#god you could not pay me to be in a big popular band fandom
wibta if i asked for help from the ppl who i harassed for months?
ok so basically i (18f, at the time 16f) really like this group. but one day they just went on "indefinite hiatus" for no reason. and obviously i was really mad. so after a few months of trying to pick the right person to blame i decided it was entirely thr fault of this one asshole, who literally went and made his OWN GROUP like right after this hiatus was announced. the little turd clearly wanted out due to hating his members. and that's not even the worst part. he actually started gaining traction after this dumb little move. and after the turd made a collab with a pretty popular kpop group (and we all know how kpop stans are with their mass streaming) this loser was getting more attention than thr guy that I LIKE.
my guy was the most talented pretty and popular member of the group when it was active, and he could sell out dome tours with his solo work all the time. he just did that in fact. but now that this other bitch was using kpop stans for clout he was the one getting all the attention. and it rubbed off on his group he made and their trash music as well. but this isn't about him it's about me.
like i said i got really upset, and once i decided this was all turd boy's fault, i shamelessly harassed fans of this "person" and the dumb little group he made, mostly by way of spamming gore in their discord servers and wikis. this lasted for months until one of them eventually doxxed me back. i'll admit i shouldn't have done all of this. but i was just fighting against traitors in the industry.
but, it's been over a year since then. and i've moved on. until a few weeks ago. this third guy "came out" in a clear pr stunt. like with a whole press confrence and everything he didnt even try to hide it. and then he dropped a new song right after. somebody's jealous of the sold out dome tour!
but not everyone realises its a pr stunt. ppl are falling for it and streaming the new somg. and if the hype doesn't die down soon my guy will be in THIRD. i can't let that happen or else i'd be a failure but i have a plan.
hypothetically, i would slide back into the discord server, explain my dilemma, and maybe stans of the first turd would be willing to mass stream my guy's amazing new song and i guess i'll mass stream whatever crap their guy shat out recently. they're smart people, they doxxed my cats after all. i'm sure they'll understand.
but i fear that it would be kind of a dick move to act all buddy buddy with a server who i went crazy on and harassed for months on end. but on the other hand i can't let my idol be at only third most monthly listeners in his old group!! so i don't know what to do, wibta if i went through with this?
What are these acronyms?
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 32: braeuch
UGH twitch won't let me re-sub with prime until the 29th bc I missed the ONE DAY it was available
I have adhd, this is ableist
liam stop that
I always picture the aunt from coraline chiseling at the taffy bowl
letters is an scp
no dis a ssem ble
I've been making arcane gifs, so: sevika
cyborg ladies >
ah. family trauma.
"it was old" impossibly old. old as balls.
fcg whispers!
matt using this as an excuse to get a drink
"hold me"
Bad Cop
"we're level 7 and I wanna use it"
the way he paused after "it's been a while"
[sprays fcg with a water bottle] you! have! autonomy!
you are an AUTOMATON it is IN THE NAME kind of
this all hurts
laura inevitably giggling at "pussy"
not looking forward to "dancer is an irredeemable villain" takes
she's just. kind of a not-great person who is also facing probably the most traumatic event of their life? I wouldn't be at my kindest either
fcg :(
"you always do better when you talk" put me in the ground
weird steam-powered giraffe subunit
"you're always asking for more shopping"
somebody in chat said fcg makes the usb device noise when he swaps arm extensions and now it's all I can hear
it is now safe to remove your buzzsaw
travis did not prepare for this information
(I'm gonna have to hunt that down and make a gif)
"we're fucking at joe's?" "joe wants to fuck me?"
"I didn't mean it like that" "yeah no sure you didn't"
this is how they get taken off twitch
…so he's rearranging fcg's guts
"only one thing looks purple in the whole world" the fandom trying to connect everything together
"delilaaaaah, make yourself usefuuuuul you stupid biiiitch"
she did not
sigrun's rune scars
(please read edda-earth)
I got distracted by tiktok (title of my autobiography) (that I didn't finish) (guess why)
"you cannot say words"
"where the FUCK is aeor"
"unchosen bits" folk pop band name
god time GOD TIME
does fcg become a changebringer cleric bc that would be cool
"guns for tiny monkey hands" is unchosen bits' debut album
"black powder" I miss viktor
love that ashley has a little mister prop now
ashon is that guy who flung the walmart pallet one-handed
is laudna's arm weaker at the elbow or at the shoulder
I have processed Nothing why are we stressed
they're gonna know
I always feel bad zoning out bc like. this is not much of a reaction post if I don't fucking pay attention to react
…..wooden hats
the faun can detect magic! I didn't know she knew how to do THAT.
cerberus assembly is the new uko'toa (uko'toa)
"everybody knows spartans don't exist!"
"we need someone fast" "and furious" "I could go" "you're neither of those things"
"I've heard people say 'brewch'" "they were wrong"
taliesin why was that so menacing
they are single-handedly going to change the popular pronunciation of the word "brooch"
life is short, do something to a bagel
"first branch of a very big tree" [squints]
"be the best broken thing you can be"
newly refurbished chamber that was once bad
chetney why are you so HORNY
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spatort · 3 years
I’m at my parents’ house and I have too much time on my hands apparently, so it’s time for a trip down memory lane! More specifically, a trip into the weird world of 1990s for-profit teen idol RPF, such as this beauty:
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No, I did not find this at my parents’ house, I bought it second-hand specifically in order to make this post because I’m a person who enjoys studying fan culture in her free time. So, if you’re wondering what the hell the monstrosity pictured above is, and why it exists, don’t worry, I’m about to answer that question extensively.
Let’s start with a bit of history: In the pre-internet era, fan culture differed from today in a few key regards. Although fanfiction existed, without the internet it was much harder for fans to share their stories with each other. Large fandoms such as Star Trek did have fanzines where fanfic could be printed, but all in all it was a much more niche thing than it is today with millions of fics accessible on AO3.
Fan culture in general, however, was a big thing in the 90s – particularly when it came to pop acts that appealed to teen (and tween) audiences, such as the Backstreet Boys, the Spice Girls, or (mostly in Europe) the Kelly Family. When I was in elementary school, you basically had to pick whether you were a BSB or an NSYNC fan – and god forbid you were a Kelly fan like me, then you were the lowest rung on the social ladder and the target of relentless mockery. Like many German kids in the 90s, me and my sister would religiously read teen magazine BRAVO, cut out every single bit of material about our faves and collect them in folders and self-made fanzines. We created fan art and fanfiction without having words for these things. Without the internet and social media, fans did not have a constant stream of content about their idols, and were left with no other choice but to cling to every bit of information they could find in magazines, on TV shows, or on the radio.
Enter a savvy businessperson who comes up with the perfect merchandise product to sell to these popstar-obsessed teens: fan novels! These books, featuring taglines such as ‘The novel for all Backstreet Boys fans’, typically revolved around a relatable female teenage protagonist who is a fan of the celebrity or music group in question, and usually ends up meeting their idol or, gasp, even becoming romantically involved with them. As far as themes go, they look pretty much exactly like your classic self-insert RPF. Except there is a big difference setting these books apart from ‘actual’ fanfiction: Rather than being written by real fans to express their ‘fannish’ feelings about the subject, fan novels were most likely commissioned works created by professional romance authors purely to profit off of actual fans. There is very little background information available about this ‘genre’, but I did stumble across an academic work on Google Books which featured a passage about these fan novels (translated into English by me):
There are several commissioned works by professional authors, which could be mistaken for fanfiction. Especially in the 1990s, when lots of boy bands were on the market, many books of this kind were published. […] These are fictional stories for fans [redacted].
Jennie Hermann: Backstreet Girl. Projektionsfläche Popstar - Wenn der Fan zum Schriftsteller wird (2009) [Popstar as Projection Surface – When fans become writers]
One of the things I find most intriguing about this type of commercially published fanfiction is the question of personal rights. Obviously, the celebs in question or their management must have consented to using their names in the story, their pictures on the cover and so on – because a profit could be made with this. Especially with the fan debate around RPF allegely being unethical, I wonder if the celebrities themselves were aware someone was writing these stories about them, putting words in their mouth, and if they had any clue what exactly happened in these novels. Now, I’ve read a couple of them in my own youth. Some of them deal mostly with the state of being a fan, e.g. I recall a novel about a girl who is so obsessed with Leonardo Di Caprio that she doesn’t pay attention to real life guys at all, only to learn that her actual dream boy has been in her life all along! This story did not feature Di Caprio himself as a character, it was more about the protagonist’s arc of realizing your idols are not all that matters in life. Others do describe fan encounters with teen idols, and some even feature (hints at) romance with a celebrity. When I decided to purchase a vintage copy of one of these books, I opted for one of the latter category, precisely because of the popular argument that writing romance stories featuring real people is somehow ‘wrong’. For only a couple of euros, I was able to get my hands on a weird and wonderful relic of fan culture: Mein Frühling mit Nick (My spring with Nick) by the likely pseudonymous Maxi Keller, heralded on the book cover as ‘the novel for all fans of the Backstreet Boys’.
The story revolves around 16-year-old musical prodigy and designated wallflower Katharina, who lives in a German small town and cares about nothing else than playing the organ – certainly not about boys, let alone ones that are super-famous American pop stars. This means she is not initially a fan of the Backstreet Boys, which I guess is something of a trope itself – the protagonist meeting a celebrity by chance without knowing who they are and the celeb being thrilled that someone doesn’t just like them for their fame. Anyway, the boys visit Katharina’s hometown while on tour in Germany because band member AJ is doing some research on his German ancestors who happened to live in this very town. Katharina runs into them, she and Nick (who was only 17 himself when this was published in 1997, so it’s legal) fall in love at first sight, she helps them dig up information on AJ’s ancestors and finds out the two of them are related, the boys invite Katharina and her friend Saskia backstage after their show and … nothing happens. The book is 200 pages long and Katharina doesn’t even get one kiss with her boy band sweetheart, even though they mutually crush on each other right away. Perhaps that’s as far as the band or their management agreed for the novel to go – a hint at romance, but no trace of any on-page action, no matter how innocent.
That said, the book is so hilariously poorly written that it was still very entertaining to read. Although I could not find out anything about the author Maxi Keller, and therefore assume this might be a pseudonym, their writing style very much suggests that their are a professional romance author who usually writes for an older audience (plus, the book was published by Bastei Lübbe, who also publish a range of cheap romance novels known as ‘Romanhefte’). The language is extremely flowery at times, and even teenage characters speak with an eloquence that is hardly age-appropriate, with some 90s teen slang peppered in at unfitting times (such as the overuse of the English word ‘girl’). Often the novel loses itself in pointless detail that does nothing to move the plot forward (such as an extensive description of a house party hosted by Saskia’s rich parents, with minute details of their luxurious lifestyle and assets, even though Saskia is only a supporting character in the overall plot). It appears as if the author is desperately trying to fill the pages with meaningless drivel so they don’t need to write too many scenes featuring the presumed main attraction, the boys themselves.
If Keller was indeed merely hired to write this, and is not a fan themselves, one must still admit that the author did their research when it comes to the band. Whereas fanfiction typically assumes that the audience is already familiar with the characters and often skips any introductory descriptions of their appearance or personality, Keller makes sure that even a reader who is completely unfamiliar with the Backstreet Boys can keep up. The author delivers extensive descriptions of the boys’ appearance and demeanor, even spelling out their full names repeatedly, and frequently peppers in ‘fun facts’ such as ‘Kevin was raised on a farm in Kentucky’. While an actual fan might do so to prove how knowledgeable they are, and earning their status as a ‘true fan’, in this case it only seems like Keller really wants to show off how much research they did – as if not a single piece of information they took in must go to waste by not being used in the novel.
When it comes to the question how realistically the non-fannish author replicates the way the boys act and speak, there are two barriers to delivering a well-founded answer: Firstly, I was personally very young when BSB were popular and I really don’t remember too well what each member was like. Secondly, the elephant in the room: the language barrier. All of the aforementioned fan novels were written in German, and the problems posed by writing about an English-speaking band interacting with German OCs (and teenage ones at that) are addressed poorly, if at all. Pretty much all dialogue is written in German, and the audience is left to assume that everyone is actually speaking English whenever the boys are involved – except the novel does nothing to explain why two 16-year-old German girls would be able to express themselves so effortlessly in a foreign language. (Remember, the internet was not a thing, so German kids were not exposed to the same amount of English in everyday life as they are these days.) It would have been easy to make one of them a language nerd who gets straight A’s in English class, and give the other a British parent and make them bilingual. Instead, Katharina initially even worries about the prospect of having to talk to boys at all, and in English on top of that! But when she actually does, the language barrier never comes up again. The suspension of disbelief expected from the reader is therefore immense. The language barrier also gives the author an easy way out when it comes to imitating the way the boys speak in real life – there is no need to take into account idiolects or regional differences (such as ‘you guys’ vs. ‘y’all’) if the boys’ speech is essentially translated into a foreign language. However, I wanted to give you guys (or y’all, if you will) a taste of how Keller attempts to write a scene where AJ and Nick discuss the latter’s crush on Katharina:
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I would argue that this sounds realistic enough for what it’s worth, if a little cheesy, which is excusable in this genre. Perhaps a true 90s BSB fan would beg to differ, so if you happen to be one, feel free to drop me a message. But in my semi-professional opinion, this most likely holds up for readers.
So, to answer the initial question that drove me to purchase this book: Do fan novels like Mein Frühling mit Nick count as fanfiction?
If we assume that something is only a fanfic if the author themselves is a fan of the subject matter, then I would argue no, Maxi Keller is probably not a fan themselves and therefore this work of for-profit real-person fiction does not qualify as fanfic. However, fan novels definitely have a (however small) place in the history of fan culture and fan-adjacent works, and I personally found reading this relic both entertaining and insightful!
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hiuythn · 4 years
do u have any krbk fics that u can rec? any favorites of urs! ☺️
you’re in luck bc i just made a rec list for a friend so i have this ready for you
also i’ve got over 200 krbk bookmarks on ao3 so feel free to check that out if you finish this rec list.
all (except one) of these are completed. they're in no particular order. i tried to find ones that are less known, bc idk how much you've read but i'm assuming all the popular ones are familiar to you. happy reading! 💖💖💖
Inevitable - Legendaerie - 8k - mature CLASSIC 'bkg thinks they've been together and kiri thinks he's still pining' TROPE. it's INCOMPREHENSIBLE to me why this doesn't have more fucking kudos!!! why!!!
Tiny Truths - Quirk Archivist (OneHitWondersAnonymous) - 4k - teen bkg gets de-aged. kid him reveals sth to class 1a, more imptly, to KIRI, abt some ideas about what it means to open a hero agency together. it's super adorable!!
