#gonna go now byeee
samanthamulder · 10 months
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018)
SEASON ELEVEN — It’s time to face the facts, guys. This is the end of the X-Files. But maybe the point wasn’t to find the truth, but to find each other. For no matter where we go in our lives, we will always have the memories of our time together, and no one can take those away.
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thecoolblackwaves · 3 months
Maemags fic idea I will never likely write in full:
Because I am having cesty thots tonight and I need to jot them down before I sleep
Maedhros and Maglor in modern AU share a 2 bedroom apartment
They respect each other's space for the most part, their relationship has grown as they've matured into adults
However one day Maglor finds a package on his bed addressed to him, but he hasn't ordered anything... it's a pretty bracelet
He puts it on and goes about his day. Next day there's something new, a movie he wanted to see
Keeps happening. there's jewelry, chocolates, cologne, gift cards, little drawings, books, a teddy bear. One day a bouquet of twelve red roses
At this point it's obvious it's Maedhros and they've entered into some sort of flirting/courtship situation
One day, though. One day Maglor comes back from school ready to see his daily surprise and finds the most drop dead gorgeous lingerie carefully laid out on his pillow
It's a rich scarlet red. Silky with lace trim, lots of straps, with a matching robe and thigh highs. Fits him nearly perfect
He puts it on, goes to his brother's room, and while he knows they should have a conversation there is very little talking for the next hour
The stockings ripped unfortunately but the rest of the outfit can be cleaned and worn again. It definitely will be
Maglor starts leaving Maedhros little presents and love notes in the lunchbox he packs for him each morning
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2truehearts · 10 months
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— they love you like the sea.
their love for you is as vast as the ocean and as intricate as what lays beneath its blanket of glittering foam.
they are the kisses hidden in both blanket and dawn, the laughter you’re drawn to even in crowded rooms; and the secret in-between scorned love letters.
often times, they’re calm and collected—yet other times it seems as if they’re threatening to swallow you whole to keep you within their grasp. they are complex, brilliant, mysterious—and you’re just like them, in a different font, per se.
they see everything but your heart, anything but your sleight of hand, all but your love. so they soon bring you ashore—where everything else is beautiful but the sea. because they aren't land, they aren't stable—they could not love you properly, and that's on them; not you or anyone else. just them, and they're fine with that. they're too much to handle, and through you they learn it the hard way.
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— ⓒ llovelessly 2023.
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
..ive really just reached a point where i dont even really care about uploading fics anymore huh
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shadybiotics · 1 year
Perv!Zenyatta and Perv!Ramattra x Reader [NSFW headcanons] Part 1
[ part 2 ]
Whenever you decide to cook yourself a meal Zenyatta likes to dress you in a cute apron, one which is a bit too small, a bit too tight to purposefully put your curves on display for them as they sit and watch.
Both Zenyatta and Ramattra like to oogle you and watch your every move as you do your mundane tasks. Both omnics are very aware of eachothers sinful thoughts of you.
If Ramattra sees the chance too he will come up behind you as if there wasnt enough room and scoot pass you, he lays his hand on your hips, or on your butt, as he moves past. He will use that as an excuse to push his groin into you, knowing damn well you felt that. "Ooops sorry, just gonna move right past~" he says in that stupid tone.
Zanyatta has been on a streak of 'accidentally' spilling water on your shirt, you have no idea how it landed so perfectly on your chest each time... He would then run up to you apologizing. "Here, let me aid you" he would say as he grabbed a couple of tissues and started patting your chest dry, obviously focusing more on what's underneath your shirt.
If Zenyatta felt especially mischevious he would spill something sticky on you, then you'd be forced to change. He would repeatedly insist on helping you, already grabbing the hem of your shirt and lifting but you know his games.
When Ramattra gets bored and has you sitting next to him he will take that opportunity to swiftly grab you, toss you on top of him into a risky position and then start acting as if you were the one that crawled on top of him yourself. "Y/N!? What are you doing?! I mean I understand you have your human desires but you cant just pounce on me like that!" He would shout so dramatically, making sure everyone around was looking.
