexual urges are gratified by the infliction of pain on another person. (Encyclopaedia Britannica) — As far as Vegas can tell, there are normal people who want normal things, and then there's whatever he's got going on.
First Impressions to Love Expressions (Ch. 12) by @iffervescent (E, 6k) “Don’t try to hide it,” Vegas murmurs, in the voice that has started doing weird things to Pete’s insides. “I know you’re suffering. Let it out.” Pete wants to hit him, wants to scream, wants to yank these stupid chains down from the ceiling and set fire to this house and wants to kneel at Vegas’ feet and beg him to whip him again. And – fuck –  he wants Vegas to cook for him some more. And to sit in the garden together, for a nice reason this time. And to tease him about having stupid books. And to feed him another pill with his breath warm on Pete’s mouth and all that tightly-leashed strength hovering above him and make Pete hard because of another person for the first time in his life.
while I do my thing in the background by @judiwench  (G, 2k) "I have a gift for you. This is Pete."
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snickerdoodlles · 9 months
any headcanons about the kp boys' favourite games? doesn't matter if it's board games, video games, card games, or mind games -- everything is fair game :')
Khun - internet quiz games like "which character are you" or "what cliche trope would you kiss" or whatever/etc etc. specifically, he likes taking them and then ranting about all the ways they're stupid and/or wrong.
Kim - claims its poker because he spent several years teaching himself how to count cards after he and Khun watched that one heist movie that involved counting cards. he liked Clue as a kid but then got extremely disappointed in it as he grew up. his university friends spend about four months trying to get him to download the among us game, then refuse to play with him after four days of him absolutely kicking ass at it. (new freshman hazing initiation ritual! Try To Beat Wik At Among Us! best played in a large group with a heckling peanut gallery.)
Chay - before Yok's bar, first person shooting games. or any type of shooting game really. less so afterwards.
Macau - ultimate videogame connoisseur. solid collection of board games for him and Vegas too (no scrabble though, he hates scrabble). his game room is a thing of legend. someone remind me to talk about the Macau&Chay you got mail AU that includes Chay calling Macau his sugar daddy after Macau gives him a bunch of turnips in Animal Crossing.
Vegas - he says mind games. his actual favorite game is pub trivia night. specifically in Pete's hometown where he and Pete's grandma team up against a bunch of other old people. have I mentioned I love a good relationship between Vegas & Pete's grandma.
Pete - he thought board games, because Khun's game rules are ridiculous but great at keeping things lively. he's extremely disappointed when Vegas and Macau don't like that at all. he is king of poker.
Porsche - card games! doesn't really have a specific favorite game and never plays for stakes, but one deck having multiple game options is a godsend when trying to entertain a kid on a budget. also damn good at card tricks, though he was careful not to show off those outside of home.
Kinn - Sudoku. he has an app folder of similar number games and spider solitaire on his phone. he is my favorite old man <3
Chay bonus - before BOC kinnporsche aired, one of my favorite Chay headcanons ever was pickpocket!Chay. so let's return to that and Chay breaks Kim's mind with card tricks. this is his new favorite game.
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ronanlvnchvevo · 2 years
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Ok so I want to talk about this scene in particular, because I love it so much and feel like every time I watch it I learn some kind of new insight into Pete, and I think it foreshadows a lot of the future vegaspete moments (which--STAY WITH ME I know my brain rot is showing ok, I KNOW but it’s good I promise)
So the first thing I notice about this scene every time I watch it is how visibly uncomfortable Porsche is. Not only do we as the audience, who know Porsche’s motivations for wanting to witness this moment, and who get to see those fun flashbacks, know that he’s uncomfortable, but I think it’s clear to the other three in the room that Porsche is Not Having A Good Time. When Kinn’s determined that this is no longer a productive learning experience for Porsche, he calls out to Pete and signals for Pete to go with him outside. THIS IS EXTREMELY FASCINATING TO ME, because I think Kinn knows (HE KNOWS) that, in addition to basically being his bestie, Pete is probably the most empathic of all his men (he’s been tankhun’s babysitter without complaint for how long?), and that Porsche probably needs someone to talk him through whatever’s going on in his head. 
Up until this point, and in only three episodes I might add, we see multiple different occasions where Pete shows a deep emotional understanding of the people around him in ways no one else does. This comes in the form of him 1) not immediately ostracizing Porsche because he’s the bratty new guy, and instead taking him under his wing; this is significant because he’s THE ONLY ONE in the main house who doesn’t give Porsche any attitude, or treat him like he’s the gum stuck to the bottom of their shoe like everyone else does. 2) He’s the only bodyguard who is visibly uncomfortable when Tankhun is punishing Porsche with the mermaid costume AND is the only one who speaks up on Porsche’s behalf (T: Give him a treat! P:...that’s enough. He didn’t mean to). 3) Despite disagreeing with Thankhun’s punishment, he STILL feels obligated to educate Porsche on the trauma he endured as a reason for his “absurd” behavior. His interpretation of TK’s behaviors, and the rest of the family’s for that matter, also demonstrate just how perceptive he is. 4) OBVIOUSLY the scene in ep 2 where he stops Porsche from trying to beat Kinn’s ass after getting choked out. In this scene, it’s clear he’s taken the time to analyze the situation from Kinn’s perspective, or at least that he’s spent time thinking about how difficult things were/are for Kinn (“He used to love his people. The reason he became cruel was not totally on him”) and the fact that he doesn’t just blurt out Kinn’s secret in that moment speaks to his character, I think. I could go into even greater detail here, but I’ve already let this get out of hand, and its not even the main point I’m trying to make in this post.