Punch My Mouth with Your Mouth - QuestCat44 - 4k - teen bkg spars with deku more bc OfA is acting up and he's the only one in the know. kiri gets jealous but he's so good-natured that his jealousy is only bc he misses sparring/spending time with bkg. BKG, on the other hand, is worried kiri is mad for different reasons asdkjfhasdhfa
all according to keikaku........... - carolinaa - 8k - teen the title should already tell you how good this is. I LOVE JEALOUSY FICS WHEN THEY'RE MORE FUNNY THAN ANGSTY AND THIS IS SO FUNNY. kiri gets tired of deku being a pussy around todo and decides to flirt with todo to get deku jealous enough to do sth about it. bkg and todo are both horrified for VERY different reasons DHADSKDFHJS
doll me up - shizuumi151 - 6k - gen kiri gets turned into a doll by a kid's quirk and no one knows. bkg still ends up caring for him :’)
These Words Are Ours - deviance - 2k - teen soulmate au but bkg figures who's going to say his words before it happens, and honestly that's kind of the point. he's not the type to fall in love at first sight. he MAKES the choice to love kiri and that, my friends, is my kind of soulmate au.
all good things need sunshine - shizuumi151 - 3k - teen FLORIST KIRI. BKG WANTS A BOUQUET THAT SAYS  'FUCK YOU'
feedback loop - bigstupidjellyfish - 1k - teen PRO HERO BKG GETS THROWN BACK IN TIME FOR A BIT AND MEETS MIDDLE SCHOOL KIRI AND HE'S SO SOFT TO HIM ASDFHKASDFJ. i am a big fan of bkg being a fan of kiri. i can't get ENOUGH OF IT. can someone give me more fics like this
mixed signals - bigstupidjellyfish - 2k -teen a short 'what if' fic where kiri and bkg went to the same middle school. bkg's still an ass but kiri's still his equal it seems, and is just as good as handling him as ever
Dreaming of a White Mocha Christmas - let_me_wander - 8k - teen ANOTHER COFFEE SHOP AU.  BARISTA KIRI AND HIS FAV CUSTOMER ;) GET SNOWED IN  
Something Warm - let_me_wander - 15k - teen YES FOLKS IT'S A A A ANOTHER COFFEE SHOP FIC, THAT'S RIGHT!! BARISTA BKG THIS TIME. also kr is in a band and writes a song for bkg asdfhksjd
Kneel - deviance - 7k - explicit idk if you wanted explicit stuff but this is pretty light sub stuff, they're not even properly together at the beginning, and there isn’t sex til the end. i just liked how kiri is the only one bkg would rely on for sth this private, and it's more emotional than it is sexual?
Everyone Knows That Cats Are Independent - PurplePersnickety - 39k - teen YET. ANOTHER. COFFEE SHOP AU. but also?? daemons?? katsuki's got a lionness, and kiri has a...i'll let you find out. anyway they become closer and closer and closer and the flirting is so fucking excruciatingly obvious but cute and sdkjfhasdjs it's such a queer experience like 'is he...no he cant be...but what if he did like me - no that's not possible. but what if?' and they get so domestic sometimes i swear i'm about to puke from how cute it is. this is my fav coffee shop au ngl
Broken Bridges - DeathBelle - 68k - explicit plot fic!! krbk loses touch after gradutation. kiri comes back from korea and starts to work together with bkg, dealing with a series of murders and MAN the action is 👌 easy to follow but it hits all the beats, has that Flow. krbk being a power couple will never get old!!
Of Ghosts and other Inaccurate Things - chezka - 56k - gen pretty sure you've seen this one around but STILL. BKG FALLING FOR 'GHOST' KIRI IS BEST. this au really takes FULL COMPLETE advantage of the fact that krbk CANNOT TOUCH and the yearning practically astral-projected me back into the my past life when i was a dung beetle that got crushed under the foot of an elephant. it hurt, basically. but it hurt so good. JUST LET BKG HUG KIRI!!! happy ending ofc.
Catching Bees - MonocerosRex - 2k - teen bkg has to pay his classmates compliments. class 1a hijinks. the krbk in this is short but it made me squeal sdhfkakjl
i'm going to the forest to kick my own ass - WannabeMarySue - 5k - teen TODO PRANKS BKG BUT UNLUCKY FOR HIM BKG IS COMPETITIVE AND ACTUALLY LEARNS SOMETHING
Playing Favorites - vaporeon_ninja - 2k - gen AKSDJFHJADHFKA BKG GETS CALLED OUT ON HIS KIRI FAVOURITISM
(Not Quite) Proposal - imatrisarahtops - 783 - teen DRUNK BKG IS SAPPY WITH HIS BOYF
A Dragon's Hoard - chezka - 10k - teen kiri gets turned into a dragon bc of a quirk. LOVE HOW DRAGON KIRI STILL LIKES BKG BEST
Love Notes - PurplePersnickety - 5k - teen LOVE NOTES BKG LEAVES LOVE NOTES FOR KIRI IT'S SO SWEET
Define: Oblivious - PurplePersnickety - 45k - teen this is the second part to Love Notes, it's still updating BUT PLEASE CHECK IT OUT TOO BC KIRI DOES STH SO BADASS DURING PRACTICAL TRAINING I LOVE HIM I REREAD THIS NOW AND THEN JUST FOR HOW COOL HE IS IN THAT ONE CHAPTER. also the steady, careful way krbk define their relationship and bkg's demisexuality is so sweet, so good.
The Hard Easy - dirtbag - 4k - teen this one is pretty popular but i still gotta mention it bc. kissing lessons. KISSING LESSONS!!! i love how eagar bkg is askdfhks
Kitsune's Pride - kytrin, Mslead - 147k - explicit okay this was A DOOZY like i???? the plot???? the time travel and the oni and kitsune stuff???? bkg and kiri being badasses??? bkg wanting the best for kiri and angrily supporting him??? this was the first time i kept up to date with a fic when it was still updating and commenting every chapte,r i was so hooked. and ALSO like the authors have written SO MUCH more longfics like this like they have NOVELS and i REALLY rec you check them out like....bro idk how they do they have so much out already and i think and they're updating two more rn and i'm. their bitch tbh
Burden of Proof - kytrin, Mslead - 153k - explicit OK ONE MORE REC FOR THESE AUTHORS. burden of proof is so. so fcukign good. i have adhd and these guys have never one lost me even tho their fics are upwards of 60k. this fic has dragons, it has plot, it has growth and healing and found families and i WISH i could write sth this intricate.
Burger Kings - plantegg - 5k - teen stupid teenage boys being stupid. kiri blackmails bkg into going on a date asjdfhkdsjfakd
Day 6: Fandom - PullingAllMighters, SweetBrew - 9k - mature bkg and kiri don't know each other until they're pro heros and only bc they start a competition to see who's better and they go to each other's signings undercover and develop crushes on each other and deku is an enABLER ASHAHAJFS
Scales Ain't The Same As Feathers - Julietwasanidiot - 2k - gen GOD THIS IS SO CUTE BABY BKG "FINDERS KEEPERS" A BABY DRAGON KIRI SKDHFHD but he thinks kiri is a chicken
Charades - orphan_account - 4k - teen this is just soft....game night....at one point bkg acts out a really romantic word for charades and he's EMBARRASSED SDJFHA. also kiri falls asleep on him and there's some hair stroking....soft...
Cranky-rishima - PurplePersnickety - 29k - teen kirishima is the one with nightmares in this one and he gets CRANKY and BKG has to be the one to reach out and i thought that was such a fresh reversal loved it
No Secrets to Success - kingdoms - 7k - teen THIS IS MY FAV!! MY ABSOLUTE FAV JUST BC I LOVE IT WHEN FICS MAKE PEOPLE GAPE IN AWE FROM HOW SOFT BKG IS WITH KIRI. also krbk forming their relationship outside of school in this au was so??? sweet??? it's just them hanging out together. ALSO KIRI IS SO GOOD AT POKING BKG'S BUTTONS ASJDFHASK
Built to Fall - bigstupidjellyfish - 68k - explicit pro heros fic. they had a bad breakup in third year and oh god the angst is QUALITY. DW THEY TOTALLY MAKE UP AND IT'S SO FCKN WORTH IT. bkg also got therapy so he’s a little more stable as an adult lol
A Name That You'll Remember - heronfem - 33k - mature bkg is a fail!villain. he fell in with the wrong crowd when he was younger. he doesn't actually do anything wrong. in fact, all of his 'crimes' are generally stopped by kiri and somehow all end up exposing corruption anyway, so he's actually helping. kids love bkg. he always makes sure they're safe before he robs a jewelry store or sth. somehow kiri ends up flirting with him in all their fights and bkg has no idea what to make of him. the public can't get enough of them
strawberry mango sweet - redriotinggg - 9k - teen it's just a really sweet smoothie shop au!!! it's good reliable fluff!! what else can you ask for!!
cultivating something so divine - redriotinggg - 10k - teen redriotinggg yet again, i love this au, it's vet!au and kiri is so good at loving animals that bkg hires him and they fall in love and it's also got some competency porn, as in krbk are hella good at their job like power couple ayy
Tension Reduction - acernor - 10k - explicit Kirishima is a massage therapist and Bakugo needs help relaxing.
Mistletoe? Mistletoe. - Tearsaresalty - 2k - teen class 1a keeps making bkg kiss kiri and neither of them really mind wow i wonder why 🙄
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judylicious · 3 years
And When He Smiles I Swear I Can’t Breathe
Alan Rubin x fem!Reader
Word count: 1,996
Fandom: Blues Brothers
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Blues Brothers characters or movies. This refers to Alan Rubin as a character in the movie, not the real Alan (although he obvsly played himself but you know what I mean)
I’d like to add that I made everyone of the band a few years younger (so the age gap between the reader and Alan isn’t that big), so he’s approx. in his early 30s.
Sophia & Lisa are two OCs created by two lovely people within the fandom.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, COs having some kind of breakdown
So the next two chapters are gonna be somewhat of a bumpy ride for Charlotte. Just please stay and bear with me until the end of chapter 4, when the magic starts happening. Xx
Chapter III
The next morning Charlotte was having breakfast with her family. “I didn’t hear you coming home last night.” Her dad gave her a harsh look. “Well, yes it got pretty late. I fell asleep during the last movie and the girls felt so sorry for me they didn’t wanna wake me up!” She laughed, trying to lighten up the mood but her father just starred at her emotionless. “I’m sorry, dad. I promise it won’t happen again.”, she added in a apologising tone, which seemed to soothe him. “What films did you watch?”, her sister asked curiously. Charlotte looked at her with big eyes. What the hell? She knew her sister asked that without any ulterior motive, it was just her way but still… “You know, those classic ones. Halloween and some romcom in the end to lift everyone’s spirits.” 
“Was it worth watching?” Oh for crying out loud! Thankfully the phone starting ringing, Charlotte’s mother picked it up. “Hello, Sylvia Ellington speaking.... Hun, it’s for you, it’s Lisa!” The girl quickly jumped to her feet. “May I take it in my room, please?” Her mother looked at her husband and gave her daughter a quick nod. In her room Charlotte took the phone to sit on her bed. “Lisa?” “Hiya!” “How was your evening with Lou? Did you…?” “Naah, we didn’t. But it was lovely seeing him again, I missed him so much. He’s just so shy sometimes. I mean I love that about him, I just wish he’d take the initiative more often.” “I’m sure he will eventually. It was your third date after all. Take it as a compliment that he ain’t rushing things and wants you both to be ready.” “I hope you’re right. Sooo…? You and Alan? I saw you two leave…?” “Yeah, yeah stop it right there. He took me home like a gentleman.” “BORING! Nah, I’m just kidding.” Charlotte sighed. “You know, I like him but I don’t know anything about him. Is he single or seeing anyone? Perhaps he was just trying to be friendly, taking the opportunity for a nice drink. No more, no less.” “Just ask him out on a date, pretty sure his reaction will tell.” “And what if he’s interested in a casual hook-up only? I don’t wanna make a fool out of myself.” “I’m afraid you won’t know if you don’t try.” “Hmm.. But I know someone who DOES know! Lou! I’m sure he knows what’s going on in Alan’s life, you always told me there were close.” “Yeah but.. I don’t know. It would feel strange asking Lou about Alan for you.” Both girls were silent for a moment. “Wait, I’ve got an idea.” Lisa said excitedly. “I’m meeting Lou in his lunch break at the cafe tomorrow noon. You could accidentally bump into us and join us.” Charlotte giggled. “Sounds perfect. I see you then!”
The next day Lisa opened the door to the small Soul Food Café on Maxwell Street and greeted the waitress with a warm smile. “Hi Mrs. Murphy!” “Hello sugar, nice to see you again.” Lisa sticked her head in the kitchen. “Hey Lou!” He looked up from the dishes and his face lighted up the moment he saw his girl. “Give me a minute, babe. Right with you.” Lisa smiled and chose a table at the window. She ordered Lou’s and her favourite dish and watched him as he left the kitchen. He quickly pulled off his hair net and gave her a kiss before sitting down. “Food’s already on it’s way.” He grabbed her hand and caressed it with his thumb. “I’m so happy to be back after our tour. I love performing with the boys but I felt sorry for leaving you so early in our relationship.” He softly brushed a strain out of her face when he got interrupted by someone banging against the window. Charlotte. She quickly walked inside. “Oh my God what are you two doing here?” “Well for starters, I work here.” “Would you like to join us, Charlie?” “Sure, why not, thanks. How are you two doing?” “Good thanks, we were about to have lunch.” The tall, handsome man said. The girls gave each other a look, without saying a word. Lou’s eyes wandered from one girl to the other and back again. “You two are terrible actors, you know that.” And he started to laugh. “Why are you here, Charlotte?” “I’m sorry, Lou. It’s because of Alan. I had a lovely time with him the other night and was wondering, is he dating anyone recently?” “Hard to tell, really. I mean with us touring in the last couple of months, it was difficult for all of us to meet anyone at all. I know that he used to see a woman named Lari. They also met a few times when we where on tour. Think she owns her own business, forcing her to travel quite a lot through the states.” “Are they… dating? I mean is it anything serious?” “I don’t even know if they still see each other.” “So nothing serious?” Charlotte kept pestering him. Lou sighed. “Listen, Alan’s one of my best mates but you should know that he’s quite popular with the ladies. Even I can see how good looking he is. Every concert he had some other woman showing up for him backstage and I can’t remember the last time he was in a serious commitment.” He could see the disappointment and sadness in Charlotte’s face and felt sorry for her. “But you’ll never know. Perhaps when the right one crosses his way.” “I heard you, Lou. but thanks for the effort to cheer me up.” She quickly got up from her seat “Really sorry for spoiling your little date.” And with that she left the cafe, Lisa running after her. “Charlie wait, please!” She finally had caught up with her. “I’m sorry Lou didn’t tell you what you’ve wanted to hear.” “It doesn’t matter okay? I don’t even know why I got my hopes up in the first place, we had a drink, that’s all.” Lisa looked at her friend with compassion in her eyes, grabbing on of Charlotte’s hands. “I guess, Alan’s been the first one who showed any interest in me for quite some time and it felt nice.” She looked down at her hands, fiddling around. “Honey I’m sure someone will come along eventually.” “Right, and as soon as the meet my dad they’ll keep running away.” “Don’t you think it’s time to move out? Sophia got her own place, too.” “I already told you, I can’t. It’s complicated. I don’t expect you to understand.” She freed herself from Lisa hand and started walking down the street. “Charlotte!” But she started to walk faster until she ran, disappearing in the crowd on the streets. Lisa went back inside the cafe and sat next to Lou, who softly put his arm around his girl. “I’m sorry for what I’ve said, I didn’t think she’d take it so hard.” She gave him a quick snog on his cheek, reassuring him that her friend would be okay, though she couldn’t stop thinking about her and how hurt she was.