The embarrassment you felt made you quickly try and remove yourself from top of him but Ramattra would hold you down in a tight lock while laughing to himself. "Going so soon? Why, stay a while~"
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whoredmode · 1 year
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lineups for the sr1 leaders. i’ll do lieutenants/associates/etc separately; for now i just wanted to focus on the people that actually ran things (or at least ran them for a minute).
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ahappyphjl · 7 months
dnp using our lingo means they Must’ve been spying on us for a while to learn our language,, horrifying
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hollypies · 1 year
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Binged all of hlvrai again so have some hlvrai but bugs au redesigns!
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elitehoe · 1 month
News sites are reporting it's real, and frankly yesterday Excalibur gave a LOT of detail about the injury which I think they usually don't make up if it's for a storyline :( I think he's having surgery, and you can never say never - Edge and Christian were both never going to be able to wrestle again, among others - but for now it *seems* like AEW and Chuck are expecting the worst. Or they're going *very* far to play us.
No god take me instead 😭
This is honestly so sad, I'm wishing the best for Chuckie T and sending him lots of healing vibes!!
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
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“Did Lance want to go to the Academy?” Alec asked.
“That doesn’t fucking matter,” Max hissed and slowly exhaled to calm down. “You know, David told me education is a fundamental human right. At least in the mundane world. But I can see that your Clave runs things differently.”
Alec crossed his arms. “So, now you’re mad at me?”
Max sighed. “Papi, I’m-”
“I’m not your papi. I’m your dad,” Alec snapped. “And I’m tired of you and Rafael acting like children.”
Max stared at him impassively. “Did you give Rafael this talk?”
“You know I have,” Alec sighed. “Look, Max, I understand how fucking complicated all of this is for both of you. But whatever problems you and Rafael have, you need to figure it out. Do not pass it on to your children. I will not have Lightwood-Banes fighting each other.”
You can now read the new short story from Love Breaks Apart Families here on ao3 :)
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akalegos · 1 year
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the most romantic/cute/fluffiest thing in my mind is buying groceries together
but anyways haiiii @gomagopowerrangers im ur santa for @redvsbluesecretsanta !! 
i dont usually finish drawings and I think its showing through haha but I hope you like it !! and merry christmas if you celebrate !!
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nerves-nebula · 6 months
This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my bloodsugar. please help me with a small donation or share any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings ❤Thanks.
hmm. nooo. i think u are a scammer cuz ur first reblog was from 7 hours ago... also i am broke so it wouldnt even work anyway....
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yingyangtale · 1 year
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Anyways here's this sansy doodle I did, there will 100% be more on the way thanks for tuning in 😭
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I just watched day 1 of QSMP, Slime’s perspective and ohhhhh boyyyyyy
I need to go take a fucking ASPIRIN
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hoodie-prince-kid · 1 year
this is a they/he conversation so you better she your way out of it
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tmnt-crossover-polls · 11 months
The saddest screenshot of the crossover polls
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I can't imagine the polls ending and loosing you all
Hosting the polls have been one of the best experiences I've had in the last couple of years and the idea of it being over is unimaginably scary
Did i already make an account for another poll because i have an issue with changing my routines? Yes, absolutely
But still the crossover polls are so important to me
I made so many amazing friends I've read so many cool fics i have a discord server with mods and AU channels and members and memes about ME and much more than i can ask for
They joy of seeing people making propaganda and tagging Me on them making memes about our conversation and drawing gorgeous fics about something i created?
That's a billion times more than i ever could've dreamed about this
I always said i thought this is gonna have only 6 people show up for this
We had 38 AUs and all of them were brilliant over 200 blogs following and so many votes
I'm so grateful for all of you and I don't think i expressed it enough
Thanks for being a part of this journey
Thanks for being here and i hope you had as much fun as i had
The crossover polls aren't over
Some people expressed their interest in another round of polls and i will do that if there are enough people
I do need a while to just not feel responsible but i am so happy to host again one day
If you want to stay connected and chat and maybe enable me to do random shit the discord server is always welcoming more friends
I'll see you around for semi finals
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