SO PETE TAKES HIM OUTSIDE on Kinn’s order, right? This is where the ENTIRE conversation takes an incredible turn towards vegaspete foreshadowing for me. And Yes, it’s a conversation about Porsche and what he’s going through, but I think it’s important to acknowledge the double purpose its serving (which, bravo to the writers for that) and how at their cores Porsche and Vegas are going through very similar things. It’s also an important conversation because it reveals some truths that I think are important to remember when we think about how Pete could have fallen for Vegas despite him being his captor (and aside from him just being a really empathetic dude).
Porsche begins their impromptu therapy session with “He must really have no way out. That’s why he’s acting stupid.” Porsche is obviously saying this about the man they’re extorting, but then he relates it to his own experience with debt collectors “I know it very well, that having no way out can really make you do anything.” Immediately!!! I was thinking ‘you know who acts real stupid a lot, because he’s trapped in his family’s cycle of violence? Vegas.’ I digress. This scene is a turning point for Porsche in particular. He makes his first kill, yes, but that’s just meant to really bring home the realization he’s having that life isn’t as black and white as he’d always thought it was. Up until this point, Porsche has always seen himself the Victim of debt collectors, and he viewed them as an unnecessary evil (it’s not his fault his uncle gambles away all of their money!). It is at this point when he finds himself, the Victim, the Good Guy, with no choice but to become the Evil Debt Collector. Sometimes there is no choice. Sometimes the Good Guy must do a bad thing in order to survive. Things are more often stuck in a gray area than they are just good or just evil. “I never thought that I’d be like one of them today,” he says. This leaves him smack dab center in a moral gray area, and so clearly reeling from the realization. (he tries to save himself and stay The Good Guy when he tries to talk the guy down, but the guy shooting anyways forces him to instead acknowledge this truth once and for all.)
BACK TO VEGASPETE: Pete quietly lets Porsche say his piece in its entirety, and then gives a response that shows he’s understood this to be a universal truth for a long time. “We’re just teaching him a lesson,” is his first response. He doesn’t try to justify their actions, nor is he attempting in any way to reframe their situation in a way that makes them out to be either Good or Bad guys. If he did, he’d be playing into a narrative he doesn’t believe, and as we know, “theres no legacy as rich as honesty.” Instead, he goes on to give the one of the most iconic lines of the series: “There’s no heroes nor villains in this world.” Heroes being the paragon of all things good, and villains symbolizing all things evil. This certainly has broader implications for the series as a whole, but for vegaspete, it goes to show that Pete never looked at Vegas and saw villain. It’s more likely he saw him for what he was at his core: a broken man lashing out at a world that refused to love him despite his best efforts. He saw all of Vegas’ actions, not as isolated evil incidents, but as reactions to things around him and the way the people who were supposed to love him treated him. It’s also why it’s believable that he believed in Vegas’ capability to do good and love when he saw the way he treated the hedgehog. Animals often love unconditionally. Animals also cannot judge you or your motivations the way humans can. Pete saw Vegas loving the only living thing that ever loved him back, and he knew Vegas was simply the product of his environment and circumstances.
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boysbeloving · 2 years
Top 5 Kinn outfits go!
The man looks good in everything but here are (for now) 5 of my top Kinn outfits!
Episode 1 Kinn my beloved
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this particular disheveled look in this suit is top tier
2. Ombre suit Kinn my beloveder!
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he's being a pissy baby complaining to his father coz a man said no to him and that elevates this already up there look to new heights
3. The twink blue night robe Kinn
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okay i know there are extra people here but this whole thing has to be captured lol...kinn checking out the twink's ass as he walks past with a smirk on his face, the twink wearing a shirt LIKE THAT??? and porsche being an oblivious fuck!! this is just BRILLIANT! also...when kinn is walking in this corridor you can see the how the robe curves at at the waist (because of the belt)..it's a split second thing...but that just....does things to me okay
4. The upgraded twink angsty af red night robe Kinn
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if you know me you know i love my angst...he looked good in this red night robe and he behaved like an absolute shit...and the bonus is when he's only in the red pants angsting away coz he realises that he can't put his dick in a hole that is not porsche's....aaahhhh cue the tears
5. The meet-the-(dead) parents suit Kinn
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formal and crisp..the unbuttoned and tie-less look also shows that he's not stuck up and that he values adaptability and flexibility
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deepestbluesky · 1 year
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[the not actual image description is that this is a very barebones powerpoint in which each slide has picture(s) of a kinnporsche character and bullet point text describing it. the full text is under the cut below the latter set of pictures.]