Charlotte got home around dinner time and found her mother in the kitchen preparing food. “Mum?” She leaned against the worktop, resting on her elbows. “I’m thinking about moving out.” Her mother dropped the knife and looked at her concerned. “This again? Don’t let your father hear about your ideas.” “What ideas?” The two women were startled and turned their back to face Charlotte’s father, who had gotten back from work. “I still wanna get my own place, dad!” “I thought we’ve talked about this way too often, Charlotte.” “But I’m old enough, I could get a job and pay for the rent of a little room myself.” She watched him pouring a glass of whiskey and taking a sip. “Dad?!” He crashed the glass down onto the table. “This still ins’t open for discussion! As long as I’m paying for your education, you stay where I can keep an eye on you!” He said angry. “No one’s asking you to pay.”,  Charlotte mumbled away and was about to leave the room. “What did you just say?” “Nothing!… Right so perhaps I don’t wanna study law.” “Don’t you forget that your mother and I had to go through a lot of trouble to get you that college place, considering your poor grades.” He walked towards her with big steps, shaking his finger at her. “Well, would have been nice if you had asked me before.” “Do you even listen to what you’re saying?! Have we left our manners at the door once more?” He was furious and discounted his glass from the kitchen table in one motion. Charlotte hated seeing him like this and it was one of those moments when she had to decide whether to retreat, displaying her fear of him or stand her ground, and for the first time ever she decided for the letter. When her father got closer, she could feel her knees began to buckle, she was trembling. Suddenly he grabbed her throat, pushing her head up and forcing her to look at him. “Once in your poor, miserable life you got the chance to do something useful with it. And we’re sticking it up your erse. Show some fuckin gratitude. If it wasn’t for you mother you wouldn’t even be standing here!” He yelled at his daughter wrathful and she felt his spit on her face. She knew what he meant by that. She knew that her father didn’t want her, when her mom, his girlfriend at that time, told him she was pregnant with his kid. “And clean up this mess! Your mother doesn’t have to do everything around here.” He added before he left hold of her and stormed out.
As it got dark Charlotte checked on her parents in the living room, both had fallen asleep in their armchairs. She left the house for a walk, which would hopefully get her mind off her toxic parents. She wasn’t living far away form Chicago city, so eventually she bought herself a beer at some street shop and set down on the pavement between two parked cars, hugging her knees. I will be stuck with them until I’ve finished college. If I finish at all. If he doesn’t care for me why doesn’t he let me go. It wasn’t the first time that night when she thought about just leaving, running away from her family.
And then she heard it. His laugh. His warm and soft giggle. She looked up but couldn’t see no one. There it was again. And then she saw him. He was walking on the other side of the road. A lady at his side, one arm tugged into him. She was absolutely gorgeous, tall, long, straight blond hair, wearing heels, a mini skirt underlining her stunning long legs and as it seemed his jacket hang over her shoulders. They both were laughing and smiling at each other. And Charlotte felt a deep, sharp pain in her heart. She was purely crushed seeing him with another woman. And before she knew it they were out of her sight, disappearing behind some cars.
She laid her head on her arms, squinting her bleary eyes. She wasn’t angry with him. But with herself. Disappointed she had left him into her heart so early, without knowing so less of him. And she felt stupid, like a teenager for getting her hopes up only because she liked him, only because he was nice to her. She felt stupid for believing a man like him could be interested in someone like her, when he could be with an actor or a model, literally anyone.  And a single tear ran down her cheek before she started weeping into her arms, trying to wash away the entire day.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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luciana-galvez · 5 years
rockstars & runaways | part 2
Nikki and Kat go way back, but with his issues and her family history, finding their way back together is a long and rocky road. And with the rockstar life, what’s the hurry anyway?
Fandom: The Dirt
Words: 1.5k
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x OC
Warnings: none
Note: feedback is always welcome! :)
“You missed a spot.”
“Excuse me?” Kat looked up at Nikki, who had propped himself up at the bar, eyeing her with a mischievous look.
“Right there,” Nikki pointed theatrically at a spot behind her, which looked just as dirty as the rest of the floor in the concert room.
“You are insufferable,” Kat answered, rolling her eyes.
Nikki feigned innocence and lifted his arms in the air. “I’m just trying to help you keep your job.”
“You’re trying to get me to punch you in the face is what you’re trying to do,” Kat answered dryly. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“I really don’t,” Nikki answered cheerfully.
Kat had been at the Starwood for four weeks now. Gary had given her privileges to work behind the bar on particularly busy nights (which made really good extra money thanks to the tips), but other than that she had been stuck at the cleaning job.
Not that she minded cleaning, it was just particularity annoying when a certain raven-haired guy was working as well.
Kat didn’t like people. She’s never liked people. Of course, she had met people whose company she enjoyed, and she’s met people that she was attracted to, but she’s never met anyone that she sought out to be around.
Which is why it was all the more surprising that she always perked up a little when she showed up to work and Nikki was there too. It was downright annoying to be working the same shift as him, but at the same time she was also sort of disappointed when he didn’t show when she started her shift. There was something about him that intrigued her, something that she couldn’t quite identify.
And, if she was honest, it scared the shit out of her. She knew she shouldn’t feed into it, but somehow she couldn’t quite manage to stay away from him either. Arguing with him was just so easy.
Kat watched as Nikki got up from his place at the bar and moved around it to pour himself a drink. They weren’t technically allowed to, but when Gary wasn’t there, who really noticed?
“Don’t you have any preparing to do?” she asked, referring to the fact that London was set to play tonight.
“I am,” Nikki said matter-of-factly as he poured himself another shot and downed it right away.
Kat rolled her eyes and went back to her daily task of mopping an un-moppable floor. She gave up five minutes later and went about emptying the dirty bucket and replacing it for a clean cloth to get started on cleaning the bar.
When she tried to, she found Nikki blocking her way. What else is new?
“I’m trying to work here,” she said.
“I know,” Nikki grinned. It took a moment before he finally moved to let her pass. “I need to go home and change anyway.”
“Smart man,” Kat replied as Nikki started walking away.
“You know me.”
“That’s why I’m surprised.”
Nikki turned around and grabbed his chest in feigned hurt. “Ouch,” he replied, not quite managing to suppress his grin. “Remind me to never let my guard down around you.”
Kat smirked and watched him walk away. She really was in big trouble.
The remaining hour until opening seemed to stretch to infinity. Kat busied herself with stocking up at the bar, but there was only so much to do until she eventually resigned herself to just sitting and waiting.
Unlike most days, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy the show from the crowd tonight. London had started attracting a crowd and Gary needed her behind the bar. She was happy about the extra cash, and she would still be able to see them play, so she didn’t really mind too much.
“Okay, let’s open her up,” Michelle announced as a way of saying hello as she peeked into the room not long after. Michelle was dark and tall and gorgeous, and she was one the Starwood’s most popular bartenders.
Kat nodded and hopped down from her seat of the bar, making her way through the room, into the hallway to find the bouncers and let them know it was time to open up and start admitting people.
It didn’t take long for the first people to file into the concert room, which was the larger of the two rooms in the Starwood, and soon Michelle and Kat were busy pouring drinks and watching the room fill up in anticipation of the show.
“They really are starting to attract a crowd, aren’t they?” Michelle mentioned eventually.
“Yeah,” Kat agreed while pouring another been. “What kind of crowd though?” she added, nodding her head in the direction of a group of girls that had just entered the room. All of them were exclusively in high heels and short skirts.
Michelle laughed. “Oh, come on. You’ve never seen a groupie?”
Kat simply raised an eyebrow at her in response, and Michelle smirked. “Do you wanna tell me there’s not a single musician you would dress up like that for?”
Kat’s eyebrow shot up even further. She turned to face Michelle and theatrically pointed at herself, gesturing from her worn out sneakers over her ripped jeans that might pass as stylish but were, in fact, simply torn, to her plain black tank top. “These are the fanciest clothes I own.”
“Girl, you need a makeover.”
“Tell me about it.”
But before they could continue their conversation, they were interrupted by the crowd starting to cheer as the band showed up on stage. Kat watched as all of them made their way across to their instruments, and she didn’t miss the way Nikki and the lead singer bumped into each other with what could only be described as mutual aggression.
It didn’t get better during the concert. There was no actual fighting, but the animosity between them radiated all the way to the bar. London was good, they really were, but Kat assumed they wouldn’t get anywhere with that kind of attitude toward each other.
After the concert, the Starwood started emptying out, and when Kat looked up from moving crates around, she found Nikki seated at the bar.
“Whisky,” he said.
Kat poured him a glass. “Good show.”
There was nothing left of the good mood that he was in earlier, and Kat watched as Nikki threw the singer a nasty look as he passed the bar, one girl in each arm.
“You really can’t stand him, can you?” Kat asked.
“He’s a prick.”
Kat huffed and poured him another drink, and then disappeared into the backroom to get fresh supplies. When she came back, she found one of the blonde girls from before seated next to Nikki, one hand on his arm, leaning forward so he could get a good look at her cleavage as they were talking.
Kat raised an eyebrow to no one in particular and tried not to seem irritated. But as it turned out, she didn’t have to try for too long, because just a moment later both Nikki and the girl got up.
“A few people are heading back to my place for an afterparty,” Nikki announced. “You wanna come?”
“I’m working,” Kat replied matter-of-factly.
“There’s barely anything left to do.”
Kat looked up, and her eyes darted between Nikki and the girl, who was now impatiently tugging at his sleeve. “I think I’m good.”
“Suit yourself,” Nikki shrugged. And with that, he turned around, put his arm around the girl’s shoulders, and both of them left.
Kat stared after them for a moment before going back to work, but when she turned, she found Michelle staring at her.
“What?” Kat asked.
“I think there might be someone you’d dress up for after all,” Michelle grinned.
“What, Nikki?” Kat asked incredulously. “Oh God, no.”
“Mhm mhm,” Michelle hummed, but Kat could tell by the expression on her face that she didn’t believe a word.
“Seriously,” Kat emphasized.
“I believe you,” Michelle said, clearly not believing her.
Michelle’s comment stayed with Kat until she was back in her car, driving down LA’s streets without paying as much attention as she should. The other girl’s implication bothered her, but she couldn’t put her finger on why.
There was nothing more between Nikki and her than a bit of cheerful banter. And even if she wanted to, emotional attachment was the last thing she needed. She would have to leave in a few weeks anyway, so she really couldn’t afford to. There was no reason to complicate things more than they already were.
She absentmindedly pulled into an empty parking lot away from the busy streets of downtown LA and parked her car at the lot’s far end, away from intruding eyes. She kept telling herself that she was not interested in Nikki as she brushed her teeth with a bottle of water over one of the parking lot’s drains, and as she put on another shirt from her trunk she thought Nikki was really nothing more than a pretty but annoying co-worker.
But when she laid down in the backseat and closed her eyes, the picture that kept replaying in her mind was that of Nikki putting his arm around the blonde girl and leaving with her.
tags: @supernaturalvikingwhore @sighsophiia @fandomshit6000 @flizaa @hi-my-name-is-riley
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
So, Apparently, I Find Fairies Hot Chapter 2
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Rated: T
Fandom: Original Fiction
Relationship type: Male/Male
Description: You know those movies and TV shows in which an effeminate gay character has a crush on the popular jock? Strike that, reverse it.
Daniel is technically popular at school but fades into the crowd. After an injury at footy (Australian football) practice, he is forced to focus on improving his grades, starting with English. Luckily, the new kid in school knows a lot about Shakespeare and is willing to tutor him. Now if only this new guy wasn't so attractive.
CONTENT WARNING: Homophobic slurs are used. Also, there are some sexual references but nothing too graphic.
Chapter 2: Is it gay to read a play?
Daniel sniffled, rubbing his nose. As he walked home he scowled at every flower he passed. He was walking alone, looking at his phone several times a minute in case Eddie cancelled. 
He gasped a little when he felt a weight on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a grinning Eddie with his hand on his shoulder, moving forward from the momentum of running.
‘I may as well walk with you,’ he explained with heaving breaths. ‘That way I can get to your place straight away and we can study a bit earlier.’ He took a closer look at Daniel. ‘Why do you look so grumpy?’
Daniel sighed. ‘Spring. Fucking hay fever.’
‘That’s a shame. I love Spring. It’s like all the plants are rising from the dead. That and Halloween’s in Spring.’ Daniel chuckled. ‘What?’
‘Rising from the dead? The only thing that’s rising is my impatience for all this pollen.’ A sneeze.
Eddie turned to his side but continued walking the same direction. ‘Are you taking any medicine for it?’
Daniel shook his head. ‘I’ll be fine. I’m just being whiny.’
‘You really should take care of yourself. If you don’t, you’ll end up in the doctor’s office or worse, you’ll be miserable all season.’ Eddie leaned in even closer, not noticing how Daniel’s body tensed up. ‘So, what do you do besides footy… and sucking at Shakespeare?’ Daniel glared at Eddie. ‘What? Okay, to be fair I’ve always sucked at sports. Or does surviving a mosh pit without being squished or trampled to death count as a sport?’
‘I, uh… don’t do much outside of that and watching TV. I need more hobbies. Speaking of which, what did you have on last night?’
‘Corpse Windmill was on and it was their last performance before they head back to the Netherlands. They’re this really obscure comedic technical death metal band. They debuted in 2004 as a reaction to postmodern notions of-’
‘I think I get the point.’ Eddie pouted and Daniel’s heart twisted. ‘Uh, well, actually, instead of telling me about the band you can tell me about that technical metal stuff.’
Daniel halted as if a record had just been scratched. ‘You listen to metal?’
Eddie pointed at his face and laughed. ‘Why are you so surprised? It’s obvious by the name I gave myself. Eddie’s the mascot for Iron Maiden, and Ironpoe’s a combo of Iron Maiden and Edgar Allen Poe, who’s the best gothic writer; you cannot change my mind.’
Daniel frowned at his hands. Into his pockets they went. ‘I don’t know much about metal.’
‘What do you listen to?’
‘Pop and Rap mostly.’
‘Well, there is rap metal but it doesn’t have the best reputation. I’ll try and find a really good artist and show it to you.’
‘Thanks. I just thought you’d listen to, I dunno, songs you’d play in a gay bar.’
‘What songs do they play at a gay bar? I’ve never been to one.’
Daniel looked at the ground. He sneezed. ‘Oh. I haven’t either, obviously, but I imagine they’d be the songs that go ‘doof doof doof doof’ or ‘ins ins ins ins’. I dunno.’
Eddie laughed so hard that tears began seeping out if his eyes. ‘Say that again.’
Daniel bit his tongue.
Eddie scoffed. ‘You’re no fun.’
The two took the rest of the trip in silence.
Eddie took a good look at Daniels home, which was a two-story grey concrete monstrosity with big glass windows and a sizeable garage. The garden was covered with ferns, a palm tree casting a shadow over the sand-coloured cobbled driveway.
When they stepped through the front door, the duo saw Daniel’s mother standing by the kitchen counter, a phone up to her ear and a scowl on her face.
‘Why hasn’t he fired her yet? Honestly, if I have to work with her one more time…’ Eddie waved at her. Daniel’s mother failed to notice him. 
Daniel grabbed Eddie by the arm and dragged him to his room before he could do something to grab her attention. 
Eddie struggled not to turn up his nose when he saw how messy Daniel’s room was. Underneath the unmade bed was a pile of dirty dishes that had been shoved there. Posters of half-naked women were placed across the walls without a thought to making their heights match. However, one part was as clean as Mother Theresa’s criminal record. The desk seemed to have never been touched.
The two boys pulled their copy of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ out of their bags and sat on the bed. 
‘Okay, first I need to properly assess the damage,’ Eddie said. ‘Could you read the bit we read yesterday again? Actually, read it from here.’ He pointed to the start of the first miniature monologue by Robin.
Daniel took a deep breath. ‘The… king… doth…keep…his-’
‘You can stop now.’
‘I didn’t even finish the first senten-’
‘I’ve heard what I need. I think you’re reading it word by word, even though in real life the words in a sentence should flow together. Try reading the whole sentence before speaking.’
‘What if I get a word wrong?’
‘You keep going. In the theatre, you can’t just stop or slow down if you don’t know what to do. You’ve got to improvise. With Shakespeare, it’s tougher since everybody already knows the lines but the show must go on.’
Daniel did as he was told and smiled when he finished a monologue. When he saw that Eddie’s expression didn’t match his, he frowned.
‘You don’t need to put on a posh voice. Shakespeare’s plays were performed in front of commoners, so everyday people were able to enjoy it.’
Daniel gulped before repeating the monologue. ‘Now what the hell did I just say?’ he asked.
‘Okay, so you’re a fairy jester talking to another fairy. According to you, the king of the fairies is having a party and he’s mad at his wife because she kidnapped a child and now pays lots of attention to the child, making the king jealous. Now read it again with that in mind.’
Daniel nodded. After he finished the monologue, Eddie clapped. Daniel grinned. ‘Now let’s talk about themes,’ Eddie declared.
He taught Daniel the same things Dr Daylings said but rephrased them to be more relatable. Daniel nodded in understanding the whole time.
Eddie looked at the time on his phone. ‘Oh my god, sorry for lecturing you for so long. Let’s take a break and just hang out or something.’ Daniel lied down on his back and sighed in relief. ‘Was I that annoying?’
‘No, you were really good. Where did you learn so much about Shakespeare?’
‘I’ve watched his plays live a lot.’
‘Makes sense. So, um, I have a question. Don’t take this the wrong way.’
‘Well, now I’m worried. What is it?’
Daniel bit his tongue for a moment before continuing. ‘Why do you act so… stereotypical? Like, you almost look like a chick. I mean, you’re clearly not because chicks are hot and… I mean, not that you’re not hot, but… I didn’t mean that that way!’
Eddie spat with laughter. ‘Jesus, you’re blushing!’ He breathed slowly to calm his laughter. ‘I’m just being myself.’
‘But how can you be so open to people you’ve just met?’
Eddie was silent for a few moments as he pondered the question. ‘Well, some gay people can’t really hide it. It’s too obvious. So why should I bother? I know some gay guys just act like regular guys, but I’m just not that. I was always kind of girly. When I officially came out to my parents, they had this bored look on their faces. It kind of pissed me off, not gonna lie. I mean, thanks, Mum and Dad! What, was all this fear for nothing?’
‘When did you know you were gay?’
Eddie chuckled. ‘Oh god. I think it was the cashier at the café my parents took me to every week that made me realise it. He was so cute. Of course, nothing was going to happen between us because he was around fifteen and I was seven, plus I’m pretty sure he was straight.’
Daniel put his hands in his pockets, still lying down. ‘Do… all gay guys know they’re gay that early?’
Eddie shrugged his shoulders. ‘I don’t…’ He frowned for a second before smiling again.  ‘I don’t know any other gay guys outside of the ones I see on Drag Race. Oh, I did meet a bi guy once at an Iron Maiden concert. He didn’t look super stereotypical, but when we were waiting for the show to start I saw he had a pink, purple and blue pride bracelet.’
‘You know, bisexual. Bisexuals are… wait, you probably already know that. Phew, I guess I can stop a lecture before it starts.’
Daniel was silent as the image of his old friend spiralled into his mind like a tornado before spinning away, leaving a destroyed mood in its wake.
‘Let’s get back to studying,’ he grumbled.
The next day had English class. After asking the class who wanted to read a part, Dr Dayling’s eyebrows jumped up when he saw Daniel’s hand up.
Daniel read a monologue, constantly looking at Eddie for approval. Eddie gave him the thumbs up and a smile.
Dr Dayling nodded. ‘Well done, Daniel. I have no idea what fairy used their magic on you, but you should thank them.’
During lunch, Daniel invited Eddie to sit on the couch with Daniel’s other friends. James glared at Daniel, but he didn’t notice.
‘Shit, we’ve got PE after lunch, don’t we?’ Eddie asked. James nodded. ‘How do I get fitter?’
Daniel smiled. ‘Well, my gym has a free trial for new members.’
James snickered. ‘What, so he can stare at all the guys in the shower?’
Daniel wanted to respond to that, but he kept his mouth shut. Eddie rolled his eyes. ‘Seriously? Jock guys aren’t my thing anyway.’
A quick, sharp pain pricked Daniel’s heart.
Just as quick was a girl’s response. ‘You watch too many American movies. We don’t have ‘jocks’ here.’
Eddie ignored her and continued ranting about homophobia, making everyone near him groan except for Daniel, who could no longer pay attention to anything Eddie said.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
The Most Memorable Anime Dance Sequences of All Time!
Anime is an amazing medium because of the way things flow and look on screen, like when action sequences suck us in with amazing animation and quieter scenes can stun with captivating visuals. Perhaps one of the least appreciated parts of anime, though, are the amazing dance sequences that can pop up in our favorite shows and even in their opening and endings. Dance can really be an amazing medium on its own, and with the right animation and music, anime dances can seem almost magical! But which ones are the best? I’ve gathered what I think are the 10 best overall anime dance sequences, and I’m ranking them based on their style, choreography, and their overall ability to stick in our minds. If you’re looking for a new dance to try out with your friends at a cosplay gathering for this year’s con circuit, or maybe you just appreciate a good dance as much as I do, hit the dance floor and get ready to show off some sick moves!
10) Kill Me Baby Ending Dance Sequence
    Coming in at number 10, I’ve got the dance from the Kill Me Baby ending theme “The True Secret of Our Feelings.” This unique duet encapsulates the odd mood and style of the series, with a unique blend of comedy that is wholly its own. While it is a unique and quirky dance, that’s the reason I found it so memorable! Seeing this dance at the end of every episode was a great way to cap off any episode, as well as a great little bit of music and dancing that captured what Kill Me Baby was all about: weird, cute comedy! One of the things I really appreciated about this dance was the way that the moves keep specific timing with the beat, which really showed a level of though similar to the sometimes subtle punchlines of the show.
9) Sgt. Frog Ending Dance Sequence
    Fittingly at number 9 spot is the 9th ending song of Sgt. Frog, “Spinning, Turning, Once Around!” When this song hit during the anime’s broadcast, it became a huge sensation online, spawning lots of people doing their own group renditions of the dance. At first it might seem like the song is more memorable and catchy than the dance, which is why it’s a bit lower on our list than others, but the dance itself is quite fun and actually very subtle! Much of it is focused on specific, timed movements between a group, and keeping up that manic pace as the song’s tempo increases is part of the fun. The parody videos people have made are almost as entertaining as the original (especially to see how people interpreted Tamama’s entrance into the ending!), so for that reason alone I knew I had to put it on this list.
8) Free - Iwatobi Swim Club-'s Ending Sequence
  Free! -Iwatobi Swim Club- certainly made a huge splash (sorry, not sorry) when it hit the scene a few years ago, and people were instantly sucked into the sports and non-sport drama of the swim club boys. But perhaps one of the most memorable parts of the series was it's absolutely off the wall ending sequence, featuring cast members alternating between dancing in a night club and an Arabian themed hunt for an oasis! While some might argue that certain viewers were more interested in the amount of abs on display in the ending, I’ll say that while that was great, the oddball dance sequence and fun visuals of the ending are what really caught our attention. Free! itself seems to have owned up to the silliness of the first ending, as the recent movie had the guys creating a themed recruitment video in something of a fun callback to the original season’s ending visuals. The night club scene was so popular, it even inspired some neat merchandise for fans to buy! And while fans will probably argue over who the best Free! boy is, I have to say that Haru’s hair flipping to the beat in this ending is pretty show stealing!
7) Carnival Phantasm's Opening Dance Sequence
  The TYPE-MOON series Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime have spawned countless fans between all of the various versions of anime spin offs from the original games, but none perhaps captured the madcap silliness the fandom had invented better than the Carnival Phantasm series. A selection of comical shorts featuring characters from both the Fate and Tsukihime series, the show kicked off each episode with a high energy and catchy theme song that was accompanied by the main characters of each series dancing along in time. Seeing Saber, Rin, Arcueid and many others dancing cutely was enough to get this on our list, but the huge group dance scenes in between those really helped cement this one in place. Carnival Phantasm was filled with callbacks to events in both series, their anime, and even long-time in jokes, and the opening copied that as well, with odd little easter eggs for careful viewers to spot. Although Carnival Phantasm never got an official release outside of Japan, the opening song was popular enough to inspire some fan reactions. If you take a look at it, let us know if you can spot the Assassin cut-out…!
6) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable Opening Dance Sequence
  As much as I would like to put this next entry on the list with “Koichi pose” and leave it at that, there’s definitely more to be said about this one. Our number 6 spot goes to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable’s first opening song, “Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town,” featuring cast members dancing along to the song as they introduce themselves. Diamond is Unbreakable really exuded a specific bouncy charm and vibrancy to it that made it different from previous JoJo seasons, and this opening song really helped to sell that mood. Starting off with Josuke, Koichi, Jotaro and Okuyasu on a stage like a boy band, the song kept up that high energy throughout, making it a catchy tune with somewhat even more memorable dance moves. Although it isn’t as thoroughly choreographed as some of our other entries, it would be hard to really forget certain scenes here, and the way it fits the series is a huge plus to us.
5) Blood Blockade Battlefront Ending Dance Sequence
  Blood Blockade Battlefront was a series that dripped style from the way it was animated to the character designs, and the ending theme, “Sugar Song and Bitter Step,” had an amazing segue of dancing scenes that really helped cement that in our minds. Much like Sgt. Frog, the ending of Blood Blockade Battlefront spawned lots of homage videos from fan artists and cosplayers recreating the dance steps with their own unique takes on it. Perhaps one of the most memorable bits of the whole sequence, though, is the way in which it helped sell character interactions and relationships even in the ending song; watching the various ways Zapp interacted with people, for example, or the little cues to season one’s major plot points in various parts was a hidden treat that rewarded keen viewers attention. The song itself matches the jazzy dance steps and costuming as well, making it an overall catchy and fun sequence to watch over and over again!
4) Uta no Prince Sama Ending Dance Sequence
Considering that it’s a series about handsome idols doing amazing song and dance routines, it probably doesn’t surprise you to see Uta no Prince Sama’s “Maji Love 2000%” make it onto our list at number 4. The dance is so fluid and stylish that you could easily see a real idol group easily perform something similar, and the accompanying fan screams during specific moments really made the whole scene amazing. Plus, as the pay off to a tense and dramatic season finale, the whole dance really felt like an amazing reward for viewers to see. I’ll be honest with you all: there are a few scenes in this dance that I enjoy quite a lot, and it probably isn’t hard to figure out why! If you like your idols handsome and with good rhythm, you should consider checking out Uta no Prince Sama!
3) Vegeta's Bingo Dance from Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods
  This next dance caught us so off guard when I first saw it that I think you’ll agree it deserves a high place on our list: Vegeta’s bingo dance! First seen in the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods movie and then again in the Dragon Ball Super anime adaptation of it, Vegeta’s desperate attempt to distract Beerus from destroying Earth was perhaps never so apparent as it was in this madcap dance sequence. Vegeta’s improvisational song and dance are pretty amazing on their own, but perhaps the most memorable thing about them is what it meant for the Dragon Ball series as a whole: a marked shift in Vegeta’s character and personality. Super really focused heavily on Vegeta’s growth early on, letting us see his change from the cold hearted and distant “Prince of all Saiyans” of Dragon Ball Z into a man who, while still surly, really cares for his family and other people enough to throw away his pride and put on a ridiculous dance to save the day. I love Dragon Ball Super and I love Vegeta, and this dance really just put a big bow on why!