all text from @minnarr​!!! now, onwards
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[title slide] minna explains kinnporsche without knowing it
[kinn] kinn ● eyebrows ● was written lowkey as RPF of actor who plays him and i would like to never think about that but people remind me constantly ● smiling imp emoji ● also this man has a lot of buttons open but if that coat is red i approve
[porsche] this IS porsche right? his bangs are actually covering his forehead ● he's kinn's bodyguard? which is the opposite casting to what I thought would be true before I figured out which was which. He just looks very mild. Protect him. ● something deeply wrong with him but i haven't absorbed enough to know if it's personal or systemic ● lol sometimes if you change anything about the hairline i do not recognize a person ● (porsche i think of as having like 90s heartthrob hair for some reason) ● [upon seeing bodyguard hairstyle] i must inflate my hair to look intimidating. like a bird.
[porchay] oh... i don't know ● he looks like he's 17 but also I'm trash at judging ages. DOES look like he's waiting until he can go back to his video game ● [would you like to make any guesses or nah?] at names? god no ● i know like 3 names that i can't match to anyone and i know them wholly disconnected from anything about them as people ● pete? is this Pete? ● i have no idea how anyone besides kinn and porsche even fit in the story
[tankhun] i think this might be tankhun ● REALLY loving this matching coat and cape in colorful floral ● do his pants have fun organic cutouts ● no wait those are shiny leather boots ● or pants. ok ● wow this is a look. ok. well this man is NOT doing the fighting. he is either very scary or very fun. or both. ● IS he the third crime brother or is my brain just insisting literally everyone has this surname ● one thing this show does is let men wear fun things
[pete] is THIS Pete ● i saw a vegaspete gifset either today or yesterday and the only thing i retained about pete's face is that he looked nice ● good laugh 10/10 what is he doing here ● bought a 10pk of white hanes tshirts and got invited to whatever This is ● (i don't know if this last is even remotely accurate to his vibe or if I'm judging on 1 picture and faint memory) ● either vegas is the sex dungeon haver or I'm hilariously wrong about Pete's vibe
[kim] kim (crime bros surname)???? ● the guy who would be besties with nie huaisang ● he looks like he's here to have fun and take pictures on his phone to save to his terrifyingly extensive blackmail folder ● again he has little brother energy ● i do like his face. i wanna see him in scenes ● like the way you distantly blorbo people from gifs. he's my favorite kp guy.
[vegas] vegas ● [within 1 second of seeing picture] sex dungeon ● please save his hedgehog ● he's one of the 3 people i can name
[korn] ...d..dad? ● i frankly did not know this show had anyone other than pretty 20-30 year old men ● [we talked about this and you went 'there are OLD PEOPLE?'] i have simply never seen them!!! ● ok he's either crime dad or the guy who's the reason kp are sleeping in like military-ass transports and getting helicoptered to safety ● (rival crime boss?)
[kun] also i think the first old man is the villain and the second older man is crime dad ● Oh No I Like Him ● otoh he could be crime dad and the fashion is genetic ● otoh. delightful dissipated uncle when ● i still think he should be the uncle who is no help at all but is very excited to hear about what dumb thing his nephews are getting up to now with vibes of kind of wanting to be on the young people's level. upside can be counted on for resources at odd moments but only if it's for a stupid purpose ● i don't think that's what he is but i want it for the crime bros
[slide with no picture] pause to recap ● ok so [for the first five] we have kinnporsche tanhkun fabulous crime brother flannelboy (tentatively porchay) and Pete ● if that's all the young people btw I'm locking in porchay? on flannelboy ● fuck if i know maybe one of the young dudes is the villain. maybe it's vegas. maybe it's brother vs brother.