2) Torture Dance from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
  A relative newcomer compared to the rest of the list, our number 2 spot goes to that torture dance scene from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind! One of the best things an anime adaptation can do is take things that it’s source material did, and give it a unique spin that only an animated series can do, and David Production really knocked it out of the park with this! Changing a single page set of panels into a minute long visual trip was amazing! It also gave us a little fun insight into the relationships of the Bucciarati gang; we see goofball Narancia start off, only to have the slightly more serious Mista join in, followed by the extremely high strung Fugo working together in perfect harmony as their torture target suffers in the background. The original song, “Canonzi Preferite,” created to go along with the dance is another great touch, as are the trippy visuals between dance steps. It’s a real treat to watch this dance scene over and over again, and it’s something that really helped me find my love for Part 5 immediately!
1) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ending Dance Sequence
If you’ve read this far and asked “Where is it?” you’ve probably already predicted what's in the #1 spot: the famous “Hare Hare Yukai” dance from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! It may be hard to imagine that it’s been over 13 years (ohmygod, it’s been THAT LONG?) since this song first hit the anime world like a tidal wave, and it’s dance soon became a convention staple for groups of cosplayers! It’s hard to deny the memories of seeing fan renditions of the dance pop up on the early days of social media, and the enduring popularity of the dance sequence really says all there is to say about why it’s my number one pick. Even if we discounted the history now attached to the dance, it’s hard to argue that there’s a stronger contender on our list; the song is matched perfectly by the movements of the cast, and it gives off an air of natural movement that’s hard to match! Many other dances on our list are broken up by other strings of animation stills or cut aways, Hare Hare Yukai got an entire minute of pure dancing down the line, with impressive choreography considerations for its age. It’s pretty hard to deny: Haruhi is still on top when it comes to dancing!
And there you have it! I hope you enjoyed this collection of amazing anime dance sequences, and if you feel so inclined, maybe you can dance along yourself at home or at your next convention outing. Just remember to limber up, practice, and dance like the blinds are closed; after all, dancing is about having fun, so hit the floor and get to it!
Have a dance that you think should be on this list? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features and a social video script writer for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
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theglorydefender · 6 years
“Don’t let them hear us”Ted Theodore Logan fic
This is for my good friend @centuries-of-fandoms Hope u like it! x
“Logan..It’s a C this time” “Whoa! No way!” the brunette boy exclaimed, staring proudly at the red C on his paper. “Not bad Logan” I said smirking as I turned around to face him. “Thanks! It’s my first C in math this year! What did you get ?” Ted asked, slightly leaning towards me to look at my paper. “Oh..umm..A-” I said smiling shyly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “Smarty pants” the boy said giggling as he flashed a bright smile which made me squeal a bit inside. “Hey! I’m not!” I responded back “I guess I’m just good at it” “Is that the only thing you’re good at ?” he asked curiously “What ?” “I mean..nothing umm..” Ted said, realizing the question turned out to be a bit awkward. “So umm..are u going to Bryan’s party tonight ?” “Well..I don’t know. I guess I could” I said, kind of unsure of my answer because I didn’t really like parties nor Bryan for that matter. He was that typical popular guy whom every girl dreamed about unlike Ted who appeared to be more bashful and clumsy but that’s what I liked about him. I mean it’s not like I have a crush on him or something I just..think he’s cute..That’s all.. “Awesome! I’ll be there, my C deserved it.” he said, packing his books at an incredible speed right after the bell rang.
I really didn’t feel like going to that party but knowing that Ted would be there gave me hope that I may not be completely bored after all. He was a good boy, not the most hard working guy you’d meet but he tried. Having a band and practicing his guitar skills was always a priority for him. And I did think he was cute, I mean, you should see his puppy eyes, they always look so warm and sparkly, it’s like they’re reflecting his bubbly personality. But at the same time he was pretty shy, always carrying that bashful smile on his face, even avoiding eye contact sometimes if he feels like he would be staring at you for too long..
That Friday night really arrived fast and it felt like I just got home from school when it was time for me to get ready. I started feeling a bit nervous, queasy almost and I wasn’t sure why..was it because of the fact that I couldn’t stand some of Bryan’s friends or..because of Ted ? Anyhow, I got ready and arrived at the big mansion-like house, music blasting, thankfully good one this time and I got in. The lights were kinda dim and it took my eyes a while to adjust to the atmosphere when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.
“Hey!” The tall boy greeted me smiling. “Hey Ted! What you got there ?” I said pointing to a can he was holding. “Oh cherry Cola..u want some ?” “Maybe later..I thought it was beer” “Sorry to disappoint  but..maybe later ?” he said chuckling “Are you mocking me ? I said smirking as he looked away, trying to find some silly excuse to defend himself. The place was crowded and after a while we both thought it would be a good idea to find a quieter place to sit and chat and maybe have that cherry Cola..hah Ted started looking around like a little confused puppy, trying to find a place to go and I grabbed his hand, making him a bit puzzled by my sudden action and ascended the stairs so we could go to the top floor. “Come on Logan! There’s bound to be some quieter place here.” “Are you sure we can go there ?” he asked a bit scared that someone might banish us from the party. “Relax! Kids do this all the time! Who’s gonna check on us anyway ? Bryan’s parents are out of town and he’s already half drunk. We’re all good..” I said, trying to calm him down a bit.
We carefully observed the top floor and accidentally found Bryan’s room where a couple was making out as per usual..After a while Ted opened the door only to reveal this huge beautifully decorated room which appeared to be the parents’ room. “Oh man should we go in ?” he asked, looking at me as he was seeking approval. “Do you want to go in ?” I asked raising my eyebrow, somehow being the one who was asking for his approval.. “Well..yeah!” “Go on then!” and we entered, like two kids in a candy store. We weren’t touching anything but were just admiring the look of it. Ted turned on a lamp which was only making the room look dim because of its size but we were both fine with that. I sat on the bed calling Ted to join me and after a few seconds of hesitation he sat beside me. We ended up talking about all sorts of stuff, including school and grades. Not the best subject but it just sort of happened.
“And what did you get on that biology test last week ?” he asked curiously. “A+..wasn’t that hard though” I answered back. “Hah, smarty pants!” he exclaimed giggling as I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. “Hey! I’m totally not!” “Sorry..smarty pants!” he said and I hit him again. “Oh my god Ted! Stop that!” I said, but couldn’t help laughing myself. “Make me..” Ted said, taking the pillow away from me and now holding both of my hands. “What ?” I said, a bit bewildered by his sudden action. “I said..make me..smarty pants” he said smirking, pulling me closer to him. “I..umm..you better stop calling me..like that..” I uttered barely as I felt my eyes widen as his face was getting closer to mine with every passing second. “Or what ?” Ted said, leaning his head to the side. “..Or I’ll..” “..Or you’ll punch me with a pillow again ?” “I..yes, I will.” “Well you sure are a tough young lady..smarty pants..” he said almost in a whisper as he pressed his lips against mine. It took me a few seconds to react before I kissed him back and after a while I managed to follow his movements. As he was holding my hands, he slowly brought them up to his neck and I wrapped my arm around him, while holding his jaw and bringing him closer with my other hand. I couldn’t even hear the music from downstairs anymore, he was all I knew about at the moment. We got so into it that he was leaning in more and more and was now on top of me, his legs between mine as I was playing with his hair. Never in my life did I think I’ll see this side of Ted. I never even knew nor could assume that he had one. And where did he learn to kiss like that ? Our slow kissing turned into a real make out session as he bit my lip in one point and I couldn’t help but let out a moan come out of my mouth.. “Shh..they’ll hear us..” he said whispering as he moved on to kiss my neck. It seems like he didn’t pay attention to the music either and thought that every sigh and moan we both let out could be heard downstairs. His hands were underneath my shirt and I could feel him between my legs as he would occasionally grind against me a bit. It felt way too hot in the room now and I felt like I couldn’t think straight anymore, I wasn’t thinking at all..I was pulling him closer and kissing him harder like he was something I was craving for my entire life. His soft sighs were driving me crazy and my hand slowly moved down on him as someone suddenly opened the door..It was, now fully, drunk Bryan.
“Hey guys! Whoa Logan! Not bad man! Don’t mind me hah, I’ll just leave you two alone!” he said rushing to close the door. I’m surprised he even recognized Ted after all those shots he had. We finally pulled apart and sat back on the bed as I was fixing my shirt.
“So this is what I get for calling you smarty pants..” he said going back to his bashful mode, trying to fix his hair. “Well..seems to be like it..” “I guess math’s not the only thing you’re good at, ha ?” he asked, raising his brow. “You tell me Logan..If that C made you feel like that I wonder what would A+ do..” “If you wanna come around and teach me I’ll tell you” he said smirking.
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fandomblues · 6 years
Just Saying [Steve Harrington]
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Fandom ; Stranger Things
Pairings ; Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary ; Steve thinks your boyfriend is a douchebag and that he’ll be a better choice. You, unfortunately, beg to differ.
Warning(s) ; swearing, angst (if that’s even a warning?), stevie boy doesn’t get the girl
Word Count ; 1.7k+
Author’s Note ; I felt like it was an inappropriate song choice since the show takes place in the 80s and 5SOS is a current modern-era band but I really wanted to write some angsty steve stuff based off a song and it was the first thing that came to my mind. If you want me to write any fics (marvel/teen wolf/stranger things) based off songs, feel free to send in some suggestions. I won’t choose to write fics for every single song, though. Enjoy this in the mean time xx
| based off the song ‘Just Saying’ by 5 Seconds of Summer |
listen to it here on spotify
You got a boyfriend, and he’s a total loser
All your friends tell you that he’s got no future
But they like me
Just Saying
Markus pressed a sloppy kiss to your lips before he pulled away and let out a heavy sigh. "I hate to go, baby," he pouted. "But i'll be back soon, I promise."
You let out a giggle. "It's just an hour, Mark. I'll see you at lunch," you pointed out, letting your arms curl round the back of his neck as you gazed lovingly up at him.
Behind you, your friends let out gags and you turned your head round slightly to glare at them playfully. Markus rolled his eyes at your friends. He never quite liked them. He always called them "bobble head bitches", much to your annoyance.
"I'll see you later, Y/N," he muttered, untangling himself from you unwillingly before walking off. You glared at your friends. "Would it kill you to be nice to him for once?" you sighed.
Clara wrinkled her nose. "It's not like he's nice to us anyway. I don't get why you're still with him," she said. Beside her, Eliza smacked on her gum as she nodded in agreement. "You've got so many better options. Like Mr Popular over there," she added on. She jerked her head to her right, where your best friend Steve stood across the hall.
You looked in his direction to catch him watching you. Shamelessly, he gave you a grin and waved as he pulled his attention away from the boy he was talking to. You smiled and waved back, but your smile dropped as soon as you turned back to the three girls standing in front of you.
"We're just friends, girls," you sighed. "Besides, he's probably still not quite over Nancy yet."
Eliza snorted. "Have you seen the way he looks at you, Y/N?"
You frowned as you argued against her words. "Markus has already been held back once, Y/N. He isn't doing any better. He really isn't good enough for you. I mean, look at Steve, he isn't the best but he's trying," Chantel piped up.
You were getting sick of this at this point. "Look, whether Mark is good enough for me or not isn't my problem," you spat. Your friends raised their eyebrows a little and stepped back, as if you had just slapped them in the face. "I would appreciate if you kept your comments to yourselves instead of demoralizing my boyfriend all the time, thank you very much!"
With that, you slammed your locker shut and whirled around on your heel, walking off to class.
He barely takes you out
If he does he's late
And when the check comes, he always makes you pay
I'd never do that
Just saying
"Hey, babe, i'm so sorry i'm late. The boys kept insisting on a rematch," Markus chuckled as slid into the booth next to you. You forced a smile at your boyfriend. You didn't want him to see you hurt or disappointed.
Markus had promised the last time that he wouldn't be late to another date again, yet here he was almost an hour later. Dates were a rare occasion between you two as it is, and you didn't want to spoil the night.
"It's okay, Mark," you told him. "At least you're here. Better late than never, right?"
Markus let out a hearty laugh and pressed a kiss to your lips, which caused your lipstick to smear slightly. "That I agree with, princess,"
You both ordered your food and a couple of drinks and ate in silence with the occasional mention of school or family issues.
When the bill came, Markus made a big show of pulling out his wallet to pay for your meal, but he stopped short and let out an over-exaggerated groan. "Oh my god, sweetheart, i'm so sorry. Really. My cards got confiscated and I forgot to bring any notes. You're going to have to pay for this one..."
Your eyebrows knitted together in a frown, but you agreed. You ignored the fact that you saw a couple of hundred dollar bills sitting inside his wallet as you rummaged out some money.
You sat in the ice cream parlor with Steve at the window seat, moaning as you took a lick of your mixed berries treat. Steve's ears tinged red and he couldn't help but wonder if that was what you sounded like when you orgasmed. He pushed the thought to the back of his head.
"Thanks so much for the ice cream, Steve. I really needed this," you commented. After your disastrous 'date' with Markus, you had called Steve up in frustration and ranted to him how much of an asshole Markus was.
Steve, being the good friend he was, listened to you politely and offered some advice; which you never really heeded. It was the same thing every time you went out with Mark. He would show up late, make you upset in some way, and you would play it off but complain to your best friend later on in the night.
Steve always felt a tinge of hope, that maybe one day you would finally realize how much of a jackass Markus was and you would come to your sense and dump him. But after countless nights of getting calls from you crying and screaming and hugging you to comfort you in school, he gave up that thought. You were never going to leave Markus, no matter how much of a dick he was.
Steve forced a smile onto his face. "I'm sure Markus is sincere about it. He just has a funny way of showing it." You glanced up at him and smiled fakely. "Yeah. I know he'll come round one day. He's getting better."
Steve rolled his eyes when you looked away.
You should leave him
'Cause it really makes me sick
Just saying, just saying
You don't need him
I'll help you get over it
Just saying, just saying
It was the third night in a row that you were crying over Mark again.
Steve cradled you in his arms as you sobbed, your tears staining his sweater. You were going through a tough time with Mark. It wasn't like it happened once in a blue moon, but you were determined to make the relationship work. You guys had been together too long.
You pulled away and Steve immediately wiped your tears away as you sniffed. "Please don't cry," he whispered. "It's not worth it."
"But I love him so much," you wailed. You felt more tears threaten to spill out once again. God, it really was like a never ending waterfall.
Steve cupped your face and gazed down at you. You were absolutely beautiful, and Steve couldn't help but feel a little guilty for wanting to kiss you then and there even though you were clearly upset. He pressed a kiss to your forehead instead as sadness welled up inside him.