[yok] my best friend ● i love her ● fashion is a little glitzy maybe to be porsche's friend even though i wanted that for him....does kinn have friends he seems like he probably mostly hangs out with family and people he pays to be around him ● lighting is very clubby tho so like ● just club clothes ● i have no clue how she fits in but i bet she has a nice laugh and takes no shit
[slide with multiple pictures - the first one is ken] ● trust fund brat ● i know they're not british but he has such POWERFUL unbearable character on Sherlock energy ● either that or like baby's first (very nice) suit
[big] ● oh!!!! it's a uniform!!!! ● these two are like lower level bodyguards. or kinn's actual family-hired bodyguards and kinn like hired porsche after a weird meet-ugly involving gunfire and now the vibe is awkward ● this one is anxious
[middle text] .... bad analogy probably need a better wording but to use cql again. first bodyguard is the sizhui and second bodyguard is the Jingyi the Calm One and the one you need to tell Calm Down
[slide with two pictures - the first one is tay] ● also omg this was dyed hair boy ● i was picturing BOTH kim(?) and this man. amalgam gossip friend. ● also the flowy pants/all white/heeled boot/"are you talking to me?" look ● extremely good
[chan] ● kim's bodyguard for the thousandth time telling him no, you need to stay where it's safe ● this is probably incorrect and I'm now just judging anyone with a lapel pin a bodyguard ● this is a very bouncer vibe tho
[macau] ● this one actually is a teenager, right? that looks like a school uniform shirt although maybe not bc idk what school with embroidered patch uniform shirts is also like sure boys can wear hoops [we give away my extremely usamerican Christian school experience] ● better caption What Is a Child Doing Here
[extra text for macau] have i miscalculated did i either misassign a crime boy or are there 4 crime boys. i feel like one of these children should be here for family reasons wait unless one is porsche's brother not this one flannelboy [a picture of the i’ve connected the dots meme]
[slide with two pictures - the first is arthee] ● :( ● give him a cup of tea and a bandaid ● he just looks sad for some reason! ● who are you woebegone man
[time] ● i would not have chosen the turtleneck ● i know the other shirt is also turtleneck but this is "shirt i wore in the 90s" mockneck and i cannot define why it makes me want to laugh ● he is doing bad cosplay of bleach mullet ● that NECKLACE is NOT HELPING
[slide with three pictures - the first is tawan] ● surprisingly the first shirtless boy ● i like his hair, he looks a little smarmy, the vanity mirror + shirtless is giving me either he's in showbiz or he has too many people in private rooms ● do love the noir blinds thing happening. maybe he's a femme fatale. ● i looked at him and literally thought "hair goals" lmaooo
[jom and tem] ● they look nice and also the set dressing is SO suburban ● if i had to assign them a fic trope it's accidental child acquisition fake (or real) marriage ● they are on the pta ● (i truly have no idea)
[arm] oh no i love his vibe and his glasses ● 'i know organized crime needs shady bookkeepers/lawyers/IT professionals but did it have to be me, with these particular criminals' ● my first thought was "cast him as Indiana Jones" bc hair and glasses so that's just send me back to first impression
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fishy-xp · 2 years
KinnPorsche Ep 11 Brain Rot
I only have one thought
Arm moving aside to let Pol share the chair with him.
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The End. Goodbye, see you in a week.
The first VP scene ohmygod, the tattoo, the swearing, the pet names. I need Vegas saying 'what a load of bullshit' injected into my bloodstream
Pete giving in as soon as his grandma is brought in is so touching. He obviously loves deeply and will do anything for the people he trusts (e.g. Porsche, his grandma, soon to be Vegas). Having to pretend that everything is fine when nothing is not will always be one of the most devastating tropes.
Something about Vegas playing with Pete's face and hair whilst asking 'who's a good boy' and then pushing his face away like it means nothing GETS ME RILED UP.
Chan having to be there for all the family meetings and listening to their dumbassery is hilarious but did he have to have his gun out like he was about to shoot Porsche on sight. Please daddy, give him a break.
Tankhun saying 'my Kinn' and Kinn being all shy, this is the sibling content we need.
Pol writes Kinn x Porsche fanfic and Arm reads that fanfic, no I don't take critism. Also I don't know if it was just the translation but 'Daddy wants a breakup' I AM CREASING
Safehouse my ass, you mean safemansion
Porschay's snoopy hoodie is the peak of fashion, Tankhun's entire wardrobe is crying
I want so badly for Porschay to be lonely around the major family compound because everyone there is a solid ten years older than him and then he bumps into Macau and they become friends and Kim and Tankhun are rolling in their graves because this is the forbidden Romeo and Juliet.
I have a feeeling after their parents died, Porschay had nightmares about it and this time they included Porsche also dying. He probably woke up screaming and crying for Porsche. Porsche rushes in to comfort him, telling him that he's right here and that he will not leave Porschay no matter what. So when they hug, Porsche says it again to remind Chay that he's right here in front of him, he'll be here when the nightmare is over because it's not real, it's only just a dream and Porsche is alive.
I don't care about novel TimeTay, show TimeTay are the most wholesome sexy ass couple and until something happens, I will continue to ship and enjoy them, go argue with a wall.
The way Tankhun introduces himself is top tier
This has been on my mind since Ep 7 but Vegas looks like a really good kisser
Pete's therapy session puts a lot of things into perspective for Vegas. Not only does it provide some comfort for him and make him realise he's acheiving the unachievable because the fault doesn't lie with him, but his father, but it also directly attacks Vegas as Pete is telling him 'you're hurting me, because you can't hurt anything else.' It takes major balls to say that to the guy who has you in chains, has anger issues and has fried your nuts off but it had to be said. It's a very interesting dynamic where the abused becomes the abuser, and then they meet an abused who becomes a protector.