"Don't worry, Y/N. I'm here."
When you change your mind I'll be waiting
'Cause I'm better than him
Just saying
"Honestly, though, Y/N, I don't get why you're still with him," Steve muttered, his eyes dropping to his drink as he stirred it. You looked up at Steve as you paused your writing. "Why do you have a problem with Mark? It's not just you, it's Clara and Chantel and Eliza too. And my parents. Is he really such a terrible human being?" you gritted out. You were having a perfectly normal time studying. And Steve had to ruin it with such a sentence.
He shook his head. "Mark's just... he isn't good enough for you."
You narrowed your eyes at Steve. “And how would you know that?”
“You’re nice and funny... and actually make an effort to keep the relationship going,” Steve started. “And he just... he doesn’t even care, Y/N! I just don’t get why you’re still with him.”
“Everyone just looks at his flaws! He’s a great guy and it’s not my bloody problem if you guys can’t see that!”
“I’m just saying-”
“No you aren’t! I though you were actually different from everybody else, Steve! I thought you could clearly see that he’s actually making an effort to change and get back on track but obviously not!”
“He just isn’t good enough for someone like you! You’re personalities just don’t compliment each other!” Steve argued, his voice raising slightly. You almost flinched. Steve never raised his voice at you.
"And what exactly constitutes as 'good enough', Steve? Hmm?" You challenged.
Steve's breath hitched in his throat as he looked up at you with wide eyes. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. You folded your arms, looking at him expectantly while you waited for an answer.
After a heavy amount of silence, Steve managed to utter out one word. One single word. He didn't even want to say it, but he did so anyway. He felt like he betrayed himself, he felt like he ruined his friendship with you. But it was as if he couldn't control it.
He watched as your eyes widened in surprise. You just stared at him blankly and kept silent. Then you let out a chuckle, making Steve narrow his eyes at you. You laughed a little louder again. But it wasn't genuine. It wasn't a happy laugh.
Your laughter practically dripped with disbelief and sarcasm; full of anguish.
You stood up faster than lightning and packed up all your things, throwing your belongings into your bag with little care. You ignored the fact that your worksheets got crinkled under the weight of your books and pencil case as you zipped it up and slung your bag over your shoulder.
You glared down at your friend. "No one's better than Markus, Steve. He loves me and I love him. Stop sticking your nose into our problems like everyone else, would you?"
Steve stuttered out some unclear words as he struggled to find an answer.
"I didn’t mean it," he replied lamely. He mentally slapped himself for saying something that wasn’t even true.
Steve watched you roll your eyes and stomp out of the cafe with a storm cloud above your head.
He really shouldn't have said 'me'.
'Cause I'm better than him
Just Saying
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askauradonprep · 7 years
A Pirate’s Life For Me
So, the Hooks kinda blew through the competition in the family dynamics vote. I’m not super surprised tbh. The Hook family is very popular, as evidenced by the plethora of head canon requests I’ve got, the 26 requests in my ask box for Harry (plus a couple for CJ) and the asks I got for Hook during our “Parent questions” theme day. The Hooks, and Harry in particular, seems to have become quite the fandom magnet. So here is the head canon post as promised. 
Under a read more for some seriously unhealthy and abusive dynamics. Some of this gets DARK. Also because this is going to be very long. Content warnings for abuse, graphic and blunt mentions of death and violence, one mention of suicidal thoughts, and mentions of Frollo being creepy (but not graphic and he doesn’t actually physically harm anyone).
Captain James Hook
- Hook drinks more than he used to because of the conditions on the Isle - not just because it’s miserable, but because wine is often cleaner than water. That’s done wonders for his temper, as I’m sure you can imagine - he’s volatile, vengeful and violent as ever. 
- When Hook was in a good mood, he’d send a drink to their table and drink with the crew. They’d sing sea shanties and pirate songs. Harriet was maybe six her first time and the other two were both like 8 when he first did it. 
- He has his kids call him ‘Captain’ to his face. He doesn’t like being called dad. 
- He’s very controlling? Like, his kids are not going anywhere permanently. He needs them around to help with the shop and they can leave when he says. 
- Don’t give him the idea his kids are disloyal. There will be hell to pay. He’s big on ‘crew’ - it’s not like having allies, who team up while the getting is good. Crew’s have agreed to band together and watch each other’s backs. You’re on his ship, you’re crew, KIDS. And if you are disloyal......eek.
- How good of a parent Hook is drastically depends on whether he’s in a good mood, a neutral mood, or a bad mood. When he’s in a good mood, he’ll move heaven and earth for his kids, as much as a villain can anyways. 
- And when he’s in a bad mood (which is most days) he is actively dangerous for his kids to be around because he’s violent, has volatile moods and he’s a drinker. When he’s feeling neutral, he just…..meh. He probably won’t hurt his kids but he won’t go out of his way to interact with them either.
- Although, one constant is that he’s a protective dad - either because you’re messing with his kids (good mood) or because by messing with his kids, you’re messing with him (neutral and bad mood). This seems to have carried on to his kids - no matter how mad they were or how much they wanted to avoid each other, if you harm or threaten one of their siblings, they will make you regret it. Assuming they get to you before you stare down the barrel of a gun held by Hook. 
- He’s set himself up as a role model, getting the kids to emulate him to an extent, while also frightening them with his mood swings, explosive anger, threats, locking them in either their room or the brig, and violent lashing out. He also has a nasty habit of playing them against each other and violently controlling them, especially if they try to leave.
- He’s not worried about coercing his kids into his feuds or fights. It’s fine, he’ll be there to shoot anything hurting them if something goes wrong, but they’re going to fight for him dammit. He’s hardly above emotional blackmail or loopholes in deals. 
Hook’s wife
- Died in childbirth. According to Harriet, ‘CJ’s fat head ripped her open and she bled to death’
- She was cold, cruel, stoic, and quiet. She never really got up in arms about much, unlike her husband. There was a kind of balance there. 
- She usually kept Harriet away from Hook when he was in a bad mood, as well as Harry, who was only an infant at the time. 
- She looked quite a bit like Harriet, but with CJ’s hair. 
- She wasn’t one to be crossed unless one wanted a knife in the ribs. 
- When she was mad at her kids, she tended to withdraw and pretend they were gone. 
- She was probably a pirate or something similar who worked with or served pirates. 
- I’m thinking Harriet is the only one of her kids who remember her - Harry was only a year old and she died giving birth to CJ. 
- Nobody’s quite sure if she was actually the mother of Harriet and Harry as well. Hook’s not sharing and she’s the only mother Harriet remembers - she was around when Harry was born, though Harriet doesn’t remember well enough whether or not she actually gave birth to him. For simplicity’s sake, Harriet’s just decided ‘fuck it, she was our mother’ and the other two don’t know any different. 
Regardless of whether she was the mother of all his kids or just CJ, Hook must have been very fond of her - he keeps a picture on a nightstand around. Meanwhile, if there were other mothers, there’s no evidence of it. 
- She used to tell Harriet stories and teach her how pirate songs went. She also used to hum to Harry when she wanted him to go down to sleep. 
Harriet Hook
- Harriet is about 19 when the franchise starts and about 20 now - so, about 3 years older than Harry and 4 years older than CJ. She's the oldest VK. 
- When her mother died, she took it upon herself to do most of the day to day raising of her siblings. As time went on, other adults noticed and started paying her dad to have her babysit. I don’t think there’s any VKs she hasn’t watched at least twice (outside things where villains are meeting to plot a way off the isle or partying or something, where she’s stuck in charge of the VKs in general). As she got older, she got her crew to help a little, but even with kids her age, she was usually in charge. Some of Hook’s crew used to nickname her ‘The Pirate’s Wendy’. She hates that nickname. She can’t deny that she’s stuck in the crux between her sibling’s sister and being their mother figure though (even if she’ll flatten them if they ever dare CALL her ‘mother’). 
- Harriet deeply resents that she had to raise her siblings. She was four - she never should have been responsible for two children only a few years younger than herself. She was TOO YOUNG. And it’s Hook’s fault, sure, but people aren’t always rational and sometimes she can’t help but resent her siblings for it. That isn’t helped by the fact Hook’s hired her out as a babysitter for anyone with cash, goods, or offering favours. She is NOT their NANNY. She used to have an iron fist style of babysitting - she figured if they were more afraid of making her mad than making their parents, they would listen to her and not make her look weak and incompetent to the parents (
- Harriet tends to cope with her environment by drinking, reading, or joining in the crew’s singing (as long as her dad isn’t working - he’s still a crack shot). 
- She’s not much into taking over as any kind of HBIC the way Mal or Uma is. She’s okay just chilling with her pirate crew and claiming seniority on the other kids. Mal tried to frighten her once and she laughed. “Really? I used to be your goddamned babysitter, don’t try to intimidate me. Sit down, little girl.” 
- She’s alcoholic as heck? Like, if she’s sober by noon, it’s a very sober day for her. Rum, whiskey, beer, and vodka are her favourites and she always has at least one flask of each on her - one on each hip and one up each sleeve. Don’t give her that look, she’s too SOBER to deal with the VK’s shit. 
- Even for an Islander, she puts things in as blunt and mean spirited as she can. She once told Gil when he was 8 and told her that his parents were going to have another baby, she told him ‘Fat chance, kid. With your mother’s hips and how much trouble babies give her, your father will kill her before he gets another baby out of her.’ 
- Because of all her time babysitting for them, Harriet talks to and listens in on the adults more than most. She occupies this weird place where she fits with the VKs and with the adults. Sometimes she uses this for both, telling them what the others had been saying. 
- A lot of the kids she used to babysit come to her for advice when they want someone older to help, but don’t want to talk to their parents. She’ll make them and grumble and complain about how she’s not their nanny and she was supposed to be free from these darn kids years ago and why do they come to HER for everything, god dammit. But after she’s done grumbling, she’ll help out. Usually after making them give her something.  
- When she’s really done with one of the other VKs, she takes a deep breath or clears her throat and then says very calmly “You’re a hateful child” or “You’re hateful children”. That is her way of saying ‘last warning’. If she’s screaming, yelling and swearing? It’s cool, keep pushing her buttons. If she does THAT? Sit down, shut up, and don’t do...whatever you did to annoy her. It’s NOT worth it. There will be consequences and you won’t like them. She once taped her brother to the ceiling for three days when he didn’t heed it. Their dad didn’t notice and she had to get him down. He’s listened to ‘You’re a hateful child’ since then. 
Harry Hook
- Harry has severe and undiagnosed dyscalculia, and so hasn’t learned to count. He might if he could get it diagnosed and get assistance for it, but how’s he gonna do that on the Isle? 
- Harry knows he’s got something wrong but he has no idea what. All he knows is something is wrong - those anger episodes are not normal. He is a little afraid of losing himself in that anger but he’s not sure what he could do about it. Any therapists on the isle are not therapists who should probably be trusted (if there are any). 
- Harry’s room is a mess but he always knows exactly where everything is. He keeps things where he can see them. It’s organized chaos. 
- Harry locks first years in their lockers regularly. 
- He is a real tool - don’t let him know you’re afraid of anything because he will use it against you. Not even in the more despicable ways, he’ll just troll with it, like yipping and barking at Carlos. 
- He is very much flirting with everyone a lot - the question is is this good flirting (he’s serious) or bad flirting (trying to make you uncomfortable or trying to lure you into a false sense of security). 
- He doesn’t sleep with an eye open (metaphorically) like some of the others on the Isle, but he hears EVERYTHING. Walking down the hall outside? He heard you. The whoosh of opening his port hole? Heard you. Tip toeing foot falls? Busted and he has his hook at your throat. 
- He works out - his arms will attest to that. 
- He’d rather get in big fights than little ones. Rumbles with rival gangs, three guys ambushing him, when people he’s shaking down for Uma fight back, it’s all good. 
- He’d probably be super fun at parties until fights break out at which point all bets are off. His calm and lucid moments tend to be best with Uma and his crew, not parties or bigger social spaces. He’s too trollish. 
CJ Hook
- CJ has a very eclectic mix of friends. She seems to have a penchant for people with magic though, such as Freddie and Zevon for example. 
- She’s always swinging from rigging, rafters, etc. She’ll find a place to swing from, wherever she is. 
- She’d rather have fun and adventures than feud with people specifically. If the Boreadonians are gonna party, she wants to watch the show. 
- She’s 15 during the time of the first movie, so about a year younger than Mal and co.
- CJ has sticky fingers with her sibling’s stuff - she regularly steals Harry’s stuff to piss him off. She always makes sure she gets Harriet’s stuff back before she realizes it’s missing because she likes not being throttled. Her favourite is to take his hook and make him do something or beg for it back. She steals from Hook too, but never for long and not very often. 
- Everybody sees how flashy and theatrical she is, but underestimate her. After all, surely she’d be too obvious to fool people and she has no patience. That’s usually when she sets her trap. People are so busy watching her do big, flashy things they miss the web she caught them in. 
- Never ever ever give her or loan her anything. You will not get it back. Ever. ��This is mine now”. 
- She just takes eyeliner from her brother and other makeup from her sister. 
- If she doesn’t want to be found, you won’t find her. 
- She is very good at multitasking - she always has at lest 2 or 3 things going on. Mostly things that will be unpleasant and annoying if not actually super harmful for people. 
Captain Hook and Harriet
- Hook bragged about being the first to have a kid when she was born. 
- She was Hook’s pride and joy for the first 4 or 5 years of her life and if you asked him, he’d still claim she’s his favourite (though she’s not about to believe it - she knows full well it’s CJ). 
- When he feels like being ‘a father who teaches you things’ he’ll probably be with Harriet, showing her how to sail or be a captain. To date, she’s the only one of his kids he’s let steer the ship. 
- Unfortunately, Harriet also took the majority of his wrath, because she felt responsible for her kid siblings. She still has scars from knives, whips, his hook, and cigar burns to prove it. 
- He used to pick up books or anything else she could read while he was away for a few days. She’d read receipts if she had nothing else, so anything is good. He’s been known to brag about his ‘bloody smart’ daughter. 
- Hook is absolutely ignoring Harriet’s alcoholism. Go figure - he induced it in her, both by giving his six year old  hard liquor and by driving her to drink. 
- Harriet tried to move off the ship into her hideout a few years ago. When he found out, he acted very calm about it and told her he wouldn’t dream of taking out any frustration on her. Harriet thought she’d caught him on a good day. When she came back though, CJ had a black eye and Harry was clearly shaken. Hook told her he’d said he wouldn’t take any frustration on HER, but he couldn’t guarantee his temper around her siblings. She’d never been so angry as the moment she realized he would absolutely use her siblings who were like children to her to control her. 