Okay I am not the biggest KimChay enthusiast but Porschay's characterisation has intrigued me. He is the soft, wholesome baby but he is by no means naive or weak. He fought back against those kidnappers, had the balls to ask his idol to be his guitar tutor and also confess, told off Porsche for working in an danger job and confronted Kim about his lies. Porschay is a lot more capable then I intially thought and that is why I think we should give him a gun and see what happens. Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.
Kim Kimhan Theerapanyakul, you may be the most beautiful man I've ever seen but you've committed a crime against humanity and you will be eliminated.
So when KP were kissing in the helicopter, I was like lol are they going to fuck in the helicopter as a joke, cut to Porsche giving Kinn the gwak gwak 3000 and I ASCENDED
Vegas' pyjamas <3333333
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Whomst Rambles, KinnPorsche edition: A Bittersweet Farewell in Episode 10
I haven’t uploaded my KinnPorsche memes in two weeks due to reasons but can I just say that the turnaround on Big has been *chefs kiss* and I wanted to give him a send off to show my appreciation for this incredibly clever and painful redemption plot twist.
So. Was he an asshole sometimes? Yep, most of the people on this show kinda are since it’s, you know, the mafia. But the thing is—and it’s something this show does well—we only have snippets of Big, incomplete knowledge. It’s impossible to put him on a pedestal or trash him, no matter how you slice it, and we the audience only experience the change of heart at the same pace as Porsche does, which makes it all the more shocking. The show and the actor successfully set Big up for the audience to initially judge and dislike him, just as Porsche does, to be such a flat character that we can project blame onto, as someone who did in fact do some shitty stuff in the short time/moments we encountered him, absolutely fulfilling our expectations of him for much of the time. But his character is complicated at the eleventh hour by the nature of his sudden death, which indirectly changes everything and speaks to the show’s deeper messages.
As a bodyguard, Big is undoubtedly accustomed to making split-second decisions—but the major choices we see him make, the two times he decides to put his life on the line, are both informed by something no mafia enemy would have been able to anticipate: devoted love, unrequited but powerful. In his last scene, he dies to save Porsche. And importantly, it’s not because he thinks it’s the best thing to do morally or strategically but because it’s the best thing to do for Kinn. For the man he loves.
I tip my cap to KinnPorsche—because in the time Porsche (and the audience) knows Big, he’s not actually nice, he’s suspicious and jealous of Porsche, and he can be a total ass sometimes, but in his last moments we also see that at his core, he’s just a guy who’s in love with someone he knows doesn’t love him back, who is guided by love to do something that is good and noble.
Porsche is as surprised as we are, and in his response we see this confused grief, because maybe this guy would never have been his friend, maybe the two of them would never have gotten along, but maybe this guy was, despite or in addition to all of that, a better man than he thought, and in one very specific regard they are exactly alike. Porsche is the only person in the world who can fully appreciate Big’s desire to protect Kinn’s heart (pls let him not just fully forget about this).
That is the tragedy of Big’s character—imagine the shock of recognizing your own feelings and instincts in the same guy who beat the shit out of you, and realizing at the same time that you will never know or understand more about him beyond this. It’s the lost potential, the important conversations that will never happen, a young man dying bravely at the hands of people who killed him during the breakdown of some stupid, spiteful, senseless scheme against Kinn. It’s almost poetic that in his last moments, Big faces off against Tawan, because the sacrifice he makes for love is something Tawan wouldn’t be able to anticipate or understand. Neither of them are Kinn’s true love, but one of their fundamental differences is that Big acts out of love while Tawan acts out of hate. And this show was already a love story, but thanks to this we see other different forms love can take, as something that has the potential to be bitter, pained, warped, destroyed, or—here—something noble and selfless.
Amid all of the chaos, this show is about trust, communication, and learning to see people for who they really are, and in a period of a few seconds, Porsche and the audience finally see past Big’s mistrust of Porsche and all their arguments to Big’s best, truest self. It’s a strange irony that he is such a sidelined character who incidentally is at the center of KinnPorsche: the reason Porsche meets Kinn is because Big sacrifices himself to give Kinn the chance to get away and run down that alley, and his very last act is to do his best to save his boss’s boyfriend, preserving the couple’s future. For whatever else he did in his life, we know that at two key moments where other characters showed duplicity and hate, he chose love and devotion, and changed the narrative fundamentally. Pour one out for Big.
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yeetlegay · 2 years
hi yeetle! i trust your taste cause you watched kinnporsche, can you please recommend some other thai bls which are good?
Haha well I can try! Just going off of the fact you've presumably watched and liked Kinnporsche:
If you liked the mafia/crime/action:
Manner of Death—coroner and extremely suss hottie adopt a succulent and solve a murder mystery. Think Agatha Christie but with more domestic gays and ACAB.
Beyond Evil (Korean)—the only reason this isn't a BL is because they deleted the footage of Juwon kissing Dongsik in that basement. But this show is so fucking fruity you don't even need the footage to know they're boyfriends by the end of it.
3 Will Be Free—okay so this also isn't technically a BL but it's super mega gay with the three mains (a gay guy, a bi guy, and a girl so hot I was sweating every time I saw her) in a polyamorous love story while on the run from a gang. SO underrated and you can watch the whole thing on YouTube.
Not Me—activist college students committing arson, fucking with rich men, and being gay as their extracurricular activities of choice. Also features the only cop character ever who deserves rights.
Long Time No See (Korean)—Spidermen pointing at each other meme, the mafia version. A hitman who writes Wattpad fic on the side meets up with one of his readers and they proceed to lie their asses off to each other in a comedy of errors while also falling in love.
If you liked the leads' chemistry:
Manner of Death—again, I know, but MaxTul are the kings of BL for a fucking REASON. They've been working together for what, six years now? And it shows. They're really close friends irl and have a great natural chemistry and level of comfort with each other physically that's hard to find.
We Best Love (Taiwanese, both seasons)—say what you will about the couch scene, my man Shi De had his tongue fully down Shu Yi's throat and did NOT hesitate to keep it there. They're not as physically all out as MileApo and MaxTul but they know how to make the tension so thick you hold your breath like you're underwater.
Why R U?—OKAY HEAR ME OUT 😂 sure the show itself is a hot mess, but Saint and Zee ate and even the haters agree. If you were one of the people championing bottom Kinn (hi fellow intellectual) then may I introduce Fighter, the literal poster child of the service top to pillow princess pipeline, and Tutor, his personal Obi-Wan of gay sex.
If you want something like VegasPete:
Utsukushii Kare/My Beautiful Man (Japanese)—the kink isn't as physical as VegasPete but it's BRILLIANT and the chemistry is crazy. If you want something that makes you go "this probably isn't the healthiest thing, but it's definitely the sexiest" (much like VegasPete) then this is it.
I hope this helps anon!
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turtlesocksv2 · 10 months
Kinnporsche Rewatch Episode 4 Thoughts
Pete an Porsche are doing some INTENSE cuddling there, full on wrapped around each other like boa constrictors. Just Bestie Things, getting plastered and then snuggling with your homie and kissing him in your sleep.  (Pete’s hungover Judgey Face when Porsche says that he thinks he kissed someone last night was so funny. Judgey Pete is the best)
Kinn is having a fucking Crisis about kissing Porsche. he doesn’t kiss people! He doesn’t like people! he fucks rentboys for a reason! and Porsche has no clue that Kinn is spiraling.
Vegas begins operation Steal Kinn’s Girl with as much charm as he can put into it and the time honored tradition of Ragging On Your Younger Brother. Porsche, being a fellow older sibling, is weak to it.
Kinn is soooo jealous. but Kinn, if you don’t want Vegas to steal Porsche you’re going to have to use your words to explain that Vegas is psychosexually obsessed with you and taking the things/people that are yours!
Pol and Arm are so fucking excited to go to the spa and onsen in the fucking fancy hotel they fucking live in for the first time. what kind of clown show is Korn running, here. Let your bodyguards use the spa! maybe then you won’t get moles!
ah, the homoerotic sauna scene. Porsche is so fucking dumb. “You like Mianmian!”-ass  “playboy bartender me have a girlfriend? nonsense! when are you getting a girlfriend”
Vegas intimidating Pete with a smile in order to crash the bodyguard lunch is so funny. Honey, you’ve got a big storm coming.
the panic as Vegas attempts to offer Porsche a job - and a way out from under Kinn’s thumb. the tension. Porsche is clueless, Kinn is pissed, Arm and Pol are scared shitless and Vegas is smug because he knows he hit Kinn’s nerves.
Tankhun is NOT scared of Vegas at all. hits him with a serving tray upside the head, gets right up in his face and tells him to GTFO. now THAT is the former Theerapanyakul Mafia Main Family Heir.
“Kissing is for people that we like ONLY!” ok so first of all this conversation is hilarious because are you telling me that Porsche never once kissed any of the girls he was hooking up with behind Yok’s bar? Press X To Doubt.  Secondly, Pete says that and smash cut approximately 7 episodes and Pete both makes out with and has freaky nasty sex with the man who kidnapped and tortured him. King Behavior.
aaaaand the start of the KimChay stoyline which i fankly find incredibly boring. but i do enjoy that Chay is out there trying his hardest to live his Wattpad Dreams.
somehow i had forgotten the “are you going to take your shirt off or make me take it off for you?” god Kinn is down BAD. Kinn is also a shit liar ‘Tankhun is mad you ate with Vegas he gave you back to me’ like, uh...ALL of Tankhun’s guards were eating there? I don’t see Arm and Pol getting transferred. ‘All our people are the same’ my ass.
i love that Kim has a murderboard. his investigation goes nowhere and means nothing, but i guess it’s good for him to have a hobby.
Vegas’s white suit is a Look.
Porsche you are a bartender! you KNOW better than to take drinks you didn’t see poured! Ah, but i guess that’s the arrogance of young dudes who can fight.
having Thoughts about Vegas’s obsession with Kinn, but not anything coherent. just kinda rotating it in my mind for now like i’m watching a washing machine tumble clothes.