- She sometimes steals his gun, for various reasons. She’s occasionally considered turning it on him...or on herself. But she’s got nobody to look out for her siblings so she’s not done that. 
- Captain Hook once feuded with Claude Frollo for half a year after he made Harriet uncomfortable while she was babysitting his daughter, Claudine. He didn’t hurt her, but the way he put his hands on Harriet’s shoulders too tightly and his tone creeped her out (while he was talking about how pirate’s lives were short when he was a law man) and she mentioned that to Hook. Nobody messes with Hook’s kids, so he asked her how she wanted him to answer this. She told him to scare them out of their minds. So he did. His crew would throw bottles, rocks, dirt, and all kinds of things at Frollo’s house, yell and jeer, break things,  insult and threaten his daughter, rattle swords, and sing very threatening pirate war songs. Finally, on the last night, Captain Hook came up to the front of the crowd and fired into the air and yelled “Frollo, I know what you did! Come out and die!” and fired again. Since that day, Claudine’s been afraid of pirates and especially Captain Hook and his children, Harriet’s not babysat for Frollo, and Harriet’s not sure what to make of this. On one hand, he took Harriet seriously and went to torment Frollo. On the other, was it because he cared about Harriet or because Frollo messed with Hook by messing with Harriet? And did he know what kind of man Frollo was when he told her to babysit for him in the first place? Hook would probably say it doesn’t matter - nobody threatens his kids. 
- Hook is proud of her for having her own crew, even if he doesn’t say it.
Captain Hook and Harry
- Hook likes to give his son a hard time for only being a first mate. “Why can’t you be more like your sisters?!” Which hurts Harry a lot. Turns out you can’t set yourself up as admirable and then tell your kids they don’t measure up. Who’da thought? He HATES disappointing his dad. 
- If Hook’s being honest, he forgets about Harry a lot. Most of the time he remembers he has a son, but not much more. He doesn’t even always remember his NAME. It’s not uncommon to hear Hook talk about ‘Harriet, CJ, and ....the other one’ or ‘the middle one’ or ‘the boy’. Harriet then reminds him of Harry’s name and Hook carries on like he’d used the name. 
- They don’t talk much unless Harry’s really messed up and Harriet wasn’t there to redirect Hook or when he specifically wants father-son time. 
- Harry very much wants his dad’s attention and for his dad to be proud of him. He does a lot to emulate him. He nicked one of his dad’s hooks and it’s his now. His dad was impressed he managed to get it and he was in a good mood, so sure, let the boy keep it. He doesn’t know Harry tried to get his hand bitten off because he hates that he still has both hands. Maybe that would be the kick in the ass he needed to be an actual decent dad. Or maybe he’d sink into denial and ignore Harry more - he denied that Harriet was an alcoholic because of him and that CJ avoids home for days on end because of him. 
- Those rage episodes Harry has are inherited from Hook, though Harry’s might be exacerbated by other mental illnesses or issues (I am not certain about what, as I would like more time to research various conditions). Hook recognizes them and sometimes he’ll have Harriet stick him in the brig until they’re done and then there will be consequences when they’re done (and his son will probably not like them). Or he’ll just leave the kid there until he remembers to come get him. He doesn’t know Uma can calm Harry down and probably wouldn’t care if he did. 
- Most of the time though, Harry isn’t being beaten or locked up - he’s simply ignored. That’s fine for Harry, he doesn’t need to take his dad’s temper like Harriet or avoid home because she doesn’t recognize it like CJ does. If it’s bad for him in particular, he can always hide out at Uma’s or Gil’s or the Lost Revenge. 
- There may be a rift in their future if there’s tension between Hook and Uma’s crews. Harry would never turn on Uma, but he doesn’t relish the idea of fighting his dad - he idolizes his dad! But even so, his dad should avoid threatening Harry’s crew, especially his captain. If Hook paid attention, he’d have noticed his son following Uma around, worshipping her, and nipped it in the bud when they were children. He hasn’t though, and Hook might live to regret that. 
- If you asked Hook, he’d profess to love his son. And, admittedly, because his mother and later Harriet protected him, Harry probably has quite a few decent memories with his dad (even if his dad doesn’t remember them). 
- Harry used to follow his dad around and listen to his stories about Neverland and Peter Pan
- Harry’s also the one Hook brings on the fishing trips for the shop the most. 
Captain Hook and CJ
- CJ is blatantly Hook’s favourite. He says she’s the most like him, and he spoils her as much as he can on the Isle. Harry and Harriet try not to let Hook see how much it annoys them - that’s not a reprisal they need. 
- She can get away with murder and all kinds of things the other kids or the crew would be scourged for. 
- She’s taken the least of his wrath, but she is not exempt. She sort of doubts her ability to tell when he’s in a bad mood that she can’t fix, so she tries to keep her distance. She likes to wander and annoy her friends. 
- When Hook feels like being an affectionate father, it’s a good guess he’ll be with CJ. 
- She used to hide when he was coming home from a fishing expedition and then jump out onto him to surprise him. She nearly gave Harriet a heart attack doing so, worried for his reaction, but Hook laughed and threw her in the air, saying ‘Hello, my hearty!’.
- When Hook is in a neutral mood or only a little bit of a bad mood, sometimes CJ can cheer him up. Sometimes if he’s in a bad mood, but not too bad, she’ll go up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek like she used to. 
- Most of his harm to CJ comes from threats and watching what he does to her siblings (and also being compared to them and himself, usually unfavourably).
- He’s also fairly stifling for CJ, frustrating her. He doesn’t let her steer a ship or keep a hideout because he is again, a controlling man who doesn’t like his kids having too many places to escape too. Besides, he ‘needs them’ for fishing. which is one thing for Harriet, who takes his anger and gets mad (and then drinks and sings with the crew) or Harry (who slips through the cracks) but CJ’s whole thing is relying on keeping her distance, so this is very annoying for her.
- CJ’s learned to read maps from him. She’s probably the best navigator out of her siblings. Hook says she has a nose for treasure.
- She’s a lot like him - scheming, manipulative, maniacal, and eager for adventure. Maybe that’s why she’s his favourite. Regardless, he sees himself in her and he’s fine serving as his baby girl’s mentor. 
Harriet and Harry
- When Harry was very little, he couldn’t pronounce “Harriet” properly (even though he had NO issues with “Harry”, Harriet was so mad). He called her “Hettie” instead. This went on until he was 8 or so (he’d long been able to say her name by then, but by that point she was ‘Hettie’ in his head). It went on until he annoyed her one day and because of that she slapped him and after that he called her Harriet. He only calls her Hettie now to annoy her. 
- Harriet used to use Mal’s feelings for Harry to get her to quit annoying her. She once told Mal if she didn’t quit being a pain, Harriet was showing Harry a picture of Mal with spinach in her teeth. She’s also threatened Harry with telling Mal embarrassing things. 
- Harry’s never been able to beat her in a sword fight. She always puts him flat on his ass. 
- Harriet thinks it’s hilarious watching Uma sabotage Harry flirting (not because Uma’s possessive or jealous, but because it’s funny as heck watching him get flustered and annoyed). Good job, Uma. 
- Harriet’s tried so hard to teach Harry to count but nothing ever worked. She despaired of his school years until he learned to cheat off Uma. 
- When Harry was very small, he used to crawl into her bed. He’d ask her not to tell Hook. She’d grumble about it and tell him he was too old for things like that (He was 4-6 but this is the Isle and this is the Hook’s family), but she’d let him and she wouldn’t tell their dad. The last thing she wanted was the consequences for it turning to her because she wasn’t going to let him dish them out to her little brother. 
- Harry really really doesn’t remember his mother. Even though he’s seen her picture, it doesn’t have any emotional connections for him. Mostly he can only imagine Harriet in that role. 
- She routinely drags him around by his ear and she can go on screaming rants for a long time about how frustrating he is or how stupid he’s been. When he was little, he was a cheeky little brat - he figured since CJ could sometimes calm down their dad this way, he could calm down Harriet by kissing her cheek and saying ‘Love you Hettie’. She almost throttled him - THAT’S NOT GOING TO WORK YOU LITTLE HELLION. And then she’d probably smack him upside the head and tell him not to do that anymore. 
- They both have really bad tempers and so when they fight, they go below the belt. She once told Harry she wished she was an only child and he told her he wanted to gut her half the time because Hook made a better parent. She told him he could deal with their dad himself then. They don’t apologize for things but after a few weeks they’d sit closer together in the mess hall and that’s good enough. 
- Harry isn’t really cognizant of just how much Harriet’s taken care of him (and CJ, but she might have an idea about that). He didn’t think about how she surely had homework she wasn’t doing when she spent a long time trying to teach him to count. He didn’t think about the fact he’s not seen her eat as much as he does because she’s always making sure he and CJ aren’t skipping meals (and he certainly doesn’t know she once stole their dad’s gun and threatened to send someone to hell to get Harry and CJ that food because business was slow and there was a food shortage). He doesn’t know she was redirecting their dad’s anger to her or that sometimes she was screaming at him to knock something off or dragging him around or smacked him to get him to do something because otherwise their dad would be FUCKING PISSED at him. He certainly wasn’t thinking about how, when their dad threatened Uma over some business dealing with Ursula, Harriet was holding him back and making him look at her instead of Uma not because he was being ‘weak’ or ‘annoying’ by yelling, but because she didn’t want their dad to get mad and also didn’t want him to watch if Hook really DID kill Uma (and ohhhhh, he hated her for holding him back). I’m not sure if he’d ever find out but maybe if he ever got some distance and got to think about it a lot, he might notice. 
Harriet and CJ
- CJ’s not quite sure about how she feels about Harriet in her head - one part of her brain says ‘sister’ and the other part says ‘mother’ and she’s not sure which is right. 
- When Harriet wanted CJ to shut up one day, when CJ was very little, she told CJ she’d braid a bead in her hair as a celebration for her first successful theft. It’s never hit CJ that Harriet just wanted her to sit down and shut up and quit annoying her - all she knows is when she does something impressive, like get a big score, Harriet braids a bead in her hair and the beads are pretty. 
- CJ’s favourite thing to do as a toddler was give Harriet heart attacks. She had to find the biggest thing in the area and climb it and swing from it. Harriet says she’s had grey in her hair ever since CJ was born. She hasn’t but it’s never stopped CJ from trying. 
- Sometimes CJ will stay in Harriet’s room with her, when Harriet’s drunker than usual and she’s scared Harriet will get alcohol poisoning. 
- These two fight all the time. Sometimes over silly things like makeup and sometimes over big things like piracy. 
- CJ routinely gets Harriet’s crew in her traps - both to test them for Harriet and sometimes to annoy her and sometimes to ‘punish’ her for crossing her in some way (real or imagined). 
- Sometimes when Harriet’s decided CJ’s been gone too long, she’ll drag her back by her hair and she doesn’t really care how much CJ doesn’t want to be at home unless their dad or brother is on a rampage. 
- Harriet actually gave CJ her first taste of alcohol. CJ was seven and had a fever, so Harriet gave her some bourbon. It worked (or they thought it worked) and she felt better and so when daddy gave her some rum a few months later, it went down easier. 
- Harriet’s temper puts CJ on the defensive all the time. CJ’s blaise attitude pisses off Harriet. These two haven’t worked an equilibrium out yet and they’ve occasionally fought physically. 
- CJ’s childhood screwed with Harriet’s education massively. She entered school late and was held back because she was busy dealing with toddler CJ. It’s not come up much, but Harriet sometimes wants to strangle CJ for it. 
Harry and CJ
- Harry calls her ‘Callista Jane’ just to piss her off. Pissing her off is his favourite thing to do with his little sister. 
- CJ’s favourite thing to steal is his hook. She’s also quite fond of rearranging his things, and breaking into his room just because he locked it or told her not to come in. He likes to tease her about crocodiles. 
- The only reason Harry hasn’t punted her through a wall for going through his stuff is because she’s his baby sister. Something about her being the baby stuck. It’s never stopped him from threatening her, hurting her friends, or bullying the heck out of her though. 
- The two of them used to play together most of the time when they were really really little. Harriet was a bit old for their games but they were always right smack in the proper age range. It made for some good fun before CJ started hanging out with Freddie and Zevon and before Harry had Uma and Gil. 
- These two are always making fun of each other for their romantic interests or trying to ‘warn them off’ because their sibling is the worst. There’s no sibling protectiveness here. They’re just making fun. 
- Harry gives CJ a surprising amount of brotherly advice. Now granted, most of that advice is phrased as ‘Do this/Don’t do this or I’ll *insert threat here*” but still. Call him a softy (no, don’t, he WILL hook you). 
- Harry and his friends used to go around annoying and bullying the heck out of CJ and her friends. 
- When they were still relatively young (think like 8-12) CJ would come up to Harry and his friends to try to get them to play with her. CJ’s games are manipulative and often not fun for anyone but her, so he’d try to refuse. CJ is always wiling to boss him around though and she does not care - Dad/Harriet (take your pick) said you would so GET OVER HERE HARRY. Sometimes they’d have fun together but most of the time Harry wants to strangle her. 
- Neither of them have any impulse control - don’t let them get in trouble together, they will egg each other on and escalate to all hell. 
- Harry worries about her in Auradon a non-zero amount. Most of the time he plays it off like he’s glad he has some peace and quiet. Sometimes he really is glad she’s not there to annoy him. Sometimes he’s fine because he knows she can handle herself. Sometimes he doesn’t care. Sometimes he wants to kick her around a little and annoy her. And sometimes he just plain misses her and worries about her and would do anything to have her home with him again WHO SAID THAT?