Kinn orders ‘you all’ out of the room, and Big and Ken leave but Arm and Pete are allowed to stay a little longer and offer to take care of Porsche themselves. HMMM MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE LET THEM, KINN.
up to now, we haven’t really seen Unhinged Vegas, just the charm offensive that he’s put out. but naked, bathed in red light, smoking, ominous music is background, chandelier out of focus looks like a demonic summoning circle THIS is crazy evil vegas and it is Effective. you know immediately, if you thought before that this man was just a dick who wants to pick on his cousin, that NO. This man is DANGEROUS.
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ahdriking · 2 years
Top 5 things kinn has said to porsche that make him so turned on
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First of all Porsche is not a difficult man to turn on, so the bar isn't terribly high for Kinn here. Secondly, this is mostly just me airing out my dirtiest KP thoughts, so you're very welcome for that.
No.1 Kinn dresses Porsche up all nice in a suit and tie for one of their big fancy gala events. He stands behind him as Porsche checks himself out in the mirror, hands tight around Porsche's waist. "You like it?" He leans in to whisper low in his ear. "Appreciate it while it lasts. Because later, I'm going to rip it off of you."
No.2 Porsche is on his hands and knees, back arched, ass in the air, his thighs spread wide for Kinn, showing him everything. Kinn runs his hands over Porsche's body and presses kisses to his skin, marveling at the sight of him, "So fucking pretty," he says. Porsche shivers, and Kinn smirks, before pressing the pad of his thumb over Porsche's hole. "Especially here."
No.3 They're messing about; Porsche has Kinn's phone and Kinn's chasing him around the bedroom trying to get it back. He tackles him to the bed, pinning him down with his body and his weight, but Porsche won't stop wriggling, giggling like an imbecile having too much fun. "Are you going to be a good boy and keep still," Kinn growls. "Or do I have to tie you down?"
No.4 Kinn is lounging on the couch when Porsche comes into the room fresh out of a shower, naked as his birthday. Kinn looks at him and his gaze darkens. He puts aside what he was doing and levels Porsche with a look that makes Porsche's hair stand on end. "Come here," Kinn says. "And get on your knees."
No.5 Kinn on his back, spreading his legs for the first time in his life to let another man between them, pulling Porsche down against him and kissing him breathless before he says: "My life, and my body, are yours."
Porsche is destroyed.
So am I
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yujeong · 1 year
hiiiiii, i just found your blog and saw you talking about how pete and porsche aren't the besties in the show that so many people see them as which is a thought i've had for some time; like, don't get me wrong, i like peteporsche being besties (and maybe being besties that kiss each other) and i love when people write them that way (especially post-canon) BUT i personally just never thought that they were that close in show-canon, idk......i have trouble putting my thoughts into words but when i rewatched the show at the beginning of the year i was actually kinda surprised by how these two don't really feel like bffs, and yeah i know pete went into hell specifically for porsche but then again, porsche just kinda forgets he did that? and then the bathroom scene(s)? idk i just feel there is so much complicated mess.....so yeah, my thoughts are pretty much jumbled and difficult to parse, lmao, i'm sorry
also sorry for just coming into your inbox like this, lmao, but i would love to hear more of your thoughts on them and how they interact in the show (if you are willing to share, of course)!!!
Hi there! Firstly, thank you so much for reaching out to me. I love talking about KP in general - VP and Pete more specifically - so your message was very welcome. Now, Pete and Porsche's relationship is such a fascinating thing, I could really talk for hours about it. On the surface level, they seem close but upon further inspection, it turns out that - as @therealblessedaffliction mentioned - Porsche is closer to Vegas of all people than to Pete. There are reasons for this of course. Pete is part of the main family, the family that basically forced Porsche into working for them. He's loyal to Kinn, a person Porsche was at first wary of/mad at. He doesn't believe Pete when he tells him he's the most normal person in the house and he generally ignores his advice until the incident with the minor family happens, when Pete tells him about how Kinn saved his life and to basically get his head out of his ass. They have their cute moments throughout the show but even in those, it's all surface level; Porsche doesn't trust Pete with the information of kissing Kinn or of what Kinn did to him. He doesn't trust him with the information of being in a relationship with Kinn. He doesn't think twice about him when he's rescued by Kinn and the gang in ep 10 and when Kinn is worried about Pete due to his odd behaviour, Porsche doesn't even consider the possibility of sth being off, even though he should have. Cue the Hum Bar scene, in which Porsche just brings Pete along to give to Vegas as a bargaining chip without (evident) remorse and that solidifies the belief I have that Pete and Porsche are colleague buddies, not actual friends. They work well together, they have good platonic chemistry, they totally understand each other, even if they don't show it, but they aren't friends. (Porsche is oblivious to this, just as he's oblivious to the fact that punching the guy who caused his supposed friend physical and psychological harm, as well as threatening him to not do it again, means jack shit when he's the one giving Vegas the chance to hurt Pete once more) That brings me to Pete who, god bless his kind soul, decided to risk his life for Porsche when it wasn't even that necessary? One thing that had confused me about ep 10 and Kinn's plan is that he said he needed the proof of Tawan and Vegas cooperating but in the end it was kind of pointless? Maybe he needed the proof to give it to their partners or sth but whatever the case, it doesn't matter. What matters is that Pete embarked on a mission with high probabilities of failure (and death) because he trusted Porsche and he wanted to help him. We're talking about a man that gave his grandma's food to a stranger the first time he saw him, a man who tried to push back against Tankhun to spare Porsche of his humiliating punishment, a man that risked angering his scary boss by giving him advice to help fix their relationship. What I'm trying to say is, Pete is empathetic af and for those he deems worthy being a sacrifice for, he'll gladly do it. Porsche was one of them.