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nurseyydex · 7 years
consider this: SMH & one direction
i just wanna talk about smh and 1d ok im so sorry this wasnt supposed to be this long i have no control 
dex grew up with sisters (let me have this he has a bunch of sisters ok) so not only was he completely unable to escape one direction he was not allowed to get away with any sort of ‘bands that have mainly young female fanbases are not real music’ misogyny that lots of teen boys and adult males have 
so he likes 1d he doesnt advertise but he had to listen to them a lot so he knows their entire discography and what they have some good songs ok bro 
so yeah they find their way into his workout playlists so fucking what man they’re fucking hype songs 
his fave is niall bc hes chill and just wants to drink beer and play his guitar and listen to dad rock and he’s irish (dex is irish and is grandma loves niall bc she’s irish and what a sweet young lad) he’s not like die hard niall stan but he knows all of the 1d discourse from his sisters debating (im willing to listen to other opinions my back up is louis bc hes a punk) 
he save up one year (and got help from his fam) to get tickets for his sisters to see a wwa concert as a birthday/christmas/every holiday present bc theyre expensive and they dont have a lot of money 
his mom technically bought the tickets he just helped pay for them and the girls surprised him with a ticket for him to come with (mama poindexter: well i cant let them go alone who’s gonna watch them you have to go make sure they dont get arrested for doing something stupid) dex played it cool but it was such a fun concert and so fun to hang out with his sisters tooo
nursey now is a goddamn hipster u cant tell me he isnt into a bunch of british alternative bands and bc of his brit music phase he knew about one direction from the very start at the x factor stage (he definitely mentions this all the goddamn time when they start becoming popular but he chills out through the years)
hes been to at least one concert for every tour (he even got tickets to the madison square garden show) - he went to every concert with his sister but it was his idea to go and she was just there to keep an eye on him
also a big reason he got into the band was zayn like heres a pakistani muslim boy who’s super talented with these white dudes and that representation is super important (i also hc nursey as muslim or at least partially but zayn is a brown muslim boy killing it so yeah its awesome) 
but nurseys fave tho is harry especially when harry is a total hoe with long hair and jewelry and those red carpet looks like nursey is in love but also in awe bc those sparkly boots and that floral suit like those are iconic Looks™ and nursey loves it bc gender isnt real and he loves hoe looks (zayn is like 1.5 tho bc nursey is in love)
nursey tries to serenade dex with little things one day when they’re chilling by the pond on the grass and dex punches him bc nursey is making him emo even when he knows dex doesnt have emotions (in public in front of people who can see him cry)
bitty likes them they’re no beyonce but theyre fun and attractive and yeah hes gonna have some fun dancing to them he isn’t really up with all the drama and disc*urse until the boys have 1d nights and they watch this is us and the concert dvds bc he learns a lot 
he loves 2013 era harry and all the time liam (that boy is thicc and bitty 100% does not swoon)
holster like come tf on holster loves them he unironically and passionately loves one direction completely unashamed he does not care for your opinions and no one makes fun of him bc he’s a 6′4 fucking big ass hockey player who could drop kick u across campus if he wanted to
he claims he doesnt have a fave but he would die for all of them 
his fave rotates seasonally and he has a different fave for each era 
he went to the tmh tour and he’s gone to every tour since - he goes with his sisters bc its a bonding topic for them he sits at the edge of the floor or at the end of a row on the sides bc hes so tall he feels so bad and he tries to stay out of the way of the little girls behind him but hes nice to them and talks to them and so they like him even if hes a giant
but really he and his sisters are so close bc they have a lot of similar interests and they talk about pop culture stuff and its hard to keep intouch when hes away so much but they have group chats about 1d and tv shows and stuff so its so nice for them to keep up a strong bonding time 
ransom is a britney bitch and holster dragged him into 1d. he’s in it for the memes and the drama really. (he likes the songs and thinks its fun but he wouldnt have been a fan and gone to concerts if it wasnt for holtz)
holster takes him to the wwa concert and they have a blast 
holster also drags his ass to see this is us opening night (they both cry)
chowder just loves everyone and he doesnt understand why people hate 1d (or other pop artists with majority young female fan bases that ppl hate bc misogyny) when theyre so fun he’s not an active /fan/ until smh has team bonding nights involving one direction jam sessions and concert dvd watching and drunk history
on such 1d nights they put on one of the dvds and it accidentally turns into a drinking game (mainly drinking bc this part of my god did u see that !!! THAT NOTE CHANGE !!!! and ZAYN WHY !!!! and other painful parts) and some of them *cough* nursey dex and holster *cough* get possibly the most drunk they ever get bc of this 
theres loud awful drunk singing along and some sobbing (this is definitely not based off of any sort of personal experience whatsoever nope never done this before) 
after the movie when everyone is so drunk they talk about 1d history which is how the veterans teach the others about the exciting drama and disc*urse  
lardo is a bad bitch who is tough as fuck and manages a division I mens hockey team and every single one of them is afraid of her. AND she would not let any bro tease her for liking one direction bc why the fuck not. 
she has plenty of their songs thrown in arting playlists and in pump up playlists 
and she knows theres nothing better to cheer holster up when he’s having a rough day than a 1d dance sesh 
dont forget where you belong is the first song on her team bonding playlist bc its a love song to ur bandmates which transfers very well to love songs to ur teammates 
shitty unapologetically loves 1d and boy bands and girl bands and he supports all things that young girls love but are not taken seriously bc girls like them 
he’s written at least 3 papers/projects on the misogyny surrounding young girls and their interests and involvement in fandom and also boybands (he tries to fight all guys who disrespect girls’ interests and the power of teenage girls)
he’ll randomly show up to a 1d night bc obvi he’s in that gc and he’s ready to party and express emotions and dance and talk drama 
he loves harry bc “THAT FLOW MAN!!! HIS FLOW IS SO SICK!!!”
he cried when harry posted the pic of the hair he chopped off and cried when he saw the another man shoot where harry was defying all sorts of societal norms it was beautiful and his flow is still so nice even this short its ok it’ll grow back better than before
one friday night the lax bros sneak over to try to prank the haus and peak in the window and see half of the hockey team in the living room drunk off their ass singing loudly to a one direction concert on the tv - holster and nursey jumping around attempting to dance along, ransom clinging to bitty on the floor crying about a ‘hiatus’, bitty soothing ransom, dex forgetting about the drink in his one hand to drink rum from the bottle, shitty naked (not surprising) and slow dancing with a life sized cut-out of harry styles with tears streaming down his face (more surprising), and chowder lying on the couch singing through mouthfuls of pie 
they walk back to the lax bro house without executing the prank and they never mention it again
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
So, Apparently, I Find Fairies Hot Chapter 4
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Rated: T
Fandom: Original Fiction
Relationship type: Male/Male
Description: You know those movies and TV shows in which an effeminate gay character has a crush on the popular jock? Strike that, reverse it.
Daniel is technically popular at school but fades into the crowd. After an injury at footy (Australian football) practice, he is forced to focus on improving his grades, starting with English. Luckily, the new kid in school knows a lot about Shakespeare and is willing to tutor him. Now if only this new guy wasn’t so attractive.
CONTENT WARNING: Homophobic slurs are used. Also, there are some sexual references but nothing too graphic.
Chapter 4: Is it gay to defend a gay guy?
Daniel did something as he entered homeroom that caused everyone to stare in disbelief- he had a big smile on his face. Pearly whites and everything. As he sat and looked across the room, his smile lowered a tad. Eddie wasn’t there.
Daniel waited and waited, not noticing how his back was straight like that of an obedient student. Or a dog.
Mrs Meek’s words drove a silver stake into Daniel’s heart. ‘Eddie’s sick,’ she said as she glanced at the roll before moving on to the next student like it was nothing.
The pearly whites hid under Daniel’s pursed lips. James stared at him. ‘You okay? You’re acting weird.’
Daniel’s shoulders jolted up. ‘Y-yeah! I’m fine! Totally fine.’
James rolled his eyes. ‘Faggot,’ he said with a smile. His eyebrows shot up when he saw Daniel’s hand shaking. 
When recess rolled around, James took Daniel aside and spoke to him outside. ‘Okay, dude, usually I don’t give a fuck about whatever you’re doing. Your business is your business. But… why are you being so weird? I mean, I still don’t get why you invited Eddie to hang out with us. He’s not a good fit for us. No offence to him, of course. So, are you two… you know… doing it?’
Daniel’s eyes burst outwards like someone had put explosives in them. ‘No! What the hell!? You know I’m not gay. He’s just helping me with English.’
‘Really? Cause you kind of act like his bitch.’
‘No, I don’t! Don’t be stupid.’
James shrugged his shoulders. ‘Then you should be fine if you stop inviting him to hang out with us. It’s honestly kind of awkward hanging out with him. I’ve got nothing against gays but does he need to shove his gayness down our throats?’
‘He’s just being himself,’ Daniel mumbled.
‘See what I mean? You’re totally his bitch. And what’s up with that fake name? I don’t see why a guy with such an edgelord name has you wrapped around his finger.’ Daniel’s knuckles tightened enough to hurt. ‘He’s not even that good looking or anything. Hell, I bet other gay guys don’t want him. Maybe that’s why he’s trying to turn a straight guy like you-’
Daniel’s fist put a crater in James’ cheek. Hot pain seared through his knuckles faster than adrenaline could suppress it.
James immediately pushed Daniel’s shoulders back with all his might. Daniel reached around James’ torso and threw him to the ground.
Students gathered and cheered but some yelled at them to stop. James held Daniel down and punched him, his knees digging into his legs. Everyone heard a crack.
Daniel screamed. ‘My leg! You broke my fucking leg!’
‘Oh, come on, you wuss!’
‘I’m serious! I’m gonna have to go back to the hospital because of you!’
The crowd glared at James, silent as a graveyard. James looked around him, sweat dripping down his neck. 
‘W-well, maybe it wouldn’t have broken again if you weren’t so obsessed with that faggot.’
The students glared harder. ‘What the fuck, James?’ one girl asked. Another girl grabbed Daniel by the shoulders and hauled him up, a few others joining in to help.
Daniel’s eyes and face were so tear-struck that the water blocked his ears and he couldn’t answer his helpers’ questions.
He was taken to the sickbay, where he once again couldn’t answer any questions. All he could do was cry. The nurse tried to tend to his leg in the hopes that he would eventually feel less pain and therefore stop crying. What she didn’t realise was that Daniel wasn’t crying because of that.
That night, Daniel’s tongue searched for a taste as he chewed on the gravy-covered steak. When he found none, he sighed and pushed his dinner aside, grabbing the tiny cup of fruit in jelly.
James hadn’t shown up. Then again, neither had Eddie.
This thought made Daniel rip off the lid much harder than expected, causing some of the juice from the fruit to spurt out.
‘Shit,’ he hissed.
‘Honestly, Daniel, that’s what you get for skipping right to the dessert,’ A mature woman’s voice said. Daniel looked up at his mother and scowled at her. ‘I was kept up at work,’ she explained. ‘You should be used to that by now.’ Daniel placed the jelly cup back down, trying with all his might not to slam it down. ‘Has anyone visited you?’ Daniel shook his head, looking down at his food without eating it. His knuckles turned from bruise purple to icy white.
His mother slowly inhaled and exhaled with the loudness of a smoker’s breaths. ‘Nobody at the school explained what happened. They just said you got in a fight. Why?’ Daniel was silent. ‘Explain to me everything or else you won’t be going to footy training again. Seriously, you only just got out of the hospital and what did I tell you? It sure as hell wasn’t ‘hurt your leg again so your dear old mummy has to pay the medical bills and twiddle her thumbs until the rebate comes’.’
Daniel growled with his mouth closed. ‘James called my new friend ugly.’
‘You must be joking. James insults people all the time. He insults you in front of me.’
‘But… he insulted Eddie.’
‘The guy who’s been tutoring me. You met him, remember?’ He sighed at his mother’s confused face. ‘Eddie didn’t deserve that. He wasn’t there to defend himself. He… he… he’s so…’ The flood in his eyes raged destruction on his cheeks and nose, where snot began to drip. ‘He’s so nice… and he accepts how different we are and… he’s so happy and… and…’
His mother stared at him with one eyebrow and one side of her lips up. Daniel continued, and would likely continue whether she was there to listen or not. ‘I’m so confused. What’s wrong with me? Why did this guy have to walk into my life?’
‘Confused? You mean sexually?’
Daniel grit his teeth, cursing his mother’s habit of blunt language. ‘I just… I want… I don’t know what I want. I think… I might be... bisexual or something. Argh, why did this have to happen to me?’
‘Well, you did say you were confused. You’re not bisexual, Daniel. Calm down a bit and think things through before you give yourself a label like that.’
Daniel nodded and wiped his face with his arm. His eyes widened and he looked side to side. Everyone in the room must have heard. Oh God, they must have all heard. He looked down at his dinner and finally resumed eating. He had to do something to return normalcy to the situation.
He pushed what his mother said about labels to the furthest corners of his mind as he ate, once again focusing on trying to find a taste in what he was made to consume. 
Another day, Daniel turned off the television and sighed. It had been three days and still no Eddie. James’ usage of the word ‘bitch’ played in his mind every hour or so like the most aggravating cuckoo clock in existence.
‘Oh my god, how are you feeling?’
Daniel’s heart came back to life. He grinned, holding back his tears. Eddie put a teddy bear on the table beside the bed, one with a nurse’s cap and fairy wings.
‘I’m good.’
‘Phew. Sorry for being so late. I had to make sure I got over my cold before coming here. Hospitals don’t allow sick visitors, do they? Oh, speaking of which, you absolutely have to get better. My dad got me two tickets to Black Blues’ concert next week. They’re this rap metal band that mixes its rap metal with influences of… I just think you’ll like them.’ Eddie handed Daniel one ticket. ‘Dad thinks I’m going to give it to a date but I’d honestly rather give it to you.’ He chuckled when Daniel stared at the ticket like it was some newly discovered ancient trinket. ‘No homo.’ He put on an old man’s voice. ‘That’s what the kids say these days, right?’
Daniel rolled his eyes. ‘I don’t think ‘no homo’ works when you say it.’ Eddie giggled. Daniel reached out to Eddie and brushed his fingers against his arm.
‘So, uh, what exactly happened?’ Eddie asked.
Daniel remembered the interactions with his mother. ‘I’d rather not talk about it. Let’s focus on this band you want me to see. Lecture away.’
Eddie beamed from one temple of his head to the other. He spoke about Black Blues for a good hour, though not without tangents into industrial metal and jazz, both of which were apparently related to this band.
Eddie made sure to visit Daniel every day that week, giving him homework from the teacher as well. He would often bring his iPod to play music from Black Blues and put one earbud into Daniel’s ear. Daniel’s cheeks always heated up when his face became so close to Eddie’s.
On Tuesday the following week, Eddie had an idea. ‘Hey, how about I tutor you here? You’ve still got the essay to do so you should be prepared for that before you leave the hospital. Speaking of which, when do you expect to leave the hospital?’
‘My operation’s on Saturday morning.’ Eddie frowned. Daniel looked at the ticket on his bedside table, which said ‘Saturday 7 PM’. He looked back at Eddie’s face and felt like a homeless person trying to cheer up a millionaire. ‘I’ll be at the concert. I promise.’
‘You sure?’
Daniel looked away and put his hand on Eddie’s. ‘Of course.’
Daniel’s hand became cold as Eddie’s hand slipped out from under it. Eddie continued talking, though Daniel couldn’t concentrate on his words.
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