Btw, I totally believe Porsche thinks him and Pete are friends. His attitude towards him is friendly, he's teasing him and their conversations are those you have with friends, not someone you're not that familiar with. He calls him everyday in the 1 month we never saw to ask how Vegas is doing, encouraging Pete that he'll get better. I just don't think Pete believes the same. Porsche has shown that he's oblivious about many things in the series and this fact, I believe, is one of them. I hope my answer satisfied you, I'm just rambling at this point and I repeated myself a couple of times. They're so fascinating though so my enthusiasm got the better of me haha. P.S. It would have been cool if Pete and Porsche had actually kissed in episode 4 but that would kind of go against Pete's philosophy of "Kissing is for people that we like only" and it would go against the headcanon I have that Pete doesn't like being touched/isn't intimate with anyone before Vegas (sth I'll write meta about soon :3)
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shippingcontacts · 2 years
Vegaspete ep 12, how are we doing?
I had a 10 hour shift that absolutely demolished me. I crawled up my stairs (on my hands and knees) with only one thought "vegaspete are waiting to be unhinged on my screen" and I was not disappointed.
First things first, this:
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Im obsessed with this scene. A depiction of VP dynamic. Vegas being placed higher than Pete in the frame, fully clothed and Pete having no issue seeing through it all. I tried to picture how this scene would play out with Tawan, ken Or one of kinn's boy toys and I couldn't because none of them got past vegas' masks. In fact, they all seemed quite taken with his falsesonas. That is the fundamental difference between them and pete.
And I lost it when vegas rolled his eyes at pete😂
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This scene has no right being this charming
There's something about seeing a man we know to be manipulative, cunning (and willing to torture someone) sat on the grass like a literal 5 yr old cradling his deceased pet. He seems so child like here. He probably never really got to be childish or enjoy his childhood.
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But I also have to wonder.
Being upset at losing a pet is one thing and being upset because he 'failed' a task (taking care of the hedgehog) given to him by his father is another. And of course it could be a mix of both.
And obviously, the hedgehog being a stand in and representation of every thing he loves eventually leaving him.
I've also seen a few post pointing out how...peculiar it was that Vegas happend to drop the key right after telling pete there was no one there. And I completely get those, cuz THIS:
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Is not a face that says "how did you get out again *cue frantic search of his pockets for his keys *cue reslization" this is more "but why are you still here?" But you could also argue he's still in a bit of shock from losing his hedgehog to go down that line of thought. Also we all saw Vegas just get up and walk without holding onto or guiding pete 👀 Like he just expected pete to follow him (which he did)
Internally screaming
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Speaking from experience pete?
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Vegas theerapanyakul what is your hand doing? Grasping a fist full of Pete's ass ah la temple scene? or is he just holding Pete's whole dick and balls in his hand😂 cuz that would be hilarious. Either way, somethings going on here. This leads me to the music...which I really liked. I think it's fitting for them. I was snap chatting with a friend while I frothed at the mouth over the pure hotness and intensity of this scean and she said it sounded like what she thought a hypnotic trance felt like. Then it clicked. VP ARE in a trance. Away from anyone else they are in a trance with one another. Good for them.
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Vegaspete now OWN the body worship tag. Vegas was having a whole religious experience right here and I wouldn't blame him (also Pete's waist) but seriously, this scene was so passionate and reverent but also felt like it wasn't real. All my thanks to Bible and Build's acting skills, dedication, professionalism just everything and boc for creating an environment where their actors feel comfortable enough to challenge themselves with such difficult scenes. Their efforts are not unnoticed or unappreciated.
Vegas is also, obviously an ass kind of guy😏
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Pete was crazy for this
I could really go on but ill end here with this
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VP own me at this point. Like I really don't know what ide do without them. Im excited for how the rest of their story will play out in these next two ep I know no matter what it'll probably hurt :')
P.s I was gonna write my thoughts on kp's scenes this ep as well as the kittisawasd brothers (I had a lot of feels for Porsche dropping chay off) but I think I used up all my brain cells for vp annnndddd I just saw the behind the scenes for this ep drop,im gonna go watch it.